Non-invasive monitoring of kidney allograft rejection through IDO metabolism evaluation

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original article                                                                                   
                                                                                                       & 2007 International Society of Nephrology

Non-invasive monitoring of kidney allograft rejection
through IDO metabolism evaluation
G Brandacher1, F Cakar1, C Winkler2, S Schneeberger1, P Obrist3, C Bösmüller1, G Werner-Felmayer2,
ER Werner2, H Bonatti1, R Margreiter1 and D Fuchs2
 Department of General and Transplant Surgery, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria; 2Division of Biological Chemistry,
Biocenter, Innsbruck Medical University and Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of AIDS-Research, Innsbruck, Austria and 3Institute of
Pathology, Wagner-Jauregg Hospital Linz, Innsbruck, Austria

The immunomodulatory enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase                     Renal transplantation is currently the treatment of choice for
(IDO) is activated by interferon-c (IFN-c) and via tryptophan               most patients with end-stage kidney disease. However,
depletion, suppresses adaptive T cell-mediated immunity in                  despite continuous advances in immunosuppressive therapy
inflammation, host immune defense, and maternal tolerance.                  and prophylaxis of infectious complications, acute rejection
Its role in solid organ transplantation is still unclear. Therefore,        still remains a problem following kidney transplantation.1 To
we investigated the usefulness of IDO-mediated tryptophan                   date, needle biopsy of the graft is the most sensitive and
catabolism in the evaluation of kidney allograft rejection.                 specific means of diagnosing acute rejection, although there
Blood, urine, and tissue samples were collected from 34 renal               is a 5–10% risk of biopsy-associated complications, such as
transplant patients without rejection and from nine patients                hematuria, hematoma, arteriovenous fistulas, and even graft
with biopsy-confirmed episodes of acute rejection (n ¼ 12).                 loss.2 As no tests are available to accurately and consistently
Concentrations of kynurenine and tryptophan in serum and                    predict the risk for allograft rejection, the development of less
urine were analyzed by high-pressure liquid chromatography.                 invasive diagnostic methods that additionally provide
Kynurenine to tryptophan ratio (kyn/trp) was calculated to                  insights into the pathophysiology of rejection would be of
estimate IDO activity. Immunostaining for IDO was performed                 considerable value. As a consequence, immunosuppressive
on renal biopsies. Neopterin was assessed using                             therapy could be individualized and the adverse effects of
radioimmunoassay. Kyn/trp and neopterin were detectable at                  inadequate or overimmunosuppression minimized.3 The
low levels in serum of healthy volunteers and were increased                ultimate clinical goal, however, remains donor-antigen-
in non-rejecting allograft recipients. Serum levels of kyn/trp              specific tolerance induction and thus avoidance of any
were higher in recipients with rejection compared to                        systemic immunosuppressive treatment.4
non-rejectors as early as by day 1 post-surgery. Rejection                      Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase and indoleamine 2,3-dioxy-
episodes occurring within 1375.9 days after transplantation                 genase (IDO) are rate-limiting enzymes in the degradation of
were accompanied by elevated kyn/trp in serum (1147                         the essential amino acid tryptophan via the kynurenine
44.5 lmol/mmol, P ¼ 0.001) and urine (126765.9 lmol/mmol,                   pathway to form N-formyl kynurenine, which in the liver is
P ¼ 0.02) compared to levels during stable graft function.                  subsequently converted to niacin. Unlike tryptophan 2,3-
Kyn/trp correlated significantly with neopterin suggesting                  dioxygenase, IDO is widely distributed in mammals and is
an IFN-c-induced increase in IDO activity. Immunostaining                   induced in various cell types, particularly by the Th1-type
showed upregulation of IDO in rejection biopsies, localized in              cytokine interferon-g (IFN-g).5 For many years, IDO has
tubular-epithelial cells. Non-rejected grafts displayed no IDO              been known as an innate defense mechanism limiting growth
expression. Acute rejection is associated with simultaneously               of viruses, bacteria, intracellular pathogens, or malignant cells
increased serum and urinary kyn/trp in patients after kidney                by withdrawing tryptophan from the local micro-environ-
transplantation. Thus, IDO activity might offer a novel                     ment.6,7 More recently, it has been proposed that activation
non-invasive means of immunomonitoring of renal allografts.                 of IDO is also critically involved in regulating immune
Kidney International (2007) 71, 60–67. doi:10.1038/;           responses,8 establishing immune tolerance in pregnant mice
published online 15 November 2006                                           upon their fetuses,9 or inducing T-cell unresponsiveness.10
KEYWORDS: renal transplantation; tolerance; acute allograft rejection       Proliferation of alloreactive T cells is thereby arrested via local
                                                                            tryptophan deprivation and the accumulation of toxic,
Correspondence: G Brandacher, Department of General and Transplant
                                                                            proapoptotic catabolites such as kynurenine and quinolinic
Surgery, Innsbruck Medical University, Anichstrasse 35, A-6020 Innsbruck,   acid.11 Furthermore, IDO serves as a downstream suppressor
Austria. E-mail:                               mechanism used by T-regulatory cells.12 Despite growing
Received 7 February 2006; revised 30 August 2006; accepted 10               recognition of the molecular pro-tolerogenic T-cell regula-
October 2006; published online 15 November 2006                             tory mechanisms, the physiologic role of IDO in solid organ

