IMotorhome caravan - Happy

Page created by Jessica Newton
IMotorhome caravan - Happy
     + caravan                                 May 2020

8th Birthday!
IMotorhome caravan - Happy

                 JABIRU AWD
         Off the Beaten Track

IMotorhome caravan - Happy
Cleansing Ail

W     hoever would have thought a catastrophic
      global ailment could lead to so much cleansing?
A solid month into enforced isolation and social
distancing, how is it going? Have you sorted and
cleaned everything to within an inch of its life or have
you simply taken it in your stride and sat back, feeling
rather chilled about it?

We’ve experienced a bit of both: The office has never
been so clean, neat and tidy, and after eight years the
filing cabinet is finally sorted and indexed. Who would
have thought? Mrs iM+C has settled into her new
role as a Fresh Food Person and already achieved
supervisor status (those of you who know her won’t be
surprised by this).

Yet apart from not being able to travel or see anybody,
there’s a familiar rhythm to life: I continue to work from
home, Mrs continues to potter around the property
during her time off and we continue to drink far too
much in the evenings. I’m beginning to believe we’re
single-handedly responsible for the 70% increase in
bottle shop sales...
                                                                 You can read all about it on page 10, but what sets it
While Governments tentatively begin to ease                      apart is it’s one of a new breed called a Shareable App.
restrictions and businesses across the country await             Literally designed to be shared by users (that’s you!)
initial Job Keeper reimbursements, the first cautious            via email, text message or social media, it completely
glimmers of optimism are beginning to return. Or am I            bypasses the app stores and has terrific potential for
being too optimistic? Of course the big danger if things         organic growth. In fact you can’t even find it in the
are relaxed too quickly is a second wave of infections,          App Store or on Google Play and it doesn’t require
but at some point our leaders need to balance the                an account with either of them – or us – to install and
health of our economy with that of our citizens. Fingers         use. Compatible with iOS, Android, Blackberry and
crossed wisdom prevails and we chart a balanced and              Windows smart phones and tablets, it also works in
bleach-free path.                                                portrait and landscape modes. Please try it out and
                                                                 remember to share it with as many of your RVing
                                                                 friends as possible!
Happy 8th Birthday!
                                                                 The other great feature is it allows us to incorporate
In May 2012, Issue 1 of iMotorhome hit the digital               more information and links, and in time it will become
newsstands. Some said it wouldn’t last and it has been           a one-stop portal to a whole range of RV-related
far from smooth sailing, but we’re still here – unlike           services. This in turn will provide income opportunities
some print magazines that have passed into history.              via advertising and commissions, helping us to keep
Again I ask, “Who would have thought?”.                          bringing you the magazine free of charge (and keeping
                                                                 Dan Murphy’s in the profitability to which it has become
You’ll notice two things about this Birthday issue:              accustomed).
firstly, it’s a bit smaller than usual and secondly, there
are a couple of pages inside devoted to the new                  If there is a silver lining to the Covid-19 experience
iMotorhome+Caravan app. The first point is to be                 it’s having the time to sit back, reassess and reinvent.
expected – it has been difficult to get out under the            Here’s hoping this global tragedy passes you by and
justification of Essential Travel – but I’ve also been           that you find your own silver lining (possibly while
using the time to work on the new app and have it                cleaning out the cupboards). Until next month!
ready for a soft launch alongside this issue.
IMotorhome caravan - Happy
          VIA PAYPAL!

            Love what we do?

     Then help keep the love coming!

 Support iMotorhome+Caravan today.
Every amount is welcome – and appreciated.


            Direct Deposit to
           iMotorhome Pty Ltd
              BSB: 012276
           Account: 305822822

IMotorhome caravan - Happy

     Cleansing Ail                            37   TECH
                                                   Better By Design? – Pt 1 looking at
                                                   caravan design fundamentals

     What’s on your mind?                     43   FEATURE
                                                   My Brain Has Too Many Tabs Open
                                                   – How to cope with the overwhelm

13   NEWS
     A glimpse at what’s happening in
     the wide world of RVing
                                              47    DIY
                                                   Changes on the Horizon – next in a
                                                   series of simple DIY stories

     Adventure Seeker – Jacana’s new
     VW Crafter van conversion
                                              53   TRAVEL
                                                   Memory Lane – A lifetime of RVing
                                                   memories shared

     Crossed Purposes – Jayco’s afford-
     able off-road hybrid pop-top
                                              62   POSTCARDS
                                                   Postcards From Japan – A glimpse
                                                   at the Japanese RV scene

     Extreme Machine – EarthCruiser’s
     new Toyota-based explorer
                                              67    RV FRIENDLY
                                                   Three more country towns
                                                   supporting our great way of life!

     Wonder Wagon – The NZMCA’s
     founding motorhome restored

IMotorhome caravan - Happy
iMotorhome+Caravan is an independant magazine that's free and published
monthly. Download issues HERE or read online HERE

                                         Published by iMotorhome Pty Ltd
Publisher/Editor                         PO Box 1738, Bowral. NSW 2776. Australia.
Richard Robertson                        ABN: 34 142 547 719
(+61) 0414 604 368                       T: +614 14 604 368                E:

Technical                                © 2020 iMotorhome Pty Ltd.
Allan Whiting                            All content of iMotorhome+Caravan magazine and website is
(+61) 0410 677 966                       copyright and cannot be reproduced in any form without the                  express written permission of the Publisher.

                                         While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of content,
Contributors                             however no responsibility is accepted for any inconvenience
Robert ‘Bobby’ Watson                    and/or loss arising from reading and/or acting upon informa-
Colin Oberin                             tion contained within iMotorhome+Caravan magazine or on
Warren McCullough                        the website.

