Page created by Sara Cortez
Will Lithium
Become the Petroleum
of the 21st Century?
For decades, the availability, price, and                   to loosen. As U.S. production of oil and natural
security of petroleum supplies has cast a                   gas reversed its long-term decline and began
large shadow over U.S. economic policy and                  to increase sharply, imports correspondingly
international relations. Now, as the clean                  decreased. Today, according to EIA data, the
energy transition gains momentum and our                    U.S. is the global leader in production and a
reliance on batteries grows, new energy supply              net exporter of both petroleum and natural
threats are emerging.                                       gas. Our long-sought pursuit of “energy
                                                            independence” has effectively been realized.
Experts such as Daniel Yergin (“The Prize”) tell
the story of oil’s growing importance through               As a result, U.S. energy security risk has also
the 20th century as not just an energy resource,            shown steady improvement over the past
but as a keystone supporting broader economic,              decade. The Global Energy Institute’s Index
political, societal, and geo-strategic objectives.          of Energy Security Risk periodically assesses
For the U.S.—long the world’s largest consumer              the current and future state of U.S. energy
of oil and its largest importer—oil policy and              security risk, using over three dozen measures
foreign policy were deeply entwined.                        of energy security. As America’s long-
                                                            running energy scarcity has shifted toward
With the advent of shale and tight sands                    abundance, the overall U.S. energy security
technologies early in the 21st century, foreign             risk has improved from a dire state just ten
oil’s grip on the U.S. economic lifeblood began             years ago to dramatically better now and
                                                            likely into the future.

                                                            But as these risks wane, new ones are
                                                            emerging. With efforts underway in the U.S.
With efforts underway in the U.S.                           and other countries to reduce emissions in the
                                                            electricity and transportation sectors, global
and other countries to reduce                               energy security concerns long associated
emissions in the electricity and                            with petroleum may give way to “clean energy
transportation sectors, global                              dependence” risks. Specifically, many of the
                                                            key technologies for decarbonization—such
energy security concerns long
                                                            as solar panels, wind turbines and batteries—
associated with petroleum                                   require large quantities of certain critical
may give way to “clean energy                               minerals. Presently, these critical minerals are
dependence” risks.                                          largely imported, potentially posing economic
                                                            and geopolitical risks not unlike petroleum did
                                                            for much of the 20th century.

      2 | Global Energy Institute |

Growth to 2040 by sector

                   50                                                        HYDROGEN

                                      6x                                     ELECTRICITY NETWORKS
                                                                             EVS AND BATTERY
                   40                                                        STORAGE
                                                                             OTHER LOW-CARBON
                                                                             POWER GENERATION

                                                                             SOLAR PV



                        2020          Sustainable    Net zero
                                     Development     by 2050
                                       Scenario      scenario

Growth of selected minerals in the Sustainable Development Scenario
(SDS), 2040 relative to 2020

                   50                                                      LITHIUM
Index (2020 = 1)

                                                                           RARE EARTHS

                   10                                       7

                                                          GEI Lithium Handout | | 3
Based on concerns regarding the ability
to expand mining, refining, processing
and manufacturing on the scale and
timeline necessary to meet the expected
demand for clean energy end-products,

IEA issued the following warning:

…supply and investment plans for many
critical minerals fall well short of what
is needed to support an accelerated
deployment of solar panels, wind turbines
and electric vehicles. Many minerals come
from a small number of producers. For
example, in the cases of lithium, cobalt
and rare earth elements, the world’s top
three producers control well over three-
quarters of global output. This high
geographical concentration, the long lead
times to bring new mineral production on
stream, the declining resource quality in
some areas, and various environmental
and social impacts all raise concerns
around reliable and sustainable supplies of
minerals to support the energy transition.”