60                                                                                                                Kidney International (2007) 71, 60–67
G Brandacher et al.: Tryptophan catabolism after kidney transplantation                                                         original article

transplantation remains unclear. Available experimental data              and nine patients received induction therapy. Six patients
indicate that IDO is involved in the mechanism of                         experienced infection episodes during the observation
spontaneous donor-specific tolerance of liver grafts.13 In                period, four had a herpes simplex infection, one patient
addition, genetic manipulation by adenovirus-mediated                     experienced urinary tract infection, and one suffered from
introduction of the IDO gene into pancreatic islet cells is               sepsis. However, no complications related to cytomegalovirus
associated with prolonged graft survival.14 Based on these                infection or disease were observed in this study population.
findings, the concept that cells expressing IDO can inhibit
T-cell responses and hence induce tolerance has emerged as a              Serum tryptophan, kynurenine, and neopterin levels
new paradigm in immunology.                                               following renal transplantation
   The rate of tryptophan degradation expressed by the ratio              As early as by day one post-transplantation serum kyn/trp,
of product (kynurenine, kyn) and substrate (tryptophan, trp)              kynurenine, and neopterin concentrations were significantly
kyn/trp was seen to be a good estimate of biological IDO-                 elevated in patients who subsequently had an acute rejection
enzyme activity.15,16 Close correlations exist between markers            episode (Group II) as compared with those of Group I, who
of immune activation like neopterin and kyn/trp.16,17                     had an uncomplicated course after surgery (Figure 1a–d).
Neopterin, a pteridine derivative secreted by monocyte-                   Furthermore, these differences in kyn/trp, kynurenine, and
derived macrophages upon stimulation with IFN-g, is a                     neopterin concentrations remained significant throughout
sensitive marker of cellular Th1-type immune responses and                the entire observation period. Pretransplant levels of
has been shown to predict allograft rejection.18,19
   In this study, serum and urine concentrations of
tryptophan, kynurenine, and kyn/trp were analyzed in renal
allograft recipients with stable graft function and during                Table 1 | Demographic data and clinical characteristics
rejection episodes to determine the usefulness of peripheral              of patients
IDO-mediated tryptophan catabolism for non-invasive im-                                                                 Total        Group I      Group II
munomonitoring. Moreover, IDO expression patterns in
                                                                          Number of patients (M/F)                   43 (30/13)     34 (24/10)      9 (6/3)
renal tissue were also examined by immunohistochemistry.
                                                                          Age in years (mean7s.d.)                   52.8713.8 50.8713.9 47.979.7
Patients and clinical follow-up                                           Cause of end-stage renal disease
                                                                            Glomerulonephritis                            12             7             5
The clinical characteristics of the patients are summarized in              Diabetes                                       9             7             2
Table 1. According to their postoperative course, patients                  Shrunken kidney                                4             3             1
were divided into two groups: Group I: patients with an                     Polycystic nephropathy                         4             2             2
                                                                            Alport syndrome                                2             2             0
immunologically uneventful postoperative course, Group II:
                                                                            Repeated transplantation                       6             4             2
patients who experienced at least one acute rejection episode               or graft failure
in the first 3 weeks. No statistically significant differences              Other                                         6              6             0
were observed between those groups for age, gender, duration
                                                                          Drug regimen
of cold ischemia, number of human lymphocyte antigen                        C                                           16/43         14/34          2/9
mismatches, pretransplant creatinine levels, and cytomegalo-                T                                           27/43         20/34          7/9
virus match. Forty-two of the patients had received a kidney                P                                           43/43         34/34          9/9
from cadaveric donors; one patient had received a graft from                A                                           7/43           7/34          0/9
                                                                            MMF                                         33/43         24/34          9/9
a living related donor. In Group II, we observed 12 acute                   R                                           3/43           3/34          0/9
