North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation - BEGINS April 13 Registration Register Early, Register Often - North Ridgeville ...

Page created by Dan Garrett
North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation - BEGINS April 13 Registration Register Early, Register Often - North Ridgeville ...

     North Ridgeville
    Parks & Recreation

                                      April 13

  Register Early, Register Often

                                   Table Of Contents
General Information   Page 2       Youth Sports      Page 4-5   Adult Education     Page 6-7
Tot Programs          Page 3       Adult Sports      Page 5     Special Events      Page 7-8

Youth Programs        Page 4       Fitness           Page 5-6   Reservation Info    Page 8
North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation - BEGINS April 13 Registration Register Early, Register Often - North Ridgeville ...
Message from the Mayor…
                            Dear Community Members,
                            I’m writing this as snowflakes are in the air and I’m thinking of the warmer weather and sunshine still to come this spring and summer. Once that
                            nicer weather gets here, why not spend time in one of our many parks throughout the city? There’s something for everyone- fitness trails and
                            equipment, fishing, splash pad, playgrounds, tennis, pickleball, basketball, gagaball, horseshoes, baseball, softball, football, soccer and picnics with
                            family and friends.
                            We’re adding a trail and restroom to Shady Drive this year. The trail is a 6 foot wide and ¾ of a mile long. The restroom will be added to the batting
                            cage. Both enhancements will add to Shady Drive and give residents additional reasons to visit this park.
                            Over at South Central Park we have StoryWalk which is a great way to introduce the outdoors, fitness and reading to our younger generation and is
                            a great family activity. StoryWalk is a partnership with the North Ridgeville Library and has a book that you read at different stops along the trail.
  On June 25th, we’ll have a new addition to StoryWalk as Storytellers will re-enact favorite fairy tales, folklore, nursery rhymes and tall tales along the trail as well as a variety
  of games and activities inspired by storybook characters. See the Special Events section of the newsletter for more details.
  Back by popular demand are the Movies in the Park and Summer Concert Series! Bring the entire family out to South Central Park for FREE entertainment. See the Special
  Events section of the program guide for more details on this year’s lineup.

  Our Parks & Recreation Department staff work extremely hard to offer programming and activities of all ages. If you have a suggestion, please call their office at (440) 353-
  Please join me for our informal Coffee and Conversation in Council Chambers at City Hall from 8-9 am on the following dates- Wednesday, April 22; Thursday, May 21;
  Friday, June 19, Wednesday, July 22; and Tuesday, August 18. I hope to see you there or at our parks!
  Mayor Kevin Corcoran

 Parks & Recreation Staff                                      Refund Policy                                                  How To Register
                                                               View the NRPRD Refund Policy at
 Kevin M. Fougerousse                                 Click on policy tab to view       Online
 Parks & Recreation Director
                                                               the department’s policy.                                       Visit Login or create your
 Phone: (440) 353-0825
 Email:                                                                                          account to register. Forgot your user name or
                                                               Photo Policy                                                   password? Contact Parks & Recreation at (440) 353-
 Melissa Shirley                                               The North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department             0860 to have the information emailed to you.
 Tot & Youth Program Supervisor                                reserves the right to take photos of participants
 Phone: (440) 353-1503                                         enrolled in programs or those attending a Parks &              By Mail
 Email:                               Recreation event. These photos are to be used strictly
                                                                                                                              Mail in a completed registration form with payment to:
                                                               by the Parks & Recreation Department for the purpose
 Brandon Sweet                                                 of advertising in future brochures, catalogs, pamphlets,       North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department
 Program Supervisor                                            fliers and on the department website. Organizations,           7327 Avon Belden Road
 Phone: (440) 353-0880                                         including media relations, must have permission from           North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039
 Email:                                 the Parks & Recreation Director or Program Supervisor
                                                               prior to taking photographs.                                   In-Person
 Office Information                                            Program Cancellation                                           Drop off completed registration form with payment at
                                                                                                                              the Parks & Recreation Department Monday-Friday
 North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation                           The North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department
                                                                                                                              between 8:00AM-4:30PM.
 7327 Avon Belden Road                                         reserves the right to cancel any activity, program or
 North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039                                  event based on insufficient registrations, supervision or      Drop Box
                                                               facilities. All activities, programs or events will either
 Phone:        (440) 353-0860                                  be rescheduled or fees refunded.                               Can’t make it during the hours of operation? Place your
                                                               All classes require a minimum number of participants           registration form and check payment (NO CASH) in an
 Fax:          (440) 353-0845                                  in order to be conducted. If the class minimum is not          envelope and place in our secure drop box on our
                                                               met by the deadline date, the activity is canceled.            office door, 24 / 7. Make checks payable to NR
 Weather                                                                                                                      PARKS & REC.
                                                               Please register at least 5 days prior to the beginning
 Hotline: (440) 210-6226
                                                               of the activity.
 Website:                          Rainout Line
 Office        8:00AM-4:30PM Monday-Friday                     Download the free app and sign-up to receive text
 Hours:        Closed Saturdays & Sundays                      alerts regarding field status and program cancellations
                                                               through Rainout Line.
                                                               Don’t want to sign up for text alerts but still want to be
                                                               in the know? Call (440) 210-6226 for field status &
                                                               program cancellations.

2 North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department                                                                        (440) 353-0860
North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation - BEGINS April 13 Registration Register Early, Register Often - North Ridgeville ...
Junior Pony Camp with Pony Tale Farms                          Magical Munchkins Tap/Ballet
                                                                                                                           With Cleveland Dance To Evolve
                                                            You will play games, sing with a cowboy, groom and play
 Tumble Bugs                                                                                                               This gentle introductory combination kid's dance class of
                                                            with the ponies and then ride them. Participants must
 Do you like to turn upside down? To climb & jump?                                                                         tap, ballet, tumbling and games is fun, energetic, and
                                                            wear long pants, flat shoes and a helmet. There is a 125
 Tumbling, gymnastic & acrobatic basics are explored                                                                       expressive that will have your Magical Munchkin learning
                                                            lb. weight limit. For more info call Lorraine Schaffner at
 together with music, mats & movement. Increase                                                                            all the basics for their first dance class. Classes start
                                                            (440) 891-9992.
 balance, mobility & socialization skills using                                                                            with tap and then transition into ballet each week.
 imagination & increasing listening skills.                 Ages: 2-6 year olds                                            Parents (or caregivers) presence required as parents
                                                            Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum                            participate as needed. Each session is 7 weeks.
