Page created by Grace Terry

                                                       Welcome to Southeast Technical Institute! We’re glad you’re here!

                                                       We know it takes more than classroom experiences and training
                                                       to finish your degree. It takes the support of family, friends,
                                                       instructors, and many others.

                                                       As you begin preparing for your career here at Southeast Tech,
                                                       we want you to know that the staff in the Student Success Center
                                                       is here to assist you in achieving your educational goals as well.
                                                       We encourage you to make the most of the services we provide.

                                                       Whether you are in need of academic or personal counseling
                                                       services, registration, course or program information, resource
                                                       materials, tutoring assistance, job placement, childcare, books
                                                       and supplies, or special accommodations, we are here to help
                                                       you. On the next page of this booklet is a list of these resources
                                                       and how to contact the people who can give you the assistance
                                                       you need. Please take advantage of these opportunities.

                                                       Your success at Southeast Tech is very important to us! We want
                                                       you to know that we are here to support you in whatever ways
                  Jim Rokusek
                                                       we can.
              Director of Students
                                                       Thanks for choosing Southeast Tech – have a great year!

                                                       Jim Rokusek
                                                       Director of Students

    Table of Contents
    Welcome.......................................... page 1          Business Office.................................. page 10
    New Student Checklist.................... page 2                  Library ............................................... page 10
    Telephone Directory........................ page 2                Apartments....................................... page 10
    Financial Aid..................................... page 3         Immunizations.................................. page 10
    Support Services.............................. page 4             Campus Safety................................ page 11
    Scarbrough Center Childcare....... page 4                         Campus Map................................... page 12
    Academic Credits........................... page 5                Scholarships...................................... page 13
    Student Life....................................... page 7        Career Center.................................. page 13
    Laptops............................................. page 9       Career Center Registration Form.. page 14
    Bookstore ......................................... page 9

new student checklist
    To apply for federal financial aid (Pell, SEOG, AC Grants, Stafford loans or workstudy), students need to
    complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) at The FAFSA must be
    completed each year after Federal Income Taxes are completed. Southeast Technical Institute’s school
    code is 008285.

    Southeast Tech offers on-site childcare. The Scarbrough Center (605.367.8444) and the Volunteer and
    Information Center (605.334.6646) can also provide a list of local providers. Students are responsible for
    locating a backup provider in case their provider has an emergency or is ill.

    If you are receiving funds from TANF, WIA, BIA, Voc Rehab, or the military, contact your caseworker and
    inform them of your plans. Meet with our Nontraditional Student Advisor if you are unsure if one of these
    programs may benefit you.

    On-campus housing is available through Southeast Tech. Rental guides for off-campus housing are also
    available in the Student Success Center.

    Be sure to have reliable transportation. Bus schedules for city transportation are available at Southeast.

    Finally, we understand that some individuals are overwhelmed by new situations. Please be aware that if
    you need help at Southeast, the Student Success Center staff is available to assist you.

  telephone directory
Specialty                                                                           Contact                                                   Phone Number
Admissions Specialist - Business/T&I Programs...............Verlainne Hayunga.................................................367.4455
Admissions Specialist - Health Programs........................Mandy Hagen.........................................................367.4236
Admissions Specialist - Health Programs........................Nancy Munson........................................................367.4456
Admissions Specialist - CIS/Electronics............................Scott Dorman...........................................................367.4458
Bookstore............................................................................Megan Ulmer...........................................................367.4448
Childcare Facilities............................................................Tami Skorczewski......................................................367.8444
Director of Students...........................................................Jim Rokusek..............................................................367.6109
Disability Services...............................................................Steve Herr.................................................................367.4450
Financial Aid/Scholarships................................................Lynette Grabowska.................................................367.7867
Housing Manager..............................................................Andrew VanZanten.................................................367.5758
Career Center....................................................................Denise Heidebrink...................................................367.4819
Library..................................................................................Phyllis Kuno...............................................................367.4449
Nontraditional Student Advisor........................................DiAnn Kothe.............................................................367.6110
Personal Counselor............................................................Nicole McMillin.........................................................367.4821
Registrar Officer.................................................................Kristie Vortherms.......................................................367.5688
Security Officer...................................................................John Norberg/Wayne Lemme.............367.4847/941.9003
Student Activities/Organizations.....................................DiAnn Kothe.............................................................367.6110
Student Success Advisor...................................................Elizabeth Harder......................................................367.5835
Student Success Advisor...................................................Jacque Johnson......................................................367.6115
Student Success Advisor...................................................Mark Patterson.........................................................367.5868
Student Success Advisor...................................................LaDonna Zelmer......................................................367.5797
Tutoring................................................................................Tami Kerfeld..............................................................367.5691

