Montana kaimin Friday - night - Townnews

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Montana kaimin Friday - night - Townnews
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    QEY M I N   “ PA P E R T HAT B R I N G S N E WS”

Montana kaimin Friday - night - Townnews
                                                                 EDITORIAL STAFF                                 NEWSROOM STAFF
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                                                                 Patrick Boise            Jaqueline Evans-Shaw   Joann Martin           Jazzlyn Johnson     Jiakai Lou
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The Montana Kaimin is a weekly independent student
newspaper at the University of Montana. It does not condone
or encourage any illegal activities. The Kaimin office and the
University of Montana are located on land originally inhabited
by the Salish People. Kaimin is a derivative of a Salish
language word, “Qeymin,”   that is pronounced kay-MEEN and
means “book,” “message,” or “paper that brings news.”

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          @MONTANAKAIMIN                                                  bookkeeping, data entry or billing work for the City of Missoula.

                                                                                                                                                                          COOPER MALIN | MONTANA KAIMIN

2   September 4, 2019
Montana kaimin Friday - night - Townnews

Going in blind, one long semester at a time
    A lot goes into what classes a student      Planner on the University’s website allows           With the constant decline in enrollment       especially for students nearing graduation.
takes and what their timeline is for gradu-     you to search for what classes are classi-       and funding for programs across campus,              Starting the semester knowing your
ating. You have to think about gen ed class-    fied as a fall semester course or a spring se-   flexibility in classes is slim. Many classes      schedule can be really helpful, but that is
es, requirements for a major, the possibili-    mester course, but there is no definite list     are only offered once a year, and for many        truly only being able to see four months
ty of a minor or a certificate, maintaining     of what classes will be offered. In the past,    majors and minors there is a sequence for         into the future. This, just in case the ad-
a job outside of classes and participating in   students could schedule out what class-          the required classes.                             ministration does not realize, is not the
campus organizations. All these moving          es they would be taking for two or three             Gambling on being able to take a class        same as being able to schedule your class-
pieces play a part in a very complicated        semesters in advance. Without knowing            when you need it can set students back an         es out two or three semesters, and does not
schedule.                                       what classes will be offered in the near         entire semester, or even year. The Univer-        give students the peace of mind we need.
    Thankfully, the University of Montana       future, students are left with many unan-        sity may have that amount of time, but stu-
has its students’ best interests in mind and    swered questions.                                dents do not.
our class schedules covered. Well, for one          Will the classes I need to take be of-           Knowing what your options are for the
                                                                                                                                                   LIKE IT? HATE IT? WISH WE WERE DEAD?
semester at a time, at least.                   fered? Will the classes I need to take con-      next semester is super important. Not be-
                                                                                                                                                                          Email us your opinions at
    And that is about it.                       flict with each other? Will I be able to take    ing able to plan for the next year is an un-
                                                                                                                                Week of 9/2/19 - 9/8/19
    Looking at future semesters, Academic       all the classes I need to graduate on time?      necessary stress to add to a student’s plate,

                                                                                                 SUDOKU                                                         Edited by Margie E. Burke

  Big ups                                                                                        Difficulty: Easy

                                                                                                         8                           4
                                                                                                                                                                     HOW TO SOLVE:
                                                                                                                                                               Each row must contain the
  to teachers who don’t require textbooks                                                                                                                  numbers 1 to 9; each column must
                                                                                                                3                                5          contain the numbers 1 to 9; and

                                                                                                                                                             each set of 3 by 3 boxes must
                                                                                                                                                              contain the numbers 1 to 9.
                                                                                                  7               8                              9 1
                 to week-two burnout —this isn’t supposed to                                      6             2 4                                             Answers to Last Week’s Sudoku:
                                                                                                                                                            2    4    1   3    7   6   9    8   5
                                                  happen yet                                             5                 6 3   7                          6    9    3   8    5   4   7    1   2
  Big ups                                                                                                              7     9 2                            8
  to the football team for winning its season opener and                                          1                        8                                9    2    7   5    4   8   1    6   3
                                                                                                                                                            3    5    4   1    6   7   2    9   8
  giving us a glimmer of hope                                                                                          5 6       8
                                                                                                                                                            4    8    2   7    1   5   6    3   9
                                                                                                                       9     4 7                            7    3    9   6    8   2   4    5   1
                                                                                                                                                            5    1    6   4    9   3   8    2   7
                    to the classes that start at 8 a.m. every day                                Copyright 2019 by The Puzzle Syndicate

  Big ups
  to the Food Zoo for being open on Labor Day

                                                                                                                                                       September 4, 2019 3
Montana kaimin Friday - night - Townnews
COFFEE ARRIVES AT ECK HALL                           nalist, is set to deliver the next lecture on Mon-   a lead in the second and third quarters, the       Missoula County Sheriff’s Office,
    A new coffee shop opened up on the sec-          day, Oct. 14, in the Dennison Theater.               Griz defense deterred South Dakota from            and separate investigations into the
ond floor of the Liberal Arts building on Aug.       (HD)                                                              scoring in the final quarter.         cause of death are still ongoing.
27. Heart and Soul Coffee offers new drink                                                                                 (SYDNEY AKRIDGE)                  (SA)
specials, but so far does not offer iced drinks.     MONTANA FOOT-
The shop boasts a brand new, high-tech latte         BALL’S FIRST                                                                   MISSOULA PO-             SORORITY AND FRATERNITY RECRUIT-
                                                     WIN OF THE                                                                       LICE FIND AND          MENT TO FACE CHANGES
                                                     SEASON                                                                             IDENTIFY                 Rush will be kicking off next week, with
CORNEL WEST KICKS OFF UM PRESI-                          The Griz                                                                        BODIES              fraternity orientation starting on Sept. 8 and
DENT’S LECTURE SERIES                                football                                                                                   Missou-      sorority orientation on Sept. 9. The official re-
                                                     team                                                                                    la Police       cruitment process for fraternities and sorori-
   Author, philosopher and activist Cornel           opened its                                                                               discovered     ties takes place on Sept. 9-14, and Sept. 12-15,
West criticized the present state of U.S. politics   first road                                                                               two bodies     respectively. This year, in order for fraternity
in his lecture entitled “The Fight for the Soul      game of                                                                                  in different   pledges to get a bid, they must register with
of America,” which he delivered to a packed          the season                                                                              locations of    the Interfraternity Council by Sept. 12. Addi-
crowd on Aug. 28. West’s lecture, which took         on Satur-                                                                               Missoula        tionally, several events will take place on cam-
place at the Wilma, marked the beginning of          day with a                                                                             on Aug. 24.      pus instead of at houses. According to the Di-
this year’s University of Montana President’s        win against                                                                           Both bodies       rector of Fraternity and Sorority Involvement,
Lecture Series. Tommy Orange, New York               South Dakota                                                                         were iden-         Lacey Zinke, activities will also include a more
Times bestselling author and Pulitzer Prize fi-      (31-17). Gaining                                                                  tified by the         structured timeline.

