Page created by Don Barrett

                            LUDOVIC MORLOT, MUSIC DIRECTOR


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CO N T E N TS                                                               FEBRUARY 2019

                                                                                                                                                                       4 / CALENDAR

                                                                                                                                                                       6 / MEET THE MUSICIANS

                                                                                                                                                                       8 / THE SYMPHONY

                                                                                                                                                                       10 / NEWS


                                                                                                                                                                     12 / Say Hello to Octave 9

                                                                                                                                                                     15 / February 6
                                                                                                                                                                          Silkroad Ensemble with
                                                                                                                                                                          Kinan Azmeh
                                                                                                                                                                     17 / February 8, 9 & 10
                                                                                                                                                                          E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial in
                                                                                                                                                                     19 / February 14 & 16
                                                                                                                                                                          Prokofiev Symphony No. 7
                                                                                                                                                                     23 / February 17

                                                                                                                                                                          Lawrence Brownlee &
                                                                                                                                                                          Eric Owens
                                                                                                                                                                     27 / February 18
Photo: Pari Dukovic

                                                                                                                                                                          Songplay Featuring
                                                                                                                                                                          Joyce DiDonato
                                                         JOYCE DIDONATO
                                                                                                                                                                     29 / February 19
                                                                                                                                                                         Debussy String Quartet
                                                                                                                                                                     31 / February 22 & 23
                                                                                                                                                                          Amadeus Live with the
                                                                                                                                                                          Seattle Symphony

                        23                                                                                        23
                                                                                                                                                                     33 / February 28 & March 3
                                                                                                                                                                          Sir András Schiff Beethoven
Photo: Shervin Lainez

                                                                                            Photo: Dario Acosta

                                                                                                                                                                          Piano Concerto No. 4
                                                                                                                                                                     37 / March 2
                                                          LAWRENCE BROWNLEE                                                          ERIC OWENS
                                                                                                                                                                          Sir András Schiff in Recital

                                                                                                                                                                       46 / BENAROYA HALL GUIDE

                                                                                                                                                                       47 / THE LIS(Z)T

                    ON THE COVER: Kinan Azmeh (page 15) with the Seattle Symphony by Brandon Patoc
                    COVER DESIGN: Kate Hourihan
                    EDITOR: Heidi Staub

                    © 2019 Seattle Symphony
                    All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission
                    from the Seattle Symphony. All programs and artists are subject to change.

LOOKING AHEAD:                                        PERFORMANCE SPACE:
                                                           ■ S. MARK TAPER FOUNDATION AUDITORIUM
                                                                                                                                     ON THE DIAL: Tune in to Classical

                                                                                                                                     KING FM 98.1 every Wednesday at 8pm
                                                           ■ ILLSLEY BALL NORDSTROM RECITAL HALL                                     for a Seattle Symphony spotlight and
                                                           ■ OCTAVE 9: RAISBECK MUSIC CENTER                                         the first Friday of every month at 9pm
                                                           ■ SAMUEL & ALTHEA STROUM GRAND LOBBY
     AT BENAROYA HALL                                      ■ SYMPHONY EVENTS AWAY FROM THE HALL
                                                                                                                                     for concert broadcasts.

           SUNDAY                   MONDAY                    TUESDAY               WEDNESDAY                THURSDAY                    FRIDAY                    SATURDAY

                                                                                                                                                         1    8pm
                                                                                                                                  There is Sunshine in        Sir András Schiff
                                                                                                                                  My Soul Today               in Recital
                                                                                                                                  ENSIGN SYMPHONY &           SEATTLE SYMPHONY

                                                                                                                                  7:30pm Side-by-Side
                                                                                                                                  with Ballard High
                                                                                                                                  School Orchestra
                                                                                                                                  SEATTLE SYMPHONY

                                                                                                                                  SEATTLE SYMPHONY

                           3                        4                       5                        6                        7                        8                           9
     11am                                                7:30pm                 6:30pm                   5pm                      5:30pm                      10am–4pm
     Octave 9 Ribbon                                     Dean Baquet &          International            Octave 9 First           The Symphony:               Octave 9 Family
     Cutting                                             Marty Baron            Women’s Day 2019         Thursday Open            Shostakovich                Open House
     SEATTLE SYMPHONY                                    SEATTLE ARTS &         BE BOLD SEATTLE          House                    SEATTLE SYMPHONY            SEATTLE SYMPHONY
                                                         LECTURES                                        SEATTLE SYMPHONY
     2, 3, 4 & 5pm                                                                                                                8pm                         11am
     Octave 9 Open                                                                                       7:30pm                   Joshua Bell                 Family Concert: The
     Houses                                                                                              Joshua Bell              Mendelssohn Violin          Man with the Violin
     SEATTLE SYMPHONY                                                                                    Mendelssohn Violin       Concerto                    SEATTLE SYMPHONY
                                                                                                         Concerto                 SEATTLE SYMPHONY
     2pm                                                                                                 SEATTLE SYMPHONY                                     8pm
     Sir András Schiff                                                                                                                                        Joshua Bell
     Conducts & Plays                                                                                                                                         Mendelssohn Violin
     SEATTLE SYMPHONY                                                                                                                                         Concerto
                                                                                                                                                              SEATTLE SYMPHONY

     3pm Ravel,
                         10    1pm
                                                    11                     12   3:30pm
                                                                                                    13   7:30pm
                                                                                                                           14     7:30pm
                                                                                                                                                     15       8pm
     Schumann & Mahler         Benaroya Hall Tour                               Friends Onstage          Bach Mass in             University of               Bach Mass in
     SEATTLE YOUTH             SEATTLE SYMPHONY                                 Rehearsal*               B minor                  Washington                  B minor
     SYMPHONY                                                                   SEATTLE SYMPHONY         SEATTLE SYMPHONY         Community Concert           SEATTLE SYMPHONY
     ORCHESTRA                 7:30pm                                                                                             SEATTLE SYMPHONY
     6pm                       Max Raabe & The
     Brooklyn to Ballard       Palast Orchester                                                                                   8pm
     SEATTLE SYMPHONY          LIVE @ BENAROYA                                                                                    An Evening with
     7pm Her Vision | Her      HALL                                                                                               Burt Bacharach
                                                                                                                                  LIVE @ BENAROYA
     Samin Nosrat
     NWAA, KNKX 88.5 FM &

     2pm                 17    7:30pm            18      7:30pm          19     7:30pm              20   7:30pm             21    10pm               22       10am & 12pm      23
     Bach Mass in              Wayne Marshall in         Michael Tilson         In the Spotlight:        Shostakovich             [untitled] 2                Sensory Friendly
     B minor                   Recital                   Thomas & San           John Harbison            Symphony No. 15          SEATTLE SYMPHONY            Concert: Springing
     SEATTLE SYMPHONY          SEATTLE SYMPHONY          Francisco Symphony     SEATTLE SYMPHONY         SEATTLE SYMPHONY                                     for the Violins
                                                         SAN FRANCISCO                                                                                        SEATTLE SYMPHONY
     7pm                                                 SYMPHONY                                                                                             5pm Contemporary
     Mozart Violin                                                                                                                                            Music Marathon
     Sonatas                                                                                                                                                  SEATTLE SYMPHONY
     BYRON SCHENKMAN &                                                                                                                                        7:30pm
     FRIENDS                                                                                                                                                  David Russell
                                                                                                                                                              SEATTLE CLASSIC
                                                                                                                                                              GUITAR SOCIETY
                                                                                                                                                              Symphony No. 15
                                                                                                                                                              SEATTLE SYMPHONY

     12 & 8am       24         7:30pm             25     7:30pm            26                       27                     28     7:30pm             29       8pm                 30
     Contemporary Music        Capturing the             Capturing the                                                            Makana                      The Glenn Miller
     Marathon                  Impossible                Impossible                                                               LIVE @ BENAROYA             Orchestra
     SEATTLE SYMPHONY          NATIONAL                  NATIONAL                                                                 HALL                        SEATTLE SYMPHONY
                               GEOGRAPHIC LIVE           GEOGRAPHIC LIVE
     2pm Capturing the                                                                                                            8pm
     Impossible                                                                                                                   The Glenn Miller
     NATIONAL                                                                                                                     Orchestra
     GEOGRAPHIC LIVE                                                                                                              SEATTLE SYMPHONY

     2pm                 31
     The Glenn Miller

    *Donor Events: Call 206.215.4832 for more information                               TICKETS: 206.215.4747                   GIVE: 206.215.4832

 Who’s Here
 to Hear
 Photo: James Holt

                            We’re both originally from
                            Taiwan but we met in Seattle.
                     Right now we have a 2 year old, so

                                                                            THE (R)EVOLUTION

                                                                                                                                                                         Photo © Ken Howard For Santa Fe Opera, 2017
                     when we have a chance to go out, we
                     enjoy going to movies or fine dining.
                     Sometimes we like to sing together.

