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                                         OFFERS BURSARIES
                                                 HELP FOR NEEDY STUDENTS



Mayor’s introduction.....................................3           B O J A N A L A P L AT I N U M D I S T R I C T M U N I C I PA L I T Y

Municipal Manager’s tips ..............................5
What is good governance?............................7
Our new Internal Audit Manager...................9
German students & academics amazed by
Bojanala’s admin model ................................10
BDPM through the lens .................................13
Bojanala bursary comes to the rescue
of needy students .........................................14
Disability Lekgotla for active participation ......18
Technical Services Portfolio Committee
visits projects ................................................20
Practical advice to improve service delivery.....22
Two schools excell in renewable energy
competition ..................................................24
Memorandum of understanding with
SEDA Platinum Incubator (SPI).......................26
Women Commission launched in
Manamela ....................................................28
Pride of Bojanala Platinum District
Bursary beneficiary student writes to us.........31
From the HR Desk .........................................31

                Design, layout & production by:
                                               Abbey Makoe
                                         Alameen Templeton
                                         Editorial Director:
                                              Archie Babeile                      Creative Director:

                                                John Ritchie
                                Bojanala Editorial Team:
                                               Kea Malao
                                              Attie Jansen
                                         Kagiso Morapedi
                                               Zodwa Du Toit
Mayor’s introduction
B o j a n a l a P l a t i n u m D i s t r i c t M u n i c i p a l i t y E x e c u t i v e M a y o r,
C l l r. L o u i s R a m m o J o s i a D i r e m e l o

 In the spirit of
 governance the

 Municipality will
 continue to
 work very                              ojanala                                         spheres of
                                        Platinum                                        government in
 closely with the                       District                                        particular, the
 other spheres of             Municipality is                                           Provincial
                              undoubtedly on the                                        Department Of
 government in                road to achieving a clean audit         Local Government and Traditional
 order to achieve             report in 2014 despite the              Affairs, COGTA National and
                              numerous legacy challenges              National Treasury and organs of
 its desired                  facing the municipality. What will      state such as the Auditor
 objectives, says             make the turn-around of this            General’s office, to name but a
                              municipality to be a success is the     few, in order for us to achieve our
 Executive Mayor              commitment that has been made           desired objectives.
 Cllr. Louis                  by the leadership of the                   However it should be
                              municipality as a collective, as well   understood that this is a year old
 Diremelo.                    as the positive attitude and the        municipality with added
                              acknowledgement of our                  responsibilities and expectation
                              weakness in order for us to be          which translate to more
                              assisted where possible, in coming      challenges than there were
                              up with realistic and achievable        before, and notwithstanding that,
                              strategies and mechanisms to            as a responsible municipality we
                              overcome those challenges.              will not wish away those
                                 As a municipality, we are            challenges, but rather we have
                              mindful of our target for a clean       already taken ownership of all the
                              audit by 2014 and for certain, we       liabilities and irregularities of the
                              will not leave that to chance and       previous Council and made
                              indeed we will work tirelessly to       serious commitment and
                              achieve that target before it is        endeavour to remedy the
                              due. We also acknowledge that           situation.
                              we are a government in our own
                              right, and that through the spirit      Audit Committee
                              of cooperative government we            appointed
                              will continue to work very closely      To date, we identified capacity
                              and tirelessly with the other           gaps that impeded any efforts to

                                                                                                the   BojanalaREPORTER   3
improve the situation, and as a result we             of economic activity, a site where entrepreneurs
                managed to appoint an Audit Committee with a          of various kinds, from farmers to small-scale
                very reputable background and experience and          informal traders converge to conduct business.
                due to obvious backlogs, they have hit the            FPM can play a major role in food security of
                ground running. The critical positions of Manager     households in two ways,
                Internal Audit have been filled and the                  (i) As an outlet where farming households can
                outstanding positions of Directors will be filled             sell their surplus produce and earn income
                  within one month from now. The Municipal                    to buy food,
                    Public Accounts Committee is fully functional        (ii) As a supplier to informal fresh produce
                     and playing its oversight role in the manner             marketers or so called hawkers who earn a
                     expected of it. Furthermore, the municipality            living by selling their produce in the cities
                     has imaged as one of the leading                         and townships.
                    municipalities in the expenditure of the MIG         The establishment of a FPM would create a
                  grant as.                                           conducive environment for agricultural
                   Overall, the performance of the municipality       entrepreneurs. It would minimize the distance to
                has improved remarkably and for certain the           be travelled to places like the Joburg Market for a
                environment that prevails is conducive to good        small scale farmer that comes from our rural
                working order and for that reason there can           areas like Mabieskraal or Ga-Mmotla.
                never be any reasons for failure.                        As a District Municipality, we are also studying
                   1. Rural Development                               a good model of this project by City of Tshwane,
                   2. Local Economic                                                         where they have similar project.
                   Development                                                               It has identified investment in
                   3. Services Delivery                                                      agro-processing facilities as a
                   4. Education                                                              mechanism to promote
                   5. Job creation                                                           development, improve food
                   6. Crime Prevention and                                                   security, create jobs and
                   Corruption                                                                generate additional income.
                                                                                                The District Fresh Produce
                New name for the                                                             Market will assist small buyers
                municipality                                                                 to take the important step from
                As the leader in the council of                                              the informal sector to
                the Bojanala Platinum District                                               becoming viable and
                Municipality, we have already engaged with a          established formal businesses.
                relevant process of the name change and the              We all know that fresh fruits and vegetables
                registration of the a new official coat of arms for   are a crucial part of a healthy diet.
                the institution.
                   A committee of five Councilors, has been           Establishment of the
                appointed to ensure that all technical and legal      District Development Agency
                aspects regarding this matter are addressed. The      In another development within the Municipality,
                Councilors are, Cllr, Khunou (Chairperson), Cllr      the council is on course to establish a District
                Tlale, Cllr Maguala, Cllr Manemule and Cllr           Development Agency.
                Makgutle.                                                A team, which comprised both the political
                   It is the prerogative of Council to determine      leadership and administration, was tasked with
                which processes should be followed in order to        the responsibility of visiting district municipalities
                come up with a new name for the municipality,         where their development agencies have been
                including a consultative progress with the ruling     successful. A detailed report was tabled before
                party and all parties in Council, invite the public   the Special Council which was held at
                to submit proposed names, continue to hold            Losperfontein Prison, near Brits, on the 30th April
                competitions to submit names and new                  2012.
                designed.                                                The purpose of the agency will be to
                                                                      determine a suitable mechanism for growing the
                Establishment of a                                    economy of BPDM and those of the five local
                Regional Fresh Produce Market                         municipalities.
                In another initiative aimed at improving the lives       My office, will continue to ensure that
                of the communities in the district, as the            communities in the District directly benefits to all
                Municipality, we have conducted a feasibility         these poverty alleviation initiatives by the
                study on a possibility of the establishment of a      municipality. l
                Regional Fresh Produce Market.                        Councilor L.J.R Diremelo
                   The Fresh Produce Market, (FPM) is a lively site   Executive Mayor