IMotorhome caravan - Happy

Sorry State
My wife and I decided to downsize so as to release                to anything, however if you are in a position to help,
some of the equity in our larger home. This would then            please go to this GoFundMe site – Stop Them Taking
give us more time and income for travelling. We found             Our Homes! – and help us if you can.
a one-off small park community; one where you bought
the land and built your own cabin, while 80 percent of            Many thanks.
the residents had to agree before a sale could happen.            Rich & Sue

Most of us are in our 70s and some are in their 80s.              That’s a sorry state of affairs Rich and not what anyone
This arrangement worked well for the first two years,             deserves, especially in retirement. Readers, please
then things changed as the usual money issues                     click on the name of GoFundMe site above and you’ll
arose. It turns out the two Directors were looking after          be taken directly to Rich & Sue’s page and generously
themselves at out expense.                                        support their legal fight. We’ll keep you posted on
                                                                  progress and hope that justice prevails in this very
We asked to see the books, but it turns out there were            unjust situation.
none for the company we had bought-in to. This took
two years and thousands of dollars to discover. The
directors then put the company into administration,
claimed all their legal expenses back and through a
Deed of Company arrangement, used that money to                   Hop Cuisine?
purchase the park from under us.
                                                                  Mark Twain once said that if the first thing you do each
They then gave us a New Site Agreement to sign: It                morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through the
tripled the rent, said we no longer owned the land, and           day with the satisfaction of knowing that is probably the
the few facilities we had were withdrawn. Oh, and we              worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long.
were given seven days to get financial and legal advice           Your “Frog” is your biggest, most important task, the
or move out, all this to happen just before last Christmas.       one you are most likely to procrastinate on if you don’t
                                                                  do something about it.
To us it looked like a phoenix scheme, so back to
court. We managed to get an urgent hearing to take                A month ago when I realised I was about to have a
place in May. In January we received an email to say              lot of time on my hands I wrote a long list of all the
not only had they purchased the land, but they also               jobs that needed doing in and around our home. I was
were getting our homes as part of the sale. An interim            excited. I was going to make this time at home work for
hearing was held and we were given time to find out               me. Today I worked out something. I am not actually
that the conditions of sale didn’t include buildings, but         time poor like I thought, the list just contains everything
they ignored that and gave us another week or be                  I don’t want to do!
evicted. They went ahead with that and served us with
the eviction notice right in the middle of the COVID-19           My husband told me many years ago about the frog
directive to stay at home. Again we went back to court            story and so yesterday I looked it up. Perhaps it can
for another interim hearing, which took place mid April.          help you. This morning we shared a frog, first thing:
We are waiting for the decision at the moment.                    We chipped out and burned the thistles around our
                                                                  dam and just in time as they were all headed and
How did your Christmas and New Year go? As we had                 ready to blow away. After that we felt very righteous!
exhausted all our funds during the two year court case            I wonder what tomorrow’s frog will be. Just remember,
regarding access to the books, I set up aGoFundMe                 a frog shared is a much smaller mouthful.
site just before the devastating bushfires. It started with
support from a few, then all the fund raising for the fires Regard,
started and our cause got lost: People didn’t seem to       Kay.
care about old people losing their homes if it wasn’t
through fire.                                               Thanks Kay, what can I say, except I think Mark Twain
                                                            was right on the money? Just looking around our place
Now the COVID-19 crisis has stopped everything              I can see so many frogs that still need swallowing I
in its tracks. Most people now can’t afford to donate       think I’d better take up French cooking. Burp…
IMotorhome caravan - Happy

Danish Delights
Love to catch up with your April news. Take care to you
& Mrs iM+C. On Saturday nights we get dressed up,
cook a special dinner and have a Theme. Last night it
was our Danish Aussie night to celebrate our friendship
with our Danish friends, keeps us sane!

Diane & Eddie

Great to hear from you two again and to see your
smiling faces! Sounds like you’ve got the self-isolation
thing licked, hopefully it won’t be too long before we
can actually meet up again in person. Until then,
congratulations on your ingenuity and effort. As they
say to Mrs iM+C when she’s done something well in
her new role at Woolies, “Good job!”.

Global Ambitions
Hi Richard, a great edition, particularly as times are         The mention of the rest area at Benalla resonated with
tough! The Haaks Camper certainly shows great                  me. We free camped there whilst on the way to the
innovation. Sure, some may say it is just another slide        CMCA rally at Elmore. We bought a host of groceries,
on but to me, they have lifted the bar! You have quietly       alcohol (for hand wipes), went out to dinner, used their
slipped in videos to the magazine too—good stuff! I            taxis, visited the Agricultural Show and filled up with
enjoyed the “Best Western” article – good subject and          gas and diesel. All in all, Benalla did well from our visit.
well done!
The Cub Camper has gone a long way from a budget               Ross.
buy but there you have the Aussie problem. Colin
is certainly busy and the ideas are flowing. Pity that         G’day Ross, glad you enjoyed the April issue and
Blaze Aid is missing out with Corona on track.                 apologies for the brevity of this one, which you can
                                                               read about in my editorial. I don't know about you,
The article about Apple CarPlay resonated with me.             but for me it feels like a very long time since I went
The idea of on screen entertainment visible to a driver        anywhere and reading travel articles stirs up mixed
is not good to put it mildly. I fell off my motorbike          emotions. I'm sure I'm not alone in seriously looking
a couple of years ago whilst heading home from                 forward to being able to hit the road again, which
Wiseman’s Ferry and “Just wondering” how far the               will also let you advance your ambitions towards
GPS would say it was to Perth, W.A. When I become              Benevolent Global Dictatorship. Good luck with it – I
the benevolent dictator of the world I will ban Apple          think you'll do very well – but I'm not sure about your
CarPlay and the rest of them (if the Mrs lets me).             chances of overcoming Apple and Google: it seems
I might say that the likelihood of my becoming the             to me they'll be unlikely to relinquish what you so
benevolent or any other type of dictator of the world is       deservingly aspire to. If only they could grasp the
quite low as I am told that I must self-isolate.               benevolent bit…

IMotorhome caravan - Happy

IMotorhome caravan - Happy

      Our eighth birthday
      seems like the perfect
      time to launch our
      new app…
      Name: iMotorhome+Caravan
      Cost: Free
      Platforms: iOS, Android,
      Blackberry, Windows Phone
      Size: 5MB
      Dowload: HERE

