(Mesocricetus auratus) - Hereditary Hydrocephalus in Laboratory-reared Golden Hamsters

Page created by Rodney Watson
Vet Pathol 43:523–529 (2006)

 Hereditary Hydrocephalus in Laboratory-reared Golden Hamsters
                    (Mesocricetus auratus)
       Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences,
            Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (JFE); and Institute of Animal Genetics,
           Nutrition and Housing, Division of Animal Housing and Welfare (SG-H, KF, AH, AS)
               and Vetsuisse Faculty, Division of Clinical Radiology (MK), Bern, Switzerland

        Abstract. A colony of golden hamsters had an ongoing problem with hydrocephalus. In an attempt
     to clear the colony of the problem, new breeders from another supplier had been purchased. At
     termination of a behavioral study, the brain was collected from 35 animals (four of which had died with
     hydrocephalus during the study) and was examined macroscopically and by light microscopy. Although
     no animals manifested obvious behavioral changes, 31 of 35 (88.6%, 13/15 males and 18/20 females in
     control and manipulated groups) had hydrocephalus. Twenty-five animals had macroscopically
     identifiable hydrocephalus, and six had hydrocephalus identified microscopically. Neither teratogenic
     concentrations of metals nor mycotoxins were detected in tissues or food, and sera from breeders tested
     negative for antibodies to Sendai virus, reovirus 3, and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Trial
     matings of breeders expected to produce hydrocephalic offspring resulted in affected offspring, and
     mating of breeders expected to produce normal offspring resulted in normal or less-affected offspring.
     Hydrocephalus was confirmed retrospectively in some breeders. Hereditary hydrocephalus appears to be
     widespread in hamster stocks in Central Europe. Affected animals do not manifest signs of disease and
     usually die without obvious premonitory signs. Despite severe hydrocephalus, the animals can breed,
     and animal handlers do not identify motor deficits or abnormal behavioral activity. This entity is unlike
     the previously described, hereditary hydrocephalus of hamsters that is phenotypically identifiable and
     usually is lethal before they attain breeding age.

        Key words:    Cerebrospinal fluid; hamsters; hereditary hydrocephalus.

   Hydrocephalus is an accumulation of cerebro-           also was one of the first laboratory animal species
spinal fluid (CSF) that is the result of an imbalance     studied for experimental induction of hydrocepha-
between its synthesis and absorption in the central       lus via intracerebral inoculation with several
nervous system (CNS).12,16 With few exceptions, it        pathogens.5,8,10,11,13,14,18,19,21 Additionally, in utero
is the result of increased resistance to absorption.      exposure to several metals and chemicals has been
Often, it is the result of obstruction to CSF flow        associated with hydrocephalus in hamster off-
within the ventricular system: noncommunicating           spring.1,6,7
or obstructive hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus can              A university pathology diagnostic service was
be of a communicating type when meningitis,               contacted to evaluate an ongoing problem of
subarachnoidal neoplasia, or trauma external to           hydrocephalus in the university’s hamster colony.
the ventricular system increases resistance to CSF        Over a year-long period, sporadic cases of hydro-
flow. Hydrocephalus may be congenital or ac-              cephalus had been diagnosed in animals of the
quired. In humans, where it is diagnosed in almost        colony that died. Despite buying new breeding
one of every 1,000 births, most causes of congenital      stock from a second, commercial supplier, cases of
hydrocephalus are unknown. Hydrocephalus is               hydrocephalus continued to be detected. We de-
a common malformation and has been described              scribe the findings of a study of spontaneous,
in several domestic and laboratory animal spe-            hereditary hydrocephalus in golden hamsters.
cies.16,17 Although the condition may be hereditary,
a number of infectious, chemical, and physical                            Materials and Methods
agents have been documented to cause hydroceph-             All observations were done on golden hamsters raised
alus. The golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)           in the Institute of Animal Genetics, Nutrition and
not only has a heritable form of hydrocephalus, but       Housing, Division of Animal Housing and Welfare,
524                       Edwards, Gebhardt-Henrich, Fischer, Hauzenberger, Konar, and Steiger             Vet Pathol 43:4, 2006

