Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible: Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy - Energy Transitions ...

Page created by Greg Brown
Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible: Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy - Energy Transitions ...
The Making Mission Possible Series

Making the
Hydrogen Economy
Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy

April 2021
Version 1.2
Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible: Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy - Energy Transitions ...
Making Clean Electrification Possible
          Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy

The Energy Transitions Commission (ETC) is a global coalition of
leaders from across the energy landscape committed to achieving net-
zero emissions by mid-century, in line with the Paris climate objective of
limiting global warming to well below 2°C and ideally to 1.5°C.

Our Commissioners come from a range of organisations –                   This report constitutes a collective view of the Energy
energy producers, energy-intensive industries, technology                Transitions Commission. Members of the ETC endorse
providers, finance players and environmental NGOs – which                the general thrust of the arguments made in this report
operate across developed and developing countries and                    but should not be taken as agreeing with every finding
play different roles in the energy transition. This diversity            or recommendation. The institutions with which the
of viewpoints informs our work: our analyses are developed               Commissioners are affiliated have not been asked to
with a systems perspective through extensive exchanges                   formally endorse the report.
with experts and practitioners. The ETC is chaired by Lord
Adair Turner who works with the ETC team, led by Faustine                The ETC Commissioners not only agree on the importance
Delasalle. Our Commissioners are listed on the next page.                of reaching net-zero carbon emissions from the energy
                                                                         and industrial systems by mid-century, but also share a
Making Clean Electrification Possible: 30 Years to                       broad vision of how the transition can be achieved. The
Electrify the Global Economy and Making the Hydrogen                     fact that this agreement is possible between leaders from
Economy Possible: Accelerating Clean Hydrogen                            companies and organisations with different perspectives
in an Electrified Economy were developed by the                          on and interests in the energy system should give decision
Commissioners with the support of the ETC Secretariat,                   makers across the world confidence that it is possible
provided by SYSTEMIQ. They bring together and build on                   simultaneously to grow the global economy and to limit
past ETC publications, developed in close consultation                   global warming to well below 2˚C, and that many of the
with hundreds of experts from companies, industry                        key actions to achieve these goals are clear and can be
initiatives, international organisations, non-governmental               pursued without delay.
organisations and academia.

The reports draw upon analyses carried out by ETC
knowledge partners SYSTEMIQ and BloombergNEF,
alongside analyses developed by Climate Policy Initiative,
Material Economics, McKinsey & Company, Rocky Mountain
Institute, The Energy and Resources Institute, and Vivid
Economics for and in partnership with the ETC in the past.               Learn more at:
We also reference analyses from the International Energy       
Agency and IRENA. We warmly thank our knowledge                
partners and contributors for their inputs.                    

2         Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible – Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy
Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible: Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy - Energy Transitions ...
Our Commissioners

Mr. Marco Alvera,                            Mr. Mark Laabs,                                    Mr. Andreas Regnell,
Chief Executive Officer – SNAM               Managing Director – Modern Energy                  Senior Vice President Strategic
                                                                                                Development – Vattenfall
Mr. Thomas Thune Anderson,                   Mr. Richard Lancaster,
Chairman of the Board – Ørsted               Chief Executive Officer – CLP                      Mr. Siddharth Sharma,
                                                                                                Group Chief Sustainability Officer
Mr. Manish Bapna,                            Mr. Colin Le Duc,                                  – Tata Sons Private Limited
Interim CEO & President - WRI                Founding Partner – Generation IM
                                                                                                Mr. Mahendra Singhi,
Mr. Spencer Dale,                            Mr. Li Zheng,                                      Managing Director and CEO – Dalmia
Group Chief Economist – BP                   Executive Vice President – Institute               Cement (Bharat) Limited
                                             of Climate Change and Sustainable
Mr. Bradley Davey,                           Development, Tsinghua University                   Mr. Sumant Sinha,
Chief Commercial Officer                                                                        Chairman and Managing Director
– ArcelorMittal                              Mr. Li Zhenguo,                                    – Renew Power
                                             President – LONGi Solar
Mr. Pierre-André de Chalendar,                                                                  Mr. Ian Simm,
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer         Mr. Martin Lindqvist,                              Founder and Chief Executive Officer
– Saint Gobain                               Chief Executive Officer and President              – Impax
                                             – SSAB
Dr. Vibha Dhawan,                                                                               Lord Nicholas Stern,
Director-General, The Energy and             Mr. Auke Lont,                                     IG Patel Professor of Economics and
Resources Institute                          Chief Executive Officer and President              Government - Grantham Institute
                                             – Statnett                                         - LSE
Mr. Agustin Delgado,
Chief Innovation and Sustainability          Mr. Johan Lundén,                                  Dr. Günther Thallinger,
Officer – Iberdrola                          SVP Head of Project and Product                    Member of the Board of Management
                                             Strategy Office – Volvo Group                      – Allianz
Ms. Marisa Drew,
Chief Sustainability Officer & Global        Dr. María Mendiluce,                               Mr. Simon Thompson,
Head Sustainability Strategy, Advisory       Chief Executive Officer – We Mean                  Chairman – Rio Tinto
and Finance – Credit Suisse                  Business
                                                                                                Dr. Robert Trezona,
Mr. Will Gardiner,                           Mr. Jon Moore,                                     Head of Cleantech – IP Group
Chief Executive Officer – DRAX               Chief Executive Officer –
                                             BloombergNEF                                       Mr. Jean-Pascal Tricoire,
Mr. John Holland-Kaye,                                                                          Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officer                      Mr. Julian Mylchreest,                             – Schneider Electric
- Heathrow Airport                           Managing Director, Global Co-Head of
                                             Natural Resources (Energy, Power &                 Ms. Laurence Tubiana,
Mr. Chad Holliday,                           Mining) – Bank of America                          Chief Executive Officer - European
Chairman – Royal Dutch Shell                                                                    Climate Foundation
                                             Ms. Damilola Ogunbiyi,
Mr. Fred Hu,                                 Chief Executive Officer                            Lord Adair Turner,
Founder and Chairman                         – Sustainable Energy For All                       Co-Chair – Energy Transitions
– Primavera Capital                                                                             Commission
                                             Mr. Paddy Padmanathan,
Dr. Timothy Jarratt,                         President and CEO – ACWA Power                     Senator Timothy E. Wirth,
Chief of Staff - National Grid                                                                  President Emeritus – United Nations
                                             Mr. Vinayak Pai,                                   Foundation
Mr. Hubert Keller,                           Group President EMEA & APAC
Managing Partner – Lombard Odier             – Worley                                           Mr. Zhang Lei,
                                                                                                Chief Executive Officer
Ms. Zoe Knight,                              Ms. Nandita Parshad,                               – Envision Group
Managing Director and Group Head             Managing Director,
of the HSBC Centre of Sustainable            Sustainable Infrastructure Group                   Dr. Zhao Changwen,
Finance – HSBC                               – EBRD                                             Director General Industrial Economy
                                                                                                – Development Research Center of
Mr. Jules Kortenhorst,                       Mr. Sanjiv Paul,                                   the State Council
Chief Executive Officer                      Vice President Safety Health and
– Rocky Mountain Institute                   Sustainability – Tata Steel                        Ms. Cathy Zoi,
                                                                                                President – EVgo
                                             Mr. Alistair Phillips-Davies,
                                             CEO – SSE

