Media Kit 2020 mav Innovation in der spanenden Fertigung - Konradin Service

Page created by Eleanor Mills
Media Kit 2020 mav Innovation in der spanenden Fertigung - Konradin Service
mav Innovation in der spanenden Fertigung   Media Kit 2020

                                                    Trade Magazine   4
                                                           additive 16
                                                            Events 20
                                                           Website 22
                                                        Newsletter 24

                                                  Konradin Industrie 28
Media Kit 2020 mav Innovation in der spanenden Fertigung - Konradin Service
Media Brand

               Whitepaper                                                                  E-Paper
              Find the people who                                                           All issues also
              are really interested                                                         made available
               in your technology                                                              digitally.
                  and products.

                                                      Trade Magazine
                                           mav stands for innovation in metal working.
                                               Competent and highly topical, mav
                                            regularly reports on the latest machines,
                                               tools, components, procedures and
                                                  processes in metal working.
                                                              Page 4


                    Website                                                              The newsletter provides interesting
                                                                                          and current news from the world
               The online platform for                                                            of chip removal.
               decision-makers in the                                                                 Page 24
              metal-processing industry.
                       Page 22

Media Kit 2020 mav Innovation in der spanenden Fertigung - Konradin Service
“It‘s the duty of mav‘s
                                                                                                      editorial staff to correctly
                                                                                                      identify and explain trends
                                                                                                      within metal working.
                                                                                                      Technological developments
                                                                                                      are described clearly and
                                                                                                      competently. Reports from
                                                                                                      the field reveal exactly how
                                                                                                      end users can benefit from
                                                                                                      new machines, tools and
                                                                                                      other equipment relevant to
                                                                                                      machining technology.
                                                      Lead Generation                                 We take a look behind the
                                                 You will receive qualified contacts with             scenes and view ourselves as
                                                     specific interest in your subject                an active mediator between
                                                         (adhering to EU-GDPR).                       machining plants and man-
                                                                                                      ufacturers of production
                                                                                                      equipment. In print media,
                   Events                                                                             online and at trade events,
                                                                                                      it is our intention to
The industry meets and makes valuable contacts                                                        promote vibrant exchange
 at the trade events hosted by mav. One format                                                        within the machining
      that will continue to gain even greater
     prominence in 2020 are the joint stands
          and theme parks at important                                                                Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
                     trade fairs.                                                                     Holger Röhr
                       Page 20                                                                        Editor-in-Chief
                                                   Professional video production
                                                    on site or during trade fairs,
                                                      always with the expert
                                                           support of our
                                                           editorial staff.

Media Kit 2020 mav Innovation in der spanenden Fertigung - Konradin Service
Editorial Concept

mav                                                        Print         Event         Editorial
Innovation in der spanenden Fertigung
To succeed as a metal worker in a high-wage location                                               Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Holger Röhr
such as Germany, you must rely on the latest manu-
facturing technology.                                                                              Phone
                                                                                                   +49 711 7594-389
The trade magazine ‘mav Innovation in der spanenden                                                holger.roehr@
Fertigung’ provides qualified information on the very                                    
latest trends in metalworking. New products are
presented and their areas of application are
highlighted. Best-practice solutions clearly show the                                              Editor
user how companies are successfully implementing                                                   Dr. Frank-Michael Kieß
innovative technology – be it machine tools, tools,
automation solutions or peripheral products along                                                  Phone
the process chain.                                         Online                                  +49 711 7594-241
In the special section mav+, we focus in detail on                                       
a specific industry or technology. With our Trend
section, we think outside the box and explore
cross-functional developments that also have an                                                    Editor
impact on the manufacturing industry.                                                              Frederick Rindle

With our respected trade events, including the mav                                                 Phone
Innovationsforum, Trade Fair/Theme Parks, expert                                                   +49 711 7594-539
forums and workshops, we offer the industry a                                                       frederick.rindle@
qualified platform for networking – a key factor that is                                 
crucial to success, particularly in small and medium-
sized companies.
                                                                    Assistant Editor               Editor
The events are extensively supported by cross-media                 Carmelina Weber                Yannick Schwab
coverage in our print editions, on our online portal
and in our monthly newsletters.                                     Phone                          Phone
                                                                    +49 711 7594-257               +49 711 7594-537

Trade Magazine
            1 Portrait

01 Title:                mav Innovation in metal working                            10 Publishing house:      Konradin-Verlag Robert Kohlhammer GmbH

02 In brief:             mav is the trade magazine for machines, systems and        11 Publisher:             Katja Kohlhammer
                         processes and carries application-focused reports on all
                         the latest aspects of manufacturing involving metal        12 Advertising:           Dipl.-Oec. Peter Hamberger, Sales Director
                                                                                    13 Editorial:             Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Holger Röhr, Editor-in-Chief
03 Target group:         Production and manufacturing managers in the
                         metal-working industries who make decisions concerning
                         the purchase of complete systems, machines and tools, as
                         well as individual components and operating equipment      14 Page analysis 2018 = 10 issues + 2 special editions
                         for the working of metals and other materials. These are      Total number of pages:                                   1,488 pages    = 100.0%
                         people who work in companies involved in mechanical
                         engineering and automotive engineering, electrical engi-      Editorial:                                               1,121 pages    =   73.2%
                         neering and the consumer goods industries, as well as in      Advertising:                                               367 pages    =   26.8%
                         tool and mould making.                                         comprising
                                                                                        Loose inserts:                                              8 pieces
04 Frequency:            Monthly (with two double issues, 4 issues additive)

05 Format:               DIN A4                                                     15 Content analysis of the editorial section in 2018        1,121 pages    = 100.0%

06 Year:                 63rd year 2020                                                Manufacturing machines and processes                      286 pages     =   25.6%
07 Subscription price:   Annual subscription:                                          Tool engineering                                          202 pages     =   18.0%
                         Inland      160.00 €                                          Trade news                                                139 pages     =   12.4%
                         Abroad      160.00 €                                          additive Fertigung/3D Druck                               101 Pagen     =    9,0%
                         Free circulation exclusively to qualified recipients          Automation engineering                                     74 pages     =    6.6%
                                                                                       Tool and mould making                                      61 pages     =    5.4%
08 Organ:                —                                                             Robotics and assembly automation                           55 pages     =    4.9%
                                                                                       Digitalisierung/Industrie 4.0                              54 Pagen     =    4,8%
09 Media partner:        bvik Bundesverband Industrie Kommunikation e.V.               Cooling lubricants                                         41 pages     =    3.7%
                         ZoZ Zukunftsorientierte Zerspanung e.V.                       Quality assurance                                          38 pages     =    3.4%
                                                                                       Cleaning                                                   33 pages     =    2.9%
                                                                                       Manufacturing software/programming systems                 25 pages     =    2.1%
                                                                                       Surface technology                                         12 pages     =    1.1%

Trade Magazine
         2 Circulation Analysis

01 Audited by:                                                                             3.1 Circulation by postcode regions:
                                                                                               Share of actual circulation
02 Circulation analysis:    Average copies per issue
                            (July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018)

   Print run:                      20,100                                                                                                      PLZ 2

   Actual circulation:             20,022              of them abroad:              189    Postcode 2                                                                  Schwerin        PLZ 1     Postcode 1
                                                                                           6.8% =                                                                                                    3.0% =
   Copies sold:                      2,093             of them abroad:                6    1,349 copies                                                                            Berlin        595 copies
   • Subscriptions:                     86             of them members:               –                                    PLZ 4
                                                                                                                                                                 Magdeburg           Potsdam
   • Retail sale:                        –                                                 Postcode 4                                                                                            Postcode 3
                                                                                                                        Osnabrück               Hannover
   • Other sales:                    2,007                                                 12.9% =                                                                                                 10.3% =
                                                                                                                                                      PLZ 3
                                                                                           2,558 copies                    Dortmund
                                                                                                                                                                                               2,043 copies
   Free copies:                    17,929                                                                  Düsseldorf                                                                Dresden
   Residual/archive copies:            78                                                  Postcode 5                                                         Erfurt                             Postcode 0
                                                                                                                                                                             PLZ 0
                                                                                           13.8% =                      Köln                                                                         6.3% =
                                                                                           2,737 copies            PLZ 5            Frankfurt                                                  1,249 copies
                                                                                                                                                              PLZ 9

