Organic potatoes Cultivating quality - step by step - The ...

Page created by Julie Riley
Organic potatoes Cultivating quality - step by step - The ...

                    Organic potatoes
                     Cultivating quality – step by step

                     Potatoes are very suitable for direct                                     preparation to plant protection, nutri-
                     marketing due to their popularity                                         ent and water supply to harvest and
                     and versatility. But good yields are                                      storage.
                     needed for commercial production to                                       This guide provides a good basis for
                     cover the high costs of cultivation and                                   achieving high-quality products. Com-
                     mechanisation. The very high quality                                      mercial potato farms complement their
                     requirements at every stage of market-                                    knowledge with the help of experts
                     ing require the highest care from seed                                    and further literature.

                  This publication results from the Organic Knowledge Network Arable project
                              funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union.        net
Organic potatoes Cultivating quality - step by step - The ...
Quality at every stage        Crop practices during the course of the year
    The quality of potato
    tubers can be significantly
    influenced before, dur-
    ing and after cultivation.
    Measures that have a
    significant effect on the
    final product quality are
                                                                                 Planting        Emergence         Foliation/  Main stem                   Crop     F
    marked in this manual                                                                                       Stem formation elongation                covering
    with the sign above.
                                                                                                                            Potato cyst nematode

                                             Basic fertilising
                                            (e.g. manure in autumn)                                              Order boxes
                                                                                                             Cover early potatoes
                                                                      Harrowing                         Irrigation of early potatoes
                                                                                                             for frost protection
                                                              Presprouting           Planting
                                                                      Organic/mineral fertilisers

                                                                                    Organic manure
                                                                                                                                                      Leaf blight
                                         Nutrient supply
                                         General crop maintenance
                                                                                                                                            Field visit and assessm
                                         Plant protection
                                                                                                                           Rotary hoe
                                                                                                                          Ridge-shaping board
                                         Biodynamic measures
                                                                                                                                                   Apply horn silica

                                  Choice of production

                                  First / Second early potatoes                              Processing potatoes
                                   Only in places with suitable climatic conditions          Depending on use, there are special requirements
                                      on quickly warming soil where planting is pos-             (variety, size, shape, starch content, test baking, etc.).
                                      sible from end of February / beginning of March         Only cultivate in agreement with a buyer (cultiva-
                                      onwards.                                                   tion and supply contracts).
                                     Requires equipment for chitting.                        Increasingly important.
                                     Cultivation under fleece can speed up develop-
                                      ment (see page 10).                                    Peeled potatoes
                                     If a pipe irrigation system is available, it can be     Direct marketing of peeled potatoes to industrial
                                      used to prevent frost.                                     kitchens.
                                     Careful harvesting is required.                         Marketing to peeling companies via contracted
                                     Good for farms that can attain high prices for early       cultivation.
                                      produce.                                                Direct marketing requires specialist knowledge of
                                                                                                 peeling processes.
                                  Maincrop potatoes
                                   Suitable for wholesale and direct marketers.             Baby potatoes
                                   Fairly stable prices.                                     Very small potatoes that have set skins.
                                   Sufficient distance between fields with early and         Lower yields and higher prices than ware potatoes.
                                    maincrop potatoes to prevent transmission of              Ideal for light and sandy soils without stones.
                                    blight.                                                   Machinery needs to be adjusted (very close plant
                                                                                               spacing, fine sieve belt, boxes with small gaps).
                                                                                              Varieties with a high number of tubers per plant
                                                                                               should be used.

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Site requirements                                          Soil
                                                                                                                               Sandy, quick-drying

                                                                   •• Light to medium soils that warm up easily, are            soils lead to rougher

                                                                      not too stony, and are deep with even water               skins and russeting

                                                                      supply and a pH of 5.5 to 7.                              as well as raised scab

                                                                   •• Avoid compaction and poorly drained soils.                infection.

                                                                   •• During flowering and formation of tubers, pota-          Moist soil conditions

                                                                      toes are sensitive to long wet or dry periods.            during formation of
Flowering   Senescence          Haulm          Ripening
                              destruction      of tubers              Cultivation on plots with irrigation systems is            tubers lead to netted

                                                                      beneficial in dry periods.                                scab.
                                                                                                                               Acidic soils, soils heavy
                                                                                                                                in clay or contamina­
                                                                                                                                 ted with spores can
             Sample dig
               and tasting                                                                                                       lead to powdery scab.

            Haulm destruction                                                                                                 Note:
                                                                                                                              In areas of high rainfall,
                                                Harvest                                                                       ploughing and manure
                                                                                                                              application in Autumn
                                                                                                                              would be inadvisable
                                                                                                                              due to the risks of leach-
                                                                                                                              ing and erosion.

                                                                   Soil type affects the shape, colour and overall appeal
                                                                   of the tubers. On lighter soils, most tubers develop a
                                                                                                                              Variety selection
ment in seed potatoes                                              nicer shape and colour as well as flatter eyes. On heavy
                                                                   soils that are slow to warm up, the tubers turn out more   The risk of scab, hollow
                                                                   smooth-skinned and occurrence of scab is lower.            hearts, dry core, late
                                                                                                                              blight, silver scurf, black-
                                                                                                                              leg etc. is reduced by
                                                                                                                              selecting the appropriate