                                                                            OF STEVE JOBS
                     My husband Jack will play the guitar
                     and I’ll sing, but we have very different
                     tastes in music. For me, I like a little bit
                     of everything. I like classical, I like pop
                     songs. He likes rock music and death

                                                                            FEB. 23–MAR. 9
                     metal, so very different. I don’t always
                     understand the lyrics in his music with
                     all the screaming and yelling, but he
                     says it is relaxing. For me, I think
                     classical is relaxing.

                                                                         “TOTALLY USER-FRIENDLY!”                                   West Coast Premiere!
                       – Joyce, left, with Jack, right                   –The Los Angeles Times                                     In English with English subtitles.
                                                                                                                                    Evenings 7:30 PM
                                                                         This innovative and crowd-pleasing
                                                                                                                                    Sunday 2:00 PM
                                                                         portrait of Apple’s visionary co-founder
                                                                         dazzles with “visually stunning” (ABQ                      Featuring the Seattle Opera Chorus
                                                                         Journal) staging and lyrical, cutting-edge                 and members of Seattle Symphony
                                                                         music mixing traditional and electronic
                                                                         instrumentation. Compelling, funny, and                    MCCAW HALL
                     CONNECT WITH US:                                    touching, the unique production “does                      206.389.7676
                     Share your photos using #ListenBoldly and
                                                                         what opera does best: giving audiences a                   SEATTLEOPERA.ORG/STEVEJOBS
                     follow @seattlesymphony on Facebook,
                                                                         glimpse into the inner life of its title                   2018/19 SEASON SPONSOR:
                                                                                                                                    LENORE M. HANAUER
                     Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. Download           character” (Marin Independent Journal).
                                                                                                                                    PRODUCTION SPONSORS:
                     the Listen Boldly app to easily purchase            Don’t miss this remarkable example of                      ARTSFUND, C.E. STUART CHARITABLE
                                                                                                                                    TRUST, TAGNEY JONES FAMILY FUND AT
                     tickets, skip the Ticket Office lines and receive   theatrical imagination.                                    SEATTLE FOUNDATION
                     exclusive offers.

                                                                         Co-commission with Santa Fe Opera and San Francisco Opera, with support from Cal Performances

                             SEATTLE SYMPHONY MUSIC DIRECTOR

                                                                    French conductor Ludovic                                                        Morlot was Chief Conductor of La Monnaie for three years
                                                                    Morlot has been Music                                                           (2012–14). During this time he conducted several new
                                                                    Director of the Seattle                                                         productions including La Clemenza di Tito, Jenu° fa and Pelléas
                                                                    Symphony since 2011.                                                            et Mélisande as well as concert performances in both Brussels
                                                                    During the 2018–2019                                                            and at the Aix-en-Provence Easter Festival.
                                                                    season they will continue
                                                                    in their incredible                                                             Trained as a violinist, Morlot studied conducting at the Pierre
                                                                    musical journey, focusing                                                       Monteux School (U.S.) with Charles Bruck and Michael Jinbo.
                                                                    particularly on the music                                                       He continued his education in London at the Royal Academy
Photo: Lisa-Marie Mazzucco

                                                                    of Debussy, and works by                                                        of Music and then at the Royal College of Music as recipient
                                                                    composers he influenced                                                         of the Norman del Mar Conducting Fellowship. Morlot was
                                                                    or that influenced him.                                                         elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music in 2014 in
                                                                    Among others, newly                                                             recognition of his significant contribution to music. He is
                                                                    commissioned works this                                                         Chair of Orchestral Conducting Studies at the University of
                                                                    season are Caroline Shaw’s                                                      Washington School of Music.
                                                                    Piano Concerto and the U.S.
                             premiere of Pascal Dusapin’s At Swim-Two-Birds. The orchestra has
                             many successful recordings on their label which have won three
                             Grammy Awards.

                             SEATTLE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ROSTER

                             LUDOVIC MORLOT                                                 Thomas Dausgaard Music Director Designate                                  Pablo Rus Broseta Douglas F. King Associate Conductor
                             Harriet Overton Stimson Music Director                         Joseph Crnko Associate Conductor for Choral Activities                     Gerard Schwarz Rebecca & Jack Benaroya Conductor Laureate

                             FIRST VIOLIN                             Wes Dyring                                      OBOE                                    Jonathan Karschney                        KEYBOARD
                             Noah Geller                              Allison Farkas *                                Mary Lynch                              Assistant Principal                       Joseph Adam
                             David & Amy Fulton Concertmaster         Sayaka Kokubo                                   Principal                                                                         Organ +
                                                                                                                                                              Jenna Breen
                                                                      Daniel Stone                                     Supported by anonymous donors
                             Open Position,                                                                                                                   John Turman
                                                                      Rachel Swerdlow
                             Clowes Family Associate Concertmaster                                                    Ben Hausmann                            Danielle Kuhlmann                         PERSONNEL MANAGER
                                                                      Julie Whitton
                             Open Position                                                                            Associate Principal                                                               Scott Wilson
                             Assistant Concertmaster                  CELLO                                           Chengwen Winnie Lai
                                                                                                                                                              David Gordon                              ASSISTANT PERSONNEL
                             Simon James                              Efe Baltacıgil                                  Stefan Farkas
                                                                                                                                                              Boeing Company Principal Trumpet          MANAGER
                             Second Assistant Concertmaster           Marks Family Foundation Principal Cello
                                                                                                                      ENGLISH HORN                            Alexander White                           Keith Higgins
                             Jennifer Bai                             Meeka Quan DiLorenzo
                                                                                                                      Stefan Farkas                           Assistant Principal
                             Mariel Bailey                            Assistant Principal                                                                                                               LIBRARY
                                                                                                                                                              Christopher Stingle
                             Cecilia Poellein Buss                    Nathan Chan                                     CLARINET                                                                          Robert Olivia
                                                                                                                                                              Michael Myers
                             Timothy Garland                          Eric Han                                                                                                                          Associate Librarian
                             Leonid Keylin                                                                            Benjamin Lulich
                                                                      Bruce Bailey                                                                            TROMBONE
                             Mae Lin                                                                                  Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Smith Principal                                                Jeanne Case
                                                                      Roberta Hansen Downey
                             Mikhail Shmidt                                                                            Clarinet                               Ko-ichiro Yamamoto                        Librarian
                                                                      Walter Gray
                             Clark Story                              Vivian Gu                                       Emil Khudyev                            Principal                                 Rachel Swerdlow
                             John Weller                              Joy Payton-Stevens                              Associate Principal                     David Lawrence Ritt                       Assistant Librarian
                             Jeannie Wells Yablonsky                  David Sabee                                     Laura DeLuca                            Stephen Fissel
                             Arthur Zadinsky                                                                          Dr. Robert Wallace Clarinet                                                       TECHNICAL DIRECTOR
                                                                      BASS                                                                                    BASS TROMBONE
                             SECOND VIOLIN                                                                            Eric Jacobs                                                                       Joseph E. Cook
                                                                      Jordan Anderson                                                                         Stephen Fissel
                             Elisa Barston                            Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Heath Principal                                                                                              ARTIST IN ASSOCIATION
                                                                                                                      E-FLAT CLARINET
                             Principal                                 String Bass                                                                            TUBA
                                                                                                                      Laura DeLuca                                                                      Dale Chihuly
                             Michael Miropolsky                       Joseph Kaufman                                                                          John DiCesare
                             John & Carmen Delo                       Assistant Principal                             BASS CLARINET                           Principal                                 2018–2019 SEASON
                              Assistant Principal Second Violin                                                                                                                                         COMPOSER IN RESIDENCE
                                                                      Jonathan Burnstein                              Eric Jacobs
                             Kathleen Boyer                           Brendan Fitzgerald *                                                                    TIMPANI                                   Derek Bermel
                             Gennady Filimonov                        Jennifer Godfrey                                BASSOON                                 James Benoit
                             Evan Anderson                            Travis Gore                                                                             Principal                                 HONORARY MEMBER
                                                                                                                      Seth Krimsky
                             Natasha Bazhanov                         Jonathan Green                                  Principal                               Matthew Decker                            Cyril M. Harris       †
                             Brittany Breeden
                                                                                                                      Paul Rafanelli                          Assistant Principal
                             Stephen Bryant                           FLUTE
                                                                                                                      Mike Gamburg **                                                                   + Resident
                             Linda Cole                               Demarre McGill
                             Xiao-po Fei                              Principal
                                                                                                                      Dana Jackson *                          PERCUSSION                                † In Memoriam
                             Artur Girsky                              Supported by David and Shelley Hovind                                                  Michael A. Werner                         ** On Leave
                             Andy Liang                                                                               CONTRABASSOON                           Principal
                             Andrew Yeung                             Jeffrey Barker                                  Mike Gamburg **                                                                   * Temporary Musician for 2018–2019
                                                                      Associate Principal                                                                     Michael Clark                              season
                                                                                                                      Dana Jackson *
                             VIOLA                                                                                                                            Matthew Decker
                                                                      Judy Washburn Kriewall
                             Susan Gulkis Assadi                      Zartouhi Dombourian-Eby                         HORN
                             PONCHO Principal Viola                                                                   Jeffrey Fair
                                                                      PICCOLO                                                                                 Valerie Muzzolini
                             Arie Schächter **                                                                        Charles Simonyi Principal Horn
                             Assistant Principal                      Zartouhi Dombourian-Eby                         Mark Robbins                             Supported by Eliza and Brian Shelden
                                                                      Robert & Clodagh Ash Piccolo                    Associate Principal
                             Mara Gearman
                             Timothy Hale                                                                              Supported by Stephen Whyte
                             Penelope Crane

