Operational Improvement On Data Validation And Verification Of Health Insurance Assistance Beneficiaries In Indonesia: An Overview Of ...

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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 2236-2247                                                                 ISSN: 00333077

Operational Improvement On Data Validation And Verification Of Health
Insurance Assistance Beneficiaries In Indonesia: An Overview Of
Accountability/Governance Perspective
Herlan (masrio_herlan@yahoo.com)
Jurusan Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial FISIP Universitas Indonesia

Bambang Shergi Laksmono (bshergi@yahoo.com)
Jurusan Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial FISIP Universitas Indonesia

Hartini Retnaningsih (hartiniretnaning@yahoo.com)
Pusat Penelitian, Badan Keahlian DPR RI

Decent data management is a fundamental element in implementing government policies, especially in providing social assistance
to the poor. Distribution of social assistance can only be done with the support of proper data management system that runs the data
collection process, updating, validating according to the real condition, hence the distribution of social assistance is right on target.
This study examines issues which concern on institutional, derivative function and authority in the distribution of social assistance,
especially health insurance assistance for the poor and the needy in Indonesia. This study aims to review the whole implementation
process of verification and validation on the distribution of health insurance beneficiaries (PBI-JK), starts from its procedures until
it is implemented in the locations of MuBa Regency and Palembang City. To achieve the desired objective, this study uses a
qualitative method by collecting data from documents, interviews and field observations. As the result, it appears that prelist data
services for verification and validation purposes are carried out centrally at the Social Welfare Data and Information Center, Ministry
of Social Affairs (PUSDATIN, KESSOS), and for verification and validation in the field are handled by other third parties but only
for urban areas.

Social Data, Social Beneficiaries, verification and validation, health insurance, accountability
Article Received: 18 October 2020, Revised: 3 November 2020, Accepted: 24 December 2020

1.      Introduction                                                     validation in the field must regularly updates the
      Data accuracy of contribution assistance                           data of Health Insurance Beneficiaries (PBI-JK).
recipients is one of the important issues in the                               In the implementation of data collection and
implementation of state contribution assistance for                      updating, determined mechanism, verification and
the poor and the needy. If there is a problem with                       validation in the field can be seen as a whole
the data used, it will have an impact by not                             process which cannot be separated. A good
achieving the objectives of the program. The                             procedure (mechanism) is when the specified
importance of database accuracy and validation in                        procedure is easy to understand, clear, can be
the administration of social assistance is also                          carried out and accounted for. Likewise in its
recognized by the government. Therefore the                              implementation, transparency and participation and
Ministry of Social Affairs as the party in charge in                     accountability become important components in
data collection, updating, verification and                              the distribution of social assistance, thus the
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 2236-2247                                          ISSN: 00333077

