Ivermectin and albendazole withdrawal period in goat milk - SciELO

Page created by Dennis Peterson
Rev. Bras. Saúde Prod. Anim., Salvador, v.20, 1 -12, e0112019, 2019                      ISSN 1519 9940
http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1519-994020 01012019

                       Ivermectin and albendazole withdrawal period in goat milk

                     Período de carência de ivermectina e albendazol em leite de cabras

         Santos, Patrícia Silva1; Cruz, Jurandir Ferreira da2; Santos, José Soares dos3 ; Mottin, Vanessa Daniele2 ;
         Teixeira Neto, Milton Rezende4; Souza, Jennifer Figueredo2

         1. Instituto Federal da Bahia, Itapetinga – BA, Brasil. E-mail: patizootecnia@gmail.com
         2. Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Laboratório de Reprodução de Caprinos e
         Ovinos, Departamento de Fitotecnia e Zootecnia, Vitória da Conquista – BA, Brasil. E-mail:
         cruzjurandir@gmail.com, vmottin@yahoo.com.br, laurela4@hotmail.com
         3. Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Laboratório de Química Analítica,
         Departamento de química, Vitória da Conquista – BA, Brasil. E-mail: zesoares@uesb.edu.br
         4. Faculdade de Tecnologia e Ciências, Curso de Medicina Veterinária, Vitória da Conquista –
         BA, Brasil. E-mail: rezendeteixeira@yahoo.com.br

         SUMMARY                                               albendazole or ivermectin does not contain
                                                               its respective residues in detectable
                                                               amounts from the 4th and 42nddays,
                                                               respectively, after antiparasitic treatment.
         Theaimthis study was to determine the
         excretion profile of albendazole and                  keywords: HPLC, goat milk, residues.
         ivermectin residues in milk from goats
         submitted to antiparasitic treatment.
         Twenty-four Brazilianmongrel lactating and            RESUMO
         pluriparous goats, maintained extensively
         on native pasture were orally treatedwith             Objetivou-se determinar o perfil de
         albendazole or ivermectin. Milk samples               excreção de resíduos de albendazole e
         were collected before and after vermifuges            ivermectina em leite de cabras submetidas a
         application, in the days 0, 2, 3 e 4 to               tratamento antiparasitário. Vinte e quatro
         albendazole and 0, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and           cabras sem padrão racial definido (SPRD),
         42 to ivermectin. The vermifuges residues             lactantes,       pluríparas,        criadas
         were detected by high performance liquid              extensivamente em pastagem nativa foram
         cromatography with ultravioletdetector. The           tratadas com albendazole ou ivermectina,
         amount of residues contained in themilk               via oral. As amostras de leite foram
         was decreasing in function of time. The               coletadas antes e após a aplicação dos
         mean daily rates of decrease of albendazole           vermífugos, nos dias 0, 1, 2, 3 e 4 para
         residues were 63.34%, 40.18 and 100.0%,               Albendazole e 0, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 e 42
         from the 2ndto the 4thday, respectively; on           para ivermectina. Os resíduos dos
         the 3rdday after treatment, 50% of the                vermífugos foram determinados por meio
         samples showed concentrations ≥ 47.61                 de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência
         µg.mL-1, and on the 4thday, no sample had             com detector ultravioleta. A quantidade de
         albendazole residue.The amount excreted of            resíduos presentes no leite foi decrescente
         ivermectin was similar between the 3rdand             em função do tempo. As taxas medias
         21stday when all samples presented values ≥           diárias de decréscimo dos resíduos de
         51.90 µg.mL-1; on the 35th day, 50% of the            albendazole foram 63,34%, 40,18 e
         samples showed values above of                        100,0%, do 2º ao 4º dia, respectivamente;
         recommended levels, and on the 42nd day,              no 3º dia após o tratamento, 50% das
         no sample had detectable ivermectin                   amostras apresentaram concentrações ≥
         residue.In conclusion, the milk of Brazilian          47,61 µg.mL-1 e no 4º dia, nenhuma
         mongrel goats treated orally with                     amostra apresentou resíduo de albendazole.

