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 Nian Shao1,3 Erfan Loweimi2 Xiaofei Li1∗
 Westlake University & Westlake Institute for Advanced Study, Hangzhou, China
 Centre for Speech Technology Research (CSTR), University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
 School of Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
arXiv:2110.11144v1 [eess.AS] 21 Oct 2021

 ABSTRACT Many SSL approaches involve the scheme of consistency
 Sound event detection (SED), as a core module of acoustic regularization (CR), which constrains the model prediction to
 environmental analysis, suffers from the problem of data defi- be invariant to any noise applied on the inputs [3] or hid-
 ciency. The integration of the semi-supervised learning (SSL) den states [4, 5]. However, there exists a potential risk for
 largely mitigates such problem at almost no extra cost. This CR known as confirmation bias, especially when consistency
 paper researches on several core modules of SSL, and intro- loss is too heavily weighted in training [6]. To alleviate such
 duces a random consistency training (RCT) strategy. First, risk, MeanTeacher [6] applies a consistency constraint in the
 a self-consistency loss is proposed to fuse with the teacher- model parameter space, which takes an exponential moving
 student model, aiming at stabilizing the training. Second, a average (EMA) of the training student model as a teacher to
 hard mixup data augmentation is proposed to account for the generate pseudo labels for unlabelled data. The adoption of
 additive property of sounds. Third, a random augmentation such method to SED achieved the top performance in 2018
 scheme is applied to combine different types of data aug- DCASE challenge [7], and became a role model, inspiring
 mentation methods with high flexibility. Performance-wise, many variants in semi-supervised SED [8–11].
 the proposed strategy achieves 44.0% and 67.1% in terms of Data augmentation plays an important role in SSL, where
 the PSDS1 and PSDS2 metrics proposed by the DCASE chal- its feasibility and diversity largely affects the performance
 lenge, which outperforms other widely-used strategies. [12]. Typically, there are two categories of data augmenta-
 tions: data warping and oversampling [13]. In audio process-
 Index Terms— Semi-supervised learning, sound event ing, widely applied methods such as SpecAugment [14], time
 detection, data augmentation, consistency regularization shift [11] and pitch shift [15] belongs to the former class. On
 the other hand, mixup [16, 17] conducts a linear interpolation
 1. INTRODUCTION of two classes of data points to oversample the dataset, which
 utilizes the mixed samples to smooth the decision boundaries
 Sound conveys a substantial amount of information about the by pushing them into low-density region. While the effec-
 environment. The skill of recognizing the surrounding envi- tiveness of each individual method is illustrated in the respec-
 ronment is taken for granted by human while it is a challeng- tive work, combining them is not guaranteed to result in a
 ing task for machines [1]. Sound event detection (SED) aims performance gain [13]. This is owing to having a large hy-
 to detect sound events within an audio stream by labeling the perparameter searching space which complicates finding the
 events as well as their corresponding occurrence timestamps. optimal set of hyperparameters. Such uncertainty prevents
 Taking advantage of deep neural networks, promising results efficient deployment of data augmentation methods for SSL
 have been obtained for SED [2]. However, the high annota- SED, where each sample is heavily augmented by multiple
 tion cost poses obstacles on its further development. augmentations [8–10]. Although CR has been applied for
 One solution for such data deficiency problem is semi- specific data augmentations as for mixup (ICT [3]) and time
 supervised learning (SSL). Since weakly-labeled (clip-level shift (SCT [11]), a more generalized usage of CR for a range
 annotated) and unlabelled data of sound event records are of data augmentation methods remained unexplored.
 abundant, recently, a domestic environment SED task was re- In this work, we propose a new SSL strategy for SED,
 leased by Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and which consists of three novel modules: i) fuse MeanTeacher
 Events (DCASE) challenge1 . The challenge established a sys- and a self-consistency loss, where the latter provides an extra
 tematically organized semi-supervised dataset [2] to facilitate stabilization and regularization for the MeanTeacher training
 the development of semi-supervised SED. procedure; ii) a hard mixup scheme. Because of the additive
 ∗ Corresponding author. property of sound, the mixture of sounds would be considered
 1 http://dcase.community/challenge2021
as concurrent sound events, rather than as an intermediate Time shift Time mask Pitch shift
point between two sounds as is done in the vanilla mixup [16];
iii) adapt RandAugment [18], an efficient data augmentation
 Audio warping
policy which perturbs each data point with a randomly se-
 Input sample
lected transformation, which allows different types of aug- Hard mixup
mentations to be exploited in an unified way. The proposed
strategy is referred to as random consistency training (RCT).
