News and Information about local events and services

Page created by Christina Craig
News and Information about local events and services
News and Information about local events and services
February 2022                                                          Page 1
News and Information about local events and services
Currently @ Milford 3 Churches


Sunday          8am       Holy Communion

                10am      Holy Communion

Tuesday         10am      Holy Communion

The Church is now open daily for Private Prayer and Reflection



We have now resumed regular live in-person services each week. We also have
Communion during the service on the second Sunday of each month.

10.30am         Morning Worship

Term Time

Stepping Stones Nursery

Monday to Friday          9am to 3pm


For details of Services being held during January please go to the website calendar at for details on how to participate or book a place to attend.

During Lockdown, the Sacrament of Confession is available by arrangement with Fr.

February 2022                                                                    Page 2
News and Information about local events and services

My twin Grandson’s (4yrs old) are really into superheroes and to my surprise as well
as the modern ones, others such as Superman, Batman, the Hulk and Spiderman are
all still in vogue, the TV informed me James Bond films still remain a huge attraction,
as are sports stars, music and movie stars who also can be elevated to ‘Hero’ status.

So why do we need such influences in our lives? What is it that is so appealing in
Superheroes? Is it escapism or just a fact we need something bigger and better in our
lives? For religious people we can often think of Gods, Saints and Prophets as some
kind of hero. For Christians we could easily see Jesus in that place, yet he, who we
just celebrated the birth of, grew into not just a teacher with prophetical ways, but a
leader of people into a new movement of peace love and hope. A man who was
vulnerable and homeless.

Now we reach a time in this New Year when we start to plan for another great season
in the Church year. Ash Wednesday is on March 2nd and so starts the season of Lent.
A time when many people decide to give something up, like chocolate or using social
media. Others though may decide to take something up, like helping others more or
visiting the lonely. Others choose to take on some study and learn more about Jesus.
We will once again be offering a Lent course at St. John. This is the time we prepare
ourselves for Holy week and Easter, the great season when we remember the sacrifice
Jesus made for us all by his death on the cross. Yet the wonderful Easter day tells us
of the resurrection of Jesus and his power over death. Now surely this is the work of a


Clive Potter. St. Johns.

February 2022                                                                     Page 3
News and Information about local events and services
St John’s Church - News

     Jumble Sale in Milford Village Hall Saturday
                    February 19th
                from 10 am to 12 noon

         Entry 50p per person, children under 12 free

 Donations of jumble can be delivered to the Hall the previous evening (Friday)
            between 6pm and 8pm, or on the morning of the sale

                            between 8am and 9am.

                        All proceeds to St John’s Church

  For further information call Judy Downing on 01483 856856 or
                  Pam Hewson on 01483 425131

February 2022                                                              Page 4
News and Information about local events and services
St John’s Church - News

Did you try and solve the Christmas Quiz set by Pam Hewson? You know the one
where you had to decide what sayings were represented by TN to TD etc. Well if you
want to know all the answers then go to our Church website or the direct link
answers-2021.pdf. Thanks to all who took part raising over £300 by doing so.

                                      Fire Safety Talks

Would your Group/Organisation benefit from a talk on ‘Fire Safety in the Home’? I am
a volunteer with Surrey Fire & Rescue Service and can deliver these talks to interested
parties. I can also show attendees what types of smoke alarm are available to them
for free, including specialist alarms for the Hard of Hearing. If you are interested then
please email me Peter Hills at

                For the March 2022 edition of the magazine should be sent to:
                                         Peter Hills
                            24 Busdens Lane, Milford, GU8 5JR
                          not later than Wednesday 2nd March 2022
                 Articles from all village associations would be very welcome

 Please feel free to send something to me. E.G. Details of local
       walks, recipes, photos of local events or places.

