LELY HIBISCUS Cam rakes - Exceptionally rugged machines for clean raking

Page created by Deborah Hampton
LELY HIBISCUS Cam rakes - Exceptionally rugged machines for clean raking
Cam rakes

Exceptionally rugged machines for clean raking

                               innovators in agriculture
LELY HIBISCUS Cam rakes - Exceptionally rugged machines for clean raking

    Smarter, faster, stronger!

    competitors. Innovative thinking by our engineers often results in surprisingly effective
    solutions for making larger and larger machines even more efficient. Durability and
    ease of operation are always key to these efforts. Therefore, we at Lely say quite rightly:
    “We are the innovators in agriculture.“

LELY HIBISCUS Cam rakes - Exceptionally rugged machines for clean raking

Ro-tine – Rake tines have to meet various demands: flexibility
                                                   fl          to ensure good
ground following, sufficient
                     fi      rigidity for a precise working depth as well as the
potential to move large volumes of grass. The special shape of the Hibiscus Ro-tines
makes sure that all of these demands are met. Page 8.

765 SD Vario – A perfect example of practically focussed thinking on the part of our
engineers. A hydraulic ram gives the steered rake wheels an extra angle allowing
the machine to be used to produce two swaths, or reducing the rake’s working
width. Page 30.

Head-Lock – Lifting a single rotor rake on headlands has now become far easier
due to the Head-Lock system. A pivot point that moves in two directions restricts
the machine’s free range of movement when making turns, so that the machine
can be lifted on headlands quicker. Page 20.

                                        Ground contour following – Ground contour following becomes ever more
                                        critical as rotors become larger. The Octosense carriage of the 1015 CD Profi
                                        model is a fine example of ideal stability without any compromise to the
                                        rotor’s freedom of movement. Tandem and pendulum axles ensure that the
                                        rotors run smoothly. Pag 12.

                                        Hibiscus 485 – The three point Hibiscus model 485 S and the trailed type model
                                        485 P are the largest single rotor rakes in today’s market place. Thirteen tine
                                        arms ensure ample capability for the 3.80 m wide rotor. High output at a low
                                        investment! Pag 20.

                                        Transport – The 765 SD models are excellent examples of machines featuring
                                        effective and compact transport. The transport position is very narrow and
                                        – notwithstanding the large rotor diameter – easily remains within four
                                        metres. This makes it easy to operate and manoeuvre on small fields
                                                                                                     fi     at a
                                        high speed. Pag 28.

Hibiscus 1015 CD Profi – When combining exceptional output with a long
machine life for the largest double rotor rake, no compromises have been made.
This starts with the 15 arm rotor. Page 32.

Tine fixation
     fi       – This unique tine fixation
                                fi       eliminates the problem of tines being
clamped so tightly that any strain will cause fatigue and hence reduced tine
operation. Page 14.

Chrome steel – All tine arm shafts are made of chrome steel. This high quality
material is outstandingly flexible
                          fl       and contributes towards a surprisingly strong
rotor. Page 10.

LELY HIBISCUS Cam rakes - Exceptionally rugged machines for clean raking
Quality fodder for higher profits
    The quality and quantity of fodder determines to a great extent how healthily and
    efficiently milk and meat can be produced. By producing nourishing and appetising
    feed from one’s own fodder you avoid having to purchase expensive additives and
    concentrates. This is beneficial for the animals, for manure management and – perhaps
    the most importantly – the farm’s profits.

LELY HIBISCUS Cam rakes - Exceptionally rugged machines for clean raking

 Lely – together with you in search of the perfect fodder

                                                   Mowing is decisive for further processing of fodder
                                                   The choices that you make for mowing – time of mowing, with or without conditioner, regular or wide
                                                   swath – have a direct impact on the further processing of fodder. Proper adjustments as well as the
                                                   correct mowing pattern are crucial to the condition of the turf as well as limiting any delay
                                                   in re-growth and favouring the quality of the first cut of grass.

                                                   Tedding for fast and even drying
                                                   Especially when having to deal with heavier cuts of grass, timely tedding is important to ensure fast
                                                   and even drying. Sufficient
                                                                       fi      output combined with a proper turning action limits the wilting period and,
                                                   hence, the field period as well as any delay in re-growth. Properly tedded fodder is free from the turf and
                                                   is raked together more easily. Proper ground contours as well as correct machine adjustments avoid crop

                                                   Clean fodder in the right swath
                                                   A cam rake should allow fast operations as well as the possibility to lay down an effective swath with the
                                                   correct shape and width. After all, a good swath is decisive for the output and cutting action of the baler,
                                                   forage harvester or pick-up loader wagon. Ground assimilation, stability as well as adjustments ensure a
                                                   clean raking job eliminating any fodder contamination due to soil or dried-up manure.

                                                                                                                                     LELY WELGER
 Proper density provides many benefits
 Big packs and round bales ensure a substantial improvement of fodder quality because the compaction
 process starts right away. Transport of the heavy packs is more flexible.
                                                                 fl        Heavy tractors for processing the
 fodder are not required. Since the crop is cut by means of the advanced cutting mechanisms of the balers,
 there is more effective compaction while the fermentation process starts sooner and the crop can be
 processed more easily later on.

                                                                                                                                       LELY ATTIS
 Quick preservation ensures optimum fodder
 Wrapping finishes the process that you have started with baling. Immediate packing of the bale in a film
 – be it in a combined or individual working pass – ensures immediate airtight sealing of the bale so that
 the fermentation process sets in as soon as possible. The bale is not opened until the time when you
 actually need the fodder. Heating and decay are eliminated and tasty fodder is ensured.

                                                                                                                                        LELY TIGO
 Ensile large quantities quickly
 Working with a loader wagon is the quickest way to harvest your crops. Loader wagons can finely
                                                                                          fi     chop
 grass and they have a large loading capacity. The optimum loading of the wagon makes haulage as
   fi      as possible. For those reasons, the loader wagon is ideal for making large quantities of silage in
 a short time.