 Teacher model Student model
Experiments show that each proposed module outperforms its
 ′ ′ Unsupervised Loss
competing method in the literature. As a whole, the proposed ෩ . , ෩ , ෩ , , ෩ , 
SSL strategy remarkably outperforms other counterpart ones, ′ ′ Self-consistency
and achieves top performance in DCASE 2021 challenge. ෡ , ෡ ෡ , ෡ 
 ′ ′ 
 ෩ , , ෩ , ෩ , , ෩ , 
 MeanTeacher Loss
SED is defined as a multi-class detection problem where the random selection EMA loss object
onset and offset timestamps of multiple sound events should
be recognized from the input audio clips. We denote the
 (l) Fig. 1: Flowchart of RCT: both hard mixup and audio warping
time-frequency domain audio clips as Xi ∈ RT ×K , where are first applied for data augmentation; MeanTeacher [6] and self-
T is the number of frames and K is the dimension of LogMel consistency are then used for SSL training. Subscripts R and M are
filterbank features. Three types of data annotations are used set to distinguish the predictions of audio warping and hard mixup.
for training data, i.e. weakly labeled, strongly labeled and
unlabeled, which are indicated by superscript l ∈ {w, s, u}, feasible for images, whereas the interpolation of two audio
respectively. i denotes the index of the sample among a to- clips produces a new audio clip due to the additive property
tal of N (l) data points of one type. Let C and Yi be the of the sound. As a result, a combination of multiple audio
number of sound event classes and data labels, respectively. clips could be regarded as a realistic sample containing du-
The weakly labeled and strongly labeled data have the clip- plicated sound events, and should be recognized as an audio
 (w) clip with duplicated sound classes. Thus, the audio mixup is
level and frame-level labels denoted by Yi ∈ RC and
 (s) 0 proposed to directly add multiple samples together, and the
Yi ∈ RT ×C , respectively. Since the time resolution of
 mixture is labeled with all the classes in all original samples.
sound events is normally much lower than the one of sound
 The sound energies of the mixed samples are remained un-
signals, we use pooling layers in the CNN, which results in a
 changed, as they reflect the real energy of sounds. Moreover,
coarser time resolution T 0 rather than T for the predictions.
 we find that combining more than two audio clips could bring
 The baseline model is a CRNN consists of a 7-layer CNN
 extra benefits. That is, it further condenses the distribution of
with Context Gating layers [19], cascaded by a 2-layer bidi-
 sound events and can help the model toward better discrimi-
rectional GRU. An attention module is added at the end to
 nating the sound events. Therefore, we randomly add two or
produce different levels of predictions [7]. MeanTeacher [6]
 three samples together in hard mixup.
is employed for SSL. As shown in Fig. 1, a teacher model
 Audio warping: We use three audio warping methods
is obtained by an EMA of the student CRNN model to pro-
 in this work, and their warping magnitudes are set to d ∈
vide pseudo labels for unlabeled samples. The training loss is
 {1, 2, . . . , 9}. One warping method is randomly chosen with
L = LSupervised + LMeanTeacher , where LSupervised is the cross-
 a random d for each mini-batch: Time shift [11] circularly
entropy loss for the labeled data, and LMeanTeacher is the Mean-
 shifts each audio clip along time axis with a duration of d
Teacher mean square error (MSE) loss for the unlabeled data.
 seconds; Time mask [14] randomly selects 5d intervals from
 the audio clip to be masked to 0 and the length of each mask
 interval is empirically set to 0.1 s; Pitch shift [15] randomly
2.1. Random data augmentation for audio raises or lowers the pitch of the audio clip by d/2 semitones,
RandAugment [18] was proposed as an efficient way of incor- where both pitches and formants are stretched.
porating different types of image transformations. In RCT, we Hard mixup and audio warping are both applied to each
take such idea to construct a general audio warping methods sample in a mini-batch. As shown in Fig. 1, the two methods
for consistency regularization. Random data augmentation is triple the batch size in each training step.
accomplished by combining it with the proposed hard mixup,
which means each training sample is augmented twice. 2.2. Self-consistency training
 Hard mixup: The vanilla mixup [16] conducts an in-
terpolation of two data points belonging to different classes, The MeanTeacher loss used in [7] has already shown a no-
aiming to smooth the decision boundary. Such operation is table capacity in mining information from unlabeled data.