                             6      SEATTLESYMPHONY.ORG
 Eric Han
Photo: Eric Han

                  Eric Han has been playing the cello since he was 6, but he’s recently become intrigued
                  by another art form — photography. “I realized that photos were the only way we have
                  to hold onto all these memories,” he explains. “For me it’s about capturing things that I
                  see or want to hold onto.”
                  So far, his favorite photo is of the Olympic Peninsula, taken from the rooftop of his
                  house. “The sunset was perfectly reflected off the snowy mountains and, in the water,
                  there is a single boat with ‘Peace’ written on the back,” he says. “It was good timing
                  to capture the calmness of the ocean with the peaceful boat sailing away. Simple, but
                  Of course, his lifelong passion stars in many of his pictures. Laughing, Eric admits
                  that “I’m a super cello nerd, so I take a lot of photos of my cello. You can see the
                  different grains in the wood and you can almost see the carvings in the surface of the
                  Although he started the cello early, Eric says that it wasn’t until later that he began to
                  truly appreciate his instrument. “It was in my teens, my late teens, when I really felt that
                  this was a third language that I could use to communicate,” he recalls. “I speak Korean
                  and English fluently, but beyond the language barrier, music creates this amazing
                  bridge to communicate our feelings and emotions with each other.”
                  Eric says that he feels fortunate to have found a family of colleagues that share his joy
                  and energy for making music together. “Everybody in the cello section contributes in
                  a way that is so positive and so strong,” he says. “It comes from so much love for the
                  music, so much love for each other, and so much love for the audience.”

 Peer Seattle
                                                                                        The Seattle Symphony has partnered with Peer Seattle (formerly known as Seattle Area
                                                                                        Support Groups) since 2012. Peer Seattle is a nonprofit that cultivates powerful, healthy
                                                                                        lives by providing peer emotional support and development services to the LGBTQ
                                                                                        community and their allies embracing issues of mental health, chemical and behavioral
                                                                                        addiction, and chronic illness. Peer Seattle serves Western Washington gay, lesbian,
                                                                                        bisexual, transgender, transsexual, and sexual minority communities and their allies
                                                                                        impacted by temporary or chronic mental health or behavioral addiction, or chronic
                                                                                        illnesses such as HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases.

                                                                                        Peer Seattle is one of nearly 80 partners in the Seattle Symphony’s Community
                                                                                        Connections program which provides complimentary tickets to diverse communities
                                                                                        in the Puget Sound region.
 Photo: James Holt

                                                                                        “Being in recovery, it’s great to be able to have opportunities to experience new things
                                                                                        and to learn how to have fun in healthy ways.”
                                                                                           – Ticketholder, Seattle Area Support Groups



                         RENÉ ANCINAS Chair*       Molly Gabel Secretary*                    Paula Boggs Vice Chair, Audiences & Communities*               Dana Reid Vice Chair, Governance*
                                                    Michael Slonski Treasurer*                Woody Hertzog Vice Chair, Development*                         Stephen Whyte Vice Chair, Finance*

                         DIRECTORS                  Ronald Koo                               DESIGNEES                                Sherry Benaroya                        Yoshi Minegishi
                         Rosanna Bowles             Stephen Kutz                             Zartouhi Dombourian-Eby,                 Alexandra Brookshire                   Marilyn Morgan
                                                    Ned Laird*                               Musician Representative                  Phyllis Byrdwell                       Isa Nelson
                         Renée Brisbois
                         Leslie Jackson Chihuly     Paul Leach*                              Carla Gifford, President,                Phyllis Campbell                       Marlys Palumbo
                                                    Scott McCammant                          Seattle Symphony Chorale                 Mary Ann Champion                      Sally Phinny
                         Isiaah Crawford
                         Susan Detweiler            Michael Mitrovich                        Stephen Guild, President,                Robert Collett                         James Raisbeck
                                                                                             Seattle Symphony Volunteers
                         Rebecca Ebsworth           Hisayo Nakajima                                                                   David Davis                            Sue Raschella
                                                    Nancy Neraas                             Jonathan Karschney,                      Nancy Evans                            Bernice Rind †
                         Larry Estrada                                                       Musician Representative
                         Jerry Farley               Laurel Nesholm*                                                                   Dorothy Fluke                          Jill Ruckelshaus
                                                                                             Krishna Thiagarajan,
                         Judith Fong                Sheila Noonan                            President & CEO                          David Fulton                           Jon Runstad
                         Mauricio Gonzalez de la    Dick Paul                                                                         Jean Gardner                           Martin Selig
                         Fuente                     Jay Picard                               CHAIR EMERITA                            Ruth Gerberding                        John F. Shaw
                         Brian Grant                Peter Russo                              Leslie Jackson Chihuly                   James Gillick                          Linda Stevens
                         Jeremy Griffin             Elisabeth Beers Sandler                                                           Jerry Grinstein                        Patricia Tall-Takacs
                         Michael Hatch                                                       LIFETIME DIRECTORS
                                                    Kathy Savitt                                                                      Patty Hall                             Marcus Tsutakawa
                         Terry Hecker               Jim Schwab*                              Llewelyn Pritchard                       Cathi Hatch                            Cyrus Vance, Jr.
                         Jean-François Heitz*       Robert Wallace                                                                    Steven Hill                            Karla Waterman
                                                                                             Richard Albrecht
                         Parul Houlahan*                                                                                              Ken Hollingsworth                      Ronald Woodard
                                                                * Executive Committee        Susan Armstrong
                         Douglas Jackson                                                                                              Patricia Holmes                        Arlene Wright
                                                                                             Robert Ash
                         Susan Johannsen                                                                                              David Hovind
                                                                                             William Bain                                                                                     † In Memoriam
                         Aimee Johnson*                                                                                               Henry James
                                                                                             Bruce Baker
                         Nader Kabbani                                                                                                J. Pierre Loebel
                                                                                             Cynthia Bayley
                         Viren Kamdar

                         JEAN-FRANÇOIS HEITZ       Kathleen Wright Vice Chair                René Ancinas                             Joaquin Hernandez                      David Tan
                         Chair                     Muriel Van Housen Secretary               Nancy B. Evans                           Viren Kamdar                           Rick White
                                                   Michael Slonski Treasurer                 Brian Grant

