MR18 F3R ENGINE USER MANUAL 2021 - Formula Regional ...

MR18 F3R ENGINE USER MANUAL 2021 - Formula Regional ...
                       USER MANUAL 2021

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MR18 F3R ENGINE USER MANUAL 2021 - Formula Regional ...

The engine has been designed specifically for use in F3R single-seater applications.

This Engine Installation and Operation Manual has been developed and written for the exclusive use
of F3R racing teams. It is therefore, written with these professional organizations in mind and as such
may not contain the necessary detail and safety information that may be required for non-professional
teams to perform the use and operation of the engine properly or safely.

                                The use of an exclamation point within a yellow triangle
                                indicates to the user that important installation, operating
                                and maintenance instructions must be followed.

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MR18 F3R ENGINE USER MANUAL 2021 - Formula Regional ...
1.      General information ........................................................................................................................ 5
     1.1 Engine area .................................................................................................................................... 5
     1.2 Power curve ................................................................................................................................... 5
     1.3 Torque curve ................................................................................................................................. 6
2.      Engine delivery ................................................................................................................................ 6
     2.1 Engine packaging ........................................................................................................................... 6
     2.2 Security seals ................................................................................................................................. 7
     2.3 Engine identification...................................................................................................................... 8
3.      Software .......................................................................................................................................... 8
     3.1 Magneti Marelli Software.............................................................................................................. 8
     3.2 SYSMA............................................................................................................................................ 9
     3.3 TIRE CHOISE ................................................................................................................................. 10
     3.4 Wintax ......................................................................................................................................... 11
4. Electronic ........................................................................................................................................... 11
     4.1 ECU .............................................................................................................................................. 11
     4.2 ELB ............................................................................................................................................... 11
     4.3 Computer setting......................................................................................................................... 12
     4.4 Electronic diagnostic ................................................................................................................... 12
     4.5 Engine diagnostic......................................................................................................................... 13
5. Engine usage ...................................................................................................................................... 14
     5.1 Oil system .................................................................................................................................... 14
     5.2 General: ....................................................................................................................................... 14
     5.3 Maintenance after each event: ................................................................................................... 14
     5.4 Engine Wiring Overview: ............................................................................................................. 15
     5.5 Engine sensors installed on chassis: ............................................................................................ 15
     5.6 Lambda sensors important note: ................................................................................................ 16
     5.7 Barometric pressure sensor important note:.............................................................................. 16
     5.8 Air filter........................................................................................................................................ 16
     5.9 Frequency of maintenance .......................................................................................................... 17
6.      Starting procedure......................................................................................................................... 17
     6.1 Before starting ............................................................................................................................. 17
     6.2 Pedal/throttle/ewastegate learning............................................................................................ 19
        Pedal sensor voltages range .......................................................................................................... 19

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MR18 F3R ENGINE USER MANUAL 2021 - Formula Regional ...
Pedal/throttle learning procedure: Duration approximately 30 seconds ..................................... 19
     6.3 Engine warm procedure .............................................................................................................. 20
7. Engine usage ...................................................................................................................................... 21
     7.1 General precautions .................................................................................................................... 21
     7.2 Operating temperatures and pressures ...................................................................................... 21
        Coolant temperature: .................................................................................................................... 21
        Engine oil temperature:................................................................................................................. 21
        Engine oil pressure ........................................................................................................................ 22
     7.3 Engine speed limiter .................................................................................................................... 22
8.      Engine maintenance ...................................................................................................................... 23
     8.1 Maintenance table ...................................................................................................................... 23
     8.2 Air filter cleaning procedure........................................................................................................ 23
     8.3 Spark plug replacement procedure ............................................................................................. 24
     8.4 Oil filter replacement procedure................................................................................................. 25
     8.5 Clutch tightening procedure: ...................................................................................................... 25
     8.6 Fly wheel tightening procedure: ................................................................................................. 25
9. Contact .............................................................................................................................................. 26
Appendix 1............................................................................................................................................. 27

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MR18 F3R ENGINE USER MANUAL 2021 - Formula Regional ...
1. General information
1.1 Engine area