LELY HIBISCUS Cam rakes - Exceptionally rugged machines for clean raking
Efficient raking has an effect on your wallet!
    Proper and efficient raking does not only mean that the mown crop ends up in the swath
    clean and tidy – it is also a preparation for the next harvesting process. So, raking has a
    great effect on the speed at which the harvesting machines can pick up the swath and
    that is something you notice in your wallet at the end of the day! All in all – a double

LELY HIBISCUS Cam rakes - Exceptionally rugged machines for clean raking

Flexible tines –                                        Good forage in
low soil contents                                       the swath good silage
Adjustment of the working height will often depend      Raking – the last operation before baling, picking up
on the soil and how even the field
                             fi    surface is. In        or harvesting – is crucial for the results of the baler,
practice, work should be higher on undulating fields     pick-up loader wagon or harvester. To make sure
with a loose surface than on level fields
                                   fi     with firmer
                                              fi         that the machine can pick up the crop precisely
conditions.                                             (i.e. without loss), the swath width should
                                                        correspond with the pick-up width of the baler,
Lely Ro-tines for clean forage                          pick-up loader wagon or harvester. In case of a baler
Short and rigid tines that are positioned almost        or loader wagon, the space between the tractor
straight underneath the tine arm do a good job          wheels also plays a part.
on level fields, but have trouble in adjusting to a
rough terrain. Result: damage to the turf and soil in   Easy inflow
                                                               fl   due to regular swaths
the pit. The Ro-tines of Hibiscus rakes on the other    A regular and airy swath ensures proper filling of
hand are long, very flexible
                    fl       and positioned behind       the cutting rotor or cutting chamber, and hence a
the tine arm enabling the tines maximum fl
                                        flexibility.     good cutting action or forage quality. Badly shaped
These tine properties always guarantee optimum          or irregularities in the swath often cause blockages
results without contamination of the forage, even in    or loss of output. If the tractor driver cannot rely
   fi     conditions.                                    on the swath, he will never achieve the optimum
                                                        output of his machine.

                                                           The working height is adjusted by means of a wind handle.
                                                           Essential for clean raking operations and clean fodder.

                                                           Straight tines “drag” the crop over the ground.
                                                           Result: contamination and lower output.

LELY HIBISCUS Cam rakes - Exceptionally rugged machines for clean raking
The Ro-tine “carries” the grass towards the swath!
    The delivery of a clean swath is a primary consideration in the design stage of each new
    Hibiscus rake. Lely’s engineers are always focusing on optimising the crop movement.
    Or – to put it another way – on constructing the rake in such a way that the grass is not
    pressed onto the ground and that any contamination of the crop is reduced to the bare

LELY HIBISCUS Cam rakes - Exceptionally rugged machines for clean raking

Flexible tines for proper                              Away from the ground, away from
ground contour following                               any source of contamination
Hibiscus rakes are fitted with four double tines on     Unlike straight tines, the Ro-tines do not drag the
each tine arm – the 1015 CD Profi has five
                                     fi double          crop across the ground under a certain pre-tension.
tines – to ensure the overlap between the tine arms,   Due to the increasing angle of the tine, the crop
in particular when operating at higher speeds. The     is lifted from the ground very lightly. This crucial
rake tines are manufactured from durable spring        feature reduces backward stresses that are exerted
steel with a 9.5 mm diameter or 10 mm in the           on the tine. Consequently, the tines do not tend to
1015 CD Profi.
           fi The slightly angled tines of the          miss the crop, or to contaminate the crop with soil.
Hibiscus rake are outstandingly strong and fl
The Hibiscus tine has a special shape, whereby         Special tine angle for clean raking
the tine tip is positioned behind the tine arm.        During the design stage it was a clear-cut preference
This enables the tines to adjust better to ground      to position the tine angle itself under a 90 degrees
contours while in addition they do not need to         angle in relation to the ground. This keeps clods or
  fl    too much when coming up against obstacles       stones from being thrown up by the tine tip. Due to
such as stones and the like. Combined with the         the combination of these two specific
                                                                                         fi features the
working depth adjustment facility of the rotor         Hibiscus rake guarantees clean raking as well as a
wheel assembly, optimum settings can be achieved       clean crop.
in all conditions.

                                                                      Due to the special shape of the Ro-tine, the crop is pulled
                                                                      upwards and carried to the swath.

LELY HIBISCUS Cam rakes - Exceptionally rugged machines for clean raking
It’s all about the rotor
     Obviously, the heart of any rake is the rotor and the rotors are therefore decisive
     for performance and machine life. Lely has merged the main functions of the rake’s
     rotor – turning, steering and supporting – into three types of rotor, each with its own
     specific benefits.


             Classic – simple and                                             shafts with their machined profile
                                                                                                            fi that the profiled
             maintenance-free                                                 tine arms can be fitted directly into. These quickly
             The Classic is a compact rotor with 11 tine arms.                removable tine arms are pushed onto the shaft and
             The main drive features a large transmission ratio               then secured with the aid of a pin and clip. Every
             so that the tractor’s r.p.m. can be kept within the              tine arm shaft – including housing and bearing – can
             optimum torque range. The tine arms are held by                  be removed by means of three bolts, which reduces
             ball bearings, fitted
                            fi     in an oil-filled
                                            fi     chamber in the              loss of time in case of an accident. The tine arm is
             cam track. The tine arm shafts as well as the main               held by ball bearings, which run in a cam track with
             shaft are made from chromium steel, which is 50%                 durable grease.
             stronger than the standard steel that is normally
             used for shafts. This protects the gearbox in case of            Adjustable cam track
             an accident.                                                     Due to this adjustable cam track the position can
                                                                              be adjusted when the rake tines let go of the crop.
             Fixed tine arms                                                  This makes it possible to achieve clean raking plus
             A Classic rotor is always fitted
                                       fi     with a tine arm                  the ideal swath shape both in hay and moist silage.
             made out of one piece, which is mounted on the                   Simple working height adjustment is by means of
             chromium steel shaft by means of a bolt and a                    a chromium steel main shaft with a coarse support
             retaining pin. This type of rotor is fitted
                                                  fi     on machines           thread, which can still be adjusted after many years
             where removable tines and foldable frames are not                of operation. The diameter of this main shaft is
             necessary because of their compact size, such as the             larger than that of the Classic rotor.
             model Hibiscus 725 CD Classic and 655 SD Classic.
                                                                              Profi – the largest
             Master – the versatile rotor for                                 rake rotor in the world
             exacting conditions                                              With its 4.7 m diameter, the 15-arm Profi is the
             Most of the machines in the Hibiscus range feature               largest rake rotor on the market place. The Hibiscus
             this modular rotor with 11 or 13 tine arms. Typical of           model 1015 CD Profi is fitted
                                                                                                    fi     with two of these
             this rotor are the extra long chromium steel tine arm            rotors. Please refer to page 34 for more information.

The Classic rotor is an enclosed, oil-filled
                                      fi     system. The tine arms are firmly
attached to the rugged chromium-steel shafts. The Classic rotor does not
have an adjustable cam track.

