Positive effect of timed blue enriched white light on sleep and cognition in patients with mild and moderate Alzheimer's disease

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Positive effect of timed blue enriched white light on sleep and cognition in patients with mild and moderate Alzheimer's disease

                OPEN              Positive effect of timed
                                  blue‑enriched white light on sleep
                                  and cognition in patients with mild
                                  and moderate Alzheimer’s disease
                                  Seong Jae Kim1, Sun Hee Lee2, In Bum Suh3, Jae‑Won Jang4,5, Jin Hyeong Jhoo6,7 &
                                  Jung Hie Lee6,7*
                                  Conflicting results have been reported regarding the effectiveness of light treatment (LT) in patients
                                  with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We investigated the effectiveness of blue-enriched white LT on sleep,
                                  cognition, mood and behavior in patients with mild and moderate AD. The treatment group (n = 14) sat
                                  about 60 cm away from a small (136 × 73 × 16 mm) LED light box for 1 h each morning for 2 weeks. The
                                  control group (n = 11) wore dark, blue-attenuating sunglasses during the 1 h exposures. The morning
                                  light started 9–10 h after each individual’s dim light melatonin onset (DLMO). Assessments were done
                                  at baseline (T0), immediate post-treatment (T1), and 4 weeks after the end of the 2 weeks of LT (T2).
                                  Sleep was measured by actigraphy. Blue-enriched LT had a significantly better effect on the Pittsburgh
                                  Sleep Quality Index at T2 compared to blue-attenuated LT, and a trend of better effectiveness on total
                                  sleep time at T2. There was a significant increase in Mini-Mental State Examination score at T2 after
                                  blue-enriched LT than that at T0. Our findings suggest that morning blue-enriched LT has a benefit in
                                  improving sleep and cognitive function in AD patients.

                                   Sleep disturbances are prevalent in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Approximately 45% of AD patients
                                   have sleep p­ roblems1. Sleep disturbances are characterized by symptoms of fragmented sleep, night–day reversal,
                                   disrupted sleep–wake rhythms, and so on. This has been known to increase caregiver burden and the risk of
                                       It has been reported that sleep disturbance is associated with cognitive dysfunction of AD ­patients4. Besides,
                                   AD patients who are experiencing sleep disturbances are likely to suffer from mood and/or behavioral symptoms
                                   concurrently. A study on patients with mild and moderate AD has reported the association of sleep disturbance
                                   with behavioral symptoms, notably a­ ggressiveness5. There are some evidences showing a significant loss in
                                   suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of AD patients that is correlated with diminished sleep–wake r­ hythmicity6. To
                                   some extent, underlying circadian disturbances in AD patients could be responsible for their sleep and behavioral
                                   disturbances. In addition, insufficient light exposure which might be a cause of sleep and behavior disturbances
                                   can be problematic, particularly in institutionalized p­ atients7.
                                       As the light is a central modulator of circadian rhythms, therapeutic exposure of AD patients to bright light
                                   is expected to improve their sleep mainly by stabilizing their sleep–wake r­ hythms8–11. Besides, bright light treat-
                                   ment (bright LT) can improve the mood and cognitive function of AD patients by stabilizing their circadian
                                   rhythm or leading to neural stimulation of brain regions involved in alertness, emotion, and c­ ognition12,13. It has
                                   been generally shown that both morning and evening bright LTs have beneficial effects on sleep and behavior
                                   of AD patients only when bright LT with enough duration and intensity is given to ­them14,15. However, many
                                   studies, even those with a randomized controlled design, have found no definite effect of bright LT on patients
                                   with dementia, including those with ­AD9,10.

                                   Department of Psychiatry, Cheongju Hospital, Cheongju, South Korea. 2Department of Psychiatry, Silverheals
                                  Hospital, Namyangju, South Korea. 3Department of Laboratory Medicine, Kangwon National University Hospital,
                                  Chuncheon, South Korea. 4Department of Neurology, Kangwon National University Hospital, Chuncheon,
                                  South Korea. 5Department of Neurology, Kangwon National University School of Medicine, Chuncheon, South
                                  Korea. 6Department of Psychiatry, Kangwon National University Hospital, Chuncheon, South Korea. 7Department
                                  of Psychiatry, Kangwon National University School of Medicine, Chuncheon, South Korea. *email: jhielee@

Scientific Reports |   (2021) 11:10174                | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-89521-9                                                    1

Positive effect of timed blue enriched white light on sleep and cognition in patients with mild and moderate Alzheimer's disease

                                                 These conflicting findings might result from different timing of applied bright LT, implicating that some
                                             patients might have received the light exposure during a sensitive region of the phase response curve while others
                                             have ­not9–11,16. Thus, it is important to determine the timing of LT based on individual circadian phase for each
                                             patient in order to elucidate the therapeutic effect of LT on AD patients. Another reason for these conflicting
                                             findings could be that study subjects are less likely to have greater responses to light since most studies have been
                                             conducted on severely demented patients whose SCNs were to be more d         ­ egenerated8,17.
                                                 Our circadian system is known to be more sensitive to short wavelength light. A blue-enriched white light has
                                             been reported to have saturation effects even with an intensity of 750 lx. Its therapeutic effects are comparable
                                             to those of standard LT for patients with seasonal affective ­disorder18. However, it remains unclear whether the
                                             administered blue-enriched white light can enhance sleep quality of AD patients, although some studies have
                                             reported improvement of subjective sleep quality after its intervention in the patients with AD and/or related
                                                 Phase delay in circadian rhythms has been found in AD patients. It is apparently discrete from what is
                                             observed in normal ­aging7,15,19. In a perspective of normalizing circadian rhythms, phase advance caused by
                                             LT would be reasonable to investigate its therapeutic effects on AD patients. Meanwhile, in a previous study on
                                             healthy young subjects, advance portions of blue light phase response curve have been presented from 09:00
                                             to 20:00 after dim light melatonin onset (DLMO)20, a well-known marker for estimating the circadian ­phase21.
                                             Sletten et al.22 have also reported similar findings in healthy elderly subjects. However, to the best of our knowl-
                                             edge, no study has reported the effectiveness of LT in dementia patients based on their endogenous circadian
                                                 Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of timed blue-enriched white light treat-
                                             ment (timed BLT) on sleep, cognition, mood, and behavior of patients with mild and moderate AD based on
                                             individual circadian phase using DLMO compared to the effectiveness of timed blue-attenuating LT as control.
                                             Our hypothesis was that timed BLT applied based on individual DLMO would have more effects on outcome
                                             measures including subjective and objective sleep quality, mood and behavior symptoms, and cognitive function
                                             than the control (blue—attenuating LT) immediately post-treatment and at 4-week follow-up.

