LAWN & GARDEN PRODUCT GUIDE - Since 1947 - Southern Agricultural ...

Page created by Dale Barnes
LAWN & GARDEN PRODUCT GUIDE - Since 1947 - Southern Agricultural ...

              LAWN &
Since 1947
LAWN & GARDEN PRODUCT GUIDE - Since 1947 - Southern Agricultural ...
Index                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1

                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                               BAITS
BAITS                                                                  PAGE                     FERTILIZERS                                                     PAGE          MOLE CRICKET BAIT                                             SNAIL & SLUG BAIT
MOLE CRICKET BAIT                                                                1              ALUMINUM SULFATE                                                       7      • Same formulation used by golf courses and sports fields     • This bait does not require watering in
SNAIL AND SLUG BAIT                                                              1              CALCIUM NITRATE                                                        7      • Low use rate                                                • Low use rate
                                                                                                CITRUS NUTRITIONAL SPRAY                                               7      CONTAINS: 5% Carbaryl insecticide                             • Creates “guard line” at the edge of plantings
                                                                                                CHELATED FLOWER & GARDEN NUTRITIONAL SPRAY                             8      on an attractant feed base.                                   CONTAINS: 3.25% Metaldehyde pelletized bait.
                                                                                                CHELATED LIQUID IRON                                                   8      USE ON: Vegetables, flowers, fruits,                          USE AROUND: Fruit trees, berries, vegetables,
FUNGICIDES                                                                                      PALM NUTRITIONAL                                                       8      lawns, and ornamentals.                                       ornamentals, lawns and greenhouses.
CAPTAN FUNGICIDE                                                                 1              CONTROLLED -RELEASE FERTILIZER 14-14-14                                8      CONTROLS: Cutworms,                                           CONTROLS: Snails and slugs.
DITHANE M-45®                                                                    1              ESSENTIAL MINOR ELEMENTS DRY NUTRITIONAL                               8      armyworms, crickets, darkling                                 RATE: 1 lb. treats 1,100 - 1,500 square feet
GARDEN FRIENDLY FUNGICIDE                                                        1              IRON GRANULES                                                          8      ground beetles, mole crickets                                 (30 - 40 lbs per acre)
LIQUID COPPER FUNGICIDE                                                          2              KELP GREEN                                                             9      grasshoppers and sowbugs.                                     APPLICATION: Spread evenly over area to
LIQUID ORNAMENTAL & VEGETABLE FUNGICIDE                                          2              MAGNESIUM SULFATE                                                      9      RATE: 0.45 lb. to 0.9 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft.                   be protected.
SA-20 DISINFECTANT                                                               2              MANGANESE SULFATE                                                      9      APPLICATION: Apply evenly over area                           PACKED: 12 x 1 lb. canister - #10901,
WETTABLE OR DUSTING SULFUR                                                       2              PLANT STARTER SOLUBLE FERTILIZER 12-48-8                               9      with fertilizer spreader.                                     12 x 2.5 lb. bag - #10910,
THIOMYL SYSTEMIC FUNGICIDE                                                       2              PLUG FAST 12-12-6                                                      9      PACKED: 8 x 3.6 lb. bag - #08353,                             20 lb. bag - #10919
                                                                                                SOIL ACIDIFIER                                                         9      9 lb. bag - #08359                                            Also available in a 40 lb. bag - #64459
                                                                                                20-20-20 POWERPAK SOLUBLE FERTILIZER                                  10      Also available in a 40 lb. bag - #49519.
                                                                                                MAX ACID 30-10-10 SOLUBLE FERTILIZER                                  10
HERBICIDES                                                                                      START, ROOT AND BLOOM 10-30-20                                        10
2,4-D AMINE WEED KILLER                                                          2
ATRAZINE ST.AUGUSTINE WEED KILLER                                                3
                                                                                                SULFATE OF POTASH
                                                                                                TRIPLE SUPER PHOSPHATE
                                                                                                                                                                      10                                                            FUNGICIDES
BROADLOOM SEDGE CONTROL                                                          3
                                                                                                STOP BLOSSOM-END ROT OF TOMATOES                                      10
BRUSH KILLER                                                                     3
                                                                                                ZINC SULFATE                                                          11   CAPTAN FUNGICIDE                                                  GARDEN FRIENDLY FUNGICIDE
COPPER SULFATE GRANULAR CRYSTALS                                                 3
                                                                                                10-10-10 ALL PURPOSE FERTILIZER                                       11   • Controls Botrytis Rot (grey mold) on Strawberries               • For all organic and non-organic applications
CROSSBOW SPECIALTY HERBICIDE                                                     3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         k, O
INTERLINE HERBICIDE                                                 4                                                                                         • Labeled for many fruits, ornamentals and lawns                  • Controls or suppresses fungal and                                     Ris


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                                                                                                                                                                           CONTAINS: 50% Wettable Powder Captan.                             bacterial plant diseases

