IT Recruitment in Ireland Jobs Market Review - Q3 2014 - Archer: IT Jobs Market Quarterly Review

Page created by Rafael Douglas
IT Recruitment in Ireland
           Jobs Market Review
                        Q3 2014

            Archer: IT Jobs Market Quarterly Review
Content Guide

Introduction                            3

.NET developers                         4

Java developers                         5

Testing & Quality Assurance             7

Business Intelligence                   8

Business Analysts & Project Managers   10

Senior IT Management                   12

Summary                                14

                                            IT Jobs Market Ireland Q3 Review | 2
Introduction                                     Business optimism combined with

                                                 continued mobile proliferation to drive our
About Archer
                                                 highest levels of Q3 demand this decade.
Archer Recruitment is focused 100% on IT.
                                                 There were strong opportunities for IT
We are a team of specialist consultants,
                                                 specialists across all disciplines. The
each working within a unique IT jobs
                                                 apparent abundance of roles can be
category. Our mission: to unite the top IT
                                                 misleading – it in no way guarantees an
employers in Ireland with the best IT talent.
                                                 easier path to a top role. Employers, in the

                                                 main, are interested in talents with very
Archer has facilitated successful hires for
                                                 particular skillsets and transferable niche
leading tech, financial, telecom and
                                                 experience. Whether they are Irish or
software firms. In an automated sector our
                                                 international is of reducing significance. All-
personal approach is what sets us apart. We
                                                 rounders or people who haven’t kept pace
can connect companies with a worldwide
                                                 with technology are at a disadvantage.
bank of top candidates that no jobs board

can reach.
                                                 By its nature, niche expertise is rare and

                                                 sheltered, challenging to reach or sway
Archer people live and breathe IT, meaning
                                                 from a chosen path. Niche specialists are
we have deeper insights into how the IT
                                                 largely immune to job ads and averse to
jobs market is performing and how
                                                 unsolicited contact; starting a dialogue with
emerging trends are impacting hiring
                                                 them requires exactly the type of personal,
activity. Every quarter, we publish this free
                                                 high-touch approach that Archer has
Jobs Market Analysis to give you a snapshot
                                                 believed in over the years.
of developments in six key job sectors.

                                                 Referrals from our network of close
The IT Economy in Q3, 2014
                                                 connections have been an invaluable source
As Ireland’s economy finds its feet again
                                                 of candidates in Q3. We are confident we
our ICT sector remains a critical catalyst for
                                                 will continue to find hidden niche talent and
forward momentum, generating the second
                                                 convince them to explore career
highest contribution to national revenues.
                                                 alternatives – but be warned, prize talent
FDI continues to flow in, bringing ascendant
                                                 waits for no man. Employers who are
new tech and finance firms, new working
                                                 quickest to the close will continue to reap
practices and exciting IT positions with it.
                                                 the rewards.

                                                      IT Jobs Market Ireland Q3 Review | 3
.Net Developers                                  Checklist Job Specs are a turn-off for top

                                                 talent. Roles described in terms of prospects
Key Q3 Trends                                    they offer to push boundaries and upskill are
If Q2 was all about senior hires, Q3 saw a       attracting the best candidates. In a small
marked spread in the level of experience         pool of top talent exact-match candidates
being recruited. As budget limits for the        are rare; employers that are flexible enough
year approach there are strong roles for         to accept close matches and adapt to
specialists at every level through junior, mid   market salary rates are notably more
and senior. Renewed business confidence is       successful at hiring.
driving constant activity in this jobs market

as teams expand and a regular stream of          Right from the outset, it is important to

vacated positions needs to be filled.            assess a candidate’s motives for attending

                                                 interview and their real intent to move. Some
Demand is highest for ASP.NET C#                 ‘active’ candidates are using interviews for
webforms developers and web-based                research/practice to weigh up the market
application specialists. Opportunities for       and their perceived value to employers.
.NET winforms developers are increasingly

scarce. Even those clients that are working      International candidates, on the other hand,

on winforms applications want their new          tend to be fully committed to securing a

talent to have web expertise.                    role. Those that have just arrived offer the

                                                 added advantage of immediate availability
Employer Insights                                without a notice period.
There is a defined trend toward making

faster hires. Companies that would               The more senior the developer the more

traditionally have operated a 3-round            strategic they will be about making a move.