         Received on: 09/08/2018. Accepted on: 07/12/2018
Rev. Bras. Saúde Prod. Anim., Salvador, v.20, 1 -12, e0112019, 2019   ISSN 1519 9940
http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1519-994020 01012019

         Os teores excretados de ivermectina foram
         similares entre o 3º e 21º dia, quando todas
         as amostras apresentaram valores ≥ 51,90
         µg.mL-1; no 35º dia, 50% das amostras
         apresentavam valores acima nos níveis
         recomendáveis; no 42º dia, nenhuma
         amostra apresentou resíduo detectável de
         ivermectina. Conclui-se que o leite de
         cabras SPRD tratadas oralmente com
         albendazole ou ivermectina não apresenta
         seus respectivos resíduos em quantidades
         detectáveis a partir do 4º e 42º dias,
         respectivamente,       após       tratamento
         Palavras chave: CLAE, leite caprino,

         Received on: 09/08/2018. Accepted on: 07/12/2018
Rev. Bras. Saúde Prod. Anim., Salvador, v.20, 1 -12, e0112019, 2019                    ISSN 1519 9940
http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1519-994020 01012019

         INTRODUCTION                                          mammalian species (Ema, 2004). The
                                                               Codex Alimentarius established the
         In developing countries, the use of goat              maximum residue limit of ivermectin in
         milk has become a useful strategy to                  milk at 10 µg L-1 (Fao/Who, 1993).
         combat malnutrition, considering that                 Considering that information about
         its high nutritional value contributes                excretion of antiparasitic drugs through
         with a significant part of the                        goat milk is scarce and that goat milk is
         consumption of protein by the low-                    a food commonly used to human
         income population (Haenlein, 2004;                    consumption, this study aimed to
         Park et al., 2007). In the semi-arid                  determine the excretion profile of
         region of Brazil, goat milk performs an               albendazole and ivermectin residues in
         important social role, being common its               goat milk submitted to antiparasitic
         use as food by many rural families                    treatment.
         (Ribeiro & Ribeiro, 2001).
         Although the milk production destined
         to consumption should avoid to the                    MATERIALS AND METHODS
         maximum          the      presence     of
         pharmacological residues that cause
         risks to human health (Anvisa, 2006),                 Animals and colleting samples
         thedrugs administration aimed to
         endoparasites control in dairy herds is a             This study was approved by the Ethics
         frequent      practice       in    Brazil.            Committee on the Use of Animals of
         Benzimidazoles residues (Brandon et                   the State University of Southwest of
         al., 2002) and ivermectin residues                    Bahia, with protocol nº. 162/2018.
         (Turnipseed et al., 2005; Souza et al.,               Twenty-four        Brazilian     mongrel
         2007) were detected in bovine milk                    lactating and pluriparous goats were
         destined tohuman consumption.                         used in this study, of which 12 were
         Due to the low cost and the possibility               dewormed with albendazole (Aldazol
         of    use     in     lactating   females,             Oral®, Vallée, Brazil) at a dose of 7.5
         benzimidazoles have been the most                     mg kg-1 of body weight and others 12
         used antiparasitic drugs in the last                  goats were dewormed with ivermectin
         decades (Dayan, 2003). Fao/Who                        (Ivomec Oral®, Merial, Brazil) at a
         (1989), alert to the toxic effect of                  dose of 200 µg / kg body weight, as
         albendazole, including some studies                   suggested by the manufacturers.
         about carcinogenic, genotoxic and                     The milk samples were collected before
         teratogenic effects (Lanusse et al.,                  and after vermifuges application in the
         2009); the European Community and                     days D0, D1, D2, D3, and D4 to
         Anvisa established the maximum                        Albendazole and D0, D3, D7, D14, D21,
         residue limit of albendazole in milk at               D28, D35 and D42 to ivermectin. D0 was
         100µg L-1 (EC, 2004; Anvisa, 2012).                   the day of vermifuges application.The
         Although ivermectin has a high safety                 days and the collecting period were
         margin in antiparasitic treatments                    defined according to the time of drug
         (Ayres & Almeida, 2002), some of its                  metabolism, described in previous
         excretion occurs through the mammary                  studies, and according to the withdrawal
         gland (Flajs et al., 2005). Although                  period       established      by      the
         these effects have not been evidenced in              manufacturers.The       samples     were
         pregnant women (Chippaux et al.,                      conditioned in disposable plastic bags
         1993), the presence of ivermectin                     identified and kept frozen in the freezer
         residues in milk may have mutagenic                   (-20oC) until the moment of analysis at
         and/or teratogenic effects in some                    Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry of

