Kids, Country & the County Fair - DAILY SCHEDULE Featuring: James Gang Amusements - Putnam County Fair

Page created by Dwayne Castillo
Kids, Country & the County Fair - DAILY SCHEDULE Featuring: James Gang Amusements - Putnam County Fair
Kids, Country
 & the County Fair

Featuring: James Gang Amusements

July 18 & July 30 - August 8, 2020
Kids, Country & the County Fair - DAILY SCHEDULE Featuring: James Gang Amusements - Putnam County Fair
2020 Schedule-At-A-Glance
          Voice of the Fair – J.R. Smith
        94th Putnam County Fair
         2019 State Champion
            County Fair!
   Events Listing & Times all Subject to Change
        Saturday, July 18                        Monday, August 3
   Putnam County Fairgrounds             6:30p Wild Horse & Mule Show - E. Arena
10a Draft Horse & Mule Show - Main Arena 7p Jake Hoot – in Concert – Main Arena
5p Open Walking Horse Show - Main Arena
6p Team Roping – East Arena                        Tuesday, August 4
                                         6:30p 4-H & Youth Horse Show - E. Arena
  Cookeville Community Center 5p Motorcycle Practice -- Main Arena
     All Fairest of the Fair Pageants    6p Dairy Show --- Big Barn
                                         6p Motorcycle Races – Main Arena
       July 30 – August 8
   Putnam County Fairgrounds                   Wednesday, August 5
        Thursday, July 30               Come Celebrate our Champion Fair Award
6:30p Team Roping – East Arena          Kids 15 & under free & $15 armbands
7p Lone Star Rodeo – Main Arena         5p Motorcycle Practice – Main Arena
                                        6p Motorcycle Races – Main Arena
           Friday, July 31
5p Hog Show – Big Barn                           Thursday, August 6
7p Lone Star Rodeo – Main Arena         6:30p Putnam County Horse Show -
                                            Main Arena
        Saturday, August 1              6:30p Heavy Equipment Rodeo
8a Entry Day at the Fair                    near the Big Barn
9a (all day) Open Western Horse Show
     Main Arena                                   Friday, August 7
4p Goat Show – Big Barn                 7p Truck and Tractor Pull – Main Arena
7:30p Monster Trucks - Main Arena
                                                 Saturday, August 8
         Sunday, August 2               9:30a Antique Tractor Pull – Main Arena
1p Sheep Show                           10a Middle TN Junior Rodeo - East Arena
6p Demolition Derby – Main Arena        4p Beef Show – Big Barn
                                        7p Demolition Derby – Main Arena
Kids, Country & the County Fair - DAILY SCHEDULE Featuring: James Gang Amusements - Putnam County Fair
A Message from our Putnam County Mayor
     “It’s my pleasure to welcome you to the 94th Putnam County Fair.”
I share the excitement and pride of our
fair being named the 2019 Champion
County Fair in Tennessee. I thank the
Fair Board and the Junior Fair Board
for their hard work over the last six
years to achieve this recognition. It’s a
wonderful county fair and Melanie and
I hope you will join us and be part of it
July 30 – August 8, 2020. Come see
our volunteers in action and be part of a
great county fair. See you at the fair.” Randy Porter, Putnam County Mayor

           Welcome to the 2020 Putnam County Fair!
     I hope you, your family and neighbors will join us for this exciting
agricultural showcase. Our theme is “Kids, Country and The County
Fair” and we have plenty of adventure for everyone. The Putnam County
Fair offers all visitors the opportunity to experience the very best that
Tennessee agriculture and farming have to offer.
    Earlier this year, Putnam County suffered the tremendous loss of
several of its citizens when a devastating tornado touched down. Close
to the heart of the fair was the loss of Jessica Clark, Putnam County Commissioner,
Fair secretary, and a friend to so many people in the county and across
the state. Our thoughts and prayers have been on-going for all of those
who are involved with the fair. While many Tennesseans are rebuilding
their hearts, their homes, and their businesses, the Putnam County
Fair can provide families and neighbors the chance to be together. I
hope you enjoy learning about Tennessee’s agricultural past and see
the promise of its future.
  I want to congratulate the Putnam County Fair Board members who work to make this event
successful each year & for their award as the AAA Division, 2019 State Champion Fair.
This has been a challenging year and I hope you are able to take time to celebrate all
that makes Putnam County so special.                    Sincerely, Charlie Hatcher, D.V.M

          New Things for 2020
                Adventures in Agriculture
 ”Kids, Country & the County Fair” Recognizing 12 kids
 Grandma’s Barnyard Doubled in size lots of new features
         •Bee Show •Aeroponic Cloning of Plants
           •New things to enter in Photography
                  •Jake Hoot in Concert
             •Lone Star Rodeo now 2 nights;
             •Demolition Derby now 2 nights;
             •Motorcycle Races now 2 nights;
      •Quilt Exhibition expanded to 2 days & 3 nights
  (July 30 & 31) “Family Stories told thru 100 quilts…”
          •Pie Baking Contest -- $100 1st Prize -
               apple, peach & cherry pies.
Kids, Country & the County Fair - DAILY SCHEDULE Featuring: James Gang Amusements - Putnam County Fair
Fair Schedules
                      Courtesy of

                       Saturday, July 18
                           Fair Office Open 9a – 11p
             8a North Gate Open; 3p East Gate Open ~ Admission $5
10a Draft Horse & Mule Show -- Main Arena
5p Open Walking Horse Show – Main Arena
6p Team Roping–Country Farm & Home
   East Arena- All 3 events sponsored by
Crossville Tractor & Snyder Tractor of Sparta

 Cookeville Community Center - Admission $5
  9a Fairest of the Fair Pageants - Sponsor:
 Home & Hill Management - For more details
  see Pageants @

