Page created by Holly Stephens
Issue No. 166                            A FREE community publication by Latrobe Council                                 May - June 2019

Have you ever wondered what creepy-                                                           Monica is also an artist in her own right
crawlies do at night?                                                                         working across media and produces a
Bug Soup Beat children’s picture book                                                         range of items under her brand PIGMENT.
explores what bugs get up to at night                                                         Bug Soup Beat is Monica's first published
through a captivating story and                                                               children's picture book through Tasmanian
illustrations by Monica Reeve (pictured).                                                     company, Forty South Publishing. Monica
The idea for Bug Soup Beat first popped                                                       has also written a few other children's
into the author's head one Summer’s night                                                     stories and is currently working on the
after a very close encounter with a rather                                                    illustrations for these.
large huntsman spider in her backyard!                                                        “I was astounded when I viewed the
Unable to sleep that night, the text came                                                     original artwork and found the images
quickly to Monica, and by 2:00am the next                                                     totally captivating. The story supports the
morning Bug Soup Beat had arrived filled                                                      artwork which creates a magical world of
with hungry snails, spiders, scorpions,                                                       bugs after dark.” - Beverly Skurulis
moths, and mosquitos all looking for food.                                                    (Latrobe, multi-award winning artist)
Over the following months, Monica used                                                        “This beautifully illustrated book is perfect
“cut-paper collage” to create each                                                            to read to small children. Simple enough
illustration to make Bug Soup Beat come                                                       for a child to enjoy and detailed enough to
alive. The cut-paper collage process                                                          foster conversation between adult and
involves painting large sheets of paper                                                       child.” - Kit Hiller (Mount Hicks, multi-
various hues, along with collecting                                                           award winning artist).
recycled scraps of paper and card. These     along the inspiring North-West Coast of          The official launch and signing of Bug
pieces are then hand cut into the required   Tasmania.                                        Soup Beat will be hosted by the Crowded
shapes and pieced together to form a new                                                      Lounge Coffee Shop, Gilbert St on
                                             For the past twenty years she has worked
illustration.                                                                                 Saturday 11 May at 10am. All welcome.
                                             as a primary school teacher with a passion
Monica Reeve is proud to call Latrobe                                                         Inquiries to Monica on Facebook through
                                             for early childhood education and the            @bugsoupbeat or
home and has always lived "somewhere"        visual arts.

You’d be surprised at the wide variety of    Dr Walpole played a key role in Latrobe,         Possibly the finest monument to his
matters Latrobe Council personnel are        specifically at the Devon Hospital, and is       professional skill and personal popularity
contacted about but when a call came in      Ms Croucher’s Great Grandfather.                 is the Devon Hospital where he was the
from Rosalind Croucher, the Australian       Dr Walpole’s obituary records him as “one        surgeon-superintendent for 21 years. On
Commissioner for Human Rights                of the best-known surgeons in Tasmania"          relinquishing that position in 1932, he was
Presidence, it raised more than an           who died on 16 October 1942 at the age of        honored by residents of the North West
eyebrow.                                     80, only retiring from his practice due to       Coast.”
Ms Croucher was seeking information on       failing health a fortnight before his passing.
the memorial in Latrobe to her Great         Born in Ireland, he came to Australia when
Grandfather. She had no idea where or        a young man. For many years he was at
what it was but her 97-year-old mother had   Queenstown before moving to take up the
told her that there was one in Latrobe.      role of superintendent at the Devon
Along with many others, you have             Hospital, Latrobe.
probably walked or driven past this          The obituary stated that “many throughout
memorial on many occasions - it is the       Tasmania will hear of Dr. Walpole's illness
town clock in Station Square, Gilbert        with sincere regret. His reputation as a
Street, Latrobe.                             physician and surgeon is State-wide, and
On that clock is a memorial plaque erected   his kindness, no less than his skill, has
to the memory of Dr G A Walpole FRACS        endeared him to a host of people who have
FRCSI 1862-1942 including the inscription    come under his professional care during
“Loved by All”.                              his long life.
2                                                                                                                                    May - June 2019
Environmental tests were made over summer examining the                        Groundwater tests from bore sources on the site and at the nearby
location and movement of landfill gases. Tests were conducted at               Port Sorell Golf Course showed trace concentrations of
ground level, within monitoring bores and in service utility pits              contamination including heavy metals, trichloroethene and per-
both on the Hawk Hill Road/Alexander Street site and in adjacent               and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). All concentrations of
streets.                                                                       PFAS were below the current drinking water and recreational
The tests detected methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and                water guidelines and are not of concern for workers or users of the
other gases typical of an old landfill. As a precaution, gas alarms            Golf Course and will continue to be monitored. Other
have been installed within the Waste Transfer Station and Tip                  contaminants were either not detected or were also within
Shop buildings and the area remains a no smoking zone.                         Australian and international guidelines.
Monitoring of service utility pits around the old landfill did not             Follow up sampling of surface soils across the Golf Course
detect landfill gas at a majority of locations. Detection of                   detected trace levels of PFAS that suggest PFAS accumulation in
methane in a service utility pit on Club Drive prompted                        soil has occurred from the use of irrigation bore water. These
precautionary testing inside a property, returning safe results.               results have been assessed by the environmental scientists as low
At the corner of Hawk Hill Road and Alexander Streets and on                   and acceptable, with concentrations needing to be at least 100-fold
Club Drive, additional monitoring bores are being installed to                 higher before there would be any health concerns.
better understand how landfill gas is moving through these areas.              Residents with bore water sources in the vicinity of the old landfill
Scientists will continue to monitor landfill gas levels on and                 site are asked to contact Council on 6426 4444 to arrange free
around the site for the duration of the rehabilitation project.                testing of the water quality.
The old landfill site contains contaminants so it is important that            A detailed rehabilitation action plan is being created by the
people stay within the Waste Transfer Station and Tip Shop area                environmental scientists and landfill engineers with guidance from
when using these services and follow signage and staff                         EPA Tasmania and the Tasmanian Department of Health.
WHAT DOES A BOARD                                       DOG MANAGEMENT                                  SAVE THE DATE FOR
DIRECTOR DO?                                            POLICY REVIEWED                                 MULLED WINE EVENT
Port Sorell and Latrobe Community                       Latrobe Council reviews its Dog                 Shearwater Mulled Wine in May returns
Enterprises is holding a Directors’                     Management Policy at least once every 5         bigger and better with more delicious food,
Information Evening with the intention of               years with the most recent review               more mulled wine and beer, face painting
recruiting Board Members. To help you                   commencing several months ago.                  for the kids, fantastic music by Halfway to
decide if being a Director is for you, a no-            Amendments to date include:                     Forth and Neil Gibson as well as dancing
obligation invitation is extended to you to                                                             in the street. For something a bit different,
                                                        • Update of contact details
attend the Latrobe Memorial Hall Supper                                                                 come along and try the mulled white wine.
