Mallee Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria

Page created by Harvey Riley
Mallee Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
Regional priorities

Victoria’s infrastructure
strategy 2021–2051

August 2021
Mallee Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
02     Infrastructure Victoria                      Mallee summary       Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051                                                                              03

                                                    Infrastructure Victoria listened
                                                    to regional Victorians

Victoria’s infrastructure                           Over the last four years, we built a deeper
                                                    understanding of the Mallee region’s
                                                                                                             This work produced a Mallee regional
                                                                                                             profile, a Mallee regional industry profile,
strategy 2021–2051                                  infrastructure needs, industry composition,              and a Factsheet on Mallee regional
                                                    and social disadvantage, in our Regional                 disadvantage, all available on our website.
                                                    infrastructure needs and Infrastructure                  We used this evidence to develop strategy
In 2016, Infrastructure Victoria developed          priorities for the regions projects. We have             recommendations that can apply to the
Victoria’s first ever 30-year infrastructure        consulted widely with Mallee communities,                Mallee region.
strategy. The 2016 strategy was evidence-           industries and local governments to build
based, covered all types of infrastructure,         our regional knowledge, and examined the
and we consulted widely with stakeholders           unique opportunities and challenges that
and the community. To stay relevant and             face each of Victoria’s regions.
reflect Victoria’s evolving infrastructure
needs, we update the strategy every three
                                                    Engagement timeline
to five years.

Victoria’s infrastructure strategy 2021-2051
                                                         2017                     Oct–Dec 2018                            Mar 2019                 Apr–Jun 2019                   Oct 2019
builds on the 2016 strategy, revising many
of our original recommendations and adding
others in response to Victoria’s changing              Regional                    Consultation:                           Regional                Consultation:                Consultation:
circumstances. But we retain a long-term view        work program                    regional                           Infrastructure              Targeted                     workshops
of Victoria’s infrastructure needs over the next       inception                    workshops                           Needs profiles              meetings
30 years, remembering that infrastructure lasts
many decades and must meet both immediate
needs and those in the future. The strategy
                                                       Mid-2021               Dec 2020–Feb 2021                   Dec 2020–Feb 2021                  Dec 2020                    Nov 2020
can be downloaded from our website at
                                                          Final                    Consultation:                        Consultation:                   Draft                  Infrastructure
                                                        strategy                   draft strategy                       submissions                   strategy                Priorities for the
                                                                                                                          process                                             Regions profiles

Aboriginal acknowledgment                           During the consultation period for the draft             Combined, this comprehensive process            This document provides a summary of
                                                    strategy, we provided more opportunities                 of consultation and engagement guided           selected recommendations from Victoria’s
Infrastructure Victoria acknowledges the
                                                    for Mallee communities and stakeholders                  the development of this Mallee regional         infrastructure strategy which respond to
traditional owners of country in Victoria and
                                                    to offer feedback on our draft                           summary and the relevant strategy               the needs and opportunities we identified
pays respect to their elders past and present,
                                                    recommendations, including through                       recommendations. It focusses on                 in Mallee.
as well as elders of other Aboriginal
                                                    surveys, submissions, and hosting a                      infrastructure-related opportunities to
communities. We recognise that the state’s
                                                    Mallee regional roundtable discussion.                   build on Mallee’s economic and industry
infrastructure is built on land that has been
                                                                                                             advantages, and to strengthen local
managed by Aboriginal people for millennia.
                                                                                                             communities by improving health,
The Mallee region includes the traditional lands
                                                                                                             education, and social inclusion outcomes,
of the First Peoples of the Millewa-Mallee, being
                                                                                                             while reducing disadvantage.
Latji Latji, Ngintait and Nyeri Nyeri Traditional
Owners, and the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa,
Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagalk peoples.
Mallee Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
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Bordering the Murray River, the Mallee is       The Mallee region includes the traditional
the only region in Victoria bordering both      lands of the First Peoples of the Millewa-
New South Wales and South Australia.            Mallee, being Latji Latji, Ngintait and Nyeri
The main freight route from Adelaide to         Nyeri Traditional Owners, and the
Sydney passes through Mildura, the              Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia
region’s largest city.                          and Jupagalk peoples.

Agriculture – broadacre cropping and            Mildura and Swan Hill are the main regional
irrigation – dominates the Mallee’s economy,    centres. Mildura is a major centre for jobs
along with associated processing,               and services for the Mallee’s smaller towns
manufacturing, and services. The region         and rural areas. The Mallee is one of
benefits from its proximity to the River        Victoria’s more remote regions, located
Murray. Water is used for irrigation in         a long distance from Melbourne.
agricultural production of fruit, citrus and                                                                                                               Mildura

grapes, in the tourism and recreation
industries and provides drinking water
for local communities.