03 Geographical analysis:                              Share of total distributed copies   Postcode 6                          Mainz                                                             Postcode 9
   Economic area                                                      %          Copies    8.3% =                Saarbrücken         PLZ 6                                                           8.9% =
                                                                                           1,646 copies                                                                                        1,765 copies
   Germany                                                         99.1         19,833                                                  Stuttgart
   Abroad                                                           0.9            189     Postcode 7                                                                                            Postcode 8
                                                                                                                                    PLZ 7
                                                                                           19.6% =                                                       PLZ 8
                                                                                                                                                                                                   10,1% =
   Actual circulation                                              100.0        20,022     3,888 copies                                                           München                      2.003 copies

                                                                                           Summary of the survey method:
                                                                                           1. Method: File-based recipient-structure analysis – total circulation
                                                                                           2. Population: Actual circulation
                                                                                           3. Sample: Actual circulation
                                                                                           4. Target persons of the study: Recipients of the magazine
                                                                                           5. Study period: June/July 2019
                                                                                           6. Survey completed by: Konradin Media Group

Trade Magazine
          3 Readership Analysis

1.1 Industries/industrial sector: recipient groups           Share of actual circulation   1.2 Company size:                                  Share of actual circulation
    Industry code acc. to classification of industrial sectors 2008     %        Copies                                                                  %        Copies
     24         Metal production and working                          4.2           841                 1 – 49 employees                              46.9        9,390
     25         Manufacture of metal products                        21.6        4,325                 50 – 99 employees                              11.7        2,344
     26         Manufacture of data processing devices                                               100 – 199 employees                              12.1        2,422
                electronic and optical products                       4.7           941              200 – 499 employees                              10.1        2,022
                                                                                                     500 – 999 employees                               5.5        1,101
     27         Manufacture of electrical equipment                   1.3           260         1,000 and more employees                               9.8        1,962
     28         Mechanical engineering                               41.5        8,309                       not specified                             3.9          781
     29         Manufacture of motor vehicles and
                motor vehicle components                             19.4        3,884        Actual circulation                                    100.0       20,022
     30         Other vehicle manufacturing                           5.3        1,062
     32.5       Manufacture of medical and dental                                          2.1 Job function:                                  Share of actual circulation
                apparatus and materials                               2.0           400                                                                  %        Copies

    Actual circulation                                             100.0        20,022        1 Area of responsibility
                                                                                              Corporate management                                    13.2        2,643
     * The recipient target group mix varies with the industry focus of the issue             Technical management                                    20.7        4,145
                                                                                              Production management                                   60.9       12,193
                                                                                              Research and development                                 1.9          380
                                                                                              Quality assurance                                        2.7          541
                                                                                              Purchasing, materials, logistics                         0.6          120

                                                                                              Actual circulation                                    100.0        20,022

                                                                                              2 Position in company
                                                                                              Owner, managing director, member of the board           21.8         4,365
                                                                                              Head of division                                        25.4         5,086
                                                                                              Head of department                                      39.2         7,849
    Through its address management activities, Konradin constantly updates and                Group leader                                            11.3         2,262
    upgrades the address data for its target group, by a series of integrated                 Skilled worker, specialist                               2.3           460
    measures – from finding company addresses in the commercial register
    to using telemarketing campaigns to enhance personal data.                                Actual circulation                                    100.0        20,022
    To learn more, please contact us!

Trade Magazine
        Editorial Schedule 2020

Issue                              1-2                     3                      4                       5                        6
Publication date                   11.02.2020              10.03.2020             08.04.2020              12.05.2020               05.06.2020
Advertising deadline               17.01.2020              14.02.2020             16.03.2020              16.04.2020               11.05.2020
Editorial deadline                 10.01.2020              07.02.2020             09.03.2020              07.04.2020               04.05.2020
Trade fair issues, theme issues,   NORTEC                                         12. mav
mav events                         21.01.-24.01.2020                              Innovationforum
                                   METAV                                          02.04.2020              Special Issue:
                                   10.03.-13.03.2020                                                      Digitisation

Innovations/trends                 Act ecologically and    Cloud & Apps:          Production Factor       Protectionism: New       Online Platforms
from research and development      produce sustainably     What does the new      Infrastructure: What    Barriers to Free Trade   enable new Business
                                                           manufacturing world    does a modern                                    Models
                                                           look like?             Industry need?
Focus on                           Contract Manufacturer Tool Grinders offer Full Research: Basis for      Energy Transition –      Automation:
                                   – the Backbone of the Service                 Innovation               Challenge and            More important than
                                   Industry                                                               Opportunity              ever
Innovative machines                5-Axis Machines:        Grinding machines:     Entry-level Machines:   Machining Centers:       The Productivity
                                   Complete Machining      Efficiency to the µ      High Performance for    Modular and              Booster: Machine Tool
                                   in one Clamping         precisely              little Money            Individual               and Automation
Innovative tools                   Workpiece clamping:     Grinding Tools:        External and Internal   More productivity for    High-Capacity Drills
                                   From round to square,   The µ counts           Thread Production:      turning and grooving     boost Productivity
                                   everything safely                              The Connection must
                                   under control                                  be seated
Innovative peripherals             Digitization &          KSS productivity       Quality assurance:      CAD/CAM: Perfect         Automation:
                                   Networking:             factor                 Process under control   forms from the           Flexible automation
                                   values derive from                                                     computer                 even for small batch
                                   manufacturing data                                                                              sizes

Issue                                             1-2          3              4                      5                     6
Publication date                                  11.02.2020   10.03.2020     08.04.2020             12.05.2020            05.06.2020
Advertising deadline                              17.01.2020   14.02.2020     16.03.2020             16.04.2020            11.05.2020
Manufacturing machines and processes
grinding/honing/sawing/manufacturing                       •            •               •                     •                      •
Tool engineering
Cutting materials/drilling tools/milling tools/
turning tools/threading tools/grinding tools/              •            •               •                     •                      •
lapping tools/die clamping/workpiece clamping
Robotics and handling
Robots/handling systems/linear guide units/
conveying/interlinking/workpiece holders/                  •                            •                                            •
assembly machines
Automation engineering
CNC/PLC/IPC controls/electrics/ electronics/
hydraulics and pneumatics                                  •                            •                                            •
Quality assurance
QA management/measuring machines/measuring
devices/test equipment/ vision/identification/                          •               •
sensor technology/ tool monitoring
Manufacturing software/programming systems
CAM/machine data acquisition/plant data
collection/networks/NC programming/tool                    •            •                                     •
Systems, processes
Surface technology/coolants and lubricants/
preparation/disposal/cleaning technology/                               •                                     •                      •
compressed-air generation and conditioning
Industrie 4.0
Digital solutions for manufacturing/
Cloud&Apps                                                 •                            •                                            •

                                                                            Media Kit 2020 | mav – Trade Magazine: Editorial Schedule 2020   9
Trade Magazine
        Editorial Schedule 2020

Issue                              7-8                   9                         10                       11                      12
Publication date                   24.07.2020            08.09.2020                07.10.2020               06.11.2020              03.12.2020
Advertising deadline               01.07.2020            14.08.2020                14.09.2020               14.10.2020              10.11.2020
Editorial deadline                 24.06.2020            07.08.2020                07.09.2020               07.10.2020              03.11.2020
Trade fair issues, theme issues,                         AMB                       Parts2clean              formnext                Specialist Forum:
mav events                                               15.09.-19.09.2020         27.10.-29.10.2020        10.11.-13.11.2020       Microprecision
                                   Special Issue:                                  GrindTec                                         automatica
                                   Automotive                                      10.11.-13.11.2020                                08.12.-11.12.2020

