Optimal gas analysis decisions improve ethylene plant operation - Emerson

Page created by Sarah Hampton
Optimal gas analysis decisions improve ethylene plant operation - Emerson
Process Controls,
Originally appeared in:
January 2020, pgs 75-79
Used with permission.
                                                                                       and Automation
                                                                        M. KAMPHUS, Emerson Automation Solutions,
                                                                        Hasselroth, Germany; and D. MCMILLEN,
                                                                        Emerson Automation Solutions, Houston, Texas

Optimal gas analysis decisions improve
ethylene plant operation
    One of the most common and impor-          measurement technologies such as pho-           companies thrive in the competitive pet-
tant building blocks in the petrochemi-        tometric nondispersive infrared (NDIR)          rochemical industry.
cal industry is ethylene, constituting a       and nondispersive ultraviolet (NDUV),              The three main gas analysis technolo-
huge and fast-growing worldwide indus-         thermal conductivity, paramagnetic and          gies will be explained first, and where
try. Ethylene is an intermediate chemical      electrochemical oxygen.                         each should be applied to optimize opera-
used to manufacture many commercial               While virtually every ethylene plant         tions is then discussed.
products—approximately 200 MMt                 uses some combination of these tech-
will be produced in 2020. Nearly half of       nologies, not all use them optimally.           Gas chromatography. The composi-
global ethylene demand is for polyethyl-       Applying the right specific gas analysis        tion analysis of hydrocarbon gases is im-
ene (PE) production, but it is also used       system in each process and unit will help       portant in ethylene production as the raw
to make vinyl chloride, ethylbenzene
and many other valuable intermediate
products, such as ethylene oxide (EO),
ethanol EO and ethanol.
    Ethylene plant personnel strive to
produce 99.99% pure product. These
stringent purity requirements must be
verified in production and at custody
transfer points because the presence of
impurities can poison catalysts and affect
downstream processes, leading to costly
repairs and downtime. Stringent environ-
mental requirements relating to gas emis-
sions also exist. Since purity is essential,
the precision and reliability of the mea-
surement is of key importance. Speed of
response to any potential issues—along
with cost reduction—are also critical to
prevent potential process upsets and to
ensure optimum throughput.
    Many online compositional measure-
ments can be used to improve operations
and profitability. The measurement of
purity and process optimization in ethyl-
ene plants is accomplished by gas analysis
systems, principally gas chromatographs
(GCs), laser spectroscopy analysis sys-
tems and conventional continuous gas
                                               FIG. 1. Gas chromatographs are used to make a wide variety of measurements in ethylene plants.
analyzers. The latter use a variety of
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Optimal gas analysis decisions improve ethylene plant operation - Emerson
Process Controls, Instrumentation and Automation

product is refined and processed, and gas               steps of ethylene production. In addition,      change, so the measurement is effectively
chromatography is one of the most widely                the use of GCs in ethylene production is        continuous and obtained in real time.
used techniques for hydrocarbon gas spe-                established and proven, so plant person-           Conversely, GCs work on the princi-
ciation and composition measurement                     nel are familiar with this technology.          ple of injection and separation followed
(FIG. 1). Advantages include a wide range                                                               by analysis, with cycle times ranging
of measurement [from parts per million                  Laser spectroscopy. Laser spectroscopy          from 1 min to more than 15 min depend-
(ppm) levels up to 100%], a high degree of              is the newest of the analysis technologies      ing on the application. Therefore, the
repeatability and detection of many differ-             and has undergone significant develop-          measurement data is periodic rather than
ent components in complex gas mixtures.                 ment in the last decade. Today’s semicon-       continuous.
    All GCs are composed of the same                    ductor, laser-based systems incorporate
functional components: the sample han-                  both quantum cascade laser (QCL) and            Conventional continuous analyzers.
dling system, the chromatograph oven and                tunable diode laser (TDL) technology,           Conventional continuous gas analyzers
the controller electronics. A GC works                  allowing multiple component measure-            utilize familiar sensing technologies such
by physically separating the hydrocarbon                ments to be made by a single device.            as NDIR, NDUV photometer and ther-
compounds in a column, with different hy-                   Advantages of laser spectroscopy in         mal conductivity detection, along with
drocarbon compounds exiting the column                  ethylene production include the ability to      paramagnetic and electrochemical sen-
at different times, with each then detected.            detect, analyze and monitor 6–12 differ-        sors. These analyzers are generally the
    In an ethylene plant, a key advantage of            ent gases in one analyzer, eliminating the      choice whenever emissions must be moni-
a GC is its ability to measure both heavy               need for multiple analyzers, carrier gases      tored, and they can also be used to provide
(beyond C2 ) and light gases, which makes               and complex sample handling systems re-         the required fast response times in mea-
it the primary, if not only, choice in some             quiring coolers or chillers. Multi-compo-       surements of light hydrocarbons (FIG. 3).
