PhotonicsViews 2021 REFRESH YOUR MARKETING - Media Guide - Wiley Corporate Solutions

PhotonicsViews 2021 REFRESH YOUR MARKETING - Media Guide - Wiley Corporate Solutions
Media Guide

PhotonicsViews 2021 REFRESH YOUR MARKETING - Media Guide - Wiley Corporate Solutions
2 | 2021 MEDIA GUIDE

Short description                                                            Overview
PhotonicsViews is the European trade magazine for optical
technologies. It emerged from the two journals Laser Technik                 Publication Frequency
Journal (15 years) and Optik & Photonik (13 years), which have               6 times a year
appeared in international editions since 2015 and shared the
online portal Target group are the                   Volume
decision makers for investments in laser, optics and photonics,              Volume 18, 2021
users and developers from industry and research as well as
management personnel and buyers. The magazine reports                        Print Run
every two months on photonic systems and components, their
functions, their production and, above all, their application,
                                                                             Commercial Manager
especially those of industrial laser technology. In addition to              Jörg Wüllner
technical innovations and highlights from research and de-
velopment, business news from optics, photonics, laser and                   Senior Account Manager
medical technology, equipment engineering, and tool making                   Änne Anders
will also be featured.
Each issue contains technical articles and application reports               Dr. Oliver Dreissigacker
on selected key topics. Industrial machine vision, optical
­metrology, light & laser sources, and photonic or optical                   Annual Subscription
                                                                             Print:           € 454,–
 ­components are regular topics. Company news, trend topics
                                                                             Online:          € 454,–
  and market overviews, product information, trade fair ­
                                                                             Print + Online:	€ 569,–
pre- and reviews, and interviews and portraits round off the                 Single Issue: € 101,–
top-class editorial offering.                                                                    plus VAT

With the background of the leading scientific publisher Wiley                Subscription
and its portfolio, PhotonicsViews is the platform for high-­       
quality and referenceable publications in the B2B sector,
and a partner of expert conferences such as the AKL Congress                 Journal Format
or the Stuttgart Laser Technology Forum SLT.                                 DIN A4, 210 x 297 mm

As part of a media partnership, the member companies of the
European Photonics Industry Consortium EPIC belong to the
permanent readership of PhotonicsViews.

2 Short description/Overview             9    WIN NEWS
3 Prices & Formats                       10   Newsletter
4 Formats                                11
5 Prices & Formats                       12   ePDFs
6 Technical Details                      13   General Terms and Conditions
7 Analysis                               14   Contact
8 Dates & Contents                       15   Publisher

iPad Titel © fenskey -
PhotonicsViews 2021 REFRESH YOUR MARKETING - Media Guide - Wiley Corporate Solutions
3 | 2021 MEDIA GUIDE

Prices & Formats
Advertisements             width / height (mm)   Price €   Bound-Inserts               width / height (mm)              Price €
1/1 Page                        185 x 260         5,760    2-sheet A4*                        210 x 297                   4,560
Juniorpage                      137 x 190         4,120    * Head: 5 mm; Foredge: 3 mm; Foot + right: min. 3 mm

1/2 Page portrait                90 x 260         3,760
1/2 Page landscape              185 x 128         3,760    Loose inserts                        weight                  Price €

1/3 Page portrait                58 x 260         2,920    per 1000                           up to 25 g                      350
                                                           Loose inserts with higher weight upon request
1/3 Page landscape              185 x 85          2,920
1/4 Page classic                 90 x 128         2,480
1/4 Page portrait                43 x 260         2,480
1/4 Page landscape              185 x 63          2,480
1/8 Page classic                 90 x 63          1,995
1/8 Page landscape              185 x 30          1,995
                                                           for several ads within 12 months (year of insertion)
                                                           3 Advertisement                                                    5%
Preferred positions
                                                           6 Advertisement                                                    10%
Front cover & caption 4c        185 x 145         6,560
                                                           9 Advertisement                                                    15%
Inside front cover, Outside back cover 4c         6,300    12 Advertisement                                                   20%
                                                           Jobs and opportunities ads are not eligible for discount
additional costs                                           We grant combination discounts.
                                                           Requirements: At least three ads in two or more journals.
Bleed (3 mm)                                        300    Min. Size 1/4 page DIN A4. Within 12 months (year of insertion).

                                                           Terms of Payment:
                                                           Payment within 30 days without deduction.

                                                           Bank details:
                                                           J.P. Morgan AG
                                                           Taunus Turm · Taunustor 1
                                                           60310 Frankfurt, Germany
                                                           IBAN: DE55501108006161517443
                                                           BIC: CHASDEFX

                                                           VAT-Id.No.: DE136766623
                                                           Tax No.: 47020/29082

                                                           All prices are subject to the statutory VAT.

                                                           The new price list comes into effect on
                                                           1 January 2021 and supersedes all previous price lists.
PhotonicsViews 2021 REFRESH YOUR MARKETING - Media Guide - Wiley Corporate Solutions
4 | 2021 MEDIA GUIDE


1/1       Pages
          Type Area/Bleed Size    1/2     Pages
                                          Type Area/Bleed Size   Juniorpage
Type Area:                        Type Area:                     Type Area:
185 x 260 mm                      portrait: 90 x 260 mm          137 x 190 mm
                                  landscape: 185 x 128 mm
Bleed Size:                                                      Bleed Size:
210 x 297 mm                      Bleed Size:                    147 x 209 mm
                                  portrait: 102 x 297 mm
                                  landscape: 210 x 147 mm

1/3       Pages
          Type Area/Bleed Size    1/4     Pages
                                          Type Area/Bleed Size   1/4 | 1/8
                                                                 Pages Type Area/Bleed Size
Type Area:                        Type Area:
portrait: 58 x 260 mm             portrait: 43 x 260 mm          Type Area:
landscape: 185 x 85 mm            landscape: 185 x 63 mm         classic: 90 x 128 mm
                                                                 Bleed Size:
Bleed Size:                       Bleed Size:                    classic: 102 x 147 mm
portrait: 70 x 297 mm             portrait: 54 x 297 mm
landscape: 210 x 104 mm           landscape: 210 x 82 mm         Type Area:
                                                                 classic: 90 x 63 mm
                                                                 landscape: 185 x 30 mm
                                                                 Bleed Size:
                                                                 classic: 102 x 82 mm
 Please provide advertisements in bleed                          landscape: 210 x 49 mm
 size with 3 mm overlap on all sides.
PhotonicsViews 2021 REFRESH YOUR MARKETING - Media Guide - Wiley Corporate Solutions
5 | 2021 MEDIA GUIDE

