Phantom Whirlpool 1800 - INSTALLATION, USE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL - 01_2015
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Thank you for choosing a WREN Living Ltd. product. Welcome to our world of total wellbeing. We would like to remind you our products are built using excellent quality materials that are accurately tested according to safety standards in force. This guarantee of quality and comfort is accompanied by strong innovation and sought-after design. All we need to do now is wish you happy relaxation. WREN Living Ltd. Page 2
INTRODUCTION THE USE AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL This manual is a guide for safe use of our products, therefore you need to pay utmost attention when reading it before using the product. This manual is of fundamental importance, therefore it must be carefully kept, for any future consultation. We reserves the right to make changes to the product, which are considered necessary, without prior notification or replacement. SAFETY SPECIFICATIONS To correctly use the product, fully read the instructions in this manual. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any damage caused by improper use of the product. Remember to check the installations comply with the instructions on the technical data sheet and the installation manual of the product. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any damage caused by products that are tampered with or incorrectly repaired. In the event of product malfunctioning, if the warranty is valid, exclusively contact authorised technical staff. Page 4
INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION Unpack the product 1 Turn upside down 180° ATTENTION Please make sure the top surface of the bath is protected against any possible damage form abration from items on the floor area when turning the bath upside down to fit the leg assemblies. 2 Adjust the legs to the right height as per picture. 60 cm. 5 cm. 3 Page 5
INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION Mount the water trap 1 2 5 (command panel side) Mount the three brackets on the threaded rods 6 Page 6
INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION Push them back (drain side) 7 Repeat the same operations 8 Take the front panel 9 Page 7
INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION Mount the two supports with the four screws. Repeat the same operation for the end panel. 10 Front panel Mount, near the three threaded rods, the steel springs with two screws each one End panel Mount, on the two blocks under the edge of the bathtub, the steel springs with two screws each one 11 Page 8
INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION Mount the front panel on the bathtub 1 2 12 Set the angle at 90° between the panel and the bathtub. Adjust the position of the three brackets and tighten the nuts. Repeat the same operation with the end panel. Once you have adjusted all the panels, remove them and continue the bathtub installation 90° 13 Page 9
INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION Using a level, put the bathtub perfectly horizontal. If you need, turn the adjustable feet 14 Connect the hydromassage control box to the electricity supply. ATTENTION All Electrical work to be carried out only by a quaiified Electrician and to be Certified for compliance to all required Regulations and current UK Standards 15 Connect the water trap of bathtub to the floor drain with 1 and half inch (40mm). 16 9 Page 10
INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION Insert the end panel under the edge of the bathtub. 17 Put the temporary supports under the panel. Repeat the same operation for the front panel. 18 Keep the panels in place, unscrewing the two panel adjustable supports 19 Page 11
DESCRIPTION OF PARTS HYDROMASSAGE The Phantom Whirlpool bath includes a patented hydromassage system. This device allows you to take advantage of the hydromassage without the physical presence of the device generating the hydromassage, clearly improving the product ergonomics. For system functioning, see the control panel specifications (see page 15 and 17). LED COLOUR THERAPY Led colour therapy on the product is positioned in the external grooves and, through the transparent part of the bath, enabling light diffusion. The absence in the bath of the light generation device clearly improves product ergonomics and reduces the risk of breakage. For system functioning, see the control panel specifications (see page 16-17-18). Page 13
DESCRIPTION OF PARTS CLICK CLACK DRAIN To close the drain press the plug (Fig. 1) To open again, bring the plug to the original position (Fig. 2) It can be internally accessed for cleaning by unscrewing the plug. Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3 Page 14
