PRODUCTS FOR VOLCANIC CLOUD MONITORING - Corradini S., Merucci L., Guerrieri L., Stelitano D. Pardini F., Costa A., De Michieli Vitturi M. ...

PRODUCTS FOR VOLCANIC CLOUD MONITORING - Corradini S., Merucci L., Guerrieri L., Stelitano D. Pardini F., Costa A., De Michieli Vitturi M. ...
Corradini S., Merucci L., Guerrieri L., Stelitano D.
Pardini F., Costa A., De Michieli Vitturi M., Esposti Ongaro T., Macedonio G., Neri A.
PRODUCTS FOR VOLCANIC CLOUD MONITORING - Corradini S., Merucci L., Guerrieri L., Stelitano D. Pardini F., Costa A., De Michieli Vitturi M. ...
                                         Merge of 3 Modules

        Merucci L., et al.                 Corradini S., et al.                 Pardini F., et al.

Stima dell'altezza della nube       Produzione di mappe di cenere      Sviluppo una procedura di Data-
vulcanica.                          (massa, spessore ottico e raggio   Assimilation (DA) volta a
Sistema di acquisizione di dati     effettivo delle particelle) ed     migliorare le previsioni
satellitari multimissione MAST      SO2 (massa) presente nelle nubi    numeriche del trasporto e
(Multimission Acquisition           vulcaniche, utilizzando            dispersione di cenere e SO2
SysTem) installato presso la sede   strumentazione satellitare         prodotti da eruzioni vulcaniche
INGV di Roma dal 2018 per           geostazionaria (SEVIRI) e          utilizzando osservazioni
acquisizione e processamento        polare (MODIS, SLSTR).             satellitari acquisite in real-time
dati satellitari in tempo quasi                                        durante l’eruzione.
reale (NRT).
PRODUCTS FOR VOLCANIC CLOUD MONITORING - Corradini S., Merucci L., Guerrieri L., Stelitano D. Pardini F., Costa A., De Michieli Vitturi M. ...
      Geostationary satellites                                   Polar satellites
                                                                                                            SO2 retrievals:
                                                                                                           λ ~ 7.3, 8.6 μm

                                                                                                         Ash/VCTH retrievals:
                                                                                                           λ ~ 11, 12 μm

   Low spatial resolution, High temporal resolution   High spatial resolution, Low temporal resolution     All measurements
                                                                                                           in the TIR spectral
   GEO - SEVIRI                                       LEO - MODIS
   27/12/18 - 12:15 UTC                               27/12/18 - 12:20 UTC

                                                                                                           Monitoring during
                                                                                                            day and night

                                    288 images                                           4 images
                                      per day                                             per day
PRODUCTS FOR VOLCANIC CLOUD MONITORING - Corradini S., Merucci L., Guerrieri L., Stelitano D. Pardini F., Costa A., De Michieli Vitturi M. ...
• SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE - SO2/Ice/Ash Detection e Retrievals
RGB composite:
R: Tb,8.7 – Tb,10.8 ;
G: Tb,12 – Tb,10.8 ;
B: Tb,10.8
PRODUCTS FOR VOLCANIC CLOUD MONITORING - Corradini S., Merucci L., Guerrieri L., Stelitano D. Pardini F., Costa A., De Michieli Vitturi M. ...
• SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE - SO2/Ice/Ash Detection e Retrievals
                                                    RGB composite:
                                                           R: Tb,8.7 – Tb,10.8 ;
                                                           G: Tb,12 – Tb,10.8 ;
                                                           B: Tb,10.8
PRODUCTS FOR VOLCANIC CLOUD MONITORING - Corradini S., Merucci L., Guerrieri L., Stelitano D. Pardini F., Costa A., De Michieli Vitturi M. ...
•   SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE -Volcanic Plume Top Height
     24 Dec. 2018 12:00 UTC                           Darkest pixels procedure
         Tb @ 10.8 mm

                                             VPTH          The volcanic cloud altitude is obtained
                                                           by comparing the satellite image
                                                           ‘darkest pixels’ Tb,11, with the
                                                           atmospheric temperature profile of the
                                                           area of interest [Prata and Grant, 2001]



