Page created by Lorraine Osborne
Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2022

Anonymous authors
Paper under double-blind review

                                               A BSTRACT

         We introduce Network Augmentation (NetAug), a new training method for improv-
         ing the performance of tiny neural networks. Existing regularization techniques
         (e.g., data augmentation, dropout) have shown much success on large neural net-
         works (e.g., ResNet50) by adding noise to overcome over-fitting. However, we
         found these techniques hurt the performance of tiny neural networks. We argue
         that training tiny models are different from large models: rather than augmenting
         the data, we should augment the model, since tiny models tend to suffer from
         under-fitting rather than over-fitting due to limited capacity. To alleviate this issue,
         NetAug augments the network (reverse dropout) instead of inserting noise into the
         dataset or the network. It puts the tiny model into larger models and encourages
         it to work as a sub-model of larger models to get extra supervision, in addition to
         functioning as an independent model. At test time, only the tiny model is used for
         inference, incurring zero inference overhead. We demonstrate the effectiveness of
         NetAug on image classification and object detection. NetAug consistently improves
         the performance of tiny models, achieving up to 2.3% accuracy improvement on
         ImageNet, and 4.3% on Cars. On Pascal VOC, NetAug provides 2.96% mAP
         improvement with the same computational cost.


Tiny IoT devices are witnessing rapid growth, reaching 75.44 billion by 2025 (iot). Deploying deep
neural networks directly on these tiny edge devices without the need for a connection to the cloud
brings better privacy and lowers the cost. However, tiny edge devices are highly resource-constrained
compared to cloud devices (e.g., GPU). For example, a microcontroller unit (e.g., STM32F746)
typically only has 320KB of memory (Lin et al., 2020), which is 50,000x smaller than the memory of
a GPU. Given such strict constraints, neural networks must be extremely small to run efficiently on
these tiny edge devices. Thus, improving the performance of tiny neural networks (e.g., MobileNetV2-
Tiny1 ) has become a fundamental challenge for tiny deep learning.
Conventional approaches to improve the performance of deep neural networks rely on regularization
techniques to alleviate over-fitting, including data augmentation methods (e.g., AutoAugment (Cubuk
et al., 2019), Mixup (Zhang et al., 2018a)), dropout methods (e.g., Dropout (Srivastava et al., 2014),
DropBlock (Ghiasi et al., 2018)), and so on. Unfortunately, this common approach does not apply
to tiny neural networks. Figure 1 (left) shows the ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009) accuracy of state-
of-the-art regularization techniques on ResNet50 (He et al., 2016) and MobileNetV2-Tiny (Lin
et al., 2020). These regularization techniques significantly improve the accuracy of ResNet50, but
unfortunately, they hurt the accuracy for MobileNetV2-Tiny, which is 174x smaller. We argue that
training tiny neural networks is fundamentally different from training large neural networks. Rather
than augmenting the dataset, we should augment the network. Large neural networks tend to over-fit
the training data, and data augmentation techniques can alleviate the over-fitting issue. However, tiny
neural networks tend to under-fit the training data due to limited capacity (174x smaller); applying
regularization techniques to tiny neural networks will worsen the under-fitting issue and degrade the
     MobileNetV2-Tiny (#Params=0.75M, #MACs=23.5M), introduced in (Lin et al., 2020), is the best down-
scaled version of MobileNetV2 (width multiplier 0.35 and resolution 144) that can fit in microcontroller units.

ResNet50                     76.8      77.9                 77.6      78.4         76.5

                     Baseline             Mixup   AutoAugment           Dropblock     NetAug

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2022
TinyMobileNetV2                  53.0      52.2                 52.0      50.4         54.8

                    Baseline            Mixup     AutoAugment
                    Dropblock           NetAug
               79                                                                              Large Neural Network
ImageNet Val                                                                                       Over-fitting
  Top1 (%)     78
                                                                                               Data Augmentation
                                ResNet50 (4.1B MACs)                   174x smaller
ImageNet Val

               54                                                                               Tiny Neural Network
  Top1 (%)

                                                                                                   Net Augmentation
                       MobileNetV2-Tiny (23.5M MACs)

Figure 1: Left: ResNet50 (large neural network) benefits from regularization techniques, while
MobileNetV2-Tiny (tiny neural network) losses accuracy by these regularizations. Right: Large
neural networks suffer from over-fitting, thus require regularization such as data augmentation and
dropout. In contrast, tiny neural networks tend to under-fit the dataset, thus requires more capacity
during training. NetAug augments the network (reverse dropout) during training to provide more
supervision for tiny neural networks. Contrary to regularization techniques, it significantly improves
the accuracy of tiny neural networks and as expected, hurts the accuracy of non-tiny neural networks.

In this paper, we propose Network Augmentation (NetAug), a new training technique for tiny deep
learning. Our intuition is that tiny neural networks need more capacity rather than noise at the training
time. Thus, instead of adding noise to the dataset via data augmentation or adding noise to the model
via dropout (Figure 1 upper right), NetAug augments the tiny model by inserting it into larger models;
the tiny model and the large model share the weights, and the tiny model becomes a sub-model of
the larger models apart from working independently (Figure 1 lower right). It can be viewed as a
reversed form of dropout, as we enlarge the target model instead of shrinking it. At the training time,
NetAug adds the gradients from larger models as extra training supervision for the tiny model. At the
test time, only the tiny model is used, causing zero overhead.
Extensive experiments on six image classification datasets (ImageNet, Food101, Flowers102, Cars,
Cub200, and Pets) show that NetAug is much more effective than regularization techniques for tiny
neural networks. Applying NetAug to MobileNetV2-Tiny improves image classification accuracy
by 2.1% on ImageNet, and 4.3% on Cars while adding only 16.7% training cost overhead and
zero inference overhead. On Pascal VOC object detection, NetAug improves the mAP of YoloV3
(Redmon & Farhadi, 2018) with MobileNetV2-Tiny as the backbone by 2.96%. Applying NetAug to
MCUNet (Lin et al., 2020) achieves a higher mAP than YoloV3+MobileNet (Zhang et al., 2019b)
while reducing the computational cost by 10×, from 6G to 600M MACs.