                                                                                 The enclosed Master rotor is modular in construction and the – adjustable –
                                                                                 cam track is lubricated with special grease. The chromium-steel tine-arm shafts
                                                                                 have widely spaced bearings and the tine arms are removable. A complete tine
                                                                                 arm assembly is easy to remove.

Output due to good ground contour following
     The increasing diameters of rake rotors impose ever greater demands upon ground
     contour following. The tines need to be guided across a large surface while in addition
     a larger rotor has to be able to adjust itself more effectively. After all, there may be
     substantial differences in the surface of the field. Two crucial factors are decisive for a
     good result: correct working height and stability of the rotor.


                                                                                                The carriages under the rotors are designed
                                                                                                so that the wheels are as near as possible
                                                                                                to the tines and follow the ground contours
              Only stable rotors can ensure high output                                         as closely as possible. In combination
              The carriages under the rotors are designed so that that the wheels are           with the long, flexible tines, this prevents
                                                                                                contamination of the crop.
              as near as possible to the tines and follow the ground contours as closely
              as possible. The stability of the rotor is the most important factor for the
              machine’s output. No matter how many tine arms a rotor may have, an
              unstable rotor will never achieve the required output. For that reason, most
              Hibiscus rakes are fitted with tandem or pendulum type axles.

              Castor wheels avoid damage to the turf
              All rotors of the Hibiscus SD side delivery cam rakes feature castor wheels.
              These keep the support wheels from scuffi
                                                     fing (both rotors not being
              positioned exactly in the machine centre) when turning. On central delivery
              cam rakes such a facility is not necessary, because the tandem axles of those
              models are precisely aligned with the machine’s pivoting point.

              2D or 3D suspension, depending on rake model
                                                                                                Castor-type land wheels underneath the
              Most of the time, a construction with a three-dimensional adjustment of           rotors of SD rakes
              the rotors – into the direction of travel as well as across this direction – is
              necessary and these designs are becoming ever more popular for larger
              rotors. Just like with the twin rotor SD rake, the distance between the
              rotors is so substantial that a two-dimensional adjustment is not sufficient.
              Then again, the major benefit
                                        fi of a 2D system is the outstandingly stable
              behaviour of the rotors. For both systems, tandem or pendulum type axles
              are necessary to achieve stability of the rotors as well as maximum output.

Ground undulations are evened out by                                                            The cross-shaped pivot point above the
the Tandem (2D). With a fixed
                           fi      carriage                                                      rotor provides 3D movement with the
(3D) this is transmitted directly to                                                            Hibiscus 765 SD.
the rotor, which makes the rotor run

Lely Hibiscus – built to last
                       Hibiscus central delivery rakes are by far the strongest and heaviest machines in today’s
                       market place. Through these outstanding machines, Lely has set a new standard for rakes
                       that combine an excellent operation with unrivalled durability. This solid construction
                       does not only assure you of a high trade-in value but it also provides confidence
                                                                                                 fi      during
                       the most critical stage of harvesting, with adverse weather conditions and the contractor
                       “hot on your trail”…

     A-frame – the most rugged type of rotor suspension
     With many twin rotor rakes, the connection of the rotor arms and the main
     frame is a vulnerable part of the machine. Lely has eliminated this potential
     vulnerability by introducing the latest technology on its Hibiscus rakes: a
     carefully engineered construction with an A-frame.

     Solid fixation of double tines
     The slightly curved tines of Hibiscus rakes are outstandingly strong as well as
     flexible.   Due to the unique design and the special material the risk of breakage
     is minimal. Because of the special construction the Hibiscus tine is not affected
     as much by obstacles as the straight tines of other makes. The special fixation      Unique protection on all tine arms
     keeps the double tines in place; “solid as a rock”. This new fixation
                                                                   fi        eliminates   Based upon many years of experience in building rakes, Lely has developed a
     the problem of tines being clamped so tightly that any strain will cause fatigue    unique protection for the tine arms of Hibiscus rakes. If the tines hit an obstacle,
     and hence reduced tine operation. For all Hibiscus models an extra safety           the damage will be limited to the tine arm itself, while the gearbox is fully protected
     facility is available to avoid damage to a following harvesting machine.            from any unforeseen stresses. Thus high replacements costs are eliminated, as are
                                                                                         extended repair times.


Lely – high-quality products
through innovative and durable design
The companies in the Lely Group are dedicated to offering a range of products that are well
matched to the needs of modern cattle farmers and contractors. Innovation has always been the
driving force upon which the Lely organisation was founded.

Always seeking improvement                            dimensions or material quality are constantly
A team of highly qualified
                      fi and enthusiastic designers    performed on all incoming components, even for
are constantly active, developing new products as     parts suppliers.
well as refi
          fining existing equipment. In doing so,
they can make use of the most advanced equipment      Proper back-up
and software.                                         Correct operation and service are in practice just as
                                                      important as a good design and precise fabrication!
Reliability due to extensive testing                  Lely therefore invests a great deal in frequent
Prototypes are built and carefully monitored during   customer visits and much (international) training to
nationally and internationally recognised testing     instruct dealers and end users.
procedures. Durability testing takes place on a
bumpy track or on the drop-testing jig to discover    Quick and correct parts supply
potential weak points or to test the durability.      Due to ongoing automation of our parts supply
                                                      infrastructure we ensure fast supply of spare parts
Quality first and foremost                             just at the time when you expect us to.
During production, the quality control of all the
materials applied is crucial. Checks on the correct


Lely Hibiscus




       CD Profi


Lely Hibiscus 425 S-455 S-485 S-485 P                                    TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

The new serie of single rakes consists of three mounted
models and a large trailed model. The Hibiscus 485 – with a              HIBISCUS                      425 S         455 S          485 S         485 P
                                                                         Working width              3.20 - 4.25    3.50 - 4.55    3.80 - 4.75   3.80 - 4.75
rotor diameter of 3.80 m – is the largest single rotor rake on
                                                                         Number of arms                 11             11             13            13
the market! The rakes are of a very rugged construction, with
                                                                         Swath width (m)            1.10 - 1.40    1.10 - 1.40    1.10 - 1.40   1.10 - 1.40
the Head-Lock system as an example of innovative thinking.
                                                                         Weight (kg)                    705           765            850           875

                                                                         Power required (kW / HP)     48 / 65       51 / 70        59 / 80       37 / 50

Lely Hibiscus 725 CD-805 CD-855 CD                                       TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