H   enry Ford famously said that if he'd asked his
    customers what they wanted, they would have
asked for a faster horse. Likewise, nobody knew they
                                                           information, services and products. However, there’s
                                                           even more to it than that…

needed a smartphone until Steve Jobs came along.
Apps are a similar story: who knew what they were          Revolutionary Concept
before we all got mobile devices, but now, how could
we live without them?                                      The new iMotorhome+Caravan app is different
                                                           because it bypasses the app stores. That’s because it’s
The problem with apps is we are inundated by them.         one of the new breed of Shareable Apps. As the name
Think of all the apps on your smart phone or tablet and    implies, it’s designed to be shared – by anyone, via
now think about all the ones you actually use, at least    email, text message or social media post. Importantly,
on a semi-regular basis. It seems the key to making        it works on smartphones and tablets of all sizes and in
a successful app is designing one users will regularly     portrait and landscape modes.
come back to; one that enhances or adds value to the
user in their situation.                                   Best of all, it means you don’t need an account
                                                           with Apple, Google – or even us. Simply follow the
Our new app, therefore, is not just the gateway to all     instructions, install the app on your mobile device and
iMotorhome+Caravan magazine issues. It’s designed          you’re good to go. Once installed, you can easily share
to enhance your RVing experience and add value             it with your RVing friends anywhere in the world.
by providing one-stop access to a growing range of
How It Works

W     e're starting with a soft launch this month to help        A-Frame Towing: The most frequent questions
      you get used to the features and functions, which          answered by the experts at NorthcoachRV, including
are primarily built around the magazine. We'll be adding         suitable vehicle types.
more on an ongoing basis, but the good news is you
never need to consciously                                        Caravan Council: Opens the Caravan Council
update the app – it does                                         of Australia (CCA) website. The CCA assists RV
that when launched and                                           manufacturers, importers, dealers, owners and
can even update when in                                          potential buyers by providing access to professional,
use. Just remember, when                                         independent and confidential technical services.
you see the Update App
message, touch the button                                        Outback Travel: Opens Allan Whiting’s excellent
and it will quickly do the                                       Outback Travel Australia website. Access a wealth of
rest.                                                            bush travel, vehicle, camping and technical information
                                                                 and reviews, from one of Australia’s most respected
When opened, the new                                             motoring journalists.
iMotorhome+Caravan app
always takes you to the                                          Festivals: A calendar of festivals and events from
Welcome page. From there                                         September onwards for RVers in Australia – and soon
you can find all features                                        New Zealand!. Want to add one? Send details to
through the Menu icon                                  
(three bars) in the top left
corner. Here's what the                                          Our Sponsors: The companies whose support makes
main menu items do…                                              iMotorhome+Caravan possible. If you’re after a new
                                                                 or used RV, service, parts, accessories or whatever,
Magazine – Read In-App:                                          please visit them first, and say iMotorhome+Caravan
Downloads the latest issue of iMotorhome+Caravan                 sent you!
magazine into the app for reading by vertical scrolling.
Download time depends on your Internet connection                Support Us!: Every publishing business is under
speed – the average issue size is around 15 MB – and             increasing financial stress due to the onslaught of
once downloaded the issue remains in the app as long             social media and other online advertising, plus the
as you are online. However, depending on your device             double whammy of the coronavirus pandemic. Your
it can't always be downloaded for off-line viewing from          support via a one-off (or now monthly) donation of
here                                                             any amount is more than just “appreciated” and goes
                                                                 directly to helping us keep the lights on. Thank you…
Magazine – Download: This downloads the latest
issue of iMotorhome+Caravan magazine as a
complete PDF document, ready for saving to and                   Where to Next?
opening in Books (iPhone/iPad) or the proprietary
e-reader on your device.                                         Please take the time to explore the new
                                                                 iMotorhome+Caravan app and its launch features –
Magazine – Back Issues: Opens the iMotorhome                     you can download it directly from HERE. Then share
website Back Issues page, allowing you to scroll down            it with all your RVing friends and ask them to do the
and download any or all previous issues.                         same. The more RVers we reach the more advertisers
                                                                 we can attract and the longer you’ll be able to enjoy
                                                                 iMotorhome+Caravan magazine.
What Else is on the Menu?
                                                                 New app features are planned, but if you have a
Coronavirus Updates: Takes you straight to the                   suggestion for a topic/link you’d like to see included
Australian Government Department of Health                       please let us know at
Coronavirus health alert website. There you will find
the very latest updates and advice to help navigate
these difficult times.


         Get away from it all in style

MAN SLRV Expedition
                                                          SLRV, based in Molendinar, Queensland. As expected,
Wagon Opportunity                                         the equipment list is impressive and extensive, and
                                                          highlights include:
A company liquidation is providing a rare opportunity     • Composite panel construction on specially
to purchase an equally rare 2017 MAN TGM 16.290              engineered three-point torsion-free chassis
4x4 expedition vehicle and enclosed, dual-axle            • Two battery systems – 1 x 450 Ah AGM/1 x 360 Ah
trailer. Slattery Auctions of Stafford, Qld, has been        Lithium
appointed by the liquidator and is seeking expressions • Solar panels – 6 x 150 W
of interest for the purchase of both or either units by   • Generator
16:00 hrs AEST on Thursday, 11 June 2020.                 • LED lighting
                                                          • Sine wave inverters
“With its world renowned MAN four wheel drive off road • Diesel-fired cooking, hot water and heating
ability and a comprehensive list of features, this is the • Reverse cycle air conditioning
ultimate 4x4 Expedition Vehicle.                          • Fusion marine-grade entertainment system
                                                          • Water capacity of 500-plus litres
“The SLRV Commander 4×4 Expedition Vehicle is a           • King-size bed
true home away from home. Its spacious interior and a
long list of features make this one of the most luxurious The enclosed tandem trailer is suitable for a car or
and well appointed off-road motorhomes available.         cargo and was manufactured in 2019 by Hamen
Perfect for those who require a larger living space.      Industries. It measures 8.5 m long, has a tare of 1500
                                                          kg and an ATM of 4500 kg, and features a hydraulic
“Completely self-contained, the SLRV Commander has loading ramp.
an impressive list of included and optional features that
give it its long range and long-term travel capability,”  Both units are to be sold as-is, untested and
Slattery says.                                            unregistered. Contact Aaron Smith or James
                                                          Rouse on 07 3149 8210 or by email at asmith@
The MAN 16.290 (16 tonne GVM/290 hp) has a      , jrouse@slatteryauctions.
compliance date of 10/2017 and is showing 66,227 if you have any queries, require further
km on the clock. A true go-anywhere 4x4 expedition        information, photos or information regarding the
vehicle, it's mated to body by specialist manufacturer    completion of this EOI Application.

4pm AEST
Thursday 11 June 2020
James Rouse 0484 555 665

The SLRV Commander
4x4 Expedition Vehicle
2017 MAN TGM 16.290

2019 Enclosed Tandem
Car/Cargo Trailer
BUILD DATE:10/2019


Please contact Aaron Smith or James
Rouse on 07 3149 8210 or by email at, jrouse@ if you have any
queries, require further information, photos
or information regarding the completion of
this EOI Application.

