Leveraging the distinctive strengths of the BANDAI NAMCO Group to make a strong start in what will be an important year leading up to the next ...

Leveraging the distinctive strengths of the BANDAI NAMCO Group to make a strong start in what will be an important year leading up to the next ...
                                                                                                                                                      September 2021

                    BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc.                                                                                          BANDAI NAMCO Mirai-Kenkyusho
                                                                                                                                 5-37-8 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014

Interview with the President

         Leveraging the distinctive strengths of the
         BANDAI NAMCO Group to make a strong start
         in what will be an important year leading up to
         the next Mid-term Plan
      BANDAI NAMCO Holdings has announced its results for the first three months
      of FY2022.3. In this issue of the newsletter, President Masaru Kawaguchi
                                                                                                                                                 Masaru Kawaguchi
      discusses the circumstances in the first quarter, future outlook, current trends                                           President & Representative Director,
      in each business, and other matters.                                                                                            BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc.

      The results for the first three months                  previous fiscal year, there were no major releases          In the Creation business, revenues from the
      of FY2022.3 have been announced.                        of new titles in home video games and network           production of visual products increased, and
      Kawaguchi: In the first three months of                 content, but in the first three months of this fiscal   licensing revenues were favorable due to the
      FY2022.3, we achieved net sales of ¥178.0 bil-          year we recorded initial expenses for the intro-        growing popularity of Gundam IP. On the other
      lion, operating profit of ¥27.0 billion, and profit     duction of new titles on an upfront basis.              hand, at GUNDAM FACTORY YOKOHAMA,
      attributable to owners of parent of ¥20.9 billion.            The Toys and Hobby business achieved              which opened in December 2020, we took steps
      These are record-high levels for sales and              record-high results for the first three months.         to address the spread of COVID-19, such as
      profits in the first three months. The spread of        Products for the mature fan base, such as               shortening operating hours and suspending
      COVID-19 has had an influence, but we are               Gundam plastic models and figures, recorded             events. The Amusement business was affected
      approaching changes in the business envi-               favorable results around the world. In addition,        by the influence of the spread of COVID-19,
      ronment as opportunities to acquire customers           we saw a recovery in categories such as prizes,         including the suspension of operations at facil-
      and create markets, and employees on the front          which in the same period of the previous fiscal         ities and the reduction of operating hours.
      lines are taking on a variety of challenges. I          year were affected by the suspension of oper-           However, the influence was less than in the same
      think that we have been able to leverage the            ations at amusement facilities due to the spread        period of the previous fiscal year. Moreover,
      distinctive strengths of the BANDAI NAMCO               of COVID-19. Furthermore, new IP* products,             campaigns utilizing IP also had an effect. Sales
      Group and make a strong start in what will be           such as Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, con-            at existing facilities in Japan were up 115.6%
      an important year leading up to the next Mid-           tinued to be popular, and favorable results were        year on year (more than 70% of the level seen
      term Plan.                                              also recorded by confectionary and capsule              in the first quarter of FY2020.3). We are starting
                                                              toys, where hits have included not only                 to see signs of recovery. Sales of amusement
      Would you provide an overview of                        ­products that utilize IP but also non-­character       machines were also up year on year.
      the circumstances in each business?                      products. Moreover, the Digimon: Digital
      Kawaguchi: In Digital business, SCARLET                ­Monsters trading card game for the North                The results forecasts for the
      NEXUS, a new home video game title, got off              ­American market was popular. In these ways,           first six months of the fiscal year have
      to a good start. In addition, repeat sales of exist-      favorable performances by toy-­related items          been revised.
      ing titles were up year on year on a unit basis.          also made a contribution to results. In the Visual    Kawaguchi: For the first six months of
      In these ways, results remained favorable, cen-           and Music business, we sold visual and music          FY2022.3, our initial forecasts were for net
      tered on markets around the world. In network             packaged products that leverage mainstay IP,          sales of ¥350.0 billion and operating profit of
      content, the new My Hero Academia title got               and game-­related licensing revenues made a           ¥35.0 billion. Recently, with consideration for
      off to a solid start, and mainstay titles also            contribution to results. In the same period of        results in the first three months, the current
      recorded stable results. However, overall per-            the previous fiscal year, for the most part we        market environment, and the circumstances in
      formance in network content did not reach the             were unable to hold live events due to the influ-     our businesses, we reviewed the forecasts for
      level seen in the same period of the previous             ence of COVID-19, but in the first quarter of         the Toys and Hobby business and the Visual
      year, when results were favorable due to demand           this fiscal year we utilized online distribution      and Music business, and we revised the
      associated with people staying at home. Fur-              and new technologies, and we substantially            Group-wide forecasts to net sales of ¥380.0
      thermore, in the first three months of the                increased the number of events held.                  billion and operating profit of ¥43.0 billion.