Engine area included following FIA regulation:   Engine area exclude

    -     Engine                                    -   Fuel piping
    -     Engine loom                               -   Intercooler (air and water)
    -     ECU                                       -   Bellhousing
    -     Barometric pressure sensor                -   Slave cylinder
    -     Beacon (car and track)                    -   Downpipe
    -     Complete air box and air filter           -   Air-cooler piping
    -     Flywheel
    -     Clutch
    -     Starter
    -     Lambda sensor
    -     Exhaust temp sensor

1.2 Power curve

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MR18 F3R ENGINE USER MANUAL 2021 - Formula Regional ...
1.3 Torque curve

    2. Engine delivery
2.1 Engine packaging

All MR18 F3R engines are delivered in their specific transportation wooden box. Use exclusively these
boxes for travels.

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MR18 F3R ENGINE USER MANUAL 2021 - Formula Regional ...
A complete spare engine is considered as pictures below. Engine must stay in that stat for rebuild or
dyno-check in ORECA.

2.2 Security seals
All engines, new or rebuilt, are delivered with 1 electronic seals and 9 aluminum seals.

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2.3 Engine identification
Engine number is written on the ELB plat fixation on the top of the plenum.

    3. Software
3.1 Magneti Marelli Software

Wintax basic and Sysma basic will be delivered with new car. Wintax is software for data
downloading and analyses. Sysma is software for ECU calibration.

One Wintax basic and one sysma basic will be delivered per new car. Both basics software are
activated by Password (one per computer).

Example of Password request:

Send screenshot to: Olivier AIRAULT to have Password back.

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MR18 F3R ENGINE USER MANUAL 2021 - Formula Regional ...

1- Open Sysma basic

2- Open Project FR19_12.11.1.4_2020-11-27_TEAM_V10

3- Select “Control” when power is turned ON. “Control” will come green. Note that it can take a bite
of time to reach the connection.

4-Then you can see all engine sensors values and adjust Gear ratios and shifting LEDs.

To read the value from ECU press F6 or Read table

To write a new value in the ECU press F7 or Write table

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MR18 F3R ENGINE USER MANUAL 2021 - Formula Regional ...

On the new Sysma project, you are about to choose on “FR19_GEAR” window the tire supplier
(HANKOOK / MICHELIN / PIRELLI). This parameter will adjust wheels circumferences.


 Tire set in the ECU                               Tire selector HANKOOK/MICHELIN/PIRELLI

The good tire must be set to have the good car speed on your devices and the good pitlane limiter

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3.4 Wintax

Wintax4 user manual will be delivered with Wintax software. Channels information can be found on

    4. Electronic
4.1 ECU
Engine management is done by ECU Magneti Marelli SRG140.

4.2 ELB
Every engine is equipped with ELB (Magneti Marelli). This device will record strategic information
during engine life.

                        ELB must be connected full time. In case off disconnection,
                        Ignition limiter applied will be 3750 RPM.

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4.3 Computer setting

ECU communication is done by the TATUUS Ethernet communication cable.

First, you must change computer IP address (IPV4) as following and switch of firewall & wifi.

IP: 192 . 168 . 111 . 75

Mask: 255 . 255 . 255 . 0

4.4 Electronic diagnostic

In case of sensor issue, you must check Vref supply. With any short circuit on loom or sensors, the 5V
will drop. All sensors in the same Vref supply will wrong.

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Vref distribution:

   Vref 1                     Vref 2             Vref 3                 Vref 4
   Rail-P            E-WasteGate               Accelero              F Brake-P
  Throttle              P/2-2                 FL Damper              R Brake-P
   Oil-P              P/2-1 T/2-1             FR Damper             Steering Pos
  Pedal A              Gear-Pos               RL Damper                Baro-P
  Pedal B              Clutch-P               RR Damper               N-Turbo

4.5 Engine diagnostic
                                                             Ignition limiter active
 Diag         Signification                                                        Comments
  1      Std 1                  Limiter OK
  4      DBW                    Throttle default. Delta throttle position coherency between track 1 and track 2 > 15% for 250ms
  6      p21                    P boost default. Boost pressure too high
  7      Pit                    Pit limiter active
  8      nTurbo                 Turbo speed default. Turbospeed too high
  11     Pedal security         Pedal security. Throttle pedal> 70% + P brake> 40 Bars for 150 msec = engine kill
  12     Kill                   Ignition switch off
  14     ELB                    ELB default. ELB connection is lost
  17     Engine security        Engine security. Oil pressure is less than 1 Bar for 2 seconds or Water temp is higher than 120°C for 3 seconds