                                                        nent measurements using hybrid QCL/                 Conventional continuous gas analyz-
                                                        TDL technology (FIG. 2) are especially          ers measure extractive single or multiple
                                                        valuable in applications such as ethylene       molecules (analytes) in process gases,
                                                        product certification, which would nor-         with the following technologies applied
                                                        mally require multiple GCs.                     depending on the required measurement:
                                                            In addition, the laser data spectros-           • NDIR for nitric oxide (NO),
                                                        copy collection methodology enables                   carbon monoxide (CO), carbon
                                                        many thousands of spectra to be gathered.             dioxide (CO2 ), methane (CH4 ),
                                                        Each measurement is updated within one                ethylene and propene (C3 H6 )
                                                        second with a good signal-to-noise ra-              • NDUV for sulfur dioxide (SO2 )
                                                        tio. Advanced signal processing enables               and nitrogen dioxide (NO2 )
                                                        real-time validation of measurements                • Chemiluminescence for nitrogen
                                                        and greatly reduces the need for calibra-             oxides (NOx )
                                                        tions, minimizing ongoing operational               • Electrochemical and paramagnetic
                                                        costs. The response time is fast, typically           detectors for oxygen
                                                        less than 10 sec. to achieve 90% of step            • Thermal conductivity for percent
                                                                                                            • Flame ionization detectors
                                                                                                              for total hydrocarbon.
                                                                                                        Up to five measurements using these dif-
                                                                                                        ferent technologies can be combined in
                                                                                                        a single analyzer to provide continuous,
                                                                                                        multi-component gas analysis.
                                                                                                            For photometer and oxygen measure-
                                                                                                        ments, conventional continuous gas ana-
                                                                                                        lyzers and QCL gas analyzers can be used
                                                                                                        in similar applications, with technology
                                                                                                        selection dependent on the number of
                                                                                                        components to be measured, detection
                                                                                                        limits and gas composition. For example,
                                                                                                        when cross-interference gases are present,
                                                                                                        the response of traditional non-dispersive
                                                                                                        photometer technology can be influenced,
                                                                                                        and a GC or a QCL analyzer should be
                                                                                                        considered. However, when measuring
FIG. 2. Hybrid QCL/TDL technology provides              FIG. 3. Conventional continuous gas analyzers   hydrogen, conventional continuous gas
speed, precision and reliability in critical areas of   are often used for process control, product     analyzers or GCs are a better choice be-
the purification train and product certification.       optimization and emissions monitoring.
                                                                                                        cause QCL analyzers are not capable of
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Optimal gas analysis decisions improve ethylene plant operation - Emerson
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providing hydrogen analysis. These tradi-       in each technology. GCs eliminate interfer-       to provide backup capability between each
tional continuous gas analyzers are typi-       ence issues by physically separating com-         other in the event of an analyzer failure.
cally the most cost-effective technology of     plex process gases before taking the mea-             Conversion control requires the mea-
choice when monitoring one or two com-          surement, but this separation takes time.         surement of the feed to the furnaces. If
ponents in process gas streams.                 Conversely, conventional continuous gas           the feed is a simple mix of ethane and pro-
                                                analyzers provide fast readings, but must         pane, a GC is used. Complex feeds like
Ethylene production. The typical eth-           make measurements without the benefit             naphtha require a density measurement
ylene plant is divided into two basic sec-      of chromatographic separation. These ana-         to estimate the composition, typically
tions: the cracking furnaces (hot side)         lyzers must also avoid potential interfer-        performed not by an analyzer, but by a
and the fractionation train (cold side).        ences by other gases in the process stream        specialized instrument.