 Instructor: Claire Kingsley                                Fee: $40 Resident / $45 Non-Resident
 Ages: 2-3 year olds                                        Location: Pony Tale Farms 13360 Cowley Columbia St             Instructor: Dance To Evolve
 Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum                                                                                       Ages: 2-3 year olds
 Fee: $45 Resident / $55 Non-Resident                       Session    Day         Date             Time                   Class Size: 04 minimum / 15 maximum
 Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd         Ses I      THUR        05.07 & 05.14    4:00-4:45PM            Fee: $98 Resident / $108 Non-Resident
                                                            Ses II     THUR        06.18 & 06.25    4:00-4:45PM            $10 discount for siblings
 Session Day       Date    Time                             Ses III    WED         07.22 & 07.29    11:30AM-12:15PM        Location: NR Senior Center 7327 Avon Belden Rd
 Ses I     MON 04.20-06.01 5:30-6:15PM                      Ses IV     WED         08.19 & 08.26    4:00-4:45PM
 No class 05.25.20                                                                                                         Day        Date              Time
 Ses II    MON 07.13-08.17 5:30-6:15PM                      KinderMusik                                                    TUES       04.28-06.09       3:40-4:25PM
                                                            By: Royalton Music Center
Rumble, Tumble & Roll                                       Kindermusik is a music and movement class for children         Tiny Movers Tap/Ballet
Introduces boys and girls to tumbling and apparatus                                                                        With Cleveland Dance To Evolve
                                                            and caregivers. We explore instruments, rhythm,
skills. The class is designed to develop flexibility,       movement and dance while enforcing cognitive and social        A combination dance class of tap and ballet with
strength, balance, coordination and self-confidence.        development. Come ready to sing and dance with your            tumbling and dance games for kids, this energetic and
                                                            little ones. This is a shoeless class, please bring socks.     expressive class will have your Tiny Mover learning
Instructor: Claire Kingsley
                                                            For more information check out            basic dance and motor skills, musicality and rhythm to
Ages: 4-6 year olds
                                                                                                                           reach class goals in fun, creative ways. Classes start
Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum                         Instructor: Izzey Pirl                                         with tap and then transition into ballet each week. This
Fee: $45 Resident / $55 Non-Resident                        Ages: Infant-6 year olds                                       is the first ‘big girls’ and boys’ class as parents watch
Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd          Class Size: 06 minimum / 12 maximum                            from outside of the room. Class is designed to be
Session Day       Date     Time                             Fee: $99 Resident / $109 Non-Resident                          progressive, continuing session to session.
Ses I     MON 04.20-06.01 5:30-6:15PM                       Location: Community Cabin 35717 Bainbridge Rd                  Each session is 7 weeks.
No class 05.25.20                                           Session    Day     Date                Time                    Instructor: Dance To Evolve
Ses II    MON 07.13-08.17 5:30-6:15PM                       Ses I      FRI     05.22-06.26         5:15-6:00PM             Ages: 3-4 year olds
                                                            Ses I      FRI     05.22-06.26         6:15-7:00PM             Class Size: 04 minimum / 15 maximum
Tot Karate                                                  Ses II     FRI     07.10-08.14         5:15-6:00PM             Fee: $98 Resident / $108 Non-Resident
Children will have the opportunity to develop               Ses II     FRI     07.10-08.14         6:15-7:00PM             $10 discount for siblings
coordination and flexibility while having fun! This class
                                                                                                                           Location: NR Senior Center 7327 Avon Belden Rd
will incorporate numbers and letters into learning the      Safetyville
fundamentals of karate.                                     The North Ridgeville Police Department is sponsoring           Day        Date             Time
                                                            its annual Safetyville program. The program provides an        TUES       04.28-06.09      4:30-5:25PM
Instructor: Jeff Bowen
Ages: 3-5 year olds                                         educational setting in which children are exposed to
                                                            various safety topics with regard to traffic, school bus,      Star Shiners Tap/Ballet
Class Size: 04 minimum / 08 maximum
                                                            stranger danger, 911, fire safety, and more. The               With Cleveland Dance To Evolve
Fee: $50 Resident / $60 Non-Resident
                                                            children receive their lessons inside an enclosed              Keep your Star Shiner moving in this ballet & tap class
Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd
                                                            classroom and then practice these lessons outside              for boys and girls. This progressive class introduces
Session Day            Date            Time                                                                                curriculum goals through fun movement allowing your
                                                            within a realistic miniature village (on rainy days no
Ses I     M/W          05.04-06.01     4:30-5:00PM                                                                         dancer to be challenged while expressing themselves.
                                                            village portion). Each session is one week.
No class 05.25.20                                                                                                          Students develop dance, listening, and coordination
Ses II    M/W          06.22-07.15     4:30-5:00PM          For information regarding the Safetyville Program              skills, including an emphasis on ballet terminology,
Ses III   M/W          07.20-08.12     4:30-5:00PM          contact Somer Olivia at (440) 353-0799. For refunds or         technique, AND FUN! Each session is 7 weeks.
                                                            registration assistance please contact Melissa Shirley at
Hummingbirds Soccer                                         (440) 353-1503.                                                Instructor: Dance To Evolve
Presented By Jump Start                                                                                                    Ages: 5-6 year olds
Children ages 3-6 have fun while learning the basics        Instructor: North Ridgeville Police Department                 Class Size: 04 minimum / 15 maximum
of soccer, dribbling, passing, trapping, shooting and       Ages: Boys/Girls entering Kindergarten in fall 2020            Fee: $98 Resident / $108 Non-Resident
positioning. Each session consists of instruction in        Class Size: 04 minimum/ 40 maximum                             $10 discount for siblings
each aspect of the game, participation in fun drills        Fee: $30 Resident / $35 Non-Resident                           Location: NR Senior Center 7327 Avon Belden Rd
that are designed to teach skills in a low-key non-         Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd
competitive game.                                                                                                          Day        Date              Time
                                                            Session    Day        Date          Time                       TUES       04.28-06.09       5:30-6:25PM
Instructor: Jump Start Sports Staff                         Ses I      M-FRI     06.08-06.12    8:30-10:00AM
Ages: 3-4 & 5-6 year olds                                   Ses II     M-FRI     06.08-06.12    10:15AM-11:45AM
Fee: $75 Resident / Non-Resident                            Ses III    M-FRI     06.08-06.12    NOON-1:30PM
Registration taken only at              Ses IV     M-FRI     06.15-06.19    8:30AM-10:00AM
Location: Shady Drive Football Fld. 37077 Shady Dr
                                                            Ses V      M-FRI     06.15-06.19    10:15AM-11:45AM
Day        Date              Time             Age           Ses VI     M-FRI     06.15-06.19    NOON-1:30PM
THUR       06.11-07.16       5:30-6:30PM      3-4
THUR       06.11-07.16       6:30-7:30PM      5-6

3 North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department                                                                   (440) 353-0860
North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation - BEGINS April 13 Registration Register Early, Register Often - North Ridgeville ...
