Prince of Peace Catholic Church - 1171 NE Sand Hill Rd, Belfair, WA 98528 (360) 275-8760 - - LPi

Page created by Brad James
Prince of Peace Catholic Church - 1171 NE Sand Hill Rd, Belfair, WA 98528 (360) 275-8760 - - LPi
Prince of Peace Catholic Church
               1171 NE Sand Hill Rd, Belfair, WA 98528
                 (360) 275-8760 -

    January 9, 2022 - Baptism of the Lord / El Bautismo de Nuestro Señor
Prince of Peace Catholic Church - 1171 NE Sand Hill Rd, Belfair, WA 98528 (360) 275-8760 - - LPi
Prince of Peace Mission Statement
                                                                           Diverse as we are, imbued by the Gospel Spirit and
                                                                           centered at the Eucharist, we are a welcoming and
                                                                           caring community, providing for spiritual and human
                                                                             social development both at home and beyond.

Pastor                   Senior Priest                        Baptismal Preparation: To make arrangements to attend baptis-
Fr. Phuong V. Hoang      Fr. Ronald H. Belisle                mal preparation class please call the Parish Office.
Deacon                                                        Sacramental Preparation: To sign up for First Reconciliation,
John Ricciardi:                      First Eucharist or Confirmation classes, please contact the Parish
                                                              Office. These classes require 2 years of preparation.
Pastoral Associate for Administration:                        Sacrament of Reconciliation: Individual confessions on Thurs-
Kurt Lawrence:                             day after 10 AM Mass or by appointment.
Assistant Pastoral Associate for Administration and           Marriage Preparation: Pease contact the office 6 months prior to
Financial/Contribution Questions:                             anticipated wedding date before making other arrangements.
Sarah McLellan:
                                                              Care of the Sick and Anointing: Communal anointing of the sick
Receptionists:                     is scheduled on the First Thursday of the month at the 10:00 AM
Gloria Rosario (AM)                                           Mass. Individual anointing by the pastor or home visits by Extraor-
Juana Serrato-Salazar (PM)                                    dinary Ministers of Holy Communion can be arranged through the
                                                              Parish Office. In case of an emergency concerning death or
Faith Formation:
                                                              dying please call (360) 876-2762 Ext #1.
Director: Michael Zosel:
Youth Minister: Position Open                                 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): Initiation into the
Assistant: Annie Kudrna:                  Catholic faith is a gradual process that takes place within the com-
                                                              munity of the faithful. To learn more about this spiritual journey
Hispanic Ministry:
                                                              contact the Parish Office.
Coordinator: Ramiro Gaspar:
Assistant: Mateo Santiago:                Bulletin Submissions: All bulletin submissions should be given to
                                                              the Parish Office in writing/email no later than Thursday at noon 2
                                                              weeks before you want the article to be run.
Director: Maureen Jacobs:
Pianist: Peggy Maurer                                         New Parishioners/Registration: Are you new to the parish? If so,
                                                              Welcome! Registration forms can be found in the back of the
                                                              Church. Completed forms can be mailed or dropped off at the Par-
Bruce Cliber
                                                              ish Office or placed in the collection basket.
Domingo Fernando Nolasco
                                                              Moving? If you recently moved or are planning on moving, please
Volunteer Coordinators:
                                                              don’t forget to update your address and contact information here at
Finance Council: Tony Peredo
                                                              the parish.
Pastoral Council: Kurt Lawrence
Liturgy Committee: Andrea Newcomer
Ushers: Don Roe & John Skelton
                                                                        You can give online for all stewardship and
St. Monica’s Guild: MaryHamilton Worm & Angie Kramer             special collections:
Knights of Columbus: Roy Harrington, Grand Knight
                                                                                     Mass Schedule
Office Hours:
Monday          12:00 PM - 5:00 PM                            Thursday (Jueves) at 10:00 AM
Tuesday         Closed                                        Saturday (Sabado) at 4:30 PM in English
Wednesday       9:00 AM - 1:00 PM                             Sunday (Domingo) at 9:30 AM in English,
Thursday        9:00 AM - 1:00 PM                                          11:30 AM & 1:00PM in Spanish.
Friday          9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Contact Information:
                                                                                    Our Sister Parish
Prince of Peace Phone: (360) 275-8760 Fax: (360) 275-0742                  St. Gabriel - Port Orchard, WA
St. Gabriel Phone:     (360) 876-2762 Fax: (360) 228-7008                    Parish Office: (360) 876-2762

