Podcast Movement 2018 - 2018 SPONSORING & EXHIBITING INFORMATION July 24-26, 2018 Philadelphia, PA

Page created by Danielle Simon
Podcast Movement 2018 - 2018 SPONSORING & EXHIBITING INFORMATION July 24-26, 2018 Philadelphia, PA
Podcast Movement 2018
For Podcasters. By Podcasters.

July 24-26, 2018 • Philadelphia, PA

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Podcast Movement 2018 - 2018 SPONSORING & EXHIBITING INFORMATION July 24-26, 2018 Philadelphia, PA
is the world’s premier gathering of
active and aspiring podcasters,
and of those in and around the
podcast industry. Podcast
Movement attendees range
from independent producers
dipping their toes in the podcast
waters, all the way to CEOs and
program directors for the world’s largest
podcast networks and radio stations.

Podcast Movement started in 2014 as a
crowdfunded and crowd sourced passion
project, and in three short years has since
grown to the world’s largest gathering in
the podcast industry.
Podcast Movement 2018 - 2018 SPONSORING & EXHIBITING INFORMATION July 24-26, 2018 Philadelphia, PA
MOVEMENT                                                                                                  FEMALE
BY THE NUMBERS                                                                                            49%      MALE

                        49                          20

                                                                                  ATTENDEES EXPECTED

  Less than 100   21%
     100-1,000    43%

   1,000-5,000    20%
  5,000-10,000    5%
 10,000-50,000    5%
                        2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
   Over 50,000    5%
Podcast Movement 2018 - 2018 SPONSORING & EXHIBITING INFORMATION July 24-26, 2018 Philadelphia, PA
                                         AISHA TYLER       ALEX BLUMBERG
                                          Girl on Guy      Gimlet & Startup

Death, Sex & Money     Snap Judgment      Smodcast             WTF

   99% Invisible          Serial        Hardcore History    HEBEN NIGATU
                                                            Another Round
Podcast Movement 2018 - 2018 SPONSORING & EXHIBITING INFORMATION July 24-26, 2018 Philadelphia, PA
Podcast Movement 2018 - 2018 SPONSORING & EXHIBITING INFORMATION July 24-26, 2018 Philadelphia, PA
                             PLATINUM SPONSOR                                   SILVER SPONSORS
                             $50,000 (1)                                        $13,000 (4)

                       • 16’x16’ Exhibitor Island                         • 8’x8’ Exhibitor Booth
                       • 10 All Access level passes for staff, clients,   • 4 All Access level passes for staff, clients,
                        etc.                                               etc.
                       • Top level Platinum branding on PM18 home-        • Silver branding on PM18 homepage and
                        page, sponsor page, and registration confir-       sponsor page
                        mation page                                       • Silver branding on PM18 stage signage
                       • Top level Platinum branding on PM18 stage        • Half Page ad in PM18 conference magazine
                        signage                                           • One attendee welcome bag insert
                       • Full Page ad in PM18 conference magazine
                       • One sponsored article on PM18 website
                       • One attendee welcome bag insert
                       • Private meeting room on-site at event                  BRONZE SPONSORS
                                                                                $5,000 (8) 2 LEFT
                                                                          • Kiosk style Exhibitor Booth (can be upgrad-
                            GOLD SPONSORS
                                                                           ed to full size for additional $2,000)
                            $25,000 (2) 1 LEFT                            • 2 All Access level passes for staff, clients,
                       • 16’x8’ Exhibitor Booth
                                                                          • Bronze branding on sponsor page
                       • 5 All Access level passes for staff, clients,
                                                                          • Quarter Page ad in PM18 conference
                       • Gold branding on PM18 homepage, sponsor
                        page, and registration confirmation page
                       • Gold branding on PM18 stage signage
                       • Full Page ad in PM18 conference magazine
                       • One attendee welcome bag insert
                       • Private meeting room on-site at event