                                                                                                                                                           Enhance market access and regional economic growth

                                                                                                                                                           Unlock industry growth                                   Mallee stakeholders also identify electricity      Our recommendation to co-fund power
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    infrastructure as a potential constraint on        supply upgrades responds to constraints
The regions                                                                                                                                                opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    business productivity and future growth in         associated with outdated power supply
of Mallee                                                                                                                                                  Of the six Victorian renewable energy zones              the region. Where outdated single wire earth       infrastructure and allows new investment
                                                                                                                                                           identified by the Australian Energy Market               return power lines power farms, changing           opportunities for regional businesses.
                                                    Merbein                                                                                                Operator, the Murray River zone in Victoria’s            industry practices and more energy intensive       Where upgrades are shown to deliver
                                                                                                                                                           north-west is forecast to see significant                farming equipment are leading to capacity          benefits to existing users and unlock
                                                                Red Cliffs                                                                                 new generation by 2040. The Mallee has
                                                                             Regional                                                                                                                               constraints which limit production and stop        potential future investment, upgrade costs
                                         Mildura (RC)                                                                                                      significant renewable energy sources,                    farms from expanding.                              can be shared between the Victorian
                                                                              Robinvale                                     Agriculture – broadacre        particularly solar. Areas around Mildura,                                                                   Government, power distribution companies,
                                                                                                                            cropping and irrigation –      Swan Hill and Gannawarra are developing                                                                     and local businesses.
Mildura and Swan Hill are
the main regional centres.
                                                                                                                            drives the Mallee’s economy.   large scale solar farms. However, existing               Recommendations to remove
                                                                                                                                                           transmission infrastructure limits the ability           energy infrastructure barriers
                                                                               Swan Hill                                                                   of generators to connect to the grid, which              in the Mallee                                        Recommendation 03
                                                                                                                                                           impedes future industry development. For                 Our renewable energy recommendations               Augment electricity transmission
                                                                                                 Swan Hill                                                 instance, the Kiamal solar farm near Ouyen               aim to remove constraints to future industry
                                                                                                                            The region benefits from                                                                                                                   for renewable energy and resilience
The Mallee region includes                                                                                                  its proximity to the River     experienced delays due to grid constraints.
the traditional lands of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    development, advocating for solutions
                                                                                                                            Murray.                                                                                                                                    Support augmentation of critical electricity
the First Peoples of the                                                                                                                                   The Mildura-based Regional Innovation                    which leverage potential renewable energy
                                                                                                      Kerang                                                                                                                                                           transmission infrastructure by 2027–28
Millewa-Mallee, being Latji                                                                                                                                                                                         opportunities in the Mallee. Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                           Centre is recognised as a National Energy                                                                   to accommodate new renewable energy
Latji, Ngintait and Nyeri                                                                  Gannawarra (S)          Cohuna
Nyeri Traditional Owners,                                                    Buloke (S)                                                                    Resources (NERA) Hydrogen Technology                     Victoria supports the Australian Energy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       generation and improve network resilience
and the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa,                                Rural                                                                                           Cluster, and the Centre has obtained funding             Market Operator’s proposed transmission
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and reliability through interconnection with
Jadawadjali, Wergaia and                                 cropping                                     South East                                                                                                    extension of the Victoria to New South Wales
Jupagalk peoples.                                          area                                         area                                               from both the private sector and the                                                                        other states.
                                                                                           Charlton                                                                                                                 Interconnector West (VNI West), which will
                                                                                                                            The Mallee is one of           Victorian Government. While the cost and
                                                                                 Donald                                     Victoria’s more remote
                                                                                                                                                           application of hydrogen technology are still             better connect these states and unlock the
                                                                                                                                                           uncertain, stakeholders report that Mallee’s             potential of significant renewable energy            Recommendation 04
                                                                                                                                                           unique and extensive solar resources would               resources. The Victorian Government’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    preferred route, known as KerangLink, would        Identify and coordinate
                                                                                                                                                           allow it to produce cheap hydrogen—thus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    significantly increase the ability for renewable   Renewable Energy Zones
                                                                                                                                                           increasing its viability.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    generation to connect in the Murray River          In the next year, identify Renewable Energy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Renewable Energy Zone.                             Zones, especially in the state's north-west,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and continue to coordinate their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       development over the next 10 years.
Mallee Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
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  Recommendation 80
                                                    The Murray River is a key natural                 Recommendation 16                           Foster tourism in the Mallee                             Recommendations to support                       Recommendation 81
                                                    advantage, but water security will be                                                                                                                  a recovery in regional tourism
Upgrade power supply for                            increasingly uncertain. The Barmah Choke,                                                     The Mallee region’s tourist offering includes                                                           Plan for and facilitate regional
                                                                                                    Strengthen agricultural water
                                                                                                                                                  the Murray River, natural attractions such as            Our regional tourism recommendations,
agriculture and regional industry                   for example, helps deliver irrigation water     security by modernising irrigation                                                                                                                    nature-based tourism investments
                                                                                                                                                  the Murray-Sunset and Wyperfeld National                 centred on nature-based and Aboriginal
In the next five years, contribute toward           to the Mallee, stakeholders have revealed                                                                                                                                                             In the next two years, develop a Victorian
                                                                                                    In the next 30 years, contribute funding      Parks and Lake Tyrrell, Victoria’s largest               tourism opportunities, aim to support
strategic power supply infrastructure               that water capacity through the Choke is                                                                                                                                                              nature-based tourism strategy to guide
                                                                                                    toward planning and delivery of water         salt lake. The Mallee region has a strong                sustainable growth in Mallee’s tourism
upgrades for agriculture and regional               substantially decreasing which elevates                                                                                                                                                               industry development and prioritise future
                                                                                                    infrastructure and irrigation modernisation   Aboriginal heritage. Important heritage sites            industry. Developing a nature-based
