MON. 06 Sep 2021 - Macau Daily Times

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MON. 06 Sep 2021 - Macau Daily Times
MON. 06 Sep 2021
MON. 06 Sep 2021 - Macau Daily Times
page 2                                 
ADVERTISEMENT   廣告                                     06.09.2021 mon

                     MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER
MON. 06 Sep 2021 - Macau Daily Times
FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Kowie Geldenhuys   EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paulo Coutinho

                 MONDAY        T. 26º/ 32º   Air Quality Good
                                                                                                                                                                      MOP 8.00
     N.º 3851

                                                                                          “ THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’ ”
                06 Sep 2021                                                                                                                                           HKD 10.00

                  THE HEALTH BUREAU HAS APPEALED                                         CAEAL WARNS LISTS ABOUT                                    A DEMOCRATIC GROUP IN HONG
                    TO THE PUBLIC TO PAY GREATER                                                                                                  KONG SAID IT WILL NOT COOPERATE
                  ATTENTION TO THE MENTAL HEALTH                                          UNLAWFUL CAMPAIGNING                                       WITH POLICE CONDUCTING A
                        OF THE CITY’S YOUTH                                                     BEHAVIOR                                          NATIONAL SECURITY INVESTIGATION

                                                    STRATEGIC PLANNING
                                                                                  P4                                                     P4                                         P7

       Pakistan A suicide bomber                               China has issued a master plan for building a Guangdong-Macau in-depth
       detonated his explosives
       yesterday near a security                             cooperation zone in Hengqin that aims to boost Macau’s economic diversification
       checkpoint in restive                                                                                                                                                        P5
       southwestern Pakistan,

       killing at least three
       paramilitary troops and
       wounding 15 others, police
       said. Police said the attacker
       had walked toward the
       checkpoint manned by the
       paramilitary Frontier Corps
       on Quetta-Mastung Road,
       some 25 kilometers south
       of Quetta, the capital of
       Baluchistan province.

       Middle East Top U.S. national
       security officials will see how
       the failed war in Afghanistan
       may be reshaping America’s
       relationships in the Middle
       East as they meet with key
       allies in the Persian Gulf and
       Europe this week. Secretary
       of State Antony Blinken and
       Defense Secretary Lloyd
       Austin are traveling to the
       Gulf separately, leaving
       today. Together, the Austin
       and Blinken trips are meant
       to reassure Gulf allies that
       President Joe Biden’s
       decision to end the war
       in Afghanistan does not
       foretell an abandonment of
       U.S. partners in the Middle

       The United Arab Emirates
       announced yesterday a
       major plan to stimulate
       its economy and liberalize
                                                MAN ZOK CHIANG

                                                                                                                             Removal of
       stringent residency rules
       for expatriates, as the
       country seeks to overhaul

                                                                                                                          Portuguese stones
       its finances and attract
       foreign residents and
       capital. The nation’s plan to

                                                                                                                           from St. Lazarus
       lure foreign talent over the
       next decades reflects an
       emerging contrast with the

                                                                                                                           District streets
       other sheikhdoms of the
       Persian Gulf that are growing
       increasingly protectionist
       as they try to diversify their
       oil-bound economies.                                                                                                raises concerns
                   More on backpage                                                                                                                                                 P6
MON. 06 Sep 2021 - Macau Daily Times
page 4                                                                                                                                                                                            
MACAU       澳門                                                                                                                                                                                                    06.09.2021 mon

                                                                                                  MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER

International Trade Fair between China
and Brazil continuing in online format
RENATO MARQUES                                ven how the Covid-19 pandemic              se-speaking countries (PLPs).
                                              abruptly changed most of the               Ding also mentioned that Ma-

B    EGINNING on August 30
     and running until Septem-
ber 16, the International Trade
                                              ways that traders relate and do
                                              business around the world.
                                                 The fair features an online
                                                                                         cau strengthens its various roles
                                                                                         by establishing an “RMB Settle-
                                                                                         ment Center for Portuguese-s-
Fair between China and Brazil is              exhibition which includes an               peaking Countries,” a “Business
currently underway, making use                online forum focused on coo-               Services Center for Small and
of virtual tools to connect buyers            peration in areas such as tech-            Medium Enterprises of China
and sellers from both sides of                nology transactions, commerce              and the PLPs” and a “Conven-
the globe.                                    services, smart cities, intelligent        tion and Exhibition Center for
    The event is an initiative from           medical treatment and cultu-               the Economic and Commercial
the Permanent Secretariat of the              ral trade. The forum favors the            Cooperation between China
Forum for Economic and Tra-                   construction of an international           and the PLPs.” He indicated that
de Cooperation between China                  platform for trade in services, in-        these areas can and will bene-
and Portuguese-speaking Coun-                 creasing bilateral economic and            fit from more professional and
tries – Macao (Forum Macao).                  trade cooperation between Chi-             diversified services — namely,
It aims to deepen the economic                na and Brazil.                             in finance, business, interpreta-
and commercial exchange be-                      On September 3, the Deputy              tion, legal consultancy, tourism,
tween China, Brazil, and other                Secretary-General of the Forum             conferences, exhibitions, and
Portuguese-speaking countries,                Macao, Ding Tian, was invited              others.
as well strengthening coopera-                to participate in the Trade Servi-             He also stressed that the Fo-
tion in the field of trade in servi-          ces Forum, delivering a speech             rum Macao, as a multilateral
ces between them.                             in which he outlined the solid             mechanism for economic and
    This year, the event’s central            cooperation of trade in servi-             trade cooperation between Chi-
theme is “Opening the future                  ces between China and Brazil               na and the PLPs, will continue to
with digitization and promoting               and how it plays an exemplary              explore new areas and models to
development through services”                 role in fostering cooperation              bolster Sino-Lusophone coope-
— a theme not coincidental gi-                between China and Portugue-                ration.

ELECTIONS2021                                                                                                                                                      SSM appeals for
CAEAL warns lists about unlawful                                                                                                                                   attention to youth

campaigning behavior                                                                                                                                               mental health
                                                                                                                                                                   LYNZY VALLES                                The body of the 16-year-old
RENATO MARQUES                                                                                                      ding coffee shops, were                                                                    girl was found on Avenida
                               ANTHONY LAM