Page 2                     January 9, 2022 - Baptism of the Lord / El Bautismo de Nuestro Señor
Prince of Peace Catholic Church - 1171 NE Sand Hill Rd, Belfair, WA 98528 (360) 275-8760 - - LPi
Dear Parishioners:
                         ---The Feast of Jesus’ Baptism is the theme for this weekend Masses. With this Feast, we are officially ended the
                         Christmas Season and it will lead us to the beginning of the Ordinary Time in the Liturgical Year. Through Jesus’
                         baptism by John in the muddy waters of the Jordan, Jesus opens for us the possibility of accepting our human con-
                         dition and of connecting with God. Jesus accepts the human condition and this includes: suffering and death. Jesus’
                         baptism by John in the Jordan identifies him deeply with the people he has come to redeem.
                     This is the first brief part of the Ordinary Time (January 10th - March 1st); then it resumes again (June 6th - Novem-
ber 26th)after the great seasons of Lent and Easter. The Ordinary Time is the period of time that we live out the Mystery that we have
celebrated (Emmanuel - God’s with us) and also anticipate the Mystery of the fullness of Christ’s action - The Life, Death and Resurrec-
---The Feast of Jesus’ Baptism also reminds us of our own Baptism and how we share this gift to others through the Church. Our High
School aged young men and women also begin a process of “completing” their own Christian Initiation that their parents have started
for them since their birth with the Sacrament of Baptism and later on with the Sacrament of Eucharist in anticipating the Sacrament of
Confirmation where they will speak of their total acceptance and commitments to live the Christian way of life. Please pray for our young
people in the preparation stages for this important Sacraments.
---Next weekend January 15th & 16th, there will be an opportunity for our parish to know about the joy and happiness that many people had
and continue to experience through the help of C.C.S. (Catholic Community Services) as a whole in the U. S. and through the local of-
fice here in Kitsap County (please see the Newsletter insert in bulletin) was able to make a different in people’s lives here locally. Please
consider giving generously for this great cause as we continue to recognize the needs of many unfortunate people in our local area.
---May the Joy of having celebrated “Christmas - the Mystery of the Incarnation” and empowerment of the Sacrament of Baptism,
completed in the Initiation process, send all of us into the “living out” the gift of our Faith, in the Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ.
Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang

                          Rachel’s Corner
              Hope and Healing After Abortion
                         “He reveals deep and hidden things and knows what is
                         in the darkness, for the light dwells with him.” - Dan-
                         iel 2: 22

                     Have you been hiding your shame and regret                                       Prepares News for December
                     in a deep and dark place within, hoping no one
                     would ever know? God knows. He wants to                          St. Gabriel/Prince of Peace Prepares Boutique is OPEN to SHOP-
help you be free of that burden and discover merciful forgiveness.                    PERS!
Call for a compassionate, confidential conversation.                                  Prepares has been approved to open the Boutique following
                                                                                      COVID protocol/masks and hand sanitizer. During the month of
 Rincón de Raquel                      Sanando el dolor del aborto                    December, St. Gabriel/Prince of Peace Prepares Ministry served
                                                                                      10 families (7 returning and 3 new) and 17 children (14 returning
"Él revela los misterios y los secretos, conoce lo que ocultan las tinieblas. Donde   and 3 new). Prepares provided 17 packages of diapers, 10 pack-
está Él, está la luz." - Daniel 2, 22                                                 ages of wipes and numerous other parenting items. These parent-
¿Ha estado guardando en un lugar profundo y oscuro dentro de su
                                                                                      ing items included: baby shampoo, diaper rash cream, clothing,
ser, su vergüenza y arrepentimiento de haber participado en una                       toys, blankets, and books. Prepares distributed 168 parenting
decisión de aborto, esperando que nadie se diera cuenta? Dios lo                      items!!
sabe. Él quiere ayudarle a liberarse de esa carga y que pueda descu-
brir el perdón misericordioso.
                                                                                      We are located in the Faith Formation Wing of St. Gabriel on Mon-
                                                                                      days (except when the church is closed) from 11:00 AM-12:00 PM.
English: (206) 920-6413 / Español: (206)-450-7814                                     ANY family with children conception to 5 years old is eligible to
Email Visit us at                             receive FREE parenting items! Our volunteers are anticipating
projectrachel or                                    serving YOU!
     Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services.
             You are loved with an everlasting Love!
                ¡Con amor eterno te he amado!