industry, where an independent assessment           the risk of water delivery shortfalls. While                                                                                                                                                          investments. During the next 15 years,
                                                                                                    projects across Victoria.                     on the land of the First Peoples of the                  tourism strategy to guide future investment
demonstrates significant potential for              stakeholders report that irrigation systems                                                                                                                                                           support regional tourism investment by
                                                                                                                                                  Millewa-Mallee are found in the Hattah-                  in Mallee’s tourist infrastructure will help
increased productivity, competitiveness,            in the Mallee are amongst the most efficient                                                                                                                                                          allowing more site-specific leases for up to
                                                                                                                                                  Kulkyne National Park and the Murray-                    ensure tourism experiences, and
and growth.                                         in Australia, a continued focus on renewing       Recommendation 17                                                                                                                                   49 years for infrastructure proposals that
                                                                                                                                                  Sunset National Park. In addition, the                   supporting facilities and infrastructure,
                                                    irrigation infrastructure and improving water                                                                                                                                                         meet strict criteria and complement
                                                                                                                                                  region’s gourmet food and wine production                meet visitor expectations and that the
                                                    efficiency can help ensure future water         Upgrade Victoria’s emergency                                                                                                                          environmental and cultural values.
Enhance water security                              security. Community members also                water network                                 can support agritourism experiences.                     region’s natural assets are protected and
                                                                                                                                                                                                           enhanced. Nature-based tourism sites,
and industry resilience                             underscored the need for a balanced             In the next year, assess the condition,       The COVID-19 pandemic significantly
                                                                                                                                                                                                           including national parks, require basic
                                                    implementation of the Murray-Darling            capacity and security of Victoria’s           affected the tourism and hospitality                                                                      Recommendation 82
The Mallee is a highly productive agricultural                                                                                                                                                             amenities and infrastructure to encourage
                                                    Basin Plan.                                     emergency water supply point network,         industries in the Mallee. Tourism can
and horticultural region. It is one of Victoria’s                                                                                                                                                          investment in experiences, food, and           Develop a Victorian Aboriginal
major dryland cropping regions. Along its                                                           and upgrade or replace inadequate supply      support the region’s economic recovery.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           accommodation services. Re-examining           tourism strategy with Aboriginal
northern border, the Murray River supports                                                          points. Clarify ongoing responsibility for    Projects — such as the development of
                                                    Recommendations to improve                                                                                                                             existing policies, such as policies around     communities
extensive horticulture and dairy. The Mallee                                                        monitoring, maintenance and funding to        Koondrook Wharf and the creation of the
                                                    water security for the Mallee’s                                                                                                                        tourism leasing in national parks, can help    Support and partner with Aboriginal
produces more than 90% of Victoria’s                                                                secure a resilient network.                   Silo Art Trail — serve as examples of
                                                    agriculture industry                                                                                                                                   encourage investment in tourist facilities     communities in the next two years to guide
grapes and nuts, 86% of its citrus and                                                                                                            success in the region and demonstrate the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           and services, as well as support longer-       future investments in Aboriginal tourism
28% of its grains.                                  Our recommendations aim to further                                                            economic potential of tourism in the Mallee.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           term industry growth in Mallee.                and cultural heritage, including through
                                                    strengthen water security in the Mallee                                                       For instance, the Koondrook Wharf helped
The past decade has been challenging                                                                                                                                                                       Developing a Victorian Aboriginal tourist      Joint Management Plans.
                                                    by using all sources of water supply,                                                         attract private investment in the town,
for the Mallee agriculture industry,                                                                    Please refer to Victoria's
                                                    continuing to modernise irrigation systems,                                                   and has subsequently underpinned the                     strategy with Aboriginal communities can
with extensive periods of drought and                                                                   infrastructure strategy (section 1.2)
                                                    and upgrading Victoria’s emergency water                                                      establishment of new eco-tourism                         help further drive sustainable economic
unfavourable conditions affecting the                                                                   for additional recommendations
                                                    supply network to ensure farmers can                                                          offerings. Opportunities exist to further                activity in the Mallee, helping to preserve
region’s grain production. However,                                                                     on water and responding to a
                                                    get water as rainfalls continue to decline.                                                   develop the region’s domestic tourism                    and promote the region’s Aboriginal
the diversity of Mallee’s agricultural                                                                  changing climate.
                                                    These recommendations will benefit                                                            offering in the short to medium term,                    cultural histories and heritage sites as
produce is its key strength.                        Mallee’s agriculture and related                                                              building on the Mallee’s existing natural                well as create job opportunities for
In the longer term, climate change is a             businesses, helping to support continued        By the 2030s                                  assets and Aboriginal heritage.                          Aboriginal communities
significant threat for the region. Climate          industry growth.
                                                                                                                                                  Mallee stakeholders told us improving                    These recommendations can build on
change is likely to increase the incidence
and severity of droughts, extreme weather
                                                                                                                   1.6ºc                          access and facilities for tourists can                   Victorian Government investments in
                                                      Recommendation 13                                                                           enhance the visitor experience and                       Mallee’s tourism infrastructure, including
events and reduce average rainfall.                                                                                                               encourage longer stays in the region.                    funding towards the Buloke Town Revival
                                                                                                    Average maximum temperatures
                                                    Consider all water supply sources                                                             For example, they said improved amenities                Project, the Murray River Adventure Trail,
By the 2030s, Mallee’s average maximum                                                              could increase by up to 1.6°C
temperatures could increase by up to                Consider all water sources for supply                                                         and accommodation along the Murray River                 a visitor centre for Lake Tyrrell and the
1.6°C, while average annual rainfall is             augmentation, including identifying and                                                       can help develop the Mallee’s nature-based               next stage of the Mildura Riverfront
projected to decrease by 9%. By the                 addressing barriers to purified recycled                    9%                                tourism offering. Enabling infrastructure                Precinct development.
2050s, the Mallee could have twice as               drinking water within the next 10 years.                                                      could better support the seasonal tourist
                                                    When planning for future water supply,          Average annual rainfall is                    population at Lake Tyrrell, while
many days over 40°C and up to 50% more
                                                    investigate all options including, but not      projected to decrease by 9%                   development of tracks, trails and bike
very high fire danger days.
                                                    limited to, recycled water, seawater                                                          networks will further expand the range of
                                                    desalination, stormwater harvesting and         By the 2050s
                                                                                                                                                  activities on offer within the region.
                                                    better use of the water grid.
                                                                                                                 x2      40ºc
                                                                                                    Could have twice as many days
                                                                                                    over 40ºC