Visit our website for full listings on all auctions.
                                                       14                                        SYDNEY | NEWCASTLE | MELBOURNE | BRISBANE | PERTH

Vision Splendid Outback                                    Film Festival is the largest film festival dedicated to
                                                           Australian cinema and looks to highlight the inspiring
Film Festival 18-26 Sept                                   works of the local film industry. Closer to its core, the
                                                           festival celebrates the Winton community, with many
The stage is set for another spectacular display of        locals heavily involved in the production of the event.
Australian cinematic talent as the 7th annual Vision
Splendid Outback Film Festival returns to Winton,          Festival Director Mark Melrose says the festival’s
Australia’s Hollywood of the Outback this September        unique offering attracts adventurers and movie buffs
18-26 – Covid-19 restrictions permitting.                  alike, while also playing a key role in promoting
                                                           Outback Australia and the Australian film industry.
Spread across an unmissable nine-day program,
festival goers will immerse in the unique outback          “Vision Splendid Outback Film Festival looks to
experience, with screenings under the stars in             encourage and inspire people across the whole
Winton’s 102-year-old Royal Open Cinema, along with        breadth of the industry from cinematography and
masterclasses, workshops and live entertainment.           production to sound and lighting,” Mr Melrose said.

Centred around the 2020 theme of Planes, Trains and        “The program supports homegrown talent and feature
Automobiles, the program celebrates Australia’s love       films made in Australia, often providing the first run
affair with travel, adventure and blue skies, showcasing   for some films that have struggled with commercial
the nation’s pioneering spirit in films.                   distributors.

Drawing on the legacy of independent festivals like      “The rugged, red surrounds of Winton make it the
Sundance Film Festival, Vision Splendid Outback          perfect location to host the largest film festival
  dedicated to Australian film – it’s home to international
  actor Jason Clarke and iconic films including Goldstone,
  Mystery Road and The Proposition,” he says.

  Renowned actor Steve Le Marquand who was
  honoured with a star at Winton’s Walk of Fame in
  2019, says the festival is the perfect opportunity to
  celebrate Australia on and off screen.

  “There is no better time to support local and plan an
  adventure in our own backyard. The festival not only
  showcases the amazing Australian spirit on screen,
  you also get to experience the beauty of the outback
  landscape and hospitality,” he said. “My daughter
  Charlie and I had a great time in Winton last year –
  Charlie even helped direct one of the short films a part
  of the student program.”

  To find out more information or secure tickets for this
  unique experience, visit www.visionsplendidfilmfest.
  com Vision Splendid Outback Film Festival is funded
  under the Year of Outback Tourism Events Program
  during the Year of Outback Tourism 2020.

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                                                                              ISO 9001
                                                                                                    assess a catastrophic
                                                                                                        failure with an
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                                                                                      ISO 9001
                                                                                      ISO: QMS42870  A Frame that is not
                                                                                                        ADR certified?

                                                              Big announcement
                                                              for Northcoach RV…
Predator A Frame   CRN48985     Rated to 3.5tonnes

                                                              Our Base Plates and
                                                              A Frames are ADR certified
Readybrute A Frame CRN 50255 Rated to 2.2tonnes
                                                              After an intensive eighteen month programme, Northcoach
                                                              RV is pleased to announce the ADR 62/02 certification of its
                                                              Predator and Ready Brute A Frames plus the full range of
                                                              Base Plates.
                                                              Call us on 0409 581 471 to discuss all your towing needs.
Northcoach RV        CRN50112   Rated to 3.5tonnes
Range of Base Plates

                                          16 | Phone: 0409 581 471

Tassie Ferries Relocating
TT-Line, which operates the Spirit of Tasmania
ferries, has announced that in 2022 its Victorian
port operations will switch from Station Pier at Port
Melbourne to Corio Quay, north of Geelong.

The new 12-hectare dedicated site will include a
purpose designed passenger terminal building,
passenger vehicle marshalling area for 600 cars, more
efficient passenger vehicle check-in, security facilities,
public amenities, food and beverage outlet, children's
play area and a pet exercise area.

This move will not only help to ease the congestion in
streets of inner-city Melbourne, it also provides a new
gateway, connecting those departing Tasmania to visit             It also coincides with the introduction of new ships
the Great Ocean Road or to quickly hit the road to                coming online with much greater access and space for
other destinations.                                               caravans, camper trailers and motorhomes.

NT and WA Lifting
Camping will be back on the agenda after Northern
Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner announced
the lifting of some restrictions as the number of
coronavirus cases ease.

The move applies to Litchfield National Park, Howard
Springs Nature Park, Manton Dam, Shady Camp,
Berry Springs (picnic area) and Territory Wildlife Park.

Meanwhile, WA Premier Mack McGowan has
announced that up to 10 people will be allowed to
gather for non-contact recreational activities such as
camping, private picnics in the park, fishing, boating
and hiking ‒ all in compliance with travel restrictions.
However, he warned people to remember that WA                     down on social distancing and good personal hygiene.
remained in a state of emergency.                                 The limitations on seeing family and friends over the
                                                                  past month have been difficult for many of us and
“I strongly encourage that everyone must continue to              particularly isolating for some. People will now have
practice appropriate social distancing,” he said. “We             more choice if they want to interact with their family
need to be patient and careful. We can't let our guard            and friends.”