Prices & Formats

           Directory of products & suppliers                           Example for premium entry
           Each issue of PhotonicsViews includes
           a list of suppliers.
           • A line is 45 mm wide and contains
              approx. 34 characters (a space counts                    Zünd precision Optics ltd                       Zünd precision O
                                                                        Zünd precision
                                                                       Prismastr.  5 Optics ltd                         Zünd precision
                                                                                                                       Prismastr.  5 O
              as one character).
                                                                       CH-9444      5                                   Prismastr.Diepold
                                                                                                                       CH-9444      5
           • Alterations and additions are possible                    CH-9444   Diepoldsau                            CH-9444   Diepold
                                                                       Tel. +41(0)71 737 74 00                         Tel. +41(0)71 737
              for each issue.                                           Tel.+41(0)71
                                                                                             00                         Tel.+41(0)71
                                                                       Fax                                             Fax
           • Entries are run until cancelled.                          Fax +41(0)71 737 74 10
                                                                                          Fax +41(0)71 73
              Minimum booking is for one year.                
           • The booking is automatically extended                                        www.zuendoptic
              by another year, if not cancelled.
           • The list of suppliers is not eligible for                Filters, optical
                                                                       Example   for basic entry                       Mirros, UV
              agency commission.                                       Filters, optical                                Mirros, UV
                                                                       Optics Balzers AG                               Optics Balzers AG
                                                                       Optics Balzers
                                                                       Balzers,        AG
                                                                                Liechtenstein                          Optics Balzers
                                                                                                                       Balzers,        AG
                                                                       Phone    Liechtenstein
                                                                                    388 92 00                          Balzers,+423
                                                                                                                       Phone    Liechten
           All entries are additionally posted free                    Phone +423 388 92 00
                                                                                        Phone +423 388
           of charge on                                              www.opticsbalze

                                                                       Microoptics                                     Optical Com
                                                                       Microoptics                                     Optical Com
                                                    Euro per Issue                                                     LASEROPTIK Gmb
           Premium Entry
                                                     and keyword     Discounts
                                                                                                                       LASEROPTIK Gm
                                                                                                                       Gneisenaustr. 14
                                                                                                                       Gneisenaustr. 14
                                                                                                                       Tel. 05131/4597-
           Entry up to seven lines for company-                      6 keywords or more                           5%
           and contact details and company logo                        Zünd precision Optics ltd                       Tel. 05131/4597
                                                                     12 keywords or more                     10 %
           up to 10 mm logo height, 4c                        160       Zünd precision
                                                                       Prismastr. 5 Optics ltd                         service@laserop
           Company logos are placed above                            18Prismastr.
                                                                         keywords  5 or more                 15 %
           the address                                                 CH-9444 Diepoldsau                              Optics Balzers AG
                                                                         keywords     or more
                                                                                 Diepoldsau                  20 %
                                                                       Tel. +41(0)71 737 74 00                         Optics Balzers
                                                                                                                       Balzers,        AG
                                                                       Fax   +41(0)71737
                                                                                             00                        Balzers, Liechten
           Basic Entry                                                                                                 Phone +423 388
                                                                        Fax +41(0)71 737 74 10
                                                                                         Phone +423 388
           Basic entry up to four lines for                                                                            www.opticsbalze
           company- and contact details

                                                                       Mirror coatings
                                                                       Mirror coatings
                                                                       LASEROPTIK GmbH
                                                                       LASEROPTIK GmbH
                                                                       Gneisenaustr. 14, 30826 Garbsen                 Zünd precision O
                                                                       Gneisenaustr. 14, 30826  Garbsen                 Zünd precision
                                                                                                                       Prismastr.  5 O
                                                                       Tel. 05131/4597-0, Fax: -20
                                                                       Tel. 05131/4597-0,
                                                                                          Fax: -20                      Prismastr.Diepold
                                                                                                                       CH-9444      5
                                                             ,         CH-9444   Diepold
                                                                                                                       Tel. +41(0)71 737
                                                                                                                       Fax   +41(0)71737
                                                                       Optics Balzers AG
                                                                       Optics Balzers  AG                               Fax +41(0)71 73
                                                                       Balzers, Liechtenstein
                                                                       Balzers, Liechtenstein                           info@zuendoptic
                                                                       Phone +423 388 92 00
                                                                       Phone +423 388 92 00                             www.zuendoptic
                                                                                                                       Optics Balzers AG
PhotonicsViews 2021 REFRESH YOUR MARKETING - Media Guide - Wiley Corporate Solutions
6 | 2021 MEDIA GUIDE

Technical Details

Journal format                                Please note the following:
210 x 297 mm (WxH), DIN A4                    The document names (including the images) may
186 x 260 mm (WxH), type area                 not contain u
                                                          ­ mlauts, spaces or special characters.

Printing and binding                          The images, logos and fonts used in the advert are
Offset, adhesive                              to be delivered with the unsecured files.
Print profile: ISO Coated_v2_300 (39L)L)
                                              The documents may not contain any images or
Colors		                                      colors in RGB mode (only in CMYK), otherwise a
Euroscale                                     binding color separation is not possible.

Delivery via e-mail:                          Grayscale (b/w) and 4-color images and figures                               must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi,
                                              line drawing at least 600 dpi.
Only the following file formats
can be processed:                             We accept all normal data media.
PDF (.pdf) created with print optimization.
EPS (.eps)
Tiff or JPG (non-compressed)                  Delivery
                                              via E-Mail
Unsecured files:
InDesign                                                  WILEY-VCH GmbH
                                                          Silvia Edam
                                                          Boschstraße 12
                                                          69469 Weinheim, Germany
                                                          Tel.: +49 (0) 6201 606-570
                                                          Fax: +49 (0) 6201 606-790
PhotonicsViews 2021 REFRESH YOUR MARKETING - Media Guide - Wiley Corporate Solutions
7 | 2021 MEDIA GUIDE

                                                                  Industry                         % Recipients
                                                                  Optics/Precision Engineering   25.6     3,077
                                                                  General Manufactering          24.1     2,896
                                                                  Scientific R&D                 10.3     1,235
                                                                  Industrial R&D                   7        845
                                                                  Electronics                     5.6       669
          Circulation Breakdown               %     Copies        Other                           4.9       590
          GSA                                 61         6,105    Medical Equipment               4.5       543
          International                       38         3,895    Semiconductor                   3.2       382
          Total circulation                100          10,000    Automotive                      3.1       377
                                                                  Consulting                      2.4       286
                                                                  Chemical                         2        237
                                                                  Aerospace                       1.9       224
                                                                  Government/Organizations        1.9       226
                                                                  Printing                        1.8       212
                                                                  Military/Defense                1.7       201
                                                                  Total                          100     10,000


                                         Quality    8%

                                Procurement Technical
                                       4%   Service                             Research &
                                                 4%                             Development
                              Design &                                          31 %