                                                                                                         Podcast Movement • 6
Podcast Movement 2018 - 2018 SPONSORING & EXHIBITING INFORMATION July 24-26, 2018 Philadelphia, PA
                                                                                         As sponsor of this exclusive event will receive the fol-
                                      EXHIBITING                                         lowing benefits:
                                                                                          • All conference materials will market the Awards as
                                       The Podcast Movement expo hall is open all           “presented by Company Name”
                                       day Tuesday and Wednesday, and we’ll have          • All online materials will market the Awards as “pre-
                            extended midday breaks, as well as dedicated “expo              sented by Company Name”
                            time” to maximize your exposure. We’re excited to be          • Your logo on every trophy given out during the cere-
                            bringing additional attractions in 2018 to the exhibitor        mony
                            area to bring even more interest and visitors into the        • Your logo on a Thank You page of the awards program
                            hall. You have five size options to choose from in 2018.      • Opportunity to play trailer (up to five minutes in
                                                                                            length) leading up to the ceremony on the big screens
                            EXPO HALL BOOTHS - Include 6’ table, two chairs,              • Logo displayed on screens and center stage before and
                            wastebasket, and WiFi. Also includes 2 PM18 passes and          during ceremony
                            logo displayed on website exhibitor page.                     • Opportunity to present up to 4 awards during the cer-
                            • 8x8 - $3,500                                                  emony, one of which can include a welcome message
                            • 16x8 - $6,500                                                 and product overview to the live crowd at the begin-
                            • 24x8 - $9,000                                                 ning, and one can include a thank you message at the
                            • 16x16 “Island” (3 passes) - $12,000                           end
                            • Kiosk - $2,000                                              • Opportunity to distribute materials or gifts to attend-
                              (Includes kiosk table, chair, and one PM18 pass)              ees at the ceremony
                                                                                          • Your logo displayed on the AofP website
                                                                                          • Your logo displayed on the Podcast Movement Spon-
                                     EVENT & NETWORKING                                     sors page
                                     SPONSORSHIPS                                         • Includes 8’x8’ Exhibitor booth for Podcast Movement
                                                                                          • 4 PM18 passes
                            ACADEMY OF PODCASTERS AWARDS SPONSOR                          • Logo displayed on website exhibitor page
                            $15,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                 The Academy of Podcasters Award has, in the past
                                 three years, become the premier honor for podcast-
                                 ers, and in 2018 that will only become more so. Over
                                 one thousand attendees are expected to be in the
                                 audience to be a part of, including over one hun-
                                 dred finalists, for this ceremony. Your name will be-
                                 come a part of history. Takes place Tuesday, July 24.

                                                                                                                               Podcast Movement • 7
Podcast Movement 2018 - 2018 SPONSORING & EXHIBITING INFORMATION July 24-26, 2018 Philadelphia, PA
                            ACADEMY OF PODCASTERS HALL OF FAME                           PODCAST AWARDS RED CARPET & FIRST NIGHT
                            CEREMONY & RECEPTION SPONSOR                                 PARTY SPONSOR $7,500 (EXCLUSIVE)
                            $8,000 (EXCLUSIVE)                                              Make a great first impression at the AofP Awards at
                               The Academy of Podcasters Award has, in the past             this not-to-be-missed combination first evening Wel-
                               three years, become the premier honor for podcast-           come Party and Red Carpet Ceremony in preparation
                               ers, and in 2018 we celebrate the Hall of Fame induct-       for that evening’s Academy of Podcasters Awards and
                               ees with their own ceremony. Join some of the leg-           Hall of Fame Ceremony. Attendees will be pumped for
                               ends of podcasting for an event that pays homage to          the week, and excited to network with new and old
                               those who paved the way. Your name will become a             friends, as well as pose for some pictures in front of
                               part of history. Takes place Monday, July 23.                your banner on the red carpet! Takes place Tuesday,
                                                                                            July 24.
                               As sponsor of this exclusive event will receive the
                               following benefits:                                          As sponsor of this exclusive event you will receive
                                • $3,000 in bar cost credit for a pre-ceremony hap-         the following benefits:
                                  py hour, but you’re free to enhance the event with         • Cost of food and drink not included
                                  additional food & beverage                                 • Includes red carpet, stanchions, and “step and
                                • All conference materials will market the Hall of             repeat” red carpet backdrop & photo station for
                                  Fame as “presented by Company Name”                          selfies etc.
                                • All online materials will market the Hall of Fame as       • All conference materials will market the party as
                                  “presented by Company Name”                                  “presented by Company Name”
                                • Your logo on a Thank You page of the Hall of Fame          • All online materials will market the party as “pre-
                                  program                                                      sented by Company Name”
                                • Opportunity to play trailer (up to five minutes in         • Opportunity to distribute materials or gifts to at-
                                  length) leading up to the ceremony on the big                tendees at the party
                                  screens                                                    • Opportunity to display signage at the party, in ad-
                                • Logo displayed on screens during ceremony                    dition to the provided banner and red carpet
                                • Opportunity to present up to emcee the event if            • 8’x8’ Exhibitor booth for Podcast Movement
                                  desired, or present a welcome message and prod-            • 4 PM18 passes
                                  uct overview to the live crowd at the beginning, and
                                  a thank you message at the end
                                • Opportunity to distribute materials or gifts to at-
                                  tendees at the ceremony
                                • Your logo displayed on the AofP website
                                • Your logo displayed on the Podcast Movement
                                  Sponsors page
                                • 3 PM18 passes

