Process analysis Paving the way towards a superior customer experience - Deloitte

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Process analysis Paving the way towards a superior customer experience - Deloitte
Process analysis
Paving the way towards a superior
customer experience
Process analysis Paving the way towards a superior customer experience - Deloitte
Deloitte | Process analysis

This document outlines how banks
can leverage process analysis and
process mining techniques to swiftly
identify areas of improvement and
work towards becoming a
customer-centric organization.
Process analysis Paving the way towards a superior customer experience - Deloitte
Deloitte | Process analysis


Introduction          Disruption in the
                      Financial Services

Process analysis: A   Project examples
stepping-stone for

Process analysis Paving the way towards a superior customer experience - Deloitte
Deloitte | Process analysis

Banks around the world are embarking        This document sheds light on selected key
on a transformation journey to balance      approaches used by Deloitte to identify
between cost optimization and customer      key pain-points and understand process
experience.                                 inefficiencies, thus enabling banks to
                                            simplify processes, eliminate waste and
With a focus on meeting emerging            strive for continuous improvement to
customer needs, particularly after recent   meet customer expectations and maintain
disruptions and challenges caused by the    business profitability.
COVID-19 pandemic, banks are looking at
thoroughly analyzing their processes to
unearth direct and indirect improvement

Process analysis Paving the way towards a superior customer experience - Deloitte
Deloitte | Process analysis

Disruption in the
Financial Services

Process analysis Paving the way towards a superior customer experience - Deloitte
Deloitte | Process analysis

Disruption in the Financial Services
Today, banks are faced with numerous            Figure 1: Country-by-country comparison of customer segments
challenges resulting from evolving
customer expectations, growing
                                                                18%                            32%                                             51%
competition related to digital banking,
                                                United Kingdom
increased pressure to reduce cost,
                                                            13%                                     40%                                        46%
and most recently, major world-wide
disruptions related to the COVID-19                               20%                                      38%                                 42%
pandemic. Such challenges have forced           Australia
banks to adopt new strategies to remain                        17%                                           45%                               38%
innovative and deliver new service              Mexico
offerings that transform the customer                                  24%                                       41%                           35%
journey to meet their expectations. To          Norway
cater for this transformation, process                   12%                                                     53%                           35%
improvement approaches, that are holistic       Spain
                                                                              31%                                      40%                     29%
and agile, are crucial to adapt to changes in
customer needs, to face the competition,
                                                                     21%                                                 53%                   26%
and to help banks reduce their costs,
improve the customer experience and
                                                     11%                                                                 63%                   26%
tackle market changes.
                                                                             28%                                         47%                   25%
In the following sections, we will highlight    France
4 key challenges faced by banks today that                                            41%                                35%                   25%
can be tackled through end-to-end process       United States
improvement methodologies.                                                           38%                                     39%               23%
1. Evolving customer trends                                       21%                                                        56%               23%

In order to provide customers with optimal      Germany
                                                                               32%                                             47%             22%
experience, banks should place the
customer at the heart of their business
                                                                  21%                                                          58%             21%
by implementing customer-centric
approaches.                                                                         35%                                            47%         18%
To understand the latter, research                                                                                       75%             17%   7%
conducted by the Deloitte US Center for
Financial Services in May 2019, querying          Traditionalists          Online embracers      Digital adventurers

17,100 banking customers in 17 countries,       Note: Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.
showcased the following distinction             Source: Deloitte Center for Financial Services analysis.
between customer preferences across 17
key countries.

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Online Embracers and Digital Adventurers         Although the frequency of digital channel                    traditional channels over digital channels
(Figure 1), who are more digitally engaged       usage is a positive sign, it is important to                 for complex and advisory services. For
with their banks and prefer online and           make the distinction between the quantity                    instance, in order to get a personal loan,
mobile apps to conduct banking services          versus the quality of the interactions.                      61% of customers chose ‘visiting the bank
respectively, represent around 70% of            In fact, the survey showed that digital                      branch’ as a preferred channel. This trend
most countries’ populations. On the              channels are mostly limited to informal                      also applies to the process of applying for
other hand, Traditionalists, who prefer          and transactional services such as                           new products, especially loans that require
to do most of their banking in branches,         transferring money, checking account                         multiple verification and documentation
represent less than 30% of the customers         balances and updating account details                        steps.
across most countries. This shows that           (Figure 3). Many customers still prefer
it is more likely that bank customers are
                                                 Figure 3: Most respondents prefer traditional channels to handle complex or advisory services
heading toward a path where they would
                                                 Channels where respondents go to buy new products
conduct most of their transactions via
digital channels whilst expecting a superior     Transactional products
                                                 Checking account
customer experience that integrates                                                                         54% 4%                                30%             12%
the benefits of digital and physical             Savings account
environments for banking.                                                                                   54% 5%                                    30%         11%
Similarly, figure 2 shows how customer-          Debit card
                                                                                                   49%       6%                                   33%             12%
bank interactions are continuously
changing over time with a 30% increase in        Lending products
digital channel usage from 2013 to 2020          Credit card
                                                                                             44%       7%                                             38%         11%
(which was already the main used channel
                                                 Personal loan
as opposed to physical consultation and                                                                           61%    6%                            25%         8%
transactions).                                   Mortgage/mortgage refinance
                                                                                                                              69%    6%                     19%    6%
Figure 2: Average monthly banking channel
usage per 100 customers                            Bank branch            Contact center            Online banking              Mobile banking app
                                                 Source: Deloitte Center for Financial Services analysis.

         118               87
                                                 Figure 4: Respondents used mobile and online channels most frequently
                          106            98
                                                 Bank branch                                                                                                      2%
                                         56               14%                                                                       61%                      21% 3%

         1170                                              14%                                   33%                                            38%         9%     6%
                                                 Contact center                                                                                                    2%
                                                                    22%                                                                           67%             8%
                                                 Online banking
                                                              18%                   18%                                 29%           13%                         22%

         2020            2016           2013     Mobile banking app
                                                                            29%                 18%                      21%              11%                     22%

  Digital channel        Physical consultation
                                                   Never           Less than once a month              2-5 times per month
  Physical transaction
                                                   6-9 times per month             10 or more times per month
Source: Deloitte France Survey, April 2020.
                                                 Source: Deloitte Center for Financial Services analysis.