                                                                                                    Could have up to 50% more
                                                                                                    very high fire danger days
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Lake Tyrrell
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                                                                                                                                                Better connect the regions

Improve freight networks                      Recommendations to better                          Recommendation 78                              Improve public transport                                 on community and public transport                 Recommendation 83
                                              connect Mallee businesses                                                                                                                                  options in Buloke, Gannawarra and
The Mallee is centrally located between                                                        Deliver long-term funding certainty              Mallee residents are highly dependent on                                                                 Redesign regional public
                                              with processors and markets                                                                                                                                Swan Hill. However, community transport
Melbourne, Adelaide, and Sydney, with                                                          for regional road maintenance                    cars to get around. Less than 1% of the                  solutions may rely on volunteers, and           transport to meet local needs.
the region’s major freight routes providing   Providing funding certainty for road                                                              region’s workforce travel to work by public
                                                                                               and upgrades                                                                                              funds are limited.                              In the next five years, redesign existing
access to domestic and export markets.        maintenance and upgrade programs                                                                  transport, and access to public transport
                                                                                               Within two years, specify clear levels of                                                                 Timely and reliable access to transport is      regional transport services so they are
Mallee’s freight task is growing due to its   can help leverage Mallee’s road freight                                                           across the region is very low – including in
                                                                                               service for each type of regional road and                                                                essential for residents in the Mallee’s rural   integrated, based on regional needs
expanding horticulture, grain, and mineral    networks to better support the region’s                                                           Mildura, where 53% of residents live within
                                                                                               bridge. Following this, dedicate a 10-year                                                                and semi-rural communities to access the        assessments, and sustainably funded.
sands industries. But existing freight        businesses – helping to improve market                                                            ready access of public transport compared
                                                                                               funding program to sustainably fund                                                                       services they need and to foster social         Use significant technological and reform
networks are struggling to meet demand.       access, connectivity, and safety while                                                            to the Victorian average of 74%. Public
                                                                                               Victorian Government regional road and                                                                    inclusion, including for residents who do       opportunities to deliver innovative service
Rail freight can offer advantages in costs,   also reducing supply chain costs,                                                                 transport access among Buloke Shire
                                                                                               bridge maintenance and upgrades to meet                                                                   not own a car or who do not drive—such as       delivery models that meet local needs.
capacity, and efficiency, but rail’s share    allowing businesses to remain competitive.                                                        residents falls to just 7%.
                                                                                               these service levels. Funding should be                                                                   older residents, young people, low-income
of Victorian freight is currently stagnant    As large freight vehicles and smaller private
                                                                                               prioritised based on improving safety,           Stakeholders highlighted a range                         individuals, and people with a disability.
or in decline.                                vehicles share the road network, ongoing
                                                                                               decreasing vehicle emissions, and                of transport issues within the region,
                                              maintenance and upgrades not only
The rail freight network has more assets                                                       lifting productivity.                            affecting residents’ ability to access work,
                                              produce efficiency benefits, but also                                                                                                                      Recommendations to                                  Please refer to Victoria's
in average, poor, or end-of-life condition,                                                                                                     healthcare, education and services, which
                                              help keep all road users safe.                                                                                                                             enable viable transport                             infrastructure strategy (section 4.2)
compared to regional passenger rail.                                                                                                            are increasingly concentrated in larger
                                              Funding and planning for ongoing rail              Recommendation 79                                                                                       options across Mallee                               for Infrastructure Victoria’s position
Many Mallee stakeholders expressed                                                                                                              centres. These include:
disappointment in the reduced scope of        freight network development and                                                                                                                            Our recommendation to reform regional               on Very Fast Rail for the regions.
                                                                                               Fund and plan for ongoing regional               \ Limited public transport and poor
the Murray Basin Rail Project.                maintenance can help maximise efficient                                                                                                                    public transport focusses on improving
                                                                                               rail freight network development                   timetabling within Mildura, and from
                                              investment and support the Mallee’s rail                                                                                                                   transport options within the Mallee region.
Mallee stakeholders also express a need for                                                    and maintenance                                    surrounding areas into regional centres.
                                              freight competitiveness. A published                                                                                                                       It seeks to develop solutions which
improvements on major road freight routes.                                                     In the next year, fund a 30-year periodic        \ A lack of public transport infrastructure
                                              long-term network development and asset                                                                                                                    integrate traditional public transport with
Agricultural representatives observe that                                                      regional freight rail maintenance program,         between townships.
                                              management plan would offer an opportunity                                                                                                                 more innovative, flexible transport options
changing crop yields and freight vehicles                                                      informed by a publicly available network
                                              to consider scope that is no longer part of                                                       \ Limited frequency of the regional train                to deliver services which respond to
are affecting the road freight network’s                                                       development and asset management plan.
                                              the revised Murray Basin Rail Project and                                                           and coach network to Bendigo and                       community needs, such as by using
performance. They identify opportunities to                                                    Using the plan, thoroughly determine the
                                              help address concerns raised by Mallee                                                              Melbourne, particularly affecting residents            community transport, on-demand
assess Mallee’s current B-double network,                                                      feasibility of the next major regional freight
                                              stakeholders. Additionally, an ongoing freight                                                      needing to travel to Bendigo Hospital                  services, and the school bus network
which contributes to longer travel times,                                                      upgrade within five years.
                                              rail development and maintenance program                                                            for healthcare services.                               It advocates ongoing funding for regional
productivity obstacles, and more wear on
                                              would provide further confidence to investors                                                     \ Limited public transport networks to                   transport, moving away from short-term
the roads with multiple trips. Likewise,
                                              and producers in the Mallee.                                                                        link Aboriginal community controlled                   trials to lasting transport commitments,
Mallee stakeholders name the Swan Hill
                                                                                                                                                  organisations (ACCOs) to key services                  and providing long-term certainty to
Bridge replacement project as a desirable
                                                                                                                                                  and regional transport links.                          local communities.
option to lower business transport costs
and facilitate economic growth.                                                                                                                 Community transport provides an                          The Victorian Government is improving
                                                                                                                                                alternative to public transport within the               service quality and capacity between
Maintaining and enhancing transport
                                                                                                                                                region. For example, the Mallee Flexible                 Melbourne and Swan Hill under the
infrastructure will help future industry
                                                                                                                                                Local Transport project, funded by the                   Regional Network Development Plan,
development, by creating cheaper,
                                                                                                                                                Victorian Government’s Flexible Local                    which aims to deliver five service
faster connections between producers
                                                                                                                                                Transport Solutions Program, provides                    every weekday.
and their processors and markets.
                                                                                                                                                community bus services and information
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Improve digital connectivity                     biggest towns in Victoria that lacks fixed      are low across the Mallee, due to inequity     Recommendations to                                          Recommendation 84                              Households without
and telecommunications                           wireless NBN technology.                        in digital infrastructure, service quality     continue to bridge the                                                                                     internet access
                                                                                                 and cost                                       Mallee’s digital divide                                   Address regional Victoria’s digital
infrastructure                                   Instead, Sea Lake’s local businesses and