                                            Participants. Patients with mild and moderate Alzheimer’s disease (AD) who had a sleep disturbance and
                                            their caregivers were recruited from the Dementia Clinic at Kangwon National University Hospital, physician
                                            referrals, and advertisements between March 2017 and April 2018. The diagnosis of AD and its severity were
                                            determined by a psychiatrist or a neurologist using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder,
                                            5th Edition (DSM-5)23 and the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR)24, respectively. Patient eligibility criteria
                                            included a diagnosis of probable or possible AD for major neurocognitive disorder, a CDR score ranging from
                                            0.5 to 2, a sleep disturbance verified by a score of 5 or greater on the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)25 and/
                                            or by one or more complaints among difficulty initiating sleep (DIS), difficulty maintaining sleep (DMS), and
                                            early morning awakening (EMA) for 3 or more days per week.
                                                Patients were excluded if they met the following criteria: (1) current substance related disorders, depressive
                                            disorders, or other psychiatric disorders by DSM-5; (2) current medical illness including liver cirrhosis, chronic
                                            pulmonary disease, cancer, uncontrolled diabetes, and uncontrolled hypertension; (3) being suspected or diag-
                                            nosed with primary sleep disorders except for insomnia disorder (i.e., restless legs syndrome, sleep-disordered
                                            breathing disorder; hypersomnia, or narcolepsy); (4) a prior history of cerebrovascular disease or central nervous
                                            system (CNS) disease, or evidence of CNS injury; (5) current use of any medication affecting their circadian
                                            rhythms (i.e., ­CircadinR); (6) changes in type or dose of taking hypnotics or CNS active drugs for the study period;
                                            (7) significant impairment of hearing ability, visual acuity, or language ability which hindered the completion of
                                            neurocognitive tests; (8) abnormalities in complete blood cell count, liver function test, urine analysis, electro-
                                            cardiogram (ECG), or chest X-ray; and (9) pupillary abnormalities on a neuro-ophthalmological examination.
                                                In a single-blind, enrolled patients were assigned into one of the treatment group (TG) and control group
                                            (CG) by turns, based on a constant allocation ratio of 1:1 if possible. Fourteen patients (77.36 ± 5.79 years;
                                            M:F = 2:12) in the TG and 11 patients (78.55 ± 7.71 years; M:F = 5:6) in the CG completed our study protocol.
                                                The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Kangwon National University Hos-
                                            pital following all relevant guidelines and regulations (Protocol ID: KNUH-2016-10-007-001). The study was
                                            registered with the clinical studies database Clinical Research Information Service(CRiS), Republic of Korea
                                            (KCT0005282, registration date: 08/04/2020; http://​cris.​nih.​go.​kr/​cris/​inc/​login.​jsp). Written informed consent
                                            was obtained from each participant and his/her legally authorized representatives prior to commencement of
                                            this study. All procedures were carried out in accordance with principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.

                                            Procedures. In the laboratory, Dim Light Melatonin Onset (DLMO) was determined from seven hourly
                                            saliva samples obtained starting from 6 h prior to the mean sleep onset measured by actigraphy (Actiwatch 2;
                                            Philips Respironics, Murrysville, PA, USA) recording for 5 days at baseline. Home-based 1-h timed BLT was
                                            applied between 9 and 10 h after DLMO for 2 weeks. The study protocol consisted of assessments of outcome
                                            and actigraphical measures at baseline (T0), immediate post-treatment (T1), and 4 weeks after the end of the
                                            2 weeks of LT (T2).

                                            Clinical assessment. Enrolled patients were further evaluated for insomnia including its type (i.e., DIS only,
                                            DMS only, or DIS and DMS), its duration, and so on. Self-report questionnaires including the Korean Version
                                            of Epworth Sleepiness Scale (KESS)26, Korean Version of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-K)27, the Korean
                                            Version of Blessed Dementia Scale-Activity of Daily Living (BDS-ADL-K)28, and Clinical Dementia Rating Scale

          Scientific Reports |   (2021) 11:10174 |               https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-89521-9                                                      2


                                  (CDR)24 were then administered to each patient at baseline. Patients with KESS score ≥ 12 were further evaluated
                                  to determine whether they would have any primary sleep disorder except insomnia disorder by a psychiatrist
                                  through a clinical interview. When these questionnaires were compared between the two groups, there was no
                                  significant difference in scores of KESS or PSQI, the distribution of insomnia type, or the duration of insomnia.

                                  Outcome measures. Assessments of outcome measures were conducted at T0, T1, and T2. Assessments for AD
                                  patients included measures of subjective sleep quality using PSQI, cognitive functions using the MMSE in the
                                  Korean Version of CERAD Packet (MMSE-KC), Trail Making Test (TMT-A), Digit Span Test Forward (DSF),
                                  and Digit Span Test Backward (DSB), mood using the Korean Version of the Cornell Scale for Depression in
                                  Dementia (CSDD-K), Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)-Global Vgor (GV) and VAS-Global Affect (GA), and behav-
                                  ior symptoms using the Korean Version of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (severity) (KNPI-Qs).
                                  Objective sleep was also assessed using sleep parameters from actigraphy (Actiwatch 2; Philips Respironics,
                                  Murrysville PA, USA) recording along with sleep diary. Caregiver burden was measured using the Korean Ver-
                                  sion of Zarit Burden Interview(ZBI-K)29 and Korean Version of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire
                                  (distress) (KNPI-Qd)30.

