NATIONAL FILM & VIDEO FOUNDATION - Review of International Film Festival and Markets March 2021 - The NFVF

NATIONAL FILM & VIDEO FOUNDATION - Review of International Film Festival and Markets March 2021 - The NFVF
Review of International Film Festival and Markets
March 2021
1.   BACKGROUND............................................................................................................................. 2
     1.1    Introduction...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2

     1.2    The objective of the study................................................................................................................................................................................................................2

     1.3    Approach and methodology............................................................................................................................................................................................................2

     1.4    Limitations..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2

2.   THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FILM FESTIVAL AND FILM MARKET................................. 2

3.   THE IMPORTANCE OF FILM FESTIVAL OR MARKET........................................................... 3

4.   REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL AND MARKET......................................... 5

5.   SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION.............................................................................................. 27

6.   REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................. 28

                                                                                                                                        NATIONAL FILM & VIDEO FOUNDATION
                                                                                                                                        Review of International Film Festival and Markets March 2021
1.           BACKGROUND                                                      •     Get support for projects that have been invited to
                                                                                   internationally recognised pitching forums or competitions;
1.1          Introduction                                                    •     Enhance the profile of their films and increase international
                                                                                   appeal; and
Film, mostly used as a form of entertainment, has become a
                                                                             •     View the profiles of international Festivals and Markets that
powerful medium to influence ideas, culture, and engage on issues
                                                                                   the NFVF participates in.
surrounding communities and the world. Through film visuals,
sound, and other cinema features, a viewer does not need to speak            1.2       The objective of the study
to be moved. Film Festivals or ‘Markets’ are a constructive platform
for filmmakers trying to get their message out to an audience.               The purpose of this research study is to examine International
In addition to watching films, Festivals provide networking                  Film Festivals or ‘Markets’ and their offerings, that is to say, to
opportunities as well as participation in robust discussions with            analyse what each film Festival or market offers and how film
creators.                                                                    practitioners will benefit from attending such Festivals or Markets.
                                                                             This review will assist the NFVF to understand what each Festival
Film Festivals or ‘Markets’ are one of the fastest-growing forms of          offers and what the filmmakers stand to gain from participating
tourism.They are becoming increasingly popular in communities as             in each Festival. At the end of this exercise, the NFVF will be able
a means to revitalise local economies. Festivals or ‘Markets’ play an        to advise filmmakers and allocate relevant tier(s) for each Festival,
important role in promoting the community’s image, contributing              thus enhancing the NFVF application process.
to the development of the economy and sustainability, thus
                                                                             1.3       Approach and methodology
attracting visitors or tourists. Therefore, it is in the best interest
of the public and private sector, and non-profit organisations that          Desktop research was used to gather information fromonline
wish to promote the image and “brand” of their city, to support              sources and through document review. This includes external
these events.                                                                sources such as: online publications, websites, and annual reports.

South Africa consistently participates in Film Festivals around the          1.4       Limitations
world. The regular, consistent, and co-ordinated participation at
                                                                             It is always easier to find and collect secondary data through
these Festivals has raised the profile of South African film and
                                                                             the internet; however, there are limitations of conducting online
television content and by implication, the industry. The National
                                                                             desktop research. One of the biggest challenges is that the
Film and Video Foundation (NFVF) is an agency of the Department
                                                                             information is historic and outdated. Furthermore, there is minimal
of Sport, Arts, and Culture (DSAC) with a mandate to create,
                                                                             documentation describing what each Festival offers.
develop, and promote the South African film industry. The
NFVF does this by providing financial support to South African
filmmakers/practitioners to attend Local and International Film
                                                                             2.	THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN
Festivals, promote their film and television products, share their
                                                                                 FILM FESTIVAL AND FILM
expertise, and promote the South African film industry.

                                                                             Film Markets and Festivals are not the same. Markets are generally
International Film Festivals or ‘Markets’ offer various opportunities,
                                                                             open to trade, and the fee to attend limits attendance to industry
                                                                             professionals. A member of the public usually cannot buy a ticket
•     International network opportunities;
                                                                             to see a film at a Market or participate in it. At Markets, films
•     Conduct business according to international standards and
                                                                             are screened for buyers. Markets are an opportunity for buyers
      develop strong business models for their companies;
                                                                             worldwide to interact with those who license film rights. These
•     Develop the skills needed to operate within the
                                                                             licensors are usually sales agents acting on behalf of producers.
      international film landscape;
                                                                             Deals may be signed during the market or afterwards. The market
•     Secure finance for projects;

is also an opportunity for sellers and buyers to socialise and build           production financing, networking, and distribution and thus turns
relationships with people they often conduct business with (Litwak,            into a key player in the film industry, as well as society at large
2016).                                                                         (Lordanova, 2015).

Buyers or “licensees” usually do not buy ownership of a film, but              Traditional classifications of film Festivals include a category for
license distribution rights for a number of years in their country.            the “business” type of Festival or the Festival with a “business
Another buyer might be a theatre-chain owner who wants                         agenda” (as opposed to an “audience” Festival, or a Festival that
to exhibit films. Some buyers want all media rights (including                 has a “geopolitical agenda”). An example of a business Festival
theatrical, television, digital, and home video) in a territory, and may       is Cannes Internationa Film Festival. This Festival is exceptionally
sub-license some of those rights to other distributors.                        industry-oriented, it excludes the audience almost entirely and thus
                                                                               classified as an industry event rather than a film Festival. Business
Festivals, on the other hand, are open to the public. Anyone can               agenda Festivals also include all those that, over the years, have
buy a ticket to a screening. Festivals can provide a test of a film’s          built up      and industry networking forums: Festivals like Berlinale,
audience appeal. With a Festival screening, it is an opportunity for           Venice International Film Festival (IFF), Toronto International Film
the filmmaker to see how typical moviegoers react to the film.                 Festival (TFF), Busan International Film Festival (BIFF), International
Other benefits include exposure to film distributors and induce                Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA), and many more.
acquisition executives. Festivals can also generate publicity for a
film and draw the public’s attention to it. Thus, once distribution            Thus, the main purpose of Film Festival or Market is to offer
has been secured, the distributor may want to screen the film                  filmmakers a platform to introduce their work and create a
in Festivals to build awareness and perhaps generate good                      dialogue between people. It includes the following:
reviews. If the timing of the Festival is near the release date of
the film, participation in the Festival may help publicise the film.           (i)         Expose independent cinema to a new audience
Alternatively, if the film is not going to be released in the near                         - A good Festival shows films and related content that
future, publicity arranged sooner at the film Festival may not be                          are resistant to the commercial pressures of the standard
useful. When the film is released, the public’s prior coverage will                        mainstream fare. It is through independent films made by
have been forgotten, and the news media will consider the film old                         independent voices that new ideas are expressed. A great
news. The media may not review the film again or write articles                            film Festival champions these ideals at its core.
about it (Litwak, 2016).
                                                                               (ii)        T
                                                                                            est screening - Many filmmakers use the platform
3	THE IMPORTANCE OF FILM                                                                  as a test screening. They attend to get buy-in from the
   FESTIVAL OR MARKET                                                                      audience in the same way as commercial film production
                                                                                           companies test screen their films. After assessing and
Film Festival or Market is a platform for screening or exhibition                          gauging the audience’s reaction at a film Festival screening,
of film productions. However, it has become the norm that film                             the filmmaker may choose to re-edit their film prior to a
Festivals not only exhibit films, but also engage with content                             commercial release.
developers, film producers, and distributiors. A variety of models
that facilitate these engagement have come about, including talent             (iii)       M
                                                                                            arketing exercise - Any filmmaker, large or small,
campuses or filmmaking academics geared towards fostering new                              needs to raise awareness of their film. Reviews and
talent, and pre-production or mid-production pitching sessions                             interviews are reasons to attend a Festival to ‘start the
meant to create an additional investment stream for the projects.                          hype’ and get reviews. Certain Festivals are good at
These developments have resulted in a situation where the film                             attracting film acquisition executives and commissioning
Festival is no longer mainly an exhibition operation but becomes                           editors to their screenings.
a participant in many other aspects of the creative cycle such as

