Our food story the horticulture conference /18 - Horticulture New Zealand

Page created by Carrie Hardy
Our food story the horticulture conference /18 - Horticulture New Zealand
      the                                         + EXHIBITION
      horticulture                                PROSPECTUS

Our food story
23-25 July 2018 / Airforce Museum, Christchurch
Our food story the horticulture conference /18 - Horticulture New Zealand
Your Invitation

HORTICULTURE –                                            WHO WILL BE THERE
                                                          GROWERS FROM OUR 23 AFFILIATED
Horticulture is the primary industries’ quiet             PRODUCT GROUPS
achiever - expanding, growing and meeting
global consumer demands for healthy food.                 Asparagus
Growers play a valuable role in the New Zealand
economy, both at a local level as producers,              Blackcurrant
employers and food suppliers to New Zealanders,           Blueberry
and with exports, which have increased by                 Boysenberry
40 percent in the two years from June 2014 to 2016.
                                                          Buttercup Squash
Today, 60 percent of what we grow in New Zealand
is exported to more than 120 countries and                Citrus
horticulture is New Zealand’s fourth largest exporter.    Feijoas
This makes horticulture in New Zealand a $5.6 billion     Fresh Tomato
industry and on target to meet our ambitious              Fresh Vegetable
industry goal of being a $10 billion industry by 2020.    Kiwiberry
The horticulture conference is the annual                 Kiwifruit
opportunity for industry to get together and share        Nashi
ideas, learn about innovation to improve their
business, hear inspirational and influential speakers,
connect and socialise. It is the place to be.             Organics Aotearoa New Zealand
To create an enduring environment where growers
continue to prosper, Horticulture New Zealand, with       Process Vegetables
the individual product groups, works on:                  Strawberry
»   Leadership – uniting industry under a single banner   Summerfruit
»   Having a voice in Wellington – across government      Tamarillo
    departments and political parties
»   Protecting the right to grow and farm –               ASSOCIATE MEMBERS
    advocacy, land and water use, law and policy
                                                          Independent operators and suppliers to the
»   Workforce – seasonal and skilled workers, health      horticulture industry in New Zealand.
    and safety, future workforce via education
»   Biosecurity protection – including Government         GROWERS FROM OUR OTHER AFFILIATED
    Industry Agreements                                   GROWER ASSOCIATIONS
»   Trade – access to markets
                                                          Which operate independently but are affiliated
»   Promoting – telling the overarching story about       to Horticulture New Zealand.
    horticulture to connect urban with rural
We are focused on delivering growers value
and we represent 5,500 commercial fruit and
vegetable growers.

Our food story
23-25 July 2018 / Airforce Museum, Christchurch

Fast facts                                            Timeline/important dates

DATES                                                 TIMELINE                      DATE

23-25 July 2018
                                                      Online exhibition             March 2018
                                                      stand booking live

Airforce Museum, Christchurch
                                                      Sponsor/Stand payment due     Within 7 days
                                                                                    of booking

350+ Delegates
                                                      Deadline for all Exhibition   15th June 2018
                                                      Staff Registrations

This will be the 13th Annual Conference
                                                      Deadline for                  15th June 2018
for Horticulture New Zealand
                                                      Company Profiles
                                                      Exhibitor Manual Available    1st June 2018
Grower members will be able to register at a rate
of $350 per person and non-members at $570.
Your support is invaluable in helping us keep the     Exhibitor Pack-In             Monday 23rd July
registration fees at an affordable price for                                        12pm – 5pm
everyone to attend.
                                                      Welcome Reception             Monday 23rd July
CONTACT DETAILS                                                                     5pm – 7.30pm
Conference Secretariat
                                                      Vegetable Industry Dinner     Monday 23rd July
                                                                                    7.30pm – late

Address:   PO Box 24078, Manners Street, Wellington   Horticulture New Zealand      Tuesday 24th
Telephone: + 64 4 384 1511                            Conference                    and Wednesday
Contact:   Amy Abel                                                                 25th July
Email:     hortnz2018@confer.co.nz
Website:   www.confer.co.nz/hortnz2018                Exhibitor Pack-Out            Wednesday
                                                                                    25th July
                                                                                    4pm – 6pm

Our food story
    23-25 July 2018 / Airforce Museum, Christchurch

A unique opportunity

The Horticulture Conference offers a unique              HORTICULTURE NEW ZEALAND
opportunity to:                                          MARKETING TIMELINE 2018
»    Promote goods and services