                                                                    Corradini et al., 2020
PRODUCTS FOR VOLCANIC CLOUD MONITORING - Corradini S., Merucci L., Guerrieri L., Stelitano D. Pardini F., Costa A., De Michieli Vitturi M. ...
Soufriere (San Vincent), SLSTR, April, 2021
  •        SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE -Volcanic Ash/SO2 Retrievals
                       Look Up Table (LUTp)                                    Volcanic Plume Retrieval (VPR)
  Ash Raikoke, SLSTR,
               [Prata, 1989; Wen and Rose, 1994]                               [Pugnaghi et al., 2013; 2016; Guerrieri et al., 2015]
      22 June 2019, 00:07 UTC                                  Throught interpolation at the volcanic cloud edges, computation of the
            Exploiting the LUT computed using RTM
                                                               SLSTR image without volcanic cloud signal and, considering a simplified
        Ash Mass                                                       atmospheric model, the 11 and 12 mm transmittances

       Total Mass:

    0.41 +/- 0.16 Mt


   Anak Krakatau, SLSTR,
   23 Dec. 2018, 02:57 UTC    Inputs
               Surface temperature and emissivity
        Ice Mass  Cloud altitude and thickness                                                Inputs
                  Particles type (Ash, Ice, Wvp)                                           Cloud altitude
                  Atmospheric profiles (P, T, H)
       Total Mass:
  2.07 +/- 0.83 Mt      Advantages                                      The volcanic cloud altitude is the only input parameter
 Precise characterization of the surface and the atmosphere                            Real time processing
                       Drawbacks                                                            Drawbacks
        Need of atmospheric corrections computation                 Parameters are characteristics for a specific area and volcano
PRODUCTS FOR VOLCANIC CLOUD MONITORING - Corradini S., Merucci L., Guerrieri L., Stelitano D. Pardini F., Costa A., De Michieli Vitturi M. ...
                                                          Etna, December 2018
                            SO2 Total Mass

                                                                     Ash Total Mass

                              SO2 Flux

                           Corradini et al., 2020; 2021
PRODUCTS FOR VOLCANIC CLOUD MONITORING - Corradini S., Merucci L., Guerrieri L., Stelitano D. Pardini F., Costa A., De Michieli Vitturi M. ...
•      SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE - Volcanic ash automated forecasting workflow for Etna
                                                               Meteo data                   Satellite data
downloaded every day at 08:00 (00) and 20:00 (12)

Daily forecast      Run every day at 09:00 (and 21:00)                      Real time forecast         Run when RED VONA is released
Continuous emission from 12 UTC (00 UTC) for 6 hours                    1 eruptive scenario
4 simulation cycles starting at 12/18/00/06 (00/06/12/18)               Forecast start hour: h0=hVONA
2 eruptive scenarios: weak and strong                                                         Read input files and VONA
                                                                                            Check for new VONA
Forecast start hour: h0= 12 (00)
                     Read input files                                   Time loop:          Check for satellite data
Time loop:                                                              N cycles            Update eruptive scenario
4 cycles             Initialize ensemble members at h0                  each
each                                                                    from h0             Initialize ensemble members at h0
                     Perform PLUME-MoM/HYSPLIT simulations
from h0              from h0 to hi                                      to                              ,
                                                                                            Perform PLUME-MoM/HYSPLIT simulations
to                                                                      hi=h0+1h            from h0 to hi
hi=h0+6h             Create output files (.res) and images (.png)
                      Mean and variance states of ash CC                                   If satellite data, perform data assimilation at hi
                      Mean and variance states of ground load                                Create output files (.res) and images (.png)
                      Probability maps (ground and air)                                      Mean and variance states of ash CC
                      Mean concentration at different FL (air only)                          Mean and variance states of ground load
                                                                                             Probability maps (ground and air)
                     Upload images on FTP-Server                                             Mean concentration at different FL (Air only)
                     h0=hi                                                                  Upload images on FTP-Server
PRODUCTS FOR VOLCANIC CLOUD MONITORING - Corradini S., Merucci L., Guerrieri L., Stelitano D. Pardini F., Costa A., De Michieli Vitturi M. ...
•       SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE – Simulating Setting
                          Daily forecast                                                      Real-time forecast

    Eruptive scenario   Weak                     Strong                   Eruptive scenario            Vona scenario

    Reference           2001/2002-03 flank       1986 (NEC), 1990
    eruption            eruption.                (SEC), 1998 (VOR).       Column height                from the Vona or uniform pdf 2-8
                        2006 SEC.                (Barsotti et al, 2010)                                km above the vent
                        (Barsotti et al, 2010)