                                      9%                         Corporate
                                                                 29 %
PhotonicsViews 2021 REFRESH YOUR MARKETING - Media Guide - Wiley Corporate Solutions
8 | 2021 MEDIA GUIDE

Dates & Contents
                               1                          2                            3                      4                         5                           6
                            February                     April                       June                   August                   October                    November
Publication date        18 February 2021            16 April 2021              18 June 2021              1 August 2021            1 October 2021             8 November 2021
Advertising deadline 18 January 2021               12 March 2021                14 May 2021              30 June 2021             31 August 2021              5 October 2021
Editorial deadline      8 December 2020 15 February 2021                       16 April 2021              2 June 2021             4 August 2021             8 September 2021
                                                                            with Company Profiles e-Special | digital only

                              W3+ Fair                   Control                                      SPIE Optics + Photonics           EMO
                          Wetzlar, Germany         Stuttgart, Germany                                   San Diego, CA, USA           Milan, Italy
                                                                               Munich, Germany                                                                        Germany
                           February 24–25              May 04–07                                           August 01–05             October 04–09
                                                                                 June 21–24                                                                           November 15–18

                                                          T4M                  SEMICON West             Jena, Germany                                              MEDICA
                        SPIE Photonics West        Stuttgart, Germany       San Francisco, CA, USA August 30–September 03                                    Düsseldorf, Germany
                        San Francisco, CA, USA         May 04–06                  July 13–15                                      Stuttgart, Germany          November 15–18
                             March 06–11                                                           Kaiserslautern, Germany          October 05–07
                                                                                                      September 20–24
                            EuroBLECH               Sensor + Test                                                                    parts2clean                productronica
                                                                                                          Berlin, Germany
                         Hanover, Germany        Nuremberg, Germany                                                               Stuttgart, Germany           Munich, Germany
                                                                                                          September 26–
                           March 09–12               May 04–06                                                                      October 05–07              November 16–19
                                                                                                            October 01
                              LEF 2021                RapidTech 3D                                    Schweissen & Schneiden            Motek                     formnext
                           Fürth, Germany            Erfurt, Germany                                      Essen, Germany          Stuttgart, Germany          Frankfurt, Germany
          Trade shows

                            March 16–17                 May 04–06                                        September 13–17            October 05–08              November 16–19
                          SEMICON China                   CLEO                                                ECOC                       Fakuma                SEMICON Europa
                          Shanghai, China           San Jose, CA, USA                                    Bordeaux, France       Friedrichshafen, Germany       Munich, Germany
                            March 17–19                May 11–13                                         September 20–22             October 12–16             November 16–19
                          LASER World of                                                                                                                    sps smart production
                                                   PIC International                                    W3+ Fair Rheintal           SPIE Optifab
                         PHOTONICS CHINA                                                                                                                          solutions
                                                   Brussels, Belgium                                    Dornbirn, Austria         Rochester, NY, USA
                          Shanghai, China                                                                                                                   Nuremberg, Germany
                                                      08–06 June                                        September 22–23             October 18–21
                           March 17–19                                                                                                                        November 23–25
                        Photonics. World of                                                                                              Schweisstec
                         Lasers and Optics                                                                                               Stuttgart,
                                                   Geneva, Switzerland
                          Moscow, Russia                                                                                                 Germany
                                                      June 08–11
                         March 30 – April 02                                                                                             October 26–29
                         Hannover Messe            Intersolar Europe
                         Hanover, Germany           Munich, Germany
                            April 12–16                June 09–11
                                                                                                                                         October 26–29
                                                  Düsseldorf, Germany
                                                      June 15–18

Sections                                  Trends and Markets | Interviews with top managers and leading researchers

                                                                                Laser World of
                           Photonics West
                        · Biophotonics           · Optical measurement      · Laser optics            · Fibers and fiber optics · Laser plastics           · Quantum technologies
                                                   and testing                                                                    processing
                        · Laser sources                                     · Microscopy              · Laser cutting and                                  · Additive manufacturing
                                                 · Industrial machine                                   welding                 · Optical systems and
                        · Laser cutting and                                 · Optical measurement                                                          · Medical applications
                                                   vision: cameras, soft-                                                         components
                          welding                                             and testing             · Optical systems and
                                                   ware, applications                                                                                      · Electro-optics, silicon
                                                                                                        components              · Laser cutting and
                        · Photonics in electro-                             · Laser materials pro-                                                           photonics, PICs

                                                · Optical systems and                                                             welding
                          nics manufacturing                                  cessing                 · Microsystems
                                                  components                                                                                               · Photonics in electronics
                                                                                                        technology              · Beam forming /
                        · Spectroscopy                                      · Photonics in electro-                                                          manufacturing
                                                · Fibers and fiber optics                                                         beam analysis
                                                                              nics manufacturing      · Optical comunication
                        · Optical systems and                                                                                                              · Industrial machine vision
                                                · Electro-optics, silicon                                                       · Trends in
                          components                                        · Optical systems and     · Laser materials
                                                  photonics, PICs                                                                 manufacturing            · Positioning systems
                                                                              components                processing (micro and
                        · Microsystems
                                                · Additive manufacturing                                macro)                  · Laser marking and        · Light sources, illumina-
                          technology                                        · 3D imaging
                                                                                                                                  engraving                  tion, OLED / LED
                                                · Medical applications                                · Optics manufacturing
                        · Green photonics                                   · Terahertz technology
                                                                                                                                · Laser systems
                                                · Lasers in photovol-         and applications        · Industrial machine
                                                  taics                                                 vision
                                                                                                                                · Process control
PhotonicsViews 2021 REFRESH YOUR MARKETING - Media Guide - Wiley Corporate Solutions
9 | 2021 MEDIA GUIDE

Wiley Industry News

Together we are stronger: From autumn 2020, the online platforms in-                                                             Wiley Industry News,, traffic and PhotonicsViews join forces                                                         WIN NEWS
and present our new portal, short WIN. This
website will provide readers with daily industry news. You will find exciting
user reports, instructive videos or in-depth whitepapers that will show you
the technology of today and tomorrow. In addition, you can explore all
products and solutions that can help improve your own production or simply
expand your expert knowledge.

