Page created by George Navarro
Serving: Alberta Beach, Barrhead, Calahoo, Cherhill, Darwell, Glenevis, Gunn, Lac Ste. Anne County,
         Mayerthorpe, Onoway, Rich Valley, Rochfort Bridge, Sangudo, Whitecourt, Spruce Grove and Stony Plain.

                                       February 4, 2020
 Submitted by Sangudo            that came up was that toma-     attractive spring yard. Let
Horticultural Club               toes can’t be in temperatures   perennials that emerge lat-
                                 below 50*F/10*C. or they        er cover your bulbs so your
  We have had two activities     won’t set blooms.               yard is always in bloom.
since the New Year                 On Jan 25/2020 we had our       You buy the bulbs in the
  On Jan 20/2020 Marlene         13th Annual workshop, Flo-      fall and plant them as soon
Petersen was the present-        ral Fantasies. Maria Beers a    as possible after purchas-
er of a Walk in my Green-        Dutch landscape designer        ing them. Plant them in Au-
house. The important things      talked about spring flowering   gust or September for zone
to have in a greenhouse are      bulbs. Her talk included the    2 yards and Mid-September
grow lighting, air circulation   way to combine them with        to early October for zone 3-4
and water misting for your       other early flowering peren-    yards.
plants. An interesting fact      nials and shrubs to make an              Continued on Page 4

         PROGRAM (CSJ) 2020
 Submitted by Gerald So-         public-sector     employers     app to help employers fill
roka, MP for Yellowhead          and small businesses to ap-     CSJ-funded positions with
                                 ply for funding through the     qualified youth looking for
  Gerald Soroka, Member of       Canada Summer Jobs pro-         work in their communities.
Parliament for Yellowhead,       gram,” stated MP Soroka.          For more information on
is pleased to inform constit-     To support employers, the      local priorities, including
uents that the CSJ 2020 ap-      CSJ 2020 Applicant Guide is     the local priorities that have
plication period for employ-     available at                    been established for each
ers has opened and will be         constituency, consult the
running until February 24,       en/employment-social-de-        Canada Summer Jobs web-
2020. The Canada Summer          velopment/services/fund-        site at the link below:
Jobs initiative helps em-        ing/canada-summer-jobs. 
ployers create summer job        html                            en/employment-social-de-
opportunities for those be-       Service Canada will auto-      velopment/services/fund-
tween the ages of 15 and 30.     matically post all positions    ing/canada-summer-jobs/
  “I encourage Yellowhead        funded by CSJ to JobBank.       local-priorities.html
not-for-profit organizations, and on the mobile
Page 2   CommunityVOICE                                                                              February 4, 2020

                                  LAC STE. ANNE COUNTY
                          – A CONSERVATION SUCCESS STORY

                            Submitted by Alterna-           The ALUS program works           The LSAC ALUS program
                          tive Land Use Services          with farmers to complete         runs on a Provincial grant
                          (ALUS)                          environmentally       sustain-   from the Watershed Resil-
                                                          able projects on private land    iency and Restoration Pro-
                            Despite the terrible farm-    and compensates farmers          gram and this is the last year
                          ing conditions in 2019, Lac     for land they are no longer      for funding under this grant.
                          Ste. Anne County farmers        farming or are unable to         Do you have an area on your
                          had another successful year     farm effectively. We cost-       farm that you would like to
                          for conservation. The farm-     share fences, watering sys-      protect? Then come to our
                          ers here are leaders in the     tems, nest boxes, some tree      open house at the County
                          western provinces for the Al-   and shrub planting in or-        office on February 20, 2020
                          ternative Land Use Services     der to protect wetlands, old     from 5 – 8pm! You can also
                          (ALUS) program. A total of      growth forests, and sensitive    contact the County’s ALUS
                          265 acres were protected        areas. Farmers are paid to       coordinator by calling 780-
                          this year, as a direct result   grow clean air, clean water,     785-3411, toll free at 1-866-
                          of 10 alternate watering sys-   and wildlife habitat with no     880-5722 or via email, alus@
                          tems and 11 miles of fencing.   change in land title.  
February 4, 2020                                                                                            CommunityVOICE          Page 3

 Submitted by Darwell               perspective to add to our con-      will run every Tuesday and           contribute? Have you thought
Public Library                      versation. If you are interested    Friday from 10 to 11 AM un-          about joining the Darwell
                                    in participating, you can reg-      til May 29, 2020. Due to the         Public Library Society or the
  We are busy planning our          ister and make arrangement          unexpected beginner regis-           Darwell Library Friends So-
programming schedule for            for loan of the current title by    tration we have had to make          ciety? The Darwell Library
the Winter/Spring session and       calling the library @ 780-892-      some changes to the program          Friends Society will be holding
have a few things happening         3746.                               by increasing the number of          their Annual General Meeting
should you stop by the library.       Preschool Story Time/Play         sessions to twice a week so          Thursday, February 20, 2020
The Colouring Club, Family          Time for children 0 to 5 years      that they will learn the 108         starting at 7PM followed by
Games and LEGO run daily,           of age will start on Monday,        moves by the end of May              the regular meeting. Everyone
during regular library hours,       February 10, 2020 with Valen-       2020. All you need is loose          is welcome to attend, and light
for patrons of all ages. These      tine Fun Day and run once a         comfortable clothes and flat         refreshments will be available.
passive programs are self-di-       month until May 11, 2020 from       comfortable shoes. The cost            The Darwell Public Library
rected activities; we supply        1 PM to 2PM at the library. We      is $ 80.00 per person and the        Society will be holding their
the materials you supply the        are making changes to this          drop-in rate will be                 next regular meeting on Mon-
inspiration and fun. We en-         program and will require you          $ 10.00 per person, per ses-       day, February 24, 2020 starting
courage you to ask about our        to register if you wish to at-      sion. You must pre-register no       at 7 pm. All meetings are open
passive programming and             tend No Drop Ins. All children      later than February 12, 2020         to the public and everyone is
provide ideas for what you          must be accompanied by an           by contacting the library.           welcome to attend. The Li-
would like to see in the library.   adult as this is a program de-        Family Movie Night, at the         brary is open 11:00 am to 4:00
We look forward to hearing          signed for parents/caregivers       Lake Isle Community Hall,            pm on Monday, Tuesday and
from you.                           and children together. This is      will be held on Friday, Febru-       Thursday and from 5:00 pm
  The next Book Club meet-          an interactive early literacy       ary 28, 2020. We will be show-       to 8:00 pm Wednesday and
ing will be held on Monday,         program so come join us for         ing the “G” rated title “Toy Sto-    Friday, closed Saturdays, Sun-
March 2, 2020 at 2:00p.m. to        stories, activities, crafts and a   ry 4”. The doors will open at        days and Holidays. You can
review “Eleanor Oliphant is         snack.                              6:30pm and the movie starts          also find out what is happen-
Completely Fine” by Gail Hon-         Registration is now open for      at 7:00 pm. Admission is $           ing at the library by checking
eyman. Do you love to read?         Beginner Tai Chi & Practice         2.50, and a concession will be       our Website www.darwellpub-
Do you like to discuss what         starting Friday, February 14,       available. See you there!   or follow us on
you have read with others? We       2020 from 10 to 11 AM at the          Are you interested in the li-      Facebook at www.facebook.
are always interested in a new      Darwell Centennial Hall and         brary and looking for a way to       com/DarwellPublicLibrary
Page 4     CommunityVOICE                                                                                            February 4, 2020