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Deloitte | Process analysis

2. Increased Competition for high-tech           personalized services that reinvent the          Further, with the continuous change in
services                                         customer experience and attract new              customer preferences, competition from
Customer expectations for digital services       customers from all segments. Digital             Fintech startups and changing regulations,
are continuously being shaped by superior        banks are capable of rolling out new and         banks in the Middle East have also
experiences provided by tech giants such         enhanced money management, savings,              been forced to innovate through digital
as Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon.           investment and lending products, at much         platforms. In particular, banks in the United
Such companies set the bar high for digital      lower costs than their traditional rivals. Top   Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, and
experiences and therefore customers              tier banks have worked hard to keep pace         other GCC countries including Bahrain are
expect similar experiences from their            with their own investments in Fintech, app-      emerging as leading their transformation
financial services providers. While digitally    based banking and acquisitions; however,         by undertaking numerous digital banking
savvy millennials are responsible for the        to compete on efficiency or experience           initiatives and producing real-time digital
enhanced service expectations, it is by no       they will need to embrace a transformation       solutions to meet their customers’ banking
means restricted to them. The widespread         journey in which they either replace             needs.
use of digital technologies across various       their legacy systems or adopt massive
industries has led the different generations     simplification supported with intelligent        A major step towards transforming the
to adopt these digital trends, therefore         automation to complement their legacy            financial services industry in the region is
making it imperative for banks to be on top      systems.                                         open banking, which would enable greater
of their digital service delivery.                                                                transparency and inclusivity through open

“Singapore-based Bank, OCBC, has
                                                 A major step towards                             data. Bahrain is the first in the region
                                                                                                  to adopt open banking regulations, and
started allowing voice-based commands            transforming the financial                       Saudi Arabia is moving more aggressively
for iPhone users, enabling them to do
basic transactions such as checking bank
                                                 services industry in the                         towards similar regulations within the
                                                                                                  next two years. According to research
accounts, credit card details and making         region is open banking,                          by Finastra in June 2020, 88% of UAE
e-payments via Apple’s virtual assistant
Siri. The transactions are authenticated
                                                 which would enable                               banks expect to enable open banking
                                                                                                  and open API capabilities in the next 12
using biometrics such as facial-recognition      greater transparency and                         months. Other examples of Middle East
and fingerprints, thus providing a great
customer experience”
                                                 inclusivity through open                         banks embracing digitization trends are as
Banks previously used to personalize
customer interactions through the                “NatWest, one of the leading UK banks,
branches; however, as digital banking            launched “Mettle”, an innovative digital
has become more popular, banks had               platform that allows small and medium
to identify other means to maintain that         size enterprises to open a business current
personal touch. With the use of predictive       account in minutes, forecast their business      United Arab Emirates
analytics, artificial intelligence and machine   performance, create invoices from their          Emirates NBD launched Liv., a digital
learning, they will increasingly personalize     mobile phone and provide reminders for           banking proposition for millennials; Abu
their offering for customers.                    chasing payments.”                               Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB) partnered
                                                                                                  with Fidor Bank to launch the Middle
“Standard Chartered Bank has an                  Challenger banks, often starting from            East’s first community-based digital bank,
interactive, location-enabled mobile             scratch, have been able to base their            Commercial Bank of Dubai launched
application that prompts users with real-        services on powerful, predictive and secure      CBD NOW, also targeting millennials and
time and personalized offers from nearby         ecosystems that cloud-based technologies         digitally connected customers with a
retailers”                                       offer. This has left traditional banks at a      mobile proposition, and Mashreq Bank
                                                 significant competitive disadvantage due to      launched Mashreq Neo, its full-service
Today, top tier banks are competing with         their owned IT infrastructure, data centers,     digital bank. Emirates NBD recently
“challenger banks” which operate on full         legacy hardware maintenance and costly           launched a contactless export trade
digital capacity and focus on delivering         payrolls.                                        collections capability – a new digital feature

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Deloitte | Process analysis

that will support smartTRADE clients with         customers, with instant credit transfers,
business continuity through the COVID-19          e-invoicing and billing, real-time payment
pandemic. Emirates NBD’s smartTRADE               acknowledgement, remittances, bulk
clients can access smartCollections from          payments and peer-to-peer money
the safety of their homes or offices, to          transfers.
submit an export collections request.
Documents can be safely uploaded on the
                                                                                                 Emirates NBD Egypt launched a
trade finance portal, with real-time updates
                                                                                                 MasterCard World Switch Card for the
on transaction status, thus completely
                                                                                                 first time in the Middle East, enabling
avoiding the need to visit a bank counter.
                                                                                                 customers to switch from Debit to Credit
ADCB partnered with Silicon Valley’s Plug
                                                                                                 at the touch of a button embedded in the
and Play, known for connecting the best           Bahrain
technology startups with the world’s              SADAD Bahrain launched its latest
largest corporations to boost digital             technology-driven service, ‘Sadded’, a
transformation programs. The partnership          new online invoicing system that provides
                                                                                                 Banks in the Middle East are likely to
comes at an exciting time for the UAE’s           businesses and their customers with a
                                                                                                 look at more sophisticated ways in which
financial services industry when technology       convenient payment solution through
                                                                                                 costs can be managed through the use of
like artificial intelligence, robotics, machine   a secured payment channel (via SMS
                                                                                                 robotics, analytics and Fintech amongst
learning and data analytics offer many new        or email, with a URL/link to process the
opportunities.                                    payments).

                                                                                                 According to a survey conducted
                                                                                                 by YouGov that took place at GITEX
                                                                                                 Technology Week, “businesses in the
                                                                                                 GCC are expected to place a high priority
                                                                                                 on customer experience in 2020”, with
                                                                                                 80% of respondents depicting customer
                                                                                                 experience as “very important”.
Saudi Arabia                                      The Central Bank of Jordan launched a
Al Rajhi Bank and Samba Bank launched             bill payment service “eFAWATEERcom”
                                                                                                 With the recent introduction of new
digital customer onboarding experiences           available through Jordanian banks’ mobile
                                                                                                 payment processes and technologies
this year whereby banks are able to start         and internet banking platforms. With this
                                                                                                 to the financial industry along with a
new relationships with customers and              service, customers have the ability to make
                                                                                                 millennial population making one third
create current accounts while requiring           inquiries and payments to a wide range
                                                                                                 to half of the total population in the GCC
minimal customer input by using customer          of billers on the spot. Customers can also
                                                                                                 region, banks are now being pushed to
information automatically extracted               create their own profile and manage their
                                                                                                 develop strategies on where to play and
through the integration with Absher and           bills accordingly.
                                                                                                 how to adapt to the wider competition
Saudi Post. Al Rajhi Bank also launched
                                                                                                 of Fintech startups that are “expected to
the Digital Document Signature service,
                                                                                                 attract $2 billion in private funding over
which allows customers who applied for
                                                                                                 the next ten years in the Middle East
personal financing to digitally approve the
                                                                                                 region”. Banks that continue to adhere
promissory note through an electronic
                                                                                                 to traditional business models are at
platform for the Ministry of Justice (Nafith)
                                                                                                 imminent risk of becoming obsolete.
without the need to physically visit the          Lebanon
branch. Saudi Payments, a fully owned             Fransabank-Lebanon launched a biometric
subsidiary of SAMA, has teamed up                 credit card, which has an embedded
with a MasterCard company, Vocalink,              fingerprint sensor that eliminates the need
to enable instant payments between                for cardholders to rely on their pin code or
financial institutions, businesses and            signatures to complete a purchase.