»    Raise the national profile of your organisation
                                                                          Conference Website Launched
»    Demonstrate your commitment to the industry

»    Increase brand awareness
                                                                          Conference Registration Opened
»    Develop and build new partnerships

This conference gives you the opportunity to have                         Conference Speakers and
a higher profile within the industry and reach even                       Programme Announced
more people in your target market.
All sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities are
available on a first in – first served basis. Benefits
                                                         Jun              Early Registration Deadline –
                                                                          Friday 2nd June 2017

to sponsors are commensurate with the level of
                                                         WHERE THE CONFERENCE IS PROMOTED
investment. The earlier the sponsorship commitment
is made, the greater the exposure through all            »   NZGrower Magazine – NZGrower is published
pre-conference publicity and advertising.                    11 times a year for Horticulture New Zealand’s
                                                             vegetable growers. NZGrower has been the voice
You will receive a high level of exposure directly           of New Zealand’s $2 billion vegetable growing
with this target audience throughout the conference          and berryfruit industries for more than six decades.
as well as being included in all the conference          »   The Orchardist Magazine – The Orchardist is
promotion.                                                   published by Horticulture New Zealand for
We are flexible and are willing to work with you             commercial fruit growers. It is the only monthly
                                                             publication in New Zealand reaching all levy-
to achieve the best promotion combination for
                                                             paying fruit growers.
your organisation.
                                                         »   Email Newsletter to Members – Sent weekly
Sponsorship packages are aimed at providing
                                                         »   HorticultureNZ Twitter Account – follow us
sponsors with a worthwhile return on investments.            @HorticultureNZ to see our conference promotion
This conference offers a unique opportunity to               via social media. Feel free to join in and help us
increase your company’s exposure to a diverse                promote the conference using #HortNZ18
cross-section of those working in the horticulture       »   You! – promote the conference to your networks!
industry.                                                    We can provide you with an image to include on
We are confident that the benefits of sponsorship            your website and as an email footer to let your
                                                             networks know you’ve invested in supporting the
will offer effective exposure of your company not
                                                             education and growth of growers working in the
only over the period of the conference but in the
                                                             horticulture industry in New Zealand.
years ahead.
                                                         »   Via media – media releases from Horticulture
                                                             New Zealand about the conference, announcing
                                                             speakers etc.

Our food story
 23-25 July 2018 / Airforce Museum, Christchurch

Sponsorship benefits

Sponsorship is cost-effective direct
marketing to a guaranteed captive
audience. Be there to:                              Stand out from
                                                   your competitors

                                  Have face to face             Establish new
                                interaction with your           relationships
                                current and potential           and build on
                                     client base                existing ones

         Establish your position                                                    Entice people away
          as a market leader in                                                    from the competition
           the minds of your                                                          because you’re
         existing and potential                                                       attending and
               customers                                                                they’re not!

                                                                                              Differentiate and
    Generate new                  Meet with people               Maintain and                  establish your
      business                     in a stimulating            reinforce loyalty                brand in the
                                   and welcoming                 with existing                  marketplace
                                     environment                  customers

                                                    Interact with a
                                                   captive audience
                                                     who are your          If any of the above points resonate
                                                     target market         with your marketing goals then you
                                                                           should be there!
                                                                           Can you afford not to be?

Our food story
23-25 July 2018 / Airforce Museum, Christchurch

Sponsorship packages


                                                     PLATINUM   GOLD      SILVER    BRONZE
                                                     $30,000    $25,000   $10,000   $5,000
                                                     + GST      + GST     + GST     + GST

The opportunity to deliver a 5 minute presentation      Y
at the conference opening

Recognition as a sponsor in all preconference           Y          Y          Y        Y
material, registration material and conference

Exposure as a sponsor on conference banners             Y          Y          Y        Y
in the main auditorium

Your company logo on the main screen at the             Y          Y          Y        Y
beginning of all plenary sessions acknowledging
your sponsor status

Complimentary registrations including the               8           6         4        2
Conference Gala Award Dinner

Opportunity to insert promotional material in the       Y          Y          Y        Y
conference satchels going directly into the hands
of your target audience

Your company logo hyperlinked to your website           Y          Y          Y        Y
on the conference website which will drive traffic
to your website before and after the conference.

