JAMES GILLESPIE'S PRIMARY SCHOOL - Standards and Quality Report 2021-2022

Page created by Marshall Sherman
 Standards and Quality Report 2021-2022

 How Good is our School?
 Context of the School
 School vision, values and aims
 Equalities assessment
 School context
 School handbook
 School policies

Name of setting: James Gillespie’s Primary School
Standards & Quality Report (3-4 Bullet points for each)
1.3 Leadership of Change
   - Developing a shared vision, values & aims relevant to the school and its community
   - Strategic planning for continuous improvement
   - Implementing improvement and change

   •  Our Vision, Values and Aims were refreshed recently following a whole-school-community consultation. These now need to be tied
      explicitly to the UNCRC Articles and we will continue to teach our Values and the Articles together. As we support children following the
      period of learning at home, we will have a renewed focus on our values and school expectations.
   • We continue to analyse all of our available data to drive strategy for improvement. Writing attainment and breadth and progression of
      curriculum will continue to be a focus in 2021-2022. The school leadership team will be monitoring coverage of curriculum experiences and
      outcomes using teachers’ forward plan summary sheet and weekly timetable. Teachers will use year group planning meetings, whi ch take
      place weekly, to monitor coverage of curriculum experiences and outcomes.
   • Many non-promoted staff are keen to lead / utilise leadership training and there will again be opportunities for working group leadership
      roles during the coming year. The school has now established a digital learning leadership team of 1 DHT and 5 teachers, as required by
      the City of Edinburgh Council’s Digital Learning Strategy.
2.3 Learning, Teaching and Assessment
-   Learning and Engagement
   -   Quality of teaching
   -   Effective use of assessment
   -   Planning, tracking and monitoring

   •   We have high levels of student engagement and staff and parents have worked hard to re-engage and support all students following Covid
       learning at home. During learning at home, our engagement levels were around 95%. Our supported children engage very well and the
       numbers of children progressing from “red” to “amber” to “green” on our school attainment tracker is very good for supported children.
       Highly structured support programmes such as Read, Write, Inc and Fresh Start have contributed to this. The support for learning team
       continues to deliver a number of support programmes despite Covid restrictions limiting the number of face-to-face contact staff members
       can have each day/week.
   •   Teachers, school leadership team and the support for learning team continue to use assessments to identify learning gaps. Teachers use
       assessment data analytically to inform next steps in learning. We are undertaking the Scottish National Standardised Assessments in P1, 4
       & 7 at the time of writing and teachers will be given the student-level data to help decide next steps in learning for the current and following
       class teacher. The school leadership team will use the school-level data to confirm where our school needs to improve attainment in
       literacy and numeracy. This will then be discussed with teachers in their attainment coaching meetings. Year group teams will be asked to
       us the “next steps analysis” from SNSA to inform teaching and learning next steps.
   •   Teachers plan in teams of 3 or 4 in year groups and provide consistency and a broad, balanced curriculum. Further checking will take place
       this year for coverage of Es and Os and progression in Writing skills. The school has an effective tracking and monitoring system for al
       learners and for supported learners.
   •   We will “re-boot” our monthly school parliament assemblies to provide opportunities for student voice and we will find new ways to bring
       children together in leadership roles such as House Captains and Sports Captains meetings outdoors or virtually.
   •   We will continue to focus on developing more student voice in formative assessment, reviewing learning weekly and agreeing next steps in
       learning for the following week and contributing to progress reports for parents on our online platform Learning Journals.
3.1 Ensuring Wellbeing, Equity and Inclusion
   - Wellbeing
   - Fulfilment of statutory duties
   - Inclusion and equality

   •   Staff and students generally feel well-supported. Staff feel that the school leadership team has been responsive during Covid and has done
       its best to support staff during this challenging time. The school leadership team tries hard to listen to staff views about how best to support
       them and makes adaptations to the school diary and improvement plan to support this. The school leadership team has listened carefully to
       staff views and formed a supportive Local Working Time Agreement which will again be reviewed mid-year to check if it is supporting staff
       health and wellbeing adequately.
   •   We have an Equalities standing group of parents and staff. We will re-align our school parliament monthly meetings to also focus on
       student voice regarding equalities. Our parent working groups have collated an anti-0racist library of books for class libraries. Our
       Equalities working group has finalised our equalities school policy. Teachers have delivered our initial focus lessons on UNCRC, we have
established a Children’s Rights webpage and we will align our school values to the UNCRC Articles and teach both explicitly. We have
          established an Equalities focus box in every weekly parent newsletter.
      •   We have had 0 exclusions for a 4th year. We continue to have low reported levels of bullying, prejudice and parental complaints about
          children with additional support needs. We continue to have very good attendance. We will maintain our wide range of support
          programmes, many of which have been adapted for Covid school restrictions. Our PEF budget is used to support families with low incomes
          to fully participate in the wider life of the school and community. During Covid our PEF fund was used to provide an iPad for every family
          who required one and to support families with low income to access our wider achievement programmes in school.
      •   We will refresh Restorative Behaviour approaches with pupil support assistants.
3.2 Securing Children’s Progress
   - Attainment in literacy and numeracy
   - Attainment over time
   - Overall quality of learners’ achievement
   - Equity for all learners
   • Attainment in all areas is very good with the exception of
   - Writing P4* & P7
   - Maths P4*
*The current P4 year group has consistently had greater numbers of children with named additional support needs.
 Stage     School                 Session     Tracking Period        % Read           % Wri           % L&T            % Num

 P1        James Gillespie's PS   2020-2021                 Mar-21             92.5            92.5               90               95

 P4        James Gillespie's PS   2020-2021                 Mar-21              93               82               94               88

 P7        James Gillespie's PS   2020-2021                 Mar-21              93               86               94               94

      •   Our school attainment over time is consistent with the above.