News from Sangudo Horticultural Club
Continued from Page 1             harvest your flowers in affects    juice, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp bleach.    or specially purchased to heal
                                  how long they will live in the       Our day would not be com-          a specific situation, they will
  The more root development       vase. To extend their vase life:   plete without our vendors at         bring more emotional, phys-
they achieve, the more chance     After picking the flowers put      the trade show.                      ical and spiritual beauty into
they will survive the winter.     them in a dark place for eight       New this year:                     your life. More info 780-887-
Water them well after plant-      hours and feed them flower           Lee Valley Tools out of Ed-        2182
ing. Don’t mulch the soil above   food. When you put them in         monton                                 Paulette’s Signs and De-
them until the soil is frozen.    the vase make sure no leaves         Debbie’s     Flower       Thera-   signs-Darwell. Paulette will
  Clara Qualizza is the owner     extend into the water, feed        py-Parkland county. Debbie           do customized signs, decals,
of Meadow and Thicket Farm        them flower food and recut         Burton teaches crafts, sells         iron-ons, and more. She offers
Flowers, a cut flower oper-       the stem at a 45* angle every      fairy houses and more, and is        paint nights, wedding ideas,
ation. It is important to use     day. Keep the vase out of direct   an energy healer. This includes      bachelorette/bridal showers,
clean sharp tools to cut the      sun. Keep vase away from heat      flower therapy. Flower therapy       birthday parties. More info
stems of flowers at a 45* an-     sources, and fruits and vegeta-    is based upon nature’s healing       403-819-0617
gle. Cut your flowers in the      bles. Use rain water, as water     abilities and can be used to           Cygnet        Creek       Tree
cool part of the morning. Put     quality also affects plant life.   create potent healing effects.       Farms-Onoway. Sells Orna-
your flowers in a bucket of wa-     To make your own flower          Whether you’re working with          mental trees. Call before com-
ter right away. The stage you     food, 1 liter water, 2 tsp lemon   flowers in your own garden,          ing, Axel 780-221-7050
                                                                                                            And we were glad to see back
                                                                                                            Al’s Wood Working, Al Han-
                                                                                                          son-Mayerthorpe. Al has been
                                                                                                          a continuing vendor at our
                                                                                                          workshops for a number of
                                                                                                          years with his ornately crafted
                                                                                                          wooden artwork.
                                                                                                            Mitch’s Makes-Onoway. Mi-
                                                                                                          chelle has canning, pickles,
                                                                                                          jams, baking and woodwork
                                                                                                          for sale. She attends markets,
                                                                                                          hosts paint nights and offers
                                                                                                          her yard for tours. More info
                                                                                                            Marc       Lallier    Apiaries
                                                                                                          Inc-Sangudo. Melanie Lallier
                                                                                                          was selling local honey.
                                                                                                            Twist and wrap Studios-Cos-
                                                                                                          mos area. Dianne Johansson-
                                                                                                          Paverpol instructor teaches
                                                                                                          classes. Paverpol allows you
                                                                                                          to use your artistic talent. You
                                                                                                          create outdoor hardy stat-
                                                                                                          uettes to add uniqueness to
                                                                                                          your garden. 780-305-1952
                                                                                                            Aspen Acres Market Gar-
                                                                                                          den-Alberta Beach. Lucie
                                                                                                          Heins. Canning, pickles etc. for
                                                                                                          sale. Attends various markets.
                                                                                                            A’Bunadh       Seeds-Cherhill.
                                                                                                          Denise O’Reilly is a perpetu-
                                                                                                          al favorite with her heritage
                                                                                                          seeds for sale.
                                                                                                            Lac Ste. Anne County booth-
                                                                                                          Lorraine Taylor
                                                                                                            Sangudo and District Hor-
                                                                                                          ticultural Club- 2020 cook-
                                                                                                          books for sale and photo con-
                                                                                                          test entries.
                                                                                                            A big thanks to our caterer
                                                                                                          Cookhouse on Main-Sangudo,
                                                                                                          the Lac Ste. Anne county and
                                                                                                          all the volunteers who make
                                                                                                          the event run smoothly!
                                                                                                            Upcoming:            February
                                                                                                          24/2020 Presentation by Ash-
                                                                                                          leigh Munro representing Kiwi
                                                                                                          Nurseries at Sanqudo Golden
                                                                                                          Age Club.
February 4, 2020                                                                                          CommunityVOICE        Page 5

                     NORTH CENTRAL CO-OP
                    BEGINS RENOVATION AT ITS
                    STONY PLAIN FOOD STORE
 Submitted by            North      has been long overdue and we        will invite the community to       pers—there is an end in sight
Central Co-op                       are thrilled to be able reinvest    come join in the celebration.      and the store will be so much
                                    approximately $800,000 back           North Central Co-op would        better because of the changes
  After receiving approval from     into our Stony Plain Co-op          like to thank its customers,       we are making” adds Rory.
its Board of Directors, North       Food Store. It’s big deal for our   members and employees for            North Central Co-op plans
Central Co-op moves forward         customers, members and our          their patience during the re-      to hold a Renovation Sale in
with refreshing the Stony           employees.”                         fresh. “Please bear with us. We    the coming weeks to thank
Plain Food Store. The store,          The local, Stony Plain Co-op      know that the added noise,         shoppers for their continued
located at 4917 50th Avenue,        has been an important part          workers and equipment are          patience.
will remain open to the public      of the community for a lot of       very disruptive to our shop-
during regular operating hours      years.
throughout the renovation.            “Our objective is to improve
  Aware of the much-needed          the existing layout and refresh
face-lift, North Central Co-op      the store. We want to make
will be making significant up-      something old, new again. So
grades to the interior and exte-    far, we’ve had a few customers
rior décor. They will also be in-   question whether we will be
creasing the produce and fresh      painting over the mural. Our
offerings (Deli & Produce),         answer—the mural stays—it’s a
updating coolers and freezers,      heritage piece that’s very much
making front-end improves           tied to the Stony Plain Co-op,”
for convenience, adding a new       states Rory Brady, Stony Plain
customer service counter and        Food Store Manager.
will be remodeling the public         With tight deadlines, North
washrooms.                          Central Co-op aims to wrap
  According to Kris Larsen,         up the renovation in Spring of
Food Division Manager, “we          2020. The Association plans
recognize that this renovation      to hold a grand reopening and
Page 6      CommunityVOICE                                                                                          February 4, 2020