objectives of the program can be achieved and on        obstacles in the field data collection. Even though
target.                                                 verification and validation are a unified processes
      Similar studies have also been conducted          start from the determination of data collection
regarding the implementation of updating health         procedures to the implementation in the field which
insurance data for the poor, including Muhtar           requires a good management system, involve a lot
(2015) who highlights the verification and              of resources (i.e. data management staff, field staff,
validation mechanism of health insurance data for       operators, beneficiaries, regional officials and so
the poor from the perspective of social protection      on), and require supporting resources such as
policies implementation in Jambi Regency. The           operational budget, infrastructure and so on.
result shows that health insurance has not been         Therefore verification and validation are carrying
maximally utilized because field verification and       out properly, valid and actual.
validation has not been carried out. Other studies             This study examines the overall verification
such as Maulana (2019) who focuses on examining         and validation of PBI-JK data, start from the
the implementation of the PBI-JK data verification      determined procedures to the implementation in the
and validation policy in Ambulu District, Jember        field from the accountability perspective. This
Regency. In his research, the implementation of         study uses case studies in Musi Banyuasin Regency
policy was not carried out optimally, this was due      (Next will be written with Muba Regency) and
to several reasons such as the delivery of unclear      Palembang City. The selection of Muba Regency
information, limited number of human resources,         as the research area because this district is a pioneer
equipment and budgets constraints, misuse of            of free healthcare provider in Indonesia (since
authority, as well as differences in the                2002), and has been awarded by the Universal
determination of beneficiary criteria (include weak     Health Coverage (UHC) in 2019. While the
coordination between sectors). Moreover, Hepat          selection of Palembang City because this city is the
and Rachman (2018) examine the inhibiting factors       capital city of South Sumatra Province with
of PBI-JK data collection in North Heledululaa          consideration of urban characteristics to be
subdistrict of Gorontalo Regency, which revealed        compared with Muba Regency with rural
that the inhibitors of PBI-JK data collection were      characteristics. The results of this study are
the low level of data collection officers' knowledge,   expected to contribute the quality improvement of
and the implementation of verification and              social assistance implementation, particularly in
validation in the field that were not optimal.          providing health insurance contribution assistance
      From these various studies, it can be             for the poor.
concluded that there were no a comprehensive
determination regarding process of verification and     2.      Conceptual Framework
                                                              In the social assistance policy, generally
validation of PBI-JK data, start from data
                                                        contains several main components related to the
collection mechanism to the implementation of
                                                        allocation of social assistance, such as target
verification and validation in the field, especially
                                                        beneficiaries, types of social assistance, from
from the perspective of accountability. Muhtar
(2015) only observes the mechanism for updating         financing to responsibility to provide social
the health insurance distribution from the              assistance. This was stated by Gilbert and Terrel
perspective of policy implementation, but not the       (2013) in the social welfare policy as follow: what
whole process, such as its implementation. The          are the bases of social allocations (universalism or
                                                        selective); what are the type of social provisions to
same thing was done by Maulana (2019) who only
                                                        be allocated (case, in-kind or alternatives), what
focuses on studying how the PBI-JK data
                                                        are the strategies for the delivery of these
verification and validation policy implemented
                                                        provisions (privatization or commercialization),
while Hepat and Rachman (2018) only identify the
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 2236-2247                                            ISSN: 00333077

what are the ways to finance these provisions              making and implementing social policies. This is
(taxes, voluntary giving or taxes). This means that        evidenced by the existence of mechanism, rule,
in the policy of social assistance distribution, target    organization, public participation, and information
beneficiaries of social assistance must be cleared         disclosure in social policy. Thus it is reasonable
and firmed, not to mention the criteria; whether the       when Daly (2003) states that governance is one of
beneficiary is for all (universal), or only for certain    the "founding interests" in the discipline of social
groups (residual). If it is universal, social assistance   policy.
is provided to everyone without exception.                       Among the various good governance
Meanwhile, if the social assistance is provided            principles that exist today, in general there are
selectively, it requires procedure or mechanism for        numbers of principle in the implementation of
data collection and updating the targeted                  governance namely accountability, transparency,
beneficiaries include its organizers and funding           participation and rule of law and these principles
(separated from the budget for social assistance           are endorsed by international organizations and
programs).                                                 academia (Doeveren, 2011). Similarly stated by
       After the procedure or mechanism in the             Gisselquist (2012), there are at least seven main
health insurance distribution program becomes              components in good governance, namely
clear and obvious, the following step is the               democracy and representation, human rights, rule
implementation of the policy. At this stage                of law, effective and efficient, transparency and
everything must be done transparently thus the             accountability, developmental objectives, and
field staffs can understand their functions and            various programs related to the politics and
duties. Moreover, public has access to monitor and         economy.
follow the progress. Information disclosures and
transparency are expected to increase public                     Accordingly, the principles of good
participation in government policies.                      governance which are associated with the
       With the participation of stakeholders              implementation of social assistance in general
                                                           consists of accountability, transparency, and
(internally and externally) in organizing the
                                                           participation. Accountability principle can be
distribution of social assistance, it is expected to be
able to empower resources as well as to participate        interpreted as responsibility to both vertically
in overseeing the implementation of social                 (structurally) and horizontally (other public).
assistance distribution.                                   Ahmad (2008) argues accountability as a pro-
       The importance of information disclosure,           active process of the government in delivering
transparency and public participation in the               plans, actions and behaviors that have been
provision of social assistance asserted by                 implemented to the public; Meanwhile, the
                                                           principle of transparency is defined as disclosure of
Bjuremalm, Gibaja and Molleda (2014) on the use
                                                           information and procedures to the public
of principles of accountability, transparency and
                                                           (Doeveren, 2011; Johnston, 2002; Agere, 2000).
participation will make governance of social
                                                           One of the objectives in this transparency is to
assistance promotes better performance. This
argument also in line with Agere (2000) who states         encourage the public to participate in making and
that the implementation of those principles increase       implementing social policies. Another principle
responses to public complaint and eventually               namely participation is interpreted as distribution
creates transparency in government system.                 (delegation) of authority from central government
                                                           to the regions (decentralization). Participation also
       The implementation of good governance
                                                           can be interpreted as community involvement in
correlates between the state and the citizens.
                                                           the process of making and implementing social
Accountability, transparency, participation, and
rule of law are the basic principles inherent in
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 2236-2247                                         ISSN: 00333077