Pony Camp with Pony Tale Farms                                Next Level Big Magic with The Magic Man
                                                                Children will learn introductory riding skills, safety        Take your child’s magic skills to the next level. With
                                                                issues and general pony care. Participants must wear          this advanced magic class children will learn how to
Summer Adventure Camp                                                                                                         become a master magician.
Summer break is just around the corner and you don’t            long pants, flat shoes and helmet. There is a 125lb.
have a babysitter. What are you going to do? North              weight limit. For more info call Lorraine Schaffner at        Instructor: Keith Heidenreich, The Magic Man
Ridgeville Summer Adventure Camp is the perfect place           (440) 891-9992.                                               Ages: 8-13 year olds
for your child. Camp will provide your child with               Instructor: Pony Tale Farms Staff                             Class Size: 04 minimum / 15 maximum
opportunities to make new friends, play games, make art         Ages: 7-12 year olds                                          Fee: $35 Resident / $45 Non-Resident
projects, and enjoy a small snack. Emergency medical            Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum                           Location: Community Cabin 35717 Bainbridge Rd
forms must be completed and turned in prior. Be sure to         Fee: $80 Resident / $90 Non-Resident                          Day     Date        Time
pack a non-perishable lunch and drink, bring a bathing          Location: Pony Tale Farms 13360 Cowley Columbia St            SAT     08.15-09.05 9:00-10:00AM
suit, towel, sunscreen, and tennis shoes each day!
                                                                Session    Day         Date           Time
Ages: Entering 1-6 grade in fall of 2020                        Ses I      THUR        05.07-05.28    5:00-6:00PM             Karate
Class Size: 10 minimum / 30 maximum                             Ses II     THUR        06.04-06.25    5:00-6:00PM             Children learn and develop a new variety of offensive
Fee:                                                            Ses III    WED         07.08-07.29    5:00-6:00PM             techniques such as kicks, blocks, punches, chops
1st Child Weekly:             $135 Res / $145 Non-Res           Ses IV     WED         08.05-08.26    5:00-6:00PM             and elbow strikes. Learn confidence and self-esteem
2nd Child Weekly:             $125 Res / $135 Non-Res                                                                         while learning to become more self-motivated and
3rd Child or More Weekly:     $115 Res / $125 Non-Res           Beginner Pony Camp with Pony Tale Farms                       energized.
Fee is per registrant / per session                             If you have never ridden a pony or haven’t ridden in a        Instructor: Jeff Bowen
                                                                long time then this is the class for you. This is a short     Ages: 6-12 year olds
Field Trips:                                                    intro on riding and will be semi-private. There is a 190
Field Trips will take place every Friday except for Week 4                                                                    Class Size: 04 minimum / 12 maximum
                                                                lb. weight limit. For more information contact Lorraine       Fee: $60 Resident / $70 Non-Resident
(Field Trip will be on Wednesday, July 1) and Week 8            Schaffner at 440.891.9992.
(Field Trip will be on Thursday, July 30).                                                                                    Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd
                                                                Instructor: Pony Tale Farms Staff                             Session    Day      Date             Time
Week     Day          Date           Time                       Ages: 13-18 year olds                                         Ses I      WED      05.06-05.27      5:00-6:00PM
WK 1     M-FRI        06.08-06.12    7:30AM-5:30PM              Class Size: 02 minimum / 03 maximum                           Ses II     WED      06.24-07.15      5:00-6:00PM
WK 2     M-FRI        06.15-06.19    7:30AM-5:30PM              Fee: $80 Resident / $90 Non-Resident                          Ses III    WED      07.22-08.12      5:00-6:00PM
WK 3     M-FRI        06.22-06.26    7:30AM-5:30PM              Location: Pony Tale Farms 13360 Cowley Columbia St
WK 4     M-FRI        06.29-07.02    7:30AM-5:30PM              Session    Day         Date              Time                 Create Your Own Air Plant Class
No camp on 07.03.20, $20 discount this week only                Ses I      TUES        06.16 & 06.23     6:30-7:30PM          Get crafty and put together and air plant to take
                                                                Ses II     MON         07.20 & 07.27     5:30-6:30PM          home! This class includes learning about plants,
WK 5     M-FRI        07.06-07.10    7:30AM-5:30PM
                                                                Ses III    MON         08.17 & 08.24     6:30-7:30PM          instruction, materials, and air plants. Parents are
WK 6     M-FRI        07.13-07.17    7:30AM-5:30PM                                                                            encouraged to join their child to create this unique
                                                                Ses IV     THUR        08.01-08.22      5:00-6:00PM
WK 7     M-FRI        07.20-07.24    7:30AM-5:30PM                                                                            piece of art to take home.
WK 8     M-FRI        07.27-07.31    7:30AM-5:30PM              Beginning Art
                                                                                                                              Instructor: Teri Booher
WK9      M-FRI        08.03-08.07    7:30AM-5:30PM              Kids will begin to develop a love for art! We will start to
                                                                                                                              Ages: 6-12 year olds
WK10     M-FRI        08.10-08.14    7:30AM-5:30PM              learn different techniques and explore different
                                                                                                                              Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum
                                                                mediums. Each week the children will create a unique
                                                                                                                              Fee: $30 Resident / $40 Non-Resident
Advanced Fencing                                                piece of art, all of which will be displayed during an art
                                                                                                                              Location: Community Cabin 35717 Bainbridge Rd
The art of swordsmanship has been practiced for centuries.      show on the last day. Please wear clothes that can get
First, it was to train for deadly combat—the duel. Now, it is   dirty.                                                        Day        Date        Time
fun and safe for boys and girls, men and women. Join                                                                          WED        08.12       6:00-7:00PM
                                                                Instructor: Amanda Hamilton
instructor Tom Nagy and the On Target Fencing Team as           Ages: 3-10 year olds
they teach you Foil and Epee in an advanced setting. For        Class Size: 05 minimum / 15 maximum
more info contact Tom Nagy at (440) 327-0808 or                 Fee: $45 Resident / $55 Non-Resident                                            Location: Community Cabin 35717 Bainbridge Rd                 Junior Browns Cheer Program
Instructor: Tom Nagy                                                                                                          Jr. Browns Cheer will include basic cheer instruction
                                                                Session Day       Date                Time                    including intro to tumbling, chants, cheers, pyramids,
Ages: 8 and Up                                                  Ses I     SAT 05.23-06.13             11:30AM-12:30PM
Fee:                                                                                                                          and stunts. This is a local league with no travel
                                                                Ses II    SAT 06.20-07.18             11:30AM-12:30PM         involved. Each girl will receive a uniform & pom-poms.