February 2022                                                                      Page 5
News and Information about local events and services
                                           Established 1811
                            121 High Street, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1AQ
                                       Private Chapel of Rest
                                         Pre-payment Plans
                                   All enquiries without obligation to:
                                  P YOUNG, DIP.F.D. L.M.B.I.F.D.
                                     Tel: 01483 860279 / 418682

                            The Meat & Fish Market Ltd
                             43 Church Road, Milford
                                  01483 422197

                 Suppliers of Fresh Fish, Meat, Poultry & Game

                            Opening Hours
        Monday 7-30am – 1.00pm        Tuesday 7.30am – 5.30pm
    Wednesday 7.30am – 1.00pm      Thursday 7.30am – 5.30pm
    Friday 7.30am – 5.30pm         Saturday 7.30am – 4.00pm

                      Your Carpet – Your Flooring – Your Home

                                   VINYL FLOORING
                                 KARNDEAN FLOORING
                                   WOOD FLOORING

                     Open Mon – Fri 0900 – 1700 Sat 1000 – 1600

                For a free No obligation quote contact us on 01483 604529

February 2022                                                               Page 6
News and Information about local events and services
Time for a smile

With Epiphany in mind…

I was telling my three boys the story of the Nativity and how the Wise Men brought gifts
of gold, frankincense, and myrrh for the infant Jesus. Clearly giving it a lot of thought,
my six-year-old observed, “Mum, a Wise Woman would have brought nappies.”

                   Cry Pharoah

                  A visiting minister was very long-winded. Every time he felt he’d
                  made a good point in his sermon; he would repeat it all over again.
                  Finally, the host pastor started responding to every few sentences
                  with ‘Amen, Pharaoh!’ The guest minister wasn’t sure what that
                  meant, but after several more ‘Amen, Pharaohs’ he concluded his
very lengthy sermon.
After the service was over and the congregation had left, the visiting minister turned to
his host and asked, “What exactly did you mean when you said ‘Amen, Pharaoh?’
His host minister replied, “I was begging you to let my people go!”

The end?

A local priest and pastor stood by the side of the road holding up
a sign that said, “The End is Near! Turn yourself around now
before it’s too late!”
“Leave us alone, you religious nuts!” yelled the first driver as he
sped by. Then from around the curve they heard a big splash.
“Do you think,” said one clergyman to the other, “we should just put up a sign that says
‘bridge out’ instead?”

                          Knock knock

                           The passenger tapped the taxi driver on the shoulder to ask
                           him something. The driver screamed, lost control of the car,
                           nearly hit a bus, went up on the pavement, and stopped
inches from a shop window.
For a second everything went quiet in the car, then the driver said, “Look mate, don’t
ever do that again. You scared the daylights out of me!”
The passenger apologised and said he didn’t realise that a little tap could scare him so
The driver replied, “You’re right. I’m sorry, it’s not really your fault. Today is my first day
as a taxi driver. I’ve been driving a hearse for the last 15 years.”
February 2022                                                                           Page 7
News and Information about local events and services
Hall for Hire
         Attractive, well
         equipped, very
        reasonable rates
                Contact Liz
           01483 422848

                    Your Advert Could Be Here
    Why not reach out to the Milford community by
      advertising in this charitable magazine?
         The magazine is printed every month.
                 Per annum prices are
                   £30 quarter page
                      £55 half page
                     £110 full page
       For more details on how to advertise please
February 2022                                    Page 8
News and Information about local events and services
Weird Facts

   • A blue whale’s heartbeat can be heard from a distance of two miles away.

   • An octopus can change the colour of its entire body in 0.3 seconds! It can even
     mimic specific objects, like plants or rocks, to disappear into the underwater

   • A group of cows is called a ‘murder’!

   • Human babies are born with all the nerve endings they will ever have.

   • Water always goes down a plug hole in the same direction. It swirls in
     correlation to the ‘Coriolis’ Force.

   • Snails have teeth!! Resembling Velcro, they can have anywhere between 1,000
     and 15,000 teeth. (Bad news for Dentists)

   • The world’s largest Pyramid is not in Egypt; it is in Mexico – it’s called the Great
     Pyramid of Cholula. The base area it covers is four times the size of the Great
     Pyramid of Giza. On first appearance, the Mexican Pyramid is misleading
     because part of it is buried underground!

   • The Bible is the world’s most shoplifted book! Traditionally placed in many hotel
     bedrooms, they are sometimes ‘mistakenly’ packed by patrons.

   • Crocodiles are unable to stick out their tongues.