A premium exhibition display position within            Y          Y          Y        Y
the catering area. Stands measure 3m x 1.8m

Our food story
    23-25 July 2018 / Airforce Museum, Christchurch


                                                                                        $30,000 + GST

Sponsorship packages

As the Principal Sponsor you will stand out as a leader! You will receive the highest
level of recognition throughout the conference and your organisation is able to
demonstrate its support and commitment to the Social Sciences community as a whole.

THE PLATINUM SPONSOR BENEFITS INCLUDE:                  »   Advertising in all conference media;
»    The opportunity to deliver a 5 minute              »   8 complimentary full registrations for the full
     presentation at the Conference Opening;                three days including catering;
»    Verbal recognition during the Conference           »   8 complimentary conference dinner tickets
     Opening and Closing;                                   on the Tuesday night;
»    A premium double stand within the Trade /          »   Opportunity to insert promotional material in the
     Catering area for you to create an Exhibition          conference satchels going directly into the hands
     Stand; the perfect location to enable you to           of your target audience;
     engage directly with your audience;                »   Your company logo hyperlinked to your
»    Recognition as the Platinum Sponsor in all             Website on our Conference Website
     printed Conference materials;                          (www.confer.co.nz/hortnz2018) which will
                                                            drive traffic to your website before and after
»    A freestanding company banner displayed
                                                            the conference.
     in the Main Auditorium;
»    Your company logo on the main screen
     at the start of all Conference Plenary Sessions;

Our food story
    23-25 July 2018 / Airforce Museum, Christchurch

                                                                                     $25,000 + GST

Sponsorship packages

As Gold Sponsor, you will have the opportunity to have the naming right to either the:
» Horticulture Conference 2018 Welcome Function           SOLD
» Horticulture Conference 2018 Cocktail Function (Pre-Dinner Drinks)
» Horticulture Conference 2018 Conference Gala Award Dinner

WHEN BECOMING A GOLD SPONSOR, YOU                     »   Your company logo on the main screen at the
WILL RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS:                      beginning of all Conference Plenary Sessions
                                                          acknowledging your Major Sponsor Status;
»    Opportunity to address the conference at
     your sponsored event, either the Welcome         »   Advertising in all conference media;
     Function, Cocktail Function or Conference        »   6 complimentary full conference registrations
     Gala Award Dinner;                                   for the full three days including catering;
»    Verbal recognition at the conference at all      »   6 complimentary conference dinner tickets
     opportune times including the Conference             on the Tuesday night;
     Opening and Closing;                             »   Opportunity to insert promotional material
»    A premium single stand within the Trade /            in the conference satchels going directly
     Catering area for you to create an Exhibition        into the hands of your target audience;
     Stand; the perfect location to enable you to     »   Your company logo hyperlinked to your
     engage directly with your audience;                  Website on our Conference Website
»    Recognition as a Major Sponsor in all printed        (www.confer.co.nz/hortnz2018) which
     Conference materials;                                will drive traffic to your website before
                                                          and after the conference.

Our food story
    23-25 July 2018 / Airforce Museum, Christchurch

                                                      $10,000 + GST

Sponsorship packages


»    A premium single stand within the Trade /
     Catering area for you to create an Exhibition
     Stand; the perfect location to enable you to
     engage directly with your audience;
»    Recognition as a Major Sponsor in all printed
     Conference materials;
»    Your company logo on the main screen at the
     beginning of all Conference Plenary Sessions
     acknowledging your Major Sponsor Status;
»    Advertising in all conference media;
»    4 complimentary full conference registrations
     for the full three days including catering;
»    4 complimentary conference dinner tickets
     on the Tuesday night;
»    Opportunity to insert promotional material
     in the conference satchels going directly into
     the hands of your target audience;
»    Your company logo hyperlinked to your
     Website on our Conference Website
     (www.confer.co.nz/hortnz2018) which will
     drive traffic to your website before and after
     the conference.

Our food story
    23-25 July 2018 / Airforce Museum, Christchurch

                                                      $5,000 + GST

Sponsorship packages


»    A premium single stand within the Trade /
     Catering area for you to create an Exhibition
     Stand; the perfect location to enable you to
     engage directly with your audience;
»    Recognition as a Major Sponsor in all printed
     Conference materials;
»    Your company logo on the main screen at the
     beginning of all Conference Plenary Sessions
     acknowledging your Major Sponsor Status;
»    Advertising in all conference media;
»    2 complimentary full conference registrations
     for the full three days including catering;
»    2 complimentary conference dinner tickets
     on the Tuesday night;
»    Opportunity to insert promotional material
     in the conference satchels going directly into
     the hands of your target audience;
»    Your company logo hyperlinked to your
     Website on our Conference Website
     (www.confer.co.nz/hortnz2018) which will
     drive traffic to your website before and after
     the conference.