                                                        • Update of kennel licence information
Room at 7:00pm on 15 May. Your                                                                          There will be firepots and plenty of hay
questions will be answered and all the                  • Moorlands Beach exercise area                 bales with blankets to ensure your comfort
information you need to make this decision                  removed from the map as this land           and to ward off the evening chill.
in your own time, will be provided.                         comes under the jurisdiction of Parks       Admission is free. Food and wine costs are
This is a very rewarding experience and is                  Tasmania;                                   very affordable. Come along and join in
open to all suitably experienced people -               • Removed reference to prohibited area          the fun from 5:30pm until 9:30pm at this
whether you are young or old, in university                 on Pig Island                               special event on 25 May.
or retired. If you have something to offer,             Council sought submissions from the             For the safety of patrons, traffic detours
then come along and have a chat.                        public on the policy and, following             will be in effect from 4:00 pm until
Alternatively, you may be aware of another              feedback from Councillors and the               11:00 pm around Shearwater Village.
prospective Board Member and can pass                   community, it was further proposed to           Please follow the directions of traffic
this information on. As a Director you will             change the off-leash area south of the Port     personnel. Additional parking, although
provide the leadership and management                   Sorell boat ramp from being available 24/7      limited, will be signposted. If you are able,
skills at a Board level to support and drive            to prohibited to dogs.                          please walk to this event or car pool.
the company’s strategic direction, goals                The Dog Control Act, 2000 requires              Shearwater Mulled Wine in May is a
and objectives.                                         Council to formally notify the public of        collaboration by the Lions Club of Port
RSVP to the Bendigo Bank Branch                         any proposed change to off leash areas and      Sorell and Shearwater Village Retailers
Shearwater on 6428 8883 or email                        invite submissions. The proposed change         Group, delivered to you in partnership with
Chairman, Jack Van Tatenhove on                         was advertised and submissions closed in        Latrobe Council through its Community to answer any                     September, 2018.                                Grants scheme.
query prior to the event.                               Due to the October Council elections, the       The Port Sorell Lions Club's 800th meeting
                                                        matter was placed on hold for the new           will be held on 19 June at Shearwater
YOUR ELECTED                                            Council to make a decision.                     Resort from 7:00pm. Past members and
REPRESENTATIVES                                         101 submissions were received; 29 were in       partners are invited to attend this meeting.
                                                        favour of the proposed change, 70 against       Please RSVP by 1 June to Denzil King on
Mayor Peter FRESHNEY ........ 0417 287 006
D/Mayor Graeme BROWN ..... 0417 598 116                 and 2 were queries, neither for or against.     0467 286 234 or Chris Smith on 0474 028
Shayne (Cush) ALLISON ........ 0409 792 648             The report by the Development and               102.
Michael McLAREN ...................... 6426 2777        Regulatory Services Team Leader was             If you are interested in helping your local
Vonette MEAD ........................ 0407 055 180      received by Council at its April meeting.       community, have fun and meet interesting
Sommer METSKE ................... 0409 622 710          Council resolved to further workshop this       people, contact Josh Tome on 0488 667
Garry SIMS ............................. 0419 139 053   matter to discuss additional options prior to   779 or Denzil King on 0467 286 234 with a
Gerrad WICKS ......................... 0488 325 590     making a decision.                              view to joining the Lions Club of Port
Lesley YOUNG........................ 0419 326 250                                                       Sorell.
May - June 2019                                                                                                                           3
7-DAY MAKEOVER FOR                              NOMINATIONS OPEN FOR                           COMMUNITY WATER
SHEARWATER                                      PORT SORELL ADVISORY                           FOUNTAINS
Latrobe Council recently resolved to            COMMITTEE                                      The Port Sorell Advisory Committee have
consider allocating $99,650 in its 2019/20                                                     recommended the installation of drinking
                                                The Port Sorell Advisory Committee
budget to effect a 7-Day Makeover in                                                           fountains at:
                                                (PSAC) is a special reference committee of
Shearwater Village.                             Latrobe Council where its membership           • the Sankey Street car park, Hawley
A 7-Day Makeover is a program designed          considers a variety of Council or self-            Beach
to revitalise and reinvigorate public spaces.   referred matters relating to the overall       • Shearwater Village potentially in the
Facilitated by Creative Communities             development, marketing and promotion of            vicinity of the skate park
International Pty Ltd, the program’s            the Port Sorell area.                          • the foreshore end of Rice Street, Port
success relies on involvement by the local      Following debate of these issues at                Sorell and
community in the ‘makeover’ process from        meetings held from 4:00pm-5:00pm on a          • Panatana Park Family Reserve, Port
start to finish.                                Tuesday once a month, excluding                    Sorell
“It encourages community members to take        December and January, recommendations          Latrobe Council resolved to consider a
ownership of the space selected for the         are submitted to Council for consideration.    budget allocation of approximately
‘makeover’ by contributing ideas,               Membership is voluntary with appointment       $20,000 in their 2019/20 budget
materials and expertise,” said facilitator,     for a two-year period.                         deliberations.
Mr Engwicht.                                    While many specific groups representing
The 7-Day makeover budget of $99,650            diverse interests throughout the Port Sorell
                                                                                               2017/18 PORT SORELL
equates to $74,650 for the consultant’s         area make up the committee, nominations        STRATEGIC PLAN
facilitation fee with $25,000 allocated for     are currently sought from the community
makeover materials.
                                                for -
                                                                                               At Latrobe Council's April meeting,
The quality of the program and subsequent       • 1 x representative nominated by              Council’s Strategic Planner presented the
amount of maintenance required in the               commercial/retail interests                review document of the Port Sorell and
long term is highly dependent on local          • 1 x representative nominated by              Environs Strategic Plan 2008.
businesses donating goods and services and          commercial tourist interests
community members and groups                                                                   Developed through multiple community
engagement with ideas and labour.               • 2 x representatives nominated from the       meetings and numerous submissions, the
                                                    community                                  Port Sorell Strategic Plan Review 2017-18:
Mr David Engwicht of Creative
Communities International Pty Ltd said          • 1 x representative nominated by              An Integrated Framework for the Future
                                                    emergency services                         Growth and Development of Port Sorell,
that because the community is completely
                                                • 2 x youth representatives.                   Final Outcomes Report, March 2019
involved in the process, they take
                                                                                               contains a comprehensive set of draft
ownership of the space and therefore the        If you have great networks in these fields
                                                                                               design concepts and proposals. Not only
benefits continue long after the 7-Day          and are interested in nominating for one of
                                                                                               will it be used as a reference for future
Makeover has been completed.                    these roles, please contact Sarah Cairns at
                                                                                               budget decision and works programs, it
Readers will no doubt recall the 7-Day          Latrobe Council on 6426 4444 for the
                                                                                               will also be the basis for the preparation of
Makeovers by Creative Communities               nomination form or download it from
                                                                                               a revised land use strategy for Port Sorell
International Pty Ltd that were undertaken
                                                                                               and its environs.
in the Ulverstone Central Business District     Nominations will be accepted up until
                                                                                               This Strategic Plan will be presented to the
and along the foreshore at Penguin.             4:00pm on 31 May.