                         WHITECOURT APPROVES
                          2020 INTERIM BUDGET
 Submitted by Town of               Budget Report can be viewed         • The Aerial Platform Pumper     Information System (GIS) that
Whitecourt                          on             Truck was ordered in 2019 and      will be completed in the spring
                                      “While we have managed to       is expected to be delivered in     of 2020 that will centralize the
  Whitecourt Town Council           keep the overall tax change at    June 2020. The unit is expected    Town’s datasets and allow for
has approved the 2020 Interim       0% for the interim, there are     to be in service by the summer     better use and analysis of the
Operating and Capital Budget.       still a number of factors that    of 2020.                           information.
The Interim Budget includes         could significantly impact our      • Festival Way will be con-        • Completion of the Regional
over $52 million of capital and     operations and the tax rate       structed in Rotary Park in the     Business Park Feasibility Study
operating expenditures and re-      before we adopt the final bud-    spring of 2020 with funding        in partnership with Woodlands
quires a 0% overall tax change.     get. The federal and provin-      support from the Enabling          County to identify current and
  “Whitecourt Town Council          cial budgets, as well as inter-   Accessibility Fund and spon-       future industrial needs in the
realizes that an unpredictable      municipal service agreement       sorship from the Rotary Club       region.
and volatile economy has im-        negotiations with Woodlands       of Whitecourt. Festival Way          • Create recommendations
pacted many families in our         County, could impact revenue      will provide the base for future   based on the Flood Mitigation
community, and we have been         sources and force us to revisit   cultural and family entertain-     Plan for future flood mitigation
mindful of that during devel-       proposed projects, service lev-   ment options in the commu-         enhancements, funding strat-
opment of this budget,” stated      els and the tax rate for 2020,”   nity, and will enhance Rotary      egies, education programs,
Mayor Maryann Chichak. “We          added Mayor Chichak.              Park through the creation of a     and projects that will improve
tasked Administration and             Capital Budget Highlights:      corridor for pedestrian traffic    community flood planning and
community advisory boards             • The 2020 Street Improve-      through the park with spaces       mitigate potential flood dam-
to find cost efficiencies and re-   ment Program includes street,     for community groups to set        age.
duce spending. At a time when       lighting, and sidewalk repairs    up tents/displays with power         • Development of a Sports
inflation and cost of living        at locations throughout the       services and pathway lighting.     Hosting Partnership Pro-
continues to increase, we have      community.                          Operating Budget Highlights:     gram to support and grow
developed an interim budget           • The Water System Upgrade        • Continue with the Odour        the economic impact that is
that requires no change to tax      Project construction is antic-    Control Program at the Waste-      experienced through hosting
rates,” stated Mayor Maryann        ipated to begin in 2020 with      water Treatment Plant (chem-       sporting activities in our com-
Chichak.                            funding support from the          ical treatment, permitting of      munity.
  The passing of the Interim        Build Canada Program and the      haulers, etc.) until future sys-     As part of the budget process,
Budget allows projects to pro-      Alberta Community Partner-        tem upgrades are complete.         members of the public will
ceed before the 2020 Budget is      ship Program. The upgrades          • Continued collaboration        have an opportunity to review
given final approval. The 2020      include a dedicated supply        and development of new             the Interim Budget and provide
Budget will be finalized in the     main and other system up-         agreements with Woodlands          feedback at the annual Budget
spring of 2020 once the Pro-        grades, including pressure re-    County for services that ben-      Open House. The 2020 event is
vincial budget is adopted, and      ducing measures to improve        efit residents of both munici-     tentatively scheduled for Feb-
final assessment figures are        the distribution network and      palities.                          ruary, and advertisements will
established. The 2020 Interim       fire flows.                         • Creation of a Geographic       be published in the new year.
February 4, 2020   CommunityVOICE   Page 7
Page 8     CommunityVOICE                                                                                      February 4, 2020

 Submitted by Darwell            to see in the library. We look    of age will start on Monday,      14, 2020 from 10 to 11 AM at
Public Library                   forward to hearing from you.      February 10, 2020 with Val-       the Darwell Centennial Hall
                                   The next Book Club meet-        entine Fun Day and run once       and will run every Tuesday
  We are busy planning our       ing will be held on Monday,       a month until May 11, 2020        and Friday from 10 to 11 AM
programming schedule for         March 2, 2020 at 2:00p.m.         from 1 PM to 2PM at the li-       until May 29, 2020. Due to
the Winter/Spring session        to review “Eleanor Oliphant       brary. We are making chang-       the unexpected beginner
and have a few things hap-       is Completely Fine” by Gail       es to this program and will       registration we have had to
pening should you stop by        Honeyman. Do you love to          require you to register if you    make some changes to the
the library. The Colouring       read? Do you like to discuss      wish to attend No Drop Ins.       program by increasing the
Club, Family Games and           what you have read with           All children must be accom-       number of sessions to twice
LEGO run daily, during regu-     others? We are always inter-      panied by an adult as this is     a week so that they will learn
lar library hours, for patrons   ested in a new perspective to     a program designed for par-       the 108 moves by the end of
of all ages. These passive       add to our conversation. If       ents/caregivers and children      May 2020. All you need is
programs are self-directed       you are interested in partic-     together. This is an interac-     loose comfortable clothes
activities; we supply the ma-    ipating, you can register and     tive early literacy program       and flat comfortable shoes.
terials you supply the inspi-    make arrangement for loan         so come join us for stories,      The cost is $ 80.00 per per-
ration and fun. We encourage     of the current title by calling   activities, crafts and a snack.   son and the drop-in rate will
you to ask about our passive     the library @ 780-892-3746.         Registration is now open        be
programming and provide            Preschool Story Time/Play       for Beginner Tai Chi & Prac-        $ 10.00 per person, per ses-
ideas for what you would like    Time for children 0 to 5 years    tice starting Friday, February    sion. You must pre-register
                                                                                                     no later than February 12,
                                                                                                     2020 by contacting the li-
                                                                                                       Family Movie Night, at the
                                                                                                     Lake Isle Community Hall,
                                                                                                     will be held on Friday, Feb-
                                                                                                     ruary 28, 2020. We will be
                                                                                                     showing the “G” rated ti-
                                                                                                     tle “Toy Story 4”. The doors
                                                                                                     will open at 6:30pm and the
                                                                                                     movie starts at 7:00 pm. Ad-
                                                                                                     mission is $ 2.50, and a con-
                                                                                                     cession will be available. See
                                                                                                     you there!
                                                                                                       Are you interested in the li-
                                                                                                     brary and looking for a way
                                                                                                     to contribute? Have you
                                                                                                     thought about joining the
                                                                                                     Darwell Public Library So-
                                                                                                     ciety or the Darwell Library
                                                                                                     Friends Society? The Dar-
                                                                                                     well Library Friends Society
                                                                                                     will be holding their Annual
                                                                                                     General Meeting Thursday,
                                                                                                     February 20, 2020 starting at
                                                                                                     7PM followed by the regular
                                                                                                     meeting. Everyone is wel-
                                                                                                     come to attend, and light re-
                                                                                                     freshments will be available.
                                                                                                       The Darwell Public Library
                                                                                                     Society will be holding their
                                                                                                     next regular meeting on
                                                                                                     Monday, February 24, 2020
                                                                                                     starting at 7 pm. All meet-
                                                                                                     ings are open to the public
                                                                                                     and everyone is welcome to
                                                                                                     attend. The Library is open
                                                                                                     11:00 am to 4:00 pm on Mon-
                                                                                                     day, Tuesday and Thursday
                                                                                                     and from 5:00 pm to 8:00
                                                                                                     pm Wednesday and Friday,
                                                                                                     closed Saturdays, Sundays
                                                                                                     and Holidays. You can also
                                                                                                     find out what is happening at
                                                                                                     the library by checking our
                                                                                                     Website www.darwellpubli-
                                                                                            or follow us on
                                                                                                     Facebook at www.facebook.
February 4, 2020                                                                              CommunityVOICE        Page 9

              TRAFFIC STOP IN OLDS
 Submitted by Alberta          male driver was wanted on       assaulted by the driver.        sion of identity documents
RCMP                           outstanding warrants. The         A search warrant was ob-        •      Trafficking of a
                               male was arrested and an        tained to further search the    controlled substance
 Olds, Alberta - On Tues-      initial search of the vehicle   vehicle which resulted in         •      Possession of a
day, January 21st, 2020, at    revealed what appeared to       a seizure of various drugs,     controlled substance
approximately 9:40 PM, the     be several fraudulent doc-      including what is suspected       •      Assault
Olds RCMP responded to         uments including falsified      to be heroine and fentanyl.       •      Utter threats
a complaint of a possible      identification cards and li-      Evan Mitchell Balchen (31)      Balchen was held in cus-
impaired driver in the town    cences. Through the course      of Spruce Grove has been        tody on his warrants and is
of Olds. A short time later,   of the investigation a fe-      charged with eleven offenc-     scheduled to attend Dids-
an officer located the vehi-   male passenger disclosed        es, including:                  bury Provincial Court on
cle and determined that the    to police that she had been       •      Unlawful posses-       February 24th, 2020.