4   the   BojanalaREPORTER
Manager’s tips      Bojanala Platinum District Municipality
                    M u n i c i p a l M a n a g e r, M r I n n o c e n t S i r o v h a

Manager, Mr
Sirovha, gives
tips on how, as
change agents,
staff can
cultivate a new        Revenue
culture of good        Enhancement
governance,            Debt collection – a symptom              and administratively available and
                       or a cause                               explore opportunities to diversify
professionalism                                                 its revenue where existing
                       Successful revenue enhancement
and passion for        program implementation is                revenues are inadequate to meet
                                                                the demands of change and
providing              dependent on a structured
                                                                growth. It also means a
                       planning and management
quality services.      implementation processes.                commitment to put in place a
                       Revenue enhancement and                  wide-ranging series of
                       management does not only start           improvements to its policies,
                       when the debtor defaulted, but           procedures, staffing and
                       already early in the billing cycle       organizational structure. The
                       when the consumer applies for            intent is to use each one of its
                       services, meters are read and            revenue sources to its fullest
                       accounts processed. If these             potential in accordance with
                       processes are not in place, then         District goals and priorities.
                       debt collection is the symptom               Benefits to this strategy will
                       that is treated and not the cause.       include but not limited to -
                          To curb these challenges,                 l Improves the potential for
                       Bojanala Platinum District                      offering new or improved
                       Municipality together with its                  service.
                       constituent local municipalities             l Rejuvenates the culture of
                       adopted a strategy that treats the              payment of services
                       cause of the problems and not the            l Balances current and future
                       symptoms, which mean that it                    capital investment needs with
                       starts at the beginning of the                  revenue availability.
                       billing cycle with the process of            l Increases accountability for
                       applying for municipal services.                the staff who are responsible
                          As a collective, all municipalities          for revenue generation and
                       are committed to optimizing the                 collection.
                       revenue sources that are legally             l Develops
                                                                                      to next page

                                                                                         the   BojanalaREPORTER   5
opportunities to make the overall revenue       providers among other things.
                     structure more equitable and efficient             The well functioning of the Bojanala Platinum
                    lReveals areas of future concern to assist in    District Municipality is based on efficiency and
                     budgeting and forecasting.                      effectiveness of resources which include the
                                                                     personnel and the equipment being used. By
                Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) observing the previous annual report for
                Through the Inter Governmental Relations (IGR),      2010/2011 there are indications of a great
                  as BPDM we have embarked on a mission to           improvement when comparing with other
                     improve our MIG expenditure for our             previous years' reports. There was no magic in
                       constituent municipalities. We are            achieving this but it was through becoming
                       encouraging the local municipalities to       committed, dedicated and think positive for
                       Develop and Adopt a cooperate calendar for positive results.
                      Supply Chain bid committees for the entire        The commitment was demonstrated by both
                   financial year. This will improve the turnaround  officials and the political leadership of our
                time for appointment of service providers hence      institution. In our Municipality we strongly
                improves the expenditure. We have agreed that        observe the Municipal Finance Management Act
                this strategy will be implemented by the first of    (MFMA) which regulates the way in which
                July 2012 moving into the new financial year of      Municipality funds should managed.
                2012/13 and beyond. Upon                                                  In ensuring that we fulfil our
                implementing this, we will have to                                     constitutional mandate as per
                move the first step of carrying our                                    chapter 7 of the Constitution of
                local municipality towards clean                                       the Republic of South Africa (Act
                audit by 2014 and beyond.                 Performance                  108 of 1996) and Chapter 4 of
                Observing the MFMA                        as a whole                   Local Government: Municipal
                                                                                       Systems Act (Act 32 of 2000) we
                As a municipality we are governed         should be                    call community meetings in the
                by the laws of the country which
                in all respects are designed to
                                                          monitored                    form of IDP representative forums
                                                                                       and Budget Forums. These are not
                create a platform for good                to make                      just mere meetings but allowing
                governance and as such, it would
                be a travesty of justice if for
                                                          sure   the                   public to chart the way forward for
                                                                                       our primary planning tool.
                malicious reasons, any one of us          targets are
                subscribes to counterproductive                                        What did our
                tendencies motivated by greed
                                                                                       municipality do to ensure
                and other social ills. We need not                                     it is developmental?
                shy away from these things as our
                silence could easily be misinterpreted to mean       Bojanala   Platinum    District Municipality has
                that we condone actions that compromise service      become    developmental      in nature; it has changed
                delivery.                                            the  way  that  it works.  The  following are some
                    Having put our administrative position clear, it tools that  municipalities    must  apply to assist to
                is important to understand that as administrators    becoming     more   developmental:
                we do not work in isolation but rather that we       Working together with local citizens
                provide advice to our policy makers and also
                implement the decisions that they take and our
                                                                     and partners
                actions and results should be subjected to           Building local democracy remains a central role of
                continuous monitoring through oversight              local government, and municipalities should
                structures, to ensure that the intended outcomes     develop strategies and mechanisms to
                and desired objectives are achieved.                 continuously involve citizens, business and
                    Thus far, the municipality has just gone         community groups in processes such as planning
                through a very difficult transition phase of the     and budgeting. One of the strengths of
                previous leadership to a new phase of new            integrated development planning is that it
                leadership which for all intents and purposes has    involves the community in development, delivery
                high expectations on service delivery                and democracy.
                implementation in order to gain the confidence          Community and activist organisations uses
                of the electorate.                                   mechanisms like ward committees, IDP and
                    The municipality’s cash flows are sound and      development forums, budget consultation
                assurance is given that the municipality will        meetings and ward councillor public meetings to
                continue to improve and to meet its financial        influence the policies and programmes of local
                obligations such as the payment of salaries for      government. l
                staff and councillors and the payment of service     Innocent Sirovha, Municipal Manager

6   the   BojanalaREPORTER
What is good
governance? Bojanala Platinum District Municipality
            Chief of Staff, Mr Freddy Molotsi