   • Spiders’ webs were used to dress wounds in Ancient Greece and Italy. It was
     believed that, as they contained anti-septic and anti-fungal properties, they would
     help heal flesh.

February 2022                                                                       Page 9
News and Information about local events and services
More amusing Church signage

February 2022                                 Page 10
Medical alert systems scams

People are phoned up and told they might be entitled to a free medical alert button
from Medical Alert Systems. The caller knows the name of the person and says that
the offer is for vulnerable adults who are at risk of falls. This is a potential scam. Never
give out personal details whether on the phone, or email, or text.

                        Waterboard scam

Safer Neighbourd - is warning about a recent waterboard scam
where 2 males convinced a lady to take safety chain off her
front door and let them in, telling her a neighbour’s house was
flooded. While distracted at the kitchen by one man the other
went through the house and stole £4,000 of jewellery.

Do not open your door to anyone you do not know. If you do not know them it is highly
unlikely they will have anything you are interested in. If you are unsure, ask them to
make an appointment for when you can have family or a neighbour present. Not all
callers are con men, but salespeople can be pushy too.

February 2022                                                                         Page 11
Watch out for these FAKE TalkTalk emails about a refund

Action Fraud has received over 100 reports this week about fake emails purporting to
be from TalkTalk. The emails state that the recipient’s TalkTalk account is in credit and
that they’re owed a refund. The links in the emails lead to malicious websites.

Don’t click on the links or attachments in suspicious emails, and never respond
to messages that ask for your personal or financial details.

   Common lies distraction burglars use to convince you to let them into your

“I’m from the water board, there’s a leak down the road and I need to check your
water supply” This is never true; the phrase “water board” is no longer used by
legitimate callers.

“I need to read your meter” Check with your utility company before you let them in.
Keep your utility company numbers handy – from your bills.

“We’re the police, we’ve caught a burglar and we think he’s stolen from you and
we need to check your money is safe” The police never do this.

February 2022                                                                      Page 12
An Insight into The Queen’s keen sense of Humour

Milford Probus Club started its 2022 meetings with a riveting and amusing talk by Richard Griffith who
was Personal Protection Officer to The Queen.

Up to his retirement in 2013, Richard served as “The Queen’s Police Officer” for 14 years and he
gave us a personal insight into the personality of Her Majesty and of The Duke of Edinburgh. He
clearly had a deep fondness and respect for members of the Royal Family.

Besides having a very amenable relationship with The Duke, Richard illustrated The Queen’s sense
of fun with pictures and many humorous stories. Among these was when the Royal car stopped at a
roadside coffee stall, also the well-publicised event when Her Majesty had a conversation with two
American tourists who did not recognise her. There were some rather naughty pictures of her making
facial expressions of Donald Trump!

At the end of his career Richard was honoured as a Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order and in
France with a Legion d’Honneur.

Milford Probus is a club for retired and semi-retired businesspeople and has members living in and
around Godalming and beyond. They enjoy the congenial company and fellowship that the club
offers. We normally meet in Godalming on the third Friday of each month for lunch followed by a talk
on a wide variety of subjects

Details of the programme going forward are on our website

The next meeting will be on the 18th February when Peter Ellis will talk about his ‘Carstensz Pyramid
- An adventure in Indonesia’.

We have resumed our country walks ending with lunch in a fine pub. Details of this civilised practice
are on our website.

We also have occasional outings open to members and friends. With the easing of restrictions, we
are planning to have another outing soon.

The secretary is pleased to accept membership applications and will be delighted to answer any
questions. Prospective members are invited to attend a meeting without obligation. We welcome lady
members, and they make an increasing contribution to the Club.