      * IP: Characters and other intellectual property

                                                                                                                                                   September 2021          1
Leveraging the distinctive strengths of the BANDAI NAMCO Group to make a strong start in what will be an important year leading up to the next ...
(Information in this section is as of the end of August 2021.)

Interview with the President

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     first quarter. With the popular Pui Pui Molcar,
          Deepening fusion and collaboration among the new Units                                                                                                                 work to develop product brands into pillars                                                                 year. In July, we began to introduce a highly
                                                                                                                                                                                 of our operations, in a follow on to such series    in addition to a visual packaged product, we            anticipated new amusement machine, Mobile
          Further cultivating a sense of unity                                                                                                                                   as Charapaki. In capsule toys, we will increase     are also implementing secondary development             Suit Gundam: Senjo no Kizuna II. We will
                                                                                                                                                                                 customer touch-points in collaboration with the     in the Toys and Hobby business.                         continue to advance measures to increase
       What is the outlook for the full                            a variety of projects to promote understanding           games, we will launch high-quality new titles        Amusement business. Moreover, The Digimon:              In these ways, we are implementing multi-           efficiency while introducing unique BANDAI
       fiscal year?                                                of mutual IP-creation know-how and to                    and work to expand new mainstay titles. In           Digital Monsters IP started from a toy, and now     faceted development of IP, centered on visual           NAMCO topics for both amusement facilities
       Kawaguchi: We have not revised our initial                  strengthen integration and collaboration. In             addition, in the digital field, we will continue     wearable devices and, in North America, card        and music products. In live events, at this point,      and machines. The amusement business is
       plans for the full fiscal year. The second half             addition, the IP Production Unit is taking steps         to advance technical research to rapidly             games leveraging this IP are popular, centered      the number of audience members has not                  an important outlet under the Group’s IP axis
       includes the busy year-end/new-year sales                   to activate communication and to cultivate a             address intensifying competition and new             on younger customers. A new anime will be           returned to the level in the period before              strategy, and going forward we will aim to
       period, which is the largest sales period during            sense of unity as a new Unit, such as jointly            technologies. Furthermore, the 2022 release          broadcast from the fall in Japan, and we also       COVID-19. However, we will work to roll-out             bolster the earnings platform in this business,
       the year. In addition, we plan to launch major              sponsoring family events for employees and               of the latest theatrical version of DRAGON           plan to launch a home video game. Accordingly,      new live events that combine real and virtual           which provides important venues for direct
       home video game titles. With the current state              their families.                                          BALL SUPER has been announced. The entire            the entire Unit will work to create buzz.           elements, such as through the use of online             contact with customers.
       of emergency and the expansion of the regions                                                                        Group, including game content and toys and               In products for the mature fan base, Gundam     distribution and new platforms.
       covered, we will continue to carefully assess               Would you discuss the trends in the                      hobby products, we will collaborate with the         plastic models are recording favorable results
       the uncertain market environment going                      Digital business?                                        film and work to create buzz.                        in China, where we installed a life-size Gundam     What are the trends in the
       forward.                                                    Kawaguchi: In the Digital business, in home                                                                   statue, and in North America, where the roll-       Amusement business?
                                                                   video games we expect to sell 1 million units            What is the current situation in the                 out of products at large-scale distributors is      Kawaguchi: In amusement facilities, future
       What types of initiatives have been                         of SCARLET NEXUS in FY2022.3. This prod-                 Toys and Hobby business?                             making solid progress. Looking at business          market trends are not clear, but currently
       implemented since the Unit reorgani-                        uct was created through strategic IP investment          Kawaguchi: In the Toys and Hobby business,           development initiatives around the world, we        initiatives leveraging Group resources are
       zation in April?                                            under the previous Mid-term Plan. We will                looking at new series for established IP in Japan,   want to establish the culture of plastic model      drawing attention, such as BANDAI NAMCO
       Kawaguchi: We are working to further deepen                 nurture this title as new IP through collaborative       Ultraman Trigger products were launched in           making, rather than simply offering IP and          limited prize campaigns and Capsule Toy
       integration and collaboration in the Entertain-             initiatives that involve both a home video game          July, followed by the launch in September of         products that are ended after a short-term          Store facilities. We are also seeing results
       ment Unit, which combines the Digital business              and an anime produced by the creation busi-              Kamen Rider Revice products, which are com-          boom. Also, in tandem with the highlighting         from the measures to increase efficiency
       and the Toys and Hobby business, and in the                 ness. We also plan to launch major titles, such          memorative products for the 50th anniversary         of Gundam plastic models, we are also work-         through structural reforms, which we have
       IP Production Unit, which combines the Visual               as Tales of ARISE in September 2021 and                  of KAMEN RIDER, in September. Also, in               ing to promote recycling of the plastic used        been implementing since the previous fiscal
       and Music business and the Creation business.               ELDEN RING in January 2022. We will strive               November we will start sales of Tamagotchi           as a raw material, and to advance the use of
       In the Entertainment Unit, we currently have a              to nurture these new products into long-lived            Smart, a wearable Tamagotchi product. For            new materials.
       variety of projects underway that are related to            titles while engaging in close communication             Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, which con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Defining the BANDAI NAMCO Group’s presence