                                                                                      NATIONAL FILM & VIDEO FOUNDATION
                                                                                      Review of International Film Festival and Markets March 2021
(iv)   Learning - Many Festivals have engaging panel                       (vi)    A platform for new talent - Festivals have traditionally
       discussions and masterclasses on aspects of filmmaking.                      been a place where professionals and filmmakers alike
       These are of interest to both filmmakers and to the                          spot new talent or voice, especially graduates entering
       general public.                                                              the industry or first-time filmmakers.

(v)    Networking - The film industry is a people industry. It is          (vii)   Tourism and the local economy – Film Festivals are
       not what you know, but whom! Therefore, networking is                        not just about the red carpet and the hype surrounding
       essential for Festival culture, and this operates at different               a Festival. There is a cultural exchange, jobs are created,
       levels. There are different types of networks: professional                  the hospitality provided to visitors, and the added value
       networks with other filmmakers - they often operate                          for commercial establishments in the Festival area also
       informally; a networking forum comprising of funding                         benefit from such events.
       agencies, financiers or sponsors, and are more formal -
       usually by invitation; commercial networks in the form of
       promoting the industry or collaborating partners, they
       also operate similarly to funding agency networks.

                                                               Overview of the film Festival or Market, what if offers, and who can attend.
                                                                       Name of the Festival or        Overview of the Festival or Market                          What does it offer                                 Who should attend?
                                                                       Market                                                                                                                                        (Target market)
                                                               1.      Hotdocs International          Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary                 Hot Docs Forum and Deal Maker are the              Documentary filmmakers
                                                                       Film Festival                  Festival is the largest documentary Festival,               center-piece of the Hot Docs market events,        and producers.
                                                                                                      conference, and market in North America.                    attracting key film financiers, exhibitors, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Film financiers, and
                                                                                                                                                                  agents with the very best documentary project
                                                                                                      Hot Docs is a national, charitable organisation                                                                Commissioning editors.
                                                                                                                                                                  presentations. Projects are pitched to
                                                                                                      dedicated to advancing and celebrating the art of
                                                                                                                                                                  participating decision-makers.
                                                                                                      documentary. Their mission is to promote and
                                                                                                      celebrate the art of documentary, showcase, and             Hot Docs has three (3) Markets or networking
                                                                                                      create production opportunities for documentary             forums, namely:
                                                                                                      filmmakers.                                                 •   The Hot Docs Forum – this is a dynamic
                                                                                                                                                                      pitching event that stimulates international
                                                                                                      Hot Docs Festival takes place between April and May
                                                                                                                                                                      co-production financing;
                                                                                                      each year.
                                                                                                                                                                  •   Hot Docs Deal Maker – this is a one-on-

                                                                                                                                                                      one pitch meeting program for producers
                                                                                                                                                                      seeking financing from the international
                                                                                                                                                                      marketplace; and
                                                                                                                                                                  •   Hot Docs Networking – this is a forum for
                                                                                                                                                                      networking opportunities and helps
                                                                                                                                                                      connect potential funders and creative
                                                               2.      International                  International Documentary Masterclass is a ten-day          It is a knowledge network support that offers      Students from film schools,
                                                                       Documentary                    intensive workshop that offers a unique opportunity         skills development in scriptwriting, directing, and film and TV professionals,
                                                                       Masterclass -                  to everyone who wants to develop their skills in            creative documentary.                              and anyone who wants to
                                                                       INTERDOC                       creative documentary, scriptwriting skills, and directing                                                      hone their creative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     documentary film skills can
                                                                                                      This Masterclass is led by well-known previous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     be part of this Masterclass.
                                                                                                      lecturers of the “INTERDOC” of documentary film.

                                                                                                      INTERDOC is realised and organised by the
                                                                                                      Independent Film Centre “Filmart” since 2011.

Review of International Film Festival and Markets March 2021
                                                                                                      This workshop takes place every summer in August.
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                         What does it offer                                   Who should attend?
         Market                                                                                                                                    (Target market)
    3.   Zanzibar International    The Zanzibar International Film Festival is the largest    The eight full-day include local and international Filmmakers with projects in
         Film Festival (ZIFF)      multi-disciplinary art and cultural Festival in Africa     discussion panels, workshops, screenings of the      fiction, documentary,
                                   dedicated to the exhibition of films, music, Panorama. best local and international films, and                  animation or experimental,
                                                                                              networking developing filmmakers on the              and short films.
                                   It is a non-governmental organisation established in
                                   1997 to develop and promote the film and other
                                   cultural industries as catalysts for regional social and   In 2017, ZIFF extended its program to include a
                                   economic growth.                                           film and TV content market to create
                                                                                              commercial distribution platforms for African
                                   Each year ZIFF exhibits more than 150 films made in
                                   Africa, the Middle East, Europe, Latin America, the
                                   USA, and Asia (ZIFF, 2020).

                                   This event takes place in July. Each year the Festival
                                   has a different theme prioritising African cinema and
                                   cinema from another African diaspora, intending to
                                   celebrate Pan-African ideas within the creative

    4.   Toronto International     TIFF is one of the world’s largest annual film Festivals   TIFF has grown to become a permanent                 Filmmakers and producers
         Film Festival (TIFF)      attended by industry professionals and the public.         destination for film culture operating out of the with films ready for
                                                                                              TIFF Bell Lightbox, located in Toronto. TIFF Bell    distribution.
                                   TIFF is a non-profit cultural organisation with a
                                                                                              Lightbox offers screenings, lectures, discussions,
                                   mission to transform the way people see the world
                                                                                              Festivals, workshops, industry support, and the
                                   through film.
                                                                                              chance to meet filmmakers from Canada and
                                   TIFF continues to be an international platform for         worldwide.
                                   audiences, media, and industry to discover great
                                                                                              The Festival is mainly known as a platform for
                                   filmmakers, explore new directions in cinema, and
                                                                                              promoting and popularising new films.
                                   engage themselves in the business of film.