Innovations/trends                 New Players in the    Intelligent Machines      Composites: New          Technology              The Trends 2021
from research and development      Automotive Market     and Sensors ensure        Application fields for   showcase Austria
                                                         Productivity              Composites

Focus on                           Serial Production:    Tool and mould            Aviation: Growth         Additive Manufactu-    Medical Technology:
                                   Minimise Unit Costs   making: Machining in      Market of the Future     ring meets Subtractive Manufacturing for a
                                                         the premier class                                  Processes              better quality of life

Innovative machines                E-Mobility: New       Compact Machine           Heavy Machinery:       Lathes: From the          Micro-machining:
                                   Machines for new      Tool: More Power in       Technology integration Multi-Spindle to the      High-precision
                                   Parts                 less Space                in XXL-Format          Long-Rotation             Machining Centers

Innovative tools                   The perfect hole:     Universal Milling Tools   Strong Tools for         Tool Clamping: Power    Micro Tools:
                                   Bore machining for    ensure Productivity       Superalloys, Titanium    and Precision up to     Machining in the
                                   professionals                                   and Stainless            Cutting                 Border Area

Innovative peripherals             Presetting &          Intelligent compo-        Parts Cleaning:        Deburring & Co:           Next Generation CNC:
                                   Measuring: Holistic   nents for intelligent     Efficiency for the clean Post processing of        The Future of Control
                                   Tool Management       processes                 component              procedures for perfect
                                                                                                          edges and faces

Issue                                             7-8          9              10                     11                    12
Publication date                                  24.07.2020   08.09.2020     07.10.2020             06.11.2020            03.12.2020
Advertising deadline                              01.07.2020   14.08.2020     14.09.2020             14.10.2020            10.11.2020
Manufacturing machines and processes
grinding/honing/sawing/manufacturing                       •            •               •                     •                      •
Tool engineering
Cutting materials/drilling tools/milling tools/
turning tools/threading tools/grinding tools/              •            •               •                     •                      •
lapping tools/die clamping/workpiece clamping
Robotics and handling
Robots/handling systems/linear guide units/
conveying/interlinking/workpiece holders/                  •                            •                                            •
assembly machines
Automation engineering
CNC/PLC/IPC controls/electrics/ electronics/
hydraulics and pneumatics                                               •                                     •
Quality assurance
QA management/measuring machines/measuring
devices/test equipment/ vision/identification/             •                            •                     •
sensor technology/ tool monitoring
Manufacturing software/programming systems
CAM/machine data acquisition/plant data
collection/networks/NC programming/tool                    •                            •                                            •
Systems, processes
Surface technology/coolants and lubricants/
preparation/disposal/cleaning technology/                                               •                     •                      •
compressed-air generation and conditioning
Industrie 4.0
Digital solutions for manufacturing/
Cloud&Apps                                                              •                                     •

                                                                            Media Kit 2020 | mav – Trade Magazine: Editorial Schedule 2020   11
Trade Magazine
         Rate Card No. 60 Page 1 of 4 (Price valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

                         Magazine format:                                                 Your contact:
                         DIN A4 , 210 mm wide x 297 mm high                                                 Advice, booking:
                         Untrimmed: 216 mm wide x 303 mm high                                               See contacts on page 35
                                                                                                            Your quick link to us: Phone +49 711 7594-360
                         Type area:
                         188 mm wide x 270 mm high, 4 columns, each 44 mm wide                              Order confirmation, invoices, vouchers, data delivery and technical
                         Printing and binding: Web offset, perfect binding                                   Order management
                                                                                                            Annemarie Olender, Phone +49 711 7594-319
                         Charges: No discount on colour or bleed surcharges

Position: Price for guaranteed position (from 1/4 page),
10% surcharge on respective b/w price                                                     Data delivery: Use our advertisement portal for data
Colour: Print colours (CMYK) in accordance with ISO 2846-1, see rate card for colour
surcharges                                                                                Conditions: Prior to digital transfer of advertising artwork, the publisher must
                                                                                          receive the corresponding advertisement booking. The order and copy deadlines are
Formats: see page 13 ff.                                                                   specified in the editorial schedule. A full-size print-out is required for checking the
                                                                                          supplied advertisement, or a contract proof or press proof in the case of a colour
Series discount: For orders within any 12 months (insertion year)                         advertisement.
                                                                                          Advertising must be seen as distinct from the editorial section and, as such, a
                 3 ads                  6 ads                 9 ads              12 ads   booked advertising format (ad, bound insert, loose insert, etc.) may contain only the
                                                                                          offer of one advertiser.
                   5%                   10%                   15%                  20%
                                                                                          In the case of advertising specials or special formats, specific positioning and/or
                                                                                          technical specifications may also apply. For further information visit:
Classified ads                                  Basic rate                      
Recommendation ads                              1 col., 44 mm wide, per mm b/w    9.00
                                                                                          Payment conditions: 2% discount for direct debit, advance payment and payment
Classified ads                                  1 col., 44 mm wide, per mm b/w    7.00    within 10 days of invoice date, otherwise payment in full no later than 30 days from
                                                                                          invoice date. VAT no.: DE 811 236 132
Job market                                      see page 46
Premium company profile (online)                per year                      2,950.00    Bank account: Baden-Württembergische Bank, BIC: SOLADEST600,
                                                                                          IBAN: DE28 6005 0101 0002 6238 87
Business card (print) more on page 26           per year                      1,980.00
Combi company profile + business card           per year                      3,940.00    Our general terms and conditions are available online at
                                                                                          We would be happy to send you a copy on request.

Trade Magazine
         Rate Card No. 60 Page 2 of 4 (Price valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

Ads: Standard formats
 Formats                       Basic               2-colour                  3-colour                 4-colour           Bleed       Format: width x height in mm
                               rates                                                                                     surcharge   Trim: add 3 mm to each side
                               b/w          Colour       Total rate   Colour      Total rate   Colour       Total rate
                                            surcharge    2c           surcharge   3c           surcharge    4c                                              Type area    Trimmed

 1/1 page                       4,950.00       460.00     5,410.00      920.00     5,870.00     1,090.00     6,040.00      495.00                            188 x 270    210 x 297

 Junior page                    3,850.00       380.00     4,230.00      760.00     4,610.00       850.00     4,700.00      385.00                    3col    140 x 190    151 x 205

 1/2 page                       2,950.00       380.00     3,330.00      760.00     3,710.00       850.00     3,800.00      295.00             land. 4col     188 x 133   210 x 150
                                                                                                                                              port. 2col      92 x 270   103 x 297

 1/3 page                       2,150.00       380.00     2,530.00      760.00     2,910.00       850.00     3,000.00      215.00             land. 4col     188 x 88    210 x 105
                                                                                                                                              port.           60 x 270    71 x 297

 1/4 page                       1,750.00       210.00     1,960.00      420.00     2,170.00       480.00     2,230.00      175.00             land. 4col     188 x 65    210 x 82
                                                                                                                                                    2col      92 x 133   103 x 150
                                                                                                                                              port. 1col      44 x 270    55 x 297

 1/8 page                         950.00       210.00     1,160.00      420.00     1,370.00       480.00     1,430.00            –            land. 4col     188 x 32             not
                                                                                                                                                    2col      92 x 65         possible
                                                                                                                                              port. 1col      44 x 133

No discounting is applied to surcharges. For special formats and ad specials, please see overleaf. For more information and technical details, visit

Trade Magazine
         Rate Card No. 60 Page 3 of 4 (Price valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

Ads: Special formats and positions
 Formats                     Basic               2-colour                3-colour                   4-colour           Bleed       Format: width x height in mm
                             rates                                                                                     surcharge   Trim: add 3 mm to each side
                             b/w          Surcharge   Total rate   Surcharge     Total rate   Surcharge   Total rate
                                                         2c                         3c                       4c                                        Type area    Trimmed

 2nd, 3rd and 4th            5,900.00       460.00     6,360.00      920.00      6,820.00     1,090.00    6,990.00       590.00                         188 x 270   210 x 297
 cover page
 1/3 page                    2,600.00       380.00     2,980.00      760.00      3,360.00       850.00    3,450.00       260.00                          60 x 270    71 x 297
 next to editorial

 1/2 page                    3,300.00       380.00     3,680.00      760.00      4,060.00       850.00    4,150.00       330.00                          92 x 270   103 x 297
 next to table of contents

 Panoramic spread            6,900.00                                                         1,700.00    8,600.00                      Spread over 2 pages         420 x 150
 2 x 1/2 page                                                                                                                           including gutter.
                                                                                                                                        Positioned at the foot
                                                                                                                                        of the page.