  Engine synchronization                                  Gear State
 Diag       Signification                        Diag          Signification
   2    Crank 1                                   0       Idle
   3    Crank 2                                   3       Up extract time out
   4    Cam 1                                     4       Up extract
   5    Cam 2                                     5       Up engage Tmo
                                                  6       Up engage
        Engine state                              8       Up lock
 Diag        Signification                        10      Up recenter
  0      Stall                                    15      Up Failed
  1      Cranking                                 19      Dn extract Tmo
  2      Running                                  20      Dn extract
                                                  21      Dn engage Tmo
         Kill status                              22      Dn engage
 Diag        Signification                        24      Dn lock
  0      Run                                      26      Dn recenter
  1      Killed                                   31      Dn failed

    Wheel speed diag                               Synchronization state
 Diag     Signification                          Diag          Signification
  0   Ok                                          0      Stall
  1   Off                                         1      Moving
  2   Fault                                       2      Search
                                                  3      Conf
                                                  4      Phasing
                                                  5      Phased

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5. Engine usage
5.1 Oil system

                        Only Castrol Edge Titanium 10W60 can be used in the MR18 F3R

Oil filter is changed also after the bench breaking-in and power curves. Make sure to clean carefully
all oil pipes and oil tank (in bellhousing) before you mount a new or rebuilt engine in the car.

5.2 General:
                       Extreme care must be taken with the routing of all wiring looms
                       and positioning of equipment to avoid damage to wiring insulation
                       or over-stressing of internal cables.

Prevent the engine loom and the ECU loom from unlikely conditions that could cause damages:

       - do not crush the loom.

       - avoid friction on sharp or exposed edges.

       - use preventive devices such as rub wraps where it is necessary.

       - design a proper thermal insulation in order to protect the alternator and its loom.

       - make sure that all electronic devices are properly fixed and cannot be damaged by vibrations.

5.3 Maintenance after each event:
       - check the loom and all connectors.

       - check all power connections on alternator, electric starter, chassis ground and power.

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5.4 Engine Wiring Overview:

        1    ECU                        11   E WASTEGATE              21   HP PUMP
        2    P ATMO                     12   COIL 3                   22   CAM EX
        3    CHASSIS                    13   ELB                      23   N TURBO
        4    GCC                        14   COIL 4                   24   P 2/2
        5    INTERCO                    15   CAM IN                   25   INJ / P RAIL
        6    GND                        16   STARTER                  26   T EXHAUST
        7    ELV IN (BLUE)              17   T GEARBOX                27   LAMBDA
        8    ELV EX (RED)               18   PT 2/1                   28   P OIL
        9    COIL 1                     19   T WATER                  29   T OIL
       10    COIL 2                     20   THROTTLE                 30   CRANK

5.5 Engine sensors installed on chassis:
Your car is equipped with engine sensors installed on chassis, make sure they are in a good status at
all time:

        - Lambda Bosch sensor

        - Barometric pressure sensor.

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5.6 Lambda sensors important note:
Please ensure that a small amount of Copper grease is applied to the threads prior to fitting.

                         The Lambda Sensors fitted to each exhaust tail pipe are very
                         sensitive items and therefore, care must be taken to ensure that
                         they are not damaged.

5.7 Barometric pressure sensor important note:

                         Never install the sensor with the
                         inlet hole oriented to the top.

5.8 Air filter
Cotton air filter is an important and sensitive part. On dirty circuits, ensure to use exclusively new filter.
Keep in mind that a new filter is only pre-oiled; specific COTTON air filter oil (distributed by K&N, Green,
JR, DNA, others…) must be added on a new air filter (each side) before to install it.