Give your company a face and show presence, communicate a product                                                                                              Top
launch – in short: benefit from our range. Combine your print advertising                                                                                    Feature
with an image campaign on                                                                                                          € 1,540

Leaderboard                       728 x 90 Pixel           € 1,040 / month, run of site*
Medium Rectangle                300 x 250 Pixel            € 1,270 / month, run of site*
Wide Skyscraper**               160 x 600 Pixel            € 1,250 / month, run of site*
* “run of site“ means that the ad placements may appear on any page of the target site.                                    Leaderboard
They will be shown randomly in a rotating scheme by each new page impression
(maximum of four banners at one position).                                                                                   € 1,040
**the mobile optimized version requires an additional Medium Rectangle format

Top Feature                                                                                                                                            Wide Skyscraper
Promote your product, your application note, your event or any                                                                                             € 1,250
other highlight on the “cover page” of
Reach your target group 24/7/365.
Scope of Service: Picture (476 x 315 px, Format 1,5:1), Headline,
Intro on landing page (150 letters), Detailed Text (up to 4,000                                     Mobil
characters recommended), 1–4 Images, Contact Information                                             Wiley Industry News

                                                                                                     WIN NEWS
Running Time: 2 weeks prominent as a Top Feature
Story. Additionally, your highlight remains for a total of   *€ 1,540
six months in the portal’s database
Combinated Offer: Feature on Portal + Newsletter                                   € 2,060
*in a rotation scheme with five other Top Feature Stories. Text is subject to editorial criteria.

Whitepaper | Application Note
The ideal format to present your expertise in full detail and to
generate leads. Application notes, market or case studies are the
perfect presentation form for companies, whose content differs
from their competitors‘.
Scope of Service:
Teaser text, product photos, company                               € 910 / 6 months                  Wiley Industry News

                                                                                                     WIN NEWS
contacts, PDF for download

Webcast | Video
This multimedia advertising format is the perfect complement
to your banner advertising and whitepapers.
Scope of Service:
Teaser text, product video, company address
                                                                   € 920 / 6 months

See next page for technical specifications                                                                                                                                Medium
                                                                                                                                                                          € 1,270

PhotonicsViews 2021 REFRESH YOUR MARKETING - Media Guide - Wiley Corporate Solutions
10 | 2021 MEDIA GUIDE

Information about sensors, automation, test & measurment,
machine vision and photonics is available in the WIN news-
letter, which is sent out weekly. We inform about company
mergers, market developments and what else is new in the
world of industry. Up-to-date and interesting, as you are used
to from the editorial offices of inspect, messtec drives Auto-
mation and PhotonicViews.

Newsletter: Banner formats & prices
Date of Publication weekly.
With the booking of a „Feature“, your content will be
placed on one of the prominent feature positions

Full Banner                      468 x 60 Pixel      € 860
Medium Rectangle                300 x 250 Pixel € 1,050
                          1 rectangle image,
                            2.000 characters, € 1,035
                      Image format: JPG, PNG
Combo offer:
                                                    € 2,060
Feature on website + newsletter

                                                                    € 1,050

                                                                  Full Banner
                                                                     € 860

Technical Data
Please send your files by mail to your sales representative.         Feature
We will take care of all further steps.                              € 1,035

Size of data: max. 200 KB
Data formats: GIF, JPG, PNG, HTML5, any kind of Redirect/Tag                        Exclusive
Target-website: please tell us the exact URL, where your banner                  access to your
should be linked to.                                                               customers
                                                                                Single Sponsored
Webcast                                                                            Newsletter
Data format: any video format is possible.                                           4,615 €
Embedding of Youtube- or Vimeo-Videos is possible.
11 | 2021 MEDIA GUIDE is the leading
German-language expert portal                                                                       Product of the Month
for all areas of physics. Each                                                                      Information about your product along
day it is updated with news and                                                                     with your company’s name and a picture
articles from industry, techno-                                                                     is presented on all pages (except job ads
logy, research and academia, as                                                                     section) on the portal and in
well as from the DPG (Deutsche                                                                      e-newsletters.
Physikalische Gesellschaft;
German Physical Society).                                                                           Additionally, your product highlight
                                                                                                    remains for a total of six months
A comprehensive job ads section,                                                                    (4 weeks thereof on one of the first 4 posi-
list of suppliers with full search                                                                  tions) in the portal’s product database.
functionality and product informa-                                                                  And, thirdly, the product information
tion round off the offering.                                                                        features prominently in the corresponding
                                            LEADERBOARD                                             monthly issue of Physik Journal (print run: users mainly come                                                                     55,000).

from industry, research institutes
                                                                                                    Cost: € 1,845
and universities. The portal is
regularly used by over 40,000
experts (unique visitors) a month
and records over 100,000 monthly
page impressions.
                                                                                                    A Webinar is an audiovisual online
                                                                                                    presentation, 60 minutes long.
                                                                                                    The publisher supplies: Technology,
                                                                                                    presenter, acquisition of participants,
                                                                                                    recording available for 6 months on
                                                                                          , contact details of parti-
We will be happy to provide                                                                         Cost per Webinar: € 12,810
further information about
online advertising options on

                                                                                                    Content Ad
                                                                                                    The content ad is prominently placed
                                                                                                    on the entry page of the portal and thus
                                                              RECT-                                 attracts much attention.
                                                                                                    In the content ad you can present your
                                                                                                    product, service, or event as an adverto-
                                                                                                    rial, i.e., in editorial style. It contains an
         FULLSIZE BANNER                                                                            image or logo, a short text, and a direct
                                                                                                    link to your desired page.
                                                                                                    You can also present your white paper
                                                                                                    with a teaser text, image, and a link.
                                                                                                    Cost/month € 1,485

                                                                                                    Banner format                 Price €/Month
                          FULLSIZE BANNER                                                           (728 x 90 px)                            1,250
                                                                                                    Wide Skyscraper
                                                                                                    (160 x 600 px)                           1,455
                                                                                                    (180 x 150 px)                           1,190

                                             Physik E-Newsletter
                                             The physics e-newsletter is published weekly.
                                             It offers its subscribers a comprehensive overview of current articles, news, interviews, and
                                             biweekly information from the DPG.
                                             The e-newsletters (10,000 recipients) and Physik Journal
                                             (17,000 recipients) are offered as a package with the weekly physics e-newsletter.
                                             This means you can reach DPG newsletter subscribers and other experts from industry and
                                             research in all areas of physics.

                                             Banner format                    Price/Month
                                             Full Size Banner (468 x 60 px)   € 1,100
Benefit from 200 years of experience, a proven
                                        brand and reliable content. Use our unique
                                        scientific and industrial network!
© -

                                        Engage with the
                                        research community

                                        Deliver your marketing message with an exclusive advertise-
                                        ment on a cover page added to each article viewed from the
                                        Wiley journal of your choice. This exclusive position gives your
                                        company high visibility and enables targeted marketing
                                        through geo-targeting options.