Page 3                             January 9, 2022 - Baptism of the Lord / El Bautismo de Nuestro Señor
Prince of Peace Catholic Church - 1171 NE Sand Hill Rd, Belfair, WA 98528 (360) 275-8760 - - LPi
Readings for the week of January 9th                                  Las lecturas de la semana del 9 de Enero
Sunday, January 9                                                     Domingo, 9 de Enero
Is 42: 1-4, 6-7; Ps 29: 1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10; Acts 10: 34-38;            Is 42, 1-4. 6-7; Sal 28, 1-2. 3-4. 3. 9-10; Hch 10, 34-38;
Lk 3: 15-16, 21-22                                                    Lc 3, 15-16. 21-22
Monday, January 10                                                    Lunes, 10 de Enero
1 Sm 1: 1-8; Ps 116: 12-13, 14-17, 18-19; Mk 1: 14-20                 1 Sm 1, 1-8; Sal 115, 12-13. 14-17. 18-19; Mc 1, 14-20
Tuesday, January 11                                                   Martes, 11 de Enero
1 Sm 1: 9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8; Mk 1: 21-28                      1 Sm 1, 9-20; 1 Sm 2, 1. 4-5. 6-7. 8; Mc 1, 21-28
Wednesday, January 12                                                 Miércoles, 12 de Enero
1 Sm 3: 1-10, 19-20; Ps 40: 2 and 5, 7-8a, 8b-9, 10; Mk 1: 29-39      1 Sm 3, 1-10. 19-20; Sal 39, 2 y 5. 7-8. 8-9. 10; Mc 1, 29-39
Thursday, January 13                                                  Jueves, 13 de Enero
1 Sm 4: 1-11; Ps 44: 10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mk 1: 40-45                 1 Sm 4, 1-11; Sal 43, 10-11. 14-15. 24-25; Mc 1, 40-45
Friday, January 14                                                    Viernes, 14 de Enero
1 Sm 8: 4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89: 16-17, 18-19; Mk 2: 1-12                  1 Sm 8, 4-7. 10-22; Sal 88, 16-17. 18-19; Mc 2, 1-12
Saturday, January 15                                                  Sábado, 15 de Enero
1 Sm 9: 1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21: 2-3, 4-5, 6-7; Mk 2: 13-17          1 Sm 9, 1-4. 17-19; 10, 1; Sal 20, 2-3. 4-5. 6-7; Mc 2, 13-17
Sunday, January 16                                                    Domingo, 16 de Enero
Is 62: 1-5; Ps 96: 1-2, 2-3, 7-8, 9-10; 1 Cor 12: 4-11; Jn 2: 1-11    Is 62, 1-5; Sal 95, 1-2. 2-3. 7-8. 9-10; 1 Co 12, 4-11; Jn 2, 1-11