 Submitted by Parkland         ia School staff identified      Spruce Grove was arrested       7267 or your local police de-
RCMP                           a safety concern involv-        for impaired operation.         tachment. If you wish to re-
                               ing one of the bus drivers.       The investigation is ongo-    main anonymous, you can
 Spruce Grove, Alta. - On      Some students were on the       ing and charges are pend-       contact Crime Stoppers at
Dec. 16, 2019 at 3:11 p.m.     bus when the driver was         ing.                            1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), on-
Parkland    RCMP      were     removed. The driver was           If you have any informa-      line at or
dispatched to Graminia         removed prior to the sched-     tion regarding this investi-    by using the “P3 Tips” app
School, located south east     uled bus departure time.        gation, please contact the      available through the Apple
of Spruce Grove. Gramin-         A 46-year-old female from     Parkland RCMP at 825-220-       App or Google Play Store.
Page 10     CommunityVOICE                                                                                        February 4, 2020

 Submitted by Town of             funding year include:             economy. Information on the        posted in early February. For
Whitecourt                          • Royal Canadian Legion -       program will be advertised in      details on the Sled Invasion
                                  $540.80 for the Little Warrior,   February.                          visit www.whitecourtrailblaz-
  JANUARY 28, 2020                Prevent It! Workshop & Train-       Road closures have been ap-
  Whitecourt Town Council         ing;                              proved to accommodate the            Whitecourt has adopted the
awarded over $16,000 to com-        • Community Lunch Box -         2020 Sled Invasion that is be-     2020 Economic Development
munity organizations as part      $13,575.37 for Volunteer Cen-     ing hosted by the Whitecourt       Strategic Plan. The Plan, which
of the FCSS Grant Program.        tre Support;                      Trailblazers on February 14-       is available on Whitecourt’s
The grant provides financial        • McLeod River Primary          16. The Club recently changed      website, identifies priorities
assistance to organizations       Care Network - $2,500.00 for      the proposed route for the         and how resources will be al-
that provide social programs      the Whitecourt Connections        Snowmobile Parade, and, to         located to meet established
that are preventative in nature   Event.                            avoid conflicts with local in-     goals.
to the community.                   Whitecourt has created a        dustry, Flats Road from Rota-        Whitecourt’s Family Day
  Recipients for the 2020         Sports Hosting Program that       ry Park east to Flats Connec-      Winter Carnival is scheduled
                                  will support hosting of sport-    tor will be closed February 14     for Monday, February 17. A va-
                                  ing events that have a positive   from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m. to ac-      riety of activities will be held
                                  economic impact on our com-       commodate the Parade. One-         in Rotary Park between noon
                                  munity. Events hosted by the      way traffic will remain open       and 4:00 p.m., along with a
                                  sporting community increase       for residents that live on Flats   family movie and family skate
                                  visitors into Whitecourt,         Road and emergency vehicles        at other locations. For details
                                  which has a positive impact       only. A reminder to motorists      visit the event page on www.
                                  by generating overnight stays     of all street closures through-
                                  and stimulating the local         out the 3-day event will be        court.
Bridal Guide
February 4, 2020                                                        CommunityVOICE       Page 11

                                                                         February 2020

     Your Guide to
     Planning Your Big Day
     Filled with helpful planning advice, savvy how-to tips and the latest wedding trends,
     as well as a host of local wedding vendors here to help you plan the perfect day!
Bridal Guide
Page 12         CommunityVOICE                                                                                                                        February 4, 2020

            GUIDE TO A
     magine reciting vows along the Med-     While planning a wedding inevitably

     iterranean coast or amid pastel-hued    involves some obstacles and even some
     homes and swaying palm trees. For       stress, planning a destination wedding
the travel-inclined, destination weddings    presents a unique set of obstacles. Before
present the perfect opportunity to meld      couples commit to a destination wed-
wedding and honeymoon all into one —         ding, it’s important to first consider a few                                                               of couples tying
with family and friends around to enjoy      factors to ensure knots get tied without                                                                  the knot choose to
the magic.                                   a hitch.                                                                                                   have destination
The Knot Real Weddings Study, the            • Pick a meaningful location (but one                                                                         weddings.
largest survey of its kind, surveys thou-    that works for guests, too). Exchanging
sands of American brides and grooms to       vows at a favorite hiking spot can give        advise the experts at Brides magazine.      ding planners may prove invaluable when
determine the latest wedding trends. In      guests an inside view into what makes          Working with vendors in person also         it comes to destination weddings. Rather
its 2017 report, the Knot revealed 25 per-   you tick as a couple, but the location of      can simplify sorting out certain details.   than organizing everything on your
cent of weddings that took place that year   the ceremony should not come at the            • Send save-the-date cards promptly.        own, you can hire a wedding planner to
were destination weddings. Couples           expense of practicality. Choose a locale       Unlike traditional weddings in which        take care of itineraries, obtain informa-
are increasingly leaning on enter-           that speaks to you but will also offer the     reminders can be sent roughly six           tion about necessary travel documents,
tainment and personalization to              convenience and amenities that work for        months before the wedding, save-the-        coordinate with local vendors, and much
create memorable experiences for             the guests who will be traveling.              date cards for destination weddings         more.
their guests, and destination weddings       • See the place in person. If budget al-       should be mailed at least nine months to    • Consider tourist seasons. Weather
are great ways to create those unique        lows, book a trip to the intended desti-       a year in advance of the big day.           tends to be best during tourist seasons.
experiences.                                 nation to see the facilities and location,     • Hire a professional. Professional wed-    Therefore, make sure to reserve hotel
Bridal Guide
February 4, 2020                                                                                                                   CommunityVOICE                     Page 13

Guide to a
Successful                                    Popular destination wedding locales
                                                       ouples are increasingly tying     Costa Rica: A popular honeymoon           Jackson Hole, Wyoming: Another
                                                       the knot in exotic locales.       destination, Costa Rica also makes        destination that won’t require cou-

Wedding                                                According to The Knot 2017
                                              Real Weddings Study, a survey of
                                              nearly 13,000 U.S. brides and
                                                                                         a great place to host a tropical wed-
                                                                                         ding. Couples can take advantage of
                                                                                         stunning mountaintop views or enjoy
                                                                                                                                   ples or their guests to dust off their
                                                                                                                                   passports, Jackson Hole is nestled in
                                                                                                                                   the awe-inspiring Teton mountain
room blocks and venues promptly.              grooms who married in 2017, 25             their weddings on any of Costa Rica’s     range. Summer and early fall are the
Slightly before or after peak season may      percent of weddings were destina-          many white sand beaches. Dense rain       best times to tie the knot in Jackson
still be fine, but ensure that vendors will   tion weddings. While the survey            forests, numerous nature preserves and    Hole, which is home to numerous
be available and look into weather trends     did not ask participants who opted         national parks make Costa Rica a great    rustic ranches that can make for ideal
carefully before choosing a date.             for destination weddings where they        place for guests to explore, especially   wedding settings.
                                              got hitched, The Knot notes that the       during the dry season between De-         Ireland: Couples who don’t mind
• Research the legality. According to         following locales are some stunning        cember and April (rain falls through-     a rain shower here or there may
The Knot, many countries have residency       places for couples to say their “I dos.”   out the year on the Caribbean coast of    want to tie the knot in Ireland,
requirements, which means you must            Dominican Republic: Home to 800            Costa Rica).                              where weather is usually most wel-
live in that country for a certain period     miles of sandy beaches, the Do-            Maine: Couples who want waterfront        coming between May and Septem-
of time before the ceremony. Factor this      minican Republic features a host of        weddings with a little something dif-     ber. Idyllic seaside villages dot the
into budget and availability.                 all-inclusive resorts, many of which       ferent may want to consider Maine.        Irish landscape, as do rolling green
• Scale back on DIY. Handling                 offer wedding packages. Couples            Lighthouses might provide the per-        hills and towering cliffs that can
many of the details while getting mar-        who want to tie the knot under the         fect backdrop for couples’ nuptials,      make for beautiful backdrops for
ried close to home can be challenging,        warm sun need look no further than         and guests can indulge in fresh lobster   wedding ceremonies. Castles can
but doing so for a destination wedding        the Dominican Republic, which              and various outdoor activities. Maine’s   be found throughout Ireland, giving
can be difficult to organize. Scale back on   boasts average temperatures in the         tourist season is July and August, but    couples unique spaces to host their
DIY, leaving many of the details to the       70s and 80s year-round.                    Maine’s famous fall foliage can be used   weddings and receptions.
professionals.                                                                           to create a beautiful look for couples
Destination weddings require extra plan-                                                 who tie the knot in September.
ning, but they can be memorable ways for
couples to start their new life together.
Bridal Guide
Page 14        CommunityVOICE                                                                                                    February 4, 2020