T    HE Legislative Assem-
     bly Electoral Affairs
                                                                                                                    found to be displaying
                                                                                                                    campaign posters from lis-
                                                                                                                    ts running in the Legisla-
                                                                                                                                                                   T    HE Health Bureau
                                                                                                                                                                        (SSM) has appealed to
                                                                                                                                                                   the public to pay greater at-
                                                                                                                                                                                                               de Ouvidor Arriaga at about
                                                                                                                                                                                                               6:25 a.m. by a pedestrian.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               After preliminary investi-
Commission (CAEAL) has                                                                                              tive Assembly elections, a                     tention to the mental health                gation, police believe that
once again warned that,                                                                                             breach of the rules. So far,                   of the city’s youth, following              the girl climbed through
during the electoral cam-                                                                                           the CAEAL is not known                         the death of a 16-year-old                  the door of the safety cage
paign period, candidate                                                                                             to have dispensed any pu-                      student last week.                          and fell to the ground.
lists must follow the rules                                                                                         nishments for these cases.                         In a statement, the SSM                 A suicide note was found in
and guidelines issued by                                                                                               The CAEAL has instead                       urged the city to “pay more                 the home of the deceased.
CAEAL.                                                                                                              opted to issue a warning,                      attention and listen more to                   During the first quarter
    The warning came after                                                                                          in which it noted that “in                     young people.”                              of 2021, the Macau SAR re-
the CAEAL was made awa-                                                                                             the event of repeated vio-                         “Pay attention to their                 corded a total of 10 suicide
re of several campaign ac-                                                                                          lations of the rules and                       opinions or emotions,                       cases (seven men and three
tivities that breached their                                                                                        guidelines, CAEAL may                          to [mindsets that can be                    women) from January to
regulations — namely the                                                                                            cancel the qualification                       harmful] and can lead to                    March this year, a decrea-
placing of electoral propa-                                                                                         of candidates to continue                      suicide. Listening to them                  se of 44.4% compared to
ganda posters in private                                                                                            using the sites.”                              can allow them to express                   the same period last year.
buildings and shops, and                                                                                               Additionally, the Com-                      themselves and help to pre-                 The Social Welfare Bureau
the use of campaign ad-                                                                                             mission also reminded                          vent any incidents,” the bu-                (IAS) encourages resi-
vertising vehicles outside                                                                                          candidates that the use of                     reau indicated.                             dents to be conscious of
of the period stipulated for                                                                                        vehicles broadcasting au-                          On September 1, the                     their psychological and
campaigning.                                                                                                        dio messages on the road                       first day of the 2021/2022                  emotional state, as well as
    In its statement, the                electoral propaganda, the       owner or tenant, and that                  is also subject to strict ru-                  school year, a girl is be-                  those of their relatives and
CAEAL did not mention                    CAEAL stated once again         such materials must not                    les, and that, even with                       lieved to have climbed                      friends. For support, resi-
which lists were found to                that in order to post ma-       be visible from the outside                the sound broadcasting                         from the laundry window                     dents can call Caritas’ Life
be breaching the rules.                  terials on private buildin-     of the unit or building.                   system turned off, propa-                      in her home and fallen to                   Hope hotline (28525222)
    Regarding the place-                 gs or units the lists must         In the last few days,                   ganda vehicles should not                      her death, the Judiciary                    or IAS’ counseling hotline
ment of posters and other                obtain the consent of the       commercial stores, inclu-                  circulate after 11 p.m.                        Police (PJ) announced.                      (28261126).                                                                DIRECTOR & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF_Paulo Coutinho
                                                                                               ASSISTANT EDITOR_Lynzy Valles
                                                                                                                                                                                 A MACAU TIMES PUBLICATIONS LTD PUBLICATION

                                                                                               CONTRIBUTING EDITORS_Leanda Lee, Severo Portela, Sheyla Zandonai                  ADMINISTRATOR & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
                                                                                                                                                                                 Kowie Geldenhuys
                                                                   NEWSROOM AND CONTRIBUTORS_Albano Martins, Annabel Jackson, Anthony Lam, Emilie Tran, Honey Tsang,             OFFICE MANAGER Juliana Cheang
                                                                   Irene Sam, Ivo Carneiro de Sousa, Jacky I.F. Cheong, Jenny Lao-Phillips, João Palla Martins, Joseph Cheung,   ADDRESS Av. da Praia Grande, 599, Edif. Comercial Rodrigues, 12 Floor C,
                                                                   Juliet Risdon, Linda Kennedy, Paulo Cordeiro de Sousa, Renato Marques, Richard Whitfield, Viviana Seguí       MACAU SAR Telephones: +853 287 160 81/2 Fax: +853 287 160 84

                    +20,500                                        DESIGNERS_Eva Bucho, Miguel Bandeira | ASSOCIATE CONTRIBUTORS_JML Property, MdME Lawyers,
                                                                   PokerStars, Ruan Du Toit Bester | NEWS AGENCIES_ Associated Press, MacauHub, MacauNews, Xinhua
                                                                                                                                                                                 For subscription and general issues:
                                                                   SECRETARY_Yang Dongxiao                                                      | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd
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MON. 06 Sep 2021 - Macau Daily Times                                                                                                                                                                                page 5
mon 06.09.2021                                                                                                                                                                                   澳門      MACAU

                                                                                                  MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER

China issues plan for building Guangdong-
Macau cooperation zone in Hengqin
          HINA’S central authori-                                                                                                                                              rall national development,” as

          ties have issued a gene-                                                                                                                                             cited in a statement issued by
          ral plan for building a                                                                                                                                              the Government Information
          Guangdong-Macau in-                                                                                                                                                  Bureau.
-depth cooperation zone in Hen-                                                                                                                                                   The government said that it
gqin.                                                                                                                                                                          will spare no effort in realising the
   The plan, issued by the Com-                                                                                                                                                significant opportunities created
munist Party of China Central                                                                                                                                                  under the master plan, in a bid
Committee and the State Council,                                                                                                                                               to give fresh impetus for Macau’s
was made public yesterday.                                                                                                                                                     long-term development.
   It said building the zone is a                                                                                                                                                 The master plan specifies its
major arrangement to enrich the                                                                                                                                                goal for the Cooperation Zone in
practice of “One country, two sys-                                                                                                                                             Hengqin is to assist Macau’s ade-
tems,” and will be a significant                                                                                                                                               quate economic diversification,
driving force for the SAR’s long-                                                                                                                                              complement with four strate-
-term development.                                                                                                                                                             gic positioning, and four major
   The total area of the coopera-                                                                                                                                              tasks. Promulgation of the master
tion zone will be about 106 square                                                                                                                                             plan marks a new stage between
km, according to the plan.                                                                                                                                                     Guangdong and Macau for of
   The plan defines the strategic                                                                                                                                              mutual discussion, joint cons-
position of the zone as a new plat-                                                                                                                                            truction, joint administration and
form to boost Macau’s appropria-                                                                                                                                               shared benefits.
te economic diversification, a new                                                                                                                                                “The SAR government will
space that provides convenience                              The plan sets the goal for the       Meanwhile, in a statement, the    forces for Macau’s long-term               work in align with the central go-
to Macau residents’ life and em-                          zone to fully demonstrate the        SAR government calls on mem-         development, providing Macau               vernment’s guidance and in ac-
ployment, a new model to enrich                           strong vitality and strength of      bers of the public to “stay united   with new space, new opportuni-             cordance with the Master Plan,
the practice of “One country, two                         “One country, two systems” by        to seize the opportunities brought   ties to enhance its people’s welfa-        in order to push forward – jointly
systems,” as well as a new high                           2035, when the goal of Macau’s       by the master plan, and to realise   re and livelihood, while ensuring          with Guangdong Government
ground for building the Guang-                            appropriate economic diversifi-      joint the development goals outli-   Macau’s long-term prosperity               and Zhuhai Government – for
dong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater                              cation will be basically realized,   ned in it.”                          and stability and facilitating the         the development of Cooperation
Bay Area.                                                 according to Xinhua.                    “These efforts boost driving      city’s closer integration with ove-        Zone in Hengqin. MDT/XINHUA

                                                                                                                                           ANTHONY LAM

First start-up competition between
China and Portuguese-speaking
countries to kick off October                                                                                                                    Broad money supply
RENATO MARQUES                                                                                             from these regions, na-               continues to fall
                              MIMI THIAN