    Column height       uniform pdf 1-4km        uniform pdf 8-13 km      TGSD mu                      gaussian pdf: 2+-1
                        above the vent           above the vent                                        (Scollo et al., 2007)
                        (Barsotti et al, 2010)   (Barsotti et al, 2010)
    TGSD mu             gaussian pdf: 2+-0.5     gaussian pdf: 2.3+-0.5
                        (Scollo et al., 2007)    (Scollo et al., 2008)    TGSD sigma                   gaussian pdf:1.5+-1 (Scollo et
                                                                                                       al., 2007)
    TGSD sigma          gaussian pdf:1.5+-0.5    gaussian pdf:1.5+-0.5
                        (Scollo et al., 2007)    (Scollo et al., 2008)    Meteo data                   ARPA-SIM

    Meteo data          ARPA-SIM                 ARPA-SIM                 Nwind                        10

    Nwind               10                       10
                                                                          Nesp                         15
    Nesp                15                       15
                                                                          N                            150
    N                   150                      150
•    SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE - Volcanic ash automated forecasting workflow at Etna
RESULTS: Daily forecast run at 09:00 on 16/11/2020
Strong scenario                                      Probability ash maps: ground loading
•      SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE - Volcanic ash automated forecasting workflow at Etna
RESULTS: Daily forecast run at 09:00 on 16/11/2020
Strong scenario              Probability ash maps: atmospheric ash concentration between two flight levels (FL)
•     SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE - Volcanic ash automated forecasting workflow at Etna
RED VONA bulletin issued on 06 January 2021 at 09:51 UTC
RESULTS: Real-time forecast                              Probability ash maps: ground
•     SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE - Volcanic ash automated forecasting workflow at Etna
Data-assimilation of satellite observations of atmospheric ash amount into Volcanic Ash Transport and Dispersal Models
                                                                                                                      (Pardini et al., 2020)

                                                                                  ●   Case study: explosive eruption occurred at
                                                                                      Mt.Etna on 24 December 2018

                                                                                  ●   Ash dispersal is modeled with PLUME-
                                                                                      MoM-TSM and HYSPLIT

                                                                                  ●   Ensemble-based Kalman Filters are
                                                                                      applied to improve numerical forecasts by
                                                                                      assimilating satellite observations of
                                                                                      atmospheric ash amount.

                                                                                  ●   A new assimilated forecast is produced
                                                                                      with minimized uncertainties with respect
                                                                                      to numerical forecast and observations.
     Reuse of 1.8 m                                                 Satellites
 Nanometrics antenna,                                                            Light Pollution During COVID-19
 from seismic stations                                            Receiver DVB
                                                                                 Lockdown Period (March 24, 2020).
  (Posta Fibreno-POFI)                                                           VIIRS-NPP /Day Night Band
Data reception reliability
 Soon, installation of ta
  second antenna for
                                                                                                            Software for
                                         2 redundant servers for data                                       elaboration
                                          acquisition and processing
                                              + 2 server storage

                             The MAST acquisition system has
                               been realized using European
                                (EU-EVEREST, ESA-VISTA, EU-
                                 RELIANCE), National (FISR,
                             Pianeta-Dinamico, Ash-resilience,
                             ATTEMPT) e DPC All.A foundings
• OBSERVATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE: Data Available in Near Real Time
 RICEVUTI AD OGGI                                                     All other Meteorological Products - IODC                                         GOES-East (GOES-16) ABI Level 2 Products
 SSMIS                                                                All other Meteorological Products//Set 1//Europe/Africa                          GOES-East (GOES-16) GLM Level 2 Products
 RDS-EARS-ASCAT                                                       All other Meteorological Products//Set 3//Europe/Africa                          GOES-East (GOES-16) ABI 10 minute image data
 RDS-EARS-ATMS                                                        All other Meteorological Products//Set 1//Europe only                            GOES-East (GOES-16) Space Weather Data
 RDS-EARS-ATOVS                                                       All other Meteorological Products//Set 1//Global                                 GOES-East (GOES-16) Space Weather EXIS and SUVI products
 RDS-EARS-AVHRR                                                       All other Meteorological Products//Set 2//Europe/Africa                          GOES-West (GOES-17) GLM Level 2 Products
 RDS-EARS-CrIS                                                        RSS Meteosat Meteorological Products                                             GOES-West (GOES-17) ABI 10m image data
 RDS-EARS-IASI Level 1                                                RSS Meteosat Meteorological Products                                             GOES-West (GOES-17) ABI half-hourly image data
                                                                      RSS SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data **
                                                                      GDS-SNPP/NOAA-20: VIIRS EDR
                                                                                                                             SEVIRI                    Himawari-8 10-minute image data