(including phone screen) interview process       A salary increase is rarely the key motivator.

over weeks are now closing within days of        Employers need something special to attract

their first contact with candidates. The best    specialists at this level: a distinctive vision,

developers will have a number of roles to        an opportunity to spearhead innovation/

choose from – it is important to stay top-       change or clear potential to hone skills and

of-mind in their estimation. Even delaying       advance.

feedback beyond an agreed timeframe can
                                                 The better the candidate, the greater the
cause a promising situation to unravel and
                                                 challenge to make them aware of your role.
result in losing an ideal candidate.
                                                 The A Players don’t consult Job Boards and

                                                 bridle at unsolicited contact. Which is why

                                                      IT Jobs Market Ireland Q3 Review | 4
Archer’s policy of staying in constant           Java Developers
contact with longstanding candidates is so
                                                 Key Q3 Trends
important. Our connections may not be in
                                                 Buoyant business confidence drove a
the market for a job but their referrals are
                                                 significant increase in development project
vital sources of hidden talent.
                                                 activity in Q3, with a particular emphasis on

Candidate Insights                               UI/UX projects and cloud-based products.

It is a good time to be a .NET developer         The swing back to a growth focus means the

with web-based expertise. Interesting roles      appeal of contract roles to employers is

abound, far outnumbering candidates. It          waning. The best new roles for Java

would be easy to get complacent and think        developers tend to be permanent in nature.

you can glide, with minimal competition,
                                                 Mobile usage continues on its upward vector
into a better role for which you can name
                                                 and is set to drive significant developer
your price. This is by no means the case:
                                                 activity for some time. Java specialists that
Closer examination of why demand exceeds
                                                 have mobile, front-end and web UI skills are
supply reveals important insights.
                                                 in line for the best roles, as are developers

Employers with positions of note have their      with full stack experience and a good mix of

sites on attaining developers with               server side languages, web frameworks and

noteworthy track records. Their criteria are     web technologies.

demanding and it takes something special
                                                 Perhaps because of their exposure to the
to make an impression. Those that do make
                                                 latest development trends there was
it to interview stage may have the
                                                 heartening news for graduates as employers
advantage of being in a smaller group of
                                                 created a host of opportunities for junior
contenders but these will be formidable
                                                 java developers. Those graduates that had
rivals. And, though an end to austerity may
                                                 taken voluntary holiday internships clearly
be in sight, companies will likely continue to
                                                 had the upper hand, their practical
favour the pay structures that kept them
                                                 commercial experience giving them the edge
competitive in leaner years.
                                                 on their peers.

Overconfidence and over-valuation are
                                                 Employer Insights
costing candidates great roles at the
                                                 Modern Java development requires an ever-
moment. Stay grounded, prepare dilligently
                                                 evolving skillset, encompassing expertise in
and show passion for the role and a team
                                                 emerging frameworks, UX design, application
personality if you want to succeed.
                                                 security, cross-platform compatibility and

                                                      IT Jobs Market Ireland Q3 Review | 5
API integration, amongst others. Candidates      Throughout this job market the keyword is

with complete domination of the modern           upskilling. Everyone is upskilling, from digital

Java environment are coveted and closely         natives fresh out of college with ambitious

guarded. For many businesses, their future       mobile and web skills to refine to mid-and-

growth and competitiveness depends on            senior-level developers acquainting

their ability to prove they have more to         themselves with network programming and

offer top-tier Java specialists.                 server-side processing. Reliance on last-

