Page created by Bradley Torres

                                                                            Cover design: Mike Navarro
  Physically Challenged Athletes Scholarship Fund

                                                 Swim With Mike scholarship
                                         recipients gather at 2019 event held
                                        at the USC Uytengsu Aquatics Center

     Saturday, April 10, 2021
Founded and Hosted by The University of Southern California
Truly inspiring
We celebrate your commitment to helping physically challenged athletes
through the Swim with Mike Scholarship Fund.
                                                                         First virtual Swim With Mike
Donald Gorsch
Execut ive Director
62 6.405.8201                                                              Streaming live on Facebook and YouTube
UBS Financial Services Inc.
2 0 0 S . Los Robles Av e, St e 600
P a sa d ena, C A 9110
6 2 6 . 4 49.1501
                                                                                      Saturday, April 10, 2021

                                                                                  4 PM Pacific Daylight Time

                                                                           Visit Swimwithmike.org for more information

Swim With Mike Mission Statement
    April 10, 2021

                                                                                                                                   To provide financial resources for the advanced education that paves the way for physically
                                                                                                                                   challenged athletes to overcome their tragedies and realize their full potential.

                                                                                                                                   Established in 1981, Swim With Mike was started following what was planned as a one-time event: a
                                                                                                                                   Swim-a-thon organized by former teammates of Mike Nyeholt. Mike, a three-time All American
                                                                                                                                   swimmer at USC who graduated in 1978, ranked ninth in the U.S., 13th in the world and a competitor
                                                                                                                                   in the 1976 Olympic trials, was paralyzed from the chest down following a motorcycle accident in
                                                                                                                                   January 1981.
             It’s almost mind boggling to think we’re celebrating our 40th Swim with Mike event this year…..
                                                                                                                                   The first event was held in March of 1981 as Swim For Mike, to raise money to purchase a specially
    When I first rolled onto the pool deck at the Industry Hills Aquatic Center back in 1981, I was overwhelmed by the             equipped van for Mike. The Swim-a-thon was highly successful, raising $58,000; significantly more
    outpouring of love and support of friends and family. Fast forward to today, and those feelings have been multiplied by
    what we call our ripple effect.                                                                                                than was needed for the van. At Mike’s suggestion, the excess funds were used to create the Physically
                                                                                                                                   Challenged Athletes Scholarship Fund, the only one of its kind in the country.
    When Ron Orr and Mara Hunter Redden called on my family, friends and swimmers from across Southern California to
    “Swim for Mike”, they had no idea that 39 years later their intent to help me overcome a physical tragedy in my life would     Since 1981 Swim With Mike has become an annual event held at Uytengsu Aquatics Center at USC. In
    morph into an ongoing event that over the past years has accomplished the following:                                           addition to annual events at USC Swim With Mike fundraisers have been held at UCSD, Hawaii, The Rose
             •        $25,000,000 Total raised since inception                                                                     Bowl Aquatics Center, UCSB, CAL, Stanford, University of Arizona and Roll With Cole at the University of
             •        $1,065,096 Total scholarship dollars awarded in 2020-2021                                                    Richmond have held satellite Swim With Mike events to raise money for the USC Physically Challenged
             •        55 Current scholarship recipients in 2020-2021                                                               Athletes Scholarship Fund.
             •        46 Universities Nationwide
             •        201 Alumni Scholarship Recipients                                                                            Potential recipients are located through media outreach, USC community members, Swim With
             •        256 Total scholarships granted
             •        60 Total sports represented                                                                                  Mike Board members and supporters, rehabilitation facilities, hospitals and the USC Admissions and
             •        132 Total universities represented                                                                           Financial Aid offices. When volunteers come across information about newly injured athletes, they
                                                                                                                                   make initial contact to introduce the Scholarship Fund and determine the possible interest in pursuing
                                                                                                                                   or continuing university education.
    I’d like to thank the University of Southern California, President Carol Folt and Athletic Director Mike Bohn for
    participating in today’s event and their continued support of the USC Physically Challenged Scholarship Fund and our
    primary fundraising event Swim with Mike. We cherish our relationship with USC and look forward to the many years
    ahead.                                                                                                                         Eligibility requirements for scholarships our applicants must:
    Thanks to all the volunteers, our Board of Directors, student staff, swimmers, and donors who come out year after year
    to make our effort such a success . Without you, none of the above would have been achievable.                                        •      Have participated in organized athletics prior to the illness or injury
                                                                                                                                          •      Have suffered an illness or injury resulting in a physical disability which, substantially
    And finally, a special thanks and congratulations to all of our recipients, and their families, both past and present who                    limits every day activity (e.g. paralysis, blindness, cancer, amputation, head injury)
    continue to inspire us with their incredible strength and fortitude in overcoming their own personal tragedies and                    •      Meet the admission requirements of a four year or graduate level institution
    through advanced education have ,or will, achieve their life’s full potential. You have, and will continue to inspire all of          •      Make satisfactory progress towards their degree after college acceptance
    us to achieve ours too!
                                                                                                                                          •      Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 cumulative and be “in good academic standing”
    Sincerely,                                                                                                                            •      Demonstrate financial need

                                                                                                                                   For more information visit:
                                                                                                                                   www.swimwithmike.org or email swimwithmike@gmail.com
    Mike Nyeholt

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                                                                                      Carol L. Folt Ph.D.
                                                                      Robert C. Packard President’s Chair

    April 4, 2020

    Dear Swim with Mike family and friends,

    As Swim with Mike celebrates its 40th anniversary, it’s a privilege to honor your outstanding
    work. Your dedication means so much to so many, especially the physically challenged athletes
    whose lives have been changed by your kindness and generosity. Your support also speaks to the
    leadership of Mike Nyeholt and the countless volunteers who donate their time and energy every
    year to make this event a great success.

    Working with each other, and for each other, you’ve made a major difference. You have my
    deep appreciation for everything you’ve done—and continue to do—for hundreds of student-
    athletes across the globe. I hope you enjoy the 40th year of Swim with Mike at USC.

    With gratitude,

    Carol L. Folt

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Swim With Mike Board of Directors                                                              Swim With Mike Board of Directors
                                           Chairman of the Board                                                                            Daryl Holmlund
                                                Mike Nyeholt                                                         Teacher - Long Beach Polytechnic - Alumni Scholarship Recipient
         Retired Senior Vice President Sales and Marketing of Capital Group Companies, Los Angeles
                                                                                                                                            Nate Higgins
                                       Founder & Executive Director                                                 Broker with Windermere Group One - Alumni Scholarship Recipient
                                                  Ron Orr
                           Associate Executive Director Rose Bowl Aquatic Center.                                                               Todd James
                                                                                                                               Retired Senior Vice President at Capital Group
                                      Event & Volunteer Coordinator
                                               Mara Redden                                                                                    Jennifer Johnson
                                   Volunteer fundraiser and event planner                                                  Senior Attorney - The Law Office of Jennifer R. Johnson

                                            Nancy Atkinson                                                                            Loretta Abdun-Nur Joseph
                   Former USC Assistant and Rosebowl Game Sports Information Director                         Educator/Business Owner/Specializes in Fundraising for Non-Profit Organizations

                                               Natalie Buchoz                                                                                Helaine Lopes
      Director of Public Relations & Social Media AmeriClinics Enterprise, Alumni Scholarship Recipient                               USC Faculty, Exercise Physiology

                                             Kathleen DeCristo                                                                                 Neil Macready
            Former Assistant Director of Development - University of Southern California Athletics                           Vice President of Advancement at Pitzer University

                                              Amir Ekbatani                                                                                  Gregg Millward
                                Entrepreneur & Alumni Scholarship Recipient                                                    USC Center on Philanthropy & Public Relations