       IP, products, and services. Looking around the              with fans. Looking at repeat sales, we think             tinues to enjoy high popularity, we will roll        What are the circumstances in the                      in a sustainable society
       world, in China we are planning to integrate                that the favorable effect of demand associated           out products in a wide range of categories,          Visual and Music business and the
       the companies in the Digital business and the               with people staying at home is gradually set-            such as toys, in conjunction with the broadcast      Creation business?                                  What is the status of the formulation                   their understanding of our strengths and the
       Toys and Hobby business. We have already                    tling down. Last year, sales were centered on            of the second season of the anime.                   Kawaguchi: In FY2022.3, we expect to expand         of the next Mid-term Plan?                              issues we face. Developing a shared awareness
       consolidated multiple offices into a single office          repeat sales of existing titles, but this year, we           In toy-related items, which are recording        the lineup in comparison with the previous fiscal   Kawaguchi: After FY2022.3, which is a                   of issues through discussions will be a major
       in China, and we are also consolidating offices             expect the percentage of sales from new titles           favorable results, in confectionary we will          year, when the spread of COVID-19 had an            period for establishing a foundation, the next          positive factor within organizational units.
       in South Korea and Spain. We expect these                   to increase, and we will record initial expenses                                                              effect on the production and release of visual      Mid-term Plan will start from April 2022. Cur-          Employees will be able to take the initiative
       initiatives to further activate communication               associated with the launch of major titles on                                                                 products as well as the launch schedules for        rently, deliberations regarding the strategies          in addressing strategies that they have deter-
       within Units.                                               an upfront basis.                                                                                             visual and music packaged products. Looking         are reaching the most important stage, and in           mined based on thorough discussions.
           The IP Production Unit is also advancing                    In network content, as with home video                                                                    at visual products from SUNRISE, Mobile Suit        the formulation of the next Mid-term Plan,                  In the next Mid-term Plan, in addition to
                                                                                                                                                                                 Gundam Hathaway, a theatrical product, has          rather than goals for three years in the future,        our business strategies, we will also redefine
                                                                                                                                                                                 been highly evaluated, and box-office revenues      which will be the final year of the Mid-term            BANDAI NAMCO’s presence in a sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                                 surpassed ¥2.0 billion in early August. Also,       Plan, we are focusing on what challenges we             society. In other words, we will redefine our
                                                                                                                                                                                 Love Live! Superstar!!, the new title in the        will need to address over the next three years          starting point — how the BANDAI NAMCO
                                                                                                                                                                                 Love Live! series, was broadcast on NHK Edu-        in order to foster continued growth for the             Group can fulfill our social responsibilities by
                                                                                                                                                                                 cational TV from July and has become a focus        BANDAI NAMCO Group for five or 10 years                 working together with society, fans, and other
                                                                                                                                                                                 of attention. Accordingly, the entire Unit will     into the future. A stable foundation is necessary       stakeholders. I would like to ask for everyone’s
                                                                                                                                                                                 work to create buzz through visual, music, and      to support initiatives to take on the challenge         continued support of the BANDAI NAMCO
                                                                                                                                                                                 live event initiatives.                             of growth, and accordingly we will steadily             Group as we move forward.
                                                                                                                                                                                     We will strive to bolster IP creation by not    implement defensive measures from a variety
                                                                                                                                                                                 only working with in-house studios but also         of perspectives, including systems and finance.
                                                                                                                                                                                 collaborating actively with external partners.      At the same time, in areas where we need to
         ELDEN RING, a highly anticipated major title                                Vital Bracelet Digivice V, produced                                                        We will aim to increase IP value by developing      go take a proactive approach, we will imple-
                     ©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / ©2021 FromSoftware, Inc.      in collaboration with the latest                                                           the IP for visual and music packaged products       ment aggressive, finely tuned initiatives. In
                                                                                      Digimon: Digital Monsters anime
                                                                                                                                                                                 and also taking on the challenge of other roll-     addition, in formulating strategies, I have
                                                                                                                              Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway,
                                                                                                                                                                                 out methods. One of those is game licensing         requested that everyone hold thorough discus-
                                                                                                                               a theatrical product                              revenues, which made a contribution in the          sions at each worksite in order to reconfirm