         Received on: 09/08/2018. Accepted on: 07/12/2018
Rev. Bras. Saúde Prod. Anim., Salvador, v.20, 1 -12, e0112019, 2019                     ISSN 1519 9940
http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1519-994020 01012019

         UESB to determine the administered                    activation of extraction cartridges in
         vermifuges residues.                                  solid phase – silica-C18 19% carbon
                                                               (500 mg.3 mL-1), ii) adsorption of
         Chromatographic analysis                              albendazole or ivermectin to the
                                                               sorbent, iii) albendazole or ivermectin
         The reference analytical solutions were               elution, and iv) cartridge washing.
         prepared by successive dilutions of                   For the cartridge activation were used 3
         albendazole standard (Albendazole®,                   mL of acetone and 2 mL of acetonitrile
         Fluka, Sigma-Aldrich, USA) and                        with vacuum application to reach a flow
         ivermectin standard (Ivermectin®,                     of 3 mL.min-1. Posteriorly, for
         Sigma-Aldrich, USA) in ultrapure water                adsorption of albendazole or ivermectin
         obtained from Millipure purification                  to the sorbent, 2 mL of extract was
         system (Millipore, São Paulo, SP,                     added to the column with vacuum
         Brazil).Initially, two stock solutions                application as described above. For
         were prepared. First, 100 mL stock                    albendazole elution were used 3 ml of
         solution with a concentration of 1000                 acetonitrile and for ivermectin elution, 3
         mg L-1 of albendazole standard, and                   ml of acetone were used.The obtained
         another 100 mL stock solution with a                  sample was reconstituted with 2 mL of
         concentration of 500 mg L-1 of                        a solution composed by acetonitrile
         ivermectin standard. Then, these                      /water/methanol 60:10:30 (v / v / v) in
         solutions were stored in decontaminated               a volumetric flask of 5 mL and filtered
         polypropylene       flasks     (Company,              with a 0.22 µm syringe filter. After
         Rochester, NY, USA).From the stock                    elution, the column was vacuum washed
         solution, the working solutions were                  twice, using in the first wash 4 mL of
         prepared in suitable concentrations to                acetonitrile for three minutes and in the
         the construction of the analytical                    second, 6 mL of hexane for two
         curves.As a diluent, was used a solution              minutes.
         of     HPLC grademethanol (Methyl                     The albendazole or ivermectin detection
         alcohol Isocratic UV-IR-HPLC) and                     was performed by high-performance
         chloroform (Chloroform UV/HPLC                        liquid chromatography with 200 series
         spectroscopy, Vetec, Brazil) at ratio                 pump, sampling valve, 20 µL loop and
         30:70 v/v, respectively, according                    UV / Vis detector (HPLC, Perkin
         suggested by Waldia et al. (2008).The                 Elmer, USA).
         working solutions were always prepared                For chromatographic separation of
         on the day of analysis and discarded at               albendazole or ivermectin was used a
         the end of the routine.                               column of 250 x 4.5 mm, 5µm particle
         The mobile phase was prepared by the                  size (RP-C18, Thermo, USA). Each
         addition of HPLC grade acetonitrile                   sample injected in triplicate (20 µL) was
         (isocratic     UV-IR-HPLC,       Panreac,             submitted to an isocratic elution (flow
         Spain), Milli-Q water and methanol in                 of 1.8 mL.min-1). The albendazole or
         the proportion 60:10:30 (v/v/v),                      ivermectin detection was performed at a
         respectively (Waldia et al., 2008).                   temperature of 30 °C using a
         After samples thawing, an aliquot of 2                wavelength of 245 nm.
         mL of milk was transferred to a test                  The validation procedures of analysis
         tube, and 2 mL of acetonitrile was                    method were performed based on the
         added, then centrifuged at 1350 ppm for               linearity      parameters,       accuracy
         5 minutes to obtain the extract.                      (recovery), precision (repeatability and
         The extraction procedure of albendazole               partial reproducibility), detection limit
         and ivermectin from the milk samples                  and quantification.
         was performed in four steps: i)