                                         Premium exclusive positions on highly visited article pages of renowned
                                          Wiley journals
                                         High visibility through a large display format: 1237 x 1631 pixels
                                         Click rates of 3.5% on average
                                         Success is easily measured by ePDF title views, ad clicks and
                                          click-through rates
                                         Geo-targeting is available

                                        Technical specifications & data delivery:
                                         Format: 1237 x 1631 pixel (150 dpi)
                                         File format: static jpg
                                         File size: max. 1MB
                                         No 3rd party tags or impression trackers
                                         Data delivery at least 5 working days before the campaign starts
13 | 2021 MEDIA GUIDE

General Terms and Conditions for Advertisements,
Supplements, Digital Advertising
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rees to them.                                                                                          gations, the fulfilment of which is necessary in order to achieve the objectives of the contract,
3. The following shall apply to clients wishing to place more than one advert: The discounts           Liability for damages caused by intentional or grossly negligent breaches of obligations on
shown in the advert price list are only granted for advertisers’ adverts which appear in a prin-       the part of the publisher, his legal representatives or vicarious agents shall also be exempt
ted product within one year. The timescale begins on the date of appearance of the first ad-           from the liability exclusion.
vert, unless a different start date has been agreed in writing upon signing of the contract. The       (3) The provisions of the German Product Liability Act (ProdHaftG) shall not be affected by
size of discount is based on volume. If, within a year, fewer adverts are taken than originally        the above.
agreed, the publisher shall be entitled to re-calculate the discount based on the difference           15. Sample print-outs will only be provided where specifically requested. The client shall be
between the actual and guaranteed number taken.                                                        responsible for the correctness of the returned samples. The publisher shall observe all error
4. Upon contractual signing, the client shall be entitled to release further adverts in addition       corrections made known to it within the period specified upon sending the sample. Should
to the volume stated in the order within the agreed timeframe or that stated in clause 3.              the client fail to return within the specified period a sample sent on time by the publisher,
5. Order cancellations must be issued in writing. The cancellation charge imposed in the case          approval for print shall be deemed to have been given.
of cancellation on the deadline date for the placement of the advertisement (or thereafter)            16. Unless any specific sizing requirements have been given, the amount to be charged shall
is the total order value. In each specific instance, however, the client is expressly granted the      be calculated based on the print size that is normal for the type of advert.
right to provide proof that the contractor suffered no loss, or at any rate only a lower loss.         17. The client avouches that his is the unconditional owner of all rights of use to the adver-
6. Orders for adverts and other marketing material to be published specifically and exclusive-         tising material necessary for publication and distribution. In this respect he indemnifies the
ly in specific issues, specific publications or in specific places in the publication must reach the   publisher from all claims by third parties, and grants the publisher the rights of usage neces-
publisher in sufficient time – i.e. not later than on the date specified in the order confirmation       sary for publication of the advertising material.
– for the client to be able to be informed before the advert deadline of whether the order can         18. The client avouches that he is entitled to set the hyperlinks connected to the online ad-
be executed in the requested manner.                                                                   vertising. The client furthermore affirms that he will abide by the applicable data privacy le-
7. Adverts and online advertising not directly recognizable as adverts because of their edito-         gislation – in particular of the Federal and the Teleservices Data Protection Act– and also
rial layout will be clearly marked with the word “Advert” by the publisher.                            impose such a responsibility on their employees. Should the client use special techniques
8. The publisher reserves the right to reject advert orders – including individual adverts under       such as cookies or tracking pixels to obtain or collect data from the insertion of advertising
a blanket contract – or orders for inserts, on grounds of content, origin or technical format,         material in the online offering of the publisher, the client also affirms that they will abide by
under its own standard and factually justified principles if the content of such orders contra-        the precepts of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) and/or of the Interstate Broadcasting Treaty
venes legal or regulatory stipulations or if their publication is unacceptable for the publisher.      (RfStV) as well as the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) in the collection, processing and use
This applies to orders submitted to branch offices, receiving agencies or representatives.               of personal data.
Orders for inserts are only binding for the publisher once the insert template has been sub-           19. Should the client fail to pay in advance, the invoice shall be sent immediately or within a
mitted and approved. Inserts which, due to the format or appearance, may appear to the                 maximum of fourteen days after publication of the advert. The invoice must be paid within
reader to be part of the newspaper or magazine, or which contain third-party adverts, shall            the period given in the price list, starting from the date of receipt of invoice, unless a different
not be accepted. Rejection of an order shall be communicated to the client without delay. In           payment period has been agreed in individual cases.
such cases, the publisher reserves the right to request repayment of any discounts granted.            20. In the event of a delay or deferral in payment, interest and recovery costs shall be added
9. The client is responsible for punctual delivery of proper ready-to-print material or sup-           to the amount due. In the case of payment delay, the publisher may withhold further publi-
plements or for punctual delivery of materials required for online advertising. In the case of         cation under the order concerned until payment is made and demand advance payments for
digital ready-to-print material the client undertakes to deliver proper artwork, complying in          the remaining adverts. Where there is established doubt over the client’s ability to pay, the
particular with the format or the technical specifications of the publisher, punctually for the        publisher shall be entitled, even during the duration of an advertising contract, to make the
print material deadline. The publisher shall request replacement for recognizably inaccurate           publication of further adverts dependent on the prepayment of the sum due and the settle-
or damaged printing material without delay. The publisher guarantees print quality customa-            ment of outstanding invoices, regardless of the payment terms originally agreed.
ry to that of the title concerned within the scope of the possibilities of the printing material.      21. The publisher shall provide, a copy of the advert along with the invoice. Depending on the
Before a digital transmission of artwork, the client is responsible for ensuring by means of sui-      type and scope of advertising contract, advert extracts, record pages or full record numbers
table technical measures that the transmitted files are free of any computer viruses. Should           will be provided. If a record can no longer be created, it will be replaced with a legally binding
the publisher discover computer viruses in a file transmitted by e-mail, said file will be deleted     certification from the publisher of the publication and distribution of the advert.
immediately without the possibility of the client making any related claims.                           22. In the event of a reduction in circulation, a price reduction may be claimed for contracts
10. Discernibly unsuitable or damaged ready-to-print material and/or advertising material is           for a series of adverts if, in the overall average of the insertion year of the first advert, the
to be replaced by the client immediately when requested to do so by the publisher. The cost            average circulation stated in the price list or stated any other way or, if a circulation figure is
of producing ordered ready-to-print material and/or of producing ordered advertising mate-             not given, the average number of issues sold (for trade magazines, where appropriate, the
rial as well as of substantial alterations to originally agreed versions that are requested by the     average actual distribution) in the previous calendar year is not exceeded. A reduction in cir-
client and for which the latter is responsible due to the technical quality of the ready-to-print      culation is only deemed as a deficiency eligible for a price reduction if it amounts to
material and/or advertising material supplied will be borne by the client. Should any deficien-        – 20% for circulation of up to 50,000 copies
cies in the ready-to-print material and/or advertising material not be immediately discernible         – 15% for circulation of up to 100,000 copies
during the review process, but only become discernible in the printing operation and/or upon           – 10% for circulation of up to 500,000 copies
insertion, the client is not entitled to raise any claims on account of an inadequate printout         – 5% for circulation of up to 500,000 copies.
and/or poor insertion.                                                                                 In addition, claims for price reductions are excluded for contracts if the publisher has given
11. Print documents will only be sent to the client if specifically requested. The obligation of       the client sufficient notice of the reduction in circulation for the client to be able to cancel the
safekeeping ends three months after expiry of contract.                                                contract before publication of the adverts.
12. In the case of audio and/or video linked advertising (e.g. banners that cause a pop-up             23. The publisher shall not be responsible for any delays in performance caused by unfore-
window to open when clicked on, in which audio and/or video content is reproduced) the cli-            seeable events which the publisher cannot influence (such as strikes, lock-outs, disruption of
ent is responsible for ensuring that the necessary approvals from GEMA [society for musical            operations, etc.). After the cessation of such events, the publisher may either publish adverts
performing and mechanical reproduction rights in Germany] or other copyright associations              in the next possible issue of the printed work or online advertising medium, or withdraw
and/or owners have been obtained.                                                                      from the contract – entirely or in part. In this context, the client shall not be entitled to claim
13. The client shall be entitled to a reduction in payment or a corrected replacement advert           damages.
in cases of fully or partly illegible, incorrect or incomplete printing of adverts, but only to the    24. The place of performance and exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes shall – to the
extent that the purpose of the advert is affected. This shall be excluded if the defect results        extent permitted by law – be the publisher’s headquarters, at present Weinheim, Germany.
from incorrect ready-to-print material (see clause 10 above). Should the publisher allow the           25. The legal code of the Federal Republic of Germany shall be applicable under exclusion of
timeframe given to him to elapse or should the replacement advert still be incorrect, the              the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
14 | 2021 MEDIA GUIDE