                    Wednesday, July 29
       9a – 10p Fair Office Open 7a South Gate Open; 9a North Gate Open
                North Exhibit Hall Open for Exhibit Set Up 9a – 4p
10a – 4p The Country Store -accepting items to sell
6:30p Media Night – (by invitation)
                            Junior Fair Board
Kids, Country & the County Fair - DAILY SCHEDULE Featuring: James Gang Amusements - Putnam County Fair
“Kids, Country & the County Fair…”is                 the theme of the 94th Putnam
County Agricultural & Industrial Fair and the third installment of Adventures in
Agriculture. Bringing agriculture to the community is the rich heritage of the Putnam
County Fair. Creating an event and opportunity for farm families to come together
in the fall of each year, neighbor meeting neighbor, is how it all started in 1856 with
the first Putnam County Fair.
    There is so much to celebrate in agriculture in Tennessee each year – culinary
and domestic arts, animals, crops, gardening products, poultry, horses and livestock
– the best the state has to offer and all at the Putnam County Fair. It’s a wonderful
display for kids and adults to see and learn about agriculture in Tennessee.
    Children and youth are the primary audience of the county fair. They bring their
parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents with them to see and do all the fair has to
offer. In that process, children and youth develop lifetime memories and those
memories keep them involved and keep the fair alive and thriving.
    This year we recognize 12 young men & women who are involved in agriculture
or family and consumer education. We will create an exhibit about these young
people in the Cultural Arts Building, & award each of them $250. Additionally they
will be recognized in the media and be available in the exhibit during the fair for you
to meet … stop by and say hello to them.
    From Grand Ma’s Barnyard, the Big Barn, the Chicken House to the Animal of
the Day, to the antique farm equipment display, the antique tractor exhibition, horse
shows, hog, sheep, goats and dairy shows – the cultural arts building, gardening
and field crops, youth and adults competing for over $100,000 in premiums. There
are 7 nights of motorsports, a rodeo, roping & riding events, Fairest of the Fair
pageants, Corn Hole tournaments & much, much more.
  Come join us for the 94th (consecutive) Putnam County Fair
     and be a part of “Kids, Country & the County Fair...”
                          July 30 – August 8, 2020.

   Adventures in Agriculture - “Kids, Country & the County Fair…”
 is the 3rd installment of putting more agriculture into the Putnam County Fair. In 2018
 we introduced “Bringing Agriculture to the Community,” and in 2019 we featured “Come
   Back to the Barnyard.” These efforts are a collaboration of the Putnam County Fair,
 the Schools of Agriculture & Human Ecology at Tennessee Tech, the UT Putnam County
    Extension Service, the Putnam County Master Gardeners, The Putnam County Farm
  Bureau and the Middle TN Antique Engine & Tractor Association of Putnam County. All
over the fairgrounds you will see pieces of this feature – near the fair office, in Grand Ma’s
Barnyard, the Chicken House, the Big Barn, the North and South Exhibit Halls, behind the
South Grandstand, and on the stage in the Cultural Arts Building see our wonderful young
people being honored this year for their work in agriculture and family consumer sciences.
Kids, Country & the County Fair - DAILY SCHEDULE Featuring: James Gang Amusements - Putnam County Fair
Thursday, July 30
                             9a – 10p Fair Office Open
           7a South Gate Open; 2p North Gate Open, 4p - Admission $5
                    11a – 7p Livestock Gate Open (Chickens)
                       4p -- 11p East and West Gates Open
        North & South Exhibit Halls & Cultural Arts Building Open 4p – 10p
10a–10p Country Store Open
11:30a Ribbon Cutting (by invitation) – Fair Office

12 Noon Opening Luncheon – Music Barn – Honoring Fair Volunteers
   Dr. George Boyd, Jane Sadler, Doris Hawkins, Carl Bilbrey, Tonya Nash,
   Bill Bullington - Collectively, over 100 years volunteering to the Fair

2–7p Poultry & Rabbits received Chicken House
4–9p “Grandma’s Barnyard” - an authentic reproduction of a real 1940s &
50s Putnam County barnyard for children & adults who love animals – it’s a petting
zoo, with pony rides, a log cabin (by Dry Levee Salvage), a garden, kid’s games, a
blacksmith, live demonstrations. Angry Ironsmith Jimmy O’Reilly. Susan Richardson
spinning & weaving; cast iron cooking, baby farm animals, & something for everyone.
4–8p Farm Animal of the Day- Mule
4–9p Master Gardeners Exhibit Open
5-9p Middle Tennessee Antique
  Engine & Tractor Assoc. -- Antique
  tractors & engines displayed around
  grounds & in Grand Ma’s Barnyard.
5-9pm Newly expanded Quilt
  Exhibition by U.C. Quilt Festival
  Board featuring 100 quilts- “Family Stories Told Through Quilts…” with
  quilting demo’s & “A Bed Turning–The Story of the Quilts.”- Cultural Arts Bldg
6p James Gang Amusements–Biggest & Best Midway opens!
  “Come Ride with the James Gang” $18 Armband sold 6–10p good til 11p
Kids, Country & the County Fair - DAILY SCHEDULE Featuring: James Gang Amusements - Putnam County Fair
“The Heart of the Fair”
the Best Junior Fair Board Around!!!
Kids, Country & the County Fair - DAILY SCHEDULE Featuring: James Gang Amusements - Putnam County Fair
6p Team Roping–Country Farm & Home East Arena
  Sponsor: Snyder’s/Crossville Tractor & Ford Lincoln
6:30p “It’s All About the Flag” Main Arena Flag presented
  by Lone Star Rodeo
7p Lone Star Rodeo
  Main Arena-Sponsor: Ford
  Lincoln of Cookeville
  Warm Ups in East Arena
7p Karaoke - Patio
  S. Exhibit Hall
7p Music - Hot Biscuits
  Wilson Bank Stage
7-8p Herding Dogs
  Demonstration – Behind the S. Exhibit Hall