                        Distribution Procedure
                         of Social assistance


                            Transparency                         Quality improvement of
                                                               social assistance distribution

                       Distribution Implementation
                           of Social assistance

                                      Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

3.      Research methodology                                      There were two sections in collecting the
        This research is aimed to understand the         data; first collecting the information and data to
entire updating process, especially in terms of          find out the validation and verification of PBI-JK
verification and validation perspectives of              data, it was done through documentation study and
stakeholder management policy; then, every step of       interviewed the officer of Information and Data
the research comes from the subjective                   Centre of the Social Ministry (Pusdatin); work
assumptions (literature review), next going on to        section of Social Ministry that responsible in
the field condition (validation and verification         processing, servicing and saving DTKS. Second,
process), and believed that the accuracy of the          based on the process of validation and verification
verification and validation affects peoples              in Muba Regency and Palembang City. Choosing
prosperity. Based on Creswell (2016); Rubin and          Muba Regency for the research it is because of the
Babbie (2008) this research used the                     Muba regency as the first model of free health
constructivism paradigm (interpretivism) trying to       service in Indonesia and got Universal Health
discover the world and develop the subjective            Coverage (UHC) categorize. While choosing
meaning of current experiences. Therefore the            Palembang city it is because of Palembang as the
qualitative approach is used in which the researcher     capital of South Sumatera Province which is has the
explored and interpreted some information and            city characteristics, instead of Muba regency with
data from the documents of the study, in-depth           most of the area is the village. The data were
interview and observation, then, described the           collected through documentation study, the
details descriptively, the validation and verification   observation was done at Muba Social Service
of the field process.                                    office, Palembang Social Service and interviewed
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 2236-2247                                         ISSN: 00333077

with the officer of Social Service Muba Regency,                Then after the total verification of PBI-JK
Palembang Social Service officer, The officer of       in 2014, there was the improvement of the national
TKSK and local officials.                              total quota 96.4 million people, and 2019 became
                                                       96.8 million people. This improvement can be
        To decide the informer. The researcher         separated from Government commitment to
begins by deciding the criteria of the informer, to    accelerate the JKN program that covers the entire
develop the quality of the research, the researcher    citizens (universe) or universal health coverage,
used the triangulation data sources (documentation     especially reach the poor family.
study, observation, and interview) retrial of the               The result of PBI-JK Social Ministry data
informer; questioning and review with a partner        verification filled to DTKS system (Basis Data
(fellow researcher); proper references and detailed    Terpadu/BDT named before) to be processed,
review (thick description); analyzing and data         saved, and to be verified and validated and to be
collecting repeatedly (re-confirm was done through     updated regularly. In the process of PBI-JK data
the interview, observation and documentation           validation and verification, Social Ministry started
study.                                                 by taking the first data (prelist); the data were taken
                                                       by using an online system (using SIKS-NG
                                                       application), and offline (using a master
4.      The official of the organizer health           application), or siksroid (using android
contribution assistance                                handphone); then pre list data were verified and
   The implementation of JKN in 2004 as the result     validated through village discussion (musdes) or
of the people’s contributive council and               local village discussion (muskel), and visitation to
government within 10 years of the laws of the          the PBI-JK household recipients. This result of
National Social Secure System verified (SJSN)          validation and verification data were input to SIKS-
2004. At the first of the JKN implementation, the      NG application (Social Prosperity Information
PBI-JK data that used was from the result of Social    System – Next Generation) by Social Ministry
and Secure Data Program (PPPS) in 2011 with total      officer (operator), and reported to the next stage
76.4 million people, then 10 million people become     gradually. Then, the result of the report cleaned
86.4 million people                                    (data cleansing) and be ranked based on the level
      Based on the National Team for the               of the poorness by Kessos Pusdatin before verified
Acceleration of Poverty Reduction data (2015) the      by Social Ministry. If in the verification and
stage of PBI-JK data verification in 2014 started      validation process there were still poor family who
with data validation, verification, and registration   have not been recorded, then they can report to the
by community health insurance participants of          local village office to be listed and get conveyer
Askes Company, then submit the data to Health          letter to be given to the Social Ministry, then the
Ministry (Kemenkes); submit the data to TNP2K          Social Ministry officer will list and validate and
to be delivered to Social Ministry and verified PBI-   verify that report.
JK by Social Ministry.