                                                 century wisdom is no longer an option.
Java development is a broad term that
                                                 Employers want people who embrace the
refers to a galaxy of specialisms. Though
                                                 accelaration in technology and are compelled
employers tend to want very niche talents
                                                 to stay at the cutting edge of their craft.
from within that spectrum many complicate
                                                 Evidence of being committed to lifelong
matters by starting with too broad a
                                                 learning and self-instruction is definitely
search. Microtarget a very particular
                                                 attractive to employers.
candidate set based on a very specific

definition of role requirements and you set      The separation of front and back end

yourself up for a more successful process.       developers has continued again this quarter

Archer’s skills-linked internal database         as teams become increasingly focused on

means we can quickly identify niche              specific business areas. Though prospects

individuals with the exact value-adding          remain bright for fullstack developers who

potential that a client needs.                   can develop at both ends, opportunities for

                                                 generalists are evaporating.
Candidate Insights
Front end developers had the pick of the         So much more can now be achieved at the

roles again in Q3 as mobile development          front end of development; the expansion of

continued to gather momentum; Web                creative possibilities means that front end

framework experience is the dominant             salaries are on the rise. Back end salaries,

requirement. Angular.js expertise is             though healthy, have plateaued.

particularly valued since the framework is
                                                 Portfolios of relevant work on Git Hub and
still in an early phase of adoption and talent
                                                 similar sites are becoming even more
with commercial proficiency is scarce.
                                                 important as they are continuously being
Regular positions are opening up for
                                                 used by employers to gain an insight into the
specialists in Node.js and Backbone.js.
                                                 work of candidates.

                                                      IT Jobs Market Ireland Q3 Review | 6
Testing & QA                                     Archer’s ‘People First’ philosophy really pays

                                                 dividends when you need to pinpoint the few
Key Q3 Trends
                                                 candidates that may entertain a move. While
Roles for testers outnumber available
                                                 other recruiters have moved to automate
candiadtes as businesses start to plan
                                                 contact with candidates over the years we
ahead for 2015. Demand remains strongest
                                                 have stayed true to our belief in maintaining
for automation specialists with developer
                                                 meaningful personal contact. Many of our
backgrounds. Multiple opportunities are also
                                                 successful tester hires in Q3 were referred
opening up manual testers as finance firms
                                                 to us by existing connections.
seek to perfect proprietary software

applications. Contract roles, too, are           Many candidates will have taken steps to

expanding. In the main, employers are            improve on their own initiative, giving them

recruiting experience, hiring for mid to         self-awareness and a stronger sense of

senior level and lead roles.                     career direction. In order to pique their

                                                 interest a prospective employer needs to
The quality of the local candidate pool
                                                 demonstrate how their role represents a
continues to increase as more testers
                                                 forward step. Great people gravitate towards
upskill and add ISTQB and mobile/web
                                                 great propositions. To stand a chance of
expertise to their armoury. There is talent in
                                                 attracting top calibre attention, future Job
abundance – the challenge is to convince a
                                                 Specs need to emphasise opportunities to
settled specialist that your role offers
                                                 work with new technologies and highlight
better prospects. The appeal of
                                                 real potential for career growth and personal
international specialists is growing steadily
                                                 development. A strong benefits package will
the longer the shortage of active Irish
                                                 be important to seal the commitment and
candidates persists.
                                                 see off competing overtures and counter

Employer Insights
A strong appetite for upskilling has been        Speed is vital. Any candidate that switches
evident in the local tester market for some      to active mode will have a choice of multiple
time now, making it rich in the demanding        roles. The employer that reacts fastest when
and varied competences that contemporary         they identify a fit wins every time.
roles demand. More skills are what every

employer wants - the downside to this

upskilling is that it removes candidates from

the active market as their conditions and

importance to a business improve.