                                                                                                           mely at the level of in-

I N October this year,
  Macau will organi-
                                                                                                           cubators, accelerators,               in July
                                                                                                           universities, and public
ze the first ever start-up
competition dedicated to
bringing together univer-
                                                                                                              Ultimately, the 928
                                                                                                           Challenge Competition
                                                                                                                                                M       ACAU’S broad mo-
                                                                                                                                                        ney supply decreased
                                                                                                                                                 0.7% month-on-month to
                                                                                                                                                                                   dollar, the renminbi and the
                                                                                                                                                                                   U.S. dollar in M2 were 35.1%,
                                                                                                                                                                                   49.9%, 5.8% and 7.5%, res-
sity students from China                                                                                   aims to identify startup              MOP690.2 billion in July          pectively. Resident deposits
and Portuguese-speaking                                                                                    projects with the poten-              with a stable share of pa-        fell 0.7% from the preceding
countries.                                                                                                 tial to be implemented                tacas, the Special Adminis-       month to MOP670.8 billion
   The competition, whi-                                                                                   and supported by inves-               trative Region’s monetary         whereas non-resident depo-
ch will have a theme of                                                                                    tors in Macau, GBA, or                watchdog announced on             sits rose 1.6% to MOP365.8
sustainability, is set to                  the Permanent Secreta-             insight into opportuni-      the Portuguese-speaking               Friday.                           billion.
raise awareness about                      riat of the Forum for Eco-         ties between China and       countries.                               According to statistics re-        Meanwhile, public sector
international      business                nomic and Trade Co-ope-            Portuguese-speaking             This year’s competi-               leased by the Monetary Au-        deposits with the banking
opportunities       arising                ration between China               countries, the two co-       tion is sponsored by: Ban-            thority of Macao, the curren-     sector dropped 0.6% to
from Macau’s role as a                     and Portuguese-speaking            -founders of the 928         co National Ultramarino,              cy in circulation rose 0.6%,      MOP265.1 billion. As a result,
link between China and                     Countries – Macao.                 Challenge Competition,       Fidelidade Seguros, CESL              whereas demand deposits           total deposits in the banking
Por tuguese-speaking                          According to the orga-          José Alves and Marco         Asia, CEM, Millenium                  dropped 0.3%.                     sector shifted slightly down
countries. It also seeks to                nizers, the competition            Duarte Rizzolio, stated.     BCP bank, MdME law                       M1 thus edged down by          by 0.1% from a month earlier
foster the development of                  will be open to students           They explained that the      firm, and Bank of Chi-                0.1% from one month earlier.      to MOP1,301.7 billion.
young entrepreneurs with                   from the nine cities of the        competition has a mis-       na. The final stage of the            Meanwhile,         quasi-mone-        Domestic loans to the pri-
a global mindset.                          Greater Bay Area (GBA),            sion to deepen academic      competition will take pla-            tary liabilities fell 0.8%. The   vate sector grew 0.7% from
   Named        the    “928                the two Special Admi-              collaboration between        ce on October 23, during              sum of these two items — i.e.     a month ago to MOP557.7
Challenge Competition,”                    nistrative Regions of Ma-          universities in the GBA      this year’s edition of the            broad money supply or M2 —        billion, while external loans
the competition is co-                     cau and Hong Kong, and             and the Portuguese-s-           Macau International                decreased 0.7% to MOP690.2        dropped 6.3% to MOP745.8
-organized by: the City                    from eight Portuguese-s-           peaking countries, fos-      Trade and Investment                  billion.                          billion. As a result, total
University of Macau,                       peaking countries.                 tering the development       Fair, which will be held at              On an annual basis, M1         loans to the private sector
Shenzhen University, the                      All the students will           of networks and colla-       The Venetian Macau Con-               and M2 dropped 0.7% and           were down by 3.5% from a
United Nations Universi-                   also take part in a two-           boration between entre-      vention and Exhibition                2.6%, respectively. The shares    month earlier to MOP1,303.5
ty Institute in Macau, and                 -week boot-camp to gain            preneurship ecosystems       Center.                               of the pataca, the Hong Kong      billion. MDT/XINHUA
MON. 06 Sep 2021 - Macau Daily Times
page 6                                                                                                                                                   
MACAU         澳門                                                                                                                                                         06.09.2021 mon

                                                                                       MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER

Entrants from parts

                                              RENATO MARQUES
of Guangzhou to be
quarantined upon
The Novel Coronavirus Response
and Coordination Center has
announced that entrants to Macau
who were on Jianshe Street in the
Yuexiu District of Guangzhou, capital
of Guangdong province of China, on
or after September 1 will be centrally
quarantined upon arrival until 14 days
after visiting said street. The quarantine
period, however, must be no shorter
than seven days. Meanwhile, those
already in Macau will have their health
code converted to yellow, signifying
they must conduct health self-
management until 14 days after visiting
Jianshe Street. They are also required
to take a maximum of five polymerase
chain reaction tests.

Ho congratulates
Chinese Paralympics
Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng extends
his congratulations to the Chinese
delegation for its effort in the 16th

                                                 Removal of Portuguese stones
Paralympic Games held in Tokyo,
following its cumulative wins of 96
gold medals, 60 silver medals, and 51

                                                 from St. Lazarus District
bronze. “On behalf of Macau and the
residents, I would like to extend my
warm congratulations to you and [pay]