financial aid info
    The Title IV school code for Southeast Tech is        5. You will receive an award letter that explains
                                                          the financial aid for which you qualify. Review
                     008285                               your award letter carefully and make sure you
You must be accepted into a program at Southeast          understand the terms of the awards being offered.
Tech before the Financial Aid Office can award            Remember to return a signed copy of your award
financial aid.                                            letter to the Financial Aid Office. If you intend to
                                                          take out loans, additional information will need to
1. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid           be completed. Your award letter will notify you of
(FAFSA) is the form that is used to calculate your        the loans for which you qualify and the amount
financial aid eligibility. You must complete the FAFSA    you are eligible to borrow. The necessary forms will
to apply for federal aid. Use Southeast Tech’s Title IV   be mailed with your award letter. These must be
school code: 008285 when completing it. There are         completed and returned to the Financial Aid Office.
no fees required in the application process.
                                                          6. All first-time borrowers attending Southeast
• You may submit your FAFSA on the web at                 Tech must complete Entrance Counseling online You will need a Personal                  at This is required even
  Identification Number (PIN) for you and one for         if students have previously completed Entrance
  your parent before completing the FAFSA on the          Counseling at a different institution.
  web. These may be applied for at
                                                          7. Financial aid funds are not dispersed in advance
• The Renewal FAFSA on the web is available               for purchase of books. Therefore, STUDENTS MUST
  for returning students who want to reapply for          BUDGET TO BUY BOOKS PRIOR TO THOSE DATES.
  financial aid.                                          Book expenses are calculated in educational costs.
                                                          If you will have excess financial aid after all your
2. Submit your application as soon after January 1st
                                                          institutional costs are paid in full, you may be able to
as possible. Be aware of deadlines. Some funds are
                                                          charge your books purchased at the STI Bookstore.
limited and are awarded on a first-come, first-served
                                                          Please check with the Financial Aid Office to see if
basis. Plan to prepare your federal income tax early.
                                                          you qualify.
3. You will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) after
                                                          8. If a student receives additional educational
you submit your FAFSA. If you have not received
                                                          assistance (i.e. scholarships, Vocational
your SAR within three weeks, check your application
                                                          Rehabilitation, Veteran’s Benefits, WIA, etc.) it is the
status at 800.433.3243. Review your SAR and if
                                                          student’s responsibility to notify the Financial Aid
corrections need to be made, contact the Financial
                                                          Office. Southeast Tech reserves the right to adjust
Aid Office for further instructions. If there are no
                                                          financial aid based on award changes or additional
corrections to be made, keep the report for your
                                                          information received by the Financial Aid Office.
records. The report is automatically transmitted
electronically to Southeast Tech if you have listed
the Title IV school code 008285 on the FAFSA.             Workstudy Opportunities On Campus
                                                          The Federal Work-Study Program (FWS) provides
4. Southeast Tech may need to request additional          on-campus employment for students with financial
information or forms. Make sure you respond               need, as defined by the Department of Education. To
promptly to avoid delays in receiving your financial      qualify for FWS, students must first file the FAFSA.
aid. At least one out of three applications is selected
for review by the Department of Education in a            Jobs are posted outside the Financial Aid Office or
process called Verification. If your application is       can be viewed online at If hired,
selected, don’t be alarmed. The process may               students must complete all necessary paperwork
require you to provide Southeast Tech with copies         before beginning work. Students will need their
of your and your parent(s) signed federal tax forms,      Drivers’ License, Social Security card, and a voided
W-2 forms, and a verification worksheet. Comply           check.
with the request promptly. Southeast Tech cannot
                                                          Please contact the Financial Aid Office for more
award financial aid until verification is complete.
                                                          information or if you have any questions.
support services
Counseling                                               that allows parents to visit at any time. Parents are
                                                         also encouraged to be part of this program through
Southeast Tech offers free professional counseling
                                                         daily contact, meal times, special events, field trips,
services to meet the different needs of students         individual planning for their child, and conferences.
on campus. Personal counseling is available when         The center is staffed with well-educated and trained
life’s issues get in the way of academic success.        individuals that follow developmentally appropriate
Counseling services are located in the Student           practices.
Success Center of the Mickelson Building.
                                                         Students who would like to enroll their children in the
Nontraditional Student Services                          Scarbrough Center should contact the Center directly
                                                         at 367.8444.
Southeast Tech offers special supportive services for
a wide variety of nontraditional students: individuals
in training programs that are nontraditional for their
                                                         Student Support
gender, single parents, displaced homemakers,            Southeast provides free learning assistance to
                                                         qualifying full and part time students and helps
dislocated workers, students not coming directly
                                                         them enter and complete courses in their respective
out of high school, or those who are unsure of their
                                                         programs. A Disability Services Coordinator develops
career interests and abilities. Individual, personal,    and implements activities and services for Southeast
and academic counseling are designed to help             students with special needs. These services include
these students adjust to the transitions associated      adaptive assistance for the deaf, physically
with returning to school.                                impaired, and learning disabled students. Southeast
                                                         provides students with a comprehensive support
Scarbrough Center Childcare Facility                     program in these skill areas:
Southeast Tech has
a state licensed                                         • Assessment of basic academic skills, career
childcare facility                                         aptitudes and interests
                                                         • Interpretation of test results by skilled career
on campus to
                                                           counselors, admission specialists, and faculty
assist parents in
finding affordable                                       • A variety of preparatory courses in reading,
daycare while                                              mathematics, writing, keyboarding, and study skills
attending classes.                                       • Peer tutoring for enrolled students in basic skills
Enrollment at the                                          and career technical courses
Scarbrough Center                                        • Instruction in English as a Second Language for
is limited, so early                                       qualifying students
child registration                                       • Assistance with job placement
for a semester is                                        • Assistance with GED preparation through the
                                                           Learning Center located in the Mickelson Center
encouraged. Only
children of Southeast students and staff are eligible
to attend the Scarbrough Center.
The Scarbrough Center provides care and education
to children ages 4 weeks to 10 years. The center
provides a hands-on, inclusive, child-size environment
that promotes a child’s social, emotional, cognitive
and physical development. The Scarbrough Center is
a community Head Start site and is also a United Way
Partner Agency.