4 September 4, 2019
Montana kaimin Friday - night - Townnews

Fraternity’s move prompts recruitment changes
                                                 well said, “not just a fraternity. They didn’t
                                                 only care about partying, which sometimes
                                                 seems like that’s what it’s all about.”
    A University of Montana fraternity               When asked if he’d ever rejoin SAE, Brid-
closed its house this summer due to a declin-    well said he was unsure.
ing number of permanent house residents.             “I might eventually,” he said. “Right now
    Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) was forced to      I’m not that interested, seeing how small it
move off Greek Row after its recruitment and     is.”
live-in numbers, or the number of members            Bridwell continued, commenting on the
actually living in the chapter’s house, didn’t   decline in Greek life at UM as a whole.
satisfy the rent requirements. The fraterni-         “The Greek system just doesn’t seem that
ty’s housing corporation notified the chapter    big for a place like Missoula,” he said. “I wish
of the lease situation in July 2019. Members     it was bigger. Right now it kind of seems like
had a little over a month, until Aug. 15, to     they hide [Greek life].”
find new arrangements.                               Greek life at UM has come under fire pe-
    Joe Hollowell, 20, president of SAE and      riodically in the last few years. Allegations of
a third-year student at the University, said     sexual assault prompted both the University
he joined the frat his freshman year to make     and Greek chapters to update the Greek life
new friends and cultivate leadership skills.     and University of Montana Agreement last
    Members didn’t get much notice before        year.
they found out about the house.                      Revisions for the agreement began early
    “It was kind of a shock,” Hollowell said.    in the fall of 2018.
“Not completely, but we didn’t find out              Stipulations over this proposed agree-
that moving was a possibility until the last     ment included making chapter heads man-
month of school (last spring, 2019).”            datory reporters and swiping Griz Cards at
    Hollowell said SAE would need 14 new         all Greek life events (including parties).
members to renew the lease and afford rent,          While the agreement, which was sup-
which comes out to $3,500 per live-in resi-      posed to be implemented by the fall semes-
dent per semester.                               ter of 2019, is still in the revision stage, there
    “Which isn’t unheard of,” he continued.      are other measures being enacted to boost                 The Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, Missoula, Montana. The fraternity members were notified
                                                                                                           in July of the house’s closure for the coming semester. HUNTER WIGGINS | MONTANA KAIMIN
“My freshman year we had 24 incoming             registration and recruitment, said Lacey
members.”                                        Zinke, Fraternity and Sorority Involvement
    The fraternity has steadily lost members,    director.                                                Recruitment for fraternities and so-             sation and interaction between prospective
from 45 in spring 2017 to 32 in spring 2019.         She said that while SAE losing the house         rorities at UM looks different, Zinke said.          and existing members, Zinke said.
    Ex-SAE member Harrison Bridwell com-         was far from ideal, the situation wasn’t un-         Historically, the sororities have had more               Hollowell said recruitment would defi-
mented on the closure of the house.              heard of for fraternities at UM. Kappa Sigma,        structure throughout the process, while the          nitely look different this year. Instead of be-
    “It’s a bummer,” Bridwell said. “They’re     for example, has not had an official chapter         fraternities’ recruitment process is more ca-        ing centered around the house, recruitment
all a great bunch of guys, and they all worked   house since it reestablished as a frat at UM         sual and continues multiple times through-           activities will take place on campus. He said
really hard to try and get more people.”         in 2007.                                             out the year.                                        it would be the biggest challenge for SAE to
    Bridwell, 19, is a sophomore business ma-        Zinke is completing her second year as               In previous years, fraternity prospects          face, because the chapter’s house is the big-
jor at UM. He joined SAE his freshman year,      the FSI director and has been working with           could choose to go to any house and meet             gest draw for many prospects.
then had to drop out for personal reasons,       the Panhellenic and Interfraternity Councils         with the existing members, without a sched-              Hollowell is still optimistic.
he said. His whole family had been part of       on the Greek Life Agreement. She’s also been         ule of events or prior registration.                     “I think it’s about quality over quantity at
Greek life at different schools across the       working with chapters directly, to help boost            This year, there will be an orientation          this point,” Hollowell said. “I think it would
country, so he knew it was something he          enrollment in the recruitment process.               “meet and greet,” Zinke said, to push for a          be great, obviously, to have a large incoming
wanted to be involved in.                            “For the men, we’re really trying to shift       big registration burst. Additionally, pros-          class. But finding quality people is going to
    SAE stood out to Bridwell right away as      to more of a structured recruitment,” Zinke          pects will have to be registered for three           be what’s really key.”
an obvious choice for bid day. He said the       said. “A little more values-based. Focused           days before they can receive a bid from a                Recruitment week for fraternities runs
frat appealed to him in more ways than one.      more on conversation, and not who has the            house.                                               Sept. 9 to 14, with the last possible registra-
    “It seemed like a group of friends,” Brid-   best barbecue.”                                          This will ideally promote more conver-           tion day falling on Sept. 12.

                                                                                                                                                               September 4, 2019   5
Montana kaimin Friday - night - Townnews

UM Food Pantry coordinator added to ASUM
CONNOR SIMPSON                                    spondents faced food insecurity, 55% faced                       housing insecurity and 28% were homeless.
                                                  In comparison, national figures showed 45%,
    During the Associated Students of the         56% and 17%, respectively, according to the
University of Montana’s first meeting on          national survey.
Wednesday night, student senators unani-              “Overall, 67% of students who respond-
mously passed a resolution to add a new po-       ed to our survey had faced some form of ba-
sition to their list of personnel. ASUM now       sic-need insecurity within the last year, and
officially recognizes Katherine Cowley as the     that number is just way too high,” Cowley
UM Food Pantry Student Coordinator.               said during the ASUM meeting.
    “ASUM provides us with more legislative           Cowley appeared before ASUM on
support and a financial safety net,” Cowley,      Wednesday to speak about the service the
23, said in an interview.                         pantry provides for the campus. In the first
    As a Renter Center employee, Cowley will      six months of the pantry opening in early
have more support when it comes to funding        February, it served 85 students at the UC lo-
and managing the food pantry, with the full       cation alone, she said.
weight of ASUM behind her.                            According to Cowley, the UM Food Pan-
    Over the summer, the UM Food Pantry           try has distributed more than 2,400 pounds
was absorbed into the ASUM Renter Center,         of food at their main location, the University
a student advocacy organization that helps        Center, and satellite locations, known as the
                                                                                                   UM Food Pantry coordinator Katherine Cowley speaks to ASUM about her plans for the pantry during its
UM students living off-campus. Workers at         Grizzly Cupboards. The Cupboards are locat-
                                                                                                   first meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019. SARA DIGGINS | MONTANA KAIMIN
the food pantry made the decision to ensure       ed in the American Indian Student Services
the program’s financial security. They also       offices, the TRIO Student Support Services of-
decided to move after making the connection       fices, Missoula College and the UM Veterans      Missoula area to get the UM Food Pantry up              “We’re really proud of the work we’ve
that food insecurity often relates to other ba-   Office.                                          and running. Among them is the Montana               done so far. We’ve been able to engage with
sic-need insecurities, according to Cowley.           Cowley, a public administration gradu-       Food Bank & Community Center, which con-             groups all over campus, as well as out in the
    Results of a survey conducted on campus       ate student and a former ASUM senator, has       tributes to funding and stocking food for the        Missoula community,” Cowley said at the
by the Hope Center showed that 42% of re-         been working with other food banks in the        pantry.                                              meeting.

