New records of buffy-tufted-ear marmoset Callithrix

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New records of buffy-tufted-ear marmoset Callithrix
NOTAS                                                                                  Mammalogy Notes ISSN 2382-3704

Distribution extension

 New records of buffy-tufted-ear marmoset Callithrix
   aurita (É. Geoffroy, 1812), in a protected area of
    Teresópolis, Brazilian Atlantic Forest, Brazil
Vitor Guniel Cunha1,2* , Paulo Rodrigo Dias3,4 , Ricardo de Barros Mello Filho2,5
        , Jorge Luiz do Nascimento4 , Carlos Eduardo de Viveiros Grelle6
1 Postgraduate Profissional Biodiversidade em Unidades de Conservação, ENBT-JBRJ, Pacheco Leão St., 2040 - Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 22460-036*.
2 Environment Secretary, Teresópolis County, 25953-001.
3 Viçosa Federal University - UFV, 36570-900.
4 Centro de Referência em Biodiversidade, Serra dos Órgãos National Park, Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da
Biodiversidade - ICMBio, 25960-602.
5 Montanhas de Teresópolis Municipal Natural Park, 25980-010.
6 Dept of Ecology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, 21941-971.

Callithrix aurita, un primate endémico de la Mata Atlántica, es una especie amenazada debido a la
pérdida de hábitat, la deforestación, la competencia interespecífica y la hibridación. En 2018, entró
en la lista de las 25 especies de primates más amenazadas del mundo. Por lo tanto, el registro en
nuevos sitios de presencia puede ayudar en su conservación. Presentamos once nuevos registros
para la especie en el Parque Natural Municipal de Montanhas de Teresópolis (PNMMT), obtenidos a
través de transectos y uso de playback dentro y en áreas aledañas del PNMMT entre marzo de 2020
y enero de 2021. Los nuevos registros provienen de sitios de bosque secundario con altitudes entre
711 y 1000m y refuerzan la importancia del Parque para la conservación de este primate. La presencia
de esta especie puede ayudar a la planificación y manejo de esta área protegida, indicando áreas
de preservación y la importancia de su entorno.

Palabras clave: especies amenazadas, Primates, áreas protegidas, titíes.


Callithrix aurita, an Atlantic Forest endemic primate, is a threatened species due to habitat loss,
deforestation, interspecific competition and hybridization. In 2018, it entered the list of the world's
25-most threatened primate species. Therefore, recording new occurrence sites could help in their
conservation. We present eleven new records for the species in the Montanhas de Teresópolis
Municipal Natural Park (PNMMT), obtained through observation transects and playback inside and
around the PNMMT between March 2020 and January 2021. The new records come from secondary
forest sites with altitudes between 711 and 1000m and they reinforce the importance of the Park for
the conservation of this primate. The presence of this species can help the planning and
management of this protected area, indicating areas for preservation and the importance of its

Key words: endangered species, primates, protected areas, marmosets.

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The Brazilian Atlantic Forest is home to endemic primates, such as the buffy-tufted-ear
marmoset, Callithrix aurita (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1812) (Rylands et al., 1996), which
occurs in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and São Paulo, occupying high-altitude
forests and, in some cases, lowlands regions (Brandão and Develey, 1998). In 2018, it was
included in the list of the 25 most threatened primate species in the world (Carvalho et al.,
2019), and it has also been classified as endangered (EN) by the IUCN Red List (Melo et al.,
2020) and by the Official Brazilian List of Endangered Species of Fauna (Melo et al., 2018;).
The species suffers the impacts of habitat loss, interspecific competition, hybridization and
diseases from allochthonous congeners: Callithrix jacchus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Callithrix
penicillata (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1812) (Carvalho et al., 2018; Melo et al., 2020).
This note presents new records of C. aurita in a protected area in the municipality of
Teresópolis, located in the mountainous region of the state of Rio de Janeiro (Fig. 1). This
region is part of Serra do Mar mountain range, with the highest potential of conservation
and ecotourism of all Brazilian Atlantic Forest (Viveiros de Castro et al., 2021). Teresópolis’
remaining Atlantic Forest is preserved by three protected areas (PA): Montanhas de
Teresópolis Municipal Natural Park (PNMMT), Três Picos State Park (PETP) and the Serra
dos Órgãos National Park (PARNASO).