                                   TIFF takes place in September.
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                        What does it offer                                  Who should attend?
                                                                    Market                                                                                                                                  (Target market)
                                                               5.   Annecy International      Annecy International Animation Film Festival is a         Annecy offers considerable diversity of             Animation filmmakers,
                                                                    Film Festival             competition between cartoon films of various              workshops and seminars regarding financing,         Exhibitors, Buyers,
                                                                                              techniques (animated drawings, cut-out papers,            pitch sessions, networking, and marketing of        distributors, and investors.
                                                                                              modeling clay, computer-generated imagery, etc.)          animated films.
                                                                                              classified into various categories. This means, any
                                                                                                                                                        It also offers co-producing opportunities,
                                                                                              audio-visual animation created the frame-by-frame
                                                                                                                                                        purchasing, selling, financing and distributing
                                                                                              technique made for the cinema, television, and any
                                                                                                                                                        animation content for all broadcasting platforms.
                                                                                              other screening platform may be entered. This
                                                                                              •   Short films;
                                                                                              •   Feature films ;
                                                                                              •   TV films;
                                                                                              •   Commissioned films; and
                                                                                              •   Film School Graduates Films.
                                                                                              Annecy takes place at the beginning of June in the

                                                                                              town of Annecy, France.
                                                               6.   Independent               The Gotham Film & Media Institute is a non-profit         The Gotham offers support to creators in            Emerging and established
                                                                    Filmmaker Project         organisation dedicated to finding, developing, and        varying stages of their project: funding,           artists working in Film, TV,
                                                                                              celebrating the people and projects that shape the        development, pre-production, production, and        and audio.
                                                                                              future of story. It was founded in 1979 as the            distribution. They host narrative and
                                                                                                                                                                                                            It is also an essential event
                                                                                              Independent Filmmaker Project (IFP).                      documentary labs, Gotham Week’s Project
                                                                                                                                                                                                            for financiers, distributors,
                                                                                                                                                        Forum conference, as well as fiscal sponsorship
                                                                                              IFP is a community of creators, producers, and                                                                producers, executives, and
                                                                                              distributors working across film, TV, audio, and beyond                                                       Festival programmers to
                                                                                              to advance the future of story.                           Year-round public programming also offers           access bold, original talent.
                                                                                                                                                        creative insight as well as technological and
                                                                                              IFP continues to champion the future of storytelling
                                                                                                                                                        business guidance, which includes Filmmaker
                                                                                              by connecting artists across various media disciplines
                                                                                                                                                        Magazine, Gotham Week, the Gotham Awards,
                                                                                              with essential resources at all stages of their career
                                                                                                                                                        and the Gotham Labs.

                                                                                              and projects’ development.
                                                                                                                                                        The program is called IFP Week, which offers a
                                                                                                                                                        week of meetings, screenings, panels,
                                                                                                                                                        networking, and exhibitions.

Review of International Film Festival and Markets March 2021
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                         What does it offer                               Who should attend?
         Market                                                                                                                                (Target market)
    7.   The Caribbean Tales       CaribbeanTales Media Group (CTMG) is a                     The Festival highlights and screens films. Partner Established and emerging
         International Film        multifaceted group of media companies that                 with high schools and community organisations filmmakers of Caribbean and
         Festival (CTFF)           produces, market, and sells culturally diverse film and    to screen and facilitate discussions of Afri-    African heritage who
                                   television content.                                        centric films in fulfillment of educational      practice their art across the
                                                                                              mandate.                                         Caribbean Diaspora
                                   CTMG includes: CaribbeanTales Inc, a registered
                                   Canadian Charity; CaribbeanTales Worldwide
                                   Distribution, a film distribution entity; the
                                   CaribbeanTales International Film Festival, now
                                   celebrating 15 years; Caribbeantales-TV a VOD
                                   streaming service; the CaribbeanTales Incubator (CTI),
                                   a year-round development and production hub for
                                   Creatives of Colour; and CaribbeanTalesFlix, our
                                   production arm.

                                   CTFF celebrates the talents of established and

                                   emerging Caribbean and African heritage filmmakers
                                   who practice their art across the Caribbean Diaspora

                                   The CTFF mandate fosters and encourages
                                   intercultural understanding and citizen participation by
                                   creating and distributing educational films, videos,
                                   theater, and new media programs, products, and
                                   resource materials that reflect the diversity and
                                   creativity of Caribbean-Canadian heritage cultures.
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                         What does it offer                                     Who should attend?
                                                                    Market                                                                                                                                      (Target market)
                                                               8.   Carthage Film Festival    Carthage Film Festival is intended to highlight the        The Carthage Festival offer panel discussions:         African filmmakers (young,
                                                                                              sub-Saharan African and Arab cinema, creating bridges                                                             emerging, and experienced).
                                                                                                                                                         •   Panel 1 – Film Industry, Marketing and
                                                                                              of dialogue between North and South, offering a
                                                                                                                                                             Distribution - this panel aims to design
                                                                                              meeting between filmmakers and moviegoers of all
                                                                                                                                                             new mechanisms that would mobilise
                                                                                              sides to promote opportunities for the production,
                                                                                                                                                             professionals and lead them to invent a
                                                                                              distribution, or broadcasting of Arab and African films.
                                                                                                                                                             new market arrangement for Arab and
                                                                                                                                                             African films in different media, from halls
                                                                                                                                                             to the internet platform, through the
                                                                                                                                                             television channels.
                                                                                                                                                         •   Panel 2 – the influence of the Festival –
                                                                                                                                                             This panel is meant to imagine and
                                                                                                                                                             propose strategies to ensure that the
                                                                                                                                                             Arab-African films circulate frequently and
                                                                                                                                                             cyclically in different origins Tunisia regions,

                                                                                                                                                             as in several parts of the world. Such a
                                                                                                                                                             formula would have the advantage of
                                                                                                                                                             widening the Festival’s audience through a
                                                                                                                                                             selection of recent films or reviving certain
                                                                                                                                                             films that had already marked the Festival’s

                                                                                                                                                         Producers Network offers real opportunities to
                                                                                                                                                         meet with potential partners with financing,
                                                                                                                                                         co-production, distribution needs.

                                                                                                                                                         Carthage also provides platforms such as the
                                                                                                                                                         Workshop Project, Master Class.

Review of International Film Festival and Markets March 2021
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                           What does it offer                              Who should attend?
           Market                                                                                                                                 (Target market)
     9.    Columbus Black            Columbus Black International Film Festival (CBIFF) is        This Festival provides an advantage for         Black filmmakers (aspiring
           International Film        the heart of America and home to some of the                 filmmakers and the community to learn about     and emerging talent).
           Festival (CBIFF)          country’s most creative Black filmmakers. This Festival the film industry through educational
                                     showcase new and emerging talent.                            workshops and panel discussions, a safe space
                                                                                                  to showcase film, and an opportunity to
                                     The primary objective of the Columbus Black
                                                                                                  network with the filmmakers in the city.
                                     International Film Festival is to showcase Black
                                     filmmakers locally, nationally, and internationally, while
                                     highlighting a spectrum of stories told by people of
                                     the African diaspora.