                                      Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible – Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy    3
Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible: Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy - Energy Transitions ...
The Energy Transitions Commission
Our Commissioners

Chapter 1                                                                                                     12

A vision for 2050: Hydrogen’s role in a zero-carbon, deeply electrified economy

    I.		   Potential demand growth                                                                            14
           Hydrogen’s advantages and disadvantages                                                            16
           Likely applications by sector                                                                      17
           An illustrative scenario for hydrogen use by mid-century                                           22
    II.    Falling production costs and implications for the cost of decarbonisation                          23
           Options for zero-carbon hydrogen production                                                        20
           Potential for cost reductions: very large for green, more limited for blue                         23
           The long-term balance – green dominates except where gas prices are very low                       26
           The green cost premium in end use application – large at product level, but small for consumers    28
    III.   Transport, storage and international trade of hydrogen                                             36
           Hydrogen transport options and costs                                                               33
           Alternatives to hydrogen transport                                                                 34
           Storage options and costs                                                                          37
           All-in costs, including conversion, transport and storag                                           44
           International trade in 2050 – opportunities and choices: hydrogen, natural gas or electrons        45

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Chapter 2                                                                                                                             48

Scale-up challenges, required actions and investments

 I.     Critical scale and pace of cost declines                                                                                      50
        Electrolyser costs                                                                                                            50
        Electricity prices – in part a function of electrolyser costs                                                                 54
 II.    Feasible paths to 2050 – the need to accelerate demand growth                                                                 58
        Credible scale-up pathways to 2050 targets                                                                                    58
        Driving early demand                                                                                                          59
 III.   Key actions to enable production ramp-up                                                                                      59
        Green hydrogen production growth                                                                                              59
        Blue hydrogen ramp-up                                                                                                         62
        Illustrative scenario for green versus blue hydrogen                                                                          63
 IV.    Developing hydrogen clusters                                                                                                  66
        Hydrogen cluster archetypes                                                                                                   66
        Factors determining optimal cluster development                                                                               69
 V.     Developing transportation and storage infrastructure                                                                          70
 VI. Safety, quality and low-carbon standards                                                                                         71
 VII. Total investment needs                                                                                                          72

Chapter 3                                                                                                                             74

Critical policy and industry actions in the 2020s
 I.		   Critical targets for 2025 and 2030                                                                                            76
 II.    Carbon pricing – an essential and powerful lever                                                                              77
 III.   Demand-side support – compensating the green premium sector by sector                                                         77
 IV     Supply-side support – national targets and investment support for electrolyser capacity growth                                80
 V.     R&D and deployment support for new technologies                                                                               80
 VI. Hydrogen clusters development                                                                                                    83
 VII    Standards and Certifications                                                                                                  85
 VIII. Summary of critical actions for policymakers, industry, finance, innovators and consumers                                      87

Concluding remarks                                                                                                                    89
Acknowledgements                                                                                                                      90

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Abatement cost: The cost of reducing CO2           Carbon emissions / CO2 emissions: We use           including storage, distributed generation,
emissions, usually expressed in US$ per            these terms interchangeably to describe            demand response, EVs and their charging
tonne of CO2.                                      anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide in       equipment.
                                                   the atmosphere.
Aggregators: New market players that can                                                              Distribution System Operator (DSO):
bundle the energy consumption or generation        Carbon offsets: Reductions in emissions of         Emerging system operator capability
of several consumer-level electricity market       carbon dioxide (CO2) or greenhouse gases           to manage and optimise the transport
actors (i.e. Distributed Energy Resources)         made by a company, sector or economy to            of electrical power through the fixed
to engage as a single entity – a virtual           compensate for emissions made elsewhere in         infrastructure of a local distribution network.
power plant (VPP) – and sell this flexibility      the economy.                                       This includes procuring flexibility services
(i.e. ‘avoided’ electricity consumption                                                               from network users, managing local
through temporary reduction in electricity         Carbon price: A government-imposed pricing         generation and network congestion, and
consumption when there is high demand for          mechanism, the two main types being either         managing flows of energy from and to the
electricity) or electricity (e.g. from behind-     a tax on products and services based on their      wider electricity grid, coordinating with the
the-meter storage or distributed generation)       carbon intensity, or a quota system setting a      Transmission System Operator (TSO).
in power or ancillary service markets.             cap on permissible emissions in the country
                                                   or region and allowing companies to trade          Decarbonisation solutions: We use the
Autothermal Reforming (ATR): A catalytic           the right to emit carbon (i.e. as allowances).     term “decarbonisation solutions” to describe
process in which natural gas reacts with           This should be distinguished from some             technologies or business models that reduce
oxygen to produce hydrogen and CO2.                companies’ use of what are sometimes called        anthropogenic carbon emissions by unit of
                                                   “internal” or “shadow” carbon prices, which        product or service delivered though energy
BECCS: A technology that combines                  are not prices or levies, but individual project   productivity improvement, fuel/feedstock
bioenergy with carbon capture and storage to       screening values.                                  switch, process change or carbon capture.
produce energy and net negative greenhouse                                                            This does not necessarily entail a complete
gas emissions, i.e., removal of carbon dioxide     Circular economy models: Economic models           elimination of CO2 use, since (i) fossil fuels
from the atmosphere.                               that ensure the recirculation of resources         might still be used combined with CCS/U,
                                                   and materials in the economy, by recycling         (ii) the use of biomass or synthetic fuels can
Behind-the-meter: A generation or storage          a larger share of materials, reducing waste        result in the release of CO2, which would
system (e.g., rooftop solar PV, home               in production, light-weighting products            have been previously sequestered from
batteries) which produces power on site at         and structures, extending the lifetimes            the atmosphere though biomass growth or
a commercial, residential, or industrial site,     of products, and deploying new business            direct air capture, and (iii) CO2 might still be
behind the utility meter.                          models based around sharing of cars,               embedded in the materials (eg, in plastics).
                                                   buildings, and more.
BEV: Battery-electric vehicle.                                                                        Direct air capture (DAC): The extraction of
                                                   Combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT): An              carbon dioxide from atmospheric air.
Biomass or bio-feedstock: Organic matter,          assembly of heat engines that work in tandem
i.e. biological material, available on a           from the same source of heat to convert it into    Direct reduced iron (DRI): Iron (so called
renewable basis. Includes feedstock derived        mechanical energy driving electric generators.     “sponge iron”) produced from iron ore utilising
from animals or plants, such as wood and           Newer CCGT models can be compatible with           either natural gas or hydrogen. This DRI is
agricultural crops, organic waste from             a retrofitting process to enable the plant         then converted to steel in a second step
municipal and industrial sources, or algae.        to switch from burning methane to burning          called electric arc furnace (EAF). The DRI-
                                                   hydrogen for power generation.                     EAF is an alternative primary steel production
Bioenergy: Renewable energy derived
                                                                                                      process enabling decarbonisation of the
from biological sources, in the form of solid      Contract for difference (CfD): A contract          traditional coke-fired blast furnace/basic
biomass, biogas or biofuels.                       between a buyer and seller that stipulates that    oxygen furnace (BF-BOF).
                                                   the buyer must pay the seller the difference
Capital expenditure (CAPEX): Monetary
                                                   between the current value of an asset (spot        Electrolysis: A technique that uses electric
investments into physical assets (e.g.,
                                                   price) and a pre-determined fixed contract         current to drive an otherwise non-
equipment, plants).
                                                   value (strike price). Where public actors act      spontaneous chemical reaction. One form of
                                                   as the buyer this model can be used to cover       electrolysis is the process that decomposes
Carbon capture and storage or use (CCS/U):
                                                   the cost premium faced by green commodity          water into hydrogen and oxygen, taking
We use the term “carbon capture” to refer
                                                   producers deploying low-carbon technologies        place in an electrolyser and producing “green
to the process of capturing CO2 on the back
                                                   that are higher cost than traditional fossil       hydrogen”. It can be zero-carbon if the
of energy and industrial processes. Unless
                                                   technology. For example, CfDs have been            electricity used is zero-carbon.
specified otherwise, we do not include direct
                                                   used in the offshore wind industry where
air capture (DAC) when using this term. The
                                                   generators are reimbursed the difference           Embedded carbon emissions: Lifecycle
term “carbon capture and storage” refers
                                                   between the fluctuating wholesale electricity      carbon emissions from a product, including
to the combination of carbon capture with
                                                   prices and a fixed strike price, typically         carbon emissions from the materials input
underground carbon storage; while “carbon
                                                   determined via a public auction. Under a ‘two-     production and manufacturing process.
capture and use” refers to the use of carbon
                                                   way’ CfD design, where the spot price rises
in carbon-based products in which CO2 is                                                              Emissions from the energy and industrial
                                                   above the strike price the winning bidder must
sequestered over the long term (e.g., in                                                              system: All emissions arising either from the
                                                   pay back the differential.
concrete, aggregates, carbon fibre). Carbon-                                                          use of energy or from chemical reactions
based products that only delay emissions in                                                           in industrial processes across the energy,
                                                   Distributed Energy Resource (DER):
the short term (e.g., synfuels) are excluded                                                          industry, transport and buildings sectors.
                                                   Small and medium-sized power resources
when using this terminology.                                                                          It excludes emissions from the agriculture
                                                   connected to the distribution network,
                                                                                                      sector and from land use changes.