rejection episodes in nine patients. Acute rejection occurred               B                                           15/43         14/34          1/9
at a mean of 1375.9 days after transplantation. Rejection was               I                                           13/43          9/34          4/9
diagnosed by renal biopsy or on clinical judgement based on
                                                                          Deceased donor                                 42            33            9
the presence of the following criteria: a 0.3 mg/100 ml rise in           Mean duration of cold ischemia (h)           1474.6        1474.8        1473.9
serum creatinine, oliguria, or an increased resistance index              X1 prior transplantations                       6             4            2
and graft swelling at ultrasound examination. In 10 of 12                 43 HLA mismatches                              18            14            4
cases, the diagnosis of acute rejection was confirmed by
                                                                          CMV mismatch                                    18            16             2
histology. Three biopsies were graded type I and seven type II
according to the Banff classification.                                    Number of acute rejection episodes             12             NA           12
   As shown in Table 1, all patients in Group II received                 Time to first episode of rejection           1375.9           NA         1375.9
                                                                            (mean days post TX7s.d.)
immunosuppressive therapy based on calcineurin inhibitors
                                                                          Biopsy proven                                   10            NA            10
and prednisone in combination with mycofenolate mofetil.
                                                                          A, azathioprine; B, basiliximab; C, cyclosporin A; CMV, cytomegalovirus; F, female;
One patient in this group was treated with basiliximab and                HLA, human leucocyte antigen; I, induction therapy (ATG or campath-1H); M, male;
four patients received induction therapy, either with ATG                 MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; NA, not applicable; P, prednisone; R, rapamycin;
                                                                          T, tacrolimus.
or Campath-1H. In Group I, 14 patients were treated with                  Group I: Patients with an uncomplicated postoperative course; Group II: Patients
basiliximab, seven with azathioprine, three with rapamycin,               with at least one acute rejection episode.

Kidney International (2007) 71, 60–67                                                                                                                      61
original article                                                         G Brandacher et al.: Tryptophan catabolism after kidney transplantation

    a                    150                                             b                      150
                                                                                                      P           0.004          0.007         0.021

                         120                                                                    120
  Kyn/trp ( mol/mmol)

                                                                         Neopterin (nmol/l)
                         90                                                                     90

                         60                                                                     60

                         30                                                                     30
                               P   0.018
G Brandacher et al.: Tryptophan catabolism after kidney transplantation                                                                             original article

        Kyn/trp ( mol/m mol)    200                                                                                      10.0
                                                                                                                                 P       < 0.001   < 0.001

                                                                                                     Creatinine (mg/dl)
                                                          P = 0.02
                                 150                                                                                       7.5

                                 100                                                                                       5.0

                                  50                                                                                       2.5

                                   0                                                                                       0.0
                                                                                                                                 0   1      8       15       21
         Neopterin (n mol/l)

                                                                                                Figure 3 | Time course of changes in serum creatinine
                                                          P < 0.01
                                 600                                                            concentrations in patients with an uncomplicated postoperative
                                                                                                course (Group I, -B-) and patients with acute rejection (Group II,
                                 400                                                            -&-). Data are expressed as mean7s.d.