                                                                                                                                  Podcast Movement • 8
Podcast Movement 2018 - 2018 SPONSORING & EXHIBITING INFORMATION July 24-26, 2018 Philadelphia, PA
                            SPONSOR $3,000 (EXCLUSIVE)                                     This package includes:
                               This party is something that you can arrange on your         • Cost of food and drink not included
                               own off site, or we can assist you in organizing some-       • All conference materials will market the event as “pre-
                               thing on location.                                            sented by Company Name”
                                                                                            • Opportunity to welcome attendees to the event
                               It’s the end of the first night of Podcast Movement,         • All online materials & mobile app will market the event
                               and people are pumped to be in Philadelphia! Ride             as “presented by Company Name”
                               the wave of excitement by hosting the official AofP          • Opportunity to distribute materials or gifts to attendees
                               Awards Show afterparty. This will be held on your            • Opportunity to display signage at event
                               terms, so you call the shots, and we tell everyone to        • Logo displayed on website sponsor page
                               be there! Takes place Tuesday, July 24.                      • 2 PM18 passes

                               This package includes:                                   WEDNESDAY EVENING PARTY SPONSOR
                                • All conference materials will market the party as     $15,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                 “presented by Company Name”                               After a long day in conference rooms, the attendees of
                                • All online materials will market the party as “pre-      Podcast Movement will be excited to get out of the ho-
                                 sented by Company Name”                                   tel and have some fun. We’re still working on the location
                                • Opportunity to distribute materials or gifts to at-      for this party, but it’s going to be a blast! This takes place
                                 tendees at the party                                      Wednesday, July 25.
                                • Cost of food and drink not included
                                                                                           This package includes:
                            MONDAY EVENING WELCOME MIXER                                    • Cost of food and drink not included
                            $4,000 (EXCLUSIVE)                                              • Opportunity to “take the stage” and thank those in at-
                               This party is something that you can arrange on your           tendance
                               own off site, or we can assist you in organizing some-       • Opportunity to assist in programming event theme
                               thing on location.                                             and entertainment
                                                                                            • All conference materials will market the party as “pre-
                               Podcast Movement attendees love to network, and                sented by Company Name”
                               you can help facilitate that, plus welcome PM attend-        • All online materials will market the party as “presented
                               ees the evening before the conference begins. Be the           by Company Name”
                               center of attention as you plan this gathering. This         • Opportunity to distribute materials or gifts to attend-
                               will be held on your terms, so you call the shots, and         ees at the party
                               we tell everyone to be there! This takes place Mon-          • Opportunity to display signage at the party
                               day, July 23.                                                • Includes 8’x8’ Exhibitor booth for Podcast Movement
                                                                                            • 2 PM18 passes
                                                                                            • Logo displayed on website exhibitor page