Guests are always welcome to our meetings by invitation, and on our outings.
For more details, see our website - or please contact our secretary

February 2022                                                                                  Page 13
February 2022   Page 14
Jackie & Peter Hills Take A Winter Walk at Wisley 13.01.22

                               Beautiful Early Snowdrops

                             Surprisingly Daffodils in Bloom

                         Warm Winter Colours around the Lake
February 2022                                                                Page 15
Hearty Vegetable Soup – Makes 16 Servings

   • 1 tablespoon olive oil
   • 8 medium carrots, sliced
   • 2 large onions, chopped
   • 4 celery ribs, chopped
   • 1 large green pepper, seeded and chopped
   • 1 garlic clove, minced
   • 2 cups chopped cabbage
   • 2 cups frozen cut green beans (about 8 ounces)
   • 2 cups frozen peas (about 8 ounces)
   • 1 cup frozen corn (about 5 ounces)
   • 1 can (15 ounces) garbanzo beans or chickpeas, rinsed and drained
   • 1 bay leaf
   • 2 teaspoons chicken bouillon granules
   • 1-1/2 teaspoons dried parsley flakes
   • 1 teaspoon salt
   • 1 teaspoon dried marjoram
   • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
   • 1/2 teaspoon dried basil
   • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
   • 4 cups water
   • 1 can (28 ounces) diced tomatoes, undrained
   • 2 cups V8 juice (Sainsburys or Waitrose)


   1. In a stockpot, heat oil over medium-high heat; sauté carrots, onions, celery and
      green pepper until crisp-tender. Add garlic; cook and stir 1 minute. Stir in
      remaining ingredients; bring to a boil.

   2. Reduce heat; simmer, covered, until vegetables are tender, 1 to 1-1/2 hours.
      Remove bay leaf.
February 2022                                                                     Page 16

February 2022                     Page 17
Meals for Older People

Can you help deliver meals to older people in the
Godalming | Farncombe | Milford areas.
The more volunteers available the less work required.
You can choose what you can do. i.e. once a week/
month (days optional).

The more volunteers also means less time involved,
at present it means approximately 2 hours per day.
Mileage paid.
So bring a friend (volunteer) one to drive, one to pop
in with the meals. It makes it even quicker!
A vital community service much appreciated by those
who receive this support.
Ring Annette at 01483 426685 for further information.
Farncombe Day Centre.

February 2022                                            Page 18
Tricky (?) Questions

1. Johnny's mother had three children. The first child was
named April. The second child was named May. What was
the third child's name?

2. The assistant at the butcher’s shop is five feet ten inches tall and he wears size 13
sneakers. What does he weigh?

3. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?

4. How much dirt is there in a hole that measures two feet by three feet by four feet?

5. What common eleven-letter word is always spelled incorrectly?

6. Billy was born on January 6th, but his birthday is always in the summer. How is this

7. In California, you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not?

8. If you were running a race, and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place
would you be in now?

9. Which is correct to say: ‘The yolk of the egg are white’ or ‘The yolk of the egg is

10. How many animals did Moses take into the ark?

11. If a rooster lays an egg on top of the barn roof, which way will it roll?

12. Why is everyone so tired on the April first?
                                     ANSWERS ON PAGE 33
February 2022                                                                       Page 19
I’m 19 - I’ve only just started work, but the company’s closing and I’m losing my
job! Am I entitled to anything?

Josh* was enjoying his first experience of work and seemed to be doing well. He knew
that the company had been through some difficult times during the pandemic but was
shattered to hear that they were closing down.
His colleagues were saying different things about what they might be entitled to, and
Josh didn’t know what to believe or whether he would be treated differently because he
was young and had not been working there long.
Josh knew that his mate Matt* had also lost his job recently and he sent Matt a text
asking if he could help. Matt suggested Josh should ask Citizens Advice – his dad had
suggested that he ask their advice. You can e-mail or phone if you want and they’re
really helpful.
Josh rang his local Citizens Advice office. He told the adviser that the company he
worked for was closing down. He was 19, had only been working there for 6 months
and wondered if he was entitled to claim anything. The adviser informed Josh that if
the company had gone into liquidation or administration, he should expect to be
contacted by someone who was dealing with the company’s affairs. They would be
contacting all the employees to explain how they could claim redundancy pay. We
advised Josh that as he had not been working for the company for 2 years, he would
not be entitled to statutory redundancy pay, but he might be entitled to some holiday
pay or pay in lieu of notice if the firm had gone into liquidation.
Josh then asked if he might be entitled to any benefits until he found another job. As
Josh was over 18, we advised him to check out Universal Credit by visiting our national
If he wanted to go ahead with a claim, he could get help with this via the National
Help to Claim phone line 0800 1448 444
The adviser also checked if he was likely to qualify for any other benefits.
Unfortunately, he was not, but Josh was assured that he could come back to Citizens
Advice if he needed more help.
Josh now felt that he knew what to expect and how to take things forward.
*Names changes to preserve confidentiality