                                                 streets sparks public concerns
my high respects,” said Ho in a speech.
“Your outstanding performance has
inspired [many] people with disabilities
to have self-esteem, self-confidence,
self-reliance, [and the] courage to face
                                                   ANTHONY LAM                             Pan Lei, cultural scholar and     incident has highlighted Macau     set of urban design guidelines
challenges,” the CE added.
                                                                                       enthusiastic traveler, hinted         residents’ concern for the cul-    so that all entities will comply
Union announces
38,500 species nearly
                                                    A   cultural scholar has called
                                                        for an explanation regar-
                                                   ding the removal of Portuguese
                                                                                       to the Times that the authority
                                                                                       should explain the grounds on
                                                                                       which they began the conver-
                                                                                                                             tural interactions between the
                                                                                                                             East and the West.
                                                                                                                                “The quality of East-West
                                                                                                                                                                when they need to build or up-
                                                                                                                                                                date architectural works.
                                                                                                                                                                   He added that, if it is not a
extinct                                            stone pavement from the St.         sion.                                 cultural interaction is a cultu-   work of urgency, the govern-
The International Union for                        Lazarus District and its replace-       He first pointed out that the     ral calling card of Macau,” he     ment should think twice and
Conservation of Nature (IUCN)                      ment with reinforced concrete       stone pavement is a symbol of         said. “The winning of the World    liaise with the public to develop
has recently updated its Red List                  and bricks.                         Macau’s history of connecting         Heritage listing was also based    a suitable plan.
of Threatened Species. Out of the                     The Municipal Affairs Bureau     the East and the West. “Althou-       on our history of having several      Local Portuguese media
approximately 138,000 species                      (IAM) has removed Portuguese        gh some say stone pavement is         hundred years of this quality.”    Hoje Macau reported in May
evaluated by the entity, around                    stones along the slope next to      not a centuries-old thing, it is         He added that Macau, in its     last year that the IAM had been
38,500 are considered at significant               the Albergue. The process did       still something originating in        attempt to be a world tourism      in touch with the Cultural Af-
risk, stating they are now nearly                  not generate much noise ini-        Europe that was introduced to         and leisure destination, must      fairs Bureau, directly citing the
extinct. The international body has                tially, but when residents and      Macau,” Lei said.                     have qualities that define and     IAM.
also reevaluated the risks shark and               netizens began to notice it near        Commenting on the func-           distinguish itself from other         Back then, the two bureaus
batoid species — more commonly                     the end of the works, they found    tional perspective of the stone       tourist destinations. “Our cha-    discussed converting some sto-
known as rays — currently face, and                that the IAM had converted the      pavement, the cultural scholar        racter is [defined by having]      ne pavement to reinforced con-
determined that 37% are nearly extinct.            stone pavement into reinforced      admitted that it may get sli-         something that is different from   crete so as to avoid the ground
The IUCN also calls for more intense               concrete, and a debate began.       ppery under certain conditions.       others,” Lei said.                 getting slippery on rainy days. It
conservation of tuna, which is also on                Comments across several so-      “First, that street is a slope. Se-      From the perspective of eco-    would also help rainwater drai-
the Red List. Believed to be the closest           cial media pages were divided.      cond, it’s used by motor vehi-        nomics, the cultural scholar       nage, the report went.
surviving relative of the dinosaur, the            Some applauded the move,            cles,” he said. He implied that       also sees the value in retaining      An online entity that transla-
Komodo dragon has also become more                 saying that they have slipped       he was unsure if the IAM con-         Portuguese stone pavements in      tes Portuguese news reports to
endangered.                                        while riding motorbikes across      sidered this the reason for the       Macau.                             Chinese, Média José, posted its
                                                   the pavement on a rainy day.        importance of the conversion.                                            Chinese translation of the Hoje
Greater China now on                               Others criticized the conver-           Nonetheless, he immediately       SET OF URBAN DESIGN                Macau report to its social me-
Philippines low-risk                               sion as jeopardizing the overall    raised the question of whether        GUIDELINES NEEDED                  dia page. The translated story
list                                               landscape in the district. A so-    there are upgraded versions or           Urban planner Lam Iek Chit      attracted, in its first 48 hours,
                                                   cial media user reminded those      techniques of making the pa-          told local Chinese media Cheng     nearly 300 “angry” reactions.
The Green List of the Philippines, which
                                                   who claimed to have slipped on      vement which would prevent            Pou that, as per his understan-       Some social media users fea-
outlines jurisdictions with low Covid-19
                                                   the road in question to use bet-    it from being slippery, even on       ding, the Cultural Heritage Pro-   red that the conversion would
risk, has been updated and now includes
                                                   ter-quality tires.                  rainy days.                           tection Law requires a synchro-    leave Macau with no character
all four jurisdictions on both sides of the
                                                      With the conversion of the           “Let’s say, when people re-       nized landscape within one sin-    to distinguish it from other ci-
Taiwan Strait. The Inter-Agency Task
Force for the Management of Emerging
                                                   road now concluded, the IAM         furbish their apartments, they        gle set of architecture.           ties in the Greater Bay Area.
Infectious Diseases of the Philippines             has commenced the next phase        have an option of non-slippery           While he admitted to the           The next day, the IAM issued
noted that fully vaccinated visitors from          of its work. It is now converting   tiles that are more suitable for      need for a non-slippery en-        a statement stressing that it
the jurisdictions on the Green List will           Rua de São Miguel, the slope        use in washrooms,” Lei posited.       vironment for traffic, the ur-     would continue paving roads
only be required to quarantine for seven           symmetrically opposite the slo-         When asked about the possi-       ban planner stressed that the      with Portuguese stones to con-
days upon arrival in the Philippines.              pe next to Albergue.                bility of decolonization, the cul-    converted road has become          nect various districts and tou-
Some other countries on the Green                     On September 1, the Times        tural scholar sounded cautious        disconnected from the overall      rism attractions. It admitted
List are Australia, the Falkland Islands,          sent an email enquiry to the        and refrained from making any         landscape in the district.         that Portuguese stone pave-
New Zealand, Poland and the Republic               IAM on the matter. No reply has     speculation in this direction.           In addition, he thinks the      ments are a special urban de-
of Congo.                                          been received by press time.            Instead, Lei stressed that the    government should compile a        sign feature of Macau.
MON. 06 Sep 2021 - Macau Daily Times                                                                                                       page 7
mon 06.09.2021                                                                                                             中國   CHINA

                                                                                               MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER


Group behind Tiananmen
vigil denies foreign ties
T    HE group behind the annual
                                        AP PHOTO

     Tiananmen Square memorial
vigil in Hong Kong said yesterday it
will not cooperate with police con-
ducting a national security inves-
tigation into the group’s activities,
calling it an abuse of power.
    Police notified the Hong Kong
Alliance in Support of Patriotic De-
mocratic Movements of China last
month that it was under investiga-                  Chow Han Tung (left), vice chairwoman
tion for working for foreign interes-               of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of
ts, an accusation the group denied.                Patriotic Democratic Movements of China,
    “This is a really bad precedent                and other group members attend a news
of the national security (police)
abusing the power by arbitrarily
labelling any civil organization as                tests in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square
a foreign agent,” Chow Han Tung,                   on June 4, 1989.
vice chairwoman of the alliance,                      Authorities responded in the
said at a news conference called to                afternoon to the group’s announ-
address the police investigation.                  cement with a warning and reitera-
    “The alliance strongly denies                  ted they needed information about
that we are any foreign agents,”                   “certain foreign agents” although
Chow said. “We are an organization                 they did not name anyone specifi-
that was founded during the 1989                   cally.
democratic movement, it was fou-                      “Endangering national security
nded by the Hong Kong people.”                     is a very serious crime. The dama-
    The investigation is part of a                 ge is serious,” said the city’s Security
broad crackdown on Hong Kong                       Bureau in a statement. They added
civil society following mass pro-de-               that not handing over information
mocracy protests in 2019. Autho-                   could lead to fines or imprison-
rities have tightened control over                 ment.
the city with a sweeping national                     Police had asked the alliance to
security law imposed by China’s                    hand over any information about
ruling Communist Party that effec-                 groups they had worked with over-
tively criminalized opposition to                  seas or in Taiwan, as well as contact
the government. The law and other                  information. They did not mention
changes have forced several civil or-              what specific incidents prompted
ganizations to disband or seen their               the investigation.
leaders arrested.                                     Chow said the alliance has not
    The annual candlelight vigil ho-               been able to reach a consensus on
nors the students who died when                    whether to disband. It plans to hold
China’s military violently suppres-                a general meeting on Sept. 25 to dis-
sed massive pro-democracy pro-                     cuss the matter again. MDT/AP

Lithuania recalls Beijing
ambassador over Taiwan spat
L    ITHUANIA this weekend re-
     called its ambassador to China
following the Baltic country’s deci-
                                                   the “one China” principle, it stands
                                                   ready to develop mutually benefi-
                                                   cial ties with Taiwan, just as many
sion in July to allow self-governing               other countries in the world do.
Taiwan to open an office in its capi-                  China says Taiwan is part of its
tal under its own name.                            territory and doesn’t have the right
    The Foreign Ministry said Am-                  to diplomatic recognition, althou-
bassador Diana Mickeviciene had                    gh the island maintains informal
been recalled from Beijing for con-                ties with all major nations through
sultations “following the Chinese                  trade offices that act as de facto em-
government statement on August                     bassies, including in the United Sta-
10.”                                               tes and Japan. Chinese pressure has
    Last month, China recalled its                 reduced Taiwan’s formal diplomatic
ambassador to Lithuania and told                   allies to just 15.
the Baltic nation to “immediately                      Taiwan and Lithuania agreed in
rectify its wrong decision, take con-              July that the office in the capital, Vil-
crete measures to undo the dama-                   nius, set to open this fall, will bear
ge, and not to move further down                   the name Taiwan rather than Chi-
the wrong path.”                                   nese Taipei — a term often used in
    The statement referred to “po-                 other countries in order not to of-
tential consequences” for Lithuania                fend Beijing.
if it allowed the office to open but                   The Lithuanian ministry said
gave no details.                                   that diplomats from the European
    The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry                Union — of which Lithuania is a
expressed regret over China’s action               member — expressed solidarity
and stressed that while respecting                 with Mickeviciene. MDT/AP
MON. 06 Sep 2021 - Macau Daily Times
page 8                                                                                                                                                                     
WORLD         國際                                                                                                                                                                           06.09.2021 mon

                                                                                                      MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER


Extremist stayed in the country
                                                                                                                                                                        this day in history
                                                                                                                                                                      1997 Diana’s funeral

despite immigration fraud
                                                                                                                                                                                  watched by millions