                  Remember in Your Prayers                                              Recuerda en tus oraciones
Pope Francis’ January Intention: For true human fraternity.           La intención de enero del Papa Francisco: Por una verdadera
We pray for all those suffering from religious discrimination and     fraternidad humana. Oramos por todos aquellos que sufren dis-
persecution; may their own rights and dignity be recognized, which    criminación y persecución religiosa; que se reconozcan sus pro-
originate from being brothers and sisters in the human family.        pios derechos y dignidad, que se originan en ser hermanos y her-
                                                                      manas en la familia humana.
General Prayers: Parishioners awaiting test results, those
residing at Retsil, medical facilities & at retirement centers, the    Oraciones generales: oren por: los feligreses que esperan los
home-bound, imprisoned, unemployed, and for our military loved        resultados de las pruebas, los que residen en Retsil, las instala-
ones in service around the world.                                     ciones médicas y los centros de jubilación, los que están en el
                                                                      hogar, los encarcelados, los desempleados y por nuestros seres
Prayers for the Sick: In your kindness and charity towards others,
                                                                      queridos militares en servicio en todo el mundo.
please pray for IdaMarie Harrington, Al LeMay, Ronald Leya,
Lourdes San Nicolas, and the sick of our parish.                      Oraciones por los enfermos: En su amabilidad y caridad hacia
                                                                      los demas oremos por IdaMarie Harrington, Al LeMay, Ronald
Prayers for the Deceased: For all those who have died especially
                                                                      Leya, Lourdes San Nicolas, y los enfermos de nuestra parroquia.
Margaret Abbott (10/22), Don Evans (12/14), Jocelyn Hermoso
Gille (11/27), Diane Love, Jane Meyers (12/2), Dana Neff (10/23),     Oraciones por los fallecidos: por todos los que han muerto, es-
Marissa Quichocho, and Carol Stenson (12/5). May God grant            pecialmente Margaret Abbott (10/22), Don Evans (12/14), Jocelyn
them the joy of eternal life and peace for their families.            Hermoso Gille (11/27), Diane Love, Jane Meyers (12/2), Dana Neff
                                                                      (10/23), Marissa Quichocho, y Carol Stenson (12/5). Que Dios les
Please notify the parish office at to
                                                                      conceda la alegría de la vida eterna y la paz para sus familias.
have names added on our prayer lists. Names will remain on the
list during the month they are submitted.                             Por favor notifique a la oficina parroquial en
                                                             para que se agreguen nombres en
                                                                      nuestras listas de oracion.

Page 4                        January 9, 2022 - Baptism of the Lord / El Bautismo de Nuestro Señor
Prince of Peace Catholic Church - 1171 NE Sand Hill Rd, Belfair, WA 98528 (360) 275-8760 - - LPi
Week Ahead Prince of Peace                                            Week Ahead St. Gabriel
Semana por Delante Príncipe de la Paz                                  Semana por Delante San Gabriel
         Sunday, January 9                                                 Sunday, January 9
         8:30 AM Prayer of The Office with Fr. Belisle                     8:00 AM Mass
         9:30 AM Mass                                                      9:30 AM RCIC
         10:30 AM 1st Communion Prep (English & Spanish)                   9:30 AM Faith Formation
         11:30 AM Mass (Spanish)                                           11:00 AM Mass
         1:00 PM Mass (Spanish)                                            6:30 PM Confirmation Class
         1:00 PM RCIA for children
                                                                           Monday, January 10
         Monday, January 10                                                10:00 AM Bible Study Group
         5:30 PM Knights of Columbus Rosary via Zoom                       11:00 AM Prepares Boutique
         6:00 PM Knights of Columbus Meeting via Zoom                      12:30 PM Paraclete Prayer Group
         6:00 PM Youth Group (Hispanic)
                                                                           Tuesday, January 11
         6:00 PM Cora la Creación Practica
                                                                           11:00 AM Mass
         Tuesday, January 11                                               12:00 PM St. Anthony’s Guild Meeting
         6:30 PM Catequista reunión                                        6:30 PM RCIA Class
         7:00 PM Maria Auxiliadora
                                                                           Wednesday, January 12
         Wednesday, January 12                                             11:00 AM Mass
         4:00 PM Choir Rehearsal                                           1:30 PM Mass at Retsil Veterans’ Home
         6:00 PM Youth Group (Hispanic)
                                                                           Thursday, January 13
         Thursday, January 13                                              7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Meeting
         10:00 AM Mass
                                                                           Friday, January 14
         11:00 AM Faith Sharing
                                                                           11:00 AM Mass
         Friday, January 14
                                                                           Saturday, January 15
         6:00 PM 6:00 PM Youth Group (Hispanic)                            CCS Appeal for the Poor
         7:00 PM Jóvenes Adultos San Pedro                                 6:00 PM Confession
         Saturday, January 15                                              6:30 PM Mass
         CCS Appeal for the Poor
                                                                           Sunday, January 16
         4:30 PM Mass                                                      CCS Appeal for the Poor
         6:00 PM Sagrado Corazón de Jesús                                  8:00 AM Mass
         Sunday, January 16                                                11:00 AM Mass
         CCS Appeal for the Poor
         8:30 AM Prayer of The Office
         9:30 AM Mass
         11:30 AM Mass (Spanish)
         1:00 PM Mass (Spanish)
         1:00 PM RCIA for Children