 RDS-EARS VASS (Regional FY-3C Sounder Service)                       MODIS Products: Global Ocean Colour Products                         RICEVUTI CON    L’IMPLEMENTAZIONE
                                                                                                                                                     RICEVUTI                              DELLA
                                                                                                                                                              CON L’IMPLEMENTAZIONE DELLA NUOVA    NUOVA PARABOLA
 N20 EARS-VIIRS                                                       CM SAF Products                                                                  NOAA-20 Atmospheric Products
 GDS-Multi-Metop Wind Products                                        ROM SAF Products                                                                 S3A OLCI L1B Reduced Resolution NRT
 GDS-Metop-B: AMSU-A Level 1                                          H-SAF Products                                                                   S3B OLCI L1B Reduced Resolution NRT
 GDS-Metop-B: ASCAT L1 Sigma0 at Full Sensor Resolution **            H-SAF Products//Global                                                           S3A OLCI L2 Ocean Colour Reduced Resolution
 GDS-Metop-B: ASCAT Soil Moisture                                     LSA SAF Products//Africa     LSA SAF Products//Europe                            S3B OLCI L2 Ocean Colour Reduced Resolution
 GDS-Metop-B ATOVS Sounding Products                                  LSA SAF Products//Global                                                         S5P L2 Aerosol Index
 GDS-Metop-B: AVHRR Level 1                                           LSA SAF Products//Americas                                                       S5P L2 Aerosol Layer Height
 GDS-Metop-B: AVHRR Polar Winds                                       AC SAF Products//Africa                                                          S5P L2 CLOUD Cloud Fraction Albedo top Pressure
 GDS-Metop-B: GOME-2 Level 1 **                                       AC SAF Products//Europe                                                          S5P L2 Carbon Monoxide
 GDS-Metop-B: GRAS Level 1                                            OSI SAF Products//Europe                                                         S5P L2 HCHO Formaldehyde Total Column
 GDS-Metop-B: HIRS Level 1                                            OSI SAF Products//Global                                                         S5P L2 NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide
 GDS-Metop-B: IASI Level 1: All Spectral Samples **                   UNS-general                                                                      S5P L2 O3 Ozone Total Column
 GDS-Metop-B: IASI Level 1: Principal Component Scores                VIIRS Fire Product                                                               S5P L2 SO2 Sulphur Dioxide
 GDS-Metop-B: IASI Level 1: Reduced Spectral Samples (500 channels)   Copernicus Global Land service: Africa                                           S3A SLSTR L2 Aerosol Optical Depth
 GDS-Metop-B: IASI Sounding Products//Africa                          Copernicus Global Land service: South and Central America                        S3B SLSTR L2 Aerosol Optical Depth
 GDS-Metop-B: IASI Sounding Products//Europe                          NCEP Products                                                                    S3A SLSTR L2 Fire Radiative Power
 GDS-Metop-B: MHS Level 1                                             RDS-EARS-ATMS                                                                    S3B SLSTR L2 Fire Radiative Power
 GDS-Metop-C: AMSU-A Level 1                                          RDS-EARS-CrIS                                                                    S3A SLSTR L2 Sea Surface Temperature NRT
 GDS-Metop-C: ASCAT L1 Sigma0 at Full Sensor Resolution **
 GDS-Metop-C: AVHRR Level 1
                                                                      GDS-Metop-A: AMSU-A Level 1
                                                                                                                           VIIRS                       S3B SLSTR L2 Sea Surface Temperature NRT
                                                                                                                                                       SNPP Marine Products
 GDS-Metop-C: AVHRR Polar Winds                                       GDS-Metop-A: ASCAT L1 Sigma0 at Full Sensor Resolution **                        SNPP Atmospheric Products
 GDS-Metop-C: GRAS Level 1                                            GDS-Metop-A: ASCAT Soil Moisture
 GDS-Metop-C: MHS Level 1                                             GDS-Metop-A: AVHRR Level 1                                                 RICEVUTI
                                                                                                                                                     RICEVUTICON     L’IMPLEMENTAZIONE
                                                                                                                                                              CON L’IMPLEMENTAZIONE DI TERRESTRIAL DI TERRESTRIAL
 GDS-Metop-B Polar Multi-sensor Aerosol Product                       GDS-Metop-A: AVHRR Polar Winds                                                   S3A OLCI L1B Full Resolution NRT
 GDS-NOAA-19: AMSU-A Level 1                                          GDS-Metop-A: GOME-2 Level 1 **                                                   S3B OLCI L1B Full Resolution NRT
 GDS-NOAA-19: ATOVS Sounding Products                                 GDS-Metop-A: GRAS Level 1                                                        S3A OLCI L2 Ocean Colour Full Resolution NRT
 GDS-NOAA-19: AVHRR Level 1                                           GDS-Metop-A: HIRS Level 1                                                        S3B OLCI L2 Ocean Colour Full Resolution NRT
 GDS-NOAA-19: HIRS Level 1                                            GDS-Metop-A: IASI Level 1: All Spectral Samples **                               S5P - Solar Irradiance Measurements - SWIR module
 GDS-NOAA-19: MHS Level 1                                             GDS-Metop-A: IASI Level 1: Principal Component Scores                            S5P - Consolidated Earth Radiances Measurements
 EPS-SERVICE                                                          GDS-Metop-A: IASI Level 1: Reduced Spectral Samples (500 channels)               S5P - Solar Irradiance Measurements - UVN module
 FMI Products                                                         GDS-Metop-A: IASI Sounding Products//Africa                                      S5P L2 Aerosol Index
 FY-2                                                                 GDS-Metop-A: IASI Sounding Products//Europe                                      S5P L2 Aerosol Layer Height
 All other Meteorological Products//Set 4//Europe/Africa              GDS-Metop-A: MHS Level 1                                                         S5P L2 CLOUD Cloud Fraction Albedo top Pressure
 MODIS Products: Thinned Level 1 Products                 MODIS
 0deg SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data: 1/4-hourly data transmissions **
                                                                      GDS-Metop-A: Polar Multi-sensor Aerosol Product
                                                                      GDS-SNPP/NOAA-20: ATMS SDR
                                                                                                                                                       S5P L2 Carbon Monoxide
                                                                                                                                                       S5P L2 HCHO Formaldehyde Total Column
 0deg SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data: 1/2-hourly data transmissions **   GDS-SNPP/NOAA-20: CrIS SDR                                                       S5P L2 NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide
 0deg SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data: 1-hourly data transmissions        GDS-SNPP/NOAA-20: ATMS SDR                                                       S5P L2 O3 Ozone Total Column
 IODC SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data: 1/4-hourly data transmissions **   GDS-SNPP/NOAA-20: CrIS SDR                                                       S5P L2 SO2 Sulphur Dioxide
 IODC SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data: 1/2-hourly data transmissions **   Aeolus Level 2 Products                                                          S3A SLSTR L1B NRT
 IODC SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data: 1-hourly data transmissions                                                                                         S3B SLSTR L1B NRT                                   SLSTR