The Scarbrough Center has an open-door policy

you deserve some credit
Transfer of Credits to Southeast
Southeast Tech will accept credits from any post           These examinations may be oral, written, or a
secondary institution accredited by one of the major       combination of both. In addition to the exam, a skill
regional accrediting associations, e.g., The Higher        demonstration may be required. Persons who wish to
Learning Commission, North Central Association.            obtain credit through a formal Southeast exam may
Acceptance of transfer credits is contingent upon          obtain information from a Student Success Center
the student having completed the course or                 advisor. These credits are not used in determining
courses with a grade of “C” or better, and that in         grade point average or credit loads for financial aid.
the judgment of the registrar, the course credit and
                                                           College Level Examination Program
content is similar to that contained in the Southeast
course for which advanced standing by transfer is          Credit will be granted for passing the College Level
being requested. Granting of such credit is entirely       Examination Program (CLEP) exams, either the
at the discretion of the registrar and department          General Exams or the Subject Exams. Credits may
faculty members.                                           be used for appropriate required courses or elective
                                                           credits in either Associate in Applied Science Degree
Prospective applicants wishing advanced standing
                                                           or Vocational Diploma programs. Grades are not
by transfer credit should request an evaluation of
their official transcript(s) of courses taken at their     recorded when an exam is passed, and do not count
previous school(s). This request should be made at         toward financial aid credit loads.
the time of application for admission. The student         A person who wishes to obtain credit through CLEP
will be notified of credits granted. Transferred credits   exams should discuss the situation with a Southeast
are not used in determining grade point average or         Student Success Center advisor.
credit loads for financial aid. The maximum number
of credits granted for any course cannot exceed            Transfer of Credits Between Programs
the Southeast credit standard for a similar course.        Courses are transferable from one program to
                                                           another with Associate Degree courses generally
Credit may be allowed toward an Associate in               transferable to other Associate Degree programs or
Applied Science Degree or Vocational Diploma.              to Vocational Diploma programs, and Vocational
In some cases, credit may be granted for                   Diploma courses transferable to other Vocational
military service school courses. Students must             Diploma programs. Students considering such a
submit documents containing specific credit                credit transfer should consult a Student Success
recommendations from their service school training         advisor to determine which credits will or will not
at the time of admission.                                  transfer.

Credit By Examination                                      Add/Drop Course First Week
                                                           Occasionally, students wish to change classes or
                                                           discontinue a course. Students are able to add
                                                           and drop classes via the STInet. Students adding
                                                           a course after the first week of school must obtain
                                                           permission from the new instructor and fill out the
                                                           form above. Students dropping a course after
                                                           the add/drop period receive no refund for the
                                                           dropped course. (See Terminating Enrollment for
                                                           refunds associated with termination of enrollment.)
                                                           Students who discontinue a course without following
                                                           official procedures may receive a grade of “F.” No
                                                           withdrawal will be permitted during the last four weeks
A person may be eligible to receive credit
                                                           of the semester (two weeks in summer).
by examination for Southeast Tech courses.