Phantom flames, sinister scents and Lindsay Lohan
AUG. 21: CINEMIX-UP                               refusing to leave when asked by a UM staff       ments where, according to Lt. Brad Giffin,           AUG. 25: BURNING, MAN
                                                  member, the arrival of a UMPD officer made       someone reported four people brandishing a
    University of Montana police came to          them decide otherwise.                           blowtorch. The four pyros apparently spon-               One lucky, lucky resident of the Lewis
Main Hall after someone dialed 911 without                                                         taneously combusted before police arrived,           and Clark Villages became the first person
responding to the operator, who could hear        AUG. 23: SEVEN AND SEVEN... AND                  who found nothing scorched or otherwise              of the school year to be cited for possession
suspicious noises in the background. On fur-      SEVEN                                            damaged.                                             of dangerous drugs after neighbors reported
ther inspection, they discovered the call to                                                                                                            the smell of a lit doobie snack. Police referred
be an accident, and the noises to be the film        The party came to a brief halt in the Lo-     AUG. 25: SHOW ME THE WAY TO GO                       the midnight toker to student conduct.
“Mean Girls” playing on the Oval. They left       masson parking lot, where UMPD arrived           HOME
the scene after determining everything to be      to find a group of seven friends celebrat-                                                            AUG. 26: CHECKING IN
fetch.                                            ing their move-in with a few drinks. Police         A drunk man standing in the middle
                                                  checked to make sure all were over 21 before     of Arthur Avenue during the wee hours of                A concerned parent asked UMPD to
AUG. 22: SKATE BORED                              asking them to lower their volume. Cheers.       the morning prompted a UMPD officer to               check on a newly arrived resident of Dun-
                                                                                                   check on him. The officer, sympathizing              iway Hall, who was fully functional and
    Things were very unfetch in the Liberal       AUG. 24: NO DISINTEGRATIONS                      with his condition, directed him to the              intact after the first day of class. Anyone,
Arts Building, where 10 juveniles decided                                                          sidewalk, and sent him on his way.                   parents or otherwise, can request a welfare
to turn the building into a skate park. After        UMPD rushed to the Craighead apart-                                                                check from UMPD by dialing (406) 243-6131.

6 September 4, 2019
Montana kaimin Friday - night - Townnews
N E WS | W H AT ’ S T H E B U ZZ

Insectarium bugs get a temporary home in UM Bio Division

    Stick insects longer than a pencil and
as heavy as an apple that hail from Malaya
found a home in the Division of Biological
Sciences at the University of Montana fol-
lowing the closure of the Missoula Insecta-
rium’s facility on Front Street.
     Staff and volunteers will continue to
have access to nearly a dozen of their ex-
otic species until their new site opens in
2021, with the division of biological scienc-
es being one of few local spots certified to
house insects potentially harmful to the        Containers of Insectarium bugs sit on a shelf in the biology lab they're currently stored in while the Insectarium expands and moves location.
environment.                                    SARA DIGGINS | MONTANA KAIMIN
     “We get really attached to our bugs
here, and we’d be heartbroken if we had to
give them up,” Missoula Insectarium Ex-
ecutive Director Jennifer Marangelo said.
     Marangelo, who earned a degree in
wildlife biology from UM, launched the
Missoula Insectarium in 2009 with an aim
to provide outreach and education. After
years of exhibitions at museums and visit-
ing schools, the non-profit opened its own
facility in 2015.
     The Front Street location offered pub-
lic one-on-one encounters with butterflies,
cockroaches, centipedes and bird-eating
spiders that spanned continents. Along
holding classes for visiting students, the
staff invited experts to hold lectures for
adult bug enthusiasts.
     The Missoula Insectarium closed its
site Aug. 17, with the owners of the build-
ing deciding not to renew their lease. The                                                                          Romain Boisseau in the insect storage room on Aug. 28, 2019. SARA DIGGINS | MONTANA KAIMIN
staff did not anticipate leaving Front Street
until construction finished on the new fa-      Emlen, most of the pests that damage local              to conduct outreach, with an exhibit to                 One researcher, a 26-year-old PhD student,
cility at the Missoula County Fairgrounds.      crops are invasive species accidentally in-             launch in the fall at the Montana Natural               found some familiar faces among the new
With only a few weeks’ notice, staff need-      troduced by international travelers.                    Science Center. Those interested in part-               residents.
ed to find a location approved by the U.S.          “Insects from around the world have                 nering with the insectarium, or curious                      Romain Boisseau returned from New
Department of Agriculture to house some         parasites and pathogens, so it’s a big con-             about how to get a viewing of the insects,              Guinea in December with thorny devil
of the insects.                                 cern for the USDA. Most of these insects                can contact staff at its website.                       stick insects, which can grow to the length
     Doug Emlen, a nationally recognized        here were born in captivity though, so it’s                  “We’re already heartbroken that we                 a hand and cling to the hunk of bark kept
evolutionary biologist who has been a pro-      not a huge danger,” he said.                            have to close our site because our lease was            in its container. Like many of the animals
fessor at UM’s Division of Biological Sci-          According to Marangelo, a staff mem-                not renewed, but we’re so thankful that we              coming from the insectarium, the division
ences since 1996, said the USDA-approved        ber visits the insects almost daily, misting            get to hold on to our animals,” Marangelo               of biological sciences already had clear-
sites follow procedures that ensure that        some used to a tropical environment, feed-              said.                                                   ance from the USDA to hold the armored,
researchers can conduct their work with         ing the herbivores that tear through their                  Housing the insects at the Division of              spiny herbivores.
animals from around the globe while pro-        food quickly and cleaning the terrariums.               Biological Sciences prevents the insecta-                    “It’s their insects, but I love having
tecting the local ecosystem. According to           The Missoula Insectarium still plans                rium from losing them to zoos, she said.                these guys around,”Boisseau said.

                                                                                                                                                                   September 4, 2019   7
Montana kaimin Friday - night - Townnews

                                                                                                                                                               LINDSEY SEWELL | MONTANA KAIMIN

When did we all become so obsessed with hard seltzer?
   We had a great run drinking anything         58 in Milwaukee reported hard seltzer has        of night and drive them home from the bars.      Bozeman is beating us for most Clawed-up
and everything during our first couple          overtaken beer sales, surpassing “nearly all        Best Flavor: Grapefruit                       city guys. Come on, Griz. Try harder.
years of college. Seriously though — re-        craft beer.” Pour one out for our fallen sol-                                                        Best Flavor: Strawberry Mint
member when we drank “Pink Panty Drop-          diers — don’t pour any White Claw though,        3. TRULY
pers” and nobody questioned it? Once the        that shit is liquid gold.                            I drank three different six packs of Tru-    1. IS ANYONE SURPRISED? THE BEST HARD SELT-
freshman 15-50 starts to hit, we look for          We can thank White Claws for the orig-        ly’s Berry Rosé seltzer before I realized        ZER IS (AND MAY ALWAYS BE) WHITE CLAWS.
a low-calorie alternative. The solution?        inal popularity of hard seltzer, but they’re     Pattee Creek Market was selling them at a            The reigning champ is responsible for
Spiked seltzer.                                 far from your only options on the market.        discount because they expired. The good          America’s seltzer fanaticism. It’s also the
   It all started with the White Claw. It hit   Here’s a quick rank of our favorite hard selt-   news is that I’m still alive. The bad news       only seltzer brand that has become a meme.
the market in 2016, created by Mark An-         zers, and what drinking one may say about        is that Truly has left me embarrassed and        Above all else, there is a clause in our Con-
thony Brands — the same company that            you.                                             thus bumped itself back on the list. If you’re   stitution stating, “Whilst a man drinks a
brought us Mike’s Hard. I once drank a                                                           drinking Trulys, you’re probably an aspir-       Claw, laws cease to exist.” If you’re trying
single blood orange Mike’s Harder every         4. BON & VIV                                     ing influencer. Back away from the webcam        to get drunk and commit murder, White
day for two months and gained 12 pounds.            B & V had my heart before they went          — nobody is watching your vlog.                  Claws are your only available option, legal-
Oops.                                           from 6% ABV to 4.5%. If you drink Bon &              Best Flavor: Unexpired                       ly speaking.
   Mark Anthony and co. saw idiots like         Viv, or at least didn’t notice the alcohol de-                                                        Best Flavor: Mango
me and thought, “What if we kept these          crease, you’re the type of person who fo-        2. BIG SKY
fools drunk but let them stay in their cur-     cuses more on taste and less on how drunk            It was only a matter of time before Mon-
rent jean size?” And hard seltzer was born.     you’re going to get. You probably get good       tana put its own signature twist on seltzer.
The boozy bubbles quickly became a La           grades and can be counted on by your less        We are, after all, the state that consumes the            LILY SOPER
Croix-style phenomenon. As of 2019, CBS         responsible friends to wake up in the dead       most White Claws per capita. PSA, though:  