                                                                                                                                                                                                          connectivity gaps
                                                 tourism sector, schools, emergency              One in four Mallee households do not           Recommendations to address regional
The Mallee digital plan identifies the lack of                                                                                                                                                            In the next five years, continue delivering
                                                 services, and hospital can only access          have internet access compared with the         Victoria’s digital connectivity gaps aim to
availability of adequate, affordable business-                                                                                                                                                            regional digital connectivity improvements,
                                                 satellite internet, which can be slower, less   Victorian average of one in seven. The         improve internet and telecommunications
grade telecommunications services for                                                                                                                                                                     and monitor and review the need for further
                                                 reliable, and have less data allowance than     COVID-19 pandemic increased the need           infrastructure in Mallee. Stakeholders in the
regional businesses, along with poor mobile                                                                                                                                                                                                                The COVID-19 pandemic
                                                 fixed wireless or fibre services.               for internet access and connectivity, and                                                                government investment following the
                                                                                                                                                region emphasise the need for reliable and                                                                 has increased the need for
coverage, a lack of Wi-Fi networks and                                                                                                                                                                    roll-out of the Digital Future Now initiative.
                                                                                                 highlighted the deficiencies of current        cost-effective business-grade broadband
low take-up of Internet of Things (IoT)          For the Mallee’s businesses, improvements                                                                                                                                                                 internet access, highlighting
                                                                                                 levels of connectivity across the Mallee.      across the region.
applications. IoT enables devices embedded       to digital infrastructure and connectivity                                                                                                                                                                the deficiencies of current
                                                                                                 Families and young people without internet
with sensors to connect to and interact          could enable productivity gains in farm                                                        Reliable and high-speed internet                            Recommendation 85                              levels of connectivity across
                                                                                                 at home experienced barriers to remote
with each other via the internet, collecting     businesses and processing facilities,                                                          connections can help Mallee businesses                                                                     the Mallee region
                                                                                                 learning and working from home. Poor                                                                     Improve regional
information and monitoring data to help          and meet demands across the health,                                                            to operate and compete from any location,
                                                                                                 digital connectivity has made it difficult                                                               telecommunications
farmers make more informed decisions.            education, tourism, and local government                                                       placing businesses in a stronger position
                                                                                                 for some people to connect with services                                                                 infrastructure resilience
Research suggests that digital agriculture       sectors. Stakeholders highlight                                                                to weather future crises and explore
could increase the gross value of agricultural   infrastructure for digital connectivity as a
                                                                                                 and support, increasing social isolation.
                                                                                                                                                potential opportunities created by any                    In the next five years, develop more resilient                 1 in 4
production by up to 25%.                         necessary tool to aid tourism, since booking    Mobile coverage is also an issue across the    longer-term shift to remote working.                      regional telecommunications infrastructure       One in four Mallee
                                                 systems, point-of-sale, and marketing           region. The Mallee digital plan highlights     Access to high speed internet can also                    so communities can stay safe during              households do not
IoT network deployment is a priority digital                                                                                                                                                              emergencies, including better mobile
                                                 technologies all rely on high-speed mobile      a persistent divide in the quality of mobile   offer community benefits, by supporting                                                                    have internet access
project for the region, to underpin future                                                                                                                                                                coverage, back-up systems and power
                                                 phone and broadband coverage.                   services available to regional users           remote access to health and education
competitiveness and productivity in the                                                                                                                                                                   supply, and emergency mobile roaming.
                                                 Lower population densities across the           compared to Melbourne, with 195 mobile         services, and by fostering community
region’s agriculture industries. The Victorian
                                                 region and a lack of competition between        black spots registered across the region.      social connections.
Government’s On-Farm Internet of Things
                                                 suppliers is creating a need for bespoke        Stakeholders have identified the area north
trial in Birchip is supporting digital                                                                                                          Improving regional telecommunications                       Recommendation 86
connectedness for broadacre grain farms,
                                                 solutions, with implications for service and
                                                 cost. Resilience is a consideration for
                                                                                                 of Birchip, Wooroonook/Jeffcott and
                                                                                                 Coonooer West, and the Mallee track
                                                                                                                                                infrastructure resilience will also help                                                                               1 in 7
                                                                                                                                                address Mallee’s digital infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Fund regional libraries to provide
helping collect and manage detailed                                                                                                                                                                                                                        In comparison, one in seven
                                                 Mallee telecommunications technology            between Ouyen and Murrayville as some                                                                    better internet access
location and plant-specific data across                                                                                                         and connectivity needs. We recommend                                                                       Victorian households do not
                                                 upgrades, as stakeholders have noted            of the worst affected areas in the Mallee.
large areas to help mitigate risk.                                                                                                              continuing to address mobile coverage                     In the next year, start a five-year funding      have internet access
                                                 that telecommunications in areas subject        Poor mobile quality and coverage have
                                                                                                                                                gaps to provide equitable access to mobile                program for libraries in regional towns and
Mallee stakeholders told us improving            to flooding have often failed during            implications for public safety, affecting
                                                                                                                                                services and help to ensure residents can                 rural areas to improve community access
digital coverage and capacity for                flood events.                                   emergency services and the ability of
                                                                                                                                                remain connected during emergencies.                      to fast, free internet services, leveraging
businesses remains a priority. Current                                                           residents to access critical information
                                                 Poor digital connectivity also affects                                                         A comprehensive approach across fixed,                    existing library infrastructure.
digital connectivity prevents businesses                                                         in times of need.
                                                 liveability and community safety in the                                                        mobile and Wi-Fi networks can ensure
from fully benefitting from new technologies.
                                                 region. Household internet access rates                                                        more resilient telecommunications.
For example, Sea Lake is among the
                                                                                                                                                Providing better internet access in Mallee’s
                                                                                                                                                libraries provides support for digital literacy                Please refer to Victoria's
                                                                                                                                                skills development and improves access                         infrastructure strategy (section 1.4)
                                                                                                                                                for those without home internet access.                        for recommendations which
                                                                                                                                                Investments could foster better internet                       embrace technological
                                                                                                                                                access, leveraging the existing                                opportunities.
                                                                                                                                                infrastructure, expertise, and support
                                                                                                                                                available within the library network, such
                                                                                                                                                as layout upgrades to support out-of-hours
                                                                                                                                                access and installing Wi-Fi technology in
                                                                                                                                                mobile libraries. It can also complement
                                                                                                                                                improvements in business and household
                                                                                                                                                digital access.
Mallee Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
12     Infrastructure Victoria                                                                                                                         Mallee summary       Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051                                                                                    13