2              R ELATED W ORK
Knowledge Distillation. Knowledge distillation (KD) (Hinton et al., 2015; Furlanello et al., 2018;
Yuan et al., 2020; Beyer et al., 2021; Shen et al., 2021; Yun et al., 2021) is proposed to transfer the
“dark knowledge” learned in a large teacher model to a small student model. It trains the student
model to match the teacher model’s output logits (Hinton et al., 2015) or intermediate activations
(Romero et al., 2015; Zagoruyko & Komodakis,        2017) for better performances. Apart from being
used alone, KD can be combined with other methods to improve the performance, such as (Zhou
et al., 2020) that combines layer-wise KD and network pruning.
Unlike KD, our method aims to improve the performances of neural networks from a different
perspective, i.e., tackling the under-fitting issue of tiny neural networks. Technically, our method
does not require the target model to mimic a teacher model. Instead, we train the target model to
work as a sub-model of a set of larger models, built by augmenting the width of the target model,
to get extra training supervision. Since the underlying mechanism of our method is fundamentally
different from KD’s. Our method is complementary to the use of KD and can be combined to boost
performance (Table 2).

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2022

Regularization Methods. Regularization methods typically can be categorized into data augmen-
tation families and dropout families. Data augmentation families add noise to the dataset by applying
specially-designed transformations on the input, such as Cutout (DeVries & Taylor, 2017) and Mixup
(Zhang et al., 2018a). Additionally, AutoML has been employed to search for a combination of
transformations for data augmentation, such as AutoAugment (Cubuk et al., 2019) and RandAugment
(Cubuk et al., 2020).
Instead of injecting noise into the dataset, dropout families add noise to the network to overcome over-
fitting. A typical example is Dropout (Srivastava et al., 2014) that randomly drops connections of the
neural network. Inspired by Dropout, many follow-up extensions propose structured forms of dropout
for better performance, such as StochasticDepth (Huang et al., 2016), SpatialDropout (Tompson et al.,
2015), and DropBlock (Ghiasi et al., 2018). In addition, some regularization techniques combine
dropout with other methods to improve the performance, such as Self-distillation (Zhang et al., 2019a)
that combines knowledge distillation and depth dropping, and GradAug (Yang et al., 2020) that
combines data augmentation and channel dropping.
Unlike these regularization methods, our method targets improving the performance of tiny neural
networks that suffer from under-fitting by augmenting the width of the neural network instead of
shrinking it via random dropping. It is a reversed form of dropout. Our experiments show that
NetAug is more effective than regularization methods on tiny neural networks (Table 3).

Tiny Deep Learning. Improving the inference efficiency of neural networks is very important
in tiny deep learning. One commonly used approach is to compress existing neural networks by
pruning (Han et al., 2015; He et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2017) and quantization (Han et al., 2016; Zhu
et al., 2017; Rastegari et al., 2016). Another widely adopted approach is to design efficient neural
network architectures (Iandola et al., 2016; Sandler et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2018b). In addition
to manually designed compression strategies and neural network architectures, AutoML techniques
recently gain popularity in tiny deep learning, including auto model compression (Cai et al., 2019a;
Yu & Huang, 2019) and auto neural network architecture design (Tan et al., 2019; Cai et al., 2019b;
Wu et al., 2019). Unlike these techniques, our method focuses on improving the accuracy of tiny
neural networks without changing the model architecture . Combining these techniques with our
method leads to better performances in our experiments (Table 1 and Table 4).


In this section, we first describe the formulation of NetAug. Then we introduce practical implementa-
tions. Lastly, we discuss the overhead of NetAug during training (16.7%) and test (zero).


We denote the weights of the tiny neural network as Wt and the loss function as L. During training,
                                                                               ∂L(W n )
Wt is optimized to minimize L with gradient updates: Wtn+1 = Wtn − η ∂W nt , where η is the
learning rate, and we assume using standard stochastic gradient descent for simplicity. Since the
capacity of the tiny neural network is limited, it is more likely to get stuck in local minimums than
large neural networks, leading to worse training and test performances.
We aim to tackle this challenge by introducing additional supervision to assist the training of the
tiny neural network. Contrary to dropout methods that encourage subsets of the neural network to
produce predictions, NetAug encourages the tiny neural network to work as a sub-model of a set of
larger models constructed by augmenting the width of the tiny model (Figure 2 left). The augmented
loss function Laug is:

              Laug =      L(Wt )          + α1 L([Wt , W1 ]) + · · · + αi L([Wt , Wi ]) + · · · ,               (1)
                          | {z }            |                       {z                       }
                       base supervision     auxiliary supervision, working as a sub-model of augmented models

where [Wt , Wi ] represents an augmented model that contains the tiny neural network, and αi is the
scaling hyper-parameter for combining loss from different augmented models.

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2022

      Input       Augmented Net 1           Augmented Net 2 …                 Block 1
                                            g = gbase + gaug                    …

                                                                              Block n                           Conv

                                                                             Block n+1
          gbase                                   gaug                                                            1x1
                   Forward flow               Base supervision
      Output       Auxiliary forward flow     Auxiliary supervision   Augment Width Multiplier Augment Expand Ratio

Figure 2: Left: We augment a tiny network by putting it into larger neural networks. They share
the weights. The tiny neural network is supervised to produce useful representations for larger
neural networks beyond functioning independently. At each training step, we sample one augmented
network to provide auxiliary supervision that is added to the base supervision. At test time, only
the tiny network is used for inference, which has zero overhead. Right: NetAug is implemented by
augmenting the width multiplier and expand ratio of the tiny network.