In this article

Chief of Staff,
Mr Freddy
Molotsi, tries                ecently the                                    governance and
to explain                    terms                                          local governance.
                              "governance"                                      Since
what              and "good                                                  governance is
"governance"      governance" are being                                      the process of
                  increasingly used in                                       decision-making
and "good         development literature. Bad             and the process by which
governance"       governance is being increasingly        decisions are implemented, an
                  regarded as one of the root causes      analysis of governance focuses on
means.            of all evil within our public sector.   the formal and informal actors
                  financial institutions are              involved in decision-making and
                  increasingly basing their aid and       implementing the decisions made
                  loans on the condition that             and the formal and informal
                  reforms that ensure "good               structures that have been set in
                  governance" are undertaken by           place to arrive at and implement
                  particular organisations.               the decision.
                     This article tries to explain, as
                  simply as possible, what                Good governance
                  "governance" and "good                  Good governance has 8 major
                  governance" means.                      characteristics. It is participatory,
                                                          consensus oriented, accountable,
                  Governance                              transparent, responsive, effective
                  The concept of "governance" is not      and efficient, equitable and
                  new. It is as old as human              inclusive and follows the rule of
                  civilization. Simply put                law. It assures that corruption is
                  "governance" means: the process         minimized, the views of minorities
                  of decision-making and the              are taken into account and that
                  process by which decisions are          the voices of the most vulnerable
                  implemented (or not                     in society are heard in decision-
                  implemented). Governance can be         making. It is also responsive to the
                  used in several contexts such as        present and future needs of
                  corporate governance,                   society.
                  international governance, national
                                                                             to next page

                                                                                    the   BojanalaREPORTER   7
Participation                                          historical, cultural and social contexts of a given
                Participation by both men and women is a key           society or community.
                cornerstone of good governance. Participation      Equity and inclusiveness
                could be either direct or through legitimate
                                                                   A society’s well being depends on ensuring that
                intermediate institutions or
                                                                                     all its members feel that they
                representatives. It is important to
                                                                                     have a stake in it and do not
                point out that representative
                                                                                     feel excluded from the
                   democracy does not necessarily
                                                                                     mainstream of society. This
                     mean that the concerns of the
                                                                                     requires all groups, but
                     most vulnerable in society
                                                        Participation                particularly the most vulnerable,
                     would be taken into
                                                                                     have opportunities to improve
                     consideration in decision
                   making. Participation needs to
                                                        by   both   men              or maintain their well being.
                 be informed and organized. This        and women                    Effectiveness and
                means freedom of association and
                expression on the one hand and
                                                        is a key                     efficiency
                                                        cornerstone                  Good governance means that
                an organized civil society on the
                                                                                     processes and institutions
                other hand.
                                                        of good                      produce results that meet the
                Rule of law                             governance.                  needs of society while making
                Good governance requires fair                                        the best use of resources at
                legal frameworks that are enforced                                   their  disposal. The concept of
                impartially. It also requires full                                   efficiency   in the context of good
                protection of human rights, particularly those of  governance   also covers   the  sustainable use of
                minorities. Impartial enforcement of laws requires natural resources  and   the protection  of the
                an independent judiciary and an impartial and      environment.
                incorruptible police force.                            Accountability
                Transparency                                        Accountability is a key requirement of good
                Transparency means that decisions taken and         governance. Not only governmental institutions
                their enforcement are done in a manner that         but also the private sector and civil society
                follows rules and regulations. It also means that   organizations  must be accountable to the public
                information is freely available and directly        and to their institutional  stakeholders. Who is
                accessible to those who will be affected by such    accountable   to whom    varies depending on
                decisions and their enforcement. It                                    whether   decisions  or actions
                also means that enough                                                 taken  are internal or external to
                information is provided and that it                                    an organization   or institution. In
                is provided in easily                                                  general  an  organization  or an
                understandable forms and media.                                        institution is accountable to
                                                                                       those who will be affected by its
                Responsiveness                           Transparency                  decisions or actions.
                Good governance requires that            means    that                 Accountability cannot be
                institutions and processes try to                                      enforced without transparency
                serve all stakeholders within a
                                                         information                   and the rule of law.
                reasonable timeframe.                    is  freely                       Conclusion
                Consensus oriented                      available and                    From the above discussion it
                There are several actors and as         directly                         should be clear that good
                many view points in a given                                              governance is an ideal which is
                society. Good governance requires       accessible.                      difficult to achieve in its totality.
                mediation of the different interests                                     Very few organisations and
                in society to reach a broad                                              societies have come close to
                consensus in society on what is in                                       achieving good governance in
                the best interest of the whole community and           its totality. However, to ensure sustainable human
                how this can be achieved. It also requires a broad     development, actions must be taken to work
                and long-term perspective on what is needed for        towards this ideal with the aim of making it a
                sustainable human development and how to               reality. l
                achieve the goals of such development. This can        Freddy Molotsi
                only result from an understanding of the               Chief of Staff

8   the   BojanalaREPORTER
Our new Internal
Audit Manager
The Bojanala

appointed Mr
Ramorwesi as
its new                        eet the                                     entities. My learning
                               recently                                    experience was
Manager of                     appointed Manager           different from the norm as it
Internal Audit.   Internal Audit of Bojanala               exposed me to areas that were not
                  Platinum District Municipality,          covered by my university studies.
He obtained his   Gabriel Ramorwesi, who hails                I joined Bojanala Platinum
BCom degree       from Phokeng in Rustenburg.              District Municipality in January
                  Gabriel is a performance and             2012 and it has been an incredible
from the          deadline driven manager,                 and fulfilling experience thus far. I
University of     passionate about his work and            am excited about the future. My
                  people orientated.                       job is not to know everything but
Cape Town, his        Gabriel considers himself well-      to create an environment where
BCompt Hons       grounded due to a childhood in a         we all feel accountable to our
                  village in the then small town of
(CTA) from        Rustenburg. He is a product of the
                                                           municipality, our stakeholders and
                                                           above all the community. I
UNISA and is a    University of Cape Town where he         celebrate success and learn from
                  attained his Bcom degree,
registered        University of South Africa where
                                                           my shortfalls.
                                                              Nothing beats time spent with
chartered         he attained his Bcompt Hons
                                                           family, my wife and son, good
                  (CTA) and is a Chartered
accountant.       Accountant registered with the
                                                           friends, good food and visiting
                                                           new places. People along my
                  South African Institute of
                                                           journey took time to build me into
                  Chartered Accountants.
                                                           an individual passionate about
                      After studies I served my articles
                                                           education and performing to the
                  at the Office of the Auditor
                  General of South Africa (AGSA)           best of my ability. The role played
                  where I received an opportunity to       by my father, late mother, sister
                  learn and grow into public sector        and two brothers, into raising the
                  accounting and auditing. I               humble and success - driven
                  departed as an audit Manager in          individual I am is highly
                  December 2011. I obtained vast           appreciated. I want to inspire
                  experience in all spheres of public      people and leave them better than
                  sector having been involved in           I found them.
                  audits of national departments,             I look forward to a fulfilling,
                  provincial departments, provincial       productive and happy career at
                  legislature, district municipalities,    the Bojanala Platinum District
                  local municipalities and public          Municipality. l