USING PHANTOM WHIRLPOOL 1700 COMMAND PANEL KEY1: Whirlpool On/Off KEY1: Disinfection On/Off KEY2: Venturi On/Off KEY1 KEY2 WHIRLPOOL KEY To turn on the hydromassage function, fill the bath up to 5 cm., over the hydromassage slit (if the level goes below this slit, the function deactivates in 3 seconds). Press KEY 1 to switch on the pump generating the supply in the bath with pressurised water: the function is confirmed with the indicator light on, on the key. If you want to stop the function, simply press KEY 1 again and the simultaneous switching off of the indicator light confirms it is off. The function however has an automatic safety stop after 15 minutes. DISINFECTION ON/OFF KEY The function activates in the presence of a sufficient water level in the bath through prolonged pressure on KEY 1 ( approx. 5 seconds ) to request activation of the function, the indicator light starts to flash, to confirm the disinfection cycle press KEY 1 again during the third flash of the indicator light. The active function is signalled by fast flashing of the indicator light. The function automatically stops after 5 minutes. VENTURI ON/OFF KEY This function can only be switched on if the Whirlpool is already on. To switch on, press KEY 2. The indicator light switches on to confirm activation. The bath starts to fill with water mixed with air, with a whirling effect. To stop it, simply press KEY 2 again and the simultaneous switching off of the indicator light confirms it is switched off. If you want to stop the function, simply press KEY 1 again and the simultaneous switching off of the indicator light confirms it is off. Page 15
USING THE COLOUR THERAPY COMMAND PANEL KEY1: Colour Therapy On/Off KEY2: Manual colour change On/Off KEY3: Automatic colour change On/Off KEY1 KEY2 KEY3 COLOUR THERAPY ON/OFF KEY Press PremeteKEY 1 to activate il TASTO 1 per the function attivare and theewhite la funzione light switches si accenderà la luceon. bianca. At A this point, questo youè can punto choose possibile to manually scegliere fra unchange cambio between 8 fixed manuale tra colours 8 colori fissi and e un cambio colore automatico. Per fermare la funzione, basta agire sul 1. an automatic colour change. To stop the function, simply press KEY TASTO 1. MANUAL COLOUR CHANGE KEY To change Per to the passare next colour al colore presspremere successivo KEY 2. il TASTO 2. The sequence of fixed colours is as follows: - white - yellow - orange - green - indigo - light blue - blue - red - fuchsia COLOUR THERAPY ON/OFF KEY Press KEY 3 to activate the function. This cycle gives a complete experience of the entire colour range that changes gradually. Page 16
USING PHANTOM WHIRLPOOL 1800 COMMAND PANEL On/Off Whirlpool Light Colour Disinfection therapy ON/OFF KEY On Allafirst primaswitch-on, accensionethe key will sarà il tasto be backlit in blue and retroilluminato all others di blu willaltri e tutti gli be off, to indicate all the functions have inhibited use. saranno spenti, ad indicare che tutte le funzioni sono inibite all’uso. On Allafirst primapressing the key, pressione the backlighting del tasto on the keydel la retroilluminazione changes to red, tasto passa a while all the others switch on in blue and the system is ready rosso, mentre tutti gli altri si accendono in blu ed il sistema è pronto for use. After pressing the key, the system returns to standby status, switching all’uso. off the backlighting Successive pressioniof del all the keys tasto and switching riportano offinallstato il sistema the active di riposo, functions (except drainage as explained later). spegnendo la retroilluminazione di tutti i tasti e spegnendo tutte le funzioni attive (ad accezione dello scarico come spiegato più avanti). WHIRLPOOL KEY With the system Con sistema in OnOne and a sufficient livello d’acqua inlevel of water vasca in thelabath, sufficiente, press pressione the hydromassage del tasto on key, whichche attiva l’idromassaggio, stays on untilattivo rimarrà pressedsinoagain alla or for a nuova maximum pressione time of 20o minutes. del tasto per un tempo massimo di 20 minuti. The On status Lo stato of thefunzione di On della function èisidentificato identified by the retroilluminazione dalla backlighting in red di on the rosso colore icon. dell’icona. If Sethe key is pressed premuto il tasto mabut nonthere isn't a highlivello vi è sufficiente enough water acqua level in in vasca the (vedi bath, pg. 7)three red flashes verranno are givenditorosso dati 3 lampeggi indicate an anomaly. ad indicare l’anomalia. LIGHT KEY With the system Con sistema in OnOneand a sufficient livello d’acqua water level in vasca in the bath, sufficiente, press the la pressione key del tasto attiva l’illuminazione a led bianca, funzione che cheuntil to activate the white led light, a function which stays on the rimarrà key is pressed again or for a maximum time of 60 minutes. attiva sino alla nuova pressione del tasto o per un tempo massimo di The ON status of the function is identified by the backlighting in red on 60 minuti. the icon. Lo stato di On della funzione è identificato dalla retroilluminazione di Ifcolore the key is pressed rosso but there isn't a high enough water level in the dell’icona. bath, three red Se premuto flashes il tasto ma are nongiven to indicatelivello vi è sufficiente an anomaly. acqua in vasca (vedi pg. 7) verranno dati 3 lampeggi di rosso ad indicare l’anomalia. Page 17