                                                      IT Jobs Market Ireland Q3 Review | 7
Candidate Insights                             Business Intelligence
For a time, ISTQB certifications, web/mobile

experience and skills in Selenium, QTP and     Key Q3 Trends

Java were enough to give you an edge.          Renewed business confidence is leading

Candidates have upskilled to such a degree     companies to increase their investment in BI

that this no longer applies.                   and experiment with leading edge data

                                               management tools. Organisations within the
What now sets successful candidates apart      banking sector are investing in new Data
goes beyond technical proficiency to           Warehousing technologies as cornerstones of
something much less replicable: Employer       significant change. These organisations are
decisions are being driven by the level of     looking for candidates with the vision and
genuine enthusiasm and inner drive             creativity to steer a firm a fresh direction,
exhibited during interviews.                   specialists who can present compelling

                                               business cases to drive decision-making
Software houses, in particular, favour those
                                               based on Big Data analysis and insights.
testers that exhibit most excitement about

the company’s vision and offerings.            New and established companies alike are

                                               showing an appetite to reduce their reliance
Do not rely only on your technical skills to
                                               on relational databases. Popular in the US,
land a great role. Spend as much time
                                               new technologies such as Hadoop and NoSQL
researching the employer as you do plotting
                                               are rapidly gaining prominence in Ireland,
how to bring your CV to life. The top
                                               starting with the multinationals and quickly
testing positions are going to candidates
                                               being applied by the more progressive
that most impress with their level of
                                               domestic businesses. The telecoms and
preparation. Really wanting a role is a good
                                               gaming sectors are prime movers in
head start – build on this motivation by
                                               implementing the new data systems.
analysing the company in-depth and

identifying what makes your unique skillset    The contractor market remains very strong
the missing link.                              with significant demand for candidates

                                               expert in Microsoft and Oracle technologies.

                                               Employer Insights
                                               Data’s growing business value is giving rise

                                               to ever-more sophisticated storage,

                                               extraction and interpretive technologies.

                                                    IT Jobs Market Ireland Q3 Review | 8
With competitive advantage at stake,            Candidate Insights

companies need specialists that can make        Demand is rising for candidates with a BI/

the right choice of system and harness its      DWH background that have gained exposure

full predictive and transformational power.     to Hadoop or NoSQL database technologies.

                                                The prospects for data modellers and data
The relative newness of these technologies
                                                architects have improved significantly, too,
to Ireland means specialists with commercial    as companies embark on enterprise scale BI
expertise are scarce. The more niche the
                                                DWH implementations in growing numbers.
technology (Teradata, Microstrategy, SAS)
                                                A great deal is expected of candidates in this
the smaller the local candidate pool.           niche area, requiring as it does a unique

                                                blend of technical proficiency, industry
Securing the necessary skills will tend to
                                                knowledge and soft skills. In Q3, these roles
require convincing a candidate to leave a
                                                were commanding permanent salaries of 80-
secure, well-paid role in a multinational or
                                                120K and contract rates of 500–750/day.
looking abroad to countries like Spain and

Italy where these technologies are more
                                                The migration of BI talent from consultancy
established. Local BI professionals are
                                                to industry continues apace. The importance
moving to catch up through online and           of having contemporary technical expertise
distance learning but, for now, the domestic
                                                is a given – what employers need are
talent pool is limited to a small number of
                                                specialists that can champion emerging BI
individuals, few of whom are active on the      software and practices and convince key
jobs market.
                                                stakeholders to embrace data-driven

                                                decision making. Boardroom-level political
BI candidates know their value; getting the
                                                and presentation skills are fast becoming
attention of a top performer will invariably
                                                pre-requisites for the top BI roles.
mean matching or bettering the market

rate. Cap your salary below this and you will
                                                The temptation to exaggerate your people
not appeal to the higher echelon. Can your
                                                skills and pitch yourself as a niche expert are
company offer a candidate an opportunity        strong, but doomed to failure. BI interviews
to work with better technology? Companies
                                                are structured to reveal candidates’
with a progressive stance on BI are very
                                                presentation skills and depth of technical
attractive to the A Players. Speed is           knowledge. Our advice: Safeguard your
essential as most candidates have at least
                                                reputation and only apply for roles that fit
one other competing offer on the table. Q3
                                                with your technical prowess and consensus-
saw many excellent talents drop out of          building agility.
lengthy processes to join rival companies.