Weddings are memorable for a host         tempted by specialty dishes when            not be a great choice, especially at
of reasons. While couples remember        choosing their wedding menus, cou-          large receptions where lots of mouths
their weddings because they mark          ples who are hosting dozens, if not         must be fed, a couple who has a fa-
the day they officially tied the knot,    hundreds, of guests should keep             vorite food that’s symbolic of their re-
guests may remember weddings for          things simple.                              lationship should not hesitate to offer
other reasons, including the food         • Consider potential allergies. In re-      it during the cocktail hour. For exam-
served at the reception.                  gard to entrées, make sure guests           ple, a couple who met in Thailand
Some wedding venues are known for         with food allergies can choose some-        may want to offer a favorite Thai dish.
their stunning landscapes, while oth-     thing that won’t make them sick. Ac-        • Offer an elaborate dessert. The
ers build their reputations on unique     cording to Food Allergy Research &          last bite guests will take is dessert,
interiors that provide unforgettable      Education®, an organization devoted         so couples who want their guests to
ambiance. But regardless of where         to improving the quality of life of in-     go home raving about the food may
weddings take place, guests are lia-      dividuals with food allergies, some         want to offer something special after
ble to discuss the food served at the     common foods cause the majority             the entrées have been taken away.
reception. Guests might rave about        of allergic reactions. Peanuts, soy,        Some guests may not indulge, but
the escargot or complain that the fish    sesame, and shellfish are among the         those who do might end their nights
was flaky, but couples who choose         most common food allergies, accord-         thinking about the delicious dessert
reception menus wisely can go a           ing to FARE®. FARE also notes that          they enjoyed as the festivities drew
long way toward ensuring there are        allergies to wheat, milk and eggs are       to a close. If the dessert is especially
more compliments than complaints          common in children. While such foods        unique, offer something more tradi-
once the dinner bell rings.               can still be served at wedding recep-       tional alongside it for more hesitant
• Don’t zero in on specialties. Accord-   tions, make sure to also include foods      guests.
ing to The Knot 2017 Real Weddings        that are unlikely to trigger allergic re-   Choosing a wedding menu should
Study, a survey of nearly 13,000          actions. Couples can even ask guests        be fun. Menus should reflect not only
brides and grooms who tied the knot       to inform them of any food allergies.       couples’ tastes but also include some
in 2017, the average wedding hosted       • Don’t hesitate to offer a favorite        popular foods so no one goes home
136 guests. While couples might be        food. While specialty entrées might         hungry.
February 4, 2020   CommunityVOICE   Page 15
Page 16   CommunityVOICE                                                                   February 4, 2020

                           PARKLAND RCMP REQUEST
                            ASSISTANCE TO IDENTIFY
                           KNIFE WIELDING SUSPECT
                        Submitted by Parkland       attempting to steal items     bystander who was assist-
                       RCMP                         from the store. The items     ing. The suspect then fled
                                                    were subsequently recov-      on foot.
                         Spruce Grove, Alta. – On   ered by the Loss Prevention     The suspect is described
                       Dec. 2, 2019 at 7:12 p.m.,   Officer outside the door.     as:
                       Parkland RCMP respond-       During this exchange, the       •      Caucasian male
                       ed to the Canadian Tire in   suspect pulled out a knife      •      28 - 35 years’ old
                       Spruce Grove. An uniden-     and threatened the Loss         •      Brown hair, short
                       tified male was observed     Prevention Officer and a      crew cut
                                                                                    •      5`9`` tall
                                                                                    •      140 – 150 lbs
                                                                                    •      Black jacket
                                                                                    •      Blue jeans
                                                                                    •      Red shirt
                                                                                    •      Dark        running
                                                                                  shoes with white trim
                                                                                    Parkland RCMP are seek-
                                                                                  ing to identify the suspect
                                                                                  male. If you have any in-
                                                                                  formation, please contact
                                                                                  the Parkland RCMP at 825-
                                                                                  220-7267. If you wish to re-
                                                                                  main anonymous, you can
                                                                                  contact Crime Stoppers at
                                                                                  1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), on-
                                                                                  line at or
                                                                                  by using the “P3 Tips” app
                                                                                  available through the Apple
                                                                                  App or Google Play Store.
February 4, 2020                                                                                              CommunityVOICE           Page 17

     Classified Ads - Call 962-9228
                                           Ravine Community Hall, 325-2240        Surrounding Areas, thinking
  Classified Policy                        Rich Valley Community Hall, 967-5710   of a Winter Getaway?                  Computers
                                           or 967-3696                            Worried about leaving your
CLASSIFIED RATES INCLUDE GST.              Rosenthal Community Hall, 963-7984     dog in a kennel? Don’t worry    Computer       Repairs    NOT
1st 20 Words: First Insertion = $6.00;                                                                            over $50. Get a good, clean,
                                           Sandy Beach Rec Hall, 967-2873
                                                                                  anymore, you can leave your
Subsequent insertion = $3.00 each.
(Eg: 2 insertions = $9.00; 3 insertions                                           pet with me! There is a wrap    refurbished,         upgraded
                                           Sangudo Community Hall, 785-2904                                       Laptop or a Desktop with
= $12.00; 4 insertions = $15.00; etc)      or 305-4616                            around deck and courtyard!
Each additional word is 20 cents per                                              I will provide tender loving    games,       world    pictures,
word, per insertion. BOLD/CAPITAL          Stettin Nakumun Comm. Hall, 967-                                       music, videos and more for
                                                                                  care, with walks every day.
text available for an additional $1/       9198                                                                   ONLY $100. FREE repairs for
                                                                                  Best of all, I’m cheaper than
line. Lost & Found and To Give Away
(up to a max. of 25 words) are free of                                            a kennel! Daily drop in’s or    single parents. Donate used
charge. Ads must be paid in advance            Dog Caretaker                      overnight stays welcome. If     computers, tablets, etc. Will
either by cheque, cash, Visa or                                                   interested call 780-920-4166    fix, clear to donate or use for
Mastercard. No Refunds Allowed on          Alberta          Beach            &    (4) 21-01 OG                    parts. Call: 780-892-2407 (14)
Classified Ads. DEADLINE: is Thurs.                                                                               28-01
4:00 pm (Wed. 4:00 pm on long
weekends). Classified ads may be
called in to the COMMUNITY VOICE
office at (780) 962-9228, emailed
dropped off at Onoway Registries,
or mailed with your ad and payment
may also be placed on the web at