Foster regional Victorians’ health, wellbeing, and inclusion                                                                                           Improve and better use                                   Cases such as these demonstrate the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                need for funding to be directed towards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Recommendation 88
                                                                                                                                                       community and council
                                                                                                                                                                                                                councils in the Mallee so communities can       Deliver multipurpose shared social
                                                                                                                                                       infrastructure                                           improve, repurpose, or retire and replace       service facilities in the regions
Improve access to healthcare                       Across the region, ACCOs play a central             Recommendation 25
                                                                                                                                                       Demographic changes, such as an ageing                   existing infrastructure.
                                                   role in the provision of services and the                                                                                                                                                                    In the next year, start regional planning
Outside Mildura, the Mallee region has                                                               Use innovation to deliver better                  population, are affecting the scope and mix                                                              for social services to identify opportunities
                                                   promotion and protection of Aboriginal
relatively high rates of preventable                                                                 models of health care                             of services councils need to provide.                    Recommendations to                              for multipurpose shared services facilities,
                                                   people’s rights. The Mallee’s large
hospitalisation, suggesting that primary                                                                                                               Regional councils can lack the revenue                   make better use of                              then deliver them where appropriate, over
                                                   Aboriginal population is projected to grow        Within two years, help slow the growth
health provision may not be readily available                                                                                                          to upgrade and repurpose existing                        community infrastructure                        the next five years, in partnership with local
                                                   30% between 2018 and 2028, which                  in demand for hospital infrastructure
or accessible for some Mallee residents.                                                                                                               infrastructure, often relying on Victorian                                                               governments and community organisations.
                                                   could lead to more demand for Aboriginal          by developing a comprehensive statewide                                                                    The Victorian Government can support
Like some other regional areas, the Mallee                                                                                                             Government grants.
                                                   and other services in the region. The             health innovation strategy, supported by                                                                   regions and local governments in providing
faces challenges in attracting and keeping         combination of increasing client numbers          funding over five years to promote and            The Mallee faces challenges in ensuring                  fit for purpose social infrastructure which
a skilled health workforce to the region.          and inadequate infrastructure is restricting                                                                                                                                                                   Recommendation 89
                                                                                                     progressively implement better models             that residents have access to the services               can respond to local needs. Service
Centralisation of health care services from        the ability of ACCOs to provide timely and        of health care.                                   that they need. For instance, smaller rural              planning can help identify gaps in existing     Update community infrastructure
rural areas to regional centres means that         effective service delivery across the region.                                                       councils such as Buloke and Gannawarra,                  infrastructure, or opportunities for shared
fewer services are locally available for                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fund regional councils in the next five
                                                   Stakeholders highlighted the need for family                                                        have a small (and declining) ratepayer                   facilities, supported by funding to retrofit,
declining rural populations, and there is                                                                                                                                                                                                                       years to update, repurpose or retire
                                                   healing facilities to provide integrated,           Recommendation 67                               base which is further constrained by below               repurpose, or retire existing community
limited public transport to access services.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    outdated community infrastructure for
                                                   culturally appropriate services to Aboriginal                                                       average incomes of residents. These                      facilities. Integrating transport planning
While telehealth services can help improve                                                           Co-design an Aboriginal community                                                                                                                          better service delivery.
                                                   people in Mallee.                                                                                   councils face additional complexities in                 within planning for service delivery will
service access, local services will continue                                                         controlled infrastructure plan
                                                                                                                                                       continuing to provide services over a                    ensure that essential services can be
to be needed, particularly for certain health                                                        In the next year, start a co-design process
                                                   Recommendations to                                                                                  relatively dispersed area. Areas of relative             accessed by all those who need them.              Recommendation 90
services that require face-to-face interactions.                                                     with Aboriginal Victorians to develop a plan
                                                   improve health outcomes                                                                             socio-economic disadvantage such as
                                                                                                     to guide investment in Aboriginal community                                                                Our recommendation to create climate-           Create climate-adapted facilities
Mallee Regional Partnership’s Addressing           for Mallee residents                                                                                Buloke, the tenth most disadvantaged local
                                                                                                     controlled infrastructure to meet current and     government area in Victoria, have a higher
                                                                                                                                                                                                                adapted facilities for rural communities        for rural communities
Entrenched Disadvantage project highlights
                                                   Our recommendations aim collectively to           future social, economic, and cultural needs.                                                               aims to support local governments to
pockets of socio-economic disadvantage                                                                                                                 per capita need for a range of health and                                                                In the next five years, fund local
                                                   improve access to healthcare and related                                                                                                                     deliver a network of facilities which can
across the region, with interdependent                                                                                                                 community services. As regional centres                                                                  governments to plan and help deliver