Bern, Switzerland. Hamsters were reared using standard           Table 1. Hamster test matings to study hereditary
practices, and all handling followed guidelines approved       hydrocephalus.
by the Institution’s Animal Welfare Committee.
    When a pathologist became involved for a more in-                           Degree of Hydrocephalus
depth study of the problem, a group of 31 (17 female, 14
male) golden hamsters in a study were scheduled for
termination. These animals had been selected from nine         Mating     Dam       Sire        Female        Male
litters. The remaining littermates of these nine litters had
been used in other studies and were not available for            A         S*        S          3S           2S
examination. Four hamsters (one male and three females)          B         N{        N          2N, 1M{      1N
had already died acutely of hydrocephalus during the             C         M         S1         5M           1S, 2M
                                                                 D         S         S1         1S, 2UI      3S
experiment. The parents of the experimental animals were
derived from animals purchased from two suppliers.               S* 5 severe hydrocephalus, macroscopically obvious; N{ 5
    The hamsters had been weaned and placed on a 12-           not affected; M{ 5 mild hydrocephalus, microscopically
week, behavioral experiment. For that experiment, they         obvious; S15 sire diagnosed by ultrasonography prior to
                                                               mating; UI 5 unknown status; live animals not examined.
had been housed singly in cages of various sizes and with
a variable depth of litter to observe the effect of these
variables on behavior. Animals were videotaped princi-         tested for antibodies to reovirus 3, lymphocytic chor-
pally during their nocturnal, active phase, and their time     iomeningitis virus (LCMV), and Sendai virus (MICRO-
spent in various behaviors was monitored and quanti-           BIOS Gmbh, Münchenstein, Switzerland). Liver sam-
fied (time spent chewing, grooming, climbing). Their           ples from the same two animals were tested for
running activity on an in-the-cage, running wheel was          concentrations of Cu, Cr, Zn, Pb, Cd, and Hg, and
continuously monitored. They were euthanized when              feed was assayed for fumonisin and ochratoxin A
they were 15 weeks old, and were examined for                  (Interlabor Belp Ag, Belp, Switzerland).
macroscopic lesions. The brain and samples of liver,              Parents of the animals in the behavior experiment
lungs, kidneys, and heart were fixed in buffered formalin      were still alive, but resources to examine all animals by
and processed in routine manner for light microscopic          ultrasonography or MRI were not available. Assuming
examination of 5 mm-thick, HE-stained sections of              that the problem was heritable, several matings were
paraffin-embedded tissues. One section of each visceral        done to help elucidate transmission of the hydrocephalic
organ and four coronal sections of each brain were             trait. Results of necropsy of the original 35 experimental
examined. Brain coronal sections were at the level of the      animals were used to predict the lesion status of the
cranial portion of the caudate nucleus, the nucleus            parents. The following matings were done (Table 1):
habenularis, the rostral colliculus, and the cerebellar        mating A, repeat mating of two hamsters that produced
roof nuclei. Brains were graded as normal, mildly              affected offspring in the original experiment (the female
hydrocephalic (if lesions were barely visible macroscop-       ultimately was found to be severely hydrocephalic and
ically or only noted histologically), or severely hydro-       the male was mildly hydrocephalic); mating B, mating of
cephalic (if lesions were macroscopically obvious).            two hamsters that had produced clinically normal
    One male animal in the colony was observed to be           offspring in the original experiment (both breeders
smaller than all males of the same age. It was                 ultimately were found to be normal); mating C, severely
anesthetized (inhalation isoflurane), and the brain was        affected male (diagnosed by ultrasonography) bred to
examined by use of ultrasonography (Aloka Prosound             a mildly affected female; and mating D, the known,
SSD 5500, Zug, Switzerland). This male was found to            severely affected male of mating C bred to a severely
have hydrocephalus and was used for later breeding             hydrocephalic female. These mated females delivered
studies. Another 30-day-old male in the colony was             their offspring, which were euthanatized and examined
observed to have poor balance and possible doming of           at weaning. Permission was given to euthanize all
the skull. Prior to euthanasia, it was anesthetized            parents mated to produce the litters of hamsters used
(ketamine hydrochloride [1 mg/kg of body weight] and           for the behavioral experiment, and the brain and viscera
medetomine [0.15 mg/kg]). After confirming that the            from breeders and offspring were examined as described
animal had hydrocephalus by use of magnetic resonance          previously.
imaging (MRI; Hitachi AIRIS II, Tokyo, Japan), One-
hundred microliters of gadodiamid (Omniscan;                                               Results
0.005 mmol/ml) was inoculated into the right lateral              During the behavioral experiment, none of the
ventricle, and the MRI procedure took 30 minutes to
                                                               animals, including the four that died before the
complete. Sequences performed included: a T2-weighted
fast spin echo in transverse orientation, a dorsal,            scheduled termination date, manifested obvious
completely balanced, steady-state, free precision type         clinical signs of disease. Phenotypically, none of the
sequence, and a dorsal T1-weighted, field echo plane           35 experimental animals had domed skull or were
after intraventricular contrast application.                   identified as lagging behind littermates in growth
    Sera from two dams of the litters, one clinically          rate. Of the 35 experimental hamsters, 25 (71.4%,
normal dam and one with severe hydrocephalus, were             12/15 males and 13/20 females) had severe,
Vet Pathol 43:4, 2006                   Hamster Hereditary Hydrocephalus                                      525