                                  Actigraphical measures. The enrolled patients were made to wear the wrist actigraphy for 5 consecutive days
                                  from the start of T0, T1 and T2, respectively. Actiwatch recording was done at one-min epochs using wake-
                                  threshold value of 40 activity counts that would give the best compromise between detecting sleep and wake in
                                  terms of sensitivity and specificity compared to p   ­ olysomnography31. Actigraphy data were derived with Acti-
                                  ware-Sleep Software (version 6.0.2, Philips Respironics, Murrysville, PA, USA). Quality assessment was per-
                                  formed for actigraphy data prior to analysis. Invalid actigraphy data were excluded due to problems such as
                                  technical errors of actiwatch software and fairly deviated sleep–wake patterns caused by special events or alcohol
                                  drinking. Data without movement and/or light signal for 1 h or more were treated as missing data. When com-
                                  pliance with wearing the actiwatch was problematic (i.e., no movement or light signal for 4 h/day or more), data
                                  for those days were discarded. Objective nocturnal sleep parameters were calculated based on the sleep period
                                  from light off to light on according to their sleep diaries. Sleep parameters included time in bed (TIB), total sleep
                                  time (TST), sleep onset (SO), sleep onset latency (SOL), wake time after sleep onset (WASO), sleep efficiency
                                  (SE), and fragmentation index.

                                  Saliva melatonin assay. Participants were not allowed to take chocolate, bananas, aspirin, or analgesics on the
                                  day of the saliva melatonin assay. They were asked to visit our research laboratory, 1 h before the starting time
                                  of the saliva melatonin assay. During the saliva melatonin assay, they were made to remain where light intensity
                                  remains in dim light (~ 15 lx). If necessary, they were allowed to stay with their caregiver during the saliva mela-
                                  tonin assay. Seven hourly saliva samples were obtained starting from 6 h prior to sleep onset measured by actig-
                                  raphy at baseline. Salivary samples were collected by the passive drool method, in which the participant allows
                                  saliva to pool in their mouth and then drools (rather than spits) through a straw into the collection tube. Each
                                  time a quantity of saliva was collected less than 2 ml. Samples were then stored in a − 20° freezer until shipped
                                  for ­analysis32. A commercially available Direct Saliva Melatonin ELISA Assay Kit (Bühlmann Laboratories AG,
                                  Switzerland) was used for the salivary melatonin assay process, assay process, according to the procedure based
                                  in the ­manual33. The assay procedure follows the basic principle of a competitive ELISA whereby there is compe-
                                  tition between a biotinylated and a non-biotinylated antigen for a fixed number of biotinylated antigens bound
                                  to the antibody is inversely proportional to the analyte concentration of the ­sample32. Analytical sensitivity was
                                  0.3 pg/mL32. The DLMOs were determined as a threshold calculated at 2 SD above the average baseline samples.
                                  There was one case as a low secretor. For its melatonin values were ranged from 1.6 to 2.3 pg/ml, we could not
                                  determine the DLMO. Thus, we assumed the DLMO as the half hour after the last sample time. Two representa-
                                  tive salivary melatonin profiles collected under the dim light conditions in our AD patients are given in Fig. 1.

                                  Timed BLT. Timed BLT was administered via a Litebook treatment device with 60 light-emitting-diodes (LEDs)
                                  (Litebook Edge, 136 mm × 73 mm × 16 mm; Litebook Company Ltd., Alberta, Canada). The spectral energy dis-
                                  tributions of light emitted by the device are shown in Fig. 2A. The 60 LEDs employed in this Litebook model
                                  contain emitters which have a spectral emission peak at approximately 464 nm and fluorescent phosphors which
                                  provide a broader, secondary spectral peak near 564 nm: of the energy emitted over the range 400–700 nm,
                                  about 48% is emitted over the range 420–508, and 37% is emitted over the range 512–616 nm. Collectively the
                                  emitted light appears white. Participants were instructed to sit about 60 cm way from the light device positioned
                                  on the table. Participants were allowed to do other activities such as reading or listening to music within 2 feet of
                                  the light source during the LT. Controls kept wearing blue-attenuating glasses during timed BLT. Percentage of
                                  light transmitted through the blue-attenuating glasses (Lightguard Hazelnut; Cocoons Live Eyewear Company,
                                  CA, USA) has been given in Fig. 2B. The transmittance of wavelengths from 410 up to 510 nm through the
                                  blue-attenuating glasses appears less than 10%. The transmittance of all the other wavelengths also is attenuated
                                  wearing the glasses, ranging between about 10 and 30%. We measured the illuminance level delivered from the
                                  device at a distance of 60 cm using a light meter (Testo 545; Testo SE & Co., PA, USA). Its illuminance levels
                                  were approximately 30 lx at the eyes without the glasses, and approximately 10 lx with the glasses. Caregivers
                                  were required to assist their patients during the timed LT and monitor their compliance to the intervention. The
                                  adherence to our protocol on the timing and duration of the timed LT was evaluated three times over the 2-week
                                  intervention by our research coordinator through phone interviews that were conducted on the first, 7th and
                                  14th day of the intervention. There were a few patients with habitual wake time which is 1 h or more later than
                                  their scheduled LT time based on DLMO. In such cases, we made them wake up 30 min. or 1 h earlier than their

Scientific Reports |   (2021) 11:10174 |               https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-89521-9                                                    3


                                            Figure 1.  Representative salivary melatonin profiles collected under the dim light conditions in our AD
                                            patients. Dim light melatonin onset (DLMO)s were determined as a threshold calculated at 2 SD above the
                                            average baseline samples. In the presented AD patients, the DLMO was 20:01 (A) and 21:04 (B), respectively.

                                            Figure 2.  The spectral energy distributions of light emitted by the blue enriched white light treatment device
                                            (A) and the percentage of light transmitted through blue-attenuating glasses (B).

                                            habitual wake time. In addition, unwanted effects including dry eye, headache, nausea, hypomanic episode, irri-
                                            tability, and restlessness after beginning the timed LT were monitored through the phone interviews. Although
                                            two patients (one in each TG and CG) were made to receive the LT for at least 30 min because they had difficulty
                                            in maintaining the LT for 1 h daily due to lack of compliance, they were included in our analysis. However, there
                                            were three patients in the TG and one patient in the CG who dropped out due to behavioral disturbances during
                                            the LT, and they were excluded in our analysis.