February 2022                                                                     Page 20
If you are a young person who needs help, or if you have friends who would benefit
from some advice, our advice is confidential, impartial and free.
By Phone 0808 278 7980 (free) to speak to an adviser
By Email: use enquiry form at
the easiest way to contact a specific office.
Office opening:
Please check the latest opening hours before visiting as these can change at short
South West Surrey Domestic Abuse Outreach Service: 01483 898884Email:

February 2022                                                                   Page 21

                            Chapel Lane, Milford GU8 5EZ

                            Monday – Friday 10am-3.30pm

       Do you, a relative or friend want warm company, friendship and a good
                inexpensive lunch on a regular or occasional basis?

     The Clockhouse provides just this. We also offer chiropody, hairdressing,
    exercise classes, reflexology, art classes, computer lessons and more, all in
                        the same bright and vibrant building.

      Inexpensive transport (£2 or £2.50 each way depending on area) can be
       arranged to collect and / or return you to your home address if required.

  The price for a hot homemade 2 course lunch is a very affordable £6.00 with a
                            varying weekly menu.

                     Please pop in and come and see for yourself.

     Want to volunteer? We welcome volunteers to support the running of the
           centre and we can always find an appropriate job to suit you.

  We also need occasional minibus drivers for our two 16 seater minibuses. Let
                     us know if you might be able to help.

   We also hire out the building for events and functions and welcome enquiries.

        Please contact us on 01483 420668 or

                                   The Clockhouse

                Registered in England & Wales No. 3254216. Registered

February 2022                                                                       Page 22
News from The Clockhouse Chapel Lane Milford GU8 5EZ

2021 ended at the Clockhouse with us serving over 150 delicious Christmas lunches
over 4 days, enjoyed by all and supported by our amazing team of volunteers. We
provided a variety of entertainment ranging from live music, festive line dancing thanks
to The Milford Mavericks and our staff and volunteers dressed up every day, providing
daily performances! A highlight of the week was The Bingo Angels.

Having merged with Age UK Surrey towards the end of the year, we are looking
forward to continuing to provide much needed activities and services at the
Clockhouse in 2022 and beyond.

We are celebrating Chinese New Year by bringing back our very popular Roast and
Toast. We will be serving a delicious Roast Pork with all the trimming and a themed
dessert. Tickets are £12 and must be booked in advance. Spaces are limited so please
ensure you book early – contact details below.

Low impact Zumba classes will start on the 8th February at 11.30 am. The cost of the
class is £5.

Our services and activities include:

   • The Clockhouse Café: 9.30am to 12 noon where freshly made cake, scones and
     light snacks are served.
   • Home cooked lunches at 1pm: 5 days a week, bookable in advance no later
     than 12pm on the day.
   • Minibus transport: Collects people from Milford and surrounding villages.
   • Activities and classes: Entertainment, Art and Exercise classes.
   • The Butterfly Café: Every Friday 10.30 am to 12.30 pm where we provide a two-
     hour session in a Dementia friendly environment.
If you or someone you know would like to come to the Clockhouse to experience and
try out all we have to offer, we would be delighted to welcome you. For up to the
minute information about our themed activities and entertainment, please visit our
website: or alternatively call 01483 420668 or email

Volunteering at the Clockhouse is very rewarding. If you have a couple of hours or
more to spare we would love to hear from you. Please contact our Manager, Evelyn
for more information about the different roles available.

February 2022                                                                     Page 23
February 2022   Page 24

                          Belonging. Believing. Becoming.
This is an opportunity not to be missed. The Diocesan Schools Leadership Conference
2022 takes place on 24th March at Sandown Park Racecourse and features a stellar

Designed with the future in mind and children at its heart, the 2022 Leadership
Conference brings together a tour de force of keynote speakers; including former
Secretary of State for Education, Baroness Morris of Yardly, Estelle Morris; Dr
Margaret James, National Director of SIAMS and renowned poet, songwriter and
broadcaster, Stewart Henderson.
This day is a chance to draw Headteachers, Schools Leaders, Trust Leaders,
Governors, Academy Trustees and Clergy together, to be informed and inspired.