                                                                   Variety selection                                          variety. However, there is
a compound                                                                                                                    no variety immune to all
                                                                                                                              these conditions. Hence,
                                                                   In organic farming, mainly varieties that are in mar-
                                                                                                                              the growing conditions in
                                                                   ket demand and accepted by retailers are cultivat-
                                                                                                                              the region and on single
            Seed potatoes                                          ed. Direct sellers have a bit more freedom in terms
                                                                                                                              fields must be considered
             Only possible in contract with seed producing        of variety.
                                                                                                                              when making the selec-
              organisations; requires specialist knowledge.            Varieties that develop quickly at a young stage
                                                                                                                              tion. Regional recommen­
             Cultivate with sufficient distance from other        and form tubers early (so that a good yield has
                                                                                                                              dations for varieties may
              potato plots to avoid viral infection and blight.    already been reached when blight starts to appear)
             Production at higher altitudes results in more                                                                  be helpful in organic
                                                                   should be chosen. They should also have low sus-
              slow-sprouting planting material.                                                                               potato cultivation.
                                                                   ceptibility to diseases, low nitrogen requirements
                                                                   and quickly develop a canopy to suppress weeds.
             Heritage varieties                                                                                               Notes:
                                                                   However, the intended use and the wishes of cus-
             Speciality: only cultivate them in agreement with                                                               The planting material
                                                                   tomers or buyers play the biggest role in selection.
               buyer or sell directly.                                                                                        must be derived from
                                                                   Choosing a new variety should be discussed with
             Conserving varieties: Organisations such as Skea
                                                                   the buyer beforehand: before new varieties are cul-        organic propagation
              Organics in the UK may be able to help with
                                                                   tivated, a market should be ensured. In direct mar-        (see ‘Planting material’
              sourcing Heritage varieties, but demand is mainly
                                                                   keting, customers should be gradually introduced           on page 5 and ‘Further
              from domestic gardeners.
                                                                   to the new variety.                                        reading’ on page 28).
             Often lower yields than modern varieties, higher
              wholesale prices.                                        In the UK, the AHDB Potato Variety Database
             Planting material considerably more expensive        provides independent data on GB-certified potato           The Louis Bolk Institute
              than for modern varieties.                           varieties that have undergone independent resis­           in the Netherlands has
             Some are rather susceptible to late blight as well   tance testing for key pests, diseases and patho-           done a lot of work on
              as viral diseases (provide regular change of seed                                                               breeding and marketing
                                                                   gens. Testing is undertaken through the AHDB
              planting material, increase distance from other                                                                 blight resistant varieties
                                                                   Potatoes-funded Independent Variety Trials (IVT)
              potato fields, choose separate fields).                                                                         (see pages 11–12 for
                                                                                                                              more information on
                                                                                                                              blight resistance).
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Organic potatoes Cultivating quality - step by step - The ...
Crop rotation                       Position within the crop rotation
     Perennial grass/clover
       as a preceding crop
       may promote infesta-              General rules:
       tion with wireworms,              •• Keep a rotation break of at least 4 years                the winter months; however, tillage in spring is
       scab, dry core and                   (includes early potatoes).                               often necessary due to frost on soils that con-
       slugs.                            •• Avoid soil compaction when harvesting pre­               tain more clay. In the case of an early tillage,
     Intensive tillage in the              ceding and catch crops.                                  cover crops that are killed by frost in winter
       crop rotation reduces             •• Potatoes have relatively high nutritional re­­           should be cultivated.
       the risk of wireworms.               quire­ments; moreover, the nutrients should           •• Potatoes leave a lot of soluble nitrogen in the
     Large amounts of                      be available shortly after emergence. Hence,             soil, with the potential risk of leaching. For this
       organic matter with a                potatoes develop especially well after preced-           reason, the succeeding crop to be cultivated
       high carbon-to-nitro-                ing crops that support the looseness and                 should be one that utilises the nitrogen in
       gen ratio as a preced-               struc­ture of the soil and leave a high amount           autumn, such as winter cereals / brassicas or
       ing crop can lead to                 of easily degradable organic material. Suita-            green manure with late nitrogen absorption
       locked-up nitrogen and               ble preceding crops include a one-year grass/            (e. g. rye).
       Rhizoctonia.                         clover ley, one-year fodder and grain legumes         •• Potatoes generally leave a clean seed bed for
                                            (especially field beans and grain peas with              the succeeding crop. Ploughless tillage pre-
                                            a cover crop, field vegetables and other root            serves the soil structure and facilitates frosting
       Grains    CC/        Potato
       Grains    CC/
                 GM         Potato          crops, grains with legume cover crop).                   of remaining tubers to avoid volunteers.
                 GM                      •• Tillage in spring before potato cultivation
                                            reduces the risk of nutrient leaching during
       Grains   CC/         Potato
    Vegetables crops
    Preceding                                   Suitability   Notes
    Vegetables CC/
                                                                 Pure stands of legumes such as vetches, or a brassica such as fodder radish (may
       Grains CC/           Potato                                help suppress PCN) are ideal as catch crops and green manure after grains.
    Vegetables CC/
       Grain    CC/                                              Fodder radish and, on locations that do not tend to develop iron spots, also mustard
     legumes    CC/
                GM                                                are ideal as catch crops and green manure after grain legumes.
     legumes GM
                                                                 Pure grass or grains as catch crops should be avoided. The high carbon-to-nitrogen
    Vegetables CC/                                                ratio in spring leads to a slow conversion of organic matter.
       Grain    GM
       Grains CC/
     legumes    GM          Potato
                GM                                               Grass /clover before potatoes should be for one year only. Longer-term grass/clover
      Grass/clover                                                increases risk of infestation with wireworms and the rate of turnover is slower than
      Grass/clover                                                with one-year grass /clover.
        Grain    CC/
      legumes GM                                                 Potatoes are a good component of a vegetable rotation.
     Vegetables CC/                                              There is an increased risk of slug infestation.
     Maize       GM                                              After late harvested vegetable varieties, sowing green manures is more difficult.
     Maize       GM
     Undersown crop                                              On vegetable farms, vegetables often serve as follow-on crops to early potatoes.
     Undersown crop
       Grass/clover                                              Since both maize and potatoes have a strong demand for nutrients, this combina-
     Maize       GM                                               tion is only recommended for farms with a high nutrient base.
        Grain crop
      legumes GM                                                 Soil compaction during maize harvesting can affect the soil structure.
                                                                 Remaining stubble can increase the risk of Rhizoctonia in potatoes; hence, the stub-
                                                                  ble should be shredded as small as possible.

     Maize    GM
     Succeeding crops
     Undersown crop
      Grass/clover            Winter cereal                      On lighter soils, barley, triticale and rye are more suitable than winter wheat or spelt
                              Winter cereal                       due to the early sowing date and tillering in the year of sowing.
                                                                 On heavy soils, winter wheat is more suitable (there is, however, a risk of nitrate

     Maize      GM                   Spring                      Spring cropping is only recommended after a catch crop. Forage rye or grass are good
     Undersown crop         CC       Spring                       catch crops. Mustard also tends to develop fast and captures nitrogen. Only choose
                            CC        crop
                                      crop                        cruciferous plants if there are no other brassica plants within the crop rotation.
                                                                 Possible succeeding crops are summer cereals (e. g. oat), maize or vegetables.