         Received on: 09/08/2018. Accepted on: 07/12/2018
Rev. Bras. Saúde Prod. Anim., Salvador, v.20, 1 -12, e0112019, 2019                     ISSN 1519 9940
http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1519-994020 01012019

         Statistical analysis                                  In similar studies with bovine milk
                                                               samples containing benzimidazole
         The quantitative data obtained from the               residues were found determination
         albendazole concentration on the                      coefficients of 0.992 ; 0.994 and 0.999
         different days of collection were                     using    system      with    electrospray
         submitted to analysis of variance                     ionization with mass detector - HPLC
         (ANOVA) and the means compared by                     EI-MS (Xi et al., 2010);HPLC system
         the Tukey test (SAS, version                          with mass detector–HPLC/MS (Moreno
         8.0).Differences     were    considered               et al., 2005) and HPLC coupled to a
         significant at P
Rev. Bras. Saúde Prod. Anim., Salvador, v.20, 1 -12, e0112019, 2019                       ISSN 1519 9940
http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1519-994020 01012019

         Figure 1. Chromatograms obtained with the standard solution of albendazole (A1) or
                  ivermectin (B1) and with goat milk samples containing albendazole (A2) or
                  ivermectin (B2) residues with respective retention times (RT).

                                         RT=2,17                                RT=2,16

                           A1                                          A2

                                     RT=4,45                                     RT=4,40


         In fortified samples of bovine milk were
         observed albendazole retention time of                method can influence the retention time
         5.86 minutes using HPLC/MS (Whelan                    of the evaluated residue.
         et al., 2010) and ivermectin retention                In all samples containing albendazole at
         time of 6.9 and 11.2 minutes using                    different concentration levels (10, 120
         HPLC-FL (Flajs et al. , 2005; Souza et                or 480 µg.mL-1) the mean rate of
         al., 2007). Even though these times                   residue recovery was 88.5% and the
         were greater than those found in the                  mean values of repeatability and partial
         present study, it is emphasized that the              reproducibility were 16.9 % and 16.2%,
         methodologies used were different,                    respectively.Similarly,   in    samples
         including the fact that the vermifuges                containing ivermectin at concentrations
         were added to milk samples from                       of 10, 40 and 320 µg.mL-1, the mean
         untreated animals. Considering the                    recovery residue rate was 92.5% and the
         retention time as the time spent from the             mean values of repeatability and partial
         moment of sample injection to the                     reproducibility were 16.1% and 16.8%,
         maximum peak observed in the                          in the same order (Table 1).
         chromatographic system. Thus, the
         internal temperature of the column, the
         mobile phase used or even the injection

         Received on: 09/08/2018. Accepted on: 07/12/2018
Rev. Bras. Saúde Prod. Anim., Salvador, v.20, 1 -12, e0112019, 2019                     ISSN 1519 9940
http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1519-994020 01012019

