Modeling the Influence of Verb Aspect on the Activation of Typical Event Locations with BERT

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Modeling the Influence of Verb Aspect on the Activation of Typical Event Locations with BERT
Modeling the Influence of Verb Aspect on the Activation
                     of Typical Event Locations with BERT
                      Won Ik Cho                                  Emmanuele Chersoni
                Seoul National University                  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

                   Yu-Yin Hsu                         Chu-Ren Huang
        The Hong Kong Polytechnic University The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

                      Abstract                              arguments: using different experimental paradigms
                                                            (e.g. EEG, eye-tracking etc.), previous studies pro-
    Prior studies on event knowledge in sentence            vided evidence that sentences including typical ar-
    comprehension have shown that the aspect of             gument combinations are easier for humans to pro-
    the main verb plays an important role in the
    processing of non-core semantic roles, such as
                                                            cess (Bicknell et al., 2010; Matsuki et al., 2011).
    locations: when the aspect of the main verb is             Other studies have investigated the role played
    imperfective, locations become more salient in          by verb aspect in event knowledge activation, par-
    the mental representation of the event and are          ticularly for non-core roles such as locations and
    easier for human comprehenders to process.              instruments. Aspect is a grammatical device that
    In our study, we tested the popular language            denotes the duration, onset, and completion sta-
    model BERT on two datasets derived from                 tus of an event. According to linguistic theory, a
    experimental studies to determine whether               fundamental opposition exists between the imper-
    BERT’s predictions of prototypical event loca-          fective aspect (e.g., The customer was eating in the
    tions were also influenced by aspect. We found          restaurant), which describes the event as on-going,
    that, although BERT efficiently modelled the
                                                            and the perfective aspect (e.g., The customer had
    typicality of locations, it did so independently
    of the verb aspect. Even when the transformer           eaten in the restaurant), which describes the event
    was forced to focus on the verb phrase by               as a closed unit and focuses on the resulting state
    masking the context words in the sentence, the          (Madden and Zwaan, 2003).
    typicality predictions were still accurate; in ad-         Based on the above-mentioned literature, Fer-
    dition, we found aspect to have a stronger in-          retti et al. (2007) used stimulus-onset asynchrony
    fluence on the scores, with locations in the im-        priming and the EEG paradigms to show that, in
    perfective setting being associated with lower
                                                            English, specific expectations were activated for
    surprisal values.
                                                            event locations by the verbs describing those events,
                                                            but only when the verbs were in the imperfective
1   Introduction
                                                            form. Similar findings have been reported for in-
It has been generally acknowledged in sentence pro-         struments by Truitt and Zwaan (1997) and, more
cessing research that humans activate generalized           recently, by Madden-Lombardi et al. (2017) in a
event knowledge in the process of understanding             self-paced reading experiment in French. In line
natural language sentences (McRae and Matsuki,              with these findings, Coll-Florit and Gennari (2011)
2009). Reading/listening verbs (e.g., open) activate        found that imperfective verbs were related to a
expectations about their typical arguments (e.g.,           wider range of semantic associations than perfec-
door) (McRae et al., 1998; Ferretti et al., 2001)           tive ones, because the mental representation of an
and vice versa (McRae et al., 2005); the same ef-           event as on-going allows one to focus more easily
fect has been found for nouns and their typical             on all the entities that are relevant to the described
co-arguments (Hare et al., 2009). These expecta-            action (instruments, places, objects, etc.).
tions concerning typical arguments are encoded in              In this study, we modelled two datasets on lo-
the mental lexicon, and are exploited by humans to          cations using BERT, a state-of-the-art language
evaluate the plausibility of verb-argument combi-           model (Devlin et al., 2019), and we tested whether
nations. Such knowledge is used during sentence             verb aspect influenced the model’s predictions for
processing to generate predictions about upcoming           upcoming event’s locations, by comparing them

             Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021, pages 2922–2929
                           August 1–6, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
in terms of perfective and imperfective sentences.        tional preferences for verbs - which, from our per-
We found that i) BERT was able to accurately iden-        spective, was equivalent to modeling the thematic
tify typical locations for an event, and that it did      fit of typical event participants (Sayeed et al., 2016;
so independently of the aspect of the main verb,          Santus et al., 2017; Chersoni et al., 2020; Marton
since the activation levels of locations did not differ   and Sayeed, 2021). Metheniti and colleagues re-
significantly across conditions; ii) even when the        ported that the correlation of the predictions with
transformer was forced to focus on the main verb          human judgements increased when they applied at-
and the other words in the sentence were masked,          tention masks to the context words in the sentence
BERT’s typicality predictions were still accurate,        and forced the model to focus only on the verbs.
and an additional effect of aspect appeared, with lo-     Finally, Transformers have been used to model typ-
cations having significantly lower surprisal values       icality effects in language by Misra et al. (2021),
in the imperfective condition.                            although in a different context; i.e. the influence of
                                                          typicality on category membership judgements.
2   Related Work                                              To the best of our knowledge, the current study
                                                          is the first to attempt to model argument typicality
Transformer models have become increasingly pop-          predictions with BERT for a non-core role (loca-
ular in NLP in recent years (Vaswani et al., 2017;        tion), and the first to investigate whether and how
Devlin et al., 2019). The most successful model           such predictions are influenced by verb aspect, as
is probably BERT, which is trained on a masked            in the case in human language processing.
language modeling objective: given the left and
the right context of a masked word in a natural lan-
                                                          3     Experiments
guage sentence, the model has to predict the word.
This conceptually simple yet powerful mechanism           3.1    Datasets
has made BERT a very appealing option for NLP
researchers working on supervised tasks, and its          In our work, we used two datasets that we obtained
contextualized representations have taken state-of-       from the previous studies. The first dataset, which
the-art performances to new heights.                      we refer to as Ferretti07, consists of the experi-
   A number of psycholinguistic-inspired studies          mental items used by Ferretti et al. (2007) in their
designed tests to investigate the actual linguis-         EEG experiment. The authors made available a
tic abilities of neural network models, includ-           subset of 38 items in which the verb phrase was
ing Transformer models. Most of these studies             specifically biased to be followed by a locative
have focused on syntactic phenomena, such as              prepositional phrase in sentence completion tasks.
verb-subject agreement and filler-gap dependencies        We excluded 6 of them, in which the location noun
(Linzen et al., 2016; Wilcox et al., 2018; Gulor-         was extremely rare and was not included in BERT’s
dava et al., 2018; Futrell et al., 2019; Prasad et al.,   basic vocabulary1 . Each item consisted of an intran-
2019). By contrast, Ettinger (2020) focused on            sitive sentence, with the verb phrase in either the
the semantic and pragmatic abilities of the BERT          past perfect tense (perfective condition, P ERF )
language model by using stimuli from the N400 ex-         or the progressive past tense (imperfective condi-
periments conducted by Kutas and Hillyard (1984),         tion, IM P ERF ), and a location argument, either
and showed that the model was strong in associat-         typical (T Y P ) or less typical but still plausible
ing nouns with their hypernyms, but struggled to          (N ON T Y P ) (see Example 1).
handle negations. Close to the spirit of our con-
                                                          (1)     a.    The boy had fished at the lake.
tribution, Misra et al. (2020) investigated BERT’s
                                                                        (P ERF , T Y P )
predictions in a setting aimed at reproducing hu-
                                                                  b.    The boy was fishing at the lake.
man semantic priming; they reported that BERT
                                                                        (IM P ERF , T Y P )
was indeed sensitive to “priming” and predicted
                                                                  c.    The boy had fished at the swamp.
a word with higher probability when the context
                                                                        (P ERF , N ON T Y P )
included a related word as opposed to an unrelated
                                                                  d.    The boy was fishing at the swamp.
one, but this effect decreased in the presence of
                                                                        (IM P ERF , N ON T Y P )
strongly informative and constraining contexts.
   Recent work by Metheniti et al. (2020) has ex-           1
                                                              In such cases, the location nouns would be split by the
plored the capacity of BERT to reproduce the selec-       BERT tokenizer.