                                     The Festival takes place in August.
     10.   DC Black Film Festival    The DC Black Film Festival is dedicated to exhibiting        DCBFF offer screening of quality films and      DCBFF supports new and
           (DCBFF)                   quality film, web series, and television content by and      awards ceremony.                                emerging black talent.
                                     about people of African descent.

                                     The DCBFF is committed to playing an integral role

                                     in discovering, celebrating, and helping films and
                                     filmmakers by bringing them to the attention of the
                                     industry, media, and public.

                                     The goal is to show not only great films, but also be
                                     able to educate people. The DCBFF is committed to
                                     playing an integral role in discovering, celebrating, and
                                     helping films and filmmakers by bringing them to the
                                     attention of the industry, media, and public.
Name of the Festival or     Overview of the Festival or Market                           What does it offer                                 Who should attend?
                                                                      Market                                                                                                                                      (Target market)
                                                                11.   Edinburgh International The Edinburgh International Film Festival (EIFF) is an           EIFF is especially interested in films by emerging Emerging Filmmakers
                                                                      Film Festival (EIFF)    annual fortnight of cinema screenings and related                filmmakers whose work manifests stylistic
                                                                                              events taking place each June. It is the world’s oldest          boldness, the strength of form, and the ambition
                                                                                              continually running film Festival.                               to use the medium in a way that resists cliche.

                                                                                                  The goal of the Festival is to discover and present the      One major attraction of the Film Festival is the
                                                                                                  most creative and innovative developments in world           variety of notable film premieres that take
                                                                                                  cinema, bring filmmakers to local, national, and             place.
                                                                                                  international attention, and provide a dynamic and
                                                                                                                                                               EIFF annually offers an inspiring and innovative
                                                                                                  responsive platform for engagement with them and
                                                                                                                                                               programme of events and opportunities for
                                                                                                  their work.
                                                                                                                                                               industry and filmmaker audiences.

                                                                                                                                                               EIFF has a strong track record of creating,
                                                                                                                                                               shaping, and managing innovative Talent
                                                                                                                                                               Development programmes across all disciplines.
                                                                                                                                                               Our aim is to build and expand on our
                                                                                                                                                               previous initiatives and deliver quality

                                                                                                                                                               programmes for filmmakers across Scotland, the
                                                                                                                                                               UK, and internationally.
                                                                12.   Fantasia International      The Fantasia International Film Festival is recognised       Fantasia has been an event hell-bent on            Directors, actors, producers,
                                                                      Film Festival               as the largest and most influential event of its kind in     showcasing the most exciting, innovative, and      studio representatives,
                                                                                                  North America, a leader on the genre film scene and          individualistic examples of contemporary           distributors, and Festival
                                                                                                  one of the country’s most popular film Festivals.            international genre cinema.                        programmers

                                                                                                  Fantasia is all about genre films or “B movies”. These       In 2012, Fantasia launched the International
                                                                                                  are low-budget commercial movies that receive less           co-production market and film market
                                                                                                  publicity. The event showcases the most exciting and         component.
                                                                                                  innovative films from around the world: action,
                                                                                                  alternative documentary, animation, comedy, history,
                                                                                                  martial arts, police drama, science fiction, suspense,
                                                                                                  and urban drama.

                                                                                                  The three-week Festival is one of Canada’s most
                                                                                                  beloved film Festivals. Fantasia is regularly held in July
                                                                                                  each year and is a cultural and professional

 Review of International Film Festival and Markets March 2021
                                                                                                  destination point.
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                      What does it offer                                  Who should attend?
           Market                                                                                                                                (Target market)
     13.   African Film Festival     African Film Festival is a dynamic platform dedicated   AFF offerings include year-round programs to        AFF has built a reputation
           New York                  to increasing exposure to African arts and culture by   provide greater access to African films and         for identifying new talent,
                                     screening cinematic works made by and about the         culture to the audiences.                           thereby providing emerging
                                     people of Africa and the African Diaspora.                                                                  and under-recognised
                                                                                             AFF goes beyond showcasing African cinema to
                                     AFF is committed to increasing visibility and           include live performances, art exhibitions, panel
                                                                                                                                                 women and members of the
                                     recognition for African media artists by introducing    discussions, master classes, and workshops to
                                                                                                                                                 LGBTQ+ community—with
                                     African film and culture to a broad range of            provide greater context for the films being
                                                                                                                                                 acute exposure and access
                                     audiences in the United States and abroad, bypassing    screened.
                                                                                                                                                 to important professional
                                     economic, class and racial barriers.
     14.   Cannes International      Cannes is one of the world’s most widely publicised     Festival de Cannes offers filmmaking countries      Given massive media
           Film Festival             events and certainly the most important film Festival   the chance to showcase the richness of their        exposure, the Festival is
                                     in terms of worldwide impact.                           cinema in the Village International, which hosts    attended by many movie
                                                                                             an increasing number of countries every year.       stars and is a popular venue
                                     Festival de Cannes has remained faithful to its
                                                                                                                                                 for film producers to launch
                                     founding purpose, which is to draw attention to and     Filmmakers get to meet industry professionals,
                                                                                                                                                 their new films and attempt

                                     raise the profile of films, contribute to the           make deals, share views, and promote their
                                                                                                                                                 to sell their works to
                                     development of cinema, boost the film industry          projects.
                                                                                                                                                 distributors who come from
                                     worldwide, and celebrate cinema at an international
                                                                                             Festival de Cannes has placed emphasis on its       all over the globe.
                                                                                             Marché du Film as a way of promoting the dual
                                     Cannes is held in France, which previews new films of cultural and economic nature of cinema. It
                                     all genres, including documentaries worldwide.          remains the world’s leading market, serving to
                                                                                             add dynamism to the global film industry. It
                                                                                             forms an integral part of the Festival because it
                                                                                             also facilitates networking and provides
                                                                                             professionals with the services and tools they
                                                                                             need to exchange information, hold
                                                                                             negotiations, and uncover new opportunities.
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                         What does it offer                                 Who should attend?
                                                                     Market                                                                                                                                  (Target market)
                                                                15   International Public      INPUT is a non-profit organisation of public television At INPUT, TV makers from around the globe             INPUT is open to all Public
                                                                     Television Screening      programme makers and broadcasters, organises an            screen, debate, and evaluate productions that      Service Broadcasters around
                                                                     Conference - INPUT        annual conference to discuss and challenge public TV       are raising the bar in television making.          the world, as well as
                                                                                               boundaries. It is the world’s most influential and                                                            production companies or
                                                                                                                                                          INPUT is looking for recent public service
                                                                                               longest-running Television Conference around                                                                  individuals producing
                                                                                                                                                          television and online productions that are
                                                                                               Storytelling in the Audience Interest.                                                                        programmes for broadcast
                                                                                                                                                          provocative, courageous, or breaks new ground.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             on public service channels.
                                                                                               The conference has been held at a different
                                                                                                                                                          The conference in Bangkok in 2019 focused on:
                                                                                               broadcaster since 1976. INPUT will return in 2022.
                                                                                                                                                          •   Fiction,
                                                                                                                                                          •   Factual (Investigative journalism, cultural,
                                                                                                                                                          •   Cross Media, and
                                                                                                                                                          •   Young audiences from birth to legal age
                                                                                                                                                              (web or tv only, cross-media).
                                                                16   Jackson Hole Wildlife     Since its modest beginning in 1991, the Jackson Hole       The Festival is a platform to exchange and         Festival delegates range from