         Table 1. Recovery rates, repeatability and partial reproducibility of analytical method
                 used to the analyte albendazole or ivermectin detection in goat milk1
         Concentration         Recovery               Repeatability          Partial
         (µg.mL-1)             (%)                    (%)2                   reproducibility
         10                    85,5                   14,8                   16,3
         120                   89,4                   17,3                   16,8
         480                   90,6                   18,6                   15,6
         10                    95,5                   16,8                   14,5
         40                    87,8                   12,6                   18,7
         320                   94,2                   18,9                   17,2
          Added standard solution of albendazole or ivermectin; 2Values expressed in relative standard

         In previous studies was observed                      maximum acceptable values should be
         variation in the recovery residues rates              defined according to the matrix,
         in bovine milk, with rates ranging from               methodology, analyte concentration and
         68% to 85% for albendazole residues                   the purpose of the method (Anvisa,
         (Ruyck et al., 2000), 77.0 and 97%                    2003).
         (Moreno et al., 2005) and 80.5% and                   In the present study, the detection limits
         101.3% (Xi et al., 2010).For ivermectin               and quantification of albendazole were
         residues were obtained mean recovery                  10 and 120 µg.mL-1 and ivermectin 10
         rates of 78.8% (Alvinerie et al., 1994), ≥            and 280 µg.mL-1, respectively.In bovine
         60.0% (Turnipseed et al., 2005) and                   milk, detection and quantification limits
         ≥84.0% (Souza et al. , 2007).                         of the method of 0,01- 0,5 µg.L-1 and
         Analyzing these previous studies                      of0,1-1,0 µg.L-1, respectively (Xi et al.,
         together with the present results is                  2010) and 3.8 and 6.9 ng.mL-1 (Ruyck
         plausible to admit that the recovery rate             et al., 2000). For avermectins using
         of albendazole residues and macrocyclic               HPLC-FL, detection and quantification
         lactones may be influenced by the                     limits of 5 and 10 µg.L-1 (Souza et al.,
         matrix and/or the method used.                        2007), respectively, were found.
         According to Anvisa (2003) the                        The expressive values of precision
         recovery rate should be close to 100%,                (repeatability         and         partial
         but if recovery is accurate and exact,                reproducibility) found in the different
         smaller values are allowed.                           concentrations of analyte, in addition to
         In bovine milk matrix, partial                        the recovery rate and the detection and
         reproducibility values ≤14% were                      quantification limits reinforce the
         obtained for the analyte albendazole (Xi              reliability of the analytical method for
         et al., 2010).In ivermectin residue study,            residue determination of albendazole
         also in bovine milk matrix, repeatability             and ivermectin in goat milk.
         values       ≤14.7%       and       partial           The       highest   concentrations      of
         reproducibility ≤22% were obtained                    albendazole were observed in the first
         (Souza et al., 2007).Although the                     24 hours (101.20 + 37.4µg.mL-1), and
         repeatability and partial reproducibility             residue was detected in all samples
         values should not exceed 15%, the                     evaluated up to 48 hours after drug
                                                               administration; the amount of excreted

         Received on: 09/08/2018. Accepted on: 07/12/2018
Rev. Bras. Saúde Prod. Anim., Salvador, v.20, 1 -12, e0112019, 2019                    ISSN 1519 9940
http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1519-994020 01012019

         residue 24 hours after albendazole                    oral route and 3.0 mg.kg-1 by
         administration allowed the formation of               subcutaneous route.
         two groups, 50% showed a mean                         In a previous study, it was observed that
         concentration of 68.01 ± 13.37 µg.mL-1                72 hours post drug application the
         and 50% 134.36 ± 16.04 µg.mL-                         concentration reached an average value
           .However, although a significant                    lower than 100 µg.L-1 in goat and sheep
         difference between the animals about                  milk (Cinquina et al., 1996). In the
         the amount excreted in the first 24 hours             present study, the time required for
         (range of 111.56 µg.mL-1), it was                     residual values to be 0.05), when all samples
         administration, no residue was detected               had values ≥51.90 µg.mL-1; the mean
         in the milk.                                          concentration in the D28 was lower than
         The excretion time of albendazole in                  those observed in previous days
         milk is variable in small and large                   (P
Rev. Bras. Saúde Prod. Anim., Salvador, v.20, 1 -12, e0112019, 2019                                                                                                                   ISSN 1519 9940
http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1519-994020 01012019

