MOJAVE 'LS - Model Railroading Magazine ...

Page created by Sara Gregory
MOJAVE 'LS - Model Railroading Magazine ...
MOJAVE 'LS - Model Railroading Magazine ...
Mco iCentury 628' .                         •       •

                                     Alco IC628" Demonstrator
                                     Numbers 628-1, 628-2, 628-3 and
                                     628-4, OMI   #5970

   "C628" Numbers 6711-6730
  (ex-Norfolk & Western numbers
          1110-1129) circa 1973,
                     OMI #5972

                                           LEHIGH VALLEY "C628"
                                           Numbers 625-631 circa
                                           1970,   OMI    #5977                     '.


MONON "C628" Numbers
 400-408 (later Lehigh Valley
numbers   633-641)   circa   1964,
                 OMI         #5979

                                                  SOUTHERN PACIFIC
                                                  "C628" Numbers 4845-
                                                  4869 (renumbered to
                                                  7104-7128 and finally to
                                                  3113-3136) circa 1965-68,
                                                  OMI #5984
                                                    Handcrafted in brass by
                                                   Ajin Precision of Korea in
                                                  HO scale. Fifteen versions
                                                     available, all with a 22-
                                                              inch minimum
                                                            operating radius.
                                                               Mardan Photography
MOJAVE 'LS - Model Railroading Magazine ...

                                                                                  16 Minnesota Welcomes TC&W
                                                                                                A new regional formed by the sale of Soo's Ortonville line

                                                                                                Steve Glischinski

                                                                                20 Mojave Rails UP and AT&SF battle the desert in Southern California

                                                                                                Elrond G. Lawrence

                                                                                 32 Focus Washington: Kettle Falls Locals
                                                                                                 A surprisingly busy BN hub in scenic northeastern Washington

                                                                                                 John C . lllman

                                                                                 36 Focus Missouri: KCS in Kansas City
                                                                                                 Unique locals combine with cool on the main for lots of action

                                                                                                 Wayne Kuchinsky

BN's Nelson Local along the Columbia River just south
of Waneta, Wash ., in September 1 988. John C. IIlman
                                                                                 50 Images: The Beets Go On
                                                                                                 Sugar beet trains keep plying the rails of the West

PACIFIC RAILNEWS and PACIFIC NEWS are registered trademarks
of Interurban Press. a California Corporation.                                                                              I DEPARTMENTS I
                      PUBLISHER: Mac Sebree
                                                                                4     EXPEDITER                                                 42     B U RLINGTON N ORTHERN
                 EDITOR: Don Gulbrandsen
                NEWS EDITOR: Carl Swanson                                       6     CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN                                   44 SHORT LI NES
              ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Michael Falk                                    8     SANTA FE                                                  45     ILLINOIS CENTRAL
         CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: Elrond G. Lawrence
          EDITORIAL CONSULTANT: Dick Stephenson                                10     SOUTHERN PACIFIC LI NES                                   47     REGIONALS

                  ART DIRECTOR: Katie Kern
                                                                               12     U N I O N PACIFIC                                         48     MEXICO
              PRODUCTION ARTIST: Tom Danneman                                  14    TRANSIT                                                    50     I MAGES OF RAILROADING
               CONTRIBUTING ARTIST: John Signor
                                                                               15     CANADA WEST                                               54     PRN LETTERS
           CIRCULATION MANAGER: Bob Schneider                                  32     FOCUS WASHINGTON                                          54     PRN ADVERTIS I N G I NDEX
                     © 1992 INTERURBAN PRESS                                   36     FOCUS M ISSOU RI                                          55     PRN CLASSIFIEDS
                      Mac Sebree. President/CEO
                  Jim Walker. Senior Vice President                            40     SOO LINE
                   Don Gulbrandsen. Vice President

                                                                               COVER: On Nov. II, 1 99 1 , Union Pacific Dash 8-40CW 9384 accelerates out Yermo Yard
                                                                               as it approaches Daggett with a westbound drag. Railroads and rugged natural beauty
                                                                               combine in the Mojave Desert of Southem California as UP and AT&SF main lines race
                                                                               across an arid landscape to reach the cities of the Pacific Coast. Elrond G. Lawrence

PACIFIC RAn.NEWS (ISSN 8750-8486) is published monthly by Interurban Press (a corporation). 1741 Gardena Ave.. Glendale. CA 91204. Second-class postage paid at Glendale. CA 91209 and additional mailing of­
fices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: PACIFIC RAn.NEws. P.O. Box 6128. Glendale. CA 91225. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $30 (U.S.) for 12 issues. $58 for 24 issues. Foreign add $6 for each 12 issues. Single
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MOJAVE 'LS - Model Railroading Magazine ...
December II, 1 99 1 , saw the inaugural run of Amtrak's new Capitol Corridor trains (shown above at
                          Pinole, Calif.) will provide three daily round trips between San Jose and Sacramento/Roseville. New
                          power-in a new paint scheme-led the way, Dash 8-32BWH 50 1 , the first of 20 new Amtrak locomotives
                          delivered at the end of 1 99 1 . Regular Capitols service started the following day. Vic Neves

                          NEW AMTRAK TRAIN; NEW             Davis, Suisun/Fairfield, Mar­       Southwest Chief. All 20 will be
                          AMTRAK POWER: California's        tinez, Richmond, Berkeley,          maintained out of Los Angeles.
                          latest rail passenger service,    Oakland and San Jose. A bus             The Dash 8s represent the
                          Amtrak's Bay Area-Sacramen­       connection takes passengers         first 20 units of a 52-locomotive
                          to/Roseville Capitols, started    from the Oakland Amtrak sta­        order that General Electric will
                          regular service on Dec. 12, one   tion to San Francisco.              build for Amtrak. In 1993, GE
                          day after a special preview         Amtrak put its latest power       plans to deliver 22 Dash 8-

                          run powered by No. 501, the       on the point of the inaugural       40BPs: 4,000-horsepower en­

                      a   first of 20 General Electric
                          Dash 8-32BWH locomotives
                                                            run. Dash 8 No. 501 was re­
                                                            leased from Erie in early De­
                                                                                                gines inside an aerodynamical­
                                                                                                ly designed full-width car body,
                          delivered to Amtrak in early      cember and it was placed on         and ten Dash 8-32BPDMs. The
                          December.                         display Dec. 4 at Washington        latter units will carry the same
                              Three Capitols will operate   D.C.'s Union Station. The unit      full-width body, but with 3,200-
                          each day in both directions,      was then taken to Chicago, fit­     horsepower engines and third
                          with morning, mid-day and         ted with Automatic Train Stop       rail capability.
                          late afternoon departures.        equipment at Amtrak's 16th
                          Travel time over the 147-mile     Street engine facility, and pow­    SANTA FE SALE PENDING:
                          route is three hours and 20       ered the westbound South­           Santa Fe Southern, a newly
                          minutes and Caltrans expects      west Chief of Dec. 7.               formed company, has an­
                          the service to attract 1,400         The remaining 19 Dash 8-         nounced that it plans to buy
                          riders each day during the        32BWH units were delivered to       the 18-mile Santa Fe-Lamy,
                          first year of service. This is    Chicago during December,            N.M., line from Santa Fe Rail­
                          the first exclusively Northern    including at least two light en­    way and Catellus Develop­
                          California corridor train to be   gine moves from the GE plant        ment-AT&SF's land manage­
                          operated since the 1962           at Erie. The final six locomo­      ment company. By 1994, Santa
                          demise of the Senator, and        tives, including No. 500, arrived   Fe Southern hopes to have a
                          the Capitols are the first new    in Chicago via a light engine       commuter service in place be­
                          intercity service since the       move on the afternoon of the        tween the city of Santa Fe and

                          June 1991 passage of Califor­     28th. Currently, Amtrak plans       the suburban community of El­
                          nia's Proposition 116-the rail    to operate the locomotives on       dorado. Freight service on the
                          bond inititive. The Capitols      trains 1 and 2, the Sunset Lim­     line will continue after the
                          serve Roseville/Sacramento,       ited, and trains 3 and 4, the       sale. SFS hopes to break even

4 • FEB RUARY 1 992
MOJAVE 'LS - Model Railroading Magazine ...
with its freight service, it says
passenger service will be vital
to the overall success of the
venture. The present speed
limit on the track is 15 mph.
    If the deal goes through as
expected, the new operation
will hire two operating em-
ployees and purchase a freight
engine from Santa Fe Railway
to serve on-line shippers.