          HE Islamic State-inspi-                                                                                                to stay in New Zealand until his
                                      AP PHOTO

          red extremist who atta-                                                                                                appeal was heard.
          cked shoppers in a New                                                                                                     Immigration        authorities
          Zealand supermarket                                                                                                    tried to argue he should remain
had been fighting deportation                                                                                                    behind bars, but in July, Samsu-
                                                                                                                                                                        Britain and the world have said farewell to Dia-
for immigration fraud, leaving                                                                                                   deen was set free.
                                                                                                                                                                      na, Princess of Wales, at the end of an unprece-
the nation’s leader expressing                                                                                                       Police trailed him around
                                                                                                                                                                      dented week of mourning.
frustration at the process.                                                                                                      the clock, fearing he would lau-
                                                                                                                                                                        A four mile procession brought her coffin to
    The new details about the                                                                                                    nch an attack, but unable to do      Westminster Abbey, where politicians and ce-
attack Friday in Auckland emer-                                                                                                  more. Prime Minister Jacinda         lebrities joined the Royal Family in a subdued
ged as the condition of some of                                                                                                  Ardern has said her government       congregation.
those injured in his attack im-                                                                                                  will change the laws this month        Over a million people lined the route of the
proved.                                                     New Zealand’s Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson                  to enhance penalties for terrorist   funeral cortege to the abbey and along her fi-
    Three critically injured pa-                                                                                                 plots.                               nal journey to the Spencer family home in Nor-
tients remain in intensive care                  Lanka, where a civil war ended             jailed after he was found with           Undercover officers just out-    thamptonshire.
but are in stable condition, Di-                 in 2009 with the defeat of a Tamil         Islamic State videos and knives,     side the supermarket were able         The day began at 0908 BST, when the coffin
rector-General of Health Ashley                  rebel group.                               and the following year, his re-      to shoot and kill Samsudeen wi-      left Kensington Palace on a gun carriage.
Bloomfield said yesterday. Police                   Immigration New Zealand                 fugee status was canceled after      thin a couple of minutes after he      Some of the crowd wept, some applauded
added that the condition of one                  declined his application, but he           authorities found evidence of        charged at them with the knife.      quietly, but most watched in silence.
of the critically injured patients               won his appeal, gaining perma-             fraud.                                   His appeal against deporta-        On top of the coffin was a poignant reminder
had improved. Bloomfield said                    nent residency in 2014.                        “My understanding is that in     tion was due to be heard later       that this woman loved by millions was also a mo-
a fourth person still hospitalized                  Police first noticed Samsu-             the process of investigation into    this month — until coronavirus       ther - a card to “Mummy” from one of her sons.
is in stable condition, while the                deen’s online support for terro-           the terrorist, it was discovered     restrictions delayed the hearing       The two princes, William and Harry, joined their
three others have been released                  rism in 2016 and by the following          that some of the documents           to a date that had not yet been      father, grandfather and the princess’s brother
and are recovering at home.                      year, immigration agents knew              that he had used in order to get     set.                                 walking behind the coffin.
    The attacker, Ahamed Sam-                    he wanted to fly to Syria to join          his refugee status looked to have        “At the time of the terrorist      Other members of the Royal Family watched
sudeen, 32, arrived in New                       the Islamic State insurgency.              been fabricated,” Deputy Prime       attack, the offender’s attempt to    the funeral cortege pass from the gates of Bu-
                                                                                                                                                                      ckingham Palace.
Zealand 10 years ago on a stu-                   They began reviewing his immi-             Minister Grant Robertson said.       overturn the deportation deci-
                                                                                                                                                                        The union jack on top of the palace was lowe-
dent visa. A Tamil Muslim, he                    gration status, fearing he could               But Samsudeen appealed,          sion was still ongoing,” Ardern
                                                                                                                                                                      red to half mast for the first time ever.
applied for refugee status on the                be a threat.                               triggering a lengthy process         said. “This has been a frustrating
                                                                                                                                                                        Both Diana’s sisters read tributes to her at the
basis of being persecuted in Sri                    In 2018, Samsudeen was                  that automatically allowed him       process.” MDT/AP
                                                                                                                                                                      funeral service and Elton John played his re-
                                                                                                                                                                      -worked version of Candle in the Wind.
                                                                                                                                                                        Her brother, Lord Spencer, made a funeral ad-
                                                                                                                                                                      dress in which he described as Diana the “very
P    OLICE in Indian-control-
     led Kashmir charged family
                                                                                                                                                                      essence of compassion, of duty, of style, of

members of late resistance lea-
der Syed Ali Geelani under a
                                                 Kashmir leader’s family charged                                                                                      beauty”.
                                                                                                                                                                        He used the speech to blame the media for

harsh anti-terror law for raising                under anti-terror law                                                                                                her death, calling her the “most hunted person
                                                                                                                                                                      of the modern age”.
anti-India slogans and wrapping                                                                                                                                         The grieving earl also pledged to protect
his body in the Pakistani flag, of-                                                         ning. We were mourning,” said        Kashmir’s semi-autonomy, scra-
                                      AP PHOTO

                                                                                                                                                                      William and Harry and prevent them suffering a
ficials said yesterday.                                                                     Naseem.                              pped its statehood and removed       similar fate.
    Geelani, who died Wednes-                                                                   Kashmir has long been a          inherited protections on land          The sometimes controversial oration was
day at age 91, was the emblem                                                               flashpoint between India and         and jobs. Authorities have since     greeted with spontaneous applause.
of Kashmir’s defiance against                                                               Pakistan, which administer par-      brought a slew of new laws, whi-       A very public day of mourning ended with a
New Delhi and had been under                                                                ts of the Himalayan region while     ch critics and many Kashmiris        private ceremony when Diana was finally buried
house arrest for years.                                                                     claiming it entirely.                fear could change the region’s       on an island in the heart of her family estate at
    His son, Naseem, said Indian                                                                Geelani spearheaded Kash-        demographics.                        Althorp.
authorities buried Geelani’s                                                                mir’s movement for the right             Meanwhile, authorities ea-
body in a local cemetery without                 Kashmiri separatist leader Syed Ali Shah   to self-determination and was        sed some restrictions that had                                     Courtesy BBC News
any family members present                        Geelani waves to the media before his     a staunch proponent of mer-          been imposed since Geelani’s
after police snatched his body                       arrest in Srinagar in Sept. 2010       ging Kashmir with Pakistan. For      death, allowing private vehicles
from the home. Police denied                                                                many in Kashmir and beyond,          on roads and vendors to operate
that and called it “baseless ru-                    The anti-terror law was                 he was an enduring icon of de-       in some parts of Srinagar. Howe-
mors” by “some vested interes-                   amended in 2019 to allow the               fiance against India.                ver, most shops and businesses          In     context
ts.”                                             government to designate an in-                 India describes the armed        stayed closed as government
                                                                                                                                                                         Diana’s death resulted in an outpouring of grief
    A video widely shared on so-                 dividual as a terrorist. Police can        rebellion as Islamabad’s proxy       forces patrolled roads and stree-       never before seen in the UK.
cial media purportedly showed                    detain a person for six months             war and state-sponsored terro-       ts in the city.                         It was estimated that a total of 2.5 billion people
Geelani’s relatives, mostly wo-                  without producing any eviden-              rism. Most Muslim Kashmiris              Mobile phones were restored         watched the princess’s funeral, a testament to
men, frantically trying to pre-                  ce, and the accused can subse-             consider it a legitimate freedom     late Friday, but mobile internet        her global celebrity.
                                                                                                                                                                         Her image remained as iconic in death as it
vent armed police from forcing                   quently be imprisoned for up to            struggle and support the rebel       and restrictions on the assem-
                                                                                                                                                                         had been in life, and within weeks of her funeral
their way into the room where                    seven years. Rights activists have         goal that the territory be united,   bly of people continued in many         there was worldwide demand for memorabilia
his body, wrapped in a Pakistani                 called the law draconian.                  either under Pakistani rule or as    parts of the Kashmir Valley.            of the princess.
flag, was being kept. It showed                     Geelani’s son Naseem said               an independent country.                  Paramilitary soldiers remai-        The French authorities concluded their investi-
women wailing and screaming                      yesterday that a police officer                Rebels have been fighting        ned stationed outside the gra-          gation into the crash two years later.
                                                                                                                                                                         It found the driver, Henri Paul, to be three times
as police took the body and lo-                  visited the family on Saturday             against Indian rule since 1989.      veyard where Geelani was bu-
                                                                                                                                                                         over the drink-drive limit and breaking the speed
cked his family and relatives in-                and informed them a case had               The region is one of the most        ried.                                   limit.
side the room.                                   been registered. Naseem did                heavily militarized in the world.        Ruwa Shah, Geelani’s grand-         The photographers chasing the car were se-
    Police said unspecified fa-                  not provide further details about          Tens of thousands of civilians,      daughter, wrote on Twitter they         verely criticised for their behaviour, but no crimi-
mily members and some others                     the meeting, but said there were           rebels and government forces         were horrified by “what followed        nal action was taken against them.
                                                                                                                                                                         An inquest into the princess’s death was
were charged Saturday under                      scuffles as the police removed             have been killed in the raging       after our old man passed away.”
                                                                                                                                                                         opened in the UK in 2004. It has been adjourned
the Unlawful Activities (Preven-                 his father’s body.                         conflict.                            His “home was a jail for over a         while the Metropolitan police carry out an inves-
tion) Act. They have not yet been                   “Amid the chaos, we didn’t                  Tensions flared in the region    decade and now his graveyard is         tigation into the crash.
taken into custody.                              really know what was happe-                in 2019 after New Delhi stripped     a jail too,” she said. MDT/AP
MON. 06 Sep 2021 - Macau Daily Times                                                                                                                                                                                                                   page 9
mon 06.09.2021                                                                                                                                                                                                          資訊/娛樂        INFOTAINMENT