      •   Overall achievement is high with a very high take up in school sports programmes. In MFL achievement needs to improve and will be
          establishing a clearer programme of learning, with resourcing provided, for all Nursery to P7 teachers to follow. This will allow all learners to
          access better quality teaching and learning in MFL.
      •   See our equalities assessment above for more detailed information on our attainment.
 Insert an evaluative statement for the following themes (3-4 bullet points for each theme):-

Quality Indicator Grades              School rating     Nursery          Education Scotland             Care Inspectorate inspection (Nursery)
                                      2021              rating 2021      inspection rating 2016         rating 2019

Leadership of Change                  Good              Excellent        Good                           Excellent
Learning, Teaching &                  Very good         Very good        Very good                      Very good
Wellbeing, Equality & Inclusion       Very good         Very good        Good                           Good

Raising Attainment &                  Very good         Very good        Very good                      Very good
 Rationale and Design of the Curriculum
 Every 3 years we undergo a major whole school community evaluation of our curriculum. This then leads to a number of suggesti ons for
 improvement which are implemented over the next 3 years. This ensures we have a curriculum which has the support of parents, staff and
 students. We are currently engaged in improving MFL provision, reviewing IDL Themes through an equalities/ de-colonising/ anti-racism
 Development of the Curriculum
 Student feedback remains that not enough science, drama and dance is taught. Some parents would like a different approach to MFL but we
 are continuing to implement the agreed Scottish Government “1+2 approach” with additional Gaelic* taster on offer in P4 and Mandarin* in P7.
 We will re-convene our curriculum review working group which had to stop work during the pandemic and we will finish the work on bundling
 Es and Os into revised IDL themes. We will include equalities/ children’s rights studies within these themes.
 *Gaelic and Mandarin delivery is dependent on bubble restrictions being eased in early 2022.
 Learning Pathways
 Teachers have a clear set of learning pathways within the school forward plan. There remain inconsistencies in the use of this and the school
 leadership team has asked that, in 2021-22, teachers submit their weekly plan and summary sheet from the school forward plan so that we
 can check for breadth, balance and progression. Teachers will also be asked to use weekly year group planning meetings to monitor coverage
 of all curriculum experiences and outcomes.
 Skills for Learning, Life and Work
 Our Inter-disciplinary Learning Themes (IDL) sometimes known as “topics” or “projects”, offer skills links to the world of work. Teachers have
 access to “My World Of Work” and this is used for transition profiling in P7. The school has a high level of engagement with parents who visit
school to teach children about the world of work, to make visible women in traditionally male-dominated jobs and to explicitly link STEM
subjects to high-income job opportunities. The Parent Council recently provided a range of books which support this work and these are in
class and whole school libraries.

Equity & Best Value

Pupil Equity Fund 2020-21
Schools are asked to re-submit the Pupil Equity Fund Plan that they submitted at the start of the 2020/21 session, as part of their Standards &
Quality Report. The impact/outcome column should be completed to reflect school evaluations of PEF spends throughout the session.

 What is the   What is the       How will this How will, we      Estimated       Remaining       Timeline for    Overseen by     Impact/
 issue or gap? intervention?     be delivered? know it is        costs           PEF Balance     completion                      Outcome
 Who does it                                   Intended
 affect?                                       measure

 Families with   IPads will be   iPads will be   85%+            £tbc (no        £tbc            March-April     Colin           95%
 no or limited   given to        given to        engagement      budget                          2020 and        McLean          engagement
 access to       every child     children        during          summary                         December                        with remote
 technology to   who needs       before          remote          provided by                     2021.                           learning
 support         one so          leaving         learning.       city council at                                                 achieved.
 remote          families can    school for                      time of
 learning and    access MS       home                            writing)
 staying         Teams,          learning.
 connected.      Learning        Support will
                 Journals and    be offered to
                 teacher email   parents to
                 during          use the
                 remote          technology.

                 SIM cards
                 will be given
                 to every
                 these to stay

Families with     Parents can    Headteacher    100%            £tbc         £tbc          August 2020    Colin         Almost 100%
low income        request        keeps track    participation                              to June 2021   McLean        participation
cannot afford     financial      of requests    in our wider                                                            in our wider
to take part in   assistance     and supports   achievement                                                             achievement
residentials,     for school     offered.       experiences.                                                            experiences.
excursions,       day and year
cultural and      costs.
sports events
where there
are costs to
be covered
by parents.

