MAKE A HEALTHY PROFIT - Health, Fitness and Beauty franchises - Business Franchise ...

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MAKE A HEALTHY PROFIT - Health, Fitness and Beauty franchises - Business Franchise ...
      Health, Fitness and
      Beauty franchises
If you enjoy a healthy
lifestyle, looking great
and keeping fit, then
look no further than
franchising to provide
you with a multitude
of exciting business

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MAKE A HEALTHY PROFIT - Health, Fitness and Beauty franchises - Business Franchise ...

                                                                    The health, fitness and beauty industry
          Franchising has been a fantastic format for successful    covers an enormous choice of businesses,
          businesses across these growth areas. People are          ranging from gyms to fitness programs, to
                                                                    hairdressers and a wide range of beauty
          becoming more aware of maintaining a healthy lifestyle,   services including nails, hair removal, and
          and are taking better care of themselves than ever        male grooming.

          before.                                                   Keeping in shape, being healthy and
                                                                    well-groomed can make you feel vibrant
                                                                    and attractive, on the inside and out. Fit
                                                                    and healthy people radiate happiness,
                                                                    self-confidence and vitality. Likewise,
                                                                    owning a customer-focused franchise that
                                                                    helps to promote a sense of well-being and
                                                                    happiness can be just as rewarding, not to
                                                                    mention lucrative!

                                                                    EXPANDING WAISTLINES
                                                                    The number of people who are overweight
                                                                    in Australia continues to rise according to
                                                                    the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
                                                                    The 2011-12 Australian Health Survey - the
                                                                    largest check up on the nation’s health ever
                                                                    undertaken - found that nearly two-thirds
                                                                    (63 per cent) of the population are now
                                                                    classified as overweight or obese.
                                                                    Men are more likely to be overweight or
                                                                    obese (70 per cent) than women (56 per
                                                                    cent) while one quarter (25 per cent) of our
                                                                    children are overweight or obese.
                                                                    With these staggering figures, it’s no
                                                                    wonder that fitness franchises have
                                                                    experienced rapid growth over recent times.
                                                                    BRW’s fast franchise 2012 list is headed by
                                                                    Jetts Fitness which has experienced average
                                                                    growth of 403.3 per cent over three years.
                                                                    Many franchised gyms, in varying formats,
                                                                    have experienced similar success in recent

                                                                    FRANCHISED GYMS –
                                                                    IMPROVE YOUR BOTTOM LINE
                                                                    In recent years, franchised gyms have
                                                                    experienced outstanding success as people
                                                                    become more and more aware of the
                                                                    importance staying active and looking after
                                                                    their physical wellbeing.
                                                                    Added to the mix are 24 hour gyms -
                                                                    catered specifically for our busy lives,
                                                                    single sex gyms and more - and you have
                                                                    a sector of franchising that has boomed
                                                                    across the country and the world.

                                                                    CHECK OUT THE FIGURES!
                                                                    A report released in October 2012 by
                                                                    IBISWorld predicts Australian fitness

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MAKE A HEALTHY PROFIT - Health, Fitness and Beauty franchises - Business Franchise ...
industry revenue of $3 billion in 2012-13.
Australians are expected to spend:
                                               Women have always loved to be pampered          • Having a loyal customer base. It is
• about $1.7 billion on gyms and personal      and preened, and now with ‘man-scaping’           important for a salon to build up a base
  training;                                    rising in popularity it’s men too who like to     of satisfied clients, to ensure repeat visits
• about $380 million on weight-loss            be buffed and waxed – not just their cars!        and attract new customers through good
  services;                                    Just about every aspect of the beauty             word-of-mouth.

• about $292 million on dietary                industry is covered by franchising. From        • Ability to control stock on hand.
  supplements; and                             teeth whitening to cosmetics, hair dressing,      Controlling stock levels, particularly
                                               manicures and pedicures, massages,                hair-care and beauty products, is
• about $121 million on surgery.
                                               waxing, tanning, and all the beauty               important to maintain the liquidity and
The Australian Fitness Industry Report         products to keep you looking great, there’s       cashflow of the business.
2012 (by Deloitte Access Economics for         a business opportunity out there for you.       • Superior financial management and debt
Fitness Australia) highlights some key
                                               Perhaps you have been a beauty therapist          management. Financial and business
                                               working out of a salon for many years;            management skills are vital to ensure
• Among Australians, aerobics, fitness or      now may be the right time to build your           cashflow and the survival of the salon.
  gym workouts are now the second most         own business based on a tried and tested        • Access to highly-skilled workforce.
  popular physical recreational activity       successful formula offered by a franchise.        A salon depends on the skill of its
  after walking.
                                               According to an IBISWorld report                  hairdressers and/or beauticians.
• Over four million Australians participate    (Hairdressing, Beauty Salons Market               Maintaining and updating skills is
  in fitness industry activities.              Research Report) key success factors for          important to stay abreast of new hair
• Users are typically female (42 per cent)     operators in the industry include:                styles and beauty treatments.
  and younger (25-34 years).                   • Having links with local health                • Marketing of differentiated services.
• The biggest increase in users was from         professionals. Beauty salons can benefit        Salons can move away from price based
  the 45-54 year age group.                      from client referrals from local doctors        only competition by offering quality,
                                                 and dermatologists.                             value-added and higher priced services.
• Looking forward, participation will
  continue to increase exponentially with      • Use of specialist equipment or facilities.
  total demand increasing to 7.15 million        Having specialist equipment enables           NOT JUST FOR HIPPIES…
  users by 2020.                                 salons to provide value-added, higher-        Alternative health therapies are also
                                                 priced services.                              becoming increasingly popular among
BEAUTY IS BIG BUSINESS                         • Proximity to key markets. It is an            people searching for alternatives to
                                                 advantage to be located in a high profile,    prescription medicine, which has resulted
The beauty business is big business. These
                                                 preferably wealthy area with significant      in an increase in the popularity and use of
days, people are spending more money on
beauty than ever before, and the industry is     passing pedestrian traffic and easy           herbal remedies in recent years.
constantly growing and evolving.                 parking.                                      Alternative health therapies are also