    CC = catch crop; GM = green manure

                              Winter cereal
                              Winter cereal

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Planting material                                                                                                      Planting material
                                                                                                                        Certified planting
In principle, the planting material must originate        Preparation of planting material, chitting                     material reduces the
from organic propagation. Current availability of         •• If possible, planting material should be chitted,           risk of infection with
organic seed and planting material can be checked            or at least vernalised.                                     tuber diseases.
on the organic seed database www.organicxseeds.           •• Chitted plants emerge faster and are better                Watch out for a low The range of varieties from organic prop-             weed suppressors. Moreover, chitting leads to               infection of Rhizoctonia.
agation as well as the description of the varieties          fewer sprouts and thus to fewer stems per unit             Dressing of planting
and the ordering addresses can be requested from             area of foliage. This, in turn, reduces the number          material with antago-
organic advisory services or directly from seed asso-        of tubers, but increases their size.                        nists (e. g Bacillus sub-
ciations. If there is no organic seed material availa-    •• Disadvantages include: investment costs, addi-               tilis and Pseudomonas
ble for certain varieties, a special derogation from         tional workload and the risk of too long sprouts.           sp.) may reduce infec­
the inspection body is required before purchase.          •• The costs of £ 500 to £ 600 (or 500 to 600 ¤)               tion with Rhizoctonia
Sources of seed can be found on organicXseeds.               per ha are reclaimed through higher yields and              and dry core, but pota-
    In general, only healthy and certified planting          yield security.                                             to seed dressing is not
material (seed) should be used. After receiving           •• The age of the planting material, the vernalisa-            common practice in
the planting material, one should empty the bags             tion, the variety, the maturity group and the utili-        the UK.
and bulk packs and wash a sample of the seeds.               sation all influence the chitting procedure.
Quali­ty defects (e. g. black scurf (Rhizoctonia)         •• Temperature has the largest influence on the
marks, wet rot) should be reported to the supplier           number of later sprouts.
immedia­tely (keep the labels).                           •• New potatoes should have fewer sprouts in
    The same quality criteria apply when using               order to reach the required size quickly. Seed
saved, non-certified planting material. It is strong-        potatoes should have more sprouts.
ly recommended to check it for viruses and other          •• Chitted tubers should be planted only with the            Chitting
defects like Rhizoctonia, leaf blight, bacterial wilt,       appropriate technology (rolling-floor planter, belt        Chitting is one of the
etc. Calibrating planting material facilitates cultiva-      planters) to prevent breaking off sprouts.                  most important meas-
tion and improves the overall health of the crop.         •• Empty chitting boxes and bags carefully, to pre-            ures for yield security:
                                                             vent sprouts from breaking.                                 it shortens the time
Amount of planting material needed                                                                                       to harvest by 10 to 14
•• Seed rate and plant density can be estimated            Work steps for chitting                                       days, reducing the risk
   from target yield and optimum seed size, as             1. Start chitting 4–6 weeks before the desired                of late blight infection.
   well as seed age (time from emergence of                   planting date (new potatoes up to 10 weeks).              Chitting accelerates
   seed crop to planting of current crop).                 2. Thermal treatment: 18–20 °C over 2–3 days.                 emergence and thus
•• Seed rate calculations are variety specific. For        3. Lower temperature to 10–12 °C (new pota-                   reduces the likelihood
   guides see on the AHDB website. Where specific             toes: 15 °C, seed potatoes: 8–10 °C).                      of the sensitive sprouts
   varieties are unavailable interpolation is required.    4. As soon as the sprouts start to show,                      being infected with
•• Standard (emerged 1 June): Count 50 kg sam-                expose the potatoes to daylight or artificial              Rhizoctonia (Black
   ple to determine tuber seed count. Determine               light (lamps with warm tones, >100 W per                   scurf) or Erwinia
   target yield (experience and field history) and            t of planting material). 8–10 hours per day.               (Blackleg).
   optimum tuber size. This information will give             Maintain a humidity of 70–80 %.
   you the seed rate. Multiplying this by the area         5. At the end of the chitting period, lower the
   to be planted gives you the total seed required.           temperature to 5–6 °C for hardening off.
   Within-row spacing (cm) can be calculated               6. Before planting, raise the temp. to 10–15 °C.
   using plant density and row width (see page
   9) according to the following formula: 100,000/
                                                           Chitting containers          Notes
   (plant density (000/ha) x row width (cm)) e. g.
   with a row spacing of 75 cm and planting space          Chitting boxes:              ••   Fill-in 2, max. 3 layers; about 10 kg per box.
   of 33 cm within the rows, about 40,000 tubers           white plastic trays,         ••   At planting, take tubers directly from the crates.
   per ha are needed. With a grading between 35            60 × 40 × 18 cm,             ••   Sort out sick tubers during the transfer.
   and 55 mm, this will result in about 2,500 kg of        4 piles on a Euro-pallet     ••   Large workload for transfer, stacking, transport.
   planting material, depending on the variety.            Chitting bags: hanging       •• Hardly any manual work when using a fully
•• Plant populations below 26,000 plants/ha are            mesh bags on metal              automated machine.
   not generally recommended. Planting at wide             frames, 125 kg capacity,     •• Low space requirement outside chitting period.
   spacings can result in gappy crops particularly         5 tubers are juxtaposed      •• Clumping of tubers in case of delayed planting.
   where planting is irregular or emergence poor.
                                                           Large boxes: flat (wire)     •• Low workload.
   Total yield may be reduced as a result so plant-
                                                           crates with a second         •• Unequal formation of sprouts, therefore limited
   ing at higher densities should be considered,
                                                          'cage' holding the inside        suitability.
   although increasing plant density can be expect-
                                                           up to a coat of 30 cm
   ed to reduce the average tuber size.

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Organic potatoes Cultivating quality - step by step - The ...
Nutrient supply                Nutrient supply
     In order to prevent
       Rhizoctonia, use only       Potassium                                               •• A good nitrogen supply results in stronger leaf
       processed, well-rotted      •• Potatoes are among the most potassium-hun-              growth. This leads to earlier crop covering and
       manure and apply it in         gry plants in agricultural production. Potassium        better weed suppression.
       autumn on the preced-          is the mineral with the highest concentrations in    •• The more nitrogen is stored in the leaves, the
       ing or catch crop.             the potato plants and tubers.                           more tubers develop daily and the longer yield
     For fertilising in spring,   •• Potassium is important for the development of           production lasts (unless leaf blight occurs).
       use aerated slurry or          starch. Moreover, it improves the shelf life and        While during the formation of the tubers, the
       nitrogen rich manure.          reduces the number of damaged tubers. How-              plant continues to extract nitrogen from the soil,
     A good supply of potas-         ever, too high a supply of potassium can have           the majority of the necessary nitrogen is trans-
       ­sium and magne­sium           a negative impact on dry matter and starch con-         ferred from the leaves. When the nitrogen sup-
       increases the quality,         tent.                                                   ply in the leaves is exhausted, the tubers mature.
       prevents damage and         •• A sufficient supply of potassium increases the       •• In healthy crops, a good N supply leads to an
       internal bruises and           amount of organic acids and the vitamin C               increase in large tubers and to a higher indivi­
       improves shelf life.           content in the tubers. This, in turn, leads to a        dual weight of the tubers. However, it can also
     Liming before or dur-           decrease of discolouration in the raw state and         lead to an increase in hollow hearts, secondary
       ing the cultivation of         after cooking, as well as a reduction in bruising.      growth, and growth tears.
       potatoes increases the      •• Potassium from farm fertiliser (manure, slurry,      •• If the N supply is too high, the constant devel-
       risk of scab infection.        etc.) can be fully taken into account. If neces-        opment of new leaves and stems can create a
     A high nitrogen sup-            sary, organically approved potassium fertilisers        large, dense foliage. This can result in delayed
       ply in late summer             (potassium sulphate) are available with prior           formation of tubers and a decrease in growth
       can have a negative            approval.                                               rate. Early infestation of leaf blight could in this
       effect on dry matter                                                                   case lead to losses of revenue.
       and nitrogen content,       Nitrogen                                                •• An N supply that is too high, or rather too late,
       and hence on the            •• From planting to emergence, the potato lives off        has a negative impact on dry matter and starch
       flavour. Furthermore, it       the mother tuber’s reserves.                            content, as well as processing properties and
       increases susceptibility    •• The potato crop needs the majority of the nitro-        flavour.
       to damage, and to dis-         gen during the short period between emergence        •• A too high release of N in late summer with a
       colouration in the raw         and tuber development. An optimal nitro­g en            low K supply at the same time impairs matu-
       state and after cooking,       supply within the first 35 to 50 days after emer-       ration due to re-sprouting. This, in turn, compli-
       as well as reducing            gence contributes to a good tuber growth and is         cates haulm destruction.
       storability.                   the most important requirement for good yields.
                                   •• The nitrogen demand of potatoes depends on           Release of nitrogen from the soil
                                      the variety, local conditions and yield expecta-     •• Biologically active soils deliver about 20 kg
                                      tion. It varies between 80 and 140 kg available         of N per ha (the higher the fertilisation or the
                                      N per hectare.                                          amount of pre-crop residues, the higher is the
                                                                                              N-mineralisation) under favourable mineralisa-
                                                                                              tion conditions during the vegetation period.
                                    Important to know
                                                                                           •• With the first two field operations (ridging/hoe-
                                   •• Organic farming uses organically bound
                                                                                              ing), approximately 10–20 kg N per ha are addi-
                                      nutrients as fertilisers. Organic farmers ‘feed’
                                                                                              tionally mineralised.
                                      the microorganisms in the soil, which make
                                      the nutrients available for the plants.
                                                                                           Nitrogen from the preceding crop
                                   •• The release of nitrogen from fertilisers
                                                                                           •• One-year fodder and grain legumes are among
                                      de­pends on the amount of fertiliser, or rath-
                                                                                              the most favourable preceding crops.
                                      er the nitrogen content, the type of fertiliser
                                                                                           •• Ploughed grass/clover provides 80–140 kg avail-
                                      and the conditions for mineralisation in the
                                                                                              able N per hectare, if the conditions for mineral-
                                      soil. The more active the soil is, the higher
                                                                                              isation and timing are good. Ploughing of grass/
                                      the soil organic matter content is, and the
                                                                                              clover should be avoided in the autumn to limit
                                      better the aeration and weather conditions
                                                                                              the risk of leaching.
                                      (soil moisture) are, the higher nitrogen
                                                                                           •• Grain legumes leave, depending on the varie-
                                      mine­rali­sation is.
                                                                                              ty, between 50 and 100 kg of available N per
                                   •• The P and K content of soil can be low after
                                                                                              hectare to the succeeding crop (grain peas:
                                      years of organic farming. That is why the P,
                                                                                              50–80 kg, field beans: up to 100 kg). After
                                      K and Ca content should be checked every
                                                                                              grain peas, a catch crop should be cultivated to
                                      5 to 10 years by means of a soil analysis.
                                                                                              organically bind nitrogen during the winter and
                                      Manure and slurry are great suppliers of
                                                                                              protect it from leaching.