 Company portrait            In theme specials
 2/1 page                                                                                                 8,000.00     5,500 characters, 3 images
 1/1 page                                                                                                 5,000.00     2,500 characters, 2 images

 Entry                       Entry in catalogue and web guide/trade fair guide                                                                                       92 x 85
 1/6 page                                                                                                   900.00

 Business cards              Only Print                                                        per year   1,980.00                                       60 x 82

                             Print + premium company profile (Online)                          per year   3,940.00

Trade Magazine
           Rate Card No. 60 Page 4 of 4 (Price valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

Ad specials
                              Specifications                            Prices                   Further options/               Quantities/formats:
                                                                                                 technical notes                width x height in mm

 Bound inserts                1 leaf = 2 pages 135–180 gsm                          4,950.00     Front page marked.             Insert format:                     210 x 297
                              2 leaves = 4 pages 80–180 gsm                         8,650.00     Other formats and weights on   Delivery: untrimmed                216 x 303
                                                                                                 request, with sample.
                                                                                                                                Quantity:                          20,700 cop.

 Loose inserts                With insert note in magazine.                 275.00 per thsd.     Other formats and weights on   Maximum format of insert:           200 x 290
 up to 25 g                   Partial allocation by first digit of        Min. run 3,000 cop.    request, with sample.          Quantity:                          20,700 cop.
                              postcode is possible.
 Tip-ons                                                                      61.00 per thsd.                                   Quantity:
 Postcard                    Postcard
                              Automatic gluing                               37.00 per thsd.*    Manual gluing (pin-point       Must accompany all copies
                                                                                                                                                                   20,700 cop.

                              Minimum size of carrier ad: 1/1 page             plus carrier ad   accuracy) 74.00 per thsd.*
 Tip-ons                                                                      61.00 per thsd.    Booklets and other tip-ons     Quantity:
 Post-it                     Post-it
                              Manual gluing                                  74.00 per thsd.*    as well as product samples     Must accompany all copies
                                                                                                                                                                   20,700 cop.

                              Minimum size of carrier ad: 1/2 page             plus carrier ad   upon request.

Technical information regarding Ad Specials can be found in the sales document (PDF) at:
                                                                                                                                    *no agency commission on technical costs

Delivery note for ad specials: For “mav”, issue (no.),
Euro-pallet dimensions: 80 x 120 cm (max. height 110 cm)

Delivery address for bound inserts and tip-ons: at advertiser’s expense to:                                                                        More on
Konradin Druck GmbH, Kohlhammerstraße 15, 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen,                                                                            ad specials:
Delivery times: Mon. to Fri., 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Delivery address for loose inserts: at advertiser’s expense to:
Beck Servicepack GmbH, Raiffeisenstraße 25, 70794 Filderstadt, Germany.
Delivery times: Mon. to Fri. 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

The media platform for additive manufacturing

Print                              Content                             Website                           Newsletter                       Events and Fair Projects

                                                                                              web design

A Topic that moves many Industries                                                    The target group
Additive manufacturing has become a standard in industrial production by now and      additive targets the producing industry and will become the medium for owners,
is going to grow at an explosive rate in the next few years. A wide variety of        managing directors, design engineers, heads of departments, but also skilled
industries, such as Automotive, Tool or Mold Making and Medical Technology, take      workers in production who want to inform themselves about the possibilities of
advantage of these technological processes.                                           additive processes. Important target markets are tool and mould making, the
                                                                                      aviation and automotive industry, medical technology and general mechanical
As a complementary technology to Machining, Additive Manufacturing opens up           engineering. Additive illuminates both Metallic and Plastic Processes.
completely new possibilities for the Shaping, Functionalisation and variance of
Components. For this reason, we decided in 2018 to devote our own future platform     Crossmedia Diversity – print, online, event
to this rapidly emerging topic of the future.                                         additive open completely new, thematically focused opportunities for you to
                                                                                      communicate directly with your business partners and to present your innovations
Editorial Concept                                                                     to the Market. In addition to the Print magazine, additive utilises the entire
additive provides manufacturing companies with insights into the latest technologi-   spectrum of Multimedia Channels:
cal developments and shows practical application examples of successful projects in
additive manufacturing. additive is the link between users and manufacturers and      •   Trade magazine
thus a unique advertising platform.                                                   •   Online platform
                                                                                      •   Newsletter „Wissen aufbauen – Schicht für Schicht“
                                                                                      •   Events and Fair Projects

Trade Magazine
         additive | Editorial Schedule

Editorial Schedule

 Issue                    1                              2                                    3                                  4
 Publication date         21.02.2020                     03.04.2020                           21.08.2020                         23.10.2020
 Advertising deadline     29.01.2020                     11.03.2020                           29.07.2020                         30.09.2020
 Editorial deadline       22.01.2020                     04.03.2020                           22.07.2020                         23.09.2020
 Trade fairs and          Metav                          12. mav Innovationsforum             Rapid.Tech 3D                      formnext
 Highlights of            10.03. - 13.03.2020            02.04.2020                           05.05. - 07.05.2020                10.11. - 13.11.2020
 the Industry
                                                         LASYS                                HMI
                                                         16.06. - 18.06.2020                  13.07. - 17.07.2020

                                                                                              15.09. - 19.09.2020
 Focus                    Titan and Co.: Printed High-   Additive Serial Production           Polymer Printer: Plastic as a      Precision Components: That’s what
                          Performance Components                                              potential Agent                    Additive Manufacturing systems
                                                                                                                                 can do
 How does it work?        Selective laser sintering      Selective laser melting              Machining of Additive manufactu-   Laser Cladding
                                                                                              red components

 Digital Integration      Simulation Software enables    Science Location Germany:            From CAD/CAM System to the CNC: Platforms enable new Business
                          higher Productivity            News from the Research Sector        The Data always in View         Models

 Special Topic            Materials: The new Variety     Quality Assurance: Every part is a   Hybrid machines – Jack of all      Pre- and Post-Processing – The
                                                         good part                            trades, or nice to have‘?          entire process chain counts

 Industry focus           Aerospace                      Automotive                           Tool and mould making              Spare Parts

 Expert knowledge of…     Top Management                 Production manager                   Contract Manufacturer              Designers

Trade Magazine
         additive | Ad prices and formats (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

Ads: Standard formats                                                                    Ads: Special formats

 Formats                     Total rate
                             Gesamt-      Format: width
                                          Formate: Breitexxheight
                                                            Höhe in mm                    Formats                 Total rate   Format: width x height in mm
                             preis 4c
                             4c           Anschnitt:
                                          Trim: add 3zzgl.
                                                                  side                                            4c           Trim: add 3 mm to each side

                                                               Type area     Trimmed
                                                                             Anschnitt                                                              Type area     Trimmed