Constructing Augmented Models. Keeping the weights of each augmented model (e.g., [Wt , Wi ])
independent is resource-prohibitive, as the model size grows linearly as the number of augmented
models increases. Therefore, we share the weights of different augmented models, and only maintain
the largest augmented model. We construct other augmented models by selecting the sub-networks
from the largest augmented model (Figure 2 left).
This weight-sharing strategy is also used in one-shot neural architecture search (NAS) (Guo et al.,
2020; Cai et al., 2020) and multi-task learning (Ruder, 2017). Our objective and training process are
completely different from theirs: i) one-shot NAS trains a weight-sharing super-net that supports all
possible sub-networks. Its goal is to provide efficient performance estimation in NAS. In contrast,
NetAug focuses on improving the performance of a tiny neural network by utilizing auxiliary
supervision from augmented models. In addition, NetAug can be applied to NAS-designed neural
networks for better performances (Table 1). ii) Multi-task learning aims to transfer knowledge across
different tasks via weight sharing. In contrast, NetAug transmits auxiliary supervision on a single
task, from augmented models to the tiny model.
Specifically, we construct the largest augmented model by augmenting the width (Figure 2 right),
which incurs smaller training time overhead on GPUs than augmenting the depth (Radosavovic et al.,
2020). For example, assume the width of a convolution operation is w, we augment its width by an
augmentation factor r. Then the width of the largest augmented convolution operation is r × w. For
simplicity, we use a single hyper-parameter to control the augmentation factor for all operators in the
After building the largest augmented model, we construct other augmented models by selecting a
subset of channels from the largest augmented model. We use a hyper-parameter s, named diversity
factor, to control the number of augmented model configurations. We set the augmented widths to
be linearly spaced between w and r × w. For instance, with r = 3 and s = 2, the possible widths
are [w, 2w, 3w]. Different layers can use different augmentation ratios. In this way, we get diverse
augmented models from the largest augmented model, each containing the target neural network.

Training Process. As shown in Eq. 1, getting supervision from one augmented network requires an
additional forward and backward process. It is computationally expensive to involve all augmented
networks in one training step. To address this challenge, we only sample one augmented network at
                                                                                    ∂L(W n )
each step. The tiny neural network is updated by merging the base supervision (i.e., ∂W nt ) and the
auxiliary supervision from this sampled augmented    network (Figure 2 left):
                                                         ∂L(Wtn )     ∂L([Wtn , Win ])
                             Wtn+1 = Wtn − η(                     + α                  ),                             (2)
                                                          ∂Wtn            ∂Wtn

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2022

               MobileNetV2 ProxylessNAS MCUNet MobileNetV3  MobileNetV2 r160               ResNet50
                -Tiny, r144 r160, w0.35  r176  r160, w0.35 w0.35 w0.5    w1.0                r224
 #Params          0.75M            1.78M        0.74M       2.2M    1.66M 1.95M 3.47M   25.5M
 #MACs            23.5M            35.7M        81.8M       19.6M   30.9M 50.2M 154.1M 4089.2M
 Baseline         51.2%            59.1%        61.4%       58.1%   56.3% 61.4% 69.6%        76.8%
 NetAug           53.0%            60.5%        62.5%       60.4%   57.9% 62.5% 70.5%        76.5%
 ∆Acc             +1.8%           +1.4%         +1.1%       +2.3%   +1.6% +1.1% +0.9%        -0.3%

Table 1: NetAug consistently improves the ImageNet accuracy for popular tiny neural networks.
The smaller the model, the larger the improvement. As expected, NetAug hurts non-tiny networks
(ResNet50). ‘w’ is width multiplier and ‘r’ is input image size. More results in appendix (Table 7).

where [Wtn , Win ] represents the sampled augmented network at this training step. For simplicity, we
use the same scaling hyper-parameter α (α = 1.0 in our experiments) for all augmented networks. In
addition, Wi is also updated via gradient descent in this training step. It is possible to sample more
augmented networks in one training step. However, in our experiments, it not only increases the
training cost but also hurts the performance (Figure 9 left).


NetAug is only applied at the training time. At inference time, we only keep the tiny neural network.
Therefore, the inference overhead of NetAug is zero. In addition, as NetAug does not change the
network architecture, it does not require special support from the software system or hardware,
making it easier to deploy in practice.
Regarding the training overhead, applying NetAug adds an extra forward and backward process in
each training step, which seems to double the training cost. However, in our experiments, the training
time is only 16.7% longer (245 GPU hours v.s. 210 GPU hours, shown in Table 3). It is because the
total training cost of a tiny neural network is dominated by data loading and communication cost,
not the forward and backward computation, since the model is very small. Therefore, the overall
training time overhead of NetAug is only 16.7%. Apart from the training cost, applying NetAug will
increase the peak training memory footprint. Since we focus on training tiny neural networks whose
peak training memory footprint is much smaller than large neural networks’, in practice, the slightly
increased training memory footprint can still fit in GPUs.

4.1       DATASETS

We conducted experiments on seven image classification datasets, including ImageNet (Deng et al.,
2009), ImageNet-21K-P (Ridnik et al., 2021), Food101 (Bossard et al., 2014), Flowers102 (Nilsback
& Zisserman, 2008), Cars (Krause et al., 2013), Cub200 (Wah et al., 2011), and Pets (Parkhi et al.,
2012). In addition, we also evaluated our method on Pascal VOC object detection (Everingham et al.,
2010)2 .

Main Results. We apply NetAug to commonly used tiny neural network architectures in TinyML
(Lin et al., 2020; Saha et al., 2020; Banbury et al., 2021), including MobileNetV2-Tiny (Lin et al.,
2020), ProxylessNAS-Mobile (Cai et al., 2019b), MCUNet (Lin et al., 2020), MobileNetV3 (Howard
et al., 2019), and MobileNetV2 (Sandler et al., 2018) with various width multipliers. As shown
in Table 1, NetAug provides consistent accuracy improvements over the baselines on different
neural architectures. Specifically, for ProxylessNAS-Mobile, MCUNet and MobileNetV3, whose
architectures are optimized using NAS, NetAug still provides significant accuracy improvements
(1.4% for ProxylessNAS-Mobile, 1.1% for MCUNet, and 2.3% for MobileNetV3). In addition, we
        Training details are provided in Appendix E.