CLOSINGS: In late December,
General Motors announced
plans to slash its work force by
74,000 and close some automo­
bile assembly plants. GM's
plans will effect nearly every
railroad in the nation, since a
substantial part of rail traffic
revolves around moving raw
materials and finished products
for the auto industry.
   Among the railroads await­
ing word on which GM plants
will close are Union Pacific and
Santa Fe. Southern Pacific has
already received word that a
Van Nuys, Calif., GM assembly
plant will soon close.

BN KEEPS STAMPEDE LINE:             Former Santa Fe 4-8-4 375 1 finally hit the rails for a test run on Dec. 20, 1 99 1 , a warm-up for its Dec. 27-30
Despite earlier reports of          excursion to Bakersfield. The steamer is shown westbound on AT&SF's line through the Santa Ana River
                                    Canyon with a mile-long string of empty TOFC trailers in tow. William Mays Jr.
pending abandonment,
Burlington Northern has ap­
parently decided to hang on
to its Stampede Pass line be­       million to purchase the line­          Mountains and its Columbia             er's salmon population, some­
tween Auburn and Cle Elum,          should BN place it on the sale         River Gorge route. But BN              thing that may boost rail traf­
Wash. The line has not oper­        block. Currently, BN operates          feels that barge traffic on the        fic. Before any trains run how­
ated in seven years and last        two busy Washington State              Columbia River may be re­              ever, the Stampede line will
year, the Washington State          main lines: the Stevens Pass           duced in the near future un­           require millions of dollars in
Legislature approved     $5.2       line through the Cascade               der efforts to preserve the riv-       repairs. The railroad said it
                                                                                                                  will make a decision on the
                                                                                                                  line's future within a year.
Burlington Northern's natural gas-burning test unit, modified SD40-2 7890, is shown on its first test run at
Gate, Wash., on Dec. 1 0, 1 99 1 . The CE ECO-rebuilt locomotive and its fuel tender, BNOT 1 00, were sched­      PAIR OF MISHAPS FOR BN:
uled to work the Alma Branch for a week in December. Scott E. O'Dell                                              A Burlington Northern freight
                                                                                                                  train derailment on a curving
                                                                                                                  overpass Christmas Eve sent a
                                                                                                                  railroad car tumbling 80 feet
                                                                                                                  down onto an interstate high­
                                                                                                                  way in Spokane, Wash. No one
                                                                                                                  was injured but debris dam­
                                                                                                                  aged an automobile and a
                                                                                                                  Greyhound bus. Spokane police
                                                                                                                  said the driver of the automo­
                                                                                                                  bile had to floor his accelerator
                                                                                                                  to evade the falling rail car.
                                                                                                                  Nineteen of the 108 cars on the
                                                                                                                  westbound train derailed.
                                                                                                                  Three cars, including the one
                                                                                                                  that ended up on the inter­
                                                                                                                  state, hit the ground and two
                                                                                                                  others were left dangling over
                                                                                                                  the edge of the railroad bridge.
                                                                                                                     It was the second BN derail­
                                                                                                                  ment in two days in Washing­
                                                                                                                  ton State. In the first incident­
                                                                                                                  in Everett, Wash.-a tank car
                                                                                                                  loaded with butane derailed
                                                                                                                  and caught fire, forcing the
                                                                                                                  evacuation of 100 residents. The
                                                                                                                  accident may have been due to
                                                                                                                  a burned-out wheel bearing.

                                                                                                                             PAC I F I C RAILNews • 5
MOJAVE 'LS - Model Railroading Magazine ...
CHICAGO & NORTH                                                     TERN
                                                                                                 the honors shortly after these units ar­
                                                                                                 rived on the property in August. The bal­
                                                                                                 ance of the new order was sent out to
                                                                                                 Wyoming for coal line service, relieving
                                                                                                 the 1989-vintage C40-8s, 8501-8530, and
                                                                                                 1990-built 8531-8535. These older (and,in
                                                                                                 the case of the 1989 series,lighter) units
                                                                                                 are being cycled through Marshalltown for
                                                                                                 application of ATC and Union Pacific's
                                                                                                 Coded Cab Signal equipment, which will
                                                                                                 allow them to operate in the lead any­
                                                                                                 where on the C&NW and UP main lines
                                                                                                 between Chicago and North Platte. As of
                                                                                                 Dec. 4, the following C40-8s had been
                                                                                                 completed: 8502,8521,8527 and 8530.
                                                                                                 The 8527 was spotted leading UP coal
                                                                                                 train CCPRM at Council Bluffs on Nov. 18.
                                                                                                     At the conclusion of this program,ATC
                                                                                                 will be removed from 8543-8549 and these
                                                                                                 units will be sent to Wyoming to haul coal.
                                                                                                 When this work is done,train watchers on
                                                                                                 the ATC-equipped east-west main line
                                                                                                 will see 8501-8535 leading North Western
                                                                                                 trains, while the other C40-8s will be
                                                                                                 largely confined to coal line service.
                                                                                                     UP's current orders for new locomo­
                                                                                                 tives-Dash 8-40CWs 9456-9480 and
                                                                                                 SD60Ms 6269-6315, all scheduled for deliv­
                                                                                                 ery by the end of 1991-will also be capa­
                                                                                                 ble of receiving ATC signals through a mi­
C&NW's Peoria wayfreight shoves 50 loads of corn to the huge ADM plant in Peoria, working
                                                                                                 croprocessor-based system developed by
Peoria & Pekin Union trackage on Dec. 3, 1 99 1 . The local job works seven days a week in the
                                                                                                 Union Switch & Signal. They will operate
Peoria area, patrolling industries between South Pekin and Normandy, III. Steve Smedley          in the lead on C&NW's east-west main as
                                                                                                 well, primarily on the stack and TOFC
                                                                                                 trains North Western operates under con­
                                                at a quarter before midnight on Nov. 21
C&NW Cleans Out Its Locomotive Attic                                                             tract for UP. One UP SD60M (number not
                                                behind SD40-2s 6913 and 6893. The sec­
                                                ond train, also symboled UNITZ,left Ma­          known) was seen leading a train over the
As the North Western beefed up its mo­          son City early in the morning on Nov. 25         C&NW near Beverly,Iowa,in late Novem­
tive power roster with SD50, SD60 and           with the same power in charge of 22              ber,but assignment of the new UP units to
C40-8 haulers during the 1980s and early                                                         the lead position had been placed on hold
                                                dead-in-transit locomotives. NRE, which
1990s,it stored earlier,lighter and older                                                        in early December pending resolution of
                                                rebuilds EMD locomotives for railroads
locomotives, including GP30s, GP35s and                                                          some technical problems.
                                                and industrial concerns,presumably will
SD40s,which also were more expensive            add these units to its inventory at Silvis.
to operate. Some of these units were sold
to Fox River Valley when that spinoff                                                            New UTU Crew Agreement
commenced operations, while others              C&NW Leases Secondhand GP38-2s
were conveyed to Livingston Rebuild                                                              North Western reached a new crew con­
Center in 1989. Fifty-three of these elderly    In another deal with NRE, C&NW is leas­          sist agreement with the United Trans­
engines, though, continued to slumber           ing 11 GP38-2s rebuilt by that vendor at         portation Union during November. As of
away the months in storage lines at Oel­        its Dixmoor, IlL, facility. These units,num­     press time, the agreement was awaiting
wein, Iowa, and elsewhere.                      bered C&NW 4701-4711,were delivered              ratification by UTU members; the contract
    That came to an end on Nov. 27, when        during mid-December. We can't provide            was to become effective on Dec. 20. Under
C&NW sold its remaining GP30, GP35 and          the histories of these units yet,but six of      the agreement, which would supercede
SD40 units to National Railway Equip­           them came from Southeast Coal. One,to            the accord imposed on the parties by the
ment Company. The locomotives covered           be C&NW 4711, was originally a Milwau­           federal government following the 1988
by the sale are as follows: GP30s 802-813,      kee Road unit and was built without dy­          strike, all C&NW crews would consist of
8 16, 818, 819, 821-823; GP35s 824-830,         namic brakes; the others will have dynam­        two persons,one engineer and one con­
833, 836, 838, 841,843,847-855, 861, 863-       ics. C&NW expects to deploy these units          ductor or brakeman. Management would
865; and SD40s 869, 870, 872, 878, 882,         with its 4600-series GP38-2s on the Iowa         have sole discretion to add a third person
886,889, 892, 923 and 926. North Western        secondary lines.                                 to any assignment. The accord would also
operated two special trains during late                                                          create the new position of "utility brake­
November to haul these units out of Oel­                                                         man." Persons filling this position would
wein. The trains ran south on the Water­        ATC Plans Refined                                be stationed in a yard, perhaps with a
loo Subdivision to the Iowa Northern con­                                                        company motor vehicle,and could help          '.

