Magnetic Analysis Corporation: A global partner that provides quality NDT solutions

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Magnetic Analysis Corporation: A global partner that provides quality NDT solutions
Magnetic Analysis Corporation:
A global partner that provides
quality NDT solutions

  Since being founded in Long Island City, New York, in 1928, Magnetic Analysis Corporation
  (MAC) has grown to become a worldwide leader in the nondestructive testing industry.
  The company developed the very first American made nondestructive testing system using
  electromagnetic principles for the detection of flaws in an assortment of steel products. Since
  then MAC has been a major global source of nondestructive testing (NDT) services and eddy
  current, electromagnetic, flux leakage and ultrasonic inspection systems for testing metals.
  In addition to its headquarters in Elmsford, New York, MAC also has facilities in Ohio and
  Sweden along with subsidiaries, field engineers and experienced representatives all around
  the world ready and willing to provide customers with NDT product solutions.
  Stainless Steel World recently had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. Dudley Boden, MAC’s
  President, about the benefits of being a global company, MAC’s dependable product solutions
  and the company’s goals for the future.

By Candace Allison

4 Stainless Steel World Annual Procurement Report 2016
Magnetic Analysis Corporation: A global partner that provides quality NDT solutions
Careful and thorough installation of
                                                                                                          [ Cover Story ]
a test system in the customer’s plant
is one of the most important services         A global reach
MAC provides. Here, Miles Jing, MAC’s         Boden continued to explain that being
                                                                                              MAC around the world
Field Engineer in China, checks out the       a global company really plays an                Subsidiaries
operation of a 50mm Echomac® UT rotary        important role in supporting customers.         North America: Magnetic Analysis
test during installation at a new pipe mill   By maintaining a strong global presence,        Corporation (MAC) – Main headquarters
in China.                                     whether by a specific subsidiary                UK & Ireland: Magnetic Analysis Ltd.
                                              location or by having a highly-skilled          Italy: Magnetic Analysis Italia, S.r.l.
                                              representative servicing a particular area,     Sweden: Magnetic Analysis Nordic AB (MAN)
                                              MAC is able to assist customers when and        China: MAC Shanghai Representative Office
                                              where they need it most, no matter their        Australia: Magnetic Analysis Australia, Pty. Ltd.
                                              current location. He clarified that in areas
                                              where there isn’t an actual subsidiary          Representative locations
                                              location or affiliated staff, MAC does          South America             Middle East
                                              have a reliable network of independent          Argentina & Brazil        Bahrain, Kuwait,
                                              representatives. These representatives          Chile                     Oman, Qatar & UAE
                                              are unique in the field in that they all
                                              employ engineers and sales people who           Asia                      Europe
                                              are fully capable of installation, service      India                     Spain
                                              and support, exactly as if they were MAC        Indonesia
                                              employees. Many have offices and some                                     Eastern Europe
                                                                                              Japan                     Czech Republic
                                              even have workshop facilities.
                                                                                              Korea                     Romania
                                              Boden maintained there are many
                                              advantages to having staff and                  Taiwan                    Russia
                                              representatives worldwide. For                  Thailand                  Turkey
                                              instance, if one economy in a certain           Vietnam                   Ukraine
                                              area is down, another could be doing
                                              extremely well, helping to balance out
                                              the business’ overall revenue. This is         wherever they have other plants. So
                                              especially important considering that          that’s a huge benefit we are proud to
                                              the current manufacturing industry             offer our customers. In terms of global
                                              has already experienced significant            competitors, a lot of our competition in
                                              consolidation over the past 10 to 15           places like India and China are solely
                                              years and continues to do so more and          local businesses and they sell their
                                              more every day. Looking specifically at        products at a very low price because of
                                              the steel industry, Boden predicts it will     their location. But they don’t offer the
                                              consolidate even further and at a much         quality of product we do. When a steel
                                              faster pace than ever before. For MAC,         company is selling their product locally,
                                              this means it is dealing with the same         often the requirements of testing are
                                              companies time and time again only in          not specified. However, a lot of these
                                              different locations around the world.          companies want to sell into international
                                              “From the customer’s perspective, one          markets and to do that they need to have
                                              of the many advantages is that with            testing equipment that is recognized
                                              MAC they can get a specific product            internationally. Their customers
                                              in the United States and then they can         recognize that if they want to go global
“As a company, the concept at                 easily get that same product in another        themselves, they need a global partner.
Magnetic Analysis Corporation is that         part of the world, such as Russia or           MAC is that global partner.”
we are more than just an equipment
manufacturer. Really to make NDT work
you need both equipment and people;
combining these two things is our
forte and our strength,” explained Mr.
Boden. “We have a larger and more
experienced worldwide field staff than
any other NDT supplier. Our whole
focus is to partner with the customer
to figure out what their real needs are
and what the right equipment is for
their application. Then we work with
them to configure the test system and
make it work in a way that is suitable
and beneficial for them. We aren’t
just selling the customer a piece of          A custom designed helical spinning conveyor system ensures accuracy as tubes are fed
equipment.”                                   into MAC’s new APC (Automatic Pitch Control) full body ultrasonic tube tester.