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•• Cattle manure is very rich in K; pig manure con-
   tains less K but higher amounts of P.
•• A dose of manure can be recommended as
   basic fertilising. If there is danger of Rhizoctonia
   infestation, the manure should be applied to
   the preceding crop in autumn and not directly
   to the potatoes. A reduced effect of the fertiliser
   and the risk of nitrogen leaching should be kept
   in mind!
•• It is recommended to use at most 25–30
   tonnes of manure per hectare. Too large a dose
   leads to a prolonged nitrogen supply, which
   impedes the maturation of the crop. In the case
                                                                                                                              The nitrogen supply has a
   of dryness or heavy soils, only the succeeding                                                                             significant impact on outer
   crop might benefit from the nutrients. The regu-       •• Slurry should be applied ideally during the                      and inner quality features
   lations limit nitrogen use to 170 kg per hectare.         preceding crop or before planting. It should be                  of the potato as well as
                                                             worked into the soil immediately after applica-                  on yield.
Slurry                                                       tion.
•• Cattle slurry has relatively high K and N contents;    •• 15–30 m3 of cattle slurry per hectare is recom-                   Note:
   on the other hand, pig slurry has higher N and            mended if applied in spring and immediately                       In the UK The Fertiliser
   P contents. The nutrient contents of anae­robic           worked in.                                                        Manual (RB209) can be
   digestate depend heavily on the fermented sub-         •• As doses increase (up to 150 kg N or 45 m3                        used as a reference for
   strates but are generally high in available N; they       of slurry per hectare), yields decrease. These                    nutrient recommenda-
   can be used effectively in potato farming.                amounts should be applied to the preceding                        tions and nutrient con-
                                                             catch crop to avoid loss of quality and flavour.                  tent of organic manures.

  Analytical methods for assessment of the                Compost
  N supply                                                •• Like manure, composted manure and other
  Nmin-analysis:                                             composts provide a good supply of potassium
 •• Nmin-levels in the soil at the beginning of the          and magnesium. Composted manure has a
    vegetation period have only a small signifi­             signi­ficantly lower effect on N supply than fresh
    cance with regard to the estimation of the               manure, or rather stacked manure.
    expected tuber yields.                                •• Composts from plant material can also be used.
 •• The N min-levels at the time of the emer-                They deliver both macro- and micronutrients to
    gence of the potato plants are more suitable             the soil.
    for the estimation of the tuber yields (ideal         •• Compost may also offer additional benefits
    values: 110–140 kg Nmin per ha).                         by suppressing phytopathogens in the soil to
                                                             reduce crop disease.
                                                                                                                               A balanced dose of
  Leaf and stem juice analysis:                                                                                                  manure can have a
                                                                  kg per ha
 •• Measurements in the growing plants can be                                                                                    positive effect on the
     used to derive future, site-specific cultivation                                                                            K content of the tubers,
     recommendations.                                                                                                            whereas excessive
 •• For leaf analysis the total nitrogen content                                                                                 fertilising with manure
     and, if necessary, further nutrients are deter-                                                                             leads to a decrease of
     mined in the uppermost, fully developed                                                                                     starch and dry matter
     potato leaves. The analysis must be carried                                                                                 content in the tubers.
     out in a laboratory. The total N content in the                                                                           Doses of slurry and
     dry mass of the leaves at flowering of the                                                                                  N that are too high
     potatoes should be between 4 % and 6 %.                                                                                     can increase nitrate
 •• The stem juice analysis can be carried out rel-                                                                              content and decrease
     atively simply and cost-effectively directly in                                                                             dry matter and starch
                                                                  Nutrient requirements
     the field, by the farmer or the consultant. The                                            Nutrient supply with manure
                                                                                                                                 contents in the tubers.
     stem juice is pressed out from the lower sec-                Nutrient supply with slurry
                                                                                                                               Compost from plant
     tions of the main stems and the nitrate con-         Nutrient requirements for a yield of 25 tonnes per hec-                material that is applied
     tent is analysed with the Nitracheck reflec-         tare and supply by typical farm fertilisers (15 t of manure            in the planting furrows
     tometer. At flowering, the nitrate content           and 20 m3 of slurry per ha). Soil and pre-crop also                    can reduce Rhizoctonia
     should be between 3500 and 4000 ppm.                 supply nitrogen.

Organic potatoes 2017 FiBL & ORC                                                                                                                            7
Organic potatoes Cultivating quality - step by step - The ...
Purchased fertiliser                                         sory services if a specific mineral deficiency is
                                 •• Organic commercial N fertiliser enables fertilis-         identified. Magnesium is particularly important
                                    ing in spring with a low risk of Rhizoctonia infes-       (particularly on lighter soils that may not supply
                                    tation.                                                   enough), as are boron and manganese for yield
                                 •• For potato farming, fertilisers that mineralise           and quality.
                                    quickly should be used. They should be applied
                                    at time of planting, or at the latest when hoeing      Plant and soil additives
                                    for the first time.                                       In order to increase the plants’ resilience and
                                 •• When using ground legumes, field beans (fine-          soil fertility, plant strengtheners and tonics can be
                                    ly ground) are preferable to peas.                     used on organic farms. Examples are whey, stone
                                 •• Due to the high costs, the use of organic N fer-       meal, compounds with microorganisms, her­b al
                                    tiliser is only recommended if not enough farm         extracts, compost teas or herbal teas. In many
                                    manure is available and the soil is not suffi-         cases, the effect and mode of action have not yet
                                    ciently supplied with nitrogen.                        been studied or clarified, and the resulting yield
                                 •• Phosphorus needs are normally met by manure            increases have not been scientifically proven.
                                    or compost. If additional phosphorus is needed,
                                    rock phosphates or organic chicken manure can
                                                                                            Cost calculation (example) for applying
                                    be used as supplements.
                                                                                            55 kg N per hectare of a purchased ferti­
                                 •• The use of mineral K fertiliser is only allowed if
                                                                                            liser containing N:
                                    the deficiency is proven (soil analysis). In case
                                                                                            Fertiliser (11 % N): £ 65 (¤ 65) per 100 kg
                                    of need consult your certification body. Potas-
                                                                                            Application:         £ 30 (¤ 30) per hectare
                                    sium is best applied as sulphate of potash (as
                                                                                            Total:               £ 355 (¤ 355) per hectare
                                    potatoes are susceptible to chloride toxicity).
                                                                                            At a selling price of £ 60 per 100 kg and an
                                 •• Lime should not be applied to potatoes or the
                                                                                            80 % share of expenses, these costs are com-
                                    preceding crops.
                                                                                            pensated if there is additional yield of 700 kg
                                 •• The need to use leaf and trace element fertil-
                                                                                            per hectare. An additional yield can be achieved
                                    isers must be documented clearly by the farm-
                                                                                            without problems despite a low N supply if the
                                    er, e. g. by performing soil or leaf analyses. It is
                                                                                            supply can be improved by N fertilisers.
                                    advisable to consult the Control Body or advi-