                                                                                    the   BojanalaREPORTER   9
German students
                    & academics amazed
                    by Bojanala’s
                    admin model

                                                                                              students &
                                                                                              were amazed
                            hey came. They saw.          students of Tukkies, as the          by the strength
                            And, yes, they were          University of Pretoria is            of the Bojanala
                            impressed! This, in short,   affectionately known. The recent
                 is a total summation of the views       visit, therefore, is part of the     Platinum
                 of top academics as well as             wonderful spin-offs from the         District’s
                 visiting students from both the         strategic collaborations that
                 University of Pretoria and              “MM”, is Sirovha is also known,      administration
                 Germany who recently visited to         has begun to build and cement as     model and
                 the HQ of the Bojanala Platinum         well.
                 District Municipality (BPDM) in            From Tukkies’ School of Public    promised to
                 Rustenburg.                             Management and Administration        build closer
                    In a globalizing world, where        (SPMA) were fourteen students
                 the 21st century’s amazing              who paid the visit to the Bojanala   ties.
                 technological development               HQ. The students were
                 ensures that any number of              accompanied by two staff
                 people can be at different places       members from the University of
                 at same time, “twinning” of             Applied Sciences for Public
                 international cities and
                 municipalities has become
                 the latest trend. In other
                 words, a way to go, if
                 development objectives of
                 South Africa’s growing
                 local municipalities are to
                 reach their full potential.
                 The BPDM is indeed
                 fortunate to have at its
                 administrative helm one
                 Innocent Sirovha, the
                 Municipal Manager, who
                 is academically suave and
                 recently delivered an
                 exciting lecture to the

10   the   BojanalaREPORTER
Administration in Kehl (HK), Germany.          that lie behind the success of the
Prof Jörg Meuthen and Ms Pia Kipp, who         Municipality.
is the Head of the HK International
Office, headed the group from Germany.         Faculty of learning
    The students were taken through the        The students were also exposed to the
model of administration practiced in the       implementation of public management
BPDM. An elated Mr Sirovha, who said           and administration, bringing the gap
aside valuable time for the day in order       between theory and practice. It was an
to ensure nothing but success, regaled         important insight to expose the students
the group with the current state of the        to, particularly in the light of frequent
municipality regarding its performance,        complaints and concerns that are raised
particularly in the area of public financial   by the Auditor-General of the Republic of
management and overall administration.         South Africa, Terrence Nombembe.
Sirovha also shared with the students the      Financial management is one of the rare
success of the institution particularly the    skills plaguing the post-apartheid public
inter-personal and collective dynamics         administration. It is therefore doubtlessly
                                               wise to expose tertiary students to this
                                                              faculty of learning,
                                                              knowing very well that
                                                              such an investment will
                                                              bear fruits in the medium
                                                              and long term periods.
                                                                  One of the visiting
                                                              students, Felix Losinger,
                                                              opined as follows: “With
                                                              the current administration
                                                              approach in place, the
                                                              Bojanala District
                                                              Municipality will reach its
                                                              goals of delivering its
                                                              mandate to the people of
                                                              this country.” Sirhova
                                                              retorted: “We have to set

                                                                               the   BojanalaREPORTER   11
the trend. Knowledge acquisition is hardly an      was the acting Executive Mayor for the day.
                 event, it is an on-going process and interaction     The additional purpose of the visit was also to
                 with others, especially academics and students, is expose the students to the practical
                 a key to a bright future.”                                       implementation of public
                    The BPDM has happily                                          management and administration
                 cemented a proposed                                              by bridging the gap between
                 exchange programme with                                          theory and practice. The students
                   the municipalities in
                     Germany. These exciting
                                                         The BPDM has received              a thorough tour of the
                                                                                  various departments within the
                      ties will be effected and          cemented a               municipality where they were given
                      bolstered through the                                       detailed information on what each
                      current special
                                                         proposed                 department is mandated to do and
                     relationship that the               exchange                 exactly how they reach their
                   BPDM has with the                                              objectives.
                 University of Pretoria.
                                                         programme                   In the end the students left the
                    The students also believe            with the                 BPDM HQ fully informed on how
                 that the Bojanala Platinum
                 District Municipality is in a
                                                         municipalities South            African local government
                                                                                  operates and what its challenges,
                 unique position to provide              in Germany.              threats, opportunities and
                 them with an overview of the                                     strengths are.
                 South African local                                                 At the tail-end of the tour the
                 government, its landscape                                        students were presented with

                 and the dynamics. The visit to the BPDM              branded Bojanala Platinum District Municipality
                 municipality by the students provided them with      2012 diaries. In marketing terms, the gesture, it
                 an excellent opportunity to showcase the             is hoped, will enable them with the “top of mind
                 collaboration between academics and                  brand recall” as they see the beautiful Bojanala
                 practitioners in the field of Public Management      logo every time they page through their valuable
                 and Administration.                                  presents. In typical ubuntu/botho fashion, the
                                                                      visitors were treated to a true South African
                 Tour of departments                                  lunch!
                 The students further had an opportunity to be           An elated Professor Jörg Meutkers of the
                 welcomed inside the plush Municipal Council          University of Applied Sciences in Germany has
                 Chambers and got a taste of the ambience of the      promised to link the Bojanala Platinum District
                 venue where political discourse take place           Municipality with municipalities back home in
                 regularly. There, the visitors received a more       Germany. He was of the view that focus and
                 detailed presentation which covered the              encouragement to cement working relations as
                 structure, functioning and vision of the             well as exchange programmes were the only way
                 municipality by an enthusiastic Cllr Ratlhaga, who   to go. l

12   the   BojanalaREPORTER
BPDM through
                                        the lens

  Congratulations to Municipal Manager Innocent Sirovha,who received his Masters in Public
  Administration specialising in Local Government from the University of Pretoria, and
  Tsholofelo Dikgole, who received her National Diploma in HR Mangement from UNISA.

Below: Crazy Entertainers
performing at the Bojanala
Music Festival.
Right: BPDM Executive Mayor
Louis Dirimelo and Speaker
Gugulethu Mtshali joining the
Losper Fontein Prison Choir.

Below: Acting CFO Abueng Tolo and
Communications Manager Archie Babeile
celebrating their birthday (9 May), with
Tebogo Matlala, PA to the Executive
Mayor, and Moitse Lekhafola, Manager in
the Office of the MM.

                                                    Above: Clean-up Campaign during the recent
                                                    BPDM Water Week.