                                                   services for Mallee residents. We                                                                                                                            help reduce the health impacts of
factors including relatively high rates of                                                                                                             for relatively remote communities, it is                                                                 a network of designated, accessible
                                                   recommend using innovation in healthcare            Recommendation 70                                                                                        exposure to heat, and prolonged smoke
preventable health issues, particularly                                                                                                                important that Mildura and Swan Hill                                                                     climate-adapted community facilities,
                                                   delivery and seek to expand the use of                                                                                                                       from bushfires. Combined with the
related to alcohol and drug use, and                                                                 Deliver infrastructure for a more                 provide a range of services to the wider                                                                 to manage the health impacts of extreme
                                                   technology in service provision, to better                                                                                                                   recommendation to build back better after
obesity. The region has above average                                                                responsive and integrated mental                  region, and that these are accessible to all.                                                            heat and bushfire smoke.
                                                   connect regional communities with                                                                                                                            emergencies, this aims to build community
numbers of mental health clients, as well as                                                         health system
                                                   specialist health services. A plan for future                                                       The impact of climate change adds further                resilience to the impacts of climate change.
those receiving drug and alcohol treatment.                                                          In the next year, establish a dedicated
                                                   investment in Aboriginal community                                                                  complexity to the challenges facing local
Mildura has double the Victorian average           controlled infrastructure aims to respond to      infrastructure fund to support more               governments and communities. Already
of registered mental health clients and            the current and future infrastructure needs       responsive and integrated mental health           one of the hottest regions in the state,                   Recommendation 19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Please refer to Victoria's
persons receiving drug and alcohol                 of the Mallee’s Aboriginal community, as          and wellbeing services, consistent with the       the Mallee is further exposed to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Build back better after emergencies                 infrastructure strategy (section 2.4)
treatment services, while Gannawarra               well as contribute to Closing the Gap             recommendations of the Royal Commission           impacts of climate change with even higher                                                                   for more recommendations
                                                                                                     into Victoria’s Mental Health System.             temperatures, more days of extreme heat,                 In the next year, consider policy changes
Shire has high rates of drug and alcohol           outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians.                                                                                                                                                                              on adapting infrastructure for
                                                                                                                                                       and declining rainfall forecast. As well                 and funding mechanisms so high priority
treatment – more than four times the state                                                                                                                                                                                                                          modern needs.
                                                   Providing residential rehabilitation                                                                                                                         public infrastructure destroyed by
average. However, access to local support                                                                                                              as increasing the incidence of extreme
                                                   facilities in the Mallee and improved               Recommendation 91                                                                                        emergencies is built to a more resilient
services is limited. There are no residential                                                                                                          heat and heatwaves, climate change is
                                                   access to mental health facilities aim                                                                                                                       standard or in less vulnerable locations.
alcohol and drug rehabilitation facilities in                                                        Build regional residential alcohol                increasing the frequency of conditions
                                                   to respond to gaps in local service
the region, for example, and many people                                                             and drug rehabilitation facilities                for catastrophic bushfires.
                                                   availability and provision. Residential
need to leave the area to access the                                                                 Within five years, build residential
                                                   alcohol and drug rehabilitation services                                                            Poor revenue and limited grants dedicated
services they need. The Mallee’s                                                                     detoxification and rehabilitation facilities in
                                                   are particularly needed in Mallee, due to                                                           to upgrades or maintenance means many
geographical remoteness means local                                                                  regional Victoria to provide equitable access
                                                   community distances from other centres.                                                             ageing community facilities across the
provision of treatment services is needed                                                            to alcohol and other drug treatment.
                                                   Service planning can help guide the                                                                 Mallee need upgrading. Stakeholders
to support improved health outcomes.
                                                   development and location of residential                                                             identify ageing aquatic facilities throughout
Stakeholders report that the COVID-19              rehabilitation facilities.                                                                          Mallee local government areas, the Swan
pandemic has exacerbated existing mental                                                                                                               Hill Municipal Office, and aerodromes in
                                                   These recommendations can build on
health issues in the regions. Vulnerable                                                                                                               Swan Hill, Robinvale, and Sea Lake, as key
                                                   recent Victorian Government investments in            Please refer to Victoria's
groups include Aboriginal Elders, older                                                                                                                sites requiring attention.
                                                   Mallee’s healthcare infrastructure, including         infrastructure strategy (section 3.3)
community members who are socially
                                                   funding towards the Swan Hill District                for recommendations on aligning
isolated, those experiencing family violence
                                                   Hospital upgrade, the future redevelopment            social infrastructure with better
and agricultural workers who are already
                                                   of Mildura Base Hospital, and a new mental            service delivery.
affected by drought.
                                                   health clinical outreach facility at Swan Hill.
Mallee Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
14     Infrastructure Victoria                                                                                                                Mallee summary         Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051               15

