Maximizing collaboration: Five ways to avoid the collaboration "bridge to nowhere" - Sometimes investments in collaboration technology lead ...

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Maximizing collaboration: Five ways to avoid the collaboration "bridge to nowhere" - Sometimes investments in collaboration technology lead ...
Maximizing collaboration:
Five ways to avoid
the collaboration
“bridge to nowhere”
Sometimes investments in collaboration
technology lead nowhere, but there are
practical steps you can take to keep
your collaboration initiatives on track.
Maximizing collaboration: Five ways to avoid the collaboration "bridge to nowhere" - Sometimes investments in collaboration technology lead ...
Voice conversations. Videoconferencing. Web-based
presentations. Social networking. Technology tools that enable
collaboration within and between organizations have proliferated
in recent years and are being implemented at accelerating rates.

The potential rewards are impressive. Even minor collaboration
projects that are fueled by technology can improve financial
performance by 0.3 to 1 percent of total enterprise costs.1

Yet the road to successful                          most out of their investments in                Aaron, why is it so important that

collaboration is not always a                       collaboration technology:                       different collaboration tools “talk”

smooth one. And sometimes that                                                                      to each other, and what are ways
                                                    • Link collaboration systems                    to make that happen?
road leads to the proverbial bridge
                                                       across organizational silos.
to nowhere: You’ve done your due

diligence, you’ve deployed the                                                                      Interconnected systems enable
                                                    • Make sure your communications
technology and you’ve trained your                                                                  collaboration to achieve its full
                                                       vendor has a defined product
employees, and yet no one uses the                                                                  potential. Yet organizations tend
                                                       road map.
solution and the desired benefits                                                                   to have many siloed systems.

never accrue. The reasons for this                  • Don’t fall into the “if it ain’t              They buy Product A from Vendor

can vary widely — from focusing on                     broke, don’t fix it” trap.                   A even though Product A can’t

the wrong parameters for success                                                                    be easily integrated with phones
                                                    • Understand communications’
to depending on the collaboration                                                                   from Vendor B or video systems
                                                       role in nurturing a “learning
technology itself to carry the day.                                                                 from Vendor C. Internal depart-
                                                                                                    ments or groups that make their

In this white paper, Aaron Ziebro, a                • Consider the potential of                     own IT purchasing decisions

strategic communications consultant                    collaboration rather than just               often end up in silos. Let’s say the

for Avaya, discusses five proactive                    the cost of the technology.                  claims division of your insurance

steps businesses can take to get the                                                                company decided to buy a

    “Social Computing and Communications Adoption Curve,” The Corporate Executive Board, September 7, 2010.

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Maximizing collaboration: Five ways to avoid the collaboration "bridge to nowhere" - Sometimes investments in collaboration technology lead ...
videoconferencing solution for       systems it was using. This slowed      We’re seeing a lot of consolidation

training. It isn’t compatible with   down the time-to-value and             in the collaboration software

the videoconferencing solution       increased the overall cost of          market. Should businesses be

your executive group implemented     the deal.                              wary before they make a

to reduce travel. And neither one                                           purchasing decision?

ties into your phone, e-mail or      These challenges are not

calendar systems. This is the        insurmountable. Our advice:            They absolutely should be

biggest roadblock to nurturing       Be vigilant about performing           attentive to what’s happening

collaboration and, unfortunately,    your due diligence before              in the communications industry.

it’s very common. You can’t even     purchasing a new collaboration         Larger vendors are swallowing

assume that products from a          tool and make sure it connects         up smaller or weaker players.

single vendor will work together,    to other key systems so you            Although sometimes the product

much less systems running on         achieve optimum performance            road map of the acquired company

different platforms.                 and return on your investment.         remains unchanged, frequently

                                     Will you be able to integrate it       consolidation translates into major

System silos are often created       into your existing e-mail, voice and   upheavals for the customer base.

through mergers and acquisitions.    data communications systems?           Products can be altered so

For example, a financial services                                           dramatically that there’s no

firm made what appeared to be        Does it possess any synergies          upgrade path. In worst-case

a great acquisition of a midsize     with other collaboration systems       scenarios, products are

bank. Then, only after the deal      you’ve already installed? Does         discontinued altogether.

closed, did the company actually     it add value across your business,     Businesses should be wary

look at the technologies and touch   or will the benefits accrue solely     of committing to small, niche

points of the acquired business.     for a particular department?           players that could be considered

It found 15-year-old PBXs and        Given the rich feature sets in         attractive acquisition targets to

voice mail systems that the          the wide array of collaboration        avoid being left on a technology

vendor hadn’t supported in years.    tools currently available, you         island. Make sure your vendor

The acquiring company had to         shouldn’t have to settle for limited   has a defined product road map.

somehow retrieve the intelligence    functionality and/or standalone

out of all those systems and         products to reap the advantages

migrate it to the collaboration      of collaboration.