The fractionation train takes the effluent      using spectroscopic techniques.                       Cracking furnaces need to be decoked
from the furnaces and separates it into a           One of the most impactful measure-            about once every 20 d of operation be-
wide range of chemical products. Stack          ments performed in ethylene production            cause the furnace coils acquire a coating of
gases from the cracking furnaces and from       is feedstock composition—used for op-             carbon over time and lose efficiency. This
steam generation are discharged to the en-      timization of furnace operation. Due to           is done by burning off the coke with air in
vironment and must be monitored.                the presence of heavy gases in the stream,        a steam atmosphere. The progress of the
    The hot side—cracking furnaces.             a GC is typically used to measure Btu             decoking phase is monitored by measur-
The hot side of ethylene production is          (C1–C6+) value to ensure optimal tem-             ing the amount of CO2 in the effluent. It
the real moneymaker in an ethylene plant        peratures and performance, with a thermal         rises as the carbon is burned off and then
because increased throughput achieved           conductivity detector on each furnace fuel        decreases to zero when the furnaces are
by enhancing cracking furnace opera-            line. For Btu firing rate control, the fuel gas   clean. CO2 measurement in the effluent is
tion can greatly increase profitability. In     to the furnace is normally analyzed for Btu       usually made by a conventional continu-
a plant producing 1 MMtpy of ethylene,          content. This requires complete analysis          ous gas analyzer, which measures CO2 in
a 1% change in throughput can produce           of the stream to obtain the most reliable         conjunction with removing contaminants
an enormous improvement in the bot-             Btu measurement.                                  using an NDIR photometric detector.
tom line. Energy represents about 25% of            Another key analysis point for hot side           After leaving the radiant coils of the
the cost of ethylene production, and ap-        measurements is the exit from the trans-          furnace, the product mixtures are cooled
proximately 18% of energy consumed is           fer line exchangers. It is common to use          instantaneously in transfer line exchang-
associated with heating and losses in the       two GC analyzers at this sample point for         ers to preserve the gas composition.
cracking furnaces, so furnace control has       cracked gas control. For velocity (or resi-       This process is followed by oil quench,
a substantial impact on overall plant ef-       dence time) control, the cracked gas is ana-      gasoline fractionation, water quench and
ficiency. Over-cracking results in catalyst     lyzed to determine the molecular weight.          gasoline stripping to deliver pyrolysis fuel
deactivation due to coke formation, while       The sample point is located on the effluent       oil and pyrolysis gasoline. The gas is then
under-cracking reduces production.              of the secondary transfer line exchanger.         compressed in a multi-stage compressor
    Coke formation is undesirable because           Since the speed of analysis is critical for   train to separate it into various compo-
the layer of coke acts as an insulator on the   proper control, two analyzers are recom-          nents. Acid gases are removed with caus-
inside of the furnace tubes, reducing heat      mended for each sample point. The first           tic scrubber, drying and cooling.
transfer from the furnace tubes into the        analyzer measures key compounds such                  To ensure process control, conven-
cracked gases. The reduced heat transfer        as C2 , C2=, C3 and C3= to provide the            tional continuous gas analyzers are used
necessitates increased tube skin tempera-       control system with the information re-           to measure CO and CO2 after the caustic
tures to maintain the cracking reactions.       quired to calculate an estimated molecular        scrubber. The hydrogen-rich tail gas from
Although the furnace tubes are fabricated       weight for the velocity control. The sec-         the dryer/cooler stage is also analyzed for
from high-temperature alloys, eventually        ond analyzer provides a slower but more           hydrogen purity using conventional con-
the metallurgical limits of the metal are       complete analysis of the cracked gas. The         tinuous gas analyzers.
approached. At this point, the furnace          analysis from the second analyzer is used             Ethylene plants also require special
tubes must be decoked. Failure of a fur-        to trim (or update) the estimated molecu-         measures for emissions monitoring. NOx,
nace tube would allow flammable cracked         lar weight obtained from the first analyzer.      CO and SO2 emissions from cracking fur-
gases to meet the hot furnace combustion            Since it is not always practical to have      naces and steam boilers need to be kept
gases, which could result in an explosion.      two analyzers on every furnace, a dedicat-        in compliance. NOx limits are, in some
    Feedstock and ethane recycle gases fed      ed analyzer can be used for each furnace to       global areas, less than 50 ppm, and there
into the cracking furnaces require measure-     perform the short analysis, with one ana-         are often requirements for certified emis-
ment of the various hydrocarbon concen-         lyzer configured to provide complete anal-        sions monitoring to report values to the
trations for optimal blending. This can be      ysis for several furnaces. This is done by        authorities.