                                                                                                                                   Podcast Movement • 9
Podcast Movement 2018 - 2018 SPONSORING & EXHIBITING INFORMATION July 24-26, 2018 Philadelphia, PA
                            PODCAST MOVEMENT AFTER-PARTY SPONSOR -                          • Have full control of furniture and branding in and
                            $3,000 (EXCLUSIVE)                                               around the Midway
                               This party is something that you can arrange on your         • Opportunity to set up at a table at the event and
                               own off site, or we can assist you in organizing some-        meet the attendees in an environment different
                               thing on location.                                            from all other PM18 partners.
                                                                                            • Co-brand (with PM) three TVs in the Midway with
                               It’s the last day of Podcast Movement, and people             your own video or graphics
                               don’t want the fun to end! You can be the final hur-         • 4 PM18 Passes
                               rah of 2018 by hosting the Podcast Movement 2018
                               After-Party. This will be held on your terms, so you     NETWORKING & MEETUP LOUNGE SPONSOR
                               call the shots, and we tell everyone to be there! This   $6,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                               takes place Thursday, July 26.                              Podcast Movement is a great time to meet thousands
                                                                                           of other current and aspiring podcasters, but it’s not
                               This package includes:                                      always easy. This section contains soft seating, tables
                                • Cost of food and drink not included                      and charging stations and will be going on in the mid-
                                • All conference materials will market the party as        dle of the action all three days, and everyone is wel-
                                 “presented by Company Name”                               come to participate in informal activities that help at-
                                • All online materials will market the party as “pre-      tendees meet and spread ideas at PM18!
                                 sented by Company Name”
                                • Opportunity to distribute materials or gifts to          As sponsor of this exclusive opportunity you will
                                 attendees at the party                                    receive the following benefits:
                                                                                            • All online materials will market as “Company Name
                            “PM MIDWAY” RECREATION AREA SPONSOR                               Networking Lounge”
                                                                                            • Opportunity to pass out materials to attendees
                            $10,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                                                                              hanging out in the lounge
                               Podcast Movement is usually about serious business,
                                                                                            • Have full control of furniture and branding in the
                               but sometimes in the middle of the day, there needs
                                                                                              Lounge (we will furnish basic furniture, but you
                               to be some fun! This year we debut the “PM Midway”,
                                                                                              can upgrade as you see fit)
                               where attendees will have the opportunity to play
                                                                                            • Opportunity to set up at one of the tables at the
                               games (such as cornhole, ping-pong and more), and
                                                                                              event and meet the attendees in an environment
                               hang out with other attendees in a fun environment!
                                                                                              different from all other PM18 partners.
                                                                                            • 3 PM18 Passes
                               As sponsor of this exclusive opportunity you will
                               receive the following benefits:
                                • All online materials will market as “Company Name
                                  Networking Lounge”
                                • Opportunity to pass out materials to attendees
                                  hanging out in the Midway
                                                                                                                                Podcast Movement • 10
                                                                                       ATTENDEE PRO PASS LOUNGE SPONSOR
                            WELCOME RECEPTION SPONSOR                                  $7,500 (EXCLUSIVE)
                            $5,000 (EXCLUSIVE)                                            Hundreds of the best and brightest PM18 attendees
                               Help us welcome the heart and soul of PM (the              will have access to the Lounge, which will be the
                               speakers and sponsors) to PM18 at our private wel-         premier place for networking to happen.
                               come reception Wednesday afternoon.
                                                                                           As sponsor of this exclusive opportunity you will
                               As sponsor of this exclusive opportunity you will re-      receive the following benefits:
                               ceive the following benefits:                               • Includes all food and drink to be served in the
                                • Cost of food and drink not included                       lounge on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
                                • All communication with speakers will promote             • All conference materials will market the lounge
                                 the event as “presented by Company Name”                   as “presented by Company Name”
                                • Opportunity to pass out materials to attendees           • All online materials will market the lounge as
                                • Opportunity to display signage at the event               “presented by Company Name”
                                                                                           • Opportunity to pass out materials to attendees
                            SPEAKER AND SPONSOR LOUNGE SPONSOR                              in the lounge
                                                                                           • Opportunity to display signage in the lounge
                            $7,500 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                                                                           • Opportunity to “set up shop” and meet the Pro
                               The 300+ PM18 Speaker and Sponsors will have ac-
                                                                                            Pass Lounge attendees in an environment away
                               cess to this lounge as an exclusive place for the
                                                                                            from all other PM18 partners.
                               heart and soul of the event (the speakers and our
                                                                                           • 2 PM18 passes
                               partners) to meet, relax, rejuvenate and make some
                               podcast magic happen.
                                                                                       PMX COMPETITION SPONSOR
                               As sponsor of this exclusive opportunity you will       $3,500 (EXCLUSIVE)
                               receive the following benefits:                            For three years, PMx has been the unofficial Pod-
                                • Includes all food and drink to be served in the         cast Movement kickoff event. PMx is a day featuring
                                 lounge on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday                speakers and performers sharing well thought out
                                • All conference materials will market the lounge         ideas in 15 minutes or less, and has become seen
                                 as “presented by Company Name”                           as a proving ground for future PM Speakers. Last