LAWN WEED KILLER WITH TRIMEC®                                                    4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Re d
                                                                                                                                                                           USE ON: Fruit Crops: Almonds, apples,                                                                                                             oF
UPEND HYDROCAP                                                      4              MISCELLANEOUS                                                                                                                                • Broad specturm biofungicide controls                              or E c
                                                                                                                                                                           apricots, blueberries, cherries, grapes,                            foliar and soil-borne diseases
                                                                                                HERBI-OIL                                                             11
                                                                                                                                                                           nectarines, peaches, plums, and strawberries.                     • Can be used as a drench for diseases
                                                                                                BLACK SNAKE SULFUR                                                    11
                                                                                                                                                                           Ornamentals: Azaleas, begonias, camellias,                        • Leaves behind little or no residue
                                                                                                SURFACTANT FOR HERBICIDES                                             11
INSECTICIDES                                                                                    SPREADER-STICKER                                                      11
                                                                                                                                                                           carnations, gladiolus, chrysanthemums                             CONTAINS: 98.85% Bacillus
BORIC ACID ROACH POWDER                                                          4                                                                                         and roses. Also grasses.                                          amyloliquefaciens strain D747
                                                                                                BLUE COLORANT                                                         12
LAWNSTAR BIFENTHRIN INSECTICIDE                                                  4                                                                                         CONTROLS: Scab, Black Spot, Botrytis,                             USE ON: All Ornamentals, Turf Vegetables,
                                                                                                DEFOAMER                                                              12
5% CARBARYL DUST                                                                 4                                                                                         Anthracnose, Brown Rot, Damping-Off, Root Rot,                    Fruits, Nuts, and Herbs.
     ®                                                                                          METHYLATED SEED OIL                                                   12
DIPEL DUST                                                                       4                                                                                         Leaf Spot, Brown Patch & Downy Mildew.                            CONTROLS: Alternaria leaf spot, alternaria,
                                                                                                STUMP REMOVER                                                         12
GRUBS AWAY with Imidacloprid                                                     5                                                                                         RATE: Foliar spray 2 teaspoons - 4 tablespoons                    anthracnose, bacterial canker, bacterial leaf
                                                                                                TANK CLEANER                                                          12
GARDEN INSECT DUST with Permethrin                                               5                                                                                         per gal. of water. Grasses -1 tablespoon in 1                     spot, bacterial spot, bitter rot, black eye, black
                                                                                                NO DRIFT                                                              12
MALATHION 50%E.C.                                                                5                                                                                         gallon of water per 1,000 sq. ft.                                 root rot, black rot, black spot on roses, bot rot/white
MALATHION-OIL CITRUS & ORNAMENTAL SPRAY                                          5                                                                                         APPLICATION: Foliar Spray; Mix with water and apply as a          rot, botrytis blight bottom rot, brown canker,
CONSERVE®-NATURALYTE INSECT CONTROL                                              5                                                                                         thorough cover spray.                                             brown patch, cedar apple rust, citrus canker,
INSECTICIDAL SOAP CONCENTRATE                                               5
                                                                                                ABOUT THE PRODUCT GUIDE                                                    PACKED: 12 x 8 oz. - #01600
                                                                                                The number following each package size is our product I.D.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             damping off, dollar spot, downy mildew,
PERMETROL LAWN INSECTICIDE GRANULES                                              6              number. This guide is based on the most current product                                                                                      early and late blights, fire blight, flyspeck,
PERMETROL LAWN INSECTICIDE                                                       6                                                                                                                                                           fruit rots, fusarium wilt, gray and white mold,
                                                                                                labeling available at time of printing. This guide does not                DITHANE M-45
PARAFINE HORTICULTURAL OIL                                                       6              replace reading the product label before use. Southern                                                                                       gray leaf spot, greasy spot, leaf and
                                                                                                                                                                           • Labeled for many exotic ornamentals such as African
PYRETHRIN CONCENTRATE                                                            6              Agricultural Insecticides, Inc is not responsible for                                                                                        fruit spots, leaf blight, leaf spots, melanose,
                                                                                                                                                                             Violets, Ferns, & Dendrobium Orchids
THURICIDE® BT CATERPILLAR CONTROL                                                7              recommendations not made by our employees including                                                                                          peach leaf curl, pecan scab, post bloom fruit
                                                                                                Garden Center and State agency employees. State agencies                   • Preferred by many rose growers for Black Spot
TRIPLE ACTION NEEM OIL                                                           7                                                                                                                                                           drop, powdery mildew, pythium, root rot, rusts,
                                                                                                may provide additional information on specific control                     • Commonly used in the commercial
                                                                                                                                                                             production of tomatoes, squash & melons                         rusty spot, scab, sclerotinia blight, shot hole,
                                                                                                information, rates, timing, applications and days to harvest
                                                                                                limitations. Permit may be required for commercial application.            CONTAINS: 80% Mancozeb                                            sooty blotch, stem rot, walnut blight.
                                                                                                When rates are given as “TBS.” refers to level tablespoonfuls and          USE ON: Many ornamentals, vegetables                              RATE: Vegetables, fruit, nuts, herbs and
                                                                                                “tsp.”, refers to level teAspoonfuls. Direct any questions to:             (potatoes, corn, squash, cucumber, melon,                         ornamentals; 1 teaspoon per gallon of
                                                                                                Southern Agricultural Insecticides,Inc.                                    and papaya)                                                       water. For lawns; 1 teaspoon per gallon.
                                                                                                P.O. Box 218, Palmetto, FL 34220
                                                                                                                                                                           CONTROLS: leafspots, rust, botrytis, anthracnose,                 Use 2 to 5 gallons of spray per 1,000 sq. ft.
                                                                                                or                                                                                                                       APPLICATION: Foliar Spray; Mix with
                                                                                                                                                                           early and late blights, and downy mildew.
                                                                                                                                                                           APPLICATION: Mix with water. Apply as a                           water and apply as a thorough cover spray.
                                                                                                TRADEMARK RECOGNITIONS                                                                                                                       PACKED: 12 x 8 oz. - #05171,12 x Pt. - #05172
                                                                                                CORTEVA: CONSERVER , DITHANER M-45 , GARLONR , REMEDYR , HUFFY BIKE        thorough cover spray.
                                                                                                COMPANY: CYCLONER
                                                                                                CERTIS: THURICIDER PBI GORDON CORPORATION: TRIMECR
                                                                                                                                                                           PACKED: 12 x 1 lb. plastic bottle - #03900,
                                                                                                VALENT BIOSCIENCES: DIPELR                                                 8 x 2 lb. tub - #03912
                                                                                                CLEARY CHEMICAL CORP.: 3336 WPR , SYNGENTA: BRAVOR , DACONILR
                                                              k, O

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                          Products with                                   logo are either Reduced Risk, Organic, or Eco Friendly

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                                                    or E c
LAWN & GARDEN PRODUCT GUIDE - Since 1947 - Southern Agricultural ...
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                     FUNGICIDES                                                FUNGICIDES                                                                                                              HERBICIDES
                                                             WETTABLE OR DUSTING SULFUR                                                               ATRAZINE ST. AUGUSTINE WEED KILLER                         COPPER SULFATE GRANULAR CRYSTALS
LIQUID COPPER FUNGICIDE                                                                                                                               • Kills many broadleaf weeds                               • Controls smelly, ugly algae in ponds & lakes
• Controls diseases caused by bacteria & fungi               • Controls rust of beans & brown rot of peaches                             , Orga
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 • Controls root growth in sewer connections
                                                                                                                                                      • Also used in centipede grass
                                                             • Controls Powdery Mildew on many

• Labeled for control of moss and algae

                                                                                                                                             nd l
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CONTAINS: Copper Sulfate (Petahydrate)