       Hall Rentals
Alberta Beach Agliplex, Susan 780-
Alberta Beach & District Seniors
50+ Club. Air conditioning! Space
Available! Val: 780-690-1655 or
Dianne: 780-217-8482
Anselmo Community Hall, Phone
Bright Bank Hall, 780-968-6813
Cherhill Legion, Mary 780-785-3578.
Cherhill Community        Assoc.   Hall,
Kevin 780-785-8153
Darwell Centennial Hall, 780-892-
Darwell Seniors, Phone Debra 780-
Goose Lake Hall, Contact Deanna
(780) 584-3738
Gunn Hall (G.A.R.S.) 780-951-9452
Hathersage Community           Centre,
Noreen at 786-2946
Lake Isle Community Hall, PH: 780-
892-3121 or Email: lakeislehall@mail.
Magnolia Hall, 727-2015
Manley Goodwill Community Hall,
963-9165 or 916-0146
Mayerthorpe      Diamond       Centre,
Charlotte at 786-4659
Mayerthorpe Legion, 786-2470.
Onoway Community Hall, 967-4749.
Onoway Heritage Center - Gym/
Classrooms, 967-1015
Onoway Legion , 967-4980
Park Court Community Hall, 727-
Parkland Village Community Centre,
780-298-9155 @PVCCentre
Page 18     CommunityVOICE                                                                                    February 4, 2020

   Classified Ads - Call 962-9228
                                 seasoned wood, Delivery          anymore. Reasonable price         Satellite. Double bedrooms,
       Firewood                  or Pick up. Woodchuck            much appreciated, 780-892-        furnished bachelors with
                                 Firewood, 780-288-7247 (28)      2110 (2) 04-02                    full kitchen and furnished 1
SEASONED         FIREWOOD:       10-12-19 OG                                                        bedrooms with full kitchen
Birch, Tamarack, Spruce/                                          WANTED… Bright Driving
                                                                                                    available. Please call Peggy
Pine & Poplar. 4x4x8 cord,                                        Lights to eventually install on
Split and delivered or pick up
                                         Wanted                   my vehicle. 780-892-2110 (2)
                                                                                                    for viewing at 780-967-4420
                                                                                                    or    1-403-742-6467.   www.
at wood yard, 1/2 cord or full                                    04-02
                                 WANTED… Bicycle or two, if
cords available. Call 780-967-                                    WANTED…        Van      under     21-01 OG
                                 wheels the same size. If not
5835 or 780-983-1495 (28) 27-                                     $2500. Prefer raised roof
                                 the same OK, I’ll try to match                                     ALBERTA BEACH - Newer 2
08-19                                                             van, camperized or not OK..
                                 it up. This is for a grocery                                       bdrm apartment, downtown,
FIREWOOD FOR SALE -              buggy project to haul from       OR just ordinary van in fair
                                                                                                    awesome view looking over
Birch, Tamarack & Spruce         parking lot to seniors living    shape. My vehicle is being
                                                                                                    the lake, 1100sqft, washer/
Pine mix. Poplar. 4x4x8          unit. Packing groceries at       worked on in a school project
                                                                                                    dryer/central vac, 2 baths,
cords and 1/2 cords. Quality     80 yrs + something, not fun      and may be gone for a while.
                                                                                                    stainless steel appl, open
                                                                  A senior with clear Class 1
                                                                                                    concept, please call Cheryl
                                                                  license, request. 780-892-2110
                                                                                                    780-982-6922 (4) 21-01 OG
                                                                  (2) 04-02
                                                                                                    In Alberta Beach, 3 bedroom
                                                                         Buy & Sell                 house with 4 appliances,
                                                                                                    detached garage, n/p, n/s,
                                                                                                    Available immediately, $1100/
                                                                  I BUY GUN COLLECTIONS
                                                                                                    month + DD. Call Connie 780-
                                                                  and World War 2 Collectables,
                                                                                                    913-8024 (4) 04-02
                                                                  Please call Jay for a quote
                                                                  780-686-1350 (30) 19-11-19        Available         immediately,
                                                                                                    Large 2 Bedroom in 12 Unit
                                                                          For Rent                  Apartment       Building   in
                                                                                                    Entwistle.    Includes   heat,
                                                                  Completely       renovated        water & parking. Rent $795/
                                                                  Motel   in   Onoway,      AB.     month + DD $300. Please call
                                                                  offering daily, weekly or         Ivka 780-807-1300 or email
                                                                  monthly rentals. All utilities (2)
                                                                  included, 55 inch tv with         04-02 OG
February 4, 2020                                                                                                                              CommunityVOICE                       Page 19

      If you are a LICENSED, NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION, you are welcome to submit your announcement FREE of charge, space
permitting. You are required to submit your non-profit number. Call (780) 962-9228. Please note that all submitted event listings must
 be limited to 200 characters or less (including spaces). DEADLINE: 12 noon Friday prior to publication (Thursdays on long weekends).

 FEB 11 - INTERLAKE GOLDEN AGE CLUB, DARWELL                                                       FEB 24 - SANGUDO HORTICULTURAL CLUB PRESENTS:
SENIORS: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING at 2:30pm in                                                      Ashleigh Munro a representative of Kiwi Nursery. 7pm at
the Darwell Seniors hall. Lite lunch will be served, All 55                                       the Sangudo Golden Age club. Public welcome. $5 drop
plus persons welcome. Come and check out the “Darwell                                             in fee.
seniors”                                                                                           FEB 25 - GRIEFSHARE WEEKLY GRIEF SUPPORT
 FEB 16 - ANNUAL VALENTINE PANCAKE BREAKFAST! 9                                                   GROUP held on Tuesdays 6:30 - 8:30 pm, starting Feb 25 at
am - 11 am at Stanger Hall. Everyone welcome! Adults $12,                                         Crossroads Community Church, 4719 44 Ave, Mayerthorpe.
6 - 12 years $5, 5 and under Free                                                                 13-weeks for just $25. Call 780-786-2695 to register.