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2022

                                                                                                                   Untitled 1

                                 55                                                 26                             Untitled 2

                                                                                                                   Untitled 3

             ImageNet Top1 (%)

                                 54                                                                                Untitled 4

                                                                      Top1 (%)
                                 53            4x fewer epochs                                  6x fewer epochs
                                                    NetAug                          23                  NetAug
                                 51                 Baseline                                            Baseline
                                 50                                                 22
                                      0   150 300 450 600 750                            0     40      80    120
                                           # Training Epochs                                 # Training Epochs

Figure 3: NetAug consistently outperforms the baseline under different numbers of training epochs
on ImageNet and ImageNet-21K-P. With similar accuracy, NetAug requires 4x fewer training epochs
on ImageNet and 6x fewer training epochs on ImageNet-21K-P.

                             Model (MobileNetV2-Tiny)            Teacher Model                                        Untitled 1
                                                                                               Top1 Acc ∆Acc
                                                                                                                      Untitled 2
                             Baseline                                           -               51.2%         -       Untitled 3

                                                                                                                      Untitled 4
                                                                   ResNet18                     51.5%      +0.3%
                             KD (Hinton et al., 2015)              ResNet34                     52.0%      +0.8%
                                                               Assemble-ResNet50                52.3%      +1.1%
                             NetAug                                    -                        53.0%      +1.8%
                             NetAug + KD                       Assemble-ResNet50                54.4%      +3.2%

Table 2: Comparison with KD on ImageNet under the same FLOPs. NetAug improves the ImageNet
accuracy of MobileNetV2-Tiny (Lin et al., 2020) by 1.8%, which outperforms KD and its variants.
Additionally, NetAug’s improvement is orthogonal to KD. NetAug combined with KD improves the
ImageNet accuracy by 3.2% over the baseline.

find NetAug tends to provide higher accuracy improvement on smaller neural networks (+0.9% on
MobileNetV2 w1.0 → +1.6% on MobileNetV2 w0.35). We conjecture that smaller neural networks
have lower capacity, thus suffer more from the under-fitting issue and benefits more from NetAug.
Unsurprisingly, NetAug hurts the accuracy of non-tiny neural network (ResNet50), which already
has enough model capacity.
Figure 3 summarizes the results of MobileNetV2-Tiny on ImageNet and ImageNet-21K-P under
different numbers of training epochs. NetAug provides consistent accuracy improvements over the
baseline under all settings. In addition, to achieve similar accuracy, NetAug requires much fewer
training epochs than the baseline (4x fewer on ImageNet, 6x fewer on ImageNet-21K-P), which can
save the training cost and reduce the CO2 emissions.

Comparison with KD. Table 2 summarizes the comparison between NetAug and KD on
MobileNetV2-Tiny (Lin et al., 2020). Applying NetAug improves the ImageNet accuracy by 1.8%,
which is 0.7%-1.5% higher than KD with different teacher models. Moreover, NetAug is orthogonal
to KD, as their underlying mechanisms are completely different. Combining NetAug and KD further
increases the ImageNet accuracy improvement to 3.2%.

Comparison with Regularization Methods. Regularization techniques hurt the performance of
tiny neural network (Table 3), even when the regularization strength is very weak (e.g., dropout with
keep probability 0.9). This is due to tiny networks has very limited model capacity. When adding
stronger regularization (e.g., RandAugment, Dropblock), the accuracy loss gets larger (up to 4.1%
accuracy loss trained for 150 epochs and 4.8% accuracy loss trained for 300 epochs). Additionally,
we notice that Mixup, Dropblock, and RandAugment provide hyper-parameters to adjust the strength
of regularization. We further studied these methods under different regularization strengths. The
results are reported in the appendix (Table 6) due to the space limit. Similar to observations in Table 3,

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2022

                                                               Training Cost  ImageNet
      Model (MobileNetV2-Tiny)                     #Epochs
                                                               (GPU Hours) Top1 Acc ∆Acc
                                                       150         210         52.3%       -
                                                       300         420         53.0%     +0.7%
      Dropout (kp=0.9) (Srivastava et al., 2014)       150         210         52.1%     -0.2%
      Dropout (kp=0.8) (Srivastava et al., 2014)       150         210         50.4%     -1.9%
      Mixup (Zhang et al., 2018a)                      300         420         52.2%     -0.1%
      AutoAugment (Cubuk et al., 2019)                 300         440         52.0%     -0.3%
      GradAug (Yang et al., 2020)                      150         250         51.8%     -0.5%
      DropBlock (Ghiasi et al., 2018)                  300         420         50.4%     -1.9%
      RandAugment (Cubuk et al., 2020)                 300         440         48.2%     -4.1%
                                                       150         245         54.4%     +2.1%
                                                       300         490         54.8%     +2.5%

Table 3: Regularization techniques hurt the accuracy for MobileNetV2-Tiny, while NetAug pro-
vides 2.1% top1 accuracy improvement with only 16.7% training cost overhead. Mixup, GradAug,
DropBlock, and RandAugment are applied with hyper-parameters suggested by the original papers.
NetAug is applied with r = s = 3 for the expand ratio and r = s = 2 for the width multiplier
(Section 3.2). KD is applied with the same teacher (Assemble-ResNet50) for all models. More
ablation results for regularization methods are provided in the appendix (Table 6).

