#IWTS 2.0: "Mobilizing small waterway transport potentials" Digital IWT - The Future of Supply Chains

Page created by Roger Watkins
#IWTS 2.0: "Mobilizing small waterway transport potentials" Digital IWT - The Future of Supply Chains
#IWTS 2.0: “Mobilizing small
waterway transport potentials”
Digital IWT – The Future of Supply

    “#IWTS 2.0: Mobilising small waterway transport potentials”
#IWTS 2.0: "Mobilizing small waterway transport potentials" Digital IWT - The Future of Supply Chains
Lay out cover by: Maritieme Akademie Harlingen. Cover photo: bremenports GmbH & Co. KG

This document is published within the #IWTS 2.0 project, an INTERREG Vb project of the North Sea Region as
one of the material for WP 5.


 Dr. Jan-Niklas Bamler
 bremenports GmbH & Co. KG (bremenports)

Version: 1.0, 22nd February 2021

                “#IWTS 2.0: Mobilising small waterway transport potentials”
#IWTS 2.0: "Mobilizing small waterway transport potentials" Digital IWT - The Future of Supply Chains
Digital IWT – The Future of Supply


Digital IWT – The Future of Supply Chains ........................................................................................................ 4

    Aboard the MV “Esmeralda” once again ................................................................................................................. 5

    IWT – an underestimated and underutilised Factor in Supply Chains ................................................................ 8

    IW-NET: The Future of European IWT at bremenports .......................................................................................10

    Review Questions ....................................................................................................................................................13

About #IWTS 2.0.................................................................................................................................................. 14

REFERENCES......................................................................................................................................................... 15

                         “#IWTS 2.0: Mobilising small waterway transport potentials”
#IWTS 2.0: "Mobilizing small waterway transport potentials" Digital IWT - The Future of Supply Chains
Digital IWT – The Future of Supply Chains
“Oh, I’m so sorry you had to wait for me!”, Frank shouts as he runs down the quay gasping for air in
the early hours of a gloomy Monday morning at the Kalihafen within the industrial port of Bremen
(see Map 1). Waiting for him more than 15 minutes already to go for a trip along the River Weser in the
course of a logistics class assignment, his fellow student and neighbour Sabrina as well as the crew of
the inland vessel MV “Esmeralda” are far from being amused. “Can’t you be on time just once in your
life?”, Sabrina nags. “It’s not my fault”, Frank pleads, “The train I wanted to take was cancelled, so I
took my flatmate’s car but got stuck in traffic!” “They announced that train cancelling yesterday
already and how come I was able to make it on time with my car?”, Sabrina insists, “We live next-door
to each other! Didn’t you check beforehand? When I woke up, my app already told me to leave early
this mornin” Frank blushes, “Honestly speaking, I don’t even have those apps installed.”

It’s not only in a student’s life that information and          As we can already assume by looking at gasping
timing are sometimes everything. When it comes                  latecomer Frank, digitalisation and automatization
to competing in logistics, being on time and the                can be quite a helper in all of this. “Ok, Frank, let’s
right information at hand makes the difference                  get going now and see what other things we can
between those who succeed or fail to attract                    learn about the possible advantages of
customers and make a living. That goes even more                digitalisation when abord”, Sabrina says
so IWT1, a mode of transport often anticipated as               soothingly as they come to visit the MV
being particularly slow, rather old-fashioned in                “Esmeralda” again (see previos case study,
general and therefore not too popular anyhow.                   Stemmler, 2020).

Map 1: The City of Bremen, locks Oslebshausen, Hemelingen, Kalihafen and bremenports office (own mapping, 2021, based on
OpenStreetMap, 2021).