                                                Nick Enriquez                                                                                    John Naber
    Attorney Advisor, Social Security Administration Office of Disability San Bernadino, Alumni Scholarship        Principal, Naber & Associates, Inc. (Broadcasting, Speaking, Consulting)
                                                                                                                                                Mike Navarro
                                             Thomas Fuelling                                                                            J.R. Navarro & Associates Inc.
        Retired CEO of Lawry’s Foods and a current member of Lawry’s Restaurants Board of Directors
                                                                                                                                              Nancy Phillips
                                               Bruce Furniss                                                                     Chief Operating Officer Telehealthcare, Inc.
                                Senior Director Berkabia Real Estate Advisors
                                                                                                                                             Marilee Pischel
                                              Becky Gramstrup                                                            University of Southern California Athletics Business Affairs
                                   Director of Development, USC Athletics
                                                                                                                                               Dan Redden
                                               Jennifer Gray                                                                       Organization Development Consultant
                                      Retired Disneyland Cast Member
                                                                                                                                             Troy Remelski
                                                Kaia Hedlund                                                                           Founder Conquest Media LLC
                                           President - Kaico Sports
                                                                                                                                                                                        Continued on page 10

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Swim With Mike Board of Directors

                                      Dan Rosenthal
                             CEO UnitedHealthcare West Region

                                      Patrick Stanton
                             Business Development Consultant
                                                                                                      Torn Fusion Productions proudly presents

                                                                                               Swim With Mike
                                    Michelle Strauss
                    Fixed Income Senior Business Analyst, Capital Group

                                      Betsy Thomas
                    Founder Project Walk/President - Thomas Capital Inc.                                         The Documentary
                                      Michael Thomas
               Founder - Project Walk - Retired Executive - Coca Cola Company

                                     Betty Van Wagener
                                 Retired School Psychologist

                                       Patrick Walsh
     Senior Vice President and Wealth Management - Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

                                        Stephany Walsh
                  Spirit of Troy Band, Norris Cancer Hospital Auxiliary Board

                                    Elizabeth Winston
                                  Development Consultant

                  Development and Communications
                                        Cindy Somer

                                                                                                          Coming Soon
                                                                                        For more information about how to watch the Swim With Mike documentary, visit
                                                                                      swimwithmike.org and sign up for our newsletter. We will be releasing information as it
                                                                                                                      becomes available.

10                                                                                                                                                                              11
THANK YOU TO OUR PARTNERS AND SPONSORS                                                                                 THANKS TO OUR 2020 - 2021 LANE SPONSORS

 GOLD SPONSORS                         SILVER SPONSORS                          BRONZE SPONSORS                     Steven Auth                    Fredric F. Kay                Mary Sheperd
                                                                                                                    Sandra & Danny Bane            Katherine & Michael Ker       Family of Claire Snow
 $25,000 and above                     $10,000 to $25,000                       $5,000 to $10,000
                                                                                                                    Michelle & Michael Belicki     Dorothy Kim                   Judith & Robert Spare
 Annenberg Foundation                  John & Hilda Arnold Foundation           ABJO Partnership                    Karen & Bob Blair              Karen Ulman Knapp             R. Rand Sperry
 Yvonne Bogdanovich                    Jacqueline Bagnard                       Beta Theta Pi Alumni
                                                                                                                    Gregory Board                  Lisa & Victor Kohn            Gary Sposito
 Patsy Dewey & Family                  Capital Group C. Charitable Foundation   Kimberly Carson
                                                                                James M. Dennis                     Yvonne Bogdanovich             Rosemarie & Jeff Lewis        John & Lori Stanton
 Elise Ebbert                          Tatiana & Todd James
 Suzi & George Frischmann              Richard & Loretta Joseph                 Michael Genova                      Denise & Steven Botsford       Mary Lou Lyons                Paula & William Steele
 Bernice Gogo                          Karin Larson                             Betty Jo Glenn
                                                                                                                    Frank Brown                    Gale & John Machin            Mary & Max Stites
 Margaret Johnson                      Latitude Wines, Inc.                     Daryl Holmlund
                                                                                William Hurt                        Woodworth Chum                 Neil Macready                 Daniel C. Struve
 William McMorrow                      Helen & Jack Nethercutt
 Ronus Foundation                      Mike Nyeholt                             Joyan & Edwin Illsley               Sue Cimbaluk                   Carolyn & Thomas Matthews     Peter Tarr
 Cathy & Tod Spieker                                                            Gale & John Machin
                                                                                                                    Ann & Richard Cooper           Tom Maudline                  Deanna & Richie Tatum
 Lee Sukraw                                                                     Jane & Robert Malcolm
                                                                                Kathleen McCarthy                   Nancy Cypert                   James Maxwell Family          Wilfred & Kerri Uytengsu
 K.T. & E.L. Norris Foundation
 Jersey Mike’s Franchise Systems                                                G. Willard Miller Foundation        Joyce & Robert Daniels         Kirk McGowan                  Vandy & Betty Vanwagener
                                                                                Mills Trust
                                                                                                                    Christine & Terence Dedeaux    Carolyn McIntyre              Waikiki Roughwater Swim
                                                                                Mara & Dan Redden
                                                                                Edward Roski                        Joanna Dees                    Kpamma & John McNamee         Watson Land Co.
                                                                                Linda & John Seiter                 Nancy & Wallace Ebner          Josie & Steve Molina          Wells Fargo
                                                                                Patrick Stanton
                                                                                                                    Lisa Ellerton                  Ann & James Mulally           Coletter Wilbanks
                                                                                Trojan Club of San Gabriel Valley
                                                                                WHH Foundation                      Sue & Jim Femino               John Naber                    Robert L. Winston
                                                                                Latitude Wines                      Kay Fisher                     Kimberly C. Nicholas
                                                                                                                    Susie & George Frischman       Patrick Nichols
                                                                                                                    Candie Fritschner              Nici & C.L. Max Nikias
                                                                                                                    Linda Marie Fritschner         Mike Nyeholt
                                                                                                                    Tom & Sherry Fuelling          Meredith & Scot Obler         American Endowment Foundation
                                                                                                                    Bruce Furniss                  George Ochsner                Beta Theta PI Alumni

                                       ANNIVERSARY CLUB                                                             Jill Garling
                                                                                                                    Linda & Will Gassett
                                                                                                                                                   Christine M. Ofiesh
                                                                                                                                                   Judith & Don Oliphant
                                                                                                                                                                                 California Community Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                 Cashion Foundation
                           ($100 for each year of Swim With Mike, currently $4,000)
                                                                                                                    Doreen & Glenn Gee             Ron Orr                       Crissman Family Foundation
                                           Ella & Scott Brittingham                                                 Steve Gilner                   Geraldine & Richard Peckham   David Vickter Family Foundation
                                           Marianna & David Fisher                                                  Roger Goodan                   Lynn & Bill Poland            Greater Alliance Foundation, Inc.
                                            Terry & Greg Hargrave                                                   Rosemarie Gunning              Margaret Quattrin             Ibar Settlement Company
                                                Michael Loynd                                                       Paul G. Haaga                  Suzanna Rabe                  Jerome S. & Grace H. Murray
                                              Christine M. Ofiesh                                                   Greg Hargrave                  Mara & Dan Redden                Foundation
                                          Margaret & Victor Quattrin                                                Kristi & Steve Hendrickson     Troy Remelski                 KLM Foundation
                                                                                                                    Nate Higgins                   Jeannette Roessle             Lycette Properties Inc.
                                                                                                                    Richard M. Hunsaker            June & George Romine          Schwarb Corporation
                                                                                                                    Jennifer Johnson Law Office    Meredith & Daniel Rosenthal   State Farm Mutual
                                                                                                                    Loretta & Richard Joseph       Roger Rossier                 Automobile Insurance
                                                                                                                    Anses & Louise Joseph          Jean & Roy Scharer            TB Philly, Inc.
                                                                                                                    Kappa Kappa Gamma              Vicki & Mark Schmitmeyer      William McMorrow III Foundation
                                                                                                                    Fori & Robert Kay              Jay Shepard                   Workman Molina

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2021 ENDOWMENTS                                                                                                            2021 ENDOWMENTS

Endowment funds that our program will be funded in perpetuity, as the principal remains intact while the interest
funds generated are distributed to the Physically Challenged Athletes Scholarship Fund. An endowment is created           THE FURNISS FAMILY AND FRIENDS SWIM WITH MIKE ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP
with a minimum $100,000 which may be paid over a five year period. Our SWM Endowment Fund is currently more               In recognition of Bruce’s 2018 SWM Claire Snow Award for Volunteer of the Year, the Furniss family established The
than $3.5 million which generates $175,000 in annual scholarship support; our goal is to support our mission in           Furniss Family and Friends Swim With Mike Endowed Scholarship. The Furniss brothers - Bruce (USC 1979) Chip (USC
perpetuity.                                                                                                               1973), Steve (USC 1976) and Craig (USC 1981) well exceeded their goal.

