MAY 2021 - Silver Springs Community Association

Page created by David Fleming
MAY 2021 - Silver Springs Community Association

                                     Photo By Judy Fleetham

MAY 2021 - Silver Springs Community Association
                                                                                                                 CLASSIFIEDS ..................................................................... 2
                                                                                                                 HOME ON YOUR OWN/BABYSITTER COURSE ........ 3
                                                                                                                 SUMMER CAMPS .............................................................. 4
                                                                                                                 SILVER SPRINGS PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION .....5
                                                                                                                 BOTANICAL GARDENS……………………………….5-6
          SILVER SPRINGS                                                                                         EDIBLE GARDEN GROUP..............................................7-8
                                                                                                                 COMMUNITY CLEAN-UP………………………………..9
                                                                                                                 PARADE OF GARAGE SALES .......................................10
                                                                                                                 SILVER VALLEY PLAYGROUND FUNDRAISER……11
                       5720 Silver Ridge Dr. NW
                                                                                                                 SILVER SPRINGS OUTDOOR POOL………………12-15
                       Calgary, Alberta, T3B 5E5                                                                 SILVER SPRINGS OUTDOOR PICKLEBALL…………………...15
 Phone: 403-288-2616            Fax: 403-247-0820                                                                FLOWERS FOR SILVER SPRINGS BOULEVARD .......................16
 Email:                                                                 SENIORS CORNER...................................................................17
 Website:                                                                         AHS-WINDOW AND BALCONY SAFETY ....................18
                                                                               MESSAGE FROM JASON COPPING .......................................19
          @SSCACalgary                                                                                           COUNCILLOR WARD SUTHERLAND .............................. 20
 SSCA Vision: To maintain a beautiful and vibrant community by                                                   DALE HODGES PARK ......................................................21
  supporting the evolving needs of our residents through                                                         BOWMONT PARK CORNER .......................................... 22
  communication, leadership and engagement.                                                                      BLACK KNOT FUNGUS ...................................................23
                                                                                                                 CITY OF CALGARY………………………………….24-25
 SSCA Mission Statement: To enhance quality of life by
                                                                                                                 NEIGHBOURHOOD STREETS……………………...26-30
  fostering community spirit, participation and engagement.
                                                                                                                 OFFICE OF PAT KELLY ..................................................31
 Article Submissions: Get Involved with Silver Springs today! The
  Silver Springs Spirit DEADLINE is the second Friday of every

                                 Board of Directors
President .................................................................................. Cydney Elofson
Vice President ......................................................................... Jennifer Dotchin
Secretary ..................................................................... Monique Tambay-Roest
Treasurer ..................................................................................Scott Chomistek
Director, Community Safety ....................................................Jeremie Bourqui
Director, Botanical Gardens ........................................................ June Bergman
Director, Crowchild Hockey ..................................................... Darren Bourget
Director, Senior’s Housing...................................................... Karen Kirnbauer
Director, Senior’s Engagement ...................................................... Kay Wilford
Director, Outdoor Spaces ........................................................... Jeremy Gukert
Director, Membership Development ....................................... Karen Bradshaw

Standing Liasons
Scenic Bow Valley Guides............
Scouts .......................................................................
Crowchild Twin Arena.......................................... Roy Moore / Jeremy Gukert
Soccer ...................................................................................... Dino Sorrentino
West Valley Softball………………………………………………...Paul Seipp

Seniors Card Group.........................................................................Betty Neary
MLA .................................... Jason Copping,
MP Calgary Rocky Ridge ................................................................... Pat Kelly
Councillor ............................................................................... Ward Sutherland
Friends of the Gardens .............................................................. Duncan Badger

Community Association Staff: 403-288-2616
Accountant .......................................................................................... Deb Hall
Administration .......................................................................... Dawn Ellertson
Manager, Building Operations ................................................... Rita McMillan
Program Coordinator .................................................................. Sherry Gavlin

    Office hours: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday –
          Friday. Closed statutory holidays

               THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT                                                                   MAY 2021                                                                   1
MAY 2021 - Silver Springs Community Association
CLASSIFIEDS                               “Anna Liza’s Dayhome” is a fun,
                                                   active, nurturing, loving, and safe
Nick Reynolds Plumbing: ‘Your                      dayhome in Silver Springs. Lots of
Community Plumber’ Local plumber                   indoor and outdoor activities. Provides
with 25+ years experience available for            school drop off and pick up. For more
all your plumbing needs. No job too big            information      email      me       at
or small. And bathroom renos! Fully       or call/text me
insured & Very reasonable rates.                   at 403-861-8727. Thanks
403-618-2707 or
e-mail                       Offering personal yoga from the
                                                   comfort of your own home. I am
                                                   Alberta College of Yoga Certified. My
Permanent Hair Removal by NEW                      wish is for you to learn a lot, gain
YOU ELECTROLYSIS: Certified                        confidence and demystify yoga. $50/60
Electrologist in Silver Springs, Member            min session. $25 for extra person.
of ESA FCEA with over 35 years                     Contact Erin 587-894-0311
experience.     Free consultation &
Flexible hours Call: (403) 286-2299
                                                   Little Smarties Dayhome: Qualified
                                                   elementary teacher providing caring, fun
Joe’s Handyman Service:                            learning      environment      within     a
Local Skilled     Handyman        offering         welcoming        home     setting.     Age
Installation & Repair Services in                  appropriate activities. Full/part time care
Carpentry, Painting, Drywall, Plumbing,            available from September. Drop off/pick
Electrical, Flooring, Tiling, etc. Before          up includes Silver Springs Preschool.
you part with your hard earned $$$,                For more details, contact 587-973-5792
contact Joe for a 2nd opinion/free                 or email
consultation @
email:             PET & SITTING SERVICES House                         sitting/inspections, cat/dog visits $25.
                                                   Dog walking $18, daycare $25. First aid
Spring Cleanup, Lawn Mower                         pet certified. Call Elena 403-247-6205
Repairs, Tree Pruning, Fence Repairs,
Painting Indoors and Out, Electronics
Repairs, Renovations.        Also lawn             BUTTERFLY                DAYHOME:
mowing, gardening, repositioning of old            Experienced, quality love and care in
sidewalk blocks. Reasonable rates,                 Silver Springs. Age-related activities.
reliable, quality workmanship, friendly            Group piano lessons. Snacks and hot
service, immediate availability. Please            meals.             403      288-3390
call Mehryar at 403-923-6441 or Loree    
at 403-286-6308
      THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT              MAY 2021                                   2
MAY 2021 - Silver Springs Community Association

Home On Your Own (8 –10 yrs)
This Safety awareness program is for children who are or will be staying home on their
own. Participants will learn skills that will make their experience more comfortable and
give themselves confidence. The class includes games, scenarios and role playing that
depict everyday situations in order to teach youngsters safety awareness, accident
prevention and basic first aid skills. Come out and have some fun! Younger siblings who
are between eight and ten years old are encouraged to sign up as well. The course is
taught by an experienced First Aid instructor.