1 Inland Waterway Transportation

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                 “#IWTS 2.0: Mobilising small waterway transport potentials”
#IWTS 2.0: "Mobilizing small waterway transport potentials" Digital IWT - The Future of Supply Chains
Aboard the MV “Esmeralda” once again
Coming aboard the inland vessel Frank and
Sabrina receive a ruff but warm welcome by its
captain Bernd Blois: “Good morning you two!
Happy to see you again and that you actually
managed to get out of bed this early! But enough
talk for now, let’s get underway! We urgently need
to get Bremerhaven to pick up some more
containers and then continue to Brunswick, the
port of Braunschweig.”

Having said so, their first duty takes them to
engine room to see if everything is still in good
shape, add some oil to the 1,200 horse-powered
engine and check the electric system that is still
hooked up to shore power, nowadays a
prerequisite at the port of Bremen to avoid
unnecessary environmental impacts and noise
through running diesel engines.

So, up next is the decoupling of the shore power
(see Picture 1) which can be tedious a task, not
only due to the heavy power cables which can
weigh up to 50 kg, but moreover, because there
quite some process involved:                           Picture 1: Shore-to-ship power box at the port of Bremen
                                                       (Author, 2021).
    1.   Beforehand skippers must obtain an
         electronic key at least once and therefore:   After Sabrina and Frank have had the honour of
         a. Apply for a shore power connection by      stowing the power cable on behalf of the crew,
            phone,                                     everyone meets on the vessel’s bridge. “Alright!”,
         b. Visit the bremenports office on            Frank shouts excitedly once a deeply rumbling
            working days from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. or      sound starts filling the cool morning as the ship’s
            the Hemelingen lock control station        engine ignites, “The trip starts!” “Not quite yet,
            from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. on working days     landlubber, let’s see what the lock tells us!”,
            or on Sundays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.        captain Blois replies as he smiles and reaches for
         c. Identify themselves and sign a             one of his three radios set to the local frequency
            contract                                   of the lock Oslebshausen. “Good morning! This is
         d. Leave a € 50 deposit.                      the MV Esmeralda underway, requesting transit
         e. Get back to their ships.                   for lock Oslebshausen.” “Good morning MV
    2.   Arriving at the berth skippers must:          Esmeralda!”, the lock replies, “Proceed to waiting
         a. Unlock the junction box,                   position, you just missed the last lockage and we
         b. Connect cables,                            have a ship coming in from the Weser first.” “Ok,
         c. Note down the initial meter reading,       we’ll proceeding to waiting position in a moment.”
         d. Flick power switches on,
                                                       Time to deal with further formalities via crackling
         e. Lock junction box.
                                                       radio which occasionally picks up other port
    3.   Leaving the berth skippers must:
         a. Unlock the junction box,
         b. Disconnect cables,                         Whilst checking-out from the port necessitates
         c. Note down the final meter reading,         comparatively little information to be passed on to
         d. Flick power switches off,                  port authorities – contact details of the person
         e. Lock junction box                          responsible for the report, the vessel name, if this
         f. Report both initial and final meter to     has changed during the port stay, draft, the
            the harbourmaster by phone or email.       departure time and vessel’s destination – arrival at