8   September 4, 2019
Montana kaimin Friday - night - Townnews
Week of 9/2/19 - 9/8/19
                                                                                                                                   O PIN   IO N                            | SPEAKING UP

Finally, an Indigenous perspective                                                                 The Weekly Crossword
                                                                                                   1    2    3    4         5      6    7       8        9
                                                                                                                                                                by Margie E. Burke
                                                                                                                                                                     10   11   12    13

                                                                                                   14                       15                                       16
    Hi! I’m your friendly-neighbor-              forward and activate change.
                                                                                                   17                       18                                 19
hood-brown-person, and I’m here be-                  While anyone can tell stories, I find great
cause I’m disappointed with this school          value in stories told by those who have a         20                  21                                22

and the ways in which Native American            meaningful understanding of the com-              23                                   24      25
and other minority students strug-               munity and issue. Most often, that means
                                                                                                                  26               27           28                        29   30    31
gle at the hands of this institution.            people from that place. I believe an under-
    As an Indigenous student and mem-            standing of culture and history is a crucial
                                                                                                   32   33   34                    35   36                                37

ber of the Crow Tribe, I’ve been witness         tool lost on many writers when it comes to        38                       39                                       40

to blatant ignorance when it comes to my         Indigenous people and minority groups.            41                  42                                      43
culture, values and experiences. My peers        This impedes their ability to tell the stories
                                                                                                   44             45                            46       47
and I have been tasked with educating our        of these communities in a respectful and
professors, advisers, administration and         accurate way.                                                    48                    49               50               51   52    53

non-Native classmates on our histories and           When people like me, from communi-            54   55   56                         57      58

what it means to be an Indigenous person,        ties like mine, pick up the torch and decide      59                              60                                61
all while still being students ourselves.        to take control of our own stories, we are
                                                                                                   62                       63                                       64
    I’m writing this column because Indig-       showing the world the truth of our lives
enous and minority representation is im-         and empowering our people to do the same.         65                       66                                       67

portant to me, and I have seen too little of     I’m here to help my fellow minority stu-                                                       Copyright 2019 by The Puzzle Syndicate
it at the University of Montana. We’ve made      dents find a place on this campus, a place         1 Farm youngster            66 Like Neil                    29   Desktop item
progress over the last decade, but there is      where their voices won’t be smothered in           5 Drink served                 Diamond's                    30   Verb preceder
still so much we can do better. It’s impossi-    white guilt and unsolicited “ally” speeches.         with marsh-                  Caroline                     31   Like slasher films
                                                                                                      mallows                   67 Cost of living?              32   ____ of faith
ble to move forward if people aren’t aware           This matters to me because I am in my         10 Kind of rock                                              33   Mixed dish
of the issues we still face.                     fourth year here at UM and still deal with        14 Olfactory assault     DOWN                                34   Peaceful
    Missoula is a fairly progressive place,      expectations imposed on me by “POC ste-           15 To no ____             1 Funnel-shaped                    36   Metal in rocks
                                                                                                   16 Bud holder             2 Love to pieces                   39   Water carriers
and people tend to be relatively receptive to    reotypes.” This includes (but is not limited
                                                                                                   17 NASA scrub             3 Get connected                    40   American folk
issues that need fixing in the world. Howev-     to) tokenism, microaggressions, generaliza-       18 Insignificant          4 Jagger, to the                        instrument
er, it is far from perfect, and we have a slew   tion and plain ignorance around what an           20 Some pots and            Stones                           42   Olympics event
of things to talk about this upcoming year. I    Indigenous person is. It’s 2019, and if we are       pans                   5 He played Candy                  43   Watermelon
                                                                                                   22 Pencil part              on "Bonanza"                          waste
won’t spoon-feed to you why you shouldn’t        going to be the inclusive and diverse liberal     23 Basketball             6 CBer's term                      45   Chip source
wear a warbonnet if you’re non-Native, or        university we claim to be, we need to start          position               7 Kennel                           47   Shade of purple
try to convince you that a sports team with      talking about these things and giving our         24 Submarine                structures                       49   Express
                                                                                                      detector               8 Texas tea                        51   Wide open
an Indian logo is offensive. I’m sorry, white    minority students a place here.
                                                                                                   26 Poet Angelou           9 Psychiatrist, in a               52   Gown material
people. I’m not here to babysit. I’m here to                                                       28 Empathizing with         Caleb Carr novel                 53   Choose for office
talk about things happening on campus, in
this city or in this country affecting Indige-
                                                                       JORDYNN PAZ                 32 Neighborhood
                                                                                                   35 Bing, bang or
                                                                                                                            10 Bird sanctuary
                                                                                                                            11 Vehicles for hire
                                                                                                                                                                54   "Jackson 5"
                                                                    boom                  12 Archipelago part                 55   Prayer ender
nous people, and what can be done to move                                                          37 Dove call             13 Forest forager                   56   Foursome led by
                                                                                                   38 Pizazz                19 Fireplace fixture                     Leonardo, briefly
                                                                                                   39 Jeweler's unit        21 Whip mark                        58   Marathon, e.g.
                                                                                                   40 Stern                 25 Morphine, for one                60   Column's
                                                                                                   41 Feel sick             27 Like clocks with                      counterpart
                                                                                                   42 Hotel employee           hands
                                                                                                   43 Like under-                           Answers to Last Week’s Crossword:
                                                                                                      cooked eggs
                                                                                                                                        S   K   I    F   F     B A   L I     C   A   P    S
                                                                                                   44 Florida beach                     E   N   N    U   I     A G   O G     O   V   E    N
                                                                                                   46 Kind of grin                      R   E   C    R   E A   T I   O N     L   O   N    E
                                                                                                   48 Expenditure                       A   E   O    N     B   O T   T O   M L   I   N    E
                                                                                                   50 As a precaution                           G    A   L E   N A     R   E A   D   E    R
                                                                                                   54 Be a snitch                       R   A   N    C   I D     T   W A   N G
                                                                                                   57 Biblical son                      A   R   I    E   S     D E   A N     E   A   C    H
                                                                                                   59 Inconsequential                   J   U   T        T O   E     I T   S     S   H    E
                                                                                                                                        A   M   O    S     M   A I   L     L A   S   E    R
                                                                                                   61 Aussie pal
                                                                                                                                                     T   H E   F T     P   A P   E   R    S
                                                                                                   62 Camping shelter
                                                                                                                                        C   A   S    U   A L     E   N A   M O   R
                                                                                                   63 Present occasion                  O   P   E    N   S E   C R   E T     S   T   A    R
                                                                                                   64 Like some                         R   A   I    N     T   R A   V E   R T   I   N    E
                                                                                                      proportions                       A   C   N    E     T   O T   E     A L   O   N    E
                                                                                                   65 Not had by                        L   E   E    R     E   W E   R     P E   N   A    L

                                                                                                                                                            September 4, 2019   9
Montana kaimin Friday - night - Townnews
With Freshman orientation behind us,
                                           the Kaimin sent reporters across Missoula
                                             from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. to capture what
                                                      college life is really like here.
                                                            This is what they found.