Terminating Enrollment                                        Dakota technical institutes for those course(s) that
                                                              have common numbers and titles.
Students who wish to discontinue attending
                                                            • All articulation agreements between secondary
Southeast must file a Termination Form with
                                                              schools and the technical institutes reflect only the
the Student Success Center and meet with an
                                                              transferability of credit between these agencies
academic advisor. Students are also advised to
                                                              and not necessarily with state universities.
meet with personnel from the Business Office and
                                                              Transferable general education courses must
Financial Aid prior to terminating enrollment. Refunds
                                                              meet CLEP, dual credit or advanced placement
on tuition vary, based on the date the student
                                                              requirements in order to be articulated to the
submits a termination form. If a student leaves
                                                              technical institutes.
Southeast, it’s important to file the Termination Form
with the Student Success Center in order to receive
the maximum refund allowed.                                 Student Success Advisors
                                                            All Southeast Tech students are assigned a Student
High School Articulation Agreements                         Success Advisor. These advisors serve as institutional-
Southeast Tech has articulation agreements with             level advisors, helping students with institutional as
high schools in South Dakota, Minnesota, and                well as personal issues and concerns.
Iowa. Articulation agreements make it possible for
                                                            In addition, all new students to Southeast Tech are
students to receive credit for Southeast Tech courses,
                                                            required to complete a Student Success Seminar
if they have successfully completed certain high
                                                            course taught by a Student Success Advisor. This
school course work. Credit is awarded based on
                                                            course develops student academic success skills,
the competencies the student has mastered in high
                                                            assists students in connecting with other students on
school courses, academic performance, portfolio
                                                            campus, and instructs students on what Southeast
review, or the results of a written examination or skill
                                                            Tech services are available to them. The course also
test. Southeast Tech’s staff will make every effort
                                                            shows students how to access required processes
to inform students about articulation agreements;
                                                            (validation, tuition and fee payment, registration,
however, it is the student’s responsibility to request
                                                            etc.), how to use the STInet student site to look up
advanced standing credit. Contact Anna Fischer at
                                                            important institutional information, and encourages
367.5467 or with any
                                                            students to complete their course and program at
                                                            Southeast Tech. Students who have successfully
• All students enrolled under the articulation              completed a minimum of 9 post-secondary credits
  agreement shall meet the admissions standards as          with a 2.0 or higher GPA are not required to take the
  established by the post- secondary institute for that     seminar course.
  particular program.
• The student must have completed the high school           Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
  course within the last three years.                       Students who earn a grade of 3, 4 or 5 on an AP
• For a student to articulate courses after the three       exam may be eligible for credit. Students must
  year time limit, an assessment of skill mastery will be   complete the AP exam in order to receive credit.
  required.                                                 Contact the Admissions office for additional
• A minimum of “B” average (3.0) in the course(s) to        information.
  be articulated is required.
• No grade will be assigned for articulated credit.
  These courses will not be counted in determining
  the student’s post-secondary grade point
• Credits articulated will count toward the total
  number needed for graduation from the program.
• Tuition is not charged for articulated credits.
• Articulation agreements will be reviewed on an
  annual basis as well as during the program review
  cycle at the post-secondary level.
• Articulated courses may be honored by all South

student                              Student Organizations
                                     Campus student organizations
                                                                            of information technology
                                                                            partnerships to provide education

