Explore the benefits of survey participation - 2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S - Towers Watson

Page created by Gladys Palmer
Explore the benefits of survey participation - 2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S - Towers Watson
Explore the benefits of survey participation
2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S.

                                   Participate before it’s too late!
                                   Visit us at wtwdataservices.com
Explore the benefits of survey participation - 2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S - Towers Watson
Maximize your investment in survey data
Follow these guidelines throughout the job-matching and data submission process to effectively
prepare your data for a successful survey submission.

                 Review all definitions, descriptions and                                            Do report:
       1         changes before matching your jobs.                                                  ƒƒ
                                                                                                      Individual lines of data
                                                                                                      All possible jobs
                                                                                                      Internal job grades and titles
                 Submit data for all incumbents who can be
       2         matched to the survey.
                                                                                                      All required fields/elements

                                                                                                     Do NOT report:
                 Review survey methodology to ensure a                                               ƒƒ
                                                                                                      Personal data, personal ID numbers,
       3         consistent alignment of jobs.                                                         employee names or initials
                                                                                                      Average data
                                                                                                      Contract and temporary staff not paid on
                 Complete ALL required fields. The more                                                the same terms as permanent, full-time staff
       4         data we receive, the more robust the results.
                                                                                                     Apply the 80% rule:
                 Review your data before submitting to                                               If you determine that 80% or more of the
       5         ensure overall compliance with general                                              job content is similar, the match may be
                 submission guidelines.                                                              considered a quality match.

 2019 survey name                                                                       Survey opens              Due date*                 Results available
 General industry executive                                                             Mid-January               Late April                Early August
 General industry middle management, professional and support                           Late January              Late April                Late August
 Energy services executive                                                              Late January              Early May                 Late August
 Energy services middle management, professional and support                            Early February            Early May                 Mid-September
 Energy marketing and trading                                                           Mid-February              Mid-May                   Early October
 Financial services executive                                                           Late January              Mid-May                   Late August
 Financial services middle management, professional and support                         Early February            Mid-May                   Mid-September
 Fintech                                                                                Mid-March                 Late May                  Late October
 High tech executive                                                                    Late January              Early May                 Late August
 High tech middle management, professional and support                                  Early February            Early May                 Early September
 Media executive                                                                        Late February             Mid-May                   Mid-September
 Media middle management, professional and support                                      Early March               Mid-May                   Late September
 Oil and gas                                                                            Late April                Mid-June                  Late September
 Pharmaceutical and health sciences executive                                           Mid-February              Mid-May                   Late September
 Pharmaceutical and health sciences middle management, professional
                                                                                        Late February             Mid-May                   Early October
 and support
 Retail exective                                                                        Mid-February              Mid-May                   Mid-September
 Retail middle management, professional and support                                     Late February             Mid-May                   Late September
 Long-term incentives, policies and practices                                                                                               Early October
 Annual incentive plan design                                                           Mid-January               Early March               Early July
 Artificial intelligence and digital talent                                             Early April               Mid-June                  Late October
 Sales compensation and design                                                          Mid-March                 Late May                  Late September
 General industry salary budget                                                         Late April                Early June                Mid-September
 General industry compensation policies and practices                                   Late April                Early June                Early October
 Global general industry long-term incentives                                           Early March               Mid-June                  Late October
 Global pharmaceutical and health sciences long-term incentives                         Early March               Mid-June                  Early November
*Data are accepted throughout the year (excluding general industry salary budget and general industry compensation policies and practices). In order for us to
provide timely results, the above due dates are strongly encouraged.
Explore the benefits of survey participation - 2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S - Towers Watson
Table of contents
Join our survey participation      Why participate in our compensation surveys? .........................................................................................2

and job-matching webinars
                                   2019 surveys
for information about key
                                   General Industry Executive Compensation Survey - U.S. ...................................................................4
survey details to help you
                                   General Industry Middle Management, Professional and Support
get started.                       Compensation Survey - U.S. ..............................................................................................................................5

                                   Industry-specific compensation surveys
For more information, visit
                                       Energy Services Compensation Surveys - U.S. ..................................................................................6
                                       Energy Marketing and Trading Compensation Survey - U.S. .......................................................6

                                       Financial Services Compensation Surveys - U.S. ..............................................................................6

                                       Fintech Compensation Survey - U.S. .......................................................................................................6

                                       High Tech Compensation Surveys - U.S. ...............................................................................................6

                                       Media Compensation Surveys - U.S. ........................................................................................................ 7

If you have questions, we              New for 2019! Oil and Gas Compensation Survey - U.S. .............................................................. 7
have answers.                          Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Compensation Surveys - U.S. ...................................... 7
Our Client Care team can help          Retail Compensation Surveys - U.S. ......................................................................................................... 7
provide further information.
                                   Long-Term Incentives, Policies and Practices Report - U.S. ..............................................................8
Reach out to us at
                                   New for 2019! Annual Incentive Plan Design Survey - U.S. ...............................................................8
or +1 800 645 5771.                Artificial Intelligence and Digital Talent Compensation Survey - U.S. ...........................................9

                                   New for 2019! Sales Compensation and Design Survey - U.S. .......................................................9

                                   General Industry Salary Budget Survey - U.S. ........................................................................................10

                                   General Industry Compensation Policies and Practices Survey - U.S. .......................................10

                                   Global General Industry Long-Term Incentives Survey .......................................................................11

                                   Global Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Long-Term Incentives Survey ...........................11

                                   Additional support
                                   Our methodology ..................................................................................................................................................12

                                   Flexible reporting options .................................................................................................................................14

                                   Willis Towers Watson Compensation Software .....................................................................................15

                                   2019 survey report pricing ...............................................................................................................................16

                                                                                                                                                  2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S.                   1
Explore the benefits of survey participation - 2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S - Towers Watson
Why participate in our
compensation surveys?

Simply put: to stay ahead of the game. By participating in our compensation surveys and purchasing
the results, you’ll gain access to the decision-quality data you need for designing a viable — and
competitive — compensation program.

Fair, competitive pay influences whether employees                Our compensation surveys offer:
join or leave an organization. Ensure your organization’s
                                                                  Proven methodology
compensation plans appeal to high-value talent to drive
                                                                  ƒƒStraightforward leveling methodology for matching
business results.
Our diverse portfolio of compensation planning offerings is       ƒƒ
                                                                   Easy-to-understand definitions
designed to fit varying budgets and needs, providing both         ƒƒ
                                                                   Universal job coding across Willis Towers Watson surveys
participants and nonparticipants with a range of options for        globally
accessing survey data and reports.
                                                                  Intuitive web technology
Access to our data will help you:                                 ƒƒFast and easy access to the data
                                                                   Capabilities to export data to Excel
 Design competitive compensation programs to attract,
    retain, motivate and engage your workforce.                   ƒƒ
                                                                   Easy-to-understand data representations

 Develop and administer pay structures that align with your       ƒƒ
                                                                   Customized reports specific to your business needs
    organization’s goals.
                                                                  Rigorous quality
 Determine the value of critical-skill and unique jobs to boost
                                                                  ƒƒIndividualized sessions with each participant to review data,
    your organization’s competitive advantage.
                                                                    including position matches for your company
 Reward employees effectively to improve performance and
                                                                   Experienced data consultants
                                                                   The most advanced error-checking technology available

                                                                  Long-term incentive (LTI) expertise
      Participation is easy                                       ƒƒDetailed total direct compensation data for each position
                                                                   Multiple valuation methodologies to choose from
                1. Access the Participation Center tab at
                    wtwdataservices.com to download survey        ƒƒ
                                                                   Market data accessible by position or salary range
                    submission material.                          ƒƒ
                                                                   Trends in plan design and administration practices