     September 4, 2019
                                           Design by Jacqueline Evans-Shaw
orange street food farm
                                                                                                                                                6 P.M.
                                                                                                           Those not heading to the bars and want-          Aside from these two and others lin-
                                                                                                        ing to get home and turn on “Game of            gering near the deli, the grocery is mostly
                                                                                                        Thrones,” “The Office,” or whatever the         dead. The produce looks a little tired from
                                                                                                        binge-watching show of choice is for the eve-   sitting out all day. All the aisles appear emp-
                                                                                                        ning might make their way to Orange Street      ty, except for the beer aisle, where there’s a
                                                                                                        Food Farm for their favorite snack and bev-     handful of bearded men in socks and san-
                                                                                                        erage of choice. A woman in her 50s wearing     dals paired with outfits that were definitely
                                                                                                        Chacos checks out of lane three with a pear,    purchased at a store that also sells tents. One
                                                                                                        a bottle of red wine and a bag of Smart Food    of them gives the other a sideways glance as
                                                                                                        popcorn. A college guy checks out of lane       they eye the same IPA.
                                                                                                        one with a 30-rack of Busch Light.                                                  (Daylin Scott)

     Bound by Glory
                                           5 P.M.

                                                                                                        big dipper
    Craig Garfield is sweating. Lying face-        artist Hanna Moorman, 21, as she runs the
down on a bench in the crowded parlor, he          needle back over the goose’s beak. Some-
rests his head in his arm and explains the         times that makes the job very interesting,
reasoning behind his latest tattoo.                she says.
    “Well, I already have a moose,” says Gar-
field, 21, a junior at UM. “So I figured this
                                                      “I once had a guy ask me to marry him,”
                                                   she drops nonchalantly, not looking up
                                                                                                                                                 7 P.M.
time I’d get a goose.”                             from Garfield’s forearm.                                 A relaxing breeze rustling through the      dents, and dogs who brought their humans
    The goose in question is half-finished            Luckily for Moorman, that hasn’t                  trees sets the soundtrack for the 15-minute     to get pup cones.
and hyperrealistic, with the subtlest hint of      happened yet tonight. At least, Garfield             walk from campus, through the University            Henry Crist, 23, who is both an employ-
a red watercolor outline. Voice muffled by         doesn’t seem like he has proposal on his             District neighborhood and to Big Dipper.        ee at Big Dipper and a UM business student,
the crook of his arm, the forestry major ex-       mind. When asked what he was planning                The blue, neon-lit Big Dipper sign and the      said the ice cream joint is a constant line of
plains that all his tattoos (three in total) are   to do with the rest of his night, Garfield           fresh scent of warm waffle cones signal that    people during the warm months, adding
centered around animals as an homage to            laughed and shifted on the bench.                    ice cream is not far.                           a good time to go is between 6 and 7 p.m.,
his field of study.                                   “I’ll probably go to the bar. It’s Friday,            A constant wave of bikes, pedestrians       when the line is shorter.
    Many university students choose Bound          you know?”                                           and cars heads up the Higgins Bridge to-            “Big Dipper has almost become more of a
By Glory Tattoos for their go-to ink fix, says                       (Addie Slanger & Claire Shinner)   ward downtown.                                  Missoula destination than just an ice cream
                                                                                                            Waiting in line isn’t a bad thing because   shop. It definitely is a Missoula thing,” Crist
                                                                                                        there is plenty of people watching to do and    said.
                                                                                                        important ice cream decisions to make. The                                       (Sydney Akridge)
                                                                                                        picnic tables host cute families, UM stu-

                                                                                                                                                         September 4 , 2019   11
Pride Night
                                           7 P.M.
    Sam Boyd, also known as “Sammy B,”               Due to the slow pace of baseball, onlook-
is the emcee for tonight’s Missoula Osprey       ers are mingling and chatting amongst one
baseball game against the Idaho Falls Chu-       another. Kids play in fun houses and on turf
kars for Pride Night in Ogren Park. He’s         off to the side. A father fusses with his two
getting kids and adults alike riled up with      children bickering over who gets to hold the
small games between innings: concession          rainbow Osprey banner. Young fans rush
footraces, snow cone eating contests and a       down to the front row to get their shirts
game called “Aw Snap,” where contestants         signed by Olly Osprey, the team’s mascot.
are attached by a bungee cord and have to        A lesbian couple holds hands as the Ogren
grab items. Bumping 2000s music plays, as        Park floodlights come on, illuminating the
well as crazy sound effects as the players hit   rainbow-painted Osprey on the field.
and miss balls.                                      UM Forestry student Bridgit Prichard
    Tonight is a charity event with proceeds-    and her girlfriend, Shaina Ore, are one such
supporting local LGBTQ causes and organi-        couple watching the game tonight with their
zations such as the Western Montana Com-         friends.
munity Center, the ACLU and UM LAMBDA                “It’s really great to show support for the
Alliance.                                        community, and I think it’s really cool to see
                                                 people turn out,” Prichard says.

                                                                               (Connor Simpson)

                                                                                                                                              8 P.M.
                                                                                                      Manuel Armijo quickly licks his lips and        it, I’m gonna sit down and not do anything.”
                                                                                                  stares at the grind rail at Mobash Skatepark.            Rail in sight, Armijo leaps onto it with his
                                                                                                  The cracking echoes of wheels landing on            board. Then he falls. Again and again and
                                                                                                  pavement and skaters’ boisterous exchanges          again.
                                                                                                  of banter fill the atmosphere. Armijo drops              Armijo stops to take a breather. He watch-
                                                                                                  his board and skates in the direction of the        es a shirtless skater land a kick-flip over two
                                                                                                  rail.                                               construction cones stacked sideways. On-
                                                                                                      “I’m trying to learn it all again,” says        lookers cheer.
                                                                                                  Armijo, 22, orginally from St. Ignatius, Mon-            After a short rest, the injured skater siz-
                                                                                                  tana. “I just came out of recovery, I fractured     es up his obstacle. With minimal hesitation
                                                                                                  my leg at the beginning of summer.”                 he skates toward it. Catching air, the wood
                                                                                                      At a get-together in Polson, Armijo bailed      of his board connects to the rail’s metal. He
                                                                                                  on a trick, rolled his ankle and fell on his leg.   slides down it, then lands. Armijo smiles.
                                                                                                  For Armijo, putting down his board for an                “Since recovery, I’ve learned a few new
                                                                                                  injury was not an option.                           tricks.”
                                                                                                      “Skating was the only thing that kept my
                                                                                                  mind off of stuff,” Armijo says. “If I don’t do                    (Daniel Duensing & Liam McCollum)

12   September 4, 2019
The M Trail                                9 P.M.
                                                                                                                   All along the M Trail, deer eyes glint in the    hotboxed, McDowell and company express
                                                                                                               growing darkness, and students like Charles          great interest in finding it. Ryan notes that if he
                                                                                                               Riebe, a freshman from Billings studying             could improve the trail in any way, he would
                                                                                                               economics, fight to keep their footing as they       add lights at the benches, “Just ‘cause it’s like a
                                                                                                               stumble down the path. Riebe remembers that          checkmark.”
                                                                                                               fateful night well, six days ago, when he almost          Further down the trail, students Wyatt Wal-
                                                                                                               face-planted down the trail after dark. Some,        ters and Savanna Ziegler peer forlornly at Wal-
                                                                                                               like Riebe, fall because of the barely visible       ters’ laptop from a bench. Walters hiked the M
                                                                                                               rocks and steep pitch. Some fall because of the      Trail because he had no choice, he says. He was
                                                                                                               drugs.                                               assigned a class project requiring him to hike
                                                                                                                   “Is it tough getting down when you’re            up to the M and take notes.
                                                                                                               stoned?” asks Kaden McDowell, a freshman.                 Walters brought Ziegler with him; he felt he
                                                                                                               He and freshman compatriots Declan Ryan,             couldn’t suffer his fate alone.
                                                                                                               Cole Mathews and Connor Thomson decided                   “He made me come,” Ziegler says. “I don’t