Our food story
    23-25 July 2018 / Airforce Museum, Christchurch

                                                          $2,500 + GST

Sponsorship packages


»    One exhibition stand located in the exhibition
     hall where teas/coffees and lunches will be
     served. The stand is 3m x 1.8m space only, a table
     and chairs will be provided. Panels, power and
     lighting can be hired as an additional cost from
     the elected Exhibition Hire company.
»    Your company logo hyperlinked to your website
     on the conference website which will drive traffic
     to your website before and after the conference.
»    Exhibitor listing in the conference handbook.
»    1 Exhibitor registration. This does not include
     access to the conference sessions and conference
     dinner. Tickets must be purchased separately.

Our food story
 23-25 July 2018 / Airforce Museum, Christchurch

Other sponsorship options

We also have some other sponsorship options that are worth considering either on their own or as an
add-on to one of the main sponsorship packages. Let us know if any are of interest and we’re happy
to come up a package to best suit your needs.

       OPTION                                                                                         COST

       LUNCH & REFRESHMENT BREAKS                                                          $3,000 + GST

       CONFERENCE SMARTPHONE APP                                                           $2,000 + GST

       CONFERENCE LANYARDS                                                                 $2,000 + GST

       COFFEE CART                                                                         $3,000 + GST

       SATCHEL INSERT                                                                        $500 + GST

       VEGETABLE INDUSTRY DINNER                                                           $5,000 + GST

       CONFERENCE NOTEPADS                                                                   $500 + GST

       CONFERENCE GALA AWARD DINNER PHOTOBOOTH                                              $1,000 + GST

       CONFERENCE PENS                                                                       $500 + GST

       CONFERENCE WIFI                                                                     $2,000 + GST

       WEB LOGO                                                                              $500 + GST

       CONFERENCE SATCHELS                                                                 $4,000 + GST

       CONFERENCE SESSION                                                                  $2,000 + GST

Our food story
    23-25 July 2018 / Airforce Museum, Christchurch

Other sponsorship options

LUNCH AND REFRESHMENT                                    Your exposure continues after the conference
BREAK SPONSOR                                            through the photos taken of delegates during
                                                         the event which can end up being shared on
$3,000 + GST PER DAY
                                                         social media and used in future Horticulture
The conference lunches and refreshment breaks            New Zealand publications.
will take place in the Exhibition Hall at the Airforce
Museum which is the main area for delegates to
congregate during the conference.                        VEGETABLE INDUSTRY DINNER SPONSOR
»    Your company banner (supplied by your               $5,000 + GST
     organisation) in the Exhibition Hall during         Monday 23rd July
     the lunch break of your choice
                                                         The Vegetable Industry Dinner will be held at
»    Recognition in the Conference Handbook
                                                         the ASB Baypark Arena and will provide a great
»    Recognition as the lunch sponsor in the day’s       opportunity to market yourself to the Vegetables
     first plenary session on the day of sponsorship     NZ Inc, Tomatoes New Zealand and New Zealand
»    Acknowledgement on Conference website               Asparagus Council Members. The sponsorship
     including name, logo and link to your website       includes:
»    The opportunity to provide napkins                  »   Naming rights for the dinner - Your company banner
     (or alternative) bearing your company logo              (supplied by your organisation) at the Dinner
»    One complimentary full Conference registration      »   Recognition in the Conference Handbook
»    Delegate Insert in the Conference Satchels          »   Acknowledgement on Conference website
                                                             including name, logo and link to your website
                                                         »   The opportunity to provide napkins
$3,000 + GST
                        SOLD                                 (or alternative) bearing your company logo
                                                         »   One complimentary full Conference registration
Very popular with the delegates! Good quality coffee     »   One Complimentary Dinner Registration
is very important to our attendees and they love to      »   Delegate Insert in the Conference Satchels
see a coffee cart when they arrive at the conference.
You can arrange to have branded sleeves put on the
cups – we can give you the dimensions to pass on to      CONFERENCE GALA AWARD DINNER
a designer.                                              PHOTOBOOTH
                                                         $1,000 + GST
CONFERENCE LANYARDS                  SOLD                Photobooths are such fun and provide delegates
                                                         with a great memento of the fabulous evening
$2,000 + GST
                                                         they had.
As conference attendees are required to wear the
conference name badges at all times, the conference      If you choose to sponsor the photobooth, your
lanyard provides unique exposure for such things as      company logo will be printed on all photo strips
your company’s name, logo, or web address.               that are provided to the delegates.