TRACK acquires                                            “The Australian RV industry was already on notice 12
                                                          months ago that the federal RVSA legislation would
Trackmaster and Pioneer                                   bring light trailers into a similar compliance scheme to
                                                          that existing for cars and trucks. The challenges of this
Gerard Waldron (director TRACK) and Wayne Gason           and the slow economy were already drivers of industry
(MD Gason industries) jointly announced that Track        consolidation,” Mr Waldron said.
has acquired the long-standing Australian brands
Trackmaster and Pioneer.                                  “TRACK recognised this and was already seeking
                                                          opportunities to expand its offering. The opportunity
The deal, which will see these brands stay on             to acquire these two highly regarded brands with
Australian shores, has been in negotiation since early    compatible design and production systems seemed
December 2019 and the agreement transfers all the         ideal. New Trakmaster and Pioneer models will be
intellectual property for both the design/manufacture     released in 2021, but in the meantime OUTBACK HQ
and marketing of both brands to TRACK.                    has stock of 2020 models available for immediate
                                                          sale. Clearly Covid-19 was not part of our plan, but in
Under the agreement, TRACK’s ‘OUTBACK                     common with everybody else we are dealing with it as
HQ’ showroom and service centre will provide              best we can
ongoing service and parts for both brands and
warranty services on behalf of Gason for all Gason-        “At present both our showroom and production
manufactured products.                                     facilities are open and operating, with additional
                                                           hygiene and social distancing. We may be required
“As a board we have assessed it over the past year and to close in future and we will be hibernating as many
being a family owned business of 75 years in October – other businesses. TRACK and OUTBACK HQ are still
we felt we wanted to come back to our core business in at work, but like most in business they are hoping for
Ararat,” Mr Gason said. “We just felt Track was that right sales to continue throughout the crisis, even if at a
business; they are family owned, building high quality     diminished level for now”.
products like Trakmaster and Pioneer, and we just see
this as the best fit in Australia to take these products
forward and develop them into the future.”


Aladdin’s Cave                                                 STOP PRESS!
Police have allegedly uncovered an Aladdin's cave of           Just as we were going to press, the following update
stolen property at a caravan park on the Gold Coast.           was received regarding the legal battle as outlined in
                                                               Sorry State in our Letters section:
It happened after officers from Mudgeeraba identified
a vehicle of interest that was thought to have been            “Good morning to all our friends and supporters. Your
involved in recent property offences in Robina and             donations are being well spent.
Broadbeach. That led to a search warrant being
executed at the Mudgeeraba caravan park, where                 “Excellent news: Following further hearings,
numerous tools and construction site equipment were            provisional orders have been handed down until such
found. Police also allegedly located two syringes and a        time as a full hearing is held, which could be some
plastic water pipe.                                            time, due to the current circumstances.

A 45-year-old man and 23-year-old woman, both                  “The Orders: Everybody gets their land and buildings
from Mudgeeraba, were charged with two counts of               back and all are to be given quiet enjoyment of their
entering with intent, one count of stealing, one count         sites, no more threats or bullying or blocking friends
of possessing tainted property, one count of receiving         from visiting. To keep good faith, we will be paying
tainted property, one count of wilful damage and three         appropriate fees, which will be determined by an
counts of drug possession.                                     independent expert. I will keep you posted when we
                                                               get details.

                                                               Bye for now,



Jacana’s new Seeker brings a fresh face to the van-conversion
motorhome market, says Allan Whiting...

A   vailable in medium and long-wheelbase variants,
    Volkswagen’s latest Crafter 4Motion is the ideal
base for a medium-mobility campervan. While it won’t
                                                          The Jacana Seeker medium-wheelbase (MWB) model
                                                          suits a travelling couple, while the long-wheelbase
                                                          (LWB) model has more interior room and seat-
go where a fully-kitted, hard-core 4WD ute will go, it    belted places for four people). The LWB’s secondary
suits those who want a compact RV that can get off the    passenger seat doubles as a dinette and both front
beaten track.                                             seats swivel to make four-facing seats around a
                                                          removable table. In the MWB model the driver and
Jacana Motorhomes is best known for its large 4WD         passenger seats swivel to form a two-seat dinette.
truck-based motorhomes, but has recently moved into
the van market, with conversions for HiAce, Crafter       The standard gross mass rating of the MWB model is
and Mercedes-Benz Sprinter vans.                          3.5 tonnes, but that can be increased to 3.88 tonnes

in conjunction with the 4Motion 4WD option. The LWB        800W microwave; exterior fold-down table; 70-litre
2WD and AWD models both have a 4.0-tonne GVM.              water tank; diesel water heater; water pressure pump;
                                                           mains water inlet; fibreglass shower module; Thetford
Both models have an east-west double bed that can          cassette toilet; 15-amp electrical socket; lithium house
be fixed, with storage space underneath, or be a lift-     battery; 200W solar panels with regulator; 240V/12V
able type so that a dinette or ‘toy’ space is available    charger; flush-mount LED lighting and USB outlets.
under it. Bed length can be increased by the fitment of
optional ‘spoiler’ window extensions on both sides of      Options include 4Motion with GVM upgrade; loft bed;
the van body.                                              TV; 240V aircon roof-mounted unit; diesel room heater,
                                                           rear dinette under loft bed; door flyscreens, powered
Standard equipment in the MWB Seeker includes:             entry step and an outside shower kit.
double-glazed windows with screens and blinds; a
Fiamma 3-metre awning; insulated roof; lightweight         Standard equipment in the LWB model is as for the
plywood cabinetry; waterproof flooring with vinyl          MWB model, plus a passenger seat with seat belts;
overlay; under-bed storage with inside and outside         wardrobe and 95-litre water tank in lieu of 70-litres
access; dinette table; stainless steel sink with mixer     capacity. Options are the same.
tap; 150-litre 12V/240V fridge/freezer; diesel cooktop;


O    utside the standard layout and popular options,
     Jacana is happy to incorporate additional owner
requirements and we inspected a Seeker MWB model
that was quite different from the standard layout.

In their vehicle the very experienced remote-area-
touring owners opted for a forward position of the toilet
and shower module, along with a liftable bed over a
rear four-seat dinette. They also stipulated upgraded
electrics, with a 2000-watt inverter. The forward
shower/toilet location allowed the plumbing, toilet dump
and electrical system components to be arranged in a
single location, behind the RHS sliding door.

Pricing for Jacana Seeker models starts at $139,600.
For further information visit the website HERE.


  Jayco’s pop-top hybrid that won’t break the bank or the weighbridge
  scales, reports Allan Whiting of

J  ayco’s 2020 CrossTrak hybrid camper range is
   aimed at off-roading couples, with low ball and
tare weights, yet generous payload. Hybrid, pop-top
campers have increased in popularity in Australia,
because of their ease of setup and low weight, allowing
them to be towed by a wide variety of vehicles, from
mid-sized SUVs to large 4WDs.

At the CrossTrak launch last year, Neil McGowan,
Jayco’s research and development manager, said
the strength of the Jayco CrossTrak ensures it’s fit
for Australian conditions.“Jayco chassis have been
specifically engineered in Australia, tailored for
Australian conditions and we’re proud to lead the
market in caravan trailer suspension.”