$60 Resident / Non-Resident (equipment rental)                  No class 07.04.20
Each additional family member: $30                                                                                            Practices will be held at Shady Drive Complex and
                                                                Ses III   SAT 07.25-08.22             11:30AM-12:30PM         games will be played on Saturdays during the season.
$30 Resident / Non-Resident (no equipment rental)               No class 08.08.20
Location: Senior Center 7327 Avon Belden Rd                                                                                   Ages: Kids entering grades K-2nd
                                                                Big Magic With The Magic Man
Session Day         Date        Time                                                                                          Date: August-October
                                                                Is your child an aspiring magician? Is he or she
Ses I   TH/SAT      05.07-05.30 8:00-9:30PM (TH)                                                                              Fee: $70 Resident / $80 Non-Resident
                                                                fascinated by magic tricks? If so, Keith Heidenreich, The
                                9:00AM-12:30PM (SAT)                                                                          Location: Shady Drive Complex 37077 Shady Drive
                                                                Magic Man will teach your child the fundamentals of what
Ses II    TH/SAT 06.04-06.27 8:00-9:30PM (TH)                   it takes to be a magician and impress the crowd.
                                9:00AM-12:30PM (SAT)
Ses III   TH/SAT 07.02-07.30 8:00-9:30PM (TH)                   Instructor: Keith Heidenreich, The Magic Man
No class 07.04.20               9:00AM-12:30PM (SAT)            Ages: 6-13 year olds
Ses IV    TH/SAT 08.01-08.29 8:00-9:30PM (TH)                   Class Size: 04 minimum / 15 maximum
No class 08.06.20 & 08.08.20    9:00AM-12:30PM (SAT)            Fee: $35 Resident / $45 Non-Resident
Ses V     TH/SAT 09.03-09.26 8:00-9:30PM (TH)                   Location: Community Cabin 35717 Bainbridge Rd
                                9:00AM-12:30PM (SAT)            Day      Date        Time
                                                                SAT      05.16-06.06 9:00-10:00AM
4 North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department                                                                  (440) 353-0860
North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation - BEGINS April 13 Registration Register Early, Register Often - North Ridgeville ...
Junior Ranger Cheer Program                                                                                               Cardio Bootcamp
Jr. Ranger Cheer will include basic cheer instruction                                                                     Perfect combination of cardio and body toning /
including intro to tumbling, chants, cheers, pyramids                                                                     strength training. Strengthen all muscles with simple
and stunts. This program will be part of our Jr. Ranger     Men’s Basketball League                                       movements geared towards all ages and fitness levels.
Football program so the girls will cheer at their home      Looking to stay active this summer? Register today for        Overall head to toe workout that will get your heart
and away games.                                             a 5 v. 5 men’s basketball open recreation league.             pumping and blood flowing while burning calories.
Ages: Kids entering grades 3rd-6th                          Teams will play an 8 game regular season, followed
                                                            by a single elimination tournament. Prizes will be            Instructor: Jessica Beckett
Date: August-October                                                                                                      Ages: 15 and Up
Fee: $70 Resident / $80 Non-Resident                        awarded to the champions & runners up of the
                                                            tournament. Team uniforms required for game play.             Class Size: 04 minimum / 15 maximum
Location: Shady Drive Complex 37077 Shady Drive                                                                           Fee: $50 Resident / $60 Non-Resident
Junior Browns Flag Football (5 V 5)                         Ages: 18 and Up                                               Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd
In Partnership with USA Football NFL Flag                   Fee: $250 per team
                                                            $28 per team, per game official fee pad onsite                Session Day            Date            Time
This flag football league will partner with the Cleveland
                                                            Location: NR High School & NR Academic Center                 Ses I   WED            05.13-06.17     6:15-7:15PM
Browns and USA Football. All teams will receive an
                                                                                                                          Ses II  WED            07.15-08.19     6:15-7:15PM
official NFL team-branded jersey, flag belts, footballs,    Day        Date             Time
and a free USA membership. Teams will compete               MON        06.01-08.10      6:00-10:00PM                      Centered Yoga
against each other at Shady Drive Sports complex in a                                                                     This is a non-flow yoga class aimed at stretching,
local league. Eligibility to play in regional tournaments                                                                 strengthening and balancing the body through a
and championships at the Pro Bowl. Sign up online or                                                                      variety of poses on the ground, seated, kneeling and
in-person before May 29 to receive our early bird                                                                         standing. This class is meant for people of all ages
rate. After May 29 the program fee increases by $10.        All Levels Yoga                                               and yoga abilities.
                                                            Our class, beginners to experienced students, will do
Ages: Kids entering grades & 1st   2nd                      poses focusing on alignment, focus-point and breath.          Instructor: Kip Cronk
Date: August-October                                        The class is a low-to-medium paced flow of movement.          Ages: 15 and Up
Fee: $80 Resident / $90 Non-Resident                        You will receive personalized instruction in this 6-week      Class Size: 04 minimum / 12 maximum
Location: Shady Drive Complex 37077 Shady Dr                course that shows the fundamentals of yoga. You will          Fee: $50 Resident / $60 Non-Resident
                                                            explore classic yoga poses, learn healthy body                Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd
Junior Ranger Tackle Football
The program is designed to teach the fundamentals of        alignment, experiment with modifications and props,           Session Day         Date               Time
football while participating in the Little Southwest        and become comfortable with the nature of yoga.               Ses I     TUES      05.05-06.23        4:30-5:30PM
Conference. Games are played on Saturdays with              Instructor: Danielle Smith                                    No class 06.09.20 & 06.16.20
practices being held during the week. Rookie Tackle         Ages: 15 and Up                                               Ses II    TUES      07.07-08.11        4:30-5:30PM
for 3rd & 4th graders is 7 V. 7 with the 5th & 6th grade    Class Size: 04 minimum / 12 maximum
program being 11 V. 11. This program will be coached        Fee: $50 Resident / $60 Non-Resident                          Chair/Gentle Yoga Fusion
in the same philosophies as the North Ridgeville High       Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd            This class allows you to perform postures and breathing
School Varsity Staff. Sign up online or in-person                                                                         exercises with the aid of a chair and gentle yoga poses.