                                  0                                                             areas with a predominantly nuclear staining pattern (Figure
                                          Uncomplicated                Rejection
                                                                                                4a). By contrast, biopsies from patients with rejection showed
Figure 2 | Urine levels of kyn/trp and neopterin/creatinine at the                              a substantial number of IDO-positive cells in the mono-
time of an acute rejection episode (black bars) as compared to                                  nuclear infiltrates. These IDO-positive cells were morpho-
levels during an uncomplicated postoperative course (grey bars).                                logically classified as antigen-presenting cells such as
Data are expressed as mean7s.d.
                                                                                                macrophages and dendritic cells. However, strongest IDO
                                                                                                expression was seen in the tubular epithelium with a
Table 2 | Serum concentrations of tryptophan, kynurenine,                                       very high staining intensity (Figure 4b). In these cells,
kyn/trp, and neopterin                                                                          staining was predominantly cytoplasmatic (insert Figure 4b).
                                       Tryptophan   Kynurenine   Kyn/trp           Neopterin    Interstitial tissue and the vasculature stained negative in
Group                                    (lmol/l)    (lmol/l)  (lmol/mmol)          (nmol/l)    all samples.
Uncomplicated 41.6711.6a                            2.0371.04a        55.1739.6a   46.1743.1a
Rejection     30. 778.29b                           3.3271.12c       114.1744.5c   90.9759.1d   IDO expression and enzyme activity in renal epithelial cells
Controls       57.277.54                            1.3770.44         24.976.24    4.5870.99    Next, immunostaining for IDO was performed on renal
kyn/trp, kynurenine to tryptophan ratio.                                                        epithelial cells (A498) following in vitro stimulation with
Data are expressed as mean7s.d. of the individual serum concentrations of
tryptophan, kynurenine, kyn/trp, and neopterin in patients with an uncomplicated
                                                                                                IFN-g to confirm the main cellular source of IDO during
postoperative course (n=34), pooled patients with acute rejection (n=9), and control            acute rejection. All cytokine-stimulated cells showed strong
individuals (n=30).                                                                             positive cytoplasmic staining for IDO (Figure 4d), whereas
  Po0.001 compared to controls.
  P=0.002.                                                                                      cells without IFN-g-stimulation were negative for IDO
 Po0.001.                                                                                       (Figure 4c). These data suggest that during acute rejection,
  P=0.005 compared to uncomplicated group (Kruskal–Wallis test).
                                                                                                tubular cells can be induced to express and activate IDO.

transplantation was similar in both groups (19407460 ml vs                                      DISCUSSION
18707670 ml and 32807560 ml vs 30507880 ml, respec-                                             This study demonstrates that systemic changes in tryptophan
tively). Also, the mean creatinine clearance (Cockcroft and                                     catabolism are associated with local expression and activation
Gault) in the subjects with/without acute rejection episodes                                    of IDO in the kidney graft of patients during acute rejection
did not differ significantly (66.4713.4 ml/min as compared                                      episodes. In addition, the rate of IDO-mediated tryptophan
with 52.1720.5 ml/min, P ¼ 0.06).                                                               degradation as expressed by kyn/trp correlates with neopterin
                                                                                                levels. Quantitative changes in kyn/trp and neopterin in
Immunohistochemistry                                                                            serum and urine thus permit accurate and non-invasive
In order to localize intragraft expression of IDO, all kidney                                   diagnosis of acute renal allograft rejection.
biopsies (n ¼ 10) were stained for IDO by immunohisto-                                             High serum levels of kyn/trp have been reported in
chemistry. As control, 10 early post-transplant biopsies from                                   patients with chronic infection (HIV),21 malignant disease,22
patients with poor graft function owing to acute tubular                                        coronary heart disease,23 and neuropsychiatric disorders.24
necrosis but showing no histopathologic evidence of acute                                       Furthermore, associations between accelerated tryptophan
rejection were selected. Subsequently, all samples were judged                                  catabolism and concentrations of immune stimulation
by an independent pathologist who quantitated IDO                                               markers like neopterin, soluble cytokine receptors, or IFN-g
expression as the product of the proportion of positive cells                                   have been described previously.25,26 Although a correlation
and the staining intensity (see Material and Methods).                                          does not necessarily confirm a causal relationship, our data
Representative images are shown in Figure 4. In biopsies                                        are in line with the assumption that enhanced degradation of
from the group of patients without rejection, immunostain-                                      tryptophan and thus lowered tryptophan concentrations are
ing for IDO showed only relatively few distinctly positive                                      associated with immune activation pathways. We could