                         NED LAIRD Chair           Mark Reddington Vice Chair                Dwight Dively                 Tom Owens                      Designees:
                                                   Nancy B. Evans Secretary                  Jim Duncan                    Glen Lee                       Krishna Thiagarajan, President & CEO
                                                   Michael Slonski Treasurer                 Chris Martin                  Leo van Dorp                   Zartouhi Dombourian-Eby, Musician Representative

                     8   SEATTLESYMPHONY.ORG
Krishna Thiagarajan
                                              Jérémy Jolley
                                              Artistic Collaborations Manager
                                                                                          Aaron Sumpter
                                                                                                                                                       Violins               est. 1955
President & CEO                               Katie Hovde                                 Development Officer, Assistant to VP of
Leslie Jackson Chihuly Chair                  Program Associate                           Development                                                         Professional
Charlie Wade
                                                                                          Renee Duprel
Senior Vice President of Marketing            COMMUNICATIONS                              Associate Vice President of Development
& Business Operations                                                                     (Campaign)
Jennifer Adair
                                              Shiva Shafii
                                              Public Relations Manager                    Paul Gjording
Vice President & General Manager
                                              Heidi Staub
                                                                                          Senior Major Gift Officer
                                                                                          (Foundations & Government Relations)
                                                                                                                                                                & Sales
Rosalie Contreras                             Managing Editor
Vice President of Communications                                                          Betsy Groat
                                              James Holt
Elena Dubinets                                Digital Content Manager
                                                                                          Campaign Operations Manager
                                                                                                                                                               1314 E. John St.
Vice President of Artistic Planning                                                       Kent Anderson
& Creative Projects
                                              Andrew Stiefel
                                                                                          Donor Relations Officer                                                Seattle, WA
                                              Social Media & Content Manager
Jane Hargraft                                                                             Dinah Lu                                                              206-324-3119
Vice President of Development                                                             Campaign Coordinator
Laura Reynolds
                                                                                          Becky Kowals
                                              Christy Wood
Vice President of Education & Community       Senior Director of Marketing & Sales        Director of Major Gifts & Planned Giving
                                                                                          Marsha Wolf
Cheronne Wong
Vice President & CFO
                                              Rachel Spain
                                              Marketing Manager                           Senior Major Gift Officer                  collectif9
                                                                                                                                     BV 071811 repair 1_12.pdf
                                              Amanda DiCesare                             Amy Bokanev, Michael Maniaci               Wednesday,
                                              Marketing Assistant                         Major Gift Officers                        March 27
Margaret Holsinger                            Barry Lalonde                               Alexa Bayouk, Mady Ellars                  7:30 pm | $19–$44
                                                                                          Development Coordinators (Major Gifts)
Executive Assistant to the President & CEO,   Director of Digital Products                                                           Montreal’s cutting-edge classical string band
Office & Board Relations Manager              Herb Burke, Jason Huynh                     Megan Hall                                 heralds a new age in genre-bending perfor-
                                                                                          Director of Development Operations
Alex Shiley                                   Digital Project Managers                                                               mance through their energized, innovative
Office Assistant                              Gerry Kunkel                                Martin K. Johansson                        arrangements of classical repertoire.
                                                                                          Communications & Grants Manager
                                              Corporate & Concierge Accounts Manager
ARTISTIC PLANNING                             Stephanie Tucker                            Jacob Roy
Paige Gilbert
Manager of Artistic Planning & Popular
                                              Senior Graphic Designer
                                              Jadzia Parker
                                                                                          Data Operations Manager
                                                                                          Maery Simmons
Programming                                   Graphic Designer                            Data Operations Coordinator                Friday, Apr. 5
Michael Gandlmayr                             Forrest Schofield                           Kathleen Shin                              7:30 pm | $19–$44
Assistant Artistic Administrator              Group Services Manager                      Annual Fund Coordinator                    Mandolin soloist and
Stephanie Torok                                                                           Peter Gammell                              composer Danilo Brito
                                              Joe Brock
Senior Manager of Creative Projects &         Retail Manager                              Director of Corporate Development &        is important to the world of music both for
Community Engagement                                                                      Special Events                             his extraordinary musicianship and unique
                                              Christina Hajdu
Dmitriy Lipay                                 Sales Associate                             Molly Gillette                             musical and cultural tradition. His ability goes
Director of Audio & Recording                                                             Special Events Officer                     beyond technical skill and can be defined as
                                              Nina Cesaratto                                                                         true art, feeling, and transcendence.
Rose Gear                                     Ticket Office Sales Manager                 Jessica Kittams
Personal Assistant to the Music Director &
Artistic Coordinator                          Brian Goodwin
                                              Ticket Office Coordinator
                                                                                          Stewardship Events Officer
                                                                                          Ryan Hicks
                                                                                                                                     THE MIKADO
                                                                                          Corporate Development Manager              Saturday, Apr. 13
ORCHESTRA & OPERATIONS                        Asma Ahmed, Mary Austin,
                                              James Bean, Jennifer Boyer,
                                                                                                                                     7:30 pm | $39–$69
Kelly Woodhouse Boston
                                              Danela Butler, Hannah Hirano,               FINANCE & FACILITIES                       This all-new, critically-
Director of Operations                                                                                                               acclaimed production is
                                              Mike Obermeyer, Gabrielle Turner,           Alexandra Perwin
Ana Hinz                                      Emerson Wahl, Tobie Wheeler                 Controller                                 the result of a cooperative effort between
Production Manager                            Ticket Services Associates                                                             New York Gilbert & Sullivan Productions and
                                                                                          Megan Spielbusch
Liz Kane                                                                                  Accounting Manager                         the Asian-American theatrical community in
Assistant to VP & GM                          VENUE ADMINISTRATION                                                                   New York to promote diversity, equity, and
                                                                                          Olivia Fowler
Scott Wilson                                  Matt Laughlin                               Payroll/AP Accountant                      inclusive practices with classic works of art.
Personnel Manager                             Director of Facility Sales                                                             Artist Pre-Show Talk: 6:00–6:40 pm (FREE)
                                                                                          Jordan Bromley
Keith Higgins                                 James Frounfelter, Adam Moomey              Staff Revenue Accountant
                                              Event & Operations Managers
Assistant Personnel Manager
                                                                                          Bernel Goldberg                                            
Robert Olivia                                 Nick Cates
Associate Librarian                           Concert & Event Production Manager
                                                                                          General Counsel
                                                                                          Tyler Ciena
Jeanne Case                                   Sophia El-Wakil                             Facilities Director                                                  410FOURTHAVE.N.
Librarian                                     Event Operations Associate                                                                                       EDMONDSWA98020
                                                                                          Grant Cagle
Joseph E. Cook                                Keith Godfrey                               Facilities Manager
Technical Director                            House Manager
                                                                                          Damien DeWitte
Mark Anderson, Jeff Lincoln                   Tanya Wanchena                              Senior Building Engineer
Assistant Technical Directors                 Assistant House Manager & Usher Scheduler
                                                                                          Rodney Kretzer
Johnny Baca, Chris Dinon,                     Milicent Savage, Patrick Weigel             Building Engineer
Aaron Gorseth, John Roberson,                 Assistant House Managers
                                                                                          Willa McAllister
Michael Schienbein, Ira Seigel                Dawn Hathaway, Lynn Lambie,                 Facilities Coordinator
Stage Technicians                             Mel Longley, Ryan Marsh,
                                              Markus Rook
                                                                                          HUMAN RESOURCES
EDUCATION &                                   Head Ushers
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT                                                                      Kathryn Osburn
                                              Laura Banks, Bill Coniff, Katrina           Human Resources Manager
Amy Heald                                     Swensen, Carole Unger
Collaborative Learning Manager                Assistant Head Ushers


TICKETS:      206.215.4747 | DONATIONS: 206.215.4832 | ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES: 206.215.4700                                                  Call today to schedule a tour: 206-382-3100

NEWS FROM:                                                  ■ F OR YOUR
                                                             LUDOVIC MORLOT, MUSIC DIRECTOR
                                                             Welcome to Benaroya Hall. We have so much
                                                             music in store for you!
                                                  This month we have a wonderful opportunity
                                                  to celebrate the global exchange of musical
Photo: Lisa-Marie Mazzucco