nection at Waterloo,north on IANR to            The North Western advised us in early De­        any crew,road or yard,when needed.
Manly, then south on the C&NW to Des            cember of its current plans for applying             In return for these concessions, C&NW
Moines, where the power was turned              Automatic Train Control equipment to the         agreed to increase the "lonesome pay"
over to Iowa Interstate for movement to         C40-8s and assigning those locomotives to        UTU members receive for working in
NRE's ex-Rock Island shop at Silvis, Ill.       service. Initially,ATC was installed on the      crews of less than three persons (plus en­
 The first train of 24 units, symboled (ap­     first seven units of the 1991 order,8543-        gineer). C&NW also will offer to buy out
 propriately) UNITZ, departed Mason City        8549; the Marshalltown diesel shop did           the seniority of the brakemen who will be-

6 . FEBRUARY 1 992
MOJAVE 'LS - Model Railroading Magazine ...
come excess under the accord at the rate           Western system. An example in point oc­

                                                                                                               PACIFIC RAIl:.
of $100,000 for persons hired prior to             curred on Oct. 28, when train PREMA ar­
September 1988 and $50,000 for persons             rived at East Minneapolis with 20,000 h.p.
hired after that date. The company has             in the form of 8529, 8515, 8526, 8534 and                                                          NEWS
made no public announcement concerning             8547 on the head end.

                                                                                                                     NEWS STAFF
this contract pending ratification, but the            The C40-8s have been authorized to op­
pact appears to hold the potential for re­         erate over the Owatonna and Iowa Falls
ducing labor costs over the long term.             subdivisions (ex-Rock Island Spine Line)
                                                   between St. Paul and Chicago Junction,
                                                   Iowa. However, the heavier units in the                News/information submissions: If you would like to
                                                                                                          share items on any of the topics listed below, please
Cowboy Line Developments                           8531-8577 series must observe thirteen 10              contact the appropriate columnist at the address list­
                                                   mph speed restrictions over bridges on                 ed for each section. NOTE: Do not send photos to
The 11 Nebraska counties served by the             this route. The GEs usually appear on the              the columnists.

Norfolk-Chadron segment of the Cowboy              ITCUS ore loads moving from Minnesota
Line formed a coalition on Dec. 5 to at­           to Utah and unit coal trains.
                                                       Use of MP15DC locomotives on the Pro­                             RAILROAD COLUMNISTS
tempt to raise $8 million for upgrading the
320-mile line. Under plans developed by            viso hump ended in November. MP15 1314
                                                                                                          AMTRAK/PASSENGER-Dick Stephenson
state officials, the state would buy the line      took a trip through the California Avenue                1595 E. Chevy Chase #20. Glendale. CA 91206
for $5 million and look to the communities         paint shop in Chicago for a coat of "old               AT&SF-Elson Rush
on the line to pay $8 million of the estimat­      yellow" after it was released from hump                  P.O. Box 379. Waukesha. WI 53187
ed $12 million rehabilitation cost. Trouble        duty, thereafter returning to its customary            BURLINGTON NORTHERN-Karl Rasmussen
                                                                                                            11449 Goldenrod st. NW. Coon Rapids.MN 55448
is, as we've said before in this space, ad­        assignment at Janesville, Wis. The SD38-
                                                                                                          CANADA WEST-Doug Cummings
vocates of the line purchase haven't been          2s are now handling all the hump work.
                                                                                                            5963 Kitchener St.. Burnaby. BC V5B 2J3
able to persuade the Nebraska Legislature              In the lobby of One North Western                  C&NW-Michael W. Blaszak
to appropriate the $5 million needed.              Center, C&NW's Chicago headquarters                      211 South Leitch Ave.. La Grange.IL 60525
Nonetheless, the "spirit and enthusiasm"           building, management set up a sizeable                 COMMUTER-Dick Stephenson
of local officials for saving the line ran         loop of Lionel track around a Christmas                  1595 E. Chevy Chase #20. Glendale. CA 91206

high at the meeting in Valentine during            tree for the hol'�8Vs. Circling the tree               D&RGW-Richard C. Farewell
                                                                                                            9729 w. 76th Ave.. Arvada. CO 8CXXJ 5
which the coalition was formed. The state          was a short unit coal train powered by
                                                                                                          ILLINOIS CENTRAL-David J. Daisy
was gearing up for another round of nego­          Lionel-built and C&NW-painted C40-8                      746 N. Bruns Lane Apt. A. Springfield. IL 62702
tiations with C&NW over acquisition of             8589. Does this presage a 1992 order for               MEXICO-Clifford R. Prather
the line in mid-December.                          more C40-8s?                                             P.O. Box 925.Santa Ana. CA 92702
    North Western reached an agreement                Thanks to Bruno Berzins, Michael M.                 REGIONALS-Dave Kroeger
with bentonite shippers, politicians and           Bartels, Dave Kroeger, Tom Persoon, Alan                 525 6th Ave.. Marion.IA 52302

the Rapid City Area Economic Partnership           Hunt and THE MIXED TRAIN.                              SHORT LINES-Robert C. Gallegos
                                                                                                            P.O. Box 379. Waukesha. WI 53187
in early December to delay the formal
                                                                                                          SOO LINE-Karl Rasmussen
abandonment of the Crawford, Neb.-Cran­                                                                     11449 Goldenrod st. NW. Coon Rapids.MN 55448
dall, Wyo., line until May 10, 1993, two                                                                  SP/SSW-Joseph A. Strapac
years after a flood practically destroyed it.
To save the line, the shippers will have to
                                                          * A NEW VIDEO RELEASE! *                          P.O. Box 1539. Bellflower. CA 90707
                                                                                                          UNION PACIFIC-Wayne Monger
produce a buyer before that date. While
the shippers retain access to West Coast
                                                      LTV STEEL ORE LINES                                   13(0 Southhampton Rd. #214. Benicia. CA 94510

                                                                                                                           TRANSIT COLUMNISTS
and export markets through C&NW's re­                  LTV Steel Mining Company RR
stored connection with Burlington North­                (formerly Erie Mining Company RR)
                                                                                                          CHICAGO-Wynne DeCitti
ern at Crawford, they also want to retain               F9S    •   ALCOS      •   BALOWI NS               SACRAMENTO-Robert Blymyer
the capability of using C&NW and UP to                LOCATED ON MINNESOTA'S FAMOUS IRON RANGE            SAN DIEGO-Chris Cucchiara
avoid becoming captive to BN.                           MAINLINE ORE TRAINS. SHIPS. ORE DOCKS             SAN FRANCISCO/MUNI-Don Jewell
                                                      YARDS· ALCO MINE TRAINS. TACONITE PLANT             SAN JOSE-Matthew G. Vurek
                                                                             1'12 H ou rs · VHS • Color   WESTERN TRANSIT NOTES-Richard R. Kunz

                                                                             $33 95
                                                                             Live Audio· Narration
Short Items                                                                                  Plus $3.00                  FOCUS CORRESP ONDENTS
                                                                                    •        Shipping
While the C40-8s were bought mainly for                                                                   Mike Abalos. Greg Brown. Rich Farewell. Paul
service over the east-west line, they con­                                                                Fries. Dave Gayer. Steve Glischinski. Wayne
tinue to appear elsewhere on the North                                                                    Kuchinsky. Carl M. Lehman. Scott Muskopf. Dan
                                                                                                          Pope. Ken Rattenne. Dick Stephenson

                                                             A system-wide look at the

    New England Railroading Calendar
                                                       Duluth Missabe & Iron Range RR                     SUBMISSIONS: Articles. news items and photographs
                                                      ORE TRAINS· FREIGHTS. YARDS. PASSENGER              are welcome and should be sent to our Wisconsin edito·
                                                                                                          rial office. When submitting material for consideration,
                                                     MINES & PLANT· ALL·RAIL • ORE DOCKS. SHIPS
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                                                                                                          MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE: For all subscrip'
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    P.O. Box 486, Hyde Park, MA 02136-0486             P,O, BOX 217    •                WI    54720                          (800) 899-TRACK