Kidney International (2007) 71, 60–67                                                                                                                             63
original article                                                  G Brandacher et al.: Tryptophan catabolism after kidney transplantation

demonstrate that as early as by day one post-transplantation       a                                    b
serum kyn/trp, kynurenine, and neopterin were significantly
elevated in patients who subsequently had an acute rejection
episode as compared with those who had an uncomplicated
course after surgery. In addition, kyn/trp and neopterin were
also significantly increased in urine during renal rejection
and, as shown by immunostaining, IDO was strongly
expressed in the graft during rejection. Accurate diagnosis
of acute rejection still relies on the invasive procedure of
                                                                   c                                    d
needle biopsy, which can entail various complications and
sampling errors.27,28 Since during acute rejection, lympho-
cytes and macrophages are rapidly activated and release large
amounts of cytokines and other inflammatory mediators
upon activation, an alternative approach to graft biopsy
could be to measure such molecules or their soluble receptors
in biological fluids.29,30 However, despite a multitude of
studies on virtually all cytokines, there are still almost no
                                                                  Figure 4 | Immunostaining for IDO. (a) Non-rejected grafts show
convincing data so far on which of the many potential factors     almost no IDO expression. Immunostaining revealed relatively few
to focus on.31–34                                                 distinctly positive areas with a predominantly nuclear staining
   Data of our study suggest that changes of kyn/trp develop      pattern (score 1.6770.56; see Materials and Methods). (b) In biopsies
earlier than renal impairment. In the whole dataset, kyn/trp      from patients with rejection, IDO-positive cells were found in the
                                                                  mononuclear infiltrates mainly classified as antigen-presenting cells.
correlated significantly with creatinine and neopterin con-       Strongest IDO expression was seen in tubular epithelial cells with a
centrations. However, kyn/trp already was significantly           very high staining intensity (score 8.6371.94). In these cells, staining
different between patients with/without rejections from           was predominantly cytoplasmatic (inset in (b)). (c) Unstimulated renal
post-transplant day one on, whereas the difference of             epithelial cells did not stain for IDO. (d) Following in vitro stimulation
                                                                  with IFN-g, these cells showed strong positive cytoplasmic IDO
creatinine levels became significant only around the exact        expression. (Original magnifications  250 and  400).
day of rejection. No difference in creatinine values was
observed between the two groups of patients from the
beginning. The similar chemical nature of amino acids
tryptophan and kynurenine suggests that renal impairment          IFN-g release in that patient population. However, as far as
may influence the two compounds in a similar way. Thus,           the systemic changes in tryptophan and kynurenine owing to
one may expect that the direct influence of renal function on     IDO activation are concerned, the cellular source of excessive
kyn/trp would be minor.                                           IDO production in the graft during renal transplant rejection
   In previous studies neopterin measurement in serum and         has not yet been precisely defined. Beside monocytes and
urine has been shown to be of clinical value in predicting        macrophages, dendritic cells are likely candidates. Indeed,
immunological complications such as acute rejection in            Munn et al. showed that IDO is expressed in a certain
patients following kidney transplantation.35,36 The current       population of splenic dendritic cells which acquire potent
study shows that the reliability and the advantages of such a     T-cell regulatory functions as a consequence.38 Upregulation
non-invasive approach could be further increased by               of IDO has also been reported in monocytes and peripheral
simultaneously measuring neopterin and kyn/trp. These             blood mononuclear cells upon mitogen activation or with
initial observations allow us to hypothesize that changes in      IFN-g.39 However, despite a limited number of dendritic cells
tryptophan metabolism hold the potential for developing a         and macrophages, our data show intense immunostaining for
novel prognostic test for acute rejection of renal allografts.    IDO mainly in proximal and distal tubuli in patients with
Analyzing IDO activity immediately after transplantation          acute rejection episodes, whereas tubular epithelial injury in
could help define the subgroup of patients more likely to         the absence of rejection was not associated with increased
experience acute rejection with additional implications for       IDO expression. The cytoplasmatic and paranuclear pattern
immediate implementation of graft-saving therapy. However,        of IDO immunostaining further suggests that during acute
in this regard, further prospective studies with larger patient   rejection, tubular epithelial cells can be induced to generate
numbers, long-term follow-up, and day-to-day analysis of          IDO. In addition, our in vitro experiments stimulating renal
tryptophan metabolism in conditions that may mimic acute          epithelial cells with IFN-g also revealed a massive induction
rejection such as ATN, calcineurin toxicity, and infection will   of IDO in these cells, giving further support to the hypothesis
be necessary to validate our findings.                            that renal tubuli express functional IDO upon IFN-g
   Holmes et al.37 in a previous report suggested that the        stimulation during acute rejection in vivo. Whether increased
serum abnormalities in oxidative tryptophan metabolism            tubular IDO expression downregulates interstitial T-cell
observed in renal allograft recipients during acute rejection,    activation via tryptophan deprivation and by proapoptotic
infection, and OKT3 therapy reflect a biological response to      activity of tryptophan metabolites, is open to speculation.