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                “#IWTS 2.0: Mobilising small waterway transport potentials”
#IWTS 2.0: "Mobilizing small waterway transport potentials" Digital IWT - The Future of Supply Chains
the next port is much more sophisticated.               of a big team, a supply chain. The containers we’re
Checking-in requires about 18 pieces of                 transporting must be loaded off and will then be
information: the provision of information on            waiting for some time at the port to be picked up
contact details of the person responsible for the       by boat, train or truck, each with their own delay
report, ENI number2, ship name, ship type, call         and with no one coordinating whole the process
signs, flag of the ship, home port, load capacity,      and building up further and further unnecessary
overall length and breadth, estimated time of           postponement until the container gets where it’s
arrival, draft, last port visited, next port to be      ought to.”
visited, if there is fumigated3 bulk cargo on board,
                                                        Two and a half hours, plenty of coffee and some
invoice recipient, actual recipients of services,
                                                        sandwiches later the vessel is finally on the Weser.
berth and special requirements that must be
                                                        Another 05:20 h to go to Bremerhaven, more
taken into account (Freie Hansestadt Bremen,
                                                        formalities, finding the right berth, landing,
                                                        hooking up the boat to the electricity, supervising
20 minutes later the ship starts moving slowly          unloading and loading and the crew of the MV
towards wating position in front of the lock. As the    “Esmeralda” is done, at least for today: “So, my two
vessel arrives, another radio message comes in:         students, that was the uncomplicated part of the
“Lock Oslebshausen for MV Esmeralda. We’re              journey. Tomorrow morning we’ll be heading for
sorry, more ships announced that they will be           Brunswick, facing many more locks [see Figure 1]
coming in from the Weser and one of the pilots of       and many sections with encounter prohibitions.
a seagoing ship insists on us waiting for him. That     Let’s hope we’ll manage to slip through. Sadly,
will take some more time.” “Copy!”, Blois replies       there’s no smartphone app to help us sailors,
with a shaking voice as he knocks down the              truckers and train drivers coordinate ourselves to
handpiece of his radio with quite some force.           avoid imponderables. But I’m sure you’ll get one
“Damn! These locks are just unpredictable! How          now, won’t you, Frank?”, Blois teases as the
are we even to get to Bremerhaven without               students go ashore to head home.
putting in too many over hours and how are our
containers ought to be on time? I better call my
boss to break the news to him and our customer.”

Time for a second breakfast aboard. “Does this
happen a lot?”, Sabrina wants to know. “Not often,
but too often”, Blois smiles. “We need to compete
with the other modes of transport and be fast and
at least somewhat predictable. The guys at the
lock do their best with the limited information they
have, but you just can’t tell when the inland vessels
will come in because they often announce their
arrival just 15 minutes beforehand and the pilots
accompanying the big seagoing ships rightfully
have the power to overrule everything due to
safety concerns and their ships go first anyhow.
Then, going through the lock itself can take 20 to
40 minutes, depending on the tide and thus the
amounts of water needed. When push comes to
shove like today, we’ll be waiting over two hours
just to get into the lock. And that’s only what
happens on our ship. See, we are just a little part

   European Number of Identification, an official       3
                                                          Fumigation is the process of releasing toxic gases
registration number for inland vessels.                 (pesticides) into a cargo hold or compartment for the
                                                        purpose of eliminating or avoiding infestation by insects
                                                        or other pests that may cause the cargo to deteriorate.

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                 “#IWTS 2.0: Mobilising small waterway transport potentials”
#IWTS 2.0: "Mobilizing small waterway transport potentials" Digital IWT - The Future of Supply Chains
Picture 2: Impressions of a trip from Bremerhaven to Braunschweig abord (Author,2021; bremenports, 2020; Claudia Behrend,

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                 “#IWTS 2.0: Mobilising small waterway transport potentials”
#IWTS 2.0: "Mobilizing small waterway transport potentials" Digital IWT - The Future of Supply Chains
Figure 1: Overview of locks along the Mittelweser and the Mittelland Canal/Mittellandkanal (own visualisation, 2021, based on
Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsamt Mittellandkanal / Elbe-Seitenkanal, 2021).