                                     enhance the education offered          and benefits to its members.
                                     in classes with competitions, guest    The organization also works with
                                     speakers, tours, and other forms of    industry to assist in the overall
                                           learning more about career       promotion and direction of
                                           fields. While at Southeast       information technology. AITP
                                           Tech, plan to participate        Student Chapter members have
                                           in one or more of these          the opportunity to attend monthly
                                           organizations.                   meetings with professionals in
                                                                            the community who work in
                                           American Institute of Graphic    information technology fields.
                                           Art (AIGA)
                                           AIGA at Southeast Tech is        Business Students Club (BSC)
                                           a college-level chapter of       BSC is the organization for
                                           the professional association     students in Business, Marketing,
                                           for design in the US. Through    Accounting, Financial Services,
Student Activities                         AIGA, students have the          and other business-related areas.
Campus life wouldn’t be complete     opportunity to learn more about        BSC provides experience in
without activities to share with     the Graphics industry from             leadership, organization, planning
others at school. For that reason,   professionals in the field, as well    and communication. This is done
a variety of activities are held     as through quarterly newsletters,      through a program of professional,
on campus for all students.          monthly meetings, and field trips.     social, civic, and fund raising
Some activities in the past have     AIGA membership is open to             activities. BSC also participates in
included: Intramural volleyball,     any student at Southeast who is        state and national conferences
bowling and basketball, speakers     interested in learning more about      which provides opportunites
on campus, entertainment events,     careers in design. Go online to        for travel, student competition,
and informational seminars. for more details.         professional growth, and fun
Graduation is Southeast Tech’s                                              activities.
biggest event of the year with a     Animation Technology Artisans
school-wide open house before        (ATA)                                  Civil Engineering Technology
commencement exercises.              The purpose of this group is to        Student Organization
                                     encourage Digital Media students       This organization was formed to
Student Government Association       at Southeast Tech to join together     promote the personal, ethical,
(SGA)                                for the purpose of maintaining         educational and professional
Other student activities are         the indentity and quality of Digital   development responsibilities of the
put together by the Student          Media students and provide             Southeast Tech Civil Engineering
Government Association. SGA was      the continuing educational             students. These objectives are
originally formed as a sounding      development, improvement and           developed through student
board for student concerns, but      expansion of the Digital Media         organized, student developed
along the way, they also showed      program and profession for the         and student run meetings. In
students how to have a little fun.   betterment of the motion graphics      addition to regular meetings, guest
SGA activities during the year       and animation industry. ATA will       speakers from the civil engineering
include Fall and Spring picnics,     strive to encourage camaraderie        community are invited to speak
blood drives, and community          between students and provide a         to the group each month.
service events. Throughout           means to interact with local and       Students are involved in campus
the year, SGA members also           regional professionals.                development and local non-profit
participate in a wide range of                                              survey projects for community
campus and community activities.     Association of Information             enhancement. They develop
Representatives who serve on SGA     Technology Professionals (AITP)        things such as city and campus
are selected from every program      AITP is designed for students          park improvements, layout of ball
area. In total, about 70 students    planning careers in information        fields, golf courses, etc.
serve the campus through SGA.        systems or related fields. AITP is
                                     dedicated to using the synergy
Construction Management Student        Professional Landscape Network          involved with projects that benefit
Organization                           (PLANET)                                the chapter, the campus, and the
This organization was formed to        This is a national professional         community.
promote the personal, ethical,         organization ideal for Horticulture
educational and professional           students. A national seminar in         Society of Nuclear Medicine
development responsibilities of        Louisville and a competition/job        Student Chapter
the Southeast Tech Construction        placement fair is held on a rotating    To encourage nuclear medicine
Management students. These             basis for members of PLANET.            students at Southeast Tech to join
objectives are developed through       Participants mesh with industry         together in an organization within
student organized, student             representatives which may lead to       the Missouri Valley Chapter and
developed and student run              job or internship placement. On a       the Society of Nuclear Medicine,
meetings. In addition to regular       local level, students participate in    Inc. for the purpose of maintaining
meetings, guest speakers from          field trips, community service, and     the identity and quality of nuclear
the construction community are         team building activities.               medicine students and providing
invited to speak to the group each                                             the continuing development,
month. One of the highest priorities   Skills USA                              improvement and expansion of
is promoting industry involvement.     This is the professional club for       nuclear medicine technology for
                                       students in trade, industrial, and      the betterment of health services.
Dakota Turf-Golf Course                health occupations. Membership
Superintendent’s Association of        in SkillsUSA offers students            Southeast Tech Student HVAC
America (GCSAA)                        opportunities to participate in         Association
Students enrolled in Sports Turf       activities as well as to compete in     The American Society of Heating,
Management at Southeast                their vocational area at the local,     Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Technical are destined to be           state, and national Skill Olympics.     Engineers is an international
employed in the sports industry        There are also competitions in          technical society dedicated
on golf courses, football fields,      speaking, job interviewing, and job     to improving the quality of life
and other recreational playing         demonstration skills.                   through the advancement of
fields. Members of GCSA will                                                   technology related to heating,
benefit from additional exposure       Society of Electronics Technicians      refrigeration, air conditioning and
to professionals in the industry as    (ISCET) Student Chapter                 ventilation. The Southeast student
they see practical applications of     The purpose of ISCET is to              chapter of ASHRAE provides
their skills.                          encourage and work toward each          students continuing educational
                                       member achieving the rating of          opportunities, including monthly
Electroneurodiagnostic                 Associate Certified Electronics         meetings with demonstrations from
Technology (ENDT) Student              Technician. Participants gain           professionals in the HVAC field.
Organization                           additional technical information
The ENDT Student Orgranization         and have opportunities for              Student Chapter of the South
creates the ability for any            ongoing technical training.             Dakota Home Builder’s Association
enrolled student to become a                                                   (SDHBA)
member. Students have the ability      Society of Manufacturing                The Student Chapter of SDHBA
to increase their knowledge            Engineers (SME)                         is an organization made up of
base from speakers, field trips        SME was formed to promote               students studying to work in the
and professional, educational          interaction between the students        Construction Industry in the areas
ENDT events and seminars. The          in the industrial programs and          of architectural, engineering,
organization strives to encourage      professionals in the manufacturing      or construction technologies.
camaraderie between students           fields. In addition to regular          Members of this organization
and provides a means to                meetings, tours for members are         interact with the SDHBA Chapter
interact with local and regional       arranged to allow students to see       by participating in their activities
professionals. The organization        how their training is put into action   throughout the year. These
references the American Society        in the real world. This also opens      activities include things such as
of Electroneurodiagnostic              up the opportunity for students to      Habitat for Humanity, the Sioux
Technoligists, Inc (ASET).             make contacts with engineers and        Falls Home Show, and the Sioux
                                       employers in the area. Throughout       Falls Parade of Homes. Members
                                       the year, members of SME remain         may also receive scholarships from
                                                                               SDHBA.                               8
sti bookstore
                                                         1. Books may be purchased with cash, check, Visa,
                                                            Mastercard, or Discover.
                                                         2. Payment for textbooks is due at the time of pick-up.
                                                         3. Written authorization must be on file to charge
                                                            to any third party agency (VA, Voc Rehab, etc)