                                                                                                                                                      • Provides suppression of crabgrass


                                                                                                                 Re d
CONTAINS: 27.15% Copper diammonia                               ornamentals                                                or E c
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 99%, Copper as metallic 25.2%
                                                                                                                                                      • Controls emerged weeds and weeds
diacetate complex (8% Metallic Copper                        • Helps in the control of Rust Mite of Citrus                                                                                                       USE ON: Ponds, sewer lines.
                                                                                                                                                        from seed
Equivalent, 0.772 lbs per gallon)                               (black fruit)                                                                                                                                    CONTROLS: Algae in ponds, plant root
                                                                                                                                                      CONTAINS: 4% Atrazine
USE ON: Many fruits, vegetables,                             CONTAINS: 90% Sulfur                                                                                                                                growth in sewer lines. RATE: Algae; 0.8 lbs.
                                                                                                                                                      USE ON: St. Augustine and centipede
turfgrass (algae control), live oak                          USE ON: Mangoes, peaches, strawberries,                                                                                                             to 2.3 lbs. per acre foot of water.
                                                                                                                                                      lawn grasses.
(spanish moss control) and ornamentals                       flowers, shrubs, lawns and many listed                                                                                                              Root Control; 4 treatments of .5 lbs. each.
                                                                                                                                                      CONTROLS: Many common grassy and
CONTROLS: Many bacterial and fungal                          vegetables.                                                                                                                                         APPLICATION: For ponds, dissolve and
                                                                                                                                                      broadleaf weeds.                                           apply as a surface spray or place granule in
leaf spots, rust, blights. Also controls                     CONTROLS: Rust, powdery mildew,
                                                                                                                                                      RATE: 4.33 ounces per 500 sq. ft. per                      cloth bag and drag behind boat until dissolved.
algae in turfgrass and moss in live oaks.                    brown rot, leaf spots, mites and chiggers.
                                                                                                                                                      1 gallon of spray                                          DO NOT simply throw granules on pond as
RATE: For most ornanentals and                               RATE: (varying) .25 - 2 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. or
                                                                                                                                                      APPLICATION: Apply in 2 gallons of water                   this will not work. See label for other directions.
vegetables use between 2 to 6 tsp.                           1- 4 tablespoons per gallon
                                                                                                                                                      to cover 1,000 sq. ft.                                     PACKED: 12 x 1 lb. cannister - #02921,
per gallon. Rates vary depending upon use.                   APPLICATION: Dust
                                                                                                                                                      CAUTION: SPRAY TO ACCURATELY OBTAIN INDICATED              12 x 2.5 lb. cannister - #02922
See label for specific information.                          thoroughly or mix with water and apply as a
                                                                                                                                                      COVERAGE WITHOUT OVERLAP. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR
APPLICATION: Mix with water and apply as a cover spray.      thorough cover spray.
                                                                                                                                                      USE WITH HOSE-END SPRAYERS. Best results are obtained by
PACKED: 12 x 8 oz. - #02901, 12 x Pt - #02902,               PACKED: 10 x 5 lb. bags - #12305
                                                                                                                                                      application in early spring.                               CROSSBOW SPECIALTY HERBICIDE
12 x Qt - #02903, 4 x Gal. - #02904
                                                                                                                                                      PACKED: 12 x Qt. - #00613, and 4 x Gal. - #00614           (Commercial Product)
                                                             THIOMYL SYSTEMIC FUNGICIDE                                                                                                                          • Controls most unwanted trees and brush
LIQUID ORNAMENTAL & VEGETABLE                                • Repackage of Cleary® 3336 WP                                                           BROADLOOM SEDGE CONTROL                                    • For rangeland, grass pastures, non-crop areas
                                                             • Treats bulbs after digging for over-wintering                                          • Controls nutsedge (nutgrass) & certain broadleaf weeds   CONTAINS: 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid,
                                                             • Controls many stem, crown & root rots                                                  • Can be used “over the top” on certain ornamentals        butoxyethyl ester, Triclopyr BEE
• Same active ingredient as Bravo®      used
                                                             • Controls many leaf spots such as Black                                                 • Low use rate of .75 oz per 1,000 square feet             CONTROLS: A wide range of broadleaf weeds, vines,
  in agriculture
                                                               Spot of Roses                                                                          • Can be mixed with other weed killers                     heavy brush, and trees.
• Easy to mix formulation with a spreader
                                                             CONTAINS: 50% Thiophanate Methyl                                                         CONTAINS: 42% Bentazon                                     USE ON: Pasture grasses, including Bermuda and Bahia grasses.
  sticker included
                                                             Wettable Powder.                                                                         USE ON: Established turf, and certain ornamentals          Do not use on St. Augustine and Centipede grasses.
• Broad Spectrum Disease Control
                                                             USE ON: Roses, many ornamentals, and                                                     CONTROLS: certain broadleaf weeds and                      RATE: For spot applications use 4 to 6 fl. oz in 3 gallons of water.
CONTAINS: 12.5% Chlorothalonil
                                                             bulbs as a bulb dip.                                                                     sedges                                                     APPLICATION: For spot applications
USE ON: Ornamentals, bulbs, foliage
                                                             CONTROLS: Anthracnose, fusarium blight,                                                  RATE (for turf): 2 pints per acre or .75 oz.               use 4 to 6 fl. oz in 3 gallons of water.
plants, conifers, many types of vegetables,
                                                             black spot, botrytis and other diseases on                                               per 1,000 sq. ft. in 1 - 2 gallons of water.               Spray to thoroughly wet all foliage.
and certain tree and orchard crops.
                                                             ornamentals                                                                              APPLICATION: Can be applied with                           Application types and rates vary,
CONTROLS: Ornamentals; Leaf spot,
                                                             RATE: Spray: 2.75 - 3 teaspoons per gal for                                              a hose end or pump up type sprayer. Two                    consult product label for specifics.
foliar blight, powdery mildew, rust, and scab.
                                                             most uses. See label for correct rate.                                                   applications may be necessary to control                   PACKED 12 x Qt.- #24863,
Vegetables; Rust, botrytis, anthracnose,
                                                             APPLICATION: Mix with water,                                                             certain hard-to-control weeds like sedge.                  4 x Gal - #24864
downy mildew, alternaria, blights and blotches.
                                                             apply as a full volume foliar spray.                                                     Use an oil concentrate like HERBI-OIL
RATE: Most ornamentals; 2.5 tablespoons per gal.
                                                             PACKED: 6 x 2 oz. - #12900, 6 x 6 oz. - #12909                                           83-17. Can be combined with other herbicides.
Most vegetables; 2 - 4 tablespoons per gal.
                                                                                                                                                      PACKED: 12 x 8oz. - #00721,
APPLICATION: Mix with water and spray.
PACKED: 12 x Pt. - #06822, 12 x Qt. - #06823,                                  HERBICIDES                                                             12 x Pt. - #00722
4 x Gal. - #06824
                                                             2,4 – D AMINE WEED KILLER                                                                BRUSH KILLER
                                                             • Low, economical use rate of 1 to 4 pints per acre                                      • Simple Directions for Use
SA - 20 DISINFECTANT                                         • Controls many broadleaf weeds & woody plants                                           • Kills vines and hard-to-control plants
(Commercial Product)                                         • Use in turf, pastures, rangeland, ditch banks, fences                                  • Prevents sprouting on stumps
• CLEANER - DEODORIZER - FUNGICIDE - MILDEWSTAT -            CONTAINS: 3.8 lbs. per gallon 2, 4-D acid
                                                             equivalent liquid concentrate in a low volatile
                                                                                                                                                      • Same active ingredients as GARLON® & REMEDY®                         COMING SOON:
SANITIZER - VIRUCIDE*                                                                                                                                 CONTAINS: 8.8% Triclopyr®
• Virucidal performance against Human Coronavirus (VR-740)   amine form.                                                                              USE ON: non-crop areas such as road                                    INTERLINE® Herbicide
• For use in animal premises                                 USE ON: Certain grasses in lawns, parks,                                                 right of ways, rangeland, pastures, and
CONTAINS: 10% Alkyl dimethyl benzyl-                         golf courses, and pastures; fences, ditch                                                fence rows.                                                            • Glyphosate Alternative
ammonium chloride and 10% Alkyl dimethyl                     banks, non-crop sites, small grains, and                                                 CONTROLS: Many varieties of brush                                      • Non-selective water-soluble herbicide
ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride                                corn (pre and post emergent herbicide)                                                   (including brazilian pepper, trees, vines
USES: Disinfecting greenhouse areas, pots,                   CONTROLS: Many broad-leaf weeds.                                                         and stump treatments).                                                 • Visual effect and control from application
and tools, algae control                                     See list on label.                                                                       RATE: Foliage spray; 4-8 oz. per                                         occur within 2 - 4 days after application under
APPLICATION: Mix with water. Depending                       RATE: 2- 3 tablespoons in 3 - 5 gallons of                                               gallon. Stump treatment; Brush or spray                                  good growing conditions
upon specific use.                                           water to cover 1,000 sq. ft.                                                             undiluted product on freshly cut stump.
PACKED: 4 x gallon - #63514                                  APPLICATION: Apply as a coarse low pres-                                                 APPLICATION: Apply as a full volume
                                                             sure spray, preferably with fan type nozzle.                                             spray to foliage, shoots, stems and bark.
                                                             CAUTION: SPRAY TO ACCURATELY OBTAIN INDICATED COV-                                       PACKED: 12 x Pt. - #01112, 12 x Qt. - #01113,
                                                             ERAGE WITHOUT OVERLAP. AVOID DRIFT TO SUSCEPTIBLE                                        4 x Gal. - #01114
                                                             PLANTS. PACKED: 12 x Qt. - #00203
LAWN & GARDEN PRODUCT GUIDE - Since 1947 - Southern Agricultural ...
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                   HERBICIDES                                                          INSECTICIDES                                                                                                                INSECTICIDES
                                                                                                                                                              GRUBS AWAY                                                   MALATHION - OIL CITRUS & ORNAMENTAL SPRAY
BROADLEAF HERBICIDE®                                              • Controls pest found above and below
• For use on 10 turf types                                          the lawn surface including chinch                                                         SYSTEMIC INSECT CONTROL                                               (NOW FORMULATED WITH PARAFINE OIL!)
                                                                    bugs and mole crickets                                                                    • Controls grubs, mole crickets and listed insect larvae     • Two active ingredients
• Controls a wide range of broadleaf lawn weeds
                                                                  • Use as a spot treatment for fire                                                          • Suppresses chinch bugs                                     • Use on Citrus, Avocados & certain
• A combination of 3 proven weed killers
                                                                    ant mounds                                                                                • Treats up to 6,400 sq. ft.                                    outdoor Woody Ornamentals
• Directions for use in a tank type or hose end sprayer
                                                                  • Use around house foundations and                                                          CONTAINS: 0.5% Imidacloporid                                 • Controls Scale, Mealybugs, Whitefly
CONTAINS: 5.30% Mecoprop, 3.05% 2,4-D,
                                                                    flower gardens                                                                            USE ON: Turfgrass and landscape plants                       & Spider Mites
1.29% Dicamba.
                                                                  CONTAINS: 0.2% Bifenthrin                                                                   CONTROLS: Grubs, Billbugs, European                          CONTAINS: 5% Malathion, 75%
USE ON: Bermuda, Bahia, Blue grass,
                                                                  USES: Perimeters around homes,                                                              Crane Fly, Annual Bluegrass Weevil and                       Parafine Mineral Oil.
fescues, rye, Centipede, St. Augustine
                                                                  outdoor ornamental and flower gardens                                                       Mole Crickets. Suppresses chinch bugs if                     USE ON: Citrus, avocados, woody
and Zoysiagrass. (Note: Not for use on
                                                                  and on lawns.                                                                               applied prior to the hatching of the first                   ornamentals such as camellias, gardenias,
improved varieties in the South).
                                                                  CONTROLS: Many insects including ants,                                                      instar nymphs.                                               ligustrum, and ixora.
CONTROLS: A wide range of broadleaf
                                                                  armyworms, centipedes, chiggers,                                                            RATE: 1.4 lbs. - 1.8 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.                  CONTROLS: Scale, white flies, spider
lawn weeds.
                                                                  chinch bugs, crickets, cutworms, earwigs,                                                   APPLICATION: Apply prior to egg hatch                        mites, and mealy bugs.
RATE: 1 - 1.5 oz. per gallon to 400 sq. ft.
                                                                  grasshoppers, millipedes, mole crickets,                                                    of the target pest, followed by sufficient                   RATE: 2 to 2.5 tablespoons per gallon of water.
for southern grasses. 1 .5 oz. per gallon
                                                                  sod webworms, spiders, and ticks.                                                           irrigation or rainfall to move active                        APPLICATION: As a cover spray or summer oil spray for citrus.
to 400 sq. ft. for Northern Grasses.
                                                                  RATE: 1.15 - 4.6 lbs. per 1,000 square feet or 1 tablespoon                                 ingredient through thatch.                                   PACKED: 12 x 8 oz. - #07681, 12 x Pt. - #07682, 4 x Gal. - #07684
APPLICATION: Apply as a uniform
spray with a fan nozzle on turf or follow                         per fire ant mound                                                                          PACKED: 9 lb. bag - #05286, 30 lb. bag - #39130
the labeled directions for using a hose end sprayer.              APPLICATION: Apply evenly by hand or with a spreader and water in.                                                                                                                                                                              rganic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           k, O
CAUTION: Avoid spray drift on shrubs & trees.                     PACKED: 10 lb. bag - #00806, 20 lb bag - #00809,                                                                                                                                                                                   Ris