                                                                                                                          Current recipient: Austin Brotman - Stanford University
                                                                                                                          MAYER-LEAHY ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP
This endowed scholarship was established in 2013 when Yvonne Bogdanovich generously contributed $250,000 to
guarantee one of our scholarships in perpetuity. Yvonne’s generous gift will go far in ensuring that her family will      The Mayer-Leahy Scholarship Endowment was established by a gift of $250,000. All income generated from this
continue to support physically challenged athletes for generations to come.                                               endowment will go to a USC Swim With Mike Scholarship.

Current recipient : Myles Molnar - USC                                                                                    Current recipient of this Scholarship is: Jake Javier - Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

ROSEMARY KRAEMER RAITT ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS                                                                               THE AMIR EKBATANI ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP

The Rosemary Kraemer Raitt Foundation Trustees Cheryl Hammond and John Kraemer have made three generous gifts             Swim With Mike alum Emir Ekbatani (USC MBA 2016) generously established an endowed scholarship intended to help
to the Swim With Mike Physically Challenged Athletes Scholarship Fund by establishing three endowed scholarships          other physically challenged athletes as he was helped by the Physically Challenged Athletes Scholarship Fund. This
which will provide funds in perpetuity to three of our highly qualified scholarship recipients. Each year, we will have   gracious act of paying it forward will ensure that this scholarship will endure in perpetuity and that one of our highly
three Rosemary Kraemer Raitt scholars representing the Foundation.                                                        qualified students will be awarded this honor annually.
Current recipients: Kale Hyder - Johns Hopkins University                                                                 Current recipient: Kelly Sakaguchi - UCLA
		                  Corben Brooks - UCLA Law
		                  Brad Bauer - Missouri
                                                                                                                          THE SHAWNA MARI HUNTER ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP
                                                                                                                          Shawna, Mara Hunter Redden’s sister, gifted a Swim With Mike endowed scholarship upon her death in 2017. SWM had
                                                                                                                          always held a special place in Shawna’s heart and she truly supported the mission and life-changing impact that our
The Marilyn Mikos Endowed Scholarship will guarantee one of our scholarships in perpetuity and will ensure that her
                                                                                                                          Physically Challenged Athletes Scholarship Fund has provided to so many.
family will continue to support physically challenged athletes for years to come.
                                                                                                                          Current recipient: Kendra Muller - Taylor University of San Diego School of Law
Current recipient: Andrew Donnellan - University of Arizona School of Law
                                                                                                                          THE JENNIFER WALSH ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP
                                                                                                                          This endowment was established in the memory of Jennifer Walsh who was a recipient of Swim With Mike in 1993. In
Long-time USC philanthropist and friend Herb Nootbaar generously established an endowment fund for our Physically         1994 Jennifer lost her battle with Osteosarcoma Cancer. Jennifer’s family began this endowment in 1994 and each year
Challenged Athletes Scholarship Fund. Herb’s endowment will greatly strengthen the future of Swim With Mike as the        contributors have the opportunity to donate to the Walsh Endowment.
funds are invested in perpetuity and only annual interest is spent from the account.
                                                                                                                          Current recipient: Gaby Martinez - USC
Current recipient: Dillon Connolly - USC

Long-time Swim With Mike friends, Patsy Dewey and her family endow two scholarships for a physically challenged           Mara was a co-founder of SWIM WITH MIKE Physically Challenged Athletes Scholarship Fund in 1981 and has organized
athlete in perpetuity through Swim With Mike. Patsy is well-known for her generous support of USC Athletics and the       every USC Swim With Mike event for 40 years. In addition to her loyal volunteer work, she has now created an endowed
Libraries.                                                                                                                scholarship which will be awarded to a deserving, qualified student in perpetuity.
Current recipients: Chase Wagner - USC
		                  Alex Ruiz - USC

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2021 ENDOWMENTS                                                                                          2021 CHALLENGES AND CLUBS

                                                                                                                  THE MILLER CHALLENGE
                                                                                                                  To date, the G. Williard Miller Foundation has contributed over $500,000 to the Physically Challenged Athletes
Will and Linda Gassett made the initial gift of $100,000 to establish the Swim With Mike operating endowment.
                                                                                                                  Scholarship Fund. Through the generosity of the chairman, Stephen Miller and the inspiration of Mike Thomas,
The income from this endowment is used for the operation of Swim With Mike.
                                                                                                                  the Miller Foundation matches all donors who contribute $400 annually or $10 for each year of Swim With

                                                                                                                  THE ANNIVERSARY CLUB
                                                                                                                  The Anniversary Club was started by Al Centofante at the 10th Anniversary of Swim With Mike to honor each
This endowment was established in 2011 when Karin Larson generously contributed $500,000, the largest
                                                                                                                  anniversary of the event with a $100 gift. A gift for the 40th Swim With Mike is $4,000 donation.
single donation in the history of the Physically Challenged Athletes Scholarship Fund. This gift established an
endowment for a Swim With Mike Executive Director position, in perpetuity.
                                                                                                                  THE TOD SPIEKER MASTERS CHALLENGE

                                                                                                                  The Tod Spieker Challenge matches monies raised from all swimmers participating in the Masters Challenge.

 Past & Present Recipients, SWIM Brunch 2019                                                                       SWIM Board of Directors, SWIM Brunch 2019

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                           17
SILENT AUCTION PRIZES                                                   PREVIOUS WINNERS                 PRESIDENT GERALD “OUR “ FORD
                                                                                                                                                    1913 - 2006
                                                                                                         President Gerald &
Aquarium of the Pacific           Merle Norman Gift Basket            Orrefors Decanter                         1988
Automobile Driving Museum         MudPie Makeup Bag                   Flask Mittens                         Merlin Olsen
Comedy & Magic Club               My Wallit Wallet                    Wine Purse                               1989
The Comedy Store                  Ashley Schenkein Jewelry            Waterford Marquis Stemless
Irvine Lanes                                                             Glasses                           Anita De Frantz
Japanese American National        MUSEUMS                             Callaway Vineyard Tour & Tasting
   Museum                         Broad Museum                        Herman Story Magnum                    Betty White
Disneyland Park Hoppers           Museum of Tolerance                 PRP In-Home Wine Sampling                 1991
LA Zoo                            Natural History Museum                 Experiences
                                                                                                           Billy Shoemaker
Medieval Times                                                        Talley Vineyards Tour & Tasting             1992
Oue Skyspace                      RESTAURANTS & MORE                  Makers Mark custom engraved
USS Iowa                         Art’s Deli                              whiskey bottles                   Rafer Johnson
                                 Bistro Garden                                                                 1994
Pacific Park/Santa Monica Pier                                        SWM Wine Decanter
Rage Ground                      Brent’s Deli                                                                Dave Taylor
Richard & Karen Carpenter        Duke’s Huntington Beach              PHOTOGRAPHY                               1995
   Performing Art Center         Elmers                               Figge Photography
                                                                                                          Christopher Reeve
Rose Bowl Aquatic Center         Hennessey’s Tavern,                  LegacyBox                                  1996
Santa Monica Beach Club               Redondo Beach
SeaWorld San Diego               Miceli’s Restaurant                  MISCELLANEOUS                        Tommy Lasorda
SkyDive Santa Barbara            LA City Fire Station #15             Teeth Whitening                          1997
                                 O’Charley’s                          Custom Macrame Décor                Wallis Annenberg
ALL THINGS USC                   Pink’s Famous Hot Dogs               Autographed Sugar Ray Leonard              1998
Lunch with President Folt        Red Onion                               Gloves                                               President Gerald Ford has been deeply missed by Swim With Mike.
USC Decanter & Candy Jar         Shin Sen Gumi Restaurant             Marble Cutting Board                  Lynn Swann        His involvement dates back to two years after his son, Steven,
Two USC Associates passes & Swag Wally’s Desert Turtle                French Press with Coffee                                started swimming at the event. In 1988, at the 8th Annual Swim
Baseball Youth Camp & Jersey     Western Bagel                                                           Mara Hunter Redden   with Mike, President Ford was named the first Honorary Chairman
Golf Gear                                                                                                       2000          of the Physically Challenged Athletes Scholarship Fund. This honor
                                 THEATRE & TRAVEL                                                                             is now known as the President Gerald and Betty Ford PEOPLE
USC Hotel Stay & McKays
                                                                                                            Jason Sehorn      HELPING PEOPLE AWARD, recognizing philanthropic individuals.
Tour of Iovine & Young Academy & Aquarius Casino                                                                2001
  Swag                           Blue Dolphin Inn                                                                             Ford was a key part of one of the best memories of Swim With Mike.
Youth Tennis Camp & Swag         Catalina Express                                                           Rod Dedeaux       In order to kick off the 8th Annual Swim event, Mike Nyeholt visited
Swim Bag Gear & Swag             Catalina Island Co.                                                           2002
                                                                                                                              Ford at his home in Palm Springs and gave him swim lessons.
                                 Hotel Metropole                                                           Rodney & Holly     Mike’s shirt read, “I Swam with Gerry”, and Ford’s read, “I Swam with
CLOTHES                          InterContinental Stephen F. Austin                                        Robinson Peete     Mike”. This Classic event will be a part of Swim With Mike history
O’Neill gift basket                  Hotel                                                                      2004          forever.
Hurley gift basket               Island Packers
                                                                                                            Kevin Sorbo       Ford left a legacy. He may be gone, but he will not be forgotten.
                                 Marriott Ko Olina                               ... And much more!!!          2005           His spirit will live on with the Swim With Mike family forever.
                                 WigWam Arizona
                                                                                                             Cody Unser