Pupil Equity Fund 2021-2022

What is the   What is the        How will this How will, we     Estimated    Remaining     Timeline for   Overseen by   Impact/
issue or gap? intervention?      be delivered? know it is       costs        PEF Balance   completion                   Outcome
Who does it                                    Intended
affect?                                        measure

Total starting                                                  £23156
budget                                                          (£18378 +
                                                                £4778 top-

Families with     Parents can    Headteacher    100%            £tbc         £tbc          August 2020    Colin         Almost 100%
low income        request        keeps track    participation                              to June 2021   McLean        participation
cannot afford     financial      of requests    in our wider                                                            in our wider
to take part in   assistance     and supports   achievement                                                             achievement
residentials,     for school     offered.       experiences.                                                            experiences.
excursions,       day and year
cultural and      costs.
sports events
where there
are costs to
be covered
by parents.
Renewal Plan (School Quality and Improvement Plan)
At the staff in-service day 04.05,21, the following priorities were agreed.

Development focus

   1. Working Group 1: Completing the curriculum review working group’s tasks which were suspended when the Covid pandemic
   • Completing bundling of Es & Os into agreed IDL Themes
   • de-colonising the curriculum
   • UNCRC
   • Modern Languages progression in French so it is clear what needs to be taught Nursery to P7.
   • Refresh our memories of the forward plan summary sheet Eg Technology progression (robots, beebots, other tech, useful apps & staff
      training/ sharing practice)
   • Maintain and develop the school’s parent and staff Equalities Group.

   2. Working Group 2: Raising attainment in writing
   • Implementing the school’s agreed spelling, handwriting, literacy programme. Termly moderation in Level teams and DHT.

   3.   Working Group 3: Student voice/ participation in formative assessment/student and staff health and wellbeing
   •    Agree how to engage students in formative assessment consistently across the school.
   •    Agree how to organise student participation in weekly reviews of learning/ agreeing next steps for following week.
   •    Agree how to include student voice in Learning Journal summative posts to parents.
   •    Tying school values to UNCRC. Refocussing on behavioural expectations.
   •    Refreshing training for restorative behaviour approaches with pupil support assistants.
   •    Re-booting school parliament and finding new ways during bubble restrictions to bring student leaders and interest groups together.
   •    Re-starting our wider achievement programmes such as after-school clubs, residential excursions.
   •    Consider using the staff and student health and wellbeing self-evaluation toolkits.
   •    Continue to encourage staff to take up whole-school nurture training. Re=establish school’s nurture and other support groups once
        class bubble restrictions are eased.
   •    Continue to promote school counsellor service and school website referral form for students and families (P6 & P7)
Renewal    Equalities                                                               Overall          Colin McLean
Aspect                                                                              Responsibility
Outcomes   Equalities:

           Short Term:
              • The Senior Leadership Team and all staff use Equalities data and other information effectively to inform
              • There is increased awareness amongst all staff of Equality and Diversity
              • There is increased awareness amongst all staff of an inclusive curriculum and decolonised curriculum

           Medium Term:
             • Ongoing implementation of revised school procedure for preventing and responding to bullying and prejudice.
             • Improved reporting, recording and monitoring of incidents of bullying and prejudice
             • Pupils say that incidents of bullying and prejudice are dealt with effectively
             • Pupils feel confident to report bullying and prejudice
             • Staff have shared understanding of an inclusive curriculum and decolonised curriculum and what this looks
                like in practice

           Long Term:
              • Reduction in number of reported and recorded incidents of bullying and prejudice
              • Improved pupil health and wellbeing.
NIF Priority:-                                                                                   QIs/Themes

                                                                                                 QI 1.1 Analysis and
   •   Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy                          evaluation of intelligence
   •   Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young    and data
                                                                                                 QI 1.3 Strategic planning
   •   Improvement in Children and Young People’s Health and Wellbeing                           for continuous
                                                                                                 QI 1.5 Management of
                                                                                                 resources to support
                                                                                                 QI 2.3 Learning and
                                                                                                 QI 2.3 Quality of teaching
                                                                                                 QI 2.5 Engaging families in
                                                                                                 QI 3.2 Attainment in
                                                                                                 literacy and numeracy
                                                                                                 QI 3.2 Overall quality of
                                                                                                 learners’ achievement

             Tasks                By Whom                       Resources                          Time        Progress &

Provide opportunities for staff
                                                                                                 Dec. 2022    Completed May
to build on core training
(CECiL Equality and Diversity     SLT        CECiL Equality and Diversity Modules (Sharepoint)                2021
modules) by using GTCS
professional learning modules
on their Equality and Diversity
Hub and/or other training                    GTCS Equality and Diversity Hub:

                                             Equalities Tile: Professional Learning section
Review curriculum rationale to    SLT, all   Almost a full year’s work was completed before         August IS
ensure all subjects promote       school     Covid lockdown 1. This work is to be continued by      Day 2
and support Equalities and        staff      the same working group.