                                                                     Film Festival             Wildlife Film Festival has grown to be the premier         challenge ideas, explore new technology, and       high level executives in the
                                                                                               international film Festival of the genre. The 6-day        celebrate the world’s finest examples of natural world’s largest natural
                                                                                               conference is an unmatched international industry          history and wildlife filmmaking through the        history production,
                                                                                               event bringing together the world’s best natural           Festival’s film competition.                       commissioning, and
                                                                                               history broadcasters, producers, and filmmakers and                                                           programming companies to
                                                                                                                                                          They gather from around the world in the
                                                                                               other industry professionals with leading scientists,                                                         independent filmmakers,
                                                                                                                                                          heart of Grand Teton National Park to explore
                                                                                               journalists, and conservationists, for one remarkable                                                         museum curators,
                                                                                                                                                          new media technologies and emerging market
                                                                                               week each autumn.                                                                                             conservation leaders,
                                                                                                                                                          opportunities, exchange ideas, and honour
                                                                                                                                                                                                             philanthropists and scientists,
                                                                                               In addition, Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival           notable achievements that have been made in
                                                                                                                                                                                                             all of whom share a love for
                                                                                               presents environmental education programs                  environmental conservation and media.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             the natural world and a
                                                                                               throughout the year. Collaborating with the school
                                                                                                                                                                                                             commitment to fostering its
                                                                                               district and local non-profit groups, the Festival hosts
                                                                                                                                                                                                             appreciation and
                                                                                               a number of programs featuring community film
                                                                                                                                                                                                             preservation through media

                                                                                               screenings, educational curriculum, and lectures by
                                                                                                                                                                                                             and personal involvement.
                                                                                               distinguished filmmakers.

 Review of International Film Festival and Markets March 2021
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                        What does it offer                                  Who should attend?
           Market                                                                                                                                  (Target market)
     17.   Sundance Film Festival    The Sundance Film Festival is an annual film Festival     In addition to screening films, the Sundance        Filmmakers of all disciplines.
                                     organised by the Sundance Institute. It takes place       Film Festival hosts panel discussions, workshops,
                                     each January in Park City, Utah, Salt Lake City. It is the musical events, and parties for the
                                     largest independent film Festival in the United States. approximately 50,000 attendees, including
                                                                                               industry insiders and the filmgoing public.
                                     It includes competitive categories, including
                                     documentary and dramatic films, both feature length
                                     and short films, in which awards are given for
                                     showcasing new films.
     18    Seoul International       The Seoul International Film Festival is a global         The Festival feature international showcases,       Filmmakers of all disciplines.
           Film Festival             celebration of films and filmmaking in the heart of       industry panels, social events, and cultural
                                     Korea. Filmmakers & film lovers gather in one of the      exchanges.
                                     world’s most dynamic cities to honour the craft.

                                     There are other related film Festivals:

                                     Seoul International Youth Film Festival - focuses on

                                                                                               SIYFF presents youth with youth-made films
           Seoul International       opening windows for creative youths with unique
                                                                                               and distributes them overseas so that global
           Youth Film Festival       viewpoints to explore their own world and nurture
                                                                                               film audiences could watch them.
           (SIYFF)                   them for their bright future. SIYFF has provided a
                                     venue for youth to share their culture through films
                                     and media education since 1999. It aims to promote
                                     broader international exchanges among talented cine
                                     kids and establish network to improve their
                                     competitiveness in the film industry.

                                     Seoul International Women’s Film Festival – the main      Seoul welcomes any film and video, including
           Seoul International       goal of the Festival is to introduce women’s films that fiction films, documentaries, animations and
           Women’s Film Festival     explore “women’s reality from the women’s                 experimental films from every corner of the
                                     perspectives”.                                            world.
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                           What does it offer                                 Who should attend?
                                                                     Market                                                                                                                                    (Target market)
                                                                19   Sheffield Doc/Fest:       Sheffield Doc/Fest is an international film, arts Festival, The Sheffield Doc/Fest Film programme offers        Documentary or non-fiction
                                                                     Sheffield International   and marketplace, with a mission to spark imaginations filmmakers a place for inspiration, debate,               filmmakers.
                                                                     Documentary Festival      and empower collective capacity for change through           growth, and challenge and a relevant
                                                                                               celebrating, championing, and debating documentary           international platform to launch their films and
                                                                                               film and art as a collective form of engagement.             art works. The following programmes are

                                                                                               Through supporting and sharing non-fiction                   INDUSTRY PROGRAMME
                                                                                               storytelling, Doc/Fest aims to provide a creative space
                                                                                                                                                            MARKET - Marketplace and pitching
                                                                                               for discovery, challenge, and collaboration. As an
                                                                                               internationalist and inclusive Festival, Sheffield
                                                                                               embodies a commitment to equality and access for all SESSIONS – Panels and debates discussing
                                                                                               communities, bringing together established creatives         challenges and opportunities in the industry.
                                                                                               and new voices.
                                                                                                                                                            TALENT - Training initiatives and workshops.

                                                                                                                                                            NETWORKING - Receptions and socials, for

                                                                                                                                                  work, play, and dance.
                                                                20   Sunny Side of the Doc     For 31 years, the Sunny Side of the Doc has become Whether you are a producer, buyer, or                        The 4-day event brings
                                                                                               a major international marketplace for documentary            distributor of factual content, the Festival offers together broadcasters,
                                                                                               and specialist factual content across all platforms. It is   these opportunities:                               decision makers, financing
                                                                                               the leading co-production, sales, and conference event •         Establish new contacts and build co-           bodies, distributors, content
                                                                                               for non-fiction storytelling and digital mediation.              production relationships;                      creators, and producers
                                                                                                                                                            •   Explore key trends in the booming              worldwide to sell or buy
                                                                                               Every June, Sunny Side of the Doc enhances the
                                                                                                                                                                international factual market;                  projects and programmes
                                                                                               international co-production funding and distribution
                                                                                                                                                            •   Pitch and develop new documentary              and find co-production
                                                                                               of landmark documentaries and non-fiction content
                                                                                                                                                                projects;                                      partners.
                                                                                               for all platforms by providing industry stakeholders
                                                                                                                                                            •   Discover new talents and find new format
                                                                                               with an international forum for business development,
                                                                                                                                                                ideas; and
                                                                                               deal-making, and networking.
                                                                                                                                                            •   Acquire content and/or strengthen your