PhotonicsViews · Boschstrasse 12 · 69469 Weinheim · Germany · Fax: +49 (0) 6201 606 100

Media Consultants

Änne Anders                         Iris Biesinger                      Nicole Schramm                 Jörg Wüllner
Tel.: +49 (0) 6201 606 552          Tel.: +49 (0) 6201 606 555          Tel.: +49 (0) 6201 606 559     Commercial Manager                            Tel.: +49 (0) 6201 606 748

Editorial                           Sales Representatives

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Kurzprofil                                                         Verlagsangaben
PhotonicsViews ist das europäische Fachmagazin für optische
Technologien. Hervorgegangen ist es aus den beiden Zeitschrif-     Erscheinungsweise
ten Laser Technik Journal (15 Jahrgänge) und Optik & Photonik      6 x jährlich
(13 Jahrgänge), die seit 2015 in internationalen Ausgaben
erschienen und im Onlineportal              Jahrgang
zusammen aufgetreten sind. Zielgruppe sind die Entscheider         18. Jahrgang 2021
für Investitionen im Bereich Laser, Optik und Photonik –
­Anwender und Entwickler aus Industrie und Forschung sowie         Druckauflage
 Führungspersonal und Einkäufer. Das Magazin berichtet alle
 zwei Monate über photonische Systeme und Komponenten,
                                                                   Commercial Manager
 ihre Funktionen, ihre Fertigung und vor allem ihre Anwendung,     Jörg Wüllner
 insbesondere die der industriellen Lasertechnik. Thematisiert
 werden neben technischen Innovationen und Highlights aus          Anzeigenleitung
 Forschung & Entwicklung auch aktuelle Wirtschaftsnachrichten      Änne Anders
 aus Optik, Photonik, Laser- und Medizintechnik, Geräte- und
 Maschinenbau.                                                     Redaktion
 In jeder Ausgabe erscheinen Fachbeiträge und Anwender­            Dr. Oliver Dreissigacker
 berichte zu ausgewählten Schwerpunktthemen. Industrielle
 Bildver­arbeitung, optische Messtechnik, Licht- & Laser-Quellen   Jahresabonnement
                                                                   Print:           € 454,–
 und photonische oder optische Komponenten sind regelmäßi-
                                                                   Online:         € 454,–
 ge Topics. Aktuelle Firmennachrichten, Trendthemen und
                                                                   Print + Online: € 569,–
 Marktübersichten, Produktinformationen, Messevorschauen/          Einzelheft:     € 101,–
 -nachlesen sowie Interviews und Porträts runden das hoch­                         (zzgl. MwSt.)
 karätige redaktionelle Angebot ab. Mit dem Hintergrund des
 führenden wissenschaftlichen Fachverlags Wiley und seinem         Abonnement
 Portfolio ist PhotonicsViews die Plattform für hochwertige und
 referenzierbare Publikationen im B2B-Bereich und Partner von
 Fachkonferenzen wie dem AKL Congress oder dem Stuttgart           Format der Zeitschrift
 Laser Technology Forum, SLT.                                      DIN A4

Im Rahmen einer Medienpartnerschaft gehören die Mitglieds-
firmen des European Photonics Industry Consortium EPIC zum
festen Leserstamm der PhotonicsViews.

2 Kurzprofil/Verlagsangaben              9    WIN NEWS
3 Preise & Formate                       10   Newsletter
4 Anzeigenformate                        11
5 Preise & Formate                       12   ePDFs
6 Technische Angaben                     13   AGB
7 Analysen                               14   Ansprechpartner
8 Themen & Termine                       15   Verlag

iPad Titel © fenskey -

Preise & Formate
Anzeigen                  Breite x Höhe in mm   Preis €   Beihefter                   Breite x Höhe in mm                     Preis €
1/1 Satzspiegel                185 x 260         5.760    2-seitig A4*                       210 x 297                         4.560
Juniorpage                     137 x 190         4.120    Preise für Einhefter ohne aufgeklebte Postkarten- oder
                                                          Warenmuster in der Gesamtauflage
1/2 hoch                        90 x 260         3.760
                                                          * Kopfbeschnitt: 3 mm; Fräsrand: 3 mm; rechts + unten: mind. 3 mm
1/2 quer                       185 x 128         3.760
1/3 hoch                        58 x 260         2.920
                                                          Beilagen                            Gewicht                         Preis €
1/3 quer                       185 x 85          2.920
                                                          lose eingelegt und bis zum Format 200 x 287 mm
1/4 klassik                     90 x 128         2.480    (nur Inlandsauflage)

1/4 hoch                        43 x 260         2.480    je Tsd.                              bis 25 g                          350
                                                          Teilbeilagen 25 % Aufschlag
1/4 quer                       185 x 63          2.480
                                                          Beilagen mit höherem Gewicht auf Anfrage
1/8 hoch                        90 x 63          1.995
1/8 quer                       185 x 30          1.995
                                                          bei Abnahme innerhalb von 12 Monaten (Insertionsjahr)
                                                          mind. 3 Anzeigen oder Einheftern                                       5%
Titelseite & Legende 4c        185 x 145         6.560
                                                          mind. 6 Anzeigen oder Einheftern                                      10 %
2. US, 4. US                   210 x 297         6.300
                                                          mind. 9 Anzeigen oder Einheftern                                      15 %
                                                          mind. 12 Anzeigen oder Einheftern                                     20 %
Zuschläge                                                 Gelegenheits- und Stellenanzeigen werden nicht rabattiert
Anzeigen im Anschnitt (3 mm Beschnittzugabe)      300    Kombinationsrabatte werden gewährt.
                                                          Voraussetzungen: Mindestens drei Anzeigen in zwei oder ­
                                                          mehreren ­Zeitschriften. Mindestgröße 1/4 Seite DIN A4. ­
                                                          Abnahme innerhalb von 12 Monaten (Insertionsjahr).