                                                                                               Port Sorell community in the near future.
                                                       WILD MERSEY EXPANDS TO RAILTON
                                                  The Wild Mersey Mountain Bike network will more than double in size with the
                                                  opening of a further 17 kilometres of trails that connect Latrobe and Railton and extend
                                                  in to the Railton hills during May.
                                                  This stage will include a pump track - a hard, sealed, undulating surface able to be
                                                  ridden with mountain bikes, BMX bikes, scooters and skateboards by all ages and skill
                                                  levels - at Goliath Park, Railton.
                                                  A family-friendly mountain bike loop uphill from Goliath Park and a cross-country
                                                  connection linking Railton to Latrobe will be included in the $4.1m Wild Mersey
                                                  development which first opened in Latrobe’s Warrawee Reserve last December.
                                                  The extension will open 32 kilometres of trails for riding with planning well underway
                                                  to continue the trail network on to Sheffield and up around the Badgers Range.
                                                  Mountain bikers are coming from across the region and state to ride Wild Mersey and
                                                  as the number of trails grow, so does the interest in the trail network from mainland
                                                  and overseas visitors.
                                                  The latest trails are being built by Trailscapes with the Mersey River bridge link
                                                  designed and installed by Latrobe-based business, BridgePro.
                                                  Riders will be able to start and/or finish in either Railton or Latrobe.
                                                  The new Railton trail head is located at Ramsay Road, Railton.
                                                  Follow Wild Mersey developments on Facebook at
                                         or via the website at
4                                                                                                                             May - June 2019
The Minister for Human Services, the Hon. Roger Jaensch                   laundry and an extension to the existing carpark.
officially opened OneCare’s $5.6 million Rubicon Grove                    The cafe at Rubicon Grove, Rubi's Tea House, is open Monday to
redevelopment in early April, with the final stage of the highly          Friday 10:00am-4:00pm and Saturday and Sunday 1:30pm-
anticipated project now complete.                                         4:00pm.
A community centre and a tea-house, including al fresco dining
was revealed to the Port Sorell community, following the earlier
release of the residential wing extension that saw the addition of
20 beds in August last year.
The new buildings allow Rubicon Grove to maintain its strong
community connections in Port Sorell, with the community hub to
host various events and meetings while being utilised by local
Rotary and Lions Clubs and the Bridge of Hope Church.
Since its establishment in 2009, popularity for the sea-side facility
has continued to grow, making Rubicon Grove a premier location
for aged care in Port Sorell.
Peter Bell, OneCare CEO said, “Rubicon Grove is already an
integral part of the close-knit Port Sorell community and we are
proud to be able to make a real difference in the lives of our
residents through our community connections.”                             Pictured: Rubicon Grove resident, Geoffrey, is joined for morning
Other improvements included renovations to the kitchen and                tea at Rubi’s Tea House by his sisters.
                                                understand how they are using energy and          NATIONAL TOURISM
LIFE SUPPORT                                    take action to control their energy costs.
VULNERABILITY                                   Other key features for customers include          CONVENTION ON OUR
If you are reliant on life support equipment being able to conveniently recharge at any DOORSTEP
at home but haven't provided your energy        time from their phone or computer and             The Cradle Coast Authority, of which
provider with a medical confirmation form, receive messages on when to top up their               Latrobe Council is a member, is delighted
you may be deregistered.                        account balance to remain in credit.              the Australian Regional Tourism
Registration with your energy provider          Any existing PAYG customers who do not Convention (ARTC) will be hosted at the
ensures that you are given:                     wish to use Aurora PAYG+ have the                 Paranaple Centre, Devonport from 21-23
• general advice that there may be a            option  of  switching  to another Aurora          October.
     planned or unplanned interruption to       Energy product of their choice.                   ARTC is a must-attend event for
     the supply                                 A dedicated Aurora PAYG+ website and              individuals and organisations who wish to
• information to assist you prepare a plan      local Customer    Service  Team   have  been      contribute to the future of regional tourism
     of action in the case of an unplanned      established   to help customers  with  the        in Australia.
     interruption                               transition.                                       "Getting ready for the spotlight - Is
• an emergency telephone number for the         To  find out  more  call 1300  132 030   or visit regional Australia finally a genuine part of
     distributor and the retailer at no more                our national tourism agenda and, are we
     than the cost of a local call, and                                                           ready?" has been announced as the 2019
• at least four business day’s written                                                            Convention theme.
     notice of any planned interruption.                                                          Participation in ARTC19 will uncover the
If this is you, please contact your energy                                                        big challenges for our regions and explore
provider and supply your medical                                                                  what is required to compete in an
confirmation so you have a backup plan in                                                         increasingly competitive global market.
the event of an unscheduled power outage.                                                         What do mega trends and disruption mean
                                                                                                  for tourism in regional Australia and what
AURORA PAYG METERS                              A summary of regional participation               opportunities do they create for you?
                                                statistics in the Garage Sale Trail, funded
ARE BEING REPLACED                              by the Cradle Coast Waste Management
                                                                                                  Keep this Convention on your radar for
Aurora Pay As You Go (PAYG) customers Group (CCWMG) of which Latrobe                              participation.
yet to have their meters replaced are being Council is a financial member, were                   PEDESTRIAN SAFETY
encouraged to contact Aurora Energy to          recently received.
choose a new product.                                                                             CONCERNS
                                                In the 2018 initiative, there were 39             Complaints relating to pedestrian safety
All PAYG customers will need to arrange a participants throughout the region. With
new meter replacement, as the technology                                                          when crossing River Road, Latrobe were
                                                CCWMG outlaying $11,160 for the                   recently investigated with traffic counters
that sits behind PAYG meters will no            project, this equates to costing ratepayers
longer be supported after December 2019.                                                          recording that vehicles were regularly
                                                $286 per garage sale.                             driving at 60km-80km in this 50km zone.
PAYG customers value the ability to top         The CCWMG agreed that there was
up more frequently and maintain a positive already a strong garage sale culture in the            A concept design for the installation of a
account balance, so Aurora Energy has                                                             pedestrian refuge along River Road has
                                                community and that the data highlights that been completed with the project being
designed a new product to continue to help participating in the Garage Sale Trail
customers stay in control of their energy                                                         submitted for consideration in Council’s
                                                provided limited value to the region.             2019/20 budget deliberations.
costs, called Aurora Pay As You Go Plus         The CCWMG have undertaken to discuss
(Aurora PAYG+).                                                                                   In the meantime, Tasmania Police have
                                                the 2018 data and cost vs value with              been requested to give this section of road
Aurora PAYG+ gives customers insight            Council members to determine
into their daily energy consumption,                                                              greater attention.
                                                participation in 2019.