                                            Measures. Questionnaires of outcome measures. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI)25. The PSQI is an
                                            instrument to measure sleep quality in clinical populations and PSQI global scores derived by summing seven
                                            component scores ranged from 0 to 21. A patient with a global score above 5 was considered to have sleep dis-

                                            Korean Version of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (KNPI‑Q)30. The severity score of the KNPI-
                                            Q (KNPI-Q severity, range 0–36) was used to assess the severity of a patient’s behavioral symptoms. The Neu-
                                            ropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (NPI-Q) was a caregiver-based questionnaire measuring the presence
                                            and severity of 12 neuropsychiatric symptoms during the preceding month for patients with dementia (NPI-Q
                                            severity) as well as caregiver distress (NPI-Q distress).

                                            Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)34. Subjective activation and mood were assessed by administering eight items
                                            in visual analogue scale (VAS), in which responses were indicated along 100-mm lines. Eight of these items
                                            included Global Vigor and Affect (GVA) visual analog scales validated by M    ­ onk34. The GVA has been shown to
                                            be sensitive to sleep ­loss35 and circadian ­variation36. GVA was calculated as follows:

          Scientific Reports |   (2021) 11:10174 |               https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-89521-9                                                   4


                                                                         TG                          CG                      p-value
                                   Age (years)                           77.36 ± 5.79                78.55 ± 7.71            0.664
                                   Gender (M:F)                          2:12                        5:6                     0.085
                                   Education (years)                     5.14 ± 3.82                 5.82 ± 4.00             0.671
                                   ADL                                   3.61 ± 1.67                 4.55 ± 1.59             0.167
                                   CDR (0.5:1:2)                         7:5:2                       5:5:1                   0.856
                                   GDS-K                                 11.64 ± 7.37                10.18 ± 7.61            0.632
                                   MMSE-KC                               16.36 ± 5.09                16.90 ± 4.91            0.949
                                   DLMO                                  19.70 ± 1.69                20.21 ± 0.96            0.359
                                   Start time of LT (h:m)                05:40 ± 1:09 (n = 9)        05:57 ± 0:48 (n = 5)    0.650

                                  Table 1.  Baseline characteristics in the TG (N = 14) and CG (N = 11). Independent-t test or ­X2 test, Data are
                                  shown as Mean ± SD or Ratio. TG treatment group, CG control group, ADL activities of daily living, CDR
                                  Clinical Dementia Rating, GDS-K Korean version of the Geriatric Depression Scale, MMSE-KC MMSE in the
                                  Korean version of CERAD Packet, DLMO Dim light melatonin onset, LT light treatment.

                                                            Global vigor (GV) = (alert) + 300 − sleepy − (effort) − weary 4;
                                                            Global affect (GA) = happy + (calm) + 200 − (sad) − (tense) 4.

                                  Korean version of the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia (CSDD‑K)37. The CSDD-K was a 19-item
                                  tool designed to rate symptoms of depression for those with dementia. It had a cutoff score of 7 for depression
                                  in AD patients.

                                  Caregiver burden questionnaires. Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI‑K)29. Caregiver burden was measured using
                                  the ZBI-K which contained two subscales—one measuring psychological distress (termed Personal Strain, com-
                                  prising 12 items), one measuring the impact of caregiving (termed Role Strain, comprising six items).

                                  Korean Version of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (KNPI‑Q)30. The distress score of the KNPI-
                                  Q (KNPI-Q distress, range 0–60) was used to assess the level of caregiver distress for behavioral symptoms in
                                  patients with dementia during the preceding month.

                                  Statistical analysis. Demographic data, clinical data, sleep characteristics, and objective sleep parameters
                                  at baseline were compared between TG and CG using Chi-square test for categorical variables and independent
                                  t-test for continuous variables as appropriate. Data of outcome variables measured at three time points were
                                  collected, and they were compared using paired t-tests (T0 vs. T1; T0 vs. T2) in the TG and CG, respectively.
                                  Considering that some patients did not have complete dataset across three time points, generalized estimating
                                  equations analyses (GEE) were performed to examine associations between timed BLT and changes of outcome
                                  variables across three time points (T0, T1, T2). Normal as the distribution and Identity as the link function were
                                  used to estimate 95% confidence intervals. The model was fitted assuming an exchangeable correlation structure
                                  with robust standard errors. The main effects of group and time, and the interaction of Group × Time were ana-
                                  lyzed with GEE. Outcome variables were being treated as a continuous variable in the GEE models.
                                      All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software package, version 18.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
                                  USA). Two-sided p values of less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.

                                  Demographics data and baseline clinical characteristics. There was no significant difference in
                                  demographic data (including age, gender ratio, education level) or in clinical characteristics (including scores of
                                  ADL, GDS-K, and MMSE-KC, distribution of CDR scores) between TG and CG (Table 1).

                                  Changes in outcome variables across three time points. Means ± standard deviation of outcome
                                  variables for TG and CG at each time point (T0, T1, and T2) are shown in Tables 2 and 3. Significant results from
                                  paired t-test are presented on Fig. 3. In paired t-tests on the PSQI score, the TG showed its significant decrease
                                  immediately post-treatment and at 4-week follow-up of the LT, compared to those at baseline (p < 0.01). In
                                  paired t-tests on the ZBI-K score, the TG showed its significant decrease at 4-week follow-up of the LT (p < 0.05),
                                  and the CG did its significant decrease immediately post-treatment (p < 0.01).