                                • All online materials will market the lounge as          year, PMx turned into a friendly but real competi-
                                 “presented by Company Name”                              tion with real prizes, including a guaranteed stage
                                • Opportunity to “set up shop” in the lounge for          spot at next year’s Podcast Movement, and recogni-
                                 your product or service or brand                         tion from the main stage this year! This event takes
                                • Opportunity to pass out materials to attendees          place Monday, July 23.
                                 in the lounge
                                • Opportunity to display signage in the lounge            As sponsor of this exclusive opportunity you will
                                • 2 PM18 passes                                           receive the following benefits:
                                                                                                                            Podcast Movement • 11
                                • All online materials will market PMx as “presented          the winners
                                 by Company Name”                                            • Opportunity to help announce winner at Academy
                                • Opportunity to pass out materials to attendees              of Podcasters Awards
                                 before and during the event
                                • Opportunity to deliver a welcome message and a         FIRST TIMER ORIENTATION SPONSOR
                                 thank you message before and after the event            $2,500 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                • A seat on the judging panel to help select the            Podcast Movement can be an exciting experience, but
                                 winner                                                     can also be overwhelming. This event will be a half-day
                                • Opportunity to display signage on stage                   affair where anyone and everyone is welcome to partic-
                                • Opportunity to contribute to the prize package for        ipate in both formal and informal activities that help at-
                                 the winner                                                 tendees meet other first timers, and learn how to make
                                • Opportunity to set up a table at the event and            the most out of PM18!
                                 meet the attendees in an environment away from
                                 all other PM18 partners.                                   As sponsor of this exclusive opportunity you will
                                                                                            receive the following benefits:
                            PM 2018 TECH COMPETITION SPONSOR                                 • All online materials will market as “presented by
                            $3,000 (EXCLUSIVE)                                                 Company Name”
                               In 2018, Podcast Movement continues its push to try           • Opportunity to pass out materials to attendees
                               and give back to the industry by introducing our Tech           before and during the event
                               Competition in 2018. This is the first ever early-stage       • Opportunity to deliver a welcome message and a
                               business competition dedicated to technology prod-              thank you message before and after the event
                               ucts and soutions in the creator-facing podcasting            • Opportunity to display signage in room
                               vertical. The winner will receive a $1,000 cash prize,        • Opportunity to set up a table at the event and
                               plus a booth at and two passes to PM19!                         meet the attendees in an environment away from
                                                                                               all other PM18 partners.
                               As sponsor of this exclusive opportunity you will
                               receive the following benefits:                           IGNITE PODCAST MOVEMENT SPONSOR
                                • All online materials will market the competition as    $4,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                 “presented by Company Name”                                Ignite is a fun gathering of like-minded people where
                                • Opportunity to pass out materials to participants         a democratically selected group of speakers get on
                                • Opportunity to deliver a welcome message to               stage for 5 minute talks on topics designed to en-
                                 participants                                               tertain, educate, or excite you. Each talk is called a
                                • A seat on the judging panel to help select the            “spark” as it is supposed to “ ignite” thought and con-
                                 winner                                                     versation around a single idea. Ignite is held onsite
                                • Opportunity to display signage on stage at demo           on one of the main PM stages on Monday, July 23!
                                 event where entrants demo and pitch their prod-
                                • Opportunity to contribute to the prize package for
                                                                                                                                   Podcast Movement • 12
                                • All conference materials will market the event as     $6,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                 “presented by Company Name”                               This year’s podcast pavilion will feature multiple
                                • Opportunity to co-emcee event, speak at the              live podcast stations where podcasters can sched-
                                 event, or participate in other fun activities during      ule time to record and broadcast live from Podcast
                                 the event.                                                Movement.
                                • All online materials & mobile app will market the
                                 event as “presented by Company Name”                       • All conference materials will market the pavilion
                                • Opportunity to distribute materials or gifts to            as “presented by Company Name”
                                 attendees and speakers                                     • All online materials & mobile app will market the
                                • Opportunity to display signage on stage                    pavilion as “presented by Company Name”
                                • Logo displayed on website sponsor page                    • Opportunity to distribute materials or gifts to at-
                                                                                             tendees of sessions in the pavillion
                                • 2 PM18 passes
                                                                                            • Opportunity to display signage in the area
                                                                                            • Logo displayed on website sponsor page
                                   BRANDING SPONSORSHIPS
                                                                                        HOTEL KEY CARD SPONSOR
                                                                                        $7,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                            VIRTUAL TICKET SPONSOR                                          • Includes full creative input on front of key cards
                                                                                             for all hotel guests
                            $5,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                                                                            • Includes printing and distribution costs involved
                               The PM Virtual Ticket is a premier on-demand tool
                                                                                            • Logo displayed on website sponsor page
                               that gives ticket holders access to audio and videos
                               from every session taking place at this yea’rs event.
                                • All conference materials will market the ticket as
                                 “presented by Company Name”
                                • All online materials & mobile app will market the
                                 ticket as “presented by Company Name”
                                • Your logo will appear at the beginning of every
                                 video on the ticket
                                • Your 15 second trailer will be played at the end of
                                 every video on the ticket
                                • Logo displayed on website sponsor page