 1/1 page
     Seite                   4,500.00
                              4.500,–                           188 x 270    210 x 297    2nd, 3rd and 4th          5,250.00                         188 x 270     210 x 297
                                                                                          cover page
                                                                                          Title page                6,000.00                         188 x 270     210 x 297

 Juniorpage                  3,500.00
                              3.500,–                   3col
                                                        3sp     140 x 190    151 x 205    Promotion page
                                                                                          2/1 page                  7,000.00 5,500 characters, 3 images
                                                                                          1/1 page                  4,000.00 2,500 characters, 2 images

 1/2 page
     Seite                   3,000.00
                              3.000,–             land.
                                                   quer 4col
                                                        4sp     188 x 133    210 x 150                            Total rate   Quantities/formats:
                                                  port. 2col
                                                        2sp      92 x 270    103 x 297                            4c           width x height in mm,
                                                                                                                               plus 3 mm bleed
                                                                                          Bound insert              4,500.00 Insert format:                        210 x 297
 1/3 page
     Seite                   2,250.00
                              2.250,–             land.
                                                   quer 4col
                                                        4sp     188 x 88     210 x 105    1 leaf = 2 pages                   Delivery: untrimmed                   216 x 303
                                                  port. 2col
                                                        2sp      60 x 270     71 x 297    from 135–180 gsm
                                                                                                                               Quantity:                          13.500 cop.
                                                                                          2 leaf = 4 pages          7,800.00
                                                                                          80–180 gsm
 1/4 page
     Seite                   1,500.00
                              1.500,–              quer 4col
                                                  land. 4sp     188 x 65     210 x 82
                                                  port. 2col
                                                  hoch  2sp      92 x 133    103 x 150    Loose insert               275.00 Max. format of insert:                 200 x 290
                                                  port. 1col
                                                  hoch  1sp      44 x 270     55 x 297    up to 25 g                per thsd. Quantity:                           13,500 cop.

                                                                                                                               Minimum Quantity:                   3,000 cop.

                                                                                         More informations and technical details, please visit:
Circulation: 13,000 copies

Your contact for questions: Peter Hamberger, Phone +49 711 7594-360,

Website | Newsletter | Knowledge Building (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

           responsive                                                                        web design
                                                                                                              Advertising format                    Prices
           web design                                                                                         on all pages*
                                                                                                              Leaderboard/                         450.00
                                                                                                              Large Leaderboard

                                                                                                              Skyscraper/                          400.00
                                                                                                              Wide Skyscraper
Newsletter additive:
Knowledge Building - Layer by Layer            Website additive                                               Hockeystick or                       950.00
                                                                                                              Wallpaper with
Frequency: 12 times a year                                                     background colour
Distribution: 10,000 personally named and
              qualified addresses.             Target group:
                                               Owners, Managing Directors, Designers, Production              Frame Ad                            1,200.00
 Ad format Newsletter                 Prices   Managers in the manufacturing industry.
                                                                                                              Billboard                            600.00
 Leaderboard above header            875.00    In brief:
                                      provides with insight into the latest
 Text/image ad                       750.00    technological developments alongside application               Medium Rectangle                     350.00
                                               examples of additive manufacturing processes in tool
 Fullbanner                          500.00    and mould making, within the automotive industry,
                                               aerospace, medical technology and general mechanical           Video Ad                             500.00
 Medium Rectangle                    750.00    engineering sector.                                            (Medium Rectangle)

Sizes, positions and data delivery                                                                           *Does not apply to selected theme pages and
see mav newsletter, page 24                                                                                   company profiles

Special Newsletter on request.                                                                               Sizes, positions and data delivery
                                                                                                             see mav website, page 23

         12th mav InnovationFORUM

                                              mav Innovationforum
                                              April 2, 2020, Kongresshalle Böblingen

The mav innovation forum combines the strengths of a congress with those of a              Services and prices
trade fair and offers its partners an ideal platform to address their target group with
pinpoint accuracy. In five clearly structured sessions, 50 exhibitors will present their
innovations to around 800 visitors in a single day. Take advantage of this unique
                                                                                           Presentation of 25 minutes                                    
opportunity to generate qualified leads.                                                   2,5 m x 2,5 m exhibition space                                
                                                                                           2/1 page in the conference guide                              
                                                                                           2/1 side of the sponsor‘s presentation in mav issue 4/2020,
                                                                                           Automationspraxis issue 4/2020 or additive issue 2/2020       
                                                                                           Inclusion in the online microsite for the event               
                                                                                           Complimentary guest tickets                                   
                                                                                           Event-promotion print/online/newsletter                       
                                                                                           Organisation and moderation of the event                      
                                                                                           Organisation of keynote speakers                              
                                                                                           Delivery of leads after the event                             
                                                                                           Total price                                                   8,000.00

Project Management: Peter Hamberger, Phone: +49 711 7594-360,

Take advantage of these Konradin events by becoming our event partner! An overview of all events can be found at:
         1st mav Innovationforum Düsseldorf as part of METAV 2020

                                            mav Innovationforum                                                                      Get a
                                            March 12, 2020, Düsseldorf Exhibition Center                                           discount*


The mav Innovation Forum in Böblingen has developed into an important industry meeting point over the past 11 years. With no less than five parallel sessions, it’s not only
Mechanical Engineers and Tool Manufacturers that get their money’s worth, but now also Automakers and users within additive manufacturing. Following huge success and
many years of experience with this rapidly expanding event concept, we aim to continue our growth by developing new Target Groups and Regions. With the transition to
Düsseldorf, attractive investment opportunities are available for you.

 Services and prices

 Presentation of 25 minutes                                           
 Exhibition space 2 x 2 m (roll-up)                                   
 2/1 page in the conference guide                                     
 2/1 side of the sponsor‘s presentation in mav issue 4/2020,
 Automationspraxis issue 4/2020 or additive issue 2/2020              
 Event-promotion print/online/newsletter                              
 Complimentary Guest Tickets/
 Tickets to METAV                                                     
 Organisation and moderation of the event                             
 Delivery of leads after the event                                                       Project Management:
                                                                                          Peter Hamberger, Phone +49 711 7594-360,
 Participation Fee*                                                  8,000.00

*If you are already a METAV Exhibitor or a Partner of the mav Innovation Forum 2020 in Böblingen, the Participation Fee will be reduced by 50% to 4,000.00.
Take advantage of our combined offer and secure your place at the mav Innovation Forum in Böblingen or become an Exhibitor at METAV 2020.
Website (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT) – the portal for metal machining                                            Increase Reach through Retargeting
                                                                                          With this option, you can also reach your precise target audience on the Google
                                                                                          Display Network via high-reach news and consumer portals. You will have the
                                                                                          opportunity to present your advertising message to your target group for a
                                                                                          substantially longer period of time.
                                                                     web design           Choose your topic-specific audience and adopt advance retargeting options to
                                                                                          extend your reach with display ad impressions!