                2. Complete the data submission workbook.

                3. Submit your data and order the report.

2   wtwdataservices.com +1 800 645 5771
Explore the benefits of survey participation - 2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S - Towers Watson
Legend of terms:
Participants                           Participants range from small to large companies; our surveys are designed to meet your needs no matter
                                       what your size.
Industries                             Surveys are industry-specific as well as general industry. Industry-specific surveys cover the following industries:
                                       energy services, energy marketing and trading, financial services, fintech, high tech, media, oil and gas,
                                       pharmaceutical and health sciences, and retail.
Executive jobs                         General industry and industry-specific surveys use a benchmark methodology and include more than 170
                                       cross-industry benchmark jobs and up to 250 industry-specific benchmark jobs.
Nonexecutive jobs                      Middle management, professional and support levels and disciplines bundled by industry include as many as
                                       100 functions and more than 1,000 disciplines.
Long-term incentive (LTI) values       Survey reports present LTI eligibility and values by job and pay level, and offer multiple LTI valuation methodologies.
Accessibility                          Survey reports are available to participants and nonparticipants.
Output options                         Custom (unlimited peer groups including publicly disclosed data) and Standard reports are available. Custom
                                       reports are presented with all Standard report features and additional customization capabilities.

Covering all employee levels and industry-specific roles, our survey data are segmented by these elements:
                    General    Energy     Energy       Financial   Fintech   High   Media   Oil      Pharmaceutical Retail     Artificial      Sales
                    Industry   Services   Marketing    Services              Tech           and      and Health                Intelligence    Compensation
                                          and                                               Gas      Sciences                  and Digital     and Design
                                          Trading                                                                              Talent
Geographic area
                       •          •                        •          •       •       •        •            •            •           •                 •
                       •                                              •                                                              •                 •
unit (corporate/
                       •          •           •            •          •       •       •        •            •            •           •                 •
unit and revenue
                       •          •                        •          •       •       •        •            •            •           •                 •
                       •          •                        •          •       •       •        •            •            •           •                 •
Highest paid
                       •          •                        •                  •                             •            •
                                  •           •            •                          •                     •            •
*See individual product page for industry-specific segmentation

  Compensation elements are reported on:
   Base salary             ƒƒ
                            Actual and target bonus                ƒƒ
                                                                    Long-term incentive expected values
   Midpoints               ƒƒ
                            Total annual compensation              ƒƒ
                                                                    Total direct compensation

                                                                                                                              2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S.   3
Explore the benefits of survey participation - 2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S - Towers Watson
General Industry Executive Compensation Survey - U.S.

       How will the survey results help you?
                                                                             See page 3 for data elements and segmentation
Effective leaders are key to your organization’s future success              reported.
and growth. To attract and keep the best, use the results from
                                                                             Visit wtwdataservices.com for a complete list
this report to ensure that their pay is on point.
                                                                             of functions and executive benchmarks surveyed,
                                                                             and a list of our 2018 survey participants.
       2018 survey results snapshot
                                                                             Participation is easy. Simply follow the steps
 1,500+ participating organizations                                          on page 2 to submit your data.

 60,000+ incumbents reported                                                 Save the date! Don’t miss important survey
 170+ executive benchmark positions                                          submission deadline dates listed on inside cover.

 40+ functions

       Reporting options
Survey results are available in two reporting options:                 Did you know?
Total Direct Compensation                                                                A significantly higher portion
 Results are available only to participants.                                             of a CEO’s total direct
 Gain all the benefits from the total direct compensation                                compensation package at
    option, which includes LTI values by job and salary range                            a for-profit organization
    for all your executives.                                                             is derived from long-term
                                                                                         incentives compared with
Total Annual Compensation
ƒƒResults are available to both participants and
                                                                                         that of other executives.
                                                                                         According to the 2018 General Industry
 Acquire robust pay data minus the long-term incentive                                   Executive Compensation Survey Report - U.S.


For a more detailed explanation of the flexible reporting
options offered, visit page 14.

     Also consider:
     Willis Towers Watson offers an exclusive Global Executive     compensation consultant — to help you submit data and
     Data Member program. Submit data for all of your              interpret survey results.
     executive jobs in a single global data submission workbook.
                                                                   Contact our Client Care team at +1 800 645 5771 or
     Benefit from exclusive global purchasing options, a           wtwusdata@willistowerswatson.com for more details
     25% discount on select reports and a dedicated survey         on our global executive survey offerings and global
     team — comprised of a data specialist and an executive        executive data membership program and discounts.

4   wtwdataservices.com +1 800 645 5771
Explore the benefits of survey participation - 2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S - Towers Watson
General Industry Middle Management, Professional and Support
Compensation Survey - U.S.

     How will the survey results help you?                            See page 3 for data elements and segmentation
Tap into data that cover nearly all positions in your                 reported.
organization, and draw and retain the talent you need to              Visit wtwdataservices.com for a complete list
meet business demands.                                                of functions and disciplines surveyed, and a list of
                                                                      our 2018 survey participants.

     2018 survey results snapshot                                     Participation is easy. Simply follow the steps
 1,600+ participating organizations                                   on page 2 to submit your data.

 More than 3.7 million incumbents reported                            Save the date! Don’t miss important survey
                                                                      submission deadline dates listed on inside cover.
 420 disciplines
 45 functions

     Reporting options
 Results are available in both Total Direct Compensation
                                                               Consider this:
  and Total Annual Compensation.
                                                               The West Coast region
 We offer the flexibility of purchasing the complete results
                                                               continues to have the
  or individual reports by job level and job function.
                                                               highest geographical
Job-level reports                                              differential for both base
ƒƒOffice and business support                                  salary (104.8%) and
 Professional (administrative and sales)                       total annual compensation (103.3%) when
 Professional (technical and operations)
                                                               compared with the national average.
 Supervisory and middle management                             According to the 2018 General Industry Middle Management,
                                                               Professional and Support Compensation Survey Report - U.S.
 Technical support and production

Job-function reports
 Accounting and finance
 Engineering, design and technical specialty
 Human resources
 Information technology
 Sales, marketing and communications

                                                                                                    2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S.   5
Explore the benefits of survey participation - 2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S - Towers Watson
Industry-specific compensation surveys
At a glance

            Need industry-specific data? Participate in our industry-specific surveys and benefit from a deeper dive
            into jobs and functions tailored to your industry requirements.
            Contact us at wtwusdata@willistowerswatson.com for more information.