Air filter can be cleaned and re-used. It is important that your air filter be clean (or changed) regularly
to ensure an optimum engine performance and reliability. This interval can be greatly influenced by
your environment and driving conditions. In dusty areas, you may need to clean the filter more often.
Please refer to section 6.2 of the engine manual for air filter cleaning procedure. ORECA recommends
to customers to have a minimum of 2 spare air filters and a complete air filter cleaning kit.

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5.9 Frequency of maintenance

- Before each meeting, your air filter must be new (or cleaned)

- Clean it before the race (and clean it after the race)

- Dry your air filter after a wet practice / race

- Check your air filter if the car went in the gravel

- Change your air filter when it looks too dirty / old, or when the cotton does not still cover

the whole mesh of the air filter (if you see some holes in the mesh).

    6. Starting procedure

6.1 Before starting

Before starting, you must ensure the following points:

- Coolant and engine oil at a correct level.

- Cold engine ONLY: open the water circuit up to 50°C water temperature.

- Proceed to Pedal/throttle/eWastegate learning before the first start of each meeting, or after any
intervention on the throttle, pedal or Wastegate.

-Check all temps and pressure sensors.

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-ELB state must be “Link ON” and limiter active “Std1”. Limiter apply will be 6750 RPM.

-check sensors and injectors supply. All Vrefs must be close to 5.000 Volts and Vtank must be close to
67 Volts.

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6.2 Pedal/throttle/ewastegate learning

Pedal sensor voltages range

Pedal voltages must be in the below voltage ranges to able to success the learning.

                      Off pedal (0%)            Full pedal (100%)

                Min value     Max value     Min value       Max value
                (Volts)       (Volts)       (Volts)         (Volts)
 Pedal sensor
   RAW 1
                     1              3           3,1            4,9
 Pedal sensor
   RAW 2
                    1,8             4           0,2            1,75

Pedal/throttle learning procedure: Duration approximately 30 seconds

1) Power off the car and press full throttle pedal while main switch is off.

2) Keep full throttle pedal, Turn ON main switch and keep full throttle pedal position for 6-7 seconds.

3) Release the throttle pedal (= remove completely the foot from it) and wait for the end of the
automatic pedal/throttle learning procedure (motorized throttles are going successively to MIN –>
MAX –> IDLE positions).

4) Make power cycle when learning is succeeded

                          It is possible to hear the motorized throttles during calibration. If
                          nothing       happens,      you    must     proceed   to    the   complete
                          pedal/throttle learning procedure again.

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6.3 Engine warm procedure
- Ensure Neutral gear is selected

- Ignition OFF, use starter button to make the oil pressure increase to 2bar (cold oil) or 0.5bar (hot oil).
Never use starter button longer than 5 seconds in the way to preserve the electric starter.

- The engine is now ready for starting

- Ignition ON

-When engine is running, Engine State is “RUNNING” and SyncState is “Phased”. In case of starting
issue, you can check SyncState. If this value is not “Phased” under cranking you can have issue with
crank our cam sensors

-Engine is running

                         Verify Oil Pressure Immediately after Start (4 – 6 Bars).

- Check VVT errors. VVT1 is Inlet camshaft and VV2 is Exhaust camshaft. Both VVT err must be close to
0° when engine is running.

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- Keep the engine speed between 2000RPM and 2500RPM until the coolant temperature reaches
50°C. Adjust water level if necessary. At coolant temperature = 50°C precisely, close the water cap.

- At IDLE speed press clutch and engage 1st gear Shift up gently from 1st to 6th gear until the coolant
temperature reaches 65°C, then shift down slowly to 1st gear.

- 1st gear engaged, rise engine speed at 3000-3200RPM stable and shift up to 6th gear. Release throttle
pedal and shift down to neutral. Take care that coolant temperature do not exceed 75°C at this point.

- Check reverse gear and go back to neutral.

- At neutral, use engine speed of 4000RPM for 10 seconds and kill engine.

- Turn ignition OFF.

- Check the oil level asap after Ignition OFF

        7. Engine usage

7.1 General precautions
Always run the engine with the correct oil and water levels. Under no circumstance water/humidity
can stay in the airbox. Ensure to have a cleaned air filter and airbox each day.