                                                                                          The target group Marketing process

                                                                                                                         €                  AD                                                                                                                        AD    AD

Target group: Managing directors, production and technical managers in the metal
working industry.                                                                                Integrate       Marketing of the       Campaign           Present on
                                                                                               pixels on the      target group            setup            websites of
In brief: mav-online provides ideas and facts for managers in metal working. The online           website                                                 Google Display
magazine is the logical extension of the printed magazine and conveys production                                                                            Networks
knowledge for all those involved in metal working.                                        Your advantages:
                                                                                          • Low wastage, thanks to targeted reach for users with a specific interest in the
Comprehensive, up-to-the-minute information                                                 topic.
On, our users find precisely the information they require for their
production. The website offers information spanning the whole of the industry,             • Control of your advertising investment through precise evaluation of audience
thematically organised into the sections Production, Automation, Ancillary                  reach.
Equipment and Events.                                                                     • Increase your brand awareness and image through recurring presence on
                                                                                            high-reach portals.
Ad formats and prices: Standard formats please see overleaf, other forms of
advertising on request. Delivery of Advertising also requires submission of the           Price on request.
correct advertising materials for mobile options, as specified.. For more information     Any questions? We are happy to help!
and technical details, visit

Advertising format               Position on                           Size in pixels (w x h)   Description           Positioning   Size in pixels (w x h)             Price
 on all pages*                    Desktop and Tablet**                  Desktop and Tablet       Desktop and Tablet    Mobile        Mobile                         per week
 Leaderboard/                                                           728 x 90                 Placement above                     300 x 50                          450.00
 Large Leaderboard/                                                     970 x 90                 the Header
 Expandable Leaderboard                                                 728 x 90 and 728 x 300

 (Sticky) Skyscraper/                                                   120 x 600                Placement on the                    300 x 50                          400.00
 (Sticky) Wide Skyscraper                                               160 x 600                right side next to
                                                                                                 Content (Sticky:
                                                                                                Banner remains in
                                                                                                 the field of view
                                                                                                 when scrolling the
 Hockeystick/                                                           728 x 90 and 160 x 600   Leaderboard                         300 x 75                          950.00
 Wallpaper with additional                                              or                       adjacent to
 background colour                                                      970 x 90 and 120 x 600   Skyscraper on the
 HEX-Code                                                                                        right
 Frame Ad                                                               120 x 600 and            Leaderboard with                    300 x 75                        1,200.00
                                                                        1.125 x 90 and           Skyscrapers on left
                                                                        120 x 600                and right.
                                                                                                 Tablet display in
                                                                                                 Hockeystick format

 Billboard                                                              970 x 250                Banner directly                     300 x 75                          600.00
                                                                                                 below the
                                                                                                 Navigation Bar

 Medium Rectangle/                                                      300 x 250                Banner within                       300 x 250                         350.00
 Video Ad                                                                                        Content or in the
                                                                                                 outer column                                                          500.00

*Does not apply to selected theme pages and company profiles.
**Size and position in pictures illustrative. Displayed in rotation.
Submission of data: 7 days before start of campaign by e-mail to
File formats: GIF, JPG, HTML5 (responsive), redirect. Max. file size 80KB. Please create HTTPS-compatible HTML5 (max. 2 MB)
and redirect files. File format for video ad: MPEG4 (file size max. 30 MB). For the advertisement formats Frame Ad, Wallpaper,       Additional ad format:
Sticky Skyscraper and Expandable Leaderboard, please request our technical specifications via e-mail to:                             Premium company profile, see page 26

                                                                                                                         Media Kit 2020 | mav – Website:      23
          Chips à la carte (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

                                                                                          Ad format*/position                       Size in pixels (w x h)           Prices
                                                                                          Leaderboard                               728 x 90**                      875.00
                                                                                          above header

                                                        web design
                                                                                          Text/image ad                             Image: 200 x 150,               750.00
                                                                                                                                    text: 300 char.
                                                                                                                                    (incl. spaces)

                                                                                          Full banner                               468 x 60**                      500.00
                                                                                                                                    590 x 100**

                                                                                          Medium rectangle                          300 x 250                       750.00

Title: Chips à la carte
                                                                                         * Size and position in picture illustrative.
In brief:                                                                                **Display on mobile devices: scaled to a width of 300 pixels
The newsletter provides interesting and varied news from the world of chip removal.
Its contents include industry reports, technological trends, applications, interviews,
together with smart tips and advice.                                                     Data delivery:
                                                                                         7 days prior to start of campaign via e-mail to:
Frequency:                                                                               Formats: GIF, JPG (DOC additionally for text/image ad), tracking code is possible,
The newsletter appears on the third Wednesday of each month.                             tracking pixels are not built in (file size max. 60KB).
                                                                                         With animated GIF files, the e-mail may only display
Distribution: 10,000 personally named and qualified addresses.                           the first animation Frame.

Target group:
Decision-makers from the metal-working industry.                                         To view the current newsletter and subscribe, please
                                                                                         go to: or scan QR code

         Editors’ Special Newsletter (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

                                                                                          Ad format*/position                       Size in pixels (w x h)            Price
                                                                                          1 x Leaderboard                           728 x 90**
                                                                                          above header

                                                         web design
                                                                                          3 x Text/image ad                         Image: 200 x 150,
                                                                                                                                    text: 300 char.
                                                                                                                                    (incl. spaces)

                                                                                          3 x Fullbanner                            468 x 60**


                                                                                          3 x Medium Rectangle                      300 x 250
Your benefits:
• We present your topic to the market
• You benefit from a strong media brand
• Your advertising message receives the complete attention of the subscribers,
  all of the ad placements are exclusively at your disposal                               maximum of 4 positions                                                  4,500.00
• Attractive pricing
                                                                                         * Size and position in picture illustrative.
Content:                                                                                 **Display on mobile devices: scaled to a width of 300 pixels
The Editors’ Special Newsletter is presented with the same look&feel of the regular
online newsletters. You will determine the subject focus and date of distribution.
Our editorial staff will carefully research the contents of the co-ordinated topic. If   Data delivery:
desired, your press releases can also be integrated into the newsletter. Finally, the    7 days prior to start of campaign via e-mail to:
editors compile the completed Editors’ Special Newsletter, incorporating your            Formats: GIF, JPG (DOC additionally for text/image ad), tracking code is possible,
exclusive banner advertising content.                                                    tracking pixels are not built in (file size max. 60KB).
                                                                                         With animated GIF files, the e-mail may only display the first animation frame.
Recipients: Approx. 10,000 recipients of mav-newsletter Chips à la carte

Send dates and availability: on request

            Premium Company Profile | Business card (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

Premium company profile                                                               Business card
Your online presence at and 11                                           Your print business card includes
additional Konradin Industry websites includes:             on all                    • 1 year presence
                                                          Konradin                    • in the trade magazine of your choice
•   Data and contact                                                                  • in the relevant category*
•   Own header image                                      Industrie
•   Logo                                                  websites                    *Categories print (examples): Drive technology • Industrial safety •
•   A description of your company                                                     Automation engineering • Operating equipment • C-parts management •
•   Published print-articles with Konradin Industry                                   Energy management • Fluid technology • Used machines • Handling
                                                                                      technology • Industrial construction • Industrial services • Components +
•   Downloads: your videos, webinars, white papers with Konradin Industry*            systems • Plastics processing • Laser technology • Logistics • Material flow • Microsystem
•   Max. 3 additional download offers (optional with registration)*                    technology • Assembly technology • Surface technology • Robotics • Connection technology •
•   Link to your social media account                                                 Packaging technology • Materials • Tool + mould making • Supplies
•   Integration of your RSS feed on the page                                          Categories might be modified by Konradin

    Premium company profile (online)                                     Price/year    Business Card                                            Online price            Print price

    Premium company profile at and                                        Partner of the manufacturing industry /
                                                                                                                                                   2,950.00              1,980.00
    11 additional websites of Konradin Industry                                        10 issues
    Start possible anytime                                                             Start possible with any issue
    Basic price for 1 year                                                2,950.00                                                        Business card 60 mm wide x 82 mm
                                                                                                                                          high, logo, 4-colour,
    *Leads on demand, per lead                                                70.00                                                       2 lines for company name and web
                                                                                       Formats                                            address, 14 lines of text, approx.
    Additional 3 download offers                                              300.00
                                                                                                                                          50 characters incl. spaces.
    Extension by additional 12 months                                     2,300.00                                                        Positioning in your category*
                                                                                                                                          of choice
Raise your company’s profile and promote your services with a premium company
profile in the network of Konradin Industrie.                         For further details, please refer to our extensive sales documents:                     
                                                                                      Data submission: via e-mail to

        Address Rental | Mailing (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT)

Address rental
Take advantage of our professional addresses to attract new customers               Communicate successfully with professional print and e-mailings.
for your company.                                                                   Just get in touch.
Select addresses for your mailings from our qualified database
using criteria such as:
                                                                                      Tip: E-mailings are perfect for invitations to roadshows, open houses and events,
Region • Industry • Company size • Function • Position                                trade fairs, webinars, webcasts, product launches and much more.