The first
    fi serie of double rakes with central delivery consists
of four models and is distinguished by its robust construction           HIBISCUS                     725 CD        725 CD         805 CD        855 CD
and high output. The Hibiscus 725 CD is available in both
                                                                         Working width (m)          6.95 - 7.35    6.95 - 7.35    7.55 - 7.95   8.15 - 8.55
Standard and Classic versions.
                                                                         Number of arms / rotors       11 / 2        11 / 2         11 / 2        13 / 2

                                                                         Swath width (m)            1.25 - 1.65    1.25 - 1.65    1.25 - 1.65   1.25 - 1.65

                                                                         Weight (kg)                   2,240         2,400          2,420         2,700

                                                                         Power required (kW
                                                                                          W / HP)     44 / 60       44 / 60        48 / 65       51 / 70

Lely Hibiscus 655 SD-765 SD                                              TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

Two models with double rotors and side delivery with the
same working width. The model 765 SD Vario, however, has                 HIBISCUS                     655 SD        765 SD         765 SD
                                                                                                      Classic                       Vario
the possibility to vary the working width and produce two
                                                                         Working width 1 sw (m)     5.80 - 6.50    6.70 - 7.60    5.00 - 7.60
swaths in one pass.
                                                                         Swath width 1 sw (m)       1.20 - 1.50    1.20 - 1.80    1.20 - 1.80

                                                                         Working width 2 sw (m)          -              -            8.30

                                                                         Swath width 2 sw (m)            -              -         1.20 - 1.80

                                                                         Number of arms / rotors       11 / 2        13 / 2         13 / 2

                                                                         Weight (kg)                   2,225         2,855          3,005

                                                                         Power required (kW / HP)     48 / 65       55 / 75        55 / 75

Lely Hibiscus 1015 CD Profi                                               TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

The highest specification
                 fi       and widest model of Hibiscus rakes has
two extremely large rotors, which deliver the swath to the middle.       HIBISCUS                    1015 CD
This rake is ideally suited for contractors or large cattle farms, who                                Profi
                                                                         Working width (m)          9.20 - 10.20
wish to get the crop into perfect swaths quickly.
                                                                         Number of arms / rotors       15 / 2

                                                                         Swath width (m)            1.50 - 2.50

                                                                         Weight (kg)                   4,620

                                                                         Power required (kW
                                                                                          W / HP)    74 / 100

Lely Hibiscus S
     In spite of the ever growing availability of twin rotor rakes, single rotor cam rakes
     still occupy a prominent place within the range of Hibiscus rakes. Therefore, two new
     models have now been added to Lely’s range of single rotor cam rakes: Hibiscus 425 S
     and Hibiscus 455 S. For smaller and medium-sized dairy farms the single rotor rake is an
     efficient as well as affordable investment to achieve ideal swaths. Due to the unrivalled
     ease of operation and flexibility of operation – not confined by a fixed swath width –
     single rotor rakes are the ideal choice for many dairy farmers.


A suitable rake for every farmer
The four models of Hibiscus single rotor rakes are available in three different
working widths. The Hibiscus models 425 S and 455 S are fitted with 11 tine
arms and their respective working width is 4.25 and 4.55 m. The Hibiscus 485 S
model has a working width of 4.85 m and comes in two versions. As standard
this Hibiscus model is supplied as a machine for three point linkage. The
Hibiscus model 485 P, however, comes as a trailed rake and features its own
hydraulic lift system. All of these single rotor Hibiscus rakes are fitted with the
modular Master rotor including a low-maintenance cam track.

Reliable and simple
Hibiscus single rotor rakes have an outstandingly rugged construction.
The simplicity of construction is reflected
                                    fl      in an attractive purchase price
as well as a long machine life. To be able to lift the large rotors, the main
frame is made out of one piece ensuring its enormous strength.

Into the transport position – a quick job
The protection guards can be folded out very easily, and they are unlocked in
less than no time. The bracket onto which the heavy swath curtain is fitted has
an assist spring to eliminate backbreaking lifting when folding up the guards.
For transport the tine arms can be easily removed and stored alongside the

Abundant clearance in the headland position
The simple construction of the Hibiscus single rotor rakes conceals their clever
engineering. Integrated into the newly developed headstock is the locking
system Head-Lock. This system has been designed specifi
                                                     fically for Hibiscus single
rotor rakes and it ensures trouble-free horizontal lifting of the rake. The top      The clever ‘Head-Lock’ system fixes
                                                                                                                   fi     the
                                                                                     rake so that sufficient
                                                                                                     fi      ground clearance
link is connected with the pivoting arm that locks the machine before lifting.       is immediately created.
Due to the Head-Lock system the rake does not hang down backwards and the
rake is immediately fixed in the central position. The freedom that the rake
has during its operation can be used to the maximum for making sharp bends.
Due to the maximum angle of 25° of the headstock and frame, the machine
has a particularly short turning circle.

Rugged Master rotors
The heart of all these machines is the Master rotors. The 480 mm wide, chrome
steel tine-arm shafts with bearings are – just like those of all other Hibiscus
rakes – manufactured from one piece. The absence of unnecessary welding
or components increases the strength of the arm and thus contributes to the
durability of the rake. The tine-arm shafts have an internal profile,
                                                                fi to which the
   fi of the tine arms – with the four double Ro-tines – connects perfectly.

For uneven fields, all mounted rakes
                   can be fitted
                          fi      with an extra sensor
                   wheel for the rotor. A double sensor
                   wheel is available as an option for the
                   model 485 P.

     Quiet machine run due to tandem                           Lely Hibiscus 485 P – the
     axles                                                     convenience of a trailed machine
     In order to adequately support these robust rotors,       The mounted version of the Hibiscus model 485
     the single rakes are fitted as standard with tandem        requires considerable lifting power and a relatively
     shafts. An important benefit
                              fi of the tandem shaft is         large tractor. Because this does not correspond with
     the quiet running of the machine, due to which the        the power needed by the rake, a trailed version of
     output of the rotor can be fully utilised.                the largest single rake has been developed. This
                                                               rake is fitted
                                                                       fi     with a special six-wheel undercarriage,
     Many possibilities for                                    that is partly raised during transport. A short shaft
     working height adjustment                                 connects the rake to the tractor, while a wide-angle
     The working height can be infi
                                 finitely adjusted              PTO is for the drive.
     with the aid of an easily accessible wind handle.
     Furthermore, there is also the option of an extra         Quickly into the headland position
     height adjustment system by means of the bolt/hole        The machine is lifted horizontally with the aid of
     adjustment on the undercarriage.                          two connected rams on the carriage and one ram on
                                                               the shaft. The order has been selected so that the
     The world champion!                                       front part of the rake is released from the ground
     Due to its wide rotor diameter of 3.85 m, the             first, followed by the rear side. Obviously, when
     Hibiscus 485 S can rightly be called the biggest single   lowering the machine, this order is in reverse.
     rake in the world. For effective support of the large
     Master rotor, with thirteen tine arms, the model          Working height
     485 S is fitted with extra large 18.5” wheels.             The machine offers ample facilities for precise
                                                               adjustment. The ram on the shaft also includes an
                                                               adjustable stop to make sure the rake is adjusted
                                                               exactly level, or perhaps slightly tilted to the front.