May - June 2019                                                                                                                           5
                                                POP UP THEATRE                                 Please contact Council's Community
LATROBE TO AMBLESIDE                                                                           Development Officer on 6426 4444 if you
COASTAL PATHWAY                                 Latrobe Council was recently approached
                                                                                               can assist with information.
                                                by the Devonport Choral Society to “test
The potential development of a North West       the waters” of live theatre at the Banksia     MOU FORMALISES USAGE
Coastal Pathway has been a long-term goal       Centre arts space by way of a pop-up         Latrobe Council and the Department of
for the greater region. Over the last 15        theatre.                                     Education are in the process of finalising a
years some sections along the coast have
                                                The Devonport Choral Society has             Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to
been completed and designs, reports and
                                                proposed to present a number of              formally recognise the assistance Latrobe
studies have been undertaken to be in a
                                                performances at the Banksia Centre.          High School provides to Latrobe Council
better position to progress the project and
                                                In return for them providing the specialist  in making its sporting fields open to local
secure sufficient funding.
                                                lighting, staging and audio to present the   football and cricket clubs for competition
Council staff have been working with Pitt                                                    and training purposes. In recent times,
                                                performances, they have sought fee free
and Sherry, Devonport City Council and                                                       membership of these organisations has
                                                access to the Banksia Centre for a set
the Cradle Coast Authority to progress the                                                   outgrown the capacity of existing
                                                period of time and Council assistance in
section of coastal pathway that links                                                        recreation facilities owned by Council.
                                                selling the tickets on an administration fee
Latrobe to Devonport. The path will run
                                                recovery basis.                              The MoU also provides use of other school
from Bells Parade to Ambleside and be
                                                Councillors agreed in-principle to the       facilities such as the gymnasium etc.
located between River Road and the
Mersey River estuary.                           proposal as a one-off arrangement by         In return, Latrobe High School has been
                                                receiving and noting the March minutes of    supported by Council with funding towards
Council’s Manager Infrastructure and
                                                the Port Sorell Performing Arts              their ground irrigation and its maintenance
Assets advised that this project is now fully
                                                Development Hub Sub-committee meeting.       will be ongoing through Council's Green
funded with the State Government, Federal
                                                                                             Spaces team.
Government and Latrobe Council each             MEMORIES OF BELLS
committed to paying one third of the cost                                                    It is envisaged that the MoU will be a
of the project. This arrangement is reliant
                                                PARADE AREA SOUGHT                           win/win for both parties and formalises
on Council funding any shortfall as the         Memories of the history of the Bells Parade what is already established usage.
                                                area continue to be sought for potential
State and Federal Government
                                                inclusion on interpretation signage even
                                                                                             NEW ROAD NAMED
contributions for the 3km long section in
the Latrobe Municipality are capped at          though the project has been temporarily put Council recently adopted Lockwood Street
                                                on hold.                                     as the name for the new road off
$1m each.                                                                                    Broadwater Court, Shearwater.
Following the finalisation of agreements,       It is important to gather this information
                                                now, while there are people in the           The developer initially proposed the names
construction will commence with
completion scheduled by 30 June 2020.           community that can clearly recall locations of ‘Walter Lockwood’ and ‘Allan Brown’
                                                of former sites, may be able to provide      for the new road, both of whom were local
BELLS PARADE WEIR                               pictures and can give first-hand accounts of to the Port Sorell area and served in World
                                                experiences for inclusion in this            War 2.
UPGRADE                                                                                      As the names Walter and Allan are first
                                                interpretation project.
It has been proposed to Council that                                                         names, they were unable to be considered.
fencing around the Bells Parade weir            The project is a joint initiative of the
                                                Henley-on-Mersey Management                  Brown was ruled out as there is already a
requires replacement. Armco type railing                                                     Browns Road at Port Sorell.
has been recommended as it was less likely      Committee and Latrobe Council and is
                                                visioned to be comparable to the             Consequently Lockwood Street was
to be damaged by future flooding. This
                                                interpretation panels around the Darrel      endorsed and is currently with the
project is being costed for Council's
                                                Baldock Memorial.                            Nomenclature Board for endorsement.
2019/20 budget deliberations.
A Tree Committee, comprising of volunteer individuals in the           There are currently several larger trees within the walk that have
community with an interest and/or expertise in horticulture,           reached the end of their lifespan and require removal. The
elected representatives of Council and led by Latrobe Council’s        committee is looking to recommend replacement species to
Green Spaces Team Leader was established in late 2018.                 council and is seeking feedback from the community on varieties
This year one of the areas that they have identified for               which they think would be suitable and in keeping with the
revitalisation are plantings along Sheean Walk in Latrobe. Sheean      current native theme.
Walk links the Latrobe Central Business District (CBD) from            If you would like to contribute to the options, please contact Sally
Sheean Memorial to the Bert Campbell Memorial Walk at River            Stubbs on 6426 4444 or email by
Road, Latrobe.                                                         midday on Friday, 31 May.
                                                                       The Green Spaces Team Leader, on behalf of the committee, is
                                                                       also investigating and costing for:
                                                                       • the replacement of the London Planes trees on the eastern side
                                                                           Hamilton Street between Reibey and Thomas Streets, Latrobe
                                                                           noting that any new planting is to allow for the future
                                                                           provision of curb and channel and a 2.4m wide foot/bike path.
                                                                           Suggestions currently include Crab Apple trees;
                                                                       • ongoing planting of Oyster Bay Pines along Port Sorell Main
                                                                           Road and around in to Alexander Street;
                                                                       • vegetation of the "Lillico land" on the corner of Port Sorell
                                                                           Main Road and Alexander Street as a key gateway to the Port
                                                                           Sorell area.
6                                                                                                                               May - June 2019
SPEED REDUCED ON                                   BUILDING UPDATE                                FREECYCLE PARTY TO
COAL MINES ROAD                                    A total of 60 building, plumbing,              REDUCE LANDFILL
                                                   demolition applications and notifications of
Following a complaint of continual                                                                Latrobe High School's Eco Team will be
                                                   works were received by Council during the
speeding on Coal Mines Road, Tarleton,                                                            holding a Freecycle Party in Station
                                                   months of February and March.
the Department of State Growth has                                                                Square, Gilbert Street, Latrobe on
                                                   They comprised of 17 dwellings; 4              Thursday, 6 June from 10:00am until
supported a speed limit reduction to 50km.
                                                   dwelling additions/alterations; 6              2:00pm as an environmental initiative
Signage is installed to reflect this change.
                                                   outbuildings; 1 commercial/industrial, 30      supporting the reduction of used items and
ENERGY EFFICIENT                                   plumbing applications and 2 other with a       waste going into landfill.