                                                      IT Jobs Market Ireland Q3 Review | 9
Business Analysts & Project                      than compensating for the lack of security.
Managers                                         The best contractors will still find themselves
                                                 in-demand despite the changing market
Key Q3 Trends
                                                 conditions. With permanent roles in
In Q3 we registered our largest quarterly
                                                 oversupply and inflationary pressure on
increase in permanent BA & PM roles since
                                                 salaries, many companies will continue to
2008. There has been a sea change in
                                                 employ contractors until the right permanent
employer sentiment, a renewed focus on
                                                 candidate becomes available or they find a
growth eclipsing the concentration on cost
                                                 right-fit contractor who is open to making a
control that characterised the recovery
                                                 long-term commitment.
years. The trend for short-term hires, so
dominant in recent years, appears to have        Employer Insights
reached a turning point. Longer-term             Buoyant corporate and consumer confidence
commitments are becoming the norm.               has infiltrated BA & PM candidates. Not
                                                 since the noughties have they been this
Twelve months ago, few clients were able
                                                 bullish about long-term prospects. BAs that
to guarantee employment beyond one-off
                                                 have been on Archer s passive list for years
projects. Faced with a defined timeframe in
                                                 have switched status to open or active . It is
which to realise an objective or project, an
employer would most likely have hired a          years since the conditions have been this

contractor. Moving into 2015, the same           ripe for a permanent move and there is

companies have pipelines of future projects      plenty of good talent keen to capitalise.

that make it worthwhile to bolster their         This wave of talent is resilient and astute in
permanent roster with new BAs & PMs. The         calibre. Many have emerged strengthened
swing from contractor to full-time roles is      from catastrophic lay-offs, their positivity
tangible in every industry bar retail banking.   and ability to adapt seeing them through.

                                                 They offer the heightened business acumen
The best new permanent opportunities are
                                                 and sense of responsibility that comes from
going to candidates with backgrounds in the
                                                 succeeding as a solo operator. The diversity
insurance, investment banking and
                                                 of experience and new technology exposure
international finance sectors. Regulatory
                                                 that contractors have picked up is also of
and compliance expertise is valued.
                                                 great interest to employers. The quality of

During the lean years contracting became a       BA & PM candidates is uniformly high, but

way of life for many BAs and PMs, good           securing their services presents challenges.

rates and diversity of experiences more

                                                     IT Jobs Market Ireland Q3 Review | 10
Top BA & PM specialists have a laser-focus;        contracting out of necessity this is the best

they are attracted to roles that are defined       opportunity this decade to return to secure

in fine detail, roles that involve                 full-time employment.

transformational use of the very latest
                                                   Not that it will be easy. Ireland is rich in
technology, roles that are viewed as integral
                                                   talented candidates, many with unusually
to business success by key stakeholders.
                                                   diverse skillsets and expertise gleaned from
There are many candidates whose careers
                                                   working on varied projects in a range of
were blown off course – they want a role
                                                   blue-chip corporate environments. These
that will quickly re-establish their top table
                                                   specialists have an authority and adaptability
credentials. The top talent is committing to
                                                   that is plainly visible and they can point to
those employers who value their profession
                                                   multiple proofs of achievements. BAs are
and see their work as central to future
                                                   developing skills in SQL or modelling tools
                                                   like UML to add a further competitive edge.
Of all IT candidates, the best BAs & PMs           PMs are highlighting their Scrum exposure.
are attracted to the employers that most
                                                   However strong your CV, attaining a top role
engender trust. It is mystifying, therefore,
                                                   will depend on how well you manage to
that many companies are eschewing the
                                                   articulate your value and commitment. You
personal approach in favour of time-saving
                                                   must avoid the temptation to make this
technology during the interview process.
                                                   about you. Make it your priority to know
High-demand candidates are unlikely to
respond positively to this strategy. Saving        everything you can about the employer

time is critical (many roles are being filled      before deciding how your competences and

within 2 weeks of the first interview) but it is   experiences could have a tangible bottom-

better to condense a human-touch interview         line impact. Build the story of your CV

process into an accelerated timeframe than         around your worth to the employer and write

resort to automation.                              yourself into the next chapters of their story

                                                   and you will greatly increase your prospects.