    Tillage                       Soil and seedbed preparation
     Tillage or planting
      during wet soil con-       Soil preparation                                          •• Primary soil tillage should only be performed if
      ditions leads to clods,    •• During soil preparation, harvest ridges should            the soil has dried sufficiently. The ideal time for
      deformed tubers and           be free of stones and clods because they inhib-           primary soil tillage depends on the soil conditions
      damage during harvest.        it growth, deform the tubers and damage them              and the location.
     Cold, wet soils promo­        during harvest. If the amount of clods in the ridge    •• In heavy soils, the primary soil tillage should be
      te Rhizoctonia infection      is 5–10 %, the proportion of tubers and clods             done in late autumn, so that the soil dries faster
      as early as during            within the crop is the same.                              in spring.
      sprouting. To improve      •• When grass/clover is tilled or soils are heavy, the    •• Lighter soils (sand, clayey sand or sandy clay) can
      warming of soils, shal-       use of a plough is appropriate. Using a chisel            be tilled in spring (after catch crop cultivation),
      low ridges should be          plough is recommended on medium-heavy soils               possibly with reconsolidation.
      built from the start.         and in dry areas (to conserve water).
                                                                                           Seedbed preparation
                                                                                           •• The less the soil is compacted before planting,
                                                                                              the better.
                                                                                           •• On light soils, prepare the seedbed with a spring
                                                                                              tine cultivator including a cage roller / packer. On
                                                                                              heavier soils, use a rotary harrow (watch out for
                                                                                              soil moisture within the tilled area, otherwise soil
                                                                                              smearing might occur!).
                                                                                           •• If possible, only one operation should be per-
                                                                                              formed in spring: e.g. with a front-mounted rota-
                                                                                              ry harrow (possibly with shaping board) and a
                                                                                              rear-mounted potato planter.

                                                                                           For soft, gentle planting, the seedbed should have sett­led,
                                                                                           have fine crumbly soil, be free of clods and be dry.

8                                                                                                            Organic potatoes 2017 FiBL & ORC
Organic potatoes Cultivating quality - step by step - The ...
Planting                                                                                                            Planting
                                                                                                                     Quick emergence in

Planting date                                                                                                         warm soil, shallow
                                                           Ridge spacing
•• The ideal planting date varies widely, depending                                                                   earthing-up during
                                                           •• If all row crops on the farm (potatoes, maize,
   on region and altitude. The most important factor                                                                  planting and blind
                                                              sugar beets and vegetables) have the same
   to determine the planting date is soil temperature.                                                                harrowing reduce the
                                                              track width, the time-consuming rearrangement
   It should be around 8 °C, or 6 °C for pre-sprouted                                                                 risk of infection with
                                                              of the machinery can be avoided.
                                                                                                                      diseases during emer-
   potatoes. The soil should be sufficiently dry.             Spacing 75 cm
                                                                                                                      gence (Rhizoctonia and
                                                           •• Standard, since most machinery is designed for
Planting depth                                                                                                        Erwinia).
                                                              a track width of 1.5 m.
                                                                                                                     To prevent sprouts
•• The tops of seed potatoes should be level with             Spacing 90 cm
   the original soil surface.                              •• Potatoes can also be planted with a spacing of          from breaking off chit-

•• New potatoes should be earthed up less than                90 cm. In that case, the tubers should be plant-        ted tubers, the potato

   ware potatoes to achieve quick emergence.                  ed at a spacing of about 25 cm within the row,          planter should be used

                                                              to achieve a favourable plant density. This spa­        with a horizontal belt

Spacing within the rows                                       cing is an alternative for industrial potatoes, for     for distribution.

•• Basic rule: Less spacing between the plants                which large tubers are desired.
   leads to smaller tubers than more spacing.              •• Advantages: larger ridges, fewer green tubers,
   Standard:         30–35 cm                                 better water storage in the ridge, better aeration
   Seed potatoes: 22–26 cm                                    of the plants, better nutrient supply, and wider
   Baby potatoes: 13–20 cm                                    tyres are possible. It may also help reduce the
•• Varieties that tend to form large tubers, or devel-        risk of late blight spread.
   op growth tears or hollow hearts (e. g. Agria),         •• Disadvantages: more complicated road trans­
   should be planted more closely.                            por­tation of machinery (track width 1.8 m),
•• Early potatoes should be planted further apart             crop covering will occur later or not at all; thus,
   in order to achieve the necessary size faster.             there is a higher risk of late weed infestation.

 Tramlines for timely plant protection

 Tramlines are not very common in organic potato farming,                 ting planting rows is partly compensated by additional yields
 but they do offer an advantage: it is possible to drive on the           in remaining rows. Tramlines are, however, only profitable
 fields shortly after preci­pi­tation with wide or twin tyres with-       when using larger spray booms. Repeated driving on tram-
 out damaging the tubers or ridges. The yield loss from omit-             lines is usually enough to suppress weeds in vacant rows.

 Standard:     Intact
      Intact planting
              no      planting
                       row rowrow
                  tramlines                      Tramline with two middle rows                   Tramline with one middle row
  Driving
      RowRow through
                withwithis pressure
                 pressure       possible with
                            damage                 Possible to drive on wide or twin              Same advantages as tramline with
    single  tyres. Hence,
      Omitted   rowsrows rowslong waiting           tyres.                                          two middle rows, but without the
    times after precipitation on heavy            Compaction on the inner rows.                    compacted planting rows.
    soils. Otherwise, it can result in            Loss of yield due to empty rows.               Recommended version when using
    compaction of neighbouring planting           Additional yield in remaining rows.              tramlines.
    rows, which can deform the tubers
    and impede their growth.
  Damaging the plants along the tram-                   Intact planting row
    lines increases susceptibility to leaf               Row with pressure damage
                                                         Omitted rows

Organic potatoes 2017 FiBL & ORC                                                                                                                9
Covering early potatoes

                                       Covering early potatoes with a fleece, accel-          As soon as the tubers reach the size of
                                        erates development.                                     cherries or the temperature beneath the
                                       Covering requires work hours and material               fleece / foil reaches more than 30 °C, the
                                        costs; moreover, it increases the risk of leaf          cover must be removed (choose a cloudy
                                        blight and weed infestation. Covering is                day or evening).
                                        therefore only profitable for early planted            After removing the cover, check the crop for
                                        potatoes and high value crops.                          leaf blight infection.
                                       The cover must be removed temporarily for
                                        weed control.