6            Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible – Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy
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Emissions from land use: All emissions                Liquified Natural Gas (LNG): LNG is the            Primary energy consumption: Crude energy
arising from land use change, in particular           clear and non-toxic liquid state of natural gas    directly used at the source or supplied to
deforestation, and from the management of             at temperatures below -162ºC. It enables           users without transformation – that is, energy
forest, cropland and grazing land. The global         the transport and storage of natural gas           that has not been subjected to a conversion
land use system is currently emitting CO2 as          without pressurisation, especially over longer     or transformation process.
well as other greenhouse gases, but may in            distances via ships.
the future absorb more CO2 than it emits.                                                                Steam methane reforming (SMR): A process
                                                      Natural carbon sinks: Natural reservoirs           in which methane from natural gas is heated
Energy productivity: Energy use per unit of           storing more CO2 than they emit. Forests,          and reacts with steam to produce hydrogen.
GDP.                                                  plants, soils and oceans are natural carbon
                                                      sinks.                                             SMR/ATR/POX with carbon capture and
Final energy consumption: All energy supplied                                                            storage (SMR/ATR/POX + CCS): Hydrogen
to the final consumer for all energy uses.            Nature-based solutions: Actions to protect,        production from SMR/ATR/POX, where the
                                                      sustainably manage and restore natural or          carbon emitted from the combustion of
Fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV): Electric           modified ecosystems which constitute natural       natural gas is captured to be stored.
vehicle using a fuel cell generating electricity      carbon sinks, while simultaneously providing
to power the motor, generally using oxygen            human, societal and biodiversity benefits.         Sustainable biomass / bio-feedstock
from the air and compressed hydrogen.                                                                    / bioenergy: In this report, the term
                                                      Near-total-variable-renewable power                ‘sustainable biomass’ is used to describe
Greenhouse gases (GHGs): Gases that trap              system: We use this term to refer to a power       biomass that is produced without triggering
heat in the atmosphere. Global GHG emission           system where 85-90% of power supply is             any destructive land use change (in particular
contributions by gas – CO2 (76%), methane             provided by variable renewable energies            deforestation), is grown and harvested
(16%), nitrous oxide (6%) and fluorinated             (solar and wind), while 10-15% is provided by      in a way that is mindful of ecological
gases (2%).                                           dispatchable/peaking capacity, which can be        considerations (such as biodiversity and soil
                                                      hydro, biomass plants or fossil fuels plants       health), and has a lifecycle carbon footprint
Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) or Heavy                   (combined with carbon capture to reach a           at least 50% lower than the fossil fuels
Duty Vehicle (HDV): Both terms are used               zero-carbon power system).                         alternative (considering the opportunity cost
interchangeably and refer to trucks ranging                                                              of the land, as well as the timing of carbon
from 3.5 tonnes to over 50 tonnes.                    Net-zero-carbon-emissions / Net-zero-              sequestration and carbon release specific to
                                                      carbon / Net-zero: We use these terms              each form of bio-feedstock and use).
High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)                    interchangeably to describe the situation in
transmission: A power transmission                    which the energy and industrial system as a        Synfuels: Hydrocarbon liquid fuels produced
technology utilising direct current for the           whole or a specific economic sector releases       from hydrogen, carbon dioxide and electricity.
bulk transmission of electrical power. It is          no CO2 emissions – either because it doesn’t       They can be zero-carbon if the electricity
particularly useful for high capacities and           produce any or because it captures the CO2         input is zero-carbon and the CO2 is from
longer distances due to minimal energy                it produces to use or store. In this situation,    direct air capture. Also known as “synthetic
transmission losses compared to classical AC          the use of offsets from other sectors (“real       fuels”, “power-to-fuels” or “electro-fuels”.
technology.                                           net-zero”) should be extremely limited
                                                      and used only to compensate for residual           Technology Readiness Level (TRL):
Hydrocarbons: An organic chemical                                                                        Describes the level of matureness a certain
                                                      emissions from imperfect levels of carbon
compound composed exclusively of hydrogen                                                                technology has reached from initial idea to
                                                      capture, unavoidable end-of-life emissions,
and carbon atoms. Hydrocarbons are naturally                                                             large-scale, stable commercial operation. The
                                                      or remaining emissions from the agriculture
occurring compounds and form the basis                                                                   IEA reference scale is used.
of crude oil, natural gas, coal and other
important energy sources.                             Operating Expenditures (OPEX): Expenses            Transmission System Operator: Existing
                                                      incurred through normal business operations        system operator capability responsible for
Internal combustion engine (ICE): A                                                                      managing flow of electricity through the
                                                      to ensure the day-to-day functioning of a
traditional engine, powered by gasoline, diesel,                                                         electricity transmission system, ensuring its
                                                      business (e.g., labour costs, administrative
biofuels or natural gas. It is also possible to                                                          stable and secure operation and matching
                                                      expenses, utilities).
burn ammonia or hydrogen in an ICE.                                                                      demand and supply in time and space.
                                                      Partial Oxidation (POX): A non-catalytic
Learning rate: The learning rate describes the                                                           Virtual Power Plants (VPP): Aggregation of
                                                      chemical process to convert hydrocarbon
cost decline for one unit (e.g., electrolyser) for                                                       many disperse Distributed Energy Resources
                                                      residues or natural gas with oxygen to
each doubling of the total cumulative number                                                             (DERs) with the aim of enabling DERs to
                                                      hydrogen and carbon dioxide.
of previously produced units.                                                                            provide services to the grid. VPP operators
                                                      Power Purchase Agreement (PPA): A PPA              aggregate DERs to behave similar to a
Levelised cost of electricity (LCOE): A
                                                      describes the contractual obligations between      conventional power plant, with features such
measure of the average net present cost of
                                                      an electricity generator and buyer. Typically,     as minimum / maximum capacity, ramp-up,
electricity generation for a generating plant
                                                      these contracts are used to guarantee long-        ramp-down, etc. and to participate in markets
over its lifetime. The LCOE is calculated as the
                                                      term offtake security for the supplier prior to    to sell electricity or ancillary services.
ratio between all the discounted costs over
                                                      the construction of a new generation asset.
the lifetime of an electricity-generating plant                                                          Zero-carbon energy sources: Term used to
divided by a discounted sum of the actual             Proton Exchange or Polymer Electrolyte             refer to renewables (including solar, wind,
energy amounts delivered.                             Membrane (PEM) electrolyser: A specific            hydro, geothermal energy), sustainable
                                                      water electrolysis technology which operates       biomass, nuclear and fossil fuels if and when
                                                      under acidic conditions using a polymer to         their use can be decarbonised through
                                                      separate the electrodes.                           carbon capture.