Technical specifications
HIBISCUS                                  425 S                    455 S                       485 S                        485 P
Working width (m)                       3.20 - 4.25              3.50 - 4.55                               3.80 - 4.75
Number of arms/rotor                                      11                                                   13
Swath width* (m)                                                               1.10 - 1.40
Weight (kg)                                705                      765                         850                          875
Power required (kW/PK)                    48 / 65                  51 / 70                     59 / 80                     37 / 50
Transport width (m)                     1.95 - 3.55              2.20 - 3.90                 2.45 - 4.10                 2.35 - 4.10
Transport length (m)                    3.20 - 3.95              3.35 - 4.25                 3.60 - 4.55                 4.60 - 5.55
Transport height (m)                       2.00                     2.30                        2.10                        2.65
Number of rotors                                                                    1
Number of tines/tine arm                                                      4 double tines
Rotordiameter (m)                          3.20                     3.50                                      3.80
Cam track                                                                      adjustable
Axle under rotor                                                                 tandem
Working height adjustment                                                    tandem position
Working height adjustment                             infi
                                                        finitely adjustable wind handle                                 11 positions
Wheels under rotor                               4x 16/6.90-8 (6-ply)                    4x 18.50/8.50-8               6x 16/6.90-8
                                                                                               (6-ply)                     (6-ply)
Linkage (cat.)                                                          II                                               draw bar
Hydraulic connections                                                                                                      1x DA
PTO speed (tpm)                                                                    540
Forward speed (km/h)                                                           max. 12.50
Transport speed (km/h)                                                           max. 30
Overload protection                          S                          S                         S                           S
Tine retainers                              O                           O                         O                           O
Lighting                                    X                           O                         O                           S
Front gauge wheel(s)                        O                           O                         O                           O
Wide angle PTO shaft                        X                           X                         X                           S

S = Standard / O = Option / X = Not available on this machine / * Depending on crop conditions

                                                                Hibiscus 485 P in transport
                                                                Once the guards have been folded up and the tine arms removed,
                                                                the machine is exceptionally compact and can therefore be easily
                                                                transported. The special torsion shaft, integrated into the carriage,
                                                                absorbs shocks to ensure steady road performance as well as long
                                                                machine life. A lighting kit is supplied with the Hibiscus 485 P
                                                                model as standard (option for the models 455 S and 485 S).

Lely Hibiscus CD
     Without any doubt, the central delivery rake is the most important rake in today’s market
     place. It is not only because of the perfect swath, that many dairy farmers and contractors
     opt for this type of rake; ease of operation also plays an important role. Lely’s range of
     central delivery rakes has been renowned and thoroughly tested and developed for many
     years. These Hibiscus models – with working widths ranging from 6.95 to 8.55 m – are
     all traditionally known for the following essential features: outstandingly rugged build,
     stable rotor behaviour as well as an unrivalled raking output.


Three working widths – four models
The range of Hibiscus double rotor central delivery rakes consists of
four different models and three working widths. The Classic model
is of a simpler design and is fitted
                              fi     with a Classic type rotor. Working
widths of the Hibiscus models 805 CD and 855 CD are between 7.55 and
8.15 m / 8.10 and 8.55 m respectively. The Hibiscus models 725 CD, 805 CD
and 855 CD are fi
               fitted as standard with the rugged, modular Master rotor.

Rugged A-frames – double effect
It was through this range of Hibiscus rakes that Lely introduced the
so-called A-frame technology. A construction in the shape of a triangle
connects the rotor with the frame in two places, ensuring an outstandingly
stable construction. In addition to enhanced lifetime, the A-frame offers
the major benefit
              fi of a much more stable rotor throughout the raking
operations. A steady rotor in turn means that the forward speed – and        Hibiscus 725 CD Classic.

hence output – can be substantially increased.

Adjustable working width and swath width
Working widths of Hibiscus central delivery rakes can be adjusted in
two positions. The narrowest working width guarantees a narrow
swath as well as optimum pick-up potential for balers or pick-up loader
wagons. If a larger working width is selected, a wider swath is laid down.
Depending upon working width and cam track adjustment, swath width
can be adjusted between approx. 1.20 and 1.60 m.

Two positions for working height adjustment
Working height is easily adjusted by means of a wind handle.
The standard wheel assembly underneath the rotors features an
additional adjustment; ideal when having to rake on fields with
deep tractor wheel ruts, or on fields
                               fi     with cereal stubble.

High headland position
The rotors are lifted up to a pre-determined angle by means of a
built-in stop on the hydraulic rams. The rotors are then held in the
so-called headland position ensuring ample clearance. There is no
need to disengage the PTO shaft.

                                                                             Adjustable swath width.

Unrivalled manoeuvrability.

                                                                          Greasing point for cam track.

     As standard the Hibiscus models 725 CD (Classic) and 805 CD
     are fitted
         fi     with 10/75-15.3 transport wheels. The model 855 CD                                                            The stable three-point headstock
     features 15/55-17 transport wheels; these are also available as an                                                      and the optional spare wheel.
     option for the other models.

                      Unrivalled manoeuvrability                                           Greasing point for cam track
                      The ruggedly built linked steering system – including                The cam track of the Master rotors requires only
                      large size king pins – guarantees a particularly small               minimum maintenance. Every 1,000 hectares the
                      turning circle of these rakes. The wheel axles are                   cam track needs to be lubricated with special grease.
                      built for durability and they allow the tractor driver               To facilitate this maintenance, all double rotor
                      to negotiate narrow and winding country roads, to                    rakes are fitted as standard with a unique greasing
                      make sharp bends in the fields
                                              fi     or to drive in reverse                 nipple. It is easily accessible on the rotor so that
                      through a gateway.                                                   the operator can simply grease the cam track from
                                                                                           the outside. Due to the special channel, the grease
                      Perfect ground contour following                                     always reaches the right parts of the cam track.
                      The wide balloon tyres are positioned as closely as
                      possible to the rake tines ensuring that the tines                   Tandem wheel assemblies
                      follow ground contours in the best possible way.                     underneath rotors
                                                                                           The large balloon wheels underneath the rotors
                      Spare wheel holder                                                   have been deliberately staggered so that they run
                      Spare wheels plus holders are available as an option                 as closely as possible to the tines. The wheels do
                      for all Hibiscus rakes to make sure that a flat tyre                  not run in the same track so that the weight of the
                      on a tandem wheel can be remedied immediately.                       rotors is distributed evenly. The front wheels are as
                      This is a small investment, which pays for itself                    close as possible to the inner tines so that optimum
                      immediately if time is a scarce factor.                              raking is guaranteed, especially on uneven fields.