                                                                                                                                                              GARDEN INSECT DUST

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                                                                  25 lb. bag - #20687                                                                                                                                      CONSERVE® - NATURALYTE

PACKED: 12 x Pt. - #13502, 12 x Qt. - #13503, 4 x Gal. - #13504

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Re d
                                                                                                                                                              • Broad Spectrum Ready-To-Use Insecticide                                                                                                      oF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 or E c
                                                                                                                                                              • Controls many insect pests on vegetables & ornamentals     INSECT CONTROL
                                                                  CARBARYL 5% DUST
COMING SOON:                                                      • Controls many insects in vegetable
                                                                                                                                                              CONTAINS: 0.25% Permethrin
                                                                                                                                                              USE ON: Many ornamentals indoors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           • Controls caterpillars, thrips, leafminers,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             beetles & flies on many ornamentals,
                                                                    gardens & ornamentals                                                                     and outdoors and home vegetable gardens.                       vegetables, & fruits
UP-End HydroCap® Herbicide                                        • Use in lawns for Fall armyworm                                                            CONTROLS: Many caterpillars, beetles and                     • Controls caterpillars, fleas, & fire ants
                                                                    & Sod webworm                                                                             leafhoppers i.e. japanese beetles, tent caterpillars,          in lawns
• • For Preemergent Weed Control in Turfgrasses,                  CONTAINS: 5% Carbaryl Insecticide                                                           fall armyworms, flea beetles, and many more.                 CONTAINS: 0.5% Spinosad
  Landscape or Grounds Maintenance, and                           USE ON: Most vegetables, lawns, and                                                         RATE: Dust lightly to cover both upper and lower             USE ON: Vegetables, ornamentals, and fruit trees.
  Noncropland Areas                                               ornamentals.                                                                                leaf surfaces with a thin, even film of dust.                CONTROLS: Fire ants, caterpillars, worms,
                                                                  CONTROLS: Mexican bean beetles,                                                             APPLICATION: Use a dust applicator.                          leafminers, leafrollers, thrips, gall midges,
• • For preemergence control of grasses and certain
                                                                  armyworms, leafhoppers, grass hoppers,                                                      PACKED: 12 x 1 lb. plastic shaker canister - #05261,
  broadleaf weed species as they germinate.                                                                                                                                                                                leaf feeding beetles, fruit flies, colorado
                                                                  tomato fruitworms, flea beetles, and                                                        12 x 4 lb. bag - #05264, 25 lb. bag - #05267
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           potato beetle and corn earworms.
• • When susceptible weeds germinate in the treated               corn earworms.                                                                                                                                           RATE: spray at 2 oz. per gallon of spray or
  area, they contact the herbicide and both shoot and             APPLICATION: For home gardens;                                                                                                                           drench at 2 oz. per gallon on Fire Ant mounds
  root growth stops.                                              dust plants thoroughly.                                                                                                                                  APPLICATION: Mix with water, use as a thorough cover spray.
                                                                                                                                                              MALATHION 50% E.C.
                                                                  PACKED: 12 x 1 lb. shaker canister - #10641                                                                                                              PACKED: 12 x 8 oz. - #08611, 12 x Pt. - #08612
                                                                                                                                                              • Broad Spectrum insecticide
                                                                                                                                                              • Controls insects on many ornamentals, fruit & vegetables
                  INSECTICIDES                                    DIPEL® DUST                                                                                 • Labeled for Mosquito Control
                                                                  • Low toxicity to humans and animals                                                        CONTAINS: 50% Malathion                                      INSECTICIDAL SOAP CONCENTRATE
                                                                  • Used by commercial organic growers                                                        (4.4 lbs. per gal).                                          • Specially-formulated pesticidal soap
BORIC ACID ROACH POWDER                                           • Made from a bacteria that is toxic to certain pests                 Ris
                                                                                                                                              k, O
                                                                                                                                                     rganic   USE ON: Citrus, ornamentals, listed                             to protect plants

• Kills Roaches, Ants & Silverfish indoors                                                                                          d
                                                                                                                                                              vegetables, listed fruit trees,                                                                                           rganic

                                                                                                                                                   nd l
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   k, O
                                                                  • Same active ingredient as Thuricide®                                                                                                                   • Fast acting contact killer for both


                                                                                                                          Re d

• Packaged in a ready-to-use 12 ounce shaker container
                                                                                                                                                oF            strawberries and in outdoor areas.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      nd l
                                                                  CONTAINS: Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt)                                                                                                                      insect and mite pests

                                                                                                                                    or E c


• Use dry or in solution                                                                                                                                      CONTROLS: Aphids, scale, worms,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Re d
                                                                  USE ON: Vegetable crops; broccoli,                                                                                                                       • For use in homes, gardens,                               oF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             or E c
CONTAINS: 100% Boric Acid                                                                                                                                     japanese beetle, horn flies, lice, ticks,                      and greenhouses
                                                                  cabbage, cauliflower, celery, collards,
USE IN: Most indoor areas including homes,                                                                                                                    fleas, bed bugs, thrip, leafminers,                          CONTAINS: Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids
                                                                  cucumber, kale, lettuce, greens,
restaurants, schools, offices, warehouses,                                                                                                                    spider mites, and mosquitoes (use at                         USE ON: vegetables, fruit and nut trees,
                                                                  tomatoes, turnips, tobacco and melons.
vehicles, boats, etc.                                                                                                                                         4.5 oz. per gallon in outdoor areas)                         citrus, berries, ornamentals, shrubs,
                                                                  CONTROLS: Cabbage looper, imported
CONTROLS: Cockroaches, Ants, Silverfish.                                                                                                                      RATE: Foliar Sprays 1 - 4 teaspoons per                      flowers and trees.
                                                                  cabbage worm, hornworms.
RATE: For dry uses; apply liberally.                                                                                                                          gallon water. See label.                                     CONTROLS: adelgids, aphids, lacebugs,
                                                                  Only controls listed insects.
Mop Solution; 1 cup per gallon.                                                                                                                               APPLICATION: As a full coverage foliar spray.                mealybugs, mites, grasshoppers, leafhoppers,
                                                                  RATE: 16 - 60 lbs. per acre.
APPLICATION: Apply where insects are normally                                                                                                                 PACKED: 12 x 8 oz. - #07661, 12 x Pt. - #07662,              scale insects, plant bugs, sawfly larva, psylids,
                                                                  APPLICATION: For home garden use,
found. Apply in closets, cracks and crevices,                                                                                                                 12 x Qt. - #07663, 1 x Gal. - #45774                         tent canterpillers, thrips,spider mites, earwigs,
                                                                  dust plants thoroughly.
in walls, along and behind walls and in electrical                                                                                                                                                                         whitefly, and powdery mildew.
                                                                  Can be used up until the day of harvest.
switch boxes.                                                                                                                                                                                                              RATE: mix 4 teaspoons with 1 quart of water
                                                                  PACKED: 12 x 4 lb. bag - #03674,
PACKED: 12 x 12 oz. - #01000, 6 x 3 lb. - #01003                                                                                                                                                                           APPLICATION: Apply using a hand-held trigger sprayer, hand
                                                                  25 lb. bags - #03677
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           sprayer or backpack sprayer. Thoroughly reach all plant parts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           including underside of leaves.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PACKED: 12 x Pt. - #05802, 4 x Gal. - #05804
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                                                       INSECTICIDES                                                                                                              INSECTICIDES                                                                                       FERTILIZERS