IWT – an underestimated and                                        As a matter of fact, in 2018 more than 20,000 TEU4
                                                                   and numerous bulk cargo was shipped from
underutilised Factor in Supply Chains                              Bremen to areas such as Lower Saxony, aside
As we have just vividly seen, there are many                       serving Bremen itself and minor amounts going to
calamities going along with IWT supply chains.                     the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, another
Moreover, as was shown in a previous case study,                   German federal state. With regards to the former
IWT is often underestimated in terms of overall                    destination, IWT thereby held 13% of total modal
size and importance especially when it comes to                    spilt at the ports of Bremen (own calculations
regions such as North-Western Germany. And one                     based on ISL, 2020, p. 3) and thus actively catered
must admit that this notion generally holds true,                  for regions that host some of the world's most
however, only to a certain extend.                                 important and innovative hubs of the automotive
                                                                   and transport industry or metallurgy, steel
Indeed,     ports   like   Rotterdam,     Antwerp,                 manufacturing and processing, often through the
Amsterdam enjoy a total hinterland modal spilt                     port of Braunschweig. Amongst the companies of
drastically more in favour of IWT when compared                    relevance are global players such as VW AG,
to those of Bremen for example, namely ca. 50%                     Continental AG, Siemens, Alstom, Bombardier,
in the mentioned Dutch ports versus only 4% at                     Bosch or Salzgitter AG, to name but a few in the
the port of Bremerhaven (Stemmler, 2020).                          metropolitan region of Hannover, Braunschweig,
Nevertheless, a closer look at the underlying                      Göttingen,       Wolfsburg       (Kegel,      2003;
numbers taking into account relative economic                      Metropolregion Hannover, 2015).
importance reveals that for certain areas, amongst
them German industry clusters of nation-, if not                   Additionally, trends are changing. The ports of
world-wide importance, are dependent on inland                     Bremen were able to increase their container
shipping.                                                          traffic with the German hinterland over recent

 Twenty-foot Equivalent Units, a unit of cargo capacity
based on the volume of a 20-foot-long/6.1 m intermodal

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                  “#IWTS 2.0: Mobilising small waterway transport potentials”
#IWTS 2.0: "Mobilizing small waterway transport potentials" Digital IWT - The Future of Supply Chains
years. Most noteworthy in this regard is an             corresponding processes or process steps are
increase in traffic with North Rhine-Westphalia to      currently still often carried out manually.
the detriment of ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp,
                                                        In fact, physical transport is often faster than the
partly outrunning their geographic advantage
                                                        corresponding flow of information which results in
provided by the Rhine which enables inexpensive
                                                        severe cost and time disadvantages compared to
pre- and post-carriage (ISL, 2020, p. 3).
                                                        competing road and rail transports. In particular,
And there is more to IWT than supplying industries      the synchronization between inland ports,
with preliminary products to help these generate        seaports and the connecting modes of transport
regional development and employment aside               in the hinterland, which is necessary for process
shareholder value.                                      optimization, still has a lot of catching up to do.
                                                        Thus, digital services and intelligent information
With IWT in its present state already consuming
                                                        technologies that collect data and information
just a fifth of energy per tonne-kilometre as
                                                        from various sources, process it and make it
compared to road transport and only half of rail
                                                        available to all stakeholders in a transparent
transport and thus being by far the most energy
                                                        manner, promise significant increases in efficiency
efficient mode of transport, the exploitation of
                                                        in both internal and cost logistics processes.
IWT’s full potential and a modal shift in its favour
can be regarded as a pre-requisite to help meet         Another     major   issue    are     infrastructure
targets in terms of GHG5 (European Commission,          bottlenecks. Larger locks, bridges or deepening,
2019; Savy, 2016). Inland ports located along rivers    widening or straightening of fairways are,
and canals constitute potentially highly efficient      however, costly and take time to construct
distribution hubs regulating various freight flows      (European Court of Auditors, 2015, p. 13; Witte,
(Rodrigue, Debrie, Fremont, & Gouvernal, 2010) to       Wiegmans, van Oort, & Spit, S. 57). Here, means of
cities in particular, linked to global transport via    intelligent and cost-effective traffic flow
seaport gateways (Caris, Limbourg, Macharis, Van        management measures are key.
Lier, & Cools, 2014). IWT thus has the potential of
                                                        IT-based predictions on navigability and traffic
providing environmentally friendly sustainable
                                                        situations could enable vessel operators and
solutions, whilst fuelling economic development.
                                                        skippers to optimize cruise speeds, reduce fuel
Yet, as was also illustrated before, these potentials   consumption/GHG emissions and simultaneously
of IWT are often underutilised.                         save money and increase supply chain speed by
                                                        inhibiting wating for locks or at fairway sections
Predictability and reliability of IWT transport are
                                                        where encounters are prohibited through
the most important prerequisites for a more
                                                        sequencing and convoying. App-based service
competitive supply chain alternative to road and
                                                        system, could furthermore empowered vessel
train transport. Partially outdated information
                                                        operators and skippers to get an overview of the
systems in inland shipping represent one of the
                                                        current and predicted occupation of berths with
greatest obstacles to the efficient integration of
                                                        power supply and allow them to comfortably
inland     ports    into    modern     multi-   and
                                                        book, activate and pay these services, aside
synchromodal transport chains (Ninnemann,
                                                        offering further ones. Further efficiency could
Tesch, & Czogalla, 2017). Thus, “to ensure the
                                                        come from automation techniques with regards to
competitiveness of the inland waterway system in
                                                        locks, presently often limited to specific operating
the medium and long term, a significantly more
intensive orientation of inland navigation towards
digital trends will be indispensable in the future.”
(DZIB, 2019, p. 2) In particular, there is great
potential for optimisation in the cross-company
communication between the inland ports and
other involved players in inland navigation, since