macroscopically visible hydrocephalus. However,
31 of 35 (88.6%, 13/15 males and 18/20 females)
had hydrocephalus macroscopically visible or
histologically detectable (Fig. 1). Four animals
had asymmetrically affected lateral ventricles
(Fig. 2).
   It was determined histologically that only the
lateral ventricles were dilated. In affected animals,
the periventricular parenchyma was rarified sub-
jacent to broken ependymal linings, but inflamma-
tion, periventricular diverticulae or clefts, necrosis,
hemosiderosis, vascular abnormalities, and gitter
cells were not observed. The ventricular lining was
intact in most areas, but segments of ependymal
cells were attenuated or missing (Fig. 3). The
choroid plexuses were judged not to be atrophic.
Histologic examination of sections did not reveal
overdistention, absence, or obstruction of the third
or fourth ventricular system or the mesencephalic
aqueduct. Usually, the lining of the nondistended
mesencephalic aqueduct was folded, and the
aqueduct profiles were often flat or star-shaped
(Fig. 4). Because the brain lacked obstructive
lesions and the third and fourth ventricles were
not dilated, it was concluded that these hamsters
had a communicating hydrocephalus. With the
exception of one male with a urolith and hematu-
ria, other lesions were not seen macroscopically or          Fig. 1. Brain; hamster. Cross sections from three
microscopically in visceral organs.                       hamsters with differing degrees of hydrocephalus. The
   A small male in the colony was observed and,           section on the right has barely perceptible, macroscopic
using ultrasonography, severe hydrocephalus was           hydrocephalus. Bar 5 1 cm.
detected. This male recovered from anesthesia                Fig. 2. Brain; hamster. Hydrocephalus of the later-
unremarkably and was used in subsequent breeding          al ventricles is asymmetric. Bar 5 0.5 cm.
studies before it was euthanized, after which severe
hydrocephalus was confirmed by necropsy and
histologic examination. Another male in the colony        a litter of three clinically normal pups and one
with mild ataxia was observed to have a slightly          pup with histologically detectable hydrocephalus.
domed skull, and hydrocephalus was diagnosed by           The mating of the ultrasonographically diagnosed
use of MRI. Gadodiamid injected into the right            affected male with a female with mild hydroceph-
ventricle was observed to travel from the right           alus (mating C) resulted in a litter of eight pups,
lateral ventricle into the left ventricle, down the       one with severe and seven with mild hydrocephalus.
third ventricle and aqueduct, and into the fourth         Mating of the same affected male with a severely
ventricle. This hamster was euthanized after the          affected female (mating D) resulted in six offspring,
injection study, and severe hydrocephalus typical of      four of which had severe hydrocephalus. The other
that in other hamsters of the colony was observed.        two offspring of this litter were retained for future
   Remating of two parents (severely affected             study, and although not examined to date, they
female and mildly affected male), the previous            have produced severely affected offspring. Affected
mating of which had produced severely affected            animals of either sex were produced from all
animals used in the behavior experiment (Table 1,         matings of affected parents.
mating A), resulted in a litter of five pups, all with       The 35 experimental animals were selected from
severe hydrocephalus. One male of this litter was         nine litters. Examination of the parents of the
stunted and had a domed skull (Fig. 5). Mating of         experimental group indicated that three of nine
two clinically normal parents that had previously         dams had hydrocephalus (one mild and two
produced some clinically normal offspring used in         severe), and that three of five sires had mild
the behavior experiment (mating B) produced               hydrocephalus. Four matings of phenotypically
526                     Edwards, Gebhardt-Henrich, Fischer, Hauzenberger, Konar, and Steiger       Vet Pathol 43:4, 2006