To further utilize the unsupervised data, we propose to ap- PSDS1
 14 PSDS2

 Relative PSDS Performance (%)
ply self-consistency regularization in addition to the Mean-
Teacher loss. Let Ŷi
 ∈ RC and Ỹi
 ∈ RC denote 13
the weak (clip-level) predictions of original and augmented 12
 (s) 0
samples of the student model, and similarly Ŷi ∈ RT ×C 11
 (s) 0
and Ỹi ∈ RT ×C for the strong (frame-level) predictions. 10
Self-consistency regulates the model by an extra MSE loss 9
 N 8
 1 X (w) (w)
 LSC = r(step) kDp(w) (Ŷi ) − Ỹi k22 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 N (w) C i Maximum Transformation Magnitude (dmax)
 N Fig. 2: The relative performance gain as a function of maximum
 1 X (s) (s)
 + r(step) (s) 0
 kDp(s) (Ŷi ) − Ỹi k22 , (1) transformation magnitude (dmax ). The transformation magnitude
 N CT i (d) is randomly selected from [1, dmax ]. Relative performance
 gain computed using the baseline performance (PSDS1 = 34.74%,
where k · k2 denotes the Euclidean norm for a vector/matrix, PSDS2 = 53.66%). The markers and vertical lines represent the
r(step) is a ramp-up function varying along the training step, mean and standard deviation computed using three trials.
and Dp (·) (l ∈ {w, s}) is a transformation on the predic-
tions of original samples, as the labels should correspondingly 3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
change for augmented samples. Pitch shift and time mask do
not change the labels. Time shift should accordingly shift the We use the baseline model [7] on DCASE 2021 Task 4 dataset
strong labels (or predictions) along time axis. As for hard to test the performance of the proposed method. The dataset
mixup, the mixed audio clip includes all the sound classes consists of 1578 weakly-labeled, 10000 synthesized strongly-
presented in the original audio clips. However, the labels for labeled and 14412 unlabeled audio clips. Each 10-second au-
the combined sound classes cannot be trivially obtained by dio clip are first resampled to 16 kHz and then frame blocked
adding the predictions of original samples, since the summa- with a frame length of 128 ms (2048 samples) and a hop
tion of two soft-predictions is meaningless. Instead, we define length of 16 ms (256 samples). After 2048-point fast Fourier
a non-linear transformation for hard mixup transform, 128-dimensional LogMel features are extracted for
 each frame, converting the 10-second audio clip into a 626 ×
 (l) (l) (l)
 Dmixup (Ŷi ) = ∨i∈M harden(Ŷi ), (2) 128 spectrogram. All samples are normalized to [−1, 1] be-
 fore feeding into the network.
where ∨ indicates element-wise OR operation, M is an arbi-
 The batch size is 48, consisting of 12 weakly-labeled, 12
trary set consists of two or three data samples used in hard
 strongly-labeled and 24 unlabeled data points. The learning
mixup, and harden(·) is an empirically estimated element-
 rate ramps up to 10−3 until 50 and is scheduled by Adam op-
wise binary hardening function which ceils (or floors) the ma-
 timizer [20] until the end of training, i.e. 200 epochs. The
trix elements to 1 (or 0) if the elements are larger than 0.95 (or
 weight for MeanTeacher and self-consistency losses, r(step),
smaller than 0.05). This transformation first hardens the pre-
 linearly ramps up from 0 to 2 at epoch 50 and is then kept
dictions of original samples, from which the active/inactive
 unchanged. The system performance is evaluated through
sound classes are combined. The total loss L used for train-
 polyphonic sound detection scores (PSDSs) [21] according
ing the CRNN model will be
 to the DCASE 2021 challenge guidelines. The metrics takes
 L = LSupervised + LMeanTeacher + LSC . (3) both response speed (PSDS1 ) and cross-trigger performance
 (PSDS2 ) into account; the larger the better for both metrics.
In the proposed self-consistency loss, the student model is
regulated to give the consistent predictions for the origi- 3.1. Ablation study on SED
nal and augmented samples. Such consistency constraint
between the original and augmented samples always holds In the random augmentation policy, the only hyperparameter
regardless of the correctness of the predictions. This is differ- that needs to be grid-searched is the maximum transformation
ent from ICT [3], which replaces the MeanTeacher loss with a magnitude (dmax ). Fig. 2 shows the grid-searching results. As
new loss in the form of Eq. (1). In ICT [5], the predictions of seen, trend-wise the performance improves as the maximum
original samples are from the MeanTeacher model. Denoted transformation magnitude increases (until 5 or 6).
 0(w) 0(s) (w) (s) Table 1 shows the result of ablation study, in which each
as Ŷi and Ŷi , they substitute Ŷi and Ŷi from the
student model in Eq. (1). However, such pseudo labels highly proposed module is added step by step. As seen, the proposed
rely on the correctness of the MeanTeacher method predic- schemes lead to noticeable positive contributions, including
tions, while incorrect pseudo labels may mislead the student 2 http://dcase.community/challenge2021/task-sound-event-detection-and-

model; hence, reduce the training efficiency. separation-in-domestic-environments
Table 1: Ablation study for RCT. Different modules are added step Table 2: Comparing the proposed SSL strategy with other strategies.
by step and each score is obtained by averaging at least three trials. Each score is obtained by at least averaging three trials.