                                  Generalized estimating equations (GEE) models for changes of outcome variables. GEE mod-
                                  els were used to estimate changes of outcome variables at T1 and T2 with respect to T0 and differences in
                                  changes of those variables between TG and CG (Table 4).
                                      Regarding subjective sleep quality, there was no significant main effect of time on PSQI scores at either T1
                                  or T2 with respect to T0. However, there was a significant group-by-time interaction on PSQI scores at T2 with
                                  respect to T0, indicating that a reduction of PSQI score from baseline to 4-week follow-up of the LT in TG was

Scientific Reports |   (2021) 11:10174 |                     https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-89521-9                                             5


                                                                TG              CG
                                                                Mean (SD)       Mean (SD)
                                             Subjective sleep
                                              T0                11.36 ± 4.57     11.00 ± 3.71
                                              T1                 6.71 ± 4.25      9.36 ± 4.78
                                              T2                 5.79 ± 4.44      9.27 ± 4.45
                                             Objective sleep
                                             SO (h:m)
                                              T0                21:54 ± 1.56     22:00 ± 1.42
                                              T1                21:51 ± 1.51     22:21 ± 1.44
                                              T2                21:52 ± 1.28     22:17 ± 1.33
                                             MST (h:m)
                                              T0                02:17 ± 1.08     02:00 ± 1.19
                                              T1                02:13 ± 0.97     01:54 ± 1.65
                                              T2                01:39 ± 2.09     02:01 ± 0.83
                                             SOL (min)
                                              T0                22.20 ± 17.12    25.80 ± 26.30
                                              T1                16.92 ± 12.38    34.25 ± 25.60
                                              T2                14.88 ± 10.72    23.89 ± 19.24
                                             TST (h:m)
                                              T0                07:13 ± 2.16     05:55 ± 1.34
                                              T1                07:25 ± 1.06     05:12 ± 1.66
                                              T2                07:24 ± 1.76     05:14 ± 1.35
                                             SE (%)
                                              T0                78.69 ± 11.75    70.16 ± 7.28
                                              T1                83.43 ± 6.19     67.42 ± 14.45
                                              T2                80.81 ± 11.67    67.26 ± 12.36
                                             WASO (min)
                                              T0                60.30 ± 35.07    86.89 ± 26.07
                                              T1                54.29 ± 26.98    80.27 ± 30.84
                                              T2                60.68 ± 34.03   100.38 ± 47.46
                                              T0                35.64 ± 14.79    47.93 ± 9.66
                                              T1                32.53 ± 12.25    50.91 ± 19.40
                                              T2                38.54 ± 19.02    47.25 ± 18.46

                                            Table 2.  Changes in subjective and objective sleep variables across three time points in the TG (N = 14)
                                            and CG (N = 11). T0 baseline, T1 immediate post-treatment, T2 4 weeks after the end of the 2 weeks of light
                                            treatment, PSQI Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, SO sleep onset, MST Mid-sleep time, SOL sleep onset latency,
                                            TST total sleep time, SE sleep efficiency, WASO wake after sleep onset, FI fragmentation index.

                                            significantly greater than that in CG (OR: 0.02, p = 0.026). Regarding objective sleep, there was no significant
                                            main effect of time on objective sleep parameters at either T1 or T2 with respect to T0 while there was significant
                                            main effect of group on SE, WASO and FI (p < 0.05 or 0.01). There was no significant group-by-time interaction
                                            on objective sleep parameters, indicating no significant effect of timed BLT on TG or CG. Regarding cognitive
                                            functions, there was a significant main effect of time on MMSE-KC scores at T2 with respect to T0 (OR: 9.10,
                                            p = 0.018), indicating a significant change of MMSE-KC score from baseline to 4-week follow-up of the LT.
                                            Regarding mood and behavior symptoms, there was no significant main effect of time on scores of CSDD-K,
                                            VAS-GV, VAS-GA, or KNPI-Q(s) at either T1 or T2 with respect to T0. There was no significant group-by-time
                                            interaction on these scores either, indicating no significant effect of timed BLT on TG or CG. Regarding caregiver
                                            burden, there was a significant main effect of time on ZBI-K scores at T2 with respect to T0 (OR ≤ 0.01, p = 0.018),
                                            indicating a significant change in ZBI-K score from baseline to 4-week follow-up of the LT.

                                            The objective of this study was to determine whether timed BLT could improve sleep, cognition, mood, and
                                            behavior symptoms of home-dwelling patients with mild and moderate degree of AD and whether it could
                                            relieve the burden of their caregivers as a consequence of improving these outcomes. In a single-blind, placebo-
                                            controlled study with a between-within design, it was hypothesized that timed BLT could beneficially improve
                                            these outcome measurements in AD patients more than timed blue-attenuating LT as a control condition. It was

          Scientific Reports |   (2021) 11:10174 |                   https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-89521-9                                               6


                                                        TG               CG
                                                        Mean (SD)        Mean (SD)
                                   Cognitive function
                                    T0                  16.36 ± 5.09     16.90 ± 4.91
                                    T1                  17.64 ± 5.68     17.91 ± 5.09
                                    T2                  17.14 ± 4.92 `   18.36 ± 5.43
                                   TMT-A (min)
                                    T0                  152.90 ± 63.45   98.67 ± 37.22
                                    T1                  142.25 ± 43.87   130.14 ± 85.13
                                    T2                  136.63 ± 59.98   86.33 ± 31.69
                                    T0                  6.36 ± 2.64      7.40 ± 2.59
                                    T1                  6.64 ± 2.73      7.30 ± 2.91
                                    T2                  5.57 ± 2.77      7.50 ± 2.80
                                    T0                  3.36 ± 2.53      4.30 ± 2.00
                                    T1                  4.43 ± 2.28      4.70 ± 2.11
                                    T2                  3.43 ± 2.28      4.60 ± 2.50
                                   Mood and behavior
                                    T0                  8.07 ± 6.03      10.00 ± 6.59
                                    T1                  5.50 ± 4.54      10.18 ± 7.68
                                    T2                  5.07 ± 3.89      8.09 ± 5.49
                                    T0                  73.16 ± 11.03    74.68 ± 2.88
                                    T1                  76.23 ± 1.36     75.55 ± 2.2
                                    T2                  75.37 ± 2.61     75.28 ± 2.52
                                    T0                  52.94 ± 1.51     52.98 ± 1.64
                                    T1                  52.20 ± 2.13     51.95 ± 2.62
                                    T2                  52.75 ± 1.56     52.51 ± 1.95
                                    T0                  8.29 ± 6.37      10.91 ± 5.28
                                    T1                  5.86 ± 5.96      9.18 ± 5.96
                                    T2                  5.58 ± 5.29      8.27 ± 7.09
                                   Caregiver burden
                                    T0                  30.46 ± 15.68    36.36 ± 17.00
                                    T1                  26.31 ± 15.82    31.55 ± 18.01
                                    T2                  21.38 ± 12.35    36.18 ± 17.39
                                    T0                  9.62 ± 10.40     12.55 ± 6.44
                                    T1                  6.08 ± 7.84      12.45 ± 9.18
                                    T2                  5.85 ± 6.53      10.36 ± 10.07