 Review of International Film Festival and Markets March 2021
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                          What does it offer                                  Who should attend?
           Market                                                                                                                                    (Target market)
     21.   Transilvania              TIFF is the biggest international film Festival in          TIFF Industry hosts a series of masterclasses,      Emerging filmmakers,
           International Film        Romania. It has grown to become the most                    lining-up experts in audience development and producers, and distributors.
           Festival (TIFF)           important film-related event in Romania and one of          scriptwriting. It organises closed screenings for
                                     the most spectacular annual events in the region.           industry members and special screenings of the
                                                                                                 newest Romanian films in the presence of
                                     TIFF’s main goal is to promote cinematic art by             •   TIFF Industry is open for talents from the
                                     presenting some of the most innovative and                      region through Transilvania Pitch Stop
                                     spectacular films of the moment that feature both               (TPS),
                                     originality and independence of expression, that            •   A tailor made workshop for feature fiction
                                     reflect unusual cinematic language forms or focus on            films,
                                     current trends in youth culture.                            •   Public presentation and one-on-one
                                                                                                 •   Transilvania Talent Lab (TTL) – is a hands-
                                                                                                     on programme dedicated to emerging


                                                                                                 The Festival also developed a strong
                                                                                                 educational platform for children (through
                                                                                                 EducaTIFF), and teenagers (through Let’s Go
                                                                                                 Digital). The intensive workshop gives teenagers
                                                                                                 the opportunity to cover all the steps of
                                                                                                 filmmaking under the supervision of film
                                                                                                 professionals and using modern equipment.
     22.   Venice International      Venice Film Festival is the world’s oldest film Festival,   The Venice Film Festival is a prestigious event     Artists or filmmakers of all
           Film Festival             held annually in Venice beginning in late August or         that presents a selection of world-class films,     disciplines.
                                     early September.                                            bringing the most successful directors and
                                                                                                 actors of the time on the red carpet at Lido di
                                     The Festival aims to raise awareness and promote
                                                                                                 Venezia, continuing the tradition that adds the
                                     international cinema in all its forms as art,
                                                                                                 glamour charm that always marked the Festival
                                     entertainment, and industry, in a spirit of freedom and
                                                                                                 to a high artistic value program.
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                        What does it offer                                  Who should attend?
                                                                      Market                                                                                                                                  (Target market)
                                                                23.   Berlin International      The Berlinale is a unique place of artistic exploration   The film industry at the Berlinale                  Filmmakers of all disciplines.
                                                                      Film Festival             and entertainment. It is one of the largest public film   •   The European Film Market is an
                                                                                                Festivals in the world, attracting tens of thousands of       international marketplace, a compass for
                                                                                                visitors from around the globe each year. For the film        the new film year and a platform for
                                                                                                industry and the media, the eleven days in February           innovation and change.
                                                                                                are also one of the most important events in the          •   The Berlinale Co-Production Market offers
                                                                                                annual calendar and an indispensable trading forum.           targeted matchmaking and international
                                                                                                                                                              networking for selected projects, producers
                                                                                                                                                              and financiers.
                                                                                                                                                          •   Berlinale Talents is the creative meeting
                                                                                                                                                              place of the Festival with often public talks
                                                                                                                                                              and workshops for film-loving audiences
                                                                                                                                                              and 250 selected Talents from around the
                                                                                                                                                          •   The World Cinema Fund (WCF) is

                                                                                                                                                              committed to developing and funding
                                                                                                                                                              cinema in regions with a weak film
                                                                                                                                                              infrastructure and boosting cultural
                                                                                                                                                            diversity in German and European cinemas.
                                                                24.   BFI London Film           The BFI London Film Festival is an annual film Festival The BFI features the best new features films, Filmmakers of all disciplines.
                                                                      Festival                  founded in 1957 and held in the United Kingdom,           documentaries, short films, screen talks, panels
                                                                                                running for two weeks in October with co-operation & events, audience awards, and industry and
                                                                                                from the British Film Institute. It screens more than     education special events. The London Film
                                                                                                300 films, documentaries and shorts from                  Festival is an opportunity to see the most
                                                                                                approximately 50 countries.                               anticipated films from around the world - right
                                                                                                                                                          on your doorstep.

 Review of International Film Festival and Markets March 2021
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                        What does it offer                                  Who should attend?
           Market                                                                                                                                  (Target market)
     25.   Cairo International       The Cairo International Film Festival (CIFF) is the       CIFF offer master classes and conversations         Film producers, directors,
           Film Festival (CIFF)      oldest annually running film Festival in Africa and The   with industry experts, panel discussions, Cairo     and distributors.
                                     Middle East. CIFF is one of only 15 Festivals accorded industry days, and Cairo film connection.
                                     as a category “A” status by the international
                                                                                               Cairo Film Connection
                                     federation of film producers associations FIAPF.
                                                                                               •    This is a space for international producers,
                                     The Festival aims to improve the taste in movies,
                                                                                                    film financiers and film distributors, and
                                     strengthen artistic links between countries, allow
                                                                                                    representatives from funding bodies, sales
                                     meetings between professionals, and build bridges
                                                                                                    agents, and TV channels where they initiate
                                     between workers in the field of cinema from different
                                                                                                    international co-productions deals and
                                     cultures and promote the film industry in Egypt, the
                                                                                                    partnerships with films from the Arab
                                     Arab world and other countries.
     26.   Visions du Reel           Visions du Reel is an internationally renowned            The Industry activities, which bring over 1350      Documentary filmmakers.
           Internertional Film       documentary film Festival held in April each year in      professionals to Switzerland, are dedicated to
           Festival                  Nyon, Switzerland. The Festival is one of the rare        international projects at every stage, offering a

                                     international Festivals in Switzerland to present a       wide range of opportunities, such as tutoring,
                                     majority of films in world or international premier       co-production, funding, and distribution.

                                     The Festival aims to present films that, through their
                                     formal and aesthetic choices, provide personal and
                                     singular expressions and descriptions of past, present
                                     or future realities, freely interpreting the very
                                     definition of non-fiction filmmaking and its
     27.   Human Rights Watch        Human Rights Film Festival provides an important          It is a 10-day Festival of social justice-focused
           Film Festival (HRWFF) stage to share world’s most important human rights            art, film, and workshops, looking for films that
                                     stories through film and conversation. it’s a             inspire people to create a better future for
                                     community of people who believe in a world free           everyone long after they leave the theatre
                                     from human rights injustices.                             (Physical or virtual).
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                         What does it offer                                 Who should attend?
                                                                      Market                                                                                                                                  (Target market)
                                                                28.   International             The International Documentary Film Festival                In addition to the Festival, IDFA has developed    Documentary filmmakers.
                                                                      Documentary Film          Amsterdam (IDFA) is the world’s largest                    several professional activities, contributing to
                                                                      Festival Amsterdam        documentary film Festival held annually since 1988 in the development of filmmakers and their films
                                                                      (IDFA)                    Amsterdam. The objective of the IDFA is to promote at all stages.
                                                                                                creative documentaries and to present them to as           •   At co-financing and co-production market
                                                                                                wide an audience as possible.                                  IDFA Forum filmmakers and producers
                                                                                                                                                               pitch their plans to financiers;
                                                                                                IDFA aims to bring creative documentaries and
                                                                                                                                                           •   at Docs for Sale new documentaries are
                                                                                                audiences together. Therefore, it stimulates the
                                                                                                                                                               on offer to programmers and distributors;
                                                                                                production and distribution of a wide range of
                                                                                                                                                           •    the IDFA Bertha Fund supports
                                                                                                documentary films while also developing the demand
                                                                                                                                                               filmmakers and documentary projects in
                                                                                                for them. In this way, IDFA contributes to expanding
                                                                                                                                                               developing countries; and
                                                                                                and improving the international documentary climate,
                                                                                                                                                           •   The IDFAcademy offers a international
                                                                                                specifically by promoting inclusivity and giving a voice
                                                                                                                                                               training programs for up-and-coming doc
                                                                                                to underrepresented filmmakers.