 Model PSDS1 (%) PSDS2 (%) Model PSDS1 (%) PSDS2 (%)
 Baseline 34.74 53.66 Baseline [7] 34.74 53.66
 + Vanilla mixup [16] 34.89 57.85 SCT [11] 36.03 55.59
 + Hard mixup 36.35 57.42 ICT [3] 37.68 57.70
 + RandAugment 38.09 58.45 ICT+SCT [11] 37.03 58.70
 + ICT consistency [3] 38.02 59.19 RCT (proposed) 40.12 61.39
 + Self-consistency 40.12 61.39
 Table 3: Comparing the proposed system with DCASE2021 top-
RandAugment, hard mixup and self-consistency. In addition, ranked submissions. All models are named in the form of network
we conduct experiments to substitute the latter two modules architecture plus the SSL strategy, where DA, IPL, NS stand for data
by vanilla mixup [16] and ICT-like consistency [3]. While augmentation, improved pseudo label [10], and noisy student [23]
vanilla mixup is slightly better in cross-trigger, hard mixup Model PSDS1 (%) PSDS2 (%)
gives more significant gain in response time. Self-consistency
outperforms the ICT-like consistency in both metrics, which CRNN (baseline) [7] 34.74 53.66
demonstrates the superiority of the proposed modules. FBCRNN+MLFL [24] 40.10 59.70
 CRNN+IPL [10] 40.70 65.30
3.2. Comparison with other semi-supervised strategies CRNN+DA [25] 41.90 63.80
 CRNN+HeavyAug. [9] 43.36 63.92
To evaluate the proposed SSL strategy collectively, we re- RCRNN+NS [23] 45.10 67.90
produce and compare with other widely used SSL strategies, SKUnit+ICT/SCT [16] 45.35 67.14
including ICT [3], SCT [11] and their combination, using CRNN+RCT (proposed) 43.95 67.11
the same baseline network as the proposed strategy. Table
2 shows the comparison results. Compared with the baseline strates the flexibility of RCT and its capacity in incorporating
MeanTeacher model, ICT largely improves the performance new audio transformations with a low tuning cost overhead.
by its proposed teacher-student consistency loss. SCT perfor- The proposed system is compared with DCASE2021 top-
mance is not as good as ICT, which indicates that the time ranked submissions in Table 3. The scores of DCASE2021
shift is not as efficient as interpolation (mixup). Combining submissions are directly quoted from the challenge results.
ICT and SCT does not outperform ICT alone, which indi- The proposed system noticeably outperforms all other sys-
cates that the naive addition of ICT and SCT [11] is not an tems employing the baseline CRNN network, which again
effective way to combine multiple different augmentations. verifies the superiority of the proposed RCT strategy. On the
In contrast, as shown in Table 1, the proposed strategy is able other side, the performance of the proposed system is very
to efficiently combine multiple different augmentations, and close to the two first-ranked submissions [8, 23]. They both
leverage them. Overall, the proposed method remarkably out- use more powerful networks, i.e. SKUnit [8] and RCRNN
performs ICT and SCT, due to the strength of each proposed [23], which were shown in [8,23] to be able to largely improve
modules and the efficient combination of them. the performance. The proposed framework is independent of
 the network and can be applied along with more advanced
3.3. Comparison with DCASE2021 submissions architectures to achieve higher performance.
To further assess the efficacy of the proposed method and
conduct fair comparisons with the DCASE 2021 submitted 4. CONCLUSION
models, we also employed some existing post-processing and
ensembling techniques in our model. A temperature factor In this paper, we developed a novel semi-supervised learning
of 2.1 was used for inference temperature tuning [8], and (SSL) strategy, named random consistency training (RCT),
the class-wise median filters {3, 28, 7, 4, 7, 22, 48, 19, 10, 50} for sound event detection (SED) task. The proposed method
[22] were deployed. Moreover, model ensembling was ap- improves several core modules of SSL, including unsuper-
plied to fuse the predictions of multiple differently trained vised training loss and data augmentation schemes. It leads
models. We trained eleven models with different variants of to achieving high performance on the DCASE 2021 challenge
RCT: substituting time masking with frequency masking [14]; dataset. As for future work, we deem that better results could
adding FilterAug [9] into audio warping choices; randomly be obtained when RCT is combined with more advanced aug-
selecting two or one methods in audio warping; and, reduced mentations or architectures. Besides, since RCT is not task-
the weight of the MeanTeacher loss. We found that all dif- specific, it can potentially be applied in various audio process-
ferent variants achieve reasonable performance. This demon- ing tasks which is another broad avenue for future work.
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