                                                               Train From Scratch  Pruning
Model                                                  #MACs
                                                               Baseline NetAug Baseline NetAug
MobileNetV2-Tiny (Lin et al., 2020)              23.5M 52.3%              54.4%     53.4%     55.2%
MCUNet (Lin et al., 2020)                        81.8M 62.2%              63.3%     63.7%     64.5%
MobileNetV2 (w1.0, r160) (Sandler et al., 2018) 154.1M 70.8%              71.6%     71.8%     72.5%

Table 4: NetAug is complementary to network pruning. We can further boost the accuracy on
ImageNet by combining NetAug and pruning.

we consistently find that: i) adding these regularization methods hurts the accuracy of the tiny neural
network. ii) Increasing the regularization strength leads to a higher accuracy loss.
Based on these results, we conjecture that tiny neural networks suffer from the under-fitting issue
rather than the over-fitting issue. Applying regularization techniques designed to overcome over-
fitting will exacerbate the under-fitting issue of tiny neural networks, thereby leading to accuracy
loss. In contrast, applying NetAug improves the ImageNet accuracy of MobileNetV2-Tiny by 2.1%,
with zero inference overhead and only 16.7% training cost overhead. NetAug is more effective than
regularization techniques in tiny deep learning.

Combined with Network Pruning. NetAug is orthogonal to network pruning (Han et al., 2015).
We can combine NetAug and network pruning by using pretrained weights to initialize the largest
augmented model instead of training from scratch. The weights are sorted so that the target tiny
model shares the partial weights of largest magnitudes, similar to the standard practice in channel
pruning (He et al., 2017; 2018).
Table 4 reports the results of NetAug with and without network pruning (KD is used in both the
baseline and NetAug). Different from (Liu et al., 2019), we find network pruning provides better
ImageNet accuracy than training from scratch. We conjecture it is because (Liu et al., 2019) mainly
focuses on large neural networks that do not suffer from the under-fitting issue like tiny neural
networks. Additionally, we find combining NetAug and network pruning gives the best results.
For example, with NetAug and network pruning, MobileNetV2 achieves 72.5% top1 accuracy on
ImageNet with only 154M MACs, which is comparable to NAS-optimized neural networks (Cai
et al., 2019b; Wu et al., 2019).

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2022

                    ImageNet Top1 (%)    Flowers102 Top1 (%)
                    Model (MobileNetV2-Tiny)              Food101                                                 Cars Top1 (%) Cars
                                                                                                                Flowers102                                      Pets Top1
                                                                                                                                                            Cub200        (%)
58                                    96                       88                                                                                     87
                        2.2% higher
                                                   95                                75.4%
                                                                                         86                           91.8%                78.8% 86 66.5%                   80.6%
                                                                  1                                                      1.44x                        85                  1.96x
56                  Pretrained with NetAug                    MAC .44x               76.6%                            92.6%
                                                                                                                     MACs re               80.8% 84 68.8%                   82.0%
                                       94                        s red                   84                                  ductio                                    MACs reduction
                         1.47x                                         uction                                                         n
                     MACs reduction                                                  +1.2%                            +0.8%                +2.0% 83 +2.3%                   +1.4%
                                                   93                                        82
                    Pretrained & finetuned with NetAug     77.1%                                                     93.7%        83.1% 82 69.6%                            82.8%
                    ∆Acc NetAug
                                        92          NetAug
                                                           +1.7%                                                     +1.9%NetAug +4.3%
                                                                                                                           Baseline     81 +3.1%
52                                                 91                                        78                                                       80
     20              25     30 35 40        45          20   27   34   41       48    55            20           27      34    41         48   55           20   27   34     41   48     55
                           MACs (M)       5: NetAug consistently
                                                       MACs (M) improves the accuracy
                                                                               MACs (M)for different datasets.
                                                                                                           MACs (M)

                            MbV2-Tiny (train)                MbV2-Tiny (val)                                             ResNet50 (train)                        ResNet50 (val)
                    50                              55                                                          85                                     78
     Top1 Acc (%)

                                                                                                 Top1 Acc (%)
                                                 +1.5%                                                                                              +1.6%                              -0.3%
                    49                                                               +2.1%                      81

                    47                              52                                                          78                                     75

                    46               NetAug                            NetAug                                   74                  NetAug                                 NetAug
                                     Baseline                          Baseline                                                     Baseline                               Baseline
                    44                              49                                                          70                                     72
                         100 110 120 130 140 150         100 110 120 130 140 150                                     50 60 70 80 90 100                     50 60 70 80 90 100
                                 Epoch                            Epoch                                                    Epoch                                  Epoch

     Figure 4: Learning curves on ImageNet. Left: NetAug alleviates the under-fitting issue of tiny
     neural networks (e.g., MobileNetV2-Tiny), leading to higher training and validation accuracy. Right:
     Larger networks like ResNet50 does not suffer from under-fitting; applying NetAug will exacerbate
     over-fitting (higher training accuracy, lower validation accuracy).

     Discussion. NetAug improves the accuracy of tiny neural networks by alleviating under-fitting.
     However, for larger neural networks that do not suffer from under-fitting, applying NetAug may, on
     the contrary, exacerbate over-fitting, leading to degraded validation accuracy (as shown in Table 1,
     ResNet50). We verify the idea by plotting the training and validation curves of a tiny network
     (MobileNetV2-Tiny) and a large network (ResNet50) in Figure 4, with and without applying NetAug.
     Applying NetAug improves the training and validation accuracy of MobileNetV2-Tiny, demonstrating
     that NetAug effectively reduces the under-fitting issue. For ResNet50, NetAug improves the training
     accuracy while lowers the validation accuracy, showing signs of overfitting.