                                                                                                      MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER

YOUR STARS                                                                              The Born Loser by Chip Sansom

                   Aries                                    Taurus

                  Mar. 21-Apr. 19                           Apr. 20-May. 20
This energizing lunation brings           New horizons are beginning
fresh opportunities to your craft,        to open up. You need only be
job environment, and current              open-minded towards cultivating
work/life balance. This is the best       a fresh start. Today’s skies see
moment of the year to launch a            the arrival of the new moon in
new health or diet regimen.               practical and efficient Virgo.

                  Gemini                                     Cancer
                  May. 21-Jun. 21                            Jun. 22-Jul. 22
This      stimulating    lunation        Cancer     people    are   well-
brings      new     developments         acquainted with their rich
in the weeks ahead around                emotional life. Monday’s skies
family connections, your home            work to expand a new frontier
environment, and opportunities           within you - that of your mental
to heal old wounds.                      and communication world.
                                                                                        SUDOKU                                                                                              WEATHER
                  Leo                                       Virgo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MIN   MAX                   CONDITION
                   Jul. 23-Aug. 22                          Aug. 23-Sep. 22                       Easy                        Easy+                                                          CHINA
This lunation forms a strong             This lunation forms a smooth                                                                                                                        Beijing                                                   rain
connection with innovative               connection    with   innovative                                                                                                                                          20     25
Uranus, which brings revitalized         Uranus, imbuing the weeks                                                                                                                           Harbin               15     27                        cloudy
energy to your sense of self-            ahead with a fresh approach
confidence and the execution of          to travel plans and educational                                                                                                                     Tianjin              20     23                            rain
your skills in the weeks to come.        endeavors.                                                                                                                                          Urumqi                      30                            fine
                                                                                                                                                                                             Xi’an                                                     rain
                    Libra                                  Scorpio                                                                                                                                                18     24
                                                                                                                                                                                             Lhasa                10     20                            rain
                    Sep.23-Oct. 22                           Oct. 23-Nov. 21                                                                                                                 Chengdu              20     26                      showers
The universe has been pushing             You’ve been tirelessly pushing                                                                                                                     Chongqing            23     27                            rain
you to release outgrown elements          ahead when it comes to your
of your being, Libra. While that          goals, Scorpio. Monday’s skies                                                                                                                     Kunming              17     25                        cloudy
process isn’t always comfortable,         work to lend a helping hand                                                                                                                                                                              cloudy
it’s critical at this stage to let go     as the new moon emerges in                                                                                                                         Nanjing              25     34
to gain.                                  hardworking Virgo.                                                                                                                                 Shanghai             27     32                            rain
                                                                                                                                                                                             Wuhan                22     29                     overcast
           Sagittarius                                Capricorn
                                                                                               Medium                        Hard                                                            Hangzhou             25     32                            rain
                  Nov. 22-Dec. 21                           Dec. 22-Jan. 19                                                                                                                  Taipei               26     32                        cloudy
This     lunation’s     supportive       Important questions are arising                                                                                                                     Guangzhou            26     34               thunderstorms
connection with change-bringer           regarding what you value
Uranus sends a wave of revitalizing      career-wise, and you may be                                                                                                                         Hong Kong            28     33                      showers
energy towards your craft and            forced to grapple with what
work environment. Don’t be shy           needs release and renewing in
about aiming your arrow high!            that arena.
                Aquarius                                    Pisces                                                                                                                           Moscow                6     12                            rain
                                                                                                                                                                                             Frankfurt            13     28                        cloudy
                   Jan. 20-Feb. 18                          Feb.19-Mar. 20
                                                                                                                                                                                             Paris                18     28                     showers
It’s not always easy to let your         Monday’s skies herald the arrival
feelings flourish. Monday’s skies        of the new moon in your opposite                                                                                                                    London               16     27                        cloudy
work to deepen your relationship         sign of realistic Virgo, which
to your emotional nature and             brings new developments to your                                                                                                                     New York             21     27                          fine
make room for healing as the new         close personal relationships in the
moon emerges in reflective Virgo.        weeks to come.

CROSSWORDS                                                                                                                                                                               USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS
ACROSS 1- ____, poor Yorick; 5- Heston’s org.; 8- Contented sighs; 12- Essence;
                                                                                                                                      Crossword puzzles provided by