PHANTOM WHIRLPOOL 1800 COMMAND PANEL LIGHT COLOURS KEY With the light Con luce on, pressing accasa, la pressionethe delkeytasto changes the colour fa cambiare of thedelle il colore lights to luce 8trabasic gli 8 colours. The "lights" key tonalità fondamentali. will remain Il tasto lit in red, “luci” rimarrà while the illuminato «light di rosso, colours"il tasto mentre key will lightluci” “colori up in si red for 2 seconds illuminerà di rosso after per i it2 is pressed, secondi dopoandla then return dello pressione to blue. stesso, per poi tornare blu. No Nonprolonged pressing sono previste is planned pressioni for fast prolungate colour per progression veloce un avanzamento dei colori. DISINFECTION KEY Conthe With sistema system in On On,andlivello d’acqualevel a sufficient in vasca of watersufficiente, in the bath,disinfettante sufficient sufficienteinnel disinfectant serbatoio the tank and all the e functions tutte le Off funzioni (including in colour stato therapy) di Off (cromoterapia press the key tocompresa), la pressione enable an automatic del tasto cleaning abilita un ciclo di cycle. pulizia automatico. cycle. Lo stato The di onofdel on status theciclo cyclesarà will identificato be identifieddel by tasto the red illuminato di rosso. lighting key.Since Essendo the la function disinfecting funzioneis di disinfezione an automatic, un ciclo completamente complementary cycle, a safety automatico, procedure è prevista is planned foruna proceduraby its activation di double sicurezza per la the pressing suakey. Onattivazione composta first pressing, the key dawill una doppia flash threepressione times in blue,del tasto. if within the third Alla confirmation flash prima pressione verranno is given, fatti 3 lampeggi the function starts and in blu the del tasto: se stays backlighting entro il terzo lampeggio viene data conferma la funzione on and fixed red, otherwise the function aborts and the backlighting turns parte e la retro- illuminazione blue again. rimane accesa in rosso fisso, altrimenti la funzione Ifabortisce the key isepressed la retroilluminazione when one of the torna ad essere conditions blu. is not met (level in bath, Se viene premuto il tasto quando una delle disinfectant level or active functions), an anomaly signal is given with condizioni nontheè soddisfatta key flashing (livello red three in vasca, times. livello disinfettante o funzioni attive), verrà data segnalazione di anomalia facendo tre lampeggi in rosso del tasto. Page 18
MAINTENANCE GENERAL SURFACE CLEANING Generic I prodottiproducts, generici, such quali ias neutral liquidi liquid detergents detergenti can beessere neutri possono used for normalper utilizzati surface cleaning. la normale Youdelle pulizia are advised to apply the product with a soft cloth, rinsing carefully with water. superfici. E’ consigliabile applicare il prodotto con un panno morbido , risciacquando accuratamente Do connot use all specific detergents for limescale removal. acqua. Sono da escludere tutti i detersivi specifici per la rimozione del calcare. A causa della loro composizione Due to their alcalina alkaline possono composition, danneggiare they can dei le superfici damage thecome prodotti surfaces of the products le rubinetterie such o altre as taps finiture and other metalliche. metal finishes. To dry, you are advised to use a deer skin cloth. To maintain surface shine, periodically use common polish. NEVER USE ABRASIVE ASSOLUTAMENTE PRODUCTS NON OR SUBSTANCES USARE PRODOTTI WITH AN ABRASIVI, ALCOHOL,ACETONE SOSTANZE OR OTHER A BASE ALCOLICA, SOLVENT ACETONEBASE. O ALTRI SOLVENTI. NEVER USE SPONGES ASSOLUTAMENTE NONWITH A METAL UTILIZZARE OR ABRASIVE SPUGNE MESH.METALLICHE O ABRASIVE. CON RETINE TAP CLEANING For all surfaces in chrome, brass and gold, you can use cloths or sponges soaked in clean water. NEVER USE ABRASIVE PRODUCTS OR SUBSTANCES WITH AN ALCOHOL, ACETONE OR OTHER SOLVENT BASE. NON USARE PRODOTTI ABRASIVI, SOSTANZE A BASE ALCOLICA, NEVER USE SPONGES WITH A METAL OR ABRASIVE MESH. ok liquid soap Page 19
PARTS LIST cod. 62221 - Phantom Whirlpool 1700 cod. 62222 - Phantom Whirlpool 1800 cod. 62223 - Phantom Whirlpool 1700 Front Panel cod. 62224 - Phantom Whirlpool 1700 End Panel cod. 62225 - Phantom Whirlpool 1800 Front Panel cod. 62226 - Phantom Whirlpool 1800 End Panel Page 20
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