Since her days as a teacher and in politics, Estelle Morris has held posts as Pro-Vice
Chancellor at the University of Sunderland, Chair of the Children’s Workforce
Development Committee and Chair of the Institute of Effective Education. Estelle also
helped to establish the Association of Education Partnerships.

Dr Margaret James is an experienced leader within Church of England education and
has worked in school, local authority, diocesan, and national leadership roles. She has
spent almost two decades involved in SIAMS leadership and is dedicated to ensuring
that inspection makes a significant and positive contribution to the development of
high-quality Church school education.

With three best-selling children’s poetry collections to his credit and many appearing in
various KS2 collections, Stewart Henderson brings a wealth of experience. Through
over 30 years of performances and workshops in countless UK schools, Stewart will be
sharing some of his insights to the pastoral and inspirational effect poetry has on the
emotional and educational development of children.

Although the conference is run primarily for our education partners in the Diocese of
Guildford, anyone outside the diocese is welcome to join in. You can find more or book
via this link and go to the News page.

February 2022                                                                      Page 25
Merlin the donkey makes Carols in the Park at Burpham
A real-life donkey was on hand to greet the almost 300 people who attended Burpham
church's Carols in the Park, just before Christmas.

Visitors to Sutherland Memorial Park were welcomed by Merlin the donkey as the
audience gathered in a marquee with a hessian and bales “stable set” at one end, and
musicians at the other.

The Revd Joanna Levasier introduced the five carols. There were Bible readings telling
the Christmas story, enacted by members of the church, gradually forming a Nativity
tableau. “Merlin the donkey performed beautifully and entertained everyone with a loud
‘Eeyore’ in the middle of my Christmas “thought” at the end,” Jo recalls.

“It was difficult to see how many people had joined us, but when we asked them to set
off phone torch lights, to be the host of angels, the place lit up,” says Jo. “It was
fabulous to see how many had come.”

After the carols there was food provided by Neat2eat, the opportunity to meet Merlin
and visit a number of prayer stations. The team from Burpham Church, were thrilled to
see many new faces, people who don’t normally come to church, enjoying the
The feedback from the Carols was very positive. The great-grand daughter of one of
the Wise Men said, “I think it was great! I can't believe there was a REAL-LIFE baby
and REAL-LIFE donkey. I didn't think donkeys could make a noise as loud as Merlin
did. It was so loud!”

One of the organising team commented, “There was an air of expectation, fun and
community. So, praise God for releasing his Holy Spirit over the park and all the
And an early date in the diary, Burpham Church hope to be Carolling in the Park again
at the end of 2022.

February 2022                                                                   Page 26
Lockdown invention helps keep energy bills down
As lockdown recedes, some of its unintended consequences are beginning to be felt in
unusual ways. In Byfleet, Surrey, the Rector at St Mary’s is rejoicing after one
congregation member’s invention is helping in a variety of ways!

 A parishioner with an engineering skillset was spurred into action at not just the
thought of the incumbent’s lonely cycle ride to his empty church building to broadcast
their online service, but also at the realisation that the church heating needed to be
inspected each Sunday at 6AM. Chris Glasow, of St Mary’s Church, quickly set to work
to devise a simple piece of tech to track the building temperature, and relay the
information via the newly installed Wi-Fi.

Eighteen-months after the original discussions, neither wardens nor priest are needing
to wrap up warm and make the early Sunday morning trip to the church. They are
simply able to click on a web link to access the readings and ascertain that all is well.

 However, it turns out there are significant benefits to this invention, which go well
beyond simple convenience. The constant tracking from the device has revealed that
the temperature setting of the building’s frost stat had been set far too high. Although
the frost stat is meant to help preserve the boiler, being set so high was doing this
rather too effectively and generating excessive and unnecessary heating during down
times. As well as helping St Mary’s cut their heating bill, the first generation of this
device also has a built-in LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) which helps alerts those
monitoring that a light has been left on at an unintended time. The wider implications
are manifold and are sure to continue to help keep those energy bills on a downward

St Mary's Rector, Revd John McCabe, says, ‘I'm completely thrilled that St Mary’s has
this technology in place - and also excited about the environmental benefits!’
The inventor of this useful monitoring device, Chris, is just pleased that his skills are
being put to good use, ‘That’s what it’s about - everyone bringing whatever skillsets
they have, in the service of others’. Perhaps, even in this instance, an invention
spawned out of generosity (and lockdown) can be of still wider service.