                                                            Session Day           Date             Time                   You can experience the many benefits of yoga without
before May 29 to receive our early bird rate. After
                                                            Ses I   THUR          06.25-07.30      7:30-8:30PM            having to get up or down from the floor. Benefits of this
May 29 the program fee increases by $10.
                                                            Ses II  THUR          08.13-09.17      7:30-8:30PM            class include increased balance, strength, flexibility,
Ages: Boys /Girls entering 3 & 4 / 5 & 6 grades                                                                           range of motion, and stress reduction.
Date: August-October                                        Beginner Bootcamp
Fee: $145 Resident / $155 Non-Resident                      This energetic 50-minute boot camp style class is             Instructor: Heather Gillespie
Location: Shady Drive Complex 37077 Shady Dr                designed to provide a lower intensity boot camp as the        Ages: 15 and Up
                                                            instructor gets your heart pumping! This class focuses        Class Size: 04 minimum / 12 maximum
Youth Tennis With Force Fitness                             on basic cardio and strength exercises using body             Fee: $50 Resident / $60 Non-Resident
Are you looking for a new sports experience for your        weight and weights. Each class will be different but you      Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd
child? How about a professionally run introduction to a     are always guaranteed a great workout. This class is
                                                                                                                          Day    Date         Time
sport of a life time. Eric is a certified USPTR             perfect for beginner and intermediate fitness levels.
                                                                                                                          TUES 06.23-08.11 10:00-11:00AM
professional for over 20 years. Head tennis professional    Instructor: Jessica Beckett                                   No class 07.07.20 & 07.21.20
at Force Sports Rocky River for the past 7 years. As        Ages: 15 and Up
graduate and resident of North Ridgeville he is looking     Class Size: 04 minimum / 15 maximum                           Healthy Strides: A Cleveland Clinic Program
forward to working with the youth of the community. All     Fee: $50 Resident / $60 Non-Resident                          Combines a casual 30-minute walk, preceded by a brief
participants should bring water, sunscreen & racquet.       Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd            informative talk by local health professionals and city
Instructor: Eric Hodge, USPTR Professional                                                                                officials. All members of the community are welcome.
                                                            Session Day           Date        Time
Ages: 4-6 / 7-9 / 10-14 year olds                                                                                         Program is free to attend with no pre-registration
                                                            Ses I   THUR          05.21-06.25 6:15-7:15PM
Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum                                                                                       needed. In case of inclement weather walks will be
                                                            Ses II  THUR          07.09-08.13 6:15-7:15PM
Fee:                                                                                                                      canceled for the evening. Cancellations will be posted
Ages 4-6: $35 Resident / $45 Non-Resident                                                                                 on our website and RainOut Line.
Ages 7-14: $65 Resident / $75 Non-Resident                                                                                Ages: Open To All Ages
Location: South Central Park 7565 Avon Belden Rd                                                                          Fee: FREE to the general public
Session Day        Date        Time                 Age                                                                   Location: Pav. 1 S.Central Park 7565 Avon Belden Rd
Ses I   M/W        06.15-07.01 9:00-9:30AM          4-6                                                                   Day        Date             Time
                               9:30-10:30AM         7-9                                                                   THUR       06.11-08.27      6:00-7:00PM
                               10:30-11:30AM        10-14
Ses II     M/W     07.06-07.22 9:00-9:30AM          4-6
                               9:30-10:30AM         7-9
                               10:30-11:30AM        10-14

5 North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department                                                                 (440) 353-0860
North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation - BEGINS April 13 Registration Register Early, Register Often - North Ridgeville ...
Gentle Yoga                                                  Stroller Strong                                              Zumba® Fitness
A calming stress-relieving yoga class designed to            Is an energetic, total-body workout designed for moms        Are you ready to party yourself into shape? That’s
stretch and strengthen the body gradually. Emphasis          with kids in tow! Each 60 minute workout focuses on          exactly what the Zumba® program is all about. It’s
is on building awareness of the body and breathing           strength training, basic cardio, and core restoration, all   an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-
techniques. Yoga poses are practiced at a slow pace          while entertaining little ones with songs, activities, and   inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party that’s
with attention to alignment and detail. Props, such as       fun! The Stroller Strong instructor is skilled to meet you   moving millions of people toward joy and health.
chairs, straps, and blocks, are used to assist the           where you are mentally and physically by providing           Class is an hour and offered year-round.
participant in the yoga postures. Seniors also               motivation and modifications in a judgment free zone
                                                             so you get the best workout possible! No mommy guilt         Instructor: Isa Serra
welcome. Please bring a yoga mat.                                                                                         Ages: 15 and Up
                                                             here! This class is all about self-care in a supportive
Instructor: Diana Jancura (TH), Kip Cronk (TUES),            and encouraging environment.                                 Class Size: 04 minimum / 20 maximum
Midori Sato (SAT)                                                                                                         Fee: $5 Resident / $6 Non-Resident
Ages: 15 and Up                                              Instructor: Danielle Stribula                                No pre-registration required, drop-in only
Class Size: 04 minimum / 12 maximum                          Ages: 15 and Up
                                                             Class Size: 04 minimum / 12 maximum                          Day        Time                Location
Fee: $50 Resident / $60 Non-Resident                                                                                      T/TH       6:30-7:30PM         NR Senior Center
Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd           Fee: $50 Resident / $60 Non-Resident
                                                             Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd
Session Day         Date                Time
Ses I     THUR      04.23-05.28         9:00-10:00AM         Session Day             Date              Time
Ses I     TUES      05.05-06.23         5:45-6:45PM          Ses I     THUR          04.16-05.21       10:30-11:30AM
No class 06.09.20 & 06.16.20                                 Ses II    THUR          05.28-07.09       10:30-11:30AM      Adult Horseback Riding with Pony Tale Farms
Ses II    TUES      07.07-08.11         5:45-6:45PM          No class 07.02.20
                                                                                                                          The adult horseback riding classes are a short, semi-
Ses I     SAT       06.20-08.01         8:45-9:45AM          Ses II    THUR          07.16-08.20       10:30-11:30AM
                                                                                                                          private introduction of the horse and riding. The class
No class 07.04.20                                            Tai Chi Balance                                              is designed for beginners, but welcomed to all
                                                             Good balance is essential for our daily life activity,       experience levels. It consists of mainly riding, with a
Family Yoga                                                  and tai chi can help improve your balance and                small emphasis on care, saddling and bridling. This is
This class is a great way for parents (or caregiver) and     confidence at any age. This class focuses on the             a great class for seniors. Please wear loose fitting
children to share a healthy activity, bring a little peace   basic movements of tai chi to improve balance,               clothes and flat shoes.
