Key changes to our newspapers that advertisers need to know about - From Monday 30 April 2018 -

Page created by Sidney Marshall
Key changes to our newspapers that advertisers need to know about - From Monday 30 April 2018 -
Key changes
 to our newspapers
that advertisers need
   to know about
     From Monday 30 April 2018

                   Find out all the details at   1
Key changes to our newspapers that advertisers need to know about - From Monday 30 April 2018 -
    compact size,
    As of 30 April 2018,
    our Monday to Friday                                        More great content
    metropolitan and regional                                   PAGE 4
    newspapers are changing
    to a compact format.
    At the same time, all our
                                                                Improved look and feel
                                                                PAGE 5
    print publications are
    changing to a modular
    page grid and modular                                       A simpler experience for advertisers
    advertising sizes.
                                                                PAGE 6 – 9
    Inside this booklet you
    will find out why these
    changes are great news                                      It’s what our readers want
    for both our advertisers                                    PAGE 10
    and our readers.

                                                                How we are marketing the change
                                                                PAGE 11

2              Find out all the details at
Key changes to our newspapers that advertisers need to know about - From Monday 30 April 2018 -
We’re moving
to compact
From late April, the way we present our newspapers to our
readers and advertisers will be different — and better —
as we move our major dailies from broadsheet to a new,
fresh compact version.
The new format for our much-loved papers is more than
just a change in size. We’re constantly listening to what our
readers and advertisers want, and our newly-designed papers
will not only look different, but will better align with their
needs and wants.
We will still include all the favourite existing sections,
with enhancements in design, page flow and signposting,
and a renewed emphasis on local news.
The changes to our advertisements, inherent in the change to a
compact format, are to make life easier for both your business,
by bringing them in line with industry standards, and for us as
we have reduced the number of sizes.
We know change can be difficult, but I know our sales and
account managers will be working closely with you in the coming
months to ensure the delivery of a superior print experience.
A lot of thought and effort by our senior designers, editorial,
marketing and commercial teams has gone into ensuring these
changes are enhancing the experience for everyone.
Recently, I sat in on a subscriber get together to unveil the
new papers. I was absolutely blown away at how thrilled the first
set of readers were at the new look of their beloved papers.
And I hope that continues.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts.

                                                                          “We believe that the
                                                                          changes you will see
                                                                          in the papers will not
                                                                          only reinvigorate our
                                                                          publications but engage
Stuff CEO, Sinead Boucher                                                 and attract more readers
                                                                          to try printed news.”

                                                  Find out all the details at   03
Key changes to our newspapers that advertisers need to know about - From Monday 30 April 2018 -
More great content

     MORE LOCAL NEWS                                   MORE OPINION                         MORE NATIONAL PAGES
     Our readers told us that local news               We’re introducing more opinion,      A daily round up from around the
     is fundamental to their support and               including local voices and           country that will keep readers
     relationship with their local paper, so           veiwpoints, more analysis and more   up to date of what’s happening in
     during the redesign we have ensured               discussion every day.                other regions.
     that there is plenty of it, and that it
     lives at the front of the paper.

     MORE SHAREMARKETS                                 MORE IN DEPTH                        MORE OBITUARIES
     We’ve recognised that the sharemarkets            This new double page spread will     Saturday obituaries have been so
     are important to our readers so we have           be a daily feature and cast the      popular with our readers that we are
     rebooted them with more information.              spotlight on both national and       introducing a new daily obituaries page.
     Each day there will be a full page of             international issues and profiles.   This will be a page that celebrates great
     both New Zealand and Australian                                                        lives led by those in and out of the
     share listings.                                                                        spotlight. A historical element will also
                                                                                            feature on some days.