                                                                                                                                Podcast Movement • 13
                            EVENT WIFI SPONSOR                                                tendees, speakers and exhibitors
                            $8,000 (EXCLUSIVE)                                               • Includes printing and distribution costs involved
                                • Includes full creative input on wifi network name,         • Logo displayed on website sponsor page
                                 password, and splash page and welcome page
                                • Ability to place small signage around event for wifi   ATTENDEE BADGE SPONSOR
                                • Includes half page ad in program                       $9,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                • Logo displayed on website sponsor page                     • Includes full creative input on design of name
                                                                                              badges received and worn by all attendees, speak-
                            MOBILE APP SPONSOR                                                ers and exhibitors
                                                                                             • Includes printing and distribution costs involved
                            $4,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                                                                             • Logo displayed on website sponsor page
                                • Includes exclusive co-branding with PM18 on the
                                 custom iOS and Android mobile app
                                • Includes full page ad in program                       ATTENDEE LANYARD SPONSOR
                                • Includes welcome bag insert placement                  $9,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                • Logo displayed on website sponsor page                     • Includes full creative input on color and design
                                • Dedicated email to all attendees promoting app,             (your logo) on credential lanyards distributed to
                                 as well as your company                                      all attendees, speakers and exhibitors
                                                                                             • Includes printing and distribution costs involved
                            ATTENDEE WELCOME BAG SPONSOR                                     • Logo displayed on website sponsor page
                            $9,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                • Includes full creative input on color and design       ATTENDEE BAG INSERT (SPONSOR/EXHIBITOR
                                 (your logo) on welcome bag distributed to all at-       ADD-ON)
                                                                                             • Ability to distribute a gift or marketing piece to all
                                                                                              attendees, speakers and exhibitors