                                                                                                 the   BojanalaREPORTER   13
Bojanala bursary
                    comes to the rescue
                    of needy students
                                                                                                At a bursary
                                                                                                earlier this year
                                                                                                the Executive

                                                                                                Mayor, Cllr
                                                                                                Louis Diremelo,
                                                                                                was upbeat
                           ustenburg – Access to         earnings can barely make               about the
                           education, particularly       educational ends meet, are often       awarding of
                           at tertiary level, is often   helpless and never know where to
                 too arduous and for many                look for help.                         the Bojanala
                 impoverished South Africans,               No wonder education is one of       bursary to 25
                 including around the sprawling          president Jacob Zuma’s
                 Bojanala areas, a near                  administration’s key priority areas.   deserving and
                 impossibility.                          And, as a result, the Bojanbala        qualifying
                    Educational funding therefore        Platinum Distric Municipality
                 becomes one of the most dire            (BPDM) has allocated more a            students.
                 needs for post-matric learners          million and a half rand toward
                 who dream of entering university.       alleviating the plight of many
                 Many parents, whose meager              pupils who are eager to study

14   the   BojanalaREPORTER
beyond matric. The Executive Mayor of the      as well as hordes of municipal officials and
BPDM, Cllr Louis Diremelo, was upbeat          well-wishers. “Seeing is believing. This is
following the awarding of the Bojanala         too good to be true. I wanted to be here to
bursary to 25 deserving and qualifying         witness this emotional and wonderful
students areas. “We’ve given them the          event. This is evidence that our municipality
wings. We hope they will fly,” Cllr Diremelo   is facing in the right direction,” said
said during a recent interview, his joy too    woman who could not be identified.
obvious to read from tone.
   The bursary award ceremony took place       Reach for the sky
at the beginning of the year at the            Also at the ceremony Cllr Diremelo was
Rustenburg Civic Centre. The winning           accompanied by the Speaker of the
students were there, accompanied by their      Municipality, Cllr Gugulethu Mtshali, who
proud parents, the leadership of the BPDM      was visibly over the moon for the students,
                                                                       several of whom
                                                                       were overcome by a
                                                                       deep sense of
                                                                       disbelief. Indeed,
                                                                       the students were
                                                                       acutely aware
                                                                       about their rare
                                                                       opportunity to
                                                                       reach for the sky. As
                                                                       the saying goes:
                                                                       “Lightning never
                                                                       strike twice.” Hence
                                                                       the smart students
                                                                       were conscious of
                                                                       the fact that they
                                                                       have to grab their
                                                                       chance, knowing
                                                                       that it might never
                                                                       come again!

                                                                                 the   BojanalaREPORTER   15
The BPDM has over several recent years          and make optimal use of this opportunity.”
                 exhibited its propensity to embrace educational        The Executive Mayor further encouraged the
                 support as one of the fundamental outlets          students to choose their friends wisely and
                 through which many of its constituencies can       warned them that the Municipality would stop
                 escape the trap of under-development and           sponsoring their education if they fail their
                 poverty. It was therefore unsurprising to see      studies. “We are giving you these bursaries but
                 other BPDM leaders accompanying both the           if you fail we will take our money back. We are
                 Executive Mayor and the Speaker. These             bragging about you and everyone is talking
                 included the MMC for Corporate Support             about you so please do not disappoint us. “You
                 Services, Cllr NF Ratlhaga and MMC for             should choose your friends wisely.
                 Agriculture and Rural Development, Cllr F.             Next time when we meet, hopefully, it will
                 Sthemba.                                           be during your graduation ceremonies. I hope
                    Cllr Diremelo undoubtedly has bigger plans      that you will invite us to share your joy with
                 about the bursary scheme and foresees a            you when that days comes,” he said. The
                 future where a lot more needy and deserving        Executive Mayor also assured the students that
                 pupils would be assisted financially. Cllr         their bursaries would remain secure even if he
                 Diremelo explained: “We should involve the         was no longer in office. “Therefore, be not
                 corporate sector with the aim to increase the      afraid,” he said matter-of-factly.
                 R1.6 million we’ve already invested and try very
                 hard to raise it to at least R5 million through    Roll-up sleeves
                 public/private partnership by September this       Prior to the well-received mayoral address
                 year,” he said, before adding:. “Parents should    Martin Lottering, a reputable motivational
                 also encourage their children to work hard,        speaker, advised the students to “always focus

16   the   BojanalaREPORTER
on achieving their goals and become
   He went on thus: “You should aim for the
sky. You should tell yourselves that you can
do it. Nothing will stop you as long as you
work hard. Stay focused and remain
committed to your work at all times.” The
25 jubilant students were awarded
bursaries mainly towards studying
political science, mining and
accounting. Through the BPDM’s strive
to empower pupils through education,
none of the dreams of the 25 learners
shall be deferred any longer. Theirs is now
to roll up their sleeves, and acknowledge

              that indeed hard work has
              just begun. Above all, they
              shall forever appreciate that
              when their Municipality
              exhibits such conscientious
              understanding of the plight
              of their plight, especially the
              most vulnerable, and in fact
              goes further to see them
              through tertiary education,
              the future, as Cllr Diremelo
              observed, “can only be
              brighter for us all, especially
              for our future leaders”. l

                                  the   BojanalaREPORTER   17
Disability Lekgotla for
                   active participation
                   “Nothing about us without us”
                                                                                                 A two day
                                                                                                 Lekgotla was
                                                                                                 held recently at
                                                                                                 Resort to
                                                                                                 discuss the

                                                                                                 status, re-
                                                                                                 enforce local
                                                                                                 and district
                            he Bojanala                                                          disabity
                            District Municipality, held   by the Office of the Executive         structures, and
                 its Disability Lekgotla under the        Mayor- Special Projects Directorate    seek active
                 theme, “nothing about us,                aiming to get facts finding and
                 without us”, with participation          strengthen relations with              participation
                 from all five local municipalities as    between the municipality and           in local
                 well as other stakeholders such as       Disability Forums in the district,
                 the Phokeng School of Excellence,        also to give PD what is rightful       government
                 Legae la Rona home based care            theirs                                 for people
                 among others.                               MMC of Special Projects in the
                     This Lekgotla was called as the      Office of the Executive Mayor Cllr.    with
                 BPDM, under the special projects         Virginia Tlhapi firstly thanked all    disabilities.
                 unit headed by MMC Virginial             Councilors, institutions, disability
                 Tlhapi, to engage formally on            forums, officials and everyone
                 challenges and on how the                who worked unconditionally to
                 should mainstream
                 issues of disability
                 across all
                     The Lekgotla
                 was graced by
                 private sector and
                 civil society who
                 made presentations on how are            make sure that this Lekgotla takes
                 they working towards the                 place as it was long overdue for it
                 implementation of laws                   to happen,
                 concerning PD.                              “My office is open and l will
                     The Lekgotla was coordinated         make it to a point that we work