2018 survey results snapshot

                   Energy Services Executive                                Energy Services Middle Management,
                                                                            Professional and Support
                    120+ participating organizations
                    4,100+ incumbents reported                              ƒƒ
                                                                             140+ participating organizations
                    185+ executive benchmark positions in 53 functions,     ƒƒ
                                                                             233,000+ incumbents reported
                      including functions unique to the energy services     ƒƒ
                                                                             59 functions and 550+ disciplines, including those
                      industry as well as those common to all industries     unique to the energy services industry as well as
                                                                             those common to all industries
                   Energy Marketing and Trading                             ƒƒ
                                                                             Data segmented by nuclear/nonnuclear, in addition to
                                                                             the data segments presented on page 3
                    47 participating organizations
                    Close to 5,000 incumbents reported
                    20 executive benchmark positions and 54 middle management and professional
                      disciplines unique to energy marketing and trading in 11 functions
                    Data segmented by type of commodity, and gross trading and marketing
                      revenues, in addition to the data segments presented on page 3

                   Financial Services Executive                             Financial Services Middle Management,
                                                                            Professional and Support
                    230+ participating organizations
                    8,500+ incumbents reported                           ƒƒ
                                                                          270+ participating organizations
                    180+ executive benchmark positions in 29 functions, ƒƒ560,000+ incumbents reported
                    including functions unique to the financial services ƒƒ
                                                                          99 functions and up to 700 disciplines, including
                      industry as well as those common to all industries     those unique to the financial services industry as well
                    Data segmented by assets, in addition to the data        as those common to all industries
                      segments presented on page 3                          ƒƒ
                                                                             Data segmented by assets, in addition to the data
                                                                             segments presented on page 3

                   Sub-industries: asset-based finance, asset management, corporate banking, insurance, private banking/
                   wealth management retail banking, securities operations, transaction services

                    60 participating organizations          ƒƒ
                                                             120+ executive benchmark positions in 34 functions
                    14,000+ incumbents reported             ƒƒ
                                                             360+ middle management and professional disciplines in 61

                 High Tech Executive                                        High Tech Middle Management, Professional
                                                                            and Support
                  130+ participating organizations
                  13,500+ incumbents reported                               ƒƒ
                                                                             170+ participating organizations
                  190+ executive benchmark positions in 42                  ƒƒ
                                                                             More than 1 million incumbents reported
                   functions, including functions unique to the high-       ƒƒ
                                                                             49 functions and 570+ disciplines, including those
                   tech industry as well as those common to all                unique to the high-tech industry as well as those
                   industries                                                  common to all industries

6   wtwdataservices.com +1 800 645 5771
Explore the benefits of survey participation - 2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S - Towers Watson
Participation is easy. Simply follow the steps
                                                                        on page 2 to submit your data.

     Media Executive                                             Media Middle Management, Professional and
      75+ participating organizations
      3,100+ incumbents reported                                 ƒƒ
                                                                  70+ participating organizations
      145+ executive benchmark positions in 43                   ƒƒ
                                                                  448,000+ incumbents reported
       functions, including functions unique to the media        ƒƒ
                                                                  50 functions and 450+ disciplines, including those
       industry as well as those common to all industries          unique to the media industry as well as those common
                                                                   to all industries
     Data segmented by primary medium, in addition to the data segments presented on page 3

     Oil and Gas
      26 executive benchmark positions in 17 functions,        ƒƒ
                                                                300 middle management, professional and                    2019
       including functions unique to the oil and gas              support disciplines in 43 functions, including
       industry as well as those common to all industries         functions unique to the oil and gas industry as
                                                                  well as those common to all industries

     Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Executive                Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Middle
                                                                 Management, Professional and Support
      100+ participating organizations
      4,900+ incumbents reported                                 ƒƒ
                                                                  100+ participating organizations
      185+ executive benchmark positions in 38 functions,        ƒƒ
                                                                  306,000+ incumbents reported
      including functions unique to the pharmaceutical and       ƒƒ
                                                                  46 functions and 450+ disciplines, including those
      health sciences industries as well as those common          unique to the pharmaceutical and health sciences
      to all industries                                           industries as well as those common to all industries
      Data segmented by scope of responsibility, in addition     ƒƒ
                                                                  Data segmented by scope measures, in addition to
      to the data segments presented on page 3                    the data segments presented on page 3

     Retail Executive                                            Retail Middle Management, Professional and
      110+ participating organizations
      4,600+ incumbents reported                                 ƒƒ
                                                                  100+ participating organizations
      170+ executive benchmark positions in 49                   ƒƒ
                                                                  969,000+ incumbents reported
       functions, including functions unique to the retail       ƒƒ
                                                                  51 functions and 490+ disciplines, including those
       industry as well as those common to all industries         unique to the retail industry as well as those common
                                                                  to all industries
                                                                  Data segmented by retail segment, in addition to the
                                                                  data segments presented on page 3

See page 3 for data                   Visit wtwdataservices.com for a                     Save the date! Don’t miss
elements and segmentation              complete list of functions, executive              important survey submission deadline
reported.                              benchmarks and disciplines surveyed                dates listed on inside cover.
                                       and a list of our 2018 survey participants.

                                                                                                    2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S.   7
Explore the benefits of survey participation - 2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S - Towers Watson
Long-Term Incentives, Policies and Practices Report - U.S.
      Long-term incentive plans and awards are an integral component
      of your organization’s executive compensation packages.                                                                                                                                                          2018 survey results snapshot
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  995 participating organizations
                       How will the survey results help you?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Data are reported by:
      The Long-Term Incentives, Policies and Practices Report - U.S.
      is jointly developed by the compensation consultants at Willis                                                                                                                                              ƒƒ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Salary band
      Towers Watson and the compensation survey experts at Willis                                                                                                                                                 ƒƒ
      Towers Watson Data Services. With detailed insights into
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Organization size measured by revenue
      the latest LTI practices and trends, you can design or update
      plans for employees that incent desired behaviors and drive                                                                                                                                                 Incentive elements reported on:
      company performance.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   LTI award values by salary band, industry classification and
      As a participant in any of our general industry and industry-                                                                                                                                                 organization size measured by revenue
      specific compensation surveys that collect long-term                                                                                                                                                        ƒƒ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   LTI plan prevalence
      incentive data, you are also eligible to purchase the Long-Term
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   LTI plan design by award type: stock options, restricted
      Incentives, Policies and Practices Report - U.S. The report is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    stock/stock units, performance plan awards and stock
      available only to participants.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    appreciation rights
         Long-Term Incentives, Policies
                                          and Practices Report - U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Changes in most recent grants and future directions
         LTI Plan Design

         Restricted Stock/Stock
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Stock ownership
                                Units (conti                                   nued)

        Total Sample
                                                 ELIGIBLE FOR GRANTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The grant process: determination of LTI grant values, award

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    timing and individual participation/awards
        INDUSTRY SECTOR                                         150                  385
                                                                                                                            Average           # of Responses
                                                                                                        1,600     - U.S.     3,357
                                                              Long-Term Incentives, Policies and Practices Report                                   533
        Energy Services
       Financial Services                                        90                  278                  836                  624
                                                               158                                                                                   62
                                                               LTI Grants
       High Tech                                                                     400               2,350
                                                               422                                                          1,949                    90
       Manufacturing                                                              1,053                5,632              14,129