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Deloitte | Evolving Technology Trends

3. Cost reduction initiatives                  Figure 5: Branch density continues to decline globally
Amid the low interest earnings, which
                                               Average number of bank branches per 100,000 adults
have persisted for a long period, as well
as the recent market and economic              60      2008 global average: 27.4 bank branches                          2016 global average:
uncertainties, banks are under constant                                                                                 22.9 bank branches
pressure to find innovative ways to            50
increase earnings and significantly reduce
cost. To achieve this, banks need the          40
right balance between short-term tactical
cost decreases, such as headcount              30

reductions, and longer-term strategic
cost initiatives, such as streamlining
processes or outsourcing certain non-
core functions without compromising the
quality of service delivered. Accordingly,      0 2008                                                             2014
                                                                2009       2010    2011      2012       2013                   2015       2016     2017
banks are re-evaluating the traditional
role of back-office operations to strive for
                                                    Australia          France        Germany            India              Japan         Netherlands
cost optimization while improving both
back-end and front-end service quality              Norway             Singapore     Switzerland        United States
and speed. The traditional function of the
back-office, which is to improve efficiency,   Source: World Development Indicators, World Bank.

will be positively impacted by technologies
such as robotic process automation             This trend is balancing the voice of the             and customer safety versus financial
(RPA) to reduce the dependency on              customer (VOC) and the voice of the                  strength and growth. ‘Work from home’
manual processes. With rapidly evolving        business (VOB) as it is bringing benefits for        policies have resulted in significant
technologies, major improvements and           both the banks and their customers; these            business resilience challenges with
efficiencies in operational processes are      include enabling banks to rid themselves             additional risks of operating as well as less
expected to lead to significant cost savings   of a significant cost, increase their                direct visibility on operational processes
for banks.                                     performance, and simplify their operations,          and performance. At the same time, the
                                               as well as preserve a high quality and               pandemic has created huge surges in
“BNY Mellon has deployed 220 bots              persistent customer experience.                      demand for mortgage or payment loan
developed by Blue Prism to handle                                                                   holidays and debt management operations
repetitive tasks such as data requests from    4. COVID-19 Accelerating Digital                     that cannot be met by increased full time
external auditors and correcting formatting    Transformation                                       equivalent (FTE) capacity. Amongst some
and data mistakes for fund transfers,          With the many challenges that 2020                   of the rapid changes that banks have
leading to $300K in annual savings”            has sprung upon our communities and                  implemented globally and in the region
                                               organizations; from decreasing bond yields,          is the evolution towards direct sales, self-
The decline in use of physical branches by     oil and equity prices and the COVID-19               service, digital advice, and digital payments.
customers and the high costs of branches       pandemic, comes a large uncertainty that
are pushing banks to take real steps           has driven banking institutions to come              Responses of banks have been particularly
towards following the trend of shrinking       up with rapid business continuity and                noteworthy with each bank prioritizing
their branch networks (see Figure 5) and       resilience measures. Banks are figuring out          their ability to help their customers get
embracing the digital era. As shown by         how to enhance the customer experience               through this difficult period; here are some
the World Bank’s graph, between 2008           through automation and the integration of            examples:
and 2016 the branch density of banks           a digital paradigm shift in their day-to-day         • Natwest in the UK launched a donation-
decreased globally from 27.4 branches          operations.                                             matching program of £5m for a National
per 100,000 adults to 22.9 branches                                                                    Emergencies trust from donations made
per 100,000 adults; representing an            With the pandemic and social distancing                 by its Reward customer scheme and paid
approximate decrease of 19.65 percent.         measures, banks are pushed to                           full salaries to staff who took time out to
                                               temporarily close branches, and are faced               look after their families.
                                               with a dilemma of prioritizing employee

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• ABN Amro in the Netherlands has                COVID-19 restrictions are pushing                          Banque Saudi Fransi (BSF) selected TCS
   offered an automatic six-month deferral        customers towards digital channels for                     BaNCS™ Global Banking Platform to
   on payments from commercial clients            services and sales (Figure 6). Radical                     provide seamless and contextual customer
   with a credit facility of up to €50 million.   changes in customer behavior have been                     experiences.
• UniCredit in Italy has put in place an         witnessed throughout; customers who
   extension of credit for imported goods of      were initially reluctant to adopt digital                  Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB) partnered
   up to 120 days to support working capital      interactions have gained more interest                     with Etisalat to launch new covered
   management.                                    and comfort in using such methods out                      cards called ADIB Smiles. Through these
• Bank of Georgia in the UK closed its           of necessity due to limited alternatives.                  cards, ADIB aims to provide savings to its
   customer service support in express            Such interactions include using contactless                members via various rewards.
   branches while keeping the self-service        cards or digital payments instead of
   terminals and ATM areas open. The              cash, and online/mobile banking and                        Oman’s Bank Nizwa has rolled-out
   bank’s main branches remain open but           investments instead of paper-based/                        additional features on its e-wallet solution
   under strict safety guidelines                 in-branch transactions. Some banks (e.g.                   to encourage contactless payments. The
• America bank in Armenia immediately            Canadian banks) have been effective in                     e-wallet is a digital extension to its Islamic
   put its business continuity program into       leveraging existing technology investments                 solutions and allows instant fund transfers.
   place when COVID-19 broke out in the           (e.g. AI, RPA) to drive responsiveness and
   country. The bank was the first in the         improve the quality and control over their                 The COVID-19 pandemic has created a
   country to offer a two-month “credit           data (e.g., to improve authentication, know                dynamic shift in customer expectations
   vacation” for its individual clients and       your customer (KYC). In addition, there                    and therefore instigated a live test to the
   for legal entities in the more vulnerable      have been enterprise-level investments                     existing digital platforms, omni-channel
   sectors to defer principal payments for        that will likely accelerate to ensure greater              functionalities and mobile capabilities.
   three to six months.                           reach and consistency of key technologies                  The exact shape of the future is still
• Center Credit Bank (BCC) in Kazakhstan         across lines of business and operating                     uncertain, and mainly depends the
   joined the response efforts as soon as         units (e.g. workforce management, digital                  severity and pattern of progression
   COVID-19 began to spike in the country.        interfaces).                                               of the pandemic. The expectation is
   The bank set up a platform so that people                                                                 that banks will continue to aggressively
   could open online accounts that allow          Further, banks in the Middle East region                   pursue technological advancement and
   them to stay at home and still receive         are partnering with technology companies                   use revamped business platforms (e.g.
   social financing support.                      to offer digital platforms and services to                 robotics, AI, analytics) partnering with
                                                  enhance the customer experience:                           various Fintech firms to transform and
In Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Arabian                In June 2020, UAE’s Mashreq Bank                           venture into the new age of digital banking.
Monetary Authority (SAMA) announced a             launched the Middle East’s first AI-powered
set of measures and guidelines for banks          digital engagement banking bot to make
to limit the negative impact of the crisis.       banking easy for Mashreq customers.
SAMA unveiled a package to allow banks
                                                  Figure 6: Multi-channel presence – electric channels are accounting for a greater share of
to defer loan payments for six months and
                                                  bank’s transcations
instructed commercial banks to support
businesses and individuals affected by
the crisis through restructuring loans                         Branches                                                          BC channel
without charges and reviewing various
fees to adjust to the drop in interest rates.
                                                               Call center                                                       Internet
SAMA also launched a serious of circulars
requesting banks to enhance different
aspects of their customer service, such as                     ATMs                                   Channels                   Digital banking
the automatic update of expired IDs and
customer addresses through integrating                         Mobile banking                                                    Phone banking
with the governmental platform to alleviate
branch workloads, as we as initiatives that
promote cashless payments.                                     Point of sale                                                   App
                                                                                              Traditional        Electronic
                                                  Source: Banking of the future: Vision 2020 | CII – Deloitte.