Date: June 19, 2021
Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
Cost: $30.00/ participant (includes course booklet)
*minimum of 6 registrants needed to run course.

Red Cross Babysitter Program (11 – 15 yrs)
This Babysitting course teaches 11-15 year-olds to confidently handle the responsibilities
of being a babysitter. They will learn first aid safety tips, injury prevention and first aid
as well as be introduced to CPR. They will learn to care for children of all ages as well as
diaper and feed babies and some basic business skills. All of this will be taught in a fun
and interactive environment. The course is taught by an experienced first aid instructor.

Date: June 18 (6-8pm) and June 19 (12:30 – 4:30pm) (attendance at both is required to
complete course)
Cost: $70.00 members (includes course booklet and certificate)
*minimum of 6 registrants needed to run course.


      THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT           MAY 2021                                   3
MAY 2021 - Silver Springs Community Association
Hello Neighbours,
    Covid-19 has been rough and has kept many in isolation. Our community will be running a free “wellness hour”
   to connect/reconnect with our neighbours for an open discussion to share stories that center around positivity and
       optimism. Topics for discussion will be shared in advance of the sessions for those looking to attend. Please
    contact the SSCA Community Centre with your interest over the Month of May and we look forward to sharing
                dates to enroll for these sessions, as well as Alberta Health protocols that will be in place.

      “The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible” Winston Churchill

                              SUMMER CAMPS AT SILVER SPRINGS 2021!
Camp names:
July 19th – 23rd (9 am - 4:00 pm)
5y - 7y: Astronomy101
8y - 12y: Let's get creative: Computer Animation

August 3rd - 6th (9 am - 4:00 pm)
5y - 7y: Medical Science: Future Doctors
8y - 12y: Web Development

10% off promo code for March: summer10
To register please visit

Please visit

July 5th – 9th
July 12th – 16th
July 2nd – 30th
Aug 3rd – 6th
Aug 9th – 13th
Aug 16th – 20th

Please visit

June 21st – 25th
June 28th – July 2nd
July 5th – 9th
July 12th – 16th                                 Offering June “After School”
July 19th – 23rd                                 July/August “Half Day” and “All Day”
July 26th – 30th                                 Ages: 2 – 12years
Aug 3rd – 6th
Aug 9th – 13th
Aug 16th – 20th
Aug 23rd – 27th

        THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT                       MAY 2021                                                4
MAY 2021 - Silver Springs Community Association
          REGISTRATION                                           SILVER SPRINGS
                                                         Welcome spring! The wonderful weather
                                                         and the drying temperatures have allowed us
                                                         to begin to clean up some of the winter
                                                         detritus. Removal of black snow has been a
                                                         major push in recent weeks. Gardening will
                                                         begin at the end of April with on boarding of
                                                         our new volunteer gardeners and welcome
                                                         back to our long time faithful supporting
   Registration for the 2021/2022 School                 gardeners. As usual all gardeners will go
            Year is underway!                            through a safety protocol and signing of
                                                         statements of affirmation and a waiver.
We are currently accepting registration for our:
                                                         Each new gardener is mentored by one of
3 year old PM class: space available                     our lead gardeners for the first few weeks or
4 year old PM class: space available                     months to help each one to feel familiar and
Wait lists have started for:                             learn the gardens. We garden together in the
                                                         morning Monday through Thursday and
3 year old AM class
                                                         again on Friday. We have received several
4 year old AM class                                      offers of volunteers for this year, but more
4 year old All Day class                                 are always welcome. Because of COVID,
Some classes have filled but we are taking a             we are not yet ready to have some of the
wait list. We invite all parents to check out            large work party blitzes that we have done in
our website to learn more about our                      the past.      If you are interested in
incredible preschool and see why families                volunteering, please consider volunteering
have been raving about us for over 40 years!             through         our         website        at
We are flexible with pick-up and drop-off      
times due to elementary school bell times. If
that is a concern for you please let us know
and we will make it work for your schedule.

Find out what our preschool is all about by taking
a Virtual Tour

The preschool is overseen by the Silver Springs
Community Association (SSCA) and operates as a
nondenominational and non-profit organization.

                 Contact us today!
        Follow us on Facebook & Instagram

        THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT                  MAY 2021                                   5
MAY 2021 - Silver Springs Community Association
Through May the garden perennials will be
cleaned. And many annuals will be planted.
Watch for the bulbs that have been planted
through the gardens, tulips, daffodils etc. In
late May or early June our exceptional
collection of peonies will be in bloom.
Another early garden is the crevice garden
which is at its peak in May. These gardens
are well worth the trip to see them.
You may want to recognize the gardeners
when you walk through the gardens or stop
and have a chat. Our gardeners are very
knowledgeable about the plants and
conditions for growing in North West
Also of note are the original art signs in
most of the gardens. These are produced by
a local artist and add so much to the beauty      This year you will see recognition of several
of our garden.                                    sponsors for some of our gardens. There are
                                                  still many gardens available for sponsorship.
                                                  This is your opportunity to support the
                                                  gardens through a donation and recognition
                                                  on a specific garden. We ask that you agree
                                                  to sponsor for 5 years. Each garden has a
                                                  differing sponsorship amount varying from
                                                  $250.00 per year to $1000.00 per year. If
                                                  you are interested in doing this, please
                                                  inquire     through     our    website     at
                                                  We also have ongoing opportunities to
                                                  sponsor benches and picnic tables.
                                                  Again, this year we will offer the
                                                  opportunity to purchase an inscribed brick
                                                  for placement at the entrance to the garden.
                                                  Come and look at the front entrance to see
                                                  what they are like. If you are interested in a
                                                  purchase, please let us know through the

      THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT             MAY 2021                                    6
MAY 2021 - Silver Springs Community Association
  COMMUNITY GARDEN                          keeping your container looking its
                                            absolute best by “editing” the plants.
                                            Editing is the procedure of trimming
THE GROWING CONNECTION -                    back any overgrowth and spent
THE   GRASSROOTS    GARDEN                  blossoms. We were introduced to a nifty
SPEAKER SERIES 2021                         pair of pruning scissors that allow you
SPONSORED BY: THE SILVER                    to make precise cutting maneuvers.
SPRINGS EDIBLE GARDEN GROUP                 These “must have” scissors go by the
& THE BOTANICAL GARDENS OF                  name of Aesthetic Bonsai Tool and can
SILVER SPRINGS                              be           purchased           through
                                   for $20.00
In March we hosted the first virtual        plus tax. Curbside pickup or mail
session of our 2021 season with             options are available.
astounding success!
                                            Our April session, ‘All About Bees’,
Sami Ladner- Zech of ‘Garden                presented by Barry Rypien was an
Essentials’ entertained us with her         exciting evening exploring the world of
dynamic presentation of ‘The Fine Art       bees!
of Deadheading’. Sami began with a
lesson on design elements to consider       Barry introduced us to some little-
when choosing containers. Start by          known facts about domestic bees and
deciding on location: your yard, patio,     wild or native bee species. We learned
doorstep or perhaps on a tabletop. Next,    the difference between wasps (not all of
consider the size of the container in       them are bad!) and bees, how they
relation to the space it would occupy,      benefit us, why and how we depend on
the sun and shade requirements, and         them for many reasons. Our crops and
watering requirements. The next and         orchards need them to pollinate and
most rewarding is to decide on the          honey became an important commodity
“look” or theme you desire such as          around WW2 when sugar was rationed.
formal, whimsical, a specific color         Besides being an important commercial
theme, a focal point, then go for the       practice, beekeeping has become a
plants… AKA: Thrills, Spills and Frills!    popular hobby.        Like farming or
Voila! You have a beautiful creation!       ranching, beekeeping takes dedicated
Sami then provided a detailed               work and care ensuring the little
demonstration of caring for your            creatures are healthy and happy.
container. This included tips for

     THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT        MAY 2021                               7
MAY 2021 - Silver Springs Community Association
We got a close-up view and lesson on          Seasonal Recipe
catching “swarms” and what to do when         Submitted by Peggy LeSueur
you come across one. Hint: don’t run          (Adapted from Laura Nason-
away! Call the Swarm Catchers @ 311,
take a photo and note the location OR         Radish Top Soup
contact Swarm Catchers through:               2 tbsp butter            1 large onion, diced
how-to-help-bees                              2 medium potatoes, sliced
Barry provided tips on keeping hives in       4 cups raw radish greens
your own yard, and the best house             1 jalapeno pepper, diced
designs for native species.                   4 cups chicken or vegetable stock
                                              1/3 cup heavy cream
Barry and his family have developed a         5 radishes, sliced
wonderful array of hive products              1 tsp tabasco sauce
available for purchase through the            1 ½ tbsp. lemon juice
website:          Salt and pepper to taste
The honey is sublime, and the skin care       Directions:
products are lovely.
                                                   1. Melt butter in a large saucepan
The next Speakers Series Event is May                 over medium heat. Stir in the
19 at 7:30pm- ‘Fermented Foods 101:                   onion and pepper, and saute until
Sauerkraut and Pickling Vegetables                    tender. Mix in the potatoes and
the Probiotic Way’ by Denis Manzer.                   radish greens, coating them with
Learn the benefits of fermented foods                 the butter. Pour in broth. Bring the
and techniques to craft your own                      mixture to a boil. Reduce heat,
fermented vegetables at home.                         and simmer 30 minutes.
                                                   2. Allow the soup mixture to cool
Cost $15. Registration via the Silver                 slightly, and transfer to a blender.
Springs Community Association                         Blend until smooth.
website. Register Now                              3. Return the mixture to a saucepan.
                                                      Mix in the heavy cream. Cook and
                                                      stir until well blended. Add
                                                      tabasco, lemon juice, salt and
                                                      pepper. Serve with radish slices.

     THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT          MAY 2021                                   8
MAY 2021 - Silver Springs Community Association
Save yourself a trip to the landfill!
Date:           May 23, 2021
Time:           9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Location:       The lower parking lot, 5720 Silver Ridge Drive NW

Please note for proper traffic flow, enter the parking lot from Silver Ridge Drive coming down
the hill from Silver Springs Boulevard (right hand turn only into the parking lot!).


* No commercial vehicles please
   • Organic and Yard Waste (City is providing a separate truck for this)
   • Household garbage – anything that you can’t recycle

We will have recycling for:
Electronics (Technotrash Alberta)
Metal Recycling (Bow West Appliances)

   •   Paint                                             •   Fluorescent light fixtures or bulbs
   •   Tires                                             •   Thermostats
   •   Car batteries                                     •   Smoke detectors
   •   Chemicals                                         •   Glass of any kind
   •   Propane tanks or fire extinguishers               •   Rechargeable batteries loose
   •   Refrigerators                                     •   Ink and Toner loose

Volunteers are needed to help unload vehicles at the clean-up. If you would like to volunteer, please
sign up at
Check out a full list of Calgary Community Clean Ups here.

If you have household hazardous waste, please go to Varsity Fire Station #17 (3740 32 Avenue NW).

       THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT             MAY 2021                                              9
The opening of the Silver Springs Pool will be determined by the public health measures in place, which
are determined by AHS. The Calgary Outdoor Swimming Pools Association’s goal is to open June 19 th 2021 as
per usual. This information is appearing in the May issue of the new letter and on our website but that does
not mean the news will be the same in the June issue. On the positive side, it will only take the staff 10 days
to open the pool to the pubic once the order is given by AHS.