                                                                            Stainless Steel World Annual Procurement Report 2016              5
Magnetic Analysis Corporation: A global partner that provides quality NDT solutions
[ Cover Story ]
International demand
When asked if there are certain MAC
                                                                                                   MAC product offerings
products that are in more demand in                                                                Technologies:
different areas of that world he answers                                                           • Eddy Current           • Ultrasonic
that it all really depends on a variety                                                            • Flux Leakage           • Multi-Test Systems
of factors such as national economies,
international policies, etc. He detailed
                                                                                                   Ultrasonic testers:
that before the drastic drop in oil prices
                                                                                                   • ECHOMAC®               • ECHOMAC® FD-5
and strict international sanctions were
enforced, Russia was a big location for oil
country tubular goods (OCTG). Because                                                              Eddy current testers:
                                                Test Head for MAC’s first Ultrasonic Phased
of this activity, flux leakage and ultrasonic                                                      • MULTIMAC®              • MINIMAC® 55
                                                Array tester, installed at a bar mill in Italy.
systems were always in demand there.                                                               • MULTIMAC® SM           • VARIMAC®
In other areas like China and India,                                                               • MINIMAC® 50            • ROTOMAC®
                                                only because the product is brand
ultrasonic and eddy current systems are
                                                new, but also because it is a very large
always popular because pressure tubing,                                                            Flux leakage inspection system:
                                                undertaking where the system has to fit
nuclear tubing for power plants and bar                                                            • ROTOFLUX®
                                                into an already existing product line in
applications for the automotive sector
                                                the client’s facility. So there are a lot of
constantly need testing. In fact for MAC,                                                          Additional products:
                                                constraints, making this installation a
its ultrasonic systems are currently its                                                           • COIL PLATFORMS for Eddy Current Systems
                                                challenge but one that MAC is more than
most active product line worldwide, with                                                           • CUSTOM SYSTEMS
                                                capable of completing successfully.
the eddy current systems coming in at a                                                            • DEMAGNETIZERS:
close second.                                                                                      • FEED SYSTEMS & MECHANICAL HANDLING
                                                Dependable product solutions
Currently in the US, MAC is in the                                                                 • MAGNETISM DETECTORS
                                                MAC’s product portfolio can be divided
process of installing, its very first                                                              • ROTARY MECHANICS: For Eddy Current,
                                                into three broad categories: The
Ultrasonic spinning tube test. This                                                                  Ultrasonic and Flux Leakage Systems
                                                ultrasonic systems, which as already
technology is specifically meant for                                                               • TEST BENCHES AND DRIVES:
                                                mentioned are the most popular product
larger diameter products, like bar or
                                                offering, the eddy current systems,                After-sales services:
tubing, when it is too difficult to test
                                                which are often used to detect surface             Highly trained global field engineers can assist
them with rotary testers. In fact, some
                                                defects and flux leakage systems,                  customers with:
customers just prefer the spin tube type
                                                which are used more for carbon steel               • NDT applications
systems due to the simpler design.
                                                applications. Boden clarified that under           • NDT and/or MAC product training for
With this spinning tube test system the
                                                those three broad categories there are                employees
product itself spins past the transducers,
                                                literally hundreds of product variations.          • Product service and/or support on or
which are in a fixed location. This is
                                                Under the ultrasonic category, there                  offsite at the customer’s facility
the opposite of most rotary ultrasonic
                                                are the traditional rotary systems
systems where the transducers spin
                                                but now there are also the phased
around the product. It is an innovative
                                                array and spinning tube test systems.             of test coils that have been designed
new product that MAC is hoping to
                                                Then there are the billet inspection              over the years for specific applications.
install in more plants around the world
                                                systems and even simple but powerful              Many have been developed as a direct
in the near future. Another company
                                                electronics that can be retrofitted into old      solution to a client’s specific problem and
milestone is taking place in Italy where
                                                mechanical systems that still work but            are now available to all customers who
MAC is currently installing, and putting
                                                perhaps need the electronics updated.             may need it. MAC prides itself on being
into operation, its first Ultrasonic
                                                On the eddy current side, MAC offers              able to develop products as a result of
Phased Array system in a customer’s
                                                approximately a hundred different types           a specific client’s request. Through this
plant. This is a huge achievement, not

Ultrasonic APC (Automatic Pitch Control) test heads are raised up
beneath a spinning tube as it passes through the test system. The upper 500mm Echomac® Ultrasonic Tester, part of a large system to test
elements lower onto the tube to maintain its position during the test.  OCTG tube at a mill in Russia.