Interestingly, Ferretti et al. (2007) found that atypi-             should be assigned lower surprisal scores.
cal locations elicited significantly larger N400 am-                   We experimented with the bert-base-uncased
plitudes in the imperfective condition, but there                   model, as implemented in the HuggingFace’s
were no significant differences in the perfective                   Transformers library (Wolf et al., 2019). 3 For
one, suggesting that the differences in location typ-               each sentence, we masked the location loc, corre-
icality become salient only when the event is being                 sponding to the last token in the sentence (e.g., The
described as on-going. Typical locations elicited                   girl was skating in the [MASK]), and computed its
smaller N400 amplitudes, while aspect was found                     Surprisal score Surp in the context C as:
to have no main effect per se, being significant only
in the interaction with typicality.                                                Surp(loc|C) = −logP (loc|C)                (1)
   We generated another dataset, which we refer to
                                                                       where P (loc|C) is the probability computed by
as Ferretti01, by using the typicality judgements
                                                                    the softmax layer of BERT for the loc word as the
dataset created by Ferretti et al. (2001). From their
                                                                    masked token in the sentence context C.
data, we extracted all the verb-argument pairs for
                                                                       Finally, we experimented with two different set-
which the mean typicality rating was >= 4 on a
                                                                    tings: a standard setting, in which BERT was able
Likert scale, for a total of 135 pairs, and asked two
                                                                    to see the entire context of the sentence, and a con-
PhD students in Linguistics who were proficient
                                                                    text mask setting, in which we used an attention
English speakers, to use the same pairs to generate
                                                                    mask on all the sentence tokens except for the verb
complete English sentences with a structure similar
                                                                    phrase ones (see Example 3).
to the items in Ferretti07. A third PhD student,
a native speaker of British English, made the fi-                   (3)       a.     The boy was fishing at the [MASK]
nal check of the correctness of the sentences. 2                                     (standard)
Each item in Ferretti01 came in the P ERF vs.                                 b.     The boy was fishing at the [MASK]
IM P ERF condition (see Example 2).                                                  (context mask)
(2)        a.    He had danced in the ballroom.                     In this setting, we blocked BERT’s self-attention
                 (P ERF )                                           mechanism, forcing it to use only the verb phrase
           b.    He was dancing in the ballroom                     to predict the masked token. In this way, we were
                 (IM P ERF )                                        able to analyze the effect of the tense without the
                                                                    interference of the other context words. 4
3.2      Model and Settings
Similarly to Misra et al. (2020), we considered the                 4       Results and Analysis
surprisal score for an argument word (in our case,                  We ran all the comparisons between scores using
the location) as a measure of the model’s expecta-                  linear mixed effects models with the LMER function
tions in the given context; we replaced the location                in the R statistical software (see also Appendix B
token at the end of each sentence with a [MASK]                     for the full results). We first compared the surprisal
and we asked BERT to predict its probability.                       scores that we obtained in the standard setting, in
   Surprisal was shown to be an efficient predic-                   which BERT had access to all the tokens in the
tor of self-paced reading times (Hale, 2001; Levy,                  sentence. No main effect of aspect was found (p >
2008; Smith and Levy, 2013) and of the N400 am-                     0.1), neither in the Ferretti01 nor in the Ferretti07
plitude (Frank et al., 2013), and we expected it to                 dataset. In other words, verb aspect did not seem to
be inversely correlated with typicality: the more                   have an influence on the activation degree of typical
typical a location in a given context is, the less                  location fillers, as the scores in the two conditions
surprising it will be.                                              were essentially equivalent.
   To approximate the results of the original study                    On the other hand, BERT’s predictions for the
by Ferretti et al. (2007), BERT’s surprisal scores                  typicality of the location fillers seemed to be ex-
for the locations would have to show an interaction                 tremely accurate. In the Ferretti07 dataset, a
between aspect and typicality, with the scores being
significantly higher for atypical fillers only in the         
                                                                        A similar setting was proposed by Metheniti et al. (2020)
imperfective condition. Moreover, typical fillers                   for modeling human judgements on selectional preferences:
                                                                    with the context mask, the authors found increased correlation
       More details on the dataset creation are in Appendix A.      between model predictions and human ratings.

Figure 1: Boxplots with the surprisal scores calculated on the Ferretti01 dataset (left) and on the Ferretti07 dataset
(right), in the standard setting (above) and in the context mask setting (below).