PERMETROL LAWN                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ris
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           k, O

                                                                                                                                                           THURICIDE BT CATERPILLER
                                                                                                                                                                           ®                                                     d

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                nd l
INSECTICIDE GRANULES                                              PARAFINE HORTICULTURAL OIL                                                                                                                                                                     ALUMINUM SULFATE


                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Re d
• Provides contact & residual control for up to 4 weeks           • New formulation                                                                        CONTROL                                                               or E c
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 • Great for Hydrangeas
• Economical, ready to use permethrin insect control              • Use as a horticultural oil or a dormant oil                                            • Low toxicity to humans and animals                                                                  • Acidifies soil (lowers pH), corrects
• Controls home invading pests                                    • Controls scale, white fly, mealy bugs & spider mites                                   • Used by Organic growers                                                                               high alkalinity
CONTAINS: 0.5% Permethrin on a                                    • Use on ornamentals, apples, citrus & avocados                                          • Made from a bacteria that is toxic to                                                               CONTAINS: Fertilizer grade Aluminum
granular base.                                                    CONTAINS: 98% Mineral Oil, 2% Emulsifier                                                   certain pests                                                                                       Sulfate, as Metallic 9.0%.
USE ON: Lawns and around house                                    USE ON: Many woody ornamentals                                                           • Same active ingredient as Dipel®                                                                    Not for spray application.
foundations                                                       including palms, apples, citrus, avocados,                                               CONTAINS: Bacillus Thuringiensis                                                                      USE ON: Acid loving shrubs like
CONTROLS: Ants, armyworms,                                        mangos, roses and ivy, and on listed vegetables.                                         in liquid form                                                                                        rhododendrons, hydrangeas, blueberries,
billbugs, centipedes, chinch bugs,                                CONTROLS: Scales, white fly larvae,                                                      USE ON: Vegetables, citrus, nuts, shrubs,                                                             dogwoods, holly, gardenias, camellias,
cockroaches, crickets, cutworms,                                  mealy bugs and spider mites.                                                             trees, tobacco, and flowering plants.                                                                 and azaleas.
fire ants, flea beetles, fleas,                                   RATE: Non-dormant uses;                                                                  CONTROLS: Controls lepidoptera larve:                                                                 CORRECTS: Excess alkalinity in the soil.
grasshoppers, lawn moths,                                         1-3 tablespoons per gallon of water.                                                     caterpillars and worms. i.e. cabbage looper,                                                          RATE: For large shrubs use 1 lb. per 3 ft.
leafhoppers, scorpions, silverfish,                               Dormant uses; 4-8 tablespoons                                                            orange dog, tobacco hornworm, imported                                                                of height. For Trees, use 1 lb. per inch of trunk diameter.
Spiders, Sod Webworms, and Ticks                                  per gallonof water.                                                                      cabbageworm and rindworm.                                                                             For small shrubs, use 5 lbs. per 100 sq. ft.
RATE: Lawns; 2 - 3 lbs. per                                       Most other uses; 3 tablespoons                                                           RATE: 2 - 4 teaspoons per gallon.                                                                     APPLICATION: Broadcast evenly, wash off foliage and water.
1,000 sq. ft. Fire Ant Mounds;                                    per gallon of water. See label.                                                          APPLICATION: Mix with water, add                                                                      PACKED: 10 x 5 lb. bag - #00155
1 cup per mound                                                   APPLICATION: Mix with water.                                                             spreader-sticker, use as a thorough cover spray.
APPLICATION: Spread evenly with                                   Agitate while spraying.                                                                  PACKED: 12 x 8 oz. - #13021, 12 x Pt. - #13022
spreader and water in.                                            Apply as a thorough cover spray.
PACKED: 12 x 1 lb. canister - #09431,                             PACKED: 12 x Pt. - #09202,                                                                                                                                                                     CALCIUM NITRATE
8 x 4 lb. bag - #09434,                                           12 x Qt. - #09203, 4 x Gal. - #09204                                                                                                                                                           • Excellent source of Calcium and Nitrogen
10 lb. bag - #09436, 20 lb. bag - #09439                                                                                                                   TRIPLE ACTION NEEM OIL                                                                                • Prevents Calcium deficiency
                                                                                                                                                           Broad Sprectrum Fungicide/ Insecticide/ Miticide                                                      CONTAINS: 15.5% Nitrogen, 19%
                                                                                                                                                           • For use on ALL fruits, nuts, vegetables,                     Ris
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Calcium - readily water soluble.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         nd l
                                                                                                                                                              herbs, & ornamentals                                                                               USE ON: Most vegetables and flowers.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Re d
                                                                                                                                                           • Prevents & controls black spot on                                   oF                              FOR: Supplying nitrogen and calcium to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        or E c
PERMETROL LAWN INSECTICIDE                                                                                                                                    roses & powdery mildew                                                                             growing crops. Particularly useful as
• Controls many insect pests outdoors around buildings            PYRETHRIN CONCENTRATE                                                                    • Controls aphids, spider mites, scale,                                                               side dressing.
• Use in ornamentals, fruit trees, vegetables & lawns             • Insecticide made from a relative of chrysanthemum                                         whiteflies, & beetles                                                                              RATE: One cup per 50 feet of row or
• Labeled for use on dogs & livestock                             • Controls insects on vegetables, on ornamentals,                  Ris
                                                                                                                                           k, O
                                                                                                                                                           • Kills eggs, larvae, & adult insects                                                                 one tsp. per plant

                                                                                                                                                           CONTAINS: 70% Clarified Hydrophobic                                                                   APPLICATION: Apply over root zone

                                                                                                                                                nd l
CONTAINS: 10% Permethrin                                            indoors & on livestock