     Table 5 reports the results of NetAug on five fine-grained image classification datasets. Model
     pretrained with NetAug consistently outperforms the model pretrained without NetAug on all fine-
     grained image classification datasets, improving the top1 accuracy by 2.3% on Cub200, by 2.0%
     on Cars, and by 1.4% on Pets. It shows that NetAug not only improves the ImageNet accuracy but
     also improves the quality of the learned representation, leading to better transfer learning accuracy.
     Moreover, we can also apply NetAug in the finetuning phase, which further boosts the accuracy,
     achieving 4.3% accuracy improvement on Cars and 3.1% accuracy improvement on Cub200.
     Apart from improving the accuracy, NetAug can also be applied for better inference efficiency.
     Figure 5 demonstrates the results of MobileNetV2-Tiny under different resolutions. Achieving the
     same ImageNet accuracy, NetAug requires a smaller input resolution than the baseline, leading to
     1.47× MACs reduction. Meanwhile, a smaller input resolution also reduces the inference memory
     footprint (Lin et al., 2020), which is also critical for running tiny deep learning models on memory-
     constrained devices. On fine-grained image classification datasets, NetAug provides up to 1.96×
     MACs saving while achieving a similar accuracy compared to the baseline.

     4.4                  R ESULTS ON O BJECT D ETECTION

     We apply NetAug to object detection to show the generalization ability of NetAug across different
     tasks. We use the YoloV3 (Redmon & Farhadi, 2018) detection framework and replace the backbone
     with tiny neural networks. We also replace normal convolution operations with depthwise convolution
     operations in the head of YoloV3. The results are summarized in Figure 6. Compared to the

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2022

                            ImageNet Top1 (%)                       Flowers102 Top1 (%)                                  Cars Top1 (%)                              Pets Top1 (%)
58                                                        96                                     88                                                  87
                                     2.2% higher                                                                                                     86
                                                          95                                     86
                                                                          1.4                                               1.44x                    85                    1.96x
56                                                                     MAC 4x                                            MACs sm                                        MACs smaller
                                                          94              s sm                   84                              alle   r
                                     1.47x                                     aller                                                                 84
                                  MACs smaller                                                                                                       83
                                                          93                                     82
                                          NetAug          92                     NetAug          80                               NetAug                                    NetAug
                                          Baseline                               Baseline                                         Baseline           81                     Baseline
52                                                        91                                     78                                                  80
             20              25     30 35 40         45        20    27    34 41 48         55          20           27     34 41 48           55         20   27     34 41 48         55
                                   MACs (M)                               MACs (M)                                         MACs (M)                                  MACs (M)

                                    MbV2-Tiny (train)                MbV2-Tiny (val)                                        ResNet50 (train)                   ResNet50 (val)
     50 5: NetAug consistently
                           55   improves the accuracy85under different resolutions.
                                                                              78    With the same
accuracy, NetAug provides
                       +1.5% 1.47× MACs saving on ImageNet. With similar         accuracy, NetAug
            Top1 Acc (%)

                                                                                                     Top1 Acc (%)
                                                                          +1.6%               -0.3%
     49                                      +2.1%    81
provides  up to 1.96× MACs saving on fine-grained  classification datasets.
                           47                               52                                                      78                                75
                                                                                                                                                                                                            NetAug             #5 Ac
                           46                NetAug                             NetAug                              74                  NetAug                          NetAug
                                  YoloV3 + Baseline
                                           MobileNetV2-Tiny                            YoloV3        + MCUNet                           Baseline    Model           #MACs    mAP
                                                                                                                                                                      Baseline              Untitled 1                 148.8
                            44                             49           75                    70                     72                                                                     Untitled 2                 180.1
                                 100 110 120 130 140 150      100 110 120 130 140 150            50 60 70 80 90 100Tiny-50 60 70 80 90 100
 Pascal VOC mAP (%)

                                                  2.96%  higher                      1.6% higher mAP   Epoch                   3.5B 57.1%                                                   Untitled 3                 214.3
                                         Epoch                         Epoch                                       YOLOv2 Epoch                                                             Untitled 4                 251.5
                                                            mAP            73
                           63         1.69x MACs red                                                                                                SSD+
                                                          uction                                                                                    MobileNet 1.2B            68.0%
                                                                                                                                                    Pelee            1.2B     70.9%
                           60                           NetAug                                                      NetAug
                                                                           69                                                                       YoloV3+
                                                        Baseline                                                    Baseline                        MobileNet 6.0B            73.9%
                                                        Mixup                                                       Mixup
                           57                            67
                             140 160 180 200 220 240 260   250 350 450 550 650 750                                                                  YoloV3+
                                                                                                                                                    MCUNet+ 0.6B 74.1%
                                      MACs (M)                    MACs (M)                                                                          NetAug

Figure 6: On Pascal VOC object detection, NetAug achieves 2.96%                                                                                Figure 7:    NetAug re-
higher mAP on YoloV3+MobileNetV2-Tiny and 1.6% higher mAP                                                                                      quires 10× less MACs
on YoloV3+MCUNet. In contrast, detection mixup (Zhang et al.,                                                                                  (6G vs 600M) while pro-
2019b) that is effective for large neural networks suffers from                                                                                viding higher mAP than
worse performance on tiny neural networks.                                                                                                     YoloV3+MobileNet.                                              NetAug              #5

                                                                                                                                                                                               Untitled 1

                                                                                                                                                                                               Untitled 2                 287.6

                                                                                                                                                                                               Untitled 3                 355.0

                                                                                                                                                                                               Untitled 4                 429.6
baseline, NetAug achieves 2.96% higher Pascal VOC mAP on YoloV3+MobileNetV2-Tiny. To
achieve a similar Pascal VOC mAP, NetAug reduces the #MACs by 1.69×. For YoloV3+MCUNet,                                                                                                                                   600.0
NetAug provides 1.6% mAP improvement on Pascal VOC. We also experiment with detection mixup                                                                                                                               695.8
(Zhang et al., 2019b) on Pascal VOC. Similar to ImageNet experiments, adding detection mixup
provides worse mAP than the baseline, especially on YoloV3+MobileNetV2-Tiny. It shows that the
under-fitting issue of tiny neural networks also exists beyond image classification.
Table 7 shows the comparison between our detection models and previous efficient detection models
(Zhang et al., 2019b; Wang et al., 2018). With NetAug, our detection models provide highly
competitive performances on Pascal VOC compared to other detection models. In particular, with
10× fewer MACs, YoloV3+MCUNet+NetAug achieves 0.2% higher mAP than YoloV3+MobileNet.
It demonstrates that NetAug learns better representation that generalizes to detection.                                                                             1

5                          C ONCLUSION

We propose Network Augmentation (NetAug) for improving the performance of tiny neural networks,
which suffer from limited model capacity. Unlike regularization methods that aim to address the
over-fitting issue for large neural networks, NetAug tackles the under-fitting problem of tiny neural
networks. This is achieved by putting the target tiny neural network into larger neural networks to
get auxiliary supervision during training. Extensive experiments on image classification and object
detection consistently demonstrate the effectiveness of NetAug on tiny neural networks. Our code
and pre-trained models will be released upon publication.