7.2 Operating temperatures and pressures
Coolant temperature:
     Warming up / Bad use                 Normal operating                         Bad use

50                                75                                  110

Engine oil temperature:
     Warming up / Bad use                 Normal operating                         Bad use

50                                70                                  140

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Engine oil pressure:

           Bad use                     Normal operating                       Bad use

2.8                             4                                   6

                        If an alarm is displayed during running, it is the teams responsibility
                        to bring the car into the pits. If an alarm is ignored the team will be
                        responsible for any damage which may be caused to the engine.

7.3 Engine speed limiter

Engine speed is limited by the ECU at 6750RPM. It is tolerates to use the limiter during maximum 3
seconds continuously.

We have 2 separate limiters:
Absolute IGNITION LIMITER: 6750 RPM (above this value the ECU doesn’t fire any cylinder)

To get smother limitation there are 2 pre‐limiter band (one for IGNITION and one for INJECTION). The
pre‐limiter band is setup at 50 RPM from 1st to 6th gear under absolute limiter. This means that the
engine starts limiter is 6700 RPM.

For Neutral and reverse, Rev limiter is 4000 RPM

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8. Engine maintenance

8.1 Maintenance table

8.2 Air filter cleaning procedure

                        Air filter is a key point for turbocharger reliability.

                        Read carefully this note before proceeding to the air filter
                        cleaning. Do not use high pressurized water (KARCHER). Hot water
                        (30°C) provides best result.

To clean your Green High Performance Air Filter, follow the steps below:


Tap the filter or blow with air to remove excess dirt.


Spray the filter with Green Filter Cleaner and allow the solution to soak in for about 15

minutes. The filter must not become dry

* Never use strong detergents, high pressure water, or gasoline.

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Rinse the filter with warm water, clean side to dirty side to flush out the dirt.


Allow the filter to dry naturally. Try to avoid heat because it might shrink the cotton. If you use an air
gun, do not blow closer than 30cm from the air filter and do it carefully, otherwise the air flow will
generate holes


Re-oil the filter using Green Filter Oil by using 1 spray per 2 square inches of filter. Take care to not
over-oil your filter. Remove the excess of oil on the rubber. Air filter is ready to use. OIL FOR FOAM

* Never use motor oil, transmission fluid, WD-40®, or any other brand of filter oil as these

may damage your Green Filter. Use only genuine Green Filter Oil.

8.3 Spark plug replacement procedure
Spark plug replacement is requested at 5,000kms from last rebuild achieved. Use exclusively spark
plugs set 7711168144.

- Remove carefully the coils and blow air prior to remove the old spark plugs.

- Remove old spark plugs.

- Apply a small amount of copper grease on the threads of new spark plugs.

- Assemble the new spark plugs. Torque it by hand to compress the seal. Release it and torque it again
at 17Nm.

                                 Special care must be taken when fitting back the coils.
                                 Ensure that the coil connector number fits on the correct
                                 cylinder number.

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8.4 Oil filter replacement procedure

Use exclusively oil filter P/N: 1520865F0B.

- Clean carefully the oil filter area prior to remove the old one.

- Remove old oil filter.

- Apply a small amount of oil on the seal of the new oil filter.

- Assemble the oil filter and torque it at 20Nm. Verify minimum 3 times the torque (filter shouldn’t
move) and mark its final position with a paint pencil.

8.5 Clutch tightening procedure:
        - Read and carefully follow the Sachs instructions enclosed in the clutch box.

        - Apply Loctite 243 and torque clutch nuts at 22Nm.


8.6 Fly wheel tightening procedure:

- It is recommended not to use the flywheel screws several times.

- Before tightening, apply copper grease or ARP grease on the thread and on the underside of the
screw head and torque fly wheel screw at 90 Nm.