                                                                                                                       Re d
USE ON: Lawns, ornamentals, houseplants,                          CONTAINS: 0.96% Pyrethrins and 9.6%                                        oF            Extract of Neem Oil                                                                                   but not too close to stem.
                                                                                                                                 or E c
ornamental trees, many vegetables, certain fruit trees            Piperonyl Butoxide                                                                       USE ON: Indoor/Outdoor ornamental                                                                     PACKED: 10 x 5 lb. bag - #01405
(apples,peaches, pears, non-bearing citrus), outdoors surfaces,   USE ON: Many vegetables, ornamentals,                                                    flowering plants, trees, shrubs, foliage,
dogs and livestock.                                               livestock, pets, and in households & barns,                                              vegetables, fruits, nuts and landscapes
CONTROLS: Ants, aphids, beetles, chinch                           as space spray, and to control mosquitoes                                                CONTROLS: As Fungicide -- powdery
bugs, crickets, earwigs, fleas, fungus gnats,                                                                                                              mildew, black spot, downy mildew,                                                                     CITRUS NUTRITIONAL SPRAY
                                                                  outdoors                                                                                                                                                                                       • Corrects & prevents deficiencies that cause yellowing
grubs, leafrollers, mole crickets, scale,                         CONTROLS: On vegetables and                                                              anthracnose, rust, leaf spot, botrytis,
                                                                                                                                                           needle rust, scab and flower, twig, tip blight,                                                       • Contains 5 balanced essential nutrients, including zinc
spider mites, thrips, whiteflies and worms.                       ornamentals; aphids, whiteflies, beetles,
RATE: Fruit Trees; 3 teaspoons per gallon                                                                                                                  and alternia.                                                                                         • For use of all ornamentals and fruits trees
                                                                  and worms. Pets and livestock; fleas,                                                                                                                                                          CONTAINS: Magnesium 1.0%, Sulfur 4.1%,
Lawns; 3 - 7 teaspoons (.5 - 1.2 ozs) per                         mites, lice, flies, gnats, and mosquitoes.                                               As Insecticide/Miticide - aphids, spider mites, scale,
                                                                                                                                                           whiteflies, beetles, leafrollers, and other insect pests.                                             Iron 1.2%, Manganese 1.2%, & Zinc 1.7%.
1,000 sq. ft. Ornamentals; 1-1/3 teaspoons                        Households and other areas; ants, roaches,
                                                                                                                                                           RATE: 2 tablespoons (1 oz.) per gallon of water.                                                      USE ON: Citrus, avocados, mangoes, and
per gallon or 1/3 teaspoons per quart.                            silverfish, spiders, and many others. Space
                                                                                                                                                           APPLICATION: Thoroughly mix solution and spray all plant                                              other tropical fruits.
Outdoor surfaces (walls, screens);                                Spray: mosquitoes, flies, wasps, and others.
6.5 oz. per gallon.                                                                                                                                        surfaces (including undersides of leaves) until wet. Mix solution                                     CONTROLS: Most common minor element
                                                                  RATE: Vegetables and ornamentals;                                                                                                                                                              deficiencies.
Vegetables; 1 - 2 teaspoons per gallon                            2/3 - 2 teaspoons per gal. See label for surface spray,                                  frequently as you spray.
APPLICATION: Apply to full coverage.                                                                                                                       PACKED: 12 x 8 oz. - #08721, 12 x Pt. - #08722                                                        RATE: 1-2 tablespoons per gallon of spray.
                                                                  space spray, mosquito control and livestock rates.                                                                                                                                             APPLICATION: In Winter for normal
PACKED: 12 x 8 oz. - #09451,                                      APPLICATION: As a thorough spray or dip.                                                                                                                                                       preventative spray. Apply as a thorough
12 x Pt. - #09462, 12 x Qt. - #09453, 4 x Gal. - #09454           PACKED: 12 x 8oz. - #10401                                                                                                                                                                     cover spray to run off.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PACKED: 12 x Pt. - #01902,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 4 x Gal. - #01904
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Note: See University of Florida publication #HS876:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   “Citrus Problems in the Home Landscape”
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                                                         FERTILIZERS                                                                                                                                       FERTILIZERS

CHELATED GENERAL PURPOSE                                               CONTROLLED - RELEASE FERTILIZER 14-14-14                       KELP GREEN 1.27-0.25-0.32                                     k, O
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PLANT STARTER SOLUBLE
                                                                       • Controlled Release Fertilizer                                • All Natural Fertilizer                                                      FERTILIZER 12-48-8


                                                                                                                                                                                                         nd l
                                                                       • Continuous metering of nutrients for up to 4 months          • Liquid Cold Process Seaweed Extract

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • High in Phosphorous for more roots & flowers