Provide opportunities for staff   SLT and    https://cityofedinburgheducation.sharepoint.com/sit    August IS
to develop their knowledge of     relevant   es/EdinburghLearns/Equalities/InclusiveCurriculum      Day 2
an inclusive curriculum and       staff
decolonised curriculum what                                                                                     Equalities
this looks like in practice.                 es/EdinburghLearns/Equalities/ProfessionalLearnin
                                             g                                                                  modules
                                                                                                                completed May
                                             Equalities Newsletter (bi-monthly), Equalities Staff               2021
                                             Reference Group

                                                                                                                Policy went live
Review and implement revised      SLT and    https://cityofedinburgheducation.sharepoint.com/sit    Aug. 2021   April 2021.
school procedure for              relevant   es/EdinburghLearns/Equalities/Anti-bullying
                                                                                                    August IS   Staff now need
preventing and responding to      staff                                                                         to be trained in
bullying and prejudice to                                                                           Day 2
                                                                                                                policy and
ensure improved reporting and
recording of incidents.
recording of
                                            https://cityofedinburgheducation.sharepoint.com/sit                incidents.
                                            EHRC Using data to inform and evaluate anti-
                                            bullying strategies

Monitor school SEEMiS            SLT and    Equalities group are to look at anonymised data       Equalities
Bullying and Equalities module   relevant   from                                                  working
data to evaluate impact of       staff         • SEEMIS Bullying & Equalities report              group
revised school procedure and                   • Pupil Wellbeing Survey                           meetings/
identify next steps.                                                                              SLT
                                            and advise school of any further action required to   meetings
                                            reduce bullying and prejudice.

                                Harriet     Equalities group meets regularly, suggests anti-                   Group is
Maintain & develop a standing King                                                                Ongoing
                                            racist and equalities based projects, policy                       established,
Equalities group of parents and teacher                                                           Equalities   has finalised
                                            adjustments, and improvements to communication,
staff.                          lead.                                                             working      bullying and
                                            pedagogy etc.                                         group
                                               - Establish equalities webpage on school                        prejudice
                                                                                                  meetings/    policy and the
                                                    website                                       SLT          listed actions
                                               - Establish children’s rights/ UNCR webpage        meetings     have been
                                                    on school website                                          implemented
                                               - Establish Equalities update box in each                       as of April
                                                    weekly newsletter                                          2021.
                                               - Organise staff/ parent “How to raise an anti-
                                                    racist child” training (Afro-Caribbean
-   HT to attend race equality training

Completing bundling of Es &      Curriculum                                                         August IS
Os into agreed IDL Themes &      review       https://cityofedinburgheducation.sharepoint.com/sit   Day
including                        working      es/EdinburghLearns/Equalities/InclusiveCurriculum
                                 group        Children’s Rights/ UNCR school webpage
   •   de-colonising the                      resources
   •   UNCRC/ school values
       tied together
   •   Maintain and develop
       the school’s parent and
       staff Equalities Group.

Use our equalities assessment                                                                  June-
                                 Equalities   Equalities assessment above, PEF budget, Closing
to decide where best to focus    working                                                       September
                                              the Gap teacher, SfL team.                       2021
our resources to reduce the      group.
attainment gap.
Health, Wellbeing & Resilience
Renewal     Health, Wellbeing & Resilience                                              Overall Responsibility Colin McLean
Aspect 3
Outcomes Short term
         Staff are provided with appropriate CLPL and planned opportunities to debrief regarding their own HWB.
         Staff & learners feel supported in relation to their own health and wellbeing.
         Staff are provided with CLPL to build on current knowledge regarding the importance of relationships in aiding renewal.
         Systems are put in place to ensure children’s rights and participation are the heart of school life.
         All staff understand the 6 nurture principles and have planned how these can be used to support learners.
         The curriculum is adapted, through learner voice to meet the needs of our learners in a post-Covid context.
         Medium term
         Relationships have been reconnected across the school community.
         All learners feel listened to, reassured and supported (acknowledging their experiences).
         The nurture principles underpin the learning environment.
         Learners social and emotional skills are developed through the curriculum.
         Long Term
         Children’s rights and participation are at the heart of school life.
         The curriculum is reviewed and adapted to meet changing learners needs.
         All learners, and staff, demonstrate greater resilience.

                                                                                                           1.3 Leadership of Change
NIF Priorities:
                                                                                                           2.2 Curriculum
   •   Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing                                     2.3 Learning, Teaching &
                                                                                                           2.4 Personalised Support
                                                                                                           2.6 Transitions
3.1 Ensuring Wellbeing,
                                                                                                      Equality and Inclusion

                                                                                                                      Progress &
         Tasks                  By Whom                                                                   Time
                                                                         Resources                                      Impact

                                                Working time agreement
Develop plans to            All staff lead by                                                         May 2021        LWTA &
support staff HWB;          SLT                 Collegiate calendar                                                   collegiate
Provide CLPL to                                                                                                       agreed May
enable staff to feel                                                                                                  2021
more confident in
supporting their
Identify time and           All staff lead by   Supporting Staff - Resources                          August IS day
space for staff to          SLT
debrief regarding their                         Session 1 ‘Moving on, coming together: focus on our   CATs
own HWB - revisit as                            wellbeing’ - available on CECil
appropriate                                     ‘It’s All About Relationships’ Barnardo’s (16mins)
Consider using the                              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RyD-
staff and student                               ueKCOc&feature=youtu.be
health and wellbeing
self-evaluation toolkits.
Provide CLPL to
support staff and                              Session 2 ‘Moving on, coming together: focus on our
senior leader HWB, to                          children, young people and families’ wellbeing - available on
support their own and                          CECil
others HWB                                     A5 HWB booklet
                                               HWB Framework