                      Quick coupling and
                      easy manoeuvring
                      Coupling the machine to the tractor is a very fast
                      and simple job. Compact linkage ensures a sharp
                      turning circle, without the stop on the frame being
                      hit too quickly. The rear wheels, too, follow the
                      tractor perfectly without running on the swath.


Technical specifications
HIBISCUS                              725 CD Classic               725 CD                     805 CD             855 CD
Working width (m)                                  6.95 - 7.35                               7.55 - 7.95        8.15 - 8.55
Number of arms/rotor                                                  11                                            13
Swath width* (m)                                                               1.25 - 1.65
Weight (kg)                                2,240                    2,400                      2,420              2,700
Power required (kW/PK)                                 44 / 60                                48 / 65             51 / 70
Transport width (m)                                                               2.85
Transport length (m)                                                              5.90
Transport height (m)                       4.00                  3.40 - 4.00                 3.60 - 4.35        3.90 - 4.65
Number of rotors                                                                    2
Number of tines/tine arm                                                    4 double tines
Rotordiameter (m)                                       3.20                                    3.50               3.80
Cam track                                  fi
                                           fixed                                              adjustable
Axle under rotor                                                                tandem
Working height adjustment                                                  tandem position
Working height adjustment                                        infi
                                                                   finitely adjustable wind handle
Wheels under rotor                                        2x 4x 16/6.90-8 (6-ply)                           2x 4x 18.50/8.50-8
Transport tyres                                           2x 10/75-15.30 (8-ply)                            2x 15/55-17 (8-ply)
Linkage (cat.)                                                                      II
Hydraulic connections                                              1x DA with floating
                                                                              fl       position
PTO speed (tpm)                                                                    540
Forward speed (km/h)                                                            max. 40
Portal headstock                             S                         S                          S                 S
Wheel steering                               S                         S                          S                 S
Lighting                                     S                         S                          S                 S
Tine retainers                              O                          O                         O                  O
Wide tyres 15/55-17 10-ply                  O                          O                         O                  S
Hydraulic breaking device                    X                         X                         X                  X
Pneumatic breaking device                    X                         X                         X                  X

S = Standard / O = Option / X = Not available on this machine / * Depending on crop conditions

                                                        Wide in the field; compact on the road
                                                        In spite of their considerable working widths,
                                                        transport widths of the Hibiscus models 725 CD,
                                                        805 CD and 855 CD are remarkably compact.
                                                        The tine arms can be removed and stored in
                                                        the special holders at the back of the machine,
                                                        while in addition the protection guards can
                                                        telescope. In this way, the transport height of
                                                        the 725 CD model is reduced down to 3.40 m.
                                                        Also, due to the steered wheels, these rakes are
                                                        outstandingly manoeuvrable when negotiating
                                                        narrow roads and gateways.

Lely Hibiscus SD
     The weather is always highly unpredictable and we at Lely have no say in that. This
     uncertain factor is also decisive for the growth of crops and hence on the number of
     cuts that can be harvested in the course of one season. With the Hibiscus SD side delivery
     rakes Lely offers optimum flexibility to dairy farmers and contractors alike. This universal
     double rotor side delivery rake lay down the ideal swath for the following operation in
     all conditions.


                                                                               Wide in the field compact during
                                                                               When in the transport position, both
Easy to operate – essential for a side delivery rake                           rotors are folded very close to the main
To be able to use the output of side delivery rakes to their full potential,   frame, so that the transport width is
                                                                               only 2.45 m. This makes getting through
the operator will have to get used to the side delivery principle. With the    narrow gateways or frequent road transport
Hibiscus 765 SD side delivery rakes, this learning process is exceptionally    much easier. Transport height of the
simple, because all functions can be easily controlled from the tractor cab.   machine (with the tine arms fitted)
                                                                                                             fi      is less
                                                                               than 4 m. With the Hibiscus model 765 SD
If an angled piece of field needs to be raked, both rotors can be easily        Vario the outer tine arms can be removed
lifted into the headland position after which the operator simply reverses.    and stored in the handy rack above the
                                                                               rotor. Height is then reduced to 3.10 m;
                                                                               a truly ideal benefit!
Lifting the rotors one by one on headlands
Hydraulic lifting of the Hibiscus rotors into the headland position is
designed in such a way that the front rotor is lifted first, followed by the
rear rotor. This enables the operator to drive into headlands, without
having to wait or slow down.

Full adaptation of the rotors
The rotors of the Hibiscus 765 SD (Vario) are suspended by means of a
3D system and ground contour following by the rotors is optimised with
the aid of the four wheel assembly. With the 765 SD the four wide tyres
can pivot to avoid scuffing
                       fi   the turf. The two front wheels are as close as
possible to the front tine tips. Consequently, the rotors have a stable run
and the tines touch the surface – contamination is reduced to the bare
minimum. The standard Ro-tines assure the unrivalled output of this rake
and ensure that a clean and airy swath is laid down.

Turning on headlands – ample clearance
In addition to ensuring a long life, the suspension of the rotors in the
A-frame – a cleverly engineered Lely concept – offers additional benefits.
The pivot points of the rotors are underneath the shaft, so that the rotors
are lifted perpendicularly on headlands. This ensures ample clearance and
even the biggest swaths are left untouched when the machine passes over.