04                   Find out all the details at
Key changes to our newspapers that advertisers need to know about - From Monday 30 April 2018 -
Improved look
                    and feel
                                                                                                      We’re not the first
                                                                                                      to go compact,
                                                                                                      in fact, we’re in
                                                                                                      great company
                                                                                                      Newspapers worldwide have already
                                                                                                      changed from broadsheet to a
                                                                                                      smaller format, noticeably:

                                                                                                       2003       The Independent (UK)

                                                                                                       2004       The Times (UK)
                                                                                                                  The Scotsman (Scotland)

                                                                                                       2005       Herald on Sunday (NZ)

IMPROVED SIZE                                IMPROVED PAGE FLOW
Around the world the smaller paper           We’ve created a consistent page flow
size has been proven to be easier to         and structure across our weekday
read and more manageable. We’ve also         publications, as our readers have told us
slightly increased the size of our font to   they like to find things in the same place
make the paper more readable.                each day.

                                                                                                       2012       The New Zealand Herald

                                                                                                       2013       Sydney Morning Herald
                                                                                                                  The Age

One of the benefits of the compact           The compact grid makes page layouts
format is that all content is contained      cleaner and has been proven to enhance
within one easy section. We’ve used          the visual impact of advertisements.
in-paper signposting, colour and tags        We’ve also used this as an opportunity
on stories for easy navigation.              to refresh the look of our TV, puzzles,                   2018       The Guardian (UK)
                                             weather, travel and life sections.                                   Stuff Publications (NZ)

                                                                    Find out all the details at               05
Key changes to our newspapers that advertisers need to know about - From Monday 30 April 2018 -
A simpler experience
                         for advertisers

     From Monday 30 April 2018, we are changing not only the size of our
     Monday to Friday metropolitan and regional publications from broadsheet
     to compact, but we are also changing the terminology and measurement of
     all our print publications, regardless of their compact or broadsheet size.

     Key changes across all                                                                        New advertising page grids:

     newspaper publications                                                                         8


     We are simplifying the way advertising is created,
     booked and placed in all our print publications.                                               5       Compact
                                                                                                    4       8x8 grid
     Key changes to be aware of in relation to all print advertising:                               3


            The change in grid                              The change to modular                   1
       1                                              4
            ALL Stuff papers are moving                     advertising sizes                           1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
            to one of two modular                           As a result of the change to a
            page grids, either a                            grid format, advertising shapes        12
            compact sized grid, or a                        and sizes across ALL our papers
            broadsheet sized grid.                          will change to modular ad sizes,
                                                            from column cm.                        10
            Compact grid publications
       2    All Monday to Friday                            Simplified advertising shapes          8
            metropolitan, regionals                   5     We have reduced the number of          7          Broadsheet
            and community papers,                           possible advertising shapes and        6          12x12 grid
            and the Sunday News, will                       sizes to make life easier and align
            be produced using the                           with other products in the market.
            compact grid.                                   You can see all possible ad sizes on   4
                                                            the following pages.                   3

            Broadsheet grid publications                                                           2
            Our Saturday publications of                    Classifieds are not changing           1
            mets and regionals and the
                                                            Classified advertising across               1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
            Sunday Star-Times will be in                    all publications will remain in
            the broadsheet grid.                            column cms.

06                   Find out all the details at
Key changes to our newspapers that advertisers need to know about - From Monday 30 April 2018 -
“I love the new format
                                                                                               — I think it’s fresh and
                                                                                               looks really informative.
                                                                                               And I’ll definitely be
                                                                                               buying it. I like the
                                                                                               In Depth section,
Key changes for                                                                                that’s really good.”
                                                                                               – Wendy, Wellington

newspapers that are moving
to a compact format

The move to a smaller, more manageable sized
newspaper has been proven the world over
to improve reader experience.
In addition to the changes in content and format outlined at the front of this
booklet, these are key changes that advertisers need to know:

  1    The structure of the book
                                               3     The rate card structure                     Newspapers changing
       The traditional book sections                 Our advertising can only be                 to a compact format
       (A, B, C, D) will no longer exist             bought in modules after                     Monday – Friday:
       in the new compact Monday to                  30 April 2018. For some
       Friday format. Sections will be               customers the current                              The Press
       replaced with simple sequential               advertising shape and size
       page numbering.                               will alter slightly in order to
                                                                                                   	The Dominion Post
                                                     fit the modular format.                       	Waikato Times
       The page flow
                                                                                                   	The Southland Times
  2    In designing our new compact                  The booking process                           	Taranaki Daily News
       newspapers, we’ve been                        While the traditional method                  	Manawatu Standard
       very deliberate in creating                   of booking and charging for
                                                     advertising will change,
                                                                                                   	The Timaru Herald
       a consistent page flow and
       structure across our weekday                  we are well prepared to                       	Nelson Mail
       publications.                                 work with you to make this                    	Marlborough Express
                                                     an easy transition.
       We’ve also retained the best of
       our popular Life & Style content
       and nestled this within the                   Guaranteed positioning and
       second half of the newspaper —                creative executions
       along with the essential sections             Guaranteed positioning
       like TV, weather, two pages of                and bespoke creative
       puzzles, family notices, classified           opportunities are available
       advertising and sports.                       on request.

                                                                     Find out all the details at   07
Simplified advertising sizes
                                   for every newspaper

        Compact display advertising sizes                                                                                    (HxW)

        The ad sizes illustrated below are available in Stuff’s compact sized newspapers.
        This includes all newspapers that publish on a weekday and the Sunday News.

        8x16                                                  8x8                        8x4                        4x8              6x6
        Double Page Spread*                                   Full Page                  Half Page V.               Half Page H.     274mm x 190mm
        366mm x 531mm                                         366mm x 254mm              366mm x 126mm              182mm x 254mm

        3x8                        2x8                        4x4                        3x4                        3x3              2x4
        136mm x 254mm              Qtr Page H.                Qtr Page                   136mm x 126mm              136mm x 94mm     90mm x 126mm
                                   90mm x 254mm               182mm x 126mm

        4x2                        3x2                        2x3                        2x2                        1x2              FPS
        182mm x 62mm               136mm x 62mm               90mm x 94mm                90mm x 62mm                44mm x 62mm      Front Page Solus
                                                                                                                                     50mm x 254mm

     Note: *A Double Page Spread and Double Page Spread Half can only run through the gutter on the centrespread.

08                            Find out all the details at
Helpful tip:

We’ve printed example editions of your weekday newspaper featuring the new
compact modular advertising sizes. Ask your Stuff Account Manager for a copy so that
you can compare the different sizes at actual size. E-editions can also be viewed at

Broadsheet display advertising sizes                                                                     (HxW)

The ad sizes illustrated below are available in Stuff’s broadsheet sized newspapers.
This includes all newspapers that publish on a Saturday and the Sunday Star-Times.

12x24                               6x24                             12x12                  12x6                    6x12
Double Page Spread*                 Double Page Spread Half*         Full Page              Half Page V.            Half Page H.
550mm x 787mm                       274mm x 787mm                    550mm x 382mm          550mm x 190mm           274mm x 382mm

8x8                   12x4                4x12                 6x6                 3x12                    4x8                    4x4
366mm x 254mm         Third Page V.       Third Page H.        Qtr Page            Qtr Page H.             182mm x 254mm          182mm x 126mm
                      550mm x 126mm       182mm x 382mm        274mm x 190mm       136mm x 382mm

3x3                   2x3                 4x2                  3x2                  2x2                    FPS
136mm x 94mm          90mm x 94mm         182mm x 62mm         136mm x 62mm         90mm x 62mm            Front Page Solus
                                                                                                           60mm x 360mm

                                                                      Find out all the details at                   09
It’s what our readers want

     During the development of our new weekday compact
     newspapers, Stuff conducted numerous reader group sessions
     to understand what our readers thought about the change.
     Here’s some insights in to what they told us:

     “The size and the layout —                        “I wasn’t looking forward
     the new dimensions make                           to getting a compact size,
     it easier to read —                               but now I am.”
     if you’re lying down or                           – Phil, Hamilton
     sitting on the bus.”
     – Neil, Wellington
                                                       “I love the new format —
                                                       I think it’s fresh and modern
     “It’s nice and easy to                            — easily manageable with
     handle and easy to read —                         the smaller size for trains,
     I will definitely continue to                     buses, planes — easier to
     buy and read The Press.”                          manage at home also at
     – Martine Christchurch
                                                       the table or on the couch.
                                                       I love the colour coding
     “It’s a great idea... at last”                    for navigation — I think
     – Shirley, Hamilton                               that really helps.”
                                                       – Tim, Wellington
     “I really do like the new
     format — I was prepared                           “Great new layout —
     not to like it in some ways                       it’s very clear and easy to
     but I think it’s great.                           read. The colour was pretty
                                                       good throughout.”               “We love the Waikato
     It feels like there is a lot
                                                       – Alan Christchurch             Times. We don’t want it
     more content. It’s very easy
                                                                                       to go away.”
     to handle and I like all the                      “I’m really impressed with      – Morris, Hamilton
     effort that’s gone into it                        what I’ve seen — more
     really. It’s got more colour                      depth, more content,             “I’ve been a subscriber
     — it’s approachable —                             more analysis. Great value      for many years, and I’m
     it’s about Wellington and a                       for money — I am very           very thrilled and excited
     lot of thought has been put                       pleased with it. Definitely     and looking forward to the
     into it.”                                         a good buy.”                    launch of the new paper.”
     – Kirsty, Wellington                              – Carol, Wellington             – Charles, Wellington

10                   Find out all the details at
How we are marketing
             the change

The million dollar                                                              Look out
                                                                                for the
reader promo                                                                    promotion

To celebrate the upcoming changes to our newspapers,                               PHASE 1
and encourage and engage our readership, we will be
running a promotion for our readers in the weeks before                         Pre-launch
and after the change to compact.                                                awareness
                                                                                Monday 19 March –
                                                                                Saturday 28 April

                                                                                Inform readers of what’s
                                                                                happening and what to expect,
                                    $100,000                                    through:
    Media schedule             worth of prizes to                                  newspaper ads
   valued at almost            attract and engage                                  website takeovers
   $1million dollars            retail buyers and                                  eDMs
                                                                                   subscriber comms
                                                                                   PHASE 2

                                                                                Monday 30 April –
                                     PLUS!                                      Thursday 3 May

                                  A dedicated                                   PURPOSE
      Running for              promotion just for                               Encourage readers to engage
                                                                                with the paper by running a
   five weeks from                advertisers                                   promotion to win $100,000
       late-April                 See the back page of
                                                                                worth of Stuff Pix vouchers and
                                                                                Sony Entertainment prizes,
                                       this booklet                             through:
                                                                                   newspaper ads
                                                                                   website takeovers
                                                                                   radio ads
                                                                                   a dedicated microsite

                                               Find out all the details at          11
To celebrate the upcoming changes to our newspapers,
     we are offering one lucky advertiser the chance to

     WIN a trip for two to the
     2018 Singapore Grand Prix!                                                                       *

     The trip includes flights, accommodation, hospitality and more at Singapore’s
     three day action packed, adrenaline pumping party in September!
     Valued at $7455 per person, one of our lucky advertiser contacts will win this trip.

                  PLUS                                           AND
              We also have almost                          The first 150 advertisers
           $10,000 worth of                                will receive two Stuff Pix
                                                                                          ENTER NOW AT
                                                            vouchers, worth up to
          other prizes to be                               $7.95 each, to enjoy the
          won including Sony                             latest movie releases in the

           headphones and
                                                         comfort of your own home.         compactpromo
            Blunt umbrellas.

                                                                                                     * Competition closes midnight 29 April,
                  Want to know more about the changes to Stuff’s newspapers?                        winners announced the week commencing
                  Talk to your Stuff Account Manager or visit            30 April 2018. Additional terms and
                                                                                                                 conditions apply.

12            Find out all the details at
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