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 2236-2247                                                                                        ISSN: 00333077

                   Figure 2. Verification Procedure and Data Validation of PBI-JK

                                                                    Early withdrawal of PBI-
                                                                     JK data (prelist) by the
                                                                     Dinsos (as supervisor /

                              On-line procedure                           Off-Line procedure
                     Download the application letter and          Apply the application letter via                 SiksDroid
                      BAST                                          SIKS-NG application                              Procedure
                     Upload the application letter and            Verification of application letter              Using
                      BAST                                          and BAST by Pusdatin Kessos                      Android
                                                                                                                    Roles of the
                     Verification of application letter and       Receive and save the master
                      BAST by Pusdatin Kessos                       application and the database                     of Social
                     Supervisory menu opens                       Login                                            Services more
                     Print the data of PBI-JK/prelist             Print prelist                                    dominant

                                                                                                          Residence visits (direct
                        Prelist data distribution to            Handle by Musdes/Muskel                  checking) and completion
                           the field officers for               and produce BAHM/final                            of data
                                 validation                            prelist data

                           Checked and                      Verification and validation                   Verification and validation
                          approved by the                results are input to the SIKS-NG                  results concurrently with
                        Provincial of Social               application concurrently with                  BAHM to the Department
                         Department, then                      BAHM and a letter of                           of Social Services
                       forward it to Pusdatin             endorsement from the Regent /
                              Kessos                                   Mayor

                           Pembersihan data dan                        Penetapan data
                            perangkingan garis                        perubahan PBI-
                          kemiskinan oleh Pudatin                     JK oleh Menteri
                                  Kessos                                   Sosial

 Source: Reformulated from Permensos Number 5 of 2016, and also from the result of interview                                                   with the
                       Head of Data Center for Pusdatin Kessos on February 26, 2020.

5.     Implementation of Verification and                                       their duties, Pusdatin is assisted by the Department
Validation of PBI-JK Data                                                       of Social Services (Next will be written with
      In accordance with The Government                                         Dinsos) as an operational verification and
Regulation Number 76 year 2015, changes in PBI-                                 validation officer in the field, and the results are
JK data can be made including deletion, addition                                reported in several stages to the Ministry of Social
and replacement. However, the changing process                                  Affairs through Pusdatin
can only be done by Pusdatin as the Ministry of                                        In its implementation, verification and
Social work unit who responsible for processing,                                validation of PBI-JK data begin with the prelist
storing and providing PBI-JK data. In carrying out                              data retrieval which can be done online, offline or
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 2236-2247                                         ISSN: 00333077