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Custom long-term incentive analysis
                                                               167                                                                                   62
       Media/Entertainment                                                          368
                                                                                       grant   values  2,137
                                                                                                         represent    the   LTI
                                                                                                                            3,270 dollar  value    award     opportunity. Specifically, the values
                                                               The following LTI
                                                              200                                                                                 226
       Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology                                                 400                1,555
                                                                                  annualized present value of LTI2,580        award guidelines          (the typical annual award for an employee at
           Long-Term Incentives, Policies
       Retail/Wholesal                                         represent the 3,400
                                          and Practices Report824                                                                                   19                                          ASC 718
                             e Trade                            - U.S.
                                                               this salary level)
                                                              118                     at grant date. 14,845
                                                                                                         In the case of8,304 equity awards, the values reflect each organization's
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Participants can purchase a custom analysis and review of their
      Services                                                                      260                                                             29      restricted  stock/stock units, performance
                                                                                             values. Equity awards 1,137    include    stock    options,
                                                               (formerly FAS123[R])
                                                              150                                                                                   42
          Grant  Care Process                                  shares and stock
                                                                                       appreciation   1,650
                                                                                                         rights (SARs).7,443 Long-term cash performance plans are valued at target.
      REVENUE SIZE                                                                 400                                                            103
                                                                                                      4,536                2,189
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  company’s long-term incentive practices. This review will cover
                                                                                                                                                   10dispersion of all compensation elements. The
         Award Timing and Valu
      Under $500 Million
                                                               Values for long-term incentive data typically have the
      $500 Million - $1 Billion                                33
                                                                            summary displays a 592       broad range of 481   summary statistics, including 10th and 90th percentiles
     $1 Billion - $3 Billion                                   26                  101                  374 of analyzing206
                                                                                                                                the value of long-term         incentives it is recommended that the
          FREQUENCY OF COMP                                     averages. However, for purposes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  award levels, plan design, performance metrics and market trends.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    values in
     $3 Billion - $6 Billion                ETITIVE MARKET DATA98
                                                                median (50thREVIE
                                                                                  percentile)    represents
                                                                                                        388     the optimal       "market rate." The average reflects valid but extreme
                                                             194                         W                                   561                                          on whether   every  value  in the
     $6 Billion - $10 Billion                                                     330
                                                                data that are widely   % of dispersed.    The 10th and        90th percentiles provide a check
                                                             292                            Responses 910                 1,141                 116
     $10 Billion - $20 Billion                                            falls   680 a reasonable
                                                                                 within              2,029 range.
                                                             212                                                         2,362
     $20Total    Sample
           Billion   or More
                                                                                  633               Periodica
                                                                                                     2,356 lly
                                                                                                                        Do  Not Review            69
         INDUSTRY SECTOR                                 69.9%
                                                             475                 4.4%
                                                                                                                         2,459 Market Data     # of
                                                                               1,911                  22.5%AWARDS12,308                           84Responses
                                                                DOLLAR VALUE OF 20168,048             LTI                     3.2%                    856 by Salary Level                                # of
     NUMB     ERService        s                                                                                                                  98 Awards
                     OF EMPLO
        Financial Services YEES RECEIVING                79.1%                                                                                                    75th        90th       Average      Responses
                                                              GRAN     TS ($000)
                                                                Salary Ranges
                                                                                 3.3%                 17.6%       10th             25th          Median
                                                         69.9%                                                               0.0%                      91
    Total       Tech
            Sample                                        25th
                                                                TOTAL SAMPLE     3.1%
                                                                              Median                 22.7%
                                                           139                                       75th                    4.3%
                                                                                                                       Average                   $4,249.8
                                                                                                                                                     163        $7,000.0 $10,088.2 $5,200.4             491
    INDUST      RYcturing
                     SECTOR                                                      4.7%
                                                                                 300                 20.0%       $1,275.1        $2,364.0 # of Respons   es
                                                                 CEO                                  966               1,5664.7%                                                                       483
    Energy          ntertain
                                                        69.5%                   5.4%                               $335.0          $629.7 533          85
                                                                                                                                                 $1,096.7       $1,797.5 $3,000.7 $1,464.0
              Service     s ment                                 CFO                                 22.9%                   2.3%                                                                         40
                                                        74.2%74                                                                                      354        $4,563.9 $5,620.5 $3,550.3
   Financi         ceuticasl/Biotechnology
             al Service                                                         0.0%
                                                                       - $1,000204                   19.4%
                                                                                                      500          $916.4 $1,615.9 $3,010.0
          Tech holesale Trade                              120 $901
                                                        73.3%                   4.4%
                                                                                                                                  $1,509.1 62         31
                                                                                                                                                 $2,373.2       $3,483.6 $4,920.6 $2,741.3                46
                                                                 $801 - $900                        22.2%
                                                                                                  1,505            $824.60.0%
                                                           317                  2.8%                                   1,086                     90   45                     $3,642.1    $2,086.9        103
   Manufa         s
             cturing                                                            730                 29.6%
                                                                                                  1,750            $697.7         $1,094.0 $1,865.8 $2,759.6
                                                          150    $701 - $800                                           5,6535.6%                      71                                                 203
   Media/E       Care ment
              ntertain                                                          5.5%
                                                                                310                 22.0%                                        $1,394.9 $1,919.4 $2,568.4 $1,590.4
                                                          134    $601 - $7000.0%                  1,321            $605.1
                                                                                                                       1,9984.9% $944.9 226164                                                           320
   Pharma         UE SIZE
             ceutica                                                           300                                                                               $1,281.6 $1,740.8 $1,063.6
                                                          682 $501 - $600
                                                                                                  1,250             $450.0
                                                                                                                         6230.0% $645.3 19 $947.9     13                                                 455
   Retail/W     $500 Million
                         e Trade                                             3,152                8,325                             $400.1          $540.0         $738.4 $1,090.1         $640.9
                                                       63.3%94 $401 - $5003.3%                                      $263.5
      $500sMillion - $1 Billion
  Service                                                                      213                 20.0%                                        29                 $452.4      $635.2      $394.1        496
                                                       72.0%                                        734                  13.3% $254.7 42 $350.0
      $1 Billion
  Health                                                  140 $351 - $400    10.0%
                                                                               357                                                                   30                                                  528
            Care - $3 Billion                                                                      16.0%
                                                                                                    972                                              $231.7        $301.7      $416.3      $265.1
                                                         124 $301 - $3505.9%                                          2,040
                                                                                                                    $118.5 2.0% $165.0 103 50
      $3 Billion
  REVEN     UE SIZE - $6 Billion                                               330                 21.3%
                                                                                                 2,616                                                             $200.8      $272.2       $176.4       547
                                                      63.8% $251 - $300                                               1,249
                                                                                                                      $72.04.8% $107.8 10188         $149.0
      $6 Billion
  Under    $500 Million
                    - $10 Billion                                             5.6%                 27.7%                                                                                    $100.6       535
                                                                                                                                                                   $125.0      $175.4
  $500     Billion- -$1
                                                      74.7%33 $201 - $250     0.0%
                                                                              146                                     $45.62.8%       $60.7        177$84.9
                       $20   Billion
                          Billion                                                                  24.2%
                                                                                                   288                    1.0%
                                                                                                                        341                                          $75.0     $106.8        $60.3       477
 $1 $20                                               70.7%26           - $2005.3%
                                                                                74                                    $25.0           $37.5 14 99$51.7
               - $3 or   More
                      Billion                                     $176                            21.1%
                                                                                                   140                                                                                       $41.0       421
                                                          80                                                              3.0%
                                                                                                                      $16.9           $25.4    30 133  $35.8         $50.0       $70.3
 $3 Billion - $6 Billion                                          $151 - $175 2.2%

      Annual Incentive Plan Design Survey - U.S.
                                                                                                   277                    1.7%
                                                                                                                        267                                                      $52.5       $29.0        331
 $6 Billion - $10 Billion                               175                   287                                     $12.3           $16.4122179$24.3               $35.4
                                                                  $126 - $150                      599                  544                                                                   $20.7       244
                                                        229                                                             $7.6          $11.1116         $17.3         $25.0       $39.0
 $10 Billion - $20 Billion                                        $101 - $125450                1,497
                                                        159                                                          1,029                                           $17.4       $25.0        $14.0       159
                                                                                                                                        $8.5 69        $11.2
 $20 Billion or More                                              $80  - $100491                1,288                   $4.7
                                                        445                1,645                                                              84on next page.
                                                                                                4,541                5,656   Table  continues

      As part of your organization’s broad compensation and benefit
Willis Towers Watson Data

      strategy planning, it is essential to consider the breadth                                                                                                                                                       How will the survey results help you?
      of your annual incentive offering as a means to increase
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Align pay strategies with company objectives and priorities.
      performance within your workforce.
                                                                  Willis Towers Watson Data Services                                                                                                              ƒƒ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Understand historic and current payout levels at all levels of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    participating organizations.
Willis Towers Watson Data
                            Services        Participation is easy. Simply download survey                                                                                                                         ƒƒ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Compare your organization’s design practices with those of
                                            submission materials by accessing the Participation                                                                                                                     your peers, including:
                                            Center tab at wtwdataservices.com and submit                                                                                                                            – Eligibility of various organizational levels
                                            your data online using the link.                                                                                                                                        – Plan funding
                                            Save the date! Don’t miss important survey                                                                                                                              – Performance metric prevalence and weighting at
                                            submission deadline dates listed on inside cover.                                                                                                                          corporate, segment, division and individual levels
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    – Plan features (circuit breaker, multiplier, discretion,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       overrides, impact of individual performance)

      8        wtwdataservices.com +1 800 645 5771
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Talent Compensation Survey - U.S.
It’s time to embrace digitalization
                                                                        How will the survey results help you?
As artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain and automation
continue to evolve, today’s realities are blurring lines between   ƒƒ
                                                                    Adapt your HR strategy to attract, retain and engage talent
the physical, digital and biological worlds. Companies are           that is in high demand.
“going digital” — deconstructing and dispersing work across        ƒƒ
                                                                    Capitalize on the emergence of AI and the rise of
a global virtual workplace. This is creating an immense              contingent work.
competition among companies as they seek to acquire the
                                                                    Understand the digital skills you need for your business and
needed skills and recruit the best digital talent to actualize
                                                                     how employees with those skills should be compensated.
their business objectives.

The Artificial Intelligence and Digital Talent Compensation             2018 survey results snapshot
Survey - U.S. takes a novel, holistic approach to
                                                                    980+ participating organizations
understanding the unique challenges posed by the digital
workforce, from sourcing and compensating skills to updating       ƒƒ
                                                                    227,000+ incumbents reported
talent management strategies.                                      ƒƒ
                                                                    10 executive benchmark positions
                                                                    45 disciplines

           See page 3 for data elements and segmentation           ƒƒ
                                                                    10 functions

           Visit wtwdataservices.com for a complete list
           of functions, executive benchmarks and disciplines
           surveyed, and a list of our 2018 survey participants.

           Participation is easy. Simply follow the steps
           on page 2 to submit your data.

           Save the date! Don’t miss important survey
           submission deadline dates listed on inside cover.

Sales Compensation and Design Survey - U.S.                                                2019

Our Sales Compensation and Design Survey - U.S. focuses
exclusively on jobs that are directly involved in the sales             How will the survey results help you?
function. This survey is ideal for organizations searching
                                                                   Survey results offer:
for data on the “hunter,” the “farmer” and hybrid roles —
                                                                    Robust data on pay levels, including commissions and target-
roles tasked with pursuing business opportunities, closing
                                                                     based quota bonuses for key benchmark sales positions
sales and technical sales support as well as those positions
responsible for maintaining client relationships.                  ƒƒ
                                                                    Insightful information on sales incentive design practices
                                                                     and trends, including performance measures and payout

   Interested in learning more?                                    ƒƒ
                                                                    Simplified job structure and incentive data reporting
   Please contact our Client Care team
   at +1 800 645 5771 or                                           ƒƒ
                                                                    Enhanced reporting that further supports the specific
   wtwusdata@willistowerswatson.com                                  requirements of sales compensation managers
   for participation and survey results details.

                                                                                                       2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S.   9
General Industry Salary Budget Survey - U.S.
                                                              Statistics reported on:
      How will the survey results help you?                   ƒƒ
                                                               Merit and total increases reported as a percentage of total base
This report provides aggregated data on increase                salaries granted, budgeted and projected
percentages for actual salary budgets for the past and        ƒƒ
                                                               Salary range midpoint increases granted, budgeted and projected
current year, along with projected increases for next         ƒƒ
                                                               The percentage of incumbents who receive variable pay elements
year — figures most sought after by HR and compensation        (short-term incentives/bonuses and low-cost recognition/spot
professionals for effective compensation planning.             awards programs) in each applicable employee group
                                                               The percentage of total base salaries budgeted for short-term
      2018 survey results snapshot                            ƒƒ
                                                               Targeted Total Rewards mix, including the target percentage of
The 2018 survey collected data from 817 organizations.         each element
                                                               Salary increases expressed both as a percentage of incumbents
Data are segmented by:                                         receiving and the average salary increase, at each of the four
 Geographic area                   ƒƒ
                                    Industry classification    performance ratings
 Organization size                 ƒƒ
                                    Profit status             ƒƒ
                                                               Starting salaries for recent graduates

Employee groups covered:                                      Results are FREE to participants (a $600 savings off the nonparticipant
                                                              price). Plus as a bonus, participants will receive complimentary
 Executive                         ƒƒ
                                    Nonexempt salaried
                                                              preliminary results in early August.
 Management                        ƒƒ
                                    Nonexempt hourly
  (excluding executives)
 Exempt, nonmanagement                                                   Visit wtwdataservices.com for a list of 2018
                                                                         survey participants.

                  Did you know?                                          Participation is easy. Simply download survey
                  According to the 2018 General Industry                 submission materials by accessing the Participation
                  Salary Budget Survey Report - U.S.                     Center tab at wtwdataservices.com and submit your
                                                                         data online using the link.
                  An increase in discretionary
                  bonus awards is expected in 2019                       Save the date! Don’t miss important survey
                  across most employee groups.                           submission deadline dates listed on inside cover.

General Industry Compensation Policies and Practices Survey - U.S.

      How will the survey results help you?                        2018 survey results snapshot
Do your policies stack up to those of your peers? Key         The 2018 survey collected data from 488 companies.
findings will help ensure your organization’s pay policies
and practices are competitive.                                Policies and practices reported on:
                                                               Labor market definition by              ƒƒ
                                                                employee group                         ƒƒ
                                                                                                        Tuition assistance
  Did you know?
  According to the 2018 General Industry Compensation
                                                               Short-term incentive pay programs       ƒƒ
                                                                                                        Recruitment and retention
  Policies and Practices Survey Report - U.S.                 ƒƒ
                                                               Sales incentives and policies           ƒƒ
                                                                                                        Work/life policies
                                                                affecting sales personnel
  Top three recruitment/retention practices                                                            ƒƒ
                                                                                                        Deferred compensation
                                                               Shift and holiday pay differentials        plans for executives
                                                               Severance pay policies                  ƒƒ
                                                                                                        Company car benefits
                                                               Exempt overtime policies                ƒƒ
                                                                                                        Regional differentials
             1                     2                3
                                                              Data are broken down by:
         Tuition            Short-term         Wellness       ƒƒ
                                                               Geographic area                         ƒƒ
                                                                                                        Profit status
     reimbursement          incentives         programs                                                ƒƒ
                                                               Organization size                        Industry

10   wtwdataservices.com +1 800 645 5771
Global General Industry Long-Term Incentives Survey
                                                                                                                                  Custom Long-Term Incentive Analysis
       How will the survey results help you?
                                                                                                                                  Participants can also purchase a custom analysis, which will
Multinational organizations face a growing challenge in                                                                           include results based on their peer organizations.
managing and deploying top talent worldwide. Having the
right incentives to drive performance is a key part of the
equation. Compare your organization’s LTI investment with                                                                                   Also available
the latest information and insights.
                                                                                                                                            Global Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
                                                                                                                                            Long-Term Incentives Survey Report
       2018 survey results snapshot
                                                                                                                                            A subset of the Global General Industry Long-Term
The Global General Industry Long-Term Incentives Survey                                                                                     Incentives Survey database, the report provides
Report is a premier source for information on global long-                                                                                  detailed information about international LTI policies and
term incentives. The survey report covers international LTI                                                                                 practices and global grant values of major multinational
policies, practices and fair values* of major multinational                                                                                 pharmaceutical and health sciences companies.
companies, including:

 Home country incumbents to enhance grant value tables by
  including all incumbents receiving LTI
                                                                                                                                                               Visit wtwdataservices.com for a list of our
 Hard-to-find expected LTI grant date fair values in                                                                                                           2018 survey participants.
  approximately 60 countries based on accounting value
                                                                                                                                                               Participation is easy. Simply follow the steps
  methodology, including breaks by U.S.- and EMEA-only
                                                                                                                                                               on page 2 to submit your data.
  companies as well as a revenue break by U.S. companies
 Market trends, including key issues identified by participants                                                                                                Save the date! Don’t miss important survey
                                                                                                                                                               submission deadline dates listed on inside cover.
 Prevalence of different types of LTI plans
 Eligibility and participation policies, plus participation
  statistics by lowest salary for those receiving grants

*Fair value is the per share value of the award at grant as calculated under
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS 2), or the equivalent standard
under local country Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

    Global General Industry Long-Term Incentives
    Survey Report
                                                                                                                 stry Long-Term Ince
                                                                                           Global General Indu
                                                                                           Survey Report

    International Modifications
                                                                                           Grant Values by
    Modifications - Last 12-18 Months
    Thirty-three percent of the organizations have made plan design modificationsAs
                                                                                                       Pacific Region (co
                                                                                      ia the last 12-18 months to
    reflect tax and legal issues outside the home country. Of those making modifications, 28% have modified the
    form of award agreement.                                                          STRALIAAU                                                                               AUD)                                                     # of
                                                                                                                                                     A - 1.00 USD = 1.28                               - % of Base Salary
                                                                                                                           PLE (AUSTRALI                                               LTI Award Value                              Responses
                                                                               are:BAL TOTAL SAM
    The most common modifications that have been made in the last 12-18 monthsGLO                                                     LTI Award Value
                                                                                                                                                      - USD (000)                     25th          Median
                                                                                                                    )-                                            75th                                  ---             ---
                                                                                                 Salary Ranges (000              25th           Median                                  ---                                               8
                                                                                                         (AUD)                                           ---             ---                                            67
    MODIFICATION                                                                                                                   ---                                                  15              38
                                                                                                   ater Than 640                                                        304                                             75               37
                                                                                           % Gre
                                                                                             of                           # of      68                  158
                                                                                                                                                                                        30              39
                                                                                                                                                                        242                                                              44
                                                                                             512 - 640
                                                                                       Organizations                  Organizations                     128                                             24              49
                                                                                                                                  103                                                   18                                               69
    Modified form of award agreement                                             28%
                                                                                   384 - 512             13                                              67             135                                             35
                                                                                                                                   47                                                    17              25
                                                                                                                                                                          81                                                             56
    Changed how awards are settled                                                 320 - 384
                                                                                 26%                     12                                               55                                             19              29
                                                                                                                                   36                                                    14                                               64
    Changed to units rather than shares                                            256 - 320
                                                                                 15%                      7                                               35              55                                             28
                                                                                                                                   27                                                    12              18
                                                                                                                                                                          45                                                              64
    Changed vesting                                                                224 - 256
                                                                                 13%                      6                                               30                                              14             24
                                                                                                                                    20                                                      9                                             53
    Changed termination provisions                                               11%192 - 224             5                                                18              33                                            19
                                                                                                                                    12                                                      8             15
                                                                                                                                                                           22                                                             35
    Added provisions which require forced sale of shares upon certain events      6%160 - 192             3                                                17                                             14              18
                                                                                                                                    10                                                       8                                             23
                                                                                    128 - 160                                                              12              17                                             13
    Introduced a qualified plan                                                   2%                      1                           7                                                      5               9
                                                                                                                                                                           10                                                              12
                                                                                    102 - 128                                         3                       7                                            10             20
                                                                                                                                                                            10               5                                              0
    Challenging Issues and Expected Changes - Next 12 Months                         77 - 102
                                                                                                                                      3                       5
                                                                                                                                                                             ---            ---             ---            ---
                                                                                     51 - 77                                                                 ---
    Most organizations (71%) have challenges with global LTI plans. By far, the number         n 51
                                                                                           Thachallenge in the next
    12 months is determining the appropriate LTI award size outside the home country.                                                                                              0 USD = 1.28 AU                                        # of
                                                                                                                                                         (AUSTRALIA - 1.0                                  - % of Base Salary
                                                                                                                            TOTAL SAMPLE                                                   LTI Award Value                             Responses
                                                                                                  UNITED STATES
                                                                                                                                                                - USD (000)                             Median                             1
                                                                                                                                                LTI Award Value                           25th                              ---
    CHALLENGING ISSUES AND EXPECTED CHANGES                                                        Salary Ranges (000
                                                                                                                        )-                                Median
                                                                                                                                                                                             ---             ---
                                                                                                                                    25th                                     ---                                                           7
                                                                     Challenging Issues                     (AUD )
                                                                                                            Expected  Changes                                ---                                             36                68
                                                                                                                                       ---                                                   11                                           31
                                                                 which are Most Concerning                 Than 640 LTI Plans
                                                                                                        to International
                                                                                                  Greater                                                   156             312                                                80
                                                                  % of                # of             % of                  # of     50                                                     31              44
                                                                                                      - 640                                                                 260                                                48         36
                                                              Organizations      Organizations    512
                                                                                                   Organizations         Organizations                      150                                              23
                                                                                                                                         110                                                 17                                           57
    Plan Design                                                                                    384 - 512                                                 64             131                                                34
    Introduce Stock Options/SARs                                  5%                   5           320 - 384
                                                                                                          ---                    ---
                                                                                                                                          37                  55              77
                                                                                                                                                                                                              20 2019         Compensation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                30         49
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Surveys - U.S.
    Introduce Restricted Stock/RSUs                               7%                   7                 320
                                                                                                   256 -6%                        5                           38                                              19                29
                                                                                                                                          26                                                  12                                           55
    Introduce Performance Shares or Cash                          4%                   4           224 -7%256                     6                           31              45                                                23
                                                                                                                                           20                                                    9             13
                                                                                                                                                                               32                                                          45
    Eligibility and/or Receivership                                                                 192 - 224                                                  18                                              15               20
                                                                                                                                           12                                                    8                                          29
                                                                                                    160 - 192                                                                  23                                                18
Our methodology
Our survey methodology builds on our collective experience in    Middle management, professional and support
serving clients for more than 70 years. Our approach provides    jobs: a two-step leveling approach
a consistent process for mapping jobs to external market data
and integrates executive benchmarks, functions/disciplines       Our methodology for nonexecutive jobs uses functions (job
and career levels.                                               families) and disciplines (areas of specialization) combined
                                                                 with career levels to replace traditional survey benchmark
Our consistent survey methodology reflects our extensive         jobs. You match your jobs to the functions and disciplines,
knowledge and experience in job leveling and job architecture,   and then assign the career bands/levels that represent the
as well as our understanding of how cross-industry and           type and level of competency within the function/discipline.
industry-specific jobs are structured and evolve as industries
change. This ensures accurate and meaningful comparisons of
                                                                 Your job match
data across all countries and regions of the globe.
                                                                  Step 1: Function/Discipline      Step 2: Career bands/levels

Executive jobs: a benchmark approach                             The combinations of disciplines and career bands/levels are
                                                                 easily identified in the labor market and enhance your ability to:
Our approach to executive jobs integrates executive
benchmark descriptions with critical measures, such as
                                                                  Create linkages among the market, how people are paid
revenue, full-time equivalent (FTE) employees and geographic
                                                                   and how their careers advance in an organization.
scope. Benchmark job matching at the executive and senior
management levels allows you to differentiate between            ƒƒ
                                                                  Improve the matching process for diverse and unique jobs.
corporate and business unit responsibilities.                    ƒƒ
                                                                  Capture more data per discipline and career level.
                                                                  Consistently view market data across functions, geographic
  Sample executive benchmark: top                                  areas and lines of business.
  compensation and benefits executive
   This position has primary responsibility for designing,
      developing and implementing the organization’s              Step 1: Match your organization’s jobs to functions
      benefit and compensation programs (e.g., executive          and disciplines
      compensation, salary, hourly, sales incentives).            Functions     Accounting     Human             IT development
   At the corporate level, this position emphasizes                                            resources
      design/development; at the noncorporate level, the          Disciplines   ƒƒ
                                                                                 Accounts      ƒƒ
                                                                                                Benefits     ƒƒ
      emphasis is on administration unless the organization                       payable      ƒƒ
                                                                                                Compensation  development
      is highly decentralized.                                                  ƒƒ
                                                                                 General       ƒƒ
                                                                                                Recruitment  ƒƒ
                                                                                  accounting                       systems
                                                                                 Payroll                           analysis
                                                                                                                  IT architecture

12   wtwdataservices.com +1 800 645 5771
In North America, nonexecutive job hierarchies or internal                                                      The following General Alignment Map provides an
structures are aligned with survey career levels and matched to                                                 overview of how career bands, career levels and global
functions and disciplines. Within the nonexecutive career bands,                                                grades are aligned.
there are four to six career levels that span six to 10 global grades.*

 Step 2: Assign career bands/levels

                                                                 General alignment of global grades to career levels
                                                                                                          Revenue (USD)           75m 150m 500m 1b                      2b        5b    10b        50b 100b
  1       2           3    4       5       6        7      8           9     10       11       12        13     14     15      16        17
                                                                                                                                         17     18
                                                                                                                                                18         19
                                                                                                                                                           19      20
                                                                                                                                                                   20        21
                                                                                                                                                                             21        22
                                                                                                                                                                                       22   23
                                                                                                                                                                                            23       24
                                                                                                                                                                                                     24   25
                                                                                                          FTE employees             90        240        620    1.6K    4.1K 10.6K 27.5K 75K 200K

                                                                                                                                         Executive/Senior management (EX)
                                                                                                                       15      16        17         18     19      20        21        22     23     24   25
                                                                                           Supervisory/Management (M)
                                                                                 M1                   M2             M3         M4    M5
                                                                              Supervisor            Manager         Senior     Group Senior
                                                                                                                   Manager      Mgr. Group
                                                                                                 Revenue (R)                                              (Financial Services only)
                                                                R1           R2           R3                R4              R5              R6
                                                              Analyst       Asso-       Senior             Vice       Director Senior    Managing
                                                                            ciate      Associate         President    Vice President     Director
                                                                                           Professional (P)
                                                          P1              P2                P3              P4         P5          P6
                                                         Entry          Interm.            Career        Specialist   Master    Renowned
                                                                  Customer/Client Management and Sales (S)
                                                          S1              S2                S3             S4          S5           S6
                                                         Entry          Interm.            Career         Expert       Sr.         Elite
                                                                                                                      Expert      Expert
                                                                  Medical representation (V)                          (Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences only)
                                                                V1                 V2            V3        V4
                                                               Entry              Career       Spe-       Expert
                                         Technical support (T)
                                   T1     T2          T3               T4
                                  Entry Interm.      Senior       Lead/Advanced

                                  Business support (U)
                           U1         U2           U3         U4
                          Entry     Interm.       Senior Lead/Advanced

                Production/Manual labor (W)                       (Not in Financial Services)
               W1              W2         W3          W4
              Entry       Intermediate   Senior      Lead/

Sample job match: your benefits professional
Survey job code: AHR060-P3
 Step 1: Match to a function and a discipline                                                                 Step 2: Assign a career band and a career level
 Function: AHR Human Resources, Discipline: AHR060 Benefits                                                   Career Band: Professional, Career Level: P3 Career
  Develops, implements and administers cost-effective benefit                                                 ƒƒ
                                                                                                               Has in-depth knowledge in own discipline and basic knowledge of
      programs, such as pension plans and life, health and disability                                           related disciplines
      insurance                                                                                               ƒƒ
                                                                                                               Solves complex problems; takes a new perspective on existing
                                                                                                               Works independently; receives minimal guidance
                                                                                                               Acts as a resource for colleagues with less experience
                                                                                                               May represent the level at which career may stabilize for many
                                                                                                                years or even until retirement

*In regions outside North America, global grades are used to measure the relative internal values of all jobs in an organization and align them to quantifiable
differences in market pay. Global grades are not collected in North America. References to global grades in survey materials are presented for the benefit of
global participants and Global Grading System clients.

                                                                                                                                                                        2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S.      13
Flexible reporting options
Compensation data delivered online
                                                                                                Visit wtwdataservices.com for
Our compensation data are available in two reporting options. Both offer online
                                                                                                reporting options available for the
access to the type of data that fits your organization’s unique needs and budget.
                                                                                                survey report of interest.

Reporting option 1: Total Direct Compensation                                                   For further information, contact our
                                                                                                Client Care team at +1 800 645 5771 or
 This option is available only to participants.
 Gain all the benefits from the total direct compensation option, which
  includes LTI values by job and salary range for all your executives.
 Data submissions to this survey are accepted throughout the year.

Reporting option 2: Total Annual Compensation
 This option is available to both participants and nonparticipants.
 Acquire robust pay data minus the long-term incentive values.

These options can be purchased in either a Custom or a Standard output format:
 Output features                                                                                           Custom          Standard
 View, download and print reports                                                                                 •               •
 Age data                                                                                                         •               •
 Export data in a variety of formats                                                                              •               •
 Create peer groups by company name or characteristic (e.g., industry, size or performance measure)               •
 Customize report formats and content (e.g., select preferred percentiles and currencies, and tailor              •
 report content, titles and labels)
 Combine career levels and disciplines                                                                            •
 View and compare your data with the market                                                                       •
 Access new data as they are submitted to the database throughout the year (for select surveys)                   •
 Sort by additional criteria such as number of full-time equivalent employees, revenue size and other             •
 industry-specific breakouts
 Add percentiles of your choice                                                                                   •
 Combine publicly disclosed data and survey submitted data in customized peer groups (available for the           •
 General Industry Executive Compensation Survey Report - U.S.)

14   wtwdataservices.com +1 800 645 5771
For further exploration

Willis Towers Watson Compensation Software
Compensation management is about striking the right              Key features
balance. Willis Towers Watson Compensation Software helps
companies design, build and manage an effective compensation
                                                                  Compensation data: Gain perspective on compensation
                                                                   strategies and decisions with interactive access to
structure that places total compensation within the context of
                                                                   comprehensive data from Willis Towers Watson.
performance, market benchmarks and systemwide equity.
                                                                  Compensation management: Create a pay-for-
Imagine empowering managers to respond nimbly to the               performance culture that rewards the best employees and
productivity and aspirations of employees while effortlessly       improves their engagement and retention.
complying with the philosophy, guidelines and budget of your     ƒƒ
                                                                  Job leveling: Determine the value of jobs across your
compensation system.                                               organization to achieve a balanced compensation structure
                                                                   and establish a foundation for effective talent management.
That’s the Willis Towers Watson difference.
                                                                  Compensation reporting and analytics: Visualize
                                                                   compensation data from multiple dimensions to identify
                                                                   opportunities in the organization and in the labor market.
       To learn more, visit us at
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                                                                                                     2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S.   15
2019 survey report pricing
                                                        Total Direct Compensation (TDC)                  Total Annual Compensation (TAC)

                                                                 Participant only          Participant    Nonparticipant    Participant    Nonparticipant

General industry survey reports                            Custom            Standard               Standard               Standard job level/job function

General Industry Reports Package - U.S.+                   $11,300           $8,300          $5,500          $11,500

General Industry Executive Compensation Survey
                                                           $8,500             $5,100         $2,500          $4,800
Report - U.S.
General Industry Middle Management, Professional
                                                           $6,500            $4,900          $4,500          $9,500
and Support Compensation Survey Report - U.S.
General Industry Supervisory and Middle
                                                                                                                             $1,200          $2,400
Management Compensation Survey Report - U.S.
General Industry Professional (Administrative and
                                                                                                                             $1,200          $2,400
Sales) Compensation Survey Report - U.S.
General Industry Professional (Technical and
                                                                                                                             $1,200          $2,400
Operations) Compensation Survey Report - U.S.
General Industry Office and Business Support
                                                                                                                             $1,200          $2,400
Compensation Survey Report - U.S.
General Industry Technical Support and Production
                                                                                                                             $1,200          $2,400
Compensation Survey Report - U.S.
General Industry Accounting and Finance
                                                                                                                             $1,200          $2,400
Compensation Survey Report - U.S.
General Industry Engineering, Design and Technical
                                                                                                                             $1,200          $2,400
Specialty Compensation Survey Report - U.S.
General Industry Human Resources Compensation
                                                                                                                             $1,200          $2,400
Survey Report - U.S.
General Industry Information Technology
                                                                                                                             $1,200          $2,400
Compensation Survey Report - U.S.
General Industry Sales, Marketing and
Communications Compensation Survey                                                                                           $1,200          $2,400
Report - U.S.
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Talent Survey
                                                           $4,200             $3,100
Report - U.S.

                                                                                                                    Total Direct Compensation (TDC)

                                                                                                                             Participant only
Industry-specific survey reports                                                                                       Custom              Standard
Energy Services Reports Package - U.S.+                                                                                $11,300*               $8,300
Energy Services Executive Compensation Survey Report - U.S.                                                            $8,500*                $5,600
Energy Services Middle Management, Professional and Support Compensation Survey Report - U.S.                          $6,500*                $4,900
Energy Marketing and Trading Compensation Survey Report - U.S.                                                                                $3,700
Financial Services Reports Package - U.S.+                                                                             $11,300*
 Parent company with less than $2 billion in assets                                                                                           $4,800
 Parent company with more than $2 billion in assets                                                                                           $5,800
Financial Services Executive Compensation Survey Report - U.S.                                                         $8,500*
 Parent company with less than $2 billion in assets                                                                                             $4,100
 Parent company with more than $2 billion in assets                                                                                             $5,100

Total Direct Compensation (TDC) – Available only to participants and includes long-term incentive (LTI) values by job and salary range.
Total Annual Compensation (TAC) – Available to participants and nonparticipants and does not include LTI values.

16   wtwdataservices.com +1 800 645 5771
Total Direct Compensation (TDC)

                                                                                                                          Participant only
Industry-specific survey reports continued                                                                       Custom                   Standard
Financial Services Middle Management, Professional and Support Compensation Survey Report - U.S.                  $6,500*
 Parent company with less than $2 billion in assets                                                                                          $2,800
 Parent company with more than $2 billion in assets                                                                                         $3,800
Fintech Compensation Survey Report - U.S.                                                                         $5,000                    $4,000
High Tech Reports Package - U.S.+                                                                                 $11,300*                 $8,300*
High Tech Reports Package - U.S.+ (not including the general industry survey results)                             $6,500                    $5,000
High Tech Executive Compensation Survey Report - U.S.                                                             $5,200                     $3,900
High Tech Middle Management, Professional and Support Compensation Survey Report - U.S.                           $4,300                     $3,100
Media Reports Package - U.S.+                                                                                    $11,300*                   $8,300
Media Executive Compensation Survey Report - U.S.                                                                $8,200*
 Parent company with annual revenues less than $500 million                                                                                  $2,600
 Parent company with annual revenues of $500 million to $1 billion                                                                           $4,500
 Parent company with annual revenues greater than $1 billion                                                                                 $6,400
Media Middle Management, Professional and Support Compensation Survey Report - U.S.                              $6,000*                     $3,700
Oil and Gas Compensation Survey Report - U.S.                                                                     $5,200
 Parent company with less than $1 billion in revenues                                                                                        $2,800
 Parent company with more than $1 billion in revenues                                                                                       $3,800
Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Reports Package - U.S.+                                                       $11,300*                   $8,300
Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Executive Compensation Survey Report - U.S.                                   $8,500*                     $5,800
Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Middle Management, Professional and Support Compensation Survey
                                                                                                                  $6,500*                    $3,700
Report - U.S.
Retail Reports Package - U.S.+                                                                                   $11,300*                    $7,300
Retail Executive Compensation Survey Report - U.S.                                                               $8,500*                    $5,000
Retail Middle Management, Professional and Support Compensation Survey Report - U.S.                              $6,500*                   $4,000
+Includes both the executive compensation and the middle management, professional and support compensation survey reports for that industry
*Includes general industry survey results

                                                                                                    Participant only                  Nonparticipant

Survey reports                                                                                 Custom            Standard                 Standard

Long-Term Incentives, Policies and Practices Report - U.S.                                                         $3,300

Annual Incentive Plan Design Survey Report - U.S.                                                                  $1,800                     $3,500

Long-Term Incentives, Policies and Practices Report - U.S. and Annual Incentive Plan
Design Survey Report - U.S.

Sales Compensation and Design Survey Report - U.S. (TAC)                                         $4,000            $3,000

General Industry Salary Budget Survey Report - U.S.                                                                    FREE                     $600

General Industry Compensation Policies and Practices Survey Report - U.S.                                              $600                   $1,200

Global General Industry Long-Term Incentives Survey Report                                                         $7,500

Global Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Long-Term Incentives Survey Report                                       $7,500

Global General Industry Long-Term Incentives Survey Report and Global Pharmaceutical
and Health Sciences Long-Term Incentives Survey Report

                                                                                                                       2019 Compensation Surveys - U.S.   17
Willis Towers Watson Data Services
     Willis Towers Watson Data Services is a leading provider of compensation, benefit and
     employment practice information to the global employer community. Our databases are
     recognized worldwide as a premier source of current data for compensation planning.

     Willis Towers Watson Data Services
     44 South Broadway, 13th Floor
     White Plains, NY 10601-4411
     T +1 800 645 5771 F +1 914 289 3201

     About Willis Towers Watson
     Willis Towers Watson (NASDAQ: WLTW) is a leading global advisory, broking and
     solutions company that helps clients around the world turn risk into a path for growth.
     With roots dating to 1828, Willis Towers Watson has over 40,000 employees serving more
     than 140 countries. We design and deliver solutions that manage risk, optimize benefits,
     cultivate talent, and expand the power of capital to protect and strengthen institutions
     and individuals. Our unique perspective allows us to see the critical intersections
     between talent, assets and ideas — the dynamic formula that drives business
     performance. Together, we unlock potential. Learn more at willistowerswatson.com.


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