Provide CLPL to            All staff lead by   Supporting Learners - Resources                                 October IS day
enable staff to feel       SLT
more confident in                              Supporting Anxiety resources
supporting their                               Additional HWB Resources
                                               Decide whether we join SHINE schools SHINE – Schools
Share the 4 key
                                               Health and Wellbeing Improvement Research Network
messages regarding
                                               (gla.ac.uk) email Dawn.Haughgton@glasgow.ac.uk for
HWB to ensure a
consistent approach;                           enquiries.
   • Reconnect
   • Acknowledge
   • Create a
   • Support our
       learners to build
“Re-boot” the Building     SLT, teachers &     Building Resilience teaching resources on staff                 Assemblies
Resilience curriculum      PSAs                drive/ASN/Building Resilience
materials and                                                                                                  Curriculum
assemblies.                                    Building Resilience Assemblies                                  time
• Staff
Plan staff development                  New Confident Staff Confident Children course piloting in    January IS
                           • Partners
opportunities to                        August, train the trainers in November cascade thereafter.   Day
support necessary
                                        New online CLPL for all staff on supporting Children and     January IS day
learning in relation to
key priorities                          young people's wellbeing – Scottish Government expected.
                           SLT team        •   ASL Nurture Guidance
Maintain, and adapt                                                                                  Ongoing
for Covid bubble                           •   Supporting Care Experienced
restrictions, the                          •   Edin Learns Inclusion Hub
school’s support                           •   School counsellor
programmes on offer.

Continue to deploy
Closing The Gap
Teacher to support
children with biggest
attainment gap.
Agree how to engage                                                                                  CATS
                        Student voice   Staff discussion/ sharing good practice
students in formative   working group                                                                October IS
consistently across the
school.                                                                                              January IS
Agree how to organise
student participation in
weekly reviews of
learning/ agreeing next
steps for following
Agree how to include
student voice in
Learning Journal
summative posts to

Tying school values to
UNCRC. Refocusing
on behavioural
Refreshing training for
restorative behaviour
approaches with pupil
support assistants.
Re-booting school
parliament and finding
new ways during
bubble restrictions to
bring student leaders
and interest groups
                          SLT, Parent
Re-starting our wider     Council clubs
achievement               team, Active
programmes such as        Schools Team,
after-school clubs,       IMS Service,
                          Outdoor Learning
residential excursions.
Continue to encourage
                        SfL team
staff to take up whole-
school nurture training.
Re-establish school’s
nurture and other
support groups once
class bubble
restrictions are eased.
Teaching, Learning & Assessment

  Renewal                                                                                  Overall                Colin McLean
  Aspect 1                                                                                 Responsibility
  Outcomes Short-Term
             • Audit and review current curriculum with the involvement of all stakeholders
                 All staff are continuing to develop digital skills to support the appropriate and effective use of digital technologies in
                 learning, teaching and assessment
             • All staff are continuing to develop relevant skills in the 4 aspects of the Edinburgh Learns Teaching Charter
             • All learners are able to engage in remote/blended learning as required
             • Assessments are undertaken to provide data to ensure progress for all learners, including the identification of gaps
                 in learning.
             • All learners engage in a range of outdoor learning opportunities

                • All learners are continuing to develop the relevant digital skills to engage in high quality learning, teaching and
                • All learners make expected progress in their learning, including those learners in need of personalised support &
                • All staff are competent in using digital skills to support the appropriate and effective use of digital technologies in
                   learning, teaching and assessment
                • All staff make rigorous professional judgements about pupils’ level of attainment & achievement
                • All staff engage in moderation activities to further develop confidence in professional judgements
                • Raise attainment in Literacy by 5% for P4/S1
•   Raise attainment in Numeracy by 10% for pupils in SIMD quintile 1

              • The school has a clear curriculum rationale which ensures cultural awareness and sensitivity, develops critical
                 literacy and demonstrates a collective commitment to equality, equity and children’s rights
              • The school has ensured that digital learning is a central consideration in all areas of curriculum and assessment
                 delivery, maximising impact of Empowered Learning 1:1 project (P6-S6)
              • At least 30% of teaching staff should be confident in the 4 aspects of the Edinburgh Learns Teaching Charter
              • At least 85% of learners achieve expected levels of attainment in Literacy and Numeracy


                                                                                           QI 1.1 Analysis and evaluation of
                                                                                           intelligence and data
                                                                                           QI 1.3 Strategic planning for continuous
                                                                                           QI 2.2 Rationale and design
NIF Priorities:-
                                                                                           QI 2.2 Learning pathways
   •   Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy
                                                                                           QI 2.3 Learning and engagement
   •   Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged
       children and young people                                                           QI 2.3 Quality of teaching
                                                                                           QI 2.3 Effective use of assessment
                                                                                           QI 2.3 Planning, tracking and monitoring
                                                                                           QI 2.4 Universal support
                                                                                           QI 2.4 Targeted support
                                                                                           QI 2.5 Engaging families in learning
                                                                                           QI 3.2 Attainment in literacy and numeracy
                                                                                           QI 3.2 Overall quality of learners’
Tasks                      By Whom                     Resources                  Time              Progress & Impact