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2022

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Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2022


           Model (MobileNetV2-Tiny)
                                                                      Top1 Acc ∆Acc
           Baseline                                                     53.0%          -
           Mixup (α=0.1) (Zhang et al., 2018a)                          52.4%       -0.6%
           Mixup (α=0.2) (Zhang et al., 2018a)                          52.2%       -0.8%
           Mixup (α=0.3) (Zhang et al., 2018a)                          51.5%       -1.5%
           DropBlock (kp=0.95, block size=3) (Ghiasi et al., 2018)      50.9%       -2.1%
           DropBlock (kp=0.9, block size=3) (Ghiasi et al., 2018)       50.5%       -2.5%
           DropBlock (kp=0.9, block size=5) (Ghiasi et al., 2018)       50.4%       -2.6%
           RandAugment (N=1, M=9) (Cubuk et al., 2020)                  51.0%       -2.0%
           RandAugment (N=1, M=5) (Cubuk et al., 2020)                  50.5%       -2.5%
           RandAugment (N=2, M=9) (Cubuk et al., 2020)                  48.2%       -4.8%
           RandAugment (N=2, M=5) (Cubuk et al., 2020)                  48.8%       -4.2%
           NetAug                                                       54.8%       +1.8%
Table 6: Ablation study on regularization methods. All models are trained for 300 epochs on
ImageNet with the same teacher model (Assemble-ResNet50).

For DropBlock, we adopted the implementation from
dropblock. Additionally, block size=7 is not applicable on MobileNetV2-Tiny, because the
feature map size at the last stage of MobileNetV2-Tiny is 5. For RandAugment, we adopted the
implementation from
As shown in Table 6, increasing the regularization strength results in a higher accuracy loss for the
tiny neural network. Removing regularization provides a better result.


                           TinyML Scale [26] Jetson TX2 35ms [7] Jetson TX2 47ms [7]
        #Params                  0.74M                 4.3M                   4.9M
        #MACs                    81.8M                 121M                   179M
        Once-for-All [7]         62.2%                 70.3%                  72.9%
        NetAug                   63.3%                 71.4%                  73.7%
        ∆Acc                     +1.1%                 +1.1%                  +0.8%
             Table 7: Comparison with Once-for-All (Cai et al., 2020) on ImageNet.

                                                                                     MobileNetV2 [38]
Table 7 summarizes the results of NetAug on neural networks searched     Model
                                                                                    w1.0, r160 w1.0, r224
using Once-for-All (Cai et al., 2020). NetAug consistently provides
                                                                         #Params     3.47M       3.47M
a significant accuracy improvement (0.8%-1.1%) compared to Once-         #MACs       154M        300M
for-All, without sacrificing inference efficiency. Table 8 shows the
                                                                         Baseline    70.8%       73.6%
results of MobileNetV2 w1.0 under resolution 160 and resolution 224.     NetAug      71.6%       74.3%
NetAug improves the accuracy of MobileNetV2 w1.0 by 0.7%-0.8%            ∆Acc        +0.8%       +0.7%
under different resolutions.
                                                                        Table 8: Results of Mo-
                                                                        bileNetV2 w1.0 under res-
C    A DDITIONAL R ESULTS ON O BJECT D ETECTION                         olution 160 and 224.

Figure 8 shows the per-category mAP improvement on Pascal VOC. For YoloV3+MobileNetV2-Tiny,
NetAug consistently achieves a better mAP on each category, providing up to 7.9% category mAP
improvement over the baseline. For YoloV3+MCUNet, NetAug achieves a better mAP on most
categories (17 out of 20), providing up to 6.1% category mAP improvement over the baseline.

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2022

                                                                                                         Pascal VOC mAP Improvement (%) for YoloV3+MobileNetV2-Tiny
             NetAug    Baseline
aeroplane       84.0       77.9    6.1                                                                                               Baseline AP (%)                                                                       AP Improvement (%)
bicycle       79.2       78.6      0.6                   80                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      8
bird            73.5       72.2    1.3
boat          66.5       62.5      4.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           6
bottle        54.2       51.3      2.9
bus           81.7       78.0      3.7                   40                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4
car           85.5       84.0      1.5
cat           84.6       84.1      0.5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2
chair         55.1       52.6      2.5
cow           80.0       77.4      2.6
                                                           0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     0
diningtabl    70.1       72.8     -2.7
dog           78.8       77.7      1.1
horse         84.3       84.0      0.3
motorbike     82.7       82.1      0.6
person        79.5       76.2      3.3
pottedpla     47.8       47.2      0.6                                                                          Pascal VOC mAP Improvement (%) for YoloV3+MCUNet
                                                                                                                                    Baseline AP (%)                                                                      AP Improvement (%)
sheep         75.2       74.0      1.2                 90                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       7
sofa          71.5       71.5      0.0
train         83.4       83.6     -0.2
tvmonitor     72.5       71.5      1.0
                                                       45                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       3


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Augmentation ratio                                                                              # seg
                                                         0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -1




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MobileNetV2 +                                           #5 Acc Loss                                                                         MobileNe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NetAug                                                                                                                                      NetAug
                                               MobileNetV2 +        #5 Acc Loss                                                                                                                                            Untitled 1                                                         0.5                                     51.8                           0.5                     Untitled 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1                                  52.3                            1                      Untitled 2
                                           0                   0                              52.3                             0                   210.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Untitled 2                                                              2                                  53.4                            2                      Untitled 3
                                           1                   1                              53.9                             1                    224
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Untitled 3                                                              3                                  53.9                            3                      Untitled 4
                                           2                   2                              53.7                             2                   244.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Untitled 4                                                         4.0                                     53.5                           4.0
                                           3                   3                              53.4                             3                   272.0
                                                      Figure 8: Pascal VOC mAP improvement (NetAug - Baseline) on each category.