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Process analysis: A
stepping-stone for

Deloitte | Process analysis

Process Analysis: A stepping-stone
for transformation
With so many industry challenges                    and data-driven, place the customer at           automation to strive for operational
to contend with, banks must strive                  the heart of the transformation journey.         excellence, increase customer satisfaction
to fundamentally transform the way                  Some approaches rely more on hands-on            and drive cost reduction.
they operate through embracing new                  process analysis and improvements such
technologies and process automation                 as the Value Stream Improvement Method           Key benefits for organizations following
initiatives to maintain their competitive           (VSIM), while others rely more on process        the implementation of VSIM include the
advantage and market leadership.                    and task mining such as the Deloitte Digital     following:
From using artificial intelligence to optimize      Discovery Approach. Below we will detail         • Cost and TAT (turnaround time)
credit decisions, and automating manual             each of these two approaches as applied             reduction, as VSIM uncovers hidden
processes that previously required                  by Deloitte.                                        inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and process
human intervention, to using chatbots                                                                   wastes that can be eliminated or
for revamping the customer experience,              1. What is VSIM and how can it help                 automated
process automation is becoming a real               uncover automation opportunities?                • Streamlined and standardized processes
game changer.                                       VSIM is a flexible approach widely applied          across the organization
                                                    by Deloitte in the Financial Service             • Enhanced controls for operational risk
Before this transformation can emerge,              industry to deliver results from traditional        and regulatory compliance
an important initial step is to identify            productivity improvements to disruptive          • Enhanced quality data and transparency
processes that can be measured, analyzed            design innovation. This approach consists           as duplicate information will be
and improved.                                       of 6 phases that can be completed in 8-12           centralized in a single source of truth that
                                                    weeks and serves to identify and resolve            feeds all peripheral systems
At Deloitte, we have developed ground-              complex, hidden root-cause problems.             • 360-degree customer visibility (e.g.
breaking integrated approaches to help              The first 3 phases shed light on the                integration with other banks for credit
Financial Services customers tackle                 current state of the organization, whereas          information, governmental systems)
disruptions and create opportunities                the remaining 3 serve for designing and          • Quick wins that can be implemented with
to factually analyze performance and                implementing a sustainable model that               minimum effort and in a timely manner
identify improvement opportunities. Our             addresses the issues identified earlier.
approaches that are flexible, structured            A massive part of this model relies on

Figure 7

                      Phase 6: Sustain                                                              Phase 1: Scope
                      Ensuring the sustainment of                                                   Defining and reaching consensus on
                      performance and business                                                      the scope and the impact of the
                      improvements                                                                  business problem

                                                                   Value Stream                            Phase 2&3: Asses & Iterate
                 Phase 5: Implement                                Improvement                             Taking an agile approach to
                 Embedding the complete                               Method                               identifying and validating quick
                 solution in the business                                                                  wins to create early value and
                 problem                                                                                   engagement

                                                                                         Phase 4: Future state
                                                                                         Using digital accelerators to focus on
                                                                                         innovating a future state design and speeding
                                                                                         up implementation of the integrated solution

Deloitte | Process analysis

     Phase 1: Scope                                  Phase 2&3: Asses & Iterate

The first phase of VSIM serves to define          These two phases apply an agile and iterative approach in identifying and validating
and reach consensus on the scope and              quick wins to create early value and engagement. During these phases, it is critical to
the impact of the business problem. Banks         understand the business processes to identify barriers to efficiency, identify how value
specifically face many issues related to          is created and illustrate the capability of the process and performance against baseline
complaints management and resolution,             measures and targets.
product performance, market demand,
digital transformation, etc.                      What are the key activities performed at this phase?
                                                  •M  apping the as-is process(es) to help visualize the tasks and shed light on the
What are the key activities performed                sequence and interdependencies. Deloitte has its own IndustryPrint tool (ARIS-based)
during this phase?                                   that can be used to draw the process flows.
• Defining the problem statement and             •U  nderstanding the voice of the customer: e.g. “We need faster answers to our
   agreeing on the scope to align on the             queries”, or “the customer service representative did not have an answer to my
   objective at a very early stage: e.g. a bank      questions”; such statements highlight an issue related to response time and requires a
   could be facing an increased number of            service level agreement (SLA) to be defined as critical to quality (CTQ).
   complaints related to personal lending         •P  erforming waste analysis and ‘go-sees’. This includes performing on-floor
   and wants to enhance the related                  observations, finding out what really happens, and identifying the waste aspect of
   processes to resolve this issue.                  activities. An example would be inspecting the motion occurring while printing a loan
• Defining measurable targets and                   application at the bank branch.
   critical success factors to drive              •P  erforming pain-point identification and root-cause analysis to help understand
   accountability across the business                the actual cause of the issues and ensure that the problem is addressed rather than the
   and enable monitoring and steering of             symptom (e.g. inputting the same customer information more than once on multiple
   business processes (e.g. defining a target        systems).
   time for personal financing file approval,     •A  nalyzing data and establishing a performance baseline against CSFs and targets.
   or number of rejections).                         The analysis focuses on process effectiveness, identification of process leakage, waste
• Outlining the project governance                  and time efficiency (e.g. applications which are lost or canceled in the middle of a
   and project plan, identifying key risks,          process generate unnecessary costs).
   dependencies and key outputs.                  • I dentifying quick wins and prioritizing based on value and ease of implementation,
• Identifying the types of data expected            such as improving the template of an Excel sheet used throughout a manual process.
   to support documentation of the
   as-is process, such as user manuals,           Examples of tools used
   documented procedures, organization
   structure, charters, etc.