                                                                                                                                      PACIFIC RAILNews • 7
MOJAVE 'LS - Model Railroading Magazine ...
                NTA FE
                                                                                                connected to the engine. Anxieties built
                                                                                                as the boiler temperature dropped for
                                                                                                lack of fuel, but ultimately SBRHS was
                                                                                                able to put the pieces together and had
                                                                                                the engine at the Kaiser switch ready to
                                                                                                go, on the morning of the 15th.
                                                                                                    The society meanwhile had faxed its
                                                                                                certificate of insurance to Santa Fe's
                                                                                                Schaumburg headquarters on the morn­
                                                                                                ing of the 14th. Hearing nothing from
                                                                                                Schaumburg that day, SBRHS figured the
                                                                                                insurance had satisfied Santa Fe's re­
                                                                                                quirements. The following morning,
                                                                                                though, as 3751 chomped at the bit at
                                                                                                Kaiser, word came back from
                                                                                                Chicagoland that no, the insurance
                                                                                                wasn't satisfactory to Santa Fe and no,
                                                                                                there would be no test runs until proper
                                                                                                insurance was provided. SBRHS members
                                                                                                were crushed and angered by this deci­
                                                                                                sion, claiming that they had provided
                                                                                                Santa Fe with exactly the same insurance
                                                                                                coverage as the Grand Canyon Railway
                                                                                                had supplied for its Williams-Phoenix
                                                                                                steam excursion earlier in the year. Santa
                                                                                                Fe, though, maintained there were sub­
                                                                                                stantial holes in the SBRHS policy.
                                                                                                    The stakes were high for both sides.
                                                                                                SBRHS had scheduled a rededication cer­
                                                                                                emony for the engine at the San
                                                                                                Bernardino station for 10:30 on the 15th,
                                                                                                and the mayor of San Bernardino and
                                                                                                other dignitaries had been lined up to at­
                                                                                                tend. Santa Fe had anticipated that the
                                                                                                engine would be the highlight of a Fami­
                                                                                                ly Days event at Hobart Yard on Nov. 16.
                                                                                                The insurance problem, though, forced
                                                                                                cancellation of all of these plans. The         L
                                                                                                public officials were phoned and advised
                                                                                                to stay at work, and the 3751 remained
                                                                                                on the plant trackage at Fontana.
                                                                                                    It's difficult to predict what's next for
                                                                                                the hard-luck society. As this column is
                                                                                                being written, SBRHS is attempting to
                                                                                                solve its insurance difficulties and get
                                                                                                the engine on the road for tests during
                                                                                                the week of Dec. 16.
                                                                                                    LATE UPDATE: After months of dis­
                                                                                                appointment, the SBRHS was able to
                                                                                                solve its problems and get the 3751 out
                                                                                                on the road in December. On the after­
                                                                                                noon of Dec. 20, the 4-8-4 was placed at
                                                                                                the front end of a mile-long string of
                                                                                                empty piggyback trailers and made a
                                                                                                successful shake-down run through the
                                                                                                Santa Ana Canyon on Santa Fe's San
Santa Fe spread a little Christmas cheer in Southern California by running a series of "Santa   Bernardino Sub. Just one week later, the
Claus" specials for disabled children. One of the two-car trains is shown eastbound at the      3751 departed on its historic four-day
Alroy tunnels in Cajon Pass on its Dec. 1 2 San Bernardino-Summit trip. Steve Glischinski       trek from San Bernardino to Bakersfield
                                                                                                and back, crossing both Cajon Pass and
                                                make its first test run over the Pasadena       the Tehachapis en route. Despite rain
375 1 Follies                                   Subdivision, starting at its home base in       and snow, initial reports indicate the trip
                                                Fontana. Santa Fe insisted, though, that        was surprisingly smooth. We'll provide a
For want of a proper insurance policy,          SBRHS have 3751 pointed west. The en­           full report in the March issue.
the San Bernardino Railroad Historical          gine was, of course, pointed east, and it
Society's long-awaited effort to bring          took SBRHS a considerable amount of
steam locomotive 3751 out on the Santa          time to jockey it and the tender (sepa­         Santa Fe Plays Santa
Fe for trials and display during Novem­         rately, due to weight restrictions) around
ber had to be delayed for another month.        the industrial wye in the California Steel      Reaching out to the communities it
SBRHS and Santa Fe had set Nov. 15 as           facility. As night fell on Nov. 14, SBRHS       serves, Santa Fe operated a series of
the date on which the engine would              ran into difficulties getting the tender re-    Santa Claus Express trains for underpriv-

8 . FEBRU ARY 1 992
MOJAVE 'LS - Model Railroading Magazine ...
ileged children during mid-December. In       at the station instead, so the yard was          at Chillicothe, Ill., and Marcelin, Mo., in
Southern California, a train consisting of    never used for its intended purpose.             August, and the new schedules delete
sleeper Regal Lark and business car              It is interesting to note that, if the unit   times at these points, since trains just
John S. Reed operated from San                price MTDB paid for this right-of-way            breeze on through now.
Bernardino to Summit and return during        were applied to the entire Southern Cali­
the morning of Dec. 12, and then              fornia line sale package, the acquisition
deadheaded to Duarte (on the Pasadena         cost would be about $1.8 billion, or six         Chico Chatter
Subdivision) to pick up more kids for a       times what the Los Angeles-area authori­
round trip to Los Angeles Union Passen­       ties are willing to pay for it.                  In contrast to the gloom at other railroads
ger Terminal. On Dec. 13, the same                                                             after dismal November traffic totals were
equipment was used for two round trips                                                         announced, Santa Fe people were all
between Los Angeles and Fullerton.            Freight Service Changes                          smiles over a 4.5 percent increase in car­
   In Kansas, the Eastern Region sched­                                                        load freight traffic and a startling 16.5
uled a tour of the operations center at the   On Dec. 4 Santa Fe published an update           percent increase in intermodal volume for
Kansas City office building, followed by a    of its Transportation Service Plan, which        the month. Vice President-Marketing Don
round trip to Topeka aboard a special pas­    contains the freight train schedules. This       Skelton attributed the carload gain partly
senger train, for 18 children and ten ac­     publication reveals the following                to strong grain movements and partly to
companying adults on Dec. 14.                 changes in freight service during the            General Motors' decision to shift many
                                              past few months:                                 auto parts movements from truck to rail,
                                                  • Train 194 was established effective        reflected by the establishment of train
San Diego Sale                                Sept. 23 to operate from Chicago to Okla­        194. On the intermodal side, it appears
                                              homa City Tuesdays through Sundays, pri­         more motor carriers are abandoning over­
The San Diego Metropolitan Transit De­        marily for General Motors auto parts traf­       the-road movements to and from Califor­
velopment Board and Santa Fe on Nov. 20       fic. No. 194 is scheduled to depart Corwith      nia and using rail instead-a trend Santa
jointly announced the completion of Santa     Yard at 5 a.m. and leave Argentine Yard at       Fe plans to encourage.
Fe's sale of 3.15 miles of right-of-way be­   5:05 p.m. arriving in Oklahoma City at              According to Chairman Rob Krebs,
tween Grape Street and Old Town in San        2:40 a.m. (Years ago, the 194 symbol was         about two-thirds of the 90 new locomotives
Diego to MTDB for $17.5 million. MTDB         used for the Chicago-Denver TOFC sched­          Santa Fe will acquire in 1992 are being pur­
will use the right-of-way, which is be­       ule, but Santa Fe doesn't compete vigor­         chased to handle new business. General
tween 35 and 40 feet in width, to com­        ously for this traffic anymore.)                 Electric advises that B40-8Ws 560-582
plete the long-planned extension of the            • Train 881 was established effective       should be shipped in March and April 1992,
San Diego Trolley to the Old Town area;       Nov. 19 to handle overflow doublestack           while C40-8Ws 800-866 are scheduled for
Santa Fe completed a similar right-of-way     traffic from Los Angeles to Chicago. It          construction from April through July.
sale from the San Diego passenger station     leaves Hobart Yard at 10 a.m. on Fridays             Meanwhile, the number of active
to Grape Street in 1989. Santa Fe's exist­    and Saturdays and reaches Corwith Yard at        GP7s on the Santa Fe continues to de­
ing San Diego Subdivision main line will      6 p.m. on the second day after departure.        cline. During November, 11 of these re­
be shifted westward to accommodate                 • Trains QEPAQ, QAQEP, QAQBE and            built units were chewed into scrap metal
construction of the trolley tracks, which     QBEAQ, providing intermodal service be­          at Pielet Bros. in McCook, Ill.: 2008, 2018,
are expected to be completed in 1995.         tween Albuquerque, Belen and El Paso,            2058, 2074, 2086, 2094, 2101, 2106, 2112,
MTDB will also extend double track 1,100      were abolished and replaced by trains            2128 and 2139. Many others have been
feet north from the present end of the sec­   QBEEP and QEPBE between Belen and EI             sold for service on short line railroads,
ond track at Old Town to make room for a      Paso and intermodallmanifest trains 767          including Santa Fe spinoffs.
planned commuter rail station.                and 777. The latter two symbols cover one            Burlington Northern obtained formal
    The sale spells doom for Wright           crew making two round trips a day be­            authority to lease Santa Fe's line be­
Street Yard, which lies in the path of the    tween Albuquerque and Belen.                     tween Rushville and Winthrop, Mo., in an
trolley line and will eventually be dis­           • Train 305 now terminates at Temple        Interstate Commerce Commission deci­
mantled. Wright Street Yard was con­          rather than Silsbee; the Silsbee block           sion released on Dec. 6 (see December
structed in the mid-1980s when Santa          moves south on train 605.                        1991 PRN, p. 11).
Fe removed its downtown yard in San                • Train 395 was resymboled 394 and              Santa Fe Railway's profits of $80.3
Diego in accordance with the plans of         terminates at Oklahoma City.                     million during the third quarter of 1991
its real estate subsidiary (now the inde­         Most of the intermodal trains, excluding     surpassed income during any quarter for
pendent Catellus Development Corp.) to        the premium service runs like 198, 891, 199      the past ten years. The railroad achieved
develop the area around the station.          and 991, are setting out and picking up          an 85.7 percent operating ratio during the
 The yard was meant to hold Amtrak            blocks at Clovis, N.M., in accordance with       period, increasing revenues by over 5 per­
consists laying over in San Diego, but        the "Clovis Intermodal Hub" strategy.            cent while holding the rise in operating
Amtrak decided to keep these consists              Santa Fe discontinued crew changes          expenses to 4 percent.