18   the   BojanalaREPORTER
with other departments to achieve our goals.             the following factors:
Bagaetsho we are not here to fight, yes we know             l Social attitudes which have perpetuated
that people with disability have been failed in                 stereotypes off disabled people as
many ways, but to together find ways                            dependent and in need of care
(resolutions) to drive us, let us work together and         l A discriminatory and weak legislative
once more l personally pledge to go all out to                  framework which has sanctioned and
support and implement programmes of people                      reinforced exclusionary barriers barrier
with disabilities,” added MMC Tlhapi.                       l of the Apartheid system
    On behalf of the Hon. Executive Mayor of                It is critical to recognize within the
Bojanala Platinum District Municipality, the             disabled community sectors which has
Acting Mayor Cllr. Francis Ratlhaga-MMC of               experienced greater levels of discrimination
Corporate Support Services officially opened the         than others from economic environment
Bojanala Disability Lekgotla, saying that Bojanala          The rights of people with disabilities are
Platinum District Municipality saw the importance        enshrined in the Constitution.
to address the challenges faced by people with
disabilities, he promised that the resolutions           Purpose
taken by this Lekgotla wont be put aside, they           The purpose of this Lekgotla was for all
will be taken into consideration and the Council         stakeholders and role-players to engage and plan
will work with all Local Municipalities and              with all the resources at our disposal- legislation,
disability structures formed by all stakeholders to      more humane to ensure that we better the lives
implement, integrate and put in action all               of people with disabilities- MOTTO – “NOTHING
recommendation taken by this Lekgotla, the               ABOUT US WITHOUT US” which simply translate
Provincial Government and Provincial Disability          to that we can come up with the strategies to
Structure must also play a role. Time frames and         address the plight of this constituency but if
targets must be taken seriously.                         there is no involvement on all sides, it will never
   The Acting Mayor also acknowledged that               work
employers including the Municipalities, have                 Delegates reflected their experiences and
failed to implement the employment equity act,           situation in relation to themselves an
which makes them noncompliant with the law.              organization. The Lekgotla was also expected to
Count how many people with disabilities are              generate practical recommendations that will
working within our system? Asked Cllr. Ratlhaga.         ensure mainstreaming of the outlined objectives.
   MMC Ratlhaga also indicated that many of our          The overall intention was to engage and consult
buildings and other systems like transport do not        through moving forth.
accommodate or have accessibility to people with             Cllr. Virginia Tlhapi, noted in the SDIP, covering
disabilities, lastly he said that the hope of the        all stakeholders within this sector to come and
Council at the end of the Lekgotla will produce          engage , taking into consideration the
greater results which will benefit people with           environment , legislative and policy imperatives
disability, I thank you all for coming he said           that we have in mapping a way forward in terms
before leaving the podium.                               of mainstreaming all matters of disability
   The historical context of people living with
disabilities is embedded in old practices within
                                our communities, eg        1. To examine progress made by government
                                if a woman were to            towards the commitment of improving
                                bear a disabled child,        quality of life for persons with disabilities
                                that child would not       2. To present challenges and possible solutions
                                see the time of the        3. To provide guidance to the Municipality on
                                day, if a child was           matters of people with disabilities
                                born with condition        4. To establish a District forum on people with
                                of Albinism, that             disability with Data
                                child would have to        5. To come up with a Municipal Disability
                                be protected as he or         Action Plan with timeframes
                                she would be seen as       6. To come up with strategy to enhance the
a powerful ingredient to concoct “Umuthi”. This               Role of Organizations for People with
behaviour or norm took a place across the race                Disability
divide, weather it was within your white, Indian,        Resolutions
black communities, this era was characterized by
exclusion in all forms.                                    1. The Lekgotla resolved on BPDM to adopt
   The exclusion experienced by people with                   disability policy.
disabilities and their families has been a result of       2. resuscitate district fora. l

                                                                                                    the   BojanalaREPORTER   19
Technical Services
                    Portfolio Committee
                    visits projects

                 O        n the 13th
                          March 2012,
                          the Portfolio
                 Committee of Technical
                 Services visited the projects that are under construction in
                 Madibeng and Moretele Local Municipalities. Projects that were
                 visited were only those which are funded and implemented by
                 Bojanala Platinum District Municipality through Technical Services
                    The delegation was lead by Cllr Jacob Garekwe, (MMC Technical
                 Services) and Acting Director: Technical Services, Mr Sydwell
                 Maluleke. Below are the projects that were visited.
                 Moretele LM
                 In Moretele LM, The portfolio committee visited two water projects
                 in the current financial
                 year 2011/12 which are
                 being implemented by
                 the BPDM as follows;
                    1. Construction of
                    Internal Water
                    Reticulation in Skirlik
                 Madibeng LM
                 Paving of Internal
                   1. Sonop
                   2. Muthutlung
                   3. Makau
                   4. Hebron
                   BPDM constructed and upgraded the internal roads to internal
                 paving blocks for 1km at each area. l

20   the   BojanalaREPORTER
Installation of Water Meters in Maubane which
includes water reticulations.

 The pictures above show labourers finishing up the backfilling of the
 internal pipelines in the internal reticulation in Maubane. The project
 started on the 10th October 2011 and is expected to be completed by
 the end of May 2012.The scope of the project includes installation of
 881 water meters and extension of the internal reticulation in the areas
 of Green Side and Honey Dew.

The pictures above show laborers on site offloading panels of the steel
reservoir in Skirlik / Tshwene village. The scope of the project includes
internal water reticulation, installation of communal stand pipes,
equipping of boreholes and erection of the elevated reservoir. The total
number of labor employed is 26. The project commenced on the 4th
August 2011 and it is expected to be completed by the end of May

 The pictures above show the construction of the internal roads in
 Sonop and Hebron in Madibeng LM. This roads program created
 employment for 58 people.
 In Sonop 25 people were appointed. The project commenced on the
 7th November 2011 and it was completed on the 31st March 2012.
 Hebron, showing pictures before and after constructions.