   2    BANDAI NAMCO NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    September 2021            3
Leveraging the distinctive strengths of the BANDAI NAMCO Group to make a strong start in what will be an important year leading up to the next ...

                                                                                                                                                                                number of products on a short cycle, from          conducted among three companies — BANDAI
       Record high results in the Toys and Hobby business
                                                                                                                                                                                several months to a year. In contrast, the         CO., LTD., BANDAI SPIRITS CO., LTD., and
       Aiming for further growth through synergies among businesses                                                                                                             Digital business develops and manages a            BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. Each of
                                                                                                                                                                                single title over a long period of time measured   the three companies set themes related to its
    In April 2021, the BANDAI NAMCO Group reorganized its Units for the next
                                                                                                                           Going forward, we will strive to create these        in units of several years. The purpose of com-     own products, and proposals were recruited from
    Mid-term Plan. In this section, Kazuhiro Takenaka, president and representative
                                                                                                                           types of IP that leverage the distinctive            bining these businesses is not to make these       all employees. The plans that were submitted
    director of BANDAI CO., LTD., which oversees the Toys and Hobby business in
                                                                                                                           strengths of the Toys and Hobby business.            different characteristics completely the same.     were publicly shared among the three compa-
    the newly created Entertainment Unit, discusses the current circumstances and
                                                                                                                                                                                Rather, each will strive to learn from and         nies, and officers and employees could vote for
    future outlook in the Toys and Hobby business.
                                                                                                                           The business is also devoting efforts                leverage the other’s strengths. For the Digital    the proposals they like. By creating a venue for
                                                                                                                           to sales and marketing initiatives that              business I think that gathering information        employees of the three companies to freely
    Please discuss the effect of COVID-19                   What is the status of new IP initiatives?                      utilize digital technologies.                        about the IP in the Toys and Hobby business        exchange ideas, this program became an oppor-
    and the current results in the Toys and                 Takenaka: We are working to quickly create                     Takenaka: COVID-19 has had an influence,             and a sense of speed will provide motivation.      tunity to deepen mutual understanding.
    Hobby business.                                         products based on new IP from other compa-                     and the pace of digitalization throughout soci-      And for the Toys and Hobby business too, I
    Takenaka: In FY2021.3, in the Toys and                  nies, such as Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba,                  ety has accelerated. The Toys and Hobby              think that further growth will result from a
    Hobby business, the suspension of operations            Disney: Twisted-Wonderland, and Jujutsu                        business is also working aggressively in pro-        deeper understanding of the Digital business,
    at amusement facilities due to the spread               Kaisen. In addition to toys, these efforts have                motions with online elements and in e-commerce.      which rolls out a single product for an
    of COVID-19 had an effect on prizes for                 also produced a large number of hits in related                The mature fan base has a strong affinity for        extended period of time on a worldwide basis.
    amusement facilities, digital card games, etc.,         products.                                                      online initiatives, and 700,000 fans participated        To foster integration, we are actively                                                                                      Kazuhiro Takenaka,
    especially in the first quarter.                            The business division in charge of prizes                  in one of our online events over a period of three                                                                                                                 President and Representative Director,