COMMUNITIES PROGRAM                                conservative value of $7,496,000.              Freecycle Parties are the latest way to
Local businesses and community groups              FIRE TRAINING                                  update your wardrobe or cupboard without
are being supported to be more energy                                                             buying new things. At a Freecycle Party, a
                                                   ENHANCES CAPABILITY                            group of people get together to swap items
efficient, reduce their emissions and lower
                                                   Members of the Tasmania Fire Service           from clothes to toys, books to sports
their power bills through the Coalition
                                                   continue to benefit from regular training,     equipment.
Government's $50 million investment in
                                                   making them more effective when
the Energy Efficient Communities                                                                  Reusing a product, rather than buying a
                                                   responding to fire situations.
Program.                                                                                          new one, reduces the demands for water,
                                                   On 19 May, the Port Sorell Fire Brigade        energy and raw materials. This reduces the
Eligible small businesses will be able to
                                                   will be joined by other local brigades to      impact on the environment.
claim grants of up to $20,000 and, high-
                                                   hone their skills in managing a grass fire.
energy using businesses up to $25,000.                                                            Team Leader Ava Wylie said that "we are
                                                   Grass fires are extremely fast moving and      running it slightly differently in that we are
These grants could be used to fund the
                                                   require a coordinated approach to              asking that donated items be dropped at
replacement of lighting, air conditioning
                                                   extinguish them.                               Latrobe High School at specific times
and refrigeration systems to help reduce
energy costs.                                      The exercise will be held at the Port Sorell   during the week of 20 May, stay tuned to
                                                   Recreation Ground, opposite the Port           Latrobe High School's Facebook page for
Expressions of interest in the Energy
                                                   Sorell Fire Station in Rice Street, Port       times.
Efficient Communities Program is
                                                   Sorell.                                        Each donor will receive a token for each
available from Senator Steve Martin by
phoning 6423 1453 or emailing                      Rather than a real fire on the Port Sorell     item donated that they can then exchange                         Recreation Ground though, it will be a         for items at the Freecycle Party on 6 June.
                                                   simulation marked out by witches hats.         Not everyone will want to take their token
RIVER ROAD                                         If you are interested in learning more about   so there will be a pool of donated tokens
STABILISATION                                      the Port Sorell Fire Brigade, come along       for use by the public.
During a recent inspection of the Bells            and view the activity between 9.00am until     In holding the Freecycle Party at Station
Parade weir it was noted that the timber           midday.                                        Square, it is hoped to make it more
retaining walls opposite it and adjacent to        Did you know that there are no                 accessible to everyone."
River Road were in a poor condition.               permanently manned fire stations within
The smaller retaining wall was                     the Latrobe Municipality and brigades are      PORT SORELL SPORTS
consequently removed and the bank                  always seeking more volunteers. These          While the main winter rosters for mixed
battered back to a slope.                          volunteers primarily respond to fires but      netball, women's netball and mixed
                                                   can also be called upon to assist with motor   volleyball commenced just after Easter at
The larger wall will have steel posts
                                                   vehicle accidents and provide ambulance        the Banksia Centre in Port Sorell, if you
rammed into the existing log posts to
                                                   support.                                       are thinking of forming a team or interested
stabilise the retaining wall.
                                                   Want to know more? Contact your local          in playing, please give John House a call
Additional drainage works will be                                                                 on 0407 561 283 asap. Umpires provided.
required.                                          brigade or the Tasmania Fire Service North
                                                   West Regional Office on 6477 7250.
             may                                                              may
             6    Introduction to Needlework Workshop with Helen              25 Shearwater Mulled Wine in May at Shearwater
                  West and Ros Donald at the Latrobe Arts Hub, 21                 Village, Club Drive, Shearwater from 5:30pm until
                  George Street, Latrobe. Every Monday until 8 July               9:30pm. Traffic detours apply from 4:00pm until
                  2019. Costs apply. Book -               11:00pm. Refer to separate article.
             11   Continental and Fair Isle Knitting with Irene Nissen        25-26 The Art of Collage with Gina. For beginners to
                  at the Latrobe Arts Hub, 21 George Street, Latrobe.             experienced. Costs apply with 1-2 day options. Some
                  Bookings to                            raw materials supplied. Workshop fee must be received

                  Also on 8 June, 13 July and 8 August                            by 13 May. Bookings to
             12   Mother’s Day                                                june
             12   Ella Rose performs at Shearwater Resort, Shearwater Bvd,    2   Hook Rug Workshop with Joanne at the Latrobe
                  Shearwater from 12 noon until 3:30pm. Free event.               Visitor Information Centre and Arts Hub, 21 George
                  Bookings  6428 6205                                            Street, Latrobe. Costs apply. Bookings to
             13   Latrobe Council Meeting from 5:00pm at the Latrobe    
                  Council Chambers, 170 Gilbert Street, Latrobe.              3   Anti-Bullying Parent and Community Forum with
             18   Annual Fundraising Garage Sale at the Port Sorell               motivational guest speaker Jonny Shannon at the
                  Anglican Church, 17 Rice Street, Port Sorell from               Devonport Paranaple Centre from 6:00pm. Refer to
                  8:30am until 1:30pm. Surplus church equipment, toys,            separate article. Presented in partnership between
                  kitchen items, produce, plants and cakes for sale.              Latrobe High School, Reece High School, Devonport
                   6428 7810                                                     High School, the Education Department and supported
             18   Latrobe Football Club 1969 Golden Jubilee from                  by the Devonport City Council and Latrobe Council.
                  6:00pm at the Latrobe Football Club with special guest,     6   Freecycle Party hosted by Latrobe High School at
                  Shane Crawford. Costs apply. Bookings essential.                Station Square, Latrobe from 10:00am until 2:00pm.
                  Refer to separate article                                       Refer to separate article.  6426 1061
May - June 2019                                                                                                                               7
EXPANDED AGED CARE                                YOUR VOICE MATTERS                             HEART FOUNDATION
                                               Council on the Ageing (COTA) Australia            WALKING
SERVICES                                       are seeking older Australians to share their
Uniting AgeWell has opened a new                                                                 Walking is one of the most popular forms
                                               views on the issues and policies that matter
community service office at Latrobe to                                                           of exercise throughout Australia. You can
                                               to them as part of COTA’s 2019 Federal
support growing demand for in the north-                                                         do it at any time to suit you, by yourself,
                                               Election Panel.
west.                                                                                            with a friend or as part of a group.
                                               With the Royal Commission shining the
CEO Andrew Kinnersly said the new                                                                Did you know that there are two local
                                               light on the shortcomings of the current
office, at Magnolia House, 8 Hamilton                                                            Heart Foundation walking groups -
                                               aged care system, older Australians
Street, would enable Uniting AgeWell to                                                          Tuesday at Shearwater and Friday at
                                               needing better access to dental health
continue expanding its services and                                                              Latrobe?
                                               services and with increasing numbers of
provide more services to seniors in the        mature age workers unemployed, COTA               Walking in a group not only keeps you fit
region.                                        are at a crossroads for how they plan and         and active but is a great way to expand
The organisation delivers care to almost       advocate for Australia’s ageing population.       your social contacts and make new friends.