                           Friday, July 31
                           9a – 10p Fair Office Open
   7a South Gate Open; 2p North Gate Open, 4p – 11p East & West Gates Open
                                 Admission $5
                     12 – 5p Livestock Gate Open (Hogs)
        North & South Exhibit Halls & Cultural Arts Open 4–10p
9a–4p Poultry Judging – Chicken House -- Closed
10a–10p Country Store Open
3p Hogs in the Big Barn - 4p Weigh-in – Big Barn
4–8p Farm Animal of the Day --Swine (Hog)
4–10p Master Gardeners Exhibit Open
4–9p “Grandma’s Barnyard” - an authentic reproduction
of a real 1940s & 50s Putnam County barnyard for all who love
animals – it’s a petting zoo, with pony rides, a log cabin (by Dry
Levee Salvage), a garden, kid’s games, a blacksmith, live demonstrations each
day & night. Angry Ironsmith Jimmy O’Reilly. Susan Richardson spinning & weaving;
plus cast iron cooking, baby farm animals, & something for everyone.
5-9p Middle Tennessee Antique Engine & Tractor Assoc. -- Antique tractors &
   engines displayed around grounds & in Grand Ma’s Barnyard.
5-9pm Newly expanded Quilt Exhibition by the U.C. Quilt Festival Board
   featuring 100 quilts-“Family Stories Told Through Quilts…” with quilting
   demonstration & “A Bed Turning–The Story of the Quilts.”- Cultural Arts Bldg
5p Chicken House Open-Sponsor: Overton Farmer’s Co-op
5p Hog Show–Big Barn-Sponsor: Plateau Truck & Tractor
5-7:30p Louie the Lightning Bug & Electric
   Powerhouse near fair office Cookeville Electric Dept.
5–9p Magic by Nick Roberts–roving entertainment
   around grandstands & fair office. 3 nights only.
5:30--8p Daniel Copeland, Country Music tent near office
6p James Gang Midway Opens -
   $20 Armband sold 6p–10p & good til 11p.
6:30p “It’s All About the Flag”–Main Arena
   Flag presented by Lone Star Rodeo
Kids, Country & the County Fair - DAILY SCHEDULE Featuring: James Gang Amusements - Putnam County Fair
7p Music – Chris Muncy Wilson Bank Stage
7p Free Karaoke D&D Entertainment S. Exhibit Hall Patio
7-8p Herding Dogs Demonstration–
  Behind S. Exhibit Hall
7p Lone Star Rodeo– Main Arena - Sponsor:
  Snyder’s Tractor/Crossville Tractor & Ford
  Lincoln of Cookeville Warm-ups in East Arena

                       Saturday, August 1
                      7a – 10p Fair Office Open - Admission $5
                 6:30a East, North, Northeast & South Gates Open
           9a – 3p Livestock Gate Open (Goats)        12n All Gates Open
                         North Exhibit Hall Open 12n – 10p
       Cultural Arts Building & South Exhibit Hall open for exhibits 8a – 12n.
           Closed for Judging 12n – 3p Reopens to the Public 3p til 10p

7:30-11:30a Barcodes available – front of Cultural Arts Bldg.
8a–12n Entries Taken – Cultural Arts Building & South Exhibit Hall
9a–9p Chicken House Open - Overton Farmer’s Co-op
9a Jr Poultry Specialty Show - Chicken House
9a Open Western Horse Show- Country Farm & Home
  East Arena Sponsor: State Senator Paul Bailey
10a–10p Country Store Open
10a Corn Hole Tournament – Music Barn
10a–12n Free Admission Midway $15 Armband
sold 10a–1p & good until 2p - Rides Closed 2-4p
12–9p “Grandma’s Barnyard” - an authentic reproduction of a real 1940s &
50s Putnam County barnyard for children & adults who love animals – it’s a petting
zoo, with pony rides, a log cabin (by Dry Levee Salvage), a garden, kid’s games, a
blacksmith, live demonstrations each day & night. Angry Ironsmith Jimmy O’Reilly.
Susan Richardson spinning & weaving; along with cast iron cooking, baby farm
animals, & something for every family member.
12-9p Middle TN Antique Engine & Tractor Assoc. Antique tractors & engines
  displayed around fairgrounds & in Grandma’s Barnyard.
2–6p Pioneer Cooking – near fair office - Larry & Brenda Edmondson
2p Goats in the Big Barn 3p Weigh-IN
2–10p Master Gardeners Exhibit Open
3-5p NEW “Aeroponic Cloning” come see this method for rooting cuttings &
  “How to Build Native Bee Nurseries”– by C.B. Coburn, Putnam County
  Master Gardeners, Past Pres. Gardener Extraordinaire – Tent near fair office.
3-6p Quilt Pattern Painting & Wood Carving–Paula & Donnie Stover near Fair Office
4p Goat Show - Sponsor: All American Shed – Big Barn
Kids, Country & the County Fair - DAILY SCHEDULE Featuring: James Gang Amusements - Putnam County Fair
On March 3, 2020 a massive F4 tornado forever changed the lives of
Putnam County residents. Nineteen people lost their life that night including
Fair Board Secretary Jessica Rector Clark. Through the devastation and loss
of life though the volunteer caring spirit of our state and the nation has shined.
People have come from all over America to help pick up the pieces of our lives.
We mourn those that were lost and celebrate and thank those who came to
help. We Salute Putnam County and the City of Cookeville management in the
outstanding way resources have been managed and directed to rebuild –
                            PUTNAM STRONG!!!!
     In Loving Memory of Jessica Rector Clark