February 2022                                                                         Page 27

                           Colour me in

February 2022                                       Page 28

Why not print several copies and challenge the others on your family to see who
                          can be first to find them all?

February 2022                                                             Page 29
CHILDREN’S QUIZ – (Adults may help)


1. Which small animal lives in a nest called a drey?

2. Which 5 letter word is attached to the end of many English county names?

3. Which bird is the tallest in the world?

4. What name is given to the nut of an oak tree?

5. What was a Penny-Farthing?

6. Which race of people invaded Britain nearly two thousand years ago in AD 43?

7. What is the yellow part of an egg called?

8. How many years are there in a millennium?

9. In which continent would you find Italy, Germany, and Spain?

10. There are two Houses of Parliament, the House of Commons is one, can you
   name the other?

February 2022                                                                 Page 30
Book Review
God’s Plan for Your Wellbeing
By Dave Smith, CPO, £8.93

Perhaps you’re feeling that one or two areas of your life need to be
redirected and refocused. The good news is…you can achieve greater
wellbeing in every area of your life! And it’s all connected.

This book shows you how to improve each of the dials on the dashboard of your life. It
covers your levels of physical energy and health; your emotional freedom and peace;
your sense of satisfaction in your relationship with God; your connectivity and harmony
with others; your financial margin, peace and means for generosity; and your role-
based sense of motivation and creativity.

Unveiled – women of the Old Testament and the choices they
made by Clare Hayns and Micah Hayns, CPO, £9.99

This richly illustrated book contains 40 daily readings and
reflections, each illustrated with original artwork created in charcoal,
oils and collage, imagining the woman in question, bringing her out of the shadows and
making strikingly relevant connections with today’s context.

Some women of the Hebrew scriptures are well known, but many others are barely
remembered. Even when they are, we often don’t pause on them long enough to think
about what we might learn from them. Each reflection ends with a short application to
everyday life, guidance for further thought and a prayer.

Bible Stories Every Child Should Know
By Kenneth B Taylor and Jenny Brake, 10Publising, £16.99

Best-selling author Kenneth Taylor was well-known for his faithful
retelling of Bible stories in a way which engaged young children. This
newly illustrated collection of more than 120 Bible stories from
his Classic Bible Storybook present the truths of the whole Bible in a
language that is understandable for kids. Each story has 3-4 comprehension questions
to help children easily grasp Biblical concepts.

Reading this book will help young ones aged four – seven to love the stories of the

February 2022                                                                     Page 31
Answers to the ‘Tricky Questions’

1      Johnny

2      Meat

3      Mt Everest

4      None – it’s a hole

5      incorrectly

6      He lives in the southern hemisphere

7      You need a camera (or phone) to take a picture

8      2nd place

9      Neither, an egg yolk is yellow

10     None. Noah did though

11.    It won’t. Roosters don’t lay eggs

12.    They’ve just had a March of 31 days

February 2022                                                   Page 32
                  @ St. John’s Church Centre, and @ Milford Day Centre

          Resumption of Clinics subject to Government COVID Restrictions

 Subject to any change in Government COVID Restrictions I am attempting to restart
 Free NHS Hearing Aid Clinics in January 2022. The problem of my gaining further
       supplies is still an issue but will hopefully be resolved by the New Year.

  I am able to carry out minor servicing for ‘Behind the Ear’ hearing aids. I can also
  dispense batteries, re-tube your hearing aids and generally check them for you to
 ensure they are working correctly. Sorry but I am unable to assist those of you who
 wear ‘In the Ear’ hearing aids or those who have Cochlear Implants, nor am I able to
                                 conduct hearing tests.