                                  Table 3.  Changes in cognition, mood and behavior across three time points in the TG (N = 14) and CG
                                  (N = 11). T0 baseline, T1 immediate post-treatment, T2 4 weeks after the end of the 2 weeks of light treatment,
                                  MMSE-KC MMSE in the Korean version of CERAD Packet, TMT-A trail making test-A, DSF digit span
                                  test forward, DSB digit span test backward, CSDD-K Korean version of the Cornell Scale for Depression in
                                  Dementia, VAS-GV visual analogue scale for global vigor, VAS-GA visual analogue scale for global affect,
                                  KNPI-Q(s) Korean Version of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (severity), ZBI-K Korean version
                                  of Zarit Burden Interview, KNPI-Q(d) Korean Version of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire

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                                            Figure 3.  Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) (A) and Korean version of Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI-K)
                                            (B) scores before and after timed blue enriched white light treatment in the treatment group (TG) (N = 14) and
                                            control group (CG) (N = 11). T0 baseline, T1 immediate post-treatment, T2 4 weeks after the end of the 2 weeks
                                            of light treatment. The mean scores for the PSQI and ZBI-K at T1 and T2 were compared to those at T0. The
                                            plots indicate mean ± SEM, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 (paired t-test).

                                            also hypothesized that changes in these outcomes immediate post-treatment and at 4-week follow-up of the LT
                                            compared to baseline would depend on timed light interventions.
                                                We found significantly better effectiveness of timed BLT on subjective sleep quality, measured by PSQI scores
                                            in comparison with that of timed blue-attenuating LT (OR: 0.02, p = 0.026). However, there was no significant
                                            change in PSQI scores after timed light interventions compared to those at baseline (Table 4). In subsequent
                                            analyses, we also found that PSQI scores in TG were significantly reduced at both immediate post-treatment and
                                            4-week follow-up of the LT compared to those at baseline (paired t-test, p < 0.01), but not in CG (Fig. 3A). Our
                                            findings may indicate that timed BLT has immediate and lasting effects on subjective sleep quality in patients
                                            with mild and moderate AD. However, only this lasting effect was superior to that of timed blue-attenuating LT.
                                            These inconsistent findings regarding the immediate and lasting effects on subjective sleep quality could reflect
                                            likelihood of type 2 errors that might be due to the relatively small sample size. Our findings were similar to those
                                            of Sloane et al.2, who showed that PSQI component scores of sleep efficiency were improved after the intervention
                                            using a blue-white light box (15 × 15 cm) in home-dwelling patients, although they did not find a differential effect
                                            between blue-white light and a red-yellow light as control intervention. Figueiro et al.16,38 have also observed
                                            a significant decrease in PSQI global score after the light intervention in institutionalized AD patients using a
                                            blue-white light fixture (24 × 7 × 7.5 inches). Simultaneously, t­ hey16 showed that PSQI scores were still lower at
                                            4 weeks after the lighting intervention, suggesting its lasting effect on subjective sleep quality. The effect of light
                                            intervention on subjective sleep would be different depending on the size of applied light boxes. Meanwhile, life-
                                            style regularity (i.e., regular sleep–wake habits, regular exercise) itself may function as a zeitgeber. It can improve
                                            sleep ­quality39. Thus, our finding may result from a consequence of regularity in their wake times obtained over

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                                                                           Time effects                       Interaction effects
                                                        Group effects      From T0 to T1    From T0 to T2     From T0 to T1    From T0 to T2
                                   Outcome variables    OR         p       OR       p       OR        p       OR       p       OR       p
                                   Subjective sleep
                                   PSQI                 1.14       0.820   0.20     0.078   0.18      0.114   0.05     0.056   0.02*    .026
                                   Objective sleep
                                   SO                   0.91       0.869   1.41     0.339   1.47      0.443   0.69     0.392   0.66     0.440
                                   MST                  1.32       0.530   0.90     0.726   1.01      0.771   0.99     0.986   0.49     0.255
                                   SOL                  0.03       0.684   > 10     0.376   0.53      0.935   < 0.01   0.180   < 0.01   0.480
                                   TST                  3.66       0.055   0.48     0.066   0.48      0.088   1.98     0.155   2.49     0.062
                                   SE                   > 10*      .024    0.07     0.489   0.03      0.277   > 10     0.122   > 10     0.187
                                   WASO                 < 0.01*    .023    < 0.01   0.594   > 10      0.389   > 10     0.775   < 0.01   0.453
                                   FI                   < 0.01**   .009    > 10     0.637   0.69      0.956   < 0.01   0.516   > 10     0.670
                                   Cognitive function
                                   MMSE-KC              1.22       0.921   5.78     0.054   9.10*     .018    0.63     0.696   0.24     0.199
                                   TMT-A                > 10       0.078   > 10     0.326   < 0.01    0.466   < 0.01   0.340   > 10     0.883
                                   DSF                  0.35       0.313   0.91     0.873   1.11      0.896   1.47     0.658   0.41     0.407
                                   DSB                  0.39       0.287   1.49     0.548   1.35      0.665   0.72     0.669   0.80     0.788
                                   Mood and behavior
                                   CSDD-K                                  1.20     0.915   0.15      0.292   0.06     0.215   0.34     0.646
                                   VAS-GV               0.23       0.627   2.37     0.074   1.83      0.311   9.58     0.431   5.28     0.550
                                   VAS-GA               1.06       0.923   0.36     0.163   0.63      0.323   1.47     0.669   1.33     0.649
                                   KNPI-Q(s)                               0.18     0.218   0.07      0.054   0.50     0.752   0.93     0.970
                                   Caregiver burden
                                   ZBI-K                < 0.01     0.359   0.02     0.068   < 0.01*   .018    0.52     0.802   < 0.01   0.081
                                   KNPI-Q(d)            0.03       0.280   0.03     0.187   0.02      0.180   > 10     0.286   4.89     0.657