                                                                29.   International Film        IFFR is one of the largest audience and industry-          The Festival’s Official Selection includes more    The Festival’s focus is on
                                                                      Festival Rotterdam        driven film Festivals in the world. It offers a high-      than 570 features, mid-length, and short films     recent work by talented new
                                                                      (IFFR)                    quality line-up of carefully selected fiction and          from almost 90 countries and offers a high-        filmmakers.
                                                                                                documentary feature films, short films, and media art. quality line-up of exhibitions, performances,
                                                                                                                                                           masterclasses, and talks.

                                                                                                                                                           IFFR actively supports new and adventurous
                                                                                                                                                           filmmaking talent through its co-production
                                                                                                                                                           market CineMart, its Hubert Bals Fund,
                                                                                                                                                           Rotterdam Lab and other industry activities.
                                                                30.   Rio de Janeiro            Over the past ten years, the Rio de Janeiro                The Rio Festival organises an annual RioMarket, Filmmakers of all disciplines.
                                                                      International Film        International Film Festival has stamped itself as the      a business center offering Rio Seminars (round
                                                                      Festival                  largest film Festival in Brazil and Latin America. Each    table discussions about key industry issues) and
                                                                                                year, around 400 films are screened in over 30             Rio Screenings (a showcase for distributors and

                                                                                                theaters around the city, attracting some 250,000          other industry professionals).

                                                                                                The Festival serves as the world’s major showcase for

 Review of International Film Festival and Markets March 2021
                                                                                                contemporary Brazilian cinema.
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                         What does it offer                                   Who should attend?
           Market                                                                                                                                    (Target market)
     31.   MIPCOM                    MIPCOM is the world’s largest entertainment content MIPCOM provides a comprehensive                             •   Buyers and
                                     market. The global media and entertainment industry        conference programme unveiling new trends,               Commissioners of
                                     converges in Cannes to turn every moment into an           strategic thinking, and business models driving          content;
                                     opportunity, transforming four days of exchange and        the ever-evolving entertainment industry.            •   Investors;
                                     networking, meetings, screenings and conferences, into                                                          •   Distribution;
                                                                                                •    Networking and matchmaking -
                                     lasting business.                                                                                               •   Content creators; and
                                                                                                     Networking in the television and media
                                                                                                                                                     •   Production companies.
                                     MIPCOM is the go-to place to forge, enrich, and                 industry through the premium networking
                                     strengthen business relationships. Creating and                 hub.
                                     maintaining a professional network, whether you’re a       •    Conferences & Events – offers knowledge
                                     distributor, producer, buyer, or commissioner, is key to        & learning platform.
                                     successfully running an international business in a        •    Global Participants - Global-scale gathering
                                     highly competitive environment.                                 where the global TV industry meet.
                                                                                                •    World-class marketplace - The world’s
                                                                                                     largest exhibition of studios and
                                                                                                    distributors for premium content.

     32.   Tribeca Film Festival     The Tribeca Film Festival brings together visionaries      The core of the Festival program is slate of         Emerging and established
                                     across industries and diverse audiences to celebrate       feature and short films, highlighting politically,   filmmakers.
                                     the power of storytelling. A platform for independent culturally and socially relevant films from
                                     filmmaking, creative expression and immersive              diverse storytellers.
                                     entertainment. Tribeca supports emerging and
                                                                                                Celebrating diverse, provocative and compelling
                                     established voices, discovers award-winning
                                                                                                voices from the Online Space. Tribeca has
                                     filmmakers, curates innovative and interactive
                                                                                                inductyr talks, a series that explores the
                                     experiences, and introduces new technology and
                                                                                                business of entertainment.
                                     ideas through panels, premieres, exhibitions, and live
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                          What does it offer                                 Who should attend?
                                                                      Market                                                                                                                                   (Target market)
                                                                33.   Stuttgart International   ITFS ranks among the world’s most important events ITFS is an Oscar-qualifying Festival that offers            Filmmakers, directors,
                                                                      Festival of Animated      for animated film in all its aspects, and with its          directors, production companies and                production and distribution
                                                                      Film (ITFS) or            intersections with visual effects, architecture, art,       distributors, as well as talent and all further    companies.
                                                                      Internationales           design, music, science, games, et al. Every year, it        professionals from the animation and games
                                                                      Trickfilm-Festival        attracts up to 100,000 visitors and industry                industries a platform to present their films,
                                                                      Stuttgart                 professionals from all over the world with the best of interactive and transmedia works, as well as VR
                                                                                                high-quality animations and interactive works.              and AR projects to an interested, wide audience
                                                                                                                                                      and a large number of industry representatives.
                                                                34.   Ottawa International      The Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF) is OIAF provides screenings, exhibits, workshops Animators.
                                                                      Animation Festival        one of the world’s leading animation events providing and entertainment.
                                                                                                screenings, exhibits, workshops and entertainment
                                                                                                since 1976. OIAF is an annual five-day event bringing
                                                                                                art and industry together in a vibrant hub.
                                                                35.   Dok Leipzig Film          DOK Leipzig is an annual Festival for documentaries         During the Festival Week, the international film   Commissioners, buyers,
                                                                      Festival                  and animations that celebrates film and promotes            industry meets at DOK Industry to develop          distributors, sales agents and
                                                                                                debate. The Festival focuses on the values of peace,        new films and bring them to market. DOK            funders, producers.

                                                                                                tolerance, human dignity and freedom of expression,         Industry offers networking opportunities with
                                                                                                along with a strong, individual artistic signature of the   the highest-quality German and international
                                                                                                filmmakers.                                                 decision-makers and funders. This is the meeting
                                                                                                                                                            place for artistic documentary and a hub for
                                                                                                DOK Leipzig is built on more than 60 years of history
                                                                                                                                                            interactive and immersive arts practitioners and
                                                                                                and takes place every year in autumn. The Festival is
                                                                                                not only an important platform for directors to
                                                                                                present their films to the public for the first time, but The networking programme is tailor-made for
                                                                                                it is also a major public Festival that promotes            accredited trade visitors (filmmakers, XR
                                                                                                debates on cinematic art and politics.                      creatives, producers, editors, decision makers
                                                                                                                                                            and distributors.