Our food story
    23-25 July 2018 / Airforce Museum, Christchurch

Other sponsorship options

CONFERENCE SESSION                                        CONFERENCE SMARTPHONE APP
$2,000 + GST                                              $2,000 + GST

This would give you the opportunity to have more          The majority of delegates now have smartphones
of a one-to-one connection with the delegates and         and the uptake of delegates using the event apps
lets them see you as a thought leader in the industry.    at conferences had increased significantly. We are
                                                          generally seeing a 70% uptake at most recent events.
We would provide a room for this with standard AV         The app is a great way for delegates to create their
set up and we can arrange the furniture up how you        own personal programme. They can also view details
like. In the past, sponsors have found these successful   of all the sponsors and exhibitors on the app and
when there has been a bit of demonstration/hands          post to social media about the conference. Your
on activities and talking on a larger scale rather than   branding will appear at the bottom of the screen
just delivering a sales pitch.                            on each page of the app.

                                                          SATCHEL INSERT                            $500 + GST
                                                          Your organisation may provide promotional material
$4,000 + GST                                              which will be included in all delegate satchels/
                                                          folders. A maximum of one A4 brochure or booklet
Each delegate attending the Conference will receive
                                                          up to 4 pages in length is allowed.
a satchel, which will include all Conference materials.
As sponsor of the satchels, your organisation will
receive the benefits listed below, as well as having
                                                          CONFERENCE NOTEPADS              SOLD
                                                                                              $500 + GST
your organisation logo printed (one colour) on            Brand exposure to every delegate on a daily basis
the satchel.                                              during and after conference. (Pads to be supplied
                                                          by your company).
Organisation logo (one colour only) included on
delegate satchels (along with conference logo)
»    Recognition in the Conference Handbook
                                                          CONFERENCE PENS            SOLD $500 + GST
                                                          Brand exposure to every delegate on a daily basis
»    Acknowledgement on Conference website
                                                          during and after conference. (Pens to be supplied
     including name, logo and link to your website
                                                          by your company).
»    One complimentary full Conference registration
»    One complimentary Dinner registration                WEB LOGO                                  $500 + GST
»    Delegate Insert in the Conference satchels           Hyperlinked to your website on the conference website.

                                                          SPONSORSHIP IN KIND
                                                          We also invite in-kind provision of certain conference
                                                          requirements, which could either be branded or
                                                          could be considered equivalent to a sponsor
                                                          package in value.

Our food story
 23-25 July 2018 / Airforce Museum, Christchurch

Exhibition bookings are made on-line.
Please use the link provided in the email sent with this document to complete your booking.

Sponsorship acceptance form
Company name
                                                                   Type of sponsorship requested (please tick):
                                                                            Platinum Sponsor          $30,000 + GST

                                                                            Gold Sponsor              $25,000 + GST

                                                                            Silver Sponsor             $10,000 + GST
Contact name
                                                                            Bronze Sponsor               $5,000 + GST

Job title                                                                   Exhibitor                    $2,500 + GST

                                                                            Other (please specify)       $



On signing this form, you company commits to being a sponsor/      CONTACT DETAILS
exhibitor at the Horticulture 2018 conference.
Payment: The Conference Secretariat will send a tax invoice        Attention: Amy Abel
and letter of confirmation once the Sponsorship and Exhibition                 CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION MANAGER
Acceptance Form has been completed. You are required to
pay the invoice within 7 working days.                                         Conferences & Events Ltd
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations received in writing (email,     Address:    PO Box 24 078, Wellington
fax or letter) up to 12 April 2018 will forfeit 50% of the total
amount invoiced. No refund can be given for cancellations          Telephone: +64 (04) 384 1511 or
received after 12 April 2018.
                                                                               027 526 0337
Signed                                                             Email:      hortnz2017@confer.co.nz

                                                                   Please email hortnz2018@confer.co.nz
                                                                   to confirm your booking.
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