Given the rich feature sets in the wide array of collaboration tools currently available,
you shouldn’t have to settle for limited functionality and/or standalone products to
reap the advantages of collaboration.

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Aaron, given how constrained IT          responding to changes in its
                         budgets are these days, shouldn’t        environment. The term was coined
                         businesses try to get the most out       by organizational theorist Russell
                         of their existing equipment before       Ackoff and expanded upon by
                         investing in new communication           consultant and author Peter Senge.
                         and collaboration tools?

                                                                  Collaboration is key to transforming
                         Businesses need to realize that it       a business into a learning organiza-
                         costs something to do nothing.           tion. If you have an expert located
                         Many subscribe to the old adage,         in China, putting that person on
                         “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” But   a plane and flying her across the
                         a collaboration system isn’t a           globe to share that information
                         lawnmower. If a lawnmower is             with a U.S.-based team is difficult.
                         doing a decent job at cutting            Airfares are expensive, travel
                         the grass, it’s not burning oil          delays are common and you
Create an environment
                         or leaking gasoline, you’re not          might also have to navigate visa
that encourages          going to monkey with the                 restrictions. By making it easy
employees to             lawnmower. However, for                  for that expert to collaborate

collaborate, provide     businesses the stakes are                with her colleagues from a remote
                         much higher. An electronically           location, you can not only save
them with the tools
                         integrated workforce spurs               money, but increase thought
that support that way    new ideas, allows people to              leadership, boost product inno-

of working, and you      share knowledge and ends up              vation and improve profitability.
                         increasing profits. An investment        And although technology is
can transform your
                         in that capability should be a           important, the organizational
business into a true
                         competitive advantage that               culture matters as well. Create
learning organization.   has both a defined ROI and can           an environment that encourages
                         be linked to revenue growth.             employees to collaborate, provide

                                                                  them with the tools that support
                         Can you define a “learning               that way of working, and you can
                         organization” and why it’s               transform your business into a
                         something every business                 true learning organization.
                         should strive for?

                                                                  Collaboration is much more about
                         A learning organization assumes          sharing the information. The tools
                         that its members participate in          are only the pipes we use to get
                         ongoing and continuous learning.         information to and from workers.
                         It values creative processes and

                         recognizes them as critical to
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Can you explain why companies           Other collaboration tools can deliver   Cultural transformation is a big part
shouldn’t focus only on the cost        similar returns. Add them all up        of this. Part of that transformation
of collaborative tools?                 and you get the full picture — not      is asking “why?” rather than “why

                                        only of total cost of ownership,        not?” It’s about transcending
Many organizations don’t budget         but also the true returns you are       organizational and cultural barriers
for collaborative technology. So        getting on the investment.              that are preventing collaboration
they tend to be very conscious                                                  from happening. And it’s about fully
of the cost of such systems.            The future is                           leveraging the people and processes
They don’t ask how much money           almost here                             that the technology supports so you
they could save if they replaced        Collaboration technologies are          can tap into the kind of innovations
quarterly face-to-face meetings         the enablers of ideas that change       and creative synergies that naturally
with virtual meetings that used         the world. From ATMs that allow         occur when people come together.
video, text, chat or WebEx. They        banks to automate most trans-
don’t understand how to accrue          actions — and connect consumers         About the author
smaller, incremental benefits of        to centrally located tellers for        Aaron Ziebro is a strategic
collaboration that really add up        more value-added services —             communications consultant for
to ROI. And that’s where they err.      to videoconferencing tools that         Avaya Inc. He has been a subject
                                        help nonprofit organizations            matter expert in IP telephony and
Individual collaboration technologies   make the best use of medical            IP contact centers for more than
typically don’t provide a massive       professionals’ time in remote           a decade, with vertical industry
benefit in terms of revenue growth      locations, virtually any process,       experience, including banking,
or cost reduction. However, ROI         service, idea or activity benefits      technology and insurance.
can be achieved as easily as giving     from collaboration.
a laptop and USB camera to a car

dealership mechanic. With those         In spite of their powerful
tools, he can show the factory          capabilities, though, these
exactly what the car looks and          technologies go nowhere if
sounds like. He’s no longer just        people don’t use them. So
describing problems over the            organizations need to consider
phone. If the car manufacturer          the big picture as they assess,
didn’t have to send its factory         design, deploy, maintain and
rep out to that dealership — paying     measure individual collaboration
for gas, drive time, training, and      solutions and their entire
wear and tear on a car — then it        collaboration portfolio.
gets an absolute cost savings.

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About Avaya
Avaya is a global leader in
business communications
systems. The company
provides unified
communications, contact
centers, data solutions and
related services directly and
through its channel partners
to leading businesses and
organizations around the
world. Enterprises of all sizes
depend on Avaya for state-
of-the-art communications
that improve efficiency,
collaboration, customer
service and competitiveness.

For more information, please
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6   |                   December 18, 2009.
                                  03/11 • SVC4726
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