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8   Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible – Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy
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Major ETC reports and working papers
Major ETC reports and working papers

Global reports   Better Energy, Greater                 Mission Possible (2018)               Making Mission Possible
                 Prosperity(2017) outlined four         outlined pathways to reach            (2020) showed that a
                 complementary                          net-zero emissions from the           net-zero global economy is
                 decarbonisation strategies,            harder-to-abate sectors in            technically and economically
                 positioning power                      heavy industry (cement,               possible by mid-century and
                 decarbonisation and clean              steel, plastics) and                  will require a profound
                 electrification as major               heavy-duty transport                  transformation of the global
                 complementary progress levers.         (trucking, shipping, aviation).       energy system.

                                           Sectoral focuses provided detailed decarbonisation analyses on each on the
                                           six harder-to-abate sectors after the publication of the Mission Possible
                                           report (2019). Our latest focus on building heating (2020) details
                                           decarbonisation pathways and costs for building heating, and implications
                                           for energy systems.

                                           As a core partner of the Mission Possible Partnership, the ETC also
                                           completes analysis to support a range of sectoral decarbonisation initiatives:
 Sectoral and
cross-sectoral                             In October 2020, the corporate              Produced for the Getting to Zero
   focuses                                 members of the Clean Skies for              Coalition, “The First Wave – A
                                           Tomorrow initiative (CST)                   blueprint for commercial-scale
                                           developed a Joint Policy Proposal           zero-emission shipping pilots”
                                           to Accelerate the Deployment of             highlights five key actions that first
                                           Sustainable Aviation Fuels in               movers can take to make tangible
                                           Europe                                      progress towards zero emission pilots
                                                                                       over the next three to four years.

                 A series of reports on the Indian power system and outlining
                 decarbonisation roadmaps for Indian industry (2019-2020)
                 described how India could rapidly expand electricity supply
                 without building more coal-fired power stations, and how India
                 can industrialise whilst decarbonising heavy industry sectors.

                                      China 2050: A Fully                                        China Zero Carbon Electricity
                                      Developed Rich                                             Growth in the 2020s: A Vital
Geographical                          Zero-carbon Economy                                        Step Toward Carbon Neutrality
  focuses                             described the possible                                     (January 2021). Following the
                                      evolution of China’s energy                                announcement of China’s aim to
                                      demand sector by sector,                                   achieve carbon neutrality before
                                      analysing energy sources,                                  2060 and peak emissions
                                      technologies and policy                                    before 2030. This report
                                      interventions required to                                  examines what action is
                                      reach net-zero carbon                                      required by 2030 aligned with
                                      emissions by 2050.                                         what is needed to fully
                                                                                                 decarbonise China’s power
                                                                                                 sector by 2050.

                               Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible – Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy         9
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Clean electrification must be at the heart of all strategies to achieve a zero-carbon economy, with electricity applied
to a far wider range of end applications than today and all electricity produced in a zero-carbon fashion. Electrification
is indeed the most efficient way to meet most energy needs. Thanks to both decreasing all-in generation cost and the
inherent efficiency gain associated with a switch to electricity, clean electrification can lower total energy system costs,
while also delivering major local environmental benefits. As the ETC’s latest report on the global power system describes,
direct electricity use could and should grow from today’s 20% of total final energy demand to reach close to 70% by 2050,
with electricity generation to support direct electrification growing from 27,000 TWh to around 90,000 TWh.1

However, in some sectors, direct electrification will likely remain impossible or uneconomic for many decades. In many
of these, hydrogen can play a major role in decarbonisation whether used directly or in the form of derived fuels such
as ammonia and synthetic fuels (synfuels). In steel and long-distance shipping, for instance, hydrogen’s vital new role is
increasingly certain; in fertiliser production, it will continue to be essential; and in multiple other sectors, it is among the
leading decarbonisation options. Hydrogen will also almost certainly play a major energy storage role in future electricity
systems, helping to balance supply and demand in systems where most electricity is supplied from variable renewable

Total global hydrogen use could therefore grow 5-7-fold from today’s 115 Mt per annum to reach 500 to 800 Mt by mid-
century,2 with hydrogen (and its derivatives) accounting for 15-20%3 of final energy demand, on top of the close to 70%
provided by direct electricity.

All of this hydrogen must be produced in a zero-carbon fashion via electrolysis using zero-carbon electricity (“green
hydrogen”) or in a low-carbon fashion using natural gas reforming plus CCS (“blue hydrogen”) if deployed in a manner
that achieves near-total CO2 capture and very low methane leakage. Blue hydrogen will often be cost-effective during the
transition, particularly via retrofit of existing grey hydrogen, and in the long term in locations with very low gas prices. But                                                C

green hydrogen will be lower cost in most locations over the long term, with dramatic production cost reductions to below                                                       M

$2/kg possible during the 2020s, and further falls thereafter. Hydrogen production will therefore be predominantly via
a green route (ca. 85%) and generate very large electricity demand, increasing the total required supply of zero-carbon
electricity by 30,000 TWh or more on top of the 90,000 TWh potentially needed for direct electrification.                                                                      CM


Strategies to achieve net-zero emissions by mid-century in both developed and developing countries must therefore                                                              CY

recognise the major role of green hydrogen and the implications for required clean electricity supply – which, although very
significant, is physically and financially feasible.4

They must also ensure a sufficiently rapid take-off of hydrogen production and use during the 2020s to make it feasible to
reach 2050 targets. Achieving this will require policy support because using hydrogen in end applications often imposes
a green premium (versus fossil fuel technologies) even if clean hydrogen production costs fall dramatically. Those policies
must combine broad policy instruments such as carbon prices, with support focused on specific sector applications and on
the development of geographically-focused clusters of clean hydrogen production and use.