                                                                            the   BojanalaREPORTER   21
Practical advice to
                    improve service

                                                                                                MEC Mabe
                                                                                                gives practical

                                                                                                advice to
                                                                                                councillors on
                                  ublic Accounts and     can only make informed oversight       improving
                                  Finance                when they are knowledgeable            service delivery
                                  Committees in          about the provisions of the acts
                 municipalities must intensify their     that govern municipal operations.      at the Bojanala
                 oversight roles as the province            She said that, “it is time that     District Budget
                 needs to have functional                councilors take their rightful place
                 municipalities. These are the only      and unite in guarding the public       Day in
                 committees that can turn the            resources made available to deliver    Rustenburg.
                 wheels of service delivery around”.     services to the people. Be objective
                     Mabe said this while                and independent in monitoring
                 addressing councilors at the            performance.”
                 Bojanala District Budget Day in            Mabe raised concern over
                 Rustenburg.                             2009/10 auditor general’s report
                    Mabe advised the gathering           and said municipalities need to
                 that it is key that politicians learn   have practical measures in place
                 to empower themselves by                to address the report with the
                 understanding provisions of the         view of improving services. It is
                 law and administrative processes        upon councilors to ensure that
                 in the running of municipalities.       they interrogate the plans that
                 She emphasized that politicians         officials have put in place to

22   the   BojanalaREPORTER
address exceptions raised in the report. She said   suppliers are blacklisted from delivering services
that officials must be made to account on           with all levels of government and minimizing the
financial management of municipalities.             use of consultants.
   Mabe informed the councilors that they have         However, the MEC pledged continued support
the right to visit projects to be able to analyse   to municipalities and informed the gathering that
allocated budget, spending and progress on site.    Provincial Treasury has appointed officials that
   In ensuring that corruption is rooted out,       will capacitate municipalities on auditing to
Mabe indicated that politicians need to have        ensure that they are equipped with relevant
knowledge in supply chain management                skills. l
procedures; ensuring that non performing

                                                                                           the   BojanalaREPORTER   23
Two schools excell in
                     renewable energy
                                                                                           The Bojanala
                                                                                           hosted the

                            ustenburg – Zinniaville   exposure to the environmental        at the
                            and Thulare Secondary     management and science field.        Rustenburg
                            Schools came out tops        The projects were in a display
                 in the ‘Schools Renewable Energy     kind of a setup with a               Civic Centre on
                 Competition’ hosted by the           demarcation between rural            Friday, 30
                 Bojanala Platinum District           participants and urban
                 Municipality at the Rustenburg       participants.                        March 2012.
                 Civic Centre on Friday, 30 March        The adjudication team consisted   Zinniaville and
                 2012. The Municipality held the      of a representation by different
                 competition in partnership with      stakeholders for a broader input     Thulare
                 the Department of Education.         and extensive capacitation to        Secondary
                    The competition aims to           learners.
                                                                                           Schools won.

                 capacitate schools on the aspects       They were from Eskom, NECSA,
                 of renewable energy and also         Sci-BONO, Department of
                 taking into consideration the        Education and Bojanala Platinum
                 effects of climate change, its       District Municipality.
                 adaptation and mitigation               The event was also graced by
                 measures. Furthermore, this          officials from Moses Kotane Local
                 competition also seeks to ensure     Municipality, Madibeng Local
                 that learners pursue science and     Municipality and Rustenburg Local
                 technology careers and are given     Municipality.

24   the   BojanalaREPORTER
The department of education team was led by           Avoid peer pressure
Mrs Mohubi (Chief Director).                            The event was graced by the Department of
  The competition is in line with the vision of the     Education Chief Director, Ms. D. Mahube, acting
Executive Mayor of the Bojanala Platinum District       MMC for Health and Environment in the Bojanala
                                                                 Platinum District Municipality and Cllr M
                                                                 Sepotokelo, accompanied by Acting
                                                                 Director for Health and Environmental
                                                                 Services, Ms. Amanda Bubu
                                                                 amongst other guests. After Cllr
                                                                 Sepotokelo welcomed everyone,
                                                                 Ms. Amanda Bubu said, “The
                                                                 competition is the fruit of a
                                                                 partnership between Bojanala
                                                                 Platinum District and the Department
                                                                 of Education.”
                                                                    “We would like to urge students to excel
                                                                 especially in Science Subjects,” she added.
                                                                 In her speech, Ms. Mahube also
                                                                 encouraged the students to work hard at
                                                                 realizing their full potential and avoid
                                                                 being influenced by peer pressure. “We
                                                                 need scientists, physicists and engineers to
                                                                 assist in developing our district.
                                                                    I am glad that projects such as these
                                                                 encourage learners to realise their potential
Municipality, Cllr Louis Diremelo, who always           in science subjects,” she added. Last but not least,
encourage students to excel in science subjects to      Thabang Kotsokoane, who was one of the
benefit the district. The categories that the schools   adjudicators, urged the other schools not to lose
competed in were “urban” and “rural” and a panel        heart. “Please do not be discouraged by the results.
of adjudicators selected the best projects that were       Be the best that you can be,” he exclaimed. The
displayed. In the urban schools category, Zinniaville   aims and objectives of this competition are in line
were awarded the top prize while Thulare excelled       with Executive Mayor Cllr Diremelo’s IDP document,
in the rural schools category. Both schools were        which emphasizes education as a vital tool in the
awarded bursaries, 100 fluorescent bulbs and            quest for economic development within the
R5 000.                                                 Bojanala Platinum District.
   Geelhoutpark and J.M Ntsime secondary schools
were second and third respectively in the urban         What is renewable energy?
                                                                                 l Renewable energy is an
                                                                                 energy from natural
                                                                                 sources that replenish
                                                                                 themselves over short
                                                                                 period of time such as
                                                                                 wind, water, radiation
                                                                                 from the sun etc.
                                                                                 l Renewable energy has
                                                                                 minimal to non adverse
                                                                                 environmental impacts as
                                                                                 compared to conventional
                                                                                 electricity generation.

schools category. They were also awarded with           Renewable energy sources
three laptops, digital cameras, 100 fluorescent           l   Wind
bulbs as well as R5 000.                                  l   Sun
   Rakoko and Batleng Senior Secondary Schools            l   Hydro energy
were second and third respectively in the rural           l   Wave and Tide
school category. They were also awarded with three        l   Geothermal
laptops, digital cameras, 100 fluorescent bulbs as        l   Biomass and Bio fuel
well as                                                   l   Fuel cells l
R5 000.

                                                                                              the   BojanalaREPORTER   25
Memorandum of
                    with SEDA Platinum
                    Incubator (SPI)                                                          An MOU was
                                                                                             signed recently
                                                                                             by the Bojanala
                                                                                             and SPI to
                                                                                             make funds
                 1. What does this MOU                 areas. An 80 : 20 empowerment
                                                                                             available for
                 between BPDM and SPI entail?          approach would be followed. 80%       local economic
                                                       towards girls and 20% for boys.
                 A formal agreement jointly                                                  development
                 implemented by BPDM and SPI to        Whilst FET College will be offering
                 empower the emerging                  the NQF Level 3 in Jewellery design   and the
                 entrepreneurs through skills          and manufacturing, the student        sustainable
                 transfer and up skilling in           will then be assisted by SPI to
                 sustainable business establishment    establish their own jewellery         promotion of
                 in the platinum groups metal          businesses.                           small business.
                                                       3. Where does the SMME
                 2. Who are the beneficiaries?         feature in this agreement?
                 The plan is to empower the youth,     The SMME feature in a sense that
                 being Girl child biased in our        BPDM will be providing financial
                 support especially those from rural   and non-financial support to SPI