The 2020 range comprises four models ranging from
13 to 16 feet. Both lengths are available with double or
double-plus-bunk bed layouts, while the 16 foot Double
features an ensuite in place of the bunk bed.


K   ey design features of the CrossTrak are lightweight
    design, with tare weights ranging from1349 kg to
1534 kg and ball weights between 131 kg and 159
kg. Travel lengths range from 5.4 to 6.14 m, while all
models feature a travel height of 2.4 m and width of
2.2 m. Wheel track is similar to that of popular 4WDs,
allowing for easy off-road towing. Pricing is keen and
starts at $37,990.

The CrossTrak design features an outdoor kitchen
and the rear door opens to make a spacious outdoor
shower area, with a drop-down privacy tent and flexible
solar panel. It also features Jayco’s Endurance 2.0
steel chassis that’s hot-dip galvanised for corrosion
protection. The chassis mounts J-Tech 2.0 trailing-arm
independent suspension.


J   ayco’s vacuum-bonded, quad-layer wall construction
    uses a lightweight aluminium frame clad with hail-
and-dent-resistant fibreglass. Interior furniture uses
screwed aluminium frame construction and a 720-litre
tunnel boot provides enough space for a portable
fridge and storage. The pop-top tent sides are cut
from grey waterproof Boltiflex vinyl, with high wear
resistance and a PreFix finish coating, making it easier
to clean. The outdoor kitchen comes with a two-burner
gas hob, stainless-steel sink and overhead storage.

Inside, there’s a high-flow Sirocco fan, innerspring
mattress, 100Ah battery and commercial-grade, UV-
resistant interior fabrics. Jayco’s exclusive battery
management technology, JHub, comes as a phone
app, enabling owners to monitor battery and water
levels on phones within Bluetooth range.

We’ve asked for an evaluation vehicle, but we did that
with the Jayco JTrak camper trailer last year and we’re
still waiting. We’re not holding our breath! For further
information visit a Jayco dealer or the Jayco Crosstrak
website HERE.


 by Robert ‘Bobby’ Watson

H     ere in the locked-down U.S. we watch with interest
      developments Down Under. Your off-road campers,
motorhomes and trailers – sorry, ‘caravans’ – are
                                                           motorhome cabin, it will have everything two people
                                                           need to brave the elements.

awesome and amongst the best made anywhere in              Still in the works at this stage, the XTR will have
the world. You’re also home to EarthCruiser, maker of      a 4.2-tonne gross vehicle weight rating, become
extreme expedition-grade RVs and a company with an         the most compact chassis-mounted motorhome in
affiliated but independent factory over here that just     EarthCruiser's current lineup, slotting in just under the
can’t seem to keep up with demand.                         4.5-tonne G-Pro Escape.

Soon, EarthCruiser’s Australian HQ will be putting a       Before EarthCruiser gets to work securing its
wedge-top camper atop a Toyota chassis for the first       module to the Land Cruiser's bones, it'll add a 5-cm
time and understandably calling it the Extreme (XTR).      suspension lift, larger leaf springs, differential and
Combining the ’79-Series LandCruiser ‘Troopy's’            axle upgrades, and entry steps. It'll also throw on an
legendary capability with added cab comfort, an            80-litre water tank, with a 200-litre tank optional. It will
off-grid solar power system and a cozy two-sleeper         also offer the option of supplementing the 79's own

130-litre fuel tank with an extra 110-litres. A snorkel      particularly dirty adventurers can get clean without
will sit comfortably along the A-pillar, helping the 148     traipsing through the entire motorhome. A slide-out
kW 4.5-litre turbo-diesel V8 breathe, and the seats will     toilet will be included.
come neatly trimmed in leather.
                                                             According to the preliminary spec-sheet, the XTR will
The camper box itself will feature EarthCruiser's fully      also include a 400-Ah lithium battery, touchscreen
moulded composite construction, with a pop-up roof           command centre, 540-watt solar charging, a 3,000-W
adding ample headroom above. To squeeze everything           inverter, plus diesel air and water heating. A front pass-
inside the limited cubic footage, EarthCruiser plans to      through will allow occupants to move between cab and
push the main 155 cm x 215 cm bed up into the pop-top.       motorhome without ever stepping outside.

Downstairs, the floor plan calls for a rear corner kitchen   The XTR is still under development, but EarthCruiser
with diesel cooktop, a sink and a fridge/freezer. Just       tells us pricing will start at AU$240,000 for the
forward from there, the two-seat dining area will have       complete RV. Plans call for the first model to be
an indoor/outdoor table and convert over into an extra       finished by July and we'll take a closer look once the
single bed.                                                  finalised details and photos are released. In the mean
                                                             time, stay up to date on the EarthCruiser website by
Like larger EarthCruisers, the XTR will have an              clicking HERE.
entryway wet bathroom, a solution that ensures


Wonder      The bus that got the NZMCA

            off the ground has been
            retsored and is now a national


W     ithout doubt, one of the stars of the 2020 COVI
      show was Bus Number One: A beautifully
restored 1928 REO Speed Wagon motorhome that
helped launch the NZ Motor-Caravan Association
(NZMCA) – the Kiwi counterpart to the Campervan
and Motorhome Club of Australia (CMCA). Below is
the story in the NZMCA's own words from its Show

The vintage 1928 REO Speed Wagon motorhome was
originally owned by the Association's founder, Andy
and Gladys Anderson. It had begun its life as a bus
in the Gisborne district and was understood to have
covered something like 750,000 miles before Andy
Anderson bought it and converted it into a motorhome.
In the years since the Anderson’s built the motorhome
in the 1950s, time has taken a toll on the vehicle.
Somewhere along the way the motorhome body was
dismantled and what remained of the vehicle – the
original chassis, motor and running gear – ended up
with the Tauranga Historic Village Trust, before being
donated to the local museum in 1992.

It was the enthusiasm of a group of Gisborne members
that was key in having the NZMCA purchase the
vehicle from Gisborne's East Coast Museum of
Technology. But once this was done and the vehicle
towed to local plumber Brian Hall's workshop, it
dawned on the group that a much more challenging
task lay ahead – that of actually rebuilding the REO to
the standard it would have been in the days when the
Anderson family travelled in it.
Eastland Area Chairman Fergus McKenzie said, “We
were excited about it – with a little bit of trepidation
too, I think. The day we got it we sort of sat back and
thought ‘My goodness what have we done?’.