                                                                                                               to hike the M Trail on a Friday night “to bond       want to hike because I’ve done it before.”
                                                                                                               and stuff like that.”                                     The hike concludes with a visit to a pavilion,
                                                                                                                   They’re most interested in finding the old       which rests alongside the trailhead. But this vis-
                                                                                                               mineshaft, which peeks out of the mountain-          it is cut short as the figure of a middle-aged man
                                                                                                               side on Mount Sentinel. The cave is a tight          sleeping in the grass next to the stage becomes

                                              10 P.M.                                                          squeeze, and it’s difficult to put aside the gnaw-
                                                                                                               ing fear of the walls caving in unexpectedly.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          (Helena Dore)
    Emmett Ball and Emma Covill were playing                “I like jazzy songs, but no one wants to hear          When informed that the small cave can be

                                                                                                               frat party
street hockey at a friend’s house beforethey wan-        that,” Emma says. Her next song to perform is
dered over to the VFW. Immediately after walk-           “Dancing Queen.”
ing in, they sign up for the first song. Tonight, it’s      It’s a pretty typical date night for the couple,
“Lean on Me.”                                            but they haven’t quite found “their” karaoke
    Emmett wears denim cutoff shorts, a pat-             song yet.
terned short sleeve shirt and an orange blazer.                                          (Cassidy Alexander)
Emma has on a Western Cider tank top and
black shorts.                                                                                                                                             11 P.M.
    Emmett takes the lead, singing the first verse.                                                                Greek Row is alive and well as partygo-          ers make their way in, a male and a female,
By the time the chorus comes, the pair are sway-                                                               ers stumble in and out of Ubers en route to          one reporter is asked to stay back. We’ll let
ing back and forth, singing, “Call on me brother,                                                              the frats. Music through the air adds to the         you guess which one.
when you need a hand,” to the audience. It’s thin                                                              quintessential College Feel of the night. This           Inside, strobe lights pulse. Music is blast-
— three people at the bar, a slow-dancing couple                                                               is what freshman dreams are made of.                 ing. People are grinding. The smell of old
at the front of the stage, the bartender and the                                                                   It’s easy to understand why the venue is         furniture and sweat permeates the air. Cli-
Karaoke spinster.                                                                                              so intoxicating for the hordes of freshmen           che, to say the least.
    “Usually it’s packed, but tonight it’s not,                                                                walking from campus in groups of 20 or                   A few minutes later, all the of-age sorori-
which is okay, because we get to sing more,” Em-                                                               more. It’s a land ruled by an absolutely non-        ty girls leave for downtown.
mett says.                                                                                                     negotiable 3-1 ratio of girls to guys serves as          “Girls!” shouts one of the sorority leaders,
    The couple met at the Union Club at an elec-                                                               your entry ticket to the party inside.               trying to gather a particularly wild group of
tion launch party. They’ve been dating since                                                                       Freshmen really do constitute the major-         dancers. “Girls. It’s time to go. We’re heading
April, laughing as they try to nail down how                                                                   ity of attendees at Sigma Chi tonight along          to the bars.”
many months it’s been.                                                                                         with, understandably, many fraternity and
                                                                                                                                                                                (Addie Slanger & Dante Filpula Ankney)
    Empty Bud Light solo cups scatter the tables                                                               sorority members.
as purple and blue strobe lights illuminate the                                                                    As two very out-of-place Kaimin report-
stage. Tonight’s drink specials are a $6 Montana
Mule and a $5 Manhattan.
    Emma’s go-tos are Adele, Lady Gaga and
Lake Street Dive, but she says the DJ rarely has
the songs on queue she really wants to sing.

                                                                                                                                                                     September 4, 2019   13
dungeons                                                                                                      A sign hangs on the front door to the
                                                                                                           18-year-old Fox Club Cabaret that gives
                                                                                                                                                                      Alex Rochoa, staying in Missoula for the

                                                                                                           a warning to anyone too young to drink,                night, waits at the bar for a blonde to begin
                                                                                                           those who want to smoke and those offend-              her routine. Rochoa, who came to Fox Club
                                                                                                           ed by nudity.                                          while a student at UM, sips a Jack and Coke

                                                                                                              In the packed bar, the music hits the               and points to a wedding band permanent-
                                                                                                           eardrums like a plummet into water when                ly tattooed to his ring finger. His marriage
                                                                                                           a woman dancing under the name “Emily”                 recently came to an end, he says, but he’s
                                                                                                           takes the stage. The other dancers mingle              keeping the ink.
MIDNIGHT                                                                                                   with the couples, friends and loners scat-                 “It’s my first chance to be alone in 10
                                                                                                           tered throughout the club. The neon lights             years,” he says. “But I don’t want to be alone
   The quest begins at midnight,                                                                           above make white lace glow hot pink.                   tonight.”
and I’ve become someone else.

         “Fame of Serpents, Titan’s Height:
                                                       Fox Club Cabaret                                       “Emily” gets two songs into her playlist,
                                                                                                           and a small crowd has found seats at the
                                                                                                           stage. She’s left in black leggings by the time
                                                                                                                                                                      When he joins the horseshoe of onlook-
                                                                                                                                                                  ers around the stage, he isn’t alone for very
               To whom it may concern,                               MIDNIGHT                              she’s twisting to Nelly, while the lights from
                                                                                                                                                                                                      (Paul Hamby)
           I have made a terrible mistake.,”                                                               behind paint the rest of her uncovered skin
                   I hear myself say.
    “My last chance at saving my own life has
failed miserably. The 20-foot serpent, of which
I haven’t the pleasure of previously knowing,

continues to fatally constrict my movement
with every passing moment. If I may offer a
morsel of advice to any “brave” adventurer
standing near a sizeable void in the floor: Don’t.

    “These were the best of times and the worst
of times. In these final seconds of life, my mind
is called to remember the latter of these.
    “How fun it was to watch Elregor kick a
tattered bucket filled with rotting refuse only                                                                                                                                    1 A.M.
to enrage the curious lizard folk, of whom we
made quick slaughter. Or the drawing of cards                                                                                                                         Inside a bathroom on an unspecified
from a magical deck that at once caused Roth                                                                                                                      floor of Aber Hall is a cloth couch, five guys
to quake in his trousers and soil them simul-                                                                                                                     mingling back and forth, an aggressively