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Emma Bailey                                                        Nicholas Balenger                                                 Corben Brooks                                                     Jeremy Boyd
                            Meredith College                                                   William and Mary Law                                              UCLA                                                              University or Alabama
                            Spring 2023                                                        Spring 2020                                                       Spring 2023                                                       Fall 2022

                             Emma learned early on that she was a                               Nick is from Oceanside, California                               Corben grew up playing football,                                    Jeremy grew up in Birmingham,
                             gifted athlete. She played many sports                             where he grew up and fell in love with                           basketball, and golf. He planned to                                 Alabama and played baseball,
                             starting at age 5 but concentrated on                              sports. He enjoyed baseball, soccer,                             play football at the United States Coast                            football and wrestling. As his high
                             volleyball starting in middle school                               basketball, tennis and snowboarding.                             Guard Academy and become a rescue                                   school hosted one of the top football
                             and added track in high school where                               After the family moved to Virginia Nick                          helicopter pilot. However, during a                                 programs in the country that sport
                             she ran the mile and competed in the                               concentrated on baseball winning the                             football game, Corben tackled another                               soon became a priority. The 6’ 4” young
     pole vault. She was involved in many clubs as well and was          2012 Virginia State Championship while earning a 3.8 grade        player and landed awkwardly. After surgery, Corben awoke         man worked his way up to the varsity team and played for a
     elected president of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in        point average and National Honors Society accolades. Nick         to a diagnosis of C5-6 Quadriplegia. Thanks to Swim With         year at Delta State. In 2013 he started working in construction
     her senior year. The day of her senior picnic went from one of      was just starting to receive recruiting calls from college        Mike, Corben received a Bachelor’s from USC in 2017 and          and loved working with his hands, the people and the sense
     the best days of her life to a day that changed her life forever.   coaches in the summer before his senior year when his             a Master of Health Administration in 2019. Corben’s desire       of accomplishment. All that ended when on the night of
     Following the picnic she lost control of her car while              family traveled to Maui on vacation. On the first day he dove     to empower disabled individuals has led him to the UCLA          December 8, 2016, he was shot in an attempted robbery and
     going around a sharp curve. The car flipped over and hit a          into a wave and broke his C4-C5 vertebrae on a sandbar. The       School of Law. As a lawyer, he intends to use his experience     the bullet clipped his L 3 vertebrae resulting in an incomplete
     telephone pole. Rushed to the hospital where she stayed             next thing Nick knew he was laying on a hospital bed in the       to effectively advocate for the disabled community.              spinal cord injury. After a month in the hospital, frustration
     for four months she was diagnosed with paralysis from the           same hospital he was born in 17 years earlier. Nick was able                                                                       and hopelessness were taking over. Upon his release, on a trip
     chest down but fortunately no other major injuries. Emma            to return to school and graduate with his class walking with                                                                       to the local farmers market he met two women who like him
     treats her rehabilitation as she did her training for athletic      a walker across the stage to receive his diploma. Nick was in                                                                      were in wheelchairs. They encouraged him to try wheelchair
     competition and has made great strides. Meredith College is         Washington D.C. visiting his Grandparent on September 11,                                                                          tennis at a local clinic and he was immediately hooked. He
     her dream school and she is so happy that Swim With Mike is         2001 and saw the Pentagon after the attack. He knew then                                                                           went on to attend the University of Alabama where he won a
     making her dreams come true.                                        he wanted to give back to his country to make sure anything                                                                        National Championship in his very first season. Jeremy joins
                                                                         like 9/11 never happened again. Nick’s Undergraduate major                                                                         class/teammate Thomas Venos as a member of the Swim
                                                                         was in Global Affairs with a minor in Criminology.                                                                                 With Mike Family.

                     2020-2021 Swim With Mike Scholarship Recipients                                                                                      2020-2021 Swim With Mike Scholarship Recipients
                            Joe Barber                                                         Brad Bauer                                                        Josh Brewer                                                       Austin Brotman
                            Southern Connecticut State University                              University of Missouri, Columbia                                  University of Arizona                                             Stanford University
                            Summer 2021                                                        Fall 2022                                                         Spring 2022                                                       Spring 2022

                            Joe was born in Boston but spent most                               Brad played a variety of sports as a kid                         Josh was born in Ethiopia. His family                             At the age of five, Austin’s mom
                            of his life in Madison, Connecticut.                                including summer league swimming.                                was very poor but he learned at an                                dragged him to swimming lessons
                            Through the years he played rugby,                                  When he started high school he had                               early age to triumph over obstacles.                              and he hated every minute. After two
                            hockey, baseball and was on Daniel                                  to decide and his parents encouraged                             He loved sports especially running,                               years he found his way in the water
                            Hand High School’s cross country and                                him to go out for swimming. He                                   the national sport. He was very                                   and came to love swimming. At twelve
                            swimming and diving teams. Joe                                      was immediately successful and was                               competitive although he was unable to                             he started playing water polo, and by
     achieved the level of Eagle Scout in 2015 and was active in         encouraged to try water polo where he found his true calling.     join a private club. When Josh was eight years old his father    high school worked his way up to Varsity swimming and
     his church choir and the Exchange Club. His favorite sport          Prior to senior year he was ranked top player in St. Louis and    died of HIV which had ravaged many in his African nation.        water polo. The Brotman family was vacationing in Florida,
     was football and he played Defensive End for three years as         he was working hard in the weight room and the pool. The          Josh was left an orphan with no means of support so he took      exploring uninhabited islands by boat and spending nearly
     well as youth football. In August of 2015, just four days prior     season was off to a great start when on a spring break trip to    to the streets where he begged and scavenged for food in         every moment in the water. Austin asked his dad what the
     to the beginning of his senior year football practice Joe and       Cancun, Brad dove into the surf, hit his head and was later       dumpsters in order to survive. At the age of ten he was hit      depth finder showed. When he responded nine feet, Austin
     his friends were hanging out at the Surf Club in Madison. A         diagnosed with C4-5 incomplete quadriplegia. After surgery        by a train and was almost left to die when he lost both legs     ran and dove into the water as he had done many times
     simple dive into the ocean from the rocks resulted in a C-5         swelling resulted in an inability to breathe on his own. He       above the knee and his right arm below the elbow. After four     before. This time, however, Austin hit his head, shattering his
     Spinal Cord Injury. Following his accident, the Tiger football      was flown back to the USA where he spent three months in          months in a run-down hospital he was blessed when a family       sixth cervical vertebra. After weeks of recovery and months
     team and coaching staff embraced him like true brothers.            the hospital but miraculously he was able to walk out of the      from Washington State adopted him and moved him to the           of rehab he came to the realization that scoring water polo
     Through months of rehabilitation at Craig Hospital in Denver,       hospital. After graduating and spending a year in rehab he        USA. He was soon introduced to wheelchair basketball by          goals and becoming a surgeon was no longer in his future.
     Joe’s teammates kept him involved and updated on the                changed his plans to play college water polo and enrolled at      the ParaSports organization in Spokane, WA. After years          Always an excellent student, academics became an even
     season. While missing the first semester of his senior year         Mizzou’s prestigious Trulaske College of Business.                of training, eventually, he excelled and was honored to          higher priority for him. Austin graduated with his high school
     Joe was able to return to school for his final semester and                                                                           represent the USA in the 2016 Paralympics where he won           class and was admitted to Stanford University and is studying
     graduate with his class.                                                                                                              a silver medal. An opportunity to play for the University of     symbolic systems.
                                                                                                                                           Arizona and pursue a degree in economics followed.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             21
Kyle Carpenter                                                       Ruben Casas                                                       Zack Collie                                                       Dillion Connolly
                            Azusa Pacific University                                             UC Davis                                                          California State University, Fullerton                            University of Southern California
                            Summer 2020                                                          Spring 2021                                                       Fall 2022                                                         Spring 2021