 Review of International Film Festival and Markets March 2021
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                        What does it offer                                  Who should attend?
           Market                                                                                                                                  (Target market)
     36.   Hong Kong                 The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society is a The Hong Kong - Asia Film Financing Forum              Filmmakers of all disciplines.
           International Film        charitable, non-profit and non-governmental               (HAF) is one of Asia’s premium film financing
           Festival (HKIFF)          organisation dedicated to the discovery and               platforms. Over three days, it brings filmmakers,
                                     promotion of creativity in the art and culture of film.   investors, financiers, producers, distributors,
                                     It is committed to making world cinema accessible         buyers and sales agents together under one
                                     and affordable to the public.                             roof to discuss and explore co-production

                                     The HKIFF serves as a platform for international film
                                     exchange, to promote better understanding between HAF Film Lab Programme (Film Lab) provides
                                     global cultures, and to discover new talents from         filmmakers with intensive training
                                     around the world. It is a pioneer in introducing Hong
                                                                                               from scriptwriting to investor-pitching.
                                     Kong, Chinese language and Asian cinema and
                                     filmmakers to the world.
     37.   Sydney Film Festival      Sydney Film Festival (SFF) is one of the longest          The Sydney Film Festival presents awards in         Filmmakers of all disciplines.

                                     running film Festivals globally, screening narrative      several categories, including prizes for short
                                     feature films, documentaries, and short films over 12     subjects and audience favourites. The 12-day
                                     days and nights in June.The Sydney Film Festival is       Festival screens feature films, documentaries,
                                     supported by the NSW Government                           short films and animation from around the
                                     through Screen NSW, the Federal Government                world in venues across the city.
                                     through Screen Australia, and the City of Sydney.

                                     Sydney Film Festival encourages and supports
                                     excellence in Australian filmmaking via the
                                     Documentary Australia Foundation Award for Best
                                     Australian Documentary and the long-running Dendy
                                     Awards for Australian Short Films.
Name of the Festival or    Overview of the Festival or Market                       What does it offer                                  Who should attend?
                                                                      Market                                                                                                                                  (Target market)
                                                                38    American Film Festival American Film Festival is a unique Festival celebrating The AFF presents contemporary independent                Filmmakers of all disciplines.
                                                                      (AFF)                      contemporary American Indie cinema. It presents          productions in two major competitive sections:
                                                                                                 contemporary independent film, both narrative and        •   SPECTRUM, a panorama of contemporary
                                                                                                 documentary, as well as American classics.                   American cinema, focusing on filmmakers
                                                                                                                                                              in mid-careers and those making significant
                                                                                                                                                              directorial debuts, and
                                                                                                                                                          •   AMERICAN DOCS, a program of
                                                                                                                                                              compelling and award-winning
                                                                                                                                                              documentaries from the film Festival circuit,
                                                                                                                                                              with Audience Awards with cash prizes for
                                                                                                                                                              Best Narrative Feature and Best
                                                                                                                                                              Documentary Feature, respectively.
                                                                39.   Show Low Film Festival Show Low Film Festival is held in Arizona showing            The Festival offer workshops, network, mentor       Filmmakers of all disciplines.
                                                                                                 films from all over the world.                           and connections.
                                                                40.   Locarno Film Festival      Locarno Film Festival is the most significant            Apart from daily screening, Locarno Pro is the      Filmmakers of all disciplines.
                                                                                                 cinematographic event in Switzerland and among the landmark for film industry professionals

                                                                                                 most important in Europe. Every August, for eleven       attending Locarno Film Festival. Locarno Pro
                                                                                                 days the Swiss-Italian town of Locarno, right in the     aims to enhance and deepen connections
                                                                                                 heart of Europe, becomes the world capital of auteur between the diverse players circulating around
                                                                                                 cinema.                                                  films in the Festival.
                                                                41.   Taormina Film Festival     The Taormina Film Festival is an international film      The Festival offers a large local audience the      Filmmakers of all disciplines.
                                                                                                 Festival that takes place in Taormina around June or     opportunity to see international films. Superb
                                                                                                 July. The Festival has become a focal point for the film open air screenings in the Arena.
                                                                                                 culture of this region.
                                                                42.   National Arts Festival     The National Arts Festival is an annual Festival of      Its objectives are to deliver excellence;           Filmmakers and artists of all
                                                                                                 performing arts in Makhanda, South Africa. It is one of encourage innovation and development in the          disciplines.
                                                                                                 the biggest and most vibrant celebration of South        arts by providing a platform for both
                                                                                                 Africa’s rich and multi-faceted culture.                 established and emerging South African artists;
                                                                                                                                                          create opportunities for collaboration with
                                                                                                 From theatre to dance, opera to cabaret, fine art to

                                                                                                                                                          international artists; and build new audience.
                                                                                                 craft art, classical music to jazz, poetry readings to
                                                                                                 lectures, every art form imaginable is represented in
                                                                                                 one of the most diverse Festivals in the world.

 Review of International Film Festival and Markets March 2021
Name of the Festival or   Overview of the Festival or Market                         What does it offer                                    Who should attend?
           Market                                                                                                                                     (Target market)
     43.   Durban International      South Africa’s longest-running film Festival, the          DIFF has three principal strands: the seminar         Filmmakers of all disciplines.
           Film Festival (DIFF)      Durban International Film Festival (DIFF), is widely       and workshop component to stimulate industry
                                     regarded as one of the leading film Festivals on the       development, a community outreach
                                     African continent and a vital event on the                 programme to service marginalised audiences
                                     international film calendar.                               and celebrate cinema through the exhibition of
                                     DIFF proactively promotes the African film industry’s
                                     development and provides a strategic exhibition            DIFF contributes to expanding filmmaker
                                     platform for local products alongside international        networks, attracts local and international media,
                                     films within a professionally implemented and              creates public awareness of South African and
                                     reputable cultural experience.                             African cinema, and promotes and celebrates
                                                                                                African cinema that highlights the possibilities of
                                     DIFF’s mission is to develop and deliver a sustainable
                                                                                                local film production and stimulates the film
                                     world-class film Festival, which engages stakeholders
                                                                                                industry’s growth.
                                     and achieves critical acclaim by presenting a unique
                                     program that inspires, challenges, and entertains an

                                     increasingly broad and diverse audience. The Festival
                                     aims to offer a platform for content that is unavailable
                                     through mainstream cinema to both local and
                                     international audiences.

                                     DIFF takes place every July, in Durban, South Africa.
     44.   Cape Town                 The Festival’s core vision is transforming the African     The CTIFMF incorporate a host of key                  Filmmakers of all disciplines.
           International Film        film industry through the three pillars of creation,       initiatives and projects aimed at the local and
           Market & Festival         collaboration, and celebration.                            Pan-African film industries, as well as emerging
           (CTIFM&F)                                                                            and new audiences from Africa and beyond.
                                     CTIFM&M takes place in October at various venues
                                     in Cape Town, South Africa.                                The Festival market serves as the main hub of
                                                                                                industry activity at which deal-making,
                                     For film professionals, an expanded and content-
                                                                                                networking, content sales, distribution, and
                                     focused Market and Industry program is aimed at
                                                                                                training are the main objectives.
                                     inclusive and constructive engagements that foster the
                                     development of quality content and support the
                                     growth of a cohesive African film industry.
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