      This report therefore sets out:
         • The role of clean hydrogen in a zero-carbon deeply electrified economy;
         • How to scale-up the hydrogen value chain, potential barriers, and the investments and policies required to
           overcome them;
         • Critical industry and policy actions required during the 2020s.

1    Energy Transitions Commission (2021), Making Clean Electrification Possible: 30 years to electrify the global economy.
2    The lower/upper boundaries depend on the level of energy productivity improvement in the global economy.
3    The ETC scenarios illustrated in Exhibit 1.1 show 15-17% final energy demand for hydrogen and its derived fuels (ammonia, synfuels).
4    The feasible scale-up of zero-carbon power is explored in depth in the ETC’s parallel report on clean electrification. Source: ETC (2021), Making Clean Electrification
     Possible: 30 years to electrify the global economy.

10               Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible – Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy
Chapter 1

A vision for 2050:
Hydrogen’s role in a
zero-carbon, deeply
electrified economy

12   Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible – Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy
Hydrogen is almost certain to play a very major role in achieving a zero-carbon economy. It can be used to decarbonise
important processes in harder-to-abate transport and heavy industry sectors where direct electrification is difficult,
expensive or impossible. It can also play a role as an energy storage mechanism within the power system. As the cost
of producing clean hydrogen falls drastically, it will be increasingly cost-advantaged versus carbon capture and storage
(CCS) or bioenergy-based routes to decarbonisation.

In the ETC’s Making Mission Possible report,5 two illustrative mid-century net-zero pathways were described (Exhibit
1.1): (i) one considering supply-side decarbonisation plus maximum energy productivity improvements, lowering the final
energy demand by 17% compared to 2019 and (ii) another relying on supply-side decarbonisation pathway only and not
considering significant energy productivity improvements leading to a 15% rise in final energy demand compared to 2019.
In both scenarios, hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels represented the second largest final energy use in the economy by
2050 (15-17%), after direct use of clean electricity.

Through the transition, government policy and company strategies will be most effective if informed by a clear vision of the
likely scale and nature of hydrogen opportunities over the next 30 years. This Chapter therefore sets out a vision of what
the hydrogen economy6 is likely to entail covering in turn:
        • The potential growth of hydrogen demand;
        • How fast production costs could decline and the implications for the cost of decarbonisation;
        • Hydrogen transport and storage technologies and costs of this infrastructure;
        • The role and long-term limitations of long-distance hydrogen transport.

              Final energy mix in a zero-carbon economy: electricity will become
              the dominant energy vector, complemented by hydrogen and fuels
              derived from it
              Final energy demand
                                                                                                                                                           Illustrative scenario

                                      2019                                         ETC 2050 net-zero pathways

                                                                                 -17%                                    +15%

                                                                                                                          493                                     Natural gas

                                       430                                                                                                                        Oil
                                                                                  356                                                                             Fossil fuels + CCS
                                                                                                                                                                  and biomass
                                                                                                       15%                                                        Synfuels
                                                                                                                          335                                     Hydrogen
                                                                                  262                                    (68%)                                    Electricity

                                    81 (19%)                                                                                                                 X%      Difference vs. 2019

                                    IEA 2019                      Supply-side decarbonisation                         Supply-side
Exhibit 1.1

                                                                     plus maximum energy                          decarbonisation only
                                                                   productivity improvement

              SOURCE: SYSTEMIQ analysis for the Energy Transitions Commission (2021); IEA (2020), World Energy Outlook

5         ETC (2020), Making Mission Possible.
6         The term hydrogen economy is used as a shorthand to describe a whole set of activities from production to use of clean hydrogen. However, it does not refer to clean
          hydrogen as an all-encompassing solution for the entire energy system as we envision hydrogen as one pillar of decarbonisation alongside mass electrification, and
          important but constrained complementary roles for sustainable, low-carbon bio-energy and the use of fossil fuels combined with CCS/U.

                                                             Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible – Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy                              13
I.      Potential demand growth

In 2018, about 115 Mt of hydrogen was used globally of which 70 Mt was produced via dedicated production predominantly
from natural gas (71%) and coal (27%).7 This production resulted in about 830 Mt of CO2 emissions, around 2.2% of the
global energy-related total. The main uses of this hydrogen were in refining (38 Mt), ammonia production (31 Mt, used
in particular for fertilisers production) and methanol (12 Mt, used mostly as a fuel additive and for plastics production)
(Exhibit 1.2).

Over the next 30 years, hydrogen use is set to increase dramatically, with clean hydrogen replacing hydrogen derived
from unabated fossil fuels in existing applications as well as being deployed in multiple new end uses. In some sectors,
its precise role versus other decarbonisation options (in particular direct electrification) is inherently uncertain. However,
reasonable scenarios suggest that a 2050 zero-carbon economy will need to use about 500 to 800 Mt of hydrogen per
annum (see Exhibit 1.4, at the end of Section 1.1).

               Today’s production of hydrogen is via carbon-intensive processes,
               with use of hydrogen concentrated in the refining, ammonia, and
               methanol sectors
               Dedicated hydrogen production pathways used (2018)                                         Hydrogen use sectors (2018)
               % of dedicated production                                                                  Mt H₂

                               69 Mt                                                                                          115 Mt
                                                                   SMR + CCS                                                                                           Refining
                                                                   Electricity / other                                                                                 Ammonia
                                27%                                Gasification of oil                                           38                                    Methanol
                                                                   Gasification of coal                                                                                Other (e.g. heat)
                                                                   SMR of natural gas

                                                              > 99% current production                                           31
                                                              carbon intensive

                                 71%                                                                                             12

Exhibit 1.2

               SOURCE: IEA (2019), The Future of Hydrogen

7         The 45 Mt tonnes difference stems from hydrogen produced as a by-product in a number of industrial processes such as catalytic naphtha reforming, chlor-alkali
          electrolysis and steam cracking of propane. Source: IEA (2019), The Future of Hydrogen

14                      Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible – Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy
The role of hydrogen by sector – relative to other decarbonisation options – will reflect its inherent chemical
characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages (Box A).