                              Kyle started riding BMX bicycles at the                            Ruben, a talented athlete, excelled                               Zack was an active kid who loved to                                 Dillon exemplified the term student-
                              age of 5 and competed all over the                                 at baseball, starting at eight years                              ride dirt bikes, snow board and surf                                athlete at USC where he was an All
                              western USA. At 14 he transitioned                                 old. Later on his mother reluctantly                              and was on the Yorba Linda High                                     American swimmer team record
                              into motocross and at 17 was a highly                              allowed him to add football as she                                School wrestling team. He is the oldest                             holder and Olympic Trials qualifier in
                              successful sponsored professional. At                              was worried he would hurt himself                                 of four children and was accustomed                                 the 100 and 200 breaststroke and team
                              the age of 19 he went to a local track to                          and that would affect his baseball                                to being in charge. On May 31, 2010                                 captain, as he pursued a degree in
     practice and landed badly on a 100 foot jump resulting in a L        performance. As a high school freshman, Ruben started on           Zack was at Newport Beach with friends. At the end of the         Industrial and Systems Engineering, graduating in 2011. Post
     1-2 incomplete spinal cord injury. After multiple surgeries          the Varsity Baseball team as a second baseman and later a          day they ran into the water for one last swim. The water was      grad he continued to stay active and in shape while living
     followed by extensive rehabilitation he learned to live life         shortstop. He played year round, including during football         cold so they decided to all run in together. Zack dove under      in Newport Beach and working as a design engineer at an
     in a wheelchair where what were once the simplest of tasks           season and was team and league MVP as well as captain              a wave but his head hit a sandbar really hard and suddenly        aerospace company in Irvine. One day, simply diving into a
     had to be relearned or adapted. Kyle knows that his days             during his junior and senior years. On to Cuesta College           he was floating towards the jetty unable to feel a thing. His     wave in Newport, Dillon hit a sand bar and broke his neck at
     racing professionally are over but he has transferred that           where he was a member of the baseball team but was forced          friends pulled him from the water and called the lifeguards.      the C4-C5 level. His friends and family were shocked that this
     energy into pursuing a bachelor’s degree in nursing where            to redshirt due to a hinge fracture to his ulna. On a day off he   He spent the next three months in the hospital and                could happen to this elite swimmer while in his element. As
     he hopes to work in a neurological unit helping those with           went to the beach then a backyard pool to relax with friends.      transitioned home where he adjusted to his new world as a         Dillon was in the hospital his friends and family surrounded
     similar injuries and challenges. He has been successful as           A dive into shallow water resulted in immediate paralysis. He      C4 incomplete quadriplegic after a life changing experience       him with love and support and Ron Orr let him know that
     a motivational speaker and has volunteered to work with              remained conscious while his friends pulled him from the           at the young age of 15. Zack went on to graduate from high        the Swim With Mike Family was here for him when he was
     recently injured patients who have suffered similar injuries.        pool as he instructed them how to stabilize his neck as he         school and matriculated at Cal State Fullerton where he has       ready. Four years later Dillon was ready to pursue his Masters
     Kyle is thrilled to be a part of the Swim With Mike Family.          had learned in EMT training. While using his athletic training     finished a Bachelor of Arts in Human Services and is pursing      in Entrepreneurship (MSEI) and combine this with both
                                                                          for rehabilitation he earned two degrees at the community          an M.S. in counseling. He knows that he will need to rely         his Industrial Engineering and product-design experience
                                                                          college before moving on to UC Davis to pursue a degree in         more on his brain than his physical strength and knows that       to start and run a company that makes products for the
                                                                          Managerial Economics.                                              with hard work and his scholarship from Swim With Mike he         disabled community.
                                                                                                                                             will be successful.

                     2020-2021 Swim With Mike Scholarship Recipients                                                                                        2020-2021 Swim With Mike Scholarship Recipients
                            Joseline Castillo                                                    Logan Caudle                                                      Abigail Curtis                                                    Andrew Donnellan
                            Drexel University                                                    Auburn University                                                 Liberty University                                                University of Arizona
                            Spring 2022                                                          Summer 2021                                                       Spring 2021                                                       Spring 2023

                            Growing up in the Dominican Republic                                 Logan started baseball at the age of                                Abigail was always an active child                              Drew was a sixteen year old gymnast
                            Joseline participated in multiple                                    four and at the age of seven played                                 participating in ballet, cheerleading,                          in Tucson, Arizona when he over
                            sports. In February of her junior year                               in the Dizzy Dean world series                                      soccer, t-ball and cross country.                               rotated on a front flip and broke his
                            in high school Joseline had the highest                              tournament and made the all star                                    She was diagnosed with idiopathic                               neck, becoming a quadriplegic. Since
                            GPA in school and a great future before                              team every year. At the age of thirteen                             scoliosis when she was 11 years old.                            then, Drew has thrived despite his
                            her. She woke up one morning with the                                he was diagnosed with Transverse                                    In September of 2012, she had a                                 disability. He graduated with his high
     strange sensation of tingling up and down her legs. Within           Myelitis, an autoimmune disease leaving him paralyzed at           spinal fusion performed. During the operation, an error           school class and then, with Swim With Mike’s help, graduated
     hours things went from bad to worse and she was shuffled             T-11 dashing his athletics dreams. During Logan’s freshman         occurred. Abby came out of the surgery with a spinal cord         with honors in four years from the University of Arizona in
     from emergency room to emergency room and doctor                     year in high school, the track and field coach encouraged him      injury that resulted in a loss of motor function from the waist   2012. After graduation, Drew went on to work two jobs and
     to doctor with no one able to diagnose or treat what was             to look into the school’s wheelchair track and field program.      down. After intensive physical therapy, Abby has been able        live independently in his own home. He organized local Swim
     happening. She soon was paralyzed from the chest down.               He jumped at the opportunity and began training. He was            to regain her ability to walk. However, due to the damage         With Mike fundraisers both during and after his undergrad.
     Days later Joseline was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis.          very successful and won state championships. After that he         done during the surgery she is unable to participate in the       He is studying Disability Law at the University of Arizona.
     As the Dominican Republic had limited medical resources              picked up wheelchair softball. In August of 2016, Logan was        sports she once loved. Instead of participating in the sports
     the family looked to find the help Joseline needed to recover        invited to attend a wheelchair basketball camp at Auburn.          above, she became team manager of her high school Cross
     her health and function as best she could She moved to               This led to Logan having the opportunity to attend his dream       Country team so that she could remain involved in sports.
     Washington D.C. where her aunt lived and started physical            school, Auburn University where he made and excelled on            Abby also became involved in community service at her
     and occupational therapy at Kennedy Krieger Institute                the wheelchair basketball team and graduated with his              local library. She was inducted into the National Honor
     where she made great strides regaining the ability to walk           Bachelor’s degree. Logan’s teammate Mackenzie Johnson              Society and Spanish Honor Society. She participated in an
     with crutches. Joseline is attending Drexel University and           suggested that he apply for a Swim With Mike scholarship           early college program at Central Virginia Community College
     majoring in Architecture with the goal to create accessible          which will allow him to pursue his graduate degree while           while continuing with physical therapy to improve her motor
     and sustainable building design.                                     continuing to play wheelchair basketball for Auburn.               function. She is now attending Liberty University to become
                                                                                                                                             a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              23
Jessica Duhon Rodriguez                                            Morgan Dunnigan                                                       Phillip Evans                                                     Kie Fujii
                            Concordia University, Chicago                                      Davidson College                                                      University of Arizona                                             Hackensack School of Medicine
                            Spring 2021                                                        Spring 2021                                                           Spring 2023                                                       Spring 2023