Address social housing                          The Mallee Family Care Report examined         Recommendations to enhance                       Recommendation 55
challenges                                      the lived experiences of social housing        access to affordable, fit for
                                                residents in Mildura who do not have           purpose housing                                Rapidly renew old public housing
The Mallee region has relatively high,          access to air conditioning during extreme
                                                                                               Making social housing suitable for             Rapidly renew dilapidated public housing
and increasing, levels of socio-economic        heat conditions and identified negative
                                                                                               changing climates helps address the            properties to improve functionality,
disadvantage compared with Victorian            physical, mental, and social health and
                                                                                               need for adequate heating and cooling          accessibility and energy efficiency with
averages. Other drivers of demand for           wellbeing impacts on residents. Mildura
                                                                                               in the region’s social housing. As well        a priority to renew at least half of all older
social housing in the region include            social housing residents, for example,
                                                                                               as installing split system air-conditioning    low-rise apartments and older three
homelessness and family violence. Mallee        reported various issues in extreme heat,
                                                                                               to better regulate temperatures in the         -bedroom detached dwellings by 2031.
has an estimated 3.2 homeless persons           including dehydration, headaches, heat
per 1000 people, the second highest rate                                                       home, solar panels can help low-income
                                                stroke, and breathing troubles. Residents
in regional Victoria. The region has the                                                       residents to offset additional energy costs
                                                with pre-existing medical conditions also                                                       Recommendation 92
highest per capita rate of family violence                                                     during extreme temperatures.
                                                shared that chronic conditions or illnesses
in Victoria. In December 2020, over 900         worsen during extreme heat, increasing         Combined with recommendations to               Fund more Youth Foyers
Mallee households were on the waiting           their vulnerability.                           expand social housing in regional centres,     in regional Victoria
list for social housing, with almost 500                                                       in locations with good access to transport,    Fund at least six new Youth Foyers in
                                                Mallee stakeholders also expressed
households requiring urgent assistance.                                                        work, education and services, and to           regional Victoria by 2026, to better use
                                                concerns about the rising number of
Although Mildura and Swan Hill have                                                            renew old public housing stock, this aims      existing education infrastructure and
                                                young people seeking assistance from
higher levels of social housing compared                                                       to improve Mallee residents’ access to         support vulnerable young people.
                                                social housing agencies in the region.
to Victorian averages, access to affordable                                                    affordable and fit for purpose housing.
                                                The combination of poor access to social
housing remains an issue. One in three rental   housing and the disproportionate impact        Funding more Youth Foyers in regional            Recommendation 93
households in Mildura experience rental         of the COVID-19 pandemic on young              Victoria responds to housing and integrated
stress, and stakeholders have raised            people has potentially further exacerbated     services gaps for young people who are at      Expand social housing in
concerns about the poor quality of existing     hardships for this cohort in the Mallee who    risk of homelessness, including in Mallee.     regional centres, in locations
housing stock. Mallee Regional Partnership’s    are navigating significant life transitions.   It aims to help break cycles of disadvantage   with good access
Addressing Entrenched Disadvantage              Even before the COVID-19 pandemic,             by providing stable accommodation for          Focus social housing investments in
project focused on the need to improve the      only 57.1% of Mildura young people aged        young people aged 16-24 who commit             regional centres, near transport and
availability of appropriate housing in the      17-24 years were engaged in full-time          to education and training pathways. Our        services, for better access to health,
region. This project found that the private     study or work, compared to 71.8% in            recommendation for Youth Foyers identifies     social and economic support.
rental market is tight. Cheaper housing         Victoria. Mallee stakeholders suggested        Mildura as a possible priority location.
options are often poorly heated or cooled       that a Youth Foyer in Mildura would benefit
and may be far from required services.          disadvantaged young people who are                                                              Recommendation 94
It highlighted the need for improved social     particularly at risk for homelessness and
housing, in locations which are accessible                                                                                                    Make social housing suitable
                                                are disengaged from education
for work, healthcare, education and services.                                                                                                 for changing local climates
                                                and employment.
                                                                                                                                              Continue to deliver a long-term program
Even where heating and cooling is available,
                                                                                                                                              of modifying social housing to be climate-
the region’s extreme temperatures have
                                                                                                                                              resilient by improving the energy efficiency
a significant impact on energy costs.
                                                                                                                                              and energy affordability of residences.
This negatively affects the cost of living,
meaning many low income residents
avoid using air conditioning to reduce
energy costs.

This can particularly affect the health
of vulnerable residents, including infants,
the elderly, or persons with a disability.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Swan Hill
Mallee Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
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                                                     Langtree Avenue, Mildura
Mallee Summary Victoria's infrastructure strategy 2021-2051 - August 2021 - Infrastructure Victoria
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