                                                                                                                            CHEMICALS AND PETROCHEMICALS
     As an energy source compared with direct                                                           As a chemical agent or feedstock, hydrogen
     electrification, the use of hydrogen is generally                                                  has an indispensable role in the production of
     less efficient due to energy conversion losses.                                                    ammonia and methanol, as well as a potential role
     Nevertheless, the higher energy density per mass                                                   in the production of plastics9 and steel due to its
     of hydrogen and hydrogen-derived fuels such as                                                     chemical properties and reactivity.
     ammonia or synthetic fuels, relative to batteries,
     will outweigh that disadvantage in long-distance
     transport applications. In addition, while the
     conversion/reconversion between electricity and
     hydrogen entails significant losses, hydrogen
     offers an economic and practical way to store
     large amounts of energy over the long term
     (weeks, months, especially to address seasonal

    • Safety and leakage issues, while hydrogen is a stable non-toxic molecule which can be safely stored at room
      temperature and has been used in industry for many years, it poses significant storage and transport challenges due
      to its small molecule size, its low volumetric density (relative to methane), and its extreme flammability.10 While many
      of the safety considerations can be overcome, these characteristics may reduce its relative attractiveness in dispersed
      applications (such as residential heating) which require widespread distribution. While ammonia, as hydrogen-derived
      fuel, does not face the same transport and storage challenge, it is toxic and requires stringent safety procedures.

8  As outlined in the parallel ETC report on clean electrification, batteries are well suited to store electricity for shorter timeframes
9  Plastics are produced from a wide variety of feedstock (e.g., ethylene, benzene) currently produced from oil and natural gas, that can be synthesised from methanol, itself
   produced from hydrogen and CO2, see page 14.
10 In comparison to natural gas, hydrogen has the advantage that it disperses very quickly and does not sink to the ground, reducing the danger associated with low level

                                                      Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible – Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy                               15
Hydrogen as an energy source:
        Technical advantages & disadvantages
        Hydrogen effectively extends the reach of renewables to the decarbonisation of harder-to-abate sectors. It has
        many advantages including producing no emissions upon combustion and a very high energy density per kg.
        However, its production and conversion entail energy losses, and its end-use efficiency is generally lower than
        direct electrification.

            Energy efficiency                                                                                      Energy storage

            Direct electrification is generally more efficient than                                                Large-scale long-duration energy storage with batteries is
            hydrogen applications due to hydrogen production losses                                                difficult due to the high mass and volume required (see
            (ca. 20-40%¹) and lower efficiency of end-use applications:                                            energy density box).
                 Heat pumps offer ca. 5-6x more heat energy per energy                                             Hydrogen can be safely stored, without energy losses, in
                 input compared to hydrogen                                                                        large quantities in geological hydrogen storage. While energy
                                                                                                                   losses in power-hydrogen-power re-conversion are
                 Fuel cell vehicles are lower efficiency due to
                                                                                                                   significant, the need for long-duration energy storage for grid
                 Power-Hydrogen-Power reconversion losses
                                                                                                                   balancing in renewables dominated systems means
                 Relative competitiveness for high temp. heat remains                                              hydrogen is likely to be crucial.⁶
                 unclear, however superior energy efficiency of direct
                 electrification likely to make hydrogen less attractive                                           Conversion efficiency of energy storage for power
                                                                                Energy                                                                                        Efficiency losses
            Sector                Technology option                             Efficiency⁵                                                                                   through process
                                                                                                                   Input energy
                                                                                                                    (electricity)           100                  100
            Building               Hydrogen boiler                                  46%
            heating²               Electric heat pump                                                                                       26                    26         Electrolysis
                                                                                                                                                                   4         Haber-Bosch⁷
            Road                   Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle                       26%                                                     37                    35         CCGT
            Transport³             Battery Electric Vehicle                         70%

                                                                                                                                            37                    35               Output energy
            High temp.             Hydrogen tech.                                55-80%
            heat⁴                  Direct electrification tech.                  50-90%                                                Hydrogen              Ammonia
                                                                                                                                        CCGT                  CCGT

            Energy density

            Hydrogen has a much higher energy density per mass⁸ than                                          However, hydrogen’s energy density per volume is very low,
            batteries and is therefore attractive in transport applications                                   even in compressed or liquified form which makes ammonia and
            where large amounts of energy are required at minimal weight                                      synfuels more attractive for longer distances (long distance
            (aviation, shipping, long distance trucking).                                                     aviation & shipping).

            Gravimetric energy density                                                                         Volumetric energy density
            MJ/kg                                                                                              MJ/m³


                  142                                                                                                                                                                       37440


                                                                        52                                                                                                   15600
                                    23                                                                                          5600
                                                        1                                                           13

                H₂             Ammonia             Li-Ion            Natural          Gasoline                    H₂        H₂                    H₂         Li-Ion   Ammonia              Jet fuel
             (ambient)⁸                           Batteries           gas                                      (ambient) (700 bar)             (liquid)     Batteries (liquid)

        NOTES: ¹ Approximate efficiency range for green and blue production between now and 2050; ² Further considerations include: quality of grid and pipeline infrastructure, peak load demand
        on electricity grid; ³ Other considerations beyond energy efficiency include (not exhaustive): vehicle range & cost, refueling / charging infrastructure, fuel cost; ⁴ Range illustrates different
        technologies for both hydrogen and direct electrification of high temperature heat; ⁵ Energy efficiency describes the ratio of final output energy to input energy. It includes losses from
Box A

        hydrogen production, electricity & hydrogen transmission, reconversion processes and end-use. ⁶ See parallel ETC Clean Electrification Report; ⁷ Haber-Bosch process assumes use
        of by-product heat in adjacent processes. ⁸ Excluding weight of storage tanks;

        SOURCE: SYSTEMIQ analysis for the Energy Transitions Commission (2021), see Annex for literature review used for this figure.

16               Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible – Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy
Likely applications by sector
The potential uses of hydrogen in a zero-carbon economy can be usefully categorised into four groups (Exhibit 1.3):

        • Existing uses of hydrogen offering clear short-term opportunities for a switch to clean hydrogen, with high certainty of
          long-term demand;

        • Uses which will take time to develop, but where demand is certain to be large in the long-term;

        • Potential short-term, but transitional opportunities;

        • Possible future uses where the relative costs and advantages versus direct electrification and other decarbonisation
          options remain unclear.

              Multiple potential uses of hydrogen in a low carbon economy, some
              of which can provide early ‘off-take’ for clean hydrogen

                                                                                                                    Refining⁴                                             Highly likely and large
                                                                                                                                                                          long-term demand
                                           Co-firing of ammonia                                            Forklifts             Methanol
                                               or hydrogen
                                                                                                                                                                          Existing uses
                                                                                                                                                                           – aligned with long
              Readiness¹                                                                                                                                                  term decarbonisation
                                                                                                                Power                                                     Potential role
                                                                        Plastics                               storage⁵                                                   – technology option
                                             Gas grid
                                          blending (
Existing uses of hydrogen where clean hydrogen can substitute grey hydrogen production in the short term, often with
minimal retrofitting, thus eliminating the 830 Mt of CO2 currently being released,11 include:

                                                                                                                                      CHEMICALS AND PETROCHEMICALS
     Crude oil refining, where                                   Ammonia, where hydrogen                                         Methanol, of which 100 Mt
     hydrogen is used in                                         is an essential input to the                                    per annum is currently
     desulphurisation and in                                     Haber-Bosch process used to                                     produced from natural gas
     hydrocracking to upgrade                                    produce 180 Mt of ammonia per                                   or coal-derived hydrogen,
     heavy residual oils. In the long                            annum, of which 80% is used for                                 carbon dioxide and carbon
     term, this use will decline as                              fertiliser production. Ammonia                                  monoxide. It is used in a
     demand for oil-based fuels                                  demand for existing uses is                                     variety of products including
     falls, especially in the mobility                           likely to continue to remain                                    paints, plastics, and
     sectors. Oil inputs to plastics                             stable or grow slightly with                                    explosives. This demand
     production will also reduce                                 additional demand as a result of                                will likely increase as plastic
     through recycling and potential                             the new applications considered                                 production shifts from oil
     use of bio-feedstocks.12                                    below.                                                          or gas-based production

11 Typically, the hydrogen use case assets do not need to be replaced. However, the grey hydrogen production assets are generally very large and depending on their age and
   the ability to retrofit CCS (discussed in section 1.2) may have to be written off upon conversion to clean hydrogen.
12 Use of bio-feedstocks will likely be limited by constraints on global sustainable supply of bio-feedstocks and multiple competing demands from different sectors of the
13 Production of methanol via clean hydrogen requires a CO2 source which may stem for refinery emissions in the short term and transitions to sustainable CO2 sources (e.g.,
   direct air capture) in the long-term.