                                                                                                                                                                                Re d
• Can be used on all plants including lawns                                                                                                                                               or E c
• Contains 6 important nutrients,                                      USE ON: Potted plants, hanging baskets,                        • Derived from Seaweed                                                        • Great for transplanting & bedding plants
  including iron                                                       flower beds, and vegetable gardens.                              and fish tankage (Menhaden Fish)                                            CONTAINS: 12% Nitrogen,
• Prevents & corrects deficiencies that                                RATE: Soil; mix .25 - .5 cups per                              • Safe to use for all lawn and                                                48% Phosphorus (P205),
  cause yellowing                                                      cubic foot. Bedding plants; .75 - 1 cup per                    garden applications                                                           8% Potassium (K20), and a compliment
CONTAINS: Magnesium 0.50%, Sulfur 3.8% ,                               10 sq. ft. Pot culture; 4 in. - .5 teaspoons,                  USE ON: All plants, including                                                 of minor elements.
Copper 0.25%, Iron 2.75%,                                              5 in. - 1 teaspoon and 6 in. - 1.5 teaspoon                    annuals, roses, berries, vegetables,                                          USE ON: Transplanted tobacco,
Manganese 1.00%, & Zinc 0.50%                                          APPLICATION: Mix thoroughly with                               herbs, shrubs, trees and turf.                                                most vegetables or any crop where
USE ON: Flowers, shrubs, trees,                                        soil/potting mix.                                              RATE: 6 to 16 ounces for turf,                                                high phosphate is needed.
vegetables and lawns                                                   For surface application - mix in soil                          2 to 3 ounces for all plants.                                                 RATE: For a transplant solution or to
CONTROLS: Minor element deficiencies,                                  to 1” deep.                                                    PACKED: 12 x 1 Quart - #06403                                                 drench, mix at 2 tablespoons
yellowing of foliage, etc.                                             PACKED: 12 x 1 lb. zipper pouch -                                                                                                            per gallon. For a spray, mix at 1.5
NOTE: Deficiency symptoms can be                                       #02701, 10 x 5 lb. bag - #02705,                                                                                                             tablespoons per gallon.
caused by improper soil pH.                                            20 lb. bag - #02709                                                                                                                          APPLICATION: Transplant solution
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    use .5 to 1 pint per plant or
RATE: Foliar: 1 tablespoon per gallon of water drench: 1 oz. per 100                                                                  MAGNESIUM SULFATE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1 pint per 4 ft. of row.
sq. ft. Lawns: 1 pint per 1,000 sq. ft.                                ESSENTIAL MINOR ELEMENTS                                       • No mixing/No spraying - use as a dry fertilizer
APPLICATION: Mix with water and apply as a drenching spray.                                                                                                                                                         PACKED: 16 x 3 lb. - #09803
                                                                       Granular Formulation                                           • Corrects Magnesium deficiency in shrubs & trees
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Also available in a 25 lb. bag
PACKED: 12 x Pt. - #01932, 4 x Gal. - #01934                           • Contains 7 minor elements, high in Magnesium and Iron        • Acidify soils with less risk of staining
                                                                       • Corrects minor element deficiencies                          CONTAINS: Fertilizer grade Magnesium Sulfate, Magnesium as
                                                                       • No mixing/No spraying - use as a dry fertilizer              Metallic 14.0%. Not for spray application.                                    PLUG FAST 12-12-6
CHELATED LIQUID IRON                                                   CONTAINS: Magnesium 8%, Sulfur 8%,                             USE ON: Citrus, palms, trees, shrubs,
• Corrects Iron deficiency in flowers,                                                                                                                                                                              • Contains slow release nitrogen
                                                                       Boron .03%, Copper .25%, Iron 5%,                              annuals, and turf.                                                            • Use in the hole of new grass plugs
  vegetables, shrubs, & trees.                                         Manganese 2%, and Zinc 0.5%.                                   CONTROLS: Magnesium deficiency -
• Also, use in the lawns for a deep,                                                                                                                                                                                • High in Phosphorous to kick start
                                                                       USE ON: Shrubs, trees, lawns, flowers,                         yellowing between the veins of older                                            new roots
  rich green color.                                                    and vegetables                                                 leaves on plants. On palms,
CONTAINS: Iron 5%.                                                                                                                                                                                                  CONTAINS: 12% Nitrogen,
                                                                       FOR: The correction or prevention of minor                     (especially date palms) this deficiency                                       12% Phosphorus (P2O5),
USE ON: Flowers, shrubs, trees,                                                                                                       appears as yellowing of older leaflets
                                                                       element deficiencies.                                                                                                                        6% Potash (K20), Iron 1%.
vegetables and lawns.                                                                                                                 while the center of the palm blade
                                                                       RATE: Gardens - Preventative; .25 - .5 cup                                                                                                   5.6% Nitrogen is slow release.
CONTROLS: Iron deficiency                                                                                                             remains green. Eventually the tips of
                                                                       per 10 sq. ft. or 1.25 - 2.5 lbs. (2.5 - 5 cups)                                                                                             USE: Formulated for planting lawns
(yellowing foliage)                                                                                                                   the older leaves will brown.
                                                                       per 100 sq. ft. Curative; 1 cup per 10 sq. ft.                                                                                               by plugging.
RATE: Foliar - 1 TBS per gallon.                                                                                                      RATE: 1 - 2 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. or
                                                                       or 5 lbs. (10 cups) per 100 sq. ft. Turf; 1 lb.                                                                                              RATE: 1 teaspoon per plug planted.
Soil Drench - 1 oz. per 100 sq. ft.                                                                                                   .5 lb. per 5 ft. of tree spread.
                                                                       (2 cups) per 100 sq. ft. or                                                                                                                  5 lb = 20 trays
Lawns - 1 pint per 1000 sq. ft.                                                                                                       APPLICATION: Spread over treatment
                                                                       10 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.                                                                                                                    APPLICATION: Sprinkle in plug hole
APPLICATION: Mix with water. Apply as a drenching spray.                                                                              area and water-in.
                                                                       APPLICATION: Apply dry and water in thoroughly.                                                                                              under plug as planted.
PACKED: 12 x Pt. - #01952, 4 x Gal. - #01954                                                                                          PACKED: 10 x 5 lb. bag - #07405, 25lb. bag - #07407
                                                                       PACKED: 12 x 1 lb. bottle - #04601, 10 x 5 lb. bag - #04605,                                                                                 PACKED: 10 x 5 lb. bag - #10005
                                                                       25 lb. bag - #04607
• Contains 4 nutrients for palms, including Manganese                  IRON GRANULES                                                                                                                                SOIL ACIDIFIER
• Prevent deficiency that may cause yellowing, browning,               • No mixing/No spraying - use as a granular fertilizer         MANGANESE SULFATE                                                             • No dust, hard, uniform pellets
  curling, & permanent injury in palms                                 • Correct Iron deficiency in acid loving & tropical plants     • No mixing/ No spraying - use as a dry fertilizer
CONTAINS: 1.5% Magnesium,                                                                                                                                                                                           CONTAINS: 90% Sulfur
                                                                       • Acidifies soil, lowers pH, and corrects high alkalinity      • Corrects Manganese deficiency in many plants including
1.0% Iron & 2.5% Manganese.                                            CONTAINS: 30% Iron from Ferrous Iron Sulfate.                                                                                                USE ON: Lawns, shrubs, trees and
                                                                                                                                        Queen palms & Sago palms
USE ON: Palms and other ornamentals.                                   USE ON: Lawns, shrubs, trees, and gardens.                                                                                                   before planting vegetables and flowers.
                                                                                                                                      CONTAINS: Manganese as metallic 27.0%.
CONTROLS: Nutritional deficiencies                                     FOR: Correction and prevention of iron                                                                                                       FOR: The correction of high pH of soils.
                                                                                                                                      USE ON: Palms, trees, shrubs,
in palms.                                                              deficiency and high pH. Iron deficiency                                                                                                      RATE: Use 10 to 15 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.
                                                                                                                                      vegetables and other plants.
RATE: 1 - 2 tablespoons per gallon.                                    appears as intense yellowing of young                                                                                                        (1 to 1.5 lbs. per 100 sq. ft.) to reduce
                                                                                                                                      CONTROLS: Manganese deficiency.
APPLICATION: Apply as a thorough                                       growth. RATE: Dry application; 25 lbs.                                                                                                       pH one unit. Do not overdose, have pH
                                                                                                                                      Leaves will have dark green veins with
cover spray to run off. Try to spray                                   per 100 sq. ft. (2 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.)                                                                                                   checked before making a second
                                                                                                                                      yellow areas between veins. In palms,
directly into heart of palm.                                           To reduce pH, .5 - 1 lbs. per 100 sq. ft.                                                                                                    application.
                                                                                                                                      this deficiency will cause “frizzle top”.
PACKED: 12 x Pt. - #01972                                              APPLICATION: Spread over treatment                                                                                                           APPLICATION: Spread evenly over
                                                                                                                                      New growth will be small and malformed.
4 x Gal. - #01974                                                      area and water in.                                             RATE: Soil; 1/3 -2/3 cup per 100 sq. ft.                                      area and water in thoroughly.
                                                                       PACKED: 10 x 5 lb. bag - #06005,                               Large Palms; 3 lbs. per tree.                                                 PACKED: 10 x 5 lb. bag - #11105
Note:                                                                  25 lb. bag - #06007                                            APPLICATION: Broadcast evenly over
For help on nutritional deficiencies of palms, refer to:                                                                              area to be treated.
University of Florida Extension Publication (IFAS):                                                                                   PACKED: 10 x 5 lb. bag - #07905, 25 lb. bag - #07907
“Care and Maintenance of Landscape Palms in South” or “Palm
Nutrition Guide”
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                                                      FERTILIZERS                                                                                                                                           FERTILIZERS

20-20-20 POWERPAK WATER                                     SULFATE OF POTASH 0-0-50                                                                   ZINC SULFATE                                                10-10-10 ALL PURPOSE FERTILIZER
SOLUBLE FERTILIZER                                          • Corrects Potassium deficiency in avocado,                                                • Corrects blind nut disorder in Pecans                     • Uniform, homogenous granular formulation
• Very popular, high quality & cost                         beans, corn, cherries, citrus, grapes, palms & roses                                       • Corrects zinc deficiency (mottleleaf) in                  CONTAINS: 10% Nitrogen,
  effective formulation                                     • Strengthens plants, making them less susceptible                                           avocado, beans, citrus, corn, peaches                     10% Phosphorus (P205),
• Contains chelated minor elements                          to disease & adverse conditions such as winter                                               & nectarines                                              10% Potassium (K20) plus minor elements
CONTAINS: 20% Nitrogen,                                     CONTAINS: Granular Grade Potassium                                                         CONTAINS: Zinc as metallic 31%.                             SUGGESTED USES: Vegetable gardens
20% Phosphorus (P205),                                      Sulfate. Not for spraying.                                                                 USE ON: Trees, shrubs, berry bushes,                        & flowerbeds; 1 cup per 25 sq. ft; Roses
20% Potassium (K20) plus Chelated                           USE ON: Vegetables, flowers, shrubs                                                        and fruit trees.                                            & large shrubs; 2 - 2.5 cup per 4 ft.
Minor Elements.                                             and lawns.                                                                                 CONTROLS: Zinc deficiency, rosette                          of height, Fruit trees; 2-4 cups per tree.
USE ON: Flowers, roses, vegetables,                         FOR Use in potassium low soils. Helps                                                      on pecans.                                                  APPLICATION: Broadcast evenly over
shrubs, trees, lawns and houseplants                        plants form healthier, stronger roots,                                                     RATE: Apply dry at 1.5 lbs. per inch of                     area and water in.
                                                            stems, and tubers.                                                                         trunk diameter.                                             PACKED: 10 x 5 lb. poly bag - #14975
RATE: Spray at 2 teaspoons or drench
                                                            RATE: .5 lb. per 100 sq. ft.                                                               APPLICATION: Broadcast evenly over area
at 2 tablespoons per gallon. Lawns;
                                                            APPLICATION: Spread over treatment                                                         to be treated and water
1 pound per 1,000 square feet in
                                                            area and water in.                                                                         PACKED: 10 x 5 lb. bag - #14955
10 gallons of water.
PACKED: 12 x 1 lb. zipper pouch - #11301,                   PACKED: 10 x 5 lb. bag - #12255
10 x 5 lb. poly bag - #11305