                                     Crop maintenance and weed control
                                     The goal of measures for crop maintenance is to          •• The ideal time for weed control is before the
      Weed control                   create a large, stable, centrally positioned ridge, to      weeds become visible (in the white-thread
       Hoeing damages the           open up surface crusts for better aeration and to           stage /pre-emergence); at the latest when the
        delicate root hairs at       control weed growth until crop covering.                    weeds reach the two-leaf stage.
         the side of the ridge,                                                               •• Going through the rows with a harrow before
        and can also lead to         General guidelines:                                         emergence (blind harrowing) promotes fast
        damage on the leaves.        (See also maintenance plan on pages 2 and 3)                emergence.
         Roots and leaves can        •• For driving though the crop, only light tractors      •• The newly emerged plant is sensitive and
         thus become ways for           with narrow tyres should be used.                        should not be harrowed. As soon as the leaves
        diseases to enter the        •• After planting, the ridges should be harrowed            turn green, only harrow gently up to a crop
         plant.                         and earthed up, alternately. The harrow gets rid         height of 10 cm. Plants of more than the size of
       Potatoes that experien­         of the weeds on the ridges, while the hoeing             a fist should not be covered anymore.
        ce damage on their              device reaches the weeds between the ridges.          •• In order to establish well-covering ridges, apply a
         root hairs respond with        If both techniques are combined, the number              ridge-shaping device during the last tilling round.
        growth disturbance              of passes through the field is reduced. Ideal         •• Preferably, hoeing should be carried out in the
        and lower yields.               speed: 5.5–7.0 km/h.                                     evening, when the leaves are upright (less
                                                                                                 chance of covering them with earth).

                                                                                                  Possible devices to control weeds

                                                                                                  Multi-purpose device: harrowing, earthing
                                                                                                  up and possibly hoeing in one go.
                                                                                                  Rotary hoe: makes well-covered ridges; has a
                                                                                                  tricky setting; not applicable on very stony soils;
                                                                                                  less suitable for ridging at the end of the rows.
                                                                                                  Ridge-shaping board: recommended for the
     The rotary hoe is well suited
                                                                                                  last tilling round.
       for earthing up the ridges
                                                                                                  Rotary hiller: makes well-covering ridges;
                   on heavy soils.
                                                                                                  greater soil disturbance; risk of capping; only
                                                                                                  recommended for difficult, cohesive soils.
      Possible approach on different soils                                                        Ordinary harrow: versatile and quickly
                         Light soils                                Heavy soils                   employable; affects only the ridge crest (excep-
     1st ridge formation                                            Rotary hiller                 tion: Treffler harrow).
                         Harrow (for a quick emergence)             Harrow                        Ridge harrow: only in combination with hoe;
     1st harrowing
                                                                                                  good adjustment to the ridge shape.
     2 ridge formation (Harrow +) ridger /rotary hoe
      nd                                                            Disc ridger or
                                                                    ridge-shaping board           Harrow groom: compared to the tined weed-
                                                                                                  er, better effect in the entire row, very effective
      3rd ridge formation Ridge harrow + ridger /rotary hoe         Often unnecessary
                          or ridge-shaping board                                                  at pre-emergence stage, greater crop damage
                                                                                                  at post-emergence stage.
      A strict adherence to this programme of equipment use is not a good idea.
                                                                                                  Hoeing equipment with rigidly mounted
      The equipment used and number of processes should take account of the
      weather, the development stage of the crop and weeds, and the sensitivity of                duckfoot-blades: employ only when no risk
      the varieties.                                                                              of damaging roots.

10                                                                                                              Organic potatoes 2017 FiBL & ORC
Other diseases
Protection of the leaves from diseases and pests                                                                  and pests
                                                                                                                   Besides Leaf and tuber

Phytophthora infestans                                                                                               blight, the Potato

Leaf and tuber blight                                                                                                cyst nematode, and
                                                                                                                     the Colorado beetle
                                                                                                                     (outside the UK) other
                                                                                                                     diseases and pests
                                                                                                                     can attack the potato
                                                                                                                     plants. However, they
                                                                                                                     are often of minor
                                                                                                                     importance and there
                                                                                                                     are no specific control
                                                                                                                     me­thods in organic
                                                                                                                   The publications
Infection on the leaf surface        Infection on the underside of the leaf   Stem infection                         listed on page 28
                                                                                                                     offer detailed infor­
                                                                                                                     mation on preventa­tive
 How to recognise                                         •• Containment is most likely to be possible in
 •• Leaf surface: brown spots, partly looking oily,          the early stages. Hence, close monitoring of
    blurred transition to healthy tissue.                    the crop is important!                               Integrated systems
 •• Underside of the leaf: grey / black spots,            •• The initial infection of the leaves can be           approach
    and white fungal growth during wet weather               brought on by (latently) infected planting           As for pest and disease
    (especially on the edge); the fungal growth              material, volunteer potatoes or tubers on com-       management in organ-
    can be cultured by keeping the leaf in a wet             post heaps, or it can be brought in by wind          ic farming in general,
    bag overnight to facilitate identification.              from a greater distance. Tubers are infected         an integrated systems
 •• Stems: symptoms similar to the leaf surface              through seepage of spores from infected              approach should be taken
 •• Not to be confused with frost damage, ‘sun               leaves, or smear infection during harvest.           for leaf and tuber blight,
    burn’ or grey mould (grey fungal growth on                                                                    too. It should integrate
    the surface /underside).                              How to prevent                                          the use of (i) resistant
                                                          •• Select varieties that are as resistant as possible   varieties, (ii) available
 Important to know                                           and grow tubers early (in the UK, see AHDB           agronomic control stra­
 •• Optimal transmission (airborne spores) occurs            National Potato Variety Database). In the long       tegies, (iii) alternative
    when the relative humidity is over 90 % and              run, there is a risk of breaking the resistance of   treatments (e. g. organi­
    the temperature around 18 °C. If the infec-              individual varieties. In order to spread the risk,   cal­ly-based fungicides,
    tion is very likely, the fungus can infect an            several varieties should be cultivated.              plant ‘strengtheners’ and
    entire crop within a few days. Depending              •• The Sarvari Research Trust (SRT) breeds new          bio-control agents which
    on the weather conditions, it takes between              disease resistant varieties of potato traded         can replace synthetic and
    2–3 weeks and 2 months for the plants to die             by Sarpo Potatoes Ltd. Several have excellent        copper-based fungicides)
    off after initial infection. In dry weather, the         foliar blight resistance, including Sarpo Mira,      and (iv) optimisation of
    infection stops spreading; in wet weather, the           and Sarpo Axona. Others have highly resistant        blight control treatments
    infection increases.                                     tubers such as Blue Danube.                          utilising existing blight
 •• In the UK, the information and alert service          •• A successful breeding programme in the               forecasting systems with
    BlightWatch, supplied by the Met Office and              Nether­lands (Agrico Research BV) has also           the aim of maxi­mising
    supported by AHDB Potatoes, informs farmers              produced a wide range of blight resistant            synergistic interactions
    on the current risk of occurrences of blight dur-        varie­ties for organic production in the UK. Two     between (i), (ii), (iii) and
    ing the growing period. Alerts are generated             of the highly blight resistant organic varieties     (iv).
    and sent to users based on the update to the             on offer are Alouette and Carolus.                   The development of this
    traditional Smith period, the more advanced           •• Plant only healthy looking tubers. Discarded         systems approach took
    Hutton Criteria (Criteria met on 2 consecutive           tubers should be composted at 60 °C.                 place in the EU project
    days: Minimum air temperatures are at least           •• Chit the tubers. Infected tubers start to rot dur-   Blight-MOP. More recently
    10 °C, and relative humidity is 90 % or above            ing the chitting and can be removed. Plants          Co-Free investigated the
    for at least 6 hours) or when a confirmed out-           develop earlier from chitted seed tubers and         potential for innovative
    break in your area occurs. Optimal control of            often form tubers before initial infection.          methods, tools and con-
    leaf blight serves to protect plants and neigh-       •• Plant late and early varieties in separate fields.   cepts for the replacement
    bouring crops that have not yet been infect-             If such a spatial separation is not possible, the    of copper in European
    ed, with Blightwatch alerts providing an early           more susceptible (early) variety should be cul-      organic and low-input
    warning to aid management decisions.                     tivated on the side of the field downwind of         production systems.