But the end result speaks for itself – the group has
gone beyond their own and everyone's expectations.
The gloriously restored vehicle is a strong testament to
the can-do attitude and the spirit of volunteerism that is
at the core of the NZMCA.


Online research indicates the engine is the so-                 The name REO Speed Wagon might be familiar to you
called Improved T6; a 6-cylinder unit that bridged              through rock music, it being the name of an American band
the gap in 1927-28 between the earlier T6 and                   formed in 1967 that’s still going strong. The band, however,
Gold Crown of 1929 onwards. Capacity is possibly                took its name from the light trucks that were hugely popular
208 cu-in (3.4-litres) as indicated on the side of the          in the U.S. in the first half of the 20th century.
block, with power likely to have been in the 35-45
hp (26-33 kW) range, with a top speed around 35                 The REO Motor Car Company was the brainchild of Mr Ran-
mph (56 km/h).                                                  som Eli Olds, who lent his initials to the business when it was
                                                                formed in 1905. Previously, he has founded the Olds Motor
                                                                Vehicle Company, makers of Oldsmobiles that later became a
                                                                part of General Motors, but was barred from using his sur-
                                                                name in any subsequent business.

                                                                The Speed Wagon series of light trucks were the fastest
                                                                in their day and especially popular with bootleggers during
                                                                Prohibition, thanks to the powerful Gold Crown engine intro-
                                                                duced in 1929. Speed Wagons served as everything from
                                                                delivery trucks to fire engines, ambulances, buses and even
                                                                early motorhomes, and the name has entered automotive
                                                                folk lore.

                                                                Old passed away in 1950, aged 86, and the REO brand fol-
                                                                lowed suit in 1967 after being bought by Diamond T Trucks,
                                                                which gave birth to Diamond-REO Trucks.


          The don’t make cabs like this anymore – especially
          ones with a toilet beneath the driver’s seat! Note
          the ergonomic-free driving environment. On the
          plus-side, walk-through access to the living area is
          excellent and visibility not too bad.


Perhaps a forerunner of the New Zealand House
Truck movement, the Wonder Wagon’s beautifully
restored interior is more home-like than any modern
day RV. There’s also a surprising amount of room
to move. Note the authentic appliances, including a
wood stove – ideal on those chilly NZ evenings...


The bedroom has an interesting double bunk
arrangement in the kerbside rear corner. The
‘bathroom’ is in the other corner, but only
accessible from outside!


          Only accessible from outside, the bathroom is
          really just a toilet cubicle, but at least it would keep
          odous at bay. Apparently, the toilet was a ‘Sanu-
          trene Electrosan’, which was connected to a six-
          volt battery and, “Worked silently and thoroughly,
          killing all odour and germs without mess or stain”.


Hats off to the dedicated crew who effectively
re-built the Wonder Bus from scratch. To find out
more about this remarkable motorhome visit the
NZMCA website HERE.



by Colin Young, Caravan Council of Australia    by Design?
H   ow much genuine professional engineering
    design went into your caravan? Was it developed
using professional Computer Assistant Design (CAD)
                                                           elements? And did they then incorporate reasonable
                                                           safety factors in order to provide acceptable safety,
                                                           reliability and durability?
software and a high level Computer Aided Engineering
(CAE) program? Or was it just simply copied from           While a potential buyer of a caravan does not need
a competitor's van, which was possibly merely              to be a walking encyclopaedia on caravan design
copied from another van that was made many years           engineering, it is still a good idea to be reasonably
before and was possibly sketched on the back of an         informed regarding the whys and wherefores of the
envelope?                                                  fundamental technical issues. And if a salesperson
                                                           cannot credibly explain why a particular caravan has,
Was it purely concocted by the oft-used ‘she'll            or does not have, certain features, you might want to
be right method and did a professional engineer            question their understanding of what they are actually
actually calculate the stresses involved in the various    selling.
components – especially the critical running-gear


Q: What is by far the most important design
consideration for any caravan?

A: The caravan must be safe and stable on the road
when towed legally behind a suitable tow-vehicle,
so that its handling and stability remain steady
and predictable regardless of whether the van is
empty, partially loaded or fully loaded (up to its ATM

In addition, the caravan must be designed to have a
high 'critical speed’, so that it is unlikely to jackknife
and roll over in the event of the driver of the tow
vehicle having to make a sudden emergency/
avoidance manoeuvre.


Q: What is the next equally-most important design
consideration for any caravan?

A: Handling smoothly and predictably on the road,             combinations are at a considerable disadvantage.
as per the evenness (or roughness) of the roadway             That's because their coupling is a considerable
surface on which it was designed to be responsibly            distance behind the rear axle of the tow vehicle. This
towed.                                                        greatly increases the possibility of caravan sway
                                                              developing if something, such as a harsh bump in the
Suspension system design for caravans is an                   road or a powerful wind gust, is encountered.
extremely complex subject, where poor (generic or off-
the-shelf) configurations can quickly and dangerously         This potentially lethal condition is exacerbated if the
impair the dynamics and road holding of the caravan.          mass of the tow vehicle is not appreciably heavier
                                                              than the mass of the caravan. For example, when the
There are definite reasons why caravans can and               driver turns the steering wheel in one direction, the
do quickly and uncontrollably jackknife and roll over.        front of the caravan moves on the opposite direction,
Unlike a semi trailer or fifth-wheeler, which have            which is hardly the most desirable reaction in terms of
their coupling, or articulation point, virtually directly     maintaining stability on a curve.
over the rear axle, conventional tow vehicle/caravan


Q: Following on, what is the next equally-most
important design consideration?

A: Ensuring the mass distribution – in a side view –
for both empty and loaded conditions stays within the
acceptable range. This ensures that the extremely
critical 'ball loading' stays safely within the required
narrow range. This can only be determined by
conducting real world professional on-road testing.

An important design requirement is to ensure that
the magnitude of the ‘polar moment of inertia’ is
acceptable. Basically, this means all heavy items need
to be loaded as close as possible to the axle/s and not
at the extreme ends of the van, especially the rear. All
storage compartments not located close to the centre
of the van need warning labels stating the maximum
mass of contents that can be stored there. Instructions
should be provided to state exactly where after-market
accessories can be located, along with the maximum
permitted masses.