      Jessica Clark was a passionate & caring woman who happened to love
the Putnam County Fair. She was a fair board member for 3 years & in that
time she left a lasting impact on the fair & the people she met along the way.
      Jessica brought enthusiasm, creativity and caring to her role as a fair
board member. She had a wealth of knowledge of the City of Cookeville and
Putnam County possessed by few others. She helped us secure new financial
and people resources for the Fair. She never took no for an answer only as a
beginning point for the next time she contacted you to ask for help with the
fair. She was persistent and endearing in her love of the fair and people.
      She took the Century Farm Program to new heights, locating & involving
all 15 Century Farm Families in the fair. She created our award-winning
Century Farm Exhibit, our first ever Fair Christmas tree at the Cookeville
Library & she secured Dry Levee Salvage to become one our biggest & best
fair supporters.
      She also reworked many of our fair entry departments, rearranged and
enhanced the Cultural Arts Building and brought new people to the fair as
volunteers, sponsors and exhibitors. She saw a need and set about to fill it.
      Jessica never tired of talking about things she believed in and infecting
you with her passion and joy for life. She and her husband Michael Clark loved
the fair, antiques, family and friends.
We will miss her more than words can say. Rest in Peace Dear Friend.
                                     The Putnam County Fair Board
4p James Gang Midway Re-Opens $20 Armband sold 4–10p good til 11p
4-7p Daniel Copeland, Country Music tent near office
4-8p Life Church Youth - face painting – near fair office
4-8p Farm Animal of the Day - Quarter Horse
5–9p Magic by Nick Roberts – roving entertainment around the
  grandstands and fair office. Don’t miss it – three nights only.
6-7p Meet & Greet Monster Truck
  Drivers & ride in a Monster Truck
7p Music - Back Roads Band –
  Wilson Bank Stage
7p Free Karaoke D&D Entertainment
  S. Exhibit Hall Patio
7p Pick TN Products Eating Contest
  Watermelon - Jr Fair Board - picnic table near fair office
7-8p Herding Dogs Demo –Behind S. Exhibit Hall
7:30p “It’s All About the Flag” – Main Arena -
  Flag by Jimmy Allen & his grandson Braxton Allen
7:30p Monster Trucks Show – Main Arena - Sponsor:
  Ford Lincoln of Cookeville

                        Sunday, August 2
                            10a – 10p Fair Office Open
     7a South Gate Open 7a – 2p Livestock Gate Open (Sheep) (Chickens)
                     11a – 11p All Gates Open - Admission $5
   North Exhibit Hall, South Exhibit Hall & Cultural Arts Building Open 2p – 10p
9a Pacesetters Day at the
  Fair(by invitation only)
10a–10p Country Store Open
10a Sheep in the Big Barn
  11a Sheep Weigh In
12 Noon Sheep Show -Big Barn
  Sponsor: TTU College of Ag & Human Ecology
12–9p “Grandma’s Barnyard” - an authentic reproduction of a real 1940s &
50s Putnam County barnyard for children & adults who love animals – it’s a petting
zoo, with pony rides, a log cabin (by Dry Levee Salvage), a garden, kid’s games, a
blacksmith, live demonstrations each day & night. Angry Ironsmith Jimmy O’Reilly.
Susan Richardson spinning & weaving; along with cast iron cooking, baby farm
animals, & something for everyone.
12-9p Middle TN Antique Engine & Tractor
  Assoc. - Antique tractors & engines
  displayed around grounds & in Barnyard.
1–4p Release Poultry & Rabbits –
  Chicken House
2–9p Master Gardeners Exhibit Open
3p Pet Adoption–AARF & Putnam County
  Animal Shelter–near Fair Office
3--6p Daniel Copeland, Country Music- tent near office
3p James Gang Amusements - Midway Opens 3p
  $20 Armband sold 3p – 9p and good until 10p
3p Sheep Dog Competition - Country Farm & Home East Arena
4–8p Farm Animal of the Day -- the Donkey
4-11p Antique Tractor - Exhibition -
4:30p Music - Fox Family - Wilson Bank Stage
5–9p Nick Roberts Magic–roving entertainment
  around grandstands & office. Last Night.
5p “How to Age Terracotta Flower Pots–Gloria
  Vick, P.C. Master Gardener, Past Pres. &
  Gardener Extraordinaire - Tent near Fair Office
5–6p Face Painting (Free), 1st Cumberland
  Presbyterian–in grandstands
6p “It’s All About the Flag” – Main Arena
  Flag presented by: Eli Julian
6p Demolition Derby–
  Main Arena - Sponsor:
  Ford Lincoln Cookeville
  & Country Farm & Home
7p Free Karaoke D&D
  S. Exhibit Hall Patio
7-8p Herding Dogs
  Behind S. Exhibit Hall
7:30p Greased Pig Catching Contest— Big Barn

                       Monday, August 3
                            10a – 10p Fair Office Open
                 7a South and North Gates (Senior Citizens) Open
                      4p – 11p All Gates Open ~ Admission $5
  North Exhibit Hall, South Exhibit Hall and Cultural Arts Building Open 4p – 10p
9a Senior Citizens Day at the Fair - Come join us for a morning of bingo,
   lunch, great fellowship & 20 senior services organizations.
10a–10p Country Store Open
4–9p Master Gardeners Exhibit Open
4–8p Farm Animal of the Day -- Sheep
4–9p “Grandma’s Barnyard”- an authentic reproduction of
a real 1940s & 50s Putnam County barnyard for children &
adults who love animals – it’s a petting zoo, with pony rides, a
log cabin (by Dry Levee Salvage), a garden, kid’s games, a
blacksmith, live demonstrations each day & night. Angry Iron-
smith Jimmy O’Reilly. Susan Richardson spinning & weaving;
along with cast iron cooking, baby farm animals, & something for everyone.
5-9p Middle Tennessee Antique Engine & Tractor Assoc. -- Antique tractors &
   engines displayed around grounds & in Grand Ma’s Barnyard.
5:30p Outdoor Meat Cookery – Music Barn
6p James Gang Midway Opens $18 Armband sold 6p Til 10p good til 11p
It’s All
the Flag!
6:30p “It’s All About the Flag” – Main Arena - Flag presented by Jerry Allen
6:30p Wild Horse & Mule Show-
  Country Farm & Home East Arena
7p Jake Hoot in Concert Main Arena
  Sponsored by Home & Hill Mgmt
  & Wilson Bank & Trust
7-8p Herding Dog Demonstrations
  Behind S. Exhibit Hall
7p Free Karaoke D&D Entertainment
  S. Exhibit Hall Patio
7:30p Greased Pig Catching Contest - Big Barn