Organic potatoes 2017 FiBL & ORC                                                                                                                 11
the prevailing weather conditions. Cultivation         •• Large ridges without dry cracks decrease
                                            in multiple rows and alternating between sus-             seepage of spores into the ridge.
                                            ceptible and less susceptible varieties (‘mixed
                                            crop’) can delay the spread of the disease.            How to control
                                       ••   Cultivate a strip of at least 12 m of a different      •• The only copper-based product licensed for
                                            species (e. g. wheat or grass/clover) perpen-             use in the UK, Cuprokylt, was granted emer-
                                            dicular to the prevailing conditions.                     gency usage for the 2017 season. Certification
                                       ••   Avoid overly strong development of leaves (by             bodies in the UK were applying for another
                                            adapting nitrogen fertilising) and heavy weed             emergency extension for the 2018 season.
                                            infestation. This means that the crops dry faster.        The long term future of copper for use in
                                       ••   Avoid volunteer potatoes in the succeeding                organics for blight control is uncertain so those
                                            crops (risk of primary infection). Pigs can be            growers still relying on it must think about
                                            good at removing groundkeepers.                           adapting their practices.
                                       ••   Either remove potato plants from waste heaps,          •• After infection, the fungus cannot be stopped
                                            or flame them or cover them with earth.                   from spreading through the plant.
                                       ••   Regularly check the plants and rogue by remo­          •• The affected plants must be removed and the
                                            ving the stems and foliage of plants within a             protection of healthy crops must be increased.
                                            3 m radius of an infection (flame or mow the           •• In practice, plant strengtheners/tonics are
                                            leaves to leave the tubers in the soil).                  often used, such as rock dust, horsetail tea,
                                       ••   In the case of a severe infection, chop the               skimmed milk or whey and compost tea.
                                            leaves off plants with tubers that are ready for       •• According to practical experience, rock dust
                                            harvest and before heavy rains. Put the leaves            strengthens the resistance and supports the
                                            at the bottom of the ridge.                               drying of the leaves. Scientific tests by FiBL
                                       ••   After the leaves have died off or have been               could not prove a sufficient efficacy of these
                                            removed, wait 2–3 weeks before harvesting.                agents for control of foliar blight.
                                            This allows the skin to set, reducing the risk of
                                            infection from sporulating leaves during harvest.

     Application strategy for copper                                                                     sion support on assessing the risk to a pota-
                                                                                                         to crop. The models use local weather data
                                                                                                         from the Met Office to calculate the current
                                                                                                         risk of infection for every crop allowing the
                                                                                                         farmer to take the necessary precautions. If
                                                                                                         the yield production has progressed rather
                             No infection                             Infection in neighbouring crops
     Level of infection    within the region          Infection          or within the crop, or the
                                                                                                         far (assessed by taking a yield sample) at
                            (50 km radius)        within the region    Hutton Criteria has been met      the time of initial infection (often after mid /
     Risk of leaf blight        Low                     Medium                   High
                                                                                                         end of July), the risk to the tubers is very
     Dose of copper             None                     Low                      High                   low. If the crop and wider environment of
                                                      0.75 kg/ha                1 kg/ha                  the site are not yet infected, the likelihood
                                                                                                         of infection may be very low, especially in
     A maximum of 6 kg per ha of copper a year is permitted. Apply at 10 to 14 day intervals.
                                                                                                         dry weather. In the case of wet weather and
                                                                                                         infection in the surrounding region or within
                               The control strategy for late blight in organic farming was               one’s own fields, the likelihood of infection is
                               based on the use of copper fungicides but at the time of                  rather high.
                               writing there are currently no copper products licensed
                               for use on crops in the UK following the rejection to
                                                                                                         When to spray
                               relicense Cuprokylt (Certis). An application by AHDB
                               for authorisation for emergency use of Cuprokylt was
                               accepted in time for the 2017 season and was granted
                               for 120 days from 15th May 2017, before final prohibition
                               of copper based fungicides in organic potato production.
                                   Blight management should be based on estimating
                               the current risk of infection in the crop. This depends on                      Weather
                               the infection in the region, the precipitation, the suscep-
                               tibility of the variety and new growth. Sound knowledge
                               of the current situation in the region (alert systems) and                The treatment should be carried out early
                               on one’s own farm (frequent field checks) is required                     enough before heavy precipitation to let it dry,
                               for optimal control. The Blight Watch system offers deci-                 in order to protect the crop.

12                                                                                                                 Organic potatoes 2017 FiBL & ORC
Measures for improved application

Copper products only have a fungicidal effect upon   ral rule of thumb: where the leaves are moved,
contact. An even wetting of the leaf surface and     the agent is applied. An improved application can
underside in the entire crop is required to ensure   be achieved through various means. They vary in
a good effect. To control the distribution of the    effect and cost. Combining them is a possibility.
spraying mixture within the crop, there is a gene­

                                     Benefit: ++     Use enough water for spraying:
                                                     •• The amount of water should be chosen to properly wet the leaves; however,
                                     Cost: +
                                                        the spray mixture should not drip off.
                                                     •• The amount of water should be adapted to the leaf mass: 400–600 l per
                                                        hectare is common. In lush crops, 600–1000 l per hectare may be needed.
                                                     •• Average driving speed of 4–5 km / h is favourable.

                                     Benefit: +      Improve the spraying angle:
                                                     •• Turn the spray pipe 40° to the front (not possible with all brands). This allows
                                     Cost: +
                                                        droplets to enter the crop better.

                                     Benefit: ++     Install double flat fan nozzles:
                                                     •• The slanted spraying angle allows droplets to enter the crop better.
                                     Cost: ++

                                     Benefit: ++     Use high pressure:
                                                     •• Choose pressure of 7–10 bar.
                                     Cost: ++
                                                     •• To reduce spray drift, install rebound or injection nozzles that form larger drop-
                                                        lets than regular nozzles.

                                     Benefit: +++    Use under-leaf spraying:
                                                     •• The spray elements specifically wet the underside of the leaves and the lower
                                     Cost: +++
                                                        levels of the foliage (pressure: 4–5 bar).
                                                     •• Installation is not equally possible on every spraying machine because the
                                                        spraying elements and the tubes must not interfere with folding-in of the
                                                     •• The under-leaf spray elements of more recent models rarely become entan-
                                                        gled in the dense foliage.
                                                     •• More suitable with a row spacing of 90 cm (due to a later crop covering).
                                                     •• The distance between the elements must coincide with the spacing of the
                                                        rows in the crop. For use in other crops, the distance must be adjustable.
                                                     •• Due to strong resistance only a relatively small bar width is possible.

                                     Benefit: ++     Spraying with compressed air:
                                                     •• The compressed air moves the leaves and transports the droplets far into the
                                     Cost: +++
                                                     •• Low drift.
                                                     •• Less water needed.
                                                     •• Larger investment and thus only useful for large-scale application.
                                                     •• Especially suitable in combination with tramlines.

Organic potatoes 2017 FiBL & ORC                                                                                                             13
In UK: Globodera rostochiensis (yellow PCN) and Globodera pallida (white PCN)
     Potato cyst nematode (PCN)

     Nematode cysts on potato roots.