  Fig. 3. Cerebral cortex; hydrocephalic hamster. Fig. 3a. The thinned, hydrocephalic cortex has a rarified
subependymal parenchyma, but lacks inflammation and gliosis. HE. Bar 5 150 mm. Fig. 3b. The lining of the
ventrolateral aspect of the ventricle is intact (large arrow) on one side of the cavity, but attenuated and broken
Vet Pathol 43:4, 2006                    Hamster Hereditary Hydrocephalus                                      527

normal parents had resulted in only two clinically           Several viruses can induce hydrocephalus in
normal offspring and 11 affected animals (seven of        hamsters; however, to experimentally induce hy-
which were severely affected). Mating of mildly           drocephalus, the viruses are inoculated intracere-
affected animals to clinically normal animals had         brally into newborn animals.5,8,11,13,14,18 Hydroceph-
resulted in two clinically normal and eight               alus can be induced rapidly in neonatal hamsters,
affected offspring. One litter from a mildly affected     but mature hamsters usually are not susceptible to
male mated to a severely affected female resulted in      viral-induced hydrocephalus.13,18 Animals with
only severely affected offspring. Severely affected       virus-induced hydrocephalus often develop domed
animals had not been mated to each other to               skulls, manifest neurologic impairment, and com-
provide animals for the original experiment. Un-          monly are physically stunted. Hamsters that re-
fortunately, not all offspring from the initial nine      cover from viral infection may maintain motor
litters were used in this study and were available for    deficits, and depending on the virus, have residual
study.                                                    histologic lesions such as periventricular gliosis,
   Antiviral antibodies to reovirus 3, Sendai virus,      spongiosis, inflammation, or hemosiderosis. None
or LCMV were not detected in sera, and Zn, Cu,            of these lesions were present in the hamsters of this
Cd, Pb, Cr, and Hg were not detected in toxic             study; rather, the only lesion noted was patchy,
amounts in the liver samples. The tested food was         multifocal disruption or attenuation of the epen-
negative for ochratoxin A and fumonisin.                  dymal lining, with subjacent neuropil edema.
                                                          Because ependymal cells replicate little if any after
                        Discussion                        birth, any process causing necrosis or tearing of the
   The lesions do not provide evidence of an              ependyma could result in the lesions seen in the
obvious cause or pathogenesis for this form of            ependymal lining.2,4,15,20
hydrocephalus. When examined, the process in the             Support for an infectious cause would have come
brain appeared inactive without inflammation or           from the demonstration of circulating antibodies to
any of the lesions associated with chronic hydro-         viral pathogens that cause hydrocephalus in
drocephalus. The lack of doming in most affected          hamsters. Although only two animals were tested,
animals suggests that the condition may have              viral antibodies were not detected in their serum.
developed after suture lines closed,16 and the            Usually, circulating antibodies in recovered breed-
dilatation was limited to the lateral ventricles,         ers would be expected to protect the fetus by
suggesting that the condition was the result of           preventing viremia in the parents, providing
aqueductal stenosis. The mesencephalic aqueduct           lactogenic immunity in colostrum, and preventing
(of ‘‘Sylvius’’) is the site obstructed in more than      shedding of virus to newborn pups. Although
two thirds of human cases of noncommunicating,            LCMV can persist in recovered hosts, there was
congenital hydrocephalus,12,16 but blockage, focal        no serologic or histologic evidence of LCMV in
gliosis, or forking of the aqueduct was not evident       members of the colony. Ultimately, it was conclud-
in these hamsters. The closed, folded, or star-           ed that the hydrocephalus was not induced by an
shaped aqueduct profiles might be interpreted as          infectious agent.
collapse of aqueducts that were dilated in the live          A toxic cause of hydrocephalus was considered.
animal. However, aqueducts of nonperfused brains          Some toxins and metals can induce hydrocephalus
tend to appear slightly more collapsed than those         if the developing fetus is exposed in utero, and we
of perfused brains. Even normal hamster brains in         tested for several of these teratogens.6,7,12 Although,
this study had folded aqueduct linings. Still, it         only two liver samples were tested, metals associ-
might be that the folded lining represents a form of      ated with in utero induction of hydrocephalus in
dysplasia of variable severity in these related           hamsters and rats were not detected. Food likewise
hamsters, and only when it is sufficiently severe         tested negative for fungal toxins that can cause
does it lead to obstruction and hydrocephalus.            hydrocephalus in hamsters.


(short arrow) on the other side. HE. Bar 5 100 mm.
   Fig. 4. Brain, mesencephalic aqueduct profiles; hamster. Fig. 4a. Hydrocephalic hamster with a folded
aqueduct having a collapsed lumen. Fig 4b. Clinically normal hamster with a folded, star-shaped, aqueductal lining.
HE. Bar 5 100 mm.
   Fig. 5. Litter of hamsters from the test mating of two hydrocephalic hamsters. One (center) of five animals, all
of which had hydrocephalus, is stunted and has a dome-shaped skull.
528                    Edwards, Gebhardt-Henrich, Fischer, Hauzenberger, Konar, and Steiger       Vet Pathol 43:4, 2006