into their busy schedules, and simply enjoy time             flexibility, and coordination while strengthening
together! Activities include age appropriate poses,                                                                       Instructor: Pony Tale Farms Staff
                                                             muscles of the ankles, knees, hips and legs.
breathing exercises, relaxation and cooperative games                                                                     Ages: 7-12 year olds
to bring mindful togetherness. When registering, please      Instructor: Midori Sato                                      Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum
be sure to list the names and ages of family members         Ages: 18 and Up                                              Fee: $80 Resident / $90 Non-Resident
(max 5). Call Melissa Shirley if you have more than 6        Class Size: 04 minimum / 15 maximum                          Location: Pony Tale Farms 13360 Cowley Columbia St
family members.                                              Fee: $50 Resident / $60 Non-Resident                         Session    Day     Date             Time
                                                             Location: NR Senior Center 7327 Avon Belden Rd               Ses I      MON     06.22 & 06.29    5:00-6:00PM
Instructor: Heather Gillespie                                Session Day         Date             Time                    Ses II     TUES    07.21 & 07.28    6:30-7:30PM
Ages: 3 and Up                                               Ses I       MON 05.04-06.15          6:30-7:30PM             Ses III    MON     08.17 & 08.24    5:00-6:00PM
Class Size: 04 minimum / 15 maximum                          No class 05.25.20
Fee: $20 Resident Family / $25 Non-Resident Family           Ses II      MON 06.22-07.27          6:30-7:30PM             Medicinal Herbs For Your Garden
Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd                                                                        Learn how to grow your own herbal remedies from
                                                             Yogalates                                                    healing plants. Turn your home-grown herbs into creams,
Day        Date        Time                                  An upbeat class that combines the breathing,                 tinctures, teas and more. The parts of the plant to use,
SUN        04.26       6:00-7:00PM                           stretching, and flows of Yoga with the core tightening       medicinal use and nutritional value of each herb will be
                                                             and strengthening of Pilates, for a new twist on             covered. Be your own apothecary.
Mama Bootcamp                                                traditional moves. This class will leave you feeling
The all-encompassing idea that we are all "Mamas"…           recharged with a side of empowerment. All ages,              Instructor: Dr. Carolyn Smilor, ND
women of all ages, shapes, fitness levels, and sizes.        body types & fitness levels welcome. Please bring a          Ages: 18 and Up
This class will have outdoor workouts together with a        yoga mat. Previous exposure to Yoga is helpful.              Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum
coach. With encouragement and camaraderie, this                                                                           Fee: $35 Resident / Non-Resident
                                                             Instructor: Heather Gillespie                                Location: Community Cabin 35751 Bainbridge Rd
class will allow you to get a workout that is
                                                             Ages: 15 and Up
challenging for many different levels of fitness. If the                                                                  Day        Date       Time
                                                             Class Size: 04 minimum / 15 maximum
weather does not cooperate class will be moved                                                                            THUR       05.14      6:30-8:30PM
                                                             Fee: $50 Resident / $60 Non-Resident
                                                             Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd
                                                                                                                          The Healing Power of Essential Oils
Instructor: Danielle Stribula
                                                             Session Day      Date                  Time                  Learn which essential oils to use for specific health
Ages: 15 and Up
                                                             Ses I     WED 05.06-06.10              7:30-8:30PM           conditions from A-Z. Make your own blends specific to
Class Size: 04 minimum / 12 maximum
                                                             Ses II    WED 06.17-08.05              7:30-8:30PM           your health concerns. Receive recipes for personal
Fee: $50 Resident / $60 Non-Resident
                                                             No Class 07.08.20 & 07.22.20                                 care needs and cleaning. This class is a companion
Location: Safetyville Building 35753 Bainbridge Rd
                                                                                                                          class to Aromatherapy 101 The Basics of Essential
Session Day            Date             Time                                                                              Oils. Class includes a 75-page booklet.
Ses I     TUES         05.19-06.30      7:00-8:00PM
                                                                                                                          Instructor: Dr. Carolyn Smilor, ND
No class 06.23.20
                                                                                                                          Ages: 18 and Up
Ses II    TUES         07.07-08.11      7:00-8:00PM
                                                                                                                          Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum
                                                                                                                          Fee: $35 Resident / Non-Resident
                                                                                                                          Location: Community Cabin 35751 Bainbridge Rd
                                                                                                                          Day        Date       Time
                                                                                                                          TUES       05.26      6:30-8:30PM

6 North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department                                                                      (440) 353-0860
North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation - BEGINS April 13 Registration Register Early, Register Often - North Ridgeville ...
Herbal First Aid Kit                                    Understanding Food Labels
Emergencies and illness are never planned. Learn        Learn about servings, calories, fats, sugars, sugar
how to assemble a first aid kit making medicine from    substitutes and food nutrients. Review the
your pantry. Receive a healing spice guide from A-Z.    Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), while
Learn the “must have” herbs to keep on hand and         gaining insight into what each nutrient provides for           Touch-A-Truck
how to use them for effective results.                  the body. Review a list of food additives to avoid.            Get up close and personal with all kinds of big trucks!
                                                        What does organic or non - organic really mean?                This unique event encourages children (and adults!) to
Instructor: Dr. Carolyn Smilor, ND                                                                                     touch vehicles, ask questions and even climb inside to
Ages: 18 and Up                                         Instructor: Dr. Carolyn Smilor, ND                             take in the view from the driver’s seat.
Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum                     Ages: 18 and Up
Fee: $35 Resident / Non-Resident                        Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum                            For the first time, North Ridgeville Parks and
Location: Community Cabin 35751 Bainbridge Rd           Fee: $35 Resident / Non-Resident                               Recreation is hosting a sensory friendly version of the
Day        Date       Time                              Location: Community Cabin 35751 Bainbridge Rd                  popular event. The first hour of this event we will be
MON        06.08      6:30-8:30PM                       Day        Date       Time                                     sensory friendly. Climb in and check out your favorite
                                                        MON        07.13      6:30-8:30PM                              trucks & emergency vehicles without the lights, sirens
Vitamins 101                                                                                                           and horns! Organized for children that are sensitive and
This class will educate you on different types of       Estate Planning Fundamentals                                   people with Autism Spectrum Disorder in mind .This
vitamin supplements. Topics to be discussed are         Estate plans, everyone knows they need one, but only           way, everyone can enjoy the cool diggers, dumpers,
gummy vs. chewable, solids vs. capsules and the         half of Americans have one. That's why understanding           and emergency vehicles without upsetting lights and
function of each vitamin and mineral in the body.       the core documents of every estate plan, how they              noises. For more information please contact
Learn which vitamins are water or fat soluble, signs    work, and why they are critical is often the difference        Melissa Shirley.
and symptoms of vitamin deficiencies and possible       between a comfortable retirement and going broke in a
                                                        nursing home. This class will be an introduction into          Ages: 2-10 years old
prescription drug depletion. RDA, what is it? Receive
                                                        basic estate planning, asset protection, and planning          Fee: FREE
a description of each vitamin from A-Z with dietary
                                                        for long-term care.                                            Location: NR High School Parking Lot
sources included. Class includes a 71-page booklet.
                                                        Instructor: Michael Benjamin, Esq.                             Day     Date Time
Instructor: Dr. Carolyn Smilor, ND
                                                        Ages: 18 and Up                                                SAT 06.06 10:00AM-1:00PM
Ages: 18 and Up
                                                        Class Size: 04 minimum / 25 maximum                            *10:00-11:00AM Sensory Friendly
Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum
Fee: $35 Resident / Non-Resident                        Fee: Seminar is FREE
                                                                                                                       Movies In The Park
Location: Community Cabin 35751 Bainbridge Rd           Location: Council Chambers 7307 Avon Belden Rd
                                                                                                                       Join us for a free Movie In The Park! Bring your chair,
Day        Date       Time                              Session    Day        Date        Time                         have a picnic dinner, catch up with your neighbors and
MON        08.10      6:30-8:30PM                       Ses I      WED        05.20       1:00-3:00PM                  enjoy the free movie series. Movies are shown at South
                                                        Ses II     THUR       06.11       6:00-8:00PM                  Central Park and begin at dusk.
Supporting Multiple Sclerosis Naturally                 Ses III    WED        07.09       6:00-8:00PM
By Supporting The Immune System                                                                                        We will try to get in as many movies as possible, but
                                                        Ses IV     TUES       08.25       6:00-8:00PM
Learn how to use herbal and nutritional supplements                                                                    sometimes the weather doesn’t cooperate. For movie
to support multiple sclerosis naturally. Gain insight                                                                  updates during the season you can visit our Rainout Line
on the importance of getting the acid-alkaline                                                                         tab on our website.
balance in your body correct, what supplements to                                                                      Fee: FREE to the general public
take and why and how to detoxify the body with                                                                         Location: S.Central Park Gazebo 7565 Avon Belden Rd
herbal support. We will discuss herbal support for                                                                     Time: Movies start at dusk
MS symptoms and how to alleviate stress with
nutritional and herbal support while building the                                                                      Day        Date       Movie
body’s immune system.                                                                                                  FRI        06.12      Frozen II
                                                                                                                       FRI        06.26      Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker
Instructor: Dr. Carolyn Smilor, ND                                                                                     FRI        07.17      Spiderman: Far From Home
Ages: 18 and Up                                         Financial Readiness                                            FRI        07.31      Aladdin (Live Action)
Class Size: 04 minimum / 10 maximum                     A good financial strategy isn't just about money, it's
Fee: $35 Resident / Non-Resident                        about the whole you. That's why understanding how              City of North Ridgeville
Location: Community Cabin 35751 Bainbridge Rd           you prioritize your purpose, your lifestyle choices and        Star Spangled Celebration
                                                        your finances is important. This class will be an              Enjoy a fun-filled family event as we celebrate our
Day        Date       Time
                                                        introduction into basic retirement planning, asset             Independence. Join us for bounce houses, balloon
THUR       07.30      6:30-8:30PM
                                                        protection, and maintaining what you have while                twisters, live music, and a variety of food vendors
                                                        earning more.                                                  (food for purchase). A spectacular fireworks show
                                                                                                                       will follow at dark. Our Star Spangled Celebration is
                                                        Instructor: Matthew Perrings                                   FREE to the general public.
                                                        Ages: 18 and Up
                                                                                                                       Fee: FREE
                                                        Class Size: 04 minimum / 25 maximum
                                                                                                                       Location: South Central Park 7565 Avon Belden Rd
                                                        Fee: Seminar is FREE
                                                        Location: Council Chambers 7307 Avon Belden Rd                 Day       Date        Time
                                                        Session    Day        Date        Time                         FRI       07.03       7:00-9:30PM
                                                        Ses I      TUES       05.26       6:00-8:00PM                  Rain date 07.05.20 (fireworks only)
                                                        Ses II     TUES       06.23       1:00-3:00PM
                                                        Ses III    WED        07.15       1:00-3:00PM
                                                        Ses IV     MON        08.11       6:00-8:00PM

7 North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department                                                                (440) 353-0860
North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation - BEGINS April 13 Registration Register Early, Register Often - North Ridgeville ...
Fishing Derby                                                     Thank You, Parks & Recreation Sponsors                    Adventures Alive Scavenger Hunt
Sponsored By: NRPRD & NRFD                                                                                                  There's a real life treasure hidden somewhere in North
Can you tell fish stories? Want bragging rights for a             NRPRD recognizes sponsors for helping to keep
                                                                                                                            Ridgeville! Will you and your team be able to find it? Lost
year? Then come join us for a fun-filled morning of               recreation programs going. NRPRD, provider of
                                                                                                                            Treasure of ZAGR is an immersive, augmented reality
fishing. Bring your own bait & fishing rod, if you don’t       numerous recreational and community activities in North
                                                                                                                            that will direct you all over North Ridgeville. This is an
have one we will provide one. For more info please             Ridgeville, wants to thank the more than 50 businesses
                                                                                                                            app based game for playing digitally interactive
contact Brandon Sweet.                                           that sponsors our recreation programs and teams.