                                  Table 4.  GEE models for the changes of outcome variables before and after the timed light treatments.
                                  T0 = baseline, T1 = immediate post-treatment, T2 = 4 weeks after the end of the 2 weeks of light treatment.
                                  [T0] as reference for the Time effects; [CG] and [T0] as reference for the Interaction effects. GEE generalized
                                  estimating equations, OR odd ratio, TG treatment group, CG control group, PSQI Pittsburgh Sleep Quality
                                  Index, SO sleep onset, MST Mid-sleep time, SOL Sleep onset latency, TST Total sleep time, SE Sleep efficiency,
                                  WASO Wake after sleep onset, FI Fragmentation index, MMSE-KC MMSE in the Korean version of CERAD
                                  Packet, TMT-A Trail making test-A, DSF Digit span test forward, DSB Digit span test backward, CSDD-K
                                  Korean version of the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia, VAS-GV Visual analogue scale for global
                                  vigor, VAS-GA Visual analogue scale for global affect, KNPI-Q(s) Korean Version of the Neuropsychiatric
                                  Inventory Questionnaire (severity), ZBI-K Korean version of Zarit Burden Interview, KNPI-Q(d) Korean
                                  Version of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire (distress). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.

                                  consecutive 2 weeks of LT, suggesting a coexisting possibility that short wavelength light can help AD patients
                                  keep a good sleep quality. Given our light intervention based on individual circadian phase, their improved
                                  sleep quality after the timed BLT should be considered in relation to its phase-shifting effects on the circadian
                                  system. Thus, further studies are required to investigate the relationship between the changes in circadian phase
                                  and those in sleep quality after the timed BLT in those patients. Only three of our patients had later DLMOs
                                  than the healthy older subjects in a previous s­ tudy40. In that study the DLMOs ranged from 17.4 to 21.6 h. The
                                  three latest DLMOs in our patients were 21.7, 22.0 and 22.1 h. Thus, the DLMOs in our AD patients were not
                                  unusually late. Results of previous studies on the effectiveness of LT, regardless of its lighting source (i.e., blue or
                                  bright light) or dementia severity, on objective sleep of dementia patients have been inconsistent. Figueiro et al.16
                                  using a blue-white light fixture have found improvements in TST and SE measured by actigraphy in mostly severe
                                  patients (MMSE score of 7.7 ± 2.3). However, Sloane et al.2 using a blue-white light box have shown no effect of
                                  blue-white light intervention on sleep parameters of home-dwelling patients (MMSE score of 12.7 ± 9.1). In the
                                  same vein, bright LT increased sleep duration of AD patients in a long-term study by McCurry et al.41 using a
                                  broad spectrum fluorescent light box, but not in other ­studies3,9. These inconsistent findings suggest that setting
                                  the timing of LT without considering individual circadian phase might be inappropriate. Although there was
                                  no significant change in objective sleep outcomes after timed light interventions compared to those at baseline,
                                  we found a trend in effectiveness of timed BLT on TST at 4-week follow-up of the LT with respect to baseline in
                                  comparison with that of timed blue-attenuating LT (OR: 2.49, p = 0.062), indicating a beneficial delayed effect of
                                  timed BLT on objective sleep duration (Table 4). Otherwise, it has been suggested that long-term light exposure
                                  can provide a stabilizing effect on the circadian system, leading to sleep ­consolidation7,12,42. Thus, small or non-
                                  significant changes of objective sleep parameters in our study might be somewhat linked to the duration of LT