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                                                                                                            banker and put together a realistic sum of
                                                                                                            money you can afford to put into this new
                                                                                                            venture. This will most likely weed out
                                                                                                            some systems quite quickly – as the larger,
                                                                                                            more well-known fitness names come with
                                                                                                            a hefty price tag. They are strong, tried and
                                                                                                            tested and have proven success stories – but
                                                                                                            you must truly be able to afford to buy into
                                                                                                            Once you have an amount in mind, you can
                                                                                                            begin to shop around. You will be able to
                                                                                                            narrow down your search, but don’t rush. If
                                                                                                            you get to your short list, it is time to direct
                                                                                                            all your attention to the franchise system
                                                                                                            and the franchisor.

                                                                                                            KNOW YOUR FRANCHISOR
                                                                                                            The franchisor holds the key. The
                                                                                                            management system, the operational
                                                                                                            procedures, the leasing agreements, the
                                                                                                            contracts, and the fees have been generated
                                                                                                            by the franchisor. Check the franchisors
                                                                                                            background – is it solid? Meet with him
                                                                                                            or her. Do they seem to be a person of
                                                                                                            integrity? Do they answer all of your
                                                                                                            questions openly and honestly? Do they
                                                                                                            invite you to do your own investigations
                                                                                                            into the company? Are they eager for you
          becoming increasingly popular among              MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE                          to talk to existing franchisees?
          Australian with recent financial figures
                                                           The decision to purchase a franchise is no       If at any point you feel pushed, rushed,
          showing the sector, which includes Chinese
                                                           doubt a difficult one, and with so many          bullied or even ignored by the franchisor
          medicine, acupuncture and other therapies
                                                           successful offerings out there on the            – it is time to consider walking away.
          to grow by around six per cent per annum
                                                           market, how do you decide which one is           Hopefully though, the franchisor will be
          over the next five years.
                                                           right for you?                                   professional, honest and open.
          According to the Australian Trade
                                                           Passion for the industry is an obvious           The next step is to meet with existing
          Commission; “The Australian natural
                                                           must. Franchisors are looking for people         franchisees. While it’s fine to have all the
          (complementary) healthcare industry has
                                                           who are passionate about what they will          manuals in place and have the franchisor
          domestic sales of over $1 billion per year.
                                                           be committing a large part of their lives        tell you how great and successful the
          Market research shows that the popularity
                                                           to. If you already love to spend time at the     business may be, it’s the franchisees that
          of natural healthcare products is increasing
                                                           gym, enjoy exercising and living a healthy       have the real story. Visit them in their
          with a growth rate of seven per cent year        lifestyle, then that passion for the industry    place of business, ask questions, and ask
          on year. Three-quarters of Australians,          will be a great back bone for building a         their employees if they enjoy working there.
          including 92 per cent of women aged 20-          successful business.
          24, take at least one dietary supplement
          and a quarter of the population visit            Becoming a franchisee could be a great           NOW THE HARD WORK
          complementary healthcare practitioners           step towards improving your lifestyle.           BEGINS!
          each year.                                       Once you’ve done the hard yards in
                                                                                                            Once you have made the decision to
                                                           establishing the business it could give you
          The Australian industry continues to grow                                                         purchase your franchise then the hard
                                                           more opportunity for flexibility to work
          to meet these requirements. Already                                                               work really begins, and that’s where your
                                                           around family life, or other commitments.
          attuned to alternative approaches to health,                                                      passion and drive to succeed will be vitally
          discerning baby boomers (Australia’s                                                              important.
                                                           MONEY MONEY MONEY
          largest population group) increasingly                                                            So if being healthy, looking great or
          demand greater choice and adopt a                Once you have made the decision about            keeping fit is something that will get you
          preventative healthcare approach to              which industry is right for you, the next step   out of bed every day, ready to work hard
          maintaining healthier lives. In Australia,       is working out whether you can actually          at growing your business then perhaps a
          the fastest growth areas are nutritional oils,   afford it!                                       franchise from one of these exciting growth
          men’s health and eye health.”                    You must then get with your franchise            areas is the one for you!

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