done with GCs, while conventional contin-       routing the sample gases from the furnaces            Both QCL analyzers and traditional
uous gas analyzers can also be used to moni-    to the analyzer using a header system.            technologies can be used for emissions
tor the recycle streams to maintain a consis-       Furthermore, since the data from the          monitoring, depending on the compo-
tent feed gas quality to the cracking unit.     short analysis is so critical for the proper      nents and ranges to be measured. NDIR
    The choice between the two depends          control of the velocity rates, the analyzers      or NDUV are typically used to measure
upon the strengths and trade-offs inherent      providing fast readings are typically set up      CO, CO2 and SO2. Chemiluminescence
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                                  Hydrogen-rich tail gas       AX                                         AX                                  can be used, depending on the impurities
      AX                           Methane-rich tail gas        7
                                                                    Ethylene product                      12
                                                                                                                       Propylene product      present and the ranges to be measured.
                    3                       Hydrogen                                     Hydrogen                                                 The methane-rich tail gas often needs
                                      Acetylene                                     MA/PD                                                     to be blended to ensure constant heating
                                       reactor                                      reactor                                                   values or gas concentrations. Depending
                 Cold box                                                                                                                     on the accuracy needed for the measure-
                                                              C splitter                                  C splitter                          ment and the components to be analyzed,
            AX               AX                                            AX
                                                                                                                              Mixed olefins   a GC or a conventional continuous gas
             1                5                                            10                                                                 analysis measurement can be made. GCs
                                                                                                                                              provide a much higher accuracy with the
Feed from
cracking                                        AX
                                                                                                              AX                              ability to measure many more components
                                                 6                                          11
                                                                8                                             13                              selectively, whereas a conventional contin-
                                                                                    Depropanizer                            Debutanizer
                                                     Ethane recycle                                 Propane                                   uous gas analyzer provides faster response.
  Demethanizer                                      to furnace feed                                                                               An analyzer (AX4 in FIG. 4) monitors
                                          Py-gasoline from compressors                                                                        the bottom streams of the demethanizer to
                                                                                                                               C + gasoline   measure light gases, such as C1 and CO2.
                        AX                 AX                                          AX                              AX                     Any gases that get to this point ultimately
                         4                  9                                          14                              16                     end up in the final ethylene product stream
FIG. 4. Process flow diagram of a typical ethylene plant fractionation train.
                                                                                                                                              as impurities and should be minimized.
                                                                                                                                              This is done by using measurements of the
                                                                                                                                              C1 /C2 ratio, which are made using a GC.
is used for NOx and paramagnetic is                                                 Simultaneously, the remainder of the                          The next series of analyzers are also
used for O2. QCL analyzers can make                                             furnace effluent leaves the bottom of the                     GCs and are used to control the purity
all these emissions measurements in one                                         deethanizer and is fed into the depro-                        of the ethylene product. This starts with
analysis, in ranges from ppm to percent                                         panizer. Any pyrolysis gasoline condensed                     the measurement (AX5 in FIG. 4) of the
concentrations.                                                                 in the compression stage after the cracking                   deethanizer overhead, used to minimize
    The cold side—fractionation train.                                          furnaces is also fed to the depropanizer.                     the amount of C3 in the stream while max-
The separation of the furnace effluent into                                         At the depropanizer, the output is sent                   imizing the recovery of the C2=.
various products is performed through                                           overhead to a reactor to remove any meth-                         To monitor the removal of the acety-
a series of fractionator towers that selec-                                     yl acetylene (MA) and propadiene (PD)                         lene (AX6 in FIG. 4), an analysis is per-
tively separate one chemical group at a                                         from the stream by hydrogenation. This                        formed in the effluent from the acetylene
time. The effluent stream moves from one                                        reactor’s output is then sent to the C3 split-                converter to ensure acetylene levels will
fractionator tower to the next, with the                                        ter fractionator to separate the propylene                    meet final ethylene product specifications.
remainder after all tower processing sold                                       from the propane. The last of the furnace                     This is done through the addition of hy-
as gasoline. The order in which the com-                                        effluent enters the final fractionator tower                  drogen in catalytic beds.
pounds are removed can be seen in FIG. 4.                                       to separate out the C4 olefins, leaving the                       Two acetylene converter units are em-
    After the furnace effluent has been                                         rest to become the pyrolysis gasoline that                    ployed: one in service and one on stand-
cooled and compressed, it enters the first                                      exits the bottom of the debutanizer.                          by. Analytical data are required for the
fractionator tower to remove methane                                                Production stages. In the fraction-                       inlet stream, mid-bed and outlet streams
and hydrogen. These light compounds                                             ation train, the first analyzer (AX1 in                       of the acetylene converters to optimize
leave the overhead of the demethanizer                                          FIG. 4) monitors the overhead streams of                      conversion and avoid process excursions.