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9. Contact

Postal address:
ORECA Magny-Cours

Technopole du circuit

58470 Magny-Cours, France

Phone: +33 3 86 21 08 00

Fax:    +33 3 86 21 08 02

Olivier Airault, FR19 Project leader
Mobile: +33 6 30 86 19 96


Alain Sauvagère, Workshop
Phone: +33 3 86 21 08 06


Gaël RAMBIER, Technical support during meeting
Mobile : +33 6 70 27 29 34


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Appendix 1

           ITEM      UNIT                            SIGNIFICATION             DECIMAL   FRENQUENCE
aCam1_State                 Angular Cam 1 synchronization state                   0          20Hz
aCam2_State                 Angular Cam 2 synchronization state                   0          20Hz
AccX_Corr              g    Accelerometer X hw compensated                        3         100Hz
AccY_Corr              g    Accelerometer Y hw compensated                        3         100Hz
AccZ_Corr              g    Accelerometer Z hw compensated                        3         100Hz
Analog_01             mV    CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0         200Hz
Analog_02             mV    CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0         200Hz
Analog_03             mV    CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0         200Hz
Analog_04             mV    CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0         200Hz
Analog_05             mV    CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0         100Hz
Analog_06             mV    CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0         100Hz
Analog_07             mV    CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0         100Hz
Analog_08             mV    CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0         100Hz
Analog_09             mV    CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0          50Hz
Analog_10             mV    CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0          50Hz
Analog_11             mV    CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0          50Hz
Analog_12             mV    CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0          50Hz
Analog_13             mV    CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0          10Hz
Analog_14             mV    CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0          10Hz
Analog_15             mV    CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0          10Hz
Analog_16             mV    CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0          10Hz
aSteering              °    Steering wheel angle elaborated value (filtered)      1          50Hz
aSteeringRaw          mV    Steering wheel angle raw value                        3          20Hz
BestLapTime            s    Lap best time                                         3          5Hz
BrakeBalance          %     Brake balance                                         1          20Hz
CarSpeed             Km/h   Car speed                                             1          50Hz
CcanRx1Raw                  Configurable Can Rx signal 1 raw                      0          20Hz
CcanRx2Raw                  Configurable Can Rx signal 2 raw                      0          20Hz
Crank_State                 Crank synchronization state                           0          20Hz
DashAlarm                   bitmap data resuming all dash alarms active           0          20Hz
Digital_01                  CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0         100Hz
Digital_02                  CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0         100Hz
Digital_03                  CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0         100Hz
Digital_04                  CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                0         100Hz
DistanceFull          m     Full distance elapsed                                 0          5Hz
DistanceLap           m     Lap distance                                          0          20Hz
DownshiftElv          %     Downshift electrovalve command                        0          20Hz
ECU_AccX              g     Real ECU X axis accelerometer                         3          20Hz
ECU_AccY              g     Real ECU Y axis accelerometer                         3          20Hz
ECU_AccZ              g     Real ECU Z axis accelerometer                         3          20Hz
EGA_MotorCurrent      A     Electric Gearbox Actuator Motor current               1         200Hz
EGA_MotorDuty         %     Electric Gearbox Actuator Motor duty cycle            1         200Hz
EGA_Request                 Electric Gearbox Actuator request                     0         100Hz
EGA_ShaftPos         mm     Electric Gearbox Actuator shaft position              2         200Hz
EGA_TargetPos        mm     Electric Gearbox Actuator shaft target position       2         100Hz
Engine_kill                 Manual engine kill                                    0          20Hz
EngLoad_Req           %     Engine load request                                   1          20Hz
EngState                    Engine state                                          0         100Hz
ErrConfig                   Configuration errors                                  0          2Hz
Fuel_Pump                   Fuel pumlp state                                      0          5Hz