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                                                                                                                      PACI FIC RAILNews • 9
MOJAVE 'LS - Model Railroading Magazine ...

Southern Pacific's Thorne Turn negotiates ex-SP trackage as it returns from the Hawthorne Ammunition Plant on a route recently purchased
from the railroad by the U.S. Army. Powering the Nov. 3, 1 99 1 , train along Walker Lake is one of SP's GP40Rs, along with two Rio Grande
GP30s, which have strayed from home rails thanks to SP's ongoing power shortage. Wayne Monger

                                               Grand Trunk Western: five GP38s.                traditional backshop activities from both
Leased Units Satisfy Power Demands             Helm: one GP40.                                 Sacramento and Burnham.
                                               Morrison-Knudsen: one GP40.
By Nov. 23, 1991,Southern Pacific's daily      National Railway Equipment: three SD40s.
traffic had increased to the point where       VMV-11 units: six SD40s and five SD45s.         Taylor Yard Fades Away
available SP,D&RGW and SSW locomo­             Wisconsin Central-21 units: 12 SD45s and
tives could not meet demands. Tradition­       nine GP40s.                                     The most prominent of all the railroad
ally, the autumn months are busy, with                                                         yards in Los Angeles,SP's Taylor Yard, is
motive power demand peaking before                                                             being returned to native soil. It is anticipat­
slipping back to normal levels early in        New Diesel Shop Under Construction              ed that the the main line which defines the
the new year. Many "family" units were                                                         eastern boundary of the property will be
out of service pending maintenance, so         The new "intermediate" locomotive               partially rerouted, making a turn to the
the only solution was to enter the lease­      maintenance facility is now an actual           west about two miles north of Dayton Av­
fleet market.                                  construction project; if the construction       enue Tower (virtually out of work these
   Nearly 200 leased locomotives were          schedule is maintained,the shop should          days) under Interstate 5. The main track
necessary to plug the gap-and more are         be operative by early 1993. Exactly what        will cross the former hump area, turning
expected, possibly as many as 225 de­          functions will be performed here remain         north again just above the present engine
pending on how quickly shop forces can         to be seen,but reportedly the 1980s-vin­        facilities and upgrading the present en­
return SP/D&RGW/SSW units to action. Lo­       tage "clean room" traction motor shop           ginehouse lead as the new main. This kink
comotives have been leased from all over       and the expensive new paint booth               in the alignment will allow industrial devel­
the U.S.-many of them bearing initials or      would be among the activities proposed          opment in the northeast quadrant of the
road names that do not reflect their true      for transfer from Sacramento.                   former yard without having to build grade
ownership. Here's a summary of the 184             Speculation is rife regarding the fate of   separations. The south end of the yard will
units and their ownership:                     Sacramento Locomotive Works, the home           be redeveloped as a terminal for Metrolink
AT&SF-13 units: five B36-7s and eight          port for SP's locomotive fleet for 130 years,   commuter trains and locomotives.
C30-7s.                                        and Burham Shops,Rio Grande's diesel
Chicago & Illinois Midland: six SD38s.         headquarters. So far, D&RGW units
Conrail-22 units: 13 GP40s and nine SD40s.     haven't shown up for heavy shop work at         T&NO 786 Under Steam
EMD Leasing-76 units: two GP60s,17             SP facilities,but that situation could
GP40s,35 GP38s and 22 SD40s.                   change if Burnham's downtown site is            While steam fans were agonizing over the
GATX: 13 SD40s.                                sold for development. At that point, antici­    much-publicized travails of AT&SF 3751 in
GECX-12 units: 11 C30-7s and one B40-8s.       pate West Colton to absorb most of the          Southern California,they may have failed

1 0 . FEBRUARY 1 992
to notice the successful story unfolding on       the first five cars following the head-end        Branch. The Creede B ranch runs from
the plains of Texas. On Nov. 27, 1 9 9 1 , for­   motive power must weigh more than 50              Alamosa, Colo . , west across the moun­
mer Texas & New Orleans 2-8-2 786 operat­         tons each. As well, any cars longer than 73       tain-locked S an Luis Valley to South Fork,
ed under its own power in Round Rock,             feet are excluded from being placed in any        then northwest along the Rio Grande to
Texas, for the first time since going on dis­     of the first five car positions if aggregate      Creede. Local interests were involved in
play there, thanks to the restoration efforts     train tonnage exceeds the 4, 000-ton cutoff.      the deal and stated plans include acquisi­
of the Austin Steam Train Association. On                                                           tion of venture capital to be used to pro­
the weekend of Dec. 14 the locomotive was                                                           vide a scenic train operation to run over
scheduled to travel to downtown Austin,           D&RGW Still Wary of Slides                        the trackage. A consultant has come up
Texas , to be officially dedicated by civic                                                         with a projection of 50,000 riders within
dignitaries-but probably not under its            Work continues into the winter on the in­         three to five years of start-up. To date,
own power due to cornmon carrier restric­         stallation of slide-detector fences along         however, the venture capital dollars have
tions. An inaugural excursion to Burnet           the Front Range alignment west of Den­            not materialized.
(about 51 miles) on short line Austin &           ver. The highest levels of activity are               Thanks to Dick Stephenson and the
Northwestern is planned for the near fu­          found west of Crescent siding and east of         Colorado Railroad Museum.
ture. Coaches for excursion service have          tunnel 22. Relatedly, through November
been obtained from the Cuyahoga Valley            and December Rio Grande stationed track
Railway in Ohio and were noted in excel­          patrolmen at the location of the Sept. 30

                                                                                                           Make Tracks...
lent condition on arrival. It is anticipated      rockslide/wreck and between tunnels 18
that regular service will begin this spring.      and 1 7 on a 24-hour basis to watch the
                                                  cliffsides for any signs of instability.                 ... to your nearest mallbox and send for the
                                                                                                           latest copy of the free Consumer Information
                                                      In other Moffat news, the Moffat Tunnel              Catalog. It lists about 200 free or low·cost
SP Power Dominates Denver Trains                  Commission recently approved the placing                 government pubUcations. Just send your name
                                                                                                           and address to:
                                                  of a four-inch galvanized steel conduit
                                                                                                           CoD8umer Informatloo Ceoter
The motive power crunch on the Moffat             through the Moffat Tunnel by SP Telecom­                 Departmeot MT, Pueblo, Colorado 81009
main eased somewhat toward the end of             munications. This line will form part of a
1 9 9 1 , helped by an influx of units from       fiber optic network being constructed be­
SP into the Denver-area mainline pool.            tween Salt Lake City and Denver. It will be
                                                                                                                                                 "JUST LIKE
As a result, motive power on the RODVT            used by MCl and other carriers.                                                               BEING THERE
(Roper-Denver trailers) and DVOAT (Den­                                                                                                         IN PERSON"