                              All staff led by SLT       • Link to Teaching and
Prepare a remote/blended                                                                Dependent on
                                                           Learning Framework
learning contingency plan                                                               timing of future
in case future remote                                    Link to Blended Learning       remote learning
learning has to take place                               Teaching and Learning          episodes.
during the Covid                                         Guidance

                              HT/DHT Digital Learning    •   Link to Digital Schools
Carry out Digital Schools     lead                                                      May 2020           Digital Schools self-
self-evaluation to identify                                                                                evaluation completed 2020
priority actions for school                              •   Link to Framework for                         by HT and available on staff
digital strategy                                             Digital Learning                              drive for planning next

Access/deliver skills audit   All staff led by           Link to Digital Professional   CATS
and appropriate digital                                  Learning (self-directed and
                              Digital Learning Leaders
professional learning for                                webinars)
staff to ensure all can use   Empowered Learning         Empowered Learning
relevant digital platforms    project team (Louise
and tools to in preparation                              project
                              Sibbald and David
for Empowered Learning        McKee)                     Undertake CGI professional     35 hours CPD
project rollout                                          learning (4 hours)
•   Edinburgh Learns                          •
Access/deliver appropriate      All staff                                           By June 2022
                                                          Professional Learning
professional learning for all
staff to ensure they have                                 Offer 2021-22
                                Coordinated by DHT
the skills to deliver high
                                L&T(Secondary)/CLPL                                 35 hours CPD
quality learning, teaching
and assessment as               Coordinator
defined in the EL Teaching

P5 Staff to engage in
Numeracy & Maths CLPL           P5 staff                                            Framework
                                                                                    Fridays/ 35
                                                                                    hours CPD

Ensure we are            SLT                          Revised GTCS PRD              PRD meetings.
implementing the revised                              Guidelines
GTCS PRD guidelines and                                                             SLT meetings.
City Council “Looking                                 PRD Roles &
Back/ Looking Forwards”                               Responsibilities: Link to
guidelines for non-                                   PRD Roles and
teaching staff.                                       Responsibilities Table
                                                      Professional Learning
                                                      Planning Cycle: this can be
                                                      used to facilitate on-going
                                                      professional dialogue and
                                                      learning to ensure that
CLPL, as part of the PRD
                                          process, is planned and
                                          evaluated against the
                                          impact on students

                                          GTCS PRD Resources

                                          EL Professional Learning
                                          on Leading Teacher
                                          Development as a Middle
                                          Leader -Edinburgh Learns
                                          Professional Learning Offer

• Staff to engage in        • All staff   •   EL Assessment &            • Cluster CAT
  school level moderation                     Moderation Framework         Sessions Oct,
  activities to support                                                    Jan
  teachers’ professional                  •   Edinburgh Learns           • 4 x termly in-
  judgements                                  Assessment &
• Staff to engage in 2                                                     school
                                              Moderation Resources
  cluster moderation                                                       moderation
                                              (Practitioner Moderation
  activities focusing on                                                   meetings
                                              Template and Example,
  Literacy/Numeracy or                                                     focussed on
                                              Facilitator Moderation
  Literacy/Numeracy                                                        writing and
  across learning                             Guidance, Template
                                              and Example)                 coverage of
• Staff to engage in EL                                                    Es and Os for
  Assessment &
  Moderation CLPL                                                          breadth,
                                          •   Edinburgh Learns             balance and
• Staff to engage in EL                       Engaging with
  Engagement with the                                                      progression
  Benchmarks CLPL                             Professional Learning        (focus on
                              •   Edinburgh Learns            Technologies
                                  Supporting Teacher          Drama and
                                  Judgement in the BGE        Dance)
                                  Professional Learning
Completing the                Curriculum Reform and          CATs
curriculum review             Design Self Evaluation Tool
working group’s tasks
                              Link to Level 5 Illustration
which were suspended
                              QI 2.2 Theme 1 HGIOS4?
when the Covid
pandemic began.

Completing bundling of Es
& Os into agreed IDL

de-colonising the


Modern Languages
progression in French so it
is clear what needs to be
taught Nursery to P7.

Refresh our memories of
the forward plan summary
sheet Eg Technology
progression (robots,
beebots, other tech, useful
apps & staff training/
sharing practice)

Raising attainment in

Implementing the school’s
agreed spelling,
handwriting, literacy
programme. Termly
moderation in Level teams
and DHT.

Student voice/
participation in formative
assessment/student and
staff health and

Agree how to engage
students in formative
assessment consistently
across the school.

Agree how to organise
student participation in
weekly reviews of learning/
agreeing next steps for
following week.

Agree how to include
student voice in Learning
Journal summative posts
to parents.