campus laptops
                                                            including businesses or personal trust accounts.
                                                         4. Students should have their schedule available
                                                            when picking up textbooks.
Laptops Included                                         5. Check amounts should not be written out until time
The demand for professionals skilled in technology          of purchase.
has never been greater. Because these new                Book Returns
demands require certain changes in the way we            1. Textbooks may be returned within the semester
deliver your education, you will be utilizing laptop        add/drop period (first week of class).
technology at Southeast Tech. This change in             2. Returns will not be allowed without original receipt.
requirements is being made due to industry’s need        3. Books must be returned in original condition to
for trained professionals who have strong computer          receive a full refund.
skills and experience with industry-specific software.   4. Books purchased in shrink wrap must be returned
All new students entering a laptop program will be          with the shrink wrap intact.
required to purchase a Southeast Tech laptop.            5. Kits, software, medical supplies and special orders
                                                            are not returnable.
                                                         6. Refunds will be paid by check which can be
Laptop Benefits Include
                                                            mailed or picked up. Books charged against credit
• FREE tech support                                         cards or third party agencies will be credited back
• Guaranteed software compatibility                         to the credit card or third party agency.
• 3-year warranty, including onsite repair and
  customer support                                       General Merchandise Returns
• Each laptop is customized for each student with        All returns for general merchandise items must
  software specific to their program                     be made within 15 days of purchase. A receipt is
• Laptop may be financed with Financial Aid if           necessary for all returns. Merchandise must be in
  applicable                                             original condition—i.e. tags attached, unopened,
                                                         unwashed, unworn, etc.
Most laptops, with the exception of Graphic
Communications and Digital Media Production
students, will be a Windows-based PC; however, a
                                                         Student Account Charges
specific model is determined each spring prior to the    1. Students accounts will be available one week
Fall semester. Graphic Communications and Digital           before the start of each semester and through the
Media Production students will have an Apple                end of the add/drop period.
MacBook Pro laptop provided from Southeast Tech.         2. Students with Financial Aid that exceeds their
More information regarding laptop specifications            Tuition and Fee charges will be eligible to charge to
(processor speed, memory, hard drive, etc.) will            their student accounts.
be posted on the Southeast Tech website by               3. Returns will be accepted through the drop/add
May 1, 2011. Questions should be directed to the            period of each semester. Refunds will be processed
STI Helpdesk at 605.367.4461.                               through the Business Office during the regular
                                                            Financial Aid disbursement.
Software, hardware and intranet restrictions don’t
allow Southeast Tech to provide software or support      Hours
for laptops not provided by Southeast Tech. Please       Monday-Wednesday          7:30 am – 5:00 pm
discuss any concerns you may have with the STI           Thursday			               7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Helpdesk.                                                Friday			                 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
9                                                        (Hours may be adjusted when school is not in session)
Contact Information                                    Library features:
Visit us online at:        •   Book Check Out For 1 month
e-mail:                    •   Periodical Check Out For 2 weeks
phone: 605.367.4448                                    •   Computer Lab Area
                                                       •   STI library accessible through Internet at
Please note: During the beginning of the semester,
we suggest you stop in or use the website for          •   Full-text periodical databases
textbook information. When there are lines at the      •   Nationwide job search capabilities
checkouts, we are unable to take immediate             •   Argus Leader newspaper index
requests for textbook information.                     •   Access to all Sioux Falls Libraries through South

business office
                                                           Dakota Library Network
                                                       •   Great selection of program-related materials
                                                       •   Periodical selection which supports all program
                                                           areas of instruction
Southeast Tech students can now access a copy of       •   Best-seller and “Oprah’s Book Club” selections
their student account statements, review student       •   Copy machine – 10¢ per copy
account balances and pay student account

balances online. To pay online using CASHNet, follow
these steps:

1. Log on to STInet and go to the Students tab.
2. Click on the My Student Account link (located on
   the left hand side of the Students tab).
3. Click the Go to CASHnet link in the upper right     The STI Housing
   corner.                                             Foundation opened
4. Click on the Pay link next to the listed dollar     on-campus student
   amount.                                             apartments in Fall 2003.
5. To pay a partial amount, select the Edit tab and    The facilities house 200
   change the payment amount.                          Southeast Tech students.
6. To pay the full amount, select Checkout.            For more information on
7. Follow on-screen information to enter payment       Student Housing, please
   information.                                        contact Admissions at
8. An email receipt confirmation will be sent when     605.367.6040.
   payment is complete.
                                                       Area housing information is available in Student

                                                       Success Center to assist students in finding housing.
                                                       For students who are new to the area, Sioux Falls
                                                       maps may also be obtained through the Admissions
Southeast Tech has a
full-service library located
in the Student Success
Center which offers the
following services to
students:                                              Southeast Tech requires that ALL incoming students
                                                       submit proof of two doses of the MMR (measles,
Hours                                                  mumps, rubella) vaccine. Southeast Tech recom-
Monday–Thursday		         7:00 am to 8:30 pm           mends the Hepatitis B series and Meningitis immuni-
Friday			                 7:00 am to 4:00 pm           zation. Students entering Allied Health programs are
Saturday			               10:00 am to 2:00 pm          required to have additional immunization protec-
(closed on holiday weekends and during student         tion. Please see the Health and Human Services
breaks)                                                Handbook for additional information.

campus safety tips
Protect Yourself Against Identity Theft                  responsible for the remaining payments on your
                                                         lease agreement.
Unfortunately ID theft is becoming an issue on
                                                         Southeast Tech highly recommends that you
college campuses across this country. Employers
                                                         insure your laptop against damage, loss, or theft,
now routinely check credit reports, and an
                                                         which can usually be done through a rider on a
undetected identity theft during the college years       homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy.
can do great harm to your credit.
While nothing is fool-proof, you can reduce your         On-Campus Security
chances of becoming a victim just by being aware         In an attempt to provide an excellent learning
and a little more careful. Here are some things you      environment, Southeast Tech provides for on-
can do:                                                  campus security to maintain our excellent safety
                                                         and security levels for our students, staff, and visitors.
•   Guard your mail                                      Three fully certified law enforcement officers are on
•   Use US Postal mailbox for outgoing mail              duty, on campus. One of these officers is stationed
•   Opt out of pre-approved credit card offers           in the student apartments during night hours. This
•   Deep-six the junk mail                               officer works closely with the Housing Manager and
•   Limit your number of credit or debit cards           Assistant Manager to provide a safe, peaceful living
•   Find a safe place for valuables                      environment in which students can study and grow.
•   Keep financial papers private                        This officer may be contacted at 605.941.9003.
•   If SSN is on Drivers License, have it changed
•   Get your credit report regularly. You can get a      Tips for Safe Apartment Living
    FREE credit report at This
                                                         • Only admit your own visitors to the residence halls
    is the ONLY approved website where you can
                                                         • Make sure outside doors of residence halls shut
    get credit reports from the three credit reporting
                                                           securely behind you
    companies: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion
                                                         • Do not loan your room key to anyone
•   When you’re out, keep your purse or wallet close
                                                         • Always lock your apartment room even if you are
•   Safeguard your computer
                                                           going to be gone for just a few minutes
•   Be cautious with public computers
                                                         • Be sure to lock your doors at night
•   Be smart about sharing personal info on the web
                                                         • Never open the door for someone you don’t know
•   Look for security when you buy online
                                                         • Always lock your car
•   Protect your PIN
                                                         • Place valuables in the trunk or under the seats –
•   Shred financial/credit papers when possible
                                                           out of view
•   DO NOT list your physical mailing address or your
                                                         • Have your keys in hand before you leave to go to
    phone number on social networking websites
                                                           your car
                                                         • Check your backseat before entering your car
If you think you have been a victim of identity
theft, please contact Campus Security as soon as         Tips for Personal Safety
possible.                                                • If possible, never walk alone at night
                                                         • Be alert to your surroundings and walk with
Laptop Security Tips                                       confidence
Do not leave your laptop unattended, even to go to       • Walk where sidewalks are well lit and well traveled
the bathroom. If you must leave your laptop, ‘lock’      • Trust your gut. If you feel like someone is following
your system to avoid allowing access to strangers.         you, go to a well populated place and call
Placing identifying stickers on your laptop and            Security
power cord is also a good idea. A stolen laptop          • Do not wear a headset when walking on campus
is a criminal offense and must be reported to the        • Know Campus Security’s phone number,
Helpdesk immediately! The Helpdesk will provide            605.941.9003
serial numbers to the appropriate law enforcement
agencies. You will be required to complete a theft       Campus Security is more than happy to provide
report with the police department and will be            escort to anyone who requests it, whenever possible.
campus map
                                     EXIT                          E
                                                               N           S
               T    7
           TREE                                                    W