ver-Oakland trailers) was dominated by
9600-series SP/SSW GP60s. When uti­               Traffic Weak on the D&RGW; GP35s on
                                                                                                      EXCITING NEW RAILROAD VIDEO PRODUCTIONS
lized, D&RGW motive power is assigned             Way Out?
                                                                                                      #1  - AT&SF 3751 COMES ALIVE! - Have a good look at this
to RODVT to complete power transfers                                                                  latest locomotive to return to steam! Features restoration ef­
from west to east. Normally involved are          Traffic, with the exception of unit-coal op­        fort and shop tour at the ex-Kaiser Steel Mill, Fontana, CA.
                                                  erations, has fallen to low levels on the Rio       then the great public debut there with many run-bys. mishaps,
PTC- equipped SD40T-2s/SD50s whose
                                                                                                      and railcars tour - 85 Min. - $22.95
services are badly needed for Denver­             Grande; sources cite the current recession
                                                  and business lost to UP and AT&SF. The              #2  - A VISIT TO PERRIS - See the operations at the OERM
area unit-coal operations. A similar situa­
                                                                                                      in Perris. CA. Many trains. trollies incl. VC #2 steam Prairie
tion occurred during the latter part of           lull in business may spell the end of the           loco. P E. Red Cars IN ACTION!, approx, 2 hours - $22.95
1 9 90 when many Rio Grande main line             line for yet another aging locomotive mod­
                                                                                                      #3 - A VISIT TO KIRKWOOD - See the INCREDIBLE Museum

operations out of Denver were put under           el on the D&RGW-the company's cantan­               of Transporation near SI. Louis, Mo. Large and varied
                                                  kerous GP35s may be stored or sold once             locomotive collection includes Burlington Zephyr, Frisco 1522,
the control of SP/SSW motive power. As
                                                                                                      Milwaukee Road Bi-Polar, Aerotrain - Approx. 1 hr. -
per the 1 9 90 scenario, though, Rio              SP Lines gets past its current motive pow­          522.95
Grande's unit-coal trains continue to re­         er shortage. This follows actions that left
                                                                                                      #4 - L.A. RAILROAD MUSEUM TOUR - See the many in­

main the domain of normally pure                  stored F9s, 5762, 5763 and 577 1 , and SD9          teresting locomotives and apparatus at the Travel Town ex­
lashups of D&RGW SD40T-2s/SD50s,                  5305, as the only first-generation diesel           hibit in Griffith park, L.A. and the HUGE BIG BOY & TEXAS
                                                                                                      type locomotives, etc. at the Pomona Fairplex - over 1 hour
with the occasional exception of CLA­             power on the Rio Grande roster.
                                                                                                      - 522.95
lC/AlCLC (Coleto Creek, Texas to Axial
                                                                                                      #5, 6 -  SoCal RAILSCENE VIDEOLOG - An ongoing Series
Mine to Coleto Creek, Texas).                                                                         showing everyday rail traffic through the greater Los Angeles
    After looking into the rash of recent de­     Creede Line Sold for Proposed Tourist               area, inci. SP, UP, SFe, Cajon Pass, San Timoteo, chases.
                                                                                                      All tapes in Series are 2 hours - $22.95 ea. Vol I & Vol. 2
railments and evaluating potential problem        Operation
sites on its system, SP released a directive                                                          VHS Only. $3.00 S&H ea. tape, CA Residents add         8.25%
                                                                                                      Sales Tax. Send Money Order or Check To:
applicable system-wide which states that          Rio Grande recently agreed to sell the                                    OM&C VIDEO
for any operation greater than 4,000 tons,        South Fork-Creede segment of its Creede                       P.O. BOX 4640 • EL MONTE, CA 91734
                                                                                                                        Phone (818) 579-4431

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                                                                                                               (714) 828-5080
                                                                                                            OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK

                                                                                                                                 PACIFIC RAILNews • II
Idaho Line Sale Package Modified

Fallawing last year's failure to. sell the 476-
mile " Baise Group " branch lines in west­
ern Idaho., Unian Pacific has madified the
sale package and is naw affering just
three branches tataling 268 miles. Twa af
the three lines were part af the ariginal
package-72 miles af the Idaho. Narthern
Branch between Emmett and Cascade,
plus the 29-mile Payette Branch from Em­
mett to. the main line at Payette. The third
branch for sale is the scenic 84-mile
Jaseph Branch running from La Grande to.
Jaseph, Ore.-the first time this line has
been affered for sale.
   Repartedly, UP expects the sale af the
branches to. be campleted by February.
Bath the Jaseph and Idaho. Narthern
branches have gaad traffic levels, which
UP maves with three round trips weekly
an each line. There has lang been tremen­
daus interest in preserving the Jaseph
Branch for industries that utilize rail ser­
vice in the Jaseph/Enterprise area.
    In December, UP was still reviewing
bids from shortline aperatars interested
in leasing UP branches in eastern Wash­
ingtan. Apparently, UP has narrawed the
field af 35 interested parties dawn to.
faur, including Watca (see PRN 336),
Railtex and the nearby Mantana Rail
Link. Branches for lease in the Walla
Walla area include the 31-mile Wallula
line from the Spakane Sub main at Wallu­
la Junctian to. Walla Walla and 64 miles af
the Daytan Branch north from Walla Wal­
la to. Daytan and sauth af Walla Walla to. a
frozen faad packing plant at Westan.
Branch lines far lease in the Palause area
include the 29-mile Mascaw Branch be­
tween Calfax, Wash., and Mascaw, Idaho.,
the remaining sauth end af the Tekaa
Branch fram Haaper Junctian, Wash., to.
Calfax, plus the remaining sectian af the
Pleasant Valley Branch.
   The lang battle to. save the abandaned
Tetania Branch in eastern Idaho. has
                                                  Linking Chicago with Mexico City-but still a long ways from its destination-Union Pacific's
failed. The Scenic Railway Assaciatian af
                                                  southbound AIZ crosses the Kaskaskia River at Shelbyville, III., on Oct. 8, 1 99 1 ; the Shelby
Ashtan was aut-bid by a scrap campany.
                                                  County Courthouse is visible in the background (at right). Daniel M. Schroeder

Crew Agreements Nearly I ntact                    require trains to. be under a certain length    idled warker 75 percent af their current
                                                  and allaw no. en route switching. UP's          pay until they are reactivated or released.
During Navember, Unian Pacific reached a          agreement will immediately place Santa Fe
tentative agreement with the United               at a disadvantage for Chicaga-LA traffic,
Transpartatian Unian to. reduce crew mem­         as its current agreement places a restrictian    3985 Should be Busy While 844 in Shop
bers an certain trains to. just an engineer       af 50 cars an trains with twa-man crews.         in 1 992
and a canductor, eliminating the brakeman            At current traffic levels UP has estimat­
pasitian. The propased agreement-await­           ed that twa-man crews an many trains            The steam program aperated by Steve Lee
ing ratificatian by unian members at press        will result in nearly 4,000 surplus crew        aut af Cheyenne will repartedly be dawn
time-wauld allaw eliminatian af the               members. To. affset the impact af this          to. ane aperating steam lacamative far
brakeman an all thraugh trains maving be­         mave-and to. keep a paal af experienced         mast af 1992. The 844 will undergo. an ex­
tween crew change paints, especially UP's         pea pIe to. call upan in the future-UP has      tensive averhaul this year, placing the re­
many daublestack and "Z" trains.                  agreed to. pay each emplayee that chaases       spansibility for mast steam trips with the
    According to. industry saurces, the new       early retirement a $60,000 valuntary sepa­      3985. Due in part to. the work to. be dane
agreement wauld allaw twa-man crews               ratian allawance. Far thase who. wish to.       an the 844 this year, there will be little or
with no. train length limits and wauld allaw      stay with the railraad to. help handle UP's     no. work dane an UP's A-B-A set af E9s.
as many as three " work events " - such as        projected 25 percent increase in traffic            As currently projected, the 3985 will
switching-en route. Agreements an ather           aver the next five years, the agreement         make at least three majar trips in 1992, the
railraads where twa-man crews are in place        will establish a reserve baard paying an        first being in July to. San Jase for the NRHS