FARMERS MARKETS                                   WHITECOURT SENIORS CIRCLE: 2nd Sunday
                                                  of the month 1-5pm, $5/Adm Door prizes &
                                                                                                  9:00-11:30am, Parkland Village Community
                                                                                                  Centre. *except June, July, August
                                                                                                                                                   CHERISHED MEMORIES, PARENTS & TOTS
                                                                                                                                                   Wed & Fri, 10-12pm, Alberta Beach Agliplex.
BARRHEAD: Open Saturdays, May - Dec.              50/50 draw. 780-778-4950 *Nov - June            RIVER TALKERS TOAST MASTERS CLUB,                Info call 780-902-4879 or 780-999-7622.
                                                                                                  Thursdays, 7-9pm. 32 Whitecourt Ave. Hilltop     *Sept-June.
10am - 1pm. Sherry 780-674-6802
ONOWAY            FARMERS’       MARKET:
                                                  TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)                 Community Church. Info Lorainne 286-5040.        Citizens Helping         In Life’s Defence
Thursdays, 5-8pm at Onoway Community              ALBERTA BEACH: Tuesdays, Weigh-in 6:00-         SANGUDO ART GROUP: Wednesdays 9am-               (C.H.I.L.D) Join our Pro-Life meetings for
Hall. Starts May 1st. 780-667-6327 or             6:45pm. Meeting 7:00pm. Alberta Beach           12pm at Sangudo Community School. Info           the Spruce Grove/Stony Plain area once a                    Lutheran Church, Hwy 633. 967-5009.             call 780-785-2112.                               month. Call Chris 780-963-6997.
SPRUCE GROVE: at the Elevator, Sat 9:30-          EDMONTON: Thurs 8:30-10am at Annex of           SPIRITUAL       LIVING      STONY     PLAIN      DARWELL & DISTRICT AG SOCIETY
1:30pm, tables (780)240-5821                      Grace United Church (6215-104 Ave). $7/         INSPERATIONAL CINEMA & DISCUSSIONS               MEETINGS, 8:00pm, 1st Monday, Darwell
STONY PLAIN: Sat, 9am-1pm, Downtown,              month                                           at PERC Building (5413-51 St). 2nd Friday of     DDRA MEETING, 7:00pm, 2nd Mon, Darwell
Stony Plain. Nancy 780-962-3993.                  SANGUDO: Tues, United Church, 6:00pm.           month at 7pm. Popcorn provided, donations        Centennial Hall 780-892-3099. *except Jul/
WESTLOCK: 11-3pm, Bargain Shop Mall, Dave         Sharon 785-2095 or Marlene 786-4646.            appreciated. Contact 780-940-3032                Aug/Dec
780-954-2437                                      STONY PLAIN: Thurs evening, Stony Plain         SPIRITUAL       LIVING      STONY     PLAIN      GIRL GUIDES, BROWNIES & SPARKS Thurs,
                                                                                                  GATHERING at PERC Building (5413-51 St).         6:30pm, Onoway Heritage Centre. Info Laura,
BINGO			                                          United Church. Susan (780) 968-0869
                                                  SPRUCE GROVE: Wed 8:45am at Anglican            Every 2nd & 4th Sunday of month. Meditation      780-967-1004.
                                                  Church, 131 Church Rd. Christiane 960-1109      10am, inspirational sharing 10:30am. PH 780-     GREENCOURT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION
BARRHEAD ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION:                                                                   940-3032                                         meet 2nd Tuesday, monthly at 7:30pm at the
Doors 5:30pm, games start 7pm. Games: #7,
Jack Pot, Mini Jack Pot, Loonie #1 & #2.
                                                  YOUR COMMUNITY                                  WHITECOURT SENIORS CIRCLE DROP IN                hall. Info W. Jager (780) 786-4648.
                                                                                                  CRIB 1st & 3rd Sundays 1:00pm. 780-778-          GriefShare: WEEKLY GRIEF SUPPORT
CHERHILL BINGO: Tuesdays at Cherhill              ONOWAY ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION:                   4950                                             GROUP held on Tuesdays 6:30 - 8:30 pm,
Community Association. Doors @ 6:30pm,            Open Tuesdays 7:00pm to 10:00pm for             WRITERS PROGRAM: Mayerthorpe Library,            starting Feb 25 at Crossroads Community
Games @ 7:30pm.                                   “Games’’ (pool, shuffleboard, darts, cards,     1st & 3rd Wednesday at 1pm.                      Church, 4719 44 Ave, Mayerthorpe. 13-weeks
CHERHILL LEGION: First Sunday of Month.           etc.) Fridays 3:00 pm- 10:00pm. Friday’s                                                         for just $25. Call 780-786-2695 to register.
Doors Open 12:00pm                                Family Friendly Dinner, 5:30pm (open to the     MEETINGS		                                       KINETTE CLUB OF MAYERTHORPE, 7:30pm
MAYERTHORPE            ROYAL     CANADIAN         public).                                                                                         at Kinsmen Hall, 1st Tues of month. Contact:
LEGION: Tues, doors 6:30pm, bingo 7:30pm          PROBLEMS WITH DRUG OR ALCOHOL                   1ST ONOWAY SCOUTS: Registration,
                                                                                                  Mondays 6:30-8pm. Beavers 5-7; Cubs 8-11;,          Tracy:
RICH VALLEY COMMUNITY HALL BINGO:                 ADDICTION in a loved one? Contact                                                                780-786-0161.
7:30pm. Loonie Pots. Next bingos January 8        Drug Rehab Resource free confidential           Scouts 12-14. Kim 967-4339.
                                                                                                  2716 ROYAL CANADIAN ARMY CADETS,                 LAC STE ANNE ARMY CADETS, Thurs, 6:30-
& 22, February 5 & 19.                            consultation. 1-866-649-1594 or www.                                                             9:30pm at Onoway Museum (780) 967-0443
STONY PLAIN SENIOR’S DROP-IN CENTRE,                              Wednesdays 6:30-9:00pm at Mayerthorpe
                                                                                                  Legion. Youths 12-18yrs, Call 780-515-1842       LAC STE ANNE COMMUNITY CHOIR,
public bingo every Tues, 7pm. All ages            SPRUCE GROVE ELEVATOR TOURS, Tues-                                                               Wednesdays 7pm at the Heritage Centre in
welcome. Phone (780) 963-6685                     Sat, 9:00-3:00pm. Info 960-4600.                299 ROYAL CANADIAN SEA CADETS
                                                                                                  CORPS MACKENZIE: Stony Plain Comm                Alberta Beach (50+ Club behind the hotel).
WHITECOURT SENIORS CIRCLE, Every                  UNITED CHURCH THRIFT SHOP: North end                                                             Further info, call Diane @ 780 924-2348.
Tuesday. Open @ 5pm, 1st call @ 6:45pm,           Curling Rink, Onoway. Open Fri & Sat, 10am-     Center, Wed 6:30pm. Youths 12-18, 963-0843
                                                                                                  3053 (LAC STE ANNE) ROYAL CANADIAN               LAC STE. ANNE & LAKE ISLE WATER
Nevadas, Concession. 780-778-4950 *Sept           4pm.                                                                                             QUALITY MANAGEMENT SOCIETY: 3rd Fri,
- June                                            VOLUNTEER TUTOR ADULT LITERACY                  ARMY CADET CORPS, Onoway Historical
                                                                                                  Centre, Wed. 6:45-9:30pm. FREE program for       7pm, Alberta Beach Council Chambers.
MEAT DRAWS		                                      PROGRAM: Need assistance with reading/
                                                  writing, English language (ESL) or Basic        youths 12+, Contact        LAKE ISLE HALL COMMUNITY HALL
                                                                                                  or 780-886-1586                                  BOARD MEETINGS: 3rd Wed of each month
ALBERTA BEACH MUSEUM: Every Sat 4pm,              Computer skills? Free 1-on-1 tutoring! Carla                                                     @ 7:30pm at the Lake Isle Hall (Hwy 633 and
                                                  Burkell, 780-554-2940, email: literacy@lsac.    526 BARRHEAD AIR CADETS, Wed 6:30-
Alberta Beach Hotel                                                                               9:30pm, High School. Ages 12-18. 780-305-        RR55) Ph # 780-892-3121
ALBERTA BEACH: Lac Ste Anne Community             ca                                                                                               MAYERTHORPE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY
                                                  WATER SAMPLE DROP OFF: Tues Onoway              7233