                                         Opening June 19th 2021(tentative date)
                                         Closing September 6th 2021

Regular Schedule

Monday to Friday
9:00 – 10:15am Swim Lessons

10:30 – 11:30am Little Fishy Swim/share with deep water work out Monday, Wednesday, Friday?

11:45– 12:45pm Lane Swim (30-minute intervals) must be 16 years of age.

Public Swim (90-minute intervals)
        1:00 – 2:30pm
        2:45 – 4:15pm
        4:30 – 6:00pm
        6:15 – 7:15pm (masters rental) Monday, Wednesday
        6:15 – 7:15pm Private rentals Tues, Thurs, Friday
        7:30 – 9:00 pm Teen Swim must be 13-19 years of age

Saturday and Sunday

9:15 – 10:15 private rentals
10:30 -11:30 private rentals
11:45– 12:45pm Adult Lane Swim (30-minute intervals)

Public Swim (90-minute intervals)
        1:00 – 2:30pm
        2:45 – 4:15pm
        4:30 – 6:00pm
        6:15 – 7:15pm Private Rental
        7:30 – 9:00 pm Teen Swim must be 13-19 years of age

Registration usually opens on June 1st for lessons and rentals, but due to Covid this registration date is
unknown. For more information, please refer to our website Registration for
lessons will be online once this date is known.

                                    *SCHEDULE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE*

       THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT                  MAY 2021                                           12
Lane Swim
We will be offering lane swim this year in two 30-minute allotted time slots between 11:45– 12:15 and 12:15 –
12:45 pm, Monday to Friday. During this time, we will have two double lanes to ensure socially distanced lane
swim and 1 single lane that will be split for stationary deep-water aqua jogging and shallow water jogging.
(Single lane design will be determined on a day to day basis).

* Faster lane swimmers are encouraged to come between 11:45- 12:15, but all swimmers are welcome
* Swimmers are encouraged to bring their own equipment

Little Fishy Swim!
This year with the new COVID restrictions, preschool levels will not be offered. In its place we will be
introducing Little Fishy Swim, scheduled from 10:30 – 11:30, Monday to Friday. In this allotted time, children
10 years and younger are invited to come with their parent/guardian (over 14 years of age) to swim during
a designated and supervised time. The goal of this is to provide the opportunity for swimmers to work on skills
that would typically be taught in group lessons. There will be tot docks placed in the shallow end and
instructors will be roaming around on deck if you would like (socially distanced) assistance or if you have any
Lifejackets and noodles will be available; however, we encourage you to bring your own. Please leave your big
toys at home.

Red Cross Swim Lessons
Silver Springs Outdoor Pool is pleased to be offering the Red Cross Swim Lesson Program this summer! Due to
COVID-19 public health regulations, things will look a little different than previous years. There will only be
regular group lessons offered for Levels 6-8 and Levels 9-10, with a maximum of 7 swimmers.
To accommodate younger swimmers, small cohort lessons will be available in place of the typical Levels 1-5.
These are designed for families that are in the same cohort/social bubble, with a maximum 4 children. Please
note that a parent/guardian (over 16 years of age) is required to be in the water with the swimmer for the
duration of the lesson. This is due to instructors teaching from the deck and maintaining 2m of distance.

Sessions will be 1-week long.

Session 1: TBA                                         Session 4: TBA
Session 2: TBA                                         Session 5: TBA
Session 3: TBA                                         Session 6: TBA

Lesson Schedule
Subject to change.

9:00                                                              Private/Cohort Lesson     Private/Cohort
                                                                        9:00 – 9:30             Lesson
                          Level 6/7/8            Level 9/10                                  9:00 – 9:30
9:30                      9:00 – 10:15          9:00 – 10:15      Private/Cohort Lesson     Private/Cohort
10:00                                                                  9:45 – 10:15             Lesson
10:30                                                                                        9:45 – 10:15

        THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT                 MAY 2021                                           13
Lesson Fees
Level 6-8: $75
Level 9-10: $75

Private Lesson with 1 swimmer $140
Cohort Lesson $75 per swimmer

Refunds: refunds will be granted with 7 days notice before the program starts, less a 20% administration fees.

Pool Rentals

Pool rentals are available – weekday evenings and weekend mornings/evenings
Starting at 140.00 per hour
Call the pool or the SSCA office for rental and refund policy details

Please make note of the following changes to ensure everyone’s safety:

           1. SSOP will have a reduced capacity to ensure physical distancing can be maintained. Our COVID-
           19 bather load is 80 patrons.
           2. Arrive 10 minutes before your time slot. Use the pool noodle markings on the fence to remain
           socially distanced (2m apart) and a staff member will check you in as quickly as possible.
       *Please consult the screening checklist and waiver when booking online. If you are feeling ill, please
       stay home. Screening questions will be posted at the entrance of the facility and staff members will be
       asking COVID symptom-related questions. Patrons who are sick will be denied entry.
           3. Please read all signage throughout the facility, including the pool rules posted on deck.
           4. Social distancing must be maintained at all times, including in the water. Please stay with those
           who you arrived with/those in your cohort. Follow the blue arrows for traffic flow and the circles
           for 2m distance from other patrons.
           5. We encourage patrons to wear masks on the pool deck, in washrooms or where social
           distancing is not easily maintained. Masks may not be worn in the water.
           6. Arrive in your clean swimming attire. Changerooms and lockers will unavailable for
           changing and storage of personal belongings. Carry all your items with you to the appropriate
           umbrella on the grass. Carabiners will be available to public if they wish to hang up their
           bags. Please drop these in the USED bin when exiting the facility. At the end of the allotted swim
           time, patrons must exit through the gate and shower/change at home.
           7. The pre swim shower is mandatory. Patrons will be required to enter change room A and exit
           through change room B, showering in an available shower in either changeroom. SSOP will be
           introducing gender neutral change rooms and bathrooms.
           8. Public Swim times will be in 90-minute pre-booked blocks to ensure access for all who wish to
           swim. Schedule and online booking information will be available once opening day is confirmed.