                                                                                                                                                                                advancing personnel exchanges among busi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 BANDAI CO., LTD.
        On the other hand, we quickly strengthened          and lottery-related products, which have a                     days. The merits of online events include the        nesses. For example, from April, under a Group
    sales and marketing initiatives leveraging digital      rapid business cycle, has been gathering infor-                fact that anyone can participate easily. As a        initiative, there has been personnel exchange
    technologies, and as a result we secured demand         mation about new IP from a wide range of                       result, we have been able to connect with new        among executives from BANDAI SPIRITS CO.,
    associated with people staying at home. Prod-           sources, and has rapidly commercialized new                    customers as well as dormant customers.              LTD., and BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
    ucts for the mature fan base, such as Gundam            products. Its methods of gathering information                     On the other hand, real events have a special    Inc. Also from June an idea contest was
    plastic models and collectible items, recorded          are also being adopted by other business com-                  ability to create buzz among the participants.
    favorable results around the world. In addition,        panies and divisions. The Toys and Hobby                       With a focus on the period after COVID-19,
    in Japan popularity was enjoyed by products             business has a variety of outlets, such as toys,               we will conduct effective hybrid promotions             Implementing organizational restructuring to expand overseas business
    utilizing new IP and by related products, such          figures, plastic models, toy confectionary and                 that leverage the merits of both online and
    as confectionary. As a result, overall the Toys         foods, capsule toys, card games, apparel, and                  real events.                                         What is the situation with                         restructuring. In China, plans call for the com-   Toy Store facilities, and official shops for
    and Hobby business achieved record-high net             daily use sundries. By working together and                                                                         overseas initiatives?                              bination of the company handling the Digital       ichibankuji lottery-related products. In these
    sales and operating profit.                             acting quickly, the Toys and Hobby business                    The Toys and Hobby business and the                  Takenaka: China and North America have             business and the company handling the Toys         ways, we will strive to make a contribution
        In the first three months of FY2022.3, our          is able to provide products at the optimal                     Digital business have been combined                  been positioned as focus regions. In China,        and Hobby business in January 2022. Also, in       to Groupwide results.
    results were led by businesses that continued           timing, ranging from young customers to the                    into a single Unit.                                  in May we put a life-sized Freedom Gundam          North America, the Group will combine the
    to enjoy favorable performances, and busi-              mature fan base. I believe that these compre-                  Takenaka: In a general sense, the Toys and           statue on display in Shanghai, and in conjunc-     company handling the Toys and Hobby busi-          What are your policies toward work?
    nesses that were affected by COVID-19 in the            hensive abilities and speed are a major                        Hobby business and the Digital business are          tion with that event, we opened our second         ness for specialty retail shops and the company    Takenaka: As someone in a field related to
    same period of the previous fiscal year recov-          strength of the Toys and Hobby business.                       in the same market — entertainment — but             Gundam plastic model flagship shop in Shang-       handling the Toys and Hobby business for           manufacturing, I place the highest priority on
    ered. Consequently, we achieved record-high                 In addition, looking at in-house IP, we have               there are major differences in the features of       hai. The response has been positive. In            large-scale retailers. Through these reorgani-     making products that delight customers. Prod-
    net sales and operating profit for the first three      hit products in the field of entertainment con-                the products that they offer. For example, the       addition, Ultraman and KAMEN RIDER prod-           zations, we will aim for business growth over      ucts that customers enjoy lead to motivation
    months of a fiscal year.                                fectionary, such as Charapaki and Tsurigumi.                   Toys and Hobby business turns over a large           ucts are also popular, and moving forward we       the medium to long term in each region.            for employees, and as a consequence, to results
                                                                                                                                                                                will aim to further expand sales.                                                                     for the Group. That motivation then leads to