                                                       party hopping
taneously. And what of the hilarious Pom, the                                                                                                                     soaked tile floor and an undisclosed fresh-
5-foot human who failed not once, but twice in                                                                                                                    man puking into the nearest toilet.
vaulting a gap which need not be vaulted?                                                                                                                             “I swear it was my first time [throwing
    “As for myself, the remembrance of the time                                                MIDNIGHT                                                           up] in two years,” the young man claims,
I used my mage-hand cantrip spell to remove                                                                                                                       and then slowly crumples through the door
the shorts of a foe in battle, laughing hyster-             There is no access from the street. A party-   board game.                                            to pass out in his room.
ically all the while, comforts me in the throes        goer is told from a friend of a friend, who knows       Similar to Monopoly, dice are rolled and               Others on the couch are loud, proud and
of death.                                              the owner, that the only access to the apartment    cards drawn. As game pieces snake along the            very much infatuated by the University’s
    “Well, a fitting end it seems. I, Barry Saelgir,   is from the alley.                                  board, beers are sipped and jokes cracked. The         president.
a high moon elf of the Forgotten Realm, bid you             The partygoers make their way in a drunk-      alcohol usually makes the game tougher, and                “Aber Hall is a big fan of the Bod™”
farewell.”                                             en stagger, their DD like a shepherd tending to     longer.                                                claims a student named Walter. “That man
    The dungeon master glances at his phone.           his flock.                                              “The goal is just to finish the game,” Husem-      is BUILT.”
He asks the group members if they are willing               The place reeks of awkward confidence and      oller says. “We haven’t finished it yet.”                  Another resident starts dumping cookie
to continue their battle against the final oppo-       body odor, it sounds like a hip-hop playlist and        A few rounds on the board game combined            crumbs into a sink and runs water over it,
nent. Eyes cast downward and several adven-            it looks like exactly what it is: one of the many   with drunken impatience leads most of the par-         making a very subjective piece of art for the
turers seem unsure of their answers.                   college house parties in Missoula on a Friday       ty to shuffle out to the street.                       custodian to clean.
    Hands slam against the table in frustration.       night.                                                  TThere’s another party member — or at least
Pencils roll and dice bounce around the table.              White Claws, Twisted Teas and an occa-         the rumor of one. The likelihood of the next par-                    (Bergen Frank-Loron & Griffin Smith)
    The group looks to one another and mali-           sional beer line the countertops. There’s rage      ty having The Drunkest Game Ever? Little to
ciously decides: “Let’s kill this motherfucking        cage in the kitchen and a peculiar home-made        none. Inside Husemoller’s apartment, the game
snake.” When it dies, it’s 6:02 a.m.                   board game in the living room. It’s called, “The    remains unfinished.
                                                       Drunkest Game Ever.”
                                   (Hunter Wiggins)         This is UM sophomore Joscelynn Husem-                         (Dante Filpula Ankney & Aidan Marten)
                                                       oller’s apartment. She is also the creator of the

14   September 4, 2019
S. Ave Market       3 A.M.
                                                                                                                      Take a break from the boyish charm of               “Some college kid, high out of his mind.”
                                                                                                                  a starry-skied Missoula and step under the          His tone is unconcerned and unexcited. “I
                                                                                                                  awning of its armpit. At this time of night,        wasn’t here at the time, it was the other night
                                                                                                                  the South Avenue Market light silhouettes a         guy.”
                                                                                                                  young, white-male station attendant. He is              But tonight Patrick is here, stacking ice
                                                                                                                  stacking ice into the ice machine. His name         bags alone, on the clock till 7 a.m.. waiting
                                                                                                                  is Patrick. He’ll tell a more curious customer      for Missoula to wake up.
                                                                                                                  about a shooting that happened here over a
                                                                                                                  year ago — cementing this gastion into Mis-                                         (Quinn Corcoran)
                                                                                                                  soula infamy.

                                                                                                                           the oxford
Pie Hole                                       2 A.M.
                                                                                                                                                            4 A.M.
    The bars are closing, and unless you plan to        five minutes fresh off a full-blown sidewalk                  This hour belongs to the workers of the         walk out, blink, then you’re right back again.”
hit up Stocks o’ Clock, it’s time to get some of that   tumble outside Worden’s. (They hit the ground             Oxford. The drunk college students and night            They all laugh amongst themselves, their
sweet, sweet greasy drunk food. And where bet-          hard. It took them at least a minute and a half to        owls have all gone home to sleep off their stu-     jabs, drowned out by the combination of re-
ter than the purgatory that is Pie Hole?                get back up. But hey, rally, amiright?)                   pors while the cooks and swampers begin             frigerators, sizzling bacon and the box-style
    Tonight, Pie Hole’s line goes out the door, and         2:15 and still in line. It’s classic Pie Hole, with   their nightly cleaning.                             dishwasher.
roughly 30 people sit, stand and sway as they           sentences rising from the cacophony:                          Clinton and Jason, both cooks, begin                Gun displays meet cheesy fries, and Mick-
wait for the night’s specials: salami, sausage and          “I’ve had chlamydia four times.”                      gathering the dirty dishes, remnants of the         ey Mouse Clubhouse plays above the keno
onion; pulled pork, mango and cilantro; mush-               “I’m just puffing that JUUL over here.”               JJ’s Specials, “best-in-town” cheesy fries and      machines, but the workers are always ready
room, bell pepper and pepperoni; and spinach,               “I could totally get you a hooker.”                   hash browns. Shawn, the swamper, gets up            to offer a smile, serve up some great (greasy)
mushroom and onion. The music is ‘90s hip-hop               2:31 and Armagno’s voice rises above.                 from his keno machine, plays “Scuttle Buttin”       food and good conversation.
and it’s dizzying.                                          “Hey folks, if I don’t serve you in 30 minutes        on the old jukebox and begins sweeping the              “Everybody here’s a badass,” Clinton says.
    Antonio Armagno, 20, is standing at the reg-        you won’t get served. Thank you for your coop-            diner’s floor.                                      He came to Missoula from Augusta, Georgia.
ister. When asked how he’s feeling, he looks up         eration.”                                                     Their rush passed two hours ago and now         “This place is like a legit old saloon and any-
and his eyes are empty.                                     He turns to his coworker. “I’m about to make          they wait for their shifts to be up.                thing can happen here.”
    “Tired,” is all he says.                            this line my bitch.”                                          Clinton, struggling to remember his next
    The girls in front of him order their pizza,                                                (Erin Sargent)    day off, jokes, “It’s like purgatory in here, you                                      (Jordynn Paz)

                                                                                                                                                                      September 4, 2019   15

                                                                                                              DAYLIN SCOTT | MONTANA KAIMIN

The enchantment of Petit Poucet
JAZZLYN JOHNSON                                             Downey and Karl designed it themselves.                          They make their own visions come to light wwith
                                                      a do-it-yourself mentality, including printing 150
    The sound of barking seals surrounded two         T-shirts in their basement to sell on tour. The Port-
musicians as they stood mesmerized on a porch         land duo has been together for 10 years and got
of an Airbnb on the Oregon coast. Chris Karl and      engaged last year, but only started writing and
Betty Downey, of Petit Poucet, were there to write    recording music four years ago, and performing
and record their self-titled EP in a 24-hour stint.   live one year ago. The duo is about to embark on
The jolly seals inspired them to add a soft, har-     its tour, packing up its mini 1985 Toyota Sunriser
monized “ha, ha, ha, ha,” in the first track, “Con-   van named “Benny” for two months on the road.
sidering the Tiger.”                                       “I love the connection and communication
    Prominent drum beats, saxophone and har-          between being on stage and the symbiotic rela-
monizing vocals are prominent throughout their        tionship with people [in the audience],” Downey
enchanting EP. Petit Poucet, which translates to      said. “It’s the only thing I know how to do — ex-
“Little Thumb,” was named after a French chil-        perience perspective shifts and have them in re-
dren’s book by Charles Perrault. Perrault writes,     turn.”
“He lay down by a blade of grass to enlarge the            Downey is most looking forward to the show
sky,” a description that seems to sum up the          in Missoula. She has been to Missoula a couple
band’s approach to experiencing the intricacies       times and she is excited to have a more intimate
of the world through music. Downey said they          show at the VFW.
discovered the quote in a philosophy book, “The            When performing, Downey and Karl strive to
Poetics of Space,” by Gaston Bachelard, a reading     make the experience more like a telepathic con-
that was life-changing for them.                      versation with the audience, where everyone is
    “In this macroworld we can feel uncomfort-        sharing the space together.
able. It’s dark and shitty sometimes, but we have          “If that’s your kind of show, and you like shar-
to figure out a way to get centered and have to-      ing, you should come,” Downey said. “It’s beauti-
getherness,” Downey said. She said that is what       ful for everyone. I’m so proud and excited.”
the band is trying to portray with the album art-          Petit Poucet will play a 21+ at the Ole Beck
work; bright, with warm flowers and two white         VFW Post 209, Sept. 7 at 9 p.m. Locals Sarah Fra-
seals embracing in the center.                        zier and Jesse the Ocelot will also play.