6 Stainless Steel World Annual Procurement Report 2016
Magnetic Analysis Corporation: A global partner that provides quality NDT solutions
[ Cover Story ]
collaboration, customers get the best
product, such as exactly the right coil, for
what they need to do.
Out of the hundreds of quality products
that MAC offers, Boden wanted to
highlight a few in particular. “We have a
huge range of ultrasonic rotaries that we
offer, starting with those that can test small
tubing or bar up to 50mm diameter and
ranging on up to others that can handle
large diameters up to 500mm. Then we
have dozens of versions in between those
two extremes. No one else offers that wide
range of ultrasonic rotaries anymore.
Many have moved mostly into phased
array ultrasonics, but that isn't always the
best technology. Sure it’s exciting, but
                                                 Magnetic Analysis Nordic’s plant in Östersund, Sweden is one of MAC’s three manufacturing
in practical terms the ultrasonic rotaries
can test products at higher speeds and
detect more types of defects than a typical
phased array system can, so we’ve really
                                                 same customer for 30 to 40 years; many        Future goals
                                                 companies haven’t even been in business       Boden explained that for 2016 and
focused on the rotaries.” He continued,
                                                 for that long! Similarly, the company has     beyond, MAC is working on expansion.
“With that being said, we do now offer
                                                 even had some equipment on lease at           He maintained that it is still in the
a phased array testing system for some
                                                 a client’s facility for 30 years. Because     very early stages, but the company is
of our clients who want that technology.
                                                 of MAC’s field support system, they are       expanding its presence in areas such as
We are flexible and that’s the big thing
                                                 able to keep the product running because      Southeast Asia and Russia for example.
our competitors do not have. They have a
                                                 the customer likes it and it works well for   MAC already has a presence in both
set product offering and you buy strictly
                                                 them and their needs.                         areas, especially Russia, but the aim is
from that. Sure MAC would like to sell you
                                                 “MAC focuses on supporting our                to solidify that presence. For Southeast
something we’ve designed before but
                                                 customers,” stated Boden. “That               Asia the company is expanding the
it’s not the requirement. If what we have
                                                 means providing them with the right           support staff for that location in order to
doesn’t fit we’ll look at how we can modify
                                                 equipment, providing them with the            better serve customers.
it to make it fit for your specific needs.”
                                                 right support to keep that equipment          “What’s key is that in places like the United
All of MAC’s products are made in one
                                                 running and providing them with the           States, Western Europe, etc. the steel
of their ISO 9001certified facilities. Many
                                                 right knowledge to know how to best           business isn’t really growing too much. It’s
of the specific products, especially
                                                 use the product and get the most out          been surprisingly good the last few years,
the ultrasonic rotaries, require a large
                                                 of it so it runs for as long as possible.     and we still do an awful lot of business
number of custom-made parts, so MAC
                                                 Where I see the real value of MAC is our      in those locations, but it’s not where the
has a network of high quality machine
                                                 willingness to work with the clients and      major growth is. The bigger markets are
shops that can precisely manufacture
                                                 come up with the right solution for them      now in China, India, Russia and Southeast
these parts. Once those are completed,
                                                 and our ability to do that anywhere in        Asia. Due to that, we are turning even
MAC employees assemble the final
                                                 the world. That’s our value proposition       more heavily in those directions even
products. Boden detailed that there is no
                                                 really, providing NDT capability to our       though we‘ve been there for a long time.
assembly line as such because most of the
                                                 clients and that involves both equipment      We want to be able to offer customers in
products are so customized and there are
                                                 and support.”                                 those areas even more support.”
so many options available for each model
that the same exact products aren’t rebuilt
over and over again. What works better                                                          Facts & Figures
is a ‘team built’ concept where a group                                                         Company name: Magnetic Analysis
is assigned to work together to build a                                                                            Corporation
particular tester for a certain client.                                                         Years in business: 88 years (Since 1928)
Supporting customers                                                                            headquarters:      103 Fairview Park Drive,
Along with these customizable and                                                                                  Elmsford, New York, 10523
reliable product offerings, MAC also                                                                               USA
provides superior customer service,                                                             Employees at
which is another key to satisfying                                                              headquarters:      Approximately 60 people
customer needs. Boden explained                                                                 Products:          ECHOMAC®,
that even though not everyone around             Field Personnel often attend demonstrations                       MULTIMAC®, MINIMAC
the world knows MAC well, once the               and training at MAC’s Elmsford, NY                                50®, MINIMAC 55®,
company does get a new client they               headquarters. Engineering Manager,                                ROTOFLUX®, VARIMAC®,
keep them for a long time. In a fair             Troy Libby explains a new eddy current                            DEMAGNETIZERS, etc.
number of instances, MAC has had the             rotary, under development.                     Website: 

                                                                               Stainless Steel World Annual Procurement Report 2016            7
Magnetic Analysis Corporation: A global partner that provides quality NDT solutions Magnetic Analysis Corporation: A global partner that provides quality NDT solutions Magnetic Analysis Corporation: A global partner that provides quality NDT solutions Magnetic Analysis Corporation: A global partner that provides quality NDT solutions
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