200 people living in their homes across the COTA Australia invite you to join their              A group is also more visible than an
region, including federally-funded Home        Federal Election Panel by completing a            individual and can help you stay motivated
Care Packages that provide assistance with short 10-15 minute online survey at                   to your new healthy lifestyle while you are
personal and clinical care, household                            part of your community.
chores, assistive technology and transport.                                                      To find out more about a Heart Foundation
                                               The results of this survey will help COTA
It also offers social groups and carer respite Australia refine its own policy priorities        Walking Group near you, go online to
services, including a men’s group and          and enable them to exert pressure on    
gardening group, to support people to          political leaders of all stripes to commit to     king/tasmania.
remain connected and engaged in their
community, and aims to increase its
                                               key asks now that we are in Federal               MOBILE PHONE
                                               Government election mode.
offering to cater for a wide range of                                                            RECYCLING
interests.                                     FOSTER PARENTS                                    With a growing need for community
Transition Care Packages are provided          SOUGHT                                            education and advice around recycling and
across the region to assist people             Baptcare have recently been appointed to          sustainability practices in Australia,
recovering from a hospital stay to access      run the Foster Care Program in Tasmania           positive partnerships and accessible
short-term services to regain their wellness and are seeking to recruit new families to          recycling are key factors. Latrobe Council
or independence at home as well as             care for some of the most vulnerable              continues to work with MobileMuster to
domestic assistance and flexible respite       children within our communities.                  encourage the recycling of mobile phones
through the Commonwealth Home Support The qualities attributed to a good foster                  and accessories.
Program.                                                                                         Over the past 12 years, MobileMuster have
                                               carer is someone who has empathy, is a
Through the skilled team based at              good listener, shows perseverance when            collected over 42 tonnes of mobile phone
Magnolia House, members of the                 things get tough, are flexible and                components nationally, equating to
community can obtain detailed information adaptable, has patience and humour as well             approximately 570,000 handsets and
and advice on the services and supports        as stability and consistency in your              batteries. Without this program, these
available to keep them living well at home. personal and family life.                            would have ended up in landfill. Through
As a further reflection of Uniting                                                               MobileMuster they are manufactured in to
                                               Does this sound like you or someone you
AgeWell’s commitment to the region, its                                                          new products.
aged care residence, Latrobe Community,                                                          So, if you have any old phones just
                                               If so, please contact Allison Hicks on
Strathdevon, has undergone a major                                                               gathering dust at home, why not drop them
                                               63236700 and get the conversation started.
extension and renovation, with a new 30-                                                         in to the collection box at the Latrobe
bed wing recently opening.                     Can you make a huge difference in                 Council office, 170 Gilbert Street, Latrobe.
                                               someone’s life?
            jun                                                                    at the Latrobe Arts Hub, 21 George Street, Latrobe.
                                                                                   Costs apply. Book -
            7   Coast to Coast Baroque with Van Diemen’s Band
                and Lotte Betts-Dean at the Latrobe Memorial Hall,           jul
                Gilbert Street, Latrobe from 6:00pm. Tasmania’s own          8     Latrobe Council Meeting from 5:00pm at the Latrobe
                baroque super-group, Van Diemen’s Band will be joined              Council Chambers, 170 Gilbert Street, Latrobe.
                by internationally acclaimed mezzo-soprano, Lotte            10    World Chocolate Day and release of Chocolate
                Betts-Dean for a coast to coast tour of baroque                    Winterfest, Latrobe program
                favourites by Vivaldi, Handel and Scarlatti. Tickets

                                                                             26    Schools Tree Day - register at or
                available online at                     by phoning 1300 88 5000
            9 Leonard n Tome Trio performs at Shearwater Resort,             27    Spinning Workshop with Rasa and Joanne at the
                Shearwater Bvd, Shearwater from 6:00pm until 9:30pm.               Latrobe Visitor Information Centre and Arts Hub, 21
                Free event. Bookings not essential.  6428 6205                    George Street, Latrobe. Costs apply. Bookings to
            11 Latrobe Council Meeting from 5:00pm at the Latrobe         or
                Council Chambers, 170 Gilbert Street, Latrobe.               28    National Tree Day - register at or
            15-16 Ceramic Birds workshop with guest artist Eve                     by phoning 1300 88 5000
                Howard. Learn how to mould clay to create a bird at the
                Latrobe Arts Hub, 21 George St, Latrobe. Places              august
                limited. Book via                    10 Stencil Print on Card and Fabric Workshop with
            19 Soup and Sandwich Luncheon with entertainment by                 Kim O’Brien at the Latrobe Arts Hub, 21 George Street,
                the Port Sorell U3A Choir at the Port Sorell Bowls Club,        Latrobe. Costs apply. Bookings to
                Meredith Street, Latrobe. This is a major fundraiser for
                the Rubicon Grove Auxiliary.                                 11 Chocolate Winterfest, Latrobe held at multiple
            30 Tassel Making Workshop with Marjorie Brotheridge                 locations in and around the town of Latrobe.
                using pre loved fabric and additions ie buttons and fibres
8                                                                                                                              May - June 2019
                           MERSEY HELIPAD NEARS COMPLETION
                                                                                                The Mersey Community Hospital’s state-of-
                                                                                                the-art helipad will be operational in the next
                                                                                                couple of weeks.
                                                                                                The helipad is now complete and is currently
                                                                                                undergoing testing and commissioning.
                                                                                                MCH Acting General Manager Anthony
                                                                                                Hurst said the new helipad would allow for
                                                                                                faster patient transfers than ever before.
                                                                                                “When a person is seriously ill, or has been
                                                                                                involved in an accident, every second
                                                                                                matters,’ Mr Hurst said.
                                                                                                “The MCH-based helipad will allow us to
                                                                                                transfer patients to the most appropriate
                                                                                                tertiary hospital for their needs - whether
                                                                                                that be in Launceston, Hobart or
                                                                                                The helipad features special deck lighting
                                                                                                that supports night vision technology so
                                                                                                helicopters can land safely at any time of the
                                                                                                night or day.
                                                                                                Mr Hurst said a project was also underway to
                                                                                                replace vegetation removed during the
                                                                                                helipad project.
RUBICON AUXILIARY                               HOSPITAL AUXILIARY                               TOURIST
PLANS YEAR’S                                    TURNS 70                                         ACCOMMODATION
ACTIVITIES                                      The Mersey Community Hospital                    REFURBISHMENT LOAN
                                                Auxiliary recently celebrated their 70th
The Rubicon Grove Auxiliary held its            birthday anniversary with a lovely 2-course      SCHEME
Annual General Meeting in March at              luncheon at the Australian Axeman’s Hall         The Tourist Accommodation
which retiring President, Noelle Geeves,        of Fame with their oldest member, Mrs            Refurbishment Loan Scheme (TARLS)
was acknowledged for her service and            Dawn Burk, cutting the anniversary cake.         provides for up to $20 million for low
commitment to the auxiliary as President                                                         interest loans, over an initial two-year
                                                The main activity of this volunteer group is
for the past five years.                                                                         period, for eligible tourist accommodation
                                                the operation of the hospital kiosk situated
The incoming executive was elected and          near the hospital's Emergency Department.        businesses operating in Tasmania.
are Sharron Martin - President; Bridget                                                          TARLS provides assistance to tourism
                                                The income raised through the kiosk is
Cole - Vice President; Elaine Bramich –                                                          operators to lift the standard of their
                                                reinvested back in the hospital with the
Secretary and Deidre Merrick - Treasurer.                                                        product or services.