                                                  ideas when the Seattle Symphony performs
                                                  with the world-renowned Silkroad Ensemble on
                                                  February 6. This concert will feature music of
                                                  diverse cultures by composers Chen Yi, Edward
                                                  Perez and Vijay Iyer. I’m especially delighted
                                                  that clarinetist Kinan Azmeh will return to the
                     Benaroya Hall stage to play the premiere of his Clarinet Concerto; Kinan’s
                     moving solo performance with the Seattle Symphony during our 2016 Music
                     Beyond Borders concert was unforgettable.
                     Continuing in the spirit of musical exchange, I hope you’ll join us for                            Just Released
                     our exciting upcoming community concerts. On February 15 the Seattle                               The latest Seattle Symphony recording
                     Symphony will perform an all-Latinx program together with musicians from                           dropped the end of January, featuring
                     the Ballard Civic Orchestra and Seattle World Youth Orchestra at Highline                          Ludovic Morlot conducting renowned tenor
                     Performing Arts Center. And on March 1 we’ll perform a Side-by-Side                                Ian Bostridge with the orchestra in music of
                     Concert with Ballard High School Orchestra.                                                        three iconic French composers: Debussy,
                                                                                                                        Berlioz and Ravel. The Seattle Times raved
                     This March I return to the podium for two programs, beginning with Bach’s
                                                                                                                        about Bostridge’s “warm tone quality and
                     Mass in B minor, a work that is close to my heart. Later in March I’ll lead a                      beautiful expression” during the performance
                     work inspired by Bach: John Harbison’s Organ Symphony, What Do We                                  of Berlioz’s Les nuits d’été, and the live-in-
                     Make of Bach? It’s a joy to celebrate the 80th year of American composer                           concert track is paired with studio recordings
                     John Harbison by performing this incredible piece with organist Wayne                              of Ravel’s imaginative Shéhérazade
                     Marshall in Benaroya Hall.                                                                         and Debussy’s colorfully rich Le livre de
                                                                                                                        Baudelaire, orchestrated by John Adams.
                     I am thrilled that we will open a new performance space this March called
                     Octave 9: Raisbeck Music Center. Octave 9 will use state-of-the-art                                Listen now or get your own digital download
                     technology to create immersive multimedia experiences and will serve as a                          or CD — it’s available through all major online
                     laboratory for innovation and collaboration. I invite you to explore this new                      music retailers and streaming services. Or
                                                                                                                        stop by Symphonica, The Symphony Store at
                     space through one of our imaginative programs this spring!
                                                                                                                        Benaroya Hall before your concert or during
                     Thank you for your support of the Symphony. I look forward to seeing you                           intermission to pick up a CD.
                     again very soon.
                                                                                                                        Grammy Watch
                     Cordialement,                                                                                                            The Seattle Symphony
                     Ludovic Morlot                                                                                                           was nominated for three
                     Music Director                                                                                                           Grammy Awards — the
                                                                                                                                              most of any orchestra
                                                                                                                                              this year! Nielsen
                                                                                                                                              Symphonies Nos. 3
                                                                                                                                              and 4, conducted by
                                                                                                                                              Thomas Dausgaard,

                 NOTA BENE                                                                                              was nominated for Best Orchestral
                                                                                                                        Performance and Aaron Jay Kernis’ Violin
                                                                                                                        Concerto, conducted by Ludovic Morlot
                             BERIO & BOULEZ Join us for performances of Berio’s Circles and Boulez’s sur Incises on     with soloist James Ehnes, was nominated
                             March 22 at [untitled] 2 — the Symphony’s late-night contemporary series in the Samuel     for Best Classical Instrumental Solo and
                             & Althea Stroum Grand Lobby. Listen to the Seattle Symphony’s recording of Berio’s         Best Contemporary Classical Composition.
                             Sinfonia with Grammy-winning vocal ensemble Roomful of Teeth and Boulez’s Notations        Listen to the Grammy-nominated albums and
                             for an introduction to these composers.                     tune in to the Grammy Awards on Sunday,
                                                                                                                        February 10.
                             FREE COMMUNITY CONCERTS   Ballard High School Orchestra students will play an all-         This Week / Next Week
                             Scandinavian program side-by-side with the Seattle Symphony at a free concert at Ballard   Follow the Seattle Symphony’s This Week /
                             High School Auditorium on March 1. On March 15 Ludovic Morlot and David Alexander          Next Week playlist on Spotify to hear what’s
                             Rahbee conduct the Seattle Symphony in music composed by UW faculty members and            coming up next at Benaroya Hall.
                             Seattle Symphony musicians at Meany Hall.

                        10   SEATTLESYMPHONY.ORG
February 2019
Volume 32, No. 6

Paul Heppner

Mike Hathaway
Senior Vice President

Kajsa Puckett
Vice President, Sales & Marketing

Genay Genereux
Accounting & Office Manager

Susan Peterson
Vice President, Production

Jennifer Sugden
Assistant Production Manager

Ana Alvira, Stevie VanBronkhorst
Production Artists and Graphic Designers

Marilyn Kallins, Terri Reed
San Francisco/Bay Area Account Executives

Devin Bannon, Brieanna Hansen,
Amelia Heppner, Ann Manning
Seattle Area Account Executives

Carol Yip
Sales Coordinator

Shaun Swick
Senior Designer & Digital Lead

Ciara Caya
Marketing Coordinator

Encore Media Group
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Encore Arts Programs and Encore Stages are published monthly
by Encore Media Group to serve musical and theatrical events
in the Puget Sound and San Francisco Bay Areas. All rights
reserved. ©2019 Encore Media Group. Reproduction without
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     Seattle’s newest music
                                                                                                      Octave 9’s first Artist in Residence, cellist
     venue opens March 3                                                                            Seth Parker Woods, in a rendering provided
                                                                                                                               by LMN Architects.
     By Shiva Shafii

On March 3, the corner of Second               acoustics of Octave 9 from a cozy lounge     the Seattle Symphony. “In this space, we
Avenue and Union Street in downtown            to the spacious sound of a concert hall to   will live and breathe today’s art and support
Seattle will be abuzz for the Grand            the Grand Canyon. Octave 9’s modular         contemporary composers with a dedicated
Opening of Octave 9: Raisbeck Music            surround screens with 13 moveable panels     medium for their work. Arts are the way
Center, a one-of-a-kind technology-infused     can encompass an audience during a live      a society articulates itself, and Octave 9
venue offering a glimpse into the future       performance or illuminate light glistening   signifies the importance of supporting the
of music.                                      off the desert sands as a surround-sound     voices of today.”
                                               recording of John Luther Adams’ Become
For over 16 years, the 2,000-square-           Desert plays.                                What better example of this than the
foot space housed Soundbridge Seattle                                                       Contemporary Music Marathon on March
Symphony Music Discovery Center, but on        The Grand Opening of Octave 9 will be        23–24? With 24 consecutive hours of
March 3 it will reopen as Octave 9, a place    celebrated from March through June with a    programs co-curated by musicians,
that reimagines the way we experience          variety of concerts and events, showcasing   composers and artists, featuring music
music, learning and community. But how?        Octave 9’s capabilities and versatility.     from over 50 contemporary composers,
Through technology and design that             GeekWire affirms the inaugural season of     the marathon is split into three “acts” —
transports audiences sonically and visually.   concerts to be just “as experimental as      Nightfall, Dreams and Daybreak. Marathon
                                               the space.” With five world premieres and    passes are available for the entire 24-hour
The space boasts a powerful, state-            over 70 instrumentalists performing works    period or you can purchase individual
of-the-art Meyer Sound Constellation®          from over 70 contemporary composers,         acts separately.
acoustic system that uses 42 speakers          Octave 9 represents a bold commitment to
and 30 microphones, referred to as             the music of today.                          An immersive overnight experience,
the “photoshop of sound” by The New                                                         Dreams is curated by composer and artist
Yorker’s Alex Ross. With the touch of a        “Octave 9 is groundbreaking,” shared         Marcin Pączkowski who will transform
button, Constellation can transform the        Krishna Thiagarajan, President & CEO of      the space through performance into an

                                                                                                            The Seattle Symphony
                                                                                                            invites you to join us in the
                                                                                                            month-long Grand Opening
                                                                                                            celebration of Octave 9:

                                                                                        Photo: James Holt
                                                                                                            Raisbeck Music Center.