                                                                                    Print mailing – Lettershop
We manage your e-mailings to interested
and potential customers, including                                                  We manage your complete
dispatch and reporting.                                                             designed print-mailing
Multiple shots lead to higher success                                               service via our Lettershop
rates.                                                                              – from print to dispatch.

 E-mailing − Benefits and prices (at least 6 weeks lead time)                        Print mailing − services and prices (at least 6 weeks lead time)
 Handling:                                                                           Handling:
 1 e-mailing, 1 draft (correction), 1 selection,                          750.00     1 selection by industry and function                                  effort-based
 use of the existing template,                                                       Creation, handling, postage, dispatch
 dispatch, reporting                                                                 Address rental
                                                                                                                                                 from 0.55 per address
 Address rental                                                                      Minimum order value € 1,100.00 = 2,000 addresses
                                                            from 0.75 per address
 Minimum order value € 750.00 = 1,000 addresses
                                                                                     No agency commission on price
 Multiple shots:
 1 reminder with same content, same template,
                                                                 Handling 110.00    Detailed information on request.
 same address selection
                                                            per address from 0.40
 No agency commission on price
Detailed information on request.

Website | Newsletter | Newsletter „IT trifft auf Industrie“ (Prices valid as of 01.10.2019, in €, plus VAT) – the industry portal                                                 Newsletter „IT trifft auf Industrie“
                                                        responsive                  Ad format*/position                       Size in pixels (w x h)            Prices
                                                        web design                  Leaderboard                               728 x 90**                    1,550.00
                                                                                    above header

                                                                                    Text/image ad                             Image: 200 x 150,             1,000.00
                                                                                                                              text: 300 char.
                                                                                                                              (incl. spaces)

                                                                                    Fullbanner                                468 x 60**                    1,000.00
                                                                                                                              590 x 100**
                                                                                    Medium rectangle                          300 x 250                     1,000.00
Target group:
On the one hand, we appeal to the experts/specialists with an IT background who
deal with IT in the production environment. On the other hand, we focus on
IT managers in the production arena with a production background.

In brief:                                                                          Frequency: weekly, every Wednesday
Understanding basic knowledge in the “smart factory” environment and demon-
strating the implementation of modern technology (Industry 4.0) in successful      Distribution: 20,000 recipients
application examples – these are the fundamental competencies at the core of the
online platform                                                      Data delivery:
                                                                                   7 days prior to start of campaign via e-mail to:
Advertising formats and prices:                                                    Formats: GIF, JPG (DOC additionally for text/image ad), tracking code is possible,
See next page for overview of standard formats. Other advertising formats on       tracking pixels are not built in (file size max. 60KB).
request. Please supply the correct advertising materials for mobile options.       With animated GIF files, only the first frame is displayed in the e-mail.
You can find more information and technical details at
                                                                                   * Size and position in picture illustrative
                                                                                   **Display on mobile devices: scaled to a width of 300 pixels

Advertising format               Position on                           Size in pixels (w x h)   Description           Position on   Size in pixels (w x h)           Price
 on all pages*                    Desktop and Tablet**                  Desktop and Tablet       Desktop and Tablet    Mobile        Mobile                       per week
 Leaderboard/                                                           728 x 90                 Placement above                     300 x 50                        600.00
 Large Leaderboard/                                                     970 x 90                 the Header
 Expandable Leaderboard                                                 728 x 90 and 728 x 300

 (Sticky) Skyscraper/                                                   120 x 600                Placement on the                    300 x 50                        600.00
 (Sticky) Wide Skyscraper                                               160 x 600                right side next to
                                                                                                 Content (Sticky:
                                                                                                Banner remains in
                                                                                                 the field of view
                                                                                                 when scrolling the
 Hockeystick/                                                           728 x 90 and 160 x 600   Leaderboard                         300 x 75                      1,400.00
 Wallpaper with additional                                              or                       adjacent to
 background colour                                                      970 x 90 and 120 x 600   Skyscraper on the
 HEX-Code                                                                                        right
 Frame Ad                                                               120 x 600 and            Leaderboard with                    300 x 75                      1,600.00
                                                                        1.125 x 90 and           Skyscrapers on left
                                                                        120 x 600                and right.
                                                                                                 Tablet display in
                                                                                                 Hockeystick format

 Billboard                                                              970 x 250                Banner directly                     300 x 75                        650.00
                                                                                                 below the
                                                                                                 Navigation Bar

 Medium Rectangle/                                                      300 x 250                Banner within                       300 x 250                       500.00
 Video Ad                                                                                        Content or in the
                                                                                                 outer column

*Does not apply to selected theme pages and company profiles.
**Size and position in pictures illustrative. Displayed in rotation.

Submission of data: 7 days before start of campaign by e-mail to
File formats: GIF, JPG, HTML5 (responsive), redirect. Max. file size 80KB. Please create HTTPS-compatible HTML5 (max. 2MB)         Additional ad format:
and redirect files. File format for video ad: MPEG4 (file size max. 30 MB). For the advertisement formats Frame Ad, Wallpaper,     Premium company profile, see page 26
Sticky Skyscraper and Expandable Leaderboard, please request our technical specifications via e-mail to:
                                                                                                                         Media Kit 2020 | mav – Website:     29
Das Stellen-Portal für Ihren Erfolg! is the job portal of the Konradin Publishing Group. represents a unique media network built upon 62 print and online
brands with the highest level of professional competence.
                                                                                                  28 print                             33 online-
The magazines and websites are used by readers and users predominantly as a
                                                                                                partners with                         partners with
                                                                                                                                    8,902,174 PIs per month
source of professional information and cover the most important industry sectors.                 582,130 print
                                                                                                 editions per month                    5,145,299 visits
With your job advertisement in one of our six industry channels, you will directly                                                          per month
address the future specialists and executives within your precise target group.

      Architecture                        Crafts                   Knowledge                 Optometry                Working World                     Industry
       262,788 PIs,                     634,127 PIs,               7,328,157 PIs,            96,992 PIs,                   65,254 PIs,               514,856 PIs,
      172,973 visits,                  491,027 visits,            4,049,159 visits,         43,088 visits,                43,542 visits,            345,510 visits,
     63,033 print run                 90,664 print run           183,968 print run         13,900 print run              14,665 print run          215,900 print run
          copies                           copies                      copies                   copies                        copies                    copies

                                             Double combo package print                     Triple combo package print

                                       30%      discount on advertising rates
                                        for placements in two magazines
                                                                                      40%       discount on advertising rates
                                                                                       for placements in three magazines

With your job advertisement in the Industry channel, you will reach an unprecedented
                    functional array of qualified specialists and managers.

                    The Industry channel comprises a total of 24 trade magazines and professional online portals for the industry’s
                    decision-makers, making it one of the most diverse brands in German-speaking markets.