16   September 4, 2019

Soak up the summertime sadness                                                                                          Lana Del Rey
     Where my Virgos at? Summer’s nearing its
official end, which is a bummer, we know. Just
lean into that morose spirit this week. Wouldn’t
                                                          AQUARIUS (JAN. 20 – FEB. 18)
                                                               Ah, the rebel sign. Live your best James Dean
                                                          life with “Blue Jeans” off “Born to Die.” Ride a
                                                                                                                         kicks off sad
you know, alt-pop star Lana Del Rey has recently          motorcycle. Vape. Be the dangerous bad boy/
returned with her latest sad song collection. Let’s
use the chanteuse’s back catalog as inspiration.
                                                          girl/whoever you were always meant to become.
                                                          PISCES (FEB. 19 - MAR. 20)
                                                                                                                    girl autumn with
VIRGO (AUG. 23 - SEPT. 22)                                     Your imaginative side is at its peak. Unlock
     Y’all are known for your practicality and lev-
el-headed thinking, which can be great. But your
tendency to demand perfection can be a serious
                                                          your ability to escape reality with “Coachella -
                                                          Woodstock In My Mind” off “Lust for Life.” The
                                                          powerful combination of two of history’s most
                                                                                                                   “Norman Fucking
downer for the rest of us. Clearly, your Lana cut
is “In My Feelings” off 2017’s “Lust for Life.”
Calling out our fuck-ups has a time and a place,
                                                          iconic music festivals is the perfect outlet while
                                                          you’re bored during your history lecture.
                                                          ARIES (MAR. 21 – APRIL 19)
but you don’t need to enjoy it so much!                              Damn, Aries! Keep your energy in
LIBRA (SEPT. 23 - OCT. 22)                                              check and slow your roll. Or, actual-      MEGHAN JONAS                                      used to.
     Charming and romantic,                                                  ly, don’t. Do put that caffeine-fu-                             Long gone are the days of being part
Libras don’t have to try                                                         eled buzz to good use with                                                          of the “freshman generation of degenerate
very hard to catch others’                                                         “Off to the Races,” one            Lana Del Rey has fully transformed             beauty queens.” Now, Lana is letting every-
attention. Soak in the                                                              of Lana’s most dynamic         from the queen of Coney Island to a Venice        one know she isn’t a celebrity debutante; she
adoration with “Lolita”                                                              songs. Sip Black Cristal      bitch, and it has never been clearer than on      is still a reliable downer, though not as sad
from 2012’s “Born to                                                                 by the pool and revel in      her sixth studio album, “Norman Fucking           as the media makes it seem, and she is going
Die.” Own your pen-                                                                  your gorgeous, lush life.     Rockwell!”                                        to continue to release music Americans can
chant for flirtation be-                                                            TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 20)        Clocking in at over an hour, “Norman           relate to on a national scale.
cause, as Lana says, you                                                                Tauruses know good         Fucking Rockwell!” groovily drifts through            Lana’s most profound moment is when
should be able to have your                                                       things come to those who         the retro nostalgia Lana is known for, but        she sings directly to her generation’s exis-
cake and eat it, too. Just don’t                                               wait. The cinematic “Hon-           cuts down on the sad-girl image she culti-        tential dread in “The greatest,” ending with
break too many hearts, alright?                                             eymoon” from the album of the          vated after the release of her first studio al-   a pin-sharp stanza: “If this is it, I'm sign-
SCORPIO (OCT. 23 - NOV. 21)                                          same name is emblematic of the Tau-           bum, “Born to Die.”                               ing off. Miss doing nothin' the most of all.
     Listen, Scorpios are great. Determined and           rus spirit. Slow, captivating and sure to win you           Listening to “Born to Die” and “Norman         Hawai’i just missed that fireball. L.A. is in
focused, you can get shit done. Unfortunately,            over if you give it a shot: Taurus to a T.               Fucking Rockwell!” back-to-back, there’s          flames‚ it's getting hot. Kanye West is blond
you often find yourself focusing perhaps a bit            GEMINI (MAY 21 – JUNE 20)                                enough familiarity to show it’s the same          and gone. ‘Life on Mars’ ain't just a song. I
too much on others, leading to resentment and                  Geminis seem to get a bad rap. “They’re too         Lana we know and love. But the Lana who           hope the livestream's almost on.”
jealousy. Wallow in the self-pity a bit this week         superficial,” some say. “Why are you so materi-          made music for a hypothetical apocalypse is           “Norman” is surprisingly (or maybe not)
with “The Other Woman” off 2014’s “Ultravio-              alistic?” Well, no use denying what comes natu-          gone. We’re living in a real apocalypse now,      American, coming from the woman who
lence.” We promise things aren’t as bad as you            rally to you. Be the mega-star you are inside with       and the music of “Norman Fucking Rock-            implored her Twitter followers to put a hex
fear, but a good cry now and again is cathartic.          “Money Power Glory” from “Ultraviolence.”                well!” acknowledges that without weighing         on Donald Trump. But Lana’s twisted patri-
SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22 - DEC. 21)                           There’s nothing wrong with a little ambition.            the listener down with doom-and-gloom.            otism has never been straightforward. Here,
     The philosopher in you is in high gear this          Fame has its purpose.                                       Lana builds a world for her listeners          it feels like looking at the Stars and Stripes
week, and we all know the modern world gives              CANCER (JUNE 22 – JULY 22)                               where love exists in the seediest, saddest        and wondering if it will still be standing in
us a lot to fuss over lately. “Is it the end of an era?        Whew, Cancers. We understand you can be a           underbellies. She calls out a “goddamn            a week.
Is it the end of America?” Lana posits in “When           little clingy at times, but this week is a bit much.     man-child” and makes references to “The               Despite all this, there’s a thread of defi-
the World Was at War We Kept Dancing,” a                  Play 2012’s “Without You” and get some of that           Shawshank Redemption,” Sylvia Plath and           ant hope woven throughout, climaxing with
vibey cut off “Lust for Life.” Take her advice            out of your system. Just because Lana sings, “I’m        the death of Beach Boys frontman Dennis           the final track, “hope is a dangerous thing
and throw your hands up for a little while. Give          nothing without you,” doesn’t make it true.              Wilson. All her references could make the         for a woman like me to have — but i have it.”
yourself a break.                                         LEO (JULY 23 – AUG. 22)                                  album confusing and disjointed, but it does           Lana Del Rey is an artist listeners can
CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 – JAN. 19)                                  Faithful to the end, Leos know what it’s like       the opposite by adding to the golden Cali-        rely on, and “Norman” is no different from
     Go against your natural conservative in-             to be truly committed to someone or something.           fornia vibe Lana has wrapped listeners in.        her previous records in that regard. But in
stincts and have some fun, y’all. Go sit by the           2012’s “Dark Paradise” captures that perfect-               “Norman Fucking Rockwell!” is not a            the land of “Norman Fucking Rockwell!”
Clark Fork and get high by the beach, just like           ly. Okay, the melodrama is a bit much — a bad            happy album by any means. The sexy sad-           Lana has created a new world for herself,
Lana sings in, uh, “High by the Beach.” The 2015          breakup is no reason to wish that you were dead          ness that Lana is known for is evident in         perfectly combining her sadness with her
“Honeymoon” track is solid advice if you’re feel-         — but we admire your ability to own your true            “Cinnamon Girl” and “Love song,” but it is        hope, enveloping listeners in a hazy dream-
ing just a little too uptight. Stay safe!                 feelings.                                                not as all-encompassing as her listeners are      land.

                                                                                                                                                                     September 4, 2019   17
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