Choir & Onoway Minor Hockey Meat Draw -                                                           755 PARKLAND AIR CADETS Thurs, 6:30-             ASSOC, every 4th Mon, 5pm in Hospital
Sundays, 4:00pm at Jungle’s Bar & Grill.          Aspen Health Services. Drop off 1:00-2:30pm.                                                     Basement Education Room.
                                                                                                  9:30pm Muir Lake School, ages 12-18. Info call
BARRHEAD ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION:                   SOCIAL EVENTS		                                 405-6585 or                MEN FOR SOBRIETY: Wednesdays at
Fridays 6:00pm. Queen Of Hearts draw &                                                            AA - MAYERTHORPE, Kingsmen Hall, Thurs           7:30pm, FCSS Building (#105, 505 Queen
50/50.                                            ALBERTA BEACH & DISTRICT ACTIVE 50+             8pm. (780) 786-2604 or (780) 786-1927            Street, Spruce Grove). Mike (780) 965-9991.
ONOWAY ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION:                     CLUB ACTIVITIES: Mon 7pm Darts; Tues            AA - SANGUDO GOLDEN CLUB, Tues 8pm               MS SOCIETY PARKLAND COMMUNITY
Fridays, Ph. 780-967-5361                         7:30pm Crib; Wed 1pm Bridge. Thurs 7:30pm       call 786-4402/785-9214/785-3599                  SUPPORT GROUP Are you diagnosed with
STONY PLAIN ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION                 Euchre; Mon, Wed, Fri 8:30am Aerobics/          AL-ANON - ONOWAY: Meetings are at                MS and have questions? Last Tues of month,
BR# 256: Saturdays @ 3:00pm. Meat Draw            Fitness. Everyone Welcome.                      7:00pm, Tuesday evenings, at the Onoway          7-9pm, Westview Health Centre. Cassy 780-
& 50/50.                                          BADMINTON: Wed, 7-10pm, Barrhead                United Church. *Meetings suspended till          471-3034 *Sept–June
WHITECOURT LEGION: Saturdays 4:00pm.              High School Gym. Jamie (780)674-8974 or         May 5, 2020                                      NA MEETING, Tuesdays 7:00pm Poplar
Located downtown behind the CIBC.                 (780)674-6974.                                  AL-ANON Wednesdays, 8pm. Spruce Grove            Valley Church (780)514-6011
                                                                                                                                                   ONOWAY & DIST HERITAGE SOCIETY: 2nd
MEALS ON WHEELS                                   BALLROOM, LATIN, COUNTRY DANCE
                                                  SOCIAL: 1st Saturday of every month. Doors
                                                                                                  United Church, 1A Fieldstone Dr. 780-962-
                                                                                                                                                   Wed of each month, 7:00pm, Onoway Legion
ONOWAY: LSAC Div 1 & 2, East of Hwy 43.           open 8pm at Central Lions Recreation            ALBERTA 55 PLUS: Villenvue Hall at 10am.         ONOWAY & DISTRICT HISTORICAL GUILD:
Hazel Bourke: 780.967.2338 or bhbourke@           Center, 11113 113 St., Edmonton AB. Cost $15    Meetings on 2nd Tues of month. Info: Donna       3rd Wed 7pm, Onoway Museum. 967-5263 or                                        paid at the doors. Hosted by Everyone’s         780-962-5933                                     967-2452.
WEST END: Sangudo, Mayerthorpe & west             Ballroom Dance Assoc, More info: www.           ALBERTA BEACH & DIST LIONS CLUB                  ONOWAY & DISTRICT QUILT GUILD: Every
end of LSAC. Jill: 780.785.2924 or Donna: 780-893-6828                            meets every 4th Tues 7:00pm, Alberta Beach       2nd Thurs, 10am-4pm, @ the Lac Ste. Anne
780.785.3118 or email: westendmow@                COME PLAY CRIB: Fridays, 7:30pm at Darwell      Agliplex.                                        Chateau Activity Room. Info, Ph Lyla @ 780-                                       Seniors Hall; lite lunch is served. All ages!   ALBERTA BEACH AG SOCIETY meets on                967-2629.
                                                  COUNTRY QUILTERS in Stony Plain house           the 4th Thurs of month, 7:00pm, Alberta          ONOWAY ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION
JAMBOREES		                                       a “Sew in Tuesday”, 2nd Tuesday of every        Beach Agliplex.                                  General Meetings, 1st Mon, 7pm. *Sept–June
                                                  month, from 10-3pm. Drop in $5/member,          ALBERTA BEACH MUSEUM meets on the                RICH VALLEY AG SOCIETY BOARD
CARVEL: 2nd Sunday of month. $6 lunch             $6/non-members. Contact Cindy 780-963-                                                           MEETINGS: at the Agriplex on the 2nd Wed of
served. Info 780-991-3001                                                                         2nd Wed, 7:00pm at Heritage House 924-3167.
                                                  7170.                                           ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: The Journey                the month. 7:00pm.
MAGNOLIA: at Magnolia Hall. 2nd Saturday of       JR. SCRAPBOOKING Wed 4–6pm. Pre-                                                                 RIVER TALKERS TOASTMASTERS CLUB
Month, New Time is 1:00pm. Call to confirm,                                                       of Hope Group, Fridays 8pm, (please
                                                  register by Tues evg. Mayerthorpe Public        arrive earlier). Present location in church      Build confidence, speaking, leadership &
727-2015. *October - May, NO Dec.                 Library                                                      listening skills. Thursdays 7-9PM at Eagle
SANGUDO: Sangudo Community Hall, 1st                                                              basement 4805 - 50 St. Onoway
                                                  (780)786-2404                                   BARRHEAD & AREA CANCER SUPPORT                   River Casino. Call Melinda Tarcan, (780)778-
Sat of month 7pm. 785-4105 or 305-5088.           “ME, YOU, & EVERYBODY” Fun new                                                                   1180.
*October - May.                                                                                   GROUP: 4th Thurs. 6:30-8:00pm at Barrhead
                                                  local program for people of all ages with       United Church.                                   SANGUDO PAINTING GROUP: Every Thurs,
SPRUCE GROVE: at Sandhills Community              disabilities. Thursdays @ Alberta Beach                                                          9am-12pm at Sangudo Community School.
Hall, 3rd Sunday, 1-5pm. Info Florence                                                            BARRHEAD ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION,
                                                  Agliplex from 10:00-11:00am starting May.       meeting every 2nd Thurs, 7pm at the Legion       Info, call 780-785-2112.
780-962-3104       Margaret      780-962-3051     Funded Lac Ste Anne FCSS.                                                                        SUNDOWNERS TOASTMASTER CLUB: Mon
*September - June.                                                                                Hall.
                                                  ONOWAY GOLDEN CLUB: Cards Tuesdays,             CHERHILL COMMUNITY ASSOC. Monthly                (excl. Holidays) 7:30-9:30pm. St. Matthew’s
STONY PLAIN: Stony Plain Seniors Drop In          1pm. 1st Tuesday: Pot Luck Supper. 5023 49                                                       Church, Spruce Grove. Judy 960-5258
Center, 5018 - 51 Ave. Every 2nd & 4th Thurs of                                                   Meeting 1st Wednesday, 8pm at the Hall. 785-
                                                  Ave. 780-967-3436.                              2825 *Except Jan, July, Aug, Sept.               WEIGHT        WATCHERS Alberta Beach
month, 7pm, $2.                                   ONOWAY HAVE FUN & GET FIT! Excercise                                                             Agriplex - Mondays, weigh in 6:30pm.
THE ABBOTTSFIELD VARIETY MUSIC JAM:                                                               CHERHILL SILVER & GOLD SENIORS CLUB
                                                  Class with Video La Blast. Fridays 10:30am at   Regular Meetings 1st Tuesday of month,           Meeting at 7pm.
at Abbotsfield Rec Centre (3006 119 Ave.          the Drop in Centre, 5023-49 Ave. PH: 780-                                                        WESTLOCK & AREA CANCER SUPPORT
Edmonton) 3rd Friday of month, 7pm. PH:                                                           Cherhill Seniors Hall. Call Rosamy 780-785-
                                                  967-2056.                                       2625                                             GROUP: 3rd Wed. 6:30-8:00pm at Westlock
780-918-8545, Adm: Donations Only.                PANCAKE/BREAKFAST SOCIAL: 3rd Sunday                                                             Library.
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