                            Jessica grew up in Louisiana as the                               Morgan has an athletic gene pool.                                      Prior to 2013, Philip was an average                                At a very young age, Kie had developed
                            youngest of five children. She played                             Her grandfather was an All American                                    male from Australia and life was good.                              a passion for various different sports
                            high school varsity basketball and                                hockey player, her grandmother a                                       He had a great job and he was playing                               such as running, gymnastics and
                            softball until one day in May 2003                                talented figure skater and her father                                  Australian Football at a high level.                                swimming. She trained every morning
                            when she was in a horrific automobile                             played college football and basketball.                                Prior to that, he played cricket, tennis,                           before school and made it to the state
                            accident. At 16 years old she suffered                            She played soccer and took dance until                                 soccer, netball, volleyball and swam at                             championship track meet and the
     a spinal cord injury at the T2/T3 level resulting in paralysis.    one day a cervical spinal cord tumor left her paralyzed from          the beach nearly every day. On September 16, 2013 he was            National Junior Olympics for cross-country. On the way home
     That didn’t stop her from helping with coaching duties or          the chin down and dependant on a ventilator to breathe.               in a single car accident that landed him in the hospital under      from the state championship track meet where she had won
     graduating as class valedictorian. In 2008 she transferred         The tumor went undiagnosed for six months and was due                 sedation and resulted in a T11-T12 spinal cord injury and           three events, Kie was in an automobile accident resulting
     from LSU to Cal State San Marcos to attend Project Walk. She       to be surgically removed the day after it caused the paralysis.       paralysis from the chest down. He was sure that he would            in spinal cord injury. The fourth-grader did not give up but
     completed her Bachelor’s degree in 2011 and moved on to            She spent many months in-patient doing rehabilitation                 eventually walk out of the hospital but those hopes were            dedicated herself to rehabilitation at Project Walk, where
     San Diego State University and graduated with a Master’s           with years of follow up. While her friends were playing               soon dashed when he rolled out to great changes in his life.        she met Swim With Mike Board members, Mike and Betsy
     degree in Exercise Physiology and Nutritional Science in           soccer, lacrosse or softball, Morgan was riding her FES               He couldn’t return to work as the building and worksites            Thomas. The mental and physical strength that Kie used on
     2014. Jessica began teaching Kinesiology as an adjunct             therapy bicycle and going to physical therapy. She was on             were not accessible and perhaps the worst was he could not          her path to recovery has served her well in her academic
     instructor at CSUSM and SDSU in 2015 and at the University         a mission to improve her locomotor skills with the hope to            play sports. Depression and anxiety nearly took over but            pursuits. Kie graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in
     of Saint Katherine as an Assistant Professor of Kinesiology        walk again one day. Morgan excelled in school, graduating             with the help of friends he returned to the football team as        Integrative Biology with emphasis on Human Biology and
     and Academic Advisor in 2016. In 2010 she met her now              with a 4.1 GPA and achieving membership in the National               a coach. Later he was introduced to wheelchair basketball           Health Sciences. She helped with the annual Swim With Mike
     husband, Israel, at the church they both attended. After 5         Honor Society. That hard work has paid off and Morgan has             and was able to train with Paralympians which provided the          event at Cal for the four years that she was there and has
     years of friendship, they began dating and were married in         recovered to the point where she can walk without crutches.           opportunity to attend and play for the University of Arizona        been a crucial member of the planning committee for the
     November 2016. Currently, she is pursuing a PhD in Health/         She continues to beat the odds and will be successful at              where he achieved a 4.0 GPA in his first year.                      UC San Diego SWM. Kie moved on to Seton Hall’s school of
     Human Performance from Concordia University, Chicago               whatever comes her way.                                                                                                                   Medicine.
     and is part of the UCSD SWM team.

                    2020-2021 Swim With Mike Scholarship Recipients                                                                                           2020-2021 Swim With Mike Scholarship Recipients
                            Makrokh Ebrahimi                                                   Deborah Ede-Reddout                                                   Hunter Garstin                                                    Alex Goldmeier
                            UCLA                                                               University of North Texas                                             Western Kentucky University                                       William James College
                            Spring 2022                                                        Spring 2022                                                           Spring 2021                                                       Spring 2024

                             Mahrokh was born and grew up in                                     Deborah was a nationally competitive                                 Ever since he was a kid, Hunter has had a                          Alex was an athlete his entire life,
                             Tehran, Iran. At the age of seven she                               gymnast. While a freshman in high                                    strong drive to accomplish what he set                             playing on his golf and tennis teams
                             learned to play badminton and was                                   school she was preparing for the                                     out to do. He played basketball and was                            in high school and skiing and playing
                             very successful. Her athletic excellence                            upcoming USA Gymnastics National                                     on his high school wrestling team. On                              intramural soccer in college. Besides
                             was matched by her academic prowess                                 Championship. Mid practice she                                       December 7, 2013 of his freshman year                              his love for sports, Alex has always
                             and she was admitted as a graduate                                  climbed on the trampoline to practice                                Hunter was catastrophically injured                                been passionate about Psychology and
     student to Azad University where she attended for two years        her most difficult skill, a half-out pike. That was the last thing                            during a high school wrestling match.       the human mind. He received his B.S. in psychology from the
     prior to a tragic auto accident that resulted in spinal cord       she remembered until she woke up to find the facility being          He tripped and as he was falling backwards his opponent              University of Vermont, and had multiple internships working
     injury at the C6-C7 level. After two years of learning how to      vacated and an ambulance on the way. She woke up the                 landed on top of him breaking his neck at C6-7. He not only          in the field. Unfortunately, while skiing on Presidents Day,
     navigate life in a power wheelchair she applied for admission      following day post surgery to find out that she had a C5/            lost his ability to walk but the injury brought his whole family     February 19 th, 2018, Alex had a catastrophic ski accident,
     to the University of Science and Technology (IUST) where she       C6 spinal cord injury and would not walk again. Two weeks            to their knees. Being 15 is hard enough but needing help with        hitting a tree and breaking nearly everything in his body.
     had successfully completed her studies in Electronic System        later she was flown to Craig Hospital in Englewood, Colorado         combing his hair, writing or feeding himself was too much.           He sustained a subdural brain hematoma, a shattered face,
     in April, 2014, with a Bachelor’s Degree diploma in the field of   for extensive physical, occupational, recreational and pool          The incredible support of others, many who he had never met          broken ribs, a broken collarbone, broken wrist, punctured
     Information Technology Engineering. She found work in her          therapy. Spring University is where she graduated in spring           pushed him to walk again. Over the next two years he was            lung, lacerated kidney, and a T-4 Spinal Cord Injury leaving
     field in Iran then had the opportunity to come to the USA for      of 2019 with a Bachelor’s degree in Health Education and              in and out of school as he had to travel to Atlanta for rehab.      him paralyzed from the chest down. Nevertheless, this hasn’t
     two months for advanced medical treatment and was later            Promotion. She recently got married and is currently                  He kept up with his school work and was able to graduate            stopped him from pursuing his dreams of becoming a Clinical
     able to immigrate. Mahrokh is grateful to Swim With Mike for       studying to become a Doctor of Physical Therapy at the                on time. The hard work has paid off and he is able to stand         Psychologist. He has found that through adversity comes
     allowing her the opportunity to pursue an advanced degree          University of North Texas. Her overall desire is to help and          and take a few steps with assistance. Scholarship recipients        growth. Like many Swim with Mike scholarship recipients,
     in Data Science, a field that will allow her to prosper.           inspire individuals who face similar challenges.                      Spencer Fox and Joe Hunsaker suggested that Hunter apply            Alex went to Craig Hospital for rehabilitation, where he was
                                                                                                                                              for a Swim With Mike scholarship.                                   recommended to apply for the SWM scholarship. He hopes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  that his real-life experience and Doctoral degree will allow
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  him to make a difference by helping others who have also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  experienced traumatic events.