                                Current dates for clinics are

                                 St John’s Church Centre
                                 Friday 25th February 2022
                                   from 10am – 11:30am

                                    Milford Day Centre
                                Wednesday 16th March 2022
                                  from 10am – 12 noon.

                No appointments are necessary. I can be contacted via email at
              if you have any queries.

      Please bring your Brown Hearing Aid Book or White Card with you.
   Please do not attend if you have any symptoms of COVID or have been in
                      contact with any infected persons.
 Please wear a Face Mask and use the Hand Sanitiser provided before entering
                                   the Clinic.
        Please comply with all signs found at the entrance to the Clinic

February 2022                                                                    Page 33
• Hearing Aid Batteries – if you need Hearing Aid Batteries or replacement tubes
   please contact audiology who will send some in the post. Ensure you state;
      o Name
      o Address
      o Date of Birth
      o Type of Batteries
There is no provision for collection of batteries from the hospital. Please DO NOT
attend unless you have an appointment.
• Hearing Aid Repairs – There are currently two options available;
      o Postal Repairs – You can post your hearing aid to the hospital for repair.
         Once repaired it will be posted back to you. It may take up to 2 weeks for the
         repaired aid to be returned to you. If it has not been returned to you after
         more than 2 weeks please contact Audiology
      o Booked Repair Appointment – You can book a repair appointment with an
         Audiologist. Currently the wait for a booked appointment is between 2-3
         weeks. Where possible, please post your aid to the hospital for repair.
• Lost Hearing Aids – If you have lost one or both of your Hearing Aids please
   contact Audiology. They will let you know whether they can send a replacement aid
   to you or whether they need to see you for a booked appointment.

• Contact Details
    o Email: (Please use email where possible)
    o Address: Audiology Department, Royal Surrey County Hospital, Egerton
       Road, Guildford GU2 7XX
    o Phone: 01483 464108

Please note: Audiology has reduced admin cover for their phones so it may take
longer to answer your call.

Please leave a message where possible,

February 2022                                                                    Page 34

February is the month of romance. Millions of Valentine cards will be sent in the next
week or two, as we celebrate our romantic love for that special person in our lives.
But there are other kinds of love to celebrate, and on Candlemas we remember
Mary and Joseph taking their baby son to the temple to present Him to God. Jesus’
whole life was a loving present to us from God. Through His death for us on the
cross, and His resurrection, His love can now transform anyone’s life. Romance can
die, but God’s love for us is always there. But it won’t do us much good – unless we
accept it!

February 2022                                                                     Page 35

How many words can you find below?

        VALENTINE     ROSE           ROMANCE     LOVE

February 2022                                                   Page 36

            St John’s C of E           Rev Clive Potter           414710

       Milford Baptist Church        Rev Simon Bodington       01483 382331

            St Joseph’s RC             Fr Jonathan How            416880

      St John’s Church Centre            Liz Burrows              422848

         Village Care Helpline           Co-ordinator          07871 570160

  Clerk to Witley Parish Council         Sarah Nash               422044

          Magazine Editorial              Peter Hills             429986

  Milford Village Fete Committee   

   Milford Village Hall Bookings       Maddie Murray           07760 266732

       1st Milford Scout Group          Barrie Wyithe             427462

   Scout & Guide Hut Bookings          Sherryn Crucifix           422844

          1st Milford Beavers       

           1st Milford Guides            Tina Jenner           01428 685436

           Milford Brownies

      Mothers Union in Milford         Cynthia Harrison           415919

    Milford Horticultural Society        Hilary Potter            415710

         Milford Cricket Club           Mike Payne            07712 65824
                Bowling Club            John Everest            420135

 Orchard Community Pre-School         Judy Summerfield            427493

 Stepping Stones Nursery School        Deborah Goold              427325

   Milford Sequence Dance Club          Rita Stevens           01428 682109

February 2022                                                               Page 37

   1. Squirrels
   2. Shire (for example, Herefordshire and Yorkshire)
   3. Ostrich
   4. Acorn
   5. It was the first machine to be called a "bicycle"
   6. The Romans
   7. Yolk (the white part is called the albumen)
   8. A thousand years
   9. Europe
  10. House of Lords

February 2022                                             Page 38

February 2022                                             Page 39
February 2022   Page 40
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