                                          ImageNet Val Top1 (%) - Fixed α                                                          Training Cost (GPU Hours)
                                         ImageNet Val Top1 (%) - Adaptive α                                                                                                                                                                                    NetAug                                                         Baseline
                                                      54                                                                                      300                                   54                                                                                                                                  54
                                                                                                                                                           ImageNet Val Top1 (%)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ImageNet Val Top1 (%)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Best choice                                                                                         Best choice
                                                                                Best choice

                                                      53                                                                                      250                                   53                                                                                                                                  53
                                                                                                                   Higher cost,
                                                                                                                   lower acc

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Worse than the baseline

                                                      52                                                                                      200                                   51                                                                                                                                  52
                                                           0                   1        2                                                3                                                 0           1     2      3                                                     4                                                    2                3         4                5
                                                                           #Augmented Networks                                                                                                       Augmentation Factor r                                                                                                                   Diversity Factor s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ImageNet Val Top1 (%)
                                  Figure 9: Left: Having one augmented model Acc-1gives the best performance. Increasing the number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Training Cost (GPU Ho
                                                                                                  MobileNetV2 +                #5 Acc Loss                                                                                           Adaptive Alpha
                                  augmented models leads to a higher training cost and lower accuracy. ‘Fixed α’ corresponds to using
                                                                                                  NetAug                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       54
                                  α = 1 in Eq. (2). ‘Adaptive α’ corresponds to using a smaller α when having multiple augmented







                                  networks (α = 1, 1/2, and 1/3, respectively, when #Augmented Networks = 1, 2, and 3). Middle &
                                                                                              2                            2                   53.7                                              2                         244.0                               53.8                                                       2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Best choice
                                  Right: Ablation study on augmentation factor and diversity  3
                                                                                                   factor.                 3
                                                                                        aeroplane=77.5, bicycle=79.0, bird=71.7, boat=61.4,
                                                                                                                                               53.4                                              3                         272.0                               53.7                                                       3

                                                                                                                                                                                                              bottle=51.2, bus=77.0, car=84.2, cat=83.7, chair=52.0,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              cow=77.8, diningtable=70.5, dog=76.6, horse=83.1,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              motorbike=81.9, person=76.4, pottedplant=46.0,                                                                                                                                              Higher
                                  D            A BLATION S TUDY ON N ETAUG                                                                                                                                    sheep=73.9, sofa=71.9, train=83.9, tvmonitor=72.7                                                                                                                                           lower a

                                  Figure 9 (left) shows the effect of the number of augmented networks used to provide auxiliary
                                  supervision in each training step (Section 3.2). ‘#Augmented networks = 0’ corresponds to the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     0       1        2
                                  baseline, which has the lowest training cost but also the lowest accuracy. ‘#Augmented networks =                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     #Augmented Networks
                                  1’ provides the best accuracy with little training cost overhead. We also find using more than one
                                  augmented network gives worse accuracy than using one augmented network. We conjecture that

Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2022

using more than one augmented network will bias the training process towards augmented networks,
causing accuracy loss. Figure 9 (middle) shows the effect of the augmentation factor r (Section 3.2)
on the expand ratio. We find r = 3 gives the best accuracy. Meanwhile, we find setting r to be
smaller than 1, which makes NetAug’s functionality similar to Dropout, gives worse accuracy than
the baseline. Figure 9 (right) shows the effect of the diversity factor s on the expand ratio, where we
find different s values provide similar results and s = 3 achieves the best accuracy.

For ImageNet experiments, we train models with batch size 2048 using 16 GPUs. We use the SGD
optimizer with Nesterov momentum 0.9 and weight decay 4e-5. By default, the models are trained
for 150 epochs on ImageNet and 20 epochs on ImageNet-21K-P, except stated explicitly. The initial
learning rate is 0.4 and gradually decreases to 0 following the cosine schedule. Label smoothing is
used with a factor of 0.1.
For experiments on fine-grained image classification datasets (Food101, Flowers102, Cars, Cub200,
and Pets), we train models with batch size 256 using 4 GPUs. We use ImageNet-pretrained weights
to initialize the models and finetune the models for 100 epochs. Other training settings are the same
as ImageNet experiments except that the initial learning rate is adjusted accordingly.
For Pascal VOC object detection experiments, we train models for 200 epochs with batch size 64
using 8 GPUs. ImageNet-pretrained weights are used to initialize the models. The training set
consists of Pascal VOC 2007 trainval set and Pascal VOC 2012 trainval set, while Pascal VOC 2007
test set is used for testing.

In addition to NetAug, there are several simple techniques that potentially can alleviate the under-
fitting issue of tiny neural networks, including using a smaller weight decay, using weaker data
augmentation, and using a smaller batch size. However, they are not effective compared with NetAug
on ImageNet, as shown in Table 9.

                    Model (MobileNetV2-Tiny)                 ImageNet Top1 Acc
                    Baseline                                        51.2%
                    Smaller Weight Decay (1e-5)                     51.0%
                    Smaller Weight Decay (1e-6)                     50.8%
                    Weaker Data Augmentation (No Aug)               50.8%
                    Smaller Batch Size (1024)                       51.2%
                    Smaller Batch Size (512)                        51.1%
                    Smaller Batch Size (256)                        51.3%
                    NetAug                                          53.0%

Table 9: Ablation study on training settings. All models are trained for 150 epochs on ImageNet.

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