           9. Lane swim times are sectioned into 30-minute slots and only available during a specified time.
           Due to COVID restrictions, there will be limited space in each lane and therefore lane swim must be
           pre-booked online.
           10. Families are encouraged to bring their own PFDs (some will be available upon request) and
           need to be disposed of in the USED bin so they can be sanitized.
           11. Pool toys will not be provided this year.
           12. Enhanced first aid and lifeguard rescue procedures will be in place.
           13. Expect enhanced cleaning and sanitization protocols.

       THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT                  MAY 2021                                           14
*SSOP will have a designated COVID staff member cleaning during your 90-minute slot. If you have any
       questions or concerns, please approach them as the lifeguards will be focusing their attention to the
          14. Swim Kids 1-5 will require a parent in the water to assist. These levels are available via private
          lessons and cohorts are welcome. The instructor must maintain social distancing and cannot offer
          physical support to your child.
          15. For Red Cross Swim Kids 6-8 and 9-10 swimmers will maintain physical distancing from each
          other and the instructor. Instructing will be conducted from the pool deck.

Please be kind and patient with staff and other patrons. We are all doing the best we can.
We will actively monitor the pool and guidelines throughout the summer and may modify procedures as

                                     Pickle Ball in Silver Springs
Did you know there are 5 pickle ball courts in Silver Springs Community?
They are located at the south end of the Botanical Gardens and is a shared City facility with the Tennis
Courts. If you are looking for parking, go east one block on Silver Springs Drive and there is a parking lot on
the right side. You must cross the soccer field to get to the courts.
Now that you know where the courts are who is eligible to use these courts? The courts are for public use 7
day a week. You are welcome to bring your own net but if you don’t own one, we can help. Go
to and      purchase       a     family    or  Seniors Silver Springs   Membership.
The office can provide you with a code to the lock box that contains 2-3 nets at the courts. The code changes
every year so you will have to renew your membership to receive the new code, and this is also how we know
who is using the nets so please don’t share the code with your neighbors and friends. You will have to supply
your own balls as the ones in the box keep disappearing. Please make sure the key and lock box are secure
when you leave the courts. The City of Calgary has posted a sign for the use of the tennis and pickle ball
courts. The City have set a 30-minute time limit so that everyone gets a chance to use the courts. If a patron
has booked the courts, they must show you a permit for that day and time and will not have to follow the 30-
minute rule. This is a great game so please show common courtesy to all users and enjoy the season.

       THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT                  MAY 2021                                           15

Over the years, we have heard from many of you who wish to see some beautification of
Silver Springs Boulevard. Thanks to the Silver Springs Neighbourhood Streets Project we are
delighted to announce that we will have flower pots placed along the boulevard for at least
one summer! In addition to making the Boulevard more attractive, the flower pots will be used
to create a barrier between the pilot wheeling lanes which will be used by people travelling on
bikes, scooters, skateboards and the like, and car traffic. Since a limited number of pots will
be available, the City will concentrate them at both ends of the Boulevard to mark the start
and end of the lanes.

We need your help for this! The City is providing the planters and soil, but the community
needs to provide the plant material and plant them. The City will take care of the watering for
us. The planting work will be done at the Silver Springs Community Center the last week of
May or first week of June. Watch for updates regarding exact timing on our website and via
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Another way you can help is through donations, which will help to cover the cost of the plant
material. Donations can be made through our website at:
The plant materials for one pot cost about $50 dollars. Your name will be acknowledged in the
next newsletter (if you wish) and tax receipts are available for any donation over $20.

Thank you for your support and we hope to see you with your gardening gloves on for our
planting days!

                         Example of flower pots dividing bike and car traffic

      THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT               MAY 2021                                16
             Are you seeking information on resources available to Seniors?
              Are you seeking information on housing options for Seniors?

The Kerby Centre has published information on these topics in a booklet which is free. You
could view these resources on-line by visiting the Kerby Centre website or these publications
are available at many local venues such as Safeways, Co-op and public libraries.

      THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT           MAY 2021                                  17

   PROTECTING LIVES AND                         As we continue to deal with COVID-19,
       LIVELIHOODS                              the Alberta Government is further
                                                protecting lives through rapid testing for
As the MLA for Calgary-Varsity, I was           businesses and service providers, making
pleased to take part in the announcement        vaccines     available   through     AHS,
of $23 million to expand the neonatal ICU       pharmacies and physician clinics, and
at the Foothill’s hospital. This investment     supporting Albertans and businesses.
will support fragile newborns and families
                                                With more of our population vaccinated I
in Southern Alberta. It is also exciting to
                                                remain optimistic that all Albertans who
see the progress that is being made at the
                                                wish to be vaccinated will have a chance to
Calgary Cancer Centre, a $1.4 billion
                                                do so by the end of June.
investment that is on time and on budget.
                                                As always, if you need to get in touch with
These two initiatives at the Foothills
                                                me on any provincial issue or have
campus are in addition to the nearly $21
                                                questions, please feel free to reach out to
billion over three years under the 2021
                                                my                 office                at
Capital Plan all aimed to create thousands
of jobs and protect livelihoods.
                                                Jason Copping
Provincial government investments in            MLA, Calgary-Varsity
infrastructure and policies aimed to attract
outside investment to diversify our             Unit 201, 1055 20th Avenue NW
economy will lead to growth and further         403-216-5436
job creation.     Alberta saw a record-
shattering year for venture capital in 2020
and we are poised to continue to see
momentum in the tech and innovation        \jasoncoppingAB
space across our province. This is part of           Instagram: Jason_CoppingAB
Alberta’s Economic Recovery Plan.                    Twitter: @JasonCoppingAB

      THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT           MAY 2021                                 19
                                       The consultation for the Ascension
                                       Bearspaw development proposal
                                       began in 2017 by Highfield Land
                                       Management, with the plan
                                       subsequently being put on hold
                                       and revised. The revised plan was
                                       resubmitted to Rocky View
                                       Council last September (Project
My office has received inquiries
                                       Updates – Ascension Conceptual
regarding the Ascension Bearspaw
                                       Plan      in      in      Bearpaw
Development        Proposal      in
                                       (      The
Tuscany. I have heard from
                                       plan was presented to the Rocky
Tuscany residents who like the
                                       View County Council on April 20,
idea of more amenities and others
                                       2021. If the plan is approved in
who are worried about traffic. The
                                       general by Rocky View Council,
intersection of Crowchild Trail at
                                       then it goes to the Calgary
12 Mile Coulee Road already has
                                       Metropolitan Region Board for
lineups in the morning coming in
                                       review for final overview, before
from the west into Calgary to
                                       going back to Rocky View
work and adding a retail space,
will add to that stress. The
landowner is willing to participate    As this proposal develops, I will
in the costs of intersection           continue to communicate with
upgrades, but details need to be       residents through my City of
worked out. The questions that         Calgary website and monthly
remains is who will pay for the        community     newsletter.   Visit
upgrade of this intersection in for future
order to manage the traffic            updates.
properly? Currently, there is not a    Ward Sutherland
defined program between counties
and the city.                          Councillor, Ward 1

    THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT    MAY 2021                         20
Calgary gravel pit turned park clinches national
                  landscape award

Stormwater from rain or melting snow from eight northwest Calgary neighbourhoods travels to Dale Hodges
           Park where it is filtered and treated prior to entering the Bow River. (City of Calgary)

   Dale Hodges Park covers the 16-hectare site of the former Klippert Concrete gravel pit in northwest
                                     Calgary. (City of Calgary)
                           For the full article please click on the following link:

     THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT                   MAY 2021                                         21
Bowmont Park Corner
Our Little Gem in the Heart of Silver Springs
People from all over the city come to Silver Springs to walk down that lovely boardwalk! Waterfall Valley, also
known as Silver Springs Coulee, is a unique area where you can observe natural springs flowing down steep
rock faces. Most interestingly you can also observe a rock called tufa being created right in front of your eyes!
Tufa is a variety of limestone that has a spongy look and is produced by the springs feeding the waterfall. As
the water infiltrates through the ground it dissolves the calcium carbonate present in the sandstone and other
sediments. As the water comes out from the springs it suddenly warms up and releases the calcium
carbonates which over time, layer after layer, creates the tufa. You can also observe the algae present on the
waterfall which turns into a light brown color. Over time the algae will become part of the rock. If you would
like to know more, the interpretive signs along the path provides very interesting information about the
geology and other aspect of the Waterfall Valley.
June is a great time to visit as the water flow is high and the vegetations becomes quite rich. It is also a great
destination for those hot summer days as the stream of water and the dense trees provide a welcome
refreshment. For those who have not been there yet the trailhead is on the pathway next to Silver Springs Blvd
and Silver Springs Gate intersection.

                          Photo: Tufa rock found at the bottom of the Waterfall Valley.
Source for this article: City of Calgary Parks

       THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT                   MAY 2021                                            22
What you can do

                                           To manage black knot fungus, it’s
                                           essential to prune off infected branches
                                           2-4 inches below each "knot” and
                                           dispose of them in a land fill. Between
                                           each cut, sanitize your tools with a
                                           bleach-water solution (25% bleach, 75%

                                           The best time to prune is during late
                                           winter, as the fungus is dormant and the
                                           abnormal “knotty” growths are easy to
      Black Knot                           see. Avoid pruning in the spring when
                                           the fungus is active. The fungus is

        Fungus                             transported by spores so the proper
                                           sanitization of pruning tools is very
                                           important to limit its spread from plant
                                           to plant.

Is your Mayday, Chokecherry or Lilac       For the health of the tree, we
showing a black, lumpy growth on its       recommend citizens educate themselves
branches? It may be infected with black    in proper pruning techniques or hire the
knot fungus - a disease that affects       services of a certified arborist. Pruning a
Prunus family trees. Although the          tree or shrub leaves a wound, requiring
fungal disease is rarely fatal, if left    the tree to heal itself, and correct
unchecked it will affect the health of     pruning provides the tree with optimal
your tree.                                 conditions for healing properly.

Symptoms                                   Check out What Goes Where for details
                                           on how to dispose of diseased trees and
This fungal condition infects only         shrubs.
Prunus species of plants, and may be
recognized by the clumpy-looking,          For more information about black knot
black masses of abnormal growths on        fungus, please visit the Government of
the branches of your cherry trees.         Alberta's website.

     THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT       MAY 2021                                23
CITY OF CALGARY SUMMER                                    DISPOSE OF PET WASTE
   EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNTIES!                                      THE RIGHT WAY
                                                       With the warmer weather finally upon us, you
Recreation Programmer
                                                       may be cleaning up your yard or outside enjoying
                                                       the sunshine with your pets. Help keep our city
                                                       clean by disposing of pet waste properly.
Recreation Leader
                                                                 • You can put pet waste and kitty
                                                                   litter (all varieties) in your green
                                                                   cart for composting. For the safety
           This summer, leave grass                                of your collector, put pet waste in a
            clippings on the lawn                                  certified compostable bag or paper
                                                                   bag and securely tie/roll closed.
There’s nothing like the sound of a lawnmower to                 • Never put plastic bags or bags
indicate the change of                                             labelled biodegradable in your
season!      As     we                                             green cart. These bags do not break
transition to summer,                                              down and end up as small pieces of
                                                                   plastic that contaminate the
leaving grass clippings
                                                                   finished compost.
on the lawn is one way
                                                                 • If using conventional plastic bags
to make this seasonal                                              to clean up pet waste, please double
practice easier for you and beneficial for your                    bag and securely tie closed before
lawn.                                                              disposing of in the black cart.
Leaving grass clippings on the lawn, otherwise                   • Only dispose of pet waste in your
known as grass mulching, is the natural way of                     own carts. If you want to use
                                                                   someone else’s bins, you need to
breaking down grass. Grass clippings are about
                                                                   have      permission      from    the
80-85% water and quickly break down, returning                     homeowner or occupant.
nutrients and moisture to the soil. Leaving                      • If you live in a multi-family
clippings on the lawn can actually produce a                       complex like a condo
healthier looking lawn.                                            or townhouse, check
Try these tips for how to leave grass clippings on                 with your building
                                                                   owner or manager to
the lawn:
                                                                   see if your compost
       ·    Cut when the surface is dry                            collection     company
       ·    Keep mower blades sharp                                accepts pet waste.
       ·    Follow the 1/3 rule: mow your lawn
            often enough that no more than 1/3         To see a list of acceptable compostable bags, visit
            of your grass is cut. You may need to
            raise the height of your mower.
       ·    You can use any mower: push,
            electric or gas. Using your existing        REMINDER! WEEKLY GREEN CART
            mower, remove the bag and leave the
                                                        PICKUP RETURNS THE LAST WEEK
            clippings on the lawn.
                                                            OF APRIL SO CHECK YOUR
To learn more visit               COLLECTION SCHEDULE!

       THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT                 MAY 2021                                       24
The City is changing the default unposted speed limit on
neighbourhood streets to 40 km/h! See the impacted streets in
 orange below. For more details go to

  THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT   MAY 2021                  25
Neighbourhood Streets – Silver Springs
What We’ve Done:

The City has completed two phases of engagement for this project:

   1. Phase 1 – Identification (September 8 – October 4, 2020):
         • During the first phase of engagement, we asked what was working well and what was
             challenging for those travelling through and living in the community.

    2. Phase 2 – Prioritization (November 2020)
          • Based on opportunities identified in Phase 1 as well as the issues previously identified by the
              CA, we are working with the community to prioritize which improvements to install using
              temporary materials in 2021.

As part of the first two phases of engagement, key themes were identified as needing improvement (in

   •   Traffic calming and speed
   •   Safety concerns
   •   Wheeling infrastructure
   •   Traffic lights
   •   Lighting and visibility
   •   Pedestrian crossings
   •   Sidewalks and pathway improvements
   •   Roadway access
   •   Accessibility
   •   Missing links
   •   Other suggestions

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is included in this project?
  • Installing pedestrian improvements and temporary traffic calming measures throughout the
       community in 2021, based on feedback received through the Phase 1 & 2 of public engagement. This
       will include using temporary materials to transform the outside lanes along Silver Springs Boulevard
       N.W. from driving lanes to lanes for biking, skateboarding, using scooters or in-line skating.
  • In 2021 there is planned surface overlay work happening in Silver Springs. There is the potential for
       some of the traffic calming measures, such as curb extensions, to be put in place with permanent
       materials to align with the surface overlay work already happening.
  • Following the installation with temporary materials in 2021, there will be public engagement to help
       evaluate the effectiveness and impacts of any changes implemented, including the wheeling
       infrastructure. Based in part on this evaluation, changes to the roadway may be changed to permanent

Why are you doing this project?
In response to a community traffic calming request and ongoing conversations with the Silver Springs

       THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT                 MAY 2021                                          26
Community Association, the Neighbourhood Streets Program identified the community of Silver Springs to
pilot the Neighbourhood Streets Policy.

When will I see changes in my community?
Residents of Silver Springs will see traffic calming and pedestrian improvements installed 2021. This will
include using temporary materials in 2021 to transform the outside lanes along Silver Springs Boulevard N.W.
from driving lanes to lanes for biking, skateboarding, using scooters or in-line skating.

How much will this project cost?
Cost will depend on the priorities of residents and how many changes are made. Traffic calming and small
pedestrian enhancements are generally a cost-effective way to help residents be active and explore their
community using different travel choices.

What are the project timelines and the exact steps the city will take for the rollout?
The next steps for this project include installing temporary wheeling infrastructure along Silver Springs
Boulevard NW. We are planning for a June 2 installation to align with community priorities like Bike to School
Day at St Sylvester School.

   •   Spring/summer 2021 - Install bike lanes on Silver Springs Boulevard as well as pedestrian
       improvements and traffic calming measures throughout the community.
   •   Fall 2021 – winter 2022 - Public engagement to evaluate the effectiveness and impacts of traffic
       calming measures.
   •   Summer 2022 - Continued installation of permanent materials.

Will there be public engagement for this project?
Yes. After the temporary improvements have been installed, we will evaluate their effectiveness and impacts
to determine if any modifications need to be made before permanent installation that could start in 2022
based on available resources. This will include collecting feedback from residents, businesses, and other
stakeholders in late fall.

How are you going to use my feedback to make improvements?
Your feedback will help identify and prioritize the locations throughout the community where we will install
temporary pedestrian improvements and traffic calming measures in 2021. Following the installation of the
temporary changes in 2021, there will be public engagement to help evaluate the effectiveness and impacts of
any changes implemented, including the wheeling infrastructure along Silver Springs Boulevard. Based on this
evaluation, changes to the roadway may be made permanent. Some changes will happen right away while
others will happen over time as budget becomes available.

What kind of changes can I expect to see?
Some examples of changes that could result from this project are intersection improvements and missing
infrastructure like sidewalks or connecting orphan pathways. In spring/summer 2021 we will be using
temporary materials transforming the outside lanes of Silver Springs Boulevard N.W. from driving lanes to
lanes for biking, skateboarding, using e-scooters or in-line skating.

What is a pilot, and will there be an evaluation?
In many cases we will test changes with temporary materials to get the right design and allow us to the
opportunity to gather operational data and community feedback before installing any permanent

       THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT                  MAY 2021                                           27
What is a Neighbourhood Street?
A neighbourhood street is a street you might live on or the one near you with local shops and your closest bus
stop. There is a lot of activity that belongs on neighbourhood streets like moving, connecting with neighbours
and gardening or mowing the lawn. Neighbourhood streets work well when everyone can move safely and

What are liveable streets?
A liveable street is defined in this policy as a street that is safe, welcoming to all ages, comfortable for a variety
of travel choices, supportive of fun and healthy lifestyles, and enhancing for local destinations through
appropriate public amenities.

How will the city advertise this to the residents?
We typically find the best ways to reach all residents is through a combination of bold signs, letters, and social
media advertising (Facebook & Twitter). We also work with partners, like community associations to broaden
the reach of our message.