                                                                                                                                                                                    In North America, business for the mature      What is the outlook for the second                 the creation of further products that customers
                                                                                                                                                                                fan base is recording favorable growth. In the     half and thereafter?                               enjoy. The entire Toys and Hobby business
                                                                                                                                                                                previous period, we succeeded in introducing       Takenaka: From the second half, new                will work together and do our utmost so that
                                                                                                                                                                                products in large-scale retailers, including       KAMEN RIDER and Demon Slayer: Kimetsu              we can create this type of favorable cycle.
                                                                                                                                                                                Target. Gundam plastic models were intro-          no Yaiba programs will start. Furthermore,
                                                                                                                                                                                duced in about 3,000 stores, and Gundam and        plans call for the latest theatrical version of
                                                                                                                                                                                DRAGON BALL figures in about 4,000 stores.         DRAGON BALL SUPER to open in 2022. For
                                                                                                                                                                                Also, favorable results are currently being        this type of IP from other companies, we will
                                                                                                                                                                                recorded by a Digimon: Digital Monsters            step up our efforts in the planning and devel-
                                                                                                                                                                                trading card game, a new initiative. In these      opment of high-quality products, based on
                                                                                                                                                                                ways, we are seeing new progress.                  strong partnerships with rights holders. In
                                                                                                                                                                                    For the BANDAI NAMCO Group to record           addition, we will also actively work in col-
                                                                                                                                                                                continued growth, we must strengthen busi-         laboration with other Group Units in the
      Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba — DX Nichirin Sword              2020 Events                                               DIGIMON CARD GAME BOOSTER
                    ©吾峠呼世晴/集英社・アニプレックス・ufotable                         GUNPLA EXPO 2020 (above),                                  BATTLE OF OMNI [BT05]                        ness operations around the world. To that          creation and nurturing of IP and in business
                                                                        TAMASHII NATION 2020 (below)                                  ©Akiyoshi Hongo, Toei Animation           end, the Group is advancing organizational         roll-outs, such as with Kyoukai Senki, Capsule
                                                                                 ©創通・サンライズ ©ダイナミック企画
                                                                           Voltron TM & © WEP, LLC. All rights reserved.

4    BANDAI NAMCO NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           September 2021         5
Leveraging the distinctive strengths of the BANDAI NAMCO Group to make a strong start in what will be an important year leading up to the next ... Leveraging the distinctive strengths of the BANDAI NAMCO Group to make a strong start in what will be an important year leading up to the next ... Leveraging the distinctive strengths of the BANDAI NAMCO Group to make a strong start in what will be an important year leading up to the next ... Leveraging the distinctive strengths of the BANDAI NAMCO Group to make a strong start in what will be an important year leading up to the next ... Leveraging the distinctive strengths of the BANDAI NAMCO Group to make a strong start in what will be an important year leading up to the next ... Leveraging the distinctive strengths of the BANDAI NAMCO Group to make a strong start in what will be an important year leading up to the next ... Leveraging the distinctive strengths of the BANDAI NAMCO Group to make a strong start in what will be an important year leading up to the next ...
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