                                                                         Campaña de servicios comunitarios católicos
   Catholic Community Services Appeal for the Poor                                    para los pobres
Next weekend we support Catholic Community Services (CCS)          El próximo fin de semana apoyaremos a Catholic Community Ser-
and their Appeal for the Poor. Catholic Community Services and     vices (CCS) y su Campaña para los Pobres. Los Servicios Co-
Catholic Housing Services provide care for our poorest and most    munitarios Católicos y los Servicios de Vivienda Católicos brindan
vulnerable neighbors.                                              atención a nuestros vecinos más pobres y vulnerables. Gracias a
                                                                   quienes ya han hecho tan generosamente donaciones a CCS. Sus
Thank you to those who have already so generously made dona-
                                                                   obsequios se utilizan localmente para proporcionar servicios y
tions to CCS. Your gifts are used locally to provide essential
                                                                   programas esenciales para personas que lo necesitan
services and programs for people desperately in need. As good
                                                                   desesperadamente. Como buenos administradores de sus
stewards of your gifts, 92 cents of every dollar CCS spends goes
                                                                   donaciones, 92 centavos de cada dólar que CCS gasta se destina
directly to serve those in need. Please visit their website at
                                                                   directamente a ayudar a los necesitados. Visite su sitio web en for more information or to donate online.
                                                          para obtener más información o para donar en
Page 5                        January 9, 2022 - Baptism of the Lord / El Bautismo de Nuestro Señor
Prince of Peace Catholic Church - 1171 NE Sand Hill Rd, Belfair, WA 98528 (360) 275-8760 - - LPi
Stewardship / Mayordomía
     Stewardship of Treasure / Mayordomía del Tesoro                                                        Stewardship of Treasure
                Through January 3, 2022
                                                                                      THANK YOU to the 35 families, as of January 4th, that have re-
              Stewardship:                          $   3,110                         turned their pledge cards.
              Loose Cash:                           $       0
              Total Year To Date Offerings:         $ 140,875                         Each pledge is only an estimate of what you plan to give next year.
              YTD Budget:                           $ 86,623                          We understand that circumstances change: loss of employment,
              Over Budget:                          $ 54,252                          moving, medical expenses, etc. and these pledges are non-
                                                                                      binding. If difficulty arises please reach out to us here at the
              Holy Days:                            $     3,707                       Church so that we can support you and pray for you.
              Year to Date:                         $     6,725
                                                                                      We are grateful to all of our faithful pledgers and look forward to
              Building Fund:                        $         0                       gaining the support of all of our parishioners as we strive to be-
              Year to Date:                         $       548                       come faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.
              Good Samaritan:                       $         0                       If you have any questions about the Stewardship of Treasure
              Year to Date:                         $     3,645                       Campaign please email me at or (360) 205-
              Utility Fund:                         $         0
              Year to Date:                         $       139                                             Year End Tax Statements
              Scholarship Fund:                     $         0                       Year end donation statements will be mailed out the week of Janu-
              Year to Date:                         $       175                       ary 24th showing 2021 donations to the Parish. If you have any
Thank you for your faithful Stewardship and your generous heart.                      questions regarding your statement or did not receive one, please
    Gracias por su fiel Mayordomía y su generoso corazón.                             contact me at or (360) 202-8142.