                                                                                                            Grand Opening Ribbon
                                                                                                            Cutting and Open House
                                                                                                            ■ Sunday, March 3

                                                                                                            Grand Opening
interactive sound installation from      a new work using Octave 9’s unique                                 First Thursday
midnight to 7am. In this all-night       technology, which will be premiered                                Join us on the first
performance, audience members            by Seattle Symphony musicians in                                   Thursday of every month
will be enveloped in sound and           the space on April 28.                                             for a free open house and
mesmerized by the atmospheric and                                                                           demonstration of Octave 9.
immersive visuals that are responding    From multi-sensory chamber concerts
                                         and interactive performances, to                                   ■ Thursday, March 7
to every note. At sunrise, John Luther
Adams’ songbirdsongs starts the          illuminating conversations alongside                               The Symphony:
new day leading into the final act,      artists and composers, to events                                   Shostakovich
Daybreak.                                for families that spark curiosity,                                 A conversation with Dr.
                                         Octave 9 is Seattle’s newest home                                  Larry Starr, Professor
The Contemporary Music Marathon          for innovative experiences.                                        Emeritus, University of
will be the second time Seattle                                                                             Washington.
audiences get to hear Octave 9’s         Octave 9: Raisbeck Music Center
                                         is named in honor of Seattle                                       ■ Friday, March 8
first Artist in Residence, cellist and
interdisciplinary artist Seth Parker     philanthropists James and Sherry                                   Family Open House
Woods, in the space. Parker Woods’       Raisbeck, who provided a $2 million                                Come play, learn and
comfortability with the intersection     matching challenge to transform                                    explore with your family
of technology and music promises to      the former Soundbridge. The name                                   at Octave 9: Raisbeck
continue Octave 9’s sense                was inspired by the size of a concert                              Music Center.
of innovation.                           grand piano, which spans just over                                 ■ Saturday, March 9
                                         seven octaves. A nine-octave range,
Parker Woods will also perform on        then, pushes past the boundaries,                                  Brooklyn to Ballard
one of two chamber concerts in           redefining what is musically possible.                             Composer in Residence
Octave 9 curated by Derek Bermel,                                                                           Derek Bermel curates an
the Seattle Symphony’s 2018–2019         “Sherry and I are thrilled to support                              evening of performances.
Composer in Residence. Bermel’s          the Seattle Symphony’s commitment                                  ■ Sunday, March 10
first program tells a narrative of       to both innovation and community
American music at the intersection       in this new space,” James Raisbeck                                 In the Spotlight:
of jazz and classical while the          shared. “Our gift is a vote of                                     John Harbison
second program is an exploration of      confidence and an invitation to others                             Engage in conversation
contemporary music in dialogue with      to join us in making Octave 9 a                                    with Pulitzer Prize-winning
electronics and spatialization. These    destination for education, inspiration                             composer John Harbison.
concerts also include commissioned       and engagement for music lovers of                                 ■ Wednesday, March 20
works from Seattle-based composers       all ages.”
                                                                                                            Contemporary Music
Stephen Newby and Kaley Lane
                                         Join us! Bring your family and friends                             Marathon
Eaton. The Seattle Symphony also
                                         down to check out Octave 9 at one                                  Immerse yourself in a
commissioned Bermel to compose
                                         of the many Grand Opening events.                                  24-hour multi-disciplinary
                                                                                                            showcase of new music.
                                                                                                            ■ Saturday, March 23 &
Leadership support for Octave 9 construction was generously provided                                        Sunday, March 24
by James and Sherry Raisbeck, Norcliffe Foundation, Sage Foundation,
4Culture/King County Building for Culture and LMN Architects. Programming                                   Visit
is supported by the Judith A. Fong Music Directors Fund. We thank all the                                   octave9 for tickets and
supporters who have made Octave 9: Raisbeck Music Center a reality.                                         more information.


MARCH 29–31
                                                                             APRIL 25 & 26
GLENN MILLER ORCHESTRA                                                       SURROGATE CITIES                                            Ludovic
Nick Hilscher, director                                                                                                                  Morlot
Glenn Miller Orchestra
                                                                             Ludovic Morlot, conductor
The world-famous Glenn Miller Orchestra, with its unique jazz                Jocelyn B. Smith, vocals
sound, is one of the most popular and sought-after big bands                 David Moss, vocals
in the world today.
                                                                             HEINER GOEBBELS: Surrogate Cities
Friday performance sponsored by Morgan Stanley.
                                                                             From its sultry intimacy of cabaret to hallucinogenic sound effects and
                                                                             striking visual effects, Surrogate Cities, by Heiner Goebbels, studies the
                                                                             essence of a modern metropolis — its people, its power structures and its
                                                                             place in a changing world — with the world premiere of a new piece woven
                                                                             into Surrogate Cities.
                                                                             Underwritten by Judith A. Fong

APRIL 11 & 13
Thomas Dausgaard, conductor
Nicola Benedetti, violin
GEORGE WALKER: Sinfonia No. 5, “Visions” (World Premiere)                    MAY 31, JUNE 1–2
SZYMANOWSKI: Violin Concerto No. 2
                                                                             CIRQUE GOES BROADWAY
DVOŘÁK: “New World” Symphony
                                                                             Jack Everly, conductor
Scottish violinist Nicola Benedetti brings her powerhouse
                                                                             Troupe Vertigo
musicianship to Szymanowski’s Violin Concerto No. 2. In his
                                                                             Ben Crawford, vocals
Symphony No. 9, “From the New World,” Dvořák reflected
                                                                             Ron Remke, vocals
back the bountiful and optimistic United States that welcomed
                                                                             Christina DeCicco, vocals
him with open arms.                                                                                                            Troupe
Thomas Dausgaard’s performances are generously underwritten by Ilene and
                                                                             Cirque with a Broadway twist! Join                Vertigo
Elwood Hertzog. Thomas Dausgaard’s performances receive additional support   the Seattle Symphony as acrobats
from the Scan|Design Foundation by Inger & Jens Bruun.                       and aerialists dazzle with spectacular
Friday performance sponsored by Morgan Stanley.                              music from Broadway’s greatest shows.
                                                                             Friday performance sponsored by Morgan Stanley.
                                                                             Sunday performance sponsored by Microsoft.
SILKROAD ENSEMBLE                                                                                             NOTES
S P E C IAL PER FO RMA NCES                                                                                Tonight we have a chance to witness the
                                                                                                           versatility of the Silkroad musicians and
Ludovic Morlot, conductor                                                                                  composers in a rare partnership with our
                                                                                                           own orchestra. Members of the Silkroad
Silkroad Ensemble                                                                                          Ensemble break the customary concert
     Cristina Pato, bagpipes                                                                               music ritual by engaging with their diverse
     Wu Man, pipa                                                                                          roots and contributing a non-classical
                                                                                                           cultural legitimacy. The music they co-create
     Kinan Azmeh, clarinet                                                                                 combines respectful representations of their
     Sandeep Das, tabla                                                                                    own cultures’ past and new ways of looking
                                                                                                           into the globalized future; it showcases
     Shane Shanahan, percussion
                                                                                                           and transcends multiple cultures at once
     Matthew Decker, percussion (guest from the Seattle Symphony)                                          by cross-fertilizing very different traditions.
Seattle Symphony                                                                                           This music celebrates ethnic diversity while
                                                                                                           reinforcing the previously unthinkable
  City of Sand (Speculative Dunhuang)                                                                27’   connections and commonalities between
     Frontier                                                                                              the formerly exclusionary Western classical
		 The Road                                                                                                music and other world music cultures. The
		 Cave 17                                                                                                 feeling of mutual understanding, open
		Gathering                                                                                                communication and sincere joy expressed
		Entrustment                                                                                              during the Silkroad performances becomes
                                                                                                           infectious, asserting that classical music is a
                                                                                                           dynamic art form relevant to
		 SEATTLE SYMPHONY                                                                                        the current conditions of our ever-
                                                                                                           connected world.
EDWARD PEREZ The Latina 6/8 Suite                                                                    15’
		             Tarantella-Muiñeira                                                                         While, on surface, tonight’s concert is going
		             Tanguillo: The High Seas                                                                    to follow the rules of a typical symphony
		             Joropo-Festejo: Muiñeira de Chantada                                                        orchestra presentation — it has a defined
		             Fandango: Prueba de Fuego                                                                   structure and the musicians will be reading
		 SILKROAD ENSEMBLE                                                                                       music from the written scores created
		 MEMBERS OF THE SEATTLE SYMPHONY                                                                         by professional composers rather than
                                                                                                           improvising — the essence of music-making
                                          IN T E R M IS S IO N                                             will be unique. The works performed tonight
                                                                                                           were conceived specifically for the particular
CHEN YI Introduction, Andante and Allegro                                                            15’
                                                                                                           lineup that features the non-Western
	  (World Premiere and Seattle Symphony
                                                                                                           musicians, instruments and performance
                                                                                                           techniques, and most of these compositions
                                                                                                           can be performed only by the musicians
		         Andante                                                                                         for whom they were written: they inspire an
		         Allegro                                                                                         incredibly flexible output enhanced by the
		 SEATTLE SYMPHONY                                                                                        spirit of individual soloists jointly working
KINAN AZMEH Clarinet Concerto (World Premiere and                                                    20’
	  Seattle Symphony commission*)                                                                           Vijay Iyer is an incredibly gifted composer
		 KINAN AZMEH, CLARINET                                                                                   and performer; he is among the most
		 SEATTLE SYMPHONY                                                                                        brilliant jazz pianists of the current times. His
                                                                                                           ruminative City of Sand for clarinet, tabla,
                                                                                                           pipa, percussion and string orchestra was
KINAN AZMEH Wedding                                                                                   8’
                                                                                                           co-commissioned by Silkroad Ensemble
		 SILKROAD ENSEMBLE                                                                                       and A Far Cry chamber orchestra. It
		 SEATTLE SYMPHONY                                                                                        beautifully illustrates a multicultural
                                                                                                           approach that both the composer and the
*Kinan Azmeh’s Clarinet Concerto is commissioned by Classical Movements for the Seattle                    commissioning groups have embraced in
Symphony as part of the Eric Daniel Helms New Music Program.                                               their music-making. The piece reflects the
Kinan Azmeh’s performance is generously underwritten by Nader and Oraib Kabbani.                           painted murals found in multiple hand-
                                                                                                           carved cave temples around the town of
Concert sponsored by Delta Air Lines.
                                                                                                           Dunhuang in the north-Western China, the
Please note that the timings provided for this concert are approximate.                                    title of which means “City of Sand.” Iyer
Please turn off all electronic devices and refrain from taking photos or video.
                                                                                                           explains that these paintings “reveal to us
Performance ©2019 Seattle Symphony. Copying of any performance by camera, audio or video recording
equipment, and any other use of such copying devices during a performance is prohibited.
                                                                                                           a deliriously hybrid Buddhism informed
                                                                                                           by Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, early Islam,