main effect of typicality was found (p < 0.001),             significant (p > 0.1). Pairwise comparisons, sim-
with T Y P sentences showing significantly lower             ilarly to the standard setting, revealed that T Y P
Surprisal scores in the T Y P condition than the             sentences had significantly lower scores for both
N ON T Y P ones (see also the boxplots in Fig-               the P ERF (p < 0.05) and the IM P ERF condi-
ure 1, on the right). The interaction of aspect and          tions (p < 0.01). Moreover, T Y P sentences dif-
typicality, however, was not significant (p > 0.1).          fered between P ERF and IM P ERF conditions,
Note that the N ON T Y P locations were selected             with the latter having significantly lower scores
by Ferretti et al. (2007) in order to be plausible,          (p < 0.05). Finally, even N ON T Y P sentences
and thus it is interesting that BERT correctly identi-       had lower surprisal scores in the IM P ERF con-
fied the ones of the T Y P sentences as being more           dition, but the difference was only marginally sig-
typical. However, the verb aspect did not play a             nificant (p < 0.1).
role in this, since this ability was not influenced             It should be noted that, in both settings, our re-
by the aspect condition. As a possible explana-              sults differed from those of Ferretti et al. (2007), as
tion, Klafka and Ettinger (2020) recently showed             their study found no main effect of aspect and an
how the semantic information about the animacy               interaction between aspect and typicality: atypical
of an argument noun in BERT was spread over the              locations elicited significantly larger N400 compo-
tokens of a sentence, and the same might be true             nents only in the imperfective condition, suggesting
also for the semantic information about the typi-            that imperfective verbs lead to very specific expec-
cality of a location in a given event context. Pair-         tations on upcoming locations in human sentence
wise comparisons confirmed that T Y P sentences              processing, while expectations are way less defined
obtained significantly lower scores for both the             with perfective verbs. By contrast, our results in
P ERF and IM P ERF conditions (p < 0.001),                   the standard setting showed that BERT accurately
while no significant difference between P ERF                modelled the typicality of locations without relying
and IM P ERF in typicality condition was found.              on the aspect of the verb, while in the context mask
We then repeated the experiments using the context           setting aspect influenced the predictions indepen-
mask to block BERT’s attention mechanism for all             dently of typicality.
the words in the sentence except for the verb phrase            Finally, we checked the degree to which the typ-
tokens (recall Example 3b.) and we observed some             icality predictions of the model were influenced by
interesting changes in our results. On the one hand,         the lexical frequencies of the target location words,
in the Ferretti01 dataset, we observed a marginally          which we extracted from a 2019 Wikipedia dump. 5
significant effect of aspect (p < 0.1), with lower           We found that the Surprisal scores in the Ferretti07
surprisal scores for the IM P ERF condition. On              dataset were not correlated at all in the standard
the other hand, in the Ferretti07 dataset, we found          setting, with a Spearman correlation of ρ = −0.04,
main effects for both typicality (p < 0.01) and as-            5
pect (p < 0.05), while the interaction was again not         wikipedia-word-frequency.

while a weak but significant inverse correlation ex-     an on-going event, giving more saliency to all the
isted for the context mask setting at ρ = −0.28.         entities involved, such as the event location.
This suggests that BERT’s predictions are not influ-        Our results showed that BERT was able to iden-
enced by word frequency when the entire context is       tify typical locations for events, even when it had
available. However, when the number of contextual        to differentiate them from plausible but less typical
cues was reduced in the context mask setting, fre-       ones. However, the semantic information exploited
quency might have played a more prominent role.          by the Transformer for the task was not linked to
From this point of view, it is interesting to observe    the verb tense, as there were no differences found
the ”errors” of the model: Example 4 shows the           between the P ERF and the IM P ERF sets. In
only four sentence pairs in which, in both the stan-     general, no aspect-related effects on the activation
dard and the context mask settings, a lower score        of event locations were observed.
was assigned to a N ON T Y P filler. Interestingly,         Verb aspect played a role only when the Trans-
in cases a-c, BERT assigns a lower Surprisal score       former was forced to focus on the verb phrase in
to a more generic and frequent filler than the T Y P     the context mask setting. On the one hand, BERT
one, which is more specific for the described event      was still able to distinguish between typical and
scenario. As for d, it can be observed that the two      non-typical locations. On the other hand, the im-
candidate locations (desert-hole) had very similar       perfective aspect was associated with significantly
plausibility levels.                                     lower Surprisal scores for both typicality condi-
                                                         tions. Aspect did not interact with typicality: in
(4)     a.   The girl was skating/had skated in the      particular, BERT did not predict the pattern ob-
             rink (T Y P ) / ring (N ON T Y P ).         served in Ferretti et al. (2007)’s experimental study,
        b.   The boy was tobogganing/had tobog-          for which specific expectations for event locations
             ganed down the hill (T Y P ) / street       emerge only in processing imperfective sentences.
             (N ON T Y P ).                                 We take these results as preliminary evidence
        c.   The tourist was browsing/had                that BERT’s predictions were somewhat sensi-
             browsed in the shop (T Y P ) / park         tive to aspect-related differences, and could reflect
             (N ON T Y P ).                              some subtle nuances of argument typicality. Our
        d.   The snake was slithering/had slith-         implementation is available at a public repository.6
             ered in the desert (T Y P ) / hole
             (N ON T Y P ).                              Acknowledgments
The tendency of masked language models to select         We thank Lei Siyu, Chen Jing and James Britton for
a generic and frequent word when faced with the          their help in preparing the experimental materials,
alternative of a more specific and typical filler for    and the anonymous reviewers for their feedback.
the event scenario was also reported by Rambelli
et al. (2020) in a logical metonymy interpretation       Impact Statement
task, e.g., when asked to predict a verb for the         Our paper is the first to study the role of verb as-
masked position in a sentence like The auditor be-       pect in BERT predictions on upcoming arguments.
gins [MASK] the taxes, they chose generic verbs          Using locations as a case study, and through a com-
like doing instead of more specific ones like audit-     parison with the results of the experimental studies,
ing, which should be preferred in the given context.     we showed that BERT was able to discriminate
                                                         between different degrees of typicality in context.
5     Conclusions
                                                         Additionally, when less cues were available from
In this study, we tested whether BERT exhibited          the context, aspect had an important effect on the
aspect-related activation effects for event locations,   predictions, with imperfective verbs being associ-
and whether different degrees of location typical-       ated with lower surprisal values for locations. We
ity were identified more easily in sentences in the      hope that our study has shed light on new research
imperfective aspect. Verb aspect, as shown in previ-     directions to investigate the interface of grammar
ous studies (Ferretti et al., 2007; Madden-Lombardi      and event knowledge using modern Transformer-
et al., 2017), plays an important role in the men-       based masked language models.
tal representation of an event; in particular, the         6
imperfective aspect is related to the simulation of      BERT-for-Surprisal