                                                               5 Whys                   VOC
Examples of tools used                                                                                        Activity
                                                                 and                  analysis
                                                              Fishbone                 (CTQ)

                                                                          Process                  Visual                  Waste
                        Stakeholders                                       maps                  management               analysis

         readiness            SIPOC

Deloitte | Process analysis

 Phase 4: Future state                            Phase 5: Implementation                       Phase 6: Sustain

This phase consists of designing, validating    The implementation phase embeds               This phase ensures the sustainment of
and approving the process improvements,         the complete solution to resolve the          the process and business performance,
as well as providing a clear understanding      business problem, address the business        maintaining improvement momentum and
of the impact the proposed change(s) will       change impact of the solution and close       capturing the change journey and adoption
have. During this phase, the automation         implementation gaps to ensure problem         process.
opportunities will be highlighted and           resolution.
incorporated in the to-be processes.                                                          What are the key activities performed
                                                What are the key activities performed         at this phase?
What are the key activities performed           at this phase?                                • Identifying key behaviors required to
at this phase?                                  •B  uilding a Work Breakdown Structure          maintain improvements, track process
• Defining solution requirements for             (WBS) and implementation plans and             performance and adjust improvements to
   the future state design, e.g. defining the     defining responsibilities: a deliverable-      align with the process vision.
   approval layers and rules in the approval      based WBS clearly demonstrates the          • Integrating management disciplines
   workflow related to personal financing         relationship between the initiatives           into leadership objectives.
   files.                                         and the scope (i.e. implementing a new      • Coaching stakeholders on behaviors
• Creating a future state process                simulator for car leasing system).             that instill a continuous improvement
   map according to the improvement             • I mplementing project/program                 culture.
   opportunity identified to visualize the        governance and KPIs: this activity
   automation efforts and enhancements            defines the governance structure of the     Examples of tools used
   which can be measured versus the               projects/initiatives.
   baseline metrics defined in the “Assess”     •D  eveloping and deploying training
   phase.                                         communications: a communication
• Determining the organizational impact          plan should be developed to keep all the              Revised
   of the solution as some automation             stakeholders updated with the program                                assessment
   initiatives might replace human functions      progress.
   or some processes might be eliminated:       • I dentifying and addressing gaps during
   e.g. fully automating an approval process      implementation: based on the solution               Continuous
   based on a predefined risk model might         selected and the capabilities of the                                     SOP
   lead to a severe decrease in FTE.              organization, the implementation plan                framework
• Validating benefit generation from             may vary slightly from the to-be design.
   the business case: the automation of a       •F  ormalizing benefits realization and
   specific process will enhance the quality      the business case.
   of data, reduce the required number                                                        In case the VSIM approach is not relevant
   of FTE and accordingly generate a cost       Examples of tools used                        for the context of some customers, for
   saving for the organization.                                                               example, in cases of simple processes or
• Testing/piloting the future-state                                                          pre-identified issues such as complaints
   design as an integrated solution.                                                          related to personal financing, Deloitte
   Completing a pilot on 1-2 quick wins                                  Business             can use the Rapid Improvement Event
   or processes in order to prove the                                      case               Approach (Kaizen), which can be
   benefits of the to-be phases. A popular                                                    completed in 2 weeks.
   example would be the application of RPA
   technology for repetitive tasks.                                Pilot

Examples of tools used

                 Quick wins

Deloitte | Process analysis

                              Value stream improvement method                                      Rapid improvement event

                              • Need to resolve complex issues                                     • Pilot on one process
When used                     • Root cause of the issues not known                                 • Issues are known in the process
                              • Process that involves multiple parties                             • Within the same unit

                                                                Medium - high                       Low

                                                                Medium - high                       Low - medium
Process coverage

                                                                Medium - high                       Medium
Process step

2. The alternative: Using a data-driven                 What is Deloitte Digital Discovery™?              Why do I need both task and process
approach to business process analysis                   Deloitte Digital Discovery™ tooling               mining?
Over the last few decades, IT systems                   is unique in the market in providing              To illustrate this point, we have to look at
have grown from residing in people’s                    a data-join between process and task              the definition of a task and process. One
garages to powering the world’s most                    mining (refer to the below table for              such definition is as follows:
complex industries, and by doing so are                 more information on process and                   A process is an upper level description
producing vast amounts of data that can                 task mining), to provide fully visualized         of a series of major steps required to
be harnessed to analyze processes with                  E2E processes down to a transaction level.        accomplish an objective. Processes are
accuracy and volumes that could not                                                                       generally made up of tasks. Tasks are
possibly be produced using traditional                  Process mining has been a sub-section of          made up of actions or steps.
approaches such as VSIM, due to their                   data science since the late 1990s and has
human-centric nature. To enable us                      a wide variety of use cases (i.e. modeling        Taking the above and placing it into
to move ahead to an always-on, digital                  a purchase-to-pay process). We have               context, it easily illustrates how both task
future where robots take care of full                   helped clients build their process mining         and process mining reveal different parts
end-to-end processes, people need to                    capability, analyze processes and employ          of a true end-to-end process and are
be able to accurately pinpoint the most                 predictive analytics for the last decade with     necessary to spot high-value opportunities.
valuable areas for intelligent automation               the help of the Deloitte Process Mining           Figure 8 overleaf shows this graphically.
to maximize the return on investment. To                Framework. This framework helps the               The y-axis shows the complete E2E process
be able to do this, we have developed the               extraction, transformation and visualization      coverage down to a transaction level, whilst
Deloitte Digital Discovery tool, specifically           of data from clients. It has been refined         the x-axis shows the process step details,
for intelligent automation transformations              with over nine years of experience and            i.e. the coverage of steps that take place
that can accurately model processes by                  includes features such as standardizing           within a task.
utilizing big data to capture millions of               timestamps and currencies across multiple
cases and how each one flows through                    regions, as well as templates for extracting      A higher value on the E2E process
a process, thereby enabling us and our                  data from large IT systems to significantly       coverage axis represents the higher
clients to accurately and confidently decide            reduce the time it takes to get insights          completeness of the whole E2E process
on the highest value opportunities to                   from client data.                                 (i.e. if there are 100 steps in a process, the
automate. Once Digital Discovery is set up                                                                highest value would show that the solution
for a process, it can then be easily switched           Naturally, this framework has been                captures all 100 steps).
into continuous data-feeds for monitoring               adapted for Digital Discovery, enhanced
and continuous improvement.                             with task-mining agents to give unrivaled
                                                        analysis and understanding of true end-to-
                                                        end (E2E) processes.