FIGURE 1. Distribution records of Callithrix aurita in Teresópolis, RJ, Brazil.

The study area (PNMMT) is the largest municipal PA for the Atlantic Forest biome, protecting
4.397 hectares (SOS Mata Atlântica, 2017). Studies on C. aurita have been taken only in
PARNASO and PETP, indicating the presence of the species and its allochthonous

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congeners (Pereira et al., 2008; Detogne et al., 2017; Culot et al., 2019; Cronemberger et al.,
Between March 2020 and January 2021, we performed linear transects in the middle of the
forest and occasional sampling on nearby roads using playback of the species' vocalization
for attracting and making visual contact with it. We recorded the presence of C.aurita 11
times (Table 1), inside and close to the limits of the PNMMT (Fig. 1). All records were
obtained in secondary forests between 711 and 1000 m a.s.l., occasionally with bamboos
and near roads. We only report records where visual contact was possible to identify the
TABLE 1. Records for Callithrix aurita in Teresópolis, RJ. PNMMT= Montanhas de Teresópolis Municipal
Natural Park; PARNASO= Serra dos Órgãos National Park; BR 116= Santos Dumont Highway; V=
Visualization; P= Playback; NI = No information; ** records by playback of genus Callithrix, and
without identification of species.
      Locality            Date          LAT          LONG        Type   tic sp. Pre-   Hour    Altitude         Source
      PNMMT            14/01/2021   -22.230161°    -42.924686°   V/P         NO        07:40    848m          This study
     PNMMT**           08/01/2021   -22.23043°     -42.924061°    P         NI         07:20    831m          This study
   BR 116 (Km 57)      07/01/2021   -22.232150°    -42.910736°   V/P        YES        12:10    711m          This study
      PNMMT            21/12/2020   -22.229731°    -42.924206°    V         NO         08:40    805m          This study
      PNMMT            18/12/2020   -22.230185°    -42.925140°    V         NO         07:30    851m          This study
      PNMMT            15/12/2020   -22.230162°    -42.924695°   V/P        NO         07:30    851m          This study
   BR 116 (Km 57)      05/12/2020   -22.231996°    -42.910681°   V/P        YES        10:40    714m          This study
   BR 116 (Km 57)      18/11/2020   -22.231742°    -42.910617°   V/P        NO         11:20    715m          This study

Fazenda dos Caboclos   18/09/2020   -22.306652°    -42.988965°    V         YES        09:24   ~1000m         This study

      PNMMT            07/04/2020   -22.230478°    -42.925437°    V         NO         10:40    860m          This study
   Fazenda Lagoa
                       16/03/2020   -22.230966°    -42.921957°   V/P        NO         09:20    830m          This study
     PARNASO             ago./05    -22.449550°    -42.986464°    V         YES         NI       NI       Pereira et al., 2008
     PARNASO              jul./05   -22.454064°    -42.993567°    V         YES         NI       NI       Pereira et al., 2008
     PARNASO             jun./05    -22.454925°    -42.993019°    V         YES         NI       NI       Pereira et al., 2008
     PARNASO           08/02/2004   -22.451119°    -42.984167°    V         NO         10:20    950m         Cunha, 2004
       PETP                NI       -22.337697°    -42.734777°    NI        NI          NI     1908m       Culot et al., 2019
        NI                 NI        -22.279714°   -42.928008°    NI        NI          NI      851m       Culot et al., 2019
        NI                 NI       -22.288603°    -42.931274°    NI        NI          NI      834m       Culot et al., 2019
        NI                 NI       -22.333333°    -42.916667°    NI        NI          NI      960m       Culot et al., 2019
       PETP                NI       -22.450000°    -42.950000°    NI        NI          NI      895m       Culot et al., 2019