      Reflexiones Del Boletín De Corresponsabilidad                                                         Weekly Bible Reflections
“Juan les respondió, ‘Yo bautizo con agua; pero ya viene el que es                    “John answered them all, ‘I baptize you with water; but he who is
más poderoso …él los bautizará con el Espíritu Santo...” (LUCAS                       mightier than I is coming…he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit...
3, 16)                                                                                ’” (LUKE 3: 16)
El Catecismo Católico establece que “la inmersión de Jesús en el                      The Catholic Catechism states that “Jesus’ immersion in the water
agua es una señal para todos los seres humanos de la necesidad                        is a sign for all human beings of the need to die to themselves to
de morir para cumplir la voluntad de Dios”. En otras palabras,                        do God’s will.” In other words, as baptized Catholics there is only
como Católicos bautizados solo necesitamos darle un don a Jesús                       one gift that we need to give to Jesus – the gift of ourselves. Sur-
- el don de nosotros mismos. Ríndete ante Dios, coloca tu confi-                      render yourself to God, place your trust in Him and allow the Holy
anza en Él y permite al Espíritu Santo trabajar a través de ti para                   Spirit to work through you for the greater glory of God.
la mayor gloria de Dios.                                                    

                                             Faith Formation / Formación de Fe
                                                        FORMED. The Catholic Faith. On Demand.
Did you know you can get thousands of catholic movies, programs, audio, and books instantly. Watch, listen and read. Anywhere. Any-
time. Formed provides a trusted and engaging entertainment alternative in support of a Catholic lifestyle.
                                                        FORMADO. La fe católica. Bajo demanda.
¿Sabías que puedes obtener miles de películas, programas, audio y libros católicos al instante? Mira, escucha y lee. En cualquier parte.
En cualquier momento. Formed ofrece una alternativa de entretenimiento confiable y atractiva en apoyo de un estilo de vida católico.

Did you know you can create a one-time or recurring online                                    ¿Sabía que puede crear una donación en línea única o
donation to our parish? Need more information? Visit                                          recurrente a nuestra parroquia? ¿Necesitas más infor-                                                         mación? Visita