         The      fluctuation    of     ivermectin                                                                                    µg.mL-1, respectively. This trend of
         concentrations in function of time can                                                                                       standardization of excretion profile was
         be a consequence of individual                                                                                               also verified in the animals that
         variations in milk synthesis and                                                                                             remained excreting ivermectin on days
         secretion processes (Cerkvenik et al.,                                                                                       28 and 35, whose amplitudes were 2.92
         2002).These differences         can   be                                                                                     and 1.70 µg.mL-1, respectively.
         attributed to differences in drug                                                                                            When comparing the results obtained
         absorption rate, metabolic condition and                                                                                     with the two drenchs, it was possible to
         animal body composition (Flajs et al.,                                                                                       verify that the excretion of albendazole
         2005).Considering that         ivermectin                                                                                    and ivermectin in the milk occurred in a
         fraction eliminated through milk can                                                                                         differentiated way. While albendazole
         also be influenced by its fat content                                                                                        excretion occurred in high percentages
         (Lanusse et al., 2009), the genetic                                                                                          in the first two days, ivermectin was
         diversity of the Brazilian mongrerl                                                                                          excreted in small proportion in the first
         goats can be an additional factor to be                                                                                      21 days. The decrease rates of
         considered in the individual differences                                                                                     albendazole residue at intervals of 24-
         observed in the present study.                                                                                               48 hours; 48-72 hours; 72-96 hours after
         Although the individual metabolism                                                                                           drug application were 63.34%; 40.18%
         caused dispersion of the excretion                                                                                           and 100.0%, respectively.In the
         values at the initial moment, was                                                                                            ivermectin case, the decrease rates in
         observed that the animals trended to                                                                                         the intervals D3-D7; D7-D14; D14-D21;
         have an excretion pattern of residue in                                                                                      D21-D28; D28-D35; D35-D42 were 8.7%;
         the period between D7 and D21.The                                                                                            2.1%; 2.6%, 34.3%, 33.2% and 100%
         samples amplitudes in the D3, D7, D14                                                                                        respectively (Figure 2).
         and D21 were 32.15; 14.8; 9.10 and 5.02

         Figure 2. Concentration curves of albendazole and ivermectin residues in milk of
                   reated native goats.

                                   160                                   y = 0,0049x2 - 2,0154x + 147,43                                  100

                                   140                                      2                                                              90                                                y = -0,0461x2 + 0,5902x + 57,394
                                                                           R = 0,9984
                                                                                                                                           80                                                           R2 = 0,9842
                                                                                                                Concentration (µg.mL-1)
          Concentration (µg.mL )


                                   100                                                                                                     60
                                   80                                                                                                      50
                                   60                                                                                                      40
                                    0                                                                                                       0
                                         0   24                    48                      72              96                                   0   7           14              21                28          35            42
                                              Time after albendazole application (hours)                                                                Time after ivermectin application (day)

         Albendazole       rapidly     undergoes                                                                                      plasma half-life is 8.5 hours (Marques
         extensive first-pass metabolism in the                                                                                       et al., 2002).The amount and excretion
         liver,   being      transformed     into                                                                                     time of albendazole by urine varies with
         albendazole sulfoxide, the primary                                                                                           species; in cow, 47% of the
         metabolite with antihelmintic activity;                                                                                      administered dose was excreted within
         Albendazole sulfoxide is mainly                                                                                              72 hours; in sheep, 51% of the dose was
         eliminated in bile, with a small                                                                                             excreted in 120 hours and in pork, 75%
         proportion eliminated by urine and its                                                                                       of the dose was excreted in 48 hours

         Received on: 09/08/2018. Accepted on: 07/12/2018
Rev. Bras. Saúde Prod. Anim., Salvador, v.20, 1 -12, e0112019, 2019                    ISSN 1519 9940
http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1519-994020 01012019

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