Do you have pictures of what the lane restrictions will look like and can you advertise them?
We have an extensive set of communications planned in anticipation of the launch of the next phase of this

If there are busses parked in the bus lanes, how does a bike, scooter or wheelchair safely enter the auto
Silver Springs Boulevard has both wide lanes and wide gutters, which means there is sufficient space for
wheeling users to travel past a school bus at St Sylvester school. While in a permanent condition, a full bay
may be something we consider, wheeling users still have two additional options in this 20-minute window of
the day including using the lane, taking the next lane or using the sidewalk (for users 14 and under).

How will the city address snow clearing on both lanes?
The snow clearing for the driving lanes will look similar to the service the community sees today. Snow
clearing on the bike lanes will occur in coordination with sidewalk clearance, meaning it will be cleared within
24 or 48 hours, depending on the magnitude of the snow event. While The City uses different approaches and
equipment in response to different kinds of snow events, our response times are a Council-approved
commitment to provide a consistent and safe travelling experience across Calgary.

How will traffic studies be done to see if this is a good project to go forward with?
Traffic impacts are an important consideration for this project. Because Silver Springs Boulevard is so
overbuilt, our modelling shows travel times will remain smooth. Measurements of the pilot facility will include
measuring speed (a main community concern), overall travel time, and shortcutting within the community.
Because the outside lanes aren’t needed for volume, the project is really focused on pedestrian safety and
giving “safer and greener” mobility options, which is the Silver Springs’ community vision.

Where else did the city do a pilot project?
While pilots are a newer approach in Calgary and North America, we have examples throughout the city
including the adaptive roadways that have been put in place to support residents during COVID.

       THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT                     MAY 2021                                              28
Neighbourhood Streets – Silver Springs
SSCA Newsletter

The Neighbourhood Streets Silver Springs project, a partnership between The City of Calgary
and the Silver Springs Community Association (SSCA), is continuing this spring to create streets
where neighbours of all ages and abilities can better connect and have access to safe travel
options. The project has completed its first two phases of public engagement, which has
helped to identify and prioritize mobility in the community of Silver Springs. Thank you to the
hundreds of residents who participated!

The next phase of this project will include installing pilot wheeling facilities along Silver Springs
Boulevard from the fire hall to the Bowmont Park entrance. By wheeling facilities we mean
protected lanes for people using lighter and slower transportation devices like bikes, scooters,
skateboards, inline skates, etc. The reason these are being installed is to reduce the exposure
of people crossing the street, to reduce speeding, and to provide a protected experience for all
people travelling, no matter how they move along the corridor. The facilities will start to be
installed in this order:

   •   May 2021 – First you will see traffic paint being applied along Silver Springs Boulevard
       followed by the installation of traffic calming curbs in the roadway. The wheeling facility
       will be created by converting one driving lane in each direction along Silver Springs
       Boulevard for use by people biking, skateboarding, scooting and inline skating. Yellow
       traffic calming curbs (see picture below) will be used to delineate the lanes.
   •   May 2021 – Following, students from St. Sylvester school will paint the pavement in
       front of their school as a way to interact with the idea of designing cities for everyone.
   •   May 2021 - Community members are organizing to plant flowers in planters along Silver
       Springs Boulevard.
   •   June 2, 2021 – Wheeling infrastructure will be opened along Silver Springs Boulevard.
       June 2 is also national bike to school day, St. Sylvester school is eager to test out the
       new wheeling infrastructure on that day.
   •   June 2021 – SSCA has been working with the University of Calgary on a project to
       beautify the community. The final project features playful signage that points to many
       of the amazing community destinations in Silver Springs. The signs will be installed along
       the boulevard near the community hall.

       THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT             MAY 2021                                       29
Silver Springs Boulevard with pilot wheeling facility (Note: traffic calming curbs will be used in
      place of red/white signage as seen in image).This image was created by StreetMix.

        Traffic Calming Curbs that will be installed to separate the car lane and the wheeling

Later this summer additional traffic calming measures will be installed together with pre-
planned paving work throughout the community. Late fall you will have the opportunity to
provide feedback on all of the traffic calming measures, including the pilot wheeling facilities,
that are being installed as part of the Neighbourhood Streets Silver Springs project. Based on
this feedback, changes could be made permanent in 2022 and beyond, also depending upon
available resources.

For project updates and to stay updated on traffic calming installations or future engagement
opportunities, visit the project web page and subscribe to our email distribution list at

*Unfamiliar with current cycling laws or has it been a while since you rode your bike? Visit to refresh your safe cycling skills!*

      THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT             MAY 2021                                      30

I appreciate that constituents have              5. Secure Canada’s economy by
entrusted me with the responsibility of             balancing the budget over the
representing them in Ottawa since                   next decade.
October 2015. As May is upon us and
the weather improves, I truly hope that     This spring I spoke in the House of
we will be able to return to engaging at    Commons and at the Finance
outdoor community events, as I have         Committee in support of small
                                            businesses that have borne the brunt of
missed the personal interaction.
                                            Covid restrictions. I challenged the
Canadians deserve certainty, clarity,       government to further consider ways to
and    competence      from      their      support businesses that opened in early
government. This spring, Conservative       2020 just as the pandemic began, and
Leader    Erin   O’Toole     outlined       do not qualify for any of the
Canada’s Recovery Plan, which will:         government’s support programs. Some
                                            of these businesses are right here in
  1. Secure jobs by recovering the          our communities.
     one million jobs lost during the
     pandemic within one year.              For up-to-date information on Covid-
  2. Secure      accountability    by       19, including Economic Support,
     enacting a new anti-corruption         Health, and Travel, I encourage you to
     law.                                   consult the government links shared on
  3. Secure mental health through our       my website, which is updated
     Canada Mental Health Action            frequently:
  4. Secure our country by creating a       You are always welcome to contact
     strategic stockpile of essential       my office to discuss issues that are
     products and building the              important to you or to request
     capacity to manufacture vaccines       assistance with matters related to the
     at home in Canada.                     federal government. Please call 403-
                                            282-7980            or           email

     THE SILVER SPRINGS SPIRIT        MAY 2021                             31
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