   Evidence that this is a hereditary condition came      with any lesion that suggests aqueduct stenosis or
from the results of test matings. The litters from        malformation. However, unlike our hamster con-
these test matings were small, presumably because         dition, affected H-Tx rats routinely develop domed
of the advancing age of the breeders and not              skull, and affected animals do not thrive. Most
because of fetal death. Initial litters from which        affected H-Tx rats die within 14 weeks after birth.
experimental pups had been selected were of               The histologic lesions of both conditions are
normal size for the colony (data not shown). The          similar. Similar to the hamster condition, H-Tx is
reproduction of a litter with severe hydrocephalus        not sex linked and backcrosses of normal animals
using affected breeders (matings A and D) was             result in affected offspring. The analysis of the
strong evidence that the problem was not infectious.      inheritance of the H-Tx mutant suggested that H-
Despite exposure to the same housing conditions,          Tx is a monogenic, recessive, autosomal condition
feed, and water, reduction in the occurrence and          with incomplete penetrance.
severity of lesions resulted from mating normal              These animals’ ability to thrive and perform
parents (mating B) in the same colony. A genetic          normal motor tasks during the behavioral study
basis for the condition was further supported             despite severe loss of cerebral tissue was surprising.
because reduced severity of the lesions resulted from     In rats with kaolin-induced (K-I) hydrocephalus,
mating of less affected animals (mating C). Analysis      there appears to be a threshold of ventricle size
of all of the data of this study does not permit          only beyond which functional changes are de-
conclusions regarding mode of inheritance or the          tected.4 In K-I hydrocephalus in hamsters, clinical-
presence or absence of a major locus or single gene       ly observed, neurologic deficits are seen immedi-
controlling the condition. Information regarding the      ately after kaolin injection and persist for at least
parents of the original breeding animals and the          15 days even though the kaolin causes less di-
phenotype of all siblings in the litters was not          latation of ventricles and cortical loss, compared
available. More generations of animals and more           with that in the hamsters of the present study.1 Of
specific backcrosses are needed to characterize the       course, in the K-I hydrocephalus model, kaolin is
pattern of inheritance. This heritable problem is not     injected into the brain stem and would affect
sex associated and most probably is an autosomal          different areas of the brain.
recessive trait. Such a defect with variable penetrance      More work on antemortem diagnosis of this
would explain why breeding phenotypically normal          heritable hydrocephalus using non-invasive tech-
animals had resulted in many severely as well as          niques is warranted. The condition may remain
mildly affected offspring. Because breeding pheno-        latent in a colony because many hydrocephalic
typically normal animals may result in affected           animals result from breeding of clinically normal
offspring, the condition will be difficult to detect in   parents. Genetic markers would facilitate identify-
colonies.                                                 ing carriers. If the colony experience of the present
   Significant differences are apparent between the       study is typical, one may expect occasional deaths
previously reported, hereditary hydrocephalus de-         in affected colonies, and if necropsy is performed
scribed in golden hamsters and the condition              on unscheduled deaths in a colony, the condition
observed in the hamsters of this study.21 In the          could be detected. The fact that affected animals or
published descriptions of hereditary hamster hy-          carriers were provided by two commercial suppliers
drocephalus, all hydrocephalic hamsters were              suggests that the condition is widespread. Hydro-
stunted and had a characteristic domed skull.             cephalus is reported sporadically in hamsters. One
Those animals usually did not survive to breeding         study of a movement disorder of hamsters (the dstz
age. For the most part, the external phenotype of         mutant) initially associated the signs of the disease
the hamsters of the present study was normal, and         with hydrocephalus; however, the researchers
all animals lived to breed successfully. Additional-      discovered they had hydrocephalus in their control
ly, the three animals identified as affected because      animals as well.19 Perhaps, the conclusions of past
of slower growth, domed skull, or balance prob-           studies using hamsters and having hydrocephalus
lems had better survivability than those with the         as an endpoint should be reexamined in light of the
published form of hereditary hydrocephalus. The           use of adequate controls and the incidence of
histologic lesions of the described, hereditary,          spontaneous hydrocephalus.
hamster hydrocephalus have not been published;               At the time of this study, funding was not
thus, further comparison is not possible.                 available to investigate the problem further.
   The condition resembles the H-Tx hydrocepha-           Permission to examine the breeders provided
lus mutation in rats.3,9 The H-Tx mutation only           important information, but the pathogenesis of
affects the lateral ventricles and is not associated      the lesion remains uncharacterized. By the time the
Vet Pathol 43:4, 2006                     Hamster Hereditary Hydrocephalus                                        529

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Request reprints from John F. Edwards, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine
and Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4467 (USA). E-mail: jedwards@
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