18             Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible – Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy
Large long-term uses with significant lead times, due to lower technological readiness, long asset lifecycles and higher
abatements costs, include:

   • Primary steel production, which currently accounts for 7% (3 Gt) of global CO2 emissions from the energy and
      industry system, and where hydrogen can replace coking coal as the reducing agent. Alternative pathways for
      deep decarbonisation include CCU/S and direct electrolysis of iron ore, which is currently at a pre-commercial scale
      technology readiness level). A number of major steel producers have set net-zero 2050 emissions targets (including
      Arcelor Mittal, BaoWu Steel, SSAB, and ThyssenKrupp), for which hydrogen technologies are cited as a critical
      technology.14 In addition, several pilot projects are exploring the potential to co-fire hydrogen in existing blast furnaces
      to provideSTEEL an incremental GHG performance    SHIPPING   improvement during theAVIATION transition period (see below).
     Primary steel                               Long-distance                         Long-distance                              Power system
   • production,
      Long-distance     whichshipping, where the      path towhere
                                                 shipping,        decarbonisation isaviation,        where limits
                                                                                          almost certain                          balancing, where
                                                                                                                to involve hydrogen-based           fuels –
      whether accounts
     currently     ammonia or methanol –the   15
                                                      pathinto                         to  battery    energy
                                                                adapted versions of existing marine engines as laid hydrogen                     is likely
                                                                                                                                   out in a recent       ETC
     for 7% (316
                . Gt)
                   In addition,
                         of        short distance   ferries and cruise
                                                 decarbonisation          is ships may density    currently directly
                                                                                           use hydrogen          make as a fueltoalongside
                                                                                                                                     play a significant
     global  CO2 emissions                       almost certain to                     direct electrification                     role in providing
     from the energy and                         involve hydrogen-                     impossible,       and                      seasonal balance
   • industry
                 system, aviation, where limits  basedtofuels battery
                                                                   –                   where     cost-effective
                                                                          energy density currently make direct electrification    and dispatchable
                                                                                                                                              impossible, and
     and  wherecost-effective
                     hydrogen decarbonisation    whether is likely
                                                               ammonia                 decarbonisation         is
                                                                       to entail the use of a zero-carbon equivalent of           generation
                                                                                                                                    existing jet   within
                                                                                                                                                       fuel. With
     can  replace coking biofuel volumes constrained
                                                 or methanol   (the issue
                                                                      –                likely  to  entail   the                   power    systems
                                                                             of bio-feedstock availability and use will be explored in detail in
      the as
     coal  upcoming
               the reducing ETC report on sustainable          biomass17), synthetic
                                                 burnt in adapted                      use   of a zero-carbon
                                                                                          “power     to liquid” jet fuel may be   dominated
                                                                                                                                      requiredby    tovariable
                                                                                                                                                        meet the
     agent.    of the global aviation industry.  versions
                                                           A ofrecent
                                                                  existing             equivalent      of  existing   jet
                                                                         report from ATAG (the Air Transport Action Group) suggests ETC
                                                                                                                                  renewables        (see   that
     pathways        fuels
                         deepwill develop significantly       over the
                                                 marine engines                        fuel.the
                                                                         aslong term, and      WithEUsustainable
                                                                                                         is considering a fuel clean     electrification
                                                                                                                                   mandate       to drive the
      development ofinclude
     decarbonisation          various Sustainable      Aviation
                                                 laid out                              biofuel
                                                                     Fuels (SAF) routes.
                                                             in a recent                    19
                                                                                                   addition, as for shipping,report        for further
                                                                                                                                    hydrogen        may be used
     CCU/S    and at direct
                       shorter distances withETC   new    aircrafts.
                                                       report    16
                                                                   . In                constrained        (the  issue             details  20
                                                                                                                                             ). This will
     electrolysis of iron ore,                   addition, short                       of bio-feedstock                           entail hydrogen
   • which
                 currently   balancing,
                               at a       wheredistance
                                                   hydrogen                            availability     and   use   will
                                                                  is likely to play a significant role in providing seasonal
                                                               ferries                                                            being balance
                                                                                                                                          produced      and
      dispatchable generation
     pre-commercial          scale      within power      systems
                                                 and cruise                            be   explored      in detail               via
                                                                 shipsdominated by variable renewables (see ETC clean electrification electrolysis
      report for further
     technology       readiness details20). This may
                                                  will entail                          in the upcoming
                                                                 hydrogen being produced
                                                       use hydrogen                                            ETC
                                                                                                    via electrolysis              when supply
                                                                                                                            when power    power supplyexceeds
     level).       and reconverted
             A number        of          to electricity
                                                             as a fuel                 report    on  sustainable
                                                                      likely via combustion in gas turbines ) when demand exceeds
                                                                                                                       21         exceeds      demand
     major   steelsupply.
                                                 alongside direct                      biomass17), synthetic                      and reconverted to
     have set net-zero                           electrification.                      “power     to  liquid”   jet               electricity (most likely
     2050 emissions                                                                    fuel  may    be    required   to           via combustion in
     targets (including                                                                meet    the   needs     of the             gas turbines21) when
     Arcelor Mittal, BaoWu                                                             global    aviation    industry.   18
                                                                                                                                  demand       exceeds
     Steel, SSAB, and                                                                  A  recent    report    from                potential    supply.22
     ThyssenKrupp), for                                                                ATAG     (the   Air  Transport
     which hydrogen                                                                    Action Group) suggests
     technologies are                                                                  that synthetic fuels will
     cited as a critical                                                               develop significantly
     technology. In   14                                                               over the long term, and
     addition, several pilot                                                           the EU is considering a
     projects are exploring                                                            fuel mandate to drive the
     the potential to co-feed                                                          development of various
     hydrogen in existing                                                              Sustainable Aviation
     blast furnaces to                                                                 Fuels (SAF) routes.19 In
     provide an incremental                                                            addition, as for shipping,
     GHG performance                                                                   hydrogen may be used
     improvement during                                                                directly at shorter
     the transition period                                                             distances with new
     (see below).                                                                      aircrafts.