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  Models Learn about Filler-Gap Dependencies? In           IM P ERF condition, past perfect tense for the
  Proceedings of the EMNLP Workshop on Blackbox            P ERF condition.
  NLP.                                                        Finally, another PhD student in Linguistics, na-
Thomas Wolf, Lysandre Debut, Victor Sanh, Julien           tive speaker of British English, checked that all the
  Chaumond, Clement Delangue, Anthony Moi, Pier-           sentences were correct and plausible in English.
  ric Cistac, Tim Rault, Rémi Louf, Morgan Funtow-
  icz, et al. 2019. HuggingFace’s Transformers: State-     B     Appendix B
  of-the-Art Natural Language Processing. arXiv
  preprint arXiv:1910.03771.
                                                                                     Estimates   S.E.   p
                                                              F01-Standard-Aspect    -0.24       0.28   0.39
A    Appendix A                                               F01-Context-Aspect     0.42        0.23   0.07 .
                                                              F07-Standard-Aspect    -0.03       0.26   0.54
The dataset by Ferretti et al. (2001) includes mean           F07-Standard-Typical   -3.21       0.36   < 0.001***
typicality ratings for 277 verb-location pairs on             F07-Standard-AxT       0.38        0.52   0.46
                                                              F07-Context-Aspect     0.9         0.24   0.02*
a Likert scale from 1 to 7, where 7 is the high-              F07-Context-Typical    -1.28       0.34   < 0.001***
est possible score (see examples in Table 1). The             F07-Context-AxT        0.24        0.48   0.62

                                                           Table 2: Results of linear mixed models on effects of
        Verb       Location     Mean Rating                aspect, typicality and the interaction of aspect and typi-
       gamble       casino          7.0                    cality (AxT), reported for both the Ferretti01 (F01) and
        study      bedroom          5.8                    the Ferretti07 (F07).
        marry       island          3.7
         fish        pool           1.0                       In Table 2, we present the tables with the full
                                                           results of the linear mixed effect models for the
Table 1: Examples of the typicality judgements from        Ferretti01 and the Ferretti07 dataset.
the dataset by Ferretti et al. (2001). Scores range from      For reporting significance, we adopted the fol-
1 = not typical at all to 7 = very typical.                lowing notations: . for marginal significance at

p < 0.1, * for significance at p < 0.05, ** for
significance at p < 0.01, and *** for significance
at p < 0.001.
 pairwise (F07Standard)   Estimates   S.E.   p
 Impf-T:Impf-NT           -3.41       0.44   < 0.001***
 Pf-T:Pf-NT               -3.02       0.44   < 0.001***
 Impf-T:Pf-T              -0.16       0.36   0.97
 Impf-NT:Pf-NT            0.22        0.36   0.93

Table 3: Results of pairwise comparisons in the stan-
dard setting (Impf: imperfective, Pf: perfective, T: typ-
ical, NT: non-typical).

  We also report the pairwise comparisons on the
Ferretti07 dataset, both in the standard (Table 3)
and in the context mask setting (Table 4).
 pairwise (F07Context)    Estimates   S.E.   p
 Impf-T:Impf-NT           -1.40       0.42   0.005***
 Pf-T:Pf-NT               -1.16       0.42   0.029*
 Impf-T:Pf-T              -1.02       0.34   0.014*
 Impf:NT:Pf:NT            -0.78       0.34   0.09 .

Table 4: Results of pairwise comparisons on the con-
text mask setting (Impf: imperfective, Pf: perfective, T:
typical, NT: non-typical).

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