Deloitte | Evolving Technology Trends

                                            Process mining                                                              Task mining

                                            Major systems                          Process mining tools                 Desktop applications                  Task mining vendors

                                            Digital activities executed by people, machines, and software               Out-of-system activities, such as updating Excel and sending
                                            leave trails in so-called event logs. Process mining techniques             e-mails, are captured through desktop recording over a
    What is it?                             use such logs to discover, analyze, and improve business                    two-week period and then processed with AI and machine
                                            processes using data science.                                               learning to build process diagrams, improve business
                                                                                                                        processes and spot opportunities for automation.

                                            To model end-to-end processes by using data-driven insights.                To spot automation opportunities by identifying the most
    What is it used for?                    More than a million cases can be modeled on one process                     common and rule-driven tasks that occur on an employee’s
                                            diagram, showing each variation, where the bottlenecks are,                 desktop.
                                            and much more.

                                            As we move into an always-on future, process mining enables                 In order to automate first, we need to understand the task
    Why is it significant?                   the development of digital process twins, continuously                      down to a transaction level so that rules-based robots can be
                                            monitoring processes. It is often referred to as ‘process                   developed. Omitting information from the initial as-is analysis
                                            hygiene’. In the future, process mining tools will allow the                can lead to unexpected robot failures and failed intelligent
                                            monitoring of the robot workforce.                                          automation transformations.

    What are its                            Process mining only reveals the steps taken during a process                Whilst it is exceptionally well-suited to drill into the detail to
    limitations?                            that are available in IT systems; it doesn’t drill into the detail.         reveal user activities, users need to ensure they are deploying
                                            For example, it will note that a mortgage application has been              it in the area that will bring the most value. To do this, the
                                            approved, however it won’t show the steps taken to ensure it                whole end-to-end process needs to be analyzed. For
                                            can be approved.                                                            example, task mining reveals the out-of-system checks taken
                                                                                                                        to approve a mortgage.

    In contrast, a higher value on the process                                   Both values of measurement are                      Phase 1: Connect and extract the data
    step details axis shows the level of steps                                   correlated; however, it is important              During the first phase, SMEs utilize both
    that are included within each specific                                       to distinguish between them as both               core and non-core systems to connect,
    task (i.e. if one task in a process has 10                                   have two different functions. The first           extract and process the data required for
    steps, the highest value on this axis would                                  measurement of E2E process coverage               Deloitte Digital Discovery. A combination
    represent that all 10 steps within the task                                  allows us to pinpoint tasks with the highest      of both sources enables a view of the true
    are captured).                                                               inefficiencies in a process, whilst the           processing time at every core and non-
                                                                                 second measurement is used to drill down          core system touchpoint.
    Figure 8: How Digital Discovery allows for the
                                                                                 into each task and understand how and             • Systems to extract process mining
    spotting of high-value automation
    opportunities                                                                if intelligent automation can be deployed            data will be identified and data extraction
                                                                                 to remove these inefficiencies. The sweet            points agreed (i.e. a bank’s internal
        High                                                                     spot for intelligent automation is the area          mortgage approval system: Pegasus).
                       Coverage required                                         where the empty, green dotted rectangle           • Data will need to be extracted from
                       to spot high-value                                        and green-filled rectangle meet. Deloitte            these systems with the agreed method
                                            Deloitte Digital
                                            Discovery                            Digital Discovery is currently the only tool         and timeframe (i.e. extract two weeks’
E2E process coverage

                                                                                 able to combine both data-sets to reap the           worth of data from the bank’s internal
                                                                                 benefits of both mining techniques to spot           mortgage system).
                                                            confident decisions

                                 Process mining
                                                            required to make

                                                                                 high-value opportunities.                         • Task mining software will need to
                                                            Amount of detail

                                                                                                                                      be set up on teams’ desktops/virtual
                                                                                 How does Deloitte Digital Discovery™                 environments (it may be deployed on 20
                                                                                 work?                                                employee desktops within the mortgage
                                                                                 Digital Discovery uses data science and              department).
                                               Task mining                       software to capture tacit and explicit            • The software will run for two weeks to
                                                                                 knowledge to model the as-is process                 capture the out-of-system activities
             Low                                                        High     landscape. There are three distinct stages           that are not visible with traditional
                           Information for each process task                     involved:                                            process mining software (i.e. the steps
                                                                                                                                      taken to approve a mortgage).

Deloitte | Process analysis

Once both task and process mining data                                   imported into a secure environment                    Phase 3: Digital Discovery Insight
has been extracted it is time to process                                 to be processed. In order to obtain                 During this phase, domain SMEs obtain
each individually and then combine to give                               efficient results, the system log data is           a visualized analysis of the end-to-end
one holistic end-to-end data model.                                      transformed to include a unique case ID,            process flow inclusive of processing time,
                                                                         activity, and timestamp; other information          elapsed time, process variants and rework
  Phase 2: Data modeling                                                 may be added as it will help deep                   time, and in combination with suggestions
Combine the data sets                                                    diving into the data analysis for better            from the visualization tool SMEs are
During this phase, data scientists build                                 understanding of the issues and process             able to make informed, data-driven,
new data-models from the extracted data                                  turnaround time.                                    simplification and intelligent automation
(by utilizing the Deloitte Process Mining                               •T
                                                                          ask mining data is obtained following             recommendations.
Framework) and then apply machine                                        a two-week recording period, after which
learning techniques to produce a unique                                  it is sent for processing using the latest          Through the use of the mortgage example
data join.                                                               machine learning, AI and optical character          above, SMEs can easily spot bottlenecks
                                                                         recognition (OCR) techniques available.             and frictions, i.e. once a mortgage
The main events of the data science                                     •B
                                                                          oth data sets are subsequently                    application has been made, SMEs may be
revolve around data upload and                                           combined using the Deloitte data-join               able to tell that some applications have a
configuration:                                                           method to give a holistic data model.               three-day delay due to missing information
• Creating a data pool: data is                                                                                             between departments due to human
                                                                                                                             error. A robot could be deployed here to
Figure 9: An illustrative example of how task and process mining are used to build a holistic                                automatically move a mortgage application
end-to-end process model                                                                                                     between different teams involved in the
                                               A typical mortgage journey
                                                                                                                             process and improve processing time.