765 SD Master rotor                                      Highly lenient
     For the 765 SD model Hibiscus rakes , the                To make these operations possible, the machine is
     maintenance-free modular Master rotor is also            fitted as standard with some extra features, such as a
     used. This rotor has 13 tine arms – each fitted           second swath curtain as well as a reversible hydraulic
     with four double Ro-tines – and a diameter of            steering plate. Thus, two concepts are offered in one
     3.65 m. The cam track is adjustable to ensure the        on the same machine.
     right pick-up of the crop as well as optimum swaths.
     Working height can be easily adjusted for both rotors    Two swaths in one
     by means of an infinitely
                      fi       adjustable wind handle.         single working pass
                                                              The Hibiscus 765 SD Vario can lay down a single
     Lely Hibiscus 655 SD Classic                             swath in the first
                                                                           fi working pass, or a double swath
     and 765 SD                                               in the second working pass. By steering the rear
     The basic models adequately perform all the              rotor to the left – done from the tractor cab –
     functions that are needed for a side delivery rake.      the operator eliminates the overlap between the
     With the Hibiscus SD rakes, Lely offers two big          front and rear rotor. By fitting the second swath
     output rakes with an attractive price to quality         curtain, the operator can lay down two swaths in
     ratio, a rugged build, well-known Lely technology,       one working pass at a working width of 8.50 m.
     optimum ease of operation as well as minimal             The width of the two swaths then is 1.20 m each.
     maintenance. These machines have a working
     width of 6.50 and 7.60 m respectively, and can lay       Narrowing down – an easy job
     down a single swath or – with a second working           In this position, the Hibiscus 765 SD Vario can lay
     pass – a double swath. In the latter case, the total     down a single swath in the first working pass with
     working width of the 765 SD is 15.20 m.                  an adjustable working width between a minimum of
                                                              5 m and a maximum of 7.60 m. This operation can be
     Hibiscus 765 SD Vario –                                  hydraulically controlled from the tractor cab during
     unrivalled possibilities                                 raking and it offers the operator a huge variety in
     The position of the rotors can be changed                working width.
     hydraulically, which makes the 765 SD Vario model
     the most universal rake of our range. The working
     width of this machine can be varied between 5 and
     7.60 m for single swaths, or between one or two
     small swaths in case of a single working pass. This is
     adjusted by the position of the reversible steering
     plate of the transport wheels.


Technical specifications
HIBISCUS                                               655 SD Classic                765 SD                     765 SD Vario
Working width 1 swath (m)                                5.80 - 6.50               6.70 - 7.60                   5.00 - 7.60
Swath width 1 swath* (m)                                 1.20 - 1.50                              1.20 - 1.80
Working width 2 swaths (m)                                                                                          8.30
Swath width 2 swaths* (m)                                                                                        1.20 - 1.80
Number of tine arms/rotor                                   11 / 2                                   13 / 2
Weight (kg)                                                 2,225                     2,900                         3,040
Power required (kW/PK)                                     48 / 65                                  55 / 75
Transport width (m)                                         2.60                                     2.45
Transport length (m)                                        8.10                                     9.15
Transport height (m)                                        3.85                      4.00                       3.20 - 4.00
Number of rotors                                                                        2
Number of tines/tine arm                                                                4
Rotordiameter (m)                                           3.20                                     3.65
Cam track                                                   fixed                                  adjustable
Axle under rotor                                                                     swivel
Working height adjustment                                                    swivel axle position
Working height adjustment                                               infinite
                                                                          fi     by means of spindle
Wheels under rotor                                                          2x 4x 16/6.50-8 (6-ply)
Transport tyres                                                             2x 10/75-15.30 (8-ply)
Linkage (cat.)                                                                          II
Hydraulic connections                                   1x SA with floating
                                                                   fl       position + 1x DA                 1x SA with floating
                                                                                                            position + 2x DA +
                                                                                                                free return
PTO speed (tpm)                                                                        540
Forward speed (km/h)                                                              max. 12.50
Foldable guard + disconnectable arms                          X                         X                             S
Hydraulic offset device + 2nd Swath board                     X                         O                             S
Overload protection + Lighting                                S                         S                             S
Tine retainers                                                O                         O                             O
Wide tyres 15/55-17 10-ply                                    O                         O                             O

S = Standard / O = Option / X = Not available on this machine / * Depending on crop conditions

                                                                        Easy manoeuvring in spite of considerable length
                                                                        Hibiscus SD rakes are outstandingly manoeuvrable,
                                                                        because the machine is “true to track” due to linked
                                                                        steering on both wheels. In spite of the machine’s total
                                                                        length of 9 m, it is easy to turn on headlands or steer
                                                                        the machine into a field.
                                                                                             fi     The rugged construction of the
                                                                        wheel axles and steering rods only goes to show that
                                                                        these rakes are built for true professionals.

Lely Hibiscus 1015 CD Profi
     By introducing the world’s largest twin rotor central delivery rake – Hibiscus 1015 CD
     Profi – Lely has met the increasing demand for high output. This new rake stands out
     with its unrivalled output for raking together hay and straw for balers, pick-up loader
     wagons and forage harvesters. The machine’s working width can be adjusted hydraulically
     between 9.00 and 10.20 m, while the swath width can be varied between 1.50 and
     2.50 m.


A highly cost-effective investment
which pays itself back quickly
The twin rotor central delivery rake Hibiscus 1015 CD Profi gives some serious
competition for the four rotor machines that are already available in today’s
market place. In general, rakes with four rotors may have a larger working
width, but the Hibiscus 1015 CD Profi rake has already proved to be highly
successful due to outstandingly clean raking operations, even at high forward
speeds up 20 km/h. This machine achieves an output of 15 hectares/h without
any problem. The Hibiscus 1015 CD Profi rake is a surprisingly cost-effective
investment, especially when compared to rakes with four rotors. In addition
to this, it is correct to assume a high trade-in value. After all, the durability
for which all Lely products are renowned was the key in the development
and testing stage of the Hibiscus 1015 CD Profi rake. You only have to take
a look at the rugged build and special design of the rotors and frame to
become aware of a concept of unconditional reliability and functionality.

Rotors with three-dimensional
movement for optimum raking
The central delivery rake Hibiscus 1015 CD is a true Pro, which is also due to
the unique 3D suspension. It comprises a pivoting head, which gives the rotor
a 360° freedom of movement. Both rotors feature a unique wheel assembly.
Lely has managed to develop an unrivalled wheel assembly
– Octosense – in combination with a 3D suspension.
                                                                                    Special ball joint ensures optimal freedom
                                                                                    of movement for the rotor.
Octosense – eight tyres guarantee a stable rotor
This wheel assembly (with eight wheels) ensures a stable run of the rotors,
irrespective of field conditions and also at high forward speeds. The machine
negotiates even the worst terrain unevenness with ease and assurance. Due
to the combination of the 3D movement of the rotors and the intelligently
engineered wheel assembly, the entire crop is moved, even at very high
working speeds.

Hydraulic-pneumatic ground
pressure adjustment of rotors
A hydraulic-pneumatic system transfers part of the weight of the rotors
onto the frame. This construction reduces the weight on the rotors as
well as ensuring improved ground contour following at higher speeds.
Pressure in the hydraulic-pneumatic system can be easily adjusted.