26   the   BojanalaREPORTER
to enhance beneficiation and economic development in the entire district.
4. What is the period of the MOU?
3 years and it will be reviewed annually.
5. How many incubator do we have in the District, Province, the
There is one incubator in the North West Province and it is the only Platinum
beneficiation incubator nationwide ( Seda Platinum Incubator). We have 30
incubators in South Africa supported by the Department of Trade and Industry.
6. Are there any opportunities for these Incubators outside the
boarders of this country?
Yes, there is an opportunity for the Incubators to work with other incubators
outside the boarders of SA by doing exchange programs on technology. l

                                                                   the   BojanalaREPORTER   27
Women Commission
                    launched in
                    Manamela                                                                 The District
                                                                                             was launched
                                                                                             in Manamela
                                                                                             Village, Moses
                                                                                             Kotane on 22
                                                                                             March 2012. It

                                                                                             will address
                             anamela – Women           Local Government Summit.              within Local
                             leaders in Bojanala met      Among some of the guests at        Government as
                             under the umbrella of     the occasion was Acting Mayor of
                 the South African Local               the Bojanala Platinum District        well as to
                 Government Association (SALGA)        Municipality, Cllr Gugu Mtshali,      effect the
                 in Manamela Village, Moses            Cllr Asnath Molekwa, Cllr Virginia
                 Kotane on 22 March 2012 to            Tlhapi, Cllr W. Moleko and other      resolutions of
                 launch the District Women             government officials. Cllr Moleko     the Women
                 Commission. It is the South           took the lead as programme
                 African Local Government              director and the opening prayer       Local
                 Association’s, (SALGA) mandate to     was done by Thuli Mbokazi. Mme        Government
                 ensure that in each Local             Mmakgosi Maimela warmly
                 Municipality there are Woman          welcomed everyone who attended        Summit.
                 Commissioners to address gender       and Cllr Nketu Nkotswe of Moses
                 mainstreaming within Local            Kotane Local Municipality
                 Government as well as to effect       introduced the VIP’s, Outlining the
                 the resolutions of the Women          purpose of the event, Cllr Tlhapi

28   the   BojanalaREPORTER
women to be
                                                                             confident and have
                                                                             the courage to
                                                                             face tribulations
                                                                             that might cross
                                                                             your way in
                                                                             life. “You have
                                                                             the potential
                                                                             to unlock all
                                                                             doors. Each and
                                                                             every one has a
                                                                             purpose in life. The
                                                                             sky is not the
                                                                             limit,” Mrs.
                                                                             Wolmarans said.
                                                                             “Dont be afraid to
                                                                             take a risk as a
                                                                             woman. Move
                                                                             away from your
                                                                             comfort zone. Get
                                                                             involved. Your
                                                                             work must not
pointed out that women should participate       stop. Gender issues in government should be
more in local government and should strive to   addressed. Woman put into positions of
assist each other so that they can speak with   power must take care not to sit back and
one voice.                                      relax! They must make their mark on every
No more comfort zone                            level. And ladies, remember - Salga is not
                                                there to break or bring down woman, it is
During a passionate motivational speech, Mrs.   there to assist woman” she added.
G. M. Mogamisi of the organisation Women           During his keynote address, Cllr Mtshali
in Business, elaborated around the different    encouraged women to take part in issues that
roles woman play in modern society. “Tasks of   empower women. “Women are not
women go beyond being a wife, mother or         participating fully in government structures.
being a housewife. Don’t just have a dream,        We must advocate for building and
go for it! “The reason why we are here is to    strengthening these structures. As women, we
encourage people to wake up. If you want to     must be united so that we can speak with one
start a business, take the first step,” Mrs.    voice. “You should not attend women
Mogamisi said. Mrs Lillian Wolmarans, who       caucuses that focus on gossip,” Cllr Mtshali
also gave a motivational speech, encouraged     said.
                                                           The following Commissioners were
                                                        l Commisioner Chongo Monnakgotla
                                                          (Moses Kotane Local Municipality),
                                                        l Commissioner Margaret Rambawa
                                                          (Moretele Local Municipality),
                                                        l Commissioner Beverley Mantsho
                                                          (Rustenburg Local Municipality),
                                                        l Commissioner Pontsho Selolo
                                                          (Kgetleng Rivier Local Municipality),
                                                        l Commissioner Girly Segodi (Bojanala
                                                          Platinum District Municipality).
                                                        The elected Chairperson of the Bojanala
                                                        District Women’s Commissioners is
                                                        Commissioner Girly Segodi. l

                                                                                      the   BojanalaREPORTER   29
Pride of the
                   Bojanala Platinum
                   District Municipality

                 B         ojanala
                 Municipality Chief
                 Fire Officer Fanie
                 Mogale, stationed
                 at Mogwase Fire Station situated in the Moses         Mogale’s brief profile
                 Kotane Local Municipality, has been rewarded           l   Started as a trainee fire-fighter in 1981 at
                 for his endless efforts in his workplace.                  the Sun City International resort group,
                 Feel proud                                             l   Promoted to Station Officer in 1990,
                 Mogale, who turns 50 later this month, was             l   Moved to NW Emergency Service in 1993,
                 awarded a 30 year long Service Award under the         l   Joined BPDM as a Station Officer
                 auspices of the Southern African Emergency                 responsible for training in 2000,
                 Services Institute during its annual general           l   Moved to Fire safety in 2006, and spent 19
                 meeting held in Kimberly (Northern Cape)                   years as a Station Officer,
                 recently.                                              l   Transferred to Kgetleng Local Municipality
                    “I feel proud of myself, very few of us are able        as Assistant Fire Chief Officer,
                 to reach this milestone. Particularly considering      l   Promoted to Chief in 2012 in the BPDM,
                 the unbearable conditions we are exposed to, on
                 a daily basis. Casualties are order of the day, but
                 perseverance kept me going from day one till           l   1985 Fireman of the year,
                 today. I also feel proud of Bojanala Platinum          l   Best Student fire fighting, (Eskom Training),
                 District Municipality for providing me with a          l   20 year long service award, (SAESI).
                 platform to showcase my skills and talent in fire
                                                                       Educational background
                 fighting”. Says Mogale after receiving an award.
                                                                        l   BTech (TUT) Fire Technology,
                 A family man                                           l   Completed a variety of short courses in
                 A proud of father of two, (Kegomoditswe and                Emergency and Fire Sercives,
                 Cavin) Fanie Mogale says he dedicate the award
                 to his lovely wife, Keneilwe, for her                 Hobbies
                 unconditional support over the years.                  l   Jogging,
                    A soft speaking Mogale says, he is looking          l   Gym,
                 forward to receive more awards in future.              l   Soccer. l

30   the   BojanalaREPORTER
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