    Greenhouse Gas emissions

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#IWTS 2.0: "Mobilizing small waterway transport potentials" Digital IWT - The Future of Supply Chains
Picture 3: The semi-autonomous vessel Gamma being tested in Belgium (Pauwels & van Overloop, 2021).

hours and autonomous barges (see Picture 3),                      Canal therefore serve as living laboratories where
with the prior already in existence in many places                infrastructure and traffic flow management on
and the latter presently being tested in Belgium                  inland waterways are test in real-life scenarios
(Pauwels & van Overloop, 2021).                                   along TEN-T6 corridors, specifically for:

The ports of Bremen currently explore a number                         •   Lock forecasting to reduce uncertainty in
of these potentials through research projects, with                        vessel voyage planning for larger inland
the biggest one of them being the EU / Horizon                             vessels for the Bremerhaven hinterland
2020 funded “IW-NET”. By approaching the issues                            transport. New methods of intelligent
faced from an infrastructure provider’s point of                           lock planning shall ease the flow of traffic
view, it provides future basis for many data-driven                        particularly   with    respect    to    the
business models at various process levels in inland                        requirements of larger vessels. The
navigation specifically with regards to traffic                            interaction of lock and vessel via mobile
management and interfaces (DZIB, 2019, p. 2).                              app will enable IWT operators to adapt
                                                                           their speed and thus save fuel and reduce
IW-NET: The Future of European IWT                                         GHG emissions. Further, exploration of
at bremenports                                                             data feedback loops between tide-
                                                                           dependent harbour lock and upstream
As part of the Innovation driven Collaborative                             locks and terminals will take place.
European Inland Waterways Transport Network                            •   Lock Planning in Bremen Oslebshausen /
(IW-NET), bremenports facilitates IWT as an                                industrial harbour to development of a
environmentally friendly and economically                                  demonstrator app for lock requests and
advantageous alternative to road and railways                              announcements of vessels arriving from
track based transport, “by following a holistic                            Bremerhaven along the River Weser
approach that not only covers digitalisation and                           heading towards the Bremen industrial
multimodal integration in IWT but provides                                 harbour and development of a planning
organisational and technological solutions for                             tool for optimized lock operation.
improved infrastructure management” (CORDIS,                           •   Traffic forecasts for new IWT scenarios,
2020).                                                                     e.g. opening the new RegioPort in
The ports of Bremen and its hinterland                                     Minden, a greenfield intermodal facility at
connections via the River Weser and the Mittelland                         the Mittelland Canal and vessel types.