                      Tuesday, August 4
                          10a – 10p Fair Office Open
           7a South and North Gates (Buses—Special Children) Open
                      8a – 3p Livestock Gate Open (Dairy)
                   4p – 11p All Gates Open ~ Admission $5
         North & South Exhibit Hall & Cultural Arts Building Open 4–10p
9a Special Children’s Day at the Fair (by invitation only)
10a–10p Country Store Open
4–9p Master Gardeners Exhibit Open
4p Dairy Cattle in the Big Barn
4–8p Farm Animal of the Day -- the Dairy Cow
4–9p “Grandma’s Barnyard” - an authentic reproduction
of a real 1940s & 50s Putnam County barnyard for children &
adults who love animals – it’s a petting zoo, with pony rides,
a log cabin (by Dry Levee Salvage), a garden, kid’s games, a
blacksmith, live demonstrations each day & night. Angry Iron-
smith Jimmy O’Reilly. along with cast iron cooking, baby farm
animals, & something for everyone.
5-9p Middle Tennessee Antique Engine & Tractor Assoc. -- Antique tractors &
   engines displayed around grounds & in Grand Ma’s Barnyard.
5p Motorcycle Practice – Main Arena (enter & exit on west end of main arena)
6p James Gang Midway Opens --$18 Armband sold 6p Til 10p good til 11p
6p “It’s All About the Flag” – Main Arena - Flag presented by: Jacob Crum
6p Motorcycle Races – Main Arena - Sponsor: Country Farm & Home
  (enter & exit on west end of main arena)
  NO MOTORCYCLES allowed on east end of north grandstand or near East Arena.
6p Dairy Show –Sponsor: Barky Beaver–Big Barn
6p Corn Hole Tournament – Music Barn
6:30p 4-H & Youth Horse Show–
  Country Farm & Home East Arena
7p Music - Steve Warren - Wilson Bank Stage
7p Free Karaoke D&D Entertainment
  S. Exhibit Hall Patio
7-8p Herding Dogs Demonstration Behind S. Exhibit Hall
Wednesday, August 5
                            10a – 10p Fair Office Open
                    7a South Gate Open 3p North Gate Open
                      4p – 11p All Gates Open ~ Admission $5
  North Exhibit Hall, South Exhibit Hall and Cultural Arts Building Open 4p – 10p
10a–10p Country Store Open
4–9p Master Gardeners Exhibit Open
4–8p Farm Animal of the Day --the Goat
4–9p “Grandma’s Barnyard” - an authentic reproduction of a real 1940s & 50s
Putnam County barnyard for children & adults who love animals – it’s a petting zoo,
with pony rides, a log cabin (by Dry Levee Salvage), a garden, kid’s games, a black-
smith, live demonstrations each day & night. Angry Ironsmith Jimmy O’Reilly. along
with cast iron cooking, baby farm animals, & something for everyone.
5-9p Middle Tennessee Antique Engine & Tractor Assoc. -- Antique tractors &
  engines displayed around grounds & in Grand Ma’s Barnyard.
5p Motorcycle Practice – Main Arena (enter & exit on west end of main arena)
6p James Gang Amusements
  Midway Opens - $20 Armband sold
  6p til 10p good til 11p
6p ““It’s All About the Flag” –
  Main Arena Flag presented by
6p Motorcycle Races – Main Arena
  Sponsor: Country Farm & Home
  (enter & exit on west end of main arena)
  NO MOTORCYCLES allowed on east end of
  n. grandstand or near East Arena.
6:30-9:30p Barrel Horsemanship Clinic & Demonstration - Country Farm
  & Home East Arena - Chuck & Mendy Williams - only 10-12 participants,
  to register call Mendy at 615-804-5874.
7p Music -B.S. & the Rest-Wilson Bank Stage
7p Free Karaoke D&D Entertainment
  S. Exhibit Hall Patio
7-8p Herding Dogs Demonstration –
  Behind S. Exhibit Hall
7:30p Greased Pig Catching Contest— Big Barn
                       Thursday, August 6
                            10a – 10p Fair Office Open
7a South Gate Open      3p North Gate Open 4–11p All Gates Open - Admission $5
  North Exhibit Hall, South Exhibit Hall and Cultural Arts Building Open 4p – 10p
10a–10p Country Store Open
4–9p Master Gardeners Exhibit Open
4–9p “Grandma’s Barnyard” - authentic reproduc-
tion of a real 1940s & 50s Putnam County barnyard for
children & adults who love animals – it’s a petting zoo,
w/pony rides, a log cabin (by Dry Levee Salvage), a
garden, kid’s games, blacksmith, live demonstrations.
Angry Ironsmith Jimmy O’Reilly. Cast iron cooking, baby farm animals, & more.
Saluting our Fair Families
     Families are critically important to the county fair. Families make the
difference in the quality of our volunteers, and long-range they sustain the fair.
The Putnam County Fair is very fortunate to have many fine families who support
it and work diligently to assure we have a great fair each year.
     Two families are being recognized this year for having taken a memory of a
Grand Mother’s Barnyard & literally re-creating it for all to see & be a part of at the
2019 Putnam County Fair. Those actions put us over the top when being considered
for the Champion County Fair Award from the Tennessee Fair Association.