Page 6                            January 9, 2022 - Baptism of the Lord / El Bautismo de Nuestro Señor
Prince of Peace Catholic Church - 1171 NE Sand Hill Rd, Belfair, WA 98528 (360) 275-8760 - - LPi
News & Information / Noticias e información
                         Mass Intentions                                                   Advertiser of the week
Can we pray for you? Mass intentions refer to the particular pur-                  Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic School
pose for which a specific Mass is offered. This may be to honor                      Catholic Schools Week begins January 30th
God or thank him for blessings received. But technically a Mass          Please patronize the businesses advertised on the back page of
intention means that the sacrifice is offered for some person(s)         this bulletin. Tell them you saw their ad here.
living or dead. Please submit your prayer intention to the Parish
Office.                                                                                            Volunteers needed at both parishes
                        Intenciones Misa
                                                                                                Come share your talents. We need Sacris-
¿Podemos orar por ti? Las intenciones de masa se refieren al                                    tans, Homebound Ministers, Altar Servers,
propósito particular para el cual se ofrece una misa específica.                                Lectors, and so much more. Please contact
Esto puede ser para honrar a Dios o agradecerle por las bendicio-                               the Parish Office for more information.
nes recibidas. Pero técnicamente una intención de misa significa
que el sacrificio se ofrece por alguna persona (s) viva (s) viva (s) o
muerta. Por favor, envíe su intención de oración a La Oficina Pa-               Santo de la Semana: Ejemplos de Nuestra Fe
rroquial.                                                                           San Hilario de Poitiers | 13 de Enero
          Saint of the Week: Examples of Our Faith                       Nacido pagano, San Hilario (c. 315 – c. 367) estudió filosofía y el
             St. Hilary of Poitiers | January 13th                       significado de la vida, y finalmente se abrió camino a través de la
                                                                         Biblia. Se convirtió en converso y fue nombrado obispo de Poitiers
Born a pagan, St. Hilary (c. 315 – c. 367) studied philosophy and        en 353. A veces conocido como el Martillo de los Arrianos, San
the meaning of life, eventually making his way                                                Hilario defendió el Credo de Nicea contra una
through the bible. He became a convert and                                                    herejía popular, el arrianismo. Fue exiliado a
was appointed bishop of Poitiers in 353. Some-                                                Frigia por oponerse al emperador romano
times referred to as the Hammer of the Arians,                                                Constancio II, quien prefería la herejía que nie-
St. Hilary defended the Nicene Creed against a                                                ga la divinidad de Cristo. Desde Phyrgia St.
popular heresy, Arianism. He was exiled to                                                    Hilary luchó con su pluma, escribiendo celosa-
Phrygia for opposing Roman emperor Constan-                                                   mente contra la herejía.
tius II, who preferred the heresy which denies
Christ’s divinity. From Phyrgia St. Hilary fought                                            Finalmente se le permitió regresar a Poitiers,
with his pen, zealously writing against the here-                                            pero lo hizo por una ruta tortuosa, predicando
sy.                                                                                          contra el arrianismo todo el camino. San Hilario
                                                                                             fue probablemente el primer escritor de himnos
Eventually he was allowed to return to Poitiers,                                             en Occidente, sus escritos sobre la Trinidad,
but did so by a circuitous route, preaching against Arianism all the     los Salmos y el Evangelio de Mateo sobreviven hoy en día. San
way. St. Hilary was likely the first writer of hymns in the West, his    Hilario fue creado Doctor de la Iglesia, un título dado a aquellos
writings on the Trinity, Psalms and Gospel of Matthew survive to-        que proporcionaron importantes contribuciones a la teología y la
day. St. Hilary was created Doctor of the Church, a title given to       doctrina, en 1851 por el Papa Pío IX.
those who provided important contributions to theology and doc-                                                                            ©LPi
trine, in 1851 by Pope Pius IX.
                                                                  ©LPi                    Healing Mass
                                                                         On January 20, 2022, Holy Trinity Church will
                                                                         be having a Healing Mass at 7:00 PM.
                                                                         If you would like more information, please call
                                                                         the Parish Office at (360) 377-7674.

                                                                                                             Martin Luther King, Jr. Mass
                                                                                                                     January 17th at
                                                                                                                    Seattle University
                                                                                                            Join Bishop Eusebio Elizondo,
                           Mass for Life                                                                    M.SP.S., Presider, as he offers
         livestreamed on Facebook @ArchdioceseofSeattle                                                     11:00 AM Mass at Seattle Uni-
                      January 22nd at 8:00 AM                                                               versity’s St. Ignatius Chapel 901
                                                                                                            12th Avenue , Seattle, WA
Page 7                       January 9, 2022 - Baptism of the Lord / El Bautismo de Nuestro Señor
Prince of Peace Catholic Church - 1171 NE Sand Hill Rd, Belfair, WA 98528 (360) 275-8760 - - LPi
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             (800) 950-9952 x2501

		                                            For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •         St. Gabriel, Port Orchard, WA                    A 4C 05-1239
Prince of Peace Catholic Church - 1171 NE Sand Hill Rd, Belfair, WA 98528 (360) 275-8760 - - LPi Prince of Peace Catholic Church - 1171 NE Sand Hill Rd, Belfair, WA 98528 (360) 275-8760 - - LPi
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