14 Hydrogen-based direct reduced iron (DRI) is a different plant type that enables the use of hydrogen instead of coke in a traditional steel blast furnace. In addition, electric
   arc furnaces and the recycling of steel scrap will likely play an increasing role in the future.
15 Ammonia has the advantage of not requiring a sustainable CO2 input for its production.
16 ETC for the Getting to Zero Coalition (2020), The First Wave – A blueprint for commercial-scale zero-emission shipping pilots.
17 ETC (Upcoming, 2021), Making a Sustainable Bio-Economy Possible.
18 Non-GHG emissions (e.g., water vapour) from synfuels will have some residual global warming effect that needs to be compensated via negative emissions.
19 The fuel mandate will likely include biofuels and synthetic aviation fuels derived from hydrogen.
20 ETC (2021), Making Clean Electrification Possible: 30 years to electrify the global economy.
21 Fuel Cells may offer an alternative technology to CCGTs in particular at smaller scales (e.g. 50 MW hydrogen fuel cell plant in South Korea; Source: JRC Technical Report
   (2019), Global deployment of large capacity stationary fuel cells.
22 Hydrogen can help two-fold: i) use of excess electricity on the grid and thereby help to lower power cost fluctuations in which case the hydrogen may be used in other
   sectors, ii) convert electricity into hydrogen at favourable times (e.g., summer in high latitudes in northern hemisphere) to store energy and reconvert to power when
   variable renewable energy supply is low compared to demand (e.g., winter in high latitudes in northern hemisphere).

                                                       Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible – Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy                                  19
Potential short-term but transitional applications, that enable partial, near-term emissions reduction of existing high-
carbon assets that will eventually need to be phased out in a net-zero economy, could include:

   • Co-firing ammonia in coal power plants, which is being trialled in Japan, but which is unlikely to prove a path to
     100% ammonia power plants except in countries facing severe constraints on the supply of renewable electricity.
     Co-firing ammonia should not slow down efforts to retire coal generation assets.

   • Co-firing hydrogen in gas power plants, which may be used as transitionary pathway with some current power
     turbines able to use as much as 30% hydrogen potentially moving up to 50% with minimal capital investment for
     newer turbines.23 Ultimately, either new turbines capable of using 100 % hydrogen or CCS infrastructure will need to
     be installed to enable full power sector decarbonisation (see ETC clean electrification report for further details24).

   • Co-feeding hydrogen in steel blast furnaces, ammonia plants and refineries can help to accelerate the initial
     development of clean hydrogen. However, only small percentages of clean hydrogen can be co-fed before larger
     changes on the asset are required.25

   • Blending low levels of hydrogen into an existing natural gas grid, to generate initial demand for zero-carbon
     hydrogen, alongside a small reduction in the carbon intensity of methane use (see Box B). Concerns about steel
     pipe embrittlement for parts of the grid26 and the need to retrofit or replace appliances are, however, likely to limit

        Low level blending of hydrogen into the existing natural gas grid
        A potential transitional use for clean hydrogen in the 2020s and early 2030s

          Today, the natural gas grid delivers energy to industrial (e.g. power plants, high temperature heat) and residential users (space and water
          heating). Taking an approach to blend low levels of hydrogen into the natural gas grid requires careful consideration and can only be
          transitional – applicable only prior to the implementation of full decarbonisation options – e.g., direct electrification or switch to equipment
          which allows for 100% hydrogen use.
          Key considerations for transitional use of natural gas blending include:

             Opportunities                                                   Challenges

                Rapid scaling of green hydrogen                                 Carbon emissions: Low level hydrogen blending has a small impact on reducing CO₂
                demand: Potentially relatively rapid                            emissions in the short term due to lower energy density of hydrogen compared to
                scaling of large, early hydrogen                                natural gas.¹
                off-taker during the 2020s when clean
                                                                                International collaboration bottlenecks: International coordination will sometimes be
                hydrogen off-take is needed to develop
                                                                                required due to cross-border natural gas grids. For example, implementation of EU
                the clean hydrogen economy.
                                                                                wide regulation would require alignment member countries.²
                Speed of implementation: Small
                                                                                Lock-in effect: Risk that blending could in effect extend lifetimes of existing gas
                number of decision makers required to
                                                                                grids, preventing shifts towards full building heating decarbonisation solutions
                deliver significant early off-take
                                                                                (either electrification or non-trivial switch to 100% hydrogen distribution grid,
                                                                                requiring conversion of all assets connected to the natural gas grid – incl. home
                Flexible: Hydrogen can be blended into                          boilers, industrial applications).
                the natural gas grid at many locations,
                                                                                Potentially sub-optimal use of renewable energy: In the 2020s, when low level gas
                allowing production to be sited
                                                                                blending feasible, optimal use of scarce renewable power likely 1) decarbonising grid
                alongside other hydrogen off-takers.
                                                                                electricity, 2) supplying hydrogen for end-uses which are likely to be permanent.
                Off-take can be varied, with no
                requirement for steady-supply.                                  Gas quality: Some industrial gas end-use applications require high gas quality,
                                                                                blending hydrogen into the grid could disrupt these industrial processes.
                                                                                Consumer costs: Given hydrogen’s higher production cost in the short term blending
                                                                                could result in an increase of consumer costs.³

        NOTES: ¹ 5-20% blending of hydrogen into the grid reduces CO₂ emissions from combustion of the gas blend by less than a third (ca. 2-7%). ² Different nations currently have maximum
        hydrogen blending limits. ³ Impact on end-consumer prices will vary according to the relative prices of natural gas and hydrogen and level of pass through to end-consumers, for example:
        i) blending 5% hydrogen (by volume) at a hydrogen price of $2/kg and natural gas price of $6.5/MMBtu (e.g., UK) increases the costs by ca. 3% (assuming direct pass-through of cost premium
Box B

        from producer to consumer), ii) at a higher hydrogen price ($3/kg) and lower natural gas price $3/MMBtu (e.g., USA) the cost of blending increases by ca. 13%.
        SOURCES: BloombergNEF (2019), Hydrogen – the economics of space and water heating; Industry interviews.

23 Siemens (2021), Power-to-X: the crucial business on the way to a carbon-free world.
24 ETC (2021), Making Clean Electrification Possible: 30 years to electrify the global economy
25 Blast furnaces can use up to 20% clean hydrogen, above which a DRI facility is required. The grey hydrogen production of ammonia plants and refineries needs to be
   retrofitted with CCS or fully exchanged with green hydrogen to enable full decarbonisation.
26 Embrittlement concerns are relevant for specific types of steel pipelines and a range of solutions are being explored to overcome this issue (e.g., applying an inner coating
   to protect the steel), alongside research to assess the long-term material stability of all types of pipeline materials (e.g., NREL HyBlend project). Solutions to overcome
   embrittlement challenges will vary according to capacity requirements, status of existing pipelines and cost trade-offs. Early conversion pilot projects in Germany and
   the Netherlands have shown that existing pipelines do not require internal coatings, while studies suggest that this will likely be required in France. Source: NREL (2013),
     Blending Hydrogen into Natural Gas Pipeline Networks: A Review of Key Issues; Guidehouse (2020), European Hydrogen Backbone.

20               Making the Hydrogen Economy Possible – Accelerating Clean Hydrogen in an Electrified Economy
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