                     Managers using    SMEs using        SMEs make            SMEs use a       Perform a    Decision notes   Benefits of using Deloitte Digital Discovery
                     XLS templates to   outlook to        notes on          variety of third   KYC check      logges on
 Desktop analytics

                                                                                                                             Process analytics goes beyond basic
   Task mining

                       allocate work  retrieve case     notepad and         party websites                  evidence form
                                          details       word to digest       to assist with                                  process efficiency metrics like throughput
                                                         information          verification                                   time calculation to show how a friction in
                                                                                                                             a process affects key business outcomes.
                                                                                                                             Key benefits for our clients include:
                                                                                                                             • Significantly reducing the cost of
                       Manual case       Access            Manually            Conduct         KYC check      Decision–         discovery activities: the process analysis
                        allocation      case from           review           income and          and          approve/
                         to team        allocation        application/       commitment        valuation     reject/defer       alleviates the process improvement
                                            file             case               check                                           efforts by identifying manual tasks and
                                                                                                                                rework, so clients can automate smarter
                                                                                                                                with robotic process automation (RPA)
 Process mining
 System log files

                                                                                                                                and other types of automation by
                                                                                               Decision to approve/             focusing on the steps that matter.
                                SMEs use core systems             SMEs use internal            reject logged core
                                to confirm application/           calculators and toolkits                                   • Understanding the impact of process
                                                                                               systemand notes are made
                                case details                      to check affordability       if the case is deferred          friction on KPIs: availability of both
                                                                                                                                pre-configured and custom KPIs that
                                                                                                                                enable clients to build and track metrics
                                                                                                                                according to management or divisional
and visualized through
 Analyzed by Deloitte

 process mining tool
   Deloitte Digital


                                                                                                                             • Identifying upstream root causes
                                                                                                                                of friction: AI-powered root-cause
                                                                                                                                analysis that helps clients drill deeply
                                                     Process log data              Desktop analytics data                       to highlight the upstream causes of

Deloitte | Process analysis

                                                                       Volume                  #Applications           Average Thr...            Customer Ca...             #PRocess Va...

      Credited Application Process – Process Benchmarking            2.04B                     17,305                    27 d                     369M                         7,197
      Filter by Creation Date:                              Filter by Customer Type           Filter by Credit Type          Filter by Check Type                  Filter by Assessor Campus
           YYYY-M          YYYY-M                           Customer Type                      Customer Type                  Credit Type                           Assessor Campus


                                                                                            Auto Approved Rate:

                                                                                            30%                68%
                                                                                                 Cycle Time:

                                                                                           33 d                20 d
                                                                                          Rework Rate Back Office:

                                                                                            44%                20%
                                                                                          Rework Rate Front Office:

                                                                                            46%                21%
                                                                                              Withdrawl Rate:

                                                                                            18%                6%

   process variations, and to set prevention                                 enables each function to see how                               below shows such an example for a
   measures for those issues in the future.                                  the performance of their processes                             mortgage department within a European
• Increasing compliance and reducing                                        compares across departments, regions,                          bank, comparing the pre- and post-
   risks: automated conformance checking,                                    teams, and even compared to industry-                          automation landscape.
   based on process mining AI, evaluates                                     leading companies, so they can apply
   current process performance against the                                   best practices and increase process                             Phase 4: Monitor and improve
   reference process model designed and                                      standardization.                                               Once Digital Discovery is set up for
   based on best practices, and instantly                                                                                                   processes it is recommended to integrate
   highlights areas that fail to conform, so                                Once the data is loaded, processed and                          with continuous data-feeds for monitoring
   clients can drive process standardization.                               analyzed, a hypothesis of opportunities                         and continuous improvement.
• Measuring internal performance                                           can be built and implemented to eliminate,
   of entities: process benchmarking                                        simplify and automate processes. The

Figure 10: Summary of how Deloitte Digital Discovery works

                  1. Connect and extract the data                                         2. Combine the data sets                                        3. Analyze the data

                                                                        Digital footprints                 Full transparency            To-be                     As-is
                                                                        Process mining finds               Actual process flows
 Process mining

                                                                        and reconstructs                   become transparent                   Process

                                                                        system-based workflows             in real time                         start

                                                                               DBMS                                                             430,743

 Task mining

                                                                        ID     Activity     Time

                                                                                                                                                Process end

Deloitte | Process analysis

3. Comparing Deloitte Digital                          process mining, as opposed to a human-                      and coverage. Deloitte Digital Discovery
Discovery to hands-on-process                          driven approach, which can miss steps and                   has been developed to specifically
analysis                                               can be subjective (for example, it may miss                 help our clients implement successful
We have developed Deloitte Digital                     exception paths and can be subjective as it                 automation initiatives whilst keeping an eye
Discovery with intelligent automation                  relies on employees’ recollections of how a                 on the high-value return-on-investment
treatments in mind; however, this method               process is completed).                                      opportunities. Previous market research
can be applied cross-purpose and cross-                                                                            indicated that one of the biggest hurdles
industry to take on any transformation                 This, in turn, means that the entire end-to-                of business leaders taking on these
program.                                               end process shows process step details                      initiatives is the time (and thereby also
                                                       on the granular level like never before,                    the cost) associated with spotting these
There are two key distinctions between                 giving the users an accurate state-of-the-                  opportunities in the first instance.
the hands-on process analysis and the                  art process landscape that can reveal                       However, that does not mean methods
data-driven approach Digital Discovery                 bottlenecks and irregularities and ensure                   such as VSIM are obsolete. Our experience
employs. Whilst hands-on-process analysis              conformance on an unprecedented scale.                      shows quite the contrary, with both
used to be the gold standard for business                                                                          methods being suitable tools for different
analysis, the end-to-end process coverage              True end-to-end process analysis                            use cases. This is further explored in the
and accuracy significantly exceeds the                 results are delivered at a speed not                        table below.
hands-on-manual process analysis in                    seen before
modeling volumes as it utilizes a data-                Using a data-driven approach has several
driven approach, combining task and                    advantages, the least of which are accuracy

                                                        VSIM                                                         Deloitte Digital Discovery

 Description             Map as-is process state by conducting interviews, holding workshops   Combines both task and process mining to reveal the true, holistic E2E
                         and talking to SMEs                                                   business process enabling process analysis across different teams, systems
                                                                               High                                                            Medium
                                                                                                                                                 Medium  - high
                                                                                                                                                            - high
                                                                                               and applications

 Implementation cost                                                       High
                                                                             High                                                               Medium
                                                                                                                                                 Medium- high
                                                                                                                                                         - high

 E2E process coverage                                                      Medium
                                                                            Medium- high
                                                                                    - high                                                       High

 Process step details                                                      Medium
                                                                            Medium- high
                                                                                    - high                                                      High
                                                                                                                                                  High - high