 We Salute the Angie & Jeremy Glascock Family (Riley & Ryan) pictured above
 and the Veronica & David Clouse Family (Susanna, Grace & Adaline) below.
  Thank you for bringing Grand Ma’s Barnyard to the Putnam County Fair &
  helping us bring that Champion Trophy back for the first time in 10 years.
4–8p Farm Animal of the Day - Poultry – Rooster & Hen
5-9p Middle Tennessee Antique Engine & Tractor Assoc. Antique tractors &
  engines displayed around grounds & in Grand Ma’s Barnyard.
6p James Gang Midway Opens - $18 Armband sold 6p til 10p good til 11p
6:30p Heavy Equipment rodeo Plateau Truck &
  Tractor & Thompson Machinery
6:30p ““It’s All About the Flag” – Main Arena
  Flag presented by Blaine Bussell
6:30p Putnam County Horse Show
  Main Arena -Sponsor: Dry Levee Salvage
7p Hats Off to the Fair – Register near Fair Office
7p Music – The Bilbreys - Wilson Bank Stage
7p Free Karaoke D&D Entertainment S. Exhibit Hall Patio
7-8p Herding Dogs Demo Behind S. Exhibit Hall

                        Friday, August 7
                          10a – 10p Fair Office Open
 7a South Gate Open 2p North Gate Open 4–11p All Gates Open ~ Admission $5
       North & South Exhibit Hall and Cultural Arts Building Open 4p – 10p
10a–10p Country Store Open
4–10p Master Gardeners Exhibit Open
4–8p Farm Animal of the Day -- the Llama
4–9p “Grandma’s Barnyard” - an authentic reproduction of a
real 1940s & 50s Putnam County barnyard for children & adults
who love animals – it’s a petting zoo, with pony rides, a log cabin
(by Dry Levee Salvage), a garden, kid’s games, a blacksmith,
live demonstrations each day & night. Angry Ironsmith Jimmy
O’Reilly. Susan Richardson spinning & weaving; along with cast
iron cooking, baby farm animals, & something for every family member.
5-9p Middle TN Antique Engine & Tractor Assoc. -- Antique
   tractors & engines displayed around grounds & in Barnyard.
5:30p “How to Prep a Show Chicken”– Dawson Davidson
   near Fair Office (as seen on TV “P. Allen Smith’s Garden Style”)
5:30--8p Daniel Copeland, Country Music tent near office
6p James Gang Amusements - Midway Opens
   $20 Armband sold 6p til 10p good til 11p
6:30p “It’s All About the Flag” – Main Arena
   Flag presented by Danny Vaughn
7p Free Karaoke D&D Entertainment S. Exhibit Hall Patio
7p Music - Alley Cutter Band
   Wilson Bank Stage
7-8p Herding Dogs
   Behind S. Exhibit Hall
7p Truck & Tractor Pull–
   Main Arena -
   Sponsor: Cummins Filtration
7:30p Greased Pig Catching Contest - Big Barn
Saturday, August 8
                            8a – 11p Fair Office Open
                       7a – 1p Livestock Gate Open (Beef)
                     7a – 11p All Gates Open ~ Admission $5
                          All Buildings Open 12n – 10p
9:30a Open Youth Pet Show –- Registration
  Show starts at 10a – Putnam County Music Barn
9:30a Antique Tractor Pull–Main Arena
  Sponsored by: Dry Levee Salvage
10a–10p Country Store Open
10a Middle TN Jr Rodeo - Country Farm & Home East
  Arena - Sponsor: Ford Lincoln of Cookeville & the Putnam County Fair
12–9p “Grandma’s Barnyard” - an authentic reproduction of a real 1940s &
50s Putnam County barnyard for children & adults who love animals – it’s a petting
zoo, with pony rides, a log cabin (by Dry Levee Salvage), a garden, kid’s games, a
blacksmith, live demonstrations each day & night. Angry Ironsmith Jimmy O’Reilly.
Susan Richardson spinning & weaving; along with cast iron cooking, baby farm
animals, & something for every family member.
12-9p Middle TN Antique Engine & Tractor Assoc.
  Antique tractors & engines displayed around
  fairgrounds & in Grandma’s Barnyard.
2p Beef Cattle in Big Barn
2–10p Master Gardeners Exhibit Open
2–6p Pioneer Cooking – Larry & Brenda
  Edmondson - near Fair Office
1–6p Quilt Pattern Painting & Wood Carving
  Paula & Donnie Stover - near Fair Office
3-5p Aeroponic Cloning”–come see new method for rooting cuttings & “How
  to Build Native Bee Nurseries”–by C.B. Coburn, P.C. Master Gardeners, Past
  President – Gardener Extraordinaire – Tent near fair office.
4p Beef Show–Big Barn - Sponsor:
  Tractor Supply of Cookeville
4p James Gang Amusements Midway Opens
  $20 Armbands sold 4p-10p good til 11p
4–8p Farm Animal of the Day - Beef Cow
4--7p Daniel Copeland, Country Music
  tent near fair office
4--7p Maxine’s Gourds - Master Gardeners
  Maxine Osburn, Gardener Extraordinaire
6:30p “It’s All About the Flag” Main Arena
  Flag presented by Hayley Wisehart
7p Demolition Derby -- Main Arena
  Sponsored: Dry Levee Salvage & Cummins Filtration
7p Music–Blazing Phoenix Wilson Bank Stage
7p Free Karaoke D&D Entertainment S. Exhibit Hall Patio
7-8p Herding Dogs Demonstration Behind S. Exhibit Hall
Sunday, August 9
              10a – 4p Fair Office Open       10a All Gates Open
       North and South Exhibit Hall and Cultural Arts Bldg Open 1 – 2:30p
                    1p – 2:30p Release Entries
 2p – 3:30p Country Store Open for Picking-Up Checks & unsold items