Tying school values to
UNCRC. Refocusing on
behavioural expectations.
Equalities, Equity & Inclusion
Renewal    Equity and Inclusion (Equalities on separate page)                      Overall             Colin McLean
Aspect                                                                             Responsibility
Outcomes   Equity:

           Short Term:
              • The Senior Leadership Team and all teaching staff are clear about their role in supporting the national drive
                  for equity and the closing of the poverty-related attainment gap. They use data and other evidence effectively
                  in order to identify the poverty-related attainment gap post-COVID 19 across the school and for individual
                  cohorts and areas of the curriculum, including instances where the lack of digital access has been an
                  additional barrier for learners in recent months.
              • Ensure that the planning of effective approaches is based on data and evidence.
           Medium Term:
              • Implementation and ongoing evaluation of approaches to support equity of access for those affected by
                 poverty to learning, attainment and achievement.
           Long Term:
              • PRIMARY: Reduction in the poverty related attainment gap in literacy and numeracy as follows (the tables
                 below are merely examples and entirely optional – schools will create their own measurable long term
                 outcomes/aims, based on the gaps identified in short term outcome): Table for Primary
           Long Term:
              • SECONDARY: Reduction in the poverty related attainment gap in literacy and numeracy as follows (the
                 tables below are merely examples and entirely optional – schools will create their own measurable long term
                 outcomes/aims, based on the gaps identified in short term outcome and/or use attainment vs deprivation
                 measures or positive, sustained destination targets for equity groups): Table for Secondary


•   The Senior Leadership Team and relevant staff have reviewed their arrangements for Nurture and Wellbeing
       support to identify strengths and areas for improvement, using existing data focused on the principles of
       inclusion including how effectively Children’s Rights are embedded across the school. Note: This may be
       done as part of an Inclusive Practice Review with support of EP, ASL Service and peer Headteacher.
   •   The school has established key actions to ensure that all pupils are supported and included so they can
       participate in a suitable learning environment, with a particular focus on Care Experienced and learners with
       Additional Support Needs.

  • Implementation of actions identified through review, to be monitored through using the principles of inclusion
     – Present, Participating, Achieving, Supported, Rights.

   • All schools: Improvement in pupil wellbeing, attendance, attainment and achievement, and reduction in
      exclusions. Schools will set their own measurable long-term aims based on the data gathered through review.
   • Secondary schools: promote and support implementation of Wellbeing Hubs so that all secondary schools
      offer a Wellbeing Hub and selected schools, Enhanced Support Bases for more complex ASN associated
      with Intellectual Disability/ASD.
NIF Priority :-                                                                                   QIs/Themes

                                                                                                  QI 1.1 Analysis and
   •   Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy                           evaluation of intelligence
   •   Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young     and data
                                                                                                  QI 1.3 Strategic planning
   •   Improvement in children and young people's health and wellbeing                            for continuous
                                                                                                  QI 1.5 Management of
                                                                                                  resources to support
                                                                                                  QI 2.3 Learning and
                                                                                                  QI 2.3 Quality of teaching
                                                                                                  QI 2.5 Engaging families in
                                                                                                  QI 3.2 Attainment in
                                                                                                  literacy and numeracy
                                                                                                  QI 3.2 Overall quality of
                                                                                                  learners’ achievement

             Tasks              By Whom                         Resources                           Time        Progress &

Through effective self-
                                Colin        Tracking and monitoring systems with functions for   SLT
evaluation, all staff make
appropriate use of baseline     McLean       filtering by SIMD to determine the gap (such as      meetings
data to inform focused plans                 EdICT or school-based systems).
with clearly stated outcomes
                                              National Improvement Hub – Stirling Outcomes
and measures, with
appropriate plans for                         and Measures Toolkit
monitoring progress.                          PEF National Guidance 2021-22 (to be published
These plans are clearly                       May 2021)
reflected in schools’ spending
priorities.                                   PEF City of Edinburgh Guidance 2021-22
                                              (available May 2021 after publication of National
                                              CEC Pupil Equity Funding Plan Template
                                              (available mid-May 2021)
                                              Equity Self-evaluation Resource (Education
                                              Scotland – updated September 2020)
                                              Interventions for Equity Diagram
                                              Professional dialogue with staff using the baseline
                                              data to inform the measurable targets.
Continue to update existing
                                  Ross        School Data from Digital Access Audits
audit information regarding                                                                         Ongoing
inequity of digital access and    Hutcheson
take appropriate action to
support those experiencing
poverty-related barriers.
Develop decision making                                                                             June to
                                  Colin       QI 1.5 CEC Self-evaluation Report
processes which meaningfully                                                                        August
include parents (and learners)    McLean                                                            2021
                                              QI 1.5 CLPL for HTs and BMs (available from
in PEF planning, as part of the               August 2021)
financial management of
resources to support equity.                  CEC Pupil Equity Funding Plan Template
                                              (available mid-May 2021)
                                              Challenge questions from HGIOS?4 QI 1.5
Improving School Empowerment through Self-
                                       Evaluation: A Framework for Local Authorities