13- Unfettered; 15- Junk e-mail; 16- Buck follower; 17- Honshu port; 18- Table
d’___; 19- Keep cold; 22- Bee follower; 23- Samuel’s teacher; 24- Writer Bombeck;
26- Edit; 29- Historical records; 31- ___ de guerre; 32- Threads; 34- Exodus origin;                                                                                                     Emergency calls 999             Taxi 28 939 939 / 2828 3283
36- If ___ be so bold...; 38- Clear; 40- Pentathlon need; 41- Religious doctrine; 43-
Swellings; 45- Nor. neighbor; 46- Word of the hour?; 48- Resounds; 50- Apple player;                                                                                                     Fire department 28 572 222      Water Supply – Report 2822 0088
51- Occupational suffix; 52- Paranormal letters; 54- Pathfinder; 61- With “eye,”
unerring aim; 63- Actor Davis; 64- ___ contendere; 65- Group of individual facts; 66-                                                                                                    PJ (Open line) 993              Telephone – Report 1000
Dense element; 67- Diploma holder; 68- North Sea feeder; 69- ___ anglais (English
horn); 70- Mozart’s “___ kleine Nachtmusik”;                                                                                                                                             PJ (Picket) 28 557 775          Electricity – Report 28 339 922
DOWN: 1- Food thickener; 2- Italian bread?; 3- Beginning; 4- Hoarded; 5-                                                                                                                 PSP 28 573 333                  Macau Daily Times 28 716 081
Centrepiece of the human face; 6- Laugh loudly; 7- ___ silly question...; 8- Powdery
residue; 9- Prophetic revelation; 10-                                                                                                                                                    Customs 28 559 944
Can’t stand; 11- “Peter Pan” pirate; 13-     Friday’s solution
Reasonable; 14- Taken in; 20- Now ___                                                                                                                                                    S. J. Hospital 28 313 731
me down...; 21- Sea eagle; 25- Merlin, e.g.;
26- Lover of Juliet; 27- Free from bondage;                                                                                                                                              Kiang Wu Hospital 28 371 333
28- Main stem of a tree; 29- Parenthetical
remark; 30- Erupts; 31- It may be picked;                                                                                                                                                Commission Against
33- Sgt., for one; 35- Driver’s aid; 37-
Quick sharp bark; 39- Acoustic power unit;                                                                                                                                               Corruption (CCAC) 28326 300
42- Horn warning; 44- Author Silverstein;
47- PC storage medium; 49- Citrus fruit;                                                                                                                                                 IAM 28 387 333
52- Swirl; 53- Wet septet; 55- Wait ___!;
56- Ratio words; 57- Yarn spinner; 58-                                                                                                                                                   Tourism 28 333 000
Japanese sandal; 59- Gusto; 60- Got on;
62- ___ es Salaam, Tanzania;                                                                                                                                                             Airport 59 888 88

MON. 06 Sep 2021 - Macau Daily Times
page 10                                
ADVERTISEMENT   廣告                                     06.09.2021 mon

                     MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER                                                                                                                                                                     page 11
mon 06.09.2021                                                                                                                                                                         體育     SPORTS

                                                                                            MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER

                                           FOOTBALL | WORLD CUP QUALIFIERS

                                           France held at Ukraine; Denmark

R                                          stays perfect in qualifying
          EIGNING       champion
          France missed the in-
          jured Kylian Mbappé in
          a 1-1 draw at Ukraine
in World Cup qualifying yester-
day [Macau time] but still stayed
atop Europe Group D.
   Mykola Shaparenko scored                                                                                                      Ireland and Azerbaijan earned         Louis van Gaal in his third spell
                                    AP PHOTO

his first international goal for                                                                                                 their first points with a 1-1 draw    as the Netherlands’ coach. Er-
Ukraine just before halftime by                                                                                                  in which Shane Duffy headed in        ling Haaland converted an early
smashing in a shot from 20 me-                                                                                                   a late equalizer for Ireland.         penalty in Norway’s 2-0 win at
ters.                                                                                                                                                                  Latvia to raise his total to nine
   Anthony Martial leveled after                                                                                                 GROUP F                               goals in 14 games for his natio-
the break following a setup from                                                                                                    European Championship se-          nal team — exactly a year after
Kingsley Coman and Adrien Ra-                                                                                                    mifinalist Denmark extended its       his first goal for Norway. Turkey
biot. It was Martial’s second in-                                                                                                perfect start to qualifying with      has 11 points, the Netherlands
ternational goal and it came five                                                                                                a 1-0 win at the Faroe Islands        and Norway 10 each, Montene-
years and three days after the                                                                                                   following a goal from Jonas           gro seven, Latvia four, and Gi-
Manchester United forward’s                                                                                                      Wind.                                 braltar zero.
previous strike in a friendly                                                                                                       Israel beat visiting Austria 5-2
against Italy.                                                                                                                   and Scotland edged Moldova            GROUP H
   Mbappé left France’s squad                                                                                                    1-0.                                     Marcelo Brozovic scored late
with a calf problem after playing                                                                                                   Denmark has 15 points, Israel      for Croatia to beat Slovakia 1-0
                                               Ukraine’s Ilya Zabarnyi (left) challenges for the ball with France’s Paul Pogba   10, Scotland eight and Austria        and remain level on points with
most of a 1-1 draw with Bosnia
and Herzegovina on Wednesday.                                                                                                    seven, while the Faroe Islands        Russia atop the group. Russia is
   Ukraine also drew at France             and Kazakhstan have two points                 Here’s a look at the action in         and Moldova trail with one point      ahead on goal difference after
in March.                                  each.                                        other groups:                            each.                                 beating Cyprus 2-0 with goals
   France has nine points from                Only the group winners di-                                                                                               from Aleksandr Yerokhin and
five matches and Finland is next           rectly qualify for the World Cup.            GROUP A                                  GROUP G                               Rifat Zhemaletdinov. Also, Slo-
with five points from three ma-            Second-place finishers face a                   Aleksandar Mitrović scored               Memphis Depay scored a             venia edged Malta with a first-
tches after a header from Joel             playoff.                                     twice as Serbia beat Luxembourg          brace and the Netherlands out-        -half penalty from Sandi Lovric.
Pohjanpalo earned a 1-0 win                   Also, Portugal beat 2022 Wor-             4-1 to move level with Portugal          classed Montenegro 4-0 to stay        Russia and Croatia each have 10
over Kazakhstan.                           ld Cup host Qatar 3-1 in a frien-            atop the group with 10 poin-             second in the group behind            points, Slovenia has seven, and
   Ukraine also has five points            dly despite missing Cristiano                ts. Mitrović has scored 43 goals         Turkey, which beat Gibraltar 3-0.     Slovakia six. Malta and Cyprus
from five matches, while Bosnia            Ronaldo.                                     for Serbia in 65 appearances.            It was the first home game for        have four each. MDT/AP

Prince Charles’ ex-aide quits charity                                                                                                       the
                                                       role amid honor claims                                                                                                                      BUZZ
                                                      A former close aide to Prince Charles stepped down tempo-                        Charles, including residences Charles used.
                                                     rarily from his role as chief executive of a royal charity amid                     The report said Charles gave Mahfouz an honorary CBE, or
                                                     reports that he helped secure an honor for a Saudi donor.                         Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire,
                                                      The Sunday Times and Mail on yesterday’s newspapers                              at a private ceremony in 2016. The Saudi denies wrongdoing.
                                                     reported that Michael Fawcett coordinated support for an                            The Prince’s Foundation said in a statement that Fawcett of-

                                                     honor for Saudi businessman Mahfouz Marei Mubarak bin                             fered to temporarily step down from active duties as the orga-
                                                     Mahfouz.                                                                          nization’s chief executive while an investigation takes place.
                                                      The Times said the businessman donated sums of more                              It said Fawcett will assist the investigation.

China Daily                                          than 1.5 million pounds ($2.1 million) to The Prince’s Fou-
                                                     ndation to fund heritage restoration projects of interest to
                                                                                                                                         Fawcett began his royal service in 1981 as a footman to
                                                                                                                                       Queen Elizabeth II and later became Charles’ assistant valet.
Editorial, China Daily

 New exchange

                                                AP PHOTO

                                                                                                                                                                         AP PHOTO
 will better serve
   In his remarks via video links at the Glo-
 bal Trade in Services Summit on Thursday                                                                                                                                       Vatican Pope Francis is
 as part of this year’s China International                                                                                                                                     encouraging countries to
 Fair for Trade in Services, President Xi                                                                                                                                       welcome Afghan refugees
 Jinping announced that a Beijing Stock                                                                                                                                         who are seeking a new life.
 Exchange will be set up. This is intended                                                                                                                                      During his appearance to the
 to be the primary platform to serve the                                                                                                                                        public in St. Peter’s Square
                                                                                                                                                                                yesterday, Francis also prayed
 leading innovation-oriented small and
                                                                                                                                                                                that displaced persons
 medium-sized enterprises.
                                                                                                                                                                                inside Afghanistan receive
   The decision to set up a Beijing Stock Ex-
                                                                                                                                                                                assistance and protection. “In
 change caught widespread attention as it                                                                                                                                       these tumultuous moments,
 will become the main financing provider                                                                                                                                        in which Afghans are seeking
 for innovation-driven SMEs.                                                                                                                                                    refuge, I pray for the most
   The move is the latest deepening re-                                                                                                                                         vulnerable among them,”
 form of the National Equities Exchange                                                                                                                                         Francis said.
 and Quotations, known as the New Third
 Board — which comprises the Shenzhen