                                               “Y’all come
                                               back now,

95th Putnam County Fair
July 17,July 29-Aug. 7, 2021
                    Meet the Real Grand Ma…
    Grand Ma’s Barnyard was inspired by the
real barnyard belonging to Maude Chaffin
Allen. She & my grandfather, Alva Allen (Pap)
lived north of Cookeville off Hilham Road.
She was born in 1899 & lived all of her life
on the farm that is still in the Allen Family.
    They milked 6 or 7 Jersey cows twice
a day. They raised their own beef, pork,
chickens, & most everything else they ate.
They had a big garden every year and Ma
canned literally hundreds of jars of food to
feed her family and share with others.
    During the Depression, when things
were scarce, they dug up the smokehouse
dirt where the hams hung to be cured and
boiled it to get the salt out of it to use in
cooking. Pap raided wild bees in trees to
get honey to use in place of sugar which
was also scarce.
    Pap had a blacksmith’s shop near the barn and there was always a big farm
wagon loaded with hay, corn or some farm crop standing in the barn lot just like
in the barnyard here at the fair.
    They used horses and mules to plow the fields, mow and haul hay and corn,
and they never owned a tractor, hay baler or other modern farm equipment. They
mowed hay with a pair of horses and a horse drawn mower.
    My brothers and sister spent long summer days in that barnyard learning
about animals and helping our grandparents with the chores. There were always
puppies and kittens, a baby colt, calf and baby pigs around the barnyard.
    Grand Ma’s Barnyard did exist and today it is alive in the memories of her
grandchildren.                           John Allen, President, Putnam County Fair
Fair Admission – 2019 At-A-Glance
              Events Listing & Times all Subject to Change
  Reduced Admission in GREEN Admission is $5 for all Fair Events off
      and on the Fairgrounds Except for Wednesday, August 5th
   Come Celebrate Our Champion Fair Award – free admission for
          children 15 & under and $15 armbands 4p til 11p
  Also Free Admission 10a – 12noon Saturday, August 3 – Midway
     Opens at 10a$15 Armband sold 10a – 1p and good until 2p
                        Rides will be Closed 2-4p
           $20 Armband sold 4p – 10p and good until 11p

                             2019 Ride
                        Pricing & Schedule

Founded in 1992, James Gang Amusement Inc. is a family run carnival from Andalusia,
Alabama. Famous for providing great rides, honest games of skill, and extraordinary midway
food. Whether you visit during the day or night, your experience will be filled with joy, laughter,
and fun times. Guests enjoy the smell of freshly popped popcorn and hot and ready Polish and
Italian sausage ready to be covered by freshly cooked onion & peppers, the best funnel cakes
in the world, as well as the sights & sounds of our rides. At night James Gangs midway comes to
life with thousands of LED lights that can be seen from miles away. James Gang Amusements’
goal is to create a family friendly atmosphere by providing the best midway out there with
professionally trained employees and always clean and well maintained.

                  Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
           $18 Armbands sold 6p – 10p and good until 11p
                    Fridays July 31 and August 7
            $20 Armbands sold 6p –10p and good until 11p
             Saturday Night, August 1 Rides closed 2-4p
            $20 Armband sold 4p – 10p and good until 11p
               Sunday, August 2 – Midway Opens at 3p
             $20 Armband sold 3p – 9p and good until 10p
              Saturday, August 8 – Midway Opens at 4p
            $20 Armband sold 4p – 10p and good until 11p
                    Special Rate Times
         Saturday, August 1– Midway Opens at 10a
 $15 Armband sold 10a – 1p and good until 2p Rides closed 2-4p
 Wednesday $15 Armbands sold 4p – 10p and good until 11p
Concessions at the Putnam County Fair
We offer some of the best fair food in Tennessee. From the famous “fair burger” you
had as a kid to fried green tomatoes, mile-high pies, rib eye sandwiches, Bar-B-Que,
chicken, soft serve and shaved ice. We appreciate the outstanding customer service
& family atmosphere – plus smoking & non-smoking seating.
   Stand 1 –Ollie’s – Oscar Page 615-633-5138
   comfort food, rib eye sandwich and all around great food.
   Stand 2 –Smith Family – Beau & Kara Smith, 931-510-2797 –
   Fair food favorites from around the USA!
   Stand 3 –Dipsy Doodle Restaurant– Debi Daniels, 931-372-2663
   Giant Burger, Mile High Pies, banana pudding, chicken, fish and
   fried green tomatoes.
   Stand 4–Faith Chapel–Pastor Steve & Bonnie Warren–931-510-5275
   Made from scratch onion rings, deep fried pickles, best deep fried desserts,
   including deep fried Oreos. Breakfast on Saturdays. Nightly specials.
   Stand 5–Vinnie T’s – 931-372-2582. Your favorite American Fair Food.
   Stand 6–Southern Rock Bouncin’ BBQ – Jeromy York -- 931-349-8765
   The best BBQ around.
   Stand 7–Helens Restaurant–Carol Pippin 931-268-2022
   Southern comfort food served – everything is fresh and hand breaded –
   fried green tomatoes, deep fried oreos, fried pickles, fish and great burgers.
   Stand 8 – I DREAM OF WEENIES Robin Darty 931-979-4748
   Home of the magical DOGS & more famous cooking. Serving our magical dogs,
   famous grilled cheese burger, toasted sandwiches (tuna-chicken-egg-pimento
   as well as a 1/4 lb fried bologna sandwich) chips & banana pudding tacos
DaStands 9 & 10 –Southern Soft Ice–Darryl & Tanja Freels–931-858-4237
   Serving real Italian ice, Frozen Lemonade & world’s best buttery caramel corn.
   Stand 11 –Shields & Sharon Griggs – 931-432-5357 (on the west end
   of main arena) The best flavored shaved ice at the fair, hot dogs, snacks.
   Stand 12 –Baxter Civic Club – Johnnie Allison – 931-607-0046.
   Homemade, juicy burgers, hot dogs, fried bologna sandwiches, traditional
   American food.
   Baskins Robbins Ice Cream – Shane Allen, 931-252-7388
   ice cream.
   The Country Store – Tammy Guess – 931-979-0577
   Homemade baked goods, fried pies, cakes, fudge, banana & pumpkin bread, rice
   krispy treats, pecan & chess pies, cookies, candy, drinks, popcorn, & lots more.