Taoism, Confucianism and Manichaeism. In         The Syrian composer and clarinetist Kinan                                       Syria, my country’s men and women, my
these caves we see evidence of an organic        Azmeh, who is also a member of Silkroad,                                        home in New York, my extended community
globalism emerging in Dunhuang from the          first appeared as a soloist with the Seattle                                    here in the U.S. and all of those who spoke
movements and interactions of Chinese,           Symphony exactly two years ago, performing                                      up against injustice everywhere.
Indian, Central Asian, North African and         two movements from his Suite for Improvisor
Middle Eastern peoples along the Silk Road.      and Orchestra to rapt ovations at the end                                       When Classical Movements commissioned
… The experiences we associate with the          of the Music Beyond Borders concert                                             me to write a clarinet concerto for the Seattle
Silk Road — migration, discovery, encounter,     featuring music from the countries banned                                       Symphony’s 2018–2019 season all I wanted
interaction — all depend on improvisation:       by the February 2017 executive order. The                                       was to write a piece that would enjoy a lot of
our capacity to sense, decide and act in         last of these movements, Wedding, will be                                       freedom. Therefore, what I have scored here
relation to each other. … Eventually, through    performed again to end tonight’s concert.                                       is a piece that is free from any programmatic
speculating about Dunhuang’s deep past,          It captures the spirit of a wedding party in                                    or autobiographical information. The only
I realized that just as in these caves, and      a Syrian village usually held in the public                                     summary that can be given here is that there
just as in culture as a whole, individual and    square for everyone to attend. Azmeh finds it                                   is an introduction, there is a lullaby and there
collective improvisation would help us make      “quite inspiring to see that, in spite of all the                               is an ecstatic dance in one of my favorite
the most of our shared presence.”                bullets and the atrocities, people still have                                   rhythms in Arabic music called ‘Katakufti’ or
                                                 the resilience to simply fall in love. After all,                               ‘Nawari,’ and in a similar fashion to many of
The electric Galician gaitera (bagpipe           falling in love is probably one of the very few                                 my earlier works, the soloist has lots of room
player) Cristina Pato commissioned The           human rights that no authority can take away.”                                  to improvise.
Latina 6/8 Suite from Edward Perez in
2015. The daughter of a Galician immigrant       Right upon the conclusion of the memorable                                      I am very grateful to the Seattle Symphony
to Venezuela, Pato explains that the             performance at Music Beyond Borders,                                            and Classical Movements for bringing this
piece is “a way to embrace my heritage           Azmeh was approached by the Seattle                                             piece to life and for making me feel at home
through music, looking at the connections        Symphony with a suggestion to write a                                           thousands of miles away from home, and
between the country where the word Latino        new piece for the orchestra, and, thanks                                        who reminded me that small gestures of
originated — Italy — and the countries that      to the support of Classical Movements, we                                       solidarity can travel far, freely!
are considered Latino today.” In this four-      are witnessing its premiere tonight. Three
movement suite starting with the Italian         sections of Azmeh’s new one-movement                                               – Kinan Azmeh
Tarantella, she wanted Perez to explore          Clarinet Concerto follow a typical fast–slow–
just one rhythm (6/8) found in such different    fast structure of a traditional instrumental
styles as the Venezuelan joropo, the Peruvian    concerto, but are filled with non-Western
festejo, the Galician muiñeira, the tanguillo    rhythms and exciting improvised solos                                           KINAN AZMEH
and the fandango — the rhythm that has           requiring the orchestra musicians to listen                                     Clarinet & composer
travelled throughout the world telling a story   attentively and communicate with the soloist
of human migration to different countries of     in a very engaged way.                                                                               Hailed as a “virtuoso” and
Latin America.                                                                                                                                        “intensely soulful” by The
                                                 Program notes by Elena Dubinets, Seattle Symphony                                                    New York Times and
The first piece on the second half of our        Vice President of Artistic Planning & Creative Projects                                              “spellbinding” by The
program is the only work written for orchestra                                                                                                        New Yorker, Syrian-born,
                                                                                                           Photo: Connie Tsang

without the Silkroad musicians, though with                                                                                                           genre-bending composer
this specific concert in mind. The Chinese               It was less than a week after the
                                                                                                                                                      and clarinetist Kinan
composer Chen Yi was Music Alive’s                       infamous travel ban was issued that
                                                                                                                                                      Azmeh has been touring
composer in residence with the Seattle           the Seattle Symphony got in touch with me
                                                                                                                                                      the globe with great
Symphony in 2003–2004 season, and                and invited me to take part in Music Beyond
                                                                                                                                 acclaim as a soloist, composer and
her Third Symphony, subtitled My Musical         Borders, a concert celebrating the cultures
                                                                                                                                 improviser in the most prestigious concert
Journey to America, was commissioned             and people of seven Muslim-majority
                                                                                                                                 halls in the world. He has collaborated with
and premiered by the Seattle Symphony in         countries whose citizens were temporarily
                                                                                                                                 Yo-Yo Ma, Daniel Barenboim, John
2004 in honor of its centennial. Chen Yi’s       banned from entering the U.S. While I was on
                                                                                                                                 McLaughlin and Djivan Gasparian, among
new three-movement work, Introduction,           stage performing my Suite for Improvisor and
                                                                                                                                 others and leads his own bands Hewar and
Andante and Allegro, is, in her own words,       Orchestra in Seattle that night on February 8,
“inspired by two sacred animals in Chinese                                                                                       Kinan Azmeh CityBand. He is also a Silkroad
                                                 2017, I kept thinking of what a rollercoaster of
legend: the black xuanwu (a combination                                                                                          Ensemble artist with whom he won a Grammy
                                                 a week that was; within seven days I
of turtle and snake in one) and the white                                                                                        in 2016. As a composer, his recent
                                                 managed to experience the thrill of
tiger in the mountain. The first movement,                                                                                       commissions include pieces for the Seattle
                                                 performing at the new Elbphilharmonie in
Introduction, goes from tranquil to vivid and                                                                                    Symphony, the New York Philharmonic and
                                                 Hamburg, the familiarity of being very close
energetic; its pentatonic motivic material is                                                                                    the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra. He is a
                                                 to home playing the Mozart Clarinet Concerto
drawn from Chinese folk music and expands                                                                                        graduate of The Juilliard School, the
                                                 in Beirut, the worry and anger that come with
into a bold melody in the Peking Opera music                                                                                     Damascus High Institute of Music and
                                                 being stranded somewhere and not allowed
style. The sonority in the second movement,                                                                                      Damascus University’s School of Electrical
                                                 to go home, and finally the relief of returning
Andante, is dark, mysterious and imaginative                                                                                     Engineering, and he holds a doctorate in
in a boundless space. The contrasting third      back to my apartment in New York, thanks to
                                                                                                                                 music from the City University of New York.
movement, Allegro, is dramatic and powerful,     a block to the presidential executive order by
with a developing ostinato that keeps            Washington’s Attorney General. These
growing towards a brilliant finale.”             thoughts were about home; my home in