12   •   FEBRU ARY 1 992
national convention, the second being a                   Canal Street near downtown Chicago.               Green River). Empty coal unit trains re­
trip to the Texas cities of San Antonio, Fort               In Texas, UP is also seeking permission         turning from Lawrence, Kan., have also
Worth, Galveston and Houston in August                   to lease 26 miles of Southern Pacific track­       been routed via the Kansas Pacific line.
to coincide with the Republican National                  age running through College Station, be­          Due to the lack of lengthy sidings on the
Convention in Houston and the third will                 tween Navasota Junction and Bryan Junc­            stretch of this line between Oakley, Kan . ,
be in November to operate the annual                     tion. This line is part of the UP's Fort           and Salina, Kan . , when there are two op­
Santa Claus Special on CSX's ex-Clinch­                  Worth Subdivision main line but is owned           posing unit trains scheduled to operate,
field line. The last move is in response to a            by SP. UP is also asking the ICC for per­          one is routed north over the parallel 224-
personal request from CSX president Jerry                mission to serve industries along this sec­        mile Plainville Branch.
Davis, former VP-operations for UP. There                tion of railroad, which they now cannot do
is a strong possibility that the 844 will be             as UP trains are only allowed to operate
ready in time for the annual River City                  directly over this segment.                        Join Our News N etwork
Roundup trip to Omaha in September.                         Canadian National and Union Pacific in
                                                         October agreed upon a new marketing                This news column, like most every other in
                                                         contract that covers boxcar traffic. This is       this magazine, is made possible by the
New Power Keeps on Coming                                just one more step in placing into effect          contributions of a very, very small percent­
                                                         unhindered routing of shipments between            age of our readers. These invaluable peo­
The latest order of 48 EMD SD60Ms started                Canada and Mexico-if and when the                  ple are those who are interested enough in
to arrive on the property on Nov. 24, when               North American Trade Agreement is ap­              what is going on around them to let the
the 6271 and 6274 showed up. This new                    proved by the U . S . , Mexico and Canada.         various new� editors know what they have
batch of EMDs is UP's fourth order for the               The CN has recently reached similar                seen or read. To these handful of people
3, 800-h.p. locomotive equipped with the                  agreements with BN and Norfolk South­             that keep this particular column going
North American Cab and are numbered                       ern. With this contract in place, the com­        from deadline to deadline, l owe my grati­
6269-6316. Meanwhile in mid-November,                     plicated process of billing and routing a         tude and a very large thank you for their
the last of the new General Electric Dash 8-              boxcar shipment across an international           efforts in the past and in the future.
40CWs arrived, with the 9478 and 9479 hit­                border is now simplified.                            We all wish that more of our readers
ting home rails on Nov. 1 1 . UP 9480,                       During December, UP had ten pairs of           will become involved in these columns by
equipped with the new design of electronic                helper locomotives assigned to the Blue           contributing news. The most valuable
air brakes and Integrated Cab Electronics,                Mountain grades , basing them out of La­          simplest thing any reader can do to con­
arrived in December after testing.                        Grande, Ore. Most of the pairs consist of         tribute to a column is to pass on a news­
    As the number of locomotives remain­                  older SD40-2s, with an occasional C 30-7          paper article concerning a specific rail­
ing either lettered and/or painted for Mis­               mixed in.                                         road from your local newspaper. Ninety­
souri Pacific rapidly approaches zero, the                   The new wye track at the junction of           nine percent of the time, no one else with
number of such units going through the                    the Falls City Subdivision in south Omaha         your interest in today's railroad industry
paint shop at the Jenks Shops in North Lit­               was expected to be in operation by the            has seen that article and sent it to a news
tle Rock, Ark . , also approaches zero. In                end of 1 9 9 1 . Once in place, this will allow   magazine like PRN. Such articles often are
November, only three units were repaint­                  for an increase of traffic using the Falls        the core of this and other news columns
ed and renumbered. These were B23-7                       City Subdivision between Kansas City and          in PRN, as well as the " Expediter" sec­
46 1 1 to UP 1 1 1 , GP38-2 2032 to UP 1 8 1 2            Omaha. The primary use will be to allow           tion. Just by doing this, you too can have
and SD40-2 3 1 5 9 t o UP 4 1 5 9 .                       westbound empty coal unit trains to run           an impact on how each news column
                                                          from Kansas City to Omaha and then on             reads every month !
                                                          west to North Platte, providing a relief             Thanks to Curt Howell, George Cockle,
Armour Yellow Shorts . . .                                valve for the ever increasing traffic load        Steve Kalthoff, David Stimac, Union Pacif­
                                                          being seen on the Marysville Subdivision.         ic Railroad, FLIMSIESt, NORTHWEST RAILFAN,
UP has asked the ICC to approve its pur­                     Another way that the UP has been able          THE MIXED TRAIN and TRAFFIC WORLD.
chase of 100-percent control of the eight­                to divert some trains away from the
mile Chicago & Western Indiana Railroad in                Marysville Subdivision is by using the
the Chicago area. The C&WI has long been                  lightly traveled " Kansas Pacific " main line
jointly owned by Missouri Pacific (through                between Topeka, Kansas and Denver, Colo.

the Chicago & Eastern illinois), Grand                    Besides the usual grain unit trains that
Trunk Western, CSX Transportation, Nor­                   originate along this line at times, UP is us­
folk Southern and Conrail. UP plans to pay                ing this line to move soda ash unit trains
cash and exchange property with the other
owners of the C&WI to gain control. The
                                                          between Green River, Wyo . , and Texas and
                                                          return with some of the symbols of these
                                                                                                                                      You In
C&WI offers UP direct access to the Global                trains being OKCSGR (Ore KCS-to-Green
One and Global Two interrnodal facilities at              River) and OTXGR (Ore Texas City-to-

                          fA\t    uth
                                                EXTRA 2200 S O UTH
                                                          is back and under
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       The Motive Power Magazine. The latest infonnation and photos of what's happening in the
       industry, as well    as thorough and detailed historical and current rosters, summaries, techni­

       cal information, and other features. No Advertising C arried.
       Available direct or at better hobby stores.

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        Extra 2200 South Box 81 1 0-820 Blaine WA 98230-2107

                                                                                                                                 PAC I F I C RAILNews . 1 3

On Nov. 29, 1 99 1 , Portland kicked off its new vintage trolley service between Lloyd Center and downtown; the 5 1 1 is shown on its first run,
departing the Lloyd Center spur and entering M AX trackage with dignitaries aboard. The trolley, running weekends only, is offering free
rides throughout the winter. Kristopher Lundt

                                                 was the recently completed Systems Plan­         initial light rail starter line. With commu­
Sacramento                                       ning Study. The study served as the cata­        nity support solidly b ehind light rail,
                                                 lyst for bringing together political leaders,    FOLR is now focusing on helping with
A NATIONAL LEADER: Sacramento is                 local planning agencies and citizen support      improvements to stations, supporting
fast becoming a national leader in the de­       groups in forming a comprehensive transit        planning workshops to attract more user
velopment of electric transit. In addition       plan for the next two decades.                   friendly developments around stations,
to the very successful light rail system            CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: As of                    and promoting a Downtown/Old S acra­
the River City is now looking at imple­          November 1 991 , Sacramento's RT had com­        mento historic trolley line.
menting electric trolley coaches as p art of     pleted its sixth major project to improve the                             Robert W. Blymyer
a community-wide program to clean up             safety reliability and flexibility of the 1 8-
the air by reducing vehicle pollution.           mile light rail starter line. Construction of
There is now joint approval by the transit       1 1/2 miles of new track, plus station im­       San Diego
board and the local utility district (SMUD)      provements was wrapped up in North
board to move ahead with a plan that             Sacramento from the ArdenlDel Paso Sta­          EVENTS: Nov. 14 marked the long-await­
would have the utility company install           tion to the Swanston Station.                    ed opening of the America Plaza Transfer
and maintain all overhead wire, with                  When light rail service was initiated in    Station at Kettner and Broadway. The
transit (RT) purchasing electricity at the       1987, the system was approximately 40            domed trolley station is on the ground lev­
wire instead of at substations.                  percent double track and 6 0 percent single      el of San Diego's tallest-35 stories­
    TWENTY YEAR VISION: The RT Board             track. Now it is about 60 percent double         building. Originally the station was to be
of Directors has adopted a Long Range De­        track and 40 percent single track.               called Great American Plaza, but its name­
velopment Plan that will eventually add              FRIENDS OF LIGHT RAIL: In addition           sake bank, Great American, fell on hard
nearly 1 0 0 miles of new track to the light     to strong transit board leadership, S acra­      times and sold its assets to another insti­
rail system by the year 2 0 1 0 . This is pre­   mento also has a private non-profit group        tution. Eventually the station will include
dicted on current funding sources aug­           that supports light rail. The Friends of         an art gallery, specialty shops and restau­
mented with some new financing mecha­            Light Rail (FOLR) was organized in 1 9 8 5       rants . . . On Nov. 2 1 , representatives from
nisms still being worked out.                    t o help educate the public and some             MTDB and the Cities of Santee and El Ca­
    The basis for the Rail Development Plan      business leaders as to the benefits of the       jon " drilled" holes for bridge piers to kick