30-10-10 MAX ACID                                           TRIPLE SUPER PHOSPHATE
                                                            0-40-0 BULB BOOSTER
• Great for acid loving evergreens                          • Enhances stem strength and flower formation and set
  & tropicals                                               CONTAINS: Granular grade Phosphate 40%. Not for spraying.
• Contains chelated minor elements                          USE ON: Vegetables, fruit trees, bulbs,                                                    HERBI - OIL 83-17                                           SURFACTANT FOR HERBICIDES
• Promotes deep rich green color                            flowers and shrubs                                                                         • Combines a soluble herbicide oil for penetration &         • Wetting Agent / Spreader / Penetrant
CONTAINS: 30% Nitrogen,                                     PROVIDES: Phosphorous for increased                                                           a surfactant for wetting                                 CONTAINS: Alcohols, C10-16 ethoxylated; polyethylene glycol
10% Phosphorus (P205),                                      rooting and blooming.                                                                      • Increase results with 2,4-D Amine, Atrazine, Broadloom,   nonylphenyl ether
10% Potassium (K20) plus Chelated                           RATE: At planting; Use 5 lbs. per 200 sq. ft.                                              brush killers & grass killers                               USE: With most insecticides, fungicides,
Minor Elements.                                             Vegetables; 1 lb. per 50 foot of row.                                                      CONTAINS: Paraffin-based petroleum                          herbicides, defoliants, and wettable powders.
USE ON: Acid-loving evergreen                               Roses or large shrubs; 1/4 cup per plant.                                                  oils and a blend of oil soluble surfactants.                FOR: Improve performance of the active spray
shrubs, trees, tropical plants                              Fruit Trees; 1 cup per inch of trunk diameter.                                             USE ON: Weeds with herbicide according                      ingredient by giving them more uniform distribution
RATE: Spray at 2 teaspoons or drench                        Top dress; .25 - .5 cup per 20 square feet                                                 to the label.                                               and better wetting of the plant surface.
at 2 tablespoons per gallon. Lawns -                        APPLICATION: Spread over area and                                                          FOR: Increasing effectiveness of herbicides.                RATE: 1 to 2 pints per 100 gallons water .
1 pound per 1,000 square feet in                            water in thoroughly or incorporate into                                                    RATE: 1% Emulsion or 1.25 oz. per gallon,                   (1 - 2 teaspoons per gallon of water)
10 gallons of water.                                        planting bed.                                                                              1 pint in 12.5 gallons.                                     PACKED: 12 x Pt. - #12202, 4 x Gal. - #66754
PACKED: 12 x 1 lb. zipper pouch with spoon - #08101         PACKED: 10 x 5 lb. bag - #12355                                                            APPLICATION: Apply as a foliar spray with
                                                                                                                                                       herbicides according to their label.
                                                                                                                                                       PACKED: 12 x Pt. - #05302, 4 X Gal. - # 39734
                                                                                                                                       k, O

                                                            STOP BLOSSOM-END ROT of TOMATOES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SPREADER STICKER


                                                                                                                                            nd l
WATER SOLUBLE FERTILIZER                                                                                                                                                                                           • Combines two spray adjuvants in one product

                                                                                                                   Re d
                                                            • Prevents tomatoes blossom-end rot                              or E c
                                                                                                                                    o         F

• High in Phosphorous for more roots & flowers                due to Calcium deficiency                                                                                                                            • Use with most pesticides to improve results
• Great for transplanting & bedding plants                  • Corrects Calcium deficiency                                                                                                                          • Increases residual activity of sprays by preventing wash-off
CONTAINS: 10% Nitrogen,                                     CONTAINS: 31% or 3 lbs. Calcium                                                                                                                        CONTAINS: Modified phthalic glycero alkyd resin,
30% Phosphorus (P205),                                      Chloride per gallon.                                                                                                                                   Octyl phenoxy polyethoxy ethanol and Isopropanol
20% Potassium (K20) plus Chelated                           CONTROLS: Blossom-end rot/calcium                                                                                                                      USE: Can be used with almost all insecticide,
Minor Elements.                                                                                                                                        BLACK SNAKE SULFUR                                          fungicide, herbicide and nutritional sprays on
                                                            deficiency. NOTE: On future crops, proper
                                                                                                                                                       • A natural solution for a wide range                       Ornamentals and Vegetables. Aids in spreading
USE ON: Flowers, roses, houseplants,                        liming of soil or use of Calcium Nitrate will
                                                                                                                                                       of gardening problems                                       of spray material on waxy leaved plants
vegetables, shrubs and trees                                reduce problem.
                                                                                                                                                       CONTAINS: 90% Sulfur                                        such as Roses and Cabbage. Helps
RATE: For a transplanting solution,                         RATE: 2 tablespoons (1 oz.) per gallon.
                                                                                                                                                       PACKED: 10 x 5lb. - #00825                                  prevent spray material from weathering due
mix 2 tablespoons per gallon of water.                      APPLICATION: In water as thorough cover spray.                                                                                                         to rain and dew. Increases effectiveness
Use .5 - 1 pint of solution per plant.                      Compatible with most insecticides and fungicides.                                                                                                      of insecticide and fungicide sprays.
For a foliar feeding, use 1 tablespoonful                   PACKED: 12 x Pt. - #00902, 12 x Qt. - #00903                                                                                                           RATE: Use 1 tablespoon per gal of spray.
per gallon of water.                                                                                                                                                                                               PACKED: 12 x 8 oz. - #12101,
Repeat every 1 - 2 weeks or as needed.                                                                                                                                                                             12 x Pt #12102, 4 x Gal. - #65724
PACKED: 12 x 1 lb. zipper bag with spoon - #12111
LAWN & GARDEN PRODUCT GUIDE - Since 1947 - Southern Agricultural ...
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                                          MISCELLANEOUS                                        Notes

BLUE COLORANT                                    NO DRIFT
(Commercial Product)                             (Commercial Product)
• Non-staining spray pattern indicator           • Deposition Aid
• Fleeting tint indicator                        • Drift Retardant
CONTAINS: proprietary                            • Increases spray deposition
APPLICATION: Inert with most pesticides            by reducing the amount
and fertilizers.                                   of fine particles produced
Cleans with soap and water.                      CONTAINS: Linear Non-Ionic Polyacrylamide
RATE: 1 Tbs per gallon or                        APPLICATION: NO DRIFT will retard,
2 oz per 4 gallons                               but cannot totally eliminate, drift hazards
PACKED: 12 x Qt - #20893,                        due to variations in pesticide usage,
4 x Gal. - #20894                                application conditions
                                                 and techniques.
                                                 RATE: 1 teaspoon per gallon
                                                 PACKED: 12 x Qt - #30453

(Commercial Product)
• Designed to reduce foam in
spray tanks and dip tanks
CONTAINS: Silicone based material
RATE: 1/2 tsp per 4 gallons or
1-2 oz. per 100 gallon of solution
                                                 STUMP REMOVER
                                                 • Increases decomposition of wood by
PACKED: 12 x QT - #27003
                                                    balancing the ratio of carbon & nitrogen
                                                    which increases activity from bacteria
                                                 CONTAINS: proprietary
                                                 FOR: Speeding the decay of stumps
                                                 RATE: .25 lb. for small stumps, 1 lb. for
                                                 large stumps
                                                 APPLICATION: Drill top and sides of
                                                 the stump. Add Stump Remover and
METHYLATED SEED OIL                              soak with water.
(Commercial Product)                             PACKED: 12 x 1 lb. plastic bottle - #12160
• Spray adjuvant for post-emergence
  application with herbicides
CONTAINS: proprietary
APPLICATION: May be used as a
replacement for non-ionic surfactants
 and crop oil (petroleum oils)
RATE: 1 oz per gallon or 1-4 pints/acre
PACKED: 12 x Qt - #48053,
4 x Gal. - #48054
                                                 TANK CLEANER
                                                 (Commercial Product)
                                                 • FOR SMALL HAND HELD SPRAYERS:
                                                   Use 1 fluid ounce of this product
                                                   per gallon of rinse water
                                                 CONTAINS: proprietary
                                                 FOR: Pesticide residue remover
                                                 RATE: 1 oz per gallon or 1-2 qt/100 gallons
                                                 PACKED: 12 x QT - #67553
LAWN & GARDEN PRODUCT GUIDE - Since 1947 - Southern Agricultural ...

                         Since 1947

                                               Distributed by:


           Southern Agricultural Insecticides, Inc. -
LAWN & GARDEN PRODUCT GUIDE - Since 1947 - Southern Agricultural ...
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