64                                                                                                          Kidney International (2007) 71, 60–67
G Brandacher et al.: Tryptophan catabolism after kidney transplantation                                                 original article

   Furthermore, the question whether IDO enzyme activa-                   experienced at least one acute rejection episode within the first
tion exerts detrimental or beneficial effects during renal                3 weeks; Thirty healthy non-transplanted volunteers served as
allograft rejection remains to be elucidated. Various experi-             controls.
mental studies indicate that the IDO system might be able to                  The study was performed in accordance with the ethical
                                                                          standards laid down in the Declaration of Helsinki Principles and
some extent to protect an allograft from immunological
                                                                          according to the institutional guidelines at the Department of
injury. Using a mouse heart transplantation model, we
                                                                          General and Transplant Surgery of Innsbruck Medical University.
showed that cardiac allografts are able to express and activate           Informed consent was obtained from all patients and volunteers
IDO. Pharmacological inhibition of IDO activity with 1-                   participating in this study.
methyl tryptophan (1-MT) in recipient animals, however,                       Serum and urine samples from these patients were collected
resulted in massive and accelerated rejection and graft                   before, and on days 1, 8, 15, and 21 post-transplantation as well as at
survival in the 1-MT-treated animals was significantly                    the time of acute rejection. Patients’ basic demographic data and
reduced (Brandacher et al. unpublished observation). IDO                  clinical characteristics are summarized in Table 1.
inhibition also led to accelerated rejection of murine major
histocompatibility complex class I disparate skin grafts, and             Blood sampling
1-MT treatment abrogated tolerance induction of otherwise                 Blood samples were collected after an overnight fast and
spontaneously accepted murine liver grafts.13,40 Recently,                immediately centrifuged at 4500 g. Serum and urine were stored at
Grohmann et al.41 reported that tolerance induction via                   201C until further analysis.
costimulatory blockade was IDO-dependent, as administra-
tion of 1-MT also abrogated the tolerogenic properties of                 Tryptophan and kynurenine measurement
CTLA4-immunoglobulin in an islet cell transplant model.                   Tryptophan and kynurenine concentrations in serum and urine were
                                                                          determined by reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography
Such interactions are of particular interest, since costimula-
                                                                          as described earlier.20 Briefly, specimens were deproteinized with
tory blockers such as CTLA4-Ig and LEA29Y (belatacept)
                                                                          trichloroacetic acid and were separated on reversed phase C18
represent a new class of primary immunosuppressants that                  material using 0.015 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH ¼ 6.4).
have shown promising results in human kidney transplanta-                 Tryptophan was monitored by means of its native fluorescence at
tion.42 By contrast, overexpression of IDO results in                     285 nm excitation and 360 nm emission wavelengths; kynurenine
immunosuppression and tolerance. Adenoviral-mediated                      was detected by UV-absorption at 365 nm wavelength in the same
IDO gene transfer into pancreatic islet cells prolonged their             chromatographic run. Finally, kyn/trp was calculated as an indirect
survival in allogeneic hosts, and transfection with IDO                   estimate of IDO activity by dividing kynurenine concentrations