In March and April 2020, a group of C. aurita was observed (Fig. 2A) at Fazenda Lagoa
Orgânicos, around and inside the PNMMT. In September 2020, at 9:24 AM, we identified one
individual with C. aurita phenotype and at least four other individuals from Callithrix sp.
(Fig. 2B) in a private property located close to the boundaries of the PNMMT (Fazenda dos
Caboclos). In November 2020, at 11:20 AM, a solitary male of C. aurita responded to playback
(Fig. 2D) near the road BR-116 (km 57; ~1,5km the limits of PNMMT). In December 2020, we
gathered records in two different dates. A group of four individuals was recorded: one male,
one female and two young ones, within the boundaries of the PNMMT, this time close to a
Brazilian grape tree (Plinia cauliflora) and bamboo (Fig. 2C). This group was recorded again
later in the month, plus two hybrid individuals that were registered next to an individual
of C. aurita near BR 116. In January 2021, at 07:40 AM, one male and other sex-unidentified
individuals of C. aurita were seen inside PNMMT. At 12:10 PM near BR 116, a mixed group of
three marmosets was registered, one C. aurita male and two sex-unidentified individuals
of Callithrix sp.

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FIGURE 2. A) three individuals of Callithrix aurita, 16/03/2020; B) an individual with Callithrix aurita
phenotype together with two hybrid individuals (Callithrix sp.), 18/09/2020; C) two adult individuals
of C. aurita, 21/12/2020; D) one adult individual of C. aurita, 18/11/2020.

These new occurrences are located within the expected geographical range (Rylands et al.,
2009; Melo et al., 2020) and altitudes (Brandão and Develey, 1998) for Teresópolis.
Previously, the only primate registered in the PNMMT was the allochthonous C. jacchus
(Pereira et al., 2019). The habitats of secondary forest and bamboo presence are the same
cited in the literature (for example Norris et al., 2011). These new records inside and outside
PNMMT reinforce the importance of a careful planning of the forests adjacent to the
protected area, both for the establishment of a buffer zone and area expansions, including
conservation actions with the surrounding human communities. In addition, we suggest
developing a long-term research, management and conservation program for the
identified group, according to the goals of the National Action Plan for the Conservation of
Primates of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (ICMBio, 2018). This program should include the
following objectives: i) Quantify group size and home range of C. aurita in the PNMMT
region; ii) identify how many groups of C. aurita occur in the region, iii) perform genetic
studies to verify the genotype of the group; iii) start a continuous monitoring of group (or
groups), iv) establish strategies for preventing contact of C. aurita with allochthonous
species; v) search and identify new areas with C. aurita populations. The management
actions needed include the definition of priority areas in which the removal of introduced
primates might be necessary, since hybridization is recognized as a threat to C. aurita
(Oliveira & Grelle 2012).
Primates are commonly flag species (Mittermeier et al., 2005), and the presence of the
threatened C. aurita in the region potentially encourages actions aimed at forest
restoration, helping to achieve goals for the 2021-2030 decade of restoration (Dudley et al.,

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2020). Furthermore, Teresópolis may be another municipality using C. aurita as a flag
species and guiding conservation actions mentioned above, following the municipalities
of Petrópolis and Nova Friburgo that have established actions to preserve the species.
Therefore, this region has potential to preserve many populations of this threatened

Amanda Alencar supported the fieldwork and translation, Vinicius Dias and Pheterson
Godinho supported the fieldwork, Marcio Port-Carvalho and Leonardo Oliveira made
suggestions and comments. Two the anonymous reviewers made useful comments. Norma
Parente and Guilherme Rodrigues supported this research. Philippe Ribeiro made the map.
Municipal Secretary of the Environment also supported the research. PNMMT and Secretary
of Environment of Teresópolis for the logistical and technical support. C.E.V.G. had grants
from CNPq (Produtividade em Pesquisa), and support of Instituto Nacional de Ciência e
Tecnologia – Ecologia, Evolução e Conservação da Biodiversidade, and PPBio/CNPq/MCTic.

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                                                                                 Editor: Diego J. Lizcano
                                                                                    Recibido 2020-02-17
                                                                                   Revisado 2020-02-25
                                                                                   Aceptado 2021-03-29
                                                                                  Publicado 2021-05-12

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