             Products                        Sensors/Models                  Availability (MAST)
  Ash/Ice/SO2 detection maps     SEVIRI, MODIS, VIIRS, SLSTR              Real Time
  Ash/Ice/SO2 retrievals         SEVIRI, MODIS, VIIRS, SLSTR              On Demand
  Ash/Ice/SO2 fluxes             SEVIRI, MODIS, VIIRS, SLSTR              On Demand
  Volcanic cloud (plume) top
                                 SEVIRI, MODIS, VIIRS, SLSTR              On Demand
  Ash hazard forecast maps (on   (work in progress: simulations with      Daily Forecast /
  ground and atmosphere)         FALL3D and DA with EO data from space)   Real time

                                Ash hazard forecast maps:
                        Dedicated Web Page containing all products
                                   (Work in progress)

                                   Name                     Deadline
                               FP7-Aphorism                     -
                                FP7-EVEREST                     -
           European            FP7-EUROVOLC                   2021
                                 ESA-VISTA                    2021
                              H2020-RELIANCE                  2022
                                    FISR                        -
                               Ash-resilience                 2021
           INGV       Pianeta-Dinamico 1 (PD1), Task V3       2022
                               PD2-ATTEMPT                    2023
                                  DPC All.A               2020 founding

                      Name                Affiliation
                Corradini Stefano         Roma-ONT
                  Merucci Luca            Roma-ONT
                Guerrieri Lorenzo         Roma-ONT
                  Stelitano Dario         Roma-ONT
                 Pardini Federica            Pisa
                  Costa Antonio            Bologna
             De Michieli Vitturi Mattia      Pisa
             Esposti Ongaro Tomaso           Pisa
              Macedonio Giovanni           Napoli
                   Neri Augusto              Pisa
Thanks for your attention
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