                                                purchase of equipment and medical aids
Thursday night's Knit and Natter group that     that ultimately benefit local patients.          Loans are provided for a minimum of
was previously at George and Dave’s but                                                          $50,000 to a maximum of $1.5 million.
                                                On 21 May the Mersey Community
relocated to Rubicon Grove some months
                                                Hospital are hosting a Thank You morning         For more information please call Chris
ago, will be in recess until daylight savings
                                                tea for these volunteers are part of             Cooper at the Office of the Coordinator-
starts again. Enquiries on the knitting
                                                Volunteer Week.                                  General on 6777 2808 or email
group should be directed to Mrs Kaye
                                                If you are interested in learning more about
Dutton on 0459 472 758.
The auxiliary’s major fundraising events
                                                the Mersey Community Hospital Auxiliary,         HERITAGE PLACES
                                                please telephone Maureen on 0488 784
this year include a dessert stall at the
                                                654.                                             RENEWAL LOAN SCHEME
Shearwater Mulled Wine in May festival                                                           The Heritage Places Renewal Loan
which will be held in Shearwater Village        ORAL HISTORY                                     Scheme provides up to $10 million in low
on 25 May as well as the annual Soup and
Sandwich Luncheon at the Port Sorell
                                                WORKSHOP                                         interest loans, over an initial two-year
                                                With increasing interest in recording local      period, for owners of Tasmanian Heritage
Bowls Club on 19 June. The Port Sorell                                                           listed properties.
U3A Choir will provide the entertainment        history from the people that lived it before
                                                they move on, an Oral History Workshop           Loans are available for refurbishing a
at the luncheon and you will be sure to
                                                covering all aspects of oral history practice    property that facilitates tourism and
enjoy a delightful lunch while helping to
                                                including interview technique, ethics,           business development opportunities,
raise funds to support the needs of
                                                transcription and publication, will be held      undertaking essential heritage conservation
residents at Rubicon Grove.
                                                at the Glenorchy Library on 25 May from          projects, developing a business or adapting
The next meeting of the Rubicon Grove                                                            a property to support a new business
                                                10:00am until 4:45pm including lunch.
Auxiliary will be held in the Rubicon                                                            initiative that will grow the visitor
Grove Development Room on Wednesday,            Costs apply - $30 student; $40 member or
                                                $50 mon-member.                                  economy. Loans are not available for
15 May at the new time of 1:00pm.                                                                properties used as a private residence.
If you wish to know more about the              Register online at
                                              Loans will be provided for a minimum of
Rubicon Grove Auxiliary, please phone                                                            $100,000 to a maximum of $1.5 million.
Elaine on 0408 637 019.                         kshopRegGlenorchy.pdf
                                                                                                 Information is available at
May - June 2019                                                                                                                        9
                                                doing youth work to help other students       •   Port Sorell Golf Course drainage
ANTI-BULLYING FORUM                             like him in the future.                           improvements
WITH JONNY SHANNON                              A parent and community forum at the           • Stormwater network upgrade works in
Bullying can have a profound effect on          Devonport Paranaple Centre will be                Dumbleton Street, Taroona Street and
one’s life, leading you on a road of self-      held from 6:00pm on Monday 3 June.                Quinlan Crescent
destruction however you can turn that           At this forum, Jonny will provide guidance    • Rural Roadside drain cleaning program
around.                                         on how you can empower the victim,            • Rural road gravel shoulder grading
That was the case for Jonny Shannon who         making sure that they are able to control         program
is nowadays an international technology         how they deal with bullying.
entrepreneur and travels the work to share                                                    Town Services Team
                                                There will be separate follow up sessions
how he worked through being bullied.            with students at Latrobe High School,         • Latrobe Recreation Ground
                                                Reece High School and Devonport High              improvements including main
                                                School. This session is for parents and the       grandstand refurbishment, replace and
                                                wider community to support the messaging          upgrade Hill Bar, electrical upgrades,
                                                and how they can give support to someone          main entrance upgrade
                                                being bullied that could help them achieve    • Latrobe Depot renovations
                                                their life potential. Will that be you?       • Gilbert Street bike racks
                                                This forum is a partnership between the       • Elderly Persons Units - construct new
                                                Education Department, Latrobe High                gazebo
Jonny grew up in South Auckland, New
                                                School, Reece High School, Devonport          • Station Square - revitalise timber
                                                High School and supported by Devonport            furniture and shade structure
Zealand and found school extremely
                                                City Council and Latrobe Council.
difficult, having undiagnosed dyslexia and                                                    • Building maintenance program
other disabilities which led him to failing     COUNCIL’S CURRENT                             • Playground maintenance program
all his subjects and being bullied.             WORKS REPORT                                  Green Spaces Team
After overreacting too many times, Jonny        The following works are                       • Perkins Park ground upgrades
was finally expelled for fighting too much
and not showing up to school. It wasn't
                                                scheduled to be                               • Pig island development of walking
                                                undertaken                                        tracks
until his last school that a counsellor took    throughout the
him aside to work through some of the key                                                     • Bosworth Park playground upgrades
issues he was facing.                           Municipality during                           • Mowing and lawn care program
The difference for Jonny was from "night        May-June:                                     • Tree maintenance program
to day". He quickly turned his academic         Civil Construction and                        • Weed spraying program
performance around and focused on his           Maintenance Team                              • Garden maintenance program
emotional wellbeing.
                                                • East Sassafras Road Corner                  Should you have any queries, please do not
Surprised in the difference seeing a
                                                    Realignment between Chapel Road and       hesitate to contact Council's Operations
counsellor made, Jonny committed to
                                                    Bass Highway                              Manager on 6426 4453.
Getting older doesn’t mean slowing           When defining an older person, this refers to people aged 50+.
down but there can be different              From a “wish list” of activities, it is proposed to fulfil as many gaps as possible and have
challenges that arise that may prevent       them available the week of 14-21 October. This is your opportunity to reimagine ageing and
you from staying socially connected          have an input on what you would like to be involved in into the future.
and physically able.                         Please forward your "wish list" to Council’s Community Development Officer, Michelle
This becomes very apparent when the          Dutton at by 31 May.
kids are off your hands, you become
single again or you have hit retirement.