                                                                                                                                                                         AP PHOTO
 Stock Exchange as the growth enterprise
 board and the Shanghai Stock Exchange
 as the science and technology innovation                  CLIMATE CHANGE
   The reforms and development in this
 field over recent years have laid a solid                 More sharks, rays                                                                                                    El Salvador’s top court and
                                                                                                                                                                                its election authority have

                                                           threatened with
 foundation for the Beijing Stock Exchan-
 ge, which will channel funds to a selection                                                                                                                                    tossed aside what seemed
 of the most capable firms traded on the                                                                                                                                        to be a constitutional ban
                                                                                                                                                                                on consecutive presidential

                                                           extinction: Report
 New Third Board, to promote the develo-
 pment of innovation-driven SMEs.                                                                                                                                               reelection, setting the stage
                                                                                                                                                                                for President Nayib Bukele
   Once the Beijing Stock Exchange is set
                                                                                                                                                                                to potentially seek a second
 up and running, the reform of the New
                                                                                                                                                                                term in 2024. The Supreme
 Third Board will embark on a new jour-
 ney, according to the China Securities
 Regulatory Commission. Intended to be
                                                           T   HE world’s sharks and
                                                               rays have seen declines
                                                           in their populations since
                                                                                                       Bruno Oberle told reporters
                                                                                                       in the southern French city
                                                                                                       of Marseille.
                                                                                                                                            “It’s hard to watch the
                                                                                                                                       rise of nationalism in the
                                                                                                                                       face of a global threat that
                                                                                                                                                                                Court’s Constitutional
                                                                                                                                                                                Chamber told the Supreme
                                                                                                                                                                                Electoral Tribunal to
 tailored for select innovation-driven en-                 2014 and more and more                         The IUCN Red List Unit       requires global coopera-                 permit a second term,
 terprises, it will be a financing channel                                                             reassesses hundreds of spe-     tion, global action,” he said.           and the electoral authority
                                                           are now threatened with
 for companies at an earlier development                                                                                                                                        announced Saturday it would
                                                           extinction, according to a                  cies each year. Of the some     “It’s hard to read the headli-
 stage than those listed in Shanghai and                                                                                                                                        accept what it called a ruling
 Shenzhen. The Beijing Stock Exchange                      new red list released this                  138,000 species the group       nes, floods, fires, famines,
                                                                                                                                                                                that cannot be appealed.
 will be mainly based on the innovation-                   weekend at a global confe-                  tracks, more than 38,000 are    plagues and tell your chil-
                                                           rence aimed at protecting                   threatened with extinction.     dren that everything is all
                                                                                                                                                                         AP PHOTO

 -driven SMEs selected from the New Third
 Board, implement the New Third Board’s                    dwindling species.                             Several recent studies       right. It’s not all right. Damn
 institutions, and pilot the registration                     The Komodo dragon is                     have shown that many of         it, it’s not all right.”
 system in securities issuance.                            now listed as endangered,                   the planet’s ecosystems are          “C’mon everybody,” he
   That said, the Beijing Stock Exchange                   notably because of rising                   severely strained by global     said. “Let’s get to work.”
 will be a part of the New Third Board, or                 sea levels and rising tem-                  warming, deforestation, ha-          Environmental groups
 an upgraded version of the New Third                                                                                                                                           Tens of thousands
                                                           peratures in its Indonesian                 bitat degradation, pollution    are urging governmen-                    protested in Switzerland
 Board to be precise.                                                                                  and other threats.              ts to take bolder actions
                                                           habitat. Ebonies and ro-                                                                                             yesterday [Macau time] for
   The planned stock exchange will defini-
                                                           sewoods threatened by lo-                      More than half of all bird   to protect the oceans, the               the legalization of same-
 tely improve the New Third Board’s capa-
 city to serve these enterprises, which in                 gging were among trees put                  of prey species worldwide       Amazon and other crucial                 sex marriage in the Alpine
                                                           on the list for the first time              are declining in population,    ecosystems.                              country. The protests
 turn will help stimulate market vitality.
                                                           this year.                                  and 18 species are criti-            The conference runs                 came ahead of a national
   As such, after the Beijing Stock Exchange
                                                                                                                                                                                referendum on Sept. 26
 is founded, the three stock exchanges in                     There are signs of hope,                 cally endangered. Warming       until Sept. 11. Among topi-
                                                                                                                                                                                on the legalization of gay
 Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen will form                  too – fishing quotas have                   temperatures and melting        cs are the links between                 marriage, which has already
 a three-pillar framework for the country’s                allowed several tuna spe-                   ice are projected to imperil    climate change and biodi-                been introduced in many
 capital market, and with their differen-                  cies to be put on the “path                 70% of Emperor penguin          versity loss, and the ethics             other European countries
 tiated focuses, they can meet the diverse                 to recovery,” according to                  colonies by 2050 and 98%        of genetic enhancement to                including Germany, Austria,
 demands of different kinds of enterprises.                the announcement from                       by 2100.                        increase species’ chances of             France and the Netherlands.
   With President Xi also announcing in his                                                               Actor Harrison Ford          survival. The talks are also
                                                           The International Union for
 speech a series of reforms to further open
                                                                                                                                                                         AP PHOTO

                                                           the Conservation of Nature.                 made an impassioned plea        meant to inform the U.N.’s
 up and boost the trade in services, the
 deepening reform of the capital market                       Some 37% of the world’s                  to safeguard biodiversity at    global climate summit, the
 represents part of the combination blow                   sharks and rays are consi-                  the opening of the World        COP26, which will be held
 the country is delivering to tackle the                   dered in danger as of 2021,                 Conservation Congress in        in November in Glasgow,
 complicated challenges it faces in econo-                 up from 33% seven years                     Marseille on Friday.            Scotland. MDT/AP
 mic, financial and trade sectors.                         ago, the IUCN announced.
                                                                                                                                                                                Montenegro Riot police used
                                                                                            AP PHOTO

   To find the best remedies for these                     Overfishing, a loss of habi-
 challenges, the country has been pro-                                                                                                                                          tear gas against protesters
                                                           tat and climate change ex-
 gressing from the easiest to the hardest,                                                                                                                                      who fired gunshots in the
                                                           plain the upward trend, it                                                                                           air and hurled bottles and
 and adjusting the measures to suit local                  said. Oceanic shark popula-                                                                                          stones yesterday morning
 conditions. This has been and remains the
                                                           tions have dropped by 71%                                                                                            in Montenegro before and
 underlying logic behind its reforms.
                                                           since 1970.                                                                                                          during an inauguration of
   The process of refining China’s capi-
                                                              But the progress in revi-                                                                                         the new head of the Serbian
 tal market also follows that logic, with                                                                                                                                       Orthodox Church in the
 the founding of the new stock exchange                    ving tuna populations and
                                                                                                                                                                                country. Police and media
 aimed at meeting the challenges of the                    some other species “is the
                                                                                                                                                                                reports said at least seven
 current stage and taking another stride                   demonstration that if states                                                                                         police officers and several
 forward.                                                  and other actors take the ri-                                                                                        protesters were injured in
                                                           ght actions … it is possible                                                                                         the clashes, while at least 14
                                                           to recover,” IUCN director                                                                                           people were detained.
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