 Trans-European Transport Network, a planned network
of roads, railways, airports and water infrastructure in
the European Union.

                                                                                                              Page 10
                  “#IWTS 2.0: Mobilising small waterway transport potentials”
•   ICT7-supported management of fairway          place when inexpensive renewable electricity is
           sections      where     encounters      are   available or the lock could simply be opened in
           prohibited. Establishment of machine          order to allow high tides of the Weser to push the
           learning tools to predict future conditions   required amounts of water into the harbour.
           and events e.g., berth occupation,            Trough an intelligent, end-to-end networking of
           navigability.                                 shipping traffic monitored via AIS8 (see Picture 5
       •   Ship registration, berth planning in          and Map 2), lock operations and the associated
           relation with shore power supply, fresh       pumping stations, energy and cost efficiency will
           water supply, other ship supply services      be increased drastically. The artificial intelligence
           (e.g. food and spare parts) for barges        of Tide2Use takes into account efficient, reliable
           including invoicing of port fees as part of   and predictive energy use and serve as an
           a demonstrator app. An IT-supported           information system for shipping by publishing the
           shore power management shall enable           times for optimal lock periods. The shipping
           infrastructure managers to offer services     companies, clearing agents and skippers can use
           that are more convenient and thereby          this information as suggestions for their planning
           stimulate the widespread use of shore         and thus reduce waiting times at the lock
           power and ease administrative processes       (bremenports, 2019).
           (European Commission, 2020).
                                                         In combination with the overarching traffic
To do so, IW-NET will party build on a pre-existing      management approach as provided in IW-NET, its
project called “Tide2Use”.                               app as part of a one-stop-shop solution that could
                                                         further be extended to synchronising different
bremenports industrial harbour necessitates a
                                                         modes of transport along supply chains, these
sufficient water level to ensure safe nautical
                                                         projects will provide the basis for not only enabling
conditions for seagoing vessels. Since water losses
                                                         a more enabling and thereby competitive
are unavoidable during the lock process in
                                                         framework for IWT in general, but will help
Oslebshausen (see Picture 4), supply of water by
                                                         achieving       modal      shift,     environmental
pumps is necessary, but requires large amounts of
                                                         sustainability and become a practical business
precious and expensive energy. In fact, it is
                                                         advantage for the ports of Bremen and its
estimated that these pumps currently use around
                                                         hinterland economy.
10% of the total consumption of the port
infrastructure. In order to smartly cater for
sufficient water levels in future, pumping is to take

    Information and Communications Technology            8
                                                              Automatic   identification   systems,     whereby
                                                         transponders provide position, identification and other
                                                         information about the ship to other ships and to coastal
                                                         authorities automatically.

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                  “#IWTS 2.0: Mobilising small waterway transport potentials”
Picture 4: The access to the industrial port of Bremen – the lock Oslebshausen – will soon be digitally optimised (bremenports,

Picture 5: Exemplary snapshot of raw AIS ship data (Author, 2021).

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                   “#IWTS 2.0: Mobilising small waterway transport potentials”
Map 2: Exemplary visualisation of an AIS ship data and ports along the Weser (own mapping, 2021, based on vesselfinder.com,

Review Questions

1.   Compare three IWT sailing schedule scenarios for vessels going from Bremen (industrial port) to
     Braunschweig: a traditional, unoptimized one (S1), one partly optimised through traffic management (S2)
     and one fully optimised through traffic management additionally relying on autonomous vessels and
     automatic locks (S3). Display results using path-time-diagrams generated in Microsoft Excel or an open-
     source alternative like OpenOffice or Google Sheets. Use the information presented in the text, research
     for ports for mooring along the way using web search, measure distances travelled on waterways through
     a web mapping service like Google Maps. Assume the start of the trip on a Monday morning 6:30 a.m.,
     an average speed of 10 km/h, 30 minutes for the lockage process itself/within the lock, mooring only at
     ports and a neglect of encounter restrictions on the way for all scenarios. Further assume 1h average
     waiting time in front of locks for half of them and 20 minutes for the other half for S1, 15 minutes average
     waiting in front of locks for S2 and no waiting times at locks for S3. S1 and S2 further assume a maximum
     14h workday followed by a break of 10 h and lock operating hours from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday to
     Saturday and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sundays. Research further information and make own assumptions if
     required. Proof each assumption with at least two reliable sources and shortly argue for their reliability.
     From the result, put together an appealing presentation summarising your insights on not more than five
     slides, one slide for the title, one per scenario and one for conclusions.