protected allogeneic lung transplants from rejection.14,43                (mmol/l) by tryptophan concentrations (mmol/l). Tryptophan and
These data strongly indicate that IDO activity might have                 kynurenine concentrations were compared to levels determined
implications for transplantation biology that reach far                   earlier in 30 healthy blood donors (15 females and 15 males, aged
                                                                          20–63 (42.1710.4) years).
beyond their utilization as a possible diagnostic tool for
acute allograft rejection.
   In conclusion, the present study shows that in renal                   Neopterin measurement
                                                                          Serum and urine neopterin concentrations were analyzed using an
allograft recipients IDO-mediated tryptophan degradation is
                                                                          enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, (BRAHMS Diagnostica
increased before and during allograft rejection and that
                                                                          GmbH, Berlin, Germany). The sensitivity was 2 nmol/l neopterin
measurement of kyn/trp in serum and urine might permit                    and the interassay variation coefficient ranged from 4.7 to 8.5%.
non-invasive monitoring of renal allograft rejection. Activa-             Normal serum value provided by the supplier was: mean 5.4 nmol/l
tion of IDO takes place at highest rates during acute rejection           (72.3) with an upper normal limit of 10 nmol/l.
episodes, but IDO activity, despite otherwise profound
tolerogenic functions, is obviously insufficient to prevent or            Immunohistochemistry
counterbalance this alloresponse. Future studies in animal                Immunostaining was performed on paraffin-embedded sections
models are needed to determine the pathophysiologic role of               (4–6 mm) fixed in 10% formalin in phosphate-buffered saline: after
IDO in solid organ transplantation before it can serve as a               deparaffinization and rehydration, the sections were treated with
target for therapeutic interventions during acute renal                   0.3%. hydrogen peroxide (and incubated with 10% BSA) to block
rejection or potentially for tolerance induction.                         nonspecific staining. Incubation with proteinase for 15 min at 371C
                                                                          was used for antigen-retrieval on the IDO tissue sections. The
MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                     primary antibodies were rabbit anti-IDO polyclonal antibodies
Patients                                                                  (AB5968, Chemicon, Hampshire, UK) and were used at a dilution of
A total of 43 renal transplant recipients (13 female, 30 male; mean       1:300. The sections were incubated with the antibody at 41C
age 7s.d., 52.8713.8 years) were followed prospectively during the        overnight. After washing in Tris-buffered saline, they were incubated
first three postoperative weeks. Immunosuppression consisted of           with biotinylated swine anti-rabbit IgG (Dako, Copenhagen,
calcineurin inhibitor-based triple drug therapy with corticosteroids      Denmark) at a dilution of 1:500, and detected with an ABC-
and mycofenolate mofetil in the majority of cases. Patients were          peroxidase-Kit (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA) and
divided into two groups according to their postoperative course.          diaminobenzidine as a substrate.
Group I (n ¼ 34) consisted of patients with an immunologically               For quantification, the product of proportion of positive cells in
uneventful postoperative course. Patients in Group II (n ¼ 9)             quartiles (0, 1, 2, 3, 4), and the staining intensity (0 no staining;

Kidney International (2007) 71, 60–67                                                                                                         65
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