         ES             1
                             2                             3
                                 4     5                 CAREER AVENU


1. George S. Mickelson Center
2. Sullivan Health/Science Center
3. Ed Wood Trade & Industry Center
4. University Center South/New Tech High
5. Southeast Technology Center
6. Student Apartment Buildings
7. Scarbrough Daycare Center

career center
                                                                                       Welcome to Southeast
                                                                                       Tech from the Campus
                                                                                       Career Center! I’d like
                                                                                       to introduce you to
                                                                                       our office and let you
                                                                                       know that I’m here
                                                                                       to help you with your
                                                                                       employment needs
                                                                                       while attending and
                                                                                       after graduating
                                                                                       from Southeast Tech.

apply for
                                                                                       There are many
                                                                                       excellent part time
                                                                                       and full time job listings

                                                            Denise Heidebrink
                                                              Career Center            called into the Career
                                                              Representative           Center for Southeast
                                                                                       Tech students and
The Southeast Tech Foundation awards over              graduates. Many of the part time jobs have flexible
$100,000 in scholarships to our students. Individual   hours and schedules to fit your particular needs.
awards range from $500 to $2,000 and it’s easy         Since I am a part of the South Dakota Department
to qualify. There are many types of scholarships       of Labor, I have access to listings for hundreds of
available to Southeast Tech students based on          local, statewide, and nationwide job openings.
criteria including academic achievement, financial
need, program area, community involvement and          Whether you are seeking employment immediately
participation in student activities.                   or possibly in the future, complete the attached
                                                       registration form and return it to the Career Center
Southeast Tech Scholarship Applications are            Office. If you are looking for work now, please CALL
available online at      to set up an appointment and we can visit about
from October through mid-March annually. Students      various job possibilities for you. Since there are many
will be considered for all Southeast Tech Foundation   students looking for work, it is important you call to
Scholarships for which they are eligible with one      set up an appointment as soon as possible to assure
simple application and reference form submission.      that a specific time is reserved for you. If you have
Recipients are notified of their awards by early       any questions or if I can be of any assistance, please
May. Funds are placed directly into the students’      call. I look forward to working with you!
Business Office accounts the following fall. Please
contact the Southeast Tech Foundation Office at        Sincerely,
605.367.7464 with questions.                           Denise
                                                       Department of Labor Campus Services
                                                       Student Success Center
            Thousands of dollars in                    Phone: 605.367.4819

        scholarships will be available                 Students who would like to register with the Career
       for Fall of 2011. Don’t miss your               Center should fill out the registration form on the
                                                       next page of this booklet and submit it to the Career
      opportunity. The process is easy                 Center Office in the Student Success Center.
     and the rewards are great! Apply
         online at

career center registration form
Name_______________________________________ Social Security #_____________________________________________
State, Zip__________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number(s)__________________________________________________________________________________________
Male__________________ Female_______________ Date of Birth_________________________________________________
Program of Study at Southeast Tech________________________________________________________________________
List other colleges or technical schools attended____________________________________________________________
Type of work desired_______________________________________________________________________________________
If you are a military veteran, please provide the following information:
Branch of Service__________________________________________________________________________________________
Dates: (M-D-Y)_______________________________ to (M-D-Y)___________________________________________________

LIST 3 MOST RECENT EMPLOYERS: (Beginning with the most recent)

Company Name__________________________________________________________________________________________
Dates: (M-Y)__________________________________ to (M-Y)_____________________________________________________
Job Description___________________________________________________________________________________________
Company Name__________________________________________________________________________________________
Dates (M-Y)__________________________________ to (M-Y)_____________________________________________________
Job Description___________________________________________________________________________________________
Company Name__________________________________________________________________________________________
Dates (M-Y)__________________________________ to (M-Y)_____________________________________________________
Job Description___________________________________________________________________________________________

                            LEAVE CAMPUS
                              TODAY WITHOUT:
                       • Visiting with our vendors who are here today
                       • Touring the campus apartments if you are
                         interested in on-campus housing
                       • Taking your picture ID

2320 N Career Ave • Sioux Falls, SD 57107
Telephone 605.367.7624 or Toll Free 1.800.247.0789
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