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ITEM        UNIT                               SIGNIFICATION                               DECIMAL   FRENQUENCE
FuelCons_mg             mg    Fuel quantity injected from power 1                                        0          10Hz
FuelConsumption         kg    Fuel quantity injected from power 1                                        3          10Hz
GDU_OutLed                    GDU leds outputs                                                           0          20Hz
Gear                          Gear position from -1 (reverse) to max gear                                0         100Hz
GearDnSw                      Filtered downshift switch request                                          0          50Hz
GearDownshiftRequest          Gearbox elaborated downshift request                                       0          50Hz
GearState                     GearState                                                                  0         200Hz
GearUpshiftRequest            Gearbox elaborated upshift request                                         0          50Hz
GearUpSw                      Filtered upshift switch request                                            0          50Hz
gExtAccX                g     External acelerometer X axis elaborated value (filtered)                   3          50Hz
gExtAccY                g     External acelerometer Y axis elaborated value (filtered)                   3          50Hz
GPS                           Global Position System                                                     0          50Hz
GPS_ALTITUDE            m     Global Position System altitude                                            2          50Hz
GPS_BEACON                    Global Position System beacon                                              0          50Hz
GPS_LAP                       Global Position System lap                                                 0          50Hz
GPS_LAT                  °    Global Position System latitude                                            7          50Hz
GPS_LONG                 °    Global Position System longitude                                           7          50Hz
GPS_SPEED              Km/h   Global Position System speed                                               2          50Hz
GPS_TEMP                °C    Global Position System temperature                                         0          50Hz
IdealLapTime             s    Lap ideal time                                                             3          5Hz
Ignition                      Ignition power state                                                       0          50Hz
IgnLim_Abs             rpm    Ignition absolute engine limiter                                           0          20Hz
IgnLim_Active                 Ignition active limiter                                                    0          20Hz
IgnPower                      Ignition power state                                                       0          5Hz
LapDiffBestTime         s     Lap diff with best lap time                                                3          5Hz
LapDiffIdealTime        s     Lap diff with ideal lap time                                               3          5Hz
Logger_FinalTime        s     Final lap time from Logger                                                 3          20Hz
Logger_Lap                    Lap counter from Logger                                                    0          20Hz
Logger_Run                    Run counter from Logger                                                    0          20Hz
mFuelCons1              Kg    Fuel mass consumption from last tank fill up (1).                          3          5Hz
mFuelConsLap            kg    Lap fuel consumption ( mass )                                              3          20Hz
ParDiffBestTime          s    Diff with previous best time of the last partial (relative to beacon)      3          5Hz
ParDiffIdealTime         s    Diff with previous ideal time of the last partial (relative to beancon)    3          5Hz
PartialBestTime          s    Best time of the last partial (relative to beacon)                         3          5Hz
PartialIdealTime         s    Ideal time of the last partial (relative to beacon)                        3          5Hz
PartialTime              s    Time of the last partial (relative to beacon)                              3          5Hz
pBaro                  mbar   Barometric pressure elaborated value (filtered)                            0          50Hz
pBrakeF                 bar   Front Brake pressure elaborated value (filtered)                           1          50Hz
pBrakeR                 bar   Rear Brake pressure elaborated value (filtered)                            1          50Hz
pClutch                 bar   Clutch pressure elaborated value (filtered)                                1          20Hz
pOil                    bar   Engine Oil pressure elaborated value (filtered)                            2          50Hz
pRail                   bar   Fuel high pressure elaborated value (filtered)                             1          50Hz
pRailTgt                bar   Fuel high pressure target                                                  1          20Hz
PredictLapTime           s    Predicted lap time                                                         3          5Hz
PSD_Alarm                     Configurable Can Rx signal 15 raw                                          0          10Hz
PSD_Aux                 A     Configurable Can Rx signal 7 raw                                           2          10Hz
PSD_Coils               A     Configurable Can Rx signal 8 raw                                           1          10Hz
PSD_CU_HP               A     Configurable Can Rx signal 5 raw                                           1          10Hz
PSD_ENGINE              A     Configurable Can Rx signal 9 raw                                           1          10Hz
PSD_FED                 A     Configurable Can Rx signal 4 raw                                           1          10Hz
PSD_Fuel                A     Configurable Can Rx signal 3 raw                                           1          10Hz
PSD_InputSt                   Configurable Can Rx signal 11 raw                                          0          10Hz