SILKROAD ENSEMBLE                             FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2019, AT 8PM
                                              SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2019, AT 8PM
                                              SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2019, AT 2PM

                                              E.T. THE
                                              IN CONCERT
                                              SEATTL E PO PS SER I ES
The Silkroad Ensemble creates music that
engages difference, sparking radical          Jack Everly, conductor | Seattle Symphony
cultural collaboration and passion-driven
learning to build a more hopeful world.                                              A STEVEN SPIELBERG Film
Founded by cellist Yo-Yo Ma, the group has
been called “vibrant and virtuosic” by
the Wall Street Journal, “one of the 21st
century’s great ensembles” by
the Vancouver Sun, and a “roving musical
laboratory without walls” by the Boston
                                                                                             DEE WALLACE
Silkroad musicians appear in many
                                                                                             PETER COYOTE
configurations and settings, from intimate
groups of two and three in museum                                                   HENRY THOMAS as ELLIOTT
galleries to rousing complements                                                               Music by
of eighteen in concert halls, public                                                        JOHN WILLIAMS
squares and amphitheaters. Off the stage,
they lead professional development                                                           Written by
and musician training workshops, create                                                  MELISSA MATHISON
residency programs in schools, museums,                                                Produced by
and communities, and experiment                                           STEVEN SPIELBERG & KATHLEEN KENNEDY
with new media and genres to share
                                                                                             Directed by
Silkroad’s approach to radical cultural                                                  STEVEN SPIELBERG
collaboration.                                                                          A UNIVERSAL PICTURE

Silkroad musicians and composers hail
from more than 20 countries, drawing on a
rich tapestry of traditions to create a new
musical language — a uniquely engaging
and accessible encounter between the          Tonight’s program is a presentation of the complete film E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial with a live
foreign and the familiar that reflects our    performance of the film’s entire score, including music played by the orchestra during the end
many-layered contemporary identities. As      credits. Out of respect for the musicians and your fellow audience members, please remain seated
the Los Angeles Times has said, Silkroad’s    until the conclusion of the credits.
“vision of international cooperation is not   E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial is a trademark and copyright of Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal
what we read in our daily news reports.       Studios. All Rights Reserved. Available on Blu-ray and DVD from Universal Pictures Home
Theirs is the better world available if we,   Entertainment.
like these extraordinary musicians, agree     Director Steven Spielberg’s heartwarming masterpiece is one of the brightest stars in motion
to make it one.”                              picture history. Filled with unparalleled magic and imagination, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial follows the
                                              moving story of a lost little alien who befriends a 10-year-old boy named Elliott. Experience all the
The Silkroad Ensemble has performed in        mystery and fun of their unforgettable adventure in the beloved movie that captivated audiences
more than 100 cities in over 30 countries     around the world.
and recorded seven albums; its 2016
                                              This presentation is approximately two hours and 15 minutes including one 20-minute
release, Sing Me Home, won the Grammy
Award for Best World Music Album. The
Music of Strangers, a documentary about       The Seattle Symphony’s presentation of E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial in Concert is sponsored by
the Ensemble directed by the Academy          Boeing.
Award-winning filmmaker Morgan Neville,
                                              Sunday performance sponsored by Microsoft.
premiered at the Toronto International
                                              Please note that the timings provided for this concert are approximate.
Film Festival in 2015 and was released
                                              Please turn off all electronic devices and refrain from taking photos or video.
worldwide in 2016.                            Performance ©2019 Seattle Symphony. Copying of any performance by camera, audio or video recording
                                              equipment, and any other use of such copying devices during a performance is prohibited.

                                                Jack Everly is the         of attendees and reaching millions of
                                                Principal Pops             viewers annually.
                                                Conductor of the
                                                Indianapolis and           Originally appointed by Mikhail
Photo: Andre Ringuette -

                                                Baltimore symphony         Baryshnikov, Everly was conductor of
Freestyle Photography

                                                orchestras, Naples         the American Ballet Theatre (ABT) for 14
                                                Philharmonic Orchestra     years, where he served as Music Director.
                                                and the National Arts      In addition to his ABT tenure, he teamed
                                                Centre Orchestra           with Marvin Hamlisch on Broadway shows
                           (Ottawa). He has conducted the Los              that Hamlisch scored. He conducted
                           Angeles Philharmonic at the Hollywood           Carol Channing hundreds of times
                           Bowl, The New York Pops at Carnegie Hall,       in Hello, Dolly! in two separate Broadway
                           the San Francisco Symphony and                  productions.
                           numerous appearances with The
                           Cleveland Orchestra at Blossom Music            Everly, a graduate of the Jacobs School of
                           Center. Everly will conduct over 90             Music at Indiana University, is a recipient of
                           performances in more than 22 North              the 2015 Indiana Historical Society Living                   Boeing is proud
                           American cities this season.                    Legends Award and holds an Honorary
                                                                           Doctorate of Arts from Franklin College in                   to support
                           As Music Director of the National Memorial      his home state of Indiana. He is a proud
                           Day Concert and A Capitol Fourth on             resident of the Indianapolis community                       the Seattle
                           PBS, Everly proudly leads the National          and when not on the podium you can find
                           Symphony Orchestra in these patriotic           him at home with his family, which includes                  Symphony and
                           celebrations on the West Lawn of the U.S.       Max the wonder dog.
                           Capitol attracting hundreds of thousands                                                                     its mission to
                                                                                                                                        unleash the
                                                                                                                                        power of music,
                           PRODUCTION CREDITS                                                                                           bring people
                           E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial in Concert is produced by Film                                                    together and lift
                           Concerts Live!, a joint venture of IMG Artists,
                           LLC and The Gorfaine/Schwartz Agency, Inc.                                                                   the human spirit.
                           Producers: Steven A. Linder and Jamie Richardson
                           Production Manager: Rob Stogsdill
                           Production Coordinator: Sophie Greaves
                           Worldwide Representation: IMG Artists, LLC
                           Supervising Technical Director: Mike Runice
                           Technical Director: Luke Dennis

                           Music Composed by John Williams

                           Music Preparation: Jo Ann Kane Music Service
                           Film Preparation for Concert Performance: Ramiro Belgardt
                           Technical Consultant: Laura Gibson
                           Sound Remixing for Concert Performance:
                           Chace Audio by Deluxe
                           The score for E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial has been adapted for live
                           concert performance.
                           With special thanks to: Universal Pictures, Amblin Entertainment,
                           Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy, John Williams, David
                           Newman, Kristin Stark, Carol Nygren, Tamara Woolfork, Patrick
                           Koors, Daniel Posener, Tammy Olsen, Angela Emery, Shayne
                           Mifsud, Lauren Purnell, Darice Murphy, Chris Herzberger, Noah
                           Bergman, Paul Ginsburg, Mark Graham and the musicians and
                           staff of the Seattle Symphony.

                           18   SEATTLESYMPHONY.ORG

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