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                25
Ben Hulin                                                         Kale Hyder                                                        Jonah Karpman                                                       Mackenzie Langley
                            Grand Canyon University                                           Johns Hopkins                                                     University of California at Berkeley                                University of Denver
                            Fall 2022                                                         Spring 2022                                                       Fall 2022                                                           Spring 2020

                             Growing up in Indiana, Ben played                                Kale serves as a great example of                                Jonah spend the first years of his life in                            Growing up in the Rocky Mountains
                             soccer and basketball and went on                                a student-athlete. Starting in first                             New York playing soccer and lacrosse.                                 Mackenzie enjoyed all of the athletic
                             to Bob Jones University where he                                 grade he started in competitive                                  He also loved to snowboard in his                                     adventures open to her. She learned
                             graduated in 2004 with a B.S. in Health,                         sports and went on to participate in                             leisure time. Next was baseball and                                   to ski and played her first hockey
                             Fitness and Recreation and went on                               cross country, baseball and track. His                           football but in high school he turned                                 game at the age of six. She went on
                             to work as an Outdoor Education                                  greatest success was in basketball                               to rowing which was by far the hardest                                to win the state hockey championship
     Instructor at Camp Tecumseh YMCA in Brookston, Indiana.            where he played in high school prior to June 17, 2015 when       sport he had done. The family moved to San Diego in 2010.           in her sophomore year at Aspen high school. Mackenzie
     In September of 2006, he was in a motorcycle accident that         he woke with what he thought was a minor injury or fatigue.      Jonah graduated from Torrey Pines High School and moved             loved skiing and hockey but her true passion was soccer.
     left him a T 5-6 Paraplegic. After 5 weeks of intense inpatient    The next day he felt better but later in the afternoon the       on to UC Berkeley. He chose not to row on the college team          She played year-round and was the only freshman on the
     therapy, he refocused his life and his goals and started           symptoms progressed rapidly and after being rushed to the        but enjoyed running in the hills around Berkeley and riding         varsity squad. Her goal was to play in college until at the age
     training in different sorts of adaptive sports. Within 7 months    emergency room and a battery of tests he was diagnosed           his bike in the canyons in San Diego. After his first semester      of 16 she was a passenger in a horrific auto accident which
     he pushed his first half marathon and has since competed in        with Transverse Myelitis an inflammatory disease of the          at Cal he returned home for the holidays. On December 20,           resulted in multiple spinal fractures and paralysis from the
     over 25 wheelchair marathons. His biggest accomplishment           spinal cord suffered by only 1400 people in the U.S each         2017 while working out with former teammates at the San             waist down. After spending many months in the hospital
     in distance competition came in 2016 on the ten year               year. He missed nearly his entire sophomore year but             Diego Rowing Club he dove off a seawall, hit his head on            and rehabilitation, she was introduced to new sports
     anniversary of his accident when he was able to complete           kept up with his studies with a newfound enthusiasm for          the bottom and broke his neck at the C4-6 level resulting           such as surfing and mono skiing. Mackenzie is studying
     an Ironman triathlon in Louisville, KY. Ben attended Bethel        academic excellence. Kale was awarded the Iowa Governors         in quadriplegia. He spent eight months in rehabilitation at         Communications and Sociology at the University of Denver
     College and completed his Masters in Teaching. Currently           Scholar Award, National Honor Society President, Phi Theta       Craig Hospital where he met SWM scholarship recipients              and is also taking business courses while volunteering
     he works as a physical education teacher in Salt Lake City,        Kappa Honor Society as well as other academic awards. Kale       Austin Brotman and Andrew Ouellette. He returned home               at various non-profits. She is certain that the discipline,
     UT. While working full time Ben is pursuing his PhD in             spends his time outside the classroom as a member of the         to San Diego where he took a few courses at Mira Costa CC           leadership, work ethic and strength of character she gained
     Psychology at Grand Canyon University.                             disability advocate group at Hopkins, a scientific researcher    before returning to Cal to complete his degree.                     as an athlete will be fully utilize as she pursues her education
                                                                        at the medical center, and an admissions office volunteer.                                                                           and newfound passions.

                    2020-2021 Swim With Mike Scholarship Recipients                                                                                      2020-2021 Swim With Mike Scholarship Recipients
                            Jake Javier                                                       Jonathan Jimenez                                                  Jackson MacTaggart                                                  Gabriela Martinez
                            Cal Poly San Luis Obispo                                          San Diego State University                                        Pennsylvania State University                                       University of Southern California
                            Spring 2021                                                       Spring 2021                                                       Spring 2023                                                         Spring 2021

                             Jake played football for most of his                             Jonathan’s parents migrated from Peru                             Jackson was inspired to run a 5K while                               Born and raised in East L.A, Gaby grew
                             life starting at seven years old and                             to Virginia in the 1980’s where he was                            in 6th grade, so his parents signed him                              up playing a variety of sports, but
                             on through San Ramon Valley high                                 born and raised. In Virginia, he grew up                          up for one. He didn’t really train but                               her favorite was always competitive
                             school where he played offensive and                             with his life centered around sports. He                          did well and decided to train for a 10K.                             swimming. At 13 years old, during
                             defensive line, achieved All-League                              participated in swimming, taekwondo,                              While training, his high school cross                                a family gathering, Gaby accidently
                             honors and was named Senior Team                                 baseball as well as basketball and                                country team and their coach saw that                                dove head first into a shallow pool,
     Captain. Also an outstanding student, he had several               soccer. After attending basketball summer camp at Bishop         he had potential and invited him to train with the team on a        not realizing it was only four feet deep. She was knocked
     collegiate opportunities but chose Cal Poly San Luis Obispo        Ireton High School, he could never put down a basketball.        regular basis. He joined his middle school running teams and        unconscious and woke up in the hospital, and was diagnosed
     for their football and engineering programs. On the day            After high school, he was a bit torn between working full-       won nearly every competition he entered. The same year,             with a C 5 spinal cord injury. After her injury, Gaby was
     prior to his high school graduation Jake broke his neck            time and going to college, and on May 28, 2012 his life          Jackson decided what he wanted to study in college after            depressed and felt that life would never be the same. With
     diving into a pool. Paralyzed from the chest down he was           changed dramatically. He dove into the shallow end of a          seeing the movie Interstellar. His father explained the science     the help of family, friends and childhood swim team buddies
     down but not out. A month after his accident he enrolled in        pool shattering his C-5 vertebrae. Two years later, he moved     behind the film, inspiring Jackson to realize his desire to study   she found her way back to the pool and relearned how to
     a clinical trial where ten million embryonic stem cells were       across the country to attend Project Walk where he is thriving   astronomy and astrophysics. As a high school freshman, he           swim. The water became a vital asset to her rehabilitation,
     injected directly into his spinal cord. He later spent seven       in therapy and helping others by sharing his experiences and     made the state cross country championship and was team              and currently, she is strengthening her adaptive swimmer
     months at Craig Hospital in intensive rehab. After delaying        translating for Spanish speakers. Jonathan hopes to become       MVP. He also joined the Amateur Astronomers’ Association            skills at the Rose Bowl Aquatic Center. Furthermore, Gaby
     college for a year of rehabilitation Jake changed his major        a Creative Designer and finished his Marketing degree at San     of Pittsburgh. A month before his sophomore year, Jackson           graduated with her B.A. in Sociology from Cal State L.A. and
     from Mechanical to Biomedical engineering where he hopes           Diego State in the Spring of 2019, with plans to continue on     joined his family for a vacation at Bethany Beach. Upon             is now working on completing her Master of Social Work at
     to help progress the field of regenerative medicine. Jake is       for his Master’s as well. Jonathan learned about the Swim        entering the ocean, he was caught in a dangerous shore-             U.S.C. where she aspires to positively impact marginalized
     #70 on the football roster at Cal Poly and while he cannot         With Mike family from his physical therapists at Project Walk    break which caused him to impact his head on the seafloor           communities.
     participate on the field he assists the team and the coaches       who all believed he was ready to take on new goals.              resulting in a C5 burst fracture.
     from the sidelines.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              27
Myles Molnar                                                      Kendra Muller                                                     Andrew Ouellette                                                   Matthew Parks
                           University of Southern California                                 University of San Diego                                           University of Colorado Boulder                                     East Carolina University
                           Spring 2024                                                       Spring 2022                                                       Spring 2021                                                        Spring 2023