and enter a cold box, where they are fur-                                       the demethanizer. This measurement can                        These acetylene converters are fixed-bed
ther separated into a hydrogen-rich tail                                        be used to minimize the loss of ethylene                      catalytic hydrogenation reactors, and the
gas and a methane-rich tail gas.                                                into this stream, which mainly consists of                    catalyst has a finite life. Inlet, mid-bed and
    Other processes needing hydrogen use                                        methane and hydrogen. A laser-based or                        outlet measurements indicate acetylene
the hydrogen-rich stream, and the meth-                                         conventional continuous gas analyzer is                       breakthrough. The standby converter
ane-rich stream is often used as a fuel for                                     used to perform the measurement.                              should be brought online before the acety-
burners and heaters. The remainder of                                               Two more analyzers (AX2 and AX3 in                        lene breaks through into the outlet.
the furnace effluent leaves the bottom of                                       FIG. 4) monitor separation into the hydro-                        While GCs are frequently used for this
the demethanizer and enters the deetha-                                         gen-rich tail gas stream and the methane-                     stage, laser spectroscopy should also be
nizer. Components exit the overhead of                                          rich tail gas downstream of the cold box.                     considered since it can provide all criti-
the deethanizer and enter a reactor to re-                                      Hydrogen purity can be measured with                          cal measurements in a single analyzer in
move any acetylene produced by hydro-                                           a thermal conductivity analyzer utilizing                     seconds. Fast response is critical because
genation. Once the acetylene has been                                           suppressed ranges. The hydrogen is some-                      acetylene can poison catalyst and cost mil-
removed, the reactor output is sent to a                                        times further purified by a pressure swing                    lions of dollars in losses.
C2 splitter fractionator that separates the                                     adsorption (PSA) process. If impurities                           At the C2 splitter, an analyzer (AX7
ethylene from the ethane. The ethylene is                                       in hydrogen need to be measured down-                         in FIG. 4) monitors the ethylene product
sold as product, and the ethane is recycled                                     stream of the PSA process, either a QCL                       stream for impurities, while another (AX8
back to the cracking furnaces as feed.                                          or a conventional continuous gas analyzer                     in FIG. 4) measures the bottom streams to
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Optimal gas analysis decisions improve ethylene plant operation - Emerson
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minimize any loss of ethylene in the eth-
                                                           TABLE 1. Ethylene plant fractionation train measurement
ane that is being recycled. These measure-
ments can be made using a GC, as well as a             Analyzer                                                    Component
conventional continuous gas analyzer.                  no.             Stream                                       measured          Measurement objective
    A series of GCs are used to control the            1               Demethanizer overhead                            C2=           Minimize the loss of ethylene
purity of the propylene product, starting              2               Hydrogen-rich tail gas                            H2           Determine H2 purity
with the measurement (AX9 in FIG. 4) of                3               Methane-rich tail gas                            Btu           Calculate Btu for use as fuel gas
the stream leaving the bottom of the deeth-            4               Demethanizer bottom streams                    C1, C2=         Control methane in the
anizer. Any C2 components present would                                                                                               ethylene product stream
end up in the propylene product stream, an             5               Deethanizer overhead                              C3           Control ethylene purity product
undesirable outcome, so these components               6               Acetylene reactor effluent                   Acetylene         Control acetylene impurity
need to be controlled by measuring and                                                                                                in ethylene product
maintaining the optimum C2 /C3= ratio.                 7               Ethylene product                              C1, C2,    Measure impurities in
    The depropanizer overhead stream is                                                                          acetylene, CO2 ethylene product
monitored (AX10 in FIG. 4) for C4s, and                8               C2 splitter bottom stream                        C2=           Minimize the loss of ethylene
this measurement is used to minimize                                                                                                  in the ethane recycle stream
their presence in the propylene product.               9               Deethanizer bottom stream                      C2, C3=         Control ethane in the
To monitor the removal of MA and PD,                                                                                                  propylene product stream
a GC is installed at the exit of the MA/               10              Depropanizer overhead                            nC4           Control propylene product purity
PD reactor (AX11 in FIG. 4). C3 splitter
                                                       11              MA/PD reactor effluent                         MA/PD           Control MA/PD impurity
measurements can be made using con-                                                                                                   in propylene product
ventional continuous gas analyzers, like               12              Propylene product                              C2, C3,         Measure impurities in
the in-tray C2 splitter measurements.                                                                                 MA/PD           propylene product
    Two analyzers monitor the propylene                13              C3 splitter bottom stream                        C3=           Minimize the loss of propylene
product for purity (AX12 in FIG. 4), and                                                                                              into the propane stream
the propane stream (AX13 in FIG. 4) to                 14              Depropanizer bottom streams                    C3, C4=         Control propane in the mixed
minimize the loss of propylene. The final                                                                                             olefins product stream
series of analyzers monitors the final sepa-           15              Debutanizer overhead stream                     C3, C4,        Measure impurities in the
rations of the furnace effluent, beginning                                                                            iC5, nC5        mixed olefins product stream
with the measurement of the depropaniz-                16              Debutanizer bottom streams                       C4=           Minimize losses of C4 olefins
er bottom streams (AX14 in FIG. 4). This                                                                                              into the C5+ gasoline stream
analyzer monitors the C3 /C4= ratio, used
to control C3 impurity levels in the mixed             used whenever heavy gases above C2 are                         nologies should be considered.