Candidate Insights
After many barren years the market for

permanent BAs & PMs has erupted into

vigorous life again. The market is registering

movement not seen since 2008. Salaries,

too, are readjusting – up 5% year-on-year in

Q3. For those specialists that have been

                                                       IT Jobs Market Ireland Q3 Review | 11
Senior IT Management                               when global experience is a prerequisite.

                                                   Language barriers are less of an obstacle
Key Q3 Trends
                                                   than ever, judging by the number of senior
The appetite for change is stronger than it
                                                   roles now occupied by international talents.
has been for 5+ years. Market confidence is

at unanticipated levels, and more senior           The best senior managers prepare rigorously

managers are open to exploring offers.             for interview – they will expect an employer

                                                   to have prepared for them. The
Roles within start-ups and earlier stage
                                                   contemporary specialist will be clued in to
businesses are guaranteed attention-
                                                   data-driven decision making: interviewers
getters. Senior candidates are displaying
                                                   that rely on an instinctive “know it when you
pronounced interest in doing work of note
                                                   see it” approach are unlikely to make a
that yields visible results; financial reward is
                                                   convincing impression. Employers need to
lower down their list of priorities. There is a
                                                   have clearly identified exactly what they
certain romance to new companies, a sense
                                                   need from the new occupant of this role and
of possibility and adventure that is very
                                                   how they intend to measure success.
attractive. Experience confined to a large,

traditional organisation structure is not          Employers can no longer rely on a recognised
necessarily what excites the hiring manager        brand name to attract top senior candidates.

of an agile, risk-embracing firm, however.         If anything, candidates are currently

                                                   gravitating towards smaller early-stage
At C-Level, the trend is for top roles to go
                                                   companies in which they can have direct
to internal candidates that have been
                                                   authority for major strategic decisions and
groomed for the position. This means that
                                                   be a more essential asset. Every hiring
senior candidates have to be smart about
                                                   company, new and established, needs to
their next move, often taking a lateral step
                                                   work on building a compelling vision of how
or less senior job title as a launchpad to a
                                                   their role promises a more exciting and
pinnacle role.
                                                   personally rewarding future.

Employer Insights
                                                   The transparent process we operate at
There is a strong domestic pool of senior
                                                   Archer is proving critical to opening dialogue
management talent whose intelligence,
                                                   with selective, restricted-access candidates.
commitment and ambition compensates for
                                                   Our belief in a human touch approach has
shortfalls of international exposure in some
                                                   helped us build a strong domestic base of
quarters. European senior managers are
                                                   senior advocates that constantly refer us to
proving more than happy to relocate here
                                                   highly talented peers or upcoming protégés.

                                                       IT Jobs Market Ireland Q3 Review | 12
With Archer as the intermediary, employer        Think back and identify your lifetime

and candidate can be open about their            achievements, focusing on the times when

challenges and concerns, their ambitions         you triumphed over adversity, overcame the

and shortcomings. Frank exchanges of             greatest challenges, turned things around

insights and feedback using Archer as the        when setbacks looked like derailing projects.

conduit were instrumental to several very        When plans went awry, how did you prevail

successful outcomes in Q3. With counter-         and what did you learn? Choose 5-6

attacks rife, it is important to have a voice    accomplishments and build compelling

on your side to sustain an ideal candidate’s     stories from them. Practice verbalising the

commitment to the leap of faith you require      sequence of events, the critical milestones,

of them.                                         the end results and wider business