                                                                                             During the summer before high                                       Growing up Andrew tried about every                              Matthew was an outstanding athlete
                           Myles played baseball and soccer but in                           school Kendra’s goal was to make                                    sport imaginable, ultimately focusing                            and played many sports but football
                           the fourth grade he was introduced to                             the varsity soccer team. She made                                   on lacrosse which was his best and                               was different. He thrived in the tough
                           wrestling and that became his passion.                            the team and won the cross country                                  favorite sport. He was selected varsity                          team atmosphere. He made varsity
                           In 2015 after seventh grade the family                            state championship as well. On May                                  team captain junior and senior years                             as a freshman after working hard all
                           moved to Abu Dhabi UAE and Myles                                  27, 2011 following her freshman year                                at East High School. Andrew excelled                             summer in the weight room and on
     attended an American International School. On January 21,        Kendra’s life changed drastically when a column of bricks          in the classroom, with a particular talent for graphic design.    the field. He was a starter at safety in his sophomore season
     2017 while participating in a school wrestling practice he       holding up the hammock she was lying in collapsed and              He spent summers lifeguarding at the local pool, once using       and college teams were scouting him. Plans changed
     suffered a spinal cord injury which resulted in dislocation      fell on her. In the hospital for three months unable to walk       those skills at a Colorado mountain lake where he jumped in       when on January 8, 2017 he was in a sledding accident
     of his C5/C6 vertebrae. Emergency surgery and months in          she couldn’t breathe, talk, eat or sit up in bed. Painstakingly    to help an injured adult. On track to attend Cal Poly San Luis    that resulted in a spinal cord injury and paralysis from the
     rehabilitation hospitals followed. Myles graduated from          relearning the most basic of tasks taught Kendra that she          Obispo in 2016, Andrew’s plans changed July 3, 2016 when          chest down. Matthew spent three months in the hospital in
     his hometown high school on time with his peers despite          could do much albeit differently and her drive and spirit          he dove under a wave in Mexico, hit a sandbar, and sustained      Atlanta 240 miles away from home but his friends traveled
     adversity. Through the Swim With Mike scholarship Myles          helped her achieve a 4.0 grade point average and she was           a spinal cord injury. Andrew was fortunate to be revived          often to visit and support him. Matthew returned home
     plans to pursue a career in Applied Mathematics.                 admitted to many schools before settling on BYU. She served        on the beach and quickly transferred back to Denver. After        from the hospital on a Saturday and returned to school on
                                                                      as a student body officer at Riverton High School, President       three weeks in the ICU Andrew spent months completing             the following Monday. His teachers and his friends were
                                                                      of her church youth group and was a member of the National         rehabilitation at Craig Hospital. As he gained strength and       extremely supportive in helping him keep up with school.
                                                                      Honor Society. At BYU she helped organize an annual SWM            independence, Andrew decided to get on with college               When the next football season started he went to every
                                                                      fundraiser. Kendra graduated from BYU in the Spring of 2019        plans but opted to stay closer to home than Cal Poly. He was      home football game and took team photos. Matthew credits
                                                                      with a Bachelors degree in Neuropsychology, married and            admitted to the University of Colorado in Boulder to pursue       his physical fitness from football training and the support
                                                                      moved to San Diego to attend Law School.                           an undergraduate Business degree in Marketing with hopes          of those around him with his ability to rehabilitate his body
                                                                                                                                         of using his graphic design talents.                              post accident.

                    2020-2021 Swim With Mike Scholarship Recipients                                                                                     2020-2021 Swim With Mike Scholarship Recipients
                           Ronan Nelson                                                      Chris O’Brien                                                     Heidi Pearson                                                     Rio Peterson
                           University of San Diego                                           George Washington                                                 Boise State University                                            Walden University
                           Spring 2022                                                       Spring 2021                                                       Spring 2024                                                       Spring 2021

                            Ronan was born in Okinawa, Japan                                 Chris spent most of his life in the pool                          Heidi grew up playing basketball,                                  Rio was an active kid who loved skiing
                            when his Marine dad and nurse mom                                and on the seas as a competitive sailor.                          volleyball, and track and field at                                 and started playing basketball in the
                            were stationed there. The family                                 Chris captained his high school swim                              Rimrock High in Idaho. She placed                                  2nd grade. In high school he was varsity
                            eventually settled down in Encinitas,                            team both his junior and senior years                             first in discus at the Western Idaho                               team captain for two years and while
                            California and Ronan started playing                             while serving as a volunteer firefighter.                         Conference Championship her junior                                 in college he coached JV basketball
                            soccer and, at the age of 10, learned                            Prior to concentrating on the water                               year. That summer she worked as a                                  winning two Idaho State Coach of
     rugby, inspired by his Irish family. As a high school freshman   sports he played soccer, baseball and lacrosse. Chris went         lifeguard, taught swimming lessons and was a hydrology            the Year awards. In 2014 he graduated from Boise State as
     he gave up soccer for football and rugby becoming the first      on to compete for the College of Charleston’s NCAA Division        intern for Boise State University. On June 23, 2019, Heidi        a registered nurse and soon began working as a traveling
     freshman on varsity rugby in his high school’s history. On       I swim team as a freshman as he majored in Communications          drove off a remote dirt road over a steep embankment.             nurse which placed him in some incredible areas for outdoor
     April 7, 2012 Ronan’s life changed forever during a rugby        with a goal to become a firefighter after graduation. On July      Heidi’s back was broken between T11-T12 and the surgeon           activities. On April 16, 2018, Rio was skiing at Squaw Valley
     game. In one play gone wrong, Ronan was tackled and his          27, 2011, following his freshman year, Chris was injured by        fused her spine between T10-L1. Ever the athlete, Heidi           in California when he hit a bump, took a fall and landed on
     C5, C6 and C7 vertebrae were crushed, causing a spinal           diving into a sandbar while on vacation with his buddies,          focused on rehabilitation and quickly became involved             the top of his head. During his initial 10 day hospital stay, he
     cord injury. During surgery to repair the trauma done to his     fracturing the C4 and C5 vertebrae, and resulting in               in adaptive sports, which she continues to pursue while a         was diagnosed with a C 4-6 fracture resulting in incomplete
     vertebrae, Ronan had a stroke causing temporary blindness.       paralysis from the neck down. After his injury Chris became        student at Boise State University.                                quadriplegia. He was airlifted to Craig Hospital in Denver
     Being forced to the sideline Ronan worked hard at his            involved with peer support groups for individuals with                                                                               where he has been doing rehabilitation. Four months after
     rehabilitation, but wanted to return to the game he loved,       similar disabilities, and eventually started working as an                                                                           the accident Rio was admitted to Walden University in the
     so he started coaching for his high school and club team         Independent Living Advocate. Chris studied Government,                                                                               Nurse Practitioner program. He realized that his disability
     followed up by a position at UCLA as Rugby Media Manager         with a minor in Psychology at Harvard and later moved                                                                                would make it difficult to practice nursing as before so he
     and as a national writer for RugbyWrapUp. Ronan graduated        on to the Elliott School of International Affairs at George                                                                          switched his emphasis to a Master’s program for Psychiatric
     UCLA in 2018 and moved on to Law School at University of         Washington University, to pursue a Masters of Security Policy                                                                        Mental Health Practitioner.
     San Diego.                                                       Studies with a concentration in US National Security.

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