cyclic through the SIKS-NG application. These           verification and validation. With the involvement
techniques in purpose for branches in other areas       of third party, the Social Affairs Office is only
easier to derive the prelist data. But before           charged with providing prelist data, handing it over
retrieving the data, Dinsos must first submits an       to BKI field officers, making assignment letter for
application letter to Pusdatin to get approval. Later   field officers, and monitoring verification and
Dinsos will get an ID and password to access the        validation in the field as well as evaluation.
SIKS-NG application then able to download the                 The absence of Social Affairs in the field
BAST (handover letter), and re-upload the BAST          verification and validation processes was stated by
into the system. If the request approved, the           the Head division of Individual Empowerment and
operator from Dinsos prints the prelist data in         Social Affairs of District Muba and this also
accordance with their area of origin and hand over      applied in the City of Palembang according to the
it to the field officer for further verification and    Head division of Social Welfare at the Social
validation.                                             Affairs Office Palembang City. As mentioned
       In accordance with Permensos Number 5            earlier that the aim of this collaboration is to help
year 2016, the operational domain of verification       regions who have limited resources both financial
and validation of PBI-JK data is the Ministry of        and human resources to carry out verification and
Social Affairs assisted by District Social Welfare      validation, especially in urban areas (smaller region
Worker (TKSK) and Potential Social Welfare              administration). Regarding this limitation, it was
Resources (PSKS). Specifically in Muba Regency          announced by the Head department of Protection
and Palembang City, verification and validation are     and Social Security Palembang City who stated that
carried out by the third party namely PT Indonesian     the human resources in Palembang were not ready
Classification Bureau (BKI) in collaboration with       to carry out their duties related to the budget
the Ministry of Social Affairs. This collaboration      constraint. Similar problem also occurs in Muba
aims to help regions that have not yet carried out      Regency.

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 2236-2247                                                                                 ISSN: 00333077

                                                              Ministry of Social Affairs in
                                                            collaboration with the third party
                                                             (BKI) to help their branches in
                                                              the regions to perform fields
                                                               verification and validation
                                                                especially in urban areas

                      3                                                                       2
                          Dinsos attains information                                               BKI prepares field officers
                            from the Ministry of                                                    according to its region
                               Social Affairs

                      4                                             Dinsos hands over
                           Dinsos retrieves prelist                 the data as well as      Coordination line
                              data from DTKS                         assignment letter
                                                                      to BKI officer

                                                                                                      Field officer received
                                                                                                         prelist data and
                                                                                                      Assignment letter from

                             10                                 9
                                  Dinsos Operator in the            Field officer conveys
                                  region inputs and sends                                         8
                                                                     the verification and
                                    the verification and             validation results to
                                      validation results,                                             Field officer performs
                                                                     the Dinsos together
                                   BAHM, and reference                                                Muskel and visits the
                                     letter from the city           with the BAHM and
                                    Mayor/Regent to the               filling instrument
                                       Pusdatin Kessos                 using Siksdroid

                Figure 3. Implementation of Verification and Validation of PBI-JK Data

          Source: Interview result with the Head Division of Data and Information Services Pusdatin Kessos

       Regarding the execution of verification and                                           The implementation of validation and
validation, it is only implemented in urban areas.                                   verification PBI-JK data process above can be
This was confirmed by the Head of Peldatin                                           shown that the producing process, saving and data
Pusdatin which states that the third party only carry                                servicing was done centralists (centralistic) in
out verification and validation in the Subdistrict                                   Pusdatin Social Ministry. It was because the
(kelurahan), meanwhile in rural areas (village) the                                  processed data, stored and used can be accounted
execution will be carried out by the Social                                          for, even the quality of the data and the usage. In
Department using the Village Fund Assistant                                          other words, this centralistic system may obstruct
which extracted from the state budget. This case                                     the process of information speed and data region
occurred in Muba Regency, where verification and                                     needed. Moreover, the Pusdatin officers' task did
validation was only carried out in 13 Subdistricts,                                  not only produce and service the PBI-JK’s data but
while other 227 villages have not been done yet                                      they also provide and produce other social
stated by the Head division of Muba PPK. For                                         prosperity data. Such; The Government of Social
Palembang City, according to the Head Division of                                    Welfare Services Data (PPKS), Beneficiaries of
Social Welfare Palembang City, every subdistricts                                    Social Assistance and Empowerment, and Potential
have been verified and validated, this was because                                   and Sources of Social Welfare.
all administrative areas (subdistrict level) located                                         Moreover, by one gate data system services
in the urban area.                                                                   (centralized in DTKS) that makes Pusdatin Social
                                                                                     Ministry have to service all the stakeholders
6.     The Improvement of PBI-JK Data                                                (stakeholders) social welfare data, such as; state
Verification and Validation Implementation
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 2236-2247                                          ISSN: 00333077