Establish or build upon existing                                                               Ongoing
family learning programmes       SLT   Engaging Families in Learning (Thematic                           RCWC online
and adapt to a COVID context           Inspection, February 2021, Education Scotland)                    parent course
                                                                                                         May/June 2021
                                       Engaging Parents and Families: A Toolkit for
Utilise wider partnerships             Practitioners (Family Learning)                                   Online Nursery
where appropriate in order to                                                                            to P1 transition
enhance the experiences of             Post-COVID data gathered by the school to identify
                                                                                                         meetings June
children and families living in        families facing hardship and poverty for the first                2021
poverty, to ensure that they           time, who may find it difficult to access the support
receive early intervention and         they need due to the unfamiliarity of support                     Online P7
holistic support.                      systems and being previously unknown to                           transition
                                       professionals.                                                    meetings June
                                       Scottish Attainment Challenge and Partnerships
                                       with the Third Sector                                             Online parent
                                                                                                         May, October
                                                                                                         2020 and May
                                                                                                         reporting of
                                                                                                         progress and
                                                                                                         how to support
                                                                                                         learning at
                                                                                                         home (Learning
                                                                                                     Resume other
                                                                                                     family learning
                                                                                                     as appropriate
                                                                                                     and online .
Ensure that sensitive action
                                   Colin    CEC 1 in 5 Top Tips for Schools                Ongoing
taken at all levels to remove
unintended barriers (including     McLean
                                            CEC Raising Awareness of Child Poverty
financial) to participation,                document
engagement and access to
wider learning opportunities, in            Leadership for Equity CLPL Offer
light of the increase in the                https://cpag.org.uk/scotland/CoSD/evaluation
number of families affected by
poverty post-COVID 19.                      National Improvement Hub – Stirling Outcomes
                                            and Measures Toolkit
Effective identification of
learners affected by poverty
post-COVID-19 who may also
                                            Protected Characteristics Resources
experience disadvantage for
other reasons (Eg other
protected characteristics such
as BAME, lone parent families,
families where the mother is
aged under 25, or those
affected by disability, in
addition to living in poverty)
and relevant supports put in

Review arrangements for
Nurture and Wellbeing using     SLT, SfL   CIRCLE resource to support Inclusive Learning         Ongoing
Principles of Inclusion.                   and Collaborative Working (Primary and
Establish improvement actions              https://education.gov.scot/improvement/learning-
required to support Wellbeing              resources/circle-resource-to-support-inclusive-
and Nurture.                               learning-and-collaborative-working/
                                           Included, Engaged and Involved Part 1
Maintain school tracker and                https://www.gov.scot/publications/included-
measurable targets for                     engaged-involved-part-1-positive-approach-
improvement based on                       promotion-management-attendance-scottish-
attendance, attainment,                    schools/
achievement, exclusions and
rights.                                    Edinburgh Learns Inclusion Hub
                                           Edinburgh Learns: Health, Wellbeing and
                                           Resilience Plan
All schools: align planning for
                                  SLT, SfL     SEAL P1/2 Training (Sway)                             Ongoing
Closing the Gap with SfL
targeted support to address       and Andy
                                  McLaughli    SEAL P3/4 Training (Sway)
the attainment gap for pupils
most at risk of lost learning     n with       Supporting Learners with Additional Support
                                  support      Needs in Numeracy
during lockdown – this should
be with a focus on Numeracy       from ASL
                                  Service as   Literacy courses https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/cpd
and Literacy
                                  required     Learning Grids
                                               Scholar https://scholar.hw.ac.uk/

Care-Experienced CYP

All schools know their care
experienced community. In line Colin           Care Experienced Renewal Plan Discussion Tool         Ongoing
                                McLean         (pdf)
with our responsibilities as
corporate parents, children and                Care Experienced Renewal Plan Discussion Tool
young people receive                           (word)
everything they need to thrive
and are loved, safe and                        Supporting Care Experienced Children and Young
respected.                                     People through Covid 19 and its aftermath
                                               The Promise Plan and findings from the
                                               Independent Care Review https://thepromise.scot/

All schools should ensure they   SLT and     Children's Rights and Wellbeing Impact                CATs
fully take the UNCRC into        School      Assessment.
account in all their actions     Staff
through the use of the
Children’s Rights & Wellbeing                    •    Session 1: Overview of learner
Impact Assessment.                                    participation and leadership
                                                 •    Session 2: Vision and Values
All schools should plan and                      •    Session 3: The 4 Arenas of Participation
identify professional learning                   •    Session 4: Curriculum Design
pathway based on CRWIA           SLT and
                                                 •    Session 5: Planning for Improvement
baseline.                        staff
                                             (Session delivery details will be available in
                                             time for August 2021.)

Lead roles 2020-2021
Digital Learning/           Literacy                  Maths/Numeracy            MFL                         RMEd
Coordinator Ross            Emma Davies               Not a focus 2021-22       Pam MacGregor               Not a focus 2021-22
Hutcheson                   Mel Harper (then moving                             (Mel Harper joining after
Technical support           to MFL)                                             Lit group)
Harriet King/ Iain          Laura Jackson
Pedagogy support
 Sophie O’ Neill /Julie
 Equalities working        Curriculum review         HWB/Pupil voice/ Pupil     Expressive Arts
 group                     /IDL/Technologies/        engagement in
                           Sciences                  formative assessment/
                                                     learning review/ LJ
 Harriet King              Fiona Murray              Iain Gray                  Not a focus 2021-22
 Rod Waters                Pam MacGregor             Lindsay Young
 Susannah Gravestock       Amy Guthrie/Amy Briggs    Robyn Rutherford
                           Joanne McNicol            Niamh Kelly
                           Julie Somerville          Ruth Haldane Heather
                           Sarah Igoe                Gellaitry
                           Alison Prentice

Still to be placed: Karen, Katrina, Ross, Colin, Vacancy 1FTE, Vacancy 0.5FTE

LWTA 2021-22
Agreed 04.05.21
Collegiate diary
Agreed 14.05.21
Nursery SQuIP
In process
School SQuIP
Completed 14.05.21
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