      Important to know                                                      How to recognise
      •• Nematodes damage the roots and affect yield even when no            •• In the initial stages plants may appear stunted with wilting,
         symptoms are evident in the haulm.                                     with poor patches of growth. In more severe cases plants
      •• The potato cyst nematode is the most important potato pest             may start to show chlorosis.
         in the UK, with the potential to cause major yield losses.          •• If infected plants are lifted, the nematode cysts should be
      •• The white PCN is the most common nematode due to its                   visible on the roots.
         prolonged hatching period and the selection pressure from           •• Nematodes have slender, transparent bodies, reaching
         the cultivation of several varieties resistant to the yellow PCN.      approximately 1 mm in length.
      •• PCN damages the roots of potatoes, resulting in poor growth,        •• As females mature, they swell, forming spherical cysts 1 mm
         wilting during periods of water stress, early senescence and a         in diameter, which are white / cream coloured. At this stage
         reduction in tuber yield by as much as 80 %.                           they can be seen attached to the roots.
      •• In the UK, AHDB Potatoes offers a web based calculator tool         •• As females mature and die, the cysts develop a reddish-brown
         that acts as a decision justifier, demonstrating the implica-          hard skin. Mature cysts can be seen attached to roots but
         tions of a grower's actions on the level of infestation by the         usually drop off at harvest, remaining in the soil as a source of
         white PCN and the effect on predicted yield.                           infection for future potato crops.
      •• If the infestation is very low, the yield reduction can be so       •• The infestation level of a soil can be determined by soil
         low as to be unnoticeable when a crop is commercially har-             extraction. This service is available from a number of accredi­
         vested. This can lead to a false impression that PCN can be            ted laboratories.
         ignored due to no visible drop in the expected yield. The
         effect on the final population after harvest could become an        How to prevent
         issue for subsequent potato crops.                                  •• Take marginal land out of production and avoid growing on
      •• The nematode is mainly spread by the movement of cysts                 the worst affected land.
         in the soil attached to potato tubers, farm machinery or foot-      •• Soil sampling should be done regularly to identify and moni­
         wear. Cysts can also be spread by wind or floodwater.                  tor the threat.
      •• Under EU Directive 2007/33/EC, seed potatoes or potatoes for        •• Biofumigant crops such as mustard can be chopped and
         export must only be planted on land that has been found to be          incorporated into the soil to help kill PCN eggs.
         free from PCN infestation following an official soil test, under-   •• Clean machinery between fields
         taken by a PHSI inspector. The growing of ware potatoes is per-
         mitted subject to the implementation of a Control Programme.

     Leptinotarsa decemlineata                                                 Important to know
     Potato or Colorado beetle                                                 •• The Colorado potato beetle is a distinctive yellow beetle
                                                                                  with ten longitudinal stripes on the wing cases. Adults are
                                                                                  up to 11 mm in length.
                                                                               •• This species is not established in the UK and is a notifiable
                                                                                  quarantine pest of potato (plus tomato and peppers), with
                                                                                  the potential to greatly reduce yields.
                                                                               •• Colorado potato beetle has been eradicated in UK, but is
                                                                                  widespread in continental Europe. In GUK it is most com-
                                                                                  monly intercepted in spring or early summer from Europe
                                                                                  on plant produce (e. g. salad vegetables, potatoes, parsley).
                                                                               •• Potato growers in the UK should remain vigilant and contact
                                                                                  the local Defra Plant Health and Seeds Inspector, if pres-
                                                                                  ence of the beetle is suspected in a crop or import con-
     Eggs                Larvae                    Adult potato beetles

14                                                                                                           Organic potatoes 2017 FiBL & ORC
Fred Bonestroo’s late blight limitation strategy

 At the heart of my late blight limitation strategy is the selection
 of resistant varieties. I grow 6 main varieties that all offer reliabil-
 ity and security. The 4 most blight resistant varieties today are
 Allouette, Cara, Carolus, and Toluca. I also grow Agria because of
 its all-round use and great yield even though it’s not very blight
 resistant but is manageable. I grew Rudolph for the first time
 this year which looks to be a nice potato, but I will try something
 different next year. Agrico run field days with trial plots of blight
 resistant varieties that allow me to select what to grow. Each year
 I try out new varieties and will give out free samples of these to
 the box schemes to help introduce them to the consumer.

 Measures combined for late blight control:
 •• Number one is selecting resistant varieties, either from Biose-
                                                                            Fred Bonestroo farms in the Cotswolds near Tetbury at Close Farm.
    lect or from the Sarvari Trust.
 •• I try to sow as early as possible as I can’t extend the growing
    season at the other end due to the risk from blight. I do chit          •• I don’t apply too much farmyard manure as there is usually
    very early potatoes but as a small grower don’t have the time,             enough fertility from the ley, but if I do use it, I make sure it’s
    facilities or labour to chit the main crop.                                well composted. I don’t believe in pushing the crop too hard.
 •• I use wider in the row spacing (approx. 41 cm) to decrease                 I’ve found that growth cracks and scab can occur when too
    the competition between crop rows and also reduce the leaf                 much farmyard manure is added, and I prefer a slightly lower
    wet period as I get more air circulating around the foliage.               yield that stores well and tastes better.
 •• I’ve stopped cropping the headlands as this is often com-               •• Once the blight infection has come into the crop, I’ll burn off
    pacted and the area where the crops struggle and are least                 the foliage of infected plants to prevent the disease spread-
    healthy.                                                                   ing to the other plants and to the tubers.

Irrigation                                                                                                               Irrigation
                                                                                                                          Sufficient moisture
•• Dry soil during early development promotes a              •• Drip irrigation is often most effective as it reduc-       at the time of tuber
   wide root system.                                            es the humidity in the canopy (reducing the                 formation (initiation)
•• Early irrigation promotes the conversion of                  blight risk) and is more efficient in terms of              prevents common scab
   organic matter and, thus, the N supply.                      water application.                                          infection (S. scabies).
•• After stem elongation has started, the soil                                                                            Sufficient moisture dur-
   should be kept moist, otherwise tuber forma-              Irrigation for frost protection                                ing tuber development
   tion might start too early and more than one              •• Can prevent frost damage in short-term frost                reduces secondary
   generation of tubers might form.                              periods down to –6 °C.                                    growth and growth
•• Dry periods during tuber formation lead to a              •• Turn on irrigation shortly before the temperature           tears, and leads to uni-
   growth check, reduced tuber formation and thus                falls below freezing point; in the case of cov-            form cooking quality.
   to yield and quality losses.                                  ered potatoes, turn on when the fleece freezes           Soil that is too wet at
•• From tuber formation to flowering, the water                  to the moist soil. Irrigation that is performed too        tuber initiation can
   content within the ridge should be kept to a                  late can lead to damage!                                   promote powdery
   minimum of 50 % of the field capacity.                    •• Amount: 3 mm per hour (4 mm nozzles).                       scab (S. subterranea)
•• Depending on the soil and the potatoes’ devel-                                                                           infection through
   opment stage, the irrigation rates are 20–35 mm                                                                          lenticels and occasion-
   per application, but the soil should not be filled                                                                      ally through eyes or
   up by the sprinkler application to more than                                                                             wounds.
   80–90 % of the usable field capacity.
•• During tuber growth, sufficient water content
   is crucial for yield production, especially from
   3 weeks after flowering until maturation.
•• In case of need, it makes sense to irrigate the
   potatoes directly before harvesting to carry                                                                         Irrigation contributes to
   more soil onto the filter belt and thus reduce                                                                       yield and quality security,
   the risk of damage.                                                                                                  especially on lighter soils.

Organic potatoes 2017 FiBL & ORC                                                                                                                       15
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