Northern Europe's largest trade fair for the hotel, restaurant and catering industry

Page created by Randall Douglas
Northern Europe's largest trade fair for the hotel, restaurant and catering industry
Northern Europe’s largest trade fair for the hotel, restaurant and catering industry

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Northern Europe's largest trade fair for the hotel, restaurant and catering industry
The fair you don’t want to miss
Welcome as an exhibitor at GastroNord 6-9 May 2014, the Nordic region’s largest trade fair
for the hotel, restaurant and catering industry! GastroNord attracts interested and involved
visitors from the entire food and beverage industry who come to get inspiration and new
knowledge, consult the experts and find specific products. GastroNord is being held in parallel
with the Vinordic beverage trade fair and the Bocuse d’Or European Chef Championship 2014.

 “Sweden is now a culinary nation to be reckoned
 with and is well on its way to becoming a
 gastronomic superpower.”
 Daniel Fritzdorf, GastroNord Event Manager

GastroNord was launched in 1985 and has developed into Northern Europe’s most
important trade fair for the hotel, restaurant and catering industry. The interest in food has
grown exponentially in the Nordic market in recent years and the fair is a meeting place that
provides unique business opportunities centered on gastronomy. The media’s interest in
“Sweden, the culinary nation” is greater than ever and once again we’re planning to organize
an international press program in connection with GastroNord and Vinordic 2014.

You can use Stockholmsmässan’s Matchmeeting function to book meetings with existing and
potential customers during the fair. GastroNord has the meeting rooms – all you need to do
is book the meeting.

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Northern Europe's largest trade fair for the hotel, restaurant and catering industry
Why you should exhibit at
 Meet industry decision-makers
  (20,072 visitors in 2012)
 The leading trade fair in Northern Europe
 Unique business opportunities
 Enhance your brand in front of an interested
 Show this year’s innovations to the right visitor
 Powerful marketing
 Contacts for the future
 Invite your customers

The entire industry gets
GastroNord attracts exhibitors within areas inclu-
ding Food & Beverages, Administrative Aids, Applian-
ces & Equipment, Food Vending Machines, Bakery &
Patisserie, Tableware & Serving, Packaging & Packa-
ging Machines, Interiors & Environment, Services &
Information and Safety Equipment.

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Right visitors – satisfied visitors
Visitors from all sectors
Hotel/Restaurant/Catering         29%
Institutional catering            29%
Wholesalers                        7%
Bakery, patisserie                 5%
Restaurant schools                 5%
Grocery trade/Convenience trade    4%
Pub/Bar                            4%
Fast Food                          2%
Other                             15%

Visitors with great influence on company
purchasing decisions
Complete influence             15%                     GastroNord press interaction indicators
Major influence                23%                     Q1+Q2, 2012
Significant influence          24%                     Number of articles/features            231
                                                       Press                                  161
Visitors willing to return next time                   Web                                     67
Yes, absolutely                53%                     Radio/TV                                 3
Yes, probably                  30%                     Scope (potential readers in millions) 16,2
Maybe                          12%                     Advertising value            SEK 9 151 283

NU Group’s summary »

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Northern Europe's largest trade fair for the hotel, restaurant and catering industry
What’s on at GastroNord 2014?
Bocuse d´Or Europe                    Vinordic                                 Gastronomic Week
at Stockholmsmässan                   Vinordic is Northern Europe’s            Gastronomic Week is also held to
Bocuse d´Or is the world’s most       largest beverage fair for wine, beer,    coincide with GastroNord – it’s a
prestigious gastronomy competi-       spirits and cider. Vinordic is a trade   platform for gastronomic colla-
tion that was started in 1987 by      fair for the food and beverage           boration and exciting meetings all
award-winning chef Paul Bocuse.       industry that is held on alternate       over Stockholm. With the help of
The competition is frequently         years and attracted almost 9,000         seminars, workshops, conversa-
called the world championship for     professional visitors last time. 96%     tions, political discussions, competi-
chefs, and Stockholmsmässan and       of these told us they intend to re-      tions, panel debates, business deals,
Mässrestauranger are sponsors.        turn in 2014. Vinordic is organized      product launches and much more,
                                      by Stockholmsmässan to coincide          we take the fair out into the city
The Bocuse d´Or European Chef         with GastroNord.                         together and find exciting new pla-
Championship 2014 will be held                                                 ces and ways to meet. Gastrono-
in parallel with GastroNord and       Vinordic Wine Challenge                  mic Week is an industry week that
Vinordic in its own hall at Stock-    The Vinordic Wine Challenge –            aims to leave a lasting impression!
holmsmässan.                          Sweden’s only EU-certified wine
                                      competition – is an important
A large number of international vi-   feature at the fair. The goal is to
sitors and journalists are expected   select Sweden’s best value wines
to attend the fair in 2014.           and the winners are entitled to
                                      use the award in their marketing
                                      for exposure, labeling and adverti-
                                      sing purposes.

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Northern Europe's largest trade fair for the hotel, restaurant and catering industry
Fair floor plan 2014

                     Compe-                Machines,Vending Machines   Clothes                                        Vinordic
                     tition                and Catering Equipment

                              Interiors &
                              Environ-                                           Food, Beverages & Packaging


                                                                                                                   EAST ENTRANCE


Good-value stands                                     Admission tickets                            As an exhibitor at
First 100 sqm                                         A large and important section of             GastroNord you´ll
1,595 SEK/sqm (excl. VAT)                             our visitors are those invited by            always get:
and then 1,465 SEK/sqm                                you, the exhibitor. Ordering admis-
(excl. VAT)                                           sion tickets in advance and inviting          Discounted entrance tickets
                                                      your customers is an easy way to               Worth 240 SEK including
ExpoStart:                                            reach the people you want to visit             VAT/ticket. You pay just 96 SEK
4,900 SEK excluding VAT                               your stand. You also make it easier            excluding VAT/each for
ExpoStart includes exhibitor                          for your customers to plan their               tickets that are used. The
insurance, electrical power socket,                   fair visit.                                    maximum charge afterwards
empties handling, goods handling                                                                     will be 10,000 SEK excluding
and stand cleaning in preparation                     We plan to provide both digital                VAT
for the first day of the fair.                        and paper tickets. You select what
                                                      suits you and your company best.              Access to the Matchmeeting
Check out our special offers »                                                                       function - you can pre-book
                                                      Enter and order »                              meetings in free-of-charge
Registration form »
                                                                                                     meeting rooms

                                                                                                    A 50 % discount if you want to
                                                                                                     book a conference room

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Northern Europe's largest trade fair for the hotel, restaurant and catering industry
To find out more about GastroNord and Vinordic, please contact:

Sales                                                   Administration
Anders Eklund                                           Camilla Ericson
+ 46 8 749 44 39                                        +46 8 749 92 47             

Partners and sponsors                                   Ulrika Köhler
Daniel Fritzdorf                                        +46 8 749 92 42
+46 8 749 41 96                               

Activities and competitions
Erik Westerlund
+46 8 749 44 23


  BFS                                  Gastronomi Sverige                Leading Nordic and European
  Visita                               Restaurangakademien               trade publications
  Swedish Chefs Association            Chef of the Year Association | | |
Northern Europe's largest trade fair for the hotel, restaurant and catering industry
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