                                                                                         ATTENDEE BAG INSERT (NON-SPONSOR)
                                                                                             • Ability to distribute a gift or marketing piece to all
                                                                                              attendees, speakers and exhibitors

                                                                                         CONFERENCE PROGRAM AD
                                                                                             • Full Page (8.5”x11”) Ad - $2,000 (only 2 available)
                                                                                             • Half Page (8.5”x5.5”) Ad - $1,000 (only 4 available)

                                                                                                                                   Podcast Movement • 14
                            SPONSOR (12 EPISODES) - $3,000                                $5,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                 PM Sessions is the official podcast of Podcast Move-        This track is the one that most people think of when
                                 ment, and is a fully produced high quality series           they first see the event. Everything that goes into the
                                 that has a season for each year. This year’s season         creation of content, other than technical aspects,
                                 will include clips from some of the best sessions           goes here.
                                 from PM17, interviews with the participants, as well
                                 as previews of the upcoming event. Thousands of             Includes:
                                 listeners will hear your message, including past and         • Track named “Creation Track presented by Your
                                 future conference attendees. This will pair great with        Name” in all materials
                                 other sponsorships available!                                • A dedicated room where most breakout sessions
                                                                                               on the track will take place.
                                  • Includes 15 second pre roll, 60 second mid roll,          • Your branding on our room signage.
                                   and 30 second post roll in all 12 episodes, tailored       • Opportunity to welcome attendees at the begin-
                                   to your input                                               ning of each day, plus “emcee” the room where
                                  • Includes half page ad in conference program                most of the sessions will take place
                                  • Includes online branding on all places podcast is         • Opportunity to “seat drop”, where you can put a
                                   posted                                                      piece of marketing material in each chair between
                                  • Logo displayed on website sponsor page                     sessions
                                                                                              • 2 PM18 Passes
                            COFFEE SPONSOR - $5,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                  • Includes full color custom printed coffee sleeves,    MONETIZATION TRACK & STAGE SPONSOR
                                   using your design, for all coffee served at the        $5,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                   event on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday                  This track is one that many of our attendees look
                                  • Opportunity to provide table tent style signage at       forward to each year. Not only will there be sessions
                                   all coffee stations                                       teaching new podcasters the basics of monetization,
                                  • Logo displayed on website sponsor page                   but there will be sessions for advanced podcasters
                                                                                             discussing the latest and greatest trends in moneti-
                                       EDUCATION & CONTENT
                                          SPONSORSHIPS                                       Includes:
                                                                                              • Track named “Monetization Track presented by
                            Podcast Movement’s 100+ sessions are divided up be-                Your Name” in all materials
                            tween 6 tracks, each one with a different focus. This year,       • A dedicated room where most breakout sessions
                            we’re giving partners the chance to get involved with the          on the track will take place.
                            tracks that are most applicable to them.                          • Your branding on our room signage.
                                                                                              • Opportunity to welcome attendees at the begin-
                                                                                               ning of each day, plus “emcee” the room where
                                                                                                                                 Podcast Movement • 15
most of the sessions will take place                      Includes:
                                • Opportunity to “seat drop”, where you can put a           • Track named “Industry Track presented by Your
                                 piece of marketing material in each chair between           Name” in all materials
                                 sessions                                                   • A dedicated room where most breakout sessions
                                • 2 PM18 Passes                                              on the track will take place.
                                                                                            • Your branding on our room signage.
                            MARKETING TRACK & STAGE SPONSOR                                 • Opportunity to welcome attendees at the begin-
                                                                                             ning of each day, plus “emcee” the room where
                            $5,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                                                                             most of the sessions will take place
                               This track is one of our most popular, especial-
                                                                                            • Opportunity to “seat drop”, where you can put a
                               ly amongst the more experienced podcasters. They
                                                                                             piece of marketing material in each chair between
                               know how to create content, but are looking for ways
                               to get it heard, so they seek out the Marketing Track.
                                                                                            • 2 PM18 Passes
                                • Track named “Marketing Track presented by Your        TECHNICAL TRACK & STAGE SPONSOR
                                 Name” in all materials                                 $5,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                • A dedicated room where most breakout sessions            No one can record a podcast without knowing some
                                 on the track will take place.                             fundamental basics, and the Technical Track often
                                • Your branding on our room signage.                       starts there. From basic editing talks, to complicated
                                • Opportunity to welcome attendees at the begin-           production discussions, this track is one full of infor-
                                 ning of each day, plus “emcee” the room where             mation applicable to many of those attending PM.
                                 most of the sessions will take place
                                • Opportunity to “seat drop”, where you can put a          Includes:
                                 piece of marketing material in each chair between          • Track named “Technical Track presented by Your
                                 sessions                                                    Name” in all materials
                                • 2 PM18 Passes                                             • A dedicated room where most breakout sessions
                                                                                             on the track will take place.
                            INDUSTRY TRACK & STAGE SPONSOR                                  • Your branding on our room signage.
                                                                                            • Opportunity to welcome attendees at the begin-
                            $5,000 (EXCLUSIVE)
                                                                                             ning of each day, plus “emcee” the room where
                               One of the newer tracks at Podcast Movement, the in-
                                                                                             most of the sessions will take place
                               dustry track grew out of the requests from the grow-
                                                                                            • Opportunity to “seat drop”, where you can put a
                               ing number of attendees who come from the busi-
                                                                                             piece of marketing material in each chair between
                               ness side of podcasting. Attendees to these sessions
                               often are professionals in the podcast industry, ver-
                                                                                            • 2 PM18 Passes
                               sus podcasters themselves.