1 4 . FEBRUARY 1 992
off construction of a railroad bridge over          tending north from downtown should be                         Santa Fe properties in Southern California
Main Street in EI Cajon; it's part of the           placed underground-Amtrak, trolley,                           to be $ 1 7 4 million. Santa Fe has even
Santee extension. The bridge will cost              freight and the future commuter line.                         asked the board to reduce this figure for
about $ 8. 3 million. The entire 3 . 6 mile ex­        OLD TOWN RIGHT-OF-WAY: In                                  tax purposes. Still, it is asking local transit
tension's budget continues its climb-it             November, MTDB struck a deal with San­                        authorities to pay more than four times
started out under $60 million in 1 9 8 9 , but      ta Fe to buy 3 . 1 5 miles of railroad right­                 that amount. To try to get negotiations
today it hovers at $ 1 1 4 million. D elays         of-way for the trolley's Old Town exten­                      moving again-the last session was
caused by environmental and alignment               sion. The $ 1 7 . 5 million price tag includes                September 6-the rail authority has filed a
issues have changed start up dates sever­           a 35 to 40 foot strip of right-of-way ex­                     petition with the Interstate Commerce
al times. First projected to open in 1 9 9 2 , it   tending from Grape Street, near the                           Commission to intervene. The transit
looks as if the first trolley won't arrive in       County Administration Center, to the San                      group believes that federal law requires
Santee until 1 994. When the trolley does           Diego River, just north of the proposed                       railroads to share their tracks and other
begin service, it should take 1 2 minutes to        bus/trolley station in Old Town. To make                      rights of way and wants the ICC to en­
get to Santee from EI Cajon. The Santee             room to double-track the new trolley line,                    force the law. SCRRA is offering $300 mil­
extension will have three stops : one south         MTDB will shift Santa Fe's tracks to the                      lion for the track and 28 station sites.
of Fletcher Parkway on Marshall Avenue ,            west. The line is expected to open in                            THIS AND THAT: The trolley's farebox
one east o f Weld Boulevard and Forester            1 99 5 . The Old Town extension has ex­                       recovery rate has dipped to a low of 72
Creek and the terminal at Santee Town               ceeded earlier budget predictions, too.                       percent. Trolley officials blame the slump
Center.                                             Current estimates come in at $9 1 . 7 mil­                    on the recession and a reduction in mili­
   MORE ON HARBORVIEW: By a 4-2                     lion; that includes property, tracks, rail                    tary riders because of the Gulf War. The
vote, the Port Commission rejected                  vehicles and at least five stations.                          trolley is considering beefing up advertis­
MTDB's request for $ 1 6 million to help pay           While negotiations between MTDB                            ing-San Diego Trolley hasn't had to
for construction of an underground trolley          and Santa Fe were successful, the South­                      spend much on advertising in the past-to
line through Harborview. It is possible,            ern California Regional Rail Authority,                       boost the sagging ridership figures . Some
though, that the city's hotel-motel tax ac­         the five-county group (San Diego is not a                     ideas : advertising jointly with area shop­
count may come to the rescue and provide            member of SCRRA, but is taking part in                        ping centers or staging more special
up to half the money needed to put the              the talks with the North County Transit                       events, like La Mesa's Octoberfest. That
trolley underground. MTDB plans to go               District) trying to gain access to 3 0 0                      affair attracted over 73,000 riders on one
back to the Port Commission and ask it to           miles of Santa Fe tracks for commuter                         day alone-a new record . . . Wheelchair
provide the remaining $8 million . Some re­         rail, has yet to get the railroad to reduce                   passengers apparently find the trolley
cent newspaper editorials suggest that              its $ 800 million asking price.                               easy to use ; 607 boarded the red cars in
putting the trolley underground isn't                   Interestingly, California's Board of                      October; 572 in September.
enough. They say all of the rail lines ex-          Equalization had estimated the value of all                                                          Chris Cucchiara

                                                                                                                  CANADA WEST
                                                    lenge for lumber service. These six cars                      able them t o continue t o serve customers.
VIA Rail                                            are modified from bulkhead flats with a                           CP had Soo Caterpillar-engined 4301 on
                                                    center-beam interior and exterior roU-up                      line for a week of testing during Septem­
In recognition of the increasing Japanese           doors. A second curtain car design, basi­                     ber. CP SW900 6 7 1 6 has been renumbered
tourist business VIA has installed                  cally the same as the earlier cars except it                  to shop tool 6 1 95 and been reassigned as
Japanese language signs at the Vancouver            will not have the center-beam and will be                     the Ogden shop switcher. Fifteen GATX
station, as well as on board the Canadian,          for pulp service, is under development and                    SD40-2s, 7359 to 7373, were leased by CP
including menus.                                    was due out of the shops early in 1 9 9 2 .                   during September and have been showing
                                                        The log flat conversion program i s now                   up all over the system.
                                                    scheduled for January and February 1 992,
BC Rail                                             and will consist of converting 75 existing
                                                    52-foot-eight-inch bulkhead flats into 62-                    Canadian National
The Caterpillar program is now running
                                                    foot-nine-inch log flats, to be numbered
smoothly and on schedule, with the 6 1 1
                                                    10300-10374. The cars are destined for the                    CN has applied to abandon the line be­
placed into service Aug. 7 , 1 9 9 1 and the
                                                    recently reopened Talka Lake line.                            tween Roundhill and Tyley ( 1 2 . 9 miles). on
608 due out sometime in D ecember. The
                                                       Passenger traffic on BC Rail's Budd                        the D emay Subdivision in Alberta. The
conversion of the 6 1 0 is well underway
                                                    cars was up in 1 9 9 1 over 1 990 by more                     last traffic on this line was in 1 987.
and it will be the first unit outshopped in
                                                    than 4 , 000 riders.                                             Retired SW900 404 has been sold to Es­
1 992, with 6 14 to follow.
                                                                                                                  so Chemicals at Redwater Alberta.
   Two more of the Alcos have been re­              -
tired and sent off to GE, with the 706 and          C P Ra i l
720 leaving the property Oct. 1 2 , 1 9 9 1 .
    SD40-2s 764, 7 6 5 and 7 6 6 have been          The Canadian Pacific roundhouse and
modified and have received Locotrol II              shop complex in Victoria, B . C . , has been
equipment. The 754 has not been repaint­            officially designated as a heritage site.
ed into the red, white and blue, leaving                Although they have not been used for
only the 753 and 756 in the two-tone                some .time, CP has finally gotten around to
green paint. The Mohawk Adirondack &                retiring most of their remaining Robot
Northern was trying to arrange financing            cars, writing off 1 00 5 , 1 0 1 8 , 1 0 1 9 , 1 0 2 0 ,
so they could exercise their option on the          1 0 2 1 , 1024, 1 0 2 5 , 1 02 6 , 1 02 8 , 1 0 3 1 , 1 050          W I S C O N S I N CENTRAL
                                                                                                                       Athearn units done in Track One custom paint. Shell
last three C425's on the property, the 802,         and ex-BCOL RCC7 and RC C 8 .                                      542.00; shell plus Athearn drive 565.00; shell plus
803 and 8 1 1 .                                          CP has applied t o abandon between                            tuned can dnve $85.00; Shell plus Overland power
                                                                                                                       chassis $115.00 ( not avail. 50-45). Directional
    In the car department, five more " cur­         Langdon and Shepard ( 1 1 . 5 miles) on the                        li h in
tain car" modifications were due out of             Strathmore Subdivision in Alberta, and from
                                                                                                                         g t
                                                                                                                               � �� ��\:';
                                                                                                                              � �  /    �:      �5. GP-40-2, 5D-45.
                                                                                                                         Check, MO, Visa, MC Give number & expiration
the car shop during December, numbers               Langdon to Irricana (25.9 miles) on the                             date. Shippin $2.50 or buy direc from our dealers.
                                                                                                                                     g                  t
60001 to 60005, joining prototype 6000 for          Langdon Subdivision, also in Alberta. CP                           GREENWAY PRODUCTS
                                                                                                                          Rl, Box 244) • Ligonier, PA 15658
a fleet of six, all assigned to Fletcher Chal-      has obtained running rights on CN to en-

                                                                                                                                              PACIFIC RAILNews . 1 5
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