  4 | Global Energy Institute |
In May, the International Energy Agency (IEA)
warned that these circumstances also present
major risks to global climate objectives, in a           So how is the United States
special report on the Role of Critical Mineral in
                                                         currently positioned in terms
Clean Energy Transitions. The report examined
demand trajectories involving a number of                of lithium and lithium-
critical minerals and clean energy applications,         ion battery supply chain
including renewables, electricity transmission,          resilience? Not very well.
hydrogen, and electric vehicles. As the graph
below illustrates, IEA projects dramatic demand
growth for minerals such as lithium, graphite,
cobalt, nickel, and rare earths.
                                                         Currently, global lithium mining production
Because batteries are metal-rich products that           is under 90,000 metric tons annually, with
comprise approximately 30% or more of the cost           the vast majority of production concentrated
of an electric vehicle, the cost and availability of     in just three countries—Australia, China, and
those metal inputs are key to accelerating the           Chile. At present, clean energy technologies
manufacture and sale of EVs in the years ahead.          comprise around 30% of total demand (up
As it stands today, however, the U.S. is highly          from a minuscule share in 2010). If governments
dependent on China and other foreign countries           domestic and foreign—as well as automakers
for manufacture and delivery of key electric             themselves—move forward with plans to phase
vehicle battery components.                              out sales of internal combustion engine vehicles,
                                                         it’s clear that lithium demand will skyrocket.
The Chamber is actively working with its diverse
membership to ensure reliable supplies of each           In the U.S. alone, 17 million light-duty vehicles
of these critical minerals, not only for energy          are sold annually, and more than 250 million
security but broader economic and national               are in operation nationwide. In theory,
security as well. For example, we recently filed         replacing just the U.S. light duty fleet would
comments with the Department of Energy on                result in a cumulative demand of more than 2.5
critical mineral supply chain concerns related           million metric tons of lithium. Of course, the
to high capacity batteries, as well as with the          global passenger car market is much larger
Department of Defense as it examines broader             and poised to grow substantially, with the
national security implications of this issue. In         global market for EV batteries alone expected
this piece, however, we’ll hone in on just one           to reach nearly a trillion dollars by 2030.
key component of the larger picture: mining,
refining, and manufacturing of lithium needed            That demand, along with similar growth in
for electric vehicle batteries (EVs).                    other market segments (such as electric buses,
                                                         medium- and heavy-duty trucking, and the
The amount of lithium used in an EV depends              power sector) has led Wood Mackenzie to
upon the vehicle’s range, the miles/kWh                  forecast annual growth in energy storage
efficiency of the vehicle, and the particular            needs to average 31% over the next decade. It
chemistry used in the battery. But, a typical EV         is therefore no surprise that IEA’s sustainable
today contains roughly 10 kilograms of lithium.          development scenario forecasts a whopping
So, for every 100 EVs, about one metric ton of           42-fold increase in lithium demand by 2040.
lithium would be needed.