                                                          Zahlung innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach
                                                          Rechnungserhalt ohne Abzug.

                                                          J.P. Morgan AG
                                                          Taunus Turm · Taunustor 1
                                                          60310 Frankfurt, Germany
                                                          IBAN: DE55501108006161517443
                                                          BIC: CHASDEFX

                                                          UST-Nr.: DE136766623
                                                          Steuernummer: 47020/29082

                                                          Alle Preise verstehen sich zzgl.
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                                                          Es gilt die neue Preisliste ab 1. Januar 2021.
                                                          Damit verlieren alle bisherigen Preislisten ihre Gültigkeit.


1/1      Seiten im Satz-
         spiegel/Anschnitt       1/2      Seiten im Satz-
                                          spiegel/Anschnitt   Juniorpage
Format im Satzspiegel:           Format im Satzspiegel:       Format im Satzspiegel:
185 x 260 mm                     hoch: 90 x 260 mm            137 x 190 mm
                                 quer: 185 x 128 mm
Format im Anschnitt:                                          Format im Anschnitt:
210 x 297 mm                     Format im Anschnitt:         147 x 209 mm
                                 hoch: 102 x 297 mm
                                 quer: 210 x 147 mm

1/3      Seiten im Satz-
         spiegel/Anschnitt       1/4      Seiten im Satz-
                                          spiegel/Anschnitt   1/4 | 1/8
                                                              Seiten im Satzspiegel/Anschnitt
Format im Satzspiegel:           Format im Satzspiegel:
hoch: 58 x 260 mm                hoch: 43 x 260 mm            Format im Satzspiegel:
quer: 185 x 85 mm                quer: 185 x 63 mm            klassik: 90 x 128 mm
                                                              Format im Anschnitt:
Format im Anschnitt::            Format im Anschnitt:         klassik: 102 x 147 mm
hoch: 70 x 297 mm                hoch: 54 x 297 mm
quer: 210 x 104 mm               quer: 210 x 82 mm            Format im Satzspiegel:
                                                              klassik: 90 x 63 mm
                                                              quer: 185 x 30 mm
                                                              Format im Anschnitt:
                                                              klassik: 102 x 82 mm
 Anzeigen im Anschnittformat zzgl. 3 mm                       quer: 210 x 49 mm
 Beschnittzugabe an allen Seiten!

Preise & Formate

           Produkte- & Lieferantenverzeichnis                          Beispiel für Premium-Eintrag
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                                                                                                                       Prismastr.  5
              jeweils als ein Buchstabe gerechnet).                     Prismastr.Diepoldsau
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           • Die Bezugsquellen sind für Agenturen nicht               Filters, optical
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                                                                       Optics Balzers AG                               Optics Balzers A
                                                                       Optics Balzers
                                                                       Balzers,        AG
                                                                                Liechtenstein                          Optics Balzers
                                                                                                                       Balzers, LiechteA
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                                                                       Microoptics                                     Optical Com
                                                                       Microoptics                                     Optical Com
                                                     Euro/Ausgabe                                                      LASEROPTIK Gm
                                                     und Stichwort   Rabatte
                                                                                                                       LASEROPTIK Gm
                                                                                                                       Gneisenaustr. 1
           Eintrag bis zu sieben Zeilen für Unter-                   ab 6 Stichwörter                             5%   Tel. 05131/45971
           nehmens- und Kontaktdaten und Firmen-                       Zünd precision Optics ltd                       Tel. 05131/459
                                                                     ab 12 Stichwörter                       10 %
           logo bis 10 mm Logo-Höhe, 4-farbig                 160       Zünd precision
                                                                       Prismastr. 5 Optics ltd                         service@lasero
           Platzierung des Firmenlogos über dem                      abPrismastr.
                                                                         18 Stichwörter
                                                                                   5                         15 %
                                                                       CH-9444 Diepoldsau                              Optics Balzers A
           Texteintrag                                               abCH-9444
                                                                         24 Stichwörter                      20 %
                                                                                 Diepoldsau                            Optics Balzers
                                                                       Tel. +41(0)71  737 74 00                        Balzers, LiechteA
                                                                        Tel. +41(0)71 73774
                                                                       Fax +41(0)71 737   7410
                                                                                             00                        Balzers, Liechte
                                                                                                                       Phone +423   388
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                                                                                         Phone   +423  38
           Grundeintragung bis zu vier Zeilen für             
                                                               70                             www.opticsbal
           Unternehmens- und Kontaktdaten

                                                                       Mirror coatings
                                                                       Mirror coatings
                                                                       LASEROPTIK GmbH
                                                                       LASEROPTIK GmbH
                                                                       Gneisenaustr. 14, 30826 Garbsen                 Zünd precision
                                                                       Gneisenaustr. 14, 30826  Garbsen                 Zünd precision
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                                                                       Tel. 05131/4597-0,
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                                                             ,         CH-9444  Diepo
                                                                                                                       Tel. +41(0)71 73
                                                                                                                       Fax   +41(0)7173
                                                                       Optics Balzers AG
                                                                       Optics Balzers  AG                               Fax +41(0)71 7
                                                                       Balzers, Liechtenstein
                                                                       Balzers, Liechtenstein                           info@zuendopt
                                                                       Phone +423 388 92 00
                                                                       Phone +423 388 92 00                             www.zuendopt
                                                                                                                       Optics Balzers A

Technische Angaben

Zeitschriftenformat                           Bitte beachten Sie folgende Punkte:
210 x 297 mm (Breite x Höhe), DIN A4          In den Dokumenten-Namen (auch die der Bilder)
185 x 260 mm (Breite x Höhe), Satzspiegel     dürfen keine Umlaute, Leer- und Sonderzeichen
Rollenoffset, Klebebindung                    Mit offenen Dateien sollen immer die in der
Druckprofil: ISO Coated_v2_300 (39L)          ­Anzeige enthaltenen Bilder, Logos und Schriften
                                               mitgeliefert werden.
Euro-Skala                                    In den Dokumenten dürfen keine Bilder oder
                                              Farben im RGB-Modus enthalten sein (alles in
Übertragung per E-Mail:                       CMYK), sonst ist keine farbgetreu separierte                               ­Ausgabe möglich.