                                                                                                                                Podcast Movement • 16
PODCASTERS MEET BROADCASTERS SPONSOR                             Includes:
                            $10,000 (EXCLUSIVE)                                               • Reservation of conference room of your chosen
                                One of the largest areas of growth at Podcast Move-            size (from 30 to 300 people) (A/V not included)
                                ment has been from the radio broadcast community.             • All online materials & mobile app will include the
                                Broadcasters are flocking to podcasting, we we’ve got          workshop on the schedule (if you choose), and
                                a two-day track dedicated exclusively to them. Our             market the workshop as “presented by Company
                                friends at Jacob’s Media return for the second year to         Name”
                                curate two days of sessions that are “can’t miss”.            • Logo displayed on website sponsor page

                                Includes:                                                DINNER/EVENT/PARTY SPONSOR
                                 • Track named “Podcasters Meet Broadcasters pre-        $4,000 (LIMITED NUMBER AVAILABLE)
                                  sented by Your Name” in all materials                      PM attendees love to network and celebrate. Here’s
                                 • A dedicated room where sessions on the track will         an opportunity to throw an event that everyone will
                                  take place.                                                be talking about long after the conference is over.
                                 • Your branding on our room signage.                        Events can be open or VIP. PM will help coordinate
                                 • Opportunity to welcome attendees at the begin-            RSVP if you’d like. Ideas include: pub crawl, bowling,
                                  ning of each day, plus play your produced brand            game nigh, live music, karaoke, happy hour, dinner,
                                  video trailer on the screens once per day                  etc.
                                 • Opportunity to “seat drop”, where you can put a
                                  piece of marketing material in each chair between          Includes:
                                  sessions                                                    • PM team will help determine the best time and
                                 • 2 PM18 Passes                                               date for your event.
                                                                                              • Opportuniy to distribute information and/or gifts
                                                                                               to attendees at the event
                                        OTHER SPONSORSHIPS                                    • Opportunity to display signage at the event
                                                                                              • If the event is open to all, printed materials, on-
                                                                                               line materials & mobile app will market the event
                            HOST YOUR OWN WORKSHOP AT PM18                                     as “presented by Company Name”
                                                                                              • Cost of event (venue rental, food, drink etc. is not
                            $1,000-4,000 (LIMITED NUMBER AVAILABLE)
                                The day before Podcast Movement officially kicks off,
                                                                                              • Logo displayed on website sponsor page
                                many attendees are already in town and looking to
                                                                                              • 2 PM18 passes
                                get started! We have a very limited number of class-
                                rooms and ballrooms available for partners looking
                                to host their own workshop or event in conjunction
                                with Podcast Movement. You 100% control the curric-
                                ulum, content, registration, and all other aspects of
                                the day.

                                                                                                                                   Podcast Movement • 17
                            $1,500 (EXCLUSIVE)
                               Every morning we welcome all attendees to meet
                               in front of the venue for organized walks and runs
                               around town! Whether you provide products and ser-
                               vices for physical fitness, or podcasters, this is a great
                               opportunity to get in front of them!

                                • All conference materials will market the walks as
                                 “presented by Company Name”
                                • Opportunity to welcome participants each morn-
                                 ing, distribute materials or gifts to participants,
                                 and provide refreshments before or after.
                                • All online materials & mobile app will market the
                                 walks as “presented by Company Name”
                                • Logo displayed on website sponsor page

                            MISSING? EMAIL US AND LET US KNOW YOU WANT
                            IN! PARTNERS@PODCASTMOVEMENT.COM

                                                                                            Podcast Movement • 18
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