                                                                                                                            scavenger hunts to lead the learner on a path of
Ages: 3-18 year olds                                                        PLATINUM SPONSORS                               adventure and discovery. The game or 'clue hunt' quite
Fee: FREE                                                                     NR Corn Festival Inc.                         literally augments our reality by enhancing peoples' real-
$5 donation for Aluminum Cans for Burned Children                                                                           life interaction while using their smartphones or tablets to
                                                                         North Ridgeville Family Dentistry
Location: South Central Park 7565 Avon Belden Rd                                                                            uncover clues and solve riddles. Grab your team of 2-6
                                                                                 Legacy Roofing                             players (friends, family or both) and see if you have what
Day     Date        Time                                                                                                    it takes to finish the hunt!
SAT     05.02       8:00AM-NOON                                                GOLD SPONSORS
                                                                        Amica Mutual Insurance Company                      One smart phone per team, team captain can register
Lorain County Pride Day                                                 Lorain County Community College                     team. Must visit the locations and be within 25 feet to
A great opportunity to play an active role in improving
                                                                                   Dollar Bank                              unlock next clue. To begin please download application
our community and parks. Residents are
                                                                                Snider Recreation                           which will be emailed to you. Prizes will be awarded. If
encouraged to clean up, fix up, paint & spruce up our
                                                                                                                            you have any questions please contact Melissa Shirley.
community. Interested organizations &
individuals should contact Kevin Fougerousse.                                 SILVER SPONSORS                               Ages: 8 and Up
                                                                           Spacewalk of North Ridgeville                    Fee: $30 Resident / $40 Non-Resident
Day     Date        Time
                                                                            Nate Courtney, State Farm                       Fee is per team
SAT     05.16       9:00AM-NOON                                                                                             Location: Pav. 2 S. Central Park 7565 Avon Belden Rd
                                                                             Arby’s of North Ridgeville
Summer Concert Series                                                           Kalt Manufacturing                          Date: Complete the hunt between June 13-27.
On Sunday evenings sweet sounds of music and friendly                                Sportsville                            NRPRD Golf Scramble
greetings fill the air at the South Central Park Gazebo with                     Center Cleaning                            North Ridgeville Parks and Recreation is excited to
the City of North Ridgeville Summer Concert Series. The                    Lions Club of North Ridgeville                   announce an 18 hole, 4-man scramble style golf outing.
FREE concerts have a variety of performers appropriate                                                                      The event will take place at Bob-o-Link Golf Course in
for all age groups. All are invited to bring a lawn chair or
                                                                           Westside Community Church
                                                                           North Ridgeville Arts Council                    Avon. Shotgun start at 9:00AM. Breakfast, drink ticket, a
blanket and enjoy this traditional summer pastime.                                                                          boxed lunch at the turn, and steak dinner are included in
We will try to get in as many concerts as possible, but                      BRONZE SPONSORS                                the fee. Hole prizes include 1 driver, 1 putter, and 2
sometimes the weather doesn’t cooperate. For concert                                                                        irons. Overall winning group will receive $100 pre-paid
                                                                             Butternut Corners Market                       visa cards. For more information please contact
updates during the season you can visit our Rainout Line
tab on our website.
                                                                               Costin & Kendall CPAs                        Brandon Sweet.
                                                                       O’Neill Healthcare of North Ridgeville
Fee: FREE to the general public                                                    Dough Daddy                              Ages: 18 and Up
Location: S.Central Park Gazebo 7565 Avon Belden Rd                                                                         Fee: $400 per team
                                                                       South of the Square Collision Center                 Location: Bob-O-Link Golf Course 4141 Center Rd
Time: 6:00-8:00PM
                                                                                Dog Daze Industrial
Day     Date     Band                                                     Alex Sismour Memorial Fund                        Day        Date        Time
SUN     06.14    Before The Shine (Rock/Pop/Folk)                                                                           FRI        07.31       9:00AM
SUN     06.28    Just Jazz Live (Jazz)                         Storybook Adventure
SUN     07.05    Bridgetown Junction (Folk/Rock)               With North Ridgeville Branch Library
SUN     07.19    The Agenda (Rock/Country)                     Hear ye, hear ye! Come one, come all! Join the North
SUN     08.16    The WIXY 1260: Ft. The Soul Men (60’s)        Ridgeville Branch Library on a magical journey to the
Cornfest 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament                          land of stories. Take a journey around the world and         Pavilion & Gazebo Reservations
Powered By: Hooptech                                           through time, as you listen to our storytellers reenact      Interested in holding a birthday party in South Central
Grab some friends and sign up for North Ridgeville’s 3         some of our favorite fairy tales, folklore, nursery rhymes   Park for your son or daughter? Look no further than
on 3 basketball tournament. This 3 on 3 tournament             and tall tales. Come prepared to wander throughout our       the NRPRD! South Central Park Pavilions and
offers an exciting opportunity to display your teams’          interactive story walk. Enjoy a variety of games and         Gazebo are rented out April 1 through October 31.
talents. This is a double elimination tournament with          activities inspired by our storybook characters. In
                                                                                                                            Reservations can now be made ONLINE through the
prizes awarded to each division champion & runner-up.          partnership with North Ridgeville Parks and Recreation
                                                                                                                            NRPRD website under the “FACILITIES” tab.
A 4 team minimum per division.                                 Department, this outdoor event will take place in South
                                                                                                                            Reservations cannot be made over the phone.
                                                               Central Park. PLEASE NOTE: All children must be
Instructor: NRPRD & MAC Basketball                             accompanied by a responsible caregiver. Should it rain,      Rental fees and application can be found on our
Ages: Entering 3-12 grades in the fall of 2020                 we’ll move the fun indoors to the North Ridgeville Branch    department website at:
Broken into boys & girls divisions                             Library, located at 35700 Bainbridge Rd. Please arrive       under the FORMS and DOCUMENTS tab.
Fee: $95 Resident / $105 Non-Resident                          before 4:00 p.m. to experience our interactive story
Per 4-person team                                                                                                           For more information please do not hesitate to contact
                                                               walk. The walk will close promptly at 4:30 p.m.              our reservationist Melissa Shirley.
Registration taken only at:
Location: South Central Park 7565 Avon Belden Rd               Ages: 2-10 year olds
                                                               Fee: Event is FREE
Day     Date     Time                                          Location: Pav. 2 S. Central Park 7565 Avon Belden Rd
FRI     08.07    6:00-9:00PM
SAT     08.08    8:00AM-8:00PM                                 Day        Date       Time
SUN     08.09    8:00AM-6:00PM                                 THUR       06.25      1:30-4:30PM

 8 North Ridgeville Parks & Recreation Department                                                                       (440) 353-0860
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