      Concession stands are rented prior to the fair in accordance with
       Putnam County Fair Board policy. A waiting list is maintained of
         businesses who want to operate a concession/food trailer.
    Contact Thom Steger, Fair Board Member at the fair office to be added.
Please Show Favor to Our Sponsors
   The Putnam County Fair Board, “Expresses
                                             sincere thanks & appreciation
      to the 129 businesses & individuals who give generously to the Fair.”
           Diamond Star Sponsors -- $10,000 or more
                        Cummins Filtration/Fleetguard
                          Ford Lincoln of Cookeville
                             Dry Levee Salvage
           Platinum Star Sponsors -- $5,000 - $9,999
                   Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated
                         Country Farm & Home
                   Home & Hill Management & Design
                        State Senator Paul Bailey
                          Wilson Bank & Trust
              Gold Star Sponsors -- $2,000 - $4,999
                   Cannon, Clark, Holman & Associates
               Crossville Tractor & Snyder’s Tractor of Sparta
                          First National Bank of TN
                                Herald Citizen
                          McDonald’s of Cookeville
                            Overton County COOP
                             PLC Traffic Control
                            Roland Digital Media
                 The Barn at Bilbrey’s Crossing - Rickman
                        Twin Lakes Tractor - Rickman
                   Tennessee Department of Agriculture
               The College of Agriculture & Human Ecology,
                    Tennessee Technological University
                                   WCTE TV
               Silver Star Sponsors -- $1,000 - $1,999
                               All American Sheds
                                   Barky Beaver
                City of Cookeville Police & Fire Departments
                              El Tapatio Restaurant
                           McGriff Insurance Services
              Bill Bullington / Mid TN Landscaping & Irrigation
                         Mountain Farm International
                              Presley Funeral Home
                         Putnam County Farm Bureau
                        Putnam County Fire Department
                          Putnam County Tree Service
                             Richardson Restoration
                                  Service Master
                          Tractor Supply in Cookeville
                          Volunteer Heating & Cooling
                              Walmart in Cookeville
                              Wendy’s of Cookeville
                         Will Roberson, Attorney at Law
Bronze Star Sponsors - $250 - $999
               Algood Drugs                      Hooligan’s Half Irish Pub
              Allen’s Exteriors               Hooper, Huddleston & Horner
           Ambiance Nail Salon                  Horizon Realty & Auction
       Anderson U.C. Funeral Home           Jim Nunnally – Shelter Insurance
       Ascend Federal Credit Union          Johnson’s Nursery & Garden Center
                 Auto Zone                         Kroger of Cookeville
          Bethesda Health Care                          Life Church
      Bluewaters Equipment Rental                  Local Sales Network
             Blue Coast Burrito                    Lowe’s of Cookeville
      Brewington Auction & Realty                  McGugin Oil Company
         Clinton Engineering, LLC          Minit Mart serving Godfathers Pizza
          Clinton Surveying, LLC                   Monte Gaw Appraisal
         Commercial Truck Parts                    Monterey Save-A-Lot
               Cookeville FFA                 Mountain Farm International
           Cookeville Save-A-Lot                 1ne Source Realty Pros
         Crestlawn Funeral Home                    O’Reilly’s Auto Parts
             Cumberland Gold                       AG1 Farmer’s Co--op
          Cumberland Insurance                 Patsy Farris, Claimant Rep.
       Danny Roberts Construction                   Print Link Printing
         Dipsy Doodle Restaurant                    Putnam Properties
             Duck Pond Manor               Rosewood Wedding & Event Center
            Dyer Funeral Home                        Shelton’s Roofing
  Edd Rogers Chevrolet & Buick, Sparta         Smith County Commission
    El Magueyal Mexican Restaurant                Tays Realty & Auction
                 FASTSIGNS                         Tri-Green Equipment
        Fimiani Development Corp.                      Trinityalgood
              Firehouse Subs                     TN Livestock Producers
           First Tennessee Bank                          U.S. Bank
Freddie Duncan & Sons Moving & Storage        United Country Real Estate/
          Frog Cleaning Service                   Town & Country Realty
        Fry & Fry, Attorneys at Law                 Valley Ford - Sparta
                 Gaw Farms                        Van De Voorde Electric
            Gentry Construction                Vulcan Materials Company
              Giovanni’s Pizza                         Walker Diesel
            Helen’s Restaurant                Walker Investment Company
            Henry’s Lock & Key                        Whitson Farms
      Heritage Pointe Senior Living               Whitson Funeral Home
            Highland Hardware                 Willow Ave. Express Laundry
         Hix Brothers Tractor Co.             Worley Brothers Construction

             Copper Star Sponsors - $100 - $250
            Appliance Mart                  Putnam County Elected Officials           
           Bob’s Body Shop                         Eddie Farris, Sheriff           
           Country Bumpkin                    Randy Porter, County Mayor           
    Jackson County Farm Bureau               Mike Atwood, Commissioner             
          Logan’s Restaurant                Harold Burris, Register of Deeds       
         Rickman Saddle Club             Jennifer Wilkerson, Circuit Court Clerk   
        TN Association of Fairs              Randy Jones, Road Supervisor
  Twin Lakes Telephone Cooperative             Wayne Nabors, Court Clerk
     Vaughn’s Monument Works                     Freddie Nelson, Trustee
                                            Steve Pierce, Property Assessor
                                               Jeff Jones, County Attorney
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