Nur folgende Datenformate                     Halbtonbilder (s/w) und 4-farbige Bilder und
können bearbeitet werden:                     ­Abbildungen müssen eine Auflösung von mind.
Dateien als PDF (.pdf) mit druckoptimierten    300 dpi haben, Strichabbildungen mind. 600 dpi.
Einstellungen erzeugt.
Dateien als EPS (.eps)                        Annahme aller üblichen Datenträger.
Dateien als Tiff oder JPG (unkomprimiert)

Offene Dateien:                               Übermittlungsmöglichkeiten
Photoshop                                     per E-Mail an

                                                         WILEY-VCH GmbH
                                                         Silvia Edam
                                                         Boschstraße 12
                                                         69469 Weinheim
                                                         Tel.: +49 (0) 6201 606-570
                                                         Fax: +49 (0) 6201 606-790

                                                                  Branchen-Analyse               % Empfänger
                                                                  Feinmechanik/Optik           25,5    2.545
                                                                  Maschinenbau                 24,2    2.415
                                                                  F&E Wissenschaft             10,3    1.026
                                                                  F&E Industrie                  7       704
                                                                  Elektrotechnik/Elektronik     5,6      560
         Auflagen-Analyse                    % Exemplare          Sonstige                      4,9      487
         GSA                                61         6.105      Medizintechnik                4,5      452
         Rest                               38         3.895      Hableiterindustrie            3,2      322
         Tatsächlich verbreitete Auflage    100       10.000      Fahrzeugbau                   3,1      312
                                                                  Ingenieurbüros                2,5      246
                                                                  Chemische Industrie            2       202
                                                                  Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik    1,9      189
                                                                  Verwaltung                    1,9      192
                                                                  Druckgewerbe                  1,8      179
                                                                  Militärtechnik                1,7      169
                                                                  Summe                        100    10.000


                                         Qualitäts-   8%
                                      4%                                       Forschung &
                                                                               31 %


                                      9%                         Unternehmens-
                                                                 29 %

Themen & Termine
                                1                         2                           3                      4                          5                         6
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Erscheinungstermin         18.02.2021                16.04.2021                18.06.2021                01.08.2021                 01.10.2021                08.11.2021
Anzeigenschluss            18.01.2021                12.03.2021                14.05.2021                30.06.2021                 31.08.2021                05.10.2021
Redaktionsschluss          08.12.2020                15.02.2021                16.04.2021                02.06.2021                 04.08.2021                08.09.2021
                                                                           mit Firmenprofilen e-Special | digital only

                              W3+ Fair                  Control                                      SPIE Optics + Photonics             EMO                      COMPAMED
                               Wetzlar                  Stuttgart                                      San Diego, CA, USA           Mailand, Italien              Düsseldorf
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                                                          T4M                 SEMICON West                     Jena                                              MEDICA
                        SPIE Photonics West             Stuttgart          San Francisco, CA, USA       30.08.–03.09.2021                                       Düsseldorf
                        San Francisco, CA, USA       04.–06.05.2021           13.–15.07.2021                                           Stuttgart              15.–18.11.2021
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                           17.–19.03.2021            11.–13.05.2021                                      20.–22.09.2021             12.–16.10.2021            16.–19.11.2021
                          LASER World of                                                                                                                        sps smart
                                                   PIC International                                   W3+ Fair Rheintal             SPIE Optifab
                         PHOTONICS CHINA                                                                                                                   production solutions
                                                    Brüssel, Belgien                                  Dornbirn, Österreich        Rochester, NY, USA
                          Shanghai, China                                                                                                                       Nürnberg
                                                    08.–10.06.2021                                      22.–23.09.2021              18.–21.10.2021
                           17.–19.03.2021                                                                                                                     23.–25.11.2021
                        Photonics. World of
                                                          EPHJ                                                                           Schweisstec
                         Lasers and Optics
                                                     Genf, Schweiz                                                                       Stuttgart
                         Moskau, Russland
                                                     08.–11.06.2021                                                                      26.–29.10.2021

                          Hannover Messe           Intersolar Europe                                                                     Blechexpo
                             Hannover                   München                                                                          Stuttgart
                           12.–16.04.2021            09.–11.06.2021                                                                      26.–29.10.2021


Ständige Rubriken                               Trends und Märkte | Interviews mit Topmanagern und Spitzenforschern

                                                                               Laser World of
                           Photonics West
                        · Biophotonik            · Optische Mess- und      · Laseroptiken            · Fasern und Faser-        · Kunststoffbearbeitung · Quantentechnologien
                                                   Prüftechnik                                         optiken                    mit dem Laser
                        · Laserquellen                                     · Mikroskopie                                                                · Additive Fertigung
                                                 · Industrielle Bildver-                             · Laserschneiden und       · Optische Systeme &
                        · Laserschneiden und                               · Optische Mess- und                                                         · medizintechnische
                                                   arbeitung: Kameras,                                 -schweißen                 Komponenten
                          -schweißen                                         Prüftechnik                                                                  Anwendungen
                                                   Software, Anwen-

                                                                                                     · Optische Systeme &       · Laserschneiden und
                        · Photonik in der          dungen                  · Lasermaterial­                                                             · Optoelektronik,
                                                                                                       Komponenten                -schweißen
                          Elektronikfertigung                                bearbeitung                                                                  Siliziumphotonik, PICs
                                                 · Optische Systeme &
                                                                                                     · Mikrosystemtechnik       · Strahlformung /
                        · Spektroskopie            Komponenten             · Photonik in der                                                            · Photonik in der
                                                                             ­Elektronikfertigung    · Optische                                          Elektronikfertigung
                        · Optische Systeme &     · Fasern und Faser-
                                                                                                        Kommunikation           · Trends in der
                          Komponenten              optiken                 · Optische Systeme &                                                         · Industrielle
                                                                             Komponenten             · Lasermaterialbe-                                   Bildverarbeitung
                        · Mikrosystemtechnik · Optoelektronik,
                                                                                                       arbeitung (mikro und     · Lasermarkieren und
                                               Siliziumphotonik, PICs      · 3D-Imaging                                                                 · Positioniersysteme
                        · Green Photonics                                                              makro)                     -gravieren
                                             · Additive Fertigung          · Terahertz-Technologie                                                      · Lichtquellen Beleuch-
                                                                                                     · Optikfertigung           · Lasersystem-
                                                                                                                                                          tung OLED / LED
                                                 · medizintechnische                                                              Infrastruktur
                                                                                                     · Industrielle
                                                                                                       ­Bildverarbeitung        · Prozesskontrolle
                                                 · Laser in der
9 ||2021

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