ministries/institutions, regional governments, and      verification were carried out by a third mediator,
the general public. This condition made Pusdatin        now is the time for the government to empower the
Social Ministry as a busy and crowded place. It also    internal verification and validation personnel, in
recognized by the head section of Peldatin Pusdatin     this case, the Social Ministry and the devices
that every day Pusdatin Kessos have to serve both       below. The involvement of the Social Ministry has
from the center and the regional visitors.              been regulated in Permensos Number 5 in 2016, but
        If we see from the user side, especially the    due to the budget and human resource constraints
local government, this centralized system creates       in the region (unable to carry out verification and
inefficiency, both in cost and time because the local   validation), that made the Ministry of Social
government must come to the Pusdatin Office in          Affairs take steps to cooperate with the third
Jakarta if we want to ask or consult about their        mediator. This step was taken to implement
regional data and information. Even though              verification and validation can still be carried out,
Pusdatin provides online services, in some cases,       especially in urban areas (village office).
local governments usually come to the Pusdatin                   To prepare regions involved directly in the
Kessos office to find out their requests                implementation of verification and validation, the
immediately.                                            government needs to prepare adequate budget
        Therefore, to reduce the prodigality, and to    allocations, and prepare human resources to
fasten the data service and information, and            become field implementers. This budget allocation
empowering human resources at the local level; the      is intended for operational costs of verification and
limited distribution of authority (limited              validation in the field, socialization costs, technical
decentralization) provides the data services to         guidance for field staff, honorarium for monitoring
regional governments and the regional public that       and supervision, administration, and so forth.
can be a viable alternative. It was done because        Coupled with the number of rural/urban villages
Pusdatin Kessos focuses on processing, storing,         reaching 83,931, making the adequacy of the
and serving data at the central level.                  budget becomes the main thing in carrying out the
      Limited decentralization can be applied by        verification and validation of PBI-JK data.
making data services information at the province               To accomplish the verification and validation
level (Pusdatin Kessos Provinsi), specifically          budget for all villages and local villages throughout
providing services to local governments and other       Indonesia, the central government can work with
stakeholders in the regions. Pusdatin Kessos            local governments or join with other
Province is structurally controlled by the central      ministries/state institutions that have budgets
Pusdatin directly.                                      related to villages/local villages. For example,
        This limited decentralization aligned with      working with local governments through the joint
the spirit of regional autonomy (decentralization)      financing of verification and validation in their
and good governance (good governance);                  regions, and cooperate with other ministries/state
involving     the     region     (participatory)   in   institutions through the synergy of the updating
implementing        government      policies.    This   program. According to the Head of Peldatin
involvement is expected can improve the quality of      Pusdatin, the Ministry of Social Affairs is planning
the public service system. Or in Sarundajang            to work closely with the Ministry of Villages to
(2002) Rondinelli, Nellis, and Cheema (1983) can        carry out the updating social programs in villages
improve government performance in providing             throughout Indonesia.
services to the public.                                        While for preparing the human resources,
        Regional involvement (Social Ministry) is       The Social Ministry opening the recruitment
also to be done in applying validation and              (selection) for the prospective field workers that
verification; which the previous validation and         based on their respective regions, and increase their
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(1): 2236-2247                                          ISSN: 00333077

capacity (capacity building), so that they are            organization by create additional work units at the
expected to be skilled and competent field workers.       provincial level specifically to provide data
This was stated by Harrel, Ghosh, Bowden (2004)           services in the regions, involve the Department of
stated that “the person or group doing the                Social Services (Dinsos) in the verification and
modeling should be well trained and proficient in         validation implementations as stipulated in
the use of one or more simulation packages”               Permensos Number 5 Year 2016 and also engage
      Also     in      involving      the     region's    the community to monitor the verification and
implementation of verification and validation,            validation in the field.
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 [33] PP Nomor 60 Tahun 2014 tentang Dana             Penetapan Penerima Bantuan Iuran
      Desa yang Bersumber APBN                        Jaminan Kesehatan Hasil Verifikasi dan
 [34] PP Nomor 76 Tahun 2015 tentang                  Validasi di 23 (Dua Puluh Tiga)
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      tentang Penerima Bantuan Iuran Jaminan     [47] Kepmensos Nomor 170/HUK/2015 tentang
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      Bantuan Iuran Jaminan Kesehatan Tahun           Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia
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