 When to choose          • Dealing with multiple processes applicable across  one
                                                                              High             • When activities are predominantly digital (i.e. High
                                                                                                                                                    High place in IT
 which approach             geographical area                                                     systems or desktops)
                         • Majority of the activities done manually or dataMedium
                                                                            High    - high     • For continuous monitoring and predictive and      subscripted
                                                                                                                                                    High         analytics
                         • Customer has concerns related to data privacy (e.g. sensitive      • To analyze millions of cases and how they flow through processes
                            data, financials, etc…)                                            • When dealing with one process across multiple geographical areas
                         • Highly complex processes for which the organization doesn’t
                            know how they’re completed                      High                                                              High
 Pros                    • Often no sensitive data to deal with                               • Captures both process and detailed steps within each task in the
                         • No need to map current IT infrastructure and deploy software          process
                         • In some cases, the cost will be lower than Deloitte Digital        • Can be used to check the performance and conformance with the
                            Discovery                                                             ideal process
                                                                                               • Captures tacit and implicit knowledge
                                                                                               • Process and task mining can be completed in parallel
                                                                                               • Uses available data and captures real-time data to build a holistic
                                                                                                  business process model
 Cons                    • Time-consuming (as it involves workshops and on-site visits)       • Potentially sensitive data that is captured that needs to be hashed
                         • Relies on information provided by staff which sometimes can        • Potentially need to install task-mining software on user applications
                            be subjective                                                         if full Digital Discovery solution is required
                         • Requires a high level of involvement from the client
 Considerations          •D
                           o we know the complexity of our processes?                         • Will sensitive data be collected? Do we know which applications to
 before use              •W
                           ho are the main stakeholders that should be involved in the           whitelist?
                          workshops?                                                           • Can this easily be deployed in IT infrastructure?
                           oes the voice of the customer uncover all issues?                  • Does HR need to be involved for privacy statements?
                                                                                               • Are systems known and can logs easily be extracted?
                                                                                               • Is the relevant information captured in system logs (Case ID, activity
                                                                                                  and event time)?

Deloitte | Process analysis

Project examples

Deloitte | Process analysis

Project examples

Case 1: Digital retail client acquisition,       Value delivered and impact                Case 2: Process optimization for a
onboarding, maintenance and                                                                capital markets division
servicing in wealth management                                                             Engagement summary
Engagement summary                                           Less than 5 minutes           The capital markets division of a
A global bank suffered from manual sales                     expedited account opening     global investment bank launched an
and processing of wealth products across                                                   organization-wide initiative to reduce
the Americas and Asia which resulted                                                       operating costs by 30% over the next
in their advisors relying on manual and                      Drastically improved          three years. The client engaged Deloitte
inconsistent processes, with high time and                   productivity of advisors      to accelerate existing cost reduction
cost factors to onboard clients and with                     leading to an increase in     opportunities and identify new ones within
60% of applications incomplete, a lack of                    sales volume                  key target areas of its capital markets
a scalable platform hampering expansion                                                    operations.
and a high compliance risk.
                                                             Zero application              Approach
The client strategy was to digitize sales of                 processing errors             • The VSIM approach was used to target,
wealth products globally to gain market                                                       analyze, and identify improvements. The
share while lowering operation costs                                                          Deloitte team collected operational data
through onboarding new clients via digital                   Reduced operation risk           through process interviews with subject
channels, enabling client self-service                       with the automation of the       matter experts within each middle- and
capabilities and utilizing analytics to better               control framework                back-office team.
understand customer behavior and                                                           • Process bottlenecks, pain-points,
improve sales.                                                                                dependencies, resourcing, and tasks
                                                             Enhanced client experience       were analyzed to determine root causes
Approach                                                     through modern UI and self-      and the ability to mitigate or eliminate
• Deloitte used the VSIM method to                          service capabilities             the causes.
   study the client’s current processes                                                    • Recommendations were compiled
   and systems through reviewing existing                                                     into function-specific implementation
   documentation and conducting                                                               roadmaps with execution
   interviews to validate and refine the                                                      recommendations for realizing the
   understanding and/or fill gaps as                                                          expected cost reduction benefits within
   required.                                                                                  the next 12 months.
• Deloitte then developed an end-to-end
   automated application incorporating
   suitability, investment selection, account
   opening, KYC and funding.

Deloitte | Process analysis

Value delivered and impact                Case 3: Process improvement for auto           Value delivered and impact
                                          leasing in KSA
            Current state process         Engagement summary                                         Future-state process models
            models were constructed       A leading bank in KSA was facing                           were designed to reflect the
            and validated live during     increasing complaints related to its auto                  recommended changes and
            subject matter expert         leasing product and therefore wanted                       to showcase the efficiency
            interviews                    to improve the related processes and                       and cost savings expected
                                          aligns its capabilities with strategic and                 (e.g. instant approval,
                                          organizational goals and objectives                        integration with government
            Post-interview, volume and                                                               systems, automated
            cost data were collected      Approach                                                   workflow for credit approval,
            and overlaid on the process   • The VSIM approach was used to assess                    etc…)
            models                           the as-is situation and design a to-be
                                             state. The Deloitte team conducted
                                             workshops with key contacts involved in                 Quick wins related to
            Pain-points were                 the processes to capture the as-is status               insurance claims and other
            highlighted and a Lean           and mapped 33 processes across 4                        admin areas
            Six Sigma root cause             areas.
            analysis was conducted to     • Process bottlenecks, pain-points,
            identify optimal process         dependencies, resourcing, and tasks                     Clear KPIs were set that can
            modifications                    were analyzed to determine root causes.                 be measured and used to
                                             On-premises visits were also made to                    monitor the auto leasing
                                             capture the waste related to movement                   processes
            Future state process models      at showrooms and branches.
            were constructed to reflect   • A quantitative and qualitative data
            the recommended changes          analysis for complaints and surveys were                Enhanced SLAs for all
            and to showcase the              conducted to understand the root cause                  functions involved in the
            efficiency and cost savings      of the issues and issues in the CRM                     auto leasing processes,
            expected                         system design.                                          which directly impact the
                                          • Recommendations were compiled                           turnaround time of the
                                             into function-specific implementation                   process
            At the end of the project,       roadmaps with execution
            the client had a repository      recommendations for realizing the
            of process models for            expected cost reduction benefits within                 Implementation plan to
            continuous improvement           the next 18 months.                                     support the bank in the
                                                                                                     deployment of automation,
                                                                                                     specifically related to loan
            Identified new cost savings                                                              simulation and application
            ~50% for selected processes                                                              workflow

                                                                                                     Reduced number of
                                                                                                     customer complaints
                                                                                                     after three months of the

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