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                                             because 2 weeks might be relatively short. Nevertheless, since this is the first study that determines LT timing
                                             based on individual circadian phase, our findings need to be verified by further studies.
                                                  We found no differential effectiveness of timed BLT on MMSE-KC, TMT-A, DSF, or DSB scores in compari-
                                             son with that of timed blue-attenuating LT. However, there was a significant increase in MMSE-KC score at the
                                             4-week follow-up after timed light intervention compared to that at baseline (time effect, OR: 9.10, p = 0.018),
                                             together with a tendency of increase in its score at immediate post-treatment (time effect, OR: 5.78, p = 0.054)
                                             (Table 4). Our findings suggest that timed light intervention itself regardless of the presence of short wavelength
                                             light can improve global cognitive function of the AD patients, having a lasting effect. Conflicting findings have
                                             been found in previous studies regarding the effectiveness of LT on cognitive function in dementia ­patients3,12.
                                             Such conflicting results are attributable to heterogeneity in study populations, especially for those with insti-
                                             tutionalized setting. Given the response to light can vary according to the type of ­dementia17, our findings for
                                             a homogenous group of AD patients would be distinct from those of previous studies. A study has shown that
                                             exposure to the most blue enriched light source the most blue enriched white light source among 3 different
                                             lights was most effective in enhancing cognitive performance for the tasks of sustained a­ ttention43. It has been
                                             known that blue light has an impact on cognitive performance via both its alerting effect and circadian phase-
                                             shifting ­effect42. A recent functional magnetic resonance imaging study implicates that these effects of blue light
                                             might modify the activity of brain areas, especially those involved in sustained ­attention44 rather than executive
                                             function. However, we found no evidence of an effect of timed BLT on the domains of attention and executive
                                             function measured by DST and TMT, respectively. Particularly, the performance of these cognitive domains is
                                             more likely to be affected by the time of the d­ ay45,46. In our study, three-time evaluations required for each cog-
                                             nitive test were not done at a certain time of the day. Thus, the time of the day effect on cognitive performance
                                             might have affected our non-significant finding.
                                                  In mood symptoms, we found no differential effectiveness of timed BLT on CSDD-K or VAS scores in
                                             comparison with that of timed blue-attenuating LT. There were no significant changes in scores of those scales
                                             after timed light interventions either (Table 4). Somewhat differently from our findings, in a recent study by
                                             Figueiro et al.36, a lighting intervention tailored to maximally affect the circadian system showed the signifi-
                                             cantly improved CSDD scores compared to the baseline. Likewise, S­ loane2 has shown significant improvements
                                            in depressive symptoms measured by the CSDD scores after a blue-white light intervention in home-dwelling
                                            dementia patients, although they have failed to find significantly superior effect on symptoms in comparison
                                            with the control condition. Given that CSDD-K cut-off score of 7 has been identified for depression in AD
                                            ­patients37, our TG showing a mean score of 8 might indicate a relatively low degree of their depressive symptoms.
                                             Thus, we need to consider the possibility of its floor effect for TG which might have contributed to our non-
                                             significant finding of depressive symptoms. Another possibility is that mood symptoms of our patients might
                                             not be sensitively reflected using VAS, since VAS is useful for assessing a change in diurnal mood rather than
                                             mood symptom i­ tself33. Neuropsychiatric symptoms such as aggressiveness, agitation, and disorganized behavior
                                             seem to be more frequent in advanced stage of dementia than in its earlier ­stage47. However, in previous stud-
                                             ies using broad spectrum fluorescent light boxes for severe AD patients, only non-significant or small changes
                                             were found in their neuropsychiatric behavior symptoms after L       ­ T3,12,48. We found that there was a tendency of
                                             reduction in KNPI-Q(S) scores at 4-week follow-up after timed light interventions compared to those at baseline
                                             (time effect, OR: 0.07, p = 0.054), though it did not reach statistical significance (Table 4). Taken together, our
                                             finding might only reflect responses of neuropsychiatric symptoms to LT in our study subjects with relatively
                                             earlier stage of dementia.
                                                  In the aspect of caregiver burden, we found no differential effectiveness of timed BLT on ZBI-K scores
                                             in comparison with that of timed blue-attenuating LT. However, there were significant reductions in ZBI-K
                                             scores at 4-week follow-up after timed light interventions compared to those at baseline (time effect, OR < 0.01,
                                            p = 0.018), indicating a delayed effect of timed LT regardless of its lighting source on caregiver burden (Table 4).
                                            In subsequent paired t-tests, we found that ZBI-K scores in TG were significantly reduced at 4-week follow-up
                                            of the LT compared to those at baseline (p < 0.05), while its scores in CG were significantly reduced immediate
                                            post-treatment (p < 0.01) (Fig. 3B). Given the significant decrease of ZBI-K scores at 4-week follow-up of the
                                            LT observed only in the TG, it is likely to have a delayed effect of timed BLT on caregiver burden. On the other
                                            hand, Sloane et al.2 have shown that there are no differential effects of blue-white light intervention on ZBI scores
                                             in comparison with control intervention, although scores of role strain in ZBI are significantly reduced during
                                             intervention relative to baseline. In our study, differently from the finding on ZBI-K, there were no significant
                                             changes in KNPI-Q(d) scores reported by caregivers either immediate post-treatment or at 4-week follow-up
                                             after timed light interventions. Neuropsychiatric symptoms would exhibit a prominent feature in advanced stage
                                             of ­dementia47. Given the nature of our study subjects, the extent of behavior symptoms in our AD patients might
                                             not have been severe enough to considerably distress their caregiver.
                                                  To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate effects of timed blue-enriched white light
                                             treatment given based on individual circadian phase on outcomes of subjective and objective sleep, cognitive
                                             function, mood, and behavioral symptoms of home-dwelling patients with mild and moderate AD. Our study
                                             has some limitations. Firstly, in order to verify the hypothesis that timed BLT would have a therapeutic effect
                                             by stabilizing circadian rhythms, changes of DLMO before and after timed BLT should be estimated. However,
                                             DLMO assessment after LT could not be done due to a limited tolerability of our AD patients. Secondly, we
                                             should have controlled the time of day effect on the performance of cognitive tests. Together, we might have
                                             applied cognitive tests that are more sensitive to blue-enriched white light exposure, i.e., psychomotor a­ bility43.
                                             Thirdly, since the accuracy of timed LT on assigned time could influence its outcomes, its adherence should have
                                             been monitored in an objective way, not by depending on only caregiver’s report. Lastly, our portable light box
                                             can easily be accidentally moved and point away from the eyes. Despite these limitations, our study suggests

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                                  that timed BLT for 2 weeks could improve subjective sleep quality and global cognitive function of outpatients
                                  with mild and moderate AD.
                                      In conclusion, our findings give an evidence that timed BLT could affect both subjective and objective sleep
                                  in patients with mild and moderate AD, showing its lasting effect in reducing PSQI scores and its delayed effect
                                  in increasing TST in a placebo-controlled study. Our findings also implicate that global cognitive function and
                                  behavioral symptoms of AD patients could be improved by timed light interventions. Therefore, our study sug-
                                  gests that timed BLT based on individual circadian phase may provide a therapeutic rationale for enhancing
                                  sleep quality and cognitive performance of AD patients in clinical setting.

                                  Received: 8 July 2020; Accepted: 18 February 2021

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                                            This study was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea
                                            (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (2017R1A2B4003493), and 2016 Research
                                            Grant from Kangwon National University (No. 520160249). We thank participants and their caregivers in
                                            Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea. Conflict of interest statement. None declared. The authors would like to thank
                                            Professor Chang Gi Park (Research Assistant Professor/Senior Biostatistician, University of Illinois at Chicago,
                                            College of Nursing) for providing valuable comments on statistical analysis of the present study.

                                            Author contributions
                                            K.S.J. conducted the subject recruitment, writing of manuscript and data analysis; S.H.L. conducted the sub-
                                            ject recruitment and data collection; I.B.S. conducted the data analysis; J.J. and J.H.J. conducted the subject
                                            recruitment and clinical assessment; J.H.L. contributed to the conceptualization and designing of study, project
                                            administration and supervision of writing. All authors reviewed the manuscript.

                                            Competing interests
                                            The authors declare no competing interests.

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                                            Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.H.L.
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          Scientific Reports |   (2021) 11:10174 |                   https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-89521-9                                                                     12

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