                                                 implications. Rewrite your CV to highlight
Candidate Insights
                                                 these career highs.
The market for senior candidates has really

come to life, with varied and interesting        Overconfidence and lack of preparation are

new openings across many industry sectors.       the main reasons why senior candidates fell

Specialists that can display a strong cultural   short of top IT roles in Q3. At a level where

fit are favoured, meaning there is a             written and verbal precision is of paramount

tendency for employers to hire from within       importance employers do not forgive sloppy

their field. Employers are looking for very      CV grammar and spelling. Likewise, failure to

niche types of individual rather than all-       adequately research a role and anticipate

rounders. Above all, they want talent whose      basic lines of questioning will automatically

accomplishments clearly demonstrate the          end your prospects.

power to improve bottom-line metrics in
                                                 Specialists with decades of experience can
terms of costs, revenues, process, project
                                                 be unceremoniously shunted out of the
times or trend anticipation.
                                                 reckoning by the enthusiasm and positive

Specialists that haven’t used a CV or done       attitude of hungrier, more future-focused

an interview in years can find it challenging    candidates. As more key roles go to a

to contend for a contemporary role. Newly-       younger generation of ambitious candidates

active candidates need to reach peak             there is no room for anyone to rest on their

interview fitness, fast. Our advice: Focus on    laurels. It is best not to enter a process

identifying your unique value proposition        unless you are prepared to give it your all.

and work on how you can articulate it in the

context of the employer’s business.

                                                     IT Jobs Market Ireland Q3 Review | 13
Summary                                         Ireland remains the base of choice for

                                                aspiring global businesses and significant
Activity in Dublin’s IT job market is
                                                project works. IBM’s Global Location Trends
surpassing expectations. Roles that promise
                                                report has just ranked Ireland as the top
genuine career advancement are plentiful,
                                                destination for added-value FDI programs for
and tempting former off-limits candidates
                                                the second year running. The World Bank,
to consider a move. The uncertainty and
                                                too has highlighted the ease of doing
defensive mentalities of recent years are
                                                business in Ireland, placing it 13th out of
                                                189 economies in its Doing Business 2015

                                                report. This bodes well for the health of the
Specialists that feel unfulfilled in their
                                                domestic IT jobs market in the years ahead.
current role are no longer settling for the

“devil they know”. The risks of pursuing
                                                Positive sentiment also abounds in the
alternative positions are greatly reduced –
                                                indigenous tech community, 81% of firms
now, if one interview process doesn’t work
                                                expressing an increase in confidence with 3
out your options do not end there. Worst
                                                in 4 poised to hire new people according
case scenario, you are likely to receive a
                                                to ISA’s Digital Technology Index 2013. The
counter-offer. Or, you can turn contractor
                                                report suggests that local software tech and
and open up a whole other range of exciting
                                                digital companies still have strong potential
                                                to grow and scale past the 100 employees/

                                                €10m turnover mark.
Domestic IT specialists have been proactive,

acting on their own initiative to upskill and
                                                September is traditionally the stage for a
gain certifications, meaning clients have
                                                flurry of post-Summer hiring activity. This
strong candidate sets from which to
                                                year was no exception. What is unusual is
choose. Despite employers’ need to be
                                                that there were no signs of any tailing off as
highly selective we continue to unearth
                                                Q4 flew in. Businesses are truly optimistic
talent that makes the grade. There is a
                                                about entering a new year for the first time
growing trend for candidates to be just as
                                                in an age and they want the necessary
discriminating, which is starting to
                                                talent on board in order to hit the ground
complicate matters. Archer has an
                                                running. Here’s to making Xmas come early
increasingly important part to play as a
                                                for our clients and candidates.
mediator that can navigate a well-matched

employer and candidate to a happy
                                                Call Josh Linton/Sam Perrin

                                                    IT Jobs Market Ireland Q3 Review | 14

           Archer Specialist Recruitment
                     2 Westland Square
                Pearse Street | Dublin 2
            01 649 8500 |
       IT Jobs Market Ireland Q3 Review | 15
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