An extremely durable construction
     The entire machine stands out from the rest by its remarkably rugged construction.
     The main frame, made out of one piece, connects the portal headstock with the rugged
     steering “bridge” for the rear wheels. Two sub frames connect the rotors and the
     main frame. The A-frame allows the machine to be folded up, while the parallelogram
     construction gives the adjustable working width as well as very secure locking in the
     transport position.

                                                    Forced linked steering and large
                                                    low-pressure tyres
                                                    Due to the steered rear wheel assembly this giant
                                                    allows perfect manoeuvring, even in the smallest
                                                    of fields.
                                                       fi       The steering system itself stands out by its
                                                    rugged construction with its large steering rods and
                                                    king pins. The large low-pressure tyres ensure an
                                                    ideal distribution of the weight of the machine.

                      Modular, maintenance-free                                                    Specially shaped double
                      rotors with 15 tine arms –                                                   tines for optimum raking
                      a guarantee for a high output                                                With a view to achieving the highest possible
                      The 15 removable tine arms feature the outstanding                           output, each tine arm of the rotors of the central
                      anti-breakage protection that has already proved its                         delivery rake Hibiscus 1015 CD Profi is fitted with
                      performance on other Hibiscus models. In addition,                           five double tines. These long tines, made of spring
                      the tine arm shafts are made of chromium steel,                              steel, have a 10 mm diameter and their special shape
                      which is twice as strong as the material that is                             ensures perfect ground contour following as well
                      normally used for other makes of rakes. The tine                             as the ideal swath shape. No matter how heavy the
                      arms have a lateral configuration
                                             fi         and they are                                crop is, the five double tines on each tine arm ensure
                      supported by ball bearings, spaced out at 320 mm                             optimum pick-up of the crop.
                      distances. The lateral confi
                                                figuration reduces the
                      stresses that are exerted on the cam track. This cam                         The Profi drive line of
                      track itself has by far the largest diameter (370 mm)                        the Hibiscus 1015 CD
                      and it is made of high quality cast iron. The easy-                          The machine features an outstandingly rugged drive.
                      access cam track can be simply adjusted. A closed                            Due to the double reduction on the rotor, the drive
                      heavy-duty gearbox constitutes the heart of the                              shafts and gearboxes operate at a relatively high
                      Hibiscus rake.                                                               speed, whereas the r.p.m. speed of the rake’s rotor is
                                                                                                   low. This ideal combination keeps the torque in the
                                                                                                   drive low.

                                                                                                   Profi + – additional ease
                                                                                                   of operation
                                                                                                   The Profi + model features hydraulic depth
                                                                                                   adjustment and electric controls in the tractor cab
                                                                                                   for enhanced ease of control. Two double-acting
                                                                                                   hydraulic functions are still required.


Technical specifications
HIBISCUS                                                                     1015 CD Profi
Working width (m)                                                             9.20 - 10.20
Number of tine arms/rotor                                                          15
Swath width* (m)                                                              1.50 - 2.50
Weight (kg)                                                                      4,620
Power required (kW/PK)                                                          74 / 100
Transport width (m)                                                               3.00
Transport length (m)                                                              6.80
Transport height (m)                                                          3.85 - 4.80
Number of rotors                                                                    2
Number of tines/tine arm                                                    5 double tines
Rotordiameter (m)                                                                 4.50
Cam track                                                                     adjustable
Axle under rotor                                                       hinged and tandem axle
Working height adjustment                                                   wheel position
Working height adjustment                                             infinite
                                                                        fi     with wind handle
Wheels under rotor                                             4x 16/6.5-8 (6-ply) / 4x 18.5/8.5-8 (6-ply)
Transport tyres                                                          2x 15/70-18 (12-ply)
Linkage (cat.)                                                                   II / III
Hydraulic connections                                           1x DA + 2x SA with floating
                                                                                   fl       position
PTO speed (tpm)                                                                   540
Forward speed (km/h)                                                          max. 17.50
Transport speed (km/h)                                                          max. 40
Portal headstock                                                                    S
Wheel steering                                                                      S
Overload protection                                                                 S
Lighting                                                                            S
Tine retainers                                                                     X
Wide tyres 15/55-17 10-ply                                                         X
Hydraulic breaking device                                                           S
Pneumatic breaking device                                                          O

S = Standard / O = Option / X = Not available on this machine / * Depending on crop conditions

Quick in the field, quick on the road
The central delivery rake Hibiscus 1015 CD Profi is fitted as
standard with hydraulic drums brakes and high quality tyres
for road transport at speeds of up to 40 km/h. In addition,
the excellent brake system ensures perfect protection of the
rake during work on undulating fields.

Live Life Lely
                  Since its establishment, Lely has always been committed to improving the quality of life of
                  agricultural entrepreneurs as well as the future of the sector. In addition, the company is
                  innovative in its products as well as its concepts for marketing and distribution.

                  •   Lely is committed to helping farmers ahead of market developments
                  •   Lely always supplies the most innovative products to farmers and contractors
                  •   Lely provides customers with optimum customer service
                  •   Everything Lely invents will always serve to make life easier for the benefit of both man
                      and animal as well as providing joy to all our employees

                  In short: we at Lely do our work in order to serve farmers and to make their lives as
                  enjoyable as possible. From grassland machinery to the automatic milking system, Lely thinks
                  with the farmer and has offered him innovative solutions for the past 60 years.

                                                                                                                Lelyy reallyy cares for the environment.

                  Lely, Astronaut, Atlantis, Hibiscus, Lotus, Splendimo, Astri, Astrodata, Calm, Commodus, Compedes, Cosmix, Discovery,
                  E-link, Fertiliner, Gravitor, Grazeway, Hubble, Juno, L4C, Lelyy Center, Lelywash, Luna, Nautilus, Orbiter, Shuttle, T4C,
                  Tigo, Viseo and Voyager are registered trademarks of the Lelyy Group. The right of exclusive use belongs to the companies
                  of the Lelyy Group. All rights reserved. The information given in this publication is provided for information purposes only
                  and does not constitute an offer for sale. Certain products mayy not be available in individual countries and products
                  supplied mayy differ from those illustrated. No part of this publication mayy be copied or published byy means of printing,

                  photocopying, microfilm  fi or anyy other process whatsoever without prior permission in writing byy Lelyy Holding S.à r.l.
                  Although the contents of this publication have been compiled with the greatest possible care, Lelyy cannot accept
                  liabilityy for anyy damage that might arise from errors or omissions in this publication.

                                                                                                                                                           Live Life Lely
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