                                                                       PRINT JOURNAL inc. 4 weeks Basic Job Online*                  ONLINE ONLY
                                                            1/               1/             1/
Industry                                                      4 page           2 page         1 page    Circulation/frequency p.a.     Basis Job       Premium Job Premium Job +

Automationspraxis                                           1,400.00         2,000.00       3,200.00     15,100 copies     10x           4 weeks          8 weeks          8 weeks
Beschaffung aktuell                                          2,300.00         3,260.00       5,350.00     18,100 copies     10x        simple listing   simple listing   exclusive listing
cav – Prozesstechnik für die Chemieindustrie                1,400.00         2,000.00       3,200.00     21,700 copies     15x            199.00           249.00            299.00
dei – Prozesstechnik für die Lebensmittelindustrie          1,000.00         1,500.00       2,200.00       9,100 copies    10x
elektro AUTOMATION                                          1,400.00         2,000.00       3,200.00     18,100 copies      9x
                                                                                                                                                          *With pri
EPP Elektronik Produktion & Prüftechnik                     1,000.00         1,500.00       2,200.00      9,200 copies      7x                                      nt bo
                                                                                                                                                            the respec oking,
Industrieanzeiger                                           1,750.00         2,750.00       4,300.00     40,100 copies     34x                             online ch tive
                                                                                                                                                                     annel is
KEM Konstruktion                                            1,400.00         2,000.00      3,200.00      22,600 copies     18x                                4 weeks! for
mav Innovation in der spanenden Fertigung                   1,400.00         2,000.00      3,200.00      20,100 copies     10x
medizin&technik                                             1,020.00         1,530.00      2,040.00      10,000 copies      6x
phpro – Prozesstechnik für die Pharmaindustrie              1,000.00         1,500.00      2,200.00      11,100 copies      5x
QUALITY ENGINEERING                                         1,440.00         2,040.00      3,260.00      20,700 copies      4x

All print ads set to type area (specific formats are available upon request), prices in € plus VAT., all print rates
indicated are valid for 4-colour print. Publication rates are provided by the publisher and are valid as of 2019.

Konradin Industrie
The Network of Expertise for Industry

17 cross-media brands form the network of expertise for industry

The Konradin Industrie portfolio comprises                 The professional trade media of Konradin Industrie
17 industrial media brands. The range of trade             primarily reach audiences within the sectors electrical
magazines is complemented by individual websites           engineering, food and nutrition industry, automotive
and newsletters for each respective title. In addition     engineering, precision mechanics/optics, mechanical
to this, there are focused online portals. Trade events,   and plant engineering, medical technology, metal
which are carried out by individual media brands or in     production/working and the pharmaceutical and
collaboration, round off the consummate brand               chemical industries.

                        Automationspraxis                                          EPP Elektronik Produktion +       medizin&technik
                        FOR: Managing directors,                                                                     FOR: Heads of design/
                        plant managers, production                                 FOR: Managing directors,          development, production,
                        managers, planning engineers                               technical managers, quality       product managers, quality
                        IN: Production companies                                   managers, skilled workers in      managers, Managing
                        in all industries                                          production and development        directors
                                                                                   IN: Electronics prod./testing     IN: Medical technology

                        Beschaffung aktuell                                                  EPP EUROPE               phpro – Prozesstechnik für die
                        FOR: Board members,
                        managing directors, heads of                               FOR: Managing directors,          FOR: Plant/production
                        area/department in                                         technical managers, quality       managers, technical
                        purchasing, materials                                      managers, skilled workers in      management,
                        management and logistics.                                  production and development
                                                                                                                     IN: Pharmaceutical industry,
                        IN: All industries, focus on                               IN: Electronics production and    suppliers/manufacturers of
                        companies with 500                                         testing                           plants and equipment
                        employees and more                                         international/in English

cav – process technology for     Industrieanzeiger                    QUALITY ENGINEERING
the chemical industry
                                 FOR: Managing directors,             FOR: Persons responsible for
FOR: Managing directors,         techn./commercial managers           quality in management and
technical managers, plant        IN: SMEs in mech. enginee-           production
managers                         ring, metalworking and               IN: Manufacturers with focus
IN: Chemical/pharmaceutical      processing, automotive,              on mechanical engineering,
industry, suppliers/manufac-     plastics processing and              metals, plastics, automotive
turers of plants and equipment   electrical engineering

         cpp – process                          Sicherheitsbeauftragter
         technology for the
         chemical industry       is the comprehensive online          FOR: Managing directors,
FOR: Managing directors,         specialist Portal for Digitisation   safety officers, specialists for
technical managers, plant        in Production                        occupational safety, safety
managers                                                              engineers
IN: Chemical/pharmaceutical                                           IN: All industries
industry, suppliers/manufac-
turers of plants and equipment
international/in English
dei – Prozesstechnik für die     KEM Konstruktion                     Sicherheitsingenieur
                                 FOR: Heads of design/                FOR: Managing directors,
FOR: Managing directors,         development, design/                 specialists for occupational
technical managers,              development engineers,               safety, safety engineers
production managers              technical management                 IN: All industries
IN: Food and beverage            IN: Mechanical engineering,
industry                         electrical engineering, vehicle

elektro AUTOMATION               mav Innovation in der
                                 spanenden Fertigung
FOR: Technical management,
automators, heads of design      FOR: Production managers,
engineering/development,         technical managers, CEOs
system integrators               IN: Metal working and
IN: Mechanical engineering,      processing, mechanical
electrical engineering and       engineering, automotive
other automation-intensive
Konradin Industrie
The Network of Expertise for Industry

Our portfolio for your successful target-group communication

      Media advice and                                 Extras for your                                   Optimising your
      campaign planning                                target-group marketing                            advertising material
      We will advise you competently and               Extras such as Lead Generation, Video or          With our experience in advertising efficacy
      comprehensively on all your media planning       Address Rental are just a few of the              research, we support you in developing your
      needs within the network of Konradin             media channels available to reach                 customized campaign, helping you to achieve
      Industrie. Working closely with you, we select   your target group. Talk to us, we provide you     your specific communication objectives.
      the appropriate channels and media brands.       with the relevant options.

      Printing your                                    Corporate                                         B2B market and
      products                                         publishing                                        media research
      KonradinHeckel                                   Our corporate publishing experts develop and      Whether you are considering advertisement
      is your specialist for the complete production   realise corporate communication measures          tests, brand image or brand awareness studies,
      of catalogues.                                   tailored to your target group, such as customer   we have extensive experience in the B2B market                            magazines, specialist online portals or events    research and work closely with qualified
                                                       – 100% individually.                              institutes.
                                                                                We can conduct efficient and affordable surveys
                                                                                                         on your behalf.

                                                       Talk to us!
                                                       We will gladly advise you and put you in touch with the relevant departments
                                                       of our company.
Media Advice
Your quick link to us: Phone +49 711 7594-552
Fax +49 711 7594-1552

              Sales Director                          Angelika Hörmann       Martina Lebherz                       Jürgen Traub
              Peter Hamberger
                                                       +49 711 7594-476     72793 Pfullingen                       +49 711 7594-547
               +49 711 7594-360                      angelika.hoermann@      +49 711 7594-4651                   juergen.traub@
              peter.hamberger@                          martina.lebherz@            

              Manuela Bumler                          Dunja Jakob            Ingo Neubert                          Amandeep Turna
               +49 711 7594-347                       +49 711 7594-453      +49 711 7594-477                     +49 711 7594-549
              manuela.bumler@                         dunja.jakob@           ingo.neubert@                         amandeep.turna@

              Irena Dantele                           Ann-Kathrin Klemmer    Walter Rojan          Great Britain
                                                                                                   Jens Smith Partnership – Keir Smith
               +49 711 7594-365                       +49 711 7594-338     86940 Schwifting
                                                                                                   The Court Long Sutton
              irena.dantele@                          ann-kathrin.klemmer@    +49 8191 9476-099
                                                                                                   Hook, Hampshire RG29 1TA
                                                                                                    +44 1256 862589

              Heike Durz                                                                           USA, Canada
                                                      Julia Knapp            Clemens Scheffler
                                                                                                   D.A. Fox Advertising Sales, Inc.
              70736 Fellbach                           +49 711 7594-327     30855 Langenhagen     Detlef Fox
               +49 711 7594-4650                     julia.knapp@            +49 511 90146-30    5 Penn Plaza, 19th Floor,
              heike.durz@                               clemens.scheffler@    New York, NY 10001
                                                          +1 212 8963881

              Michael Günther                         Thilo Lamprecht        Martin Sellig
               +49 6131 5841-126                      +49 711 7594-535      +49 711 7594-336
              michael.guenther@                       thilo.lamprecht@       martin.sellig@             Follow us!

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