Throughout the Latrobe Municipality,
there are a range of healthy and positive
initiatives that support intergenerational
community engagement and personal
Reviewing what’s currently available
locally and what the emerging needs of
a community are can broaden
opportunities not only for older
residents but the community
Perhaps activities exist and you are
simply not aware of them or maybe
there is something that you have always
wanted to try but it doesn't (yet) exist.
Council's Community Development
Officer is seeking your input on what
sort of activities older residents might
like to try their hand at.
10                                                                                                                     May - June 2019
                                             RSL’S MEMBERSHIP                              He has served on numerous committees
                                                                                           and spent many hours in the Speedway
                                             DRIVE                                         canteen, on the Footy gates and out making
                                                          The Annual General Meeting       fairy floss at school and community events.
                                                           of the Latrobe RSL saw the      On top of all that, Peter has organised
The University of the Third Age (U3A)                      election of Ray Will as         many social events but perhaps the one he
Port Sorell provides a diverse range of                    President, Bob Foster as Vice   has been most passionate about has been
stimulating educational, creative and                      President, Betty Manners        Relay for Life, even when dealing with his
leisure programs to engage retired or semi- Secretary while the Treasurer's role was       own health problems. Whatever was going
retired people over the age of 50 years in   filled by Hans Gramberg. Jeff Garwood,        on personally with Peter, he was usually
their ongoing physical and mental health     Bill and Frances Fair were elected as         there lending a hand.
wellbeing.                                   Committee Members.                            Aside from his support of the club and its
An information session for the Term 2        This year's national ANZAC Day theme          members he also quietly helps out many in
program will be held on 10 May at the        paid tribute to the contribution of nurses    the community without most being aware
Banksia Centre, morning tea included, with during times of conflict and in Australia's     of his contribution. He has a quiet sense of
course enrolments closing on 17 May.         Services. It is the RSL's pleasure to         fun but give him a costume, especially a
Term 2 starts on 27 May.                     coordinate another well attended Dawn         Santa suit, and he really blossoms. Peter
The annual membership fee is $45 applies     ANZAC Day Service and enjoy the               will be missed by the club.
plus a small additional charge per class of  company of the broader community at the       Just a reminder that if you have spectacles
$2, sometimes a little more depending on     clubrooms in Belly’s Bar and Grill for        you no longer need, you can recycle them
materials required.                          breakfast and other ANZAC Day activities.     at the Latrobe Family Medical Practice or
Congratulations to the new executive, led    The Latrobe RSL Sub-Branch Inc.               Coventry’s Pharmacy where they will be
by Tony Harris as President; Lesley Young conducted three pre-ANZAC Day Services           repurposed for people less fortunate.
as Vice President/Public Officer/Special     on 24 April. One at Strathdevon aged care     If you are interested in helping the Lions
Events; Wendy Sinfield as Secretary and      facility in Latrobe, another at Rubicon       Club of Latrobe serve the community,
Memberships; Anne Turner as Treasurer,       Grove in Shearwater and a third at            please email or
Wanda Carmichael as Program/Venue Co- Melaleuca in East Devonport.                         phone 0438 241 129.
ordinator; John Sumpton as IT/               Members also partnered with Latrobe
Communications and Enrolments; Libby         Council to present the mid-morning
                                                                                           CHURCH MOVES TO
Prescott the Office Manager; Di Kelly        Citizens Commemorative Service on             RUBICON GROVE
provides Functions and Venue Assistance      ANZAC Day.
with Ann Lewis the Publicity Officer.                                                      COMMUNITY CENTRE
                                             Did you know that along with service
U3A Port Sorell’s office at the Banksia                                                    Last month the Bridge of Hope Anglican
                                             membership, if you are related to a current
Centre, Pitcairn Street, Port Sorell is open                                               Church moved from Rice Street, Port
                                             or former member of the Defence force,
Monday to Friday from 10.00am to                                                           Sorell to the Facilities Room at the
                                             police, ambulance, fire brigade or SES, you
12 noon. Phone 0499 162 539 or visit their are eligible to join the Latrobe RSL as an      Rubicon Grove Community Centre. An
website at                                                        official Opening and Blessing by Bishop
                                             affiliate member? If you have no such         Richard Condie was held with visitors
DYNAMIC ARTS HUB                             association, you can join as a social         attending from community groups,
                                             member. By joining the Latrobe RSL, you
EMBRACES ALL                                 are assisting in the welfare of ex-
                                                                                           OneCare, Rubicon Grove and other
               Have you visited the                                                        churches.
                                             servicemen and women, war widows and
               exhibition space at the       dependants in the local community. You        The new space is very welcoming and is
               Latrobe Arts Hub, 21 George are also supporting the men and women of        used each week for church on Sunday,
               Streets, Latrobe?             the Australian Defence Force.                 Mainly Music on Wednesday and a
This venue is filled with a wonderful                                                      knitting group twice a month.
                                             While it is not until November, the Latrobe
variety of original artworks and a fabulous RSL are already planning to broaden the        A new Clavinova suitable for the room has
selection of cards by members of Rubicon     significance of Remembrance Day in            been purchased and was demonstrated by
River Arts and it's all for sale.            Latrobe.                                      musicians at a piano soiree recently.
Rubicon River Arts are an eclectic group of For information on anything RSL related,       Sunday services at 9:30am have been well
artists that work across a variety of        please contact the Secretary, Betty           attended and are followed by a morning
mediums.                                     Manners on 0447 021 776.                      tea. Services are led by Revd. Susan Willis
Their next get together is at 10:00am on                                                   who commenced this year as a Locum
8 June at the Latrobe Arts Hub so if you     LIONS CLUB OF LATROBE                         Minister.
are the arty type and seeking to connect                   The Lions Club of Latrobe is    The church hopes to continue to grow
with like-minded individuals, you will be                   pleased to announce that Mr    through welcoming new residents in the
made most welcome.                                           Dudley Parker is their        area into the fellowship along with
Details of upcoming workshops and arts                      incoming   President for the   residents of Rubicon Grove. Families with
opportunities including Needlework,                        2019/20  year with Brian        young children are also encouraged to take
Continental and Fair Isle Knitting, Collage, Stewart taking on the role of Secretary.      part. Over
Hook Rug, Ceramic Birds and Tassel           The Club's contact details are PO Box 100,    Over 20 families have registered for the
Making can be found in the What's On         Latrobe or email                              Mainly Music program which caters for
section of this newsletter.                             pre-school children and their parent or
Want to know more about Rubicon River        Sadly, Lion Peter Burk, who has given         carer. This is held from 9:30am until
Arts Inc? Look for them on Facebook,         outstanding support to club activities over   11:00am every Wednesday during school
email,       his 12-year membership, has resigned.         terms.
phone Angela on 0498 243 460 or call in to Peter has served as a member of the Board,      For inquiries please phone Grant on
Latrobe Arts Hub, 21 George Street,          Vice President, two terms as President and    6428 7810.
Latrobe.                                     Tail Twister.
You can also read