2.   Research other traffic management systems, e.g. for air traffic control or railway operations and compare
     these to what is intended in inland navigation along the Central Weser, what any additional tasks of such
     systems are, what difference and similarities there are and how these can be justified and what would
     change in the case of autonomous vehicles. Summarise your insight using 2,000 to 3,000 words.

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                  “#IWTS 2.0: Mobilising small waterway transport potentials”
About #IWTS 2.0
This case study has been prepared as part of the EU-funded project #IWTS 2.0. IWTS stands for Inland
Waterway Transportation System. This project includes ten partners in the North Sea Region with one goal:
mobilising inland waterway solutions. Solutions include infrastructure upgrades of waterways, new vessel
concepts and innovative business models. bremenports GmbH & Co. KG, the infrastructure manager of the
Ports of Bremen and Bremerhaven, is the German partner in #IWTS 2.0.

For more information see here: https://northsearegion.eu/iwts20

 bremenports GmbH & Co. KG at a glance

bremenports GmbH & Co. KG are the public
infrastructure managers of the Ports of
Bremen and Bremerhaven.

With 400 staff, we ensure port availability on
365 days a year, 24/7. Further, we develop the
ports to meet future needs, balancing
ecological, economic and social requirements.

Our role in #IWTS 2.0 is to bring inland
shipping onto the mental radarscreens of
students and logistics decision makers.

         https://www.bremenports.de                                                    Bremen

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                “#IWTS 2.0: Mobilising small waterway transport potentials”
bremenports. (2019). Oslebshauser Schleuse soll intelligent werden. Forschungsprojekt zur Digitalisierung
des Schleusenbetriebs. Retrieved 02 09, 2021, from https://bremenports.de/unternehmen/oslebshauser-

Caris, A., Limbourg, S., Macharis, C., Van Lier, T., & Cools, M. (2014). Integration of inland waterway transport
in the intermodal supply chain: a taxonomy of research challenges. Journal of Transport Geography(41), pp.

CORDIS. (2020). Innovation driven Collaborative European Inland Waterways Transport Network. Retrieved
01 17, 2021, from https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/861377

DZIB. (2019). Digitalisierung       in   der   Binnenschifffahrt.   Perspektiven   digitaler,    datengetriebener
Geschäftsmodelle. Hamburg.

European      Commission.     (2019).   Inland         waterways.      Retrieved    01     15,     2021,     from

European Commission. (2020). Grant Agreement number: 861377 - IW-NET. Unpublished. Brussels.

European Court of Auditors. (2015). Inland Waterway Transport in Europe: No significant improvements in
modal share and navigability conditions since 2001 (Special Report). Luxemburg.

Freie Hansestadt Bremen. (2020). Bremische Hafenordnung. Retrieved 02 03, 2021, from

ISL. (2020). Aktualisierung der Analyse und Prognose des See- und Hinterland-verkehrs der bremischen Häfen.
Zusammenfassung des Endberichts. Bremen.

Kegel, U. (2003, 12). Flexible Handhabung des Zentrale-Orte-Konzepts am Beispiel der Region Braunschweig.
Informationen zur Raumentwicklung(12), pp. 737-743.

Metropolregion Hannover. (2015). Zusammenwachsen! Arbeitsprogramm 2015–2019. Kurzfassung.
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