Caravans should be designed so that there is the least                Doing the Maths
possible change in the ball loading when each tank is full
or empty. Multiple water tanks should be positioned as                Change in Ball Loading:
close as possible to and each side (front/rear) of the axle/s.        ((G x LG) + (W2 x LW2) - (W1 x LW1)) / LC

A simple ‘moments’ formula – mass x distance – can                    Example:
be used to determine the change in ball-loading if                    G = 18 kg; W1 = 45 kg; W2 = 90 kg; LG = 3.0 m;
mass changes (like water/LPG empty or full) or if                     LW1 = 1.5 m; LW2 = 1.5 m; LC = 3.5 m.
components/appliances/accessories are added or
removed.                                                              Change in Ball-Loading:
                                                                      ((18 x 3) + (90 x 1.5) - (45 x 1.5)) / 3.5.
Note: Dimensions from the centre of the axle group
to the left are positive, dimensions to the right are                 Change in Ball-Loading:
negative. Water/LPG tanks forward of the axle/s                       ((54) + (135) - (67)) / 3.5 .
increase the ball loading; tanks aft of the axle/s
decrease the ball loading.                                            Change in Ball-Loading:
                                                                      ( 22) / 3.5.
The actual mass of the van will increase by:
G+W1+W-2 when the empty tanks are filled.                             Actual change in Ball-Loading: +35 kg
Remember that one litre of water weighs one
kilogram. If a third tank is fitted, add it to the drawing            Worst Case 1:
and measure the (+ or -) distance from the centre of                  W1 empty; G & W2 full.
the tank to the centre of the axle(s). Calculate the                  Change in Ball-Loading: +54 kg
‘moments’ – mass x distance – around the centre of
the axle (or midway between tandem axles).                            Worst Case 2:
                                                                      W1 full; G & W2 empty.
                                                                      Change in Ball-Loading: -19 kg


Q: Finally, what’s the next equally-most important
design consideration in a caravan?

A: Ensuring the ball loading stays as constant as
possible, regardless of whether water/LPG tanks
are empty or full. It is imperative that water tanks are
located as close as possible to the axle/s and evenly
                                                                  Next month we’ll look at running
                                                                  gear issues and the various
                                                                  suspension types, plus axle
                                                                  groups, GTM ratings, effective
                                                                  spring rates, tyres and their
The photo shows an unbelievably dangerous setup                   combined importance on the
where all three – yes, three – water tanks were located           safe and smooth operation of a
ahead of the axles! The empty ball loading with all               caravan.
tanks empty was 360 kg!

One dreads to think of how many similar vans were,
or still are, on our roads. So much for self-certification
and grossly inadequate regulatory manufacture audits
and vehicle inspections...




         h, the overwhelm – the feeling of drowning under
         too many tasks and too many thoughts! When
         it takes hold, it’s hard to complete any task, let
alone 10. You feel frantic, distracted, fuzzy, stressed;
you feel like your heart is heavy and your head is full. So
full, in fact, it’s hard to retain any new information. If an
important thought pops into your head, it bursts quickly
against the pointy edges of mountainous mental clutter.


           Whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed (or even just have a
           few worrisome thoughts), I walk away, sit down with a
           pen and paper, and draw two columns. At the top of each
           column, I write a question. In the first column, I write,
           ‘What’s wrong?’ In the second, I write, ‘What’s the fix?
           They’re two simple and straightforward questions, but the
           process of writing them down and then answering them,
           immediately improves the situation.

           HOW IT WORKS
           The first column: When filling this out just have a brain
           dump. Don’t think about the solutions for now, just write
           every worry, no matter how big or small. A worry is a
           worry, and we want to write them all down. Don’t judge.
           Just write.

           Start listing fixes to the problems. Actually, despite the
           title of “What’s the fix?” there might not be an exact
           solution to each problem. Instead, there might be a small
           step or strategy that will manage or improve the situation
           rather than fix it entirely. That’s okay. At least knowing
           what the problem is and doing something will help to
           reduce overwhelm.
           Also, you don’t have to start from the top of the column
           and work your way down. Just tackle the problems in any
           order that works.

           The following example includes both business and
           personal worries for Tom, a fictitious soloist graphic
           designer. That’s because the nature of micro business is
           that the two collide, especially when working from home –
           be that bricks and sticks or mobile.
           Note: In the “What’s the fix?” column I’ve written more
           detail than is required. I did this to share Tom’s thought
           processes. However, you can just write something like,
           “Reply to emails tomorrow morning”.


What’s the problem?                                                             What’s the fix?
Inbox flooded with emails                                                       Tomorrow morning, set aside 45 minutes to action or delete every email in my
                                                                                inbox. Don’t overthink the response. Don’t move on to any other task until my
                                                                                inbox is clear.
Two projects due at the same time, tight deadlines                              Email John and request an extension on his logo. He took a bit longer returning
                                                                                feedback for the first round, so will understand. Focus all energy on Sarah’s bro-
Tired and stressed!                                                             Tonight go to bed by 8.30pm. Shut down all devices by 8. Wake up at 6am and go
                                                                                for a walk to clear my head.
Friends coming over for dinner tomorrow, have to clean the house and cook!      Text to suggest we go to a restaurant.
No time!
FeeFee looking listless. Not sure if she’s sick. Bit worried.                   Call vet today to make an appointment.
Home office is a MESS!!                                                         Clean it NOW. If my environment is cluttered, so is my mind!
Putting off a difficult conversation with Rachael about how she spoke to me.    Sit down with Rachael tonight. Ask if she’s okay. Tell her how I felt about the way
                                                                                she spoke to me.

WHY DOES IT WORK?                                                                   REGAIN CONTROL
Doing this clears the clutter. Writing and answering these                          Once you’ve filled out the first column you’ll immediately
two, simple questions gets things off your mind and                                 feel more in control because you can see, in black and
onto paper. It gives you clarity and helps you make better                          white, exactly what you’re dealing with. You’re no longer
decisions.                                                                          floundering in a sea of nameless worries.
Prior to writing down your worries, your thoughts can blur
into one, big, unmanageable clump, affecting your ability
to make clear decisions. By writing them down you can                               FROM OVERWHELMED TO
see that even the biggest clump of worry is made up of                              UNDER CONTROL
singular strands, each of which can be combed through
for a solution.                                                                     Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, regain your control
                                                                                    by writing down your problems, along with steps to help
                                                                                    fix or manage them.
                                                                                    You’ll feel empowered again, which is good for you and
                                                                                    great for your business – mobile or not!

You can also read