                                                       GEI Lithium Handout | | 5
While these demand trajectories are subject to               of critical minerals such as lithium, and
considerable technology and policy uncertainties,            commenting that China “wants to be the go-to
this data illustrates why lithium and other critical         place for the guts of the batteries, yet we have
mineral clean energy components are viewed by                these minerals in the United States. We have
many as eventually becoming “the petroleum of                not taken advantage of them, to mine them.”
energy security.”
                                                             Signals from the executive branch remain mixed,
So how is the United States currently                        however, as we detail in a recent Fuel for Thought
positioned in terms of lithium and lithium-ion               post examining the Biden Administration’s
battery supply chain resilience? Not very well.              comprehensive assessment of broader supply
                                                             chain vulnerabilities. Culminating in a 250-page
Even though the U.S. is estimated to have the                White House report that was accompanied
world’s fifth largest reserves of lithium, only              by a DOE-led National Blueprint for Lithium
one large-scale lithium mine is currently in                 Batteries, the administration details a number
operation—a Nevada facility that produces less               of specific steps it plans to undertake regarding
than 2% of global annual supplies. Fortunately,              materials sourcing and manufacturing related
the private sector sees great opportunity,                   to EV batteries. In short, while the Chamber
and additional production sites are at                       commends the overall comprehensive approach
various stages of development in Nevada,                     and recommendations set forth in these
California, Oregon, Tennessee, Arkansas,                     reports—including encouragement of expanded
and North Carolina. Importantly, however,                    domestic lithium mining—significant concerns
they will have to overcome opposition from                   remain regarding the need to reduce permitting
environmentalists and others seeking to                      obstacles that deter private investment.
block permitting for the projects—a common
obstacle to the clean energy transition that the             In any event, while shoring up domestic mining
Chamber is working to address.                               capacity is necessary for clean energy security,
                                                             it isn’t sufficient. Owning and producing raw
For example, in recent weeks, two major lithium              materials is just one step in the production
mining projects in Nevada have encountered                   of EV batteries; downstream processing and
setbacks resulting from legal and regulatory                 refining is critical as well. Here too, China is
challenges. Thacker Pass, the largest known                  dominant—not only with respect to lithium
lithium resource in the country, announced                   (59% market share), but cobalt (82%), nickel
delays to its plans to begin mine excavation                 (65%) and graphite (100%), as well as final
in June due to a lawsuit seeking to block the
project. If permitted, the mine could produce
more than 30,000 tons of lithium annually—
enough to supply 475,000 electric vehicle
batteries. Meanwhile, just days earlier, the U.S.            Ignoring these potential
Fish and Wildlife Service handed a setback                   supply risks, and assuming
to another world-class lithium development
project in Nevada, due to concerns that
                                                             that supply chain risks will
the project is on federal lands home to an                   naturally work themselves out,
endangered species of buckwheat flower.                      is a dangerous lack of strategy,
We are heartened that Secretary of Energy                    threatening both energy
Jennifer Granholm has recognized this                        security and climate goals.
opportunity, announcing $30 million in recent
grants to increase domestic production

       6 | Global Energy Institute |
assembly of the battery cells (73%). In fact,         batteries. And we can advance programs to
when it comes to battery manufacturing,               recycle and recover components to reduce the
China holds a towering lead over the rest of          demand for virgin materials. The Energy Act of
the world. According to Benchmark Mineral             2020 addresses each of these areas, and the
Intelligence, of the more than 200 lithium ion        Chamber is working to secure full funding for it.
battery “megafactories” planned between now
                                                      Grants and tax incentives provide a potentially
and 2030, 149 will be in China, while only 11 are
                                                      promising tool to facilitate increased domestic
planned for North America.
                                                      battery manufacturing capacity, and the
Add all of these market dynamics up, and it           aforementioned White House supply chain
is not hyperbole to suggest that, if U.S. clean       report, as well as President Biden’s American
energy dependence grows, adversaries could            Jobs Plan, propose a number of policies in
pursue various forms of critical minerals             this area that warrant strong consideration.
embargoes as a geopolitical weapon. Ignoring          Finally, we should recognize that diversity
these potential supply risks, and assuming            of transportation choices enhances system
that supply chain risks will naturally work           resiliency, and alternative options from
themselves out, is a dangerous lack of                hydrogen fuel cells to good old-fashioned
strategy, threatening both energy security            fuel efficiency improvements can provide
and climate goals.                                    additional insurance from EV-related supply
                                                      chain risks, while also reducing emissions.
Fortunately, while we are behind, there are a
number of steps that can be taken. First and          There are positive signs that policymakers
foremost, we must encourage development               are committed to addressing the serious
of domestic resources, recognizing the need           vulnerabilities associated with lithium and
to streamline permitting and facilitate greater       other clean energy intensive critical minerals
private sector investment in lithium mining           on a bipartisan basis, and the Chamber will
operations. We should also accelerate research        be working to continue building consensus on
into technologies that use less or even no            the importance of making sure lithium does
critical minerals, including new chemistries          not replace petroleum as the energy security
that may provide alternatives to lithium-ion          concern of the 21st century.

                                                    GEI Lithium Handout | | 7
1615 H Street NW | Washington, DC 20062
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