MR18 F3R Engine user manual V03, February 2021                                                             Page 28 sur 29
ITEM         UNIT                              SIGNIFICATION                DECIMAL   FRENQUENCE
PSD_OutSt                      Configurable Can Rx signal 16 raw                          0          10Hz
PSD_SPARE                A     Configurable Can Rx signal 6 raw                           1          10Hz
PSD_Starter1             A     Configurable Can Rx signal 10 raw                          1          10Hz
PSD_Starter2             A     Configurable Can Rx signal 12 raw                          1          10Hz
PSD_TBox                 °C    Configurable Can Rx signal 14 raw                          0          1Hz
PSD_VBatt                      Configurable Can Rx signal 13 raw                          1          10Hz
rPedal                   %     Pedal position elaborated value                            1          50Hz
rPedal1Raw                     Pedal track 1 raw value                                    3          50Hz
rPedal2                  %     Pedal track 2 elaborated value (filtered)                  1          50Hz
rPedal2Raw                     Pedal track 2 raw value                                    3          50Hz
RPM                     rpm    Engine speed                                               0         200Hz
SwFuelPumpState                Force fuel pump switch state                               0          20Hz
SWP_Ana1_Downshift             Switch panel analog 1                                      2         200Hz
SWP_Ana2_Upshift               Switch panel analog 2                                      2         200Hz
SwPitLim_State                 Pit Limiter switch input state                             0          20Hz
SwResetDashAlarmState          Reset dash alarms switch state                             0          20Hz
SyncState                      Synchronization state                                      0          50Hz
Temperature_01                 CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                     0          5Hz
Temperature_02                 CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                     0          5Hz
Temperature_03                 CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                     0          5Hz
Temperature_04                 CAN-Cortex_extra-datas                                     0          5Hz
tExhaust                 °C    Exhaust temperature elaborated value (filtered)            0          50Hz
TinjR1Cyl1_1             µs    Main ramp injection time 1 cylinder 1                      0          50Hz
Tlm_LapTime             ms     Tlm Time through 2 Beacon events                           0          20Hz
tOil                     °C    Oil temperature elaborated value (filtered)                1          20Hz
tOilGbx                  °C    Gearbox Oil temperature elaborated value (filtered)        1          20Hz
tWater                   °C    Water temperature elaborated value                         1          20Hz
UpshiftElv               %     Upshift electrovalve command                               0          20Hz
vBarrel                 Volt   Barrel position elaborated value                           3         500Hz
VBatt                   volt   Filtered battery voltage                                   2          50Hz
vFuelCons                 L    Fuel volume consumption from last tank fill up.            2          5Hz
VFuelConsLap              L    Lap fuel consumption ( volume )                            3          20Hz
Vref1_Corr               V     Reference voltage 1 hw compensated                         3          50Hz
Vref2_Corr               V     Reference voltage 2 hw compensated                         3          50Hz
Vref3_Corr               V     Reference voltage 3 hw compensated                         3          50Hz
Vref4_Corr               V     Reference voltage 4 hw compensated                         3          50Hz
Vrefi_Corr               V     Internal reference voltage hw compensated                  3          50Hz
Vtank_Corr               V     GDI power supply hw compensated                            1         100Hz
VVT1_Diag                      VVT1 diagnostic (to be confirm)                            0          20Hz
VVT1_Err                °Crk   VVT1 error                                                 1          50Hz
VVT2_Diag                      VVT2 diagnostic (to be confirm)                            0          20Hz
VVT2_Err                °Crk   VVT2 error                                                 1          50Hz
WSpeed_FL               Km/h   Front Left Wheel speed filtered                            1          50Hz
WSpeed_FL_Dg                   Front left wheel speed diagnostic                          0          20Hz
WSpeed_FR               Km/h   Front Right Wheel speed filtered                           1          50Hz
WSpeed_FR_Dg                   Front right wheel speed diagnostic                         0          20Hz
xDamper_FL              mm     Front Left linear Damper elaborated value (filtered)       1         100Hz
xDamper_FLRaw           mV     Front Left linear Damper raw value                         3         100Hz
xDamper_FR              mm     Front Right linear Damper elaborated value (filtered)      1         100Hz
xDamper_FRRaw           mV     Front Right linear Damper raw value                        3         100Hz
xDamper_RL              mm     Rear Left linear Damper elaborated value (filtered)        1         100Hz
xDamper_RLRaw           mV     Rear Left linear Damper raw value                          3         100Hz
xDamper_RR              mm     Rear Right linear Damper elaborated value (filtered)       1         100Hz
xDamper_RRRaw           mV     Rear Right linear Damper raw value                         3         100Hz

MR18 F3R Engine user manual V03, February 2021                                              Page 29 sur 29
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