olefins product stream.                                present in a complex mixture of several hy-                       With the large number of chemical
    Two more analyzers, typically GCs,                 drocarbons, and when speciation is more                        separations being performed in an ethyl-
monitor the purity of the mixed olefins                important than fast response. For fast,                        ene plant, gas analysis plays a key role in
(AX15 in FIG. 4), with this measurement                continuous measurements of smaller mol-                        process control by monitoring the vari-
used to minimize the loss of C4 olefins in             ecules in process control and emissions                        ous process streams in ethylene produc-
the gasoline stream (AX16 in FIG. 4). TABLE            monitoring applications, laser spectros-                       tion. Process analytics performed using
1 summarizes the previous text, showing                copy, non-dispersive photometry, thermal                       gas analysis measurement data can be
the components measured in each stream,                conductivity and paramagnetic sensing                          used to maximize yields and ensure prod-
along with the measurement objective.                  technologies are commonly used.                                uct quality, thereby increasing profits by
    After ethylene leaves the fractionator,                Hybrid QCL/TDL analyzers are often                         improving efficiency.
its purity must be certified by measuring              preferred for multi-component measure-                                           MICHAEL KAMPHUS is the Global
certain key contaminants using GC or la-               ments when cross-interference gases are                                          Product Manager for Emerson’s
ser spectroscopy. Ethylene plants produce              present, which can affect the measure-                                           Rosemount process gas analyzers.
product at 99.99% purity for use as feed               ment accuracy of traditional non-disper-                                         He holds a PhD in chemistry from
                                                                                                                                        Bielefeld University in Germany,
to PE, PE glycol and polyvinyl chloride                sive photometer technology. However,                                             and has several years of experience
plants, among others.                                  the detection limits of QCL analyzers are                                        as an industrial process gas analysis
    Final product ethylene can be trans-               slightly lower than non-dispersive pho-                        application engineer. Dr. Kamphus is a member of the
                                                                                                                      German section of the Combustion Institute and the
ported in pipelines as a supercritical fluid,          tometer-based analyzers.                                       Process Analytics Working Group for the German
or it can be cooled for transport by ship as               For applications requiring measure-                        Chemical Society.
a cryogenic liquid. Certification of ethyl-            ment of one or two components in
                                                                                                                                        DAVE MCMILLEN is the North
ene purity can be performed by a GC or                 process gas streams, the conventional                                            America Business Development
by laser spectroscopy when response time               continuous gas analyzers are more cost-                                          Manager for Emerson’s Rosemount
is critical.                                           effective. Individual applications will vary                                     process gas analyzers. Mr. McMillen
                                                                                                                                        has more than 15 yr of experience
                                                       significantly depending on the specific                                          in process analytics and is a
Analysis rules of thumb. While every                   process used for ethylene production, so                                         member of the Analytical Division
application is different, GCs are generally            these guidelines only suggest which tech-                      of the International Society of Automation.
                                          Article copyright © 2020 by Gulf Publishing Company. All rights reserved.    Printed in U.S.A.
                       Not to be distributed in electronic or printed